I’ve posted “Chiefio” pieces before, and one could argue he takes circuitous and polemic routes making disparate connections along the way, but dang, he gets to interesting places and treads on ground I don’t see others finding, dropping astounding bon mots along the way. For instance he states below Russia has a fire and forget nuclear tipped torpedo able to plant itself on the ocean floor off, say, off the coast of major NATO cities, and be detonated in a manner that caused a 100 foot plus local tsunami. Imagine that crashing into NYC. It’d make 9/11 look like a game of tiddlywinks.
Anyhoo, interested in what others thing of this perhaps rambling piece. I think he’s on to something: NATO nitwits are seeking to set up a circumstance that will pull it—and all its members—into a shooting war w/ Russia, one which NATO is grossly underprepared to fight—forcing the US to ride to the rescue of Europe for a third time—with things going to hell in a hand basket, toot sweet:
Ooh, edited to add might a chief executive’s handlers aware that their guy is down by every metric might decide that their guy who flat out stated he could go “toe to toe with Putin” might find a political advantage should a shooting war emerge?
NATO / USA Suicidal “Plan B” in Ukraine?
Posted on 27 February 2024 by E.M.Smith
From several other news sources, I’d observed small little announcements that one EU / NATO country or another had signed some pledge of “mutual support” with Ukraine. That had “raised a flag” and I was wondering “Why?”… Was it symbolic? Was it political, trying to make Putin think “Canada was in it to win it, so I better surrender?” (A little bit
Or more darkly was it a slow push to get NATO Direct Involvement via some NATO country taking damage and invoking “Article 5”? But how? Putin is not so dumb as to drop rockets on Poland just because there are some Polish troops in Ukraine pretending to be Ukrainians. Easier and safer to just chew them up in Yet Another Cauldron… as Russia has been doing already. Where was this any different?
Then I watched this video and had a “Penny Drop Moment”. I’ve not learned her name, but this is a Polish lady who wanders around Poland and Russia at various times, often just “fretting on camera” about some political risk du jour. Sometimes enjoying the architecture or history. I suspect she started as a “Travel Channel” and events changed her options. I’ve noticed a LOT of channels, blogs, and such who have had a change of focus as the world has gone more nuts and events have gotten way too serious. Channels where the name will be something like “Mary’s fine crafts” but they now have a story up about “Lawfare against Trump” or “Ukraine and Nuclear War Risk”…
But whatever. This is where it became clearer what The Game was, so this one gets the link. Her “about” box:
My intention for this channel is to inspire you to seek the truth, to remind you of your own power. and to introduce you to those people and places that will enrich your lives even more.
Ania K
So Ania. Searching for truth via traveling around…
She starts off with some Travel Stuff about writers in Russia, then a bit about the pilot who killed himself by self immolation over Israel – ending his ability to do anything to help… At about 3 minutes, she transitions to reading a translation of what the Slovak Prime Minister had to say about being pushed to send troops into Ukraine. Originally in Slovak, translated to Polish, she then translates the Polish on to English. Unlikely to find that on the Nightly Snooze or the Beeb…
So one P.M. spills the beans and explains the other “mutual support” agreements.
NATO members, (most likely via the USA &/or EU) pushing member nation to get ready and send troops into Ukraine to fight against Russia. Fico refuses and says that, at most, they will do non-combat “de-mining” (training and equipment).
Which leaves open the obvious questions of:
What will troops from the other countries be doing?
What happens when they get killed “in theater”?
What happens when an equipment and staging / training depot just over the border outside of Ukraine gets blown up? (Either by Russia or as a False Flag excuse…)
To me, it looks like an “Act Of Desperation Plan B” by The USA / EU / UK / “Nato” bosses. But to what end? Just more cannon fodder to stuff into Ukraine (since that’s gone so well so far… /sarc;)? Goading Russia in the hopes of getting an Article 5 plausible response?
What is clear is that the “push” to do this is external to the individual countries (since Slovakia had to resist it…). So how many of the others were coerced, not voluntary? Eh? The “by whom” is as necessary to “out” as the “for what”…
Here’s the video:
I can’t see the sense of it. However, it does also clarify why Russia has 1/2 Million Man (or so) Army, that they have not used in Ukraine, spread around the borders of Russia and Belarus with Ukraine, and more stationed on the Finnish and other borders. They are there for when NATO declares an Article 5 War on Russia. Putin saw this a year+ ago. Good chess player…
So back at “Why?”. First “Why? Don’t ask why… down that path lies Insanity and Ruin. -E.M.Smith”. So, exploring why…
I can only see 2 realistic reasons.
