Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media  (Read 1125759 times)


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Professional Journalist? Der Spiegel messed with the wrong small town
« Reply #2400 on: December 20, 2018, 09:12:51 AM »
Fergus Falls, MN

Not only did Relotius’ “exposé” on Fergus Falls make unrecognizable movie-like characters out of the people in my town that I interact with on a daily basis, but its very basic lack of truth and its bizarrely bleak portrayal of the place I love left a very sick, unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach.

In 7,300 words he really only got our town’s population and average annual temperature correct, and a few other basic things, like the names of businesses and public figures, things that a child could figure out in a Google search. The rest is uninhibited fiction

A typical day in 'journalism'.

One Professional Journalist busted.  What about the rest of them?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 09:32:50 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 09:41:21 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Media, Saudi Khashoggi, Qatari agent at the Wash Post
« Reply #2402 on: December 27, 2018, 08:13:12 AM »
Copying this from Saudi thread, thanks for following up on this G M.  What does this say about our media - that he was a 'journalust', a hero?  He was a foreign operative and they were happy to broadcast his message without regard to its origin or purpose.

Saudi Khashoggi, Qatari agent at the Wash Post
 on: December 26, 2018, 06:02:47 PM  by G M
Quote from: DougMacG on December 25, 2018, 07:59:52 AM

His columns and paychecks came right out of enemy propoganda.

December 26, 2018
Washington Post More or Less Confirms That Jamal Khashoggi Was a Paid Qatari Intelligence/Propaganda Asset
I can see how American "journalists" would regard this as the normal state of affairs and not really that different from a plain ol' "journalist."

Many journalists in the US are paid by Fusion GPS to plant Fusion stories, which in turn were funded by interested parties including foreign governments.

Quotes from the Washington Post below, with commentary added by streiff from RedState.

Perhaps most problematic for Khashoggi were his connections to an organization funded by Saudi Arabia’s regional nemesis, Qatar. Text messages between Khashoggi and an executive at Qatar Foundation International show that the executive, Maggie Mitchell Salem, at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government. Khashoggi also appears to have relied on a researcher and translator affiliated with the organization, which promotes Arabic-language education in the United States.

Khashoggi was never a staff employee of the Post, and he was paid about $500 per piece for the 20 columns he wrote over the course of the year. He lived in an apartment near Tysons Corner in Fairfax County that he had purchased while working at the Saudi Embassy a decade earlier. [Note: how did he live in the DC Metro area for about $10K/year?]

Khashoggi also appears to have accepted significant help with his columns. Salem, the executive at the Qatar foundation, reviewed his work in advance and in some instances appears to have proposed language, according to a voluminous collection of messages obtained by The Post. [Journalists accepting "significant help" from government operatives in writing stories is a fact of how journalism is conducted in the Middle East, the Post eliding over this speaks volumes.]

In early August, Salem prodded Khashoggi to write about Saudi Arabia's alliances "from DC to Jerusalem to rising right wing parties across Europe...bringing an end to the liberal world order that challenges their abuses at home."

Khashoggi expressed misgivings about such a strident tone, then asked, "So do you have time to write it?"

So in other words, Khashoggi was largely just a frontman for anti-Saudi propaganda written by an operative of the Saudi's chief Arab rival, Qatar.

"I'll try," she replied, although she went on to urge him to "try a draft" himself incorporating sentences that she had sent him by text. A column reflecting their discussion appeared in The Post on Aug. 7. Khashoggi appears to have used some of Salem's suggestions, though it largely tracks ideas that he expressed in their exchange over the encrypted app WhatsApp.

Other texts in the 200-page trove indicate that Salem’s organization paid a researcher who did work for Khashoggi. The foundation is an offshoot of a larger Qatar-based organization. Khashoggi also relied on a translator who worked at times for the Qatari embassy and the foundation.


