Author Topic: Environmental issues  (Read 363887 times)


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #650 on: March 31, 2023, 07:33:54 AM »
Williams and his colleagues compared the current drought to seven other megadroughts between the 800s and 1500s that lasted between 23 years and 30 years.

also man made : Indians burning wood cooking Buffalo meat
and millions of buffalo farting on the open plains



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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #651 on: March 31, 2023, 08:20:24 AM »
I'm having a good time razzing someone with that 2022 drought article.


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #652 on: March 31, 2023, 09:16:53 AM »
I'm having a good time razzing someone with that 2022 drought article.

There was snow falling on the Strip yesterday. Was that Trump’s fault?


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Yosemite fire
« Reply #654 on: June 18, 2023, 09:37:14 AM »
MSM :    CLIMATE CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!!


so reality is :   CLIMATE CHANGE !!!!!!!!!!!

and no further peep from the LEFT
 wing pravs


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2nd post today: Canadian fires
« Reply #655 on: June 18, 2023, 11:09:55 AM »


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Fink will continue ESG in a lower profile
« Reply #657 on: June 27, 2023, 06:33:28 AM »

"BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said Sunday he no longer uses the term “ESG” when talking of investing, lamenting it has become politicized."

but lets be sure - he will do it anyway

just not talk of it.

Obama style


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #658 on: June 27, 2023, 07:04:20 AM »
"ESG when talking of investing, lamenting it has become politicized."

Is he kidding.  ESG is nothing but political!  More like 'woke' etc, he means it's not polling so well in the aftermath of extreme Leftist overreach.

'Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), also known as environmental, social, governance, is an approach to investing that recommends taking environmental issues, social issues and governance issues into account when deciding which companies to invest in.'

We used to have another acronym for investing, ROI, return on investment.  Investing scarce resources to their most valuable use - for the good of society.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2023, 07:06:58 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Fink will continue ESG in a lower profile
« Reply #659 on: June 27, 2023, 07:09:06 AM »

"BlackRock CEO Larry Fink said Sunday he no longer uses the term “ESG” when talking of investing, lamenting it has become politicized."

but lets be sure - he will do it anyway

just not talk of it.

Obama style


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65 yo died in Death Valley
« Reply #660 on: July 06, 2023, 10:48:51 AM »
in early JULY ! ,

due to temperatures "levels that are considered high even for the notoriously hot park."

not news   :roll:
not "climate change"  :roll:

psst : it is called Death Valley (named during the 1849 California gold rush) for a reason.

but gen z reading this is impressionable obviously

I drove thru DV and it was 110 ; walked up the sand dunes
and drank water by the quart. had large water container in back trunk in rental car


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« Last Edit: July 17, 2023, 01:44:41 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Environmental issues, Who knew?9
« Reply #663 on: July 30, 2023, 06:27:48 PM »

CO2 may not be the main determinant of temperature.

Readers here, if any, have known this for decades.

CO2, after all the increases, comprises a 0.0004 * component of the atmosphere, and is an inefficient retainer of heat.

 *  400 parts per million, do the math.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 06:34:02 PM by DougMacG »


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John Stossel : fake Climate Crises
« Reply #664 on: August 09, 2023, 10:51:44 AM »

reminds of fake trans
                fake racism
                fake gay
                fake abortion
                fake indictments

all becomes a name recognition and money industry


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7 "proofs" IPCC is wrong
« Reply #665 on: September 06, 2023, 05:36:25 PM »
(Doug). I don't know that he has it exactly right, but he is closer to the truth than they are.


CO2 flows through the atmosphere as water flows through your bathtub.
Half-life is how long it takes for the level to decrease by half with no inflow.
IPCC’s core theory:

(a) Natural CO2 stayed constant at 280 ppm after 1750.
(b) Human CO2 caused all the CO2 increase above 280 ppm, or 140 ppm today.
(c) This theory makes human CO2 33% of today’s CO2 level of 420 ppm.
(d) Human CO2 half-life is 1000 years.
Here are seven proofs (not opinions) that show IPCC’s core theory is false.

IPCC argues, “Nature absorbs human CO2. So, nature cannot also emit CO2. So, human CO2 increased CO2.” This circular argument assumes (a) is true to prove (a) is true.