1) Ukraine is out of men (and low on women…) to send into combat. Russia has destroyed, so far, 3 NATO Created Armies, and is busy routing the remnants at the line of contact. Got to get more bodies, so import a batch of “volunteers” from other NATO countries.
2) Get some direct NATO presence, maybe even a large one with lots of support from the NATO side of the border. Then goad Putin into an attack on them so you can declare an Article 5 Event even without Ukraine being in NATO. (And if Putin is smart enough, which I think he is, to NOT do that attack, stage a False Flag one and go ahead anyway).
The simple fact is that NATO (ex USA) is essentially out of ammunition and equipment to take to the fight, so #1 above is not going to fix that. There would be a marginal increase as nations would draw down their deeper reserves even more and become even more at risk. So mostly sending bodies into Ukraine will just result in the “Slaughter Of The Cauldrons” being full of Poles, Germans, English, and perhaps even the odd Canadian… instead of Ukrainian 70 year olds and teenagers.
Russia has done a great job of fighting a “Conservation of forces” war of attrition and NATO (via Ukraine) seems to still not “get it”. So “stopping Russian Advances” at the present line of contact would just return to the “Grind, envelop, and destroy” that eliminated the first 3 Ukrainian NATO armies. Lots of body bags flowing back to NATO. $Billions more equipment destroyed. Russia’s STATED GOALS continuing to be met (the destruction of the opposing army(s) and removal of the threat). I’d say “Our side can’t be stupid enough to do that” – but all we’ve seen so far says “Yeah, they have been that stupid and still are that stupid”. It’s been 2 years now and they still have not learned that Russia is NOT about capturing dirt, it is about “threat removal by destruction of opposing forces as efficiently as possible”. So I can fully see “us” sending in more threatening forces and pushing them up to the line of contact to be destroyed (since they will still have very little ammunition for artillery especially). Money and Bodies do not replace ammunition stores.
Which leaves me with option #2. Get all of NATO involved in a full on force on force war with Russia by pushing Proxy Countries forward to elicit an attack on them, then Cry Foul… and if that isn’t forthcoming, fake it.
The problem with this is that the EU / UK “forces” are barely enough for nice parades and are largely out of equipment and ammunition (having sent a load to Ukraine for destruction already…) PLUS we now have ample evidence that our Wonder Weapons are farts in the wind.
So that only really leaves the USA to pick up the slack. And that’s a lot of slack to pick up. This is a “Land War in Europe on the edge of Asia”. The USA is largely a Sea Power, and is on the opposite side of the planet. That just isn’t going to work well At All. Russia has used the last 2 years to figure out how to defeat our Wonder Weapons, Jam our communications and GPS, and wipe out our space facilities. They now know they can sink all our carriers with unstoppable hypersonic missiles (taking all the air power with them) and that our tanks are a nice target for their hunter killer groups and helicopters.
So when that happens, do “we” go nuclear? Against an adversary with more nukes than we have and more interesting ones too?
Sidebar on Weapons:
Russia has a nuclear torpedo that can be launched to travel around the world, lurk off your coastline, and when ordered, make a Mega-Tsunami a few hundred feet tall that wipes out your whole coastline. Bye Bye NYC, Wash DC, Virginia Naval and Marine bases, Cape Canaveral, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pearl Harbor, Seattle… Are we really ready for that? How about London, Denmark, the Netherlands? And more…
Recent news has been all excited about some hypothetical Russian Nuke In Space. Um, folks, Russia has had the ability to put rockets in space with nukes on board for the last 50+ years. There isn’t much new here. They pledged not to, but “we” have broken just about every treaty with them, so they are no longer bound by them. Why does this matter? Because a nuke set off about 400 miles up destroys our satellites AND our sensitive electronic society with a huge EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse. I’m sure they have been “ready to do it” for 50 years IF it were ever needed. Only difference now is they are letting us know, AND our Idiots In Charge had not thought it through…
So who wins?
So any “NATO Article 5 In It To Win IT!” just results in the utter destruction of The West. The USSR had incredibly good Civil Defense plans. Most of the population of cities can get underground and find food and beds there. The West? We don’t have crap. Where is YOUR “Civil Defense Shelter”? Anyone check the food supply and best-by dates in the last 1/2 century? Is it sized for the whole population, or the population of 1950? Or half that population of 1950? Or are we all to just “Duck and Cover and Hope”…
No, the simple fact is that IF we of The West were STUPID enough to have a NATO on Russia war, then Russia would have a Very Bad Day – but recover; and The West would be utterly destroyed and in chaos.
