Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism  (Read 210610 times)


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CBC social justice warriors on hallucinigens
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2017, 06:39:08 PM »
CBC congressman is suing to keep the picture of the demeaning painting of police hanging in the Capital building.

Meanwhile children are dying in the streets by the thousands but this fool thinks he is making some sort of point here:


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SJW or charity work?
« Reply #51 on: February 25, 2017, 03:59:53 PM »
Quote from W's daughter :

"Bush told Richards during their lunch interview, “It’s crazy and sad to think that health care is a polarizing issue.” She went on to say that the young people in her organization are able to “work on social change” at “Planned Parenthood and other exceptional organizations.”

Golly I never thought of that.  I simply cannot imagine that something that cost 3.35 trillion in the US in 2016 could be subject  to any  dispute:

**************GWB Daughter Barbara Bush to Keynote Planned Parenthood Fundraiser

by DR. SUSAN BERRY25 Feb 2017963

Former President George W. Bush’s daughter, Barbara Pierce Bush, will deliver the keynote address at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in North Texas.
Bush, the CEO and co-founder of Global Health Corps (GHC), is headlining Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas’s 2017 Fort Worth luncheon, reports the Texas Tribune:

“We believe that every person has the right to live a healthy, dignified life,” GHC says in its mission statement. “We also believe that everyone has a role to play in advancing social justice through the health equity movement.”

Bush, 34, joined with her twin sister, Jenna Bush Hager, and others to found GHC in 2009. The organization says its main concern is that “access to healthcare that exists today between the world’s rich and the world’s poor is unjust and unsustainable.”

Speaker sponsors for the fundraiser for the abortion chain’s Greater Texas affiliate will pay $20,000, while Platinum and Gold Sponsors will pay $10,000 and $5,000, respectively.

As Breitbart News reported in June of 2016, the New York Times interviewed Bush and Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, as they lunched at the Gotham Bar and Grill.

“Can I say how impressive Barbara is?” Richards complimented Bush. “It’s one thing to work at a 100-year-old organization like Planned Parenthood, trying to shift the boat into the 21st century. But it’s another to say: ‘I see a problem, and I’m going to start an organization to fix it.’”

Bush explained her motivation to form her organization.

“Since I was born, in 1981, we’ve had the drugs to save the millions of kids around the world who die every year,” she said. “Yet the number of deaths hasn’t dropped at all. We have the tools to keep people healthy, but the systems are broken.”

Richards commiserated with her: “It’s the same in reproductive health. We have the technology. But it’s not enough unless there’s public policy that supports getting women access to care.”

Richards is the daughter of the late Gov. Ann Richards (D) of Texas, who eventually lost to Bush’s father, Republican President George W. Bush, when he ran for governor of Texas in 1994.

One of the main connections Richards and Bush have is Hillary Clinton.

Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry endorsed Clinton in her bid for the White House in 2016. Clinton said unborn babies have no constitutional rights and that, if elected president, she would work to have the Hyde Amendment repealed so that taxpayer funds could be used for abortions – an outcome that would have been an obvious boost for the abortion business.

GHC provides opportunities for young people to “work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity” and offers paid fellowships for them with various “placement” organizations, among them Planned Parenthood Global. Additionally, GHC has provided “placements” at the Clinton Development Initiative, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the Clinton Health Matters Initiative – all of which are part of the Clinton Foundation.

Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich details the vast amounts of money that have flowed to both Bill and Hillary Clinton through their foundation from corporations and nations seeking favorable treatment from them.

In August of 2013, Bush said she hoped Clinton would run for president because she is “unbelievably accomplished.”

Bush told Richards during their lunch interview, “It’s crazy and sad to think that health care is a polarizing issue.” She went on to say that the young people in her organization are able to “work on social change” at “Planned Parenthood and other exceptional organizations.”*******


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Re: social justice wars , SJ warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2017, 06:43:18 AM »
Health Care a much better thread for that--  $10K per head?!?  DAMN!!! 

Please post it in Health Care.


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Marxism: the Bug Wearing an Edgar Suit
« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2017, 12:59:19 PM »

Marxism: the Bug Wearing an Edgar Suit

by Dystopic | Mar 10, 2017 | Culture War, SJWs, Socialism | 44 comments

In the movie Men In Black, there’s a scene where an abusive farmer gets killed by the villain, some kind of giant alien cockroach. The alien then possesses his body and walks around in comic fashion, like some kind of rotting zombie. The farmer’s wife exclaims “like an Edgar suit.”

This is pretty much what Worldcon looks like, these days.

Social Justice Marxists operate in the same manner. They take over institutions, groups, corporations, movements, whatever… and kill them. They then wear the skin of the destroyed, rotting institution like an Edgar suit, ambling around in comic fashion, expecting to be treated as if they were still the institution itself.

Only unlike the movie, there are a great many of these alien bugs on Earth. They are legion. And the thing is, most rightists suspect this is true, because the Edgar suit doesn’t act like Edgar. He acts like an alien cockroach. But they nonetheless give the benefit of the doubt, because they aren’t sure.

It is in that space of uncertainty that Marxism is permitted to spread, and infest every sizable organization. Once infected, forget bringing the organization back to life. It’s a rotting husk. It’s dead. You aren’t going to take it back, and even supposing you did, it’d still be a rotting sack of skin.

I think this is the greatest weakness of the political right. We permit Marxism to spread because we are not confident in our assessment that the people in question are Marxists. Most of them deny it, of course.

I remember when one leftist kept posting about how the border wall was racist, and how illegal immigrants ought to be able to come over, and how stopping them was bad. When I asked him why he was for open borders he denied it. Yet, his chosen policy would result in a de facto open border! Was he really that delusional… or was he a Marxist trying to say “I’m not a Marxist”?

One of the ways to tell if it’s really Edgar, or just an Edgar suit, is to prod the person with absolutes. Marxists are absolutists. A case in point. Another individual explained to me that healthcare ought to be a human right. Every human should have it upon need. I pointed out the usual inefficiencies of government bureaucracy, the long waiting lists, the poor quality of VA care, and the general lack of innovation and creativity in government-run healthcare.

The thing is, the guy agreed with me on many of those things. But he countered with “but if you don’t make it a right, somebody might not get the care they need, and I just can’t support that.” It doesn’t matter if the care would be better for 99.9% of everyone else. If one single person went without needed care, he would judge it a failure.

You see this kind of argument from Marxists all the time. You could destroy entire countries with mass immigration, but if one refugee child suffered, then too bad, too sad. You must do it. Get used to British citizens speaking Arabic, you racist.

It’s the same kind of argument you hear from gun control advocates.”If it saves the life of just one child,” they will say, “it will all be worth it.” Or, “even one shooting is too many.” Marxist absolutism, again. Somebody is wearing an Edgar suit.

MADD is a great case in point. Originally founded to combat drunk driving, an honorable pursuit, the founder wound up leaving a few years later, because the organization had become a group of tyrannical neo-prohibitionists, not merely a group concerned with reducing drunk driving offenses. Soon it was receiving government money, advocating for Traffic Safety Funds (more government cash), and arguing for everything from a rash of checkpoints, to mandatory interlock devices on all automobiles — not just those owned by those convicted of alcohol-related offenses.

MADD is an Edgar suit. Scratch the surface, and you’ll find a bunch of Marxists.

The thing is, if Marxists were open about their Marxism, that is to say if the giant alien cockroach were seen as a giant alien cockroach, every normie on the planet would be trying to squash it. It you saw the bodies of the Stalin regime, the starvation of Mao’s regime, the killings of Pol Pot… you would want to stamp this thing out with every fiber of your being.

Charming fellow, right?

But when attacked, when someone starts to suspect an organization is full of Marxists, they retreat into the Edgar suit. Hi. I’m Edgar. Nice to meet you. And my goal is just to try and help reduce drunk driving deaths!

Do you know why Marxists like absolutism so much? Why even a 99.9% success rate is not good enough for them? Because it gives them an excuse to continue to exist. No human society will ever reach 100% of anything. There will always be people who are poor, people who don’t get the care they need, people who die senselessly, idiots who get drunk and wreck someone’s life. Always.

Reducing the incidence of those things is a good and noble pursuit. But they can never be stopped completely. By saying that nothing is good enough unless it has a 100% success rate, the Marxist is giving himself power for life, and his organization power forever. Because so long as one person slips through the cracks, he can say “my work is not done yet.”

But the single-minded focus of Marxists on power politics is a good tell. Absolutism can tell you if someone is a Marxist, but so can an over-reliance on the language of political power. Normal people might talk politics for a while, even rant about it as I do here, but there are also times when they just don’t care about politics at all.

Marxists want to bring politics into everything. Are you eating a plate of Chinese takeout? Cultural Appropriation. Do you drive a nice car? Privilege! Do you like your hair a certain way? Racism! Everything must involve politics with them. They cannot stop thinking about their obsession for even the briefest of moments. At some point, a normie is likely to talk about his dog, or his kid, or how much he likes beer, or something totally unrelated to politics. The Marxist, on the other hand, will find a way to steer that back.

Another Edgar Suit tell is an obsession with personal bias. Like the 100% success rate demands, the Marxist demands absolute objectivity on the part of others (while displaying none himself). Unless you can demonstrate proof of moral perfection and a completely unbiased, objective viewpoint, you can be dismissed because you’re biased. The data underlying it is irrelevant, because the collector is biased. For instance, if you said that black people in the United States committed a greater per capita share of violent crimes than white people, that is a true statement. The Marxist would say that you are biased against black people, thus your conclusion (whatever it may be) can be dismissed on that basis. Forget the facts.

The same standard, of course, is never applied to them. But again, it makes an impossible demand so that a permanent political bludgeon is created, which they can beat you over the head with constantly.

There are probably many more such tells (if you’ve got one, drop it in the comments), but those are the ones I’ve seen most frequently, and most obviously. And it’s very important to identify which groups and institutions are SJW-converged, which ones are Edgar suits filled with Marxist cockroaches, and which ones are not. Rightists have permitted bad actors to continue to be treated like good actors merely because they skinned an organization of good actors alive, and wore them like a suit. It’s both stupid, and disservice to the memory of those who created the original, non-converged organization.


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Re: social justice wars , SJ warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #57 on: March 13, 2017, 05:43:34 AM »
Not sure I understand the explanation for the observations he notes but a discussion of US corporate liberal mindedness.  I think he is saying the corporate leaders simply like to control the rest of us and seem to think what is best for them and their view of the world makes it ok to subject us to submit to their financial, celebrity, media and political power:


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Re: social justice wars , SJ warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #59 on: March 13, 2017, 07:44:46 PM »
 :roll: :roll: :roll:


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Re: 2nd post today
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2017, 08:35:57 PM »
Next it will be mirrors:


Weight is like gender. If you identify as a slender person, of course you are one.


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Mansplaining gets raped
« Reply #61 on: March 13, 2017, 11:23:14 PM »


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cannot resist
« Reply #62 on: March 14, 2017, 04:59:31 AM »


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second post
« Reply #63 on: March 14, 2017, 06:06:45 AM »
I submit Royal jerks is best:

I nominate Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for the title of "royal" jerks


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Re: second post
« Reply #64 on: March 14, 2017, 07:06:34 AM »
I submit Royal jerks is best:
I nominate Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for the title of "royal" jerks

Yes, those two are as close as we will find to genderless.

My alma mater will get no discretionary money from me, just the 250/qtr I already gave them and a billion a year in taxes.  No more.

The public university was not good enough for these elites.  Klobuchar went to Yale, Franken went to Harvard.  Neither wanted to study social justice with common folk.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 07:17:15 AM by DougMacG »


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Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, and Morris Dees
« Reply #66 on: March 19, 2017, 08:48:13 PM »
I remember giving to his anti-KKK campaign, but stopped when I saw what he was , , ,


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WSJ: J. Haidt: The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage
« Reply #68 on: March 31, 2017, 06:26:02 PM »
Jonathan Haidt on the Cultural Roots of Campus Rage
An unorthodox professor explains the ‘new religion’ that drives the intolerance and violence at places like Middlebury and Berkeley.
Opinion Journal Video: Associate Book Review Editor Bari Weiss on her interview with New York University psychologist Jonathan Hait. Photo: Ken Fallin
By Bari Weiss
Updated March 31, 2017 7:27 p.m. ET

New York

When a mob at Vermont’s Middlebury College shut down a speech by social scientist Charles Murray a few weeks ago, most of us saw it as another instance of campus illiberalism. Jonathan Haidt saw something more—a ritual carried out by adherents of what he calls a “new religion,” an auto-da-fé against a heretic for a violation of orthodoxy.

“The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,” Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. “But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.”

These believers are transforming the campus from a citadel of intellectual freedom into a holy space—where white privilege has replaced original sin, the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed not to priests but to “the community,” victim groups are worshiped like gods, and the sinned-against are supplicated with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings.”

The fundamentalists may be few, Mr. Haidt says, but they are “very intimidating” since they wield the threat of public shame. On some campuses, “they’ve been given the heckler’s veto, and are often granted it by an administration who won’t stand up to them either.”

All this has become something of a preoccupation for the 53-year-old Mr. Haidt. A longtime liberal—he ran a gun-control group as an undergraduate at Yale—he admits he “had never encountered conservative ideas” until his mid-40s. The research into moral psychology that became his 2012 book, “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion,” exposed him to other ways of seeing the world; he now calls himself a centrist.
Paul Gigot says there is a clear disconnect between Wisconsin and New York City.

In 2015 he founded Heterodox Academy, which describes itself as “a politically diverse group of social scientists, natural scientists, humanists, and other scholars” concerned about “the loss or lack of ‘viewpoint diversity’ ” on campuses. As Mr. Haidt puts it to me: “When a system loses all its diversity, weird things begin to happen.”

Having studied religions across cultures and classes, Mr. Haidt says it is entirely natural for humans to create “quasireligious” experiences out of seemingly secular activities. Take sports. We wear particular colors, gather as a tribe, and cheer for our team. Even atheists sometimes pray for the Steelers to beat the Patriots.

It’s all “fun and generally harmless,” maybe even healthy, Mr. Haidt says, until it tips into violence—as in British soccer hooliganism. “What we’re beginning to see now at Berkeley and at Middlebury hints that this [campus] religion has the potential to turn violent,” Mr. Haidt says. “The attack on the professor at Middlebury really frightened people,” he adds, referring to political scientist Allison Stanger, who wound up in a neck brace after protesters assaulted her as she left the venue.

The Berkeley episode Mr. Haidt mentions illustrates the Orwellian aspect of campus orthodoxy. A scheduled February appearance by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos prompted masked agitators to throw Molotov cocktails, smash windows, hurl rocks at police, and ultimately cause $100,000 worth of damage. The student newspaper ran an op-ed justifying the rioting under the headline “Violence helped ensure safety of students.” Read that twice.

Mr. Haidt can explain. Students like the op-ed author “are armed with a set of concepts and words that do not mean what you think they mean,” he says. “People older than 30 think that ‘violence’ generally involves some sort of physical threat or harm. But as students are using the word today, ‘violence’ is words that have a negative effect on members of the sacred victim groups. And so even silence can be violence.” It follows that if offensive speech is “violence,” then actual violence can be a form of self-defense.

Down the hall from Mr. Haidt’s office, I noticed a poster advertising a “bias response hotline” students can call “to report an experience of bias, discrimination or harassment.” I joke that NYU seems to have its own version of the morality police in Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. “It’s like East Germany,” Mr. Haidt replies—with students, at least some of them, playing the part of the Stasi.

How did we get here, and what can be done? On the first question, Mr. Haidt points to a braided set of causes. There’s the rise in political polarization, which is related to the relatively recent “political purification of the universities.” While the academy has leaned left since at least the 1920s, Mr. Haidt says “it was always just a lean.” Beginning in the early 1990s, as the professors of the Greatest Generation retired, it became a full-on tilt.

“Now there are no more conservative voices on the faculty or administration,” he says, exaggerating only a little. Heterodox Academy cites research showing that the ratio of left to right professors in 1995 was 2 to 1. Now it is 5 to 1.

The left, meanwhile, has undergone an ideological transformation. A generation ago, social justice was understood as equality of treatment and opportunity: “If gay people don’t have to right to marry and you organize a protest to apply pressure to get them that right, that’s justice,” Mr. Haidt says. “If black people are getting discriminated against in hiring and you fight that, that’s justice.”

Today justice means equal outcomes. “There are two ideas now in the academic left that weren’t there 10 years ago,” he says. “One is that everyone is racist because of unconscious bias, and the other is that everything is racist because of systemic racism.” That makes justice impossible to achieve: “When you cross that line into insisting if there’s not equal outcomes then some people and some institutions and some systems are racist, sexist, then you’re setting yourself up for eternal conflict and injustice.”

Perhaps most troubling, Mr. Haidt cites the new protectiveness in child-rearing over the past few decades. Historically, American children were left to their own devices and had to learn to deal with bullies. Today’s parents, out of compassion, handle it for them. “By the time students get to college they have much, much less experience with unpleasant social encounters, or even being insulted, excluded or marginalized,” Mr. Haidt says. “They expect there will be some adult, some authority, to rectify things.”

Combine that with the universities’ shift to a “customer is always right” mind-set. Add in social media. Suddenly it’s “very, very easy to bring mobs together,” Mr. Haidt says, and make “people very afraid to stand out or stand up for what they think is right.” Students and professors know, he adds, that “if you step out of line at all, you will be called a racist, sexist or homophobe. In fact it’s gotten so bad out there that there’s a new term—‘ophobophobia,’ which is the fear of being called x-ophobic.”

That fear runs deep—including in Mr. Haidt. When I ask him about how political homogeneity on campus informs the understanding of so-called rape culture, he clams up: “I can’t talk about that.” The topic of sexual assault—along with Islam—is too sensitive.

It’s a painfully ironic answer from a man dedicating his career to free thought and speech. But choosing his battles doesn’t mean Mr. Haidt is unwilling to fight. And he’s finding allies across the political spectrum.

Heterodox Academy’s membership has grown to some 600, up about 100 since the beginning of March. “In the wake of the Middlebury protests and violence, we’re seeing a lot of liberal-left professors standing up against illiberal-left professors and students,” Mr. Haidt says. Less than a fifth of the organization’s members identify as “right/conservative”; most are centrists, liberals or progressives.

Balancing those numbers by giving academic jobs and tenure to outspoken libertarians and conservatives seems like the most effective way to change the campus culture, if only by signaling to self-censoring students that dissent is acceptable. But for now Heterodox Academy is taking a more modest approach, focusing on three initiatives.

The first is its college guide: a ranking by viewpoint diversity of America’s top 150 campuses. The goal is to create market pressure and put administrators on notice. The University of Chicago currently ranks No. 1—rising seniors, take note.

The second is a “fearless speech index,” a web-based questionnaire that allows students and professors to express how comfortable they feel speaking out on sensitive subjects. Right now, Mr. Haidt says, there are a tremendous number of anecdotes but no real data; the index aims to remedy that.

The third is the “viewpoint diversity experience,” a six-step online lesson in the virtue and practice of open-minded engagement with opposing ideas.

Heterodox Academy is not the only sliver of light. Following the Middlebury incident, the unlikely duo of Democratic Socialist Cornel West and conservative Robert P. George published a statement denouncing “campus illiberalism” and calling for “truth seeking, democracy and freedom of thought and expression.” More than 2,500 scholars and other intellectuals have signed it. At Northwestern the student government became the first in the country to pass a resolution calling for academic freedom and viewpoint diversity.

“What I think is happening,” Mr. Haidt says, is that “as the visible absurdity on campus mounts and mounts, and as public opinion turns more strongly against universities—and especially as the line of violence is crossed—we are having more and more people standing up saying, ‘Enough is enough. I’m opposed to this.’ ” Let’s hope.

If you’re not a student or professor, why should you care about snowflakes in their igloos? Because, Mr. Haidt argues, what happens on campus affects the “health of our nation.” Ideological and political homogeneity endangers the quality of social-science research, which informs public policy. “Understanding the impacts of immigration, understanding the causes of poverty—these are all absolutely vital,” he says. “If there’s an atmosphere of intimidation around politicized issues, it clearly influences the research.”

Today’s college students also are tomorrow’s leaders—and employees. Companies are already encountering problems with recent graduates unprepared for the challenges of the workplace. “Work requires a certain amount of toughness,” Mr. Haidt says. “Colleges that prepare students to expect a frictionless environment where there are bureaucratic procedures and adult authorities to rectify conflict are very poorly prepared for the workplace. So we can expect a lot more litigation in the coming few years.”

If you lean left—even if you adhere to the campus orthodoxy, or to certain elements of it—you might consider how the failure to respect pluralism puts your own convictions at risk of a backlash. “People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”

He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”

Ms. Weiss is an associate book review editor at the Journal.


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police violence?
« Reply #70 on: April 11, 2017, 05:36:09 PM »
I dunno. I must be the only one who while sympathetic to this guy who was picked randomly to leave the plane after paying and boarding also wonders why he refuses to cooperate with airport security.
I have been bumped on flights before and while furious I didn't refuse to cooperate.

now the SJW turning this into police brutality and asian lives matter.  And this guy who was using his medical license to sell drugs then becomes a professional poker player is now in the hospital for a few days ?


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Re: Esquire on the clashes in Berkeley
« Reply #73 on: April 17, 2017, 12:32:53 PM »

The group's leader, Nathan Damigo, who was convicted in 2007 for pointing a gun at and and robbing a Muslim cab driver he believed to be Iraqi, made his presence known on Saturday. He was caught on video sucker punching a small, female-presenting anti-fascist protester in the face.

Why discriminate? We all know gender is just a construct, right? Perhaps the puncher was also female-presenting at that moment.

The left being upset at the lack of civility is like a guy who murders his parents and then asks for the court's mercy because he was an orphan.


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Social justice wars, SJW warriors, victimhood, St Olaf college Hoax
« Reply #78 on: May 15, 2017, 11:10:57 AM »
A story that went by recently was quite big here in MN.  Happens to be the college my daughter attended.  John Hinderaker also has a daughter attending there so Powerline blog has had good coverage of this, as well as in local news.

St Olaf college is a small, four year, expensive, Lutheran based school with high academics, world famous choir, good tennis team and a lot of blonde girls.  They "value diversity" and pay big money to get minorities to attend.  It is somewhat of a conservative place for a college these days, dry campus for example, though the students went for Hillary 90-10.

This is a happy place with not a hint of a racial problem and then along comes this story that a student of color found a good riddance, n-word note on her windshield, and then they shut the campus down, blocking where students eat, canceling classes, making demands, forcing the administration to study solutions etc.

But the note was a hoax, fake news, didn't happen; the student wrote her own note.

So what happens next?  They are thankful these (false) issues were brought to light and will continue to study and address them even though the incident was false.
‘Student coup’ at St. Olaf College: Students block buildings, classes shut down over racial unrest
 6340  1072 Share281  62

Racial unrest has wracked St. Olaf College, a small campus in rural Minnesota, with students essentially taking over the campus with aggressive protests that forced administrators to cancel classes on Monday so demonstrators could air their grievances in a day-long sit in.

The sit-in followed unrest on Saturday during which angry students blocked entrances to campus buildings and demanded redress for a string of alleged racial incidents on campus.
Anyone familiar with the college should have been able to see from the start this was a calculated, SJW hoax.  If someone had a hatred toward this student, it would not have been for her skin color.  Real victims of real problems should be upset with fake victims of fake causes, hurting not helping them.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 11:26:50 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Social justice wars, SJW warriors, victimhood, St Olaf college Hoax
« Reply #79 on: May 15, 2017, 12:53:24 PM »
A story that went by recently was quite big here in MN.  Happens to be the college my daughter attended.  John Hinderaker also has a daughter attending there so Powerline blog has had good coverage of this, as well as in local news.

St Olaf college is a small, four year, expensive, Lutheran based school with high academics, world famous choir, good tennis team and a lot of blonde girls.  They "value diversity" and pay big money to get minorities to attend.  It is somewhat of a conservative place for a college these days, dry campus for example, though the students went for Hillary 90-10.

This is a happy place with not a hint of a racial problem and then along comes this story that a student of color found a good riddance, n-word note on her windshield, and then they shut the campus down, blocking where students eat, canceling classes, making demands, forcing the administration to study solutions etc.

But the note was a hoax, fake news, didn't happen; the student wrote her own note.

So what happens next?  They are thankful these (false) issues were brought to light and will continue to study and address them even though the incident was false.
‘Student coup’ at St. Olaf College: Students block buildings, classes shut down over racial unrest
 6340  1072 Share281  62

Racial unrest has wracked St. Olaf College, a small campus in rural Minnesota, with students essentially taking over the campus with aggressive protests that forced administrators to cancel classes on Monday so demonstrators could air their grievances in a day-long sit in.

The sit-in followed unrest on Saturday during which angry students blocked entrances to campus buildings and demanded redress for a string of alleged racial incidents on campus.
Anyone familiar with the college should have been able to see from the start this was a calculated, SJW hoax.  If someone had a hatred toward this student, it would not have been for her skin color.  Real victims of real problems should be upset with fake victims of fake causes, hurting not helping them.

SJWs always lie. Fake but true is their mantra.


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Limp Bizquit?
« Reply #81 on: June 06, 2017, 09:28:13 PM »


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Re: Limp Bizquit?
« Reply #82 on: June 06, 2017, 10:34:04 PM »
Not getting the reference to Limp Bizquit , , ,

Did it all for the nookie? Perhaps he is suggesting Weinstein's motivations are of a carnal nature?



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Re: The day feminism died , , , again
« Reply #84 on: June 15, 2017, 03:01:54 PM »

Everyone should game this stupidity to the fullest. A utterly average male can set records in women's sports. There is no reason biological males shouldn't own every sports scholarship available now.


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Officer Yanez acquitted.  Juror said prosecution didn't prove it's case.  1000 to 2000 on freeway.  Crowd diminishing down to those who want arrest or confrontation.  Details (riots?) to follow.  Peaceful so far.  Law enforcement being patient.

Signs say, 'no justice, no peace', fuck the police', 'hands up, don't shoot.


These protests already cost St Paul taxpayers over $1 million - before tonight.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 09:51:19 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Ayaan Hirsa Ali: Speak up Kamal Harris!
« Reply #88 on: June 22, 2017, 03:21:09 PM »

"we’re still waiting for a march against honor killings, child marriages, polygamy, sex slavery or female genital mutilation."

Three female Democrat Senators with nothing to say about it, instead they march against our  system of presuming a person innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt as determined by a jury.


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dykes vs Jewish flag
« Reply #92 on: June 27, 2017, 04:15:11 PM »


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Gender wars , victimhood, intolerance, facts, google
« Reply #95 on: August 17, 2017, 10:32:27 AM »
I'm not as sensitive as others to the victimhood of women in technical fields since my mother was an aerospace/aeronautical engineer and my daughter a math major earning more in her first year than most men in our family ever made.  

By taking on the Google dissident, The Economist draws more attention and validity to his claims IMHO:

By re-printing this graph and attempting to refute his inferences, they re-publicize the merits:

The side that chooses to categorize individuals by the group they belong to, as if that is their defining quality, brings with that the statistical differences measured in those groups.  If a population has a different mean and similar standard deviation, and if that measure and difference is meaningful, then the differences in numbers of people is far more extreme at the edges of the distribution.  

A better idea than diversity obsession in race would be for us to become as nearly a color blind society as possible, and in gender hiring and promoting, how about trying to be gender blind and merit based?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 10:35:01 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Gender wars , victimhood, intolerance, facts, google
« Reply #96 on: August 17, 2017, 10:36:28 AM »
I'm not as sensitive as others to the victimhood of women in technical fields since my mother was an aerospace/aeronautical engineer and my daughter a math major earning more in her first year than most men in our family ever made.  

By taking on the Google dissident, The Economist draws more attention and validity to his claims IMHO:

By re-printing this graph and attempting to refute his inferences, they re-publicize the merits:

The side that chooses to categorize individuals by the group they belong to, as if that is their defining quality, brings with that the statistical differences measured in those groups.  If a population has a different mean and similar standard deviation, and if that measure and difference is meaningful, then the differences in numbers of people is far more extreme at the edges of the distribution.  

A better idea than diversity obsession in race would be for us to become as nearly a color blind society as possible, and in gender hiring and promoting, how about trying to be gender blind and merit based?

Because the left isn't interested in merit, only power.


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Jews not complaining enough
« Reply #97 on: August 25, 2017, 02:35:02 PM »
In a first in history :

OK here is one Jew that will speak out:

I am Jewish and I have no problem with Trump's responses.

As for the "neo nazis" they have always been with us.  They are a small group.

Now if they start going out and shooting Jews etc..... THAT would be different story


« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 02:41:01 PM by ccp »


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Re: Jews not complaining enough
« Reply #98 on: August 25, 2017, 02:57:41 PM »
In a first in history :

OK here is one Jew that will speak out:

I am Jewish and I have no problem with Trump's responses.

As for the "neo nazis" they have always been with us.  They are a small group.

Now if they start going out and shooting Jews etc..... THAT would be different story


Obama had direct associations with vicious anti-semites.

“Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck or in eight years when he’s out of office. They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said that from the beginning. He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”


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How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism
« Reply #99 on: August 26, 2017, 11:14:16 AM »

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.
 David Marcus By David Marcus
MAY 23, 2016
I opened Twitter recently and saw 20+ notifications. Most of the time that means the new generation of white nationalist Twitter trolls are filling my feed with racist and anti-Semitic cartoons. It was the trolls, but this was different. They were celebrating my use of the word “anti-white” in a tweet. They saw it as a victory that a “mainstream conservative” was using this term that for so long has been their calling card.

They had a point. Until recently I would have been unlikely to use the term. Not because I didn’t believe some people harbored animosity towards whites, but because that was a fringe attitude removed from power, which represented little real threat. That is no longer the case. Progressive rhetoric on race has turned an ugly corner and the existence of “anti-white” attitudes can no longer be ignored.

In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications:

The White Guy Problem
White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on It
I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop Doing
What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a few individuals is senseless.

Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and immoral than any other people. Loosely backed up by historical inequities and disparities in mass shootings, this position has begun to take a serious foothold.

Don’t Ask White People to Be More Tribal
Strikingly, this shift in rhetoric undermines what was once the core of anti-racist efforts. Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race. This is a classic theme in critical race theory, that people of color carry a burden of representation that white people do not. But foisting the baggage of representation onto white people doesn’t solve that problem. It makes it worse.

Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race.

White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.

A big part of the reason white Americans have been willing to go along with policies that are prejudicial on their face, such as affirmative action, is that they do not view themselves as a tribe. Given the inequality of resources favoring whites in our society, it is a good thing that white people view themselves as the ones without an accent. Should that change, white privilege (whatever one views that to be) will not be eviscerated—it will be entrenched.

The Tipping Point of Whiteness
All of this comes at a time when the last immigrants from the great wave of white immigration from 1850-1920 have died off. In the past, most whites identified with their European ethnicity: Irish, Italian, German, etc. As white people gravitate away from such identities, many see themselves as a neutral, “non racial” population. The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as “white,” but it is far preferable to the alternative: an American white population that views itself as a special-interest group.

The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as ‘white,’ but it is far preferable to the alternative.
The recurring, tired refrain that we should have a white history month if there is a black history month, or white student unions on campuses, is unintentionally being given new life by the Left. Celebrations or organizations of whiteness do not exist because we don’t need them. White people do not face the same kinds of systemic discrimination that people of color do. But progressives are doing a very good job of convincing white people that they do.

When parents of Virginia high school students complained about a white privilege video being shown to their kids, they rightfully noted that their kids were being singled out based on their race. The video featured a foot race in which people of color were burdened by impediments while the white people ran free. It was absolutely fair for them to interpret this as a message to their kids saying, “Your accomplishments are easier and less valuable than those of your peers of color.”

Many parents object to this method of teaching about race relations. While some white people, especially those in the academy and the arts, find the acceptance of privilege and its associated guilt liberating, many do not. Privilege theory is also not being offered as one of many ways to confront and consider racism; it is being offered as the central way. This was brilliantly explored in 2010 by the Midwestern Critical Whiteness Collective’s (MCWC’s) article in Harvard Education Review, “McIntosh as Synecdoche: How Teacher Education Focus on White Privilege Undermines Anti Racism.”

Privilege Theory Is the Wrong Track
The McIntosh in question is Peggy McIntosh, whose 1988 essay “Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack” formed the foundation of privilege theory. The essay is mostly a list of ways in which white people receive better treatment in society. The MCWC describes McIntosh’s theory as a synecdoche because it has come to define the totality of education’s anti-racism efforts. It is meant to be the magic pill that clarifies things and sets us on the right course once consumed.

Many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education.
They found that many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education. One case study involved an education student named John, from a small, non-diverse town. In his final essay for the class John explained his reaction to McIntosh: “I got the feeling from it that it was more about trying to make white males feel guilty for things they most likely had no control over. Being a white male I got a little worked up about the whole list since I don’t feel like I have anything to apologize for.”

John rolled his eyes at privilege theory. However, his teacher reported that other ways of exploring racism and multiculturalism such as films on race relations and historical texts broadened John’s empathy towards non-white people. John was able to reject confession while still becoming a better anti-racist educator. This made John’s teacher wonder whether confessional white privilege is the universally beneficial educational tool it is made out to be. The collective found that it is not.

In its blunt conclusion, the collective writes: “McIntosh’s conception of white privilege has been at the center of anti-racist thought and action in teacher education. We argue, however, that McIntosh’s ideas simplify white racial identity in dangerous ways. We also demonstrate that white privilege pedagogy demands confession, but that confession is a dead end. Finally, we propose that white supremacy needs to replace white privilege as the central concern of our anti-racist efforts.”

Abetting White Supremacy
When privilege theory took root in the 1990s, society roundly condemned the outward expression of racist attitudes. This is why the focus shifted to the ways in which white people were racist without even knowing it. Importantly, all white people were guilty of this form of racism. The act of confessing privilege became the means through which white people discovered this hidden racism.

The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
But, as the past year has shown us, good old-fashioned white supremacy was not gone; it was simply driven underground. Not only was white supremacy still extant, it was going more or less unaddressed. The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.

One can teach against white supremacy by encouraging students to treat everyone as equal, or at least as individuals not defined in important ways by their race. Privilege theory does not allow for this approach. It demands that differences be front and center and that we always consider a person’s race in considering him. This focus on “valuing differences” over “the colorblind model” unlocked the door to the white supremacist revival that today’s anti-white rhetoric has kicked open.

White Grievance On the Rise
It surprises many people that an increasing number of white Americans over the past decade believe whites face more discrimination than blacks. Obviously this feeling is inconsistent with economic data. Many have argued that a white fear of losing the dominant economic place in society is behind this belief. But what if the discrimination that white people are feeling and expressing is not primarily economic in nature?

He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way.
This brings us back to John. What got him “worked up” about privilege theory was not that he’d have to compete for jobs with minorities. He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way. Moreover, many resent the pedagogical transformations that their history and culture are undergoing. White historical figures once held in too high esteem have swung the other way into utter disrepute. Also, the histories of no other peoples are being held to these lofty standards.

Mohandas Gandhi’s racism, the Black Panthers’ vicious murders, and Santa Anna’s barbarism are understood within the context of their positive contributions. Increasingly, white Americans perceive that Columbus, Jefferson, Jackson, and many other core white historical figures are consistently brought down a peg in order to decentralize whiteness in history. This assault on their history has a deeper impact than many on the Left are aware of, or willing to admit.

Rise of the White Race Baiters
The combination of the confessional and universal aspects of white privilege and the reconstruction of white history has opened the door for white racial grievance-mongers. From 2014 to 2015, the number of active Klu Klux Klan chapters in the United States grew from 72 to 190, a massive increase for a group so closely associated with hatred. Along with these organized efforts, social media has given a dangerous new platform to white supremacists.

One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers, specifically on college campuses. Conservative media seize upon disputes over the cultural appropriation of taco night or banning hoopskirts as evidence that minority racial grievance has gotten unhinged.

In emerging white nationalist journals such as Radix, this constant drumbeat of attack against white insensitivity is viewed gravely. What results is a belief among a growing number of whites in the concepts of “white genocide” and “racial realism.”

Both “white genocide” and “racial realism” harken back to the worst elements of American racial history. The former reacts in horror to the races mixing sexually for fear of resulting offspring being impure. The latter pretends to take a cold, scientific look at demography to prove the superiority of the white race. Ideas of this ilk, until recently thought to be confined to a fringe dustbin, have taken on new life in our hyper-racialized society.

Young white men, reacting to social and educational constructs that paint them as the embodiment of historical evil, are fertile ground for white supremacists. They are very aware of the dichotomy between non-white culture, which must be valued at all times (even in the midst of terror attacks), and white culture, which must be criticized and devalued. They don’t like it.

Same Tactics, Different Sides
The result of these societal double standards is for many a desire to lash out against it. For every white college student who dutifully accepts his privilege, many more resent the idea and wish to fight it. The sharpest arrow in their quiver is to be offensive.

In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
This desire to be offensive has given rise to the “alt right.” Supporters of this loosely assembled white nationalist movement understand a playful aspect to its use of slurs. But just as the Left shifted from using anti-white rhetoric as an ironic device to an actual indictment of white culture, so has the alt right come to believe much of its troubling rhetoric.

Do the alt right Twitter trolls really want Jews turned into lampshades, or believe blacks are apes? Many of their supporters say no, that such rhetoric is simply meant to shock the system. They feel oppressed by political correctness and they challenge it, in over-the-top, offensive ways.

If this seems familiar, it should. It is exactly the same approach taken by social justice warriors and purveyors of anti-white rhetoric. The shocking “White Men Are Bad” hot takes serve the same purpose. They are also meant to shock the system. Just as the alt right is willing to denigrate minorities to make plain what they view as racist speech codes, the Left is willing to denigrate straight, white men to make plain what they view as widespread systemic racism.

For both groups the central theme is identity. That theme quickly calcifies into attitudes too brittle to hold up serious discourse. In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.

Let’s Find Another Way Forward
W.E.B. Du Bois was born just three years after the end of slavery, but was bullish on the prospects of equality, he writes in “The Souls of Black Folks.”

Work, culture, liberty,—all these we need, not singly but together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic…
Modern progressives don’t talk about the “greater ideals of the American Republic.” Rather, those ideals have become suspect, empty words used to justify slavery and genocide. But for Du Bois, who was closer to slavery than any of us will ever be, this was not the case. The facile notion that some inherent evil of whiteness must be expunged is anathema to his entire vision of equality and reconciliation.

Put simply, our anti-racism efforts must be refocused away from guilt and confession and towards equality and eradicating irrational judgments based on race. Some on the Left will object, saying that racism is so systemic in society it must be purged before anyone can pretend to treat of others without taking race into account. Some on the Right will object, saying that everything from IQ tests to crime statistics prove something meaningful about the capabilities of individuals based on their race.

Both of these perspectives must be rejected. In their place, we must return to the goal of treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their race.

David Marcus is a senior contributor to the Federalist and the Artistic Director of Blue Box World, a Brooklyn based theater project. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.