Author Topic: The Way Forward for the American Creed  (Read 367983 times)


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Re: (Need to Find) A Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #950 on: February 16, 2022, 07:53:37 AM »
Wrap your head around the fact that the American Republic is deader than J. Epstein (If he isn't on Pedo Island II and a NYC Homeless man was buried in his place). Stolen elections have consequences and the left will NEVER voluntarily give up power again.  There is NO RULE OF LAW anymore. IF BurnLootMurder targets you and/or your daughter, don't expect the MN authorities to protect or defend you or avenge your victimization. You are just tax cattle of the wrong pallor and you live only as long as some BLM/Antifa/3rd world savage (With a very high IQ) doesn't decide otherwise.

You aren't voting your way out of this.

Freedom is in retreat in the US lately and around the world.  I will try to find the source for that besides our own lying eyes.

The Chinese model of authoritarianism is gaining ground here and others around the world are becoming neutral about the fact that China is becoming the greatest power as the US recedes.

Covid created a political climate that allowed for "emergency" authoritarian rule in a formerly constitutional republic.

Republicans having a good year in 2022 off year elections - IF THEY DO - does not change all that.  In fact it barely changes anything.  Better committee assignments?

Fire Hydrant of Freedom stands for, um, freedom.   )

Some of us here (me in particular) are aging.  Need to find a way to make a bigger difference, sooner rather than later.

Many, many people are becoming are becoming cynical about the liberal Left woke BS - without embracing the alternative.

How do we reach more people with better, stronger, clearer, more persuasive messages and solutions?

Now is the time.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #951 on: February 16, 2022, 08:08:18 AM »
"How do we reach more people with better, stronger, clearer, more persuasive messages and solutions?

Now is the time."

We need clear message headlines AND GOALS

new contract with America
closer to election so Dems/media/ivy leagues cannot have time to cut it off at the knees

We need it to COUNTER LEFTist policies and sound convincing

We need to explain with the messages and goals exactly what we are fighting for and what will happen if we don't win.

40 to 45 % of people will not give a shit what we do or say

So we are reaching out to the rest

I am not optimistic facing all the powerful forces against us.
but agree we have to keep fighting

"voting will not get us out of this mess"
yet I do not hear any alternatives -
just innuendos


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #952 on: February 16, 2022, 08:10:37 AM »

Less time playing tennis/golf, more time on the range, getting ready for the two-way range.

"How do we reach more people with better, stronger, clearer, more persuasive messages and solutions?

Now is the time."

We need clear message headlines AND GOALS

new contract with America
closer to election so Dems/media/ivy leagues cannot have time to cut it off at the knees

We need it to COUNTER LEFTist policies and sound convincing

We need to explain with the messages and goals exactly what we are fighting for and what will happen if we don't win.

40 to 45 % of people will not give a shit what we do or say

So we are reaching out to the rest

I am not optimistic facing all the powerful forces against us.
but agree we have to keep fighting

"voting will not get us out of this mess"
yet I do not hear any alternatives -
just innuendos


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #953 on: February 16, 2022, 08:13:40 AM »
"Many, many people are becoming are becoming cynical about the liberal Left woke BS - without embracing the alternative."

yes and when we see Biden poll numbers in the toilet

many of those who disapprove
are mad they did not get free tuition
more reparations
and their free stuff agenda is being hurt by Biden administration screwing things up

more then they are suddenly Republican ....


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #954 on: February 16, 2022, 08:44:59 AM »
quote author=ccp
"...we have to keep fighting..."

Prepping and range shooting is plan b. protect what you have left.

G M:  The Left will not give up power.

'Giving up power' is incremental.  You don't think there will be a new Speaker of the House next January?  30 or maybe 218 House Democrats do.

With a member suffering a stroke, R's lead in the Senate right now 50-49.  You don't think winning a few seats there this year matters or is possible? 

With what ought to be a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court, you don't think Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett joining Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on crucial constitutional votes (like gun rights), or stopping their next anti-constitutional appointee matters?

In my congressional district MN-3, a fake moderate Dem holds votes 99% Nancy Pelosi, holds office with the support of suburban parents whose kids got masked, 'vaccinated' and taught they are racist - we shouldn't waste effort on an energetic challenge to his seat?  I strongly disagree.

We've been through this before and I don't follow you there.  As mentioned with aging, I don't have time to argue whether it matters.  IT ALL MATTERS.  Margin of victory (and of defeat) matters.  Michele Tafoya co-chairing Kendall Qualls campaign matters.  To everyone who cares, doing more matters. Every state legislative district race matters.  Every school board election matters.  Who we pick for 2024 matters.

My arguments, if I could reach them, go out to the Leftists to challenge them on the dismal results of their failed policies, and to the independents and undecideds who deserve to hear another side of it before they fully make up their mind and vote.

ccp:  many of those who disapprove
are mad they did not get free tuition
more reparations
and their free stuff agenda is being hurt by Biden administration screwing things up
more than they are suddenly Republican ....

   - Yes but they are learning that free everything isn't free, isn't everything, and more often than not does not help them.

