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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #250 on: July 26, 2011, 09:30:04 PM »
Besides 6 months notice, another difference between non-renewal and firing is that we have no reliable information about which party initiated non-renewal.  If those terms blend into one and the same for you I will try not to read your posts so carefully or so literally in the future.

Beck is not the only one to use flawed nazi analogies.  I read them constantly on left wing comment sites about everything to do with right wing.  Just depends on who you are and how badly people want to destroy you.  I can get how you disapprove of that phrase for that group and I likely agree.  What I don't get is why or how that hatred runs so personal and so deep.  You do not come across similarly flawed comparisons in your own internet readings, at least none that you have shared on the board?

I have already pointed out several striking successes of his so your prediction of failure will require some quantification: No. 1 in his time slot on tv in his category, no 1 in his time slot on radio, no.3 overall.  Number one in his industry on facebook.  No. 1 with re-runs on tv after he was gone.  I propose we measure GBTV this way: $250k/yr is punishably rich in America.  That would take less than 5k subscribers at 4.95 per month on GBTV.  You predict < 5k subscribers to GBTV by the end of the year? lol

I caught myself just today referring to Minneapolis inspectors as Gestapo-like.  They are of course not.  I was wrong.  They can destroy your life, your savings and your investment but they don't kill people en masse.  In another case I detailed on this board how abortion is the holocaust of our time and offended people here beyond words yet no one pointed out a single flaw in the analogy.  They just defend their continuing support or tolerance of the gruesome but legal practice of killing innocent life - like 'Hitler youth', from my point of view.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 09:45:11 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #251 on: July 26, 2011, 10:17:25 PM »
Actually, Fox did not offer to renew, therefore Beck's opinion was irrelevant.

I do agree, others have used Nazi analogies.  I think it's wrong.  The severity of the crime is beyond comparison.

As for Beck, I too have pointed out "striking" failures; most important lack of advertising revenue.  Plummeting ratings didn't help either.

As for your way to measure GBTV, I think you underestimate the word "success" in the entertainment field.  $250,000 before expenses is "punishably" poor in America.  Let's compare him to other talk shows.  Let's talk listeners, ratings, and revenue.  That's fair.  And if he's number one, well good for him.  And if he's near the bottom, well.....

As a side note, I have no hatred, surely no deep hatred for Beck.  I simply don't like him nor do I respect him.  However, I am not saying he is evil; perhaps he is a good man, he is definitely entitled to his opinion, it's his sensationalism and methodology that I don't like. 

On a joking/friendly note, I do agree inspectors can be Gestapo-like.   :-)  My friend just did a major $500K+ renovation.  Among minor issues was an expansion of his garage.  It seems it is now 24' feet from the street.  The inspector this week told him to tear it down; the code says 24'.  My friend is not very happy.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #252 on: July 26, 2011, 11:15:13 PM »

As for your way to measure GBTV, I think you underestimate the word "success" in the entertainment field.  $250,000 before expenses is "punishably" poor in America.  Let's compare him to other talk shows.  Let's talk listeners, ratings, and revenue.  That's fair.  And if he's number one, well good for him.  And if he's near the bottom, well.....

You know that the average person that calls himself an actor in the united states makes 400 dollars a year acting? That's factoring in guys like Tom Cruise.

The fact he can make a living, talking on the radio, is amazing. The Prime Time people on the local rock station here make about 20,000 a year. I knew a girl they used to let do the night show when she was in high school for penny's, and these are Clear Channel stations.

If he walks away with 250,000 he's doing AMAZING.

"A joint agreement between the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) guarantees all unionized motion picture and television actors with speaking parts a minimum daily rate of $782 or $2,713 for a 5-day week as of June 2009. Actors also receive contributions to their health and pension plans and additional compensation for reruns and foreign telecasts of the productions in which they appear." - Bureau of Labor Statistics
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 11:19:32 PM by Cranewings »


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #253 on: July 27, 2011, 07:23:53 AM »

You know that the average person that calls himself an actor in the united states makes 400 dollars a year acting? That's factoring in guys like Tom Cruise.

The fact he can make a living, talking on the radio, is amazing. The Prime Time people on the local rock station here make about 20,000 a year. I knew a girl they used to let do the night show when she was in high school for penny's, and these are Clear Channel stations.

If he walks away with 250,000 he's doing AMAZING.

I don't think Tom Cruise compares himself to the average unemployed wanna be actor.  Nor does Glenn Beck.
"In June 2009, estimators at Forbes calculated Beck's earnings over the previous 12 months at $23 million, with 2009–2010 revenues on track to be higher."

As for you being "amazed" that he is making a living talking on the radio or that the local rock station pays your DJ $20,000 a year or that the Clear Channel pays pennies to the local high school girl, well, that is nice, but it's a function of the size of your town and more important, the ability of the talent.

In contrast, like him or not, here in Los Angels Ryan Seacrest recently signed a a three year deal (radio only pay - he makes more elsewhere) with Clear Channel for $60 million dollars!

My point is that $250,000 is not "AMAZING".  It's abominable.  Glenn Beck will be quickly fired, oh sorry, "let go" with numbers like that. 


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #254 on: July 27, 2011, 08:03:52 AM »
Criticize mine, fine, but if you are going to predict failure, put your benchmark out there.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #255 on: July 27, 2011, 08:45:57 AM »
Criticize mine, fine, but if you are going to predict failure, put your benchmark out there.

That's fair.

Although I don't think it was the only or even the primary reason, Beck was "let go" when his ratings/viewers dropped nearly 50% to around 1.6million from 3million.

Everyone should do better next year; it's an election year.  That's the nature of talk radio.

But being generous in my calculation, let's say that his ratings/viewers/paying customers drops even another 50% from his last days at Fox.  Still, I will still call him a "success" and an influence to be reckoned with if his ratings/viewers/paying customer base is 800,000+.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #256 on: July 27, 2011, 09:10:54 AM »
"My friend just did a major $500K+ renovation.  Among minor issues was an expansion of his garage.  It seems it is now 24' feet from the street.  The inspector this week told him to tear it down; the code says 24'.  My friend is not very happy."

The codes here in NJ obnoxious.  I can't even put in an electical line from one side of my basement to the other without having to clear it with code "enforcement".

This is a great example of government gone too far.  I say get government the hell off my property.  There is no end to the government expanding its power its reach, its taxation, in a self fulfilling cycle.  I say enough.

You say what?

They are looking out for us?

I am tired of being a victim of the Democrat/lawyer/union trifecta taxes.


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above post moved to government porgrams thread
« Reply #257 on: July 27, 2011, 09:12:34 AM »
JDN see response on other thread.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #258 on: July 27, 2011, 09:59:49 AM »
I will still call him a "success" and an influence to be reckoned with if his ratings/viewers/paying customer base is 800,000+.
Funny.  You remind me of tennis friends who say my neighbor who made it into the top ten in the world in his sport in his time, won the largest purse in history at the time, had wins over Agassi, Connors, Edberg, Lendl, Courier and Chang, won 6 tour events and went to the finals of 2 majors, Wimbledon semi-finalist etc., never amounted to anything because he wasn't ever ranked number one.   Good grief.

If Beck has ten followers, he is more influential than me, by more than ten-fold.  If he makes a living for his family, after taxes, doing what he has a passion for, he is a success.  If what he started becomes an ongoing entity with some positive influence, the venture is a success.

But let's go with your numbers.  His new career includes GBTV subscriptions, listeners to his talk show, 'hits' on his website 'the blaze" (, and people who follow him on facebook if he is using that venue to communicate.  I think he will (continue to) hit the 800,000 mark with no problem.

If I were you, I would have stuck to the original point, (paraphrased) that you don't care for his type of message. Gaining a significant audience is a capability he already proved.  The Blaze alone could be the fastest growing site of 2011-2012, we will see.
"The Blaze is only four months old and according to Quantcast already clocking in 10 million page views per week." (last January)

Glenn Beck's Site The Blaze Also Hires HuffPo's HR Manager
Glynnis MacNicol | Jan. 6, 2011

Glenn BeckThe Huffington Post may have been conceived as the Left's Drudge Report but it looks like Glenn Beck's The Blaze is angling to be the new least in terms of traffic and influence.

Yesterday it was reported that The Blaze had hired former HuffPo CEO Betsy Morgan to run the site, today The Wire has learned they have also scooped up HuffPo's HR manager Jackie Greaney.

Beck noted in his News Year's message that his company planned on hiring more than 40 people in the New Year and so in that sense these hires are not a surprise.  But what's especially interesting here, particularly where Morgan's hire is concerned, is that it's clear Beck and Co. is interested in playing on a much larger stage with the Blaze.

And this isn't just about traffic.

The Blaze is only four months old and according to Quantcast already clocking in 10 million page views per week.  That's mostly a reflection of Glenn Beck's large and built-in audience (the same audience that jettisons every book he mentions to the top of the Amazon charts) but it's solid traffic and if Beck merely wanted a vanity project that's more than enough to ensure some solid promotion and likely advertising dollars.

But Beck wants to go bigger.  I suspect what he is looking for here the sort of cross platform relevance that Arianna has established with HuffPo.  He wants to be a bigger player in more fields.

Also, I suspect he wants the sort of respect that has been accrued to Huffington who is now a go-to on all things politics and new media.  Over the last year Beck has established himself as a media phenomenon but he is still largely skirted by the MSM who often find his brand of politics troubling.  But if Beck turns The Blaze into a go-to for things other than Beck and starts breaking news to boot...well, one imagines it will be a bit like Drudge meets Arianna meets Oprah.  Or a new New York Times, as the case may be!


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Beck's comment
« Reply #259 on: July 27, 2011, 10:07:25 AM »

Gee, a quick aside about the camp isn't the same as a direct condemnation, is it?


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #260 on: July 27, 2011, 10:25:22 AM »
With all due respect to your friend who sounds like a superb tennis player, no one knows him except you and a few die hard tennis fans.  It is the
Agassi, Connors, Edberg, and Lendl of his generation that will be remembered; the ones who made a difference and climbed the highest peaks.  That is the measure of "success" that Beck has achieved to his compliment, albeit not in recent months, and is trying to achieve and compete with henceforward. 

As for my 800,000 number, I was only referring to GBTV; Beck's supposed "replacement" for Fox.  Can he achieve even half of his lowest ratings he had at Fox before he left.  Let's see if he is "successful".

I am not addressing the Blaze.  Nor book sales or any other endeavor. 

I surely don't count hits on Facebook.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #263 on: July 27, 2011, 11:33:37 AM »
With no coherent definition of success, to 'not count' several serious business ventures, I will try to not read and not respond when you make your final judgment.  Why don't you declare him a failure now?  That's right - you already did.  Without personal knowledge beyond the readings here, I proclaim you and all your friends complete failures also.  Same definition.  Regretting the time put into trying to clarify nonsense.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #264 on: July 27, 2011, 12:06:33 PM »
With no coherent definition of success, to 'not count' several serious business ventures, I will try to not read and not respond when you make your final judgment.  Why don't you declare him a failure now?  That's right - you already did.  Without personal knowledge beyond the readings here, I proclaim you and all your friends complete failures also.  Same definition.  Regretting the time put into trying to clarify nonsense.

I thought I was being very coherent.  Obviously, GBTV is replacing Fox, therefore GBTV is all we are talking about.  In your previous post you said, "I propose we measure GBTV this way".  Again GBTV is also all that you talked about and I have responded to.  Not his book deals, Facebook hits, or any other deals.

Numbers are numbers; ratings are ratings; frankly they are all quite coherent and measurable.  Per your request, I stepped out and suggested GBTV success be defined as:
"But being generous in my calculation, let's say that his ratings/viewers/paying customers drops even another 50% from his last days at Fox.  Still, I will still call him a "success" and an influence to be reckoned with if his ratings/viewers/paying customer base is 800,000+.

As for my "friends" level of success, it is all relative.  My gardener is "successful" he has doubled his business in the past 3 years.  But for example, using your tennis analogy, Federer is not by most definitions, having a "successful" year.  Is he a success?  Of course.  He's one of the greatest ever.  Can he come back?  Win some more Majors?  Maybe...   Like Federer, I am defining Glenn Beck's success and influence on the national stage, not whether he is number one in the ratings in Cranewings small town where the Clear Channel person gets pennies for pay.  As pertains to this discussion, I think even Glenn Beck defines success and himself that way.  And so does Federer. 


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« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 06:23:12 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Glen Beck in Israel live this week on GBTV
« Reply #268 on: August 22, 2011, 02:37:49 PM »

Primetime broadcasts from Jerusalem start this evening, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 


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From the Los Angeles slimes
« Reply #269 on: August 24, 2011, 10:59:05 AM »
I guess the left is deflecting ties between Communism ideology and Jewish progressivism with this: 

"The visit is focusing renewed attention on the growing, and some say unlikely, alliance between right-wing Israelis and Christian fundamentalists in the U.S."

Here's the article again from leftist Jews trying to make a stink about Beck:

****Glenn Beck's Israel tour raises eyebrows
The former Fox News host's event has triggered a debate over whether he is a true friend of Israel or just a fanatic who has been accused of anti-Semitism.
Glenn Beck speaks during an event in Caesarea, Israel. (Oliver Weiken, European Pressphoto Agency / August 23, 2011)

  Obama's Jewish backers on edge over his Mideast peace plan
By Edmund Sanders, Los Angeles Times
August 23, 2011
Reporting from Jerusalem— Perhaps it was only a matter of time before conservative American commentator Glenn Beck, viewed by many supporters as a modern-day prophet, brought his messianic message to Jerusalem.

But even in an ancient city that has seen its share of religious enthusiasts, Beck's high-profile Holy Land tour this week, culminating Wednesday in a rally just a stone's throw from the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock mosque, is raising eyebrows.

Before Beck's arrival, most Israelis were unfamiliar with the former Fox News host, whose cable TV show went off the air in June amid sagging ratings. But his rally has triggered a debate over whether he should be embraced as a pro-Israel friend or condemned as a fanatic who has battled allegations of anti-Semitism.

The visit is focusing renewed attention on the growing, and some say unlikely, alliance between right-wing Israelis and Christian fundamentalists in the U.S.

Beck, who declined to be interviewed, is calling his Jerusalem rally "Restoring Courage," playing off his "Restoring Honor" event in Washington last summer. The purpose, he has said, is to demonstrate American solidarity with Israel. Hundreds of Christian supporters, many from the U.S., are expected to attend.

Beck's staunch support for Israeli control over Jerusalem and his criticism of Palestinians' ambitions to create their own state have won him praise from many conservative Israeli leaders.

"He is a friend who supports Israel, and we should work with him," said Danny Danon, an outspoken member of the Likud Party who advocates the annexation of the West Bank to Israel. "It's important for us to see that there are people out there who support us and not all the world is against us."

But critics say Beck's track record of controversial statements makes him an inappropriate ally. Last month he likened Norwegian youths gunned down at a political camp by an anti-Islamic extremist to "Hitler Youth." Twice in the last year Beck has been denounced by the Anti-Defamation League for "bigoted" and "horrific" comments on his show, one likening Reform Judaism to "radicalized Islam" and another in which he said Holocaust survivor and billionaire George Soros betrayed fellow Jews to Nazis.

Under pressure from Jewish groups in the U.S., Beck apologized for the remark about Reform Judaism.

He has several times had to fend off allegations of anti-Semitism. Last year he appeared to endorse the notion that Jews killed Jesus Christ; his list of the world's nine most "dangerous" people includes eight Jews; he speculated in 2009 "that Israel might be wiped off the map, leading to all-out Armageddon."

"If this is the only kind of friend Israel's government can find around the world, that's a very poor sign," said Yariv Oppenheimer, secretary-general of Peace Now, the Israeli anti-settlement group. "It's a reflection on our current leadership that instead of having the world on our side, we can only get someone like Glenn Beck."

Arab Israeli lawmaker Ahmed Tibi warned that Beck's tour could provoke violence, calling him "a neo-fascist comedian who is motivated by a hatred of Islam."

Beck's visit reflects the partnership between conservative Israelis and some American Christian groups. So-called Christian Zionist groups and evangelical churches, such as Texas-based John Hagee Ministries, donate millions of dollars to help fund settlement construction in the West Bank and support Israel.

The support comes, in part, from a belief among some Christian fundamentalists that Jews are God's "chosen people" and that a return of the Jewish people to the Holy Land and the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem are signs of the second coming. Beck, who converted to the Mormon faith in 1999, frequently discussed such end-of-the-world prophecies and biblical themes on his program.

For conservative Israelis, the benefits of the alliance are more pragmatic. American evangelical groups have become a key source of tourist dollars and political and financial support, particularly as the divide has grown between American Jews, who remain predominantly liberal, and Israelis, who are shifting more toward the right.

"It's a marriage of convenience," said Hebrew University political science professor David Ricci, an expert in U.S. relations. "Over the last 10 years, fewer liberals in the U.S. are willing to be clearly identified with the Israeli government."

But Ricci and others see potential fault lines in the partnership. For starters, evangelicals are often active in missionary work, something Israelis do not tolerate.

Last week, Texas-based Daystar Television Network hosted "Israel Day," in which it broadcast live from Jerusalem. In between on-air solicitations for $1,000 pledges, the program's hosts condemned efforts to make part of East Jerusalem the capital of a new Palestinian state, and they vowed unconditional support for Israel.

Yet at the same time, the station boasted of "bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the land of Israel." One host said that more Jews have been converted to Christianity in the last 20 years than in the last 2,000.

Such comments don't sit well with most Israelis. Likewise, Jewish people don't fare very well in some Christian "end times" scenarios, in which Israel will be destroyed by an apocalyptic war during which Jews are either converted to Christianity or killed.

"This type of Christianity believes in the gathering of the Jews in Israel in order to bring about Armageddon," said Jeremy Ben-Ami, executive director of J Street, a U.S. lobbying group that advocates for a two-state solution. "That's not exactly good for the long-term survival and security of Israel."

Ben Ami said that the tie between conservative Israelis and fundamentalist Christians "threatens to turn this whole conflict into ground zero for a religious war, rather than a territorial war, and a religious war is much more difficult to resolve through peaceful compromise."

Danon, who agreed that American evangelical groups were becoming an important political ally for Israel, said he's not worried about the religious divide.

"When the messiah comes, we'll ask whether this is the first time or the second time," Danon joked. "In the meantime, we have a lot in common. We don't need to argue about it today."
Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #270 on: August 24, 2011, 11:06:59 AM »
Thank you for posting that from POTB/Pravda on the Beach/Left Angeles Times/LA Times-- I meant to post it yesterday but the day got away from me.


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Beck to Venezuela
« Reply #271 on: August 26, 2011, 10:14:34 AM »
Glenn vs. Hugo Chavez
Glenn once again broadcasted from South Africa today, but immediately after the show he departed for none other than Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. Despite efforts made by the Chavez regime to thwart Glenn's plane from landing there, Glenn is still making his way to the dictator's country to speak to 5,000 people there. Chavez is a dictator who has been president since 1999 and has nationalized several industries including the media, food and oil industries. Glenn explains why he's going into the lion’s den on radio today.


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Israeli Beckaphobia
« Reply #273 on: August 30, 2011, 06:13:17 AM »

Posted By Steven Plaut On August 29, 2011 @ 12:09 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage |

Israeli radical leftists have long had an intense hatred toward American conservatives. This is in spite of the fact that American conservatives are almost all pro-Israel. In actuality, the hatred of Israeli leftists toward conservatives is precisely because conservatives are pro-Israel. Like in most other countries, the radical leftists in the Jewish State are anti-Israel in addition to being anti-American.

Israeli leftists insist that overseas supporters of Israel who are conservative should be shunned. They demand that Israel proclaim that those conservatives are just not ethical enough to be accepted as friends. Israeli leftists insist that Israel should only allow itself to be befriended by foreign leftists. Never mind that the search for pro-Israel foreign leftists is about as productive as the search for human life on other planets. The Left outside of Israel is almost entirely anti-Israel and anti-Semitic, and foreign liberals are by and large (although not entirely) anti-Israel. Israeli leftists want foreign pro-Israel conservatives to be regarded as personae non gratae by Israel. A few years back, Amiram Goldblum, a professor at the Hebrew University and a founder of the leftist Peace Now, called upon Israel to prevent American evangelist Christians from entering Israel. He objected to them because they are too pro-Israel. The Israeli Left is outraged that Israeli cable TV carries Fox News, because it is pro-Israel. The anti-Israel BBC and CNN channels, however, are fine.

The most dramatic manifestation of the Israeli Left’s hatred of pro-Israel foreign conservatives was evident in the severity of “Beckaphobia” in recent days. The Israeli Left is suffering from an intense phobia regarding conservative media powerhouse Glenn Beck.

Beck was in Israel last week (and has been here a lot in recent months) for one purpose only – to support Israel. He is an outspoken and well-spoken American conservative. His political opinions are solidly conservative and you cannot listen to his recent speech in Jerusalem without being convinced of the sincerity of his love of Israel and solidarity with Jews. You might even be moved to tears (from his citing the Scroll of Ruth, for instance).

The Israeli Left has been jihading all week against Beck. Yossi Sarid, the ex-head of the semi-Marxist Meretz party, crayoned an op-ed demonizing Beck, and just recently had an op-ed in Haaretz claiming that Israel fought the Six Day War out of a Nazi-like quest for Lebensraum (his word) and expansionism. Sarid was joined by lots of left-wing Haaretz writers in Beck-bashing. And even the normally sensible Maariv editor, Ben-Dror Yemini, decided to gripe about Beck. Naturally, Peace Now denounced the decision to allow Beck into the country. The daily Haaretz, Israel’s analogue to The Nation, ran a nasty editorial denouncing Beck. The leftists demanding that Beck be regarded as persona non grata are almost without exception the same people who protested when Israel denied the neo-Nazi Norman Finkelstein, the anti-Semitic Stalinist Noam Chomsky and the pro-jihad pseudo-academic Richard Falk, entry into the country. Israel had prevented those people from entering because of their ties to Islamic terrorists and anti-Semites. The lesson is clear – the Left’s mantra is really this: Israel, hate it or leave it.

Meanwhile, Israeli patriots loved Beck and many attended his rallies. The conservative columnist Caroline Glick wrote:

Beck is rare, because he refuses to bow to the intellectual intimidation and groupthink that plagues the discourse on Israel in Israel itself and throughout the world…. Unlike the leftist public intellectuals such as New York Times columnist Tom Friedman who are celebrated and obsessively covered by the Israeli media, Beck exerts real influence on public opinion in the US. His calls for action are answered by hundreds of thousands of people. His statements are a guidepost for millions of Americans. Aside from radio host Rush Limbaugh, no media personality in the US has such influence.  It is highly significant that thousands of Beck’s supporters followed his call and came with him to Israel for a week to express their support for Israel and the Jewish people. It is similarly significant that millions more of his supporters followed his actions on Internet.

Beck, of course, is also the right-winger that the American left-wingers most love to hate.  He is perhaps the only TV and radio personality who can upset the Left even more than Rush Limbaugh does. But those who hate Beck, in almost all cases, also hate Israel.  True, some American liberal “reform rabbis” denounced Beck for criticizing George Soros and even demanded that Fox News sanction Beck, but if anything, Beck should carry their condemnation as a badge of valor.  And lots of those “reform rabbis” are supporters of radical anti-Israel groups like J Street, the New Israel Fund, Tikkun Magazine, or worse.  Of course, few of those clergypersons have issued any complaints about National Public Radio’s Israel bashers, and none has ever had any complaints about liberals and leftists who appear alongside Holocaust deniers on Counterpunch, the pro-jihad Web magazine.

Some American Jewish liberals squirm when Beck’s name is mentioned because they have a hang-up about Mormons. Give me a nice team of Mormons any day over liberal Jewish pseudo-clergypersons preaching that all of Judaism is really “social justice” and pursuing the liberal political agenda. Mormons may invite you to join their faith and pray for you to do so. Liberal pseudo-rabbis fraudulently misrepresent Judaism as liberal political fads and are guilty of Chilul Hashem (sacrilege). I feel fine with the former. And I salute Glenn Beck.


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GB's Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities (and the coming of GBTV)
« Reply #276 on: September 05, 2011, 08:26:46 AM »
It truly has been an incredible summer.  We’ve been working non-stop ever since we left cable news in June and we are exactly one week away from showing you the result of our efforts – my new two hour daily show on debuts next Monday at 5 pm ET!
I’d like to thank those of you who have already joined me on GBTV as we start this journey.  Those of you who have watched us build GBTV over the summer and came with us (either in person or through GBTV) to Israel for the Restoring Courage events have seen the beginning of some incredible things.
At the final Restoring Courage event, I kicked off a new direction for my company as I unveiled our plan to take our message global. Next Monday on 9/12, we bring the message of individual rights & responsibilities back to the 5 pm ET time slot.
I ask that you review the Declaration of Rights & Responsibilities below – print them, carry them with you, memorize them, and join us one week from today on for the debut of my new show.
Declaration of Rights & Responsibilities

Thus, we the people do hereby declare not only our rights, but do now establish this bill of responsibilities.
1. Because I have the right to choose, I recognize that I am accountable to God and have the responsibility to keep the 10 commandments in my own life.
2. Because I have the right to worship as I choose, I have the responsibility to honor the right of others to worship as they see fit.
3. Because I have freedom of speech, I have the responsibility to defend the speech of others, even if I strongly disagree with what they’re saying.
4. Because I have the right to pursue happiness, I have the responsibility to show humility and express gratitude for all the blessings I enjoy and the rights I’ve been given.
5. Because I have the right to honest and good government I will seek out honest and just representatives when possible. If I cannot find one then I accept the responsibility to take that place.
6. Because I have the God given right to liberty, I have the personal responsibility to have the courage to defend others to be secure in their persons, lives and property.
7. Because I have the right to equal justice, I will stand for those who are wrongly accused or unjustly blamed.
8. Because I have the right to knowledge, I will be accountable for myself and my children’s education…to live our lives in such a way that insures the continuation of truth.
9. Because I have the right to pursue my dreams and keep the fruits of my labor, I have the responsibility to feed, protect and shelter my family, the less fortunate, the fatherless, the old and infirm.
10. Because I have a right to the truth, I will not bear false witness nor will I stand idly by as others do.
Unconditionally, while maintaining my responsibility to compassionately yet fiercely stand against those things that decay the natural rights of all men. And for the support of this declaration, and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor.
This is the beginning of a global movement. Don’t just witness it, be a part of it. Join me on
Laus Deo,


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Beck right on yet another conspiracy
« Reply #277 on: September 21, 2011, 02:14:59 PM »

and an additional citation:

Several years ago Glenn broke ties with GM as a sponsor, in large part because he was worried about their interactions with government. All that technology and access at the fingertips of the federal government just didn't sit well with Glenn. At the time, they said they wouldn't be doing any sort of tracking or anything like that. That was then, this is now. OnStar is now notifying its 6 million account holders that it will keep a complete account of the speed and location of OnStar-equipped vehicles even for drivers who discontinue the monthly service. Why? Glenn has more on radio today - check it out at
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 02:38:27 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Beck: Christian on trial in Iraq
« Reply #278 on: September 29, 2011, 06:27:04 PM »
An Iranian pastor is set to be executed for apostasy if he doesn’t renounce his Christian faith – and while the latest updates provide hope for an acquittal the case is a strong warning against the spread of Islamic law in the Middle East.

The latest report from The Blaze says:

As we have already reported, the young pastor, now 32, made a conversion to Christianity years ago when he was a teenager. While this has become the basis for the Iranian case against him, his initial arrest surrounded his public opposition to Christian schoolchildren being forced to participate in Islamic religious education. He was subsequently convicted of apostasy in 2010 and remains in prison in Rasht.

So far, the courts have said that Nadarkhani must repent of his conversion or he will face the death penalty.

Under Islamic law, repenting would involve the pastor apologizing and denouncing his conversion to Christianity. To date, this has not happened, as Nadarkhani has stuck to his religious ideals during the past four days of his appeals trial.

The report does add that the lawyer is now 95% sure his client will be acquitted, although Blaze writer Billy Hallowell adds “Of course, considering the lack of transparency in Iranian governance and the unpredictability of officials there, this potential for a favorable outcome may be optimistic.”

Heather Sells with CBN added, “Many believe Pastor Nadarkhani was targeted because he spoke out. He recently questioned the Muslim monopoly on the religious instruction of children in Iran.”

“So we got a guy who’s speaking out and going to be executed. He’s Christian. He is going to be executed. Where is the world? Where ‑‑ where is the media? Where’s the president?” Glenn asked on radio this morning.

Glenn reminded listeners that there was endless media coverage of two American hikers who were held in Iran – but little coverage of this Christian Pastor.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #279 on: September 29, 2011, 06:44:08 PM »
"Glenn reminded listeners that there was endless media coverage of two American hikers who were held in Iran – but little coverage of this Christian Pastor."

That is the key; they were AMERICAN hikers.  The world, the media, and the President rarely get involved in other country's internal affairs.  If we did, it would be a full time job.

It's sad, but...


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Son of Solyndra; mid-wifed by Pelosi
« Reply #280 on: September 29, 2011, 06:49:51 PM »
Given the American blood, sweat, tears, and money put into Iraq one would think the story would be of interest , , , except to the Pravdas  :roll:



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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #281 on: September 29, 2011, 07:06:27 PM »
While we may have put "blood, sweat, tears, and money into Iraq" (I personally think it's all wasted) what does that have to
do with, or why does it entitle us to intercede with what happens to an Iranian citizen in Iran?  It's an "internal" matter.
Of course it's a sad story.  But the same story in different forms, happens in China, North Korea, Russia, and numerous other countries around the world.
Are we to get involved in each one?


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Son of Solyndra; mid-wifed by Pelosi
« Reply #282 on: September 29, 2011, 08:46:24 PM »
My brain fart-- for some reason I was thinking of Iraq  :oops: -- though execution for apostasy would seem pretty noteworthy in its own right, particulary in a country that is violating its accords with the international community not to develop nuclear bombs and which has sworn to wipe Israel off the map , , ,

Anyway, once again, moving along-- here's this:


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Beck: Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities
« Reply #283 on: October 03, 2011, 05:02:22 PM »
Declaration of Rights & Responsibilities
As the American Declaration of Independence clearly states, when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for people to band together and collectively declare their rights and responsibilities to which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitle and bind them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should disclose the causes which impel them to such.

Therefore let us declare that we still hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But with those rights come responsibilities.
In order to continually experience life, liberty and happiness as promised, nature’s God demands obedience to His law to protect those rights. This is where we have fallen short and therefore, in order not to lose the blessings of freedom, the people of the world must turn from the sole focus on rights, and recognize the inherent and required responsibilities that we have.

Among the responsibilities to which we must adhere to maintain our God given rights are honor, courage and vigilance.
Over time, we believe that these basic human responsibilities have been trampled, and replaced with degradation, fear and apathy.

But when a long train of abuses of the people and conscience by the media and by other segments of society, pursuing the same path of reducing them to ridicule, scorn and even sub-human status, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to peacefully, but vehemently take a stand.

AdvertisementMen want to be king, and the more we concentrate on our rights and the more we are told not to worry about our responsibilities, the more we lose our rights.

Just as physics show, for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. The time has come to declare that at least for the western world human rights are generally accepted and moving in the right direction however a new movement is required a movement of human responsibility.

The media, politicians and large institutions both academic and political have been lying to us, and we must demand the truth be told.

With that demand, comes the responsibility that we tell the truth first, in ourselves. Too many of us delegate our responsibility to the media…and too many believe there is no personal responsibility at all.

Political correctness has polluted our language and clouds our every discussion.

What was once accepted as good and right, is now considered bad and evil, and that which was bad and evil is now presented to the world as good and decent.

Opposing thoughts or opinions are referred to as crazy, insane, non-factual and utterly without merit. Furthermore, we are told, they should not even be heard.

Now, the time has come to take a stand by exhibiting the traits – honor, courage and vigilance.

What is honor? It is being honest in all of our dealings. It is showing loyalty and fairness, and being a beacon of integrity in all our beliefs and actions. It is showing respect for others.

Ruth honored Naomi when she told her that she would not leave her. That she would go wherever Naomi went, that she would live where Naomi lived and die where Naomi died. Her God would be Naomi’s God.

Courage is the ability to face danger, criticism or scorn – not without fear, but while overcoming fear to deal with that which comes our way.

When no one else in the Kingdom wanted to face the mighty giant, Goliath, young David was willing. David must have felt fear at the sight of his foe, but overcame it, and courageously vanquished his enemy.

Vigilance is being watchful for all forms of treachery and tyranny, lies and deceit. The person in the watchtower, waiting all night, suddenly sounding the alarm that the enemy is coming. The careful observer of the markets and economies who proclaims to the world, all is not well, there is trouble ahead and the outspoken critic of the powerful, going against societies’ grain, warning that all is not as we’re being told. These are the vigilant.

We implore all people to stand with these characteristics – honor, courage and vigilance.

To that end, we must restore honor in our own lives. Seek after the truth. Declare right now, that no longer will we simply accept what is told us by the media or anyone else.

The media has the responsibility to tell the truth, we have the responsibility to learn it.

Stand with courage, even if it means the end of our jobs, the end of our positions in life…or even the end of our very lives.
We must have the courage to be peaceful, while recognizing the courage to defend and respond to threats and/or attacks when necessary.

Turn the other cheek when possible.

We must be vigilant. We must think the unthinkable. The holocaust occurred because no one could imagine it, but evil never sleeps, and neither must we.

As Edmund Burke said, “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” We must DO something. Stand watch. Speak up. Become involved.

Thus, we the people do hereby declare not only our rights, but do now establish this bill of responsibilities.

1. Because I have the right to choose, I recognize that I am accountable to God and have the responsibility to keep the 10 commandments in my own life.

2. Because I have the right to worship as I choose, I have the responsibility to honor the right of others to worship as they see fit.

3. Because I have freedom of speech, I have the responsibility to defend the speech of others, even if I strongly disagree with what they’re saying.

4. Because I have the right to pursue happiness, I have the responsibility to show humility and express gratitude for all the blessings I enjoy and the rights I’ve been given.

5. Because I have the right to honest and good government I will seek out honest and just representatives when possible. If I cannot find one then I accept the responsibility to take that place.

6. Because I have the God given right to liberty, I have the personal responsibility to have the courage to defend others to be secure in their persons, lives and property.

7. Because I have the right to equal justice, I will stand for those who are wrongly accused or unjustly blamed.

8. Because I have the right to knowledge, I will be accountable for myself and my children’s education…to live our lives in such a way that insures the continuation of truth.

9. Because I have the right to pursue my dreams and keep the fruits of my labor, I have the responsibility to feed, protect and shelter my family, the less fortunate, the fatherless, the old and infirm.

10. Because I have a right to the truth, I will not bear false witness nor will I stand idly by as others do.

Unconditionally, while maintaining my responsibility to compassionately yet fiercely stand against those things that decay the natural rights of all men. And for the support of this declaration, and with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives, fortunes and sacred honor.


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Cain on Beck
« Reply #284 on: October 14, 2011, 03:46:01 AM »
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 03:51:58 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #288 on: November 04, 2011, 09:11:30 AM »

Nothing wrong with gold, but Goldline seems like a scam.  Just google it.

How exactly is Goldline a scam?

Goldline metals dealer is charged

The Santa Monica company that used radio talk show host Glenn Beck as a pitchman is accused of tricking customers into buying gold coins at inflated prices.

Stuart Pfeifer

November 3, 2011

Prosecutors have filed criminal charges against Goldline International Inc., a Santa Monica company that is one of the nation's largest gold dealers, for allegedly tricking customers into buying gold coins at inflated prices.

The Santa Monica city attorney's office accused Goldline of running a "bait and switch" operation in which customers seeking to invest in gold bullion were instead sold gold coins that were marked up more than 50%.

The company, which used radio talk show host Glenn Beck as a pitchman, has seen sales soar in recent years along with the price of gold. In one ad campaign, Beck said Goldline was "a top-notch organization" and in another said it was the "only gold company I recommend and use."

Beck did not respond to an email seeking comment for this story.

The 19-count criminal complaint accused Goldline Chief Executive Scott Carter and five other current and former employees of promoting coins as a better investment than bullion without disclosing the markup.

Goldline, which had more than $500 million in annual sales, denied wrongdoing and vowed to fight the charges. Founded in 1960, the company employs more than 300 people.

"The so-called bait-and-switch allegation is preposterous because bullion accounts for more than 40% of the ounces of gold sold by the company during the past year," Brian Crumbaker, the company's executive vice president, said in a statement.

"We believe Goldline has industry best practices in customer disclosures enabling the most informed decisions."

Among the charges against Goldline was one misdemeanor count of elder abuse for allegedly defrauding a client in July 2011. Prosecutors also accused the company of falsely promoting its coins as "rare" and claiming that bullion could be seized by the government while coins could not.

The company encouraged salespeople to steer customers into the overpriced coins by offering commissions on coin sales that were 2,000% more than the commissions for bullion sales, the complaint alleged.

Also accused in the criminal complaint were Goldline's former CEO Mark Albarian, executives Robert Fazio and Luis Beeli, and sales agents Charles Boratgis and Stephanie Howard. Each of the defendants is scheduled to appear in court Jan. 4 for arraignment. Albarian could not immediately be reached.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #289 on: November 04, 2011, 09:35:46 AM »
Welcome back.  I wonder if McDonalds will be similarly prosecuted for coercing sales people into pushing soft drinks and french fries where the profit margins are 2000% higher for an empty product 2000% worse than the dollar menu double cheeseburger, and I wonder if pitchman Ronald McDonald will be similarly persecuted.   :wink:


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #290 on: November 04, 2011, 10:29:31 AM »

Nothing wrong with gold, but Goldline seems like a scam.  Just google it.

How exactly is Goldline a scam?

Goldline metals dealer is charged

The Santa Monica company that used radio talk show host Glenn Beck as a pitchman is accused of tricking customers into buying gold coins at inflated prices.

Stuart Pfeifer

November 3, 2011

Prosecutors have filed criminal charges against Goldline International Inc., a Santa Monica company that is one of the nation's largest gold dealers, for allegedly tricking customers into buying gold coins at inflated prices.

The Santa Monica city attorney's office accused Goldline of running a "bait and switch" operation in which customers seeking to invest in gold bullion were instead sold gold coins that were marked up more than 50%.

The company, which used radio talk show host Glenn Beck as a pitchman, has seen sales soar in recent years along with the price of gold. In one ad campaign, Beck said Goldline was "a top-notch organization" and in another said it was the "only gold company I recommend and use."

Beck did not respond to an email seeking comment for this story.

The 19-count criminal complaint accused Goldline Chief Executive Scott Carter and five other current and former employees of promoting coins as a better investment than bullion without disclosing the markup.

Ok, we will see how this trial goes.


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #291 on: December 10, 2011, 09:12:18 AM »
I've been feeling rather frustrated with the scattered and advertising prone nature of the daily missives I receive, but recently I caught a freebie of Glenn's interviews with Newt and with Bachman.  Serious, engaging stuff without commercials. 


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Year end letter from Glenn Beck
« Reply #294 on: December 30, 2011, 08:28:20 AM »

December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

When I came back from my vacation last year, I laid out several plans for 2011. Over the past year, you have seen many of these plans come to fruition. I told you that I would no longer be looking towards elected officials for solutions and instead would look to individuals to chart the course and create real change in the world.
It all started in June when I left Fox News to launch my own independent network, GBTV. The network has been dedicated to bringing you the truth that you can’t get anywhere else - whether it be news stories ignored by the mainstream media, commentary on what is really going on in the world, or even comedy that seeks to appeal to people of all political viewpoints and break away from the traditional liberal entertainment industry.
In 2012, you will see GBTV continue to grow as a network. We’re adding new shows like Independence USA, a reality program that shows a real family finding out what life “off the grid” might be like. There are some other big announcements coming, but there are people in my office who would be pretty mad if I let the cat out of the bag this early (and yes, I’ve hired so many people in 2011 that when enough of them yell at me I listen. Sometimes.)
But aside from great programming on GBTV, I’ve made a lot of personal changes in 2011 as well. I traveled to Israel for the Restoring Courage events to stand with Israel and the Jewish people in one of the most defining moments of my life so far. Next year, I’ll be bringing people from around the country to my new home of Dallas, TX for “Restoring Love” - a three day event where thousands will gather and perform acts of service and charity across the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. We’ll also have an amazing evening of celebration, inspiration, and reflection on July 28th at Cowboys Stadium. This is something you will NOT want to miss as individuals stand together and fundamentally transform the country like never before.

I also launched Mercury One at the end of 2011, and this non-profit initiative will be a big part of my life going into 2012 and beyond. The organization will not only help me organize the “Restoring Love” event, but it will carry that spirit of service into places across the country and the globe. It will give you the chance to roll up your sleeves and get involved, as well as a chance to support others who are looking to make a difference. This is something I have been actively working on for over a year and an idea I have had for a very, very long time. You’ve been telling me “Ok, Glenn. I get it! I know the problems - but what can I do?” Mercury One is the answer. Stay tuned because there are some big things coming in 2012.
I’d like to leave you with a story I read on radio when I came back after the holidays last January. Read it and look at all the things we have done together over the past two years. I hope you can see how everything we have been working towards is about solutions born in the individual.

A man decided that he would change the world.
But, he wasn’t successful.
So he decided to change the country.
But, he wasn’t successful.
So he decided to change his community.
But, he wasn’t successful.
So he decided to change his street.
But, be wasn’t successful.
So he decided to change his family.
But, he wasn’t successful.
So he decided to change himself.
And gang, I promise you, we are so close to seeing things turn around in this country and changing for the better. We just need to start with ourselves, then our families, and then our communities. If we can start at home, each and every one of us, we can change the world. We will change the world.
2012 is going to be an incredible journey.
Laos Deo,


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Julian Assange: Chooses Plata over Plomo
« Reply #295 on: February 08, 2012, 08:34:29 AM »

Julian Assange goes to work for "KGB mouthpiece" Russia Today
When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange initially threatened to do a massive doc dump which promised to be damaging to the Russians, he had to know he was going to be paid a visit by -- the Russians. They have a pattern of 'silencing' (read: murdering) journalists and others who damage Russia in one way, shape or form. Assange never did release the Russian docs -- instead, he now works for the Russian propaganda network RT News. Apparently Assange enjoys living more than doc dumping


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Re: Tea Party, Glen Beck and related matters
« Reply #296 on: February 16, 2012, 01:45:19 PM »
I could have put this in the Islam in America thread but put it here to bump Glen's presence aboud here  :lol:

I tried again subscribing to his TV show, but am having problems doing so.  I'll have to get my wife to help me  :-D


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Big news from Beck
« Reply #299 on: March 15, 2012, 07:51:34 PM »

Beck to WSJ: “We are on the edge of something that is bigger than Industrial Revolution”
Thursday, Mar 15, 2012 at 10:39 AM EDT

Today’s Wall Street Journal features a profile of Glenn and GBTV and it’s hard to deny the success of a network that is still only six months old! Glenn spoke about GBTV and where it could be heading in the future.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

“We’re taking on the big guys,” Mr. Beck said in a recent interview at the Manhattan production studio of GBTV in the basement of a skyscraper. The conservative talk-show host had just flown in from Dallas, where he now lives—”away from the suits,” as he put it.

Driving Mr. Beck’s subscription-based network is a belief that television is going through an existential crisis, with the rise of online video outlets like Netflix Inc. and Google Inc.’s YouTube threatening to lure away viewers.

“The political and pop culture personalities going directly to their public is definitely a phenomenon that is starting to break,” said Michael Hirschorn, the former head of programming at VH1 who co-founded the entertainment company IconicTV, which is creating three channels for YouTube. But that notion of stars going straight to their fans online is still mostly uncharted. “We have yet to prove the business model out, but it feels inevitable” Mr. Hirschorn said.

Mr. Beck is intent on keeping his Fox fans while also capturing the younger Internet-surfing generation. “When the audience of 65 and over dies off,” he said, “then TV is in trouble if they haven’t found a new way to connect with the next vibrant and mobile generation.”

In contrast to traditional TV, which depends on people buying big bundles of channels, GBTV is available as an individual channel and must be watched on Internet-connected devices.

“We are on the edge of something that is bigger than industrial revolution,” Mr. Beck said of the industry changes. “How do you survive? What will people want?”

You can read the full article HERE

Since leaving FOX News, Glenn has attracted more than 300,000 subscribers to GBTV. These numbers dwarf cable news networks which have been on TV for years, such as CNBC “which drew an average of 189,000 viewers over the course of the total day in February, according to Nielsen.”

What do these 300,000+ subscribers get with GBTV that they aren’t getting anywhere else? After all, viewers are going outside the traditional mainstream media in order to seek out this programming – it must be something.

Not only does GBTV offer Glenn’s primetime daily show, it has a slate of original programming as well. Taking a cue from successful premium networks like HBO, the network does not focus on a single genre of television but instead has a mix of news, comedy, reality, and children’s programming. The model is different than traditional cable news, but it offers a way from fans of Glenn to find entertaining shows that share a similar set of values all based around the network’s model “The Truth Lives Here”.

AdvertisementGBTV is also more mobile and accesible that traditional cable news networks. Outside of being available on TV via a Roku, the full network can be accessed on iPhones, iPads, Boxee, the web, and more. Such availability makes it possible to access GBTV from anywhere, not just the confines of ones own home.

The Wall Street Journal profile ends with a question of whether or not he would ever return to traditional cable television.

But asked if he would ever return to cable, Mr. Beck said he wouldn’t rule out working with a network as a supplier—just not as an employee. “I am a content provider,” he said. “I’ll provide content to anybody.”"