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It's year 10 of the Trump Presidential race coverage.  I assume his studio audience is filled with liberals and for the first time they actually laugh at themselves and their fascination with everything that is not the issue on trial.

This is a breakthrough in media IMHO.  CNN ran an antisemitism article on Columbia.  Bill Maher said abortion is murder but it's ok.  NPR is exposed for what it is.

Maybe we are at some kind of inflection point.  What if salt of the earth Democrats heard both sides of stories instead of just Narrative News?

Politics & Religion / Fed watch, Clueless in Keynesville
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 06:09:12 AM »

This was written apparently before GDP came in WAY below estimates.

They think the question is, what to do when we have solid growth with persistent inflation.

But estimates of growth were 50% above actual growth!  We're talking about rear view mirror estimates, estimates made after the activity already took place, or in this case, after it didn't.

For one thing, how can they be that wrong?

Now the question is changed to what to do about Jimmy Carter style Stagflation.

Those who were not adult or paying attention in 1980 and throughout the 1980s should buy the book "The Seven Fat Years and how to do it again" by former WSJ Editor Robert Bartley.  It's all in there.

The Fed is clueless because there is no 'Fed-alone policy that fixes this.  We tried that and the results were catastrophic.  But now we are trying it again.

The Keynesians are clueless too with their outdated Phillips Curve.  The idea that economic growth causes inflation is as dead as Keynes.

When the growth was slow, they lowered interest rates.  When inflation was high they raised them.

I wouldn't want to go sailing with these people, adjusting their sails for high wind after the wind goes by.

What if interest rates weren't the problem then and interest rates aren't the solution now?  If you have three flat tires, is more gasoline the solution?

Written nowhere else apparently, we spend 40% more than we take in. (There's your problem.)  The Fed's job is to accommodate that and anything else our Congress and government throw at it. What if they can't?

Interest rate adjustments and loosening and tightening of money doesn't address the problem and therefore isn't going to be the solution. 

Listen from minute 19:55 to 25:00

Every single radical anti American anti conservative organization has SOROS fingerprints all over it.
He should be tried for treason. And his sons.

Arab countries also funding this, of course.

Politics & Religion / SALACIOUS
« Last post by ccp on Today at 04:57:52 AM »
TV lawyers favorite word lately,

I've heard it used more in the past month then my entire life.

Democrat lawyers taking over the Nat Enquirer and publishing their unpublished stories.
Great fodder for network TV, but totally ridiculous as a legal matter.  Corporate profits galore.
Not sure, if I posted this earlier, but worth a re-read.
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