The inflation tax is hitting everyone, those economically challenged the hardest.  Getting the government to pay your food, phone, heat, electricity, internet, health care, transportation and so on is a hassle, promotes the underground economy that doesn't fund your neighborhood and is contract with the government to stay poor for the rest of your life and to wish that for your children and theirs.  You get all the free stuff, keep your income low as they require, and then find out the other party believes in you, supports school choice, respects your freedom and educational and economic potential.  If only people would put out the message.

We can change people's lives and their votes, especially with the utter failure of the Leftist policies becoming so obvious.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 08:52:26 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #955 on: February 16, 2022, 08:55:02 AM »
Remember when the republicans had power, so they ended Obamacare like they promised?

quote author=ccp
"...we have to keep fighting..."

Prepping and range shooting is plan b. protect what you have left.

G M:  The Left will not give up power.

'Giving up power' is incremental.  You don't think there will be a new Speaker of the House next January?  30 or maybe 218 House Democrats do.

With a member suffering a stroke, R's lead in the Senate right now 50-49.  You don't think winning a few seats there this year matters or is possible? 

With what ought to be a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court, you don't think Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett joining Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on crucial constitutional votes (like gun rights), or stopping their next anti-constitutional appointee matters?

In my congressional district MN-3, a fake moderate Dem holds votes 99% Nancy Pelosi, holds office with the support of suburban parents whose kids got masked, 'vaccinated' and taught they are racist - we shouldn't waste effort on an energetic challenge to his seat?  I strongly disagree.

We've been through this before and I don't follow you there.  As mentioned with aging, I don't have time to argue whether it matters.  IT ALL MATTERS.  Margin of victory (and of defeat) matters.  Michele Tafoya co-chairing Kendall Qualls campaign matters.  To everyone who cares, doing more matters. Every state legislative district race matters.  Every school board election matters.  Who we pick for 2024 matters.

My arguments, if I could reach them, go out to the Leftists to challenge them on the dismal results of their failed policies, and to the independents and undecideds who deserve to hear another side of it before they fully make up their mind and vote.

ccp:  many of those who disapprove
are mad they did not get free tuition
more reparations
and their free stuff agenda is being hurt by Biden administration screwing things up
more than they are suddenly Republican ....

   - Yes but they are learning that free everything isn't free, isn't everything, and more often than not does not help them.

The inflation tax is hitting everyone, those economically challenged the hardest.  Getting the government to pay your food, phone, heat, electricity, internet, health care, transportation and so on is a hassle, promotes the underground economy that doesn't fund your neighborhood and is contract with the government to stay poor for the rest of your life and to wish that for your children and theirs.  You get all the free stuff, keep your income low as they require, and then find out the other party believes in you, supports school choice, respects your freedom and educational and economic potential.  If only people would put out the message.

We can change people's lives and their votes, especially with the utter failure of the Leftist policies becoming so obvious.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #956 on: February 16, 2022, 09:02:09 AM »

Remember when the republicans had power, so they ended Obamacare like they promised?

quote author=ccp
"...we have to keep fighting..."

Prepping and range shooting is plan b. protect what you have left.

G M:  The Left will not give up power.

'Giving up power' is incremental.  You don't think there will be a new Speaker of the House next January?  30 or maybe 218 House Democrats do.

With a member suffering a stroke, R's lead in the Senate right now 50-49.  You don't think winning a few seats there this year matters or is possible? 

With what ought to be a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court, you don't think Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett joining Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on crucial constitutional votes (like gun rights), or stopping their next anti-constitutional appointee matters?

In my congressional district MN-3, a fake moderate Dem holds votes 99% Nancy Pelosi, holds office with the support of suburban parents whose kids got masked, 'vaccinated' and taught they are racist - we shouldn't waste effort on an energetic challenge to his seat?  I strongly disagree.

We've been through this before and I don't follow you there.  As mentioned with aging, I don't have time to argue whether it matters.  IT ALL MATTERS.  Margin of victory (and of defeat) matters.  Michele Tafoya co-chairing Kendall Qualls campaign matters.  To everyone who cares, doing more matters. Every state legislative district race matters.  Every school board election matters.  Who we pick for 2024 matters.

My arguments, if I could reach them, go out to the Leftists to challenge them on the dismal results of their failed policies, and to the independents and undecideds who deserve to hear another side of it before they fully make up their mind and vote.

ccp:  many of those who disapprove
are mad they did not get free tuition
more reparations
and their free stuff agenda is being hurt by Biden administration screwing things up
more than they are suddenly Republican ....

   - Yes but they are learning that free everything isn't free, isn't everything, and more often than not does not help them.

The inflation tax is hitting everyone, those economically challenged the hardest.  Getting the government to pay your food, phone, heat, electricity, internet, health care, transportation and so on is a hassle, promotes the underground economy that doesn't fund your neighborhood and is contract with the government to stay poor for the rest of your life and to wish that for your children and theirs.  You get all the free stuff, keep your income low as they require, and then find out the other party believes in you, supports school choice, respects your freedom and educational and economic potential.  If only people would put out the message.

