Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 661536 times)


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How CA cheated
« Reply #3050 on: December 06, 2024, 12:29:00 PM »
How California Stole Trump’s Popular Vote Majority
California went right, but Dems flipped 3 Republican House seats.

December 6, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield

December is here, the election has been over for a month, Trump has picked out his cabinet and California is still counting the votes. And will go on counting them until the Dems win.

Considering Trump’s landslide victory, California had a difficult task ahead of it, but it has already managed to flip the seats held by Rep. Mike Garcia, Rep. Michelle Steel and just stole  the seat held by Rep. John Duarte.

In Duarte’s 13th congressional district, California Dems have taken a month to count a little over 210,000 votes. That’s an impressive achievement considering that the proverbial Florida Man seems able to count the votes on Election night. Even third world countries seem to do it.

It took Democrats ‘counting’ a full 3 weeks to get the Democrat challenger to finally take a lead. Four weeks later, they are declaring victory after finally having ‘found’ enough ballots.

Garcia, Steel and Duarte were all leading on Election night until late-arriving mail drop ballots showed up.

California Democrats flipping three seats matches the dubious accomplishment of their New York counterparts who also flipped three seats. That’s a striking achievement since Kamala had actually dropped down 3 million votes from Biden’s 2020 numbers in California and New York. In California alone, Kamala was down 1.9 million and yet somehow three red seats turned blue.

This mysterious ‘blue wave’ arrived even as voters statewide defied Democrats and the media to vote for Prop 36, to make crime illegal alien, and rejected a variety of lefty propositions including Prop 6, 32 and 33, and it arrived not in liberal areas, but in swing districts.

California tilted right, yet somehow swing districts tilted left to unseat House Republicans. Not only that but after the election, based on the numbers at the time, California Republicans expected to pick up four seats in CA-9 CA-21, CA,47 and CA-49. They ended up not only picking up no seats, but also losing 3 out of 5 Republican House seats in the election.

This incredible blue wave in which Democrats won 7 out of 9 House seats came even as the overall numbers showed that California had tilted right and Democrats were underperforming.

Even more incredibly, California Dems somehow won these seats well after the election.

The late-arriving blue wave had consequences beyond whittling down the House Republican majority, it’s also being used to steal President Trump’s landslide and national mandate.

After the election, Trump had won 40% of the vote and he’s now at 38% and counting. The difference may be slight, but it’s part of the math that Democrats and their media are using to argue that he didn’t really win the popular vote and doesn’t actually have a mandate.

Since the election, Kamala has ‘picked up’ over 3.5 million votes in California.

Those 3.5 million votes were crucial to arguing that Trump did not win the majority of the popular vote, but 49.97% (at current count) of the popular vote. What may seem like a trivial exercise is already percolating through the media and the Democrats who will not only insist on it going forward, who will fact check and censor anyone who disagrees, but will also be used to argue that Trump does not have a popular mandate and that they have the right to undermine him.

How much of a difference does 0.03% make? Enough to argue that Trump is an illegitimate president and that the Democrats don’t need to back down from a leftist extremist agenda.

The last time the Democrats had lost the popular vote was 2004. The defeat led to a reassessment that marked the end of normative party politics and the rise of Obama. Kamala’s 2024 defeat two decades later could mark the end of the era of Obama politics. Kamala had been touted as the new Obama, her campaign had been run by Obama veterans and she had relied on the Obamas to make the closing argument for her ahead of the election.

Unlike 2016, the Democrats reacted with shock to not only an electoral defeat, but their rejection by most of the country. There was talk that wokeness might be over, that transgender politics needed to be reconsidered and that the party had been dragged much too far to the left.

Stealing Trump’s popular vote mandate not only undermines him, but assures the Democrats that they do not need to change anything because they did not ‘really’ lose the popular vote.

As thin as the excuse may be, Democrats will be looking for any reason not to change.

Kamala’s defeat was not just a rejection of the party, but of California Democrat politics. Not only was Kamala a native daughter of the state, but her campaign was a California Democrat one. No presidential candidate had ever staked their entire campaign’s closing argument on abortion. None had endorsed legalizing illegal migration in every way right down to using taxpayer money to pay for sex changes for illegal alien criminals. California had helped Kamala lose in 2024.

