Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW and DEI warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes  (Read 254985 times)


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Re: How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism
« Reply #100 on: August 26, 2017, 11:21:13 AM »

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.
 David Marcus By David Marcus
MAY 23, 2016
I opened Twitter recently and saw 20+ notifications. Most of the time that means the new generation of white nationalist Twitter trolls are filling my feed with racist and anti-Semitic cartoons. It was the trolls, but this was different. They were celebrating my use of the word “anti-white” in a tweet. They saw it as a victory that a “mainstream conservative” was using this term that for so long has been their calling card.

They had a point. Until recently I would have been unlikely to use the term. Not because I didn’t believe some people harbored animosity towards whites, but because that was a fringe attitude removed from power, which represented little real threat. That is no longer the case. Progressive rhetoric on race has turned an ugly corner and the existence of “anti-white” attitudes can no longer be ignored.

In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications:

The White Guy Problem
White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on It
I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop Doing
What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a few individuals is senseless.

Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and immoral than any other people. Loosely backed up by historical inequities and disparities in mass shootings, this position has begun to take a serious foothold.

Don’t Ask White People to Be More Tribal
Strikingly, this shift in rhetoric undermines what was once the core of anti-racist efforts. Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race. This is a classic theme in critical race theory, that people of color carry a burden of representation that white people do not. But foisting the baggage of representation onto white people doesn’t solve that problem. It makes it worse.

Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race.

White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.

A big part of the reason white Americans have been willing to go along with policies that are prejudicial on their face, such as affirmative action, is that they do not view themselves as a tribe. Given the inequality of resources favoring whites in our society, it is a good thing that white people view themselves as the ones without an accent. Should that change, white privilege (whatever one views that to be) will not be eviscerated—it will be entrenched.

The Tipping Point of Whiteness
All of this comes at a time when the last immigrants from the great wave of white immigration from 1850-1920 have died off. In the past, most whites identified with their European ethnicity: Irish, Italian, German, etc. As white people gravitate away from such identities, many see themselves as a neutral, “non racial” population. The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as “white,” but it is far preferable to the alternative: an American white population that views itself as a special-interest group.

The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as ‘white,’ but it is far preferable to the alternative.
The recurring, tired refrain that we should have a white history month if there is a black history month, or white student unions on campuses, is unintentionally being given new life by the Left. Celebrations or organizations of whiteness do not exist because we don’t need them. White people do not face the same kinds of systemic discrimination that people of color do. But progressives are doing a very good job of convincing white people that they do.

When parents of Virginia high school students complained about a white privilege video being shown to their kids, they rightfully noted that their kids were being singled out based on their race. The video featured a foot race in which people of color were burdened by impediments while the white people ran free. It was absolutely fair for them to interpret this as a message to their kids saying, “Your accomplishments are easier and less valuable than those of your peers of color.”

Many parents object to this method of teaching about race relations. While some white people, especially those in the academy and the arts, find the acceptance of privilege and its associated guilt liberating, many do not. Privilege theory is also not being offered as one of many ways to confront and consider racism; it is being offered as the central way. This was brilliantly explored in 2010 by the Midwestern Critical Whiteness Collective’s (MCWC’s) article in Harvard Education Review, “McIntosh as Synecdoche: How Teacher Education Focus on White Privilege Undermines Anti Racism.”

Privilege Theory Is the Wrong Track
The McIntosh in question is Peggy McIntosh, whose 1988 essay “Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack” formed the foundation of privilege theory. The essay is mostly a list of ways in which white people receive better treatment in society. The MCWC describes McIntosh’s theory as a synecdoche because it has come to define the totality of education’s anti-racism efforts. It is meant to be the magic pill that clarifies things and sets us on the right course once consumed.

Many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education.
They found that many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education. One case study involved an education student named John, from a small, non-diverse town. In his final essay for the class John explained his reaction to McIntosh: “I got the feeling from it that it was more about trying to make white males feel guilty for things they most likely had no control over. Being a white male I got a little worked up about the whole list since I don’t feel like I have anything to apologize for.”

John rolled his eyes at privilege theory. However, his teacher reported that other ways of exploring racism and multiculturalism such as films on race relations and historical texts broadened John’s empathy towards non-white people. John was able to reject confession while still becoming a better anti-racist educator. This made John’s teacher wonder whether confessional white privilege is the universally beneficial educational tool it is made out to be. The collective found that it is not.

