Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6), the Second American Civil War, and "the Resistance"  (Read 285814 times)


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Just saw this movie! Go see it!
« Reply #200 on: August 15, 2018, 09:50:18 PM »

Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept the result of a free election. That year, their target was Lincoln. They smeared him. They went to war to defeat him. In the end, they assassinated him.

Now the target of the Democrats is President Trump and his supporters. The Left calls them racists, white supremacists and fascists. These charges are used to justify driving Trump from office and discrediting the right “by any means necessary.”

But which is the party of the slave plantation? Which is the party that invented white supremacy? Which is the party that praised fascist dictators and shaped their genocidal policies and was in turn praised by them?

Moreover, which is the party of racism today? Is fascism now institutionally embodied on the right or on the left?

Through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy, Death of a Nation cuts through progressive big lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths.

Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump—and we—come together and save America for the second time?




Death of a Nation is open in theaters nationwide now, in time to be seen by millions of Americans before they head to the polls in November.


Hollywood Reporter: D’Souza’s new film makes incendiary claims about Democrats’ history
Epoch Times: ‘Death of a Nation’ shows Democrat ‘plantation’ still in business
WND: Filmmaker blasts ‘gangsterization’ of Democratic Party
Fox News: If you think Trump is a white supremacist, you should talk to a real one
American Thinker: Trump is not Reagan; he’s Lincoln
WATCH: Dinesh D’Souza talks Trump & Lincoln with Diamond and Silk
WND: Dinesh D’Souza explains ‘outrageous’ Trump-Lincoln comparison
WND: Dinesh D’Souza argues “nothing racial about Trump”
WATCH: Lara Trump interviews Dinesh D’Souza on President Trump’s Facebook Page
Christian Post: D’Souza’s new film compares Trump to Lincoln, liberals to fascists
WND: See trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming film on Trump
Newsmax: Dinesh D’Souza calls Democrats ‘party of slave plantations’
JUST RELEASED: D’Souza reveals new movie trailer
Hollywood Reporter: Dinesh D’Souza compares Trump to Lincoln in new movie trailer
LifeZette: “Death of a Nation” shares unblinking look at Left’s tactics
Washington Examiner: Dinesh D’Souza calls Obama ‘a plantation recruiter’
Breitbart: D’Souza’s upcoming documentary to compare Trump and Lincoln
LifeZette: In upcoming documentary, Dinesh D’Souza compares Trump to Lincoln
Hollywood Reporter: D’Souza to compare Trump with Lincoln in upcoming film


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Why Democrats would lose the Second Civil War
« Reply #201 on: August 18, 2018, 05:04:15 PM »
This goes a lot of places I would not want to go, but an interesting exercise.


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Falling Down
« Reply #202 on: August 21, 2018, 04:58:19 PM »


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Re: Antifa beats up Sandernista for carrying American flag
« Reply #204 on: August 22, 2018, 08:19:41 AM »
second post

Antifa Beats the Shit Out of Bernie Sanders Supporter, Thinking He's "Alt-Right" Because He... Was Carrying an American Flag
So that's the real definition of "alt-right" employed by the left now?

When they're justifying their terroristic attacks, they claim they're "fighting Nazis."

But the definition of "Nazi" turns out to be: "someone holding the flag of the nation that defeated the actual Nazis."

John Sexton has the story and video.

Now I'm going to say something, and I don't want it to be read as criticism of Sexton, or anyone else pushing this story.

I understand why the story is being framed the way it is. I do.

I want to talk about why the story can only be framed the way it is.

Without finding fault for anyone on the right for framing it this way.

But the way people on the right are framing this -- and I completely understand the reasons why -- is, "Look, Antifa says they beat up Nazis but they beat up nice liberal Bernie Sanders supporters."

Now, that's the way I framed it too.

The reason the story is framed this way is to dispute the media's argument that antifa only beats up Nazis -- as if that were legal or acceptable.

But it's an argument that CNN clown Chris Cuomo, son of one American governor and brother of another, has made on TV, justifying Antifa's terroristic violence.

You can read Nolte's excellent article on that, or John Sexton's very good piece.

Cuomo -- and I'm sure he did this in coordination ("collusion") with CNN editorial -- implicitly, deliberately endorses terroristic violence by CNN's ground troops in Antifa, while using Yasser-Arafat-like slippery language in doing so, so he can claim he was just saying "Nazis are bad."

That's a lie. I'm sure his script was vetted by CNN and he wrote it several times so that he could justify terroristic violence by the left while retaining some slight scraps of plausible deniability on the point.

But getting back to the why-is-the-story-framed-this-way problem:

Many normal conservatives have been beaten in the street, had eggs thrown at them, been maced in the face, etc.

The media provides air cover for its ground troops, Antifa.

So people frame the story in this way -- a Bernie Sanders supporter was viciously attacked by antifa! -- because the media and city police forces have already decided that conservatives are not human and are not owed civil rights and that it is now de facto legal to brutalize them in the street.

People resort to emphasizing this was a Bernie Sanders supporter because we all understand, and we have all internalized, that the media and Democrat-controlled police forces have deemed us subhuman noncitizens who are of a lesser caste and may be beaten by the higher castes as they choose.

So we all have to emphasize that this is a Bernie Sanders supporter. We could not, say, emphasize that the lesbian girl who was maced in the face by Antifa for the crime of wearing a red MAGA hat was a Trump supporter, because we know that that, in the left's mind, makes her a valid Target of Opportunity.

So we are forced to accept their definition of us as subhuman and beneath the protections of the law. We could not say "They did this to a Trump supporter!" of Charlie Kirk being assaulted (yes, dumping a drink on someone is assault and battery) because we have internalized it that, in the dominant, leftist-controlled rules of engagement, We deserve that.

But this Bernie Suppporter? He doesn't deserve it.

And that's what makes it bad. He, unlike us, does not deserve to be clubbed in the head on the street for carrying an American flag.

We deserve that. He doesn't.

Again, not criticism intended of John Sexton or the many other right-leaning writers writing the story in this way. As I also do not intended to criticize myself for framing it this way.

I point this out only to emphasize to you How bad the situation is.

We all have internalized we have no hope of having anyone in the media point out that beating conservative citizens in the streets is a social evil that borders on open civil war.

So we have stopped even trying.

We have simply moved on to complaining now that the left's fellow travelers are being beaten in the street, hoping against hope that maybe that will make them stop justifying beating conservatives in the street, as Chris Cuomo does on the Super-Patriotic American "news" outfit CNN.

But that is itself hopeless. All the left will do is chide antifa for having chosen the wrong target of the wrong caste to beat in the street for the Nazi-like crime of carrying the American flag.

But they will not criticize antifa for beating citizens in the street. Just for beating the First Class Citizens of the left in the street, mistaking them for the Second Class Citizens of the right, who you're allowed to beat.

Nay -- morally required to beat.

