Author Topic: Water  (Read 93898 times)


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graph of Lake Mead water level
« Reply #150 on: August 23, 2023, 04:46:32 PM »

click on year you want to view

between 2018 and now


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Three Thousand Cubic Miles of Fresh Water in one Lake
« Reply #152 on: October 27, 2023, 08:42:16 PM »
I hear Lake Mead and Lake Powell were making comebacks as we hear about climate based drought and running out of water.  Those aren't lakes anyway, aren't they reservoirs?  And maybe they would fill up if we weren't pumping them dry.

Meanwhile Lake Superior has 3000 CUBIC MILES of water just sitting there.

An inch of this lake is a half trillion gallons and it's more than a thousand feet deep.

  Don't sail there in November, it's a bit treacherous.


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California can preserve a lot of rainwater underground
« Reply #153 on: February 20, 2024, 10:57:59 PM »
Adding California water management to this thread:


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CO to sharply cut water usage
« Reply #154 on: March 06, 2024, 09:40:54 AM »
(3) COLORADO DROUGHT PLAN TO DRASTICALLY CUT WATER USAGE: A Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation said it will issue a final decision on a drought plan for the Colorado River basin in the coming weeks.

The plan is expected to force farmers and other water users in Arizona and California to drastically cut water use through 2026.
Why It Matters: Low water levels in the Colorado River Basin are a significant threat to agriculture and power generation in western states. Low river levels have created the conditions for a “dead pool” scenario in Lake Mead and Lake Powell that could stop water flow for downriver states. Water security remains a growing domestic threat in the U.S., as drought has hit both the Colorado River Basin and the Ogallala aquifer that provides water for most U.S. agricultural production. – R.C.


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Feds vs States water rights
« Reply #155 on: March 11, 2024, 11:20:11 AM »
(2) BIDEN ADMIN INVOKES FEDERAL WATER RIGHTS OVER STATE: Georgia State University law professor Ryan Rowberry said the Biden administration’s unprecedented enforcement of federal water rights at Georgia’s Okefenokee Wildlife Refuge will force states to comply with federal rights over state waterways.
Mining company Twin Pines attorney Lewis Jones said the Biden administration has no legal basis for enforcing federal water rights in eastern states.
Why It Matters: The Biden administration invoking federal water rights over Georgia waterways that flow through the Okefenokee federal land will likely set a precedent the current and future administrations will use to exercise power over state waterways. If the water security situation in the U.S. continues to worsen, with major droughts in the Colorado River Basin and the pending collapse of the Ogallala Aquifer, the federal government could use this precedent to take control of state waterways with the justification that they flow into federal land. – R.C.


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Re: Water
« Reply #159 on: June 04, 2024, 05:10:25 AM »
- - Our company sent out this memo to employees, staff, and owners out today due to the attacks on the U.S. Water Supplies:

“This morning, the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) noted that China is attacking and preparing for attacks on U.S. domestic water systems. These are not military targets, we the people have become the target. (See WSJ:

On April 30, 2024, The White House published a memo called National Security Memorandum on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. (See WH: This memo also states that our adversaries both state and non-state plan to “break the will of the American people.”

Over the weekend during the Shangra-la Dialogue, U.S. and Chinese (People’s Liberation Army) diplomats exchanged barbs over Taiwan in a new level of escalation. War in the INDOPACIFIC seems certain. The timing and nature of this pending conflict remains a product of China’s tolerance for risk. Risk is quantified in how the U.S. and her allies will respond.

The totality of information in these developments seems to point to a couple of possibilities: China is planning to preempt a move on Taiwan with action(s) against the USA or follow a move on Taiwan with definitive actions against the U.S. critical infrastructure. Our critical infrastructure is comprised of, for the most part, centralized water distribution systems


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RANE: The Geopolitics of Water
« Reply #160 on: June 04, 2024, 07:38:40 AM »

The Geopolitics of Water: An Introduction
undefined and Director, Stratfor Center for Applied Geopolitics at RANE
Rodger Baker
Director, Stratfor Center for Applied Geopolitics at RANE, Stratfor
6 MIN READMay 30, 2024 | 16:34 GMT

The Geopolitics of Water
The Geopolitics of Water
(Getty Images; RANE)

Editor's Note: This article is the first installment in a RANE series on the geopolitical impacts of water stress. This series will be published periodically throughout the remainder of 2024.

The unequal distribution of natural resources often shapes geopolitical patterns. Throughout history, competition for resources has sparked both conflict and trade, creating opportunities for development and growth in some areas while disadvantaging others and influencing the pace and direction of technological advancements. Though rarely the direct cause of conflict, fresh water is one of the most important mineral resources, critical for agriculture, industry and domestic uses. Water stress, characterized by the narrowing gap between available water resources and the demand for water use, is a growing challenge driven by urbanization, agricultural practices, mining and industry, and climate change. Water stress contributes to social and political instability, food insecurity, and industrial, electricity and transportation disruptions. Over the next several months, this RANE series will look at water stress from several different perspectives to better understand how water contributes to geopolitical shifts and changes, and to assess where new risks and opportunities may emerge.