We can change people's lives and their votes, especially with the utter failure of the Leftist policies becoming so obvious.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #957 on: February 16, 2022, 09:23:21 AM »

Doug writes:

"The inflation tax is hitting everyone, those economically challenged the hardest.  Getting the government to pay your food, phone, heat, electricity, internet, health care, transportation and so on is a hassle, promotes the underground economy that doesn't fund your neighborhood and is contract with the government to stay poor for the rest of your life and to wish that for your children and theirs.  You get all the free stuff, keep your income low as they require, and then find out the other party believes in you, supports school choice, respects your freedom and educational and economic potential.  If only people would put out the message.

We can change people's lives and their votes, especially with the utter failure of the Leftist policies becoming so obvious."


I fear we still need more pain
under Democrats to drive this point home ...

though for now, looking good for '22.

don't know
we need a new birth of freedom

without violence ?  hope so but not holding my breath


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #958 on: February 16, 2022, 09:23:49 AM »

Remember when the republicans had power, so they ended Obamacare like they promised?

quote author=ccp
"...we have to keep fighting..."

Prepping and range shooting is plan b. protect what you have left.

G M:  The Left will not give up power.

'Giving up power' is incremental.  You don't think there will be a new Speaker of the House next January?  30 or maybe 218 House Democrats do.

With a member suffering a stroke, R's lead in the Senate right now 50-49.  You don't think winning a few seats there this year matters or is possible? 

With what ought to be a 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court, you don't think Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett joining Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito on crucial constitutional votes (like gun rights), or stopping their next anti-constitutional appointee matters?

In my congressional district MN-3, a fake moderate Dem holds votes 99% Nancy Pelosi, holds office with the support of suburban parents whose kids got masked, 'vaccinated' and taught they are racist - we shouldn't waste effort on an energetic challenge to his seat?  I strongly disagree.

We've been through this before and I don't follow you there.  As mentioned with aging, I don't have time to argue whether it matters.  IT ALL MATTERS.  Margin of victory (and of defeat) matters.  Michele Tafoya co-chairing Kendall Qualls campaign matters.  To everyone who cares, doing more matters. Every state legislative district race matters.  Every school board election matters.  Who we pick for 2024 matters.

My arguments, if I could reach them, go out to the Leftists to challenge them on the dismal results of their failed policies, and to the independents and undecideds who deserve to hear another side of it before they fully make up their mind and vote.

ccp:  many of those who disapprove
are mad they did not get free tuition
more reparations
and their free stuff agenda is being hurt by Biden administration screwing things up
more than they are suddenly Republican ....

   - Yes but they are learning that free everything isn't free, isn't everything, and more often than not does not help them.

The inflation tax is hitting everyone, those economically challenged the hardest.  Getting the government to pay your food, phone, heat, electricity, internet, health care, transportation and so on is a hassle, promotes the underground economy that doesn't fund your neighborhood and is contract with the government to stay poor for the rest of your life and to wish that for your children and theirs.  You get all the free stuff, keep your income low as they require, and then find out the other party believes in you, supports school choice, respects your freedom and educational and economic potential.  If only people would put out the message.

We can change people's lives and their votes, especially with the utter failure of the Leftist policies becoming so obvious.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #959 on: February 16, 2022, 09:30:22 AM »
Remember when the republicans had power, so they ended Obamacare like they promised?

That "Republican" "majority" included McCain, Flake and so on.  We give up because McCain broke his promise? 

As mentioned, picking the right candidates matters. 

The media are against us, year 60.  Oh poor us.  Let's give up the country then.

We found out, most obvious in the past 5 years, we don't have a media.  Paraphrasing Glenn Reynolds, we have Radical Left partisan operatives with by lines.  They didn't investigate Trump Russia; they merely repeated what they heard, when it advanced their narrative.  Now we know they were wrong.  Now we know they don't care and will continue to get crucial things wrong. 

We have right and left media and they don't intersect.  Why don't we, our side, change that?  Again, what I mean by do more.  I will put up money, 1/millionth ownership, to build a new newspaper and new network that doesn't lean left, right or center, just investigates hard and reports real news better than anyone on the planet.  That wouldn't be hard.  The bar is low.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #960 on: February 16, 2022, 09:34:45 AM »
"Let's give up the country then."

You don't have a country anymore. Give up your illusions.

The only country we will have is the one we rebuild on the ruins of what was the American Republic.

Remember when the republicans had power, so they ended Obamacare like they promised?

That "Republican" "majority" included McCain, Flake and so on.  We give up because McCain broke his promise? 

As mentioned, picking the right candidates matters. 

The media are against us, year 60.  Oh poor us.  Let's give up the country then.

We found out, most obvious in the past 5 years, we don't have a media.  Paraphrasing Glenn Reynolds, we have Radical Left partisan operatives with by lines.  They didn't investigate Trump Russia; they merely repeated what they heard, when it advanced their narrative.  Now we know they were wrong.  Now we know they don't care and will continue to get crucial things wrong. 

We have right and left media and they don't intersect.  Why don't we, our side, change that?  Again, what I mean by do more.  I will put up money, 1/millionth ownership, to build a new newspaper and new network that doesn't lean left, right or center, just investigates hard and reports real news better than anyone on the planet.  That wouldn't be hard.  The bar is low.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #961 on: February 16, 2022, 09:49:36 AM »
"You don't have a country anymore. Give up your illusions."

   - Give up, give up, give up.  Tell it to someone else.  I'm not giving up.

"The only country we will have is the one we rebuild on the ruins of what was the American Republic."

   - Give the tyrants complete power, then take over.  Like the freedom seeking uprising about to overthrow the regime in China?  I'm not buying it.

Don't give the tyrants another inch.  And why should we?  Everything is leaning our way right now because of Leftist overreach.  Right up until we win part of it back and screw it up again.  How do we not win the argument with the Left this time around? 

Take state control of the six most recent swing states, and more, and the next steal can be stopped.  But not if we spend every minute fighting our own side.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #962 on: February 16, 2022, 10:01:36 AM »
Keith Ellison is your AG. Leftist militias can do as they wish on your streets without police interference. At least 2 million illegals have streamed over the border as a direct result of the stolen election. Luckily, all we need to do is vote in the right republicans! If we can just vote hard enough to outvote the vote fraud!

"You don't have a country anymore. Give up your illusions."

   - Give up, give up, give up.  Tell it to someone else.  I'm not giving up.

"The only country we will have is the one we rebuild on the ruins of what was the American Republic."

   - Give the tyrants complete power, then take over.  Like the freedom seeking uprising about to overthrow the regime in China?  I'm not buying it.

Don't give the tyrants another inch.  And why should we?  Everything is leaning our way right now because of Leftist overreach.  Right up until we win part of it back and screw it up again.  How do we not win the argument with the Left this time around? 

Take state control of the six most recent swing states, and more, and the next steal can be stopped.  But not if we spend every minute fighting our own side.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #965 on: February 16, 2022, 10:25:25 AM »
"War, You’re Soaking In It"


many good points


"  Warfare in our current time starts to look like what someone did to the Iranians:  drop in a virus that makes their centrifuges that they were using to process nuclear material break.  Imagine the electrical grid being as reliable as Venezuela’s grid.  Sure, it could be enemy action.  But with current trends, it could also be our own ineptitude at running things in a world where hiring by merit seems to be a thing of the past.

What happens if every tenth financial transaction in our electronic payment system is “missed”?  How many days until the payment infrastructure is shut down and the entire country is in chaos?  What happens if Walmart™ experiences failure in the logistics and tracking system for the billions of dollars worth of goods that it handles?  How many people does Walmart© feed?

Due to the current emergency, Walmart™ has announced that they’ll open a second register.

These are all warfare, and don’t require a single soldier or a panzer division.  Moreover, this is exactly the type of warfare that has already been planned and prepared for in Moscow and Beijing."

reading this the question becomes :

Is this how our CIVIL WAR will be conducted

problem with this is the LEFT controls most geeks


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #966 on: February 16, 2022, 10:36:32 AM »
"Keith Ellison is your AG."

I don't know why this is me vs you.  He is "my" AG because of lost elections, twice.  Urban and suburban voters not knowing that is wrong and "my" message not getting out.  I warned about him before most heard of him.

Meanwhile R's won 50%of the House seats and the state Senate in a state that was furthest left a few Presidents ago.

Ellison will go the way of the way of the suburban vote.  Isn't that tied to the better messaging point you are so quick to shoot down?  Suburbs decide most close states.  Dies inflation, collapse and mayhem favor them?  I don't think so.

We don't need MN to win national elections.  It's not one of the 6 closest, even though Hillary beat Trump in '16 by 2 points. 

How does "give up" get Keith Ellison, and Omar and Phillips out?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 10:45:27 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #967 on: February 16, 2022, 10:46:42 AM »
It's not me vs. you. It's us vs. those who destroyed the republic and want you, me and our families in camps and/or mass graves. I'm just pointing out the dire situation you are in because of where you are. If you are in a location where the left holds the levers of power, you are on the razor's edge.

"Keith Ellison is your AG."

I don't know why this is me vs you.  He is "my" AG because of lost elections, twice.  Urban and suburban voters not knowing that is wrong and "my" message not getting out.  I warned about him before most heard of him.

Meanwhile R's won 50%of the House seats and the state Senate in a state that was furthest left a few Presidents ago.

Ellison will go the way of the way of the suburban vote.  Isn't that tied to the better messaging point you are so quick to shoot down?

We don't need MN to win national elections.  It's not one of the 6 closest, even though Hillary beat Trump in '16 by 2 points. 

How does give up get Keith Ellison, and Omar and Phillips out?


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #968 on: February 16, 2022, 06:31:36 PM »
" more time on the range, getting ready for the two-way range"

Also known as "Peace Through Strength".  How does the saying go?  If we would have Peace, then let us prepare for War.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #969 on: February 16, 2022, 06:48:30 PM »
" more time on the range, getting ready for the two-way range"

Also known as "Peace Through Strength".  How does the saying go?  If we would have Peace, then let us prepare for War.

Unfortunately, we are already at war, though it's totally one sided at this point.


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Missouri GOP Governor problem?
« Reply #970 on: February 17, 2022, 12:47:54 PM »

I don't know what other thread to post this.

I don't really follow Missouri politics
My nephew no longer works for Hawley
He went out on his own with some others in a start up .

He does keep in touch with Josh and remains embedded in GOP politics though.


