Does an award mean much when given to you in this fashion/ And the only one "with distinction" WOW. More self congratulations from the *ONE " to his right hand guy: given the award:
From wikipedia (32 of 46 given out by Clinton and Obama since 1964); Ethel Kennedy - LOL
Politics and government[edit]
Recipient Year President Notes
Arnold Aronson 1998 Bill Clinton
Roger Nash Baldwin 1981 Ronald Reagan
Oscar Elias Biscet 2007 George W. Bush
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. 2017 Barack Obama Awarded with Distinction.
James Chaney 2014 Barack Obama Posthumously[16]
César Chávez 1994 Bill Clinton Posthumously
Elouise Cobell 2016 Barack Obama Posthumously[9]
Justin Whitlock Dart, Jr. 1998 Bill Clinton
Evelyn Dubrow 1999 Bill Clinton
Marian Wright Edelman 2000 Bill Clinton [43]
James L. Farmer, Jr. 1998 Bill Clinton
Billy Frank, Jr. 2015 Barack Obama Posthumously[21]
Hector Garcia 1984 Ronald Reagan [44]
Andrew Goodman 2014 Barack Obama Posthumously[16]
Suzan Shown Harjo 2014 Barack Obama [16]
Dorothy Height 1994 Bill Clinton
George G. Higgins 2000 Bill Clinton
Gordon Hirabayashi 2012 Barack Obama Posthumously [26]
Benjamin Hooks 2007 George W. Bush
Dolores Huerta 2012 Barack Obama [26]
Rev. Jesse Jackson 2000 Bill Clinton
Millie Jeffrey 2000 Bill Clinton
Helen Keller 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson
Ethel Kennedy 2014 Barack Obama [16]
Martin Luther King, Jr. 1977 Jimmy Carter Posthumously
Fred Korematsu 1998 Bill Clinton
Mary Lasker 1969 Richard Nixon
Rev. Joseph Lowery 2009 Barack Obama [15]
Sylvia Mendez 2011 Barack Obama [4]
Harvey Milk 2009 Barack Obama Posthumously [15]
Clarence M. Mitchell 1980 Jimmy Carter
Mario G. Obledo 1998 Bill Clinton
Rosa Parks 1996 Bill Clinton
Esther Peterson 1981 Jimmy Carter
Bayard Rustin 2013 Barack Obama Posthumously [29]
Ginetta Sagan 1996 Bill Clinton
Michael Schwerner 2014 Barack Obama Posthumously[16]
Natan Sharansky 2006 George W. Bush
Gloria Steinem 2013 Barack Obama [29]
William C. Velasquez 1995 Bill Clinton Posthumously
Cordy Tindell "C.T." Vivian 2013 Barack Obama [29]
Lech Wałęsa 1989 George H.W. Bush
Roy Wilkins 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson
Minoru Yasui 2015 Barack Obama Posthumously[21]
Andrew Young 1981 Ronald Reagan