Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media/social media  (Read 1313070 times)


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Disavowing Select Disavowals
« Reply #4200 on: August 23, 2024, 11:28:52 AM »
If it weren’t for double standards they’d be sans standards en toto:

It’s fascinating how the media refuses to accept Trump’s rejection of #Project2025 but seamlessly lets Kamala Harris disown every radical far left policy she publicly endorsed — from Green New Deal to Medicare for All, to ending fracking and decriminalizing illegal border crossings.
9:24 PM · Aug 22, 2024
·Mark Thiessen


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4202 on: August 23, 2024, 11:41:23 AM »
welcome back BBG

or how about this one
after hearing nothing but race race race race to infinity this:

RUFKM :roll:
Thx ccp! I will note a brought a dose of Covid back from Chicago w/ me so am dragging my wagon some….


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more obnoxious crap leon panetta
« Reply #4203 on: August 23, 2024, 12:07:48 PM »
who as congressman wanted one world government
then became sec of defense and cia head :

he fails to mention of course Putin took Crimea on bama's watch, invaded ukraine on biden/harris watch
and hamas invaded Israel on 10/7 .

In between their reigns nothing happened

But now we are supposed to believe that cackling will stop putin in the endless Ukraine / Russian war.


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NYT: What the media is not asking Harris, while they ask her nothing...
« Reply #4204 on: August 26, 2024, 02:10:33 PM »
NYT:  Kamala Harris Has Left the Building

[Doug:  Why don't the media demand answers?]

Bret Stephens, excerpts from a never-Trumper at the NYTimes:

(What would you ask him?)

"If grocery stores, whose profit margins hover between one and three percent, are price gouging, what do you say about Apple, whose margins are above 25 percent? Do you believe, as you signaled in 2019, that illegal immigrants should be entitled to free health care? Is the phrase “from the river to the sea” antisemitic? Will you use military force to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon? If the record of the Biden-Harris administration is so strong, why do a plurality of Americans describe the current state of the economy as bad or very bad?"
"What causes inflation? Have you witnessed any instances when President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished and were you worried about his ability to serve out a second term? Would you send American military forces to fight for Taiwan if it were attacked by China? Name one liberal position with which you disagree and why? How will a Harris-Walz administration differ in policies from a Biden-Harris one?"
"I’m going to need a lot more convincing than a single speech light on policy details, especially since I’m hard-pressed to think of anything in her past record that recommends her to me as a credible future president."

[Doug]  If she was prepared to answer those, she'd be taking interviews all day long.

The more specific they make her get the more she offends one side or the other, like Bernie today telling her to lay off the military talk.

Hey Bret, let's see...  Her foreign policy is terrible.  Her economic policy is terrible.  Her record is terrible.  She didn't enter a debate, win a primary or even win over a voter.  She reads from a teleprompter and everyone knows, it even on her pretend phone calls.  She has laid out an agenda or a specific policy, she won't take a single question from the press, and you're still considering voting for her because of your hatred of Trump?  That's a lot of hatred you're carrying around.  Maybe you shouldn't be in journalism, not even opinion journalism.

But the questions above are good, AND LONG OVERDUE!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 02:14:17 PM by DougMacG »


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Dana Bash CNN Harris Walz interview number one, Questions
« Reply #4205 on: August 28, 2024, 07:56:10 AM »
It's not a solo appearance and it's not going to happen live.

I don't think she reads the forum but we should offer up some questions just in case she checks in here.

Not 'gotcha' questions, but of substance, and we'll see how many of these she asks.

She doesn't need to be asked about abortion, her view is already known. 

To start, separate the questions, "I'll start with some questions for you Madam Vice President and follow with some questions for Governor Walz.

Issue number one (other than abortion) is inflation, lead with it. (See my post yesterday)

Former Secretary of the Treasury famously warned the administration Larry Summers warned that these big spending programs had inevitable ties to inflation and Rep Clyburn said later regarding that 'all of us knew' about the ties of large spending programs to resulting inflation.  What did you think about that at the time and how do you feel about that now?

Will you propose any new multi-trillion dollar spending programs going forward and will further inflation risk play a role in that decision?


You were asked to play a role in border policy.  How many people crossed the southern border during the Biden Harris administration before and after that announcement of your assignment to the problem.  What steps did you take in that role and what effect did that have?


The Biden Harris administration canceled a major pipeline, banned fracking and drilling on federal lands, closed ANWR, essential tried to slow the use of fossil fuels by curtailing supplies and driving up prices, announcing the end of gas powered vehicles, then tried to mitigate the price of gas by releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  What role did you play in these policies.  You were 'in the room', as they say, did you ever voice objections to any of these policies where you seem to be softening these positions today?

Afghan withdrawal:

Any regrets?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2024, 08:06:26 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4206 on: August 28, 2024, 09:02:31 AM »
" It's not a solo appearance and it's not going to happen live. "

 :-o :x  Not live ?!   you have got to be kidding me.


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Palin on the Cusp of Schooling the Old Gray Hag?
« Reply #4207 on: August 28, 2024, 01:55:47 PM »
NYT editorial claimed the Gabby Gifford shootings were cause by a Palin ad. First jury found for NYT, while judge stated he would have directed a verdict favoring the NYT anyway. Appeals court sends it back for review as the “oops we made a mistake” defense if applied to all libel trials would effectively neuter all libel protections:


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NPRs take on interview
« Reply #4208 on: August 30, 2024, 06:09:49 AM »

who would have thought NPR would come out with a positive review. 

 :roll: :roll: :roll:


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Daily Beast
« Reply #4209 on: August 30, 2024, 06:36:34 AM »

Kamala "hits it out of park"   
and Dana was too, well, Republican.

Right on cue.
Dana actually *sort of* challenged her, and the LEFT is mad.


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Meghan kelly pointed out the released interview was much shorter then
« Reply #4213 on: September 01, 2024, 11:39:33 AM »
the reported tape as well.  The commercials made it seem longer. 

 had 41 MINUTES of Kamala Harris' and Tim Walz's joint interview and only released 18 minutes"


Can anyone image how bad the other 23 minutes (more than half) must have been if the 18 we saw was even a dud?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2024, 11:41:12 AM by ccp »


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Captain Obvious Visits the Old Gray Hag
« Reply #4214 on: September 04, 2024, 04:58:01 PM »
Democrats have been known to lie! Who’d of thunk it?

New York Times Discovers That Democrats Aren’t Always Truthful

Stop the presses!

By James Freeman
September 4, 2024, 3:52 pm EDT

Politics can be a grim business and those of us who cover it can always use a little comic relief. Not a moment too soon the New York Times rides to the rescue by publishing this breaking news from Stuart Thompson and Tiffany Hsu:

For years, the discussion about misinformation online has focused on falsehoods circulating on the American right. But in recent weeks, a flurry of conspiracy theories and false narratives have also been swirling on the left.

Some misinformation researchers are worried that the new spate of left-leaning conspiracy theories could further polarize political discourse before the November election. 

It’s an interesting question raised by the Times scoop. What would it do to our politics if this allegedly new phenomenon of falsehood on the political left, which according to the Times may already be weeks old, were to exert a significant influence on political media coverage? 

Hard as it may be to imagine, consider for a moment if left-leaning journalists were to swallow whole a bogus story fed to them by anonymous sources suggesting that a Republican candidate had colluded with Russia to rig a U.S. presidential election. Imagine that as part of the misinformation campaign a left-leaning FBI official was caught fabricating evidence against an associate of this Republican candidate and that even after conviction the left-leaning FBI criminal was not sentenced to even a single day in prison and the story was largely ignored by left-leaning journalists. What would it do to our politics if to this day millions of voters believed the false claim that the Republican candidate had colluded with Russia and millions more voters remained infuriated because they knew the collusion tale was false? Then imagine that when this candidate ran for re-election, many of the same left-leaning media outlets fell for his left-leaning opponent’s false claim of ignorance about foreign enrichment schemes, and this false claim was supported by CIA contractors falsely suggesting that evidence of the scheme was also from Russia. Now imagine that it worked so well that the opponent persuaded much of the media industry to suppress true stories about millions of dollars of foreign money flowing into his family’s accounts.