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Great One on Hannity
« Reply #971 on: February 18, 2022, 01:38:32 PM »


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A deep and serious read
« Reply #972 on: February 19, 2022, 01:37:51 AM »


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #973 on: February 19, 2022, 08:23:25 AM »
CD post above:

"The Continuing Crisis
The election and its aftermath."

by Michael Anton

"VDH like" ability to 'summarize' nicely what we see, feel, and think!   

Especially the 2020 election summary of the grift we had shoved down our throats
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 08:29:39 AM by ccp »


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YES important
« Reply #976 on: April 06, 2022, 09:11:32 AM »

I really like this

instead of listening to Obama et al smugly telling "who we are [commies subservient to elites]

and we are the wrong side of history

lets start spitting it back in their faces

WE  are on the "right side of history" - which we are


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Re: YES important
« Reply #977 on: April 06, 2022, 09:19:39 AM »

I really like this

instead of listening to Obama et al smugly telling "who we are [commies subservient to elites]

and we are the wrong side of history

lets start spitting it back in their faces

WE  are on the "right side of history" - which we are

Grooming: Know the Warning Signs
JUL 10, 2020

One tool common to those who sexually abuse kids is grooming: manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught. While these tactics are used most often against younger kids, teens and vulnerable adults are also at risk.

Grooming can take place online or in-person. It’s usually employed by a family member or someone else in the victim’s circle of trust, such as a coach, teacher, youth group leader or others who naturally have some interaction with the victim.

Though grooming can take many different forms, it often follows a similar pattern.

Victim selection: Abusers often observe possible victims and select them based on ease of access to them or their perceived vulnerability.
Gaining access and isolating the victim: Abusers will attempt to physically or emotionally separate a victim from those protecting them and often seek out positions in which they have contact with minors.
Trust development and keeping secrets: Abusers attempt to gain trust of a potential victim through gifts, attention, sharing “secrets” and other means to make them feel that they have a caring relationship and to train them to keep the relationship secret.
Desensitization to touch and discussion of sexual topics: Abusers will often start to touch a victim in ways that appear harmless, such as hugging, wrestling and tickling, and later escalate to increasingly more sexual contact, such as massages or showering together. Abusers may also show the victim pornography or discuss sexual topics with them, to introduce the idea of sexual contact.
Attempt by abusers to make their behavior seem natural, to avoid raising suspicions. For teens, who may be closer in age to the abuser, it can be particularly hard to recognize tactics used in grooming. Be alert for signs that your teen has a relationship with an adult that includes secrecy, undue influence or control, or pushes personal boundaries.
Grooming Family and Community
Grooming behaviors are not only used to gain a victim’s trust, but often are used to create a trustworthy image and relationship with their family and community. Child and teen sexual abusers are often charming, kind, and helpful — exactly the type of behavior we value in friends and acquaintances. You don’t need to be suspicious of everyone who is kind to your child; most people are well intentioned and trustworthy. But you should be on guard that this type of behavior is sometimes just a mirage, a way for an abuser to gain your trust so they have more direct access to your child (and make it less likely that the child will be believed if they speak up about the abuse). You should also talk to your kids about risks and boundaries, and make sure they know that they can come to you if anyone crosses a line.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #978 on: April 06, 2022, 10:13:09 AM »
Good post on a very important subject, but probably better to post about it here:


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #979 on: April 06, 2022, 10:36:36 AM »
Good post on a very important subject, but probably better to post about it here:

Grooming children is now a standard practice for public school teachers. That's fueling the screaming about Florida's bill.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #980 on: April 06, 2022, 11:45:04 AM »
I get that.  Please take it to the Parenting thread.


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The Way Forward for the American Creed Amy Barrett
« Reply #981 on: April 06, 2022, 11:47:23 AM »
Great story.

The program was interrupted by a heckler who screamed that Barrett was an “enslaver of women,” apparently because of her anti-abortion position.

Without batting an eyelash, the mother of seven responded to the heckler.

“As a mother of seven, I am used to distractions and sometimes even outbursts,” which elicited a round of applause and laughter from the capacity crowd.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 11:51:42 AM by DougMacG »


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Repubs did well past Tuesday
« Reply #982 on: April 08, 2022, 07:53:43 AM »
well it is a step in the right direction:

VOTE harder !!!    :-D

only way out of this short of guns
or capitulation


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Re: Repubs did well past Tuesday
« Reply #983 on: April 08, 2022, 11:06:10 AM »
well it is a step in the right direction:
VOTE harder !!!    :-D

only way out of this short of guns
or capitulation

Freedom isn't free anymore (and never was).

"Vote harder", whether sincere or mocked, means doing ALL those things within the process and to protect the electoral process. 

Everyone (who cares) does everything they can to make a difference every available minute of every day - if you understand the seriousness of it - or we all lose; this is a war, political so far.

How hard do people think it is to win back freedom from tyranny after we piss it away?  Freedom isn't what follows the collapse, sorry.

Ask the people of the Soviet Union that lived without freedom for 90 years (and then 30 more) or Cuba, NK, Venezuela or the locked-down millions in China right now.  Once you lose your right to free speech, free assembly *  and level playing field consensual government (and arms), it's nearly impossible to win back - and can't be done without outside help.  There is no USofA coming to help us when we fall.