According to the 2024 United Nations World Water Development Report, agriculture remains the dominant draw on freshwater resources, amounting to nearly 70% of human use, followed by industrial uses (around 20%) and domestic use (around 10%). While this balance is generally accurate on a global scale, it often varies significantly at the local level. In high-income countries, industry accounts for nearly 40% of water withdrawal, while in low-middle and low-income countries, agriculture may account for nearly 90% of water usage. Thus, water stress and the more severe water scarcity have vastly different impacts in different regions of the world and even within individual countries.

While agriculture remains the largest single category of water consumption (even in high-income countries, accounting for 44% of usage), urbanization has played a significant role in expanding water usage, with domestic water use increasing by some 600% between 1960 and 2014, according to a report by the World Resources Institute. While in part, this should not be surprising (globally, urbanization rates rose from around 33% in 1950 to an estimated 56% in 2022), urbanization can see water use dramatically increase in a very narrow geographic range. This may trigger heightened competition between agricultural and urban uses, particularly for shared river resources. It may also lead to more severe water crises, as China saw in the mid-2010s with cities losing water, and more recently in the evolving crisis in South Africa. Reduced river flows can impact the availability of water for urban uses and electricity production, adding additional social and economic risks.

Seasonal changes and increasing extremes of weather often impact agricultural water availability. Traditional rainy seasons in some areas appear to be shifting, which can lead to greater draws of groundwater for irrigation or break patterns of traditional growing seasons. In India, for example, shifts in monsoon patterns are likely contributing to groundwater depletion, as the rains are changing location and intensity, and natural aquifers are not being recharged. With some 90% of Indian groundwater withdrawal already going toward agricultural production, the combined expansion of draw and reduction of recharge could presage a major water scarcity crisis — one that would also threaten India's basic food security. Changing rainfall patterns can also impact the movement of grains and other crops along inland river networks, requiring either intensified dredging or a shift to more expensive rail transport for critical food commodities.

Industrial water use includes both electricity production (steam generation or cooling, or water use in mining and oil extraction) as well as in localized water-intensive industries themselves. Hydroelectric power production, while not always included in industrial water use, also plays a significant role in the impact of water stress on countries and regions. In China and Latin America, reduced river flows have caused electricity shortages, undermining all aspects of local economies. Similar concerns abound regarding the Colorado River in the U.S. Southwest, threatening electricity production, urban use and agriculture. More direct industrial implications have been seen in recent years, from water availability for hydraulic fracturing in the oil and gas industry to the impacts of localized droughts on Taiwanese semiconductor fabrication plants. Frequently, water stress in urban areas forces governments to choose between domestic and industrial uses, each with its own economic, social and political implications.

Although water availability is rarely the primary trigger of full interstate conflict, increased water stress does play a significant secondary role in geopolitical competition and tension. Localized water disputes can escalate to draw in state security forces or lead to isolated conflicts and property and infrastructure damage. Water stress can encourage large-scale migrations, often from rural to urban areas, and between developing and developed nations, contributing both to political and social stresses and to potential future urban water security issues. Water infrastructure, including supplies and treatment, has come under cyberthreat from state and non-state actors, raising concerns about overall infrastructure security and questions of equivalent responses when cyber action has physical consequences.

Concern over agriculture irrigation, riverine food resources and overall river flow for transport make new dam construction a frequent source of stress between nations, most recently in northeast Africa and along southeast Asia's Mekong River. Cambodia's plans to build a new canal to bypass the mouth of the Mekong River have raised concerns in Hanoi about river flow and security threats, while it may also reduce Vietnam's economic influence over its smaller neighbor. Reduced rainfall has slowed operations in the Panama Canal, as a freshwater lake is a critical supply of water for the locks, impacting overall global shipping patterns and prices. With further shifts in rainfall patterns expected due to changing global climate patterns, the scope and frequency of water-induced crises are likely to increase over the coming years.

Throughout this series, we will look at the intersection of water availability through the lens of political, social and economic factors, assess how water stress may impact intra- and inter-state competition, look at industry and technology as both significant consumers of water and potential mitigators of water stress, explore the relationship between water and energy production and availability, and consider food and human security in the face of changing patterns of water availability. As with any natural resource, water presents a complex picture where not merely the relative availability but the economic and social context amplifies the significance of stress.


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FO: PFAS rules for Water
« Reply #161 on: June 10, 2024, 07:56:02 AM »
I disagree with the tone of this entry.  IMHO PFAS are a serious and genuine health problem:


(2) WATER UTILITIES SAY EPA PFAS RULE TO HIT WATER AFFORDABILITY: The American Water Works Association and Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) rule, saying utilities are concerned about the impact of the rule on water affordability.

