A takedown of European oligarchs in the wake of Vance’s speech:
I told you we were coming to save Europe. Yesterday, Politico ran a shocking story headlined, “Vance brings a wrecking ball to diplomatic gathering in Munich.” It described Vice-President Wrecking Ball’s speech yesterday at the annual Munich Security Conference, which is like Davos for European security policy. My first thought was, the headline should have been, “United States Has a Vice President Who Can Give a Coherent Speech.” I mean, Vance didn’t even mention the passage of time once.
CLIP: Vance roasts Europeans at their annual military-industrial security conference (18:45).
If you prefer, read Vance’s remarkable “wrecking ball” address for yourself, courtesy of the UK Spectator (and only the Spectator), which published the full transcript headlined, “Read: J.D. Vance’s full speech on the decline of Europe.”
The attendees probably expected something different from last year’s speech by Kamala Harris, ahem, but I bet they never expected this. Instead of the usual dish of asiatic fearmongering—Russia, Russia, Russia, with a side of China, China, China—Vance flipped the script and served them something they’d never tasted: bitter truth.
Vance informed the shocked EU delegates, “the threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor. What I worry about most is the threat from within.”
You could practically hear the shocked and deeply offended gasps when he explicitly named Europe’s elites as the real security risk—not Putin, not Xi, but the unelected bureaucrats, the censors, the election tamperers, and the speech police inside their own governments.
Vance came with receipts: he cited example after example of European attacks on free speech and free elections. He mentioned people arrested for silent prayer outside abortion clinics, those jailed for complaining about uncontrolled migration, free elections overturned on thin evidence of “Russian interference,” and of course, all the recent anguish over Elon Musk’s support for a particular populist political party in Germany.
Europe’s leaders love to label their critics as threats to democracy—but democracy’s biggest threat is Europe’s leaders.
Effeminate EU officials rushed to protest Vance’s claims, but the protests only proved the claims were true. Europe’s anti-democratic tailspin is well-known. For example, consider just one headline from the New York Times, published a year ago:
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In other words, Vance scolded the astonished audience that, regarding security threats to Europe, the call is coming from inside the house. More simply: they threaten Europe’s security, not Russia, not China, not “disinformation” or even “misinformation.” The real threat is a bloated bureaucracy that silences speech, politicians who erase elections, and entrenched elites terrified by their own electorate.
Vance shattered their safe, sacrosanct security narrative, by pointing out what was obvious to everyone except the effete officials in the room: Europe’s biggest crisis isn’t coming from Moscow or Beijing—it’s coming from Brussels, Berlin, and London. The bureaucrats, censors, and election meddlers masquerading as defenders of democracy are the ones actually dismantling freedom— with rusty pliers.
🔥 Vance’s Munich roast has set the continent aflame. “No one is talking about anything else,” a senior Eastern European official told Politico. A former senior U.S. diplomat told the paper, “It could be this is the one wake-up call that actually wakes Europe up.”
A former House Democratic staffer attending the conference whined, “It’s not Russia influencing your elections, you are? He was blaming the victim.” He added, incredulous, “What the f—k was that? I had my mouth open in a room full of people with their mouth open.” German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius grumbled, “If I understood him correctly, he is comparing parts of Europe with authoritarian regimes. This is not acceptable.”
Boris Pistorius overlooked the dripping irony of labeling Vance’s free-speech diatribe as unacceptable speech. A self-own.
Just as Trump has thrown the U.S.’s Deep State and its Democrat operatives into disarray, he is now dismantling, disrupting, and destabilizing Europe’s pampered political class. In a single week, Trump’s team told a gaping-mouthed Europe that: your proxy war is over, your free military protection is about to expire, your trade scam is up, and, brace yourselves—Washington now considers you a bigger threat to democracy than Russia or China.
The Financial Times, Thursday:
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A wrecking ball, indeed.
🔥 In the wake of the week’s events, the European continent lies reeling in political, economic, and military disarray. An astonished Carnegie commentary published yesterday observed, “Europe finds itself at a watershed moment in its modern history, facing both a disruptive autocracy in Russia and an ally-turned-bully in the United States.”