On Oct. 3, one day after Khashoggi's death, while his fate remained uncertain, his researcher contacted The Post to say that he had a draft of a column that Khashoggi had begun writing before his disappearance. It was published two weeks later. [The likelihood that Khashoggi's last column was ghostwritten to take advantage of his disappearance by making him appear to be an Arabian Thomas Jefferson approaches certainty.]

streiff quotes Dave Reaboi of the Strategic Studies Group noting that it doesn't make sense for the Washington Post to reveal that the man they've been painting as a patriotic martyr for two months was in fact a shabby operative working for a government hostile to his native country except if the Washington Post knew that there were rumors about these texts and possible payments to Khashoggi and they sought to get ahead of a story they knew could no longer be suppressed


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Media, for the record, Weekly Standard put full praise on Trump-conomics
« Reply #2403 on: December 29, 2018, 07:38:20 PM »
Great contrast of Trump versus Obama on economic policies and results by Fred Barnes, executive editor of Weekly Standard, October 19th 2018, just before the midterms. Not exactly never Trump.


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Ministry of Truth, worst media bias in my lifetime
« Reply #2404 on: January 02, 2019, 10:52:14 AM »
Meet the Press, December 30, 20018. Time permitting. I would like to answer this point-by-point.


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Angry George Will; again
« Reply #2406 on: January 06, 2019, 05:50:38 AM »
Trying to tell us today's Germany is the best since 1871 and Bismarck:

Will writes :

"In 2015, Angela Merkel, the Federal Republic of Germany’s first chancellor from what was East Germany, chose to welcome into Germany about 1 million people, many of them Syrians, fleeing Middle Eastern carnage. (As a percentage of Germany’s population, this was equivalent to America receiving 4 million.) "

I don't know what he is talking about . He is confused:

Yeah right merkel makes for a stable Europe by having not just some but "tens of millions" of migrants (all the EU countries) move in.  That helps .

Will , who I used to occasionally find interesting is very annoying since Trump.  He needs a psychologist to get over his disorder.


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Re: Angry George Will; again
« Reply #2408 on: January 06, 2019, 08:18:12 AM »
He used to be sharp and insightful - most of the time, an independent conservative, not part of a movement.

The main gist is right, the reunification of Germany (with Germany) was amazing. I can't believe they even attempted it and they succeeded.  Then his points on Brexit drift from his German topic.  The European Union of which she is the face had Britain when she entered office and is losing them as she leaves.  A direct failure of Merkel's - unless you think she didn't had major influence over all that went wrong with a centralized Europe.

George Will skips over the newer immigration crisis, the rapes, the pillaging, immigrant unemployment and non assimilation.  How is Germany better off now with the new immigration crisis than before it?  Will doesn't say because he can't.  He offers no recognition of the difference of assimilating people from a totally different culture who do not want assimilation with those who do.

Merkel served longer than FDR.  Impressive.  Is that a good thing?  She has been nearly ousted many times.  She has been a mediocre ally to the US.  Is that a small point worth skipping? 

Germans like Obama better than Trump.  That fits his column thesis how?  Obama apologized for America, let them get American defense for free, have car tariffs ten times higher than ours.  What is the good part of that?  Facts like that led to Trump.  Trump calls them out and makes them uncomfortable.  They don't know exactly what he will do about it, is that bad?  Not to me. 

Judge where Merkel is now by what Germans think now and in what condition she leaves the country.  Her own open borders scandal led to a rise of the German nationalists and a fall of her own party:

Breaking up Europe and diminishing her own party, is that good for Germany, for Europe, from her perspective? 

A younger, sharper George Will might have titled his obligatory Merkel column, 'Unforced Errors', and approached her bungled success from a different angle.


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Re: amazing how cable nonsense network wastes their money
« Reply #2410 on: January 07, 2019, 09:33:54 AM »
They actually pay these people?

These two could not and did not get this done when they were in office.

Don't count Mia Love out but I see your point here.  Trump received 39% of the vote in Love's former district, 61% picked other.  She didn't embrace him and might be inclined to underestimate him.

Mia Love:  "You have a president that says if you don’t give me a wall, I will own the shutdown. I thought the Democrats were like, ‘Great, take it. Deal done,’ because it was just, we don’t have to give you a wall, and you’re going to own a shutdown."

We watched that happen in the Oval Office but it doesn't make sense.  The 'deal' the Democrats thought so great is to shut down the government to make Trump look bad.  Fits their number one priority, screw the country, make Trump look bad.  But who set the trap and who walked into it? 

The border barrier was the signature issue in Trump's election and Love et al did NOT get it done while in power.  Since the initial stalemate, Trump looks flexible and Democrats admittedly refuse to negotiate. Trump stayed at the White House, Pelosi went to the beach. The shutdown ownership flipped.  Trump will get enough border barrier in the end to declare victory and voters can ask, why didn't Democrats agree sooner to what they agree to later and and spare us the drama.

Gutierrez is a waste of time, a good fit for the network:

"What I want to do is to go from this cruelty to a little bit of humanity versus our immigrant community.”

Cruelty?  I thought we were talking about a border barrier.  Cruel is to send your children across a continent with rapists and traffickers without parents, food or water.  Effective, successful, border security will end that.


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Re: Ministry of Truth, worst media bias in my lifetime
« Reply #2411 on: January 07, 2019, 09:49:53 AM »
Meet the Press, December 30, 20018. Time permitting. I would like to answer this point-by-point.

I changed the channel and hoped someone else would pick this apart for us:

On Sunday morning, December 30, ‘Meet the Press’ had a gala service preaching the climate-change religion. Famous climate preachers like Michael Bloomberg and Jerry Brown were featured speakers. they missed some opportunities and some old themes were nowhere to be found. They neglected to link the supposed, increasing pollution of the oceans with plastic to climate change. They forgot to mention the polar bear tragedy, and for some reason we don’t hear any more about malaria spreading to the temperate zones.

According to “Meet the Press,” “the science of climate doom is absolutely and completely settled science.” For that reason they determined that no time would be given to “climate deniers.” But seemingly they broke their own rule when a clip by the Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, was played. The foremost climate skeptic in the U.S. Senate, James Inhofe, was also given air time.

Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York and one of the world’s richest men, was given extensive air time. There was even a plug for his book: Climate of Hope. The book, written with the former president of the Sierra Club, is hilariously ignorant. Bloomberg is considering running for president as a Democrat. Formerly, he was a Republican. His embrace of global warming alarmism may be a bid for votes in the Democratic primaries where the voters are typically believers in loony climate change theories.

The one scientist on the show, Kate Marvel, has evidently given up science for a career promoting climate alarmism. She is contradicting herself by going along with climate alarmist fantasies -- in earlier public talks she was highly critical of the climate computer models that are the only basis for climate extremism.

The big theme of the “Meet the Press” presentation was that climate change is here and it is very bad. This completely mistaken claim was supported by various anecdotes from people that experienced floods, fires, or hurricanes. Floods are not new. For example, it is instructive to read the Wikipedia entry “Floods in California”. The great flood of 1861-1862 was far worse than anything since. Compared to the Great New England Hurricane of 1938, the 2012 superstorm Sandy was minor. The Great Prestigo fire in 1871, in Wisconsin, killed 1500 people. In comparison, the recent Camp Fire in California killed 89 people and burned less land. A major factor in forest fires is the suppression of fires, allowing fuel to build to the point where the fire becomes so violent that it can’t be easily suppressed.

Floods, droughts, heat waves, and tornados have been around forever and they aren’t getting any worse. But people’s memories fade with time, so the most recent weather outrage always seem to be worse than past outrages. So, it is clever to claim that carbon dioxide is causing extreme weather. It seems plausible because yesteryear’s bad weather has faded in our memories, or perhaps we only know about previous extreme weather because our parents or grandparents told us about it. Climate scientist John Christy provided written testimony to the House Energy and Power Subcommittee that demolishes the extreme weather thesis.

Craig Fugate, Obama’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administrator, was a member of the “Meet the Press” panel of experts. His educational background is paramedic school in Florida. He suggested that if only we had a carbon tax, $100 billion of disasters last year could have been avoided. A fallacy, since most carbon emissions come from Asia and having a carbon tax would not affect Asian emissions at all. Serious carbon dioxide emission reduction would be a long process that would require substituting nuclear electricity generation for fossil fuel electricity. But the environmental groups that are promoting fear of carbon dioxide are also afraid of nuclear energy. Wind and solar are not a solution that is effective for reducing carbon dioxide emissions because they are not remotely cost-effective for that purpose and they are always accompanied by backup fossil fuel plants emitting carbon dioxide. That point is explained in detail in my book Dumb Energy.

Carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. have been declining mainly because natural gas has been substituted for coal. Cheap natural gas is the result of fracking, bitterly opposed by the environmental left. The bigger fallacy is the claim that weather disasters are the result of carbon emissions. The scientific evidence for that popular idea is extremely weak science.

The mayor of Georgetown, Texas, a small city near Austin, touted his city’s conversion to 100% renewable energy. The city agreed to long-term contracts with a wind farm and a solar farm to take a portion of the electricity generated. The amount of electricity contracted for is considerably greater than the amount of electricity needed. The city sells the excess electricity into the market. That has turned out to be a losing proposition. To be clear, the city is not actually using the electricity from the wind and solar plants located hundreds of miles away. The electricity generated by the plants is fed into the Texas grid and distributed throughout the state. The claim of being 100% renewable is a bookkeeping claim based on buying more renewable electricity than is actually used. Obviously, the solar farm is not generating electricity at night or on cloudy days. The wind farm generates electricity to the extent wind happens to be blowing.

The staff of “Meet the Press” is either incredibly ignorant or pursuing an agenda of left-wing propaganda, or probably both. No quarter was given to “climate deniers”, a deliberate slur that equates anyone who questions climate alarmism with Holocaust deniers. The truth is that there are many serious and distinguished scientists that express skepticism concerning predictions of climate doom from carbon dioxide. The alarmist predictions by the computer climate models have failed repeatedly.

Global warming  is a scheme for getting money and attention. It is fiercely defended because if the fraud was exposed, a lot of people would lose their jobs and be discredited. There is a kernel of truth in the idea that greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide may exercise a warming influence. That truth has been used as a springboard to making doomsday predictions that are almost certainly wrong. The fact that increased CO2 in the atmosphere has major positive effects on agriculture is not mentioned by the proselytizers for global warming doom.

"The staff of “Meet the Press” is either incredibly ignorant or pursuing an agenda of left-wing propaganda, or probably both."

For what it's worth, he has this backwards.  The media-academia complex personified in this case by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press IS the core of the Left Wing and the Democrats are the willing accomplices.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2414 on: January 10, 2019, 07:47:53 AM »
this post in pointing out they CBS deleted the fact check saying Trump was wrong or that he under reported the rape problem?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2415 on: January 10, 2019, 07:55:01 AM »
I took it to mean he was suspected of exaggerating, but upon it turning out that things were even worse, CBS memory holed it.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2416 on: January 10, 2019, 09:36:56 AM »
This was allegedly in the original, CBS deleted fact check:

Fact check: 1 in 3 women sexually assaulted while traveling to cross the border

CLAIM: The president claimed one in three women have been sexually assaulted traveling to the border.

FACT: Between 60 percent and 80 percent of female migrants traveling through Mexico are raped along the way, Amnesty International estimates.

These women and girls are drawn by our open borders and sanctuary city / state laws.  Whether this is 33% or 80%, how is that justifiably to a Liberal?

How do you 'fact check' that which is unreported and unprosecuted?

Leftists want illegals here for future and permanent voting advantage - but cannot say that aloud.  With California all-but-Crafty liberal and the electoral college not going away ever, what more do they have to gain?


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Professional Journalism !
« Reply #2417 on: January 10, 2019, 09:05:19 PM »
They only care about the truth! We should trust our betters in the media!

January 10, 2019
Local Seattle News Director Placed on Leave After Allegations He Deliberately Distorted the Video of Trump's Speech to Make Him Look Crazy
Enemy of the People.

Shall we keep pretending otherwise?

In a statement, Q13 seemed to confirm that their video editor had intentionally altered the footage to make the president look crazy.
"We are investigating this to determine what happened," said Q13's news director. "This does not meet our editorial standards and we regret if it is seen as portraying the President in a negative light. The editor responsible for editing the footage is being placed on leave while we investigate further.”

The video -- shown below side-by-side with the real video -- seems to leave little doubt that this was a deliberate manipulation of video to make Trump look insane. Watch the business with the tongue.


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MInistry of Truth
« Reply #2418 on: January 14, 2019, 06:28:44 AM »
4 polls out to tell us TRump  is to blame!!!

lets see

polls by

and of course from Huff post

might as well ask the DNC to do a poll and splash findings on the MSM airwaves


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slime ball cashes in
« Reply #2419 on: January 16, 2019, 07:41:58 AM »
as we all knew he would:

another loser Kasics to CNN .\

egotistical selfish slimes like them just never go away .  they have to stick around just to torture us.


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Re: Media, top 50 conservative websites
« Reply #2420 on: January 18, 2019, 06:55:04 AM »
Ranked I think by traffic.  We should rank them by quality and delete the bad ones.

Drudge Report
Breitbart News
The Daily Caller
The Western Journal
The Daily Wire
The Gateway Pundit
Washington Examiner
The Blaze
National Review
PJ Media/Instapundit
American Thinker
Hot Air
Free Republic
The Federalist
The Conservative Tree House
BizPac Review
Rush Limbaugh
Judicial Watch
The Babylon Bee
Power Line
The Washington Free Beacon
The Heritage Foundation
The Daily Signal
The Weekly Standard
Weasel Zippers
The American Conservative
Louder with Crowder
The Right Scoop
The Federalist Papers
Independent Journal Review (IJR)
FrontPage Mag
Legal Insurrection
American Greatness
Spectator (USA)
The Liberty Daily
Campus Reform
Bearing Arms


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2421 on: January 18, 2019, 08:11:17 AM »
amazing how the media controls the debate on the shutdown

Trump this Trump that
he does "not negotiate",  " he started this "
blah blah blah

IN fact he has tried to negotiate but the  Dems ignore him to damage him.
Despite fact being  no reason for negotiations to start with - how about simply enforcing the immigration laws of the people for the people and by the people of the US?

what are we negotiating ?  enforce the freakin laws!   


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues- Buzzfeed
« Reply #2422 on: January 19, 2019, 06:33:30 AM »
ccp called it fake news right out of the gate.  Mark Levin called out Mueller and said the "If true", then your staff committed a felony.

Note to fake news outlets, if you ran a story that's called "If true..." as your lead story, then you are fake news.  If you ran it at all you are fake news.  If people who don't watch your network are more informed than people who do, you are fake news.  If you included with it more than 200 utterances of "impeachment" from your so-called "experts" and analysts, cf. CNN, MSNBC, you should be banned from the public airways or pay a fine commensurate with the public alarm damage you have done.

How did we know this was fake before Mueller called it out?  Because all of the related stories have turned to be fake, from outlets of higher repute than Buzzfeed, like NYT, the New Yorker and CNN.

BUZZFEED IS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE.  They are part of the repeat-what-you-heard, others-are-saying-it, syndrome they must teach in fake-journalism school.  One has the nerve to run with bunk, I guess it was Buzzfeed's turn, and the others report that the story has been run and what the if-true consequences are until the public is in an irreversible frenzy.  Real news, FYI, is when you verify first and then run it.  Weird.

This is worse than nonsense.  It is weaponized, militarized, narrativized disinformation intended to mobilize millions of people in a cause that undermines our republic.  It is intentional and it is treasonous, as I see it.

Brett Kavanaugh isn't a rapist.  Donald Trump isn't a Russian agent.  The world doesn't have a fever.  Socialism isn't 'fair' and doesn't make people 'equal'.  

Dan Rather, no, there is no such thing as false but true.  If your documents are false, your story based on the documents is false.  The perpetrators then and now committed punishable fraud.

Freedom of the press is not a freedom to commit fraud of the highest consequence, to falsely proclaim fire in a crowded theater, or to commit treason.

On a more positive note, maybe Mueller is now motivated to wrap up and release his career-ending masterpiece.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2019, 07:38:32 AM by DougMacG »


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The Boomer mag loves AOC
« Reply #2423 on: January 20, 2019, 02:47:45 PM »
AOC is the new deal maker .   Sharpton Jackson they are all going to pay homage and hook up.
Like other narcissistic commies AOC goes to Hollywood to hobnob with the celebrities .

She certainly hits a cord with the entitlement / free stuff / crowd:

And Boomer's editorial board and writers are loving it.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2424 on: January 23, 2019, 05:16:27 AM »
Nathan Phillips = quasi-stolen valor.

Interesting video.

He enlisted in Marine Corps reserves.  Was a mechanic or an electrician - not a recon ranger.  Went AWOL a few times at El Toro.  Discharged as a private.  Yes, most of this occurred during "Vietnam times."


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more on Nat Phillips
« Reply #2425 on: January 23, 2019, 05:47:28 AM »

Wait I thought the Left despised the military in the Vietnam era?
  I remember back them totally chagrined and confused as to why so many chaffed those who served their / our country

Now suddenly the Left  honors them?

Well I guess they do if the vets are angry leftists .

and what the heck does wounded knee have anything to do with the pro-life gathering at the Lincoln Memorial?
(does he really have relatives who were their?  or is this another Liz Warren moment?)

and notice there is NOT one Leftist smidgen  about the "Black Israelites", at least some of whom, are racist shits .

Why do they call them Black Israelites anyway ?  Are they freakin Jews or not.

I don't go around calling myself "white israelite".


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she is just so nice
« Reply #2426 on: January 24, 2019, 06:26:31 AM »


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Savannah Guthrie: There’s something aggressive about standing there
« Reply #2427 on: January 24, 2019, 07:12:58 AM »
In her interview with Nicholas Sandmann, she insisted: “There’s something aggressive about standing there, standing your ground.”

Blame the victim?

Teens wearing MAGA hats at a bus stop get into big controversy.

Woman in short skirt, low cut blouse gets assaulted.

In 2019 media, it's okay to say one of these.


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Re: she is just so nice
« Reply #2428 on: January 24, 2019, 02:01:34 PM »
quote author=ccp

"publicity stunt"

In a positive way, yes.  Whether it was her initiative or a P.R. person, for the cost of a pizza she puts herself in the news in a nice and selfless way.  If only her show was that nice!

I didn't know Rachel was close with the Fox team.  Reminds me of when the alligator doesn't eat the lawyer, they call it a professional courtesy.


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Re: she is just so nice
« Reply #2429 on: January 24, 2019, 02:28:44 PM »
quote author=ccp

"publicity stunt"

In a positive way, yes.  Whether it was her initiative or a P.R. person, for the cost of a pizza she puts herself in the news in a nice and selfless way.  If only her show was that nice!

I didn't know Rachel was close with the Fox team.  Reminds me of when the alligator doesn't eat the lawyer, they call it a professional courtesy.

All of our news is pretty much just pro-wrestling/reality tv.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2430 on: January 25, 2019, 02:12:02 PM »
I happened to be watching either MSNBC or CNN while in the hotel room and thought the best wishes delivered with grace, respect, and without snark.

I also caught Brett's first show after the accident in which he briefly discussed the accident at the end.  His tears of gratitude were few, real, and manly.


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Not impressed with the heartwarming expressions of concern
« Reply #2431 on: January 25, 2019, 02:34:48 PM »
"I happened to be watching either MSNBC or CNN while in the hotel room and thought the best wishes delivered with grace, respect, and without snark."

So send the rescuers  $40 of pizza with a quick online order from Dominos?

Right, Maddow spends all her time bashing half the country into leftist submission but is sooooo nice.

reminds me of stories of soldiers killing one another only to take a break on Christmas to share a smoke of sing merry christmas to one another and they go back to killing one another .
But for the one day they were both so nice..........


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issue The Telegraph
« Reply #2433 on: January 26, 2019, 10:55:20 AM »
Funny how all these British journals , newspapers are in the *journolister * loop along with the Left wing MSM chop shops.

I say mind your own business.........


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Re: Britain's Telegraph apologizes to Melania
« Reply #2434 on: January 26, 2019, 04:08:12 PM »

"...the article contained a number of false statements which we accept should not have been published. Mrs Trump’s father was not a fearsome presence and did not control the family.  Mrs Trump did not leave her Design and Architecture course at University relating to the completion of an exam, as alleged in the article, but rather because she wanted to pursue a successful career as a professional model. Mrs Trump was not struggling in her modelling career before she met Mr Trump, and she did not advance in her career due to the assistance of Mr Trump.

We accept that Mrs Trump was a successful professional model in her own right before she met her husband and obtained her own modelling work without his assistance. Mrs Trump met Mr Trump in 1998, not in 1996 as stated in the article. The article also wrongly claimed that Mrs Trump’s mother, father and sister relocated to New York in 2005 to live in buildings owned by Mr Trump.  They did not. The claim that Mrs Trump cried on election night is also false. ..."

   - I count 13 major factual errors there.  Other than that was the story true?


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Why is the media hiding this?
« Reply #2435 on: January 28, 2019, 01:31:29 PM »

January 28, 2019
Neo-Neocon: Nathan Phillips Proveably Lied About the Covington Kids, and Maliciously. Why Is The Media Completely Ignoring This?
To be honest, I think she knows why.

But it's a question worth asking rhetorically.

She notes that the media has, of course, been very reluctant to correct their slanderous lies at all, and where they have backtracked, it has been equivocal and at the margins.

What about the proveable lies "Vietnam Vet Recon Ranger" Nathan Philips told about the boys to get this hate-pile started?

Is this a banana, or is this an apple? Are they even pretending to care about the truth any longer?

That is also rhetorical, of course.

It was Phillips himself who quite early on, during his Saturday interview with CNN that set the original tone and was widely disseminated, gave the following description of the Covington boys:

It looked like these young men were going to attack [the Black Israelites]. They were going to hurt them. They were going to hurt them because they didn't like the color of their skin. They didn't like their religious views. They were just here in front of the Lincoln -- Lincoln is not my hero, but at the same time, there was this understanding that he brought the (Emancipation Proclamation) or freed the slaves, and here are American youth who are ready to, look like, lynch these guys. To be honest, they looked like they were going to lynch them. They were in this mob mentality.

That is not some disagreement about who went up to whom, or whether the wall was mentioned by the boys, or what caps some of them wore. This is an extremely defamatory statement by a political agitator, designed to shape perceptions that the boys were vicious racists with a killer instinct. The language is purposefully inflammatory and of the harshest variety.

It is a lie, and unless Phillips is clinically insane and out of touch with reality (something I don’t believe is the case), it is a knowing and purposeful lie about a bunch of teenagers who were minding their own business. It is a lie so egregious, so foul, that I really lack words to describe the depth and depravity of that lie.

And as far as I can see, just about everyone is ignoring it now.

Including people on the right, she points out. As for my own reason for not stressing this: Well, I didn't see anyone collect up his lies into such a persuasive post before!

BTW, she has more of his flagrant deliberate smears, but I'm not going to steal the whole post.

She also mentions that he can be sued, except for the fact he looks like a smelly homeless bum with no money. But ah, she notes, there is every possibility that this was a put-up Information Operation from jump street, and some discovery might reveal who the people behind this op were.

I'm going to be linking him too much today -- it just works out that way -- but Tim Pool has video of Nathan Phillips' vicious, deliberate lies. Including one that Neo-Neocon doesn't mention, with Phillips claiming that Sandmann "slid to the right, slid to the left" to remain in front of him, blocking his movement. The video, of course, shows that this is a complete lie.

That video gets into the many Blue-Checks calling for violence against the Covington Kids, a point I'll get into more later.


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Sen. Cotton: Stalin like cover up of Green Deal
« Reply #2436 on: February 13, 2019, 08:26:06 AM »


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As seen on Instapundit
« Reply #2439 on: February 17, 2019, 06:50:31 PM »

« Last Edit: February 17, 2019, 06:53:28 PM by G M »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #2442 on: February 26, 2019, 04:09:42 PM »
Very interesting-- though convenient the footage in question somehow is not available.


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Media Matters covered the Smolett hoax well
« Reply #2445 on: March 04, 2019, 09:54:35 AM »


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Ramos thanks Hannity
« Reply #2448 on: March 04, 2019, 05:22:39 PM »


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Media on Minnesota Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar's rage
« Reply #2449 on: March 05, 2019, 05:03:00 AM »
The worst kept secret in Washington and Minnesota. Funny they didn't cover it when she ran for Senate, the first time, or the second time. I knew but not through anything I read in mainstream media. Now she's running against Democrats and it's all over the media.  The story is that everyone has known all along, like Harvey Weinstein. If everyone knew and it's true and they have dozens of sources, why didn't they report it?  The not so subtle conspiracy of American Leftist media is worse than the known slant of state run media in totalitarian regimes.
Likewise for Minneapolis congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her anti-semitism and her immigration fraud marriage to her brother. No one but power line covered it when she was running for congress. Now she threatens to make Democrats look bad and it's all over the news.