Guilday Law shareholder Ralph DeMeo said the costs of implementing the new EPA rule would be “extraordinary” for water utilities due to the new rule.

Why It Matters: The EPA’s “forever chemical” rule is set to significantly increase water costs due to the high price of infrastructure updates for water utility operators. The high costs of the EPA will also likely worsen current issues with U.S. water and wastewater infrastructure, including other water infrastructure like water mains that need to be replaced in most U.S. cities. Southwestern states that are already dealing with possible water shortages due to the ongoing drought will also be impacted by the high costs of building new infrastructure. – R.C.


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Re: Water
« Reply #163 on: August 23, 2024, 04:52:16 AM »
Intriguing-- this could be super good news.


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FO: Western Water
« Reply #164 on: December 04, 2024, 12:17:56 PM »

(2) WESTERN STATES MEET ON COLORADO WATER SHARING: The Colorado River Water Users Association will meet today in Las Vegas, NV for the group’s annual meeting, in which local and state water officials, farmers, and scientists will discuss issues with the Colorado River Basin.

The Biden Department of Interior released a list of alternative water management plans for the Colorado River Basin last week, which would involve greater federal control over water resources in the region.

Why It Matters: The Colorado River Basin water sharing agreement is up in 2026, and according to reports, western states are at an impasse in their negotiations. The Biden administration reportedly stifled federal negotiators for the last few months over concerns that they could impact the 2024 election in key battleground states like Nevada and Arizona. The previous Trump administration pushed two key water agreements on the Colorado River Basin past the finish line in 2017 and 2019, and Trump’s Interior Secretary nominee Doug Burgum is expected to get western states back on track to renew the water sharing deal by 2026. However, the risk that states will not get an agreement by the 2026 deadline remains. – R.C.


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Remedial Water, Bigger pipes
« Reply #165 on: January 09, 2025, 09:00:36 AM »
As a landlord I get to do minor plumbing tasks on single family homes. You don't get to make it up on the fly, city code controls all of it.

If a bathroom has a 1/2" pipe going to a sink, toilet and shower, then a larger pipe must supply all those or else you can't use two at a time without losing pressure and losing flow, such as flush the toilet while someone is in the shower. As you get to multiple bathrooms used simultaneously, a larger yet pipe supplies those and a larger yet pipe supplies the whole house going out to a larger yet pipe under the street, and so on.

A hockey buddy of mine was installing the plumbing at Target Field, home of the Minnesota Twins, think of bathrooms for 40,000 people. I asked him, is that a lot harder? He said no, just bigger pipes.

Now to the urban wildfires in Los Angeles. How much flow do you want to the fire hydrant when everyone is thinking the same thing?

Are they designed to serve one fire per neighborhood at a time?  In a known wildfire area? Who thought that would be the biggest need?

Is it better, cheaper to wait until morning, wait until the winds go down, as they did this week, and bring the water up over the fire with helicopters than to build bigger pipes with more water coming from bigger reservoirs?

Key phrases I heard every hour on the news this week, 'multiple fires, 0% contained'.

I live on a 17,000 acre lake in a metro area with a fire hydrant on the property and a city water tower within sight. I pay outrageous taxes to live in a so-called tear down. But we have water.

Besides clearing brush and making homeless camps abide by the same rules that apply to the rest of us, I'm sure there isn't a perfect or easy answer but these people in these places need more water, more water pressure, and bigger pipes.

Storm sewers, they say, need to be built to handle the 'hundred year' rain. We don't need drain pipes to handle light drizzle that lasts a short time; we need them to handle the big one when it comes, and it most certainly will.

Isn't the same true with water supply where fire would be catastrophic?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2025, 09:18:53 AM by DougMacG »


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re. More Water, Bigger pipe, Washington Post
« Reply #166 on: January 10, 2025, 06:52:46 AM »
Here's what I don't get, if the water system is not designed to fight a fire like this, why are the firefighters connecting hoses to the fire hydrants expecting water?

Why do they call it a fire hydrant if not available to use in a fire?

"DWP spokesman Bowen Xie said the agency had filled its 114 water storage tanks before the blaze, but after the Palisades Fire erupted on Tuesday, water demand quadrupled in the area, lowering the pressure required to refill the three local storage tanks.

By 4:45 p.m., the first of the three tanks ran out of water, said Janisse Quiñones, DWP’s chief executive and chief engineer. The second tank ran empty about 8:30 p.m., and the third at 3 a.m. Wednesday. "
"He said water pressure issues could be addressed by adding more or larger pipes,"


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Re: Water
« Reply #167 on: January 10, 2025, 06:54:55 PM »
I read that a reservoir was empty to begin with because , , , the tarp to cover it had a tear in it???