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A long national search has resulted in Steven Hayward of Powerline, AEI, Reagan biographer and prolific author etc.  chosen by Univ Colo as their temporary, visiting conservative.

I don't know if this is sad, funny, an admission of guilt or encouraging.   I will go with the latter.   Univ of Colo, was recently the comfortable home of Prof. Ward Churchill [Americans killed on 9/11 deserve their fate because they were participants in the capitalist system.,2933,146031,00.html#ixzz2NcjZ4FUP]  Churchill was fired for research misconduct, not for his outrageous statements.

The campus of 32,000 students and 3,800 tenured and tenure-eligible faculty could use a resident scholar of conservative thought and policy — maybe two or three... A survey conducted at the University of Colorado found only 23 of 825 faculty respondents self-identified as Republicans.

Hayward announces that UC "agreed with my insistence that they not set up a separate “conservative studies” program that would implicitly ratify the separatism (or “ghettoization”) of gender studies, etc.  Instead, I’ll be working in and through the political science department, teaching regular catalogue courses (one of them will be the two-semester sequence of Con Law I & II for undergraduates)."

"it may be that the folks at Colorado see conservative thought and policy as a sort of historical artifact — something that will help students understand why almost all of their professors have embraced progressive ideas and liberal solutions to our personal and social challenges."

"Regrettably, it is likely that Hayward’s classes will become a refuge for conservative students in search of relief from the liberal condescension that rolls effortlessly off the tongues of many faculty members. But liberal students of a truly liberal mind will not be disappointed if they register for a Hayward class. They might be challenged, they might be outraged, but they will not be disappointed. Unfortunately, whatever Colorado accomplishes with this little experiment, it is a blip on the radar screen of the national academy."

This will be interesting to watch.


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Homeschooling: The Empire strikes back
« Reply #51 on: March 20, 2013, 08:54:02 AM »
Homeschooling: The Empire Strikes Back
Published on on March 19, 2013

Click Here To Sign The Petition To Protect Homeschooling!
With over two million children now schooled -- usually quite well -- at home, the education establishment and the teachers unions find themselves leaking students at an alarming rate.  Driven by bad public education, the threat of school violence, and a virtual prohibition against values-based learning in government schools, more and more Americans are taking advantage of their right to homeschool their children.  The very success of their experiences -- as measured by test scores, jobs after graduation, and college admissions -- are violating the fundamental credo of the education hierarchy: That all children must go to schools we run.
Now the Obama Administration is doing the bidding of the union and the establishment by challenging the grant of asylum to a German family that migrated to the United States in order to homeschool their children.  Uniquely in Europe, homeschooling in Germany is illegal and indistinguishable from chronic truancy in the eyes of the authorities.  In order to avoid what German law refers to as a "parallel society", the Fourth Reich seeks to assure that all children are shaped by the same influences in the same classes at the same schools.
The Romeike family didn't see things that way and wanted to homeschool their children.  After harassment, threats, and the prospect of losing custody of their children, they fled to the United States where homeschooling is welcomed.
A Memphis judge approved their request for asylum but the Justice Department -- which does little to stop twelve million people from coming here illegally -- thought the case worthy of their intervention and got the Board of Immigration Appeals to overturn the Memphis decision and order the deportation of the Romeikes.
Through the auspices and intervention of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), the Romeikes are appealing the verdict to the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.  They argue that the right to homeschool is a decision of conscience protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.  These documents all attest to the power of parents to direct the moral and religious education of their children.
But the case goes far deeper than the right of asylum.  Homeschooling is providing an increasingly viable alternative as the ranks of adults with college education increases, the quality of public schools drops or stagnates, and the refusal of government schools to offer any sort of values education.  The number of homeschooled students has risen from 1.5 million in 2007 to over 2 million in 2012 and is growing ever more rapidly.
This movement to protect children on the one hand and our societal values on the other deserves our support and we must stand with those abroad who seek the same right to homeschool we all enjoy.
Please take a moment to sign this petition to urge the Department of Justice to drop its case against the Romeike family and permit them to stay in the U.S. to homeschool their children.


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Prager: Free breakfasts anothe destructive progressive idea
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2013, 08:05:31 AM »

Free Breakfasts: Another Destructive Progressive Idea
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) announced last week that it will discontinue the free school breakfast plan it initiated last year.

Called "Food for Thought," the plan provides school breakfasts to about 200,000 students.

It was funded by the LAUSD and the nonprofit Los Angeles Fund for Public Education, whose goal is to raise the number who participate to about 450,000 students (out of a total of 645,000 in the entire district).

If you go to the fund's website (, you are greeted with these messages: "Learn to dream" (in English and in Spanish) and "Imagine your life without limits." These are essentially meaningless messages. But, as we shall see, the fund's breakfast program is not only meaningless; it is quite destructive.

The reasons for the announced cancellation were that the program had drawn rodents and insects into classrooms, and that classroom learning time was being wasted by students eating for long periods in class.

But the rodents, insects and disruption of class learning time are nothing in terms of destructiveness compared to the free breakfast itself.

First, the program was created to solve a problem that does not exist.

It is inconceivable that there are five, let alone 200,000 or the projected 450,000, homes in Los Angeles that cannot afford breakfast for their child. A nutritious breakfast can be had for less than a dollar. For examples, go to WebMD, which lists five "Breakfast Ideas for a Buck."

Second, it both enables and encourages irresponsible, disinterested and incompetent parenting. Given how inexpensive breakfast can be (not to mention the myriad public and private programs that provide food for poor households), any home that cannot provide its child with breakfast demands a visit from child protective services. Any parent who cannot give a child breakfast is not too poor; he or she is too incapable of being, or too irresponsible to be, a competent parent.