As Matt Yglesias does here.

   The Oregonian ‎@Oregonian

Matthew Yglesias

 Some Antifa geniuses beat up a Bernie Sanders voter counter-protesting the alt-right rally in Portland because he was holding an American flag.

5:19 PM - Aug 20, 2018
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At some point the shooting will begin, and people will be killed by the violence they supported, justified, and promoted -- not just the "right" targets, but the "wrong" leftwing targets too -- and these monsters will ask: "How did this happen?"

Well: It was all you.

People respect the social compact of civil peace only so long as that compact protects them as well.

When they see that there is no longer a social compact of peace, they will begin violating it themselves.

And once that starts in earnest: there is little chance of stopping it. Civil wars start off slowly, then enter a period of dramatic escalation, then enter a period of slow, grinding murder for years, until finally, so many people are dead and so much misery has been suffered that people are finally willing to make peace with those who have been murdering them.

Ask the populations of any country who've gone through a civil war.

But I'm sure our very smart media class knows all this, right? They're The Experts in everything.

Just ask them! They'll tell you on twitter, after they liken domestic terrorists to those who liberated Europe from the actual Nazis:

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Wired Sources
 FLASHBACK: CNN's @ChrisCuomo compared violent Antifa thugs to American soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy. #DDay

6:17 AM - Jun 6, 2018
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Do you geniuses honestly think you're the only people who've thought "Gee, maybe some political vigilantism/terrorism against my enemies would be fun and profitable"?

I know from the way you write you news reports, you don't think that. You think the right is eager to start murdering people.

So why, Experts and Geniuses, do you insist on starting a civil war with people who you are convinced are arming themselves in the teeth only to start killing progressives?

And then, of course, they whine: "We've been made to feel unsafe to express our First Amendment rights!"


Tell me -- What's that like?

Because the people actually, currently being victimized by real violence want to hear all about what it's like to merely have back-of-the-mind fears of some future, possible, hypothetical violence.

The idea of only facing hypothetical, possible, future sounds pretty sweet, at least to those of us actually, in reality, being targeted for violence.


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Re: Second American Civil War - Antifa
« Reply #205 on: August 22, 2018, 09:20:56 AM »
G M link:

I'm not blaming the victim but wouldn't you know the Bernie supporter was unarmed. The antifa fascists might not be so lucky in their next war against the country and the flag.


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Yes we are fighting back
« Reply #208 on: September 06, 2018, 10:36:44 AM »
Good we have some people who are fighting back

I also like the rapid response shown on our few media outlets to the endless day by day smears from MSM.


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I Really Don’t Feel Like Submitting To Socialist Tyranny. Do You?
« Reply #209 on: September 06, 2018, 12:22:21 PM »

I Really Don’t Feel Like Submitting To Socialist Tyranny. Do You?
Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Sep 06, 2018 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent the views of


Socialism’s legacy is heaps of bloody corpses scattered across a landscape of hunger and despair, but the youthful neo-commie hipsters infesting our colleges and coastal cities want to give it another try here and now since they’re smart and they won’t screw it up this time. Uh huh. Because when I look at millennials, I see a generation of achievers – achieving unbroken eye contact with their iPhones, achieving hitherto unimagined heights of undeserved self-regard, and achieving convincing their parents to support them into middle age. If anyone can make socialism work – by which I mean the pipe dream of it not being a slaughterhouse of soul crushing tyranny – it’s these winners. At least that’s what Chet thinks.

            Chet’s my unicorn.

            Me? I think I’d prefer freedom. Yes, I definitely prefer freedom. And I think that if they want to take away my freedom, they should be ready to fight to the death. I’m not super butch warrior guy, but still I’d rather bleed out on a pile of hot brass than live as the slave of a Chardonnay-swilling socialist ruling nomenklatura based in Brooklyn.

            Oh, I’m not kidding. I walked around in the ruins of socialism overseas. My wife’s family escaped it. When you talk about a socialist revolution, you better be ready to bring one because I and a couple hundred million other patriots are not having it.

            Are. Not. Having. It.

            Now, the cool new socialism of the hipster class glosses over the problem that we Normals and our uppitiness pose to their utopian scheme, and it’s a pretty big problem. Let’s see what some of the man-children at whatever the Chapo Traphouse podcast is say about our bright, shiny future under socialism:

“After setting everyone on equal footing (by seizing the billionaires’ money, socializing their wealth, and handing the keys of production over to workers), you’re looking at an economy that requires something like a three-hour workday, with machines taking care of most of the drudgery; and—as our public fund pays for things like health care, education, scientific research, and infrastructure—all this technology actually makes work quicker, easier, and more enjoyable.”   

            That’s a lot to unpack, so let’s seize on just one aspect. “Seizing,” are we? Now, these sorry cheese weasels do look exactly like you would expect: Stupid beards, skinny jeans, soft hands, and dull eyes. But they don’t look much like dudes who are likely to seize anything besides the nearest locally-sourced muffin. Who, exactly, do they expect to do all the seizing that will facilitate “handing the keys of production over to workers?” Now, I use to specialize in commanding hundreds of guys with guns who actually could seize stuff, and I have to say that I don’t think my troopers would be down with doing the dangerous bidding of a bunch of geebos who look like they’d be blathering about their fourth-level elf warrior with a +1 sword Dungeons & Dragons character if they weren’t quoting selections from Marxism 4 Dummies.

            They seem to be saying, “Don’t worry, we’re only going to mess with those Monopoly men with the monocles and top hats!” You could ask your local kulak about how that turns out for folks like you and me, but since the socialists murdered them all I’ll need to demonstrate why Normals are the real target in another way. Allow me to unleash that which leftist nincompoops fear the most, besides gainful employment and their mom walking into their room at night unannounced while they are interacting with their computer/girlfriend.


            Let’s take the richest man ever was, Jeff Bezos. He’s got a net worth of at least $150 billion. It not in actual dollars, though, unless he has the world’s biggest mattress. It’s mostly in Amazon stock. We’ll just leave aside the inconvenient issue of what would happen to Amazon’s stock value if it were “seized” and nationalized and just assume he’s got a big pit full of dollar bills. We take all that and split it among the 330 million Americans and everyone gets…$454.55. Congrats. Everyone gets one payment on their 2015 Toyota Camry. That is, unless we’re decreeing that all consumer loans are forgiven, which is probably on the socialists’ to-so list and would mean many fewer consumer loans going forward, but again I digress.

            Divvying up the cash seems…unhelpful. How about we put all the money toward government spending? That would never be dropping it down a rathole because the government is awesome. Let’s see, the 2019 U.S. budget is $4.407 trillion – with a “T” – so all of Bezos Bucks would be about 3.4% of that. Yes, all of Bezos’s money would run the federal government for 12.4 days.

            So, after about two weeks we’re going to need some more cash. There appear to be about 560 billionaires in the U.S. They all have less than Jolly Jeff – everyone has less than him – but let’s count each one as having $5 billion to simplify things. That’s $2.8 trillion. A lot of dough. But even assuming the entirety of their assets could be converted to cash, you could fund the government at present levels for … 232 days. That’s at present spending levels, without all the bells and whistles and free college and doctors and kale smoothie-makers everyone will get from Uncle Santa.

            Remember, under socialism we aren’t minting any new billionaires, so where do we go for the money once the low-hanging billionaire fruit is picked clean? Millionaires!

A 2017 report says there are probably 10.8 millionaires in what would be the People’s Republic of America: “In 2016, there were 9.4 million individuals with net worth between $1 million and $5 million, 1.3 million individuals with net worth between $5 million and $25 million, and 156,000 households with more than $25 million in net worth, the report says.”

            Now we’re hitting regular folks. If you have a house in Los Angeles or Washington, welcome to millionairehood! Or a small business – lots of us are rich on paper. Well, what’s ours is…theirs. The fact is our socialist pals are going to have to reach way down below the 1% to find enough stuff to redistribute so that everyone can have everything they want (but not enough to work for) while robots mop out the toilets.

            They want your stuff. The stuff you spent years working for, saving for, sacrificing for. All gone, to someone else, because some neck-bearded Gender Studies grad decided he and not you should choose what happens to your property. All that effort, all those years you spent gainfully employed, being responsible, working while other folks played?

            Too bad.

Everything you worked for is gone, because they want it and you have it and, well, they and their buddies got together and voted to make what’s yours theirs. You should have thought of doing that yourself before you put in all those years working to achieve your dreams. You should have just gotten the government to make your dreams come true by stealing stuff from the guys who were dumb enough to work for theirs.

The socialists seem to assume that there’s not going to be any pushback from all these millions of Normal Americans who are going to fund this latest socialist experiment (Remember, this time, under these geniuses, socialism will totally work – it’s due for a win!). We’ll sort of shrug and just give up our stuff, and our freedom, to a bunch of 20-something adolescents because…the 20-something adolescents really want us to.


I’d rather fight, if they make me. And I bet you would too. As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracyexplains, we’re done with the endless cycle of leftists failing, blaming us for their failures, taking our money and liberty, failing again, then announcing that it’s our fault they failed again, and that the solution is another round of taking our money and liberty.

            I’m just not convinced that we should give up the fruits of our decades of labor and our individual freedom to these doofuses because they really want us to. Instead, they’ll have to impose it on us by force, if they can. That whole thing about 300 million guns in the hands of free Americans makes it tricky. Now do you get why they are so intent on stripping guns from law-abiding patriots like you instead of scummy thugs in Democrat blue cities who are actually murdering people?

You’ll be a lot easier to rule if you’re disarmed. I wrote about what armed Americans can do to radicals who want to crush them under the Birkenstock heel of leftist tyranny in my novel Indian Country. Spoiler: A nation full of armed American citizens conducting a decentralized insurgency resisting a centralized leftist force attempting to oppress them has the advantage.

But it’s unlikely to come to that. Since killing me and probably you and probably a couple hundred million other armed and militant Normal Americans would be a lot of hard work, I think we’re pretty safe. These people aren’t much on actual effort; they prefer to pose and whine. If they’re going to kill us and seize our stuff, they’ll have to get off their mom’s couch and go farther than the kitchen, and that’s a fridge too far.

But you never know, so keep in mind, when choosing how to spend some of that money you earned working, that no one in history who has ever faced a foe that wants him dead or enslaved has ever had too many guns or too much ammunition.


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And the left's violence continues...
« Reply #210 on: September 12, 2018, 09:24:39 AM »


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We need an investigation
« Reply #213 on: September 13, 2018, 03:28:55 PM »

Now what Republican would not read the above and NOT think we need a team of Republican lawyers ( the 15 in the US) to investigate Wood ward up the behind and anyone and everyone ever associated with him who has in anyway ever had anything to do with someone Chinese and along the way any other improprieties are found threaten them with life in jail if they don't tell stories about Wood war being a spy and treason.


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When we look back, we will see it's already started
« Reply #215 on: September 28, 2018, 02:39:24 PM »

Communists Planning Armed Insurrection on Twitter
Antifa Podcast The Guillotine.
Antifa Podcast The Guillotine. Image via Facebook.

Communist agitators took to Twitter this week to brainstorm strategies for a violent armed insurrection against their perceived enemies, Far Left Watch reported.

“Dr. Bones," the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a 'insurgent' focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more 'militia' structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

Antifa Calls for 'Slaughter' of  Border Patrol Dogs
Bones went on to suggest that fellow travelers organize "hidden cells" and focus on ambushes and assassinations to bleed "right-leaning forces" dry. He said that during the day comrades should pretend to be into "helping everybody" and never talk about their "nighttime activities."

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CentralOH SRA
 Stay safe, comrades.

9:24 AM - Sep 8, 2018
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The Guillotine podcast, which covers “global current events from a revolutionary communist and anarchist perspective,” has nearly 15,000 Facebook followers and 250 active monthly donors on its Patreon account.

The two co-hosts, @Ole_Bonsey and @DeadIrishRebe,l identify as an “egoist-Communist” and “Marxist, respectively” according to Far Left Watch. And the pair seem to be huge fans of mass-murdering Communist dictators and “revolutionaries” like Mao Zedong and Che Guevera.


— The Guillotine (@GuillotinePod) September 25, 2018
Disturbingly, the extremists see no difference between supporters of President Trump or the police, and actual Nazis.

— The Guillotine (@GuillotinePod) September 18, 2018
L.A. Antifa Group Calls for 'Revolutionary Violence'
In the thread, Dr. Bones discouraged fellow radicals from walking around with full-sized AR rifles, suggesting that they instead use “easily concealable platforms” [weapons] so as not to “tip anyone off.”



A fellow traveler talked about the importance of communication and tactics in small cells that have "an opportunity for a big kill.”

Other radicals piped in with their two cents' worth, most of them favoring small cells that blend in with the general population.

but until then focus on small things that can be done alone/in small groups, with very little resources. It's the most effective and safest way, and does not leave a target for them to hit back at.

— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018

Kommodore M—.
Replying to @GuillotinePod
Like a boyscout, be prepared:
Pistol-caliber SBR
Rifle-caliber SBR
AR15 / AK47
with this, you're prepared for a very wide range of tactical scenarios. different loadouts for different members of squad will provide flexibility for specific applications of force

10:23 AM - Sep 25, 2018
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Truckstop Herpetologist
Replying to @Ole_Bonsey
I'm no military expert, just a reader of a lot of mil. history. I think to face up to the overwhelming tech. capabilities of the state you would have to blend into the normal civilian pop. to offer effective resistance and not just get slaughtered.