It truly is a fascinating thought experiment. Perhaps such a scenario is not as likely as a cognitively impaired but left-leaning president being protected by a phalanx of friendly media folk. Imagine if, instead of reporting on the full extent of his impairment, newspaper editors chose to cast him as a solemn and serene figure embarking on perhaps the most productive period of his political career.

As fanciful as these possibilities may seem, we should always be on guard against people using the fact that the Russian regime is a malignant force in the world to spread falsehoods about Americans who choose to participate in politics, and to use the Russian threat as a pretext to infringe on the rights of American citizens and influence our elections.

Also today in the New York Times, Julian Barnes, Glenn Thrush and Steven Lee Myers report:

The United States plans to unveil indictments on Wednesday that accuse Russia of trying to influence the election in November by using its state-run media to push divisive messages and misinformation, according to U.S. officials.

The indictments are part of a larger federal effort to push back on the Kremlin’s effort to influence the vote. The Treasury Department is set to announce a set of sanctions on Wednesday, and the State Department is set to announce new actions against Russians involved in election influence efforts.

U.S. officials have been stepping up their warnings about Russian election influence efforts. American spy agencies have assessed that the Kremlin favors former President Donald J. Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris in the November contest, seeing him as more skeptical of U.S. support for Ukraine.

The Justice Department and the F.B.I. have been investigating a handful of Americans accused of knowingly spreading false Kremlin narratives. But officials have emphasized they are not aiming to curb free speech.

Have the Justice Department and the FBI given us any reason to believe that last sentence?

As for the Times, they may wish to consider the possibility that misinformation has been coming from the left for more than a few weeks.


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Chris Wallace uses Dennis Quaid movie to attack DJT
« Reply #4215 on: September 05, 2024, 01:44:41 PM »
Of course he doesn't ask what RR would think of Joe Biden or Harris but only that that he thinks Reagan  would be appalled by Trump.

I wonder what JFK would think of Biden or Harris?

No thoughts on that from the Trump hating weasel .


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Pardon me? Among the questions MSM haven't asked Kamala Harris
« Reply #4216 on: September 05, 2024, 03:24:29 PM »
"Historians believe the controversy (pardoning Nixon) was one of the major reasons President Gerald Ford lost the 1976 presidential election, an observation with which Ford agreed."

Shane, Scott (December 29, 2006). "For Ford, Pardon Decision Was Always Clear-Cut". The New York Times. p. A1.

Journo-lists must be just clamoring to ask Kamala, will she pardon Biden?  Will she pardon Joe?  Will she pardon Hunter?  Will joe pardon Hunter?

Besides that she takes and answers no questions, our 'mainstream' news media suffer from a deplorable lack of curiosity.

Don't we all know, the deal has already been made.


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Bash admits Harris avoided answer
« Reply #4217 on: September 09, 2024, 08:50:53 AM »

Actually, there were many topics she really avoided.

" Sometimes, in my experience in doing interviews, is that once you ask once, fine. Twice, fine. Three times, if you don’t get a clear answer, that’s kind of your answer," Bash responded. "

ccp - Funny how we don't get treated that way in interviews.

"Bash said. "A lot of liberals are like, ‘Oh, you’re asking Republican talking points,’ but that’s like a fundamental question, that if I’m a swing voter, I want to know the answer to"

ccp - I notice incessantly now.  Everything fact about the failures of Biden/Harris is now labelled by LEFT wing MSM
not that it is a truth or an established fact but only fodder for the [evil, dasterdly] Rs.

Anyone else noticed this?

That is how they (the LEFT) labels every criticism of Harris now.


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Kelly Goes Off on Debate Moderators
« Reply #4218 on: September 11, 2024, 01:02:25 AM »


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« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 06:09:32 AM by DougMacG »


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Chris Wallace
« Reply #4220 on: September 11, 2024, 06:45:36 AM »
speaking of the most Left radical marxist person we ever had as a major party candidate whose whole convention was about race he says this:

Wallace also paid tribute to how Harris “very powerfully” highlighted she is “the candidate of change and we need to turn the page from a decade of division and polarization.”


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Media, Ministry of Truth, Silence of the Lambs
« Reply #4221 on: September 11, 2024, 03:01:25 PM »
Thanks for the post of Harris lies that were not corrected by the pretend moderators (political operatives) that felt quite free to express opinions and observations on Trump.  I wanted to make a list but I really don't want to go over the transcript of this debacle.