Third, even where decent parents are involved, free breakfasts at school weaken the parent-child bond. Hundreds of thousands of parents who are able and happy to provide their child with breakfast have accepted the offer -- because anything free is too enticing for an increasing number of Americans. But what they have done is made the proverbial deal with the devil. They have traded in one of the most fundamental definitions of parenthood -- providing one's children with food -- for a dollar and for a little less work as a parent. As a result, these parents become less of a parent to their children.

And fourth, the free breakfast profoundly weakens young people's character. When you grow up learning to depend on the state, you will almost inevitably -- even understandably -- assume that the state will take care of you. And you will grow up also assuming -- as do Europeans, who give far less charity than Americans for this very reason -- that the state will take care of your fellow citizens, including your own children.

These are the ways in which the left has damaged children and families through free school breakfasts.

But it gets worse. "Canceling" the program does not mean ending it.

Remember, the program is not being canceled because of its destructive effects on students and family life. The reasons it is being canceled are that rodents and insects infest classrooms, and that classroom learning time is wasted while the children stretch out breakfast eating time.

Therefore, the program is being shifted to the schools' cafeterias. The public employee unions, which govern the state of California and the city of Los Angeles, have demanded that the program be shifted from the classroom to the school cafeterias so as to employ more cafeteria workers.

Virtually everything the left touches is either immediately or eventually harmed. The free breakfast program is only one, albeit a particularly dramatic, example.

Why, then, do progressives advocate it? Because it meets three essential characteristics of the left wing: It strengthens the state; it has governmental authority replace parental authority; and perhaps most importantly, it makes progressives feel good about themselves. The overriding concern of the left is not whether a program does good. It is whether it feels good.


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Hillsdale College offers free online course: Principles of Free Market Economics
« Reply #58 on: September 19, 2013, 10:17:46 AM »

...will focus on the foundational principles of the free market. Topics will include the relationship of supply and demand, the “information problem” behind the failure of central planning, the rise of macroeconomics under the influence of John Maynard Keynes, and the 2008 financial crisis.


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« Reply #59 on: September 26, 2013, 07:56:57 AM »   :-o :x

From the article:

Instead of sitting little Johnny down and reminding him that what he did is not acceptable and then dragging him by the collar to apologize to Mr. Holloway, you chose instead to harass and threaten the victim. Let's not forget here, your child victimized this man by destroying his home. How dare you respond with anything other than regret, embarrassment, and a sincere apology instead of righteous indignation, threats of violence and lawsuits.


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Re: WTF??!!
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2013, 09:28:30 AM »   :-o :x

From the article:

Instead of sitting little Johnny down and reminding him that what he did is not acceptable and then dragging him by the collar to apologize to Mr. Holloway, you chose instead to harass and threaten the victim. Let's not forget here, your child victimized this man by destroying his home. How dare you respond with anything other than regret, embarrassment, and a sincere apology instead of righteous indignation, threats of violence and lawsuits.

Captures perfectly what has gone wrong in America.


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Re: Education/Parenting
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2013, 09:47:44 AM »
"Captures perfectly what has gone wrong in America."



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Re: WTF??!!
« Reply #62 on: September 26, 2013, 11:11:37 AM »
Unfortunately, I must agree with you, GM. This is stunning.   :-o :x

From the article:

Instead of sitting little Johnny down and reminding him that what he did is not acceptable and then dragging him by the collar to apologize to Mr. Holloway, you chose instead to harass and threaten the victim. Let's not forget here, your child victimized this man by destroying his home. How dare you respond with anything other than regret, embarrassment, and a sincere apology instead of righteous indignation, threats of violence and lawsuits.

Captures perfectly what has gone wrong in America.


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details of daughter suing parents for college tuition
« Reply #64 on: December 27, 2014, 06:43:19 AM »

Dad Speaks Out After 21-Year-Old Sues Him to Pay College Tuition

Michael RicciDecember 27, 2014

Dad Speaks Out After 21-Year-Old Sues Him to Pay College TuitionPhoto courtesy Michael Ricci

Since Yahoo Parenting launched on Oct. 23, the editors and writers have posted nearly 600 stories on the site. They chose this article – originally published on Dec. 10 – as a highlight of the pieces that offer trusted advice, inspire provocative conversations, and hopefully add a little fun to your life, every day.

Caitlyn Ricci, 21, has been battling her parents over college tuition in court since August 2013. On Monday, a judge ruled that Michael Ricci and Maura McGarvey must pay $16,000 toward their daughter’s tuition for Temple University, where Caitlyn is a student. Earlier, another judge ruled the parents, who are divorced, must also foot the bill for a community college she attended before transferring to Temple. In his own words, Michael Ricci offers his take on his family’s ordeal to Yahoo Parenting exclusively.

Most nights before I fall asleep, I have tears in my eyes thinking about the difficulty my family is going through. My daughter is suing her mother and me for $16,000 towards college tuition, and a judge has ruled in her favor. My daughter moved out, and I only ever see her in court. It’s certainly not what I wanted for my family.

Every day I wake up and miss my daughter. I miss talking to her, seeing her, asking her about her day, and being involved in her life. I understand that after she was kicked out of her Disney internship, a program she participated in to help prepare for college, she was upset and angry at the rules her mother and I set for her. She was kicked out of the program for underage drinking, and so we had to set boundaries. That included chores, a curfew, and summer classes. When Caitlyn left our home in February 2013, to go to her grandparents, we thought we’d let her go for a couple days and then she would come home. When we called her grandparents to ask that they send her home, they said, “No, she can stay here as long as she wants.” That’s when we knew we had problems.  

Maura and I have mutually parented Caitlyn her entire life. We’ve never before been that divorced couple that is in and out of court. We went to court only once — for our divorce. Although we may have disagreed at times, we always had Caitlyn’s best interests in mind. Always.  

I found out through Twitter that my daughter was attending Temple [University in Philadelphia]. Yes, Twitter. And now, even after her mother and I agreed that if Caitlyn transferred to a state college we would help her financially (even though she hasn’t spoken to us in almost two years), a judge is telling me that if my daughter wants to go to Temple, she can go, and we have to pay for it. Basically, Caitlyn can go anywhere she wants and we have to pay. We have no say.

I am disappointed in the New Jersey Family court system for making parenting decisions for my daughter, as if they know what is best for her. The bottom line is, she made a mistake when she got kicked out of her internship program. There are consequences for her actions. She didn’t want to abide by our rules, so she left. We asked her several times to come home and she never did. It makes my blood boil listening to a judge tell me that my daughter can go to any school in country she wants to, have no relationship with her parents, and we have to pay! We offered in-state tuition and she wants to go out of state. Common sense would say she should pay for it. The law is ridiculous. My ex and I have met with legislators who are writing a new bill that protects parents from this happening again. Do you realize that if you are married in the state of New Jersey, you are not under any legal obligation to pay for college? But, if you get divorced, you must contribute? Please, someone tell me how that makes sense. Not only do you have to pay, but apparently you have to pay for any college they want to go to, anywhere in the country. My ex and I have five kids between us, a mortgage, and other expenses. Why don’t they take any of that into account?  

People who are following this story have been quick to blame Caitlyn exclusively. Each and every story I read is followed by hundreds or even thousands of horrible comments about my daughter and what a brat she is.

While I absolutely place blame on Caitlyn for this, the majority of it lies with her grandparents, who have fostered and even financed this debacle while she lives at their house. What kind of people encourage their granddaughter to sue her own parents…their son? Most days I am sad, even depressed, that something so private is now so public. It’s only when I’m home with my wife or coaching my basketball players that I feel like myself. My ex and I want to help our daughter, we want her to be successful in life, but we would also like to have some influence in her life.

Maura and I are Caitlyn’s parents, so we want to have input and involvement in her decisions. Caitlyn, her attorney, and her grandparents want money. That’s it. The judge asked me in court on Monday if I had a college plan for my daughter. I presented the plan that includes financial help along with moving home and attending counseling. He asked the same of my daughter.  Her response, “I want them to pay for college.” The entire thing makes me sick to my stomach.

Caitlyn Ricci’s lawyer, Andrew Rochester, provided the following statement to Yahoo Parenting: “Since Caitlyn has moved in with her grandparents she has gotten into no trouble and her grades have gone up. She is a solid A/B college student and works a 30-hour job. Mr. Ricci should be proud of her accomplishments instead of disparaging because he doesn’t want to pay for her education. It really doesn’t matter if Caitlyn was going to Temple , Rutgers, Montclair State, or Harvard,  Mr. Ricci has made clear he wasn’t going to pay no matter what school Caitlyn went to. Mr. Ricci and Ms. McGarvey, based on their incomes, certainly have ability to pay, and we gave them options not to pay cash out of hand and they decided not to avail themselves of those options.”

Please follow @YahooParenting onFacebook,Twitter,Instagram, and Pinterest. Have an interesting story to share about your family? E-mail us at YParenting (at)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 03:34:41 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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WT: Schools Are Stealing Parental Rights
« Reply #67 on: June 28, 2022, 07:33:55 AM »
I would submit that Parental Rights are an unenumerated right under the Ninth Amendment.
Schools are stealing parental rights

And causing irreversible harm to children

By Keri D. Ingraham

K-12 public schools are no longer a place children go to receive solid academic instruction. Instead, they have become indoctrination centers for progressive ideology. The aggressive promotion of radical ideas about human sexuality is not only infused into all academic subjects but is also infecting school practices and policies.

Step on the campus of a public school today, even an elementary school, and you will instantly be confronted with the gay pride flag, transgender flag or a combination of the two called the “Progress Pride” flag. These sexual identity flags are increasingly becoming the center of attention in place of the American flag on school campus flag poles and at the front of classrooms, seemingly encouraging school children to give their allegiance to these concepts instead of the ideals represented by their country’s flag.

District leaders, school staff and teachers have pledged their allegiance to a radical gender identity agenda and are working vigorously to instill their beliefs into your children and teens. Deeming themselves, rather than the children’s parents, as the true experts in such matters, they secretly counsel children in gender transitioning.

The damaging process starts with kindergarten or first-grade classroom activities and reading books that expose these 5, 6, and 7-year-old children to queer and transgender content. An example is the Gender Unicorn, which asks children to select their gender identity (“female/woman/girl, male/man/boy or other gender(s)”), gender expression (“feminine, masculine or other”), and which gender they are attracted to physically and emotionally (“women, men or “other gender(s)”). The Gender Unicorn also asks children to select their “sex assigned at birth,” with options including “female, male and “other/intersex.” Think this isn’t happening at your local public school? Think again.

Once the soil has been tilled by trusted adults placing radical ideas in children’s minds, school personnel are ready to prompt students to express confusion regarding their basic identity. It only takes a student slightly questioning their gender for the celebratory gender-affirming bandwagon to take over with full speed and enthusiasm. Gender affirming support plans are implemented, including new names, new pronouns and the use of the opposite sex’s bathroom. Other students are required to use the new names and pronouns for those students.

Not only is the swift transition intentionally hidden from parents, but school personnel also employ rhetoric to convince children or teens that their parents are unloving, or even the enemy, if they don’t fully affirm the newly claimed identity.

In this brave new world, parents can lose custody if they fail to affirm the child’s desire to transition and try to prevent puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries aimed at making the child appear as the opposite sex (which can result in sterilization and other lasting damage).

Virginia Gentles, director of the Education Freedom Center of the Independent Women’s Forum, asks a critical question: Where are these “caring and supportive” school personnel down the road in the child’s life?

Will any of the staff who have huddled with students — often with middle school girls, which means they are 11, 12 and 13 — to craft gender support plans be involved in that child’s life beyond that particular semester or school year? Will they remember the child’s name in the future —either the name her parents lovingly and carefully chose, or the new name picked by the child when she got caught up in this social contagion? Do the school staff members know the child’s (likely complex) emotional, behavioral and developmental history? Will they be a loving, consistent and active presence in her life forever? The answers to those questions are, of course, no. All this flies in the face of what should be obvious — parents know their children best and are responsible for their care, protection and upbringing. Telling parents their child will commit suicide if they don’t let them transition socially and medically is not only malevolent and manipulative, it does not align with the latest research. Virginia Gentiles again makes powerful observations: These vulnerable children, often girls, deserve their parents’ involvement as they struggle through puberty, and they need their parents’ emotional and financial support until they make it safely to adulthood. At its horribly rotten core, the culture created by the question “do you want a dead daughter or a live son?” intentionally drives a painful wedge between parents and children unless parents consent without question to immediate social and medical transition. Parents, who love their children with every fiber of their being … parents who have walked with their precious children through every step of their often challenging lives … parents who would do anything to keep their children safe are shoved aside by arrogant and callous school staff. School staff with “I’m your mom now” posters hanging on their classroom doors and the full power of the education bureaucracy behind them.

We must speak out and stand up to stop schools from stealing parental rights, which is causing irreversible harm to children. President Biden is wrong. Children do not belong to the teachers. It’s essential to strike down that lie with statutes that protect parents’ authority over their minor children’s education and health.

Keri D. Ingraham, Ph.D., is a fellow at Discovery Institute and director of the Institute’s American Center for Transform-ing Educatio


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Re: WT: Schools Are Stealing Parental Rights
« Reply #68 on: June 29, 2022, 03:47:48 AM »
quote author=Crafty_Dog
I would submit that Parental Rights are an unenumerated right under the Ninth Amendment.

Agree.  Isn't that a perfect example of an unenumerated right, widely, universally recognized, going back to the the beginning of time, too obvious in truth in 1787 to enumerate.


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Re: Education/Parenting
« Reply #71 on: July 11, 2022, 04:35:16 AM »
Parents demand more control over education

The Educational Choice for Children Act fully meets the moment

By Sen. Bill Cassidy and Sen. Tim Scott

Schools may have reopened, but the fight for parents to reclaim their children’s education has just begun. COVID-19 policies unnecessarily locked children out of the classroom and left parents in the dark. This motivated families to find new ways to take ownership of their children’s education. For many, that meant moving their children to charter schools, which saw a 7% increase in enrollment since the beginning of the pandemic. For thousands of others, it meant firsttime homeschooling. Rates of homeschooling surged during the pandemic and remained at record highs through 2022.

It’s clear that our education system is at an inflection point. We believe our new bill — the Educational Choice for Children Act — fully meets the moment. Our legislation will empower parents with the ability and means to choose the best education for their children.

Parents have never been so aligned in their desire for greater control over their children’s education. Recent polling shows that 75% of voters — including a vast majority of Republican, Democratic, Black, white and Hispanic Americans — support expanding education options.

After the pandemic shined a light on harmful school policies and rampant ideological rot, it should come as no surprise that parents want buy-in. Minority and low-income parents, in particular, understand the harms caused by failed pandemic policies. Their children disproportionately suffered the consequences of school closures. Data from Harvard University shows that Black and Hispanic students lost an average of six months of learning, 33% more than their white peers.

Parents are making their voices heard from coast to coast, with a wave of school board recalls sweeping the nation. According to one website that tracks school board election results, recall attempts have increased by 350% since 2019. Take San Francisco for example. There, 70% of voters supported the parent-led recall of three school board members who spent a year pushing a political agenda instead of getting children back in classrooms. Or take the parent-led upset victory for Glenn Youngkin in Virginia’s gubernatorial race. Parents flocked to support his campaign after his opponent said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Exit polls in that race found that voters said schools were their number one concern.

Our bill offers these families a lifeline. The Educational Choice for Children Act, which we are proud to lead, expands educational freedom and opportunity for millions of students by incentivizing donations to charitable scholarship programs. Any American can contribute to one of countless qualifi ed scholarship granting organizations. In exchange, they receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on their final tab with the IRS. This potential $10 billion injection of funds would release educational supports like tuition, tutoring and school supplies directly to the parents of students who need it most.

Practically, this means the kid whose assigned school is failing to meet his or her needs can now attend an excellent school of their family’s choice. The single mom of a child with disabilities can finally pay for the extracurricular tutoring her school should provide but doesn’t. And the stayat- home parent who opted to homeschool rather than battle with the local public-school administration over curriculum can afford homeschool activities and top-notch textbooks.

Our bill provides a clear and simple pathway to give parents more control over their children’s education and taxpayers more control over where their money goes. This commonsense approach would allow American individuals and corporations to profoundly impact an estimated 2 million students.

Parents are unified in their desire for more options to help their children learn and thrive. It’s time for Congress to unify and help them by passing our bill into law.

Sen. Bill Cassidy is an American physician and politician serving as the senior United States senator from Louisiana, a seat he has held since 2015. Sen. Tim Scott is an American politician and businessman who has served as the junior United States senator for South Carolina since 2013


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9th Amendment Parental rights violated
« Reply #72 on: August 23, 2022, 12:26:24 PM »
Judge halts parental rights lawsuit against district

Says Gender Support Plan rules were designed to ‘apply flexibly’


A federal judge in Maryland has dismissed a lawsuit brought by three parents against Montgomery County Public Schools to stop a policy of hiding students’ gender transitions from “unsupportive” caregivers. U.S. District Judge Paul W. Grimm ruled late Thursday that the parents lack legal standing to proceed because the school district designed its Gender Support Plan guidelines to “apply flexibly.”

That means they exclude parents only at the request of transgender or gender nonconforming students who fear psychological or physical abuse — an area of “compelling interest” where Supreme Court precedent allows government intervention, the judge ruled.

“In sum, the Guidelines neither mandate nor encourage the exclusion or distrust of parents, but aim to include parents and other family in the support network they are intended to create,” Judge Grimm wrote in his opinion.

In a statement emailed to The Washington Times, the Montgomery County Board of Education welcomed the ruling.

“The Court rightly found that our Guidelines for Gender Identity actively encourage familial involvement in developing and implementing a transgender or gender nonconforming student’s ‘Gender Support Plan’ whenever possible,” the statement reads.

The board added that the ruling affirms the school district’s “strong commitment” to protecting student safety and privacy and preventing discrimination against gender-transitioning students.

Three unidentified parents filed the lawsuit in October 2020. It claims that the district violates their right under the 14th Amendment “to direct the care, custody, education, and control of their minor children” by questioning students’ gender identities in a confidential intake form.

Their attorney, Rick Claybrook, said they are considering an appeal.

According to district guidelines, teachers may hide how gender-transitioning students identify at school by reverting to “birth” names and pronouns with parents the children fear will not support them.

The guidelines state that “all students should feel comfortable expressing their gender identity,” Judge Grimm noted in his ruling.


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Education, School Boards
« Reply #73 on: August 24, 2022, 07:27:30 AM »
Gov. DeSantis in Florida backed school board candidates across the state that won yesterday (various links).  Miami-Dade is now majority conservative.

We need more of this across the country.

Losing the schools is how we lost the country.


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NYT " Fear uncertainty and confusion " in Florida education
« Reply #74 on: August 28, 2022, 12:15:52 PM »
 :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

and what the heck is a gay "pride" flag doing in the classroom anyway

Gays have won the marriage debate
time for them to leave the rest of us alone


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Are they your kids, or the State's?
« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2022, 03:25:54 AM »
Though there is the Substantive Due Process Doctrine of the Fourteenth Amendment, (opposed by Justice Thomas) I've been thinking about "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" (Dec. of Ind.) and our Ninth Amendment.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The first Natural Law is "Eat, Survive, and Reproduce".

Our children are our reproduction.

Are they your kids, or are they the state’s?

Your children are ‘owned’ by Big Brother and his reeducation camps

By Everett Piper

The news this week coming out of Maryland is that the state owns your children; you don’t. Your sons and daughters are Uncle Sam’s, not yours. Or perhaps more accurately, your children belong to Father Mao and Brother Stalin.

They don’t belong to you.

Writing for The Washington Post, Jasmine Hilton reports the following: “A judge on Thursday dismissed a complaint against the Montgomery County school board by parents who alleged that the system’s student gender-identity guidelines violated their state and constitutional rights.”

“Three parents, who filed anonymously in 2020 against the Montgomery County Board of Education, argued that the guidelines curtailed their ability ‘to direct the care, custody, education, and control of their minor children,’ under the Fourteenth Amendment, according to a memorandum opinion.”

“The parents said that the Montgomery County Public School ‘2020-2021 Guidelines for Student Gender Identity’ were designed to work

around parental involvement ‘in a pivotal decision’ in their children’s lives and that the guidelines ‘enable school personnel to allow children to transition socially to a different gender identity at school’ without parents’ notice or consent.”

“In the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Judge Paul W. Grimm sided with the MCBE’s argument that the guidelines advance the state’s goal of protecting students’ safety and privacy. According to [his] memo, the ‘MCBE certainly has a legitimate interest in providing a safe and supportive environment for all MCPS students, including those who are transgender and gender nonconforming,’ Grimm then [concluded], ’And the Guidelines are certainly rationally related to achieving that result.’” So, there you have it. Today’s schools are teaching your sons and daughters that a female isn’t a biological fact and that it’s perfectly healthy for a boy to pretend to be a girl, and when you object, you’re told to stand down because, after all, your children belong to the government, not you. Your children are literally “owned” by Big Brother and his reeducation camps, otherwise known as your local public schools. The message you’re hearing is loud and clear: “These children are ours, not yours.”

And lest you think this is just about the left’s strange fixation on sex; it’s not.

These are the same schools that are teaching your kids to judge people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. These are the same teachers who claim that 2+2=4 is the product of white privilege and that the use of Socratic logic is racist. These are the smart folks who are telling your sons and daughters that our Constitution is xenophobic, America is systemically evil, and that capitalism is bad while communism is good.

And while all this is going on, your local school board is telling you that you have no right to know about or object to anything they are teaching your progeny. These people think that their moral authority supersedes yours if they truck your 12-year-old daughter off to some crackpot gender transition clinic to get puberty blockers injected into her body. These ideologues think it’s none of your business if your son who is too young to get a driver’s license wants to surgically remove a fully functional organ from his body. They are delusional demagogues who are aiding and abetting minors to live a lie rather than pursue the truth. While they’re brainwashing your children into parroting the nonsense about America being exceptionally bad rather than exceptionally good, they are literally butchering them in their grisly game of social engineering and sexual nihilism. And when you object, they tell you to butt out and be quiet and stop acting like you have any say in the matter in the first place.

Rod Dreher summarizes this grand deception well in his book, “Live Not by Lies”: “We have been ’harmonized,’ which is China’s term for neutralizing citizens as a threat to the social and political order. People born in the 1980s and afterward are hopelessly lost. The brainwashing starts in nursery school. The state’s information-control apparatus has demolished the ability of the young to learn facts that contradict the narrative. They live in a completely different world. They’ve been perfectly manipulated by their education and the Party’s propaganda. They ignore reality. It’s been made easy for them.”

If you listen carefully, you can almost hear John Dewey chuckling in the background: “You can’t make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society.”

We are at a tipping point. Are your children yours, or do they belong to the state? Are you responsible for “training them up in the way they should go,” or will you simply cede this obligation over to your local government schools?

Think carefully about these questions before you answer. Your response may well determine if your daughter grows up in the land of the free and whether or not your son grows up thinking he has the freedom to steal every ontological right that belongs to your daughter
« Last Edit: August 30, 2022, 12:52:14 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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mom arresting for allowing 10 yo son to get tatted
« Reply #79 on: October 14, 2022, 06:58:28 AM »

my first thought was she would be arrested if she did not allow him to go on trans hormones

who decides this stuff?

« Last Edit: October 14, 2022, 07:49:09 AM by ccp »


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Re: mom arresting for allowing 10 yo son to get tatted
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2022, 07:32:24 AM »

my first thought was she would be arrested is she did not allow him to go on trans hormones

who decides this stuff?

Some pathologies are more equal than others.


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WSJ: Moms for Liberty- we do not co-parent w the govt
« Reply #82 on: September 02, 2023, 08:08:13 AM »
Mom’s for Liberty: ‘We Do Not Co-Parent With the Government’
Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich, the ‘joyful warriors’ who founded the group, discuss Covid shutdowns, teachers unions, transgenderism and the SPLC’s smear.
By Tunku Varadarajan
Sept. 1, 2023 1:32 pm ET

Tina Descovich found herself surrounded by “Muslim dads.” The scene was a school-board meeting late last year in Dearborn, Mich. Local parents were angry about sex-themed books at the school library, which they regarded as “pornography.”

After chatting with Ms. Descovich for a few minutes, a Dearborn dad realized she was a founder of Moms for Liberty, a nonprofit parents’ rights group that came into being on Jan. 1, 2021. He shook his head and told her she didn’t “seem like a racist at all.”

“That’s because I’m not,” she replied.

With its dogged focus on school reform, hostility to teachers unions and opposition to Covid shutdowns and mandates, the group is hated on the left and typecast as far-right—or worse—by much of the media. I speak with Ms. Descovich, a 49-year-old mother of five, at Moms for Liberty’s headquarters here, between Miami and Jacksonville. Seated with her is Tiffany Justice, 44, the group’s co-founder and a mother of four. The modest office has no external signage to identify its occupants. Both women have received such a deluge of threats—by email, voicemail and even handwritten letters—that there’s a deputy at the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office whose main job is to review each one. “Someone calling himself Satan writes to me every week,” Ms. Descovich says wryly. “He lives in Denver.”

A more influential antagonist is the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC, founded in 1971, has a storied history of fighting the Ku Klux Klan via civil lawsuits and cooperation with law enforcement. The media uncritically describe it as a civil-rights group, even though in recent decades its has shifted its focus to smearing conservative organizations as hate groups.

In June it labeled Moms for Liberty as “extremist” and “antigovernment.” It stated in a report titled “The Year in Hate and Extremism 2022” that the organization’s “primary goals” are to “fuel right-wing hysteria and to make the world a less comfortable or safe place” for students who are “Black, LGBTQ or who come from LGBTQ families.”

Ms. Justice says that is a lie, and accuses the SPLC of having “put a target on the back of every American parent, every American mom.” She says the designation is “meant to be used as a weapon against us” and asks: “Are any government agencies using the designation as a way for them to do more surveillance on us, or to somehow try to curtail our actions as an organization?”

Moms for Liberty may sue. Ms. Justice says the group is “exploring every legal option” and has “retained the best plaintiff-side defamation firm in the United States to hold the SPLC accountable for their hateful targeting of our members.” U.S. law makes it difficult for plaintiffs to win defamation lawsuits, and judges have dismissed other cases against the SPLC. But in 2018 the group paid Maajid Nawaz more than $3 million to settle his claim that it defamed him by labeling him an “anti-Muslim extremist.”

The SPLC’s smear appears to have done damage. Moms for Liberty had planned an event last month at Milwaukee’s Italian Community Center. “After an inquiry from the Journal Sentinel,” wrote Rory Linnane, a reporter for that paper, “Bartolotta Restaurants, which books events for the center, said it would not be hosting any Moms for Liberty event.” The first words in Ms. Linnane’s article were “Moms for Liberty, a group designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an extremist antigovernment organization . . .”

In Davis, Calif., a librarian shut down a Moms for Liberty meeting on grounds that a speaker who objected to male athletes competing against women and girls violated a rule against “misgendering.” Again, local news coverage prominently cited the SPLC’s designation.

The mission of Moms for Liberty, Ms. Descovich says, is to “unify, educate and empower parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government.” She came up with the group’s name, while Ms. Justice wrote its catchiest slogan: “We do not co-parent with the government.”

They met in 2019, three years after each was elected to her local school board—Ms. Descovich here, in Brevard County, Ms. Justice immediately south, in Indian River County. Ms. Descovich had been a Republican, Ms. Justice a politically unaffiliated “floater,” but both were impelled by personal experience to get involved with school politics.

Ms. Descovich’s eureka moment came in 2014 when her son was in seventh grade. “I started seeing assignments coming home that were concerning,” she says. “He brought home an assignment that I have to this day. He got 100-plus on it, and the teacher had said, ‘Great job!’ When he handed it to me, he said, ‘I got an A.’ . . . It was a ‘wanted’ poster for Christopher Columbus, for ‘crimes against humanity.’ ”

She was so shocked that she spent “months buying every book I could find on Christopher Columbus, reading everything I could, trying to figure out what had changed since I’d studied history.”

Ms. Justice says that for her, “it wasn’t so much curriculum as the physical condition of my kids’ school.” Hallways would flood; roofs leaked; tiles would dislodge and fall onto classroom floors and desks—and rodents infested the place. “We were in a PTA meeting, and a rat ran up a half-wall.”

The school’s principal wouldn’t raise the issue with higher-ups. “She said she didn’t want problems with the district,” Ms. Justice says. “But it was really more about the fact that she didn’t want anyone paying too much attention to her school. Because we had a literacy rate for African-American students that was in the low 20th percentile, and the school still got an A from the grading system in the state.”

Ms. Descovich adds that her son got the highest possible grade on his end-of-class exam in seventh grade even though he missed half the answers. At that, the two moms dissolve in laughter.

“School districts do two things well,” Ms. Justice says: “They protect themselves and they celebrate themselves. And they find ways to celebrate themselves so that they can protect themselves.” The statistics may be “devastating”—almost half of Florida fourth-graders can’t read at grade level—but no one pays a price, and plausible remedies are foreclosed. “Thanks to union contracts,” Ms. Descovich says, “if you want to give bonuses to your teachers who are willing to serve in your poorest schools, you can’t do it.”

Why is their group called Moms for Liberty rather than something less neuralgic for the left—say, Moms for Education? “Because it’s about parental rights,” Ms. Justice swiftly answers. The group’s focus is “more than schooling. You have the fundamental right to direct the upbringing of your children.” That includes their medical care and “their moral and religious upbringing. And that’s a right that the government doesn’t give you and can’t take away.” Growing more impassioned, she says she’s “fighting for the survival of America, to protect the role of a mother, to protect the autonomy of a parent.”

ransgender ideology is a particular concern. The “first big attack” on parental rights, Ms. Descovich says, happened in 2019, “with the ‘procedural guides,’ which started appearing in districts all across Florida.” These guides excluded parents from all conversations about “pronouns, restrooms, locker rooms, overnight field trips.” Teachers got the green light “to lie to parents.” In 2022 the Florida Legislature turned the light red by enacting the Parents Bill of Rights.

When Covid hit, “this was a whole new thing,” Ms. Descovich says. “We see the districts taking more and more authority away from parents.” On March 13, 2020, the state ordered Florida schools to close for two weeks, and they remained so for the rest of the school year.

“We go to virtual,” Ms. Justice recounts. “There’s no accountability for teaching. There’s no accountability for learning. I don’t know how we graduated all these kids. It was Crazytown until Gov. DeSantis announced on June 6, 2020, that schools in Florida would reopen—period, end of story, full time.”

Yet the shutdown did end up bringing accountability. Watching their kids’ classes on Zoom, parents became far more aware of what their children were learning—“or not learning,” Ms. Justice says. Ms. Descovich heard “stories after stories of parents’ jaws dropping at the lessons being taught and streamed into their own homes. We like to say that when we served on school boards, we saw behind the education curtain. And then 2020 happened, and all of America saw behind the curtain.”

Moms for Liberty began as a Florida group, then “exploded,” in Ms. Justice’s telling. It has 300 county chapters in 46 states and “120,000 active on-the-ground moms.” There are now 275 Moms for Liberty-endorsed school-board members nationwide.

Expansion has its pitfalls, especially for a decentralized grass-roots group like Moms for Liberty. In June an Indiana chapter apologized for publishing in its newsletter a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler: “He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future.”

“First of all,” Ms. Justice says, removing her glasses and rolling her eyes emphatically, “we’re not pro-Hitler.” Ms. Descovich repeats the point “for the record,” before continuing: “We knew we were going to be growing by chapters and that the chapters were going to have autonomy. And that every now and then an average mom, who’s never been political, is going to step in it.”

It puzzles both women that parental rights excite fevered opposition. “Why do they hate us? That’s a good question,” Ms. Descovich says. Ms. Justice responds: “Because we’re upsetting the balance of power.”

Moms for Liberty takes on “human issues,” Ms. Descovich says, “not partisan ones. Children learning how to read in school, that’s a human issue. Parental rights—how is that partisan?” But if “the people in power, the educational establishment, can keep us divided against each other based on race or religion or gender, then we’re easily controlled, right?”

Explaining why this issue is so potent, Ms. Descovich says, “Once a parent loses the right to direct the upbringing of their child, we’ve lost everything. You’ve lost your family. You’ve lost your community. You have lost the basic unit of society.” Ms. Justice adds: “The reading proficiency rates we have in America right now pose the greatest national-security threat of anything for the future of this country. If you have a nation of children and adults who cannot read, where does that leave America?” She promises that Moms for Liberty are “going to fight like hell.”

As Ms. Justice furrows her brow at the prospect of battle, Ms. Descovich leaps in to point out that Moms for Liberty call themselves “joyful warriors”: “Yes, we’re going to fight, but with a smile on our face. We’re going to fight like heck, of course—Tiffany says ‘hell,’ I say ‘heck’—but we’re going to do it with a smile on our face, because our children are watching us do this.”

Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal contributor, is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and at New York University Law School’s Classical Liberal Institute.


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WT: New CA law castrates parental rights
« Reply #83 on: July 17, 2024, 07:16:10 AM »


Parents’ rights groups outraged by new California education law


Parents who want to be notified if their children request different-sex names and pronouns in class may want to think twice about sending them to public school in California.

Advocates for parents’ rights promised a legal fight after Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation Monday making California the first state in the nation to pass a law forbidding school districts from enacting policies requiring schools to inform parents if their children disclose a change their identification.

The newly signed law seeks to crush an uprising of school boards challenging a state Department of Education directive that says schools “must consult with a transgender student” before informing anyone of the student’s gender identity, including the parents.

“AB 1955 endangers children by excluding parents from important matters impacting their child’s health and welfare at school,” said Assembly member Bill Essayli, a Republican. “Gov. Newsom signing AB 1955 is both immoral and unconstitutional, and we will challenge it in court to stop the government from keeping secrets from parents.”

The California Family Council dubbed the law the “Parental Secrecy Act” and said it was “committed to challenging AB 1955 in court.”

Cheering the law’s passage were Democrats and LGBTQ advocates who oppose what they call the “forced outing” policies.

“Today is a great day for California,” said Democratic state Sen. Susan Eggman, who chairs the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus. “With the Governor’s signature on AB 1955, a first in the nation policy, reaffirms California’s position as a leader and safe haven for LGBTQ+ youth everywhere.”

Eight states have passed measures requiring schools to keep parents in the loop, but “California is the first state to explicitly prohibit forced outing policies in schools,” according to Assembly member Chris Ward’s office.

Mr. Ward, a Democrat and the bill’s sponsor, said the newly signed law would counter what he described as rising attacks on “the rights, safety, and dignity of transgender, nonbinary and other LGBTQ+ youth.”

“While some school districts have adopted policies to forcibly out students, the SAFETY Act ensures that discussions about gender identity remain a private matter within the family,” Mr. Ward said. “As a parent, I urge all parents to talk to their children, listen to them, and love them unconditionally for who they are.”

The measure prevents school officials from informing parents of their child’s “sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression,” or retaliating against teachers or staffers “if they refuse to forcibly out a student.”

On the other side was Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty, called AB 1955 “an outrageous attempt to keep parents in the dark while schools indoctrinate kids with radical gender ideology.”

“In school districts across California, parents fought back against parental secrecy policies by running for school boards and passing policies that ensure parents are informed about their kids’ education and wellbeing,” Ms. Dhillon said. “By signing the bill, Gov. Newsom is transferring power away from our local communities and centralizing it in Sacramento, blatantly undermining our democratic values.”


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VA: Protect Kids from Social Media
« Reply #84 on: September 25, 2024, 10:53:45 AM »

Protect Kids From Social Media
Smartphones have ‘rewired’ childhood. Virginia is doing something about it.
By Suzanne S. Youngkin
Sept. 25, 2024 12:49 pm ET


Gift unlocked article


(3 min)

Photo: Getty Images
When data reinforce lived realities, we need to pay attention. Jonathan Haidt’s “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness” demonstrates that social media and digital technology are contributing to rising mental-health issues among today’s youth.

As parents of four Generation Z children who grew up during the rise of the internet, Glenn and I found Mr. Haidt’s insights particularly harrowing. He argues that parents tend to overprotect children in the real world, where they need free play and independence, while underprotecting them in an increasingly predatory and toxic online world.

Mr. Haidt shows that childhood was “rewired” between 2010 and 2015. Products such as Instagram, iPhones and Snapchat became entwined with adolescent development. In 2011 only 35% of American households owned smartphones. By 2015 that figure grew to over 70%. The percentage of high-schoolers using social media “nearly every day” jumped from 51% in 2008 to 82% in 2015. Covid increased this overreliance on screens. Teens spend an average of 4.8 hours a day on social media.

The consequences were disastrous, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics. The adolescent suicide rate has risen 167% for girls and 91% for boys since 2010. Depression diagnoses were up 145% for girls and 161% for boys.

We can’t accept this as the new normal. Mr. Haidt offers a plan for change with four simple norms: No smartphones before high school, no social media before age 16, no phones in school, and more independence and free play in the real world.

My husband’s Executive Order 33, which establishes “bell to bell” cellphone-free education in Virginia, directly enacts the third norm. But we can’t mandate cultural change. We need to encourage it by studying the data, fostering conversations and taking action together.

Last week, Mr. Haidt and I hosted a discussion at a Virginia elementary school on protecting childhood. He emphasized that it isn’t too late to reverse these trends. His hope-filled message is available for viewing on the Virginia Department of Education’s YouTube page.

As a mother, I understand the pressures young people face. Changing the culture will take a collective effort and be challenging. Parents, teachers and school administrators are making that effort. Let’s come together in our communities and reclaim childhood.

Mrs. Youngkin is first lady of Virginia.