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Messages - 5RingsFitness

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diet of fat, protein, veggies and leafy greens= less chance
diet prescribed by big Agra and big pharma= customer for life, even though the quality and span will be reduced

wow that last bit is spot on about training an addict to partake three times a day
that is priceless



a model I have seen used for body comp

what is funny is in all honesty, the majority of the folks I deal with or have contact with I try to impress on them that if they stop focusing on weight, and rather focus in moving well and moving often, getting rid of the compensations physical or otherwise that are there to overcome the lack of mobility at some part of their body, and become as strong as they can, that by just eating whole and as close to original state foods they will be changed

my question everytime is
"if you could feel good all the time, move like an athlete, eat what you like and weigh the same would that be ok?"
common answer is yes

but people have to apply to work with me, and I charge a lot ;) so the level of commitment tends to be high

Taube is a cool bit as he mostly concerns himself with investigating whether science is actually science or not

and in the clip he goes over some of the studies showing decreased caloric intake and obesity being concomittant


in a couple cases obesity on the bottom and
emaciation on the top

did those folks starve their faces and feed their butts?

south park it's not ;)

interesting eh?

choices are not all made at the conscious level
some are made at the genetic level

then ther is the enteric nervous system

this is interesting for a lot of reasons

a calorie is not indeed a calorie

That would apply to these?

odds are high
most of the supplements on the market are repackaged private label gigs

you could has Guru Crafty's dog-zymes on sale and flying off the shelves ;)

most of what I have been able to learn leads toward enzymes being good for lactose digestion inflammation and assisting in lipolysis
other than would seem another bottle of magic beans
happy to be proven wrong though
all I need is a few peer reviewed 3rd party double blind studies without confirmation bias and I will happily concede :)

Yes, they are good.(Vitalzyme). They are expensive. I used them after working with Mike and Pavel in May. My wife and I tried them. I stick to Fish Oil and a bucket of Life Extension Foundations stuff. They are near me in Ft. Lauderdale.

Lee Labrada has a brand as well. Don't know how they match up.

--Tom Furman

funny thing about enzymes, simce they all come from a central source(a chemical. supply warehouse) after the supplier ships them the issue becomes one of quality control at the production facility of the end wholesaler

weird right?

I found that to be particularly helpful in evaluating claims made by different suppliers

precisely so
"a high standard of living"
less stress
more leisure time
more active life styles
less access to the kinds of "food" we have here

does not disprove, rather highlights the point I am making
and as stated by other members
activity level is a determining factor

most folks here in the US spend more time prone or seated than moving
and when they do move, it tends to ne in a seated position
with little regard for function, chasing caloric intake goals and unreasonable body images

six pack abs are a producible low bodyfat percentage not muscular development
a giant ass can be the result of deadlifting as easily as never moving it

we have not even addressed body image dystopia and parietal lobe disorders
or feedback loops stemming from trauma

choice is pretty vague

sometimes as active and fit individuals we may find ourselves falling into the trap of thinking since we find it easy than everyone should be able to do it as easily, whatever it is

talk to a mugging victim about stick fighting
if they were successful in defending themselves they will likely be receptive
if not however the terror just talking about it can bring up is a thing to behold

if mom gave you a candy bar whenever you did right
you will have that wired in

the neurons that wire together fire together

food is a drug

addiction is no joke

do junkie choose to be junkies or is it a process that starts witha choice and ends with the monkey

between a full time job
private clients, teaching classes
and filling in for Sifu whilst he is out if town
have not had time to come back to this

choice= options available, ability to make a decision
health= somewhat ambiguous though I think most would  agree that being free of disease and able to meet the daily exigencies of life would fit the bill
theory= a proven hypothesis, a set of facts based on observation that can be used to predict future outcomes

if any one takes the time to google rats, obesity, addiction they will find some entertaining and compelling research

fact stress hormone cascade causes reduction in flow to the cortex ( we get stupid, make worse choices) reduction in cellular protein uptake ( eat all you want, only about 3 of 10 grams of protein will be used for cell turnover, the other 7 become fat ) reduction of GABA which leads to more fuzzy thinking and bad sleep patterns, add all of that to a sedentary lifestyle, bad food available in massive quantities at low cost, good food being hard to find in some areas and near nonexistent in others, the reaction our brain has to said bad food (wired for feelings of satiety with fat salt sweet) .....

them obese folk are just stupid rubes that don't had the sense to see that they are dying a slow and horrific death, ostracized from the pack (society), if the could just choose to not be biologically the same as the rest of he human specie they would be better.....


First let us define our terms-Socrates

define healthy
define choice
define theory

a side point

food is a drug when it is manufactured rather than grown

opioid response from fat/sweet/salt
the chemists working for major food producers are tasked with utilizing that response

stress causes a decrease is lipolysis and cellular protein uptake, and an increase in the amount of glucose and fat that us in the blood stream

the idea that it is a choice is silly frankly

no one chooses to place themselves in a socially and physically detrimental state
no one chooses to be in a position of ridicule and in which they will be held in contempt by their fellow man
we are social and highly emotional creatures that require interaction with other creates of our kind to survive in a healthy manner
there may be some rare exceptions
those folks will likely tell you " it took a while to get used to, but I became my own company"

if I take food, synthesize it, remove all of the nutrients and replace the "food with chemical substances that mimic the food in the body, then price those substances lower than food, am I a drug pusher or a captain of industry

being a person that helps people lose, manage, and overcome the obstacles to their physique issues, I deal with folks that come in all shapes and sizes

I de-stress their bodies and minds with movement, educated them about nutrition and how food works in the chemical processes of our bodies, show them exercises theycan use to make it easy
and they get better

no one consciously chooses worse
that is bs

not so humble opinion there
it's fact

everyone wants better
some people don't have access to better, physically, mentally, emotionally or through some other limiting factor
but they would not turn better away if they could get

My Mom (60+) has been "working out" for years to maintain bone density, she is stornger than some men her age too.  No big weights either, just enough to feel a load and keep the reps under 15.  She has also been running an aqua aerobics class as well, just to get some of her older friends active again.  Many of them had balance problems- and a fear of falling- which the water resolved, being a good catcher/buffer.

Those that have been working out with er at the class have started "dry" workouts too.  They feel the way they went from little balance to easy balance and now are thinking of some strength as well. 

The research that it is not just resistence (weight) training that builds bones is not so much an issue, the issue is retaining bone strength.  I think that it is impact training that builds bone, the ability to take shock, isn't it.  Walking on concrete would work up to a point, then you have adapted and need to find another method.

Mom always says ACTIVITY is the key for having a fun old age, the dogs won't have THAT problem will they? :mrgreen:

scrolling through the old stuff here

wolfs law
davis' law

one states that bones re-enforce themselves along the lines of stress
one states that muscles re-enforce themselves along the lines of stress

the only thing that doesn't move was either never alive or is about to go the way of reasoned debate on television

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