Further on what we did not hear, there were topics not asked.   I'm not ready with a complete lost but here are a few that come to mind:

National Debt at $35 Trillion, INTEREST ON THE DEBT DOUBLED UNDER BIDEN HARRIS.  We spend 38% more than we take in. Can't someone concoct a question about that?

By some measure China is having the biggest 'peacetime' surge in arsenal in the history of the globe.  They are now the second largest economy in the world (if not first).  They were caught with spies infiltrated into Diane Feinstein, Swallwell?, Gov Hochul's office, where else?  They keep our products off their shelves.  Undermine our efforts around the world.  Threaten their neighbors, committing acts of war. They openly threaten to take neighboring Taiwan by force.  Can't come up with a question about that?

How about a Commander in Chief question?  What does the US military force look like under your administration?  What are the top threats, in your view?  How will you persuade forces like Russia, China, Hamas, Iran, Houthi not to attack neighbors, allies and US interests?

How about taxpayer funding of gender change operations for foreigners here illegally?

That sounds like an area of difference that touches on at least 3 subjects.

Nothing to question there??

A 'deplorable lack of curiosity'.

Instead they asked about climate change when Kamala already conceded she was going to expand the use of fossil fuels.  Wind and solar, after all the subsidy are still supplying less than 2.5% of our energy.  What differences did they hope to uncover there?

And blackness?  "How did you feel when he questioned your race identity?"  Were your feelings hurt? 

If those are the issues of the day, we live in quite peaceful and prosperous times?

I disagree.


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A Unicorn Finds a Keyboard
« Reply #4222 on: September 12, 2024, 06:00:21 AM »
Dear me, Time actually issues a correction 'fessing up that a Trump "lie" wasn't:, Sept. 11
The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump's statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

BBG again: "detained immigrant?" Time, you can't help yourself, can you?


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photo of man carrying dead duck in Ohio
« Reply #4223 on: September 12, 2024, 06:23:12 AM »

Just because the police did not see it, or wanted to deny it does not make it false.

For goodness sakes,  who would or could even come up with such a story if not true?

The LEFT - where is the proof ?

what is that in the image in the posted article above?


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NYT Issues Correction, YES SHE DID!
« Reply #4224 on: September 13, 2024, 07:33:46 AM »
New York Times Correction, Sept. 11

The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

Readers of the forum already knew that.  NYT didn't. Will they ever come out of their bubble?

After the 2016 election result perplexed them, as none of them knew anyone who voted for Trump, the famous Rush Limbaugh said the NYT was sending "foreign correspondents" out to the heartland to find out what happened.

But in fact, the NYT didn't care then or now what the people in the heartland were thinking.

By the way, "detained immigrants"??  Is that the new label?  Is that what Ukraine calls Russian forces captured while attacking Kiev, detained immigrants?  Do they get free essential gender change surgery free in detention, healthcare is a human right you know...

What a world we live in.  NYT is supposed to be the most respected newspaper.  What happened?


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« Last Edit: September 13, 2024, 07:15:25 PM by DougMacG »


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ABC Again Dishonestly Shills for Harris
« Reply #4226 on: September 15, 2024, 09:28:57 AM »
Takes a question asked of her, drops the rambling response, and instead splices in a different answer:


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listened to Dan Bongino's podcast Friday night
« Reply #4227 on: September 15, 2024, 10:00:10 AM »
For anyone who needs some cheering up this guy can do it.

Plus, he is a riot.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4228 on: September 15, 2024, 03:31:03 PM »


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Scott Jennings
« Reply #4232 on: September 17, 2024, 06:34:14 AM »

He is the hen in the coyote den.

I can only wonder how poorly he is treated by his, ahem, colleagues, behind the scenes.

Chris Wallace is may be waiting behind the curtain with a shiv........

I wonder how long he can last before he is quietly removed.


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ABC is a Disgrace, False Fact Check
« Reply #4233 on: September 18, 2024, 04:19:23 AM »

[Doug]  They should not fact check in real time.  Others can do that.  But if they do that, they had better damn well get it right - and do it to both sides - and they didn't.

