Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism  (Read 209831 times)


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I notice there seems to always be at least one Hamashole with a megaphone bossing everyone around like the one who ordered pro Israelis to go across the street farther away from their location.


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Profits Die Under DEI
« Reply #1401 on: June 23, 2024, 08:29:34 AM »
So corporations are starting to reverse course. Perhaps one of the major reasons to vote Biden out of office are his efforts to impose ESG/DIE goals and standards by executive fiat:

A Luxury Nobody Can Afford

Joan Sammon • 22 Jun, 2024 • 4 Min Read
Corporate America finally wises up to the scam.

From Boeing to Starbucks and BP to Budweiser, the landscape of Wall Street is increasingly strewn with failed executive boards that adopted ideological policies that have been bad for business. In recent years, C-Suites have been populated with executives who accepted being told what to think by activists and a few powerful asset managers, while forgetting how to think. Filled with acolytes from some of America’s most prestigious business schools, executive boards have been persuaded by promises of increased executive compensation -- lots more money -- to not question, not challenge and not fight the adoption of transient faddish standards into boardroom decisions, even in direct violation of their fiduciary obligations to shareholders.

Now, four years after the most socially charged period since the anti-war protests of the Vietnam era, shareholders are finally demanding that the ideologically strident environmental, social and governance nonsense known as "ESG," economic foolishness underpinned by narratives of "climate catastrophe" and the make-work, economically suicidal foolishness of "diversity equity and inclusion" (DEI), be scrapped. Here's the Wall Street Journal on the subject:

White-collar companies that once championed programs to recruit diverse employees are now tiptoeing away from them... Companies have made the changes quietly, often by playing down terminology such as “DEI” and opening up programs once reserved for diverse applicants to everyone. Many stopped referencing their DEI programs in annual reports altogether, The Wall Street Journal has reported. Minority students are concerned about what the cutback means for their future in an already tight job market.

All have won, and all must have prizes.

By the close of Starbuck’s annual shareholder meeting back in March this year, investors had voted on a slew of initiatives, including an executive pay packages that omitted diversity and sustainability goals from bonus considerations for top leadership at the company. Though non-binding, it sent a clear message to company leadership that shareholders separate their political ideology from their beverage-selling, and that they expect corporate executives to do the same. The initiative passed with a 90 percent approval. Shareholders made it clear that the days of focusing on the immutable traits of employees or the recyclability of the tables and chairs is simply not important to those who actually fund the company.

The idea of bonuses for promoting products is not new. For decades pharmaceutical companies have incentivized prescribing habits of physicians. Even as recently as 2021 pharmacies were paid to inject as many people as possible with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines for COVID-19, even in the face of limited efficacy data and, later, provable harm, so as to maximize their incomes via pay incentives. For at least five decades now, the corporate media has rewarded editors who aggressively hired and promoted "underrepresented" minorities and rabid ideologues in a business that once required speed, accuracy, and commitment to the First Amendment.

Corporate leaders are no different. In recent years they have become evangelizers for ideological policies masquerading as corporate initiatives. The idea of politicizing corporate America was first introduced by the malevolent activist organization, World Economic Forum (WEF) beginning in 2000. A proponent of a single global government, the WEF recognized that corporate leaders would do almost anything for the right price. They began methodically engaging executives of asset management firms to begin the process of reorienting the capital markets toward industries, technologies and companies in which they had personal financial interest and those that helped shape the New World Order they envisioned even if broader market acceptance was fleeting.

By 2020 non-profit organizations were part of the WEF program to integrate ideological initiatives into corporate decision making, even in defiance of the sole interest rule. Organizations like Human Rights Campaign and Black Lives Matter were shaking down large swaths of corporate America for billions in the wake of destructive protests. Starbucks was an early follower of these extortion efforts and introduced a company-wide program that same year.

By 2023, 7.5 percent of Starbucks' executive bonus variables were tied to "diversity," while another 7.5 percent was based on “sustainability” goals. But by March 2024, with emotion waning and shareholders irritated by activism, the proposed outline included 75 percent of executive bonus variables being tied to overall financial performance and 25 percent be based on individual performance. In addition, the company was to replace the word "representation” with “talent" in its performance-related restricted stock unit grant (PRSU). But needing shareholders to convince a board that the word “talent” should be reintegrated into company vernacular testifies to the fact that fads that are still influencing corporate executives in 2024.

Well, that didn't pan out.

The rolling back of these ESG and DEI policies are largely occurring as a result of threatened legal action. As recently as six months ago, six large U.S. corporations, including JPMorgan Chase, began rolling back their DEI and ESG policies not because corporate leadership had a change of heart but because of threatened lawsuits. According to reports, 25 large U.S. corporations have received letters since 2021. JPMorgan Chase changed modified programs that were exclusively open to Hispanic and black applicants, now to include all students, “regardless of background.” Even the most strident evangelizer of ESG and DEI programming, BlackRock, has rolled back a DEI program.

Common sense has made a return but never underestimate the power of government intervention to achieve social  outcomes the markets and the law reject. The Biden administration, infamous for its use of regulatory edicts, seems poised to force ESG and DEI onto businesses through regulation. But with the Chevron Doctrine likely to be overturned soon by the Supreme Court in two pending decisions – Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce -- perhaps only then will reason return to corporate America and focus shift from ESG activism to boardroom merit once again.

Joan Sammon is the founder of a boutique oil and gas advisory firm that develops strategies for an array of business & market challenges. As an ESG expert she explains the threat of ESG to her corporate clients.


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another letter salad

what is BOLO ?


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Be On the LookOut.


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Police lingo, as in "They put out a BOLO for a blue car with DC tags."


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 “be on the look out.”


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Cornell West gets bitch slapped
« Reply #1408 on: June 26, 2024, 07:15:57 PM »


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WSJ diversity no link to profits
« Reply #1409 on: June 29, 2024, 09:52:51 AM »
BS McKinsey report showing diversity increase profits over 30% was bogus

Was this the reason corporations all jumped on board with the DEI thing overnight?
Or was it social pressure?

Or both?


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I just realized the post above does not have the link
« Reply #1410 on: June 30, 2024, 09:31:03 AM »
Sorry I meant to post the MSN report of the WSJ McKinsey "study"

but not WSJ will not let me post.

This is the bottom line:

"Academics have tried to repeat McKinsey’s findings and failed, concluding that there is in fact no link between profitability and executive diversity. And the methodology of McKinsey’s early studies, which helped create the widespread belief that diversity is good for profits, is being questioned."


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Biden Admin Loses Effort to Have Palestinian Funding Case Dismissed
« Reply #1412 on: July 01, 2024, 05:30:37 PM »
I very much hope the plaintiffs surmount here:

Judge Rejects Biden Admin Bid To Dismiss Lawsuit Over 'Illegal and Dangerous' $1.5 Billion Palestinian Payment Plan

L: UNRWA Building , R: Hamas militants (Getty Images)

Adam Kredo

July 1, 2024

A U.S. district court rejected the Biden administration’s bid to dismiss a landmark lawsuit alleging it engaged in an "illegal and dangerous $1.5 billion terrorism subsidy program for the Palestinians."

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled on Friday that the lawsuit brought by victims of Palestinian terrorism can proceed, marking the second time the Biden administration’s motion to dismiss the case has been rejected. The court, in its latest decision, said there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—the leading aid organization in Gaza—even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas’s military infrastructure.

The lawsuit, originally filed in December 2022 by American victims of Palestinian terror attacks and Rep. Ronny Jackson (R., Texas), alleges the Biden administration violated federal law when it restarted aid to the Palestinians, including for programs in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. This money, they argue, subsidized terrorism and contributed to the Palestinian government’s "pay to slay" program, which provides imprisoned terrorists and their families with monthly stipends.

The latest decision paves the way for the case to "move forward, tearing away the veil from the Biden Administration’s illegal and dangerous $1.5 billion terrorism subsidy program for the Palestinians," America First Legal, a watchdog group handling the lawsuit on behalf of terror victims, said in a summary of the case provided to the Washington Free Beacon.

"This administration has been illegally funding terrorism by providing taxpayer dollars to Palestinian terrorists who want to bring harm to American and Israeli interests,"  said Rep. Jackson. "This critical decision will help to hold the Biden administration accountable and ensure that the national security of the United States and Israel is prioritized over the illegal funding of terrorism with American taxpayer dollars."
The court agreed that America First Legal provided sufficient evidence that the Biden administration’s financial support for UNRWA "is undiminished," even after Congress outlawed funding to the group following revelations its employees participated in Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel. UNRWA facilities have also been used as Hamas command centers, and weapons stockpiles have repeatedly been discovered in the agency’s buildings.

The Biden administration attempted to argue that the plaintiff’s use of "Trump policies" in its initial suit was "amorpheous [sic] or indeterminate," but the court also rejected this claim, saying the suit clearly demonstrates that aid to both the Palestinians and UNRWA was frozen during the previous administration and subsequently restarted when President Joe Biden took office.

The lawsuit "makes that distinction clear," the court determined, adding that the Biden administration’s "decision to resume those two sources of funding each constitute discrete and final agency actions."

Reed Rubinstein, America First Legal’s senior vice president, said the latest ruling indicates the Biden administration knew it was violating the law by sending aid to the Palestinians but moved forward with this policy anyway.

The evidence, obtained through internal State Department emails and records, indicates the administration also violated the Taylor Force Act, a 2018 law named after an American killed by Palestinain terrorists that barred American funds to the Palestinian government until it ceased payments to imprisoned terrorists, Rubinstein said.

"The Biden administration’s $1.5 billion in illegal payments to Gaza, the West Bank, and the UNRWA have led to mass death, destruction, and disaster," according to Rubinstein. "Biden officials knew that by unlawfully overturning the existing Trump administration’s ‘no funds’ policy and violating the Taylor Force Act, U.S. taxpayers would end up subsidizing Hamas’s tunnels and missiles and the corrupt Palestinian Authority’s obscene pay-to-slay bounty program. Now, accountability is on the horizon."

Stuart and Robbi Force, Taylor's parents, who are parties in the suit against Biden, said they were "very appreciative of Judge Kacsmaryck’s denial of the government’s motions to dismiss our complaint."

"For the defendants to violate the [Taylor Force Act] and resume sending taxpayer dollars to terrorist entities is personally heartbreaking to our family and Taylor’s many friends, and is an affront to the strong bipartisan support the Act received in Congress," they added.
In its initial filing, America First Legal provided the court with internal State Department emails, first reported by the Free Beacon, showing that U.S. officials raised concerns in 2021 that a resumption in funding to the Palestinians would embolden Hamas.
"We assess there is a high risk Hamas could potentially derive indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza. There is less but still some risk U.S. assistance would benefit other designated groups," the State Department assessed at the time.

Separate funding streams to UNRWA, the lawsuit alleges, also bolstered Hamas and enabled it to carry out the Oct. 7 attack.
UNRWA "facilities have served as terrorist command and control center, weapon storage depots, and rocket launching platforms," according to the lawsuit. "It uses international money to indoctrinate Palestinian children into antisemitic terrorist cadres."


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Former Dem Sen Now Gaza/Hamas Lobbyist …
« Reply #1413 on: July 09, 2024, 08:32:04 AM »


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The MSM will be All Over this One. Any Day Now. Sometime. Perhaps
« Reply #1414 on: July 11, 2024, 11:56:40 AM »
Gazan horribly tortured! Wait, what’s that you say? The perpetrators were Hamas Security members?

Nothing to see here, move along:


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List of UNWRA Employees Working for Hamas
« Reply #1415 on: July 11, 2024, 02:13:54 PM »
There are several UN threads, though none where this seems to fit. Strikes me we should have a place to catalog all the UN asshattery, sorta like the FBI Stasi-like schemes thread.

With that said, Israel releases the names of 108 UNWRA employees that moonlight for Hamas:


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Let's continue using this thread-- the Hamasholes in the subject line should lead to posts about Hamas.


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FO: Antifa doxxes Heritage Foundation Officers
« Reply #1417 on: July 24, 2024, 03:18:36 PM »

(5) ANTIFA BLOG DOXXES HERITAGE FOUNDATION OFFICERS: Earlier this month, a D.C.-area Antifa blog published personal information about a number of Heritage Foundation officials and authors of its Presidential Transition Project’s “Mandate for Leadership” document, also referred to as Project 2025.

The post provides alleged home or office addresses for a number of prominent conservatives like former Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, former DHS senior official Ken Cuccinelli, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, Deputy Assistant to President Trump Peter Navarro, and dozens of others.

Why It Matters: Publishing personal information, referred to as doxxing, or publishing documents on a person, is often a first step towards fomenting protests, intimidation, and in some cases, physical violence against a political target. While former President Donald Trump has publicly deflected links to Project 2025, his potential administration will almost certainly include prominent Heritage Foundation members and Project 2025 authors. – M.S.


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Tracking Who’s Protesting for Hamas in DC
« Reply #1418 on: July 25, 2024, 02:03:45 PM »
It appears this gent is purchasing phone tracking geolocated metadata and associating it with its users. Interesting discrete doxxing ensues:


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« Reply #1419 on: July 30, 2024, 11:16:53 AM »
Hussain Abdul-Hussain
The U.S. once wanted him, and once classified Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorists. Now the U.S. is obsessed with de-escalation, and giving Islamist Iran what it wants.
Thank you Israel for exacting revenge on America’s enemies.
Nadav Pollak
Israel just took out Hezbollah number 2. Someone the U.S. wanted for a long time - look at this


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Dead Nuts On
« Reply #1420 on: July 31, 2024, 04:35:08 AM »
Hussain Abdul-Hussain

1- Killing Hamas or anything connected to it is fair game in response to Hamas Oct 7 massacre of 1200 Israelis.
2- A deal or a ceasefire with Hamas are neither the goal nor engraved in stone. If they can release hostages, fine. If they don’t happen, Hamas should still be decimated.
3- Fear of further war and destruction and crying victimhood is what Islamist Iran and its militias want the world to feel to stop a war that the Islamists started.
4- A bully like Islamist Iran can only be stopped when beaten. From incinerating Hodeida Port to killing Hezbollah mil chief to taking out Haniyyeh, Islamist Iran should understand that it is no match to Israel and the West. If it insists on trying, it’ll keep losing.
5- War or no war is never an end. It’s the tool toward peace and toward preventing more war. Islamist Iran uses war to scare Iranians and the world and to make more wars in the future. Israel uses war to undermine the warmongering Iran.
6- Islamist Iran should become a pariah, and all countries that host its militias too. Israel should be thanked for maintaining  the World Order that America made and abandoned, or for saving what’s left of it.


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Well, An Ex-Employee At Least
« Reply #1421 on: July 31, 2024, 05:17:19 AM »
File this under “those that can’t do teach,” perhaps?

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh committed crimes against humanity. He was responsible for planning and instigating the mass murder of 1200 Israelis on October 7th, kidnapping 251 hostages, torture and rape.

Naturally, he used to be a teacher at UNRWA.


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UN prof Haniyeh
« Reply #1422 on: July 31, 2024, 06:31:38 AM »

The best part is this blood thirsty animal, excuse me, I mean United Nations professor, was assassinated in Tehran!

Of course, Iran "vows" revenge"

 :roll: :roll:


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Biden Admin Funds Hamas w/ Little Oversight to be Found
« Reply #1423 on: July 31, 2024, 09:43:54 AM »
Biden admin has sent close to $1 billion to Hamas, is being sued for it, has sought to have that suit tossed and lost that effort twice, while congress has been silent on this issue. Hopefully dear Kamala will be grilled on this topic:

Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to One Billion Dollars in "Aid" to Hamas since the October 7 Massacre?
by Robert Williams
July 31, 2024 at 5:00 am
Truth Social   Gettr
Since October 7.... the total of US taxpayer funds donated to Gaza as a reward since the massacre on October 7 to $896 million, or close to a billion dollars.

A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure," among other terror structures, the lawsuit stated.

The Biden administration has sought to have the case dismissed twice but failed. On June 28, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled that the lawsuit can proceed, and that there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to UNRWA even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas's military infrastructure.

In short, the Biden administration has donated less to Sudan and DRC Congo combined, where a total of nearly 50 million people face starvation, than to Gaza, where 2 million people face no such thing. What is going on? And where is Congress?

According to FBI director Christopher Wray, "the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate years ago." Iran, officially labeled the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism by the 2023 US annual Terrorism Report, calls the US "the Great Satan" and continues to vow "Death to America."

Blinken casually announced in a July 19 interview that Iran had reduced the time it would need to create sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon "to one to two weeks." He then went on to gaslight the audience by claiming that the Biden administration has been "maximizing pressure on Iran across the board."

Why is the Biden administration, under the pretense of "humanitarian aid," drowning these terrorist enemies of America in US taxpayer money? And what, if anything, is Congress going to do about it?

A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure." Pictured: Blinken meets with the Emir of Qatar, Hamas' state sponsor, in Lusail on October 13, 2023. (Photo by Jacquelyn Martin/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)
The US has donated close to a billion dollars of taxpayer money to Gaza, ruled by the officially designated terrorist group, Hamas, in the eight months following October 7, 2023. On that day, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Iranian proxies that invaded southern Israel, carrying out this act of war on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran. There, they brutally murdered 1,200 people, raped and mutilated women and children, burned children to death in front of their parents, and abducted more than 250 people into Gaza.

Also, starting on October 7, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad – in close cooperation with their allies in Iran's terrorist proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon – have launched more than 19,000 rockets, missiles and attack-drones at Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey.

And yet, since October 7 the Biden administration has rewarded Hamas with the gift of close to a billion dollars in US taxpayer money, disguised as "humanitarian aid", most of which clearly ends up in the hands of Hamas (here, here, here, here, here and here).

Since October 7, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) gave more than $674 million in "humanitarian aid" to Gaza. On July 11, USAID announced another $100 million for Gaza, making it a total of more than $774 million. In addition, since October, the Biden administration has given $122 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which effectively functions as a branch of Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total of US taxpayer funds donated to Gaza as a reward since the October 7 massacre on to $896 million, or close to a billion dollars.

The overlap between UNRWA and Hamas has been an open secret for the past decade, but became fully public only after October 7 with the findings that at least 12 UNRWA staff actively participated in the October 7 attack. Most recently, on July 4, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked UNRWA to terminate the employment of 100 terrorist operatives still working for the organization.

"In recent months Israel has discovered that hundreds of terrorists, members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have been employed by UNRWA in the Gaza Strip, some of them holding high-ranking positions in UNRWA or in Hamas," Ambassador Amir Weissbrod wrote in the letter to UNRWA.

A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure," among other terror structures, the lawsuit stated.

The Biden administration has sought to have the case dismissed twice but failed. On June 28, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled that the lawsuit can proceed, and that there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to UNRWA even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas's military infrastructure.

So, billions in US aid for the Gaza Strip, which is home to just two million people, most of whom actively support the terrorists running the territory and their Iranian handlers according to poll after poll. The Biden administration would have Americans believe it is all about humanitarian aid for people in extreme need.

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (ICP), a UN-affiliated body, published two reports in June, concluding that there is no famine and that the supply of food to Gaza has, in fact, increased, not decreased, in recent months. The UN has also admitted that until now there have only been 32 deaths in Gaza from malnutrition, 28 of them among children under 5 years old.

The question nobody seems to ask is whether it is a reasonable policy to send billions in aid to a terrorist group supposedly for two million people who apparently do not receive it -- rather than to, for instance, according to the US World Food Program (US WFP), which works in cooperation with USAID, "nearly 350 million people around the world [who] are experiencing the most extreme forms of hunger right now. Of those, nearly 49 million people are on the brink of famine."

US WFP lists the ten countries suffering the most from hunger right now (updated on June 25), including Sudan (26 million people facing extreme hunger), the Democratic Republic of Congo (23.4 million facing extreme hunger), Yemen, (17 million), Syria (12.9 million), Afghanistan (12.4 million), and South Sudan (7.1 million people). Gaza is nowhere to be found on the list.

Sudan is the country in the world with the most people facing hunger and the situation is extreme, with people eating grass and peanut shells.

"At least 750,000 people are on the brink of starvation and death in Sudan, where a devastating civil war has left over half the country's 48 million people in a situation of chronic hunger," the New York Times reported last month. The famine has been deliberately induced by the warring sides, according to anonymous sources within the UN, and is therefore a war crime. By the UN's own admission, although Sudan is the country with the worst famine, it is also the most forgotten and ignored.

How much aid has the Biden administration, so concerned with humanitarian assistance and people in dire need, donated to Sudan in fiscal year 2024? About one third of the aid to Gaza, namely $280 million. Let that sink in: Gaza's Hamas terrorists, who shoot at their own people when they try to take some of the aid intended for them, received almost three times as much as Sudan in fiscal year 2024, even though Sudan, a country of 48 million, is in the midst of devastating famine.

How about DRC Congo, where 23.4 million people face starvation? The Biden administration, so concerned with humanitarian compassion for victims of famine and war, has donated around $424 million dollars from June 2023 to June 2024 to DRC Congo -- about half the amount that Gaza received.

In short, the Biden administration has donated less to Sudan and DRC Congo combined, where a total of nearly 50 million people face starvation, than to Gaza, where 2 million people face no such thing. What is going on? And where is Congress?

There is more: Hamas is an Iranian proxy: Iran orchestrated the October 7 attacks. Iran sends $100 million to Hamas, $700 million to Hezbollah, and tens of millions to Islamic Jihad every year. Biden has actively enabled those Iranian donations by propping up the Iranian Islamic regime's generous financing of its terrorist proxies, most recently in March by offering Iran sanctions waivers worth $10 billion.

It is evident that US foreign aid is not premised on humanitarianism and alleviating suffering, as the Biden administration would like to have us all think. Because if it were, its foreign aid would be channeled where people are actually starving to death -- not to Gaza and straight into the pockets of Hamas.

According to FBI director Christopher Wray, "the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate years ago." Iran, officially labeled the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism by the 2023 US annual Terrorism Report, calls the US "the Great Satan" and continues to vow "Death to America."

Blinken casually announced in a July 19 interview that Iran had reduced the time it would need to create sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon "to one to two weeks." He then went on to gaslight the audience by claiming that the Biden administration has been "maximizing pressure on Iran across the board."

Why is the Biden administration, under the pretense of "humanitarian aid," drowning these terrorist enemies of America in US taxpayer money? And what, if anything, is Congress going to do about it?

Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.


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sorry, we are all booked for the evening
« Reply #1427 on: August 06, 2024, 06:01:27 AM »

So go online and try to damage the reputation of the restaurant.

[must be racism!]

if you don't cancel those who were smart enough to make reservations in advance.


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Gascon punishes prosecutor for misgendering
« Reply #1431 on: August 16, 2024, 05:18:58 AM »

Gascon punished prosecutor for "misgendering" sex offender: A Los Angeles prosecutor has blown the whistle on George Soros-funded District Attorney George Gascon, alleging that he was directed by Gascon to hide evidence against a convicted sex offender who claimed to be "transgender" after his conviction in order to get sent to a women's prison. Last week, Deputy District Attorney Shea Sanna filed a lawsuit against Gascon, asserting the leftist DA retaliated against him in an effort to silence him. Sanna also says he was demoted, transferred, and suspended. Sanna was accused of "misgendering" the perpetrator and given a five-day suspension without pay. His attorney, Anthony Fusaro, claims, "When Mr. Sanna informed his supervisors and the public of Gascon's suppression efforts, Gascon responded with a relentless retaliation campaign against Mr. Sanna that persists to this day."


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Tracking Dem Con Protestors' Return Home
« Reply #1436 on: August 28, 2024, 07:26:33 AM »
Another interesting exercise in cellphone geofenced data interpretation. Here DNC convention protestor are tracked from the streets of Chicago to their home roosts:


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May I ask you to put that into the Surveillance thread as well?


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« Reply #1438 on: September 07, 2024, 07:30:08 AM »
I have no sense of knowledge of the facts here, but post this out of respect for the substantial serious work that O'Keefe has done:


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rich lowry screws his career and a voice for us
« Reply #1439 on: September 17, 2024, 07:59:04 AM »

For God's sake.

Can we be more careful in singling out just Latinos and Black illegals as the problem ......?

The Left will have great cause to admonish our side now.

God Darn it!!!!   :x


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Somewhere an Iceberg is Missing its Tip
« Reply #1440 on: September 17, 2024, 06:35:57 PM »
Or, occasionally the DOJ roots out an acorn that fell atop of otherwise sacrosanct narratives:


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Re: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism
« Reply #1442 on: September 18, 2024, 08:10:33 AM »
‘This isn’t a joke’: $1,000,000 offer to hold Pride rally in Gaza or West Bank gets no takers

I can't imagine why:


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BBG: DOJ slithering big money to prog litigation groups
« Reply #1443 on: September 18, 2024, 01:45:56 PM »
Another source I've no experience with, but this has the ring of truth. If only intrepid journalists bothered to do their jobs:

There is a massive story for someone who has more resources than I have to investigate this further.

In 1977, the Department of Justice Civil Department required Congress to sign off on any settlement against the United States more than 100,000.00 dollars. But as society became more litigious, the cap was eventually removed. Then the DOJ civil department became one of the most powerful departments in the United States Government, basically, they could do whatever they want with Taxpayer money. The account became known as the Judgement Fund. The fund's operations have become secretive and often nefarious.

In 2009 a man named Tony West took over the Department of Justice civil litigation program. This program was in charge of settling lawsuits against the federal government. But this was an email that Tony West got upon being appointed to the job:

 “can you explain to Tony the best way to allocate some money toward an organization of our choosing?”

That is how taxpayer money became the vehicle to start funding Left Wing associated organizations and give them the resources needed to start what has become the party of lunacy.

For example in 2010, the DOJ had all but won a case in Supreme Court after a decade long fight DOJ lawyers were on the verge of winning a case against discrimination claims by 91 Hispanic and female farmers.

Tony West personally intervened and the
DOJ agreed to a $1.33 billion settlement which included thousands of farmers who had never claimed bias, and of course ATTORNEY FEES in the millions. More importantly, the case lawyers vehemently was against the settlement noting they had obviously were going to win the case and not cost the taxpayers money at all. Law firms, some which did not even participate in the case were awarded an additional 133 million in attorney fees.

The projected settlement size ballooned to over $4.4 billion as additional plaintiffs were added, including Native American farmers.

One government expert was appalled: “‘If they had gone to trial, the government would have prevailed . . . It was just a joke. . . . I was so disgusted. It was simply buying the support of the Native Americans.’”

Sound Familiar? Kind of like forgiveness of student loans, promises of cash for down payment on houses.

This dirty deal also inflated the number of claimants, creating a $60 million windfall for the plaintiff’s lead lawyer, a member of the Obama/Biden transition team.

Tony West did not just shakedown taxpayers, he also went after any right-wing corporations.

In a series of bank settlements, West wrote in PROVISIONS TO THE SETTLEMENTS THAT
Donations were mandatory and be given to DEMOCRAT ACTIVIST SUPPORT GROUPS. (Perhaps those shills we see like Brooklyn Dad, JoJo From Jerz, you know, all the paid propagandists we see on Twitter)

What makes things worse, is his settlements specifically provided that right wing groups were not eligible for any of these payments. This was around the same time Obama was having the IRS target right wing not for profit groups also.

An internal email shows West deputies rewording a settlement’s donation provisions to ensure the bank could not select a “conservative” property rights organization as a recipient. In 2016, before Trump took office, a 2 billion Electric Car initiative was mandated although explicitly rejected by Congress.

An email circulated saying they ought to build a “statue” to West and “bow down to this statue each day after we receive our $200,000+.”

Who was signing off on all these corrupt settlements in California? California’s attorney general at the time, Kamala Harris, was an active participant, cosigning agreements for her state.

Then, Donald Trump was elected and immediately ended the Judgement Fund. In fact, his attorney general banned them altogether citing the misuse, allocation and dangers of such a fund.

But a funny thing happened, in 2020, the Biden/Harris administration reversed the ban and started the fund up all over again. Once again, left wing organizations are getting billions of dollars in settlements while conservative groups are ineligible. You remember FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? This is the fund that paid them their multi million dollar settlement although they had no expectation of privacy by sending texts on government issued phones. Perhaps that Plan "B" that they talk about how they would stop Trump in those texts was the reason for such a payout.

But you may ask, who is Tony West? Well, He is Kamala Harris's Brother-in-Law and is expected to be named White House Counsel if she is elected.

This guy makes Hunter Biden look like Mother Theresa, as the New York Post aptly said;  A new “Big Guy” is coming to town. Kamala, with the help of Tony West and his cronies, will show you how Honest Graft is really done.--Dishonestly

But where the story really is, all that money that was spent on dishonest settlements have been coming back to the Harris campaign in spades.

New York Post
New York Times


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Megyn Kelly saying something I posted not long ago
« Reply #1447 on: October 11, 2024, 08:24:14 AM »
go to the 12:20 mark and listen:

she says they see everything through "rose colored glasses"

remember when I posted this (for some reason I cannot find my post)?

Those obsessed with racism see everything through ROSE colored glasses should be RACE colored glasses for them.

perhaps coincidence but perhaps not.  She might not have said "race colored" glasses since she would get Left wing blowback.   I have to wonder in my situation though.

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Re: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism
« Reply #1448 on: October 11, 2024, 05:51:54 PM »
Intriguing , , ,