In its blunt conclusion, the collective writes: “McIntosh’s conception of white privilege has been at the center of anti-racist thought and action in teacher education. We argue, however, that McIntosh’s ideas simplify white racial identity in dangerous ways. We also demonstrate that white privilege pedagogy demands confession, but that confession is a dead end. Finally, we propose that white supremacy needs to replace white privilege as the central concern of our anti-racist efforts.”

Abetting White Supremacy
When privilege theory took root in the 1990s, society roundly condemned the outward expression of racist attitudes. This is why the focus shifted to the ways in which white people were racist without even knowing it. Importantly, all white people were guilty of this form of racism. The act of confessing privilege became the means through which white people discovered this hidden racism.

The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
But, as the past year has shown us, good old-fashioned white supremacy was not gone; it was simply driven underground. Not only was white supremacy still extant, it was going more or less unaddressed. The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.

One can teach against white supremacy by encouraging students to treat everyone as equal, or at least as individuals not defined in important ways by their race. Privilege theory does not allow for this approach. It demands that differences be front and center and that we always consider a person’s race in considering him. This focus on “valuing differences” over “the colorblind model” unlocked the door to the white supremacist revival that today’s anti-white rhetoric has kicked open.

White Grievance On the Rise
It surprises many people that an increasing number of white Americans over the past decade believe whites face more discrimination than blacks. Obviously this feeling is inconsistent with economic data. Many have argued that a white fear of losing the dominant economic place in society is behind this belief. But what if the discrimination that white people are feeling and expressing is not primarily economic in nature?

He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way.
This brings us back to John. What got him “worked up” about privilege theory was not that he’d have to compete for jobs with minorities. He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way. Moreover, many resent the pedagogical transformations that their history and culture are undergoing. White historical figures once held in too high esteem have swung the other way into utter disrepute. Also, the histories of no other peoples are being held to these lofty standards.

Mohandas Gandhi’s racism, the Black Panthers’ vicious murders, and Santa Anna’s barbarism are understood within the context of their positive contributions. Increasingly, white Americans perceive that Columbus, Jefferson, Jackson, and many other core white historical figures are consistently brought down a peg in order to decentralize whiteness in history. This assault on their history has a deeper impact than many on the Left are aware of, or willing to admit.

Rise of the White Race Baiters
The combination of the confessional and universal aspects of white privilege and the reconstruction of white history has opened the door for white racial grievance-mongers. From 2014 to 2015, the number of active Klu Klux Klan chapters in the United States grew from 72 to 190, a massive increase for a group so closely associated with hatred. Along with these organized efforts, social media has given a dangerous new platform to white supremacists.

One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers, specifically on college campuses. Conservative media seize upon disputes over the cultural appropriation of taco night or banning hoopskirts as evidence that minority racial grievance has gotten unhinged.

In emerging white nationalist journals such as Radix, this constant drumbeat of attack against white insensitivity is viewed gravely. What results is a belief among a growing number of whites in the concepts of “white genocide” and “racial realism.”

Both “white genocide” and “racial realism” harken back to the worst elements of American racial history. The former reacts in horror to the races mixing sexually for fear of resulting offspring being impure. The latter pretends to take a cold, scientific look at demography to prove the superiority of the white race. Ideas of this ilk, until recently thought to be confined to a fringe dustbin, have taken on new life in our hyper-racialized society.

Young white men, reacting to social and educational constructs that paint them as the embodiment of historical evil, are fertile ground for white supremacists. They are very aware of the dichotomy between non-white culture, which must be valued at all times (even in the midst of terror attacks), and white culture, which must be criticized and devalued. They don’t like it.

Same Tactics, Different Sides
The result of these societal double standards is for many a desire to lash out against it. For every white college student who dutifully accepts his privilege, many more resent the idea and wish to fight it. The sharpest arrow in their quiver is to be offensive.

In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
This desire to be offensive has given rise to the “alt right.” Supporters of this loosely assembled white nationalist movement understand a playful aspect to its use of slurs. But just as the Left shifted from using anti-white rhetoric as an ironic device to an actual indictment of white culture, so has the alt right come to believe much of its troubling rhetoric.

Do the alt right Twitter trolls really want Jews turned into lampshades, or believe blacks are apes? Many of their supporters say no, that such rhetoric is simply meant to shock the system. They feel oppressed by political correctness and they challenge it, in over-the-top, offensive ways.

If this seems familiar, it should. It is exactly the same approach taken by social justice warriors and purveyors of anti-white rhetoric. The shocking “White Men Are Bad” hot takes serve the same purpose. They are also meant to shock the system. Just as the alt right is willing to denigrate minorities to make plain what they view as racist speech codes, the Left is willing to denigrate straight, white men to make plain what they view as widespread systemic racism.

For both groups the central theme is identity. That theme quickly calcifies into attitudes too brittle to hold up serious discourse. In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.

Let’s Find Another Way Forward
W.E.B. Du Bois was born just three years after the end of slavery, but was bullish on the prospects of equality, he writes in “The Souls of Black Folks.”

Work, culture, liberty,—all these we need, not singly but together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic…
Modern progressives don’t talk about the “greater ideals of the American Republic.” Rather, those ideals have become suspect, empty words used to justify slavery and genocide. But for Du Bois, who was closer to slavery than any of us will ever be, this was not the case. The facile notion that some inherent evil of whiteness must be expunged is anathema to his entire vision of equality and reconciliation.

Put simply, our anti-racism efforts must be refocused away from guilt and confession and towards equality and eradicating irrational judgments based on race. Some on the Left will object, saying that racism is so systemic in society it must be purged before anyone can pretend to treat of others without taking race into account. Some on the Right will object, saying that everything from IQ tests to crime statistics prove something meaningful about the capabilities of individuals based on their race.

Both of these perspectives must be rejected. In their place, we must return to the goal of treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their race.

David Marcus is a senior contributor to the Federalist and the Artistic Director of Blue Box World, a Brooklyn based theater project. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.


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« Reply #102 on: August 28, 2017, 06:45:56 AM »
Last week Michael Savage was having fun coming with ideas to change names in New York that could be offensive to anyone at all.  Thanks to DeBlasio commission yet another study to look at offensive names statues (like Christopher Columbus circle)

One caller who phoned in suggested:

1 )   that we must certainly get rid of the name "Manhattan" so as not to offend the gender warriors

2 )   and he also pointed out that New York has the letter Y which cannotes the male chromosome so that must be deleted so not to offend the sex gender warriors

I certainly agree with this since I am self righteous and concerned for equality and I am GOOD person who is caring considerate and thoughtful  .  Just a good mench !!!!    :wink: :roll:


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« Reply #104 on: August 28, 2017, 11:53:17 AM »


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Re: Lunacy, Let them re-name New York
« Reply #105 on: August 28, 2017, 01:16:38 PM »
Last week Michael Savage was having fun coming with ideas to change names in New York that could be offensive to anyone at all.  Thanks to DeBlasio commission yet another study to look at offensive names statues (like Christopher Columbus circle)...

New York Is Named After A Horrendous Slave Trader

New York, both the city and the state, is named after the house of York and particularly for James Stuart, then Duke of York, one of the most successful slavers in colonial American history.


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Re: 14 year old boy transisitioning changes his mind
« Reply #108 on: September 08, 2017, 08:32:01 PM »

And the left continues it's long march towards ruining lives and mainstreaming mental illness.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy - Topic Overview
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What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse.

Note: Since most cases of MSBP are between a caregiver (usually a mother) and a child, the rest of this topic will describe that relationship. But it is important to remember that MSBP can involve any vulnerable person who has a caregiver.

The caregiver with MSBP may:

Lie about the child's symptoms.
Change test results to make a child appear to be ill.
Physically harm the child to produce symptoms.
Victims are most often small children. They may get painful medical tests they don't need. They may even become seriously ill or injured or may die because of the actions of the caregiver.

Children who are victims of MSBP can have lifelong physical and emotional problems and may have Munchausen syndrome as adults. This is a disorder in which a person causes or falsely reports his or her own symptoms.

What causes Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

Doctors aren't sure what causes it, but it may be linked to problems during the abuser's childhood. Abusers often feel like their life is out of control. They often have poor self-esteem and can't deal with stress or anxiety.

The attention that caregivers get from having a sick child may encourage their behavior. Caregivers may get attention not only from doctors and nurses but also from others in their community. For example, neighbors may try to help the family in many ways-such as by doing chores, bringing meals, or giving money.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 09:01:05 PM by G M »


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #109 on: September 09, 2017, 04:29:14 AM »
"   At the same school, Rocklin Academy, parents also complained after a teacher read a book about transgenderism to students without notifying them  "

A lot of teachers pushing their own agendas
I bet some of them are gay themselves
I would say the *best* teacher I ever had was gay.  I remember lots of things he taught us (6th grade).  I wanted to contact him to say thanks some years back but read he was murdered.
That said he never did *this* stuff.

I don't recall teachers even talking about the birds and the bees.  That was for parents.

Munchausen by proxy could explain some but probably not most of this stuff.
Now we have gay parents .  I think some may push this transgender stuff.


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WSJ: Inside the madness at Evergreen U.
« Reply #111 on: September 22, 2017, 05:20:05 AM »
Inside the Madness at Evergreen State
The school denies it is a racially hostile work environment, but internal emails belie that assertion.
Student protesters at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., May 24.
Student protesters at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., May 24. Photo: Lisa Pemberton/The Olympian via Associated Press
By Jillian Kay Melchior
Sept. 21, 2017 6:59 p.m. ET

Biology professor Bret Weinstein has settled his lawsuit against Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash. Mr. Weinstein became a pariah last spring when he criticized an officially sanctioned “Day of Absence” during which white people were asked to stay away from campus. He and his wife, anthropology professor Heather Heying, alleged that Evergreen “has permitted, cultivated, and perpetuated a racially hostile and retaliatory work environment.” They claimed administrators failed to protect them from “repeated provocative and corrosive verbal and written hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence.”

Last week the university announced it would pay $500,000 to settle the couple’s complaint. Evergreen said in a statement that the college “strongly rejects” the lawsuit’s allegations, denies the Day of Absence was discriminatory, and asserts: “The college took reasonable and appropriate steps to engage with protesters, de-escalate conflict, and keep the campus safe.”

A different story emerges from hundreds of pages of Evergreen correspondence, which I obtained through Washington state’s Public Records Act. The emails show that some students and faculty were quick to levy accusations of racism with neither evidence nor consideration of the reputational harm they could cause. The emails also reveal Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Heying were not the only ones concerned about a hostile and dangerous campus.

Consider a February exchange, in which Mr. Weinstein—a progressive who is skeptical of identity politics—faulted what he called Evergreen administrators’ “reckless, top-down reorganization around new structures and principles.”

Within minutes, a student named Mike Penhallegon fired back an email denouncing Mr. Weinstein and his “racist colleagues.”

Another student, Steve Coffman, responded by asking for proof of racism within the science faculty. Mr. Coffman cited Christopher Hitchens’s variation of Occam’s razor: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

Jacqueline McClenny, an office assistant for the First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services—a campus office that helped organize the Day of Absence—observed that because Hitchens’s razor is an “Englishman’s popularization of a Latin proverb,” it “would seem to itself be the product of at least two traditionally hierarchical, imperialist societies with an interest in disposing of inconvenient questions.”

Media professor Naima Lowe urged one of Mr. Weinstein’s defenders to read about how calls for civility are “often used to silence and/or dismiss concerns about racism.” She also said that the “white people making changes in their white supremacist attitudes and behaviors” were those “who do not immediately balk and become defensive,” instead acknowledging that “white supremacy is literally ingrained in everything.” In other words, merely defending oneself against the accusation of “white supremacy” is evidence of guilt.

The implications of such a mind-set became clear later last spring, when hundreds of students protested Mr. Weinstein’s opposition to the Day of Absence. To them, the existence of dissent was sufficient to prove the college condoned racism. Mr. Weinstein was not their only target.

After a mob occupied the library, the college’s facilities engineer, Richard Davis, wrote in an email that he believed “the students are testing how much lawlessness will be tolerated,” and “they have not found a boundary yet.” He described how two students stalked him and screamed at him, adding that he was disturbed by the lack of police. “Many of us are stating that as long as the students are not violent, their behavior is acceptable,” Mr. Davis continued. “Apparently, violence in this context is bloodshed.” (Mr. Davis retired in June.)

The protests were “loud and at times intimidating,” wrote John Hurley, Evergreen’s vice president for finance and administration. “Unfortunately some members of our community were stopped as they tried to leave campus and that was scary and others felt barricaded in their office.”

Nancy Koppelman, an American studies and humanities professor, described being “followed by white students who yelled and cursed at me, accused me of not caring about black and brown bodies, and claimed that if I did care I would follow their orders.” Ms. Koppelman, who is 5-foot-1, said the students towered over her, and “the only thing they would accept was my obedience.” She reported that the encounter so unnerved her that she was left physically shaking.

Ms. Koppelman wrote that she was worried about “features of the current protest strategy that violate the social contract, and possibly the law.” Tolerating such tactics, she argued, “may create a working environment which is too hostile for some of us to continue our employment at the college.” Her email concluded: “I have not decided whether or how to share these thoughts more widely. If I do, I will very likely be tagged as ‘a racist’ by some of my colleagues and the students they teach.”

As for Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Heying, there’s no doubt the environment at Evergreen was too hostile for them to continue their employment. The college declared in its statement: “They have agreed to resign from their faculty positions at Evergreen, effective today.”

Ms. Melchior is an editorial page writer at the Journal.


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If two out of ten are guilty, get rid of all ten
« Reply #112 on: September 23, 2017, 10:59:19 AM »

Then there is this, if you have a son...
« Reply #349 on: Today at 02:47:45 PM »
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Glenn Reynolds: A war on college men
Glenn Harlan Reynolds Published 10:28 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2015 | Updated 1:36 p.m. ET Sept. 14, 2015
Jared Polis’ idea to deprive college men of due process highlights toxic campus culture of discrimination against men.

Is Congress waging a war on college men?  It’s starting to look like it.

Last week, Rep. Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat, suggested that even innocent students should be booted from campus if they were accused of sexual assault. According to Polis: "If there are 10 people who have been accused, and under a reasonable likelihood standard maybe one or two did it, it seems better to get rid of all 10 people."

So one of the longstanding traditions of American law — that it is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent — has now been turned on its head. Under the Polis standard, it’s basically the other way around.

According to Polis, it’s not such a big deal: "We’re not talking depriving them of life and liberty, we’re talking about their transfer to another university, for crying out loud," Polis said, laughing off the idea that his suggestion would violate due process rights. He is not alone in taking the due process rights of the accused lightly, a widely-backed Democratic senate bill is just more circumspect.

But it’s no laughing matter. A student with expulsion for sexual assault on his record will have great difficulty gaining admission to another college, with life-altering consequences. (If you don’t believe that, then you don’t think that college matters much, which is something I doubt higher education boosters want to maintain.) And even if he succeeds, the expulsion will affect his chances for employment for the rest of his life, too.

As UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh notes, Polis’s approach suggests that he doesn’t think the rights of the accused are very important at all: “Now I should say that there are certain positions where indeed a whiff of suspicion might be enough to get someone removed. I just hadn’t thought that being a college student would or should be one of them.”

Plus, as Volokh also notes, Polis’s approach punishes the innocent without doing much about the guilty: “And that’s especially so when the policy is defended on the grounds that the students will just go to another university. The innocent expelled students would have their education badly disrupted and delayed. But the guilty students would ... just be at another university, where they’ll be able to attack their classmates (just a different set of classmates).”

The main result of adopting Polis’s approach would be to create — since we all know this policy is aimed at male students, and almost exclusively enforced against them by a university “diversity” bureaucracy in which men are wildly underrepresented — a hostile educational environment for male students. As the Pope Center for Higher Education, which conducted a study of gender representation among “gender equity enforcers,” found, “Considering that the overwhelming preponderance of sexual harassment allegations are directed by women at men, the disproportion of women to men in the positions charged with interpreting and enforcing the sexual harassment rules is a legitimate concern. Are male students who are accused of sexual harassment likely to receive fair-minded treatment in these offices?”

If even a false accusation of sexual assault is grounds for expulsion, the result is to burden student sex lives with fear. That’s doubly so when the enforcers are so heavily non-male. Men who fear that they may be so targeted — and remember, you don’t even have to have dated a woman to be falsely accused — cannot possibly enjoy college in a normal fashion.

The funny thing is that the law under which all of this is transpiring, the federal Title IX antidiscrimination law, is supposed to prevent the creation of just such a hostile educational environment based on sex. ("No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.") Yet — seemingly with all calculation — Jared Polis and his congressional colleagues seem eager to do just that.

If any other minority were being treated this way — and, on college campuses, men are very much a minority these days — we would not hesitate to call that treatment discrimination, and to assume that it was rooted in prejudice and bigotry. So why has the war on college men gotten a pass?

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, and a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.


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Walt Williams
« Reply #113 on: September 24, 2017, 11:25:26 AM »


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #114 on: September 27, 2017, 06:46:46 AM »
What a sad irony that the war on cops and the pretend movement that black lives matter results in fewer cops protecting people where they need protection the most.  The violent crime rate ticks up and women and blacks are hurt most.  Social justice, good grief.