They lack options, and it’s their own fault. Russia sanctions made the EU more dependent on the United States than perhaps at any time in history.
Now, Europe is trapped—with no good choices and no way out. Before 2022, Russia was Europe’s primary energy supplier, providing nearly 40% of its natural gas and a significant amount of its oil. But the EU giddily embraced sanctions and sneeringly severed its Russian imports, leading to a predictable energy crisis with skyrocketing prices.
So the U.S. stepped in with LNG (liquefied natural gas) exports, becoming Europe’s largest gas supplier practically overnight.
To make matters worse, Biden’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) didn’t just create inflation—it also gutted Europe’s economy, luring EU industries to America with massive subsidies. The IRA offered $369 billion in subsidies and tax credits for green energy, electric vehicles, and advanced manufacturing—but only if produced in America.
The rush from Europe to the New World was on.
We never heard about it, but some European leaders vainly complained at the time. Headline from Le Monde, 2022:
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The IRA was marketed as an “Inflation Reduction” bill, but functioned as a massive industrial heist—with Washington poaching Europe’s factories, capital, and jobs while hapless EU leaders stood around with their hands in their silk-lined pockets. It wasn’t great here either, but Biden’s IRA deindustrialized Europe.
But Putin. If the EU had set out to sabotage itself, it couldn’t have done a better job.
Now, President Trump is weaponizing NATO and the fruits of Biden’s IRA against the EU. Best of all, it can’t blame us. Europe walked into its own trap—crippled by its own sanctions, willfully blindsided by our new “bullying” leadership, and left defenseless by its own weakness.
Where can Europe go for sympathy? Nowhere. It will have to do whatever President Trump wants.
🔥 Lest anyone experience the temptation to any sympathy for our European cousins, let us now recall Europe’s role in the RussiaGate operation—a true act of election interference, if not a coordinated coup to overthrow America’s democratically elected goverment.
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The so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence network—the combined deep states of the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—played a central role in fabricating and amplifying the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. British intelligence was involved from the start, with former MI6 agent Christopher Steele authoring the now-debunked Steele Dossier, which falsely painted Trump as a Russian asset using literally unbelievable tall tales like the so-called “pee tapes.”
Meanwhile, British-aligned Australian diplomat Alexander Downer conveniently “overheard” a drunken George Papadopoulos in a London bar, ran to U.S. authorities, and—just like that—Crossfire Hurricane was born.
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It wasn’t just the U.K. and Australia. Italy hosted the mysterious Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, the operative who fed Papadopoulos the now-infamous claim that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton. At every stage, foreign intelligence agencies—mostly European—conspired with Trump-deranged operatives in Washington to roll it all up into a giant ball of destabilizing chaos: they laundered lies into investigations, inflated investigations into illegal spying, spun spying into double impeachments, and zoomed the impeachments into a zombie horde of criminal prosecutions.
Europe didn’t just interfere in America’s election—they actively fabricated the mechanism fueling a soft coup against our elected president.
I assume you remember these inexcusable events. Regardless, I can assure you that President Trump hasn’t forgotten. Europe’s daring attempt to destroy our government ripped the mask off the greatest fraud going: neither of our “real enemies” Russia and China tried to overthrow our government like our “real allies” the Europeans did.
Not Iran. Not North Korea. Europe.
At unimaginable personal and political cost, Trump learned the hard truth that the Deep State is distracting us with the wrong enemies. Our real enemies aren’t in Moscow and Beijing. Our real enemies are in Brussels, Berlin, and London. Russia and China are Europe’s enemies. We were never co-strategists. We were never allies. We were just pawns. Pawns in Europe’s game of “let’s you and him fight.”
Now, the coup-plotting Europeans are about to learn an even harder lesson: America knows what you did.
And this time, as America defends herself —ensuring this never happens again— she will also, once again, rescue Europe’s innocent citizens from the Continent’s creeping authoritarianism.
As JD Vance warned Munich’s élites yesterday, “There’s a new sheriff in town.” Let freedom ring.