FWIW, I’ve spent a fair amount of the last 50 years as a “Prepper” to some extent or another thinking this stuff through. Not serious enough to have a “bunker in the woods”, but enough to know what the real risks and likely results would be. The destruction of any population center over about 1/4 million is pretty much assured. Over 100,000 is likely. Then the plague, famine, and migration flood takes out most of what is left.
So the only remaining question is this: Are the Psychopaths in charge stupid enough, or evil enough, to want that and “go there”? Unfortunately, they have often said they want to eliminate 90% or so of the population, so I can’t rule it out. It might be a case of “This behaviour is by design” (quoting a Microsoft Support site about a bug in the mail server…)
What to do?
I don’t know that there is anything we can do. Our governments are no longer under the control of their citizens. The Psychopaths in charge act as though they can do anything with no consequences and are happy to “kill people & break things”. Their agenda is anti-human, anti-democratic, and devoid of reality centered thinking. Plus they have taken the levers of power. That’s a hard hill to climb.
I can see a couple of glimmers of hope.
1) Putin continues to be a far far better chess player than The West. He’s winning the game in ways they can’t even see.
2) Putin (and Russia collectively) has been extraordinarily patient and careful. Never doing enough at any one time to elicit too big a response. Always leaving things looking like Ukraine has a shot at a win somewhere (then closing the trap and destroying them in Yet Another Cauldron when appropriate, but slowly so as not to scare them away from sending more “support” and “reinforcements”… ). So unlikely to be the one escalating to W.W.III.
3) NATO is increasingly out of ability to wage such a war anyway. We won’t get the Grand Armee attacking in great force. Just “more of the same”. And the “why” is just “logistics”. NATO doesn’t have enough stuff, and what they do have is not where one would want it for attacking Russia, plus our people are mostly old, fat, and lazy, so not a lot of war enthusiasm to be found. One hopes they realize that prior to fielding more cannon fodder…
4) We’re in a Race Condition. Near as I can tell, the “NATO Schedule” is a 2025 readiness to “counterattack”. But that’s AFTER the Election in the USA (so some hope for Trump to step in and stop the madness). Plus, at the present Russian rate of advancement, this thing is over in 6 months (maybe 3) and neither the EU, nor the UK, nor the USA, nor NATO Collectively can move that fast to a ‘war footing’. My best guess is this is all wrapped up before the insane plan can get going.
5) The EU is “auguring in” economically and this will “focus the minds” of a lot of folks. EU Manufacturing depends on minerals and energy from Russia, so is busy packing up and leaving. Then the stupidity of attacking agriculture in the middle of all this boggles the mine. “An army moves on its stomach” has not changed, and the EU Stomach is already a bit hungry, with far worse to come if present plans succeed. We already have “regime change” in the wind in several member states. Picking a fight with Russia will only accelerate that discontent. I could easily see more “XXexit” in the wind. Probably Hungary & Slovakia first, with Greece, Italy, & Spain having potential; especially when German Money goes walkies due to no tax revenue from gone companies and a recession…
In Short: There’s no way that the EU can fight a war with Russia, so it won’t. It might be destroyed in one, but it won’t fight a Russian Army. The USA is not going to fight a war with Russia; the political risk of loss of power is too high given the present MAGA Mood of the country, and certainly not going to even try it until after the election (so a lot hangs on that…) BUT by then Russia will be at the gates of Kiev… And the UK? Good luck with that… Still good at Secret Agent Intrigues, still has a small good fighting groups sized army, but not a super power scale anything.
None of that is likely to stop our Idiots In Charge from trying. But I hold out hope that things like the Farmers Strike, and Truckers not delivering goods to the seats of evil (like NYC at present) will redirect the GEBs “concerns” to issues closer to home and away from war aspirations. Throw in losing a couple of Nations to the Traditional Rational side, and it might set them back a ways.
Me? I’m going to do more prepping and less “trying to fix”. I think we have until about November to be ready for “brown stuff hitting whirly thing”. So prepare accordingly. The W. Evil F. plans are increasingly on the rocks, the GEBs are outing themselves at breakneck speed. Their fear is in the air, and an ever larger part of We The People (globally) are choosing not to comply. So I’m going to be planning for more chaos in the cities, more international instabilities, and an ever more frantic group of GEBs yanking on the puppet strings of their Idiots In Charge ever harder, and getting ever less of what they want.
I just hope the GEBs power collapses as their economies collapse, and it doesn’t end up in a nuclear W.W.III. Because while I’m pretty sure I’m prepped enough to survive that, personally, I’m also certain that neither the USA, EU, nor UK as nations and cultures would survive. Hopefully the GEBs realize that: in a Free For All, they lose.