10:16 AM - Sep 25, 2018
See Truckstop Herpetologist's other Tweets
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The blending approach is gonna be the most useful, and honestly the most effective long term. Sustaining a full militia necessitates central supply chains/ bureaucratic information dispersion/ and heavier level of trust through a bigger # of people. All of which raise the cost

— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018
of recruiting into the ranks. Especially if you’re in a heavy martial state, getting people involved will mean making sure they & their whole family will face as little risk as possible. Being able to sustain outward civilian life protects more of those involved.

— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018
Also, the less information one person has on EVERYONE in the group defends against one person being caught and spilling everything on the network. A network of distributed/only necessary information/ gives more flexibility and safety to the movements to disrupt.

— Hunter?? (@MutualRevolt) September 25, 2018
Insurgency focus first, even most "blue" states there is next to no chance of being able to hold and defend large amounts of territory from the state and reactionary forces in the beginning. Small cells of insurgents have been able to punch above their weight in all modem wars

— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018
Would probably transition into holding some form of territory, whether some town, neighborhood, or whatever infrastructure, then they should start helping and training as many people as possible, so they can defend themselves and continue insurgency if anyone takes it over again

— Jake???? (@Jake_1c) September 25, 2018

@JackHerer20 (Captain Howdy) is a particularly nasty St. Louis antifa who has been featured at PJ Media and Far Left Watch before. In January of 2018, he encouraged his followers to dox GOP officials and show up at their homes.  He also offered to pay someone to assassinate President Trump. Incredibly, he still maintains a Twitter account.

The conversation above may not be against the law but should be extremely concerning to any Republican in public life. As James O'Keefe's Project Veritas exposed in its undercover investigation of the Deep State, Marxists have infiltrated the government and are holding jobs where they routinely engage in subversive "resistance" activities while on the clock.

One video released by Project Veritas captured a Department of Justice employee admitting that she does research on the home addresses and license plates of private individuals who are then targeted for loud protests at their homes by socialist demonstrators.

Allison Hrabar has now been fired, but other socialist Justice Department employees also suggested on tape that they use the DOJ LexisNexis accounts to identify home addresses of targets.

On Thursday, another member of the "resistance" on Capitol Hill doxxed Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and both Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch of Utah, posting all of their home addresses and phone numbers on their Wikipedia pages during the hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.


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Targeted Republicans for his fellow leftists
« Reply #217 on: October 03, 2018, 05:19:49 PM »

Jackson Cosko: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

By   Jessica McBride
Updated Oct 3, 2018 at 8:08pm
Jackson Cosko

Jackson Cosko, who calls himself a “Democratic Political Professional” with cybersecurity expertise, is accused of multiple crimes for allegedly doxxing Republican Senators during the Brett Kavanaugh/Christine Blasey Ford hearings.

The United States Capitol Police arrested the suspect, saying he allegedly “posted private, identifying information (doxing) about one or more United States Senators to the internet,” a statement said.

According to Legistorm, he worked for U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and previously worked for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA). A September 2018 letter from Sheila Jackson Lee (D -TX) identified him as a staffer for her office at that time. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is a member of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. (A different person working for Hassan was the intern suspended for shouting F*** you at President Donald Trump recently.)

Here’s what you need to know:

1. Jackson Cosko Was Accused of Everything From Witness Tampering to Identity Theft
Padres in our nation's capital for Close Up: Washington D.C. Thanks to Jackson Cosko '09, a staffer for Senator Boxer, for meeting with us!

— Serra High School (@SerraSanMateo) November 9, 2016

The doxxing suspect was identified as Jackson A. Cosko, age 27, of Washington D.C. He was initially charged with making public restricted personal information; witness tampering; threats in interstate communications; unauthorized access of a government computer; identity theft; second-degree burglary and unlawful entry. You can read the Capitol police press release here.

The statement said the “investigation will continue and additional charges may be forthcoming.”

NEW: Capitol Police have arrested a suspect who they beleived doxed GOP Senators During the Kavanaugh/Dr Ford hearing last Thursday:

— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) October 3, 2018

Authorities have not released the details of the alleged offenses.

According to Roll Call, on Monday, October 1, 2018, “Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home addresses in Kentucky and Washington D.C. were added to his public Wikipedia page.” The site added that, during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing involving Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford, “the personal home addresses, home phone numbers, cellphone numbers and email addresses of Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Orrin G. Hatch and Mike Lee, both R-Utah, were added to the public Wikipedia pages from what appeared to be an IP address connected to the Capitol.” The information was then sent to thousands of people through a Twitter account.

A post in 2016 indicated Cosko used to work as a staffer for Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer. “Padres in our nation’s capital for Close Up: Washington D.C. Thanks to Jackson Cosko ’09, a staffer for Senator Boxer, for meeting with us!” read the tweet from Serra High School.

2. Jackson Cosko Says He Worked for the United States Senate Through May 2018 & a Letter Indicates He Was on Jackson Lee’s Staff in September 2018
sheila jackson lee
House Judiciary Committee ranking member Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX).

On his LinkedIn page, Cosko brands himself as a “Democratic Political Professional & Cybersecurity Graduate Student” who lives in the Washington D.C. Metro Area.

As his top work entry, he lists “United States Senate,” and states that he was a legislative correspondent and systems administrator from January 2017 through May 2018 in the Washington D.C. area. However, the Jackson Lee letter indicates he was working in her office as late as September 2018.

The letter starts, “I invite you to join me as an original co-sponsor of the Protect Lives and Stop the Imminent Chaos (PLASTIC) Act. The PLASTIC Act would establish a prohibition on the use of 3D printing technology to produce firearms, firearm components, or ammunition. It would also prohibit their possession and transfer.” At the bottom, it says, “Please join me as an original co-sponsor of the PLASTIC Act. To co-sponsor this legislation please contact Jackson Cosko on my staff at” and then lists a phone number.

Here is the part of the letter mentioning Jackson Cosko. It’s dated September 10, 2018.

On LInkedIn, for the earlier position, he described his duties as the following: “Assist senior staff with issues before the Commerce Committee including technology, telecommunications, transportation; as well as with cybersecurity matters before the Homeland Security Committee.”

Fox has learned that Jackson Cosko, charged by USCP w/allegedly doxing senator(s), had worked w/Dem TX Rep Sheila Jackson Lee, fmr Dem CA Sen Barbara Boxer & current Dem NH Sen Maggie Hassan.

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 3, 2018

He listed three other positions with the Senate. He said that he worked for seven moths as a press assistant and systems administrator for the Senate from July 2016-January 2017. “Also served as a Legislative Research Assistant covering technology, cybersecurity, space, science, and telecommunications,” he wrote.

He also wrote that he served as a staff assistant from April through July 2016 and as a press intern from January 2016 through March 2016. His Twitter page is deleted.

3. Jackson Cosko Worked as a Field Organizer for a PAC & as a Restaurant Server

On LinkedIn, Cosko also indicated that he worked as a server for a restaurant from December 2015 through 2016.

