All, this is an article about Color Revolutions by one who was involved in the Romanian Revolution. Revolutions – A PrimerHi all. As many of you know, I am an immigrant from Romania. (Yes, I did it legally.) I participated in the Color Revolution in Romania when I was 24 years old. So I feel I can report about Color Revolutions with some degree of authority.
Here in America, we are now living in the incipient phases of a Color Revolution.
Color Revolution movements are fueled primarily by a stolen election. It is always the representative of the oligarchy who is declared the winner to the detriment of the rightful winner of the election and it is always the propaganda arm of the oligarchy that pushes this narrative.
I have always maintained that Color Revolutions can be long or short lived depending on the outcome of the contested elections. However, no matter the final result, or who will “officially” occupy the seat of power, Color Revolutions evolve into a protest against the status quo that allowed the fraud to take place.
I also said that Color Revolutions start as a cry of the masses to which the classical politicians adhere very late and only because they want to preserve themselves.
Let’s see what we have experienced so far.
A popular president, with high approval ratings, is defeated through massive fraud by the representative of the oligarchy with the consent of important segments of the state.
(I speak without a doubt about the FBI, the DOJ, the Democrat Party leadership, the media, and possibly some elements from inside the GOP being involved. We can also speculate, because we have no definitive proof, that foreign actors might have been involved as well.)
Like in any Color Revolution, the party/candidate that was robbed of the victory does not recognize this loss as legitimate and a large part of his base agrees with him and it is furious. However, the base is still debating about the course of the action. Some still have faith in the system, some are ready to give up and others, while angry, have the lucidity to look forward.
I will also add that looking ahead, we need to understand that if we want to have a chance of taking this country back, we will have to look at a long battle, and not one that will end in a few weeks or months. We need to learn from the mistakes of the past and act accordingly.
The United States experienced a proto Color Revolution in the past. I speak about the Tea Party movement.
Let us remember how and why the Tea Party movement started. It began from the frustration with the authoritarianism and corruption of the Obama administration, and with the inaction of the GOP. Moreover, the Tea Party was formed by several groups around the country with loose connections among themselves, that did not have a central leadership or a final objective. That made the Tea Party movement an easy prey for venal politicians who rode the wave of popular discontent to their own benefit without understanding what the movement was about.
Paul Ryan is probably the poster boy for such a politician. He managed to say the right words, he put himself on the map, became the VP candidate, and then the Speaker of the House. However, he was an absolute failure both as a candidate and as the Speaker. I have no doubt that as we speak, there are already similar politicians ready to jump into the frame and ride this wave of discontent when the moment will be right.
However, this time the situation is different.
The movement already has a leader, President Trump. It also has an agenda, a goal: that of the restauration of America the Free, America the Great. It is a nationalist movement first, and only secondary, a center right/conservative movement.
It is not a right/left movement because it brings together disfranchised conservative, upset old time Republicans and the Democrats who left their party in disgust of their policies. It is a diverse movement that has whites, Hispanics, blacks, Christians, orthodox Jews and Muslims.
The movement is mainly a working class and low middle class movement. At it’s basic premise, this movement is angry at the status quo that allowed this miscarriage of democracy to take place.
The movement has very little in common with the GOP base of the Bush era: the suburbs and the upper middle class. The Bush GOP base is right now strongly in the Democrat camp. It is a population segment more preoccupied by virtue signaling and keeping up with the fashions than with the future of the country, and that is as disconnected by the problems of the general populations as were the European aristocrats pre 1848.
The Bush GOP might not like the authoritarian strikes of the Left but they cannot bring themselves to mix with the unwashed and unculturated masses.
Where are we going? To a turbulent time.
The Biden/Harris Administration will be an Obama third term. It will be authoritarian, cosmopolitan, and catering to the oligarchy interests. It will be a corrupt administration that will put everybody’s interests above those of the United States and it will be an administration that will engage in ill fated military expeditions around the world.
What can we do?
It will take some time for the scattered MAGA army to get its footing. We will probably have to start organizing ourselves, petition and picket the offices of the useless GOP representatives and state legislators and get ready to start massive protests all over the country.
Like always, the GOP will join us when it sees that their appeasement policy puts them in danger.
I expect that the House GOP will be more in tune with this Color Revolution than the Senate. I also expect that elements of the GOP will try hard to sideline President Trump.
There are already critters in the GOP who mulling over the idea of a 2024 presidential run. There are already people inside the GOP who want to return to the “compassionate conservatism” of the Bush era. We need to yank these people away from any cooperation with an illegitimate administration.
We need to be ready for action because the time of mass protests might come sooner than we expect.