California Democrats believe that they are the future of the party. Gov. Gavin Newsom polls as the highest ranked new 2028 contender and has convened a special legislative session to ‘Trump proof’ California. And by stealing the election, California is showing it’s still the future.

The 2024 election was overall conducted in a more legitimate fashion in swing states. Efforts by Pennsylvania Democrats to count illegitimate and undated ballots were shut down by courts. But California Democrats have decided to be a shining example to the party that there is no reason to conduct legitimate elections when they still have an army of ballot harvesters.

Every bad trend comes out of California and the state’s Democrat machine is showing its counterparts across the country that the answer isn’t change, but totalitarianism. From bans on voter ID to funding an army of organizers to conduct voter outreach and turnout to a process that ‘counts’ and finds votes into the winter, California is a model of abusing the system, tainting the results, repressing the voters, and suppressing political change.

Looking to 2028, Democrats will have a choice between moderation and extremism, between trying to realign the party with the majority of Americans, or with building an even bigger mousetrap to steal elections. California is making the case for election rigging and extremism.

And even though it may not be a swing state, the blatant corruption of California’s election abuses show that it poses a threat not only to voters in the state, but to the entire country.

2024 rolled back the steal but the path to restoring election integrity runs through California.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 04:02:28 PM by Crafty_Dog »
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3051 on: December 06, 2024, 12:51:30 PM »
He won the popular vote in November. Only Democrats vote in December.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3052 on: December 06, 2024, 08:38:06 PM »
Well, this I agree with. I mean, why the hell is vote counting going on in CA ONE MONTH AFTER election day??? This clearly ought to be illegal, and the Trump administration needs to lead the way in cleaning up this bulls**t. Most if not all of these votes are obviously fraudulent.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3053 on: December 07, 2024, 05:58:41 AM »
I think we are missing a big opportunity to communicate with people whose sense of certainty and righteousness has been rattled by the outcome of the election-- most certainly including the huge drop in Dem votes and the implications thereof-- that 2020 was the result of massive rigging due to mass mail ballots and ballot harvesting and that therefor J6 was a sincere attempt to defend American democracy by deferring certification until things could get sorted out.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3054 on: December 07, 2024, 08:27:25 AM »
"  Since the election, Kamala has ‘picked up’ over 3.5 million votes in California.

Those 3.5 million votes were crucial to arguing that Trump did not win the majority of the popular vote, but 49.97% (at current count) of the popular vote.  "

and 3 House Seats  ....      :x

A utility bill is an acceptable form of voter "ID" in Kaliphornication :

How crazy is this?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3055 on: December 07, 2024, 09:16:49 AM »
Since there is no electoral consequence to it, I will stay with the fact that Trump won the popular vote on Nov 5, 2024.

Whatever Calif did after that took 3 seats from the House but otherwise has nothing to do with the election the rest of us had in November 2024.

Hopefully the shenanigans in California will cause other states like Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan to tighten up their own electoral processes.

Democrats lost 2 million of their voters in California in 4 years, even counting all their post Nov 5 ballot counting . Not a good trend (for them).

I know that in MN and WI the shenanigans happen where you have one party rule. But Republicans are closing the gap in those areas, including NY and CA.

Notice that no one is pushing Gavin Newsom for President in 2028.  What are they going to say, he will do for the nation what he did for california?? Kamala leads that polling with a very weak plurality. The real leader is 'none of the above'.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 09:27:31 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3056 on: December 10, 2024, 08:00:21 AM »
This crap that CA is doing with vote "counting" over a month after election day has to be outlawed, in addition to wherever else it is happening. Trump needs to mobilize Congress to pass a federal law banning this fraud. Greenfield is right - this now allows the Democrats and the media an excuse (as if they needed any) to say that Trump did not win the popular vote, and therefore has no mandate. Sadly, there are many uninformed voters who will believe this sh*t, as it is NOT being widely reported, even on Fox News. This sort of fraud will be the death of our republic if we don't fix it, and fast. See below.

California Stole Trump’s Popular Vote Majority

Mon, 9 Dec 2024 12:47 AM PST by Daniel Greenfield

December is here, the election has been over for a month, Trump has picked out his cabinet and California is still counting the votes. And will go on counting them until the Dems win.

Considering Trump’s landslide victory, California had a difficult task ahead of it, but it has already managed to flip the seats held by Rep. Mike Garcia, Rep. Michelle Steel and just stole the seat held by Rep. John Duarte.

In Duarte’s 13th congressional district, California Dems have taken a month to count a little over 210,000 votes. That’s an impressive achievement considering that the proverbial Florida Man seems able to count the votes on Election night. Even third world countries seem to do it.

It took Democrats ‘counting’ a full 3 weeks to get the Democrat challenger to finally take a lead. Four weeks later, they are declaring victory after finally having ‘found’ enough ballots.

Garcia, Steel and Duarte were all leading on Election night until late-arriving mail drop ballots showed up.

California Democrats flipping three seats matches the dubious accomplishment of their New York counterparts who also flipped three seats. That’s a striking achievement since Kamala had actually dropped down 3 million votes from Biden’s 2020 numbers in California and New York. In California alone, Kamala was down 1.9 million and yet somehow three red seats turned blue.

This mysterious ‘blue wave’ arrived even as voters statewide defied Democrats and the media to vote for Prop 36, to make crime illegal alien, and rejected a variety of lefty propositions including Prop 6, 32 and 33, and it arrived not in liberal areas, but in swing districts.

California tilted right, yet somehow swing districts tilted left to unseat House Republicans. Not only that but after the election, based on the numbers at the time, California Republicans expected to pick up four seats in CA-9 CA-21, CA,47 and CA-49. They ended up not only picking up no seats, but also losing 3 out of 5 Republican House seats in the election.

This incredible blue wave in which Democrats won 7 out of 9 House seats came even as the overall numbers showed that California had tilted right and Democrats were underperforming.

Even more incredibly, California Dems somehow won these seats well after the election.

The late-arriving blue wave had consequences beyond whittling down the House Republican majority, it’s also being used to steal President Trump’s landslide and national mandate.

After the election, Trump had won 40% of the vote and he’s now at 38% and counting. The difference may be slight, but it’s part of the math that Democrats and their media are using to argue that he didn’t really win the popular vote and doesn’t actually have a mandate.

Since the election, Kamala has ‘picked up’ over 3.5 million votes in California.

Those 3.5 million votes were crucial to arguing that Trump did not win the majority of the popular vote, but 49.97% (at current count) of the popular vote. What may seem like a trivial exercise is already percolating through the media and the Democrats who will not only insist on it going forward, who will fact check and censor anyone who disagrees, but will also be used to argue that Trump does not have a popular mandate and that they have the right to undermine him.

How much of a difference does 0.03% make? Enough to argue that Trump is an illegitimate president and that the Democrats don’t need to back down from a leftist extremist agenda.

The last time the Democrats had lost the popular vote was 2004. The defeat led to a reassessment that marked the end of normative party politics and the rise of Obama. Kamala’s 2024 defeat two decades later could mark the end of the era of Obama politics. Kamala had been touted as the new Obama, her campaign had been run by Obama veterans and she had relied on the Obamas to make the closing argument for her ahead of the election.

Unlike 2016, the Democrats reacted with shock to not only an electoral defeat, but their rejection by most of the country. There was talk that wokeness might be over, that transgender politics needed to be reconsidered and that the party had been dragged much too far to the left.

Stealing Trump’s popular vote mandate not only undermines him, but assures the Democrats that they do not need to change anything because they did not ‘really’ lose the popular vote.

As thin as the excuse may be, Democrats will be looking for any reason not to change.

Kamala’s defeat was not just a rejection of the party, but of California Democrat politics. Not only was Kamala a native daughter of the state, but her campaign was a California Democrat one. No presidential candidate had ever staked their entire campaign’s closing argument on abortion. None had endorsed legalizing illegal migration in every way right down to using taxpayer money to pay for sex changes for illegal alien criminals. California had helped Kamala lose in 2024.

California Democrats believe that they are the future of the party. Gov. Gavin Newsom polls as the highest ranked new 2028 contender and has convened a special legislative session to ‘Trump proof’ California. And by stealing the election, California is showing it’s still the future.

The 2024 election was overall conducted in a more legitimate fashion in swing states. Efforts by Pennsylvania Democrats to count illegitimate and undated ballots were shut down by courts. But California Democrats have decided to be a shining example to the party that there is no reason to conduct legitimate elections when they still have an army of ballot harvesters.

Every bad trend comes out of California and the state’s Democrat machine is showing its counterparts across the country that the answer isn’t change, but totalitarianism. From bans on voter ID to funding an army of organizers to conduct voter outreach and turnout to a process that ‘counts’ and finds votes into the winter, California is a model of abusing the system, tainting the results, repressing the voters, and suppressing political change.

Looking to 2028, Democrats will have a choice between moderation and extremism, between trying to realign the party with the majority of Americans, or with building an even bigger mousetrap to steal elections. California is making the case for election rigging and extremism.

And even though it may not be a swing state, the blatant corruption of California’s election abuses show that it poses a threat not only to voters in the state, but to the entire country.

2024 rolled back the steal but the path to restoring election integrity runs through California.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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PP: Overseas vote fraud
« Reply #3057 on: December 14, 2024, 05:38:45 AM »

GOP must reform UOCAVA ASAP: Complacency often comes with electoral success, so it'll be interesting to see whether congressional Republicans prioritize voting integrity in the next two years. Democrats have their eye on exploiting the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, and if Republicans don't do something about it, some of them will likely be voted out of a job. "UOCAVA ... has numerous problems," The Federalist reports, "including a poor track record for verifying the identity and eligibility of the voters it admits to the system. This observation might help to explain in part why the Democrat Party has recently taken a particular interest in UOCAVA voting. In August, the DNC announced that it would begin attempting to register up to 9 million voters through the system, despite the federal government's own acknowledgment that only 2.8 million eligible voters are actually overseas." The UOCAVA was originally meant for active-duty military and federal employees stationed overseas, though it now serves mostly non-military Americans living abroad. To fight potential fraud, reform of this system should include strict voter ID measures and ballot verification, a ban on overseas electronic voting, and elimination of automatic registration for future elections.


See today's entries for North Carolina for an example of this.


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Vote fraud 2020?
« Reply #3059 on: December 15, 2024, 08:28:42 PM »


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Captain K on 2024 Vote Integrity
« Reply #3061 on: January 15, 2025, 10:52:16 PM »
Comprehensive look relating election rules, regs, and practices such as same day registration, mail in voting, & voter ID laws to 2024 electoral outcomes. The links are well worth exploring, though alas need trial registration and pay after a week free:


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GA: Stacey Abrams group busted, fined
« Reply #3062 on: January 16, 2025, 06:07:09 AM »

BBG:  I'm preparing for a big trip next week (training San Fran PD in Anti-Knife) and do not have the time, but that sounds really interesting.   Hope you will have time and inclination to report back to us.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2025, 06:10:16 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: GA: Stacey Abrams group busted, fined
« Reply #3063 on: January 16, 2025, 02:18:08 PM »

BBG:  I'm preparing for a big trip next week (training San Fran PD in Anti-Knife) and do not have the time, but that sounds really interesting.   Hope you will have time and inclination to report back to us.

Alas, recovering from unexpected surgery, embroiled in a ~$25 million RFP effort I’m leading, & on a hiring committee seeking a replacement for part of my job when I retire come summer, all of which get in the way of gainful web surfing….


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3064 on: January 17, 2025, 05:40:00 AM »
Thoughts and prayers with you!!!


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3065 on: January 17, 2025, 11:54:05 AM »
Thoughts and prayers with you!!!

Thoughts and prayers with you!


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How Census Fraud Precedes Vote Fraud
« Reply #3066 on: February 01, 2025, 06:22:41 PM »
Piece makes a compelling argument that census fraud is inexorably linked to vote fraud:


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3067 on: February 02, 2025, 08:11:43 AM »
We here at FHOF have randomly made this point and I am quite glad to see it made once again.

By so doing we strike potently at the gaslighting deceptions about the true balance of political support in America AND prepare the way for correcting this subversion of our democracy.

If ever I get on the Sean Hannity radio show again(this requires getting to an AM radio --i.e. my truck-- for a couple of hours for consecutive days because some days there really aren't many segments calling for call-ins) I will be using this article as part of my preparations.

(I also will be using our work here to prepare on Birthright Citizenship)


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3068 on: February 02, 2025, 09:07:48 AM »
how about calling Levin? although it is not frequent he takes calls.  I think Friday at the end he does if I recall correctly :)

or Kelly from newsmax has a radio show.

Anthony Weiner is on Saturday afternoon .......  :-D  but of course no one listens.  As soon as I hear that voice boom I turn it off.


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« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 08:52:47 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3071 on: February 05, 2025, 08:53:00 AM »


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USAID, CFPB, & Fellow Travelers Provide Uniparties for Everyone!
« Reply #3072 on: February 10, 2025, 08:32:31 PM »
Posting this several places as it looks to me like the beginning of a big deal. Warren’s CFPB has had its funds cut off as has USAID; this piece claims various US based vote fraud operations depend on these two orgs (think about that for a minute) for 75% of their funding. So … if these cuts stick, it’ll be very interesting to see what impact it has on the midterm election cycle. Hopefully some folks with the right chops and abilities to do something about it—meaning anyone but the MSM as they have their hands as deeply inserted in now empty pockets as their fellow fraudsters—are tracking the various befores and afters in these problem precincts to see what tea can be made of those changes.

An earlier post of mine in USAID noted how those funds were being used to, let’s speak plainly, subvert elections in other, often democratic, countries. Hey if it worked in those places to install WEF backed Uniparties it’ll work here, right?

Peter Bernegger
 entered the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) last week. Surprise ending.

Take a close second look at how important this is to our elections:

The CFPB is how the Democratic National Committee DNC and US Congressman Clyburn network get paid.  Conservative Treehouse Feb 7, 2025 article, link below.

Clyburn quietly goes around visiting various states months before major elections. He visits the key election fraud participants such as Sols To The Pols, MICHA, and African Methodist Episcopal Churches.

Clyburn went to Madison, Milwaukee and Beloit, perhaps other places. Afterward his visits, there were text messages talking about ballot ordering.

"The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, has precinct level ballot counting election operations (poll workers) in the key counties [Fulton (GA), Wayne (Mich), Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (PA), Clark (NV), Maricopa (AZ), Dane (WI), etc.]  The ballot counting doesn’t need to happen all over the state, just at the key urban county level." Conservative Treehouse July 3, 2024.

What Clyburn is doing is planning the ballot harvesting, one does not need votes, you need ballots to win a elections. There is a key difference.

"This is the core funding for the activist groups who the Democrats rely upon to manipulate election outcomes.  If they get cut off from both USAID funds and CFPB funds, they lose about 75% of all their election engineering funding."  Conservative Treehouse Feb 7, 2025.

Chris Gleason deserves the credit for the countless hours of research on Smurfing to expose it. Phillip Allison did key work also.

The surprise: we have been saying for a long time a good amount of the Smurfing $$$$ - which is criminally laundered monies into political campaigns - is coming from the US Treasury.

"The Act Blue money laundering operation took the hundreds of millions in funds from sketchy network sources attached to the CFPB/USAID, then assigned those funds to random names in the donor files of the Act Blue system; essentially washing away the fingerprints so the FEC could not identify the larger funding mechanism behind the fraudulently assigned individual donors.  This is the trail that James O’Keefe was following."  Conservative Treehouse Feb 7, 2025.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3073 on: February 10, 2025, 08:42:14 PM »
"Warren’s CFPB has had its funds cut off"

How is this possible?  I thought its funding was independent?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3074 on: February 10, 2025, 09:00:47 PM »
"Warren’s CFPB has had its funds cut off"

How is this possible?  I thought its funding was independent?
My understanding is that Vought is responsible:


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #3075 on: February 11, 2025, 06:27:48 AM »
From that article:

"Vought posted on his X account on Saturday evening: "Pursuant to the Consumer Financial Protection Act, I have notified the Federal Reserve that CFPB will not be taking its next draw of unappropriated funding because it is not 'reasonably necessary' to carry out its duties. The Bureau's current balance of $711.6 million is in fact excessive in the current fiscal environment."

Anyway, we now drift from the Subject of this thread.   Perhaps the Bureaucracy thread from here forward?