In addition, from July 2015 through November 2015, he wrote that he was a “lead field organizer” for Generation Forward Pac in Des Moines, Iowa.

He wrote that he worked as a volunteer for Change Inc. as a “community development specialist/case manager” in Washington D.C. on “poverty alleviation” in 2012-2014. He solicited donations and advocated for clients with governmental agencies.

On Facebook, Cosko followed the pages of many top Democrats, including:

He also worked as a youth sports program assistant for the Peninsula YMCA and was a 2008 recipient of the YMCA national organization “Star Volunteer” award. No campaign donations come up for him on the federal website.

On his Pinterest page, he wrote, “Knowin nothin in life but to be legit.”

4. Cosko Was an Intern for the U.S. House of Representatives

The profile picture on Cosko’s Facebook page.

In addition to his work with the U.S. Senate, Cosko was previously an intern with the U.S. House of Representatives. He said he held that position for six months, from August 2012 through January 2013.

He listed his duties as: “Assisted in planning and execution of fundraising, campaign, and other special events. Conducted research on impact issues and drafted press releases, letters to level government officials and agencies, as well as conducted social media campaigns in order to capitalize on earned media. Maintained databases of important media, donor, and constituent contacts for media/campaign efforts.”

In 2011, he was also an intern for the U.S. Senate. He listed his job duties as: “Attended Congressional hearings and briefings, conducted background research on salient political issues, and provided concise analyses and policy recommendations. Responded to constituent phone calls, letters, and requests. Provided constituents with case work assistance, advocating with Federal, state, and local government agencies. Supported executive assistant and scheduler with curating daily schedule of the Senator.”

His page does not list the names of politicians he worked for, however.

5. Cosko Studied Engineering & Cybersecurity
christine blasey ford brett kavanaugh
Getty/Palo Alto University
Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh

Cosko wrote on LinkedIn that he was receiving a master’s of engineering degree from George Washington University in the field of cybersecurity policy and compliance.

He indicated that his expected graduation date was 2020. He has a bachelor’s degree in political science and communications, earning it in 2014.

On Facebook, where he doesn’t have much publicly visible, Cosko wrote that he lives in Washington, District of Columbia and is from Burlingame, California.

Brett Kavanaugh, his wife, and his accuser Christine Blasey Ford have all reported receiving death threats as security and tensions remain high during the contentious Supreme Court nomination process.


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« Reply #218 on: October 04, 2018, 01:34:22 PM »

I thought he "merely" revealed their home addresses so that they could be harassed or shot like Steve Scalise.

Oh no. Oh no no no.

This isn't your father's Democrat Party anymore, honey.

A Democratic congressional intern accused of publishing the private information of at least three Republican lawmakers allegedly threatened to leak senators' childrens' health information if a witness told anyone about his activities.
Jackson Cosko, who recently worked as an unpaid intern for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, was arrested for allegedly posting the personal information (or "doxxing") of a number of senators including Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah on Wikipedia -- with information such as their home addresses and phone numbers. Graham, Lee and Hatch's information was published on Thursday.

According to a sworn statement by Capitol Police Captain Jason Bell, a witness Tuesday saw Cosko at a computer in a senator's office, where he used to work, a day after two other unnamed senators' information had been put on Wikipedia. Cosko is then alleged to have walked out, and hours later the witness received an email from "" saying: "If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children's health information and social [security numbers].”

If Republicans sounded pissed at that press conference -- they are.

I've heard from sources that they all are really pissed, including the Abortion Twins. They are tired of the media hunting them and berating them at every moment. They are tired of the media always having cameras on them to encourage "protesters" to start yelling that them.

Just like CNN's cameras just happened to be rolling when, oh my goodness, I had no idea they were going to do this, those two "protesters" started yelling at Flake.

Charles Grassley raised his voice about this harassment masquerading as "journalism" in the press conference.

Add the media's behavior in with this doxxer, and you see why maybe they've had enough.

Lisa Boothe talked about the mobs the media was encouraging to harass Republican officials here.

The media shrieks when Trump voters shout at them at rallies. They claim this is "intimidation" which impinges on their ability to do their job.

But notice the media not only does not discourage mobs from intimidating actual elected officials, they encourage the harassment and facilitate it.

As I saw someone say on Twitter: We have all been involuntarily enrolled on the Evergreen State College campus.


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #219 on: October 04, 2018, 03:56:48 PM »
Oh but GM

the right to protest is healthy......  we keep hearing from the radicals


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The Book of Donald
« Reply #220 on: October 05, 2018, 01:29:43 PM »
of Donald
‘So the Amerikites revealed themselves, one to another, and it was not a pretty sight.’
By Lance Morrow
Oct. 4, 2018 7:08 p.m. ET

And it came to pass that the sons of men elected them a king, and his name was Trump.

And Trump said unto the Amerikites, Go to, we shall be great again, and shall build a great wall. We’ll be so great you’ll get tired of being great, believe me.

And the Lord came down and beheld the Amerikites and their king and he saw that nothing was restrained from him.

And the Lord said, Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language and their ideas, one from another, and the tribes of the Amerikites shall dwell in enmity and confusion, for Babel means confusion.

And so it was.

Now the Feminites and Progressivites in their multitudes were sore with Trump, and they warned him, Touch not Roe.

And it came to pass, there opened up a vacancy on the Court, and Trump named Kavanaugh.

The Deplorabites were good with that, but the Feminites and Progressivites gnashed their teeth, and they schemed against him, for that if he were sent to the Court, he might touch Roe, albeit he said it was settled law. They trusted Kavanaugh not.
The Book of Donald
Photo: Getty Images

Now in those days there were talk shows, and the curse of Babel fell heavily upon them, and even Stephanopoulos of ABC sat with sheepish grin as contending overtalkers yakked and yakked and cried out like needy, spoiled children, and waved their hands, and cried, “Me, me, me,” so that the words of none were heard at all, or understood, until the yakkers subsided into little puddles of spittle and wrath.

The confusion of Babel was abroad even in all the networks. Fox News proffered one language with its universe of values, and MSNBC proffered a different language and universe, and they wot not one the other. And their voices rose to different gods in different heavens.

And the tribes on Facebook and Twitter posted and tweeted, hip and thigh, to the number of six billion posts and tweets of wrath. And all were mutually uncomprehending. And they cursed and damned one another, and made of each other cartoons and devils and all manner of evil things.

For the Amerikites had become as angry children.

Now for a hundred years, almost, the American Civil Liberties Union had defended due process and the rule of law, which are the ways of grown-ups. But now the ACLU abdicated the burdens of adulthood and repudiated even its own founding thought and the rule of law, and turned against everything it had ever stood for. It ran an ad, entirely without justice, damning Kavanaugh, that he was exactly like unto Weinstein and Cosby. Such were the devolutions and betrayals in those days, and retrogressions to the ways of shame.

At Georgetown University a professor, one of the Feminites, laid down on Twitter that white men should be killed, and their corpses castrated, and fed to pigs. And Georgetown condemned her not.

There arose a great cry in restaurants where tribunes of the Deplorabites went to dinner, so that they fled before the steaks arrived, and there arose the hue of indignation even in the elevators so that Flake could not ride up and down until he listened to the spiel.

And anchors in their pundit chairs attended to such footage and nodded and said, “Heartbreaking,” hoping, as they said it, to be spared the rage of the Feminites.

So all eyes and hearts among the Amerikites became hardened with the enamel of fanaticism and the glaze of hysteria. No more was heard the Progressivites’ sweet Esperanto of Goodspeak.

All was raw political emotion now—or, worse than emotion, bitter political calculation and the spirit of a long revenge—and a state of war coalesced, and the mind’s better and subtler ways of understanding the world were set aside.

So it was that the old amiable race of Amerikites parted in their ideas and went their ways, and gloom fell upon the land, and lightning and thunder, and other aspects of the global warming and symptoms of Last Days.

All was confusion, and a gnashing of teeth, and a shaking of fists, and the clouds of civil war.

The Amerikites could not see that they peered fiercely through the wrong end of the telescope, even as they wondered withal how everything had become so small, and how the historic majesty that they had assigned to themselves and their mighty ways in the world had devolved to beer and adolescent sex grapplings at the long-ago Sodom and Gomorrah of Georgetown Prep.

And so the Amerikites revealed themselves, one to another, and it was not a pretty sight.

And the Lord looked down and beheld the Amerikites and muttered irritably to himself, and wondered, all things considered, whether it was worth shedding any more of his grace upon them.

Mr. Morrow, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is author of “Evil, an Investigation.”


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« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 04:44:03 AM by ccp »


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won't see this on leftist media
« Reply #223 on: October 09, 2018, 07:44:23 AM »

I like the your just a "little white man" the bigger fat white man screams through the stuffing of his mouth with a sandwich or something

You know how Blacks sometimes refer to each other by the "N " word?

I think white people now think it cool to call each other "white man"

Pretty soon the SJW will calling every other white man a "honky" or "cracker"

To me this is not the least funny but sick.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 03:40:26 PM by ccp »


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Re: won't see this on leftist media
« Reply #224 on: October 09, 2018, 01:58:49 PM »

I like the your just a "little white man" the bigger fat white man screams through the stuffing of his wife with a sandwich or something

You know how Blacks sometimes refer to each other by the "N " word?

I think white people now think it cool to call each other "white man"

Pretty soon the SJW will calling every other white man a "honky" or "cracker"

To me this is not the least funny but sick.

Funny how smart and enlightened leftists are, and yet every place they dominate is filled with crime, disease and human feces on the streets.


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WSJ: A Leftist Mob "Polices" Portland
« Reply #226 on: October 15, 2018, 07:48:05 AM »

A Leftist Mob ‘Polices’ Portland
Andy Ngo October 11, 2018
Antifa in downtown Portland, Ore.
Antifa in downtown Portland, Ore.

Portland, Ore.

Flyers urged Portlanders to attend a protest: “27yo black father of 3 murdered by racist Portland Police.” Some 100 Black Lives Matter activists with the group Don’t Shoot Portland and their masked antifa allies answered the call to gather downtown Oct. 6. Fists in the air, they demanded “justice” for Patrick Kimmons, killed by police in late September. “Stop racist police terror,” read one sign at the rally. “Throw all cops in the trash,” declared another. Never mind that Kimmons had an extensive criminal record and was suspected of shooting two people before police responded.

As the crowd made their way to a nearby courthouse, they marched in the middle of the street, bringing traffic to a stop though they didn’t have a permit. Kent Houser, 74, made the mistake of attempting to pass them in his sedan. His car slowly pushed against a masked marcher. The crowd surrounded the car and started kicking it. After speeding down the block, Mr. Houser stepped out and was assaulted by the mob. They pushed him and smashed his car with clubs after he managed to get back inside the vehicle. No police were in sight even though the central precinct was blocks away.

Portland’s Resistance, a local social-justice group, then put out a call on Twitter asking the public to identify “this white man.” They published photos of him and his license plate with the message: “Make racists afraid again.” Mr. Houser has since received threatening phone calls identifying his wife by name. “I’ve lived here my whole life but I don’t want to go downtown anymore,” he says. “When the streets are commandeered by a sponsored group of angry, agitated ingrates and criminals, we have no city.”

The mob later occupied a busy intersection. When a middle-aged man driving a car with North Carolina plates stopped in confusion, the agitators descended on him. “You white little f—er!” shouted one white man. “You are a little white supremacist. Go back to North Carolina where you came from.” The driver phoned police for assistance. Nobody came.

The crowd targeted other drivers. “You’re lucky you didn’t hit me. I would have beat your a—,” yelled a demonstrator at another driver. One person punched the back of a passing car whose driver dared to honk. In downtown Portland, law-abiding drivers were at the mercy of marauding street thugs.

A block away, police officers looked on passively. Why didn’t they respond? The department told me in a statement that it feared intervention would “change the demeanor of the crowd for the worse.”

Such lawlessness is increasingly typical here. Portland’s Resistance organized a protest after Election Day 2016 that turned into a riot. Masked vandals smashed stores and set fires, causing over $1 million in damage. Portland’s Resistance raised $55,000 on GoFundMe ostensibly to help pay for the rebuilding effort. Two years later only $2,450 is known to have been dispersed. This summer a mob occupied the area around the local Immigration and Customs Enforcement office for more than a month.

When people find out that I live in Portland, one question I’m frequently asked is if the comedy show “Portlandia” is anything like real life. I tell them real life is much worse.

Mr. Ngo is an editor at Quillette.


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« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 08:53:27 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Another "How accurate is this?"
« Reply #230 on: October 16, 2018, 01:51:13 AM »
second post

20 murders? A slow weekend in Chicago. As BigDog has previously pointed out, muslims are very overrepresented given they are one percent of the population.


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Re: Another "How accurate is this?"
« Reply #231 on: October 16, 2018, 07:03:44 AM »
second post

20 murders? A slow weekend in Chicago. As BigDog has previously pointed out, muslims are very overrepresented given they are one percent of the population.

What is it that I'm not seeing in politics that makes a white supremist far-right?

If identity politics is left then a white supremacist is at least created by the left.

The right side of politics would include conservatism which to me means using common sense. She American creed defined in the Forum. It includes individualism over groupthink. And it emphasizes liberty over coercion. Conservatism is the only side of politics that recognizes the Constitutional meaning of equal treatment under the law. The left is constantly trying to alter that. White supremacy is one spin-off of unequal treatment under the law, leftism.

I'm sorry but I place all the fascists on the left it's the opposite of conservatism or being on the right.