  *   Can't assemble at a public university, can't even assemble in a private club because it is already infiltrated:

It's time to fight back.

Death caused by very very old age is when we give up.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2022, 11:17:18 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #984 on: April 08, 2022, 12:14:28 PM »


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #985 on: April 08, 2022, 01:16:40 PM »
""Vote harder", whether sincere or mocked"

it was sincere

a rib to GM  :-D


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more Democrat cynicism
« Reply #986 on: April 08, 2022, 02:30:07 PM »

how disgusting

staring down election losses

they now want an executive order to give away another free largess

at the expense of all those who did actually pay for college and tax payers

I thought Congress held purse strings?

what legal scholars are they referring to besides Harvard democrat partisan Larry Lib who will say anything to get Dems elected


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Conrad Black: God Does Bless America
« Reply #988 on: May 02, 2022, 06:13:09 PM »

God Does Bless America
Conrad Black
Conrad Black
 May 2, 2022 Updated: May 2, 2022biggersmaller Print

The consequences for the country of the Biden administration’s cascade of blunders in every policy area are serious, and the vacuum created in the world by the evaporation of American leadership is dangerous and worrisome.

But no one who felt the agonies of the Trump–Russia collusion fraud and the fatuous Trump impeachment trials, and the enthronement of megalomaniacal scientists in order to justify shutting down the economy so that Trump could be blamed for an economic depression, and who was disgusted by the unconstitutional changes to voting and vote-counting rules and the abdication of the judiciary in addressing these issues, can fail to find the disintegration of the Biden regime and its media allies somewhat amusing.

Chris Wallace, formerly of Fox News, led the lionization of Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose professional and administrative competence are not at issue but who was transported by the great eminence suddenly conferred upon him to lead the nation in a zig-zag pattern of changes of pace and opinion that continues still and undoubtedly resulted in a great deal of needless economic and psychological hardship.

Fauci white-washed the role of the Chinese Communist Party and of the World Health Organization, both of which we are now almost certain were duplicitous and negligent in not doing all that was possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus from China. Fauci also appears to have disguised his own organization’s role in financing the research that may have accidentally led to the creation and escape of the coronavirus. The entire anti-Trump media was responsible for the lionization of Fauci far beyond what his performance warranted, but Wallace started the ball rolling with an infamously sycophantic interview.

His conduct as moderator of the first presidential debate was also so partisan that it was, as Trump himself stated in the course of the debate, almost as if he were debating two opponents. Just as the media during the campaign permitted Joe Biden to remain in his basement in Delaware while they conducted his campaign for him by smearing the Republican administration, Wallace effectively provided the same service during the first debate (though it must be said that Trump did himself no favors by his gratuitous bellicosity and over-frequent interruptions).

Wallace gave a fair exposé of his biases when he pronounced Biden’s platitudinous and monosyllabic inaugural address as the best that had been delivered of all the 16 that he had heard, starting with John F. Kennedy’s celebrated remarks in 1960.

In most cases, it’s distasteful and unsportsmanlike to celebrate the setbacks of other people, and I moderately reproach myself for doing it here, but there’s something naturally just and exquisitely symmetrical in the quick sequence of Wallace leaving Fox News for CNN, declaring his pleasure at joining “Jeff Zucker and his great team” and helping launch the CNN streaming service, as that network lost almost 75 percent of its primetime viewers, Zucker resigned, the new streaming service attracted approximately 5/100 of 1 percent of adult Americans, and it was shutdown after approximately three weeks. Though he was undoubtedly well paid for his brief sojourn on the CNN streaming service and will be back somewhere, the professional whereabouts of Wallace are unknown.

The exposure of the apparent fraudulence of Black Lives Matter (BLM) is another welcome development: Who can forget the ludicrous spectacle of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) marching with them a few days after the tragic death of George Floyd and declaring his adherence to the movement, as many of the nation’s largest and stupidest corporations deluged BLM with hundreds of millions of dollars of contributions without, apparently, the elemental verification that these were authentic charitable donations. It’s clear that they were not, that the corporate donors emancipated themselves from the least professionalism or thoroughness before pitching out the shareholders’ money in a manner that is probably not tax-deductible and went to an organization that originally became well known for condoning the murder of white policemen, and is now an alleged tax cheat. Even as corporate America was opening up its wallet, BLM’s leader in New York (Hawk Newsome) threatened to burn America down.

The tragedy and the outrage on the southern border in which more than 2 million people surge into the country illegally, annually, in a process more reminiscent of the barbarians overwhelming the Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. than it does any recognizable form of immigration, vastly enriches the brutal Mexican drug importing and slave-trading gangs. It has from the start been more infuriating because of the uninterrupted mendacity of the Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas. From his first weeks in that job, as the Trump wall was stopped and the new president effectively invited the desperate and the derelict of the world to come to America and straight onto the welfare rolls and into its public health and education systems, and millions have answered, Mayorkas was doggedly announcing, “The border is closed,” as the other half of the split television screen showed pictures of large numbers of people walking or wading or swimming across the border at various sites and all hours.

