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Messages - Killbot

Pages: [1]
Politics & Religion / Re: Gender, Gay, Lesbian
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:41:26 AM »

I don't usually post here, but I know theres a variety of opinions and viewpoints here that I respect.

Earlier this month, Republican Gov. Phil Bryant signed into law the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act that lets Christians — or anyone of any faith — off the hook. As of July 1, they will be able to say, “We don’t serve gay people here,” and the subject of their anti-gay hate will have zero legal recourse except to turn around and walk away. They can’t sue, because the person of faith is merely exercising their right to practice their faith as they see fit.

Okay, its a law now. Fine and dandy. Now you can turn someone away from a public business/discriminate according to your beliefs.

So in responce to this, we see some business do this:

Awesome. Great. Good marketing point also.

Then we hear this:

Buddy Smith, American Family Association’s executive vice president, told the AFA that customers who do business with stores that have the stickers in their windows “are agreeing with these businesses that Christians no longer have the freedom to live out the dictates of their Christian faith and conscience.”
“It’s not really a buying campaign, but it’s a bully campaign,” he added, “it’s being carried out by radical homosexual activists who intend to trample the freedom of Christians to live according to the dictates of scripture.
“They don’t want to hear that homosexuality is sinful behavior – and they wish to silence Christians and the church who dare to believe this truth.”

Annnnndddd reality has left the building. How, in any certain terms , does this constitue bullying when the other thing is backed by the force of LAW!!!??? How is this bullying when all it says is, "those guys over there won't serve you, but we will."

are agreeing with these businesses that Christians no longer have the freedom to live out the dictates of their Christian faith and conscience.”

Patently false. You still have the freedom live your life and run your business according to your faith...what you can't do is force another business to NOT serve someone because of your faith. Or impose your faith on others to the detriment of their business.
Or is part of Christianty to force your beliefs on everyone around you? Is there some Shiara type law system in the New Testament I managed to miss?

“it’s being carried out by radical homosexual activists who intend to trample the freedom of Christians to live according to the dictates of scripture.

By what, not letting you dictate who someone else can and can not serve at their establishment?!

and they wish to silence Christians and the church who dare to believe this truth.

How exactly? By putting up stickers saying they will serve people you won't. Are they putting them over your mouth or something?

Its like these people are saying "We don't want your business....but we don't want you going anywhere else to do business either."

If thats not some form of bullying and non-sense I don't know what is.

One of the best examples of double-think, martyrdom and victimhood I have seen. Not only are they now allowed to law...but they somehow see other people continuing to do business as usual as somehow an attack on them?

Wow...just wow. Drowning in the absurdity.

(FYI,. I don't think anyone should have to serve anyone they don't want to[exception being basic utilities and necesseties, IMO]. Its a free market. That should be the law.

I can't wait for a  Muslim to refuse service to a Jew or Christian at some point and see how that works out.....)

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