Over on the left they call conservatives racist and extrapolate from that that even more racist is far right. Abraham Lincoln famously asked in a political analogy, if you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? The answer is 4.  Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #232 on: October 16, 2018, 08:47:12 AM »
Good points, but are the numbers accurate?  Or is our response limited to saying that some racist murders are done by lefties?


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Re: Another "How accurate is this?"
« Reply #234 on: October 17, 2018, 03:36:27 PM »
second post

Not accurate.
White extremists include murders by mixed-race gangs, Obama and Bernie Sanders voters, domestic disputes, divorce cases gone wrong, environmental groups, and Animal Rights groups, and criminal prison gang violence.

They invent their own definition of white extremist murder, call them far right, and undercount Islamic terrorism.

Using their crazy measure of white supremacist murders, is this two Islamic murders?
Drowning disparities, did Islamic upbringing kill these two, not teaching their young to swim in the land of 22,000 lakes?


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #235 on: October 17, 2018, 06:58:45 PM »
Thank you very much Doug!!!


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Re: Another "How accurate is this?"
« Reply #236 on: October 17, 2018, 09:55:33 PM »
second post

Not accurate.
White extremists include murders by mixed-race gangs, Obama and Bernie Sanders voters, domestic disputes, divorce cases gone wrong, environmental groups, and Animal Rights groups, and criminal prison gang violence.

They invent their own definition of white extremist murder, call them far right, and undercount Islamic terrorism.

Using their crazy measure of white supremacist murders, is this two Islamic murders?
Drowning disparities, did Islamic upbringing kill these two, not teaching their young to swim in the land of 22,000 lakes?

Outstanding work, Doug!

When the real Americans decide it's time to get violent with the left, there will be no doubt what is happening. It will be an extinction level event for the left.


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #243 on: October 30, 2018, 06:35:56 AM »
Should people on the Right chase down the LEFt politiicians and MSM people and calmly just get in their faces and speak truth to them ?

No one should be sending bombs or making threats.

OTOH people on the Right actually work for a living and don't have time for getting in people's faces.


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Right wing violence?
« Reply #244 on: November 04, 2018, 01:02:17 PM »


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Re: Right wing violence?
« Reply #245 on: November 04, 2018, 01:18:56 PM »
A bunch of lefty bull excrement in here but in the interest of fair play, do any of these have meirt

National Socialists aren't right wing to start with.


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Right wing violence: Felons vote Dem by 6:1
« Reply #248 on: November 05, 2018, 07:12:56 AM »
A bunch of lefty bull excrement in here but in the interest of fair play, do any of these have meirt

"National Socialists aren't right wing to start with."

Strange they don't know that.

They don't even allege correlation between conservative  ideology and violence, because there isn't one.

Counterpoint:  How come both sides know that conservatives are tough on crime and that the felon vote is a core Democrat constituency?

Felons vote Democrat by 6:1

Next time you're mugged [and put the bum on the ground], ask the attacker if he values good honest hard work, low tax rates and strong family values.


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Stratfor: There will be no second civil war
« Reply #249 on: November 06, 2018, 11:04:02 PM »
Is the United States on the brink of a new civil war? According to Newsweek magazine's polling, one-third of all Americans think such a conflict could break out within the next five years, with 10 percent thinking it "very likely to happen." Plenty of experts agree. Back in March, State Department official Keith Mines told Foreign Policy magazine, "It is like 1859, everyone is mad about something and everyone has a gun." He rated the odds of a second American Civil War breaking out within the next 10-15 years at 60 percent.

October's awful events — pipe bombs sent to leading Democratic politicians and supporters, the mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh — have only amplified these fears. "We are now nearing a point comparable to 1860," my Stanford University colleague Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote in the National Review. The historian Niall Ferguson, another Stanford colleague, suggested in The Sunday Times of London that if someone were to design a "Civil War Clock" comparable to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' "Doomsday Clock," the designer would probably now be announcing that it is "two minutes to Fort Sumter."

Ferguson himself is more upbeat, thinking that "the time on the civil war Doomsday Clock looks more like 11.08 than 11.58." It seems to me, though, that all these speculations are deeply misleading — so much so, in fact, that the main thing they illustrate is how not to use the past to understand the present.

Similarities, Differences and Broad Patterns

There are certainly some striking similarities between the American political scene in the late 2010s and that of the late 1850s. Both periods saw extreme polarization over issues of intense economic and emotional importance. At both times, the country divided geographically, with more urban and educated regions leaning one way and more rural and less educated regions the other. In both periods, highly partisan media inflamed passions, sometimes brazenly peddling "fake news"; and at both stages, the country was recovering from a severe financial crisis.

It is all very alarming — but that does not put us minutes away from Fort Sumter. In the nearly four years that I have been writing columns for Stratfor, I have repeatedly drawn attention to a distinction that logicians like to make between "formal" and "relational" analogies. A formal analogy involves finding similarities between a case about which we know a lot (such as what happened in the United States at the end of the 1850s) and one about which we know less (such as what is just beginning to happen in the United States at the end of the 2010s), and extrapolating from them to variables that cannot be observed in the less well-known case — concluding, here, that if polarization, sectionalism, financial problems and political violence produced civil war in the 1850s, they will have the same result in the 2010s.

The problem with formal analogies is, of course, that no two cases are identical. The modern rage over globalization and its discontents does not come close to the moral intensity of the 19th-century arguments over slavery, while the consequences of the 1857 financial meltdown were nowhere near those of the 2008 collapse. Even more striking, the forms of political violence in the two periods are very different. The 1850s experienced nothing like last month's pipe bombs, the 2017 shooting of Republican Rep. Steve Scalise and three others or the 2011 shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others; and the 2010s have seen nothing like U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks' near-fatal 1856 attack on Sen. Charles Sumner on the floor of the U.S. Senate, let alone the "Bleeding Kansas" insurrection of 1855-56 or John Brown's raid on the federal armory at Harper's Ferry in 1859.

The devil is in the details, which means that differences are just as important as similarities when we try to learn from the past. But how do we weigh up the pros and cons of comparisons? This is where the second kind of analogy comes in. Rather than cherry-picking convenient similarities and either ignoring or arguing away inconvenient differences, relational analogies begin from broad patterns in multiple well-known cases and proceed by understanding how a less well-known case fits into the larger structure. So, rather than wringing our hands over how much 2018 resembles 1860, we should be looking at how civil wars began in a wide range of different contexts, and then asking how well the late 2010s fit into that pattern.