What must surely be the coruscation, the ne plus ultra of the hypocrisy and incompetence of the whole Bidenization phenomenon must be Mayorkas’s happy announcement at a congressional committee this past week that his department was setting up a “misinformation and disinformation board” to correct falsehoods in the media and that it was being led by a person who has already proved herself to be a compulsively untruthful, rabidly partisan myth-maker who had stooped to putting on the Internet her own screechy rendition of the Mary Poppins song in the service of the full canon of Trump-hating mythology. It’s humorous, but it is, unfortunately, insane.

Vladimir Putin is supposedly causing inflation, the oil companies are themselves responsible for the decline in American oil production, and no one has any idea what America’s war aims are in Ukraine other than to prevent Russia from taking over the entire country. It’s a pitiful and contemptible administration, but events elsewhere have reassured Americans who are seeking it that God does bless America. Otherwise, Russia, which could easily have humiliated the West by simply seizing another chunk of Ukraine and leaving it at that, has bungled this invasion so badly that if Putin thinks he can take the Russian-speaking areas of eastern Ukraine and continue to shower missiles down on the populated areas of the whole country indefinitely, NATO will have to give Ukraine the ability to reply against Russian territory. All Putin’s huffing and puffing about nuclear weapons is just buffoonery when all you will need to do to end the war with no attacks on Russia itself is accept a quarter of a loaf. China will have to take note of the Ukraine fiasco—Taiwan is a highly sophisticated, very well-armed island 110 miles of open water away from China. Invading it would be a terrible challenge, and the Chinese should understand that.

This awful time of poor government in the United States will disabuse both parties of mindless lurches to the left, will reinstall a sensible Republican administration and Congress, and the blunders of America’s rivals in the world will make the international cost of the Biden fiasco reasonably affordable.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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Re: Conrad Black: God Does Bless America
« Reply #989 on: May 02, 2022, 06:28:30 PM »

"This awful time of poor government in the United States will disabuse both parties of mindless lurches to the left, will reinstall a sensible Republican administration and Congress, and the blunders of America’s rivals in the world will make the international cost of the Biden fiasco reasonably affordable."

Oh? No more cheating at the elections from now on? Such good news!


God Does Bless America
Conrad Black
Conrad Black
 May 2, 2022 Updated: May 2, 2022biggersmaller Print

The consequences for the country of the Biden administration’s cascade of blunders in every policy area are serious, and the vacuum created in the world by the evaporation of American leadership is dangerous and worrisome.

But no one who felt the agonies of the Trump–Russia collusion fraud and the fatuous Trump impeachment trials, and the enthronement of megalomaniacal scientists in order to justify shutting down the economy so that Trump could be blamed for an economic depression, and who was disgusted by the unconstitutional changes to voting and vote-counting rules and the abdication of the judiciary in addressing these issues, can fail to find the disintegration of the Biden regime and its media allies somewhat amusing.

Chris Wallace, formerly of Fox News, led the lionization of Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose professional and administrative competence are not at issue but who was transported by the great eminence suddenly conferred upon him to lead the nation in a zig-zag pattern of changes of pace and opinion that continues still and undoubtedly resulted in a great deal of needless economic and psychological hardship.

Fauci white-washed the role of the Chinese Communist Party and of the World Health Organization, both of which we are now almost certain were duplicitous and negligent in not doing all that was possible to prevent the spread of the coronavirus from China. Fauci also appears to have disguised his own organization’s role in financing the research that may have accidentally led to the creation and escape of the coronavirus. The entire anti-Trump media was responsible for the lionization of Fauci far beyond what his performance warranted, but Wallace started the ball rolling with an infamously sycophantic interview.

His conduct as moderator of the first presidential debate was also so partisan that it was, as Trump himself stated in the course of the debate, almost as if he were debating two opponents. Just as the media during the campaign permitted Joe Biden to remain in his basement in Delaware while they conducted his campaign for him by smearing the Republican administration, Wallace effectively provided the same service during the first debate (though it must be said that Trump did himself no favors by his gratuitous bellicosity and over-frequent interruptions).

Wallace gave a fair exposé of his biases when he pronounced Biden’s platitudinous and monosyllabic inaugural address as the best that had been delivered of all the 16 that he had heard, starting with John F. Kennedy’s celebrated remarks in 1960.

In most cases, it’s distasteful and unsportsmanlike to celebrate the setbacks of other people, and I moderately reproach myself for doing it here, but there’s something naturally just and exquisitely symmetrical in the quick sequence of Wallace leaving Fox News for CNN, declaring his pleasure at joining “Jeff Zucker and his great team” and helping launch the CNN streaming service, as that network lost almost 75 percent of its primetime viewers, Zucker resigned, the new streaming service attracted approximately 5/100 of 1 percent of adult Americans, and it was shutdown after approximately three weeks. Though he was undoubtedly well paid for his brief sojourn on the CNN streaming service and will be back somewhere, the professional whereabouts of Wallace are unknown.