Natural CO2 and human CO2 flow independently through the atmosphere. When at equilibrium, the percent of human CO2 in the atmosphere equals the percent of human CO2 in the CO2 inflow, which IPCC says is about 5%. So, human CO2 is about 5% (or 20 ppm), not 33% (or 140 ppm) as IPCC’s core theory claims.

IPCC data show the natural CO2 half-life is 2.4 years. Human CO2 half-life cannot be 1000 years because human and natural CO2 molecules are identical, so their half-lives are identical, or 2.4 years. To get 1000 years, IPCC needs a fictitious magic demon to trap human CO2 and let natural CO2 go free.   

Human CO2 has added only 1% to the
total carbon in the carbon cycle, which adds only 4 ppm to the CO2 level. So, there is no climate emergency.

(D14C + 1000) measures the carbon-14 in a sample of carbon-12. The natural level of (D14C + 1000) is 1000. Human CO2 has no carbon-14, so it lowers D14C. If human CO2 were 33% of CO2, it would lower (D14C + 1000) from 1000 to 666. But (D14C + 1000) is still 1000. This proves human CO2 is insignificant to the CO2 increase.

Human CO2 cannot have caused the CO2 increase before 1955 because the sum of all human CO2 emissions before 1955 is less than the CO2 increase above 280 ppm.

The COVID-caused 20% decrease in human CO2 emissions did not slow the steady increase in atmospheric CO2 because natural CO2 causes the CO2 increase.

(Doug)  Another "proof", none of their models, forecasts or predictions have been accurate.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2023, 05:43:15 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #666 on: September 07, 2023, 08:14:49 AM »
"HOTTEST YEAR ON RECORD!!!!!" in drudgereport

I guess if one puts more and more  thermometer around every square around the globe mile one can determine the hottest spot on record
the more you look the more you find at some point.


Tonga eruption last yr will push temps up for ~ 5 yrs


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let me get this straight
« Reply #667 on: September 09, 2023, 10:16:12 AM »
Jimmy Buffett
died of skin cancer

caused by climate change!


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lithium deposit in Nevada-Oregon
« Reply #668 on: September 11, 2023, 05:55:14 AM »
I thought the Climate people would be estatic.
Huge lithium find which could reshape global politics - does not that sound like good news for the EV greens.

But wait - still bad news -

Lithium could leak into the soil.
extraction emits huge CO2 so NOT GOOD!   :roll: :roll:

funny , I never read this was a negative when getting from China or Bolivia

but if in the state of Oregon well thats a different story!

another example of libs telling others what to do as long as it does not hamper them.


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Re: lithium deposit in Nevada-Oregon
« Reply #669 on: September 11, 2023, 06:23:38 AM »
A world-beating deposit of lithium along the Nevada–Oregon border could meet surging demand for this metal, according to a new analysis. An estimated 20 to 40 million tonnes of lithium metal lie within a volcanic crater formed around 16 million years ago. This is notably larger than the lithium deposits found beneath a Bolivian salt flat, previously considered the largest deposit in the world. ‘If you believe their back-of-the-envelope estimation, this is a very, very significant deposit of lithium,’ says Anouk Borst, a geologist at KU Leuven University and the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium. ‘It could change the dynamics of lithium globally, in terms of price, security of supply and geopolitics.’ New in situ analysis reveals that an unusual claystone, composed of the mineral illite, contains 1.3% to 2.4% of lithium in the volcanic crater. This is almost double the lithium present in the main lithium-bearing clay mineral, magnesium smectite, which is more common than illite. (Sources:,


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« Reply #671 on: September 26, 2023, 06:18:02 AM »




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Protestors of Pete B.
« Reply #673 on: October 13, 2023, 12:17:55 PM »
by ~ one dozen climate radicals :

he is not woke enough for them. 

my God .


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Re: Protestors of Pete B.
« Reply #674 on: October 13, 2023, 09:21:39 PM »
by ~ one dozen climate radicals :

he is not woke enough for them. 

my God .

Indeed, CCP! I think it’s pretty damn funny his lame ass is not only absent from work handling house hubby duties, but also his henpecked (roosterpecked? Or perhaps cockpecked?) fanny was so easily run off. Clearly in full possession of an indomitable spirit. Or something.


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no warming since 2015 this claims
« Reply #675 on: October 14, 2023, 09:18:02 AM »
Honestly, I do not know who to believe anymore.

I still feel the best Republican response should be not to ignore as most do, but to acknowledge the possibility of it and it needs to be monitored and addressed at some level but to point out destroying the fossil fuel industry is NOT the answer.

I have seen some shows like NOVA who do present convincing evidence there is change with the theory that man's behavior is the best explanation.


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Re: no warming since 2015 this claims
« Reply #676 on: October 14, 2023, 01:08:36 PM »
I think you have the wrong link there but the point is made.  Not knowing who to believe is probably the most intelligent view out there.

I believe reported warming is 2 1/2 to 7 times overstated (but still real) and we don't know what portion of the rest is human caused (but some part is) and we don't know what portion of that is from CO2 emissions (maybe less than a half of a half of a half).
"the NOAA “Global Land and Ocean” temperature data from 2015 to 2022 do show a slight drop in average annual surface temperatures after 2016,"
Either side can pick starting and ending points on a jagged line and make some point.  "Adjusted data" makes it all worse.  Dishonestly adjusted data.

Water vapor is trapping more heat than CO2. 

Other molecules are more efficient at trapping heat (than CO2):,than%20any%20other%20greenhouse%20gas.

Trapping heat is what makes life possible on earth.

Ask this one question of any alarmist or scientist:
After all these emissions, how many parts per hundred or per thousand to the nearest whole number is the CO2 concentration in the air right now?  (It rounds to zero)

If CO2 levels ever hit zero, all life as we know it would cease to exist.

All that said, I agree.  We should speak openly about humans not screwing up the climate and have a better plan than them for reducing CO2 emissions.  That answer keeps coming back to nuclear, not solar, not wind, not batteries.

It's so obvious that even liberals are seeing it, cf. Bill, Gates, Michael Shellenberger, even the Democrats included (2020) it in their platform for the first time in 48 years, and didn't do it.  How about we make that happen.


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #677 on: October 14, 2023, 10:20:21 PM »

thanks for correcting the link



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Re: no warming since 2015 this claims
« Reply #678 on: October 14, 2023, 11:34:36 PM »
I think you have the wrong link there but the point is made.  Not knowing who to believe is probably the most intelligent view out there.

I believe reported warming is 2 1/2 to 7 times overstated (but still real) and we don't know what portion of the rest is human caused (but some part is) and we don't know what portion of that is from CO2 emissions (maybe less than a half of a half of a half).
"the NOAA “Global Land and Ocean” temperature data from 2015 to 2022 do show a slight drop in average annual surface temperatures after 2016,"
Either side can pick starting and ending points on a jagged line and make some point.  "Adjusted data" makes it all worse.  Dishonestly adjusted data.

Water vapor is trapping more heat than CO2. 

Other molecules are more efficient at trapping heat (than CO2):,than%20any%20other%20greenhouse%20gas.

Trapping heat is what makes life possible on earth.

Ask this one question of any alarmist or scientist:
After all these emissions, how many parts per hundred or per thousand to the nearest whole number is the CO2 concentration in the air right now?  (It rounds to zero)

If CO2 levels ever hit zero, all life as we know it would cease to exist.

All that said, I agree.  We should speak openly about humans not screwing up the climate and have a better plan than them for reducing CO2 emissions.  That answer keeps coming back to nuclear, not solar, not wind, not batteries.

It's so obvious that even liberals are seeing it, cf. Bill, Gates, Michael Shellenberger, even the Democrats included (2020) it in their platform for the first time in 48 years, and didn't do it.  How about we make that happen.

The utter lack of context is what annoys me about the alarmist side of the argument. EVERY biological process impacts its environment, with some doing so in an accumulative matter that can lead to a major impact. Yeast, for instance, poisons its own environment when converting sugar to alcohol, to the point it poisons its own environment and kills itself. Ants are everywhere; what are their major impacts on the planet? They must be significant, though likely less than the impact of humans, but it would be an apt talking point if humans had hundred of thousands times or whatever than ants. My guess is alarmist don’t make those sorts of comparisons because contrasting human impacts to that of other creatures puts things in a context that doesn’t serve their ends.

Other natural/geologic processes are just about always ignored. As shown here, there are a lot of current active volcanos, with a super volcano in Italy perhaps getting ready to have a major eruption:

One is the biggest eruptions in this century, is one of the first that had modern instruments on site throughout its eruption, among other firsts:

It is throwing and outgassing millions, likely, of tons af ash, lava, sulfur dioxide, et al, but we are not hearing much about it because no aspect of its current activity can be bent to serve the alarmist agenda. On the other hand alarmists wasted no time seeking to frame   Kīlauea as some sort of environmental catastrophe mostly due to the fires, which were mostly due to human mismanagement, which was mostly a result of various “green”/“Progressive” decision makers embracing stupid decisions.

My guess is if you were to you were to lay the output of Tonga and Hawaii volcanos side by side the latter would prove to be small spuds by orders of magnitude, which serves no alarmist end at all. And is you were to calculate the amount of CO2 outgassed by all volcanos in 2023 it date to human output of the same it’d demonstrate that Ma Earth ain’t shy on that front, which decidedly doesn’t serve alarmist ends either.

And so instead we have the constant drumbeat of some awful environmental event being irreversibly summoned due to human activity if we don’t cede our wealth, freedom, and sundry rights to choose to the Davos jet setters as they’ve been demanding for at least four decades while predicting irreversible doom coming our way in a decade or two … that never comes to pass.

So yes, both sides should be held to the same standard and treated with suspicion until able to demonstrate repeatable results among meeting other empiric scientific standards, but feel no guilt at all for taking a dimmer view of the alarmist side as momentous outcomes supported by little more heavily manipulated data invariably presented in an ad hominem frame among numerous other fallacious constructs is about all they shamelessly got.


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Bill Gates Says ‘Brute Force’ Climate Policies Won’t Work
« Reply #679 on: October 18, 2023, 04:46:08 AM »

Bill Gates Says ‘Brute Force’ Climate Policies Won’t Work
See more from our live coverage: Climate Forward Live Event
Bill Gates Says ‘Brute Force’ Climate Policies Won’t Work

Speaking at a live event at The Times Center in New York, the billionaire philanthropist argued for a pragmatic, technology-driven approach to global warming

Sorry, paywall.
Changed his tune.
As recently as February 2021, on Fox News Sunday” Chris Wallace  Bill Gates said:

“The migration that we saw out of Syria for their civil war, which was somewhat weather dependent, we’re going to have 10 times as much migration because the equatorial areas will become unlivable.

“We won’t be able to farm or go outside during the summer.

“Wildfires, even the farming productivity in the south of the U.S. – the droughts – will reduce productivity in the area dramatically.”


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #681 on: October 22, 2023, 06:32:40 PM »
Far out!


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DC Jury, Michael Mann wins $1 million from Mark Steyn?
« Reply #685 on: February 09, 2024, 06:43:33 AM »
Keyword, DC Jury.

Along the lines of things I might be afraid to discuss on the open internet because from what I know the facts are on the side of the people sued and destroyed in our injustice system for thinking and expressing a perfectly valid opinion.  Even if wrong, isn't there a right to be wrong?  I there isn't, aren't liberal leftists in a boatload of litigation risk on nearly every topic?

If altering the data and silencing the critics to publish the intended result and profiting from it in money, grants and prestige isn't "fraudulent", what would be?

If I am reading this right, an appeals court could strike down just the punitive damages for let's say freedom of speech rights and Steyn is out $1.  Plus his health, 12 years of his life and his career.

On the Leftist side of the argument, this trial proves global warming alarmism.  It's been "adjudicated".

On the other side of it, 'our side', how do we get prosecutions, trials and jury selections out of DC and other lopsided jury pools?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2024, 07:38:18 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #686 on: February 09, 2024, 07:31:36 AM »
DC jury


might as well change to DNC jury

they are equal terms


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Environmentalist Tramples Overpopulated Elephant Hunt
« Reply #687 on: April 11, 2024, 01:40:42 PM »
Always amuses me when green weenies allow emotion to get between them and larger environmental issues:

Why Botswana’s President Just Threatened to Send 20,000 Elephants to Germany

Germany's Minister of the Environment has suggested restricting the import of hunting trophies. President Masisi of Botswana had quite the response.

Written by Rachelle Schrute Apr 08, 2024 12:10 p.m. ET

Botswana’s President, Mokgweetsi Masisi, proposed a most unusual export to Germany last week: Elephants — 20,000 of them. The heated offer came in response to comments made earlier by Germany’s Minister of the Environment, Steffi Lemke, who suggested a ban on the import of hunting trophies into the country. Lemke, a leader in the country’s Green Party, cited the possible new restrictions as a way to prevent poaching.

“We would like to offer such a gift to Germany,” Masisi told the German tabloid Bild. “Twenty thousand elephants for Germany, this is not a joke.” Masisi noted that Lemke did not understand the reality of living with a growing population of such a large animal.

“It is very easy to sit in Berlin and have an opinion about our affairs in Botswana. We are paying the price for preserving these animals for the world and even for Lemke’s party,” he said.

According to Masisi, the population of elephants in Botswana has swelled to more than 130,000 due to conservation efforts. It’s estimated that the biological carrying capacity for elephants in the county is only around 60,000.

Masisi went on to explain that elephants were trampling people to death. He explained that the explosion in population has caused serious damage to villages and decimated crops.

In an effort to curb the growing population of elephants in Botswana, the country has offered to send 8,000 elephants to Angola and another 500 to Mozambique.

Trophy Hunting as a Tool of Conservation?

Elephant hunting for sport has been at the center of the trophy hunting debate since the tradition began. Elephants are often personified and cherished because of their intelligence. This, in particular, stirs strong emotions for animal rights activists, such as Save the Elephants.

As the largest land animal, they are quite literally the “elephant in the room” when the discussion of trophy hunting arises.

Conservation efforts have led to a healthy increase in elephant populations in several locations worldwide. Elephant hunting was banned in Botswana in 2014 in an effort to preserve the species, but the ban ended in 2019 amid immense pressure from local communities.

In his interview with Bild, Masisi stated that hunting elephants is vital to the country as an “important means to keep them in check.”

Meanwhile, Germany remains one of the largest importers of hunting trophies in the European Union. In 2023, 26 African elephant trophies were imported to the country. Botswana’s president recently warned that a hunting trophy import ban would amount to “a resurgence of colonial conquests” if it comes to fruition. He hinted at the management of the population, the safety of his people, and the economic value to his communities as being a driver for his push to preserve the hunts.

“I find it unfathomable that you’d be horrified of the protection of ones’ livelihood – rural, poor people, who have allowed 40% of the country to be set aside for conservation – and [sic] when they defend themselves,” Masisi said.

bald eagle
Man Pleads Guilty to Bald Eagle 'Killing Spree,' Co-Defendant Still at Large

A Washington man faces up to 5 years in prison for four felonies, while his co-defendant remains on the run from authorities. Read more…

Hunt & Fish Hunting News Outdoor trophy hunting wildlife management

Rachelle Schrute has been writing about hunting, fishing, and conservation for several years, as well as being a wilderness guide in Yellowstone National Park. Prior to that, Rachelle held leadership positions in multiple conservation organizations and often finds herself testifying in the capitol on topics ranging from wildlife management to habitat protection. Based in Montana, Rachelle is an avid hunter, angler, wild game cook, and professional outdoor napper.


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cO2 Saturation
« Reply #688 on: April 27, 2024, 04:11:14 AM »
At some point more CO2 has little or no additional warming effect.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 02:17:27 PM by DougMacG »


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AOC gets seat on House Energy Committee
« Reply #691 on: January 09, 2025, 06:51:33 AM »

Her svengali left his "chief of staff" position to work with climate change non profit org:

At first glance my reaction to AOC being on any Committee was one of disgust.  But as I think it through perhaps it would not be bad idea to have some fossil fuel "bear" voice on the Committee as opposed to all "bulls".

BTW:   do we have an AOC thread as I could not find one. If not should we :?


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Re: Environmental issues
« Reply #692 on: January 09, 2025, 09:27:02 AM »
I confess I'm not seeing her as anything other than a typical mindless prog who serves as clickbait for our side.


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One season of Fire equals 36 years of emissions savings
« Reply #693 on: January 13, 2025, 01:54:25 PM »
 A UCLA study estimated that California's 2020 fires released twice as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as had been prevented by the previous 18 years of primarily government-enforced restrictions."   - CTUP