Sufficient and Necessary Causes

The most obvious point is that the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package is not just shared by 1850s and 2010s America. It was also common in many other eras that ended in civil war. The English Civil War of 1642-51, for instance, was preceded by decades of comparable disturbances. The population split into "court" and "country" factions (nowadays more familiar as "Cavaliers" and "Roundheads"). Each had its own geographical base and religious affiliation, with High Church Royalists and Puritan Roundheads literally ready to mutilate and burn each other over their differences. Distrust of institutions was even worse than in 2010s America: Royalists accused Parliamentarians of blasphemy and corruption, while Parliamentarians replied that Royalist corruption was even worse, and was magnified by the royal court's sexual deviance and willingness to sell the country to foreigners. Throughout the 1630s, financial crises paralyzed government and political violence mounted. Pro-Parliament mobs murdered bishops and besieged royal favorites in their mansions, and, in the 17th-century equivalent of sending anthrax spores through the mail, a leading Parliamentarian received a package containing a rag soaked in pus from the sores of a plague victim. He suffered no ill effects — then as now, biological terrorism was difficult to do well — but within a year, the two sides would fight their first pitched battle.

Differences are just as important as similarities when we try to learn from the past.

The Roman Republic provides another classic case. In the 50s B.C., the political elite was deeply divided between what Romans called populares — men such as Julius Caesar, who presented themselves as champions of the masses — and optimates such as Pompey the Great, who claimed to stand for virtue, tradition and the nation as a whole. Webs of patronage and debt bound much of the population to one faction or the other. Escalating financial crises ruined cities and regions, and entire provinces lined up behind strongmen who claimed to be able to save them — Gaul with Caesar, Italy with Pompey. Politicians fortified their homes against mob violence, street gangs regularly stopped elections from being held and assassination became almost commonplace. The civil wars that began in 49 B.C. would leave millions dead.

However, although England and Rome provide alarming formal analogies, things get more complicated as soon as we start looking for relational analogies. While the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package regularly leads to civil war, it does not always do so. In Rome, for instance, the package was in some ways even more prominent in the 130s B.C. than in Julius Caesar's day. Tiberius Gracchus, usually seen as the first popularis politician, tried to cancel the debts of poor farmers and redistribute elite properties to them. A constitutional crisis ensued, splitting the ruling class. To conservatives, Gracchus seemed to be rallying the impoverished peasants of Etruria against Roman urban interests to make himself king. In political violence going far beyond Brooks' assault on Sumner, a meeting of the Roman Senate in 133 B.C. ended with conservatives breaking up the wooden benches on which they sat and using the pieces to beat Gracchus and 300 of his followers to death. Twelve years later, his brother Gaius also died in political violence over much the same issues. Yet civil war did not erupt in either case.

Similarly, following Henry VIII's break with the Roman church and dissolution of the Catholic monasteries in the 1530s, England experienced just as much polarization, regionalism, financial crisis and political violence as it would in the 1630s. However, it did not tip into civil war, although it came close. The United States was arguably almost as divided and haunted by political violence in the 1960s as in the 1850s, yet it too escaped civil war. We can only conclude that the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package was not a sufficient cause for civil war in Rome, England or the United States.

Nor was it a necessary cause. In Rome and England at least, civil wars broke out in the absence of polarization, regionalism or financial crisis (although political violence is, by definition, always part of civil war). In A.D. 69, which became known as "The Year of the Four Emperors," multiple civil wars convulsed Rome, but they were driven almost entirely by generals' ambitions to seize the throne. Similarly, between 1135 and 1153, England was torn apart by such severe civil wars that the period came to be called "The Anarchy." The violence was so extreme, one chronicler recorded, that "Men said openly that Christ and his saints slept"; yet the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package was largely absent in the 1130s. A royal succession crisis and fragile state institutions were all it took.

The polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package that 2010s America shares with 1850s America can be present without leading to civil war, and civil wars can break out without the package being present. We can only conclude that these forces are neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for civil war. The dark prophecies of a second Civil War within the coming decade might well be nothing more than bad scholarship.

It's the Army, Stupid

So, the obvious questions: Why do the polarization/regionalism/financial crisis/political violence package and civil war sometimes go together and sometimes not, and will they go together in America's short-term future?

Fortunately, the answer to the first question was worked out long ago, by the Roman historian Tacitus. Looking back on the Year of the Four Emperors some 50 years after the event, he recognized that "Now was divulged the secret of the empire — that emperors could be made elsewhere than Rome." What he meant by this was that although the empire's political institutions were all concentrated in the city of Rome, if the armies out in the provinces decided to intervene in the political process, they always had the final say. Rome lurched into civil war in 49 B.C. because Caesar and Pompey each had armies to back their political ambitions. It did so again in A.D. 69 because no fewer than four rivals found themselves in this position. It did not lurch into civil war in 133 B.C., though, because its mighty armies remained aloof from politics.

This is Thomas Hobbes' central point in 'Leviathan': Only a powerful government with terrifying armed force can scare people straight and deter them from using violence to pursue their own ends.

England stumbled into civil war in 1642 because it had no standing army at all. When relations between the Royalists and Parliamentarians broke down, each could safely set about raising its own armed forces with no fear that Leviathan would intervene and stop them. This was Thomas Hobbes' central point in his 1651 masterpiece Leviathan; only a powerful government with terrifying armed force can scare people straight and deter them from using violence to pursue their own ends. Things had been even worse in 1135, because in addition to there being no strong central army, dozens of barons had their own private armies, which they gleefully unleashed on rivals. In the 1530s, by contrast, despite the mass uprising in defense of Catholicism known as the Pilgrimage of Grace, the barons largely remained loyal to Henry VIII and civil war was avoided.

When relations between Northern and Southern states broke down in 1861, the United States had more in common militarily with England in 1642 than with any of the other cases discussed here. It did have a professional army, but it contained just 16,367 men, and 179 of its 197 companies were stationed west of the Mississippi, so far from the initial areas of fighting as to render them irrelevant. In any case, one in five of the U.S. Army's officers promptly resigned their commissions to join the Confederate states and thousands of noncommissioned men simply deserted and followed them. The government in Washington effectively had no army to enforce its will, and both sides — like King Charles I and the English Parliament in 1642 — had to set about raising forces almost from scratch.

Nothing could be less like the United States' position in 2018. It has the most powerful and professional armed forces the world has ever seen, and there is absolutely no doubt about their loyalty to the legitimate government or commitment to the principle of civilian command. American soldiers, sailors and airmen do have political opinions, but they currently can be relied on to put their duty first. The United States therefore has far more in common with Rome in 133 B.C. than with any of the other cases. Even if U.S. senators start killing each other with chair legs, the armed forces will not take sides, other than to implement orders — so long as the orders are legitimate and legal — from their elected commander-in-chief.

When we look at the recent civil wars in Syria, Yemen and Libya, or at places such as Egypt where civil war has been averted, nothing matters so much as the stance and strength of the armed forces. We have to conclude that the American Civil War Doomsday Clock does not stand at two, or even 52, minutes to midnight. The very idea is ridiculous. So long as the armed forces remain true to their highest traditions, it will not matter how angry the American people get or how badly their politicians behave. There will be no second Civil War.