As people swarm the parks to purge anything with ties to slavery,
do they ever stop to wonder what we are doing now that will be considered repulsive and a crime against humanity someday by a more enlightened people.  What about abortion?  We sanction abortion around the world.  Trumpet it as a civil right.  How is that going?  In the US we abort black unborns at 5 times the rate of whites.  In China they have aborted 34 MILLION girls than boys.
How is that for social justice?  Show me one so-called SJW up in arms about that.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 07:09:27 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #115 on: September 27, 2017, 07:28:05 AM »
What a sad irony that the war on cops and the pretend movement that black lives matter results in fewer cops protecting people where they need protection the most.  The violent crime rate ticks up and women and blacks are hurt most.  Social justice, good grief.

As people swarm the parks to purge anything with ties to slavery,
do they ever stop to wonder what we are doing now that will be considered repulsive and a crime against humanity someday by a more enlightened people.  What about abortion?  We sanction abortion around the world.  Trumpet it as a civil right.  How is that going?  In the US we abort black unborns at 5 times the rate of whites.  In China they have aborted 34 MILLION girls than boys.
How is that for social justice?  Show me one so-called SJW up in arms about that.

Abortion is the only holy sacrament of the left.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #116 on: September 27, 2017, 07:58:04 AM »
Abortion is the only holy sacrament of the left.

The Left versus science.  The close we look at the science, the more we discover that what abortion is killing  a) alive, has a heartbeat, can feel pain, b) is human with no doubt, and c) has its own DNA separate and distinct from the mother and father.  And SJWs couldn't give a rat's ass.  It's a holy sacrament, as you say.  I can't imagine history will judge these heartless thugs kindly.

They won't protect girls.  They won't protect blacks.  What happens when science tells parents the sexual orientation of the unborn life and they kill on that basis.  Who takes to the streets then?


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #117 on: September 27, 2017, 08:05:44 AM »
Abortion is the only holy sacrament of the left.

The Left versus science.  The close we look at the science, the more we discover that what abortion is killing  a) alive, has a heartbeat, can feel pain, b) is human with no doubt, and c) has its own DNA separate and distinct from the mother and father.  And SJWs couldn't give a rat's ass.  It's a holy sacrament, as you say.  I can't imagine history will judge these heartless thugs kindly.

They won't protect girls.  They won't protect blacks.  What happens when science tells parents the sexual orientation of the unborn life and they kill on that basis.  Who takes to the streets then?

Oh then it will matter! To some on the left. Remember, the left has a caste system. Some animals are more equal than others. So-called "homophobia" is an intolerable thought crime, and the power of the state must be used to enforce your duty to bake a cake, unless you are muslim.


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Our Michelle (not O)( but M)
« Reply #118 on: September 27, 2017, 02:52:18 PM »
with some good points on taxpayer subsidies to the National Felon League:


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did raiders throw game?
« Reply #122 on: October 02, 2017, 05:27:37 PM »


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Re: did raiders throw game?
« Reply #123 on: October 03, 2017, 08:57:20 AM »

Hard to believe but any effort short of their best effort can throw a game.  Just one more thing taking down a game that used to bring us all together.

Too bad that the NFL and all professional sports are such such whores with their stadium subsidies or someone could argue a point about a private business having a right to run it as they reasonably see fit.

One thing our children and grandchildren will never hear, "Please rise for the singing of our national anthem."

Someone please show me a picture of a soldier taking a knee for a fallen soldier - DURING THE PLAYING OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM prior to the current controversy.

This fiasco started with Kaepernick alleging the nation oppresses black people.  The timing and context had to do with the false accusations in Ferguson.(?)  This quarterback's oppression consists of his African American birth father leaving him before his birth.  How many times should we apologize for that before he respects his country again?  He received free college and a $126 million contract from this oppressive country.  How much sweeter would that have been if he was a white - and under-performed after a great rookie half season?


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Cam Neuton neutered
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2017, 01:55:43 PM »
I say

Give the guy a break

This macho herculean athlete already was a spokesperson for Danon yogurt (who pulled its endorsement).  Is not that humiliating enough?

Feminazis gone wild
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 08:33:26 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #125 on: October 10, 2017, 03:47:15 AM »

VP Pence walk out was a "stunt"

                                     cost tax payers

Aren't players kneeling during the anthem *stunts*?