GOP should have made clear in advance, screw this up and you will never get a GOP debate, guest of viewer ever again.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4234 on: September 21, 2024, 07:25:56 PM »
News from the memes of the week, David Muir has accepted a second debate with Donald Trump.

One more here, this is pretty good :
« Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 07:33:49 PM by DougMacG »


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Media, Ministry of Truth, David Muir, ABC Ratings Plunge
« Reply #4235 on: September 24, 2024, 06:15:45 AM »
I hope nothing happens to that fine network they have there...

They keep losing market share and respond by narrowing their market further.  I won't be getting my news from him or her ever again.

I might also stop buying Taylor Swift records.    :wink:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2024, 07:07:46 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4237 on: September 24, 2024, 12:30:20 PM »
Fk.    :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4238 on: September 24, 2024, 12:42:21 PM »
Trump will have to get in there and find way to revoke or reverse this.


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« Reply #4239 on: September 24, 2024, 06:53:02 PM »
You know all those polls the MSM tout? They are no more unbiased or accurate than the rest of the MSM:


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Re: Soros to get his hands on 200 radio stations
« Reply #4240 on: September 25, 2024, 06:24:53 AM »
If FCC can get done before January, as they are "fast tracking " the approval:

Talk about "state control of the media", we already know the agencies and Big Tech collude to censor and put out messages and narrative favorable to them.

From the article:
"The FCC decision came after a partisan vote with the commission’s three Democrats voting for the move while the two Republicans voted against it."

Can we please put the 'uniparty' bullshit into the ash heap of history.  Election results matter.  We are literally giving away our freedom of speech - without amending the (former?) constitution.


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margaret hoover certainly does *ambush* bill o'reilly
« Reply #4241 on: September 27, 2024, 07:54:06 AM »

TDS great granddaughter of Herbert Hoover is totally annoying - again.

Also has some covert slurs about Presidential character.

I suppose lying about you health for yrs and having a cabal cover it up for yrs is not a character issue.   :roll:

I don't recall this so called "republican" EVER say anything that disparages Democrats in the past 4 yrs.  Ever.
She only goes after Trump and the party of "today".

O'Reilly states he is an independent but surely he does not like Biden.  He recognizes Trump's shortcomings but he would certainly say there is no question his policies are better than the crats policies.

Hoover of course only focuses on Trump's personality.


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SNL Mocks Trump Assassination Attempts
« Reply #4242 on: September 29, 2024, 09:48:43 AM »

They mocked both sides last night but there is a difference when the writers all support one side - with an election underway.


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NYT endorses Harris
« Reply #4243 on: September 30, 2024, 11:29:49 AM »
even though many voters want to know about her "sparse" information on policies.

Yet the NYT does what it has done for 68 yrs - endorse the crat.

The good news - no one cares about the NYT endorsement.


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Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; Another 3 against 1 debate
« Reply #4244 on: October 02, 2024, 05:11:02 AM »
CBS showed their bias in the selecting and framing of nearly every question, all but the one where they called out one lie of so many made by Tim Walz. No mention that it is a pattern.

Other than that, everything was aimed at advancing the Dem agenda.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media
« Reply #4245 on: October 02, 2024, 06:03:37 AM »
And was not the last topic/question/or DNC point about 1/6?

Of course.

Will you except the election results.

Of course everyone from DC to Beijing investigated the election and NOT one found "proof" of cheating.

Do you NOW say Trump lost the '20 election ?  Do you !  Do you say it now!

[we need a headline for tomorrow to bash you and Trump over the skull with]

----------- Conversely I don't think I heard:

Did they ask Waltz :

Do you now admit Biden was not fit for office for a long time and it was covered up by Harris et al?

Do you admit Afghanistan was the greatest military blunder since Pickett's charge?

Do you admit the border is wide open!

Do you admit that phony "bipartisan" bill would have done nothing to stem the flood of illegals coming into this country it would only expedite their as you say "processing" into a more orderly fashion..
« Last Edit: October 02, 2024, 06:06:59 AM by ccp »


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CBS this AM called their own debate "dull"
« Reply #4246 on: October 02, 2024, 06:55:45 AM »

In other words nothing to see here move along and next up Harris is going to NC read the endless headlines and as Doug noted with TV dinners.

I do think it somewhat crazy that the candidates vying to be the first to visit the flood zone as a means to get the 6th grade gold star.

Trump should have had Elon fly him there by rocket ship to make a daring and glorious landing with one of his rockets loaded with water, food and Trumpy bears.

I don't agree a President has to dash to a disaster zone every time to make some sort of point.

I think phone calls are good enough but these days it is all about the headline photo op.


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Expert Calls Out Debate Moderators Lies
« Reply #4247 on: October 03, 2024, 10:19:41 AM »
The CBS vice presidential debate moderators, Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan, tried to tie Hurricane Helene to “climate change” and pressured both Republican JD Vance and Democrat Tim Walz to endorse government climate action. But “the notion that this is a man-made or -enhanced or -caused weather event is just without a foundation,” Milloy explained.

[Doug]  In what other sport do the referees where the uniform of one of the teams?

Milloy, a Senior E&E Institute Legal Fellow and former Trump EPA Transition Team Member, insisted that there’s “been no increase in strong hurricanes. There's been no increase in the frequency of hurricanes. The sort of storm that hit the Big Bend of Florida has happened before.” Indeed, as of Jan. 2023, data indicated major hurricanes were becoming less frequent.

In terms of “observational data,” Milloy continued, the theory that “emissions have somehow warmed the ocean water is completely faulty, because it's physically impossible for the atmosphere to warm the ocean. So it's impossible for emissions to warm the ocean.” While Helene “may be a record weather event … that's not really going to be unexpected, because we've been through a pretty extraordinary past year, which is not explainable by emissions. It was an El Nino year. There are other factors.” Helene wasn’t caused or intensified by human actions.

Alarmists assert storms are “made more likely by climate change. I have no idea what they're talking about,” Milloy told me. “Storms have always happened. They always will happen. The ocean water … has warmed recently. But once again, the atmosphere cannot warm the ocean.” Rather, “the primary warmer of the ocean is the sun, and the other is [that] water can be warmed from beneath. That's probably how El Nino has developed. So both of these things are natural, have nothing to do with humans.”

Milloy cited an “ironic” article he found from last year saying people were moving to Asheville, NC, which has since been devastated by Helene, “because they thought it would be … safe climate wise. And of course, you know, climate is a ridiculous reason to do anything. They should have been thinking about the weather.” After all, “those mountains get storms,” Milloy pointed out, “it's a flood-prone area. And this time they got a really big one, and no one was ready for it, because I guess they're imagining that emissions are a problem.”

When you make decisions based on what climate alarmists say, disaster is sure to follow; not a single climate doom prophecy has come true in many decades.

Trump’s VP pick Sen. JD Vance showed last night he doesn’t know as much as a professional about climate, Milloy added, but “I thought he did a fine job yesterday in terms of carbon dioxide. Yes, of course, carbon dioxide is plant food. And, you know, despite all the hysteria of the past, how long has it been — 36 years now — about emissions … ‘wreaking havoc on the planet’. I mean, there's really no scientific evidence of that.”

It has been repeatedly illustrated that “the climate models don't work. That's been proven again this past year,” Milloy concluded. “No climate alarmist prediction has ever come true. They can't demonstrate that emissions are really having any effects on anything other than maybe they're helping the planet get greener, which means there's more life.” Obviously, “we need plant growth, because that's where we get our food from.”

[Doug]  If you buy the full CO2 causation theory, it still doesn't follow that stricter rules on Americans that drive economic activity like drilling, mining and manufacturing to places without those restrictions have any positive effect on global emissions or climate.


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Vivek on climate change
« Reply #4248 on: October 03, 2024, 10:33:41 AM »
I think he was guest on O'Reilly or Kelly
but his take on climate change succinct and on target:

Climate change IS real

Whether due to man is not proven but does seem to correlate.

Whether having anything to do with carbon dioxide in atmosphere IS NOT clear at all since very little of the atmosphere is composed of CO2.

But there  are benefits to warmer climate and CO2 as well as problems.

Do the benefits outweigh or cancel out the downsides?

NO ONE knows.

He does not think that completely wiping out our energy supply on a hunch makes any sense at all.

Sounds more reasonable to me.
Better then screaming Climate Change is "hoax" when many Americans ARE worried about it and we need those votes.