The exposure of the apparent fraudulence of Black Lives Matter (BLM) is another welcome development: Who can forget the ludicrous spectacle of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) marching with them a few days after the tragic death of George Floyd and declaring his adherence to the movement, as many of the nation’s largest and stupidest corporations deluged BLM with hundreds of millions of dollars of contributions without, apparently, the elemental verification that these were authentic charitable donations. It’s clear that they were not, that the corporate donors emancipated themselves from the least professionalism or thoroughness before pitching out the shareholders’ money in a manner that is probably not tax-deductible and went to an organization that originally became well known for condoning the murder of white policemen, and is now an alleged tax cheat. Even as corporate America was opening up its wallet, BLM’s leader in New York (Hawk Newsome) threatened to burn America down.

The tragedy and the outrage on the southern border in which more than 2 million people surge into the country illegally, annually, in a process more reminiscent of the barbarians overwhelming the Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. than it does any recognizable form of immigration, vastly enriches the brutal Mexican drug importing and slave-trading gangs. It has from the start been more infuriating because of the uninterrupted mendacity of the Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas. From his first weeks in that job, as the Trump wall was stopped and the new president effectively invited the desperate and the derelict of the world to come to America and straight onto the welfare rolls and into its public health and education systems, and millions have answered, Mayorkas was doggedly announcing, “The border is closed,” as the other half of the split television screen showed pictures of large numbers of people walking or wading or swimming across the border at various sites and all hours.

What must surely be the coruscation, the ne plus ultra of the hypocrisy and incompetence of the whole Bidenization phenomenon must be Mayorkas’s happy announcement at a congressional committee this past week that his department was setting up a “misinformation and disinformation board” to correct falsehoods in the media and that it was being led by a person who has already proved herself to be a compulsively untruthful, rabidly partisan myth-maker who had stooped to putting on the Internet her own screechy rendition of the Mary Poppins song in the service of the full canon of Trump-hating mythology. It’s humorous, but it is, unfortunately, insane.

Vladimir Putin is supposedly causing inflation, the oil companies are themselves responsible for the decline in American oil production, and no one has any idea what America’s war aims are in Ukraine other than to prevent Russia from taking over the entire country. It’s a pitiful and contemptible administration, but events elsewhere have reassured Americans who are seeking it that God does bless America. Otherwise, Russia, which could easily have humiliated the West by simply seizing another chunk of Ukraine and leaving it at that, has bungled this invasion so badly that if Putin thinks he can take the Russian-speaking areas of eastern Ukraine and continue to shower missiles down on the populated areas of the whole country indefinitely, NATO will have to give Ukraine the ability to reply against Russian territory. All Putin’s huffing and puffing about nuclear weapons is just buffoonery when all you will need to do to end the war with no attacks on Russia itself is accept a quarter of a loaf. China will have to take note of the Ukraine fiasco—Taiwan is a highly sophisticated, very well-armed island 110 miles of open water away from China. Invading it would be a terrible challenge, and the Chinese should understand that.

This awful time of poor government in the United States will disabuse both parties of mindless lurches to the left, will reinstall a sensible Republican administration and Congress, and the blunders of America’s rivals in the world will make the international cost of the Biden fiasco reasonably affordable.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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Thinking this through if all conservatives move to red states
« Reply #990 on: May 16, 2022, 06:54:54 AM »
From GM on the  Fed bitcoin inflation thread:

"the votes that matter:
Your Sheriff (If your Sheriff doesn't have any real authority, that's a clue it's time to move).
Your DA.
Your County Commissioners
Your School Board.
You better be in the reddest county in the reddest state you can find.
Time is very limited at this point."

Trying to think this through.
What would be the effect if all conservatives moved to the reddest states possible?

We would really have a totally divided country.
But then what? 


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Re: Thinking this through if all conservatives move to red states
« Reply #991 on: May 16, 2022, 07:42:25 AM »
From GM on the  Fed bitcoin inflation thread:

"the votes that matter:
Your Sheriff (If your Sheriff doesn't have any real authority, that's a clue it's time to move).
Your DA.
Your County Commissioners
Your School Board.
You better be in the reddest county in the reddest state you can find.
Time is very limited at this point."

Trying to think this through.
What would be the effect if all conservatives moved to the reddest states possible?

We would really have a totally divided country.
But then what?

Your chances of survival greatly improve. Read up on the Spanish Civil War.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #995 on: June 17, 2022, 06:43:39 AM »
who are "those people"

she is referring to?


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #996 on: June 17, 2022, 06:57:48 AM »
who are "those people"

she is referring to?

Those who think we are going to vote our way back to Reagan's America.


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #997 on: June 17, 2022, 07:05:20 AM »
"Those who think we are going to vote our way back to Reagan's America."

that is only one part of it but it is an essential part

Reagan America is gone as we knew it

lets say we don't vote at all....

let them win all elections from here on in.

Would that be smart?


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #998 on: June 17, 2022, 07:25:27 AM »
Local is all you can hope to control.

The Deep State will steal national elections just like they did in 2020.

"Those who think we are going to vote our way back to Reagan's America."

that is only one part of it but it is an essential part

Reagan America is gone as we knew it

lets say we don't vote at all....

let them win all elections from here on in.

Would that be smart?


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Re: The Way Forward for the American Creed
« Reply #999 on: June 17, 2022, 01:27:52 PM »
I reject pre-emptive concession.