What would a rational person call that?


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singled out because she was black by white man
« Reply #130 on: October 17, 2017, 05:31:25 PM »

of course she was polite and agreeable and she has not idea other then because she is black as to why she was for no reason singled out to be asked to leave an airplane.

i believe her story. 


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« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 09:25:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Reply #133 on: October 25, 2017, 07:03:13 AM »
Being "touched from behind" and told a "dirty joke" by a likely cognitively impaired 89 yo is certainly worth a multi million assault claim and world class front page headlines for an actress who no one has heard of:

Great words from this great woman:

"What comforts me is that I too can use my power, which isn’t so different from a President really,” she added. “I can enact positive change. I can actually help people. I can be a symbol of my democracy. I can refuse to call him President, and call out other abuses of power when I see them. I can vote for a President, in part, by the nature of his or her character, knowing that his or her political decisions must necessarily stem from that character.”


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George Washington now a deplorable
« Reply #135 on: November 01, 2017, 04:50:28 PM »
Just recently I was at a wedding in this very same Christ Church in Alexandria
many Presidents went there from Washington to Roosevelt to Carter to Reagan to Bush.

There was a small wooden plaque to GW on one side of the front of the Church and one for Robert E Lee on other side.

There was talk amongst us about the expectations the SJW would make f stinking stink about the REL plaque but no one expected anything to be done with GW's so this came as  surprise:
word is a lot of the people were angry about this.

Didn't help the reception was at the Army Navy country club and there were conservative politicos there:


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This SJWar I can 100% agree with.
« Reply #136 on: November 05, 2017, 06:55:39 AM »
Steven Segal next to go down?

we have read stories about him for years:

What I don't get is guys like this, I would think, would have no problem attracting many ladies.  Good looking successful , great athlete, rich, famous.
Why do they need to abuse women?

Crafty, did you ever meet him in your martial arts endeavors?

I read he is the real deal with his martial arts talents .


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #137 on: November 05, 2017, 08:51:03 AM »
I met him quite briefly at services for Brandon Lee in Beverly Hills.

Several of my buddies at the Inosanto Academy have done fight scenes with him, as did John Machado.  All agree, as does pretty much everyone in Hollywood, particularly the stuntman community,  that he is an asshole, particularly to stuntmen.

There is a thread dedicated to mostly snarky commentary about him on the Martial Arts forum here.


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Another hoax revealed
« Reply #139 on: November 09, 2017, 10:15:15 AM »


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zipper malfunction
« Reply #140 on: November 09, 2017, 01:55:28 PM »
I heard this story once about Sean Connery who did this during an interview (so it was claimed ):


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The New Puritans
« Reply #141 on: November 16, 2017, 11:34:48 AM »
Let's use this thread for the "the apparently neverending saga of men behaving crudely"  (from the Congress thread)

Chrissakes-- hot news flash!

We are told that women can be combat infantry soldiers, Navy SEAls, etc etc but fall in the toilet when the seat is left up are traumatized for decades by crude passes.

We are also told that unlike other human beings, women don't lie, exaggerate, or misremember.

The mass societal cowardice on display speaks volumes.

Prediction:  Some powerful players are at work here preparing to go after President Trump, particularly should the Dems take the House.


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Al Franken, social justice SJW warriors, gender wars
« Reply #142 on: November 16, 2017, 05:54:00 PM »
From the Congressional thread, no one cares about women as victims more than Al Franken (according to the left).  he would never objectify them, grope, set up an unwanted kiss, shove his tongue into her mouth, get pushed back and reprimanded.  Or is that exactly what happened.

Where is our groping thread?
It's funny if the nation's unfunnyist Senator does it?

I was posting this exactly as Rush L opened his show with it just now.

Apology not good enough!

An accomplished broadcaster:

She was there to entertain the troops, not a happily married, raunchy comedian.


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #143 on: November 17, 2017, 03:28:36 AM »
Pence does not look so stupid now for never being alone with a woman other than his wife. 

All of these stories remind me of the Salem witch trials.  Mass social hysteria.  Who will be the progressive's Cotton Mather? 


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« Reply #144 on: November 17, 2017, 11:35:32 AM »
Did anyone else have to look up this term "manspreading"

 Go to wikipedia and there one can find "she bagging"

What kind of garbage is this?

Why can't it be what it is :

a person selfishly hogