Author Topic: 2016 Presidential  (Read 440517 times)


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1300 on: July 26, 2016, 09:14:11 AM »
Amazing huh?  All we here from the Democrats now for the first time in many years, is how great America is.   :?
After bashing this country for years. 

After both bamas going around feeling ashamed of this country and apologizing around the globe.

Now , suddenly , now that they are terrified that Trump is registering with a lot of people , they praise America.

Love this one too as they try to keep up with DJT:


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The clothing parade
« Reply #1301 on: July 26, 2016, 09:44:08 AM »
If Republicans comment on Hill's outfits it is politically incorrect .  Otherwise it is wonderful .  Michelle always looks unbelievable and stunning in her designer clothes
(I thought Donald's suit was sharp and and handsome.) 

I bet the Trumps buy their own clothes.  I bet the bamas and the Clintons get gifts from the designers.  Like celebrities:

This one was the best choice of all IMHO.  Now this is class (no pun intended)


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Re: The clothing parade, Michelle Obama
« Reply #1302 on: July 26, 2016, 10:06:07 AM »
From a Dem point of view, Michelle is the star coming out of this convention.  No doubt she has the highest approval of all Dems.  If Hillary loses, that becomes immediately relevant.  I have posted previously I fear her politically more than Hillary.  Ironic how powerful Dem women make their rise off the accomplishments of a man.  Tonight's big speaker?  Bill Clinton.  Maybe they should suggest that strategy, marrying a rich and powerful man, to the little people.

Also in this election leaks is the fact that little guy Bernie, average contribution $27, was demanding a plane for his entourage for the entire campaign in exchange for his support. 

He doesn't see himself as a phony little guy; he sees himself as a former one.  Next up, book deals!


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1303 on: July 26, 2016, 05:26:11 PM »
Currently Trump has 23% of the Latino vote.  Romney had 27%.

I'm guessing the Latino vote will have a stronger than usual turnout.

Trump needs to start paying attention to this right now.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1305 on: July 26, 2016, 08:48:46 PM »
Currently Trump has 23% of the Latino vote.  Romney had 27%.

I'm guessing the Latino vote will have a stronger than usual turnout.

Trump needs to start paying attention to this right now.

That's right.  Maybe he can come up with something like the Rubio plan tempered by how it would have come out of a conservative Republican House.  Keep the people who have been here a period of time and are invested, not the criminals and freeloaders.  Let them pay a fine, earn an opening and agree to join us as law abiding, tax paying citizens.  Build a wall and start securing the country.

Everybody who is a legal, votiing Hispanic knows and likes somebody who isn't legal and faces deportation if we suddenly enforce our laws.

On the other hand, legal Hispanics are probably among those people that Democrats are worried are being under-counted as Trump supporters.  They don't want to tell their friends or strangers but they are among those whose jobs and pay are being crushed by the influx of illegals.  If a day came when we knew that every Hispanic who is here is legal, their own standing and confidence (and income) would rise.

23% versus 27% isn't that bad if it is being under-counted - except that Romney lost!  If Trump can take that proportion up to the mid 30s and win 10-15% of blacks instead of 2-5%, this is whole new ballgame.  And if he can't make progress into traditional Democratic groups, he loses.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1306 on: July 27, 2016, 12:00:33 AM »
Cruz can't win.....

"Trump has won at least 159 delegates in Tuesday's contests. John Kasich has picked up at least 73 delegates — most of them for winning Ohio — while Ted Cruz has won at least 24 and Marco Rubio will get at least four.

There are still 107 delegates left to be allocated.

The overall race for delegates:

Trump: 619.

Cruz: 394.

Rubio: 167.

Kasich: 136.

It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination for president."

The only way Cruz can even get on the ballot is for the RNC to steal the nomination from Trump, in which case.... the GOP will be sending a Clinton (God help us all), or a Communist (equally distasteful), to the Whitehouse.

I posted this a while ago. Trump will be the next president, or the GOP has to accept something even worse. The complete evisceration of the GOP party as we know it.

Pretty simple.

I hate being right and never listened too, but I'm used to it.

Here's another prediction:

Not only will Trump be the next president, but Sander's supporters (much more than the 10% reported in some polls), will be flocking to the Green Party (Jill Stein currently, unless Sanders rescinds his endorsement of Clinton, in which case, she'll cede the nomination to him) in droves. We will see three majority parties if Trump doesn't turn the States into a dictatorship, two election cycles from now.

With the difference bewteen Romney and Obama being 4,000,000 votes and Obama squeaking out the victory (assuming they didn't manipulate the vote *I'm pretty sure they did*), Clinton would have won this year in a 51/49 split. Now that she cannot count on Sander's supporters, some will vote for Trump, with a great number switching from blue to green.

Trump will win with 52% of the vote.

Clinton will get 44%.

The rest will be divided between Johnson and Stein, but with enough of an improvement to drive towards a three party political system.

It is noteable that the Democrats were busted with emails, but it is certain that the Republicans do it too, as mentioned by GM earlier, "The RNC will be more rigged than a North Korean" election and indeed, they tried.

This is my prediction. Clinton cannot win it. Trump will. Latinos in substantial numbers, mostly reside in states that are already blue. Having lived in Mexico in the status that I have here, I am priivy to certain things.... such as.... Latinos in the States won't admit it, but they report the majority of illegals there, they don't llike Mexicans taking what they view to be "their" jobs, and Mexicans in particular KNOW that the Mexican government helps illegals get there and the Mexicans in the States legally, have zero interest in seeing other Mexicans come other than immediate family members. O lot of them support Trump secretly.

You should see the line to get visas here. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow. Maybe GM can help me figure out how to post a photo of it.

By the way. The wife became a newscaster today for one of the national television stations. That will provide more insight no doubt.

The way it is.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 12:03:11 AM by DDF »


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Sanders Supporters Leave DNC in Flocks
« Reply #1307 on: July 27, 2016, 08:28:06 AM »
I think the fallout from Sanders being cheated will result in a substantially more than 10% (reported) of Sander's supporters leaving the DNC.

Of course the mainstream didn't cover this.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1309 on: July 28, 2016, 04:34:24 AM »
Dems tried to co- op the theme  that they are the party of *patriotism*

Including their conga line (using Mark L's characterization)  of pundits.  From Barack the not so great to the first "I am ashamed of this country" first lady, and Little Joe B who sat by for 8 yrs while his boss went around the globe apologizing and dividing us and giving up our sovereignty.

Clintons did this in '96 when suddenly the big government guy (Bill) gets up to the podium, and with a straight face states, "the era of big government is over".  Sadly it worked with the the crowd that votes for whoever says what sounds good on any given day.

This time we have a good bully pulpit in Trump.  Hopefully he can keep them from getting away with the last minute deception  though he is, as are all Republicans, fighting an antagonistic media.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 09:11:35 AM by ccp »


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Re: 2016 Presidential, Did Trump trap Hillary on deleted emails?
« Reply #1311 on: July 28, 2016, 12:39:23 PM »
Trump said:

"I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about him other than he will respect me," Trump said during a press conference this morning at his golf club in Doral, Florida. "I have nothing to do with Russia."

"By the way, if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do," he continued. "They probably have her 33,000 emails that she lost and deleted."

"Now these are lying, bad people, folks," Trump said of the Clinton campaign. "These are bad, bad people and they're’ incompetent people."

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

Funny how the news sources omit half of the point he made, losing its meaning:

The Hillary campaign responded:
"This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent. That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security.",

Oops, I thought these 33,000 emails were only about yoga and wedding plans, NOTHING to do with national security.  Otherwise they are under subpoena and evidence of obstruction, right?

As James Carville said:  “I suspect she didn't want Louie Gohmert (the oversight committee) rifling through her emails,”
That's why she setup the private server.  If it was in fact secured, Russia and the rest of the hackers in the world won't have her emails.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1312 on: July 28, 2016, 01:49:18 PM »
1) I'm NOT pleased with how he phrased this  :x :x :x

2) and WTF with making those comments about Crimea?


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Global Guerillas: Russian Interference in our election
« Reply #1313 on: July 29, 2016, 06:22:43 AM »
The American Autumn
Posted: 28 Jul 2016 03:49 PM PDT

Some thinking you might find useful.  It might sound wild and remote, but we are in a wild and out of control year.  ANYTHING can happen.
A treasure trove of e-mail and voicemail messages from the Democratic National Committee has been leaked.  Here's what happened.

   The first installment of the leaked e-mails was released by Wikileaks at the start of the DNC convention.  More leaks have and will follow.

   The contents of the leak show a brazen attempt by the DNC to help Hillary win the primary.  It also shows Dem campaign staffers to have acted inappropriately and in a prejudiced manner.

   Based on forensic analysis of the leak, it appears that the Russian government is involved
The effects of the leak have been immediate and intense.

   The leak provided the confirmation to Sanders supporters that the primary was rigged against them.  This has led to intense protests both within and outside the convention.  This suggests that the Clinton campaign lost a large number of Bernie supporters forever.

   The media and the US government reaction to the leak has been aggressive.  They claim that the release is a brazen attempt by Putin to influence the US election by helping Trump win. There have been attempts by the media to tie Trump to Putin but those lack evidence of any connection.

   Further, now that the Russian have interfered in our election, it's possible that they will do again.  This could be done through more leaks or as Bruce Schneier has pointed out: a hack of poorly secured voting machines on election day. 
Where could this end up?  This is the interesting part.  This election isn't a normal election.  It is also a good demonstration of something the great scholar of warfare, Martin van Creveld said ~ if you fight barbarians long enough, you become a barbarian too.

   The Trumpification of the Establishment >>  Trump isn't running a campaign, he's running an open source insurgency (see my earlier article on this) that makes him nearly immune to personal attack, and it is working.  He has secured a whopping 7 points (47 to 40) lead over Clinton in a recent national poll by the LA Times/USC -- despite the fact that nearly EVERYONE in the media, academic, government, and political establishment is working against him.  This loss of control has infuriated the establishment, leading to increasing levels of paranoia, hyperbole, and anger (particularly in the media).  In short, the establishment is starting to act increasingly like Trump does -- exaggerating and amplifying everything.

   Intentional Electoral Disruption.   The potential threat of Russian hacking (voting machines, etc.) fits the scenario I outlined in my freakishly popular US Civil War article from earlier this year.  With the tension between the divisions in the country increasing rapidly as both sides amplify and exaggerate every event, any overt attempt to rig (through disruption or hacking) the outcome of the election could result in widespread violence and/or a national fracture.

   The Administrative 'Coup'.  Here's something that I didn't think possible until this week.  The Trumpified establishment might have found an avenue for disqualifying Trump as President:  Trump's rhetorical suggestion that Russian hackers should find Hillary's deleted e-mails.  This has led many people in the establishment to contend that Trump committed 'treason and is now a clear and present danger to the security of the US.'  This national security angle -- the overt interference by Russia in US governance -- could make it possible to block Trump as a candidate on national security grounds.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1314 on: July 29, 2016, 07:39:09 AM »
 This loss of control has infuriated the establishment, leading to increasing levels of paranoia, hyperbole, and anger (particularly in the media).  In short, the establishment is starting to act increasingly like Trump does -- exaggerating and amplifying everything.   yup

despite the fact that nearly EVERYONE in the media, academic, government, and political establishment is working against him.   yup.

Based on forensic analysis of the leak, it appears that the Russian government is involved  --  Are we the public sure of this.  I mean who is saying this?   Forensic computer people hired by the DNC?

Who here honestly would not love to see the 33,000 emails that Hillary and her lawyers destroyed suddenly appear?  I sure would.   


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Hillary the Hawk
« Reply #1315 on: July 29, 2016, 10:44:22 AM »
Of course I get the logic here, but a candidate asking a foreign power to intervene in our elections sets a REALLY bad precedent.  It would appear that Trump flapped his gums here AGAIN, without really thinking.  There are still plenty of seriously patriotic people still seriously pissed off over his calls for water boarding and more and killing the families of the enemy.   Remember the letter signed by many serious military people saying they would be forced to disobey and his comment in the debate "They'll do it because I said so?".   The four star Marine general who endorsed Hillary at the convention last night does , , ,



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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1316 on: July 29, 2016, 11:49:30 AM »
"Of course I get the logic here, but a candidate asking a foreign power to intervene in our elections sets a REALLY bad precedent. "

Well I would respond that a Secretary of State trading favors for cash is a rather bad precedent.  I would be in perfect favor if emails were released that prove beyond a reasonable doubt what we already can surmise from massive circumstantial evidence.

That a Democrat nominee was selling us out for cash while SoS is very worthy of an email dump.  THAT is treason. 
Frankly,  I don't care if it comes from Russia.

And Trump was not calling for a hack.  He was just saying if they already have the emails...........


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Re: Trump Didn't "Ask"
« Reply #1317 on: July 29, 2016, 12:33:57 PM »
Trump didn't "ask" Russia to intervene in the elections.

He said; "“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

That isn't "interveining." That is a truth that every American except those that have broken the law are interested in learning.

Also.... Mexico is actively campaigning against Trump, through Mexicans here and illegals in the States in an effort to sway Americans of Latino descent - we don't hear a peep in the news or here about that.

In closing, Trump's number of 47 to 40, is going to be Trump with 52% of the vote, Clinton will get 44%, based on the fact that Bernie was slightly behind Hillary with just under half the vote in polls before the emails were leaked.

It is obvious that not every Sander's voter will jump ship, but let's do some basic math for a moment... liberal polls have stated that they are likely to lose a mere 10% of Sander's supporters.

Obama had 66,000,000 voters
Romney had 61,000,000 voters (both figures rounded).
Voter turnout was at 126 million in 2012, down from the 131 million in the previous cycle. It stands to reason, with both HRC and Trump angering people severely, 131 million casting their ballots again is entirely reasonable and probable. I myself will be filling in an absentee ballot for Trump.
Most polls without any shenanigans show either party to be within a point or two (even today CNN admitted that "it was too close to call" in their poll, and we know how they do damage control for the Liberals so....

128/2 = 64 million (leaving Johnson and Stein out of it for the moment because we're factoring Sander's supporters). (Clinton 53.8 % Sanders 39.3 %) (which is pretty liberal and they know what they like)
HRC gets 34.43 million
Sanders gets 29.568 million (roughly).

If the liberals are admitting to a 10% loss of supporters, that's 3 million votes.
If other sources are correct, it could easily be as much as 15 million.

Most Sander's supporters that have left are voting for Jill Stein. Others are voting for Trump, just because they hate being cheated out of their voice.

Either way, if the 2012 results hold true, even using their 10% number (and not counting any Sander's supporters voting for trump, here's what that looks like:

Clinton - 62,000,000
Trump - 61,000,000 (assuming the loss is only 10%, not counting any votes in Trump's favor, assuming that wikileaks doesn't blast the Dems again, and not factoring in a Stein vote in all 50 States).

If Clinton's loss is 50% (and many think it may be just that), still not counting any votes for Trump, this is what that looks like:

Trump - 61,000,000
Clinton - 51,220,000 (giving every single missing vote to either Stein or Johnson) = Trump at 47% of 128 million, Clinton at 40% of 128 million (GC's numbers broken down)

Delving deeper, we know that many Sander's voters won't actually jump ship. I think the actual number is closer to 30% (one in three voters for Sanders) Which means, 10 million voters will either vote for Trump, Stein, or Johnson. If we assign half to Stein, and split the rest between Trump and Johnson, here what it looks like in closing:

Trump - 63,500,000
Clinton - 55,640,000
Stein - 5,469,000 (counting her .5 million from 2012)
Johnson - 3,775,000 (counting the 1.27 mil he had from 2012)

I stated that Trump would get 52% of the vote. With 63.5 million and a voter turnout of 128 milion, he'd have to be at 66.56 million (well within what he could reach with Sanders bailouts).

I stated that Hillary would be at 44% of the vote or 56.32 million voters of 128 million. Based on Barracks numbers of 66,000,000 in 2012, and a 1/3 to 1/2 of Sander's voters jumping ship, the empress could easily find herself 15 million votes short, putting her as low as 51,000,000, well within the target I have proposed.

Needless to say, these aren't electoral college votes, nor are they swing state votes.

1. Most Latinos already reside in Blue states, BUT.... they aren't interested in seeing other Mexicans other than their immediate family come and take their jobs.
2. States that have been blue could go red because of this, with purple states having an even higher turnover.
3. Trump won't get the Black vote, but at 12%-15% (19 million votes) of the population, and most based in Blue states, he doesn't need it.

Basically what I've come up with.

EDIT: It is also my basis behind stating that after two election cycles, we will indeed have a third party. One can laugh off .5 million votes or even 1.7 million votes, but when those numbers rise into the millions of votes, people start getting put on state ballots and invited to debates.

Like the monkey said when the man cut off his tail with an axe, "it won't be long now."
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 12:50:54 PM by DDF »


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Negative View of Clinton / How They'd Vote
« Reply #1318 on: July 31, 2016, 02:46:55 AM »
Democrats With A Negative View of Clinton - Source The Wall Street Journal

How they'd vote:

Donald Trump - 29%
Hillary Clinton - 27%
Jill Stein - 22%
Gary Johnson - 9%

There's obviously 13% missing somewhere, but if we take Clinton's 34.43 million (staunch supporters), and split Bernie's 29.568 million to the above poll stats, we get:

Trump - 8.57 million + 61,000,000 base (based off of 2012 numbers) 69.57 million 54% of 128 million voter base
Clinton - 7.98 million + 34,430,000 (her share of the Clinton/Sanders split *staunch base) 42.41 million 33%
Stein - 6.5 million + 500,000 (her 2012 results) 7 million 5.4%
Johnson - 2.66 million - 1,270,000 (his 2012 results) 3.93 million 3.07%

13% missing of ticked off Clinton supporter votes = 3.84 million... which could shun the vote, or be dispersed amongst any candidate. 3% (I'm thinking Clinton will actually get most of these 3.8, putting her close to the 44% I had stated).

Obviously, I could be completely wrong, but I want to see how close I am when this is all over. I know most head to head polls have Hillary favored, but those polls are junk, because the election will not be a head to head race. We'll see.

Edit: Adding some poll results. CNN having Trump favored by 5 points surprises me.

It is interesting to consider, in swing states :

AZ, NM, CO, IA, WI, OH, PA, VA, NH, NC, GA, and FL....

That Sanders had huge support of 60% or more in states like Colorado and Wisconsin, winning both of those swing states and does surprisingly well against Clinton in several of the other swing states - 2016 primary race map -,_2016#/media/File:Delegation_Vote,_2016_(Democratic_Party,_only_pledged_delegates).svg
carrying 30 to 40% of the vote in several of those states.

Sanders supporters don't even need to necessarily vote for Trump, Stein or Johnson. The mere act of staying home in several of these states, could floor Clinton fast.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 04:05:02 AM by DDF »


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1319 on: July 31, 2016, 08:32:47 AM »
Spectacularly stupid, classless, and ungracious comments by Trump about the Muslim gold star mother not speaking while her husband spoke at the Dem Convention.   :x :x :x

On top of giving a plausible impression of looking like he is asking the Russians to meddle in our campaign, Trump seems determined to prove that the election is his to lose.

 :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Also, a bit more care in attacking Gen. Allen would have been nice-- especially when the Dems have the clip of him saying he "knows more than the generals" and of him touting the fact that he went to a military school.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 08:38:06 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1320 on: July 31, 2016, 12:21:43 PM »
Spectacularly stupid, classless, and ungracious comments by Trump about the Muslim gold star mother not speaking while her husband spoke at the Dem Convention.   :x :x :x

On top of giving a plausible impression of looking like he is asking the Russians to meddle in our campaign, Trump seems determined to prove that the election is his to lose.

 :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Also, a bit more care in attacking Gen. Allen would have been nice-- especially when the Dems have the clip of him saying he "knows more than the generals" and of him touting the fact that he went to a military school.

No one is more supportive that the miltary than I am.

"Allen said he doesn’t think he has to justify himself to Trump, who has never spent time in Afghanistan or Iraq and has never served in the military."

General Allen also said, “We trust her judgment,” that “We know that she as no other knows how to use all instruments of American power — not just the military — to keep us all safe and free," and “She has been training for this moment for decades,” he said. “In the Senate, she worked across the aisle to support wounded warriors and our families. As president, she'll reform the VA, not privatize it. And as commander in chief, she will defeat ISIS.”

A few thoughts about that:

1.) Was hiring Wasserman Schultz the same day she was caught rigging elections "good judgement?"

2.) When she has been caught time and time again, attempting to disarm the US populace, does she really care about freedom?? That's laughable.

3.) As Commander in Chief, "she will defeat ISIS?" The US has arguably the most powerful military in the world. Desert Storm started in 1990. 9/11 was in 2001. The most powerful military in the world, and 15 years later, we're still over there pussyfooting around.

No disrespect at all for the great sacrifice of everyone that served, but just like Obama didn't get Osama, the men on the ground did, Clinton won't ever defeat ISIS, because she lacks the stomach (as do most Americans) to do what is necessary to defeat an ideology.

To date, the British, Indian, Soviet, and American militaries have all tasted Afghani defeat.

The only way to combat an ideology where the target has no fear of death due to what will happen to them in the hereafter AND are aggresively seeking expansion, due to the commandments of their religion, is genocide.

I've said this for years in regards to Islam, Putin just said it last week (again), “I Swear If They Bomb Russia, In Half An Hour Every Muslim Will Die” - Vladimir Putin (It's hard to find a mainstream link to that), but it's certainly the general mentality, as noted in the Beslan event where, On the third day of the standoff, Russian security forces stormed the building with the use of tanks, incendiary rockets and other heavy weapons. At least 330 hostages were killed, including 186 children, with a significant number of people injured and reported missing.

Trump was wrong in his criticism of the general, but the general is endorsing a fraud (God knows why), and that makes him a target.

If anything, Trump should have blamed Obama and by association, Hillary, for lacking the stomach to do what it takes, causing even more of America's finest their lives. I'm not the only one that has stated this. I'm pretty sure Schwarzkopf, Powell and even Petraeus have said the same thing, asking for more troops and to change the rules of engagement.

I'll add, that I DO NOT agree with Muslims entering military service in MY country, and I don't care who likes it. Anyone that has an issue with that can refer to the Fort Hood attack, and others. CAIR states that the attack "was not in keeping with Muslim teachings."

People underestimate the amount of people that do not want Muslims in the country. A quick glance at the list of Muslim terrorist attacks on wiki (only compiling data since 1980), is a damning one. (they failed to put in a spreadsheet for ease of counting, so, I took the time to do that - we cannot count the total dead because they used number such as "100+" *a liberal tactic I'm sure*)

Between 1980 and December 2001 - 58 attacks against civilians attributed to Islam (4685 dead)
2002 - 43 (821 dead, 2897+ wounded)
2003 - 19 (418 dead, 2321+ wounded)
2004 - 25 (1066 dead, 4016+ wounded)
2005 - 16 (348 dead, 1857+ wounded)
2006 - 8 (319 dead, 981 wounded)
2007 - 6 (621 estimated dead, 1730 estimated wounded)
2008 - 7 (350+ dead, 362+ wounded)
2009 - 4 (58 dead, 87+ wounded)
2010 - 17 (673+ dead, >1794 wounded)
2011 - 19 (765+ dead, 1700+ wounded)
2012 - 13 (788+ dead, 1961+ wounded)
2013 - 19 (768+ dead, 1839+ wounded)
2014 - 35 (2120+ dead, 1046+ wounded)
2015 - 116 (that isn't a typo and it's wikipedia's numbers) ODDLY this website, , took the time to do exactly what I'm doing right now and came up with DRASTICALLY different numbers, and not in Allah's favor.

2016 - 39 in the first half of the year. (Wikipedia didn't total them, so I did, and they have 1055+ dead so far, and who knows how many wounded).

I'll leave out the fact that those are only published incidents and numbers and anyone that has ever served in the military or police knows what that means.

Donald Trump is completely correct in his thoughts about Islam, he should never apologize for it, and people can say what they want, but when you have conservatively, 116 terror attacks in a year, 1000's of civilians dead, and Christians and Jews are nowhere to be found on that list in the quantities one certain religion is, people can phrase it any politically correct way they want... I won't.

America hasn't won the war on terror by design, and they know it. They are DYING to give the states away because it is one of two hurdles to a liberally run world government, brought to you by the central banking system.

My personal experience? We don't have any misconceptions about or enemies here. Obama, Feinstein, and Clinton would have us inviting them into our homes.... hell, they already send them weapons, why not feed them too?

Clinton and anyone supporting her, deserves every bad thing that is said about them.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 12:27:42 PM by DDF »


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1321 on: July 31, 2016, 01:37:23 PM »
"Allen said he doesn’t think he has to justify himself to Trump, who has never spent time in Afghanistan or Iraq and has never served in the military."

I guess General Allen has no problem with Bill Clinton being a draft dodger.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1322 on: July 31, 2016, 06:08:42 PM »
"Allen said he doesn’t think he has to justify himself to Trump, who has never spent time in Afghanistan or Iraq and has never served in the military."

I guess General Allen has no problem with Bill Clinton being a draft dodger.

Hillary never served either, but General Allen seems to think that "as commander in chief, she will defeat ISIS."

It must be all that experience she has landing under sniper fire is Bosnia.

 :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1323 on: August 01, 2016, 07:04:19 AM »
The forever election. In a headline-busting interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, Republican nominee for president Donald Trump appeared unaware that Russian troops have been fighting in Ukraine. Speaking of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump said, “he’s not going into Ukraine, O.K., just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down.” When Stephanopoulos pointed out that there are indeed Russian troops in Ukraine, Trump admitted, “OK, well, he’s there in a certain way.”

Trump was also non-committal over what to do about Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, which spurred the international community to slap economic sanctions on Moscow. "I'm going to take a look at it," Trump said. "But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.” The comments come amid increasing scrutiny over business ties many in the Trump camp have in Russia.

In a part of the interview that isn’t receiving as much attention, Trump also went after the military leadership at the Pentagon. “The generals certainly aren't doing very well right now,” he said. And when it comes to retired Marine Corps General John Allen, who harshly criticized Trump at last week’s Democratic convention, Trump said, “after I saw he was on ranting and raving about me, who he never met, I checked up. Guess what? They were not so happy with him. He didn't beat ISIS. He didn't beat ISIS. He didn't do well with ISIS.”

Old boss. Not everyone is happy at the political turn that Allen, and Trump surrogate retired General Mike Flynn have taken. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Martin Dempsey, wrote a letter to the Washington Post over the weekend, saying, “retired Marine Gen. John Allen and retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn weren’t introduced at the Democratic and Republican conventions, respectively, as “John” and “Mike.” They  were introduced as generals. As generals, they have an obligation to uphold our apolitical traditions. They have just made the task of their successors — who continue to serve in uniform and are accountable for our security — more complicated. It was a mistake for them to participate as they did. It was a mistake for our presidential candidates to ask them to do so.”


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1324 on: August 01, 2016, 07:56:43 AM »
Nearly 100% of the time I turn on the Clinton news network they are bashing Trump.  Every time.  Wall to wall.

Suddenly the father of the Medal of Honor winner is their hero.  They think they finally found an opening to nail Trump.

Hillary back up in the polls.  The whoever says the nicest things on any given day voters are back flocking for her.

The Trump is evil and unprepared theme and the last minute theme of how great America is worked.  Trump is right in a way in not showing his cards to the Clinton mob.  They always steal whatever sounds good and pretend they were doing it all along.  Brock hides his real feelings and goals doing the same thing.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1325 on: August 01, 2016, 08:38:28 AM »
Worth noting:

Not much attention was given to Hillary in effect calling Gold Star mother Pat Smith a liar for calling her out on what she (Hillary) said over her (PS's) son's coffin.

For all the calls about Trump's tax records, hardly any for the records of the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation.

As for Putin/Russia-- Trump, where's the attention on the bribes Hillary has accepted (e.g. for 20% of US's uranium).  I gather there is a piece in today's WSJ by , , , Schweitzer (sp?) about Russian money to Hillary.  Can someone find it and post it here please?


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1326 on: August 01, 2016, 09:16:18 AM »
Well there is this headlining Breitbart today on Podesta.  Another syncophant.  He broke laws by FAILING to disclose.  No biggie.  As Crafty would point out,  "lets move along folks nothing here"

Yet all we hear is Donald Trump.  And what about Clintons setting up the Russians to get control of 20% of our uranium.   NO MSM outrage.  And we know why.  The MSM is rigged.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1329 on: August 01, 2016, 12:25:47 PM »
Does it matter whether Mr. Trump has sacrificed “…nothing and no one?”…has Ms. Clinton “..sacrificed” for this nation?  How about Mr. Obama? 

And I would add , Bill dodged the draft.  I am not aware that Trump did.
And as an American I reserve the right to have our country defend itself against Muslim terrorists, who by the way killed your son.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1331 on: August 01, 2016, 01:34:05 PM »
Yes.  I am getting tired of this phony "shaming" any Republican that can be construed to be politically incorrect.  Why is she not wearing her sheet over her head with Obama?
But makes a point of it at the DNC?

And who killed her son?  It wasn't Americans.  It wasn't Jews or Christians or Hindus or Buddhists.   Why no outrage over that?

Lets get some people on the airwaves beside a few talk radio hosts who can point out the MSM hypocracy.


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Re: 2016 Presidential - Kahn
« Reply #1332 on: August 01, 2016, 07:06:11 PM »
Once again, we the people are chasing shiny objects,  not discussing or debating crucial issues

"...who killed her son?"

Wouldn't you think that is the question?  Secondly, who squandered the gains his son fought for?  Why?

“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America,” said Khan

Actually, Trump made a (different) proposal in 2015.  Khan's son died in 2004.  The statement is not exactly true.  On goes the smear.

Trump said:  "...radical Islamist terrorists who killed him and the attempts by such people to enter the United States and do us further harm represent the real problem."

   - True and something current leadership and their successors are unable to say.,icked-into-smearing-donald-trump

"he [Trump] doesn’t have the sense to come in out of the rain. The Republicans sent an amateur to do battle with professionals, and so far, the results aren’t pretty."


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1333 on: August 01, 2016, 07:28:32 PM »
"The Republicans sent an amateur to do battle with professionals, and so far, the results aren’t pretty."

Yes .  He is fighting the entire MSM with tweeting whatever the first thought that pops into his head is.


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Re: 2016 Presidential, Swing District Omaha and the 269-269 electoral tie
« Reply #1335 on: August 02, 2016, 08:16:19 AM »
Red state splits its electoral votes by congressional district, as does Maine.  Obama won Omaha.  Hillary wants it.

The tie goes to the House of Representatives.  I'm hoping they pick neither.  )


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1337 on: August 02, 2016, 12:01:57 PM »
finally someone from National Review besides VDH who gets it.  Better late then never.  Unfortunately we didn't have the perfect candidate who got it but the fight is for keeps now.

And screw Obama asking Republicans to renounce Trump as unfit for office.  Not until he tells the truth that Hillary is unfit.  God is he a scumbag.  Standing there telling us he knows no better candidate in history more qualified then her.   A serial felon.   We must not let him, her and the rest of the LEFT get away with this.


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Khan deletes his firm' website from the internet
« Reply #1338 on: August 02, 2016, 03:03:25 PM »
DDF: Though a Dem pollster, Pat Caddell has shown integrity of this sort more than once.

Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that Democrats and their allies media wide have been using to hammer GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, has deleted his law firm’s website from the Internet.

This development is significant, as his website proved—as Breitbart News and others have reported—that he financially benefits from unfettered pay-to-play Muslim migration into America.

A snapshot of his now deleted website, as captured by the Wayback Machine which takes snapshots archiving various websites on the Internet, shows that as a lawyer he engages in procurement of EB5 immigration visas and other “Related Immigration Services.”

Video: Clinton speaks out against call to register Muslims
The website is completely removed from the Internet, and instead directs visitors to the URL at which it once was to a page parking the URL run by GoDaddy.

The EB5 program, which helps wealthy foreigners usually from the Middle East essentially buy their way into America, is fraught with corruption. U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has detailed such corruption over the past several months, and in February issued a blistering statement about it.

“Maybe it is only here on Capitol Hill—on this island surrounded by reality—that we can choose to plug our ears and refuse to listen to commonly accepted facts,” Grassley said in a statement earlier this year. “The Government Accountability Office, the media, industry experts, members of congress, and federal agency officials, have concurred that the program is a serious problem with serious vulnerabilities. Allow me to mention a few of the flaws.”

Grassley’s statement even noted that the program Khan celebrated on his website has posed national security risks.

“There are also classified reports that detail the national security, fraud and abuse. Our committee has received numerous briefings and classified documents to show this side of the story,” Grassley said in the early February 2016 statement. “The enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security wrote an internal memo that raises significant concerns about the program. One section of the memo outlines concerns that it could be used by Iranian operatives to infiltrate the United States. The memo identifies seven main areas of program vulnerability, including the export of sensitive technology, economic espionage, use by foreign government agents and terrorists, investment fraud, illicit finance and money laundering.”

Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan at the Democratic National Convention last week in Philadelphia, and they were honoring their son U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan—a hero who lost his life to a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004. On behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, Khizr Khan ripped into Donald Trump’s policies on immigration—specifically bashing his plan to bar Muslim migration from regions afflicted with rampant terrorism into America temporarily until the United States can figure out what’s going on.

Khan even brought out a pocket Constitution, claiming inaccurately that Trump’s plans were unconstitutional. That’s not true, as Congress has already granted such power to the president under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952—allowing the president to bar migration of any alien or class of aliens the president sees as a threat to the United States for any reason at any time. Such a class of aliens could be Muslims, or it could be people from a specific region of the world, or any other class—such as someone’s race, weight, height, age, national origin, religion, or anything else.

The media, along with Hillary Clinton and her supporters throughout the Democratic Party establishment, has pushed the line of attack against Trump for days. Now on Tuesday, President Barack Obama has said that Trump is “unfit” to serve as President over the matter. Even a group of anti-Trump congressional Republicans has gone after Trump on the matter.
But as Breitbart News and other new media have exposed Khan’s various deep political and legal connections to the Clintons—and to Muslim migration—the attack line has crumbled. Now, with Khan deleting his website in an apparent effort to hide his biographical information, the attack is falling apart even more.

What’s perhaps interesting is that also on this website that he has now deleted, Khan revealed that he spent nearly a decade working for the mega-D.C. law firm Hogan & Hartson—now Hogan Lovells LLP—which connects him directly with the government of Saudi Arabia and the Clintons themselves. Saudi Arabia, which has retained the firm that Khan worked at for years, has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton, despite the repeated urging of Trump, has refused to return the Clinton Cash money to the Saudis. What’s more, Hogan Lovells also did Hillary Clinton’s taxes—and helped acquire the patents for parts of the technology she used in crafting her illicit home-brew email server that the FBI director called “extremely careless” in handling classified information.

What’s more, the entire mainstream has proven negligence with regard to this matter as none of them even thought to look into this Khan guy’s law practice before bandying him about as some kind of magic elixir that cures the country of Trump.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1339 on: August 02, 2016, 03:15:47 PM »
If only Trump would let surrogates hit the airwaves with this rather than shooting from the hip like he does.


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1340 on: August 02, 2016, 04:59:28 PM »
He should hire me.


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A Valid Thought
« Reply #1341 on: August 02, 2016, 09:49:54 PM »
I haven't seen it mentioned here, so I'll bring it up.

Suppose that Russia has hacked Clinton. Suppose that they have something that Hillary really doesn't want out there, and that they use this to their advantage? How can anyone trust her with the presidency?


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1342 on: August 02, 2016, 10:50:11 PM »
Actually we here and secret lurker Donald have brought this up  :lol:


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Re: A Valid Thought
« Reply #1343 on: August 02, 2016, 10:51:45 PM »
I haven't seen it mentioned here, so I'll bring it up.

Suppose that Russia has hacked Clinton. Suppose that they have something that Hillary really doesn't want out there, and that they use this to their advantage? How can anyone trust her with the presidency?

And, as soon as I posted this on facebook, they locked me out of my account for having @malware@ on my computer and to "fix" my computer, but my wife can get into her account no problem.

I thought, I can trust facebook, right? But I'm still not letting them into my computer to "fix" things.... so I investigate....

Facebook has recently been found to censor wikilinks as malware, but come to find, several users are having the same problem. How odd...

Zuckerberg wouldn't ever use his liberal monopoly to do his part to help Clinton, would he?


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Re: 2016 Presidential
« Reply #1344 on: August 02, 2016, 10:52:42 PM »
Actually we here and secret lurker Donald have brought this up  :lol:

All the better. Completely valid.


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Repubs for Hillary
« Reply #1345 on: August 04, 2016, 12:46:33 PM »
Rising star Dan Bongino from Levin's Conservative Review website.  There is a very short ad at the beginning but Dan's video is worth the wait:


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My response to a passage in an NRO article
« Reply #1346 on: August 04, 2016, 06:59:39 PM »
"He was criticized by the parents of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq and responded that they were really upset because he plans to keep Islamic terrorists out of the country — “I think that’s what bothered Mr. Khan,” Trump insisted. These are the parents of a fallen American soldier, and Trump accuses them of being enablers of Islamic terrorism based on the fact that they have criticized him."

Sorry, but NRO has allowed it hatred of Trump get in the way of its integrity. This is not even close.

Yes, there may be overheated rhetoric in this URLs but cumulatively they tell quite a different story:

No hijab for the Mrs when posing with Baraq:

Summarizing: The man advocates Sharia. In my considered opinion this is not only religion, but politics i.e. it is the advocacy of theocracy and as such is contrary to the American Creed and our Constitution. This may be a legal to hold opinion, but it is not a good American one.

He is/was an attorney for a law firm that was a registered agent for Saudi Arabia. He made his living on getting visas for Muslims getting into the US. Trump's proposed moratorium is a direct hit on his livelihood.

As an attorney, particular an expert in visas for Middle Eastern people, he must know quite well that the American president by law can Constitutionally exclude such people.

Thus his whole speech is a fraud and a lie. One may agree or disagree with Trump's call for a moratorium, but no legally literate person can call his idea unconstitutional.

The plan was to conflate the natural sympathy for the parents of the fallen (and his son's rep with comrades in arms was good) into sabotaging what was developing into one of Trump's most effective and most relevant points: That just as FBI Director Comey and other top officials have plainly stated the enemy is looking to use the refugees to place 5th column enemy agents/soldiers/spies in our homeland and that there is absolutely no meaningful way to vet the refugees.

When Obama brings in 10,000 and Hillary looks to expand that by 550% that is either madness, treason, or sheer lust for political power by continuing to dilute the American population with people who do not belief in America as part of a larger plan to "fundamentally transform America.

Is Trump a profound ass for what he said about the mother? Absolutely-- though the generality is not without merit. But that is far from reason to move America towards the giant fustercluck in which Europe now finds itself.

America's correct response is exactly what Trump has proposed: Actively support refugee camps there.


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Re: My response to a passage in an NRO article
« Reply #1347 on: August 04, 2016, 08:48:44 PM »
"He was criticized by the parents of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq and responded that they were really upset because he plans to keep Islamic terrorists out of the country — “I think that’s what bothered Mr. Khan,” Trump insisted. These are the parents of a fallen American soldier, and Trump accuses them of being enablers of Islamic terrorism based on the fact that they have criticized him."

Sorry, but NRO has allowed it hatred of Trump get in the way of its integrity. This is not even close.

Yes, there may be overheated rhetoric in this URLs but cumulatively they tell quite a different story:

No hijab for the Mrs when posing with Baraq:

Summarizing: The man advocates Sharia. In my considered opinion this is not only religion, but politics i.e. it is the advocacy of theocracy and as such is contrary to the American Creed and our Constitution. This may be a legal to hold opinion, but it is not a good American one.

He is/was an attorney for a law firm that was a registered agent for Saudi Arabia. He made his living on getting visas for Muslims getting into the US. Trump's proposed moratorium is a direct hit on his livelihood.

As an attorney, particular an expert in visas for Middle Eastern people, he must know quite well that the American president by law can Constitutionally exclude such people.

Thus his whole speech is a fraud and a lie. One may agree or disagree with Trump's call for a moratorium, but no legally literate person can call his idea unconstitutional.

The plan was to conflate the natural sympathy for the parents of the fallen (and his son's rep with comrades in arms was good) into sabotaging what was developing into one of Trump's most effective and most relevant points: That just as FBI Director Comey and other top officials have plainly stated the enemy is looking to use the refugees to place 5th column enemy agents/soldiers/spies in our homeland and that there is absolutely no meaningful way to vet the refugees.

When Obama brings in 10,000 and Hillary looks to expand that by 550% that is either madness, treason, or sheer lust for political power by continuing to dilute the American population with people who do not belief in America as part of a larger plan to "fundamentally transform America.

Is Trump a profound ass for what he said about the mother? Absolutely-- though the generality is not without merit. But that is far from reason to move America towards the giant fustercluck in which Europe now finds itself.

America's correct response is exactly what Trump has proposed: Actively support refugee camps there.

Well stated.  Clumsy is the crime.  Debate the issue honestly and Trump wins.  Trump didn't pick this fight but he chose to fight back and screwed it up.  He should have let the speech go by largely unnoticed and should be calling Hillary out from behind her surrogates to debate her failures.  This guy was being a political activist / political hack, but trying to take him out was a major miscalculation.  It cost Trump crucial momentum and time.  At the moment this broke people were talking about what a weak speech Hillary gave and the exposed DNC collusion. 


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Dick Morris : "rigged" debate commsion
« Reply #1349 on: August 05, 2016, 06:28:36 PM »
Dick dispels the supposed impartial nature of the debate "commission".  True the days were picked a year ago but there is more than meets the eye.   And as always Republicans always come up with the short stick.

So why can't the election board switch the days of the debates?  What is the big deal?  Are the days carved in Mt Rushmore?   

No.  The entire debate commission board is anti Trump and a heavy in Clintonites.

And I have additional questions.  Who decides that the debates have to be at colleges?   Why do we always have to have a live audience?