Author Topic: FNG Intro / Lament for a Maverick  (Read 3730 times)

Dirt Diver

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FNG Intro / Lament for a Maverick
« on: November 15, 2008, 12:52:43 AM »
Hi all

This is my first post here, so being the FNG, I guess I should introduce myself.  I am an American ex-pat living in London.  I am also a long time fan of the Dog Bros. and had the opportunity to train with Marc a few years back in the UK when he was over doing a seminar in Warwick, England with Krishna.  I had studied Krishna's system, Warriors Escrima, with the very formidable Doug Tucker who was Krishna's number one guy in London for a while.  Aside from that I have trained JKD Concepts, PFS, Silat, BJJ, WT and the SFC.  I have gone through Hock's Pacific Archipelago Combatives and have trained with some of the old timers who trained with Remy and Ernesto in the old days (pre-Tapi Tapi era).  I hope to get into some good conversations here and share some of my views with you all.

Politically, I am pretty much on the same page with most of you guys and am currently working in a very political environment here in London, UK.  I was gutted with the election results and although McCain wasn't my first choice, I am a Republican through and through.  Although for some strange reason the majority of people fell for Obamasteria, I feel that McCain got a bad rap and overall would have been a better President than Obama. 

What I personally found interesting about this election is that most of the people that I spoke to had no idea what McCain, or Obama for that matter, was campaigning for and the resounding resolve from the pundits seemed to be that McCain was just like Bush.  McCain wasn't a bad guy and had disagreed with Bush's strategy in Iraq, immigration, earmarking and pork barreling spending, education policies, Homeland Security issues, tax and finance problems and views on controversial subjects such as torture.  As a state Senator, McCain proved himself to be prolific as an independent in Congress crossing the Democratic lines frequently unlike Obama who comfortably sits on the fence that leans towards the left.

I hope that this presidency doesn't have us seeing strong American values dissolving, like putting our hands on our hearts while reciting the pledge of allegiance or listening to our anthem.  I believe we have a dark 4-years ahead of us.  I hope I am wrong.  The future is suddenly not bright.  The future is Obamamania- welcome to the new America!


« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 01:42:00 AM by Dirt Diver »


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Re: FNG Intro / Lament for a Maverick
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2008, 06:49:52 AM »
Hi Joe,
I welcome your thoughts and I think it safe (if I may be so bold) for me to say that all who like to post on the board  feel the same.
I would be curious to hear from someone who is Republican living in England as to your impression of the Brits reaction to the election?
If one here believes the mainstream media the impression is the Brits hate W, think he is a total buffoon and adore and admire Bama and look to him to save the world.
Do *you* find that to be the general consensus in England?  Or is it liberal media bias?


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Re: FNG Intro / Lament for a Maverick
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2008, 07:30:50 AM »
Woof DD:

Looking forward to your contributions.
