Author Topic: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc  (Read 311655 times)


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The Uniparty’s Current OS: Human Scatology version
« Reply #2100 on: May 22, 2024, 09:58:25 PM »
That gain of function work in Wuhan where Covid broke out is all a coincidence, honest!

Esteemed Doctor, Coincidence Theorist and Deputy Director of the NIH — Dr. Tabak
the Air Vent / by Jeff Id / May 17, 2024 at 8:29 AM
That is a lot of titles. The NIH has decided to provide a critical update to human mental software. If your mind is not running “Human Scatology version”, head immediately to the NIH home page press download to begin. ALERT: This is a critical update!!

So the NIH has now admitted to performing gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab in China. This research was performed under Trump’s watch and at the direction of Dr. Fauci by EcoHealth Alliance. This research was on bat corona virus and was being done using the exact same types of spike proteins and virus combinations as were discovered in the COVID 19 virus. Like 120,000 Democrat-only votes showing up in one location for the first time ever, we are now to believe that this is simply a coincidence that COVID 19 originated in Wuhan and had the same characteristic virus and spike protein combinations as the Gain-of-Function research performed in Wuhan, by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in conjunction with CHINA. We are fully expected to keep in mind COVID 19 is still absolutely and assuredly of natural origin.

It depends on what your definition of “is” is.

It is only a coincidence that for YEARS, we were told it wasn’t gain-of-function research being done by Fauci and others, in sworn testimony!! We were called conspiracy theorists despite all evidence pointing to the man made development of this virus. Medicines which protected from the virus were withheld. Some folks right here at this site told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and somehow they knew better. What year is it now?

Yesterday we were told that the conspiracy is still a coincidence even though they admit to performing gain-of-function research on covid virus at the very location (and timeframe) that COVID 19 was released. Like vote fraud, one must consider how is it possible that such widespread knowledge in the medical world is not exposed outright across all government and media outlets globally. Below is from an application written by Daszak for EcoHealth Alliance in 2014 to build and test COVID 19 in Wuhan lab.

Specific Aim 3: Testing predictions of CoV inter-species transmission.  We will test our models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments in cell culture and humanized mice. With bat-CoVs that we’ve isolated or sequenced, and using live virus or pseudovirus infection in cells of different origin or expressing different receptor molecules, we will assess potential for each isolated virus and those with receptor binding site sequence, to spill over.  We will do this by sequencing the spike (or other receptor binding/fusion) protein genes from all our bat-CoVs, creating mutants to identify how significantly each would need to evolve to use ACE2, CD26/DPP4 (MERS-CoV receptor) or other potential CoV receptors.  We will then use receptor-mutant pseudovirus binding assays, in vitro studies in bat, primate, human and other species’ cell lines, and with humanized mice where particularly interesting viruses are identified phylogenetically, or isolated. These tests will provide public health-relevant data, and also iteratively improve our predictive model to better target bat species and CoVs during our field studies to obtain bat-CoV strains of the greatest interest for understanding the mechanisms of cross-species transmission.

Dr Tabak, Deputy Director of the NIH gave testimony where he admitted the government performs gain of function research with the caveat that they do it all the time. As though there is ‘nothing to see here folks’. Then he adds for those of you still not paying attention, this research is not regulated because the research poses “NO THREAT OR HARM TO ANYBODY”. All part of the new human software download.

This research IS regulated BTW, just not well enough. That is a topic for another time however.

Watch Tabak dance for yourself right here — it’s a short video, even a gen Z could make it to the end.

So there it is Democrat sheople, now it is ok to believe in Gain of Function research in Wuhan lab, and despite using the same virus and spike proteins, during exactly the same timeframe as COVID 19, this research had nothing to do with COVID 19 whatsoever.

And it is completely harmless.

All this will make sense after you download your critical software update — “Human Scatology version”

Be well.


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Covid Pandemic Vaccine Issues
« Reply #2103 on: May 29, 2024, 08:25:50 AM »

Dr. Fukushima also had some harsh words for the mainstream media and its failure to report on the dangers of the vaccines. He also called out the media for calling vaccine critics anti-science “heretics” and said those who silenced these individuals are the ones going against science, adding that they are “more akin to faith, hysteria or even cult behavior.”

The decorated oncologist set up the first outpatient cancer clinic at Kyoto University in Japan and was responsible for the first course at the school in pharmacoepidemiology.
[Doug]  I don't know the validity of any of this, just very sick of the selective censorship on the topic.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2105 on: June 02, 2024, 08:45:56 AM »
and I read it has been found in cats
2 strays and 2 housecats!

and we and the Communists are STILL performing GOF studies ?



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Bird Flu
« Reply #2107 on: June 05, 2024, 02:42:40 PM »
(2) FIRST H5N1 RESPIRATORY INFECTION REPORTED: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said a third Avian Flu H5N1 infection linked to the ongoing outbreak on dairy farms was detected on 30 May.

According to the CDC, this is the first report of an H5N1 infection in the U.S. that includes acute respiratory symptoms.

Why It Matters: H5N1 respiratory infection has a 56% case fatality rate, and the most dangerous course of action remains an outbreak of respiratory infections from H5N1. So far, there is only one confirmed H5N1 infection with respiratory symptoms and two conjunctivitis infections. However, infections are likely higher than reported due to the reluctance of rural cattle workers to come forward to the CDC. An H5N1 outbreak would likely be used as a justification for pushing mail-in voting and no-excuse absentee ballots in a possible repeat of the 2020 election. – R.C.


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Pardon the link salad that follows, but this stuff is both important. In a nutshell, the source paper linked directly below tried, but couldn’t find any data supporting the effectiveness of ANY government imposed Covid dictat:

That paper is summarized as follows:

100,000 models show that not much was learned about stopping the Covid-19 pandemic

By Eran Bendavid and Chirag PatelJune 5, 2024

 A digital board displays red background with white text that reads "STAY HOME" on the top and "Essential Travel Only" on the bottom — first opinion coverage from STAT

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists and public health institutions made bold claims about the effectiveness of various policy responses such as closing schools and banning public gatherings. These claims shaped government responses and had enormous effects on the lives of billions of people around the world. Are those claims supported by data?

To answer that question, we explored whether patterns in the epidemiologic data could support claims made in the scientific literature and by public health institutions about the effectiveness of policy responses to Covid-19.

We were optimistic we would find some policies that were consistently helpful. We thought the data would show that early shelter-in-place containment measures in the spring of 2020 were more effective in preventing deaths than those later in the pandemic; or that case numbers would not rise after restrictions on attending schools were lifted.

That isn’t what we found, as we describe in a paper published today in Science Advances.

We studied many hypotheses about Covid-19 policy impacts, without fear or favor. To do this, we used major sources of global data, including the University of Oxford’s Covid-19 Government Response Tracker and the Johns Hopkins Covid-19 dashboard, on the use of any of 19 government responses in 181 countries in 2020 and 2021, and examined their relationship to four Covid-19 outcomes: cases, infections, deaths, and excess mortality. We modeled the policy effects in nearly 100,000 different ways, representing nearly 100,000 theories, each a flavor of a question about the effects of government responses to Covid-19. “Did stay-at-home policies flatten the curve?” or “Did closing schools decrease the spread of infections?” were among the hypotheses we tested. Each one of those relationships and theories are openly available.

No matter how we approached these questions, the primary finding was lack of definitive patterns that could support claims about governmental policy impacts. About half the time, government policies were followed by better Covid-19 outcomes, and half of the time they were not. The findings were sometimes contradictory, with some policies appearing helpful when tested one way, and the same policy appearing harmful when tested another way. No claims about the relationship between government responses and pandemic outcomes held generally. Looking at stay-at-home policies and school closures, about half the time it looked like Covid-19 outcomes improved after their imposition, and half the time they got worse. Every policy, Covid-19 outcome, time period, and modeling approach yielded a similar level of uncertainty: about half the time it looked like things got better, and half the time like things got worse.

Were there clearer impacts when we focused only on policies and responses that were deployed in early 2020, rather than all the way through the end of 2021? Or when looking at pandemic outcomes four weeks ahead rather that just two weeks? We examined policy effects in all these ways. No matter how we examined the data and changed the perspective on this question, the answer was uncertainty.

Yet scientists used these data to make definitive conclusions.

Claims that government responses made Covid-19 worse are not broadly true, and the same goes for claims that government responses were useless or ineffective. Claims that government responses help reduce the burden of Covid-19 are also not true. What is true is that there is no strong evidence to support claims about the impacts of the policies, one way or the other.

Our results aren’t a condemnation of government policies, but an acknowledgement of just how far the scientific data is capable of supporting these policies.

Does finding no consistent patterns in the relationships between government policies and outcomes mean that the same number of Americans would have died in the absence of any government responses? Absolutely not: such responses may have saved lives. But it does mean a failure to learn with any confidence what these policies have done — which is essential for trying to contain the next pandemic — and that holding strong views about policy successes or failures during the pandemic is not backed by data.

Could more have been done to test the impact of policies and monitor their effects? Probably not, given the state of the world and the rapidity of Covid-19’s spread. But going forward, it would be helpful to learn more from this massive experience about how to inform policies with good data.

We propose two ways that could improve the understanding of the effect of governmental policies, which, we believe, would improve the credibility of science in the process:

First, set up data collection platforms for critical health measures, nationally (or in a representative sample) and prospectively. More seminal papers about the effect of public health policies came from Israel and Qatar — two countries that collected such data — than from any other place.

Related: H5N1 doesn’t have to be a repeat of Covid-19’s ‘public health versus the economy’
Second, support more experimentation with public health policies. Good experiments yield credible data. Subjecting government responses to experimentation may be ethically thorny and often impractical, but subjecting millions of people to untested policies without strong scientific support for their benefits is also ethically charged. We believe that imposing policies backed by weak evidence contributed to the current state of distrust of the public health establishment.

For many who watched the flurry of responses by various governments generate a chaotic trajectory of seemingly at-random pandemic waves, the conclusions from our research may seem banal: of course the effects of these policies are unclear.

Claiming uncertainty goes against the grain of scientific norms, where the culture often rewards strong and striking claims. Many studies of Covid-19 policy options were unduly definitive, with statements such as “major non-pharmaceutical interventions — and lockdowns in particular — have had a large effect on reducing transmission.” In fact, the opposite is true: the data clearly indicate that the effects of these interventions aren’t known and that, at least as of now, weaker or no support for claims of knowledge about the effects of governmental policies on Covid-19 better reflects a synthesis of the data on this issue.

Improving public health, and the public’s trust in public health science, is a long and complicated journey. But one step along that road may be for scientists to take an honest look at their own claims to knowledge about the pandemic and the efforts to contain it. We believe that having greater willingness to say “We’re not sure” will help regain trust in science. Matching the strength of claims to the strength of the evidence may increase the sense that the scientific community’s primary allegiance is to the pursuit of truth above all else.

Eran Bendavid is a professor of medicine at Stanford University. Chirag J. Patel is an associate professor of biomedical informatics at Harvard Medical School. The views expressed here are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of their institutions.

Masks were moreover known to be not only ineffective, but posed risks to those with heart or lung issues:

… while the concept of “social distancing” was born as part of a high school science project:

Bottom line, every behavior change demanded in he wake of Covid has no basis, something a diligent reporter should have been able to suss out, though none in the MSM did. The result? There isn’t a reason to expect the next set of government pandemic “solutions” will have any more efficacy than the last set, while the only thing the MSM can reliably do is echo government falsehoods.


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MY goes way out there
« Reply #2110 on: June 06, 2024, 02:22:06 PM »
including some flaming flagrant anti-semitism.

Interesting to read the replies too.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2111 on: June 06, 2024, 08:31:45 PM »
I see replies but do not see anything to that which they are replying to?


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #2112 on: June 07, 2024, 09:24:05 AM »
Maybe because I am a donor I see things you do not.


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Covid Likely Escaped From a Lab
« Reply #2113 on: June 09, 2024, 12:13:43 PM »
Extensive, well sourced piece noting why Covid most likely started in a (Wuhan) lab. Surprised to see this in the NYT as they were a bat/animal vector cheerleader back in the day:


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New STD Reported in US
« Reply #2114 on: June 11, 2024, 06:10:03 PM »
Well this sounds like a good thing to go a long way to avoid:

First case of rare, sexually transmitted form of ringworm reported in the U.S.

The fungal infection has been increasingly found in Europe, mostly among men who have sex with men.

Trichophyton Mentagrophytes.
A plate culture containing the fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes.Smith Collection / Getty Images

June 5, 2024, 1:51 PM EDT
By Erika Edwards

A sexually transmitted ringworm caused by a rare fungus has been reported for the first time in the United States.

The case report, published Wednesday in JAMA Dermatology by doctors at NYU Langone Health in New York City, comes as clinicians worldwide increasingly say they’re having trouble treating fungal infections.

“We think a lot about antibacterial resistance, but this is a very important time for us to think about anti-fungus resistance,” said Mahmoud Ghannoum, a professor of dermatology at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland. He was not involved with the new report.

The new case involves a New York City man in his 30s who reported having sex with multiple men during a trip to England, Greece and California. When he got home, he developed a red, itchy rash on his legs and across his groin and buttocks.

Tests revealed he had a sexually transmitted fungus, called Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII. It is the first time the fungus has been identified in the U.S. Last year, doctors in France reported 13 such cases. Twelve of those patients were men who have sex with men.

The American man’s infection responded to standard anti-fungal medications but ultimately took four and a half months to heal fully.

He was put on fluconazole for four weeks without improvement, then six weeks of terbinafine and approximately eight additional weeks of itraconazole. All are oral anti-fungals.

He did not have any other infections that could have made the problem worse.

Dr. Avrom Caplan, an assistant professor of dermatology at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and author of the new report, said the case should raise awareness but not cause alarm in the general public.

“There’s no evidence that this is widespread, or that this is something that people really need to be worried about,” he said. “But if people are having itchy eruptions in areas like the groin, and it’s not getting better, see a doctor.”

Rash may look like eczema

While the infection was most likely transmitted through sexual contact, Caplan couldn’t rule out the possibility that the man acquired the fungus at a sauna he’d visited two months prior to his symptoms. The man said his sexual partners did not show any signs of ringworm.


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Caplan said the rash may look more like an eczema flare than typical ringworm infections that form in circles. The infection is not life-threatening, but can cause permanent scarring.

He previously identified the first two cases of a different ringworm infection in 2023. Those infections, caused by Trichophyton indotineae, are not considered STIs but are drug-resistant and highly contagious.

Since then, Caplan’s team at NYU Langone Health has identified a total of 11 cases of Trichophyton indotineae ringworm in both men and women in New York City.

The new case report is “notable” said Jeremy Gold, a medical epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He stressed that doctors should consider fungi along with viruses and bacteria as a potential cause of sexually transmitted disease.

“Oftentimes, what happens is that these patients receive multiple courses of antibacterial drugs which are not going to make the fungus better,” he said. “Clinicians should keep this in mind so that patients can get appropriate care.” He was not involved in the new case report.

Caplan also encouraged people to speak up and seek out treatment. For now, Trichophyton mentagrophytes type VII is treatable.

“If you have a rash or lesions on your skin that aren’t getting better, and you think it might be ringworm,” he said, “see your doctor.”


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Omnicron Ain’t Covid
« Reply #2116 on: June 29, 2024, 05:33:39 PM »
Piece has a lot of tables so should be viewed in the original, where it argues that the original Covid 19 and it’s variants have morphed into Omnicron, which does not respond to the vaccines, such as they are, and which natural immunity confers not protection against:


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Illegal Epidemic
« Reply #2117 on: July 16, 2024, 09:24:32 PM »
Funny how folks ever so wrapped around the axle about the Covid epidemic aren’t also having kittens over these measles outbreaks:


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Fauci: The DNA of “Caring”
« Reply #2119 on: August 12, 2024, 12:45:34 AM »
Massive takedown of Fauci w/ lots of source material. Makes a strong case he used scientific and epidemical veneers to enrich drug companies and himself while tossing rigor and protection of the public out the window:


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400 Retractions In ~5 Years?
« Reply #2123 on: Today at 06:20:35 AM »
I confess I’m not deep enough into retraction studies to say anything authoritative here, but ~400 retracted papers on a subject that’s around 5 years old strikes me as a pretty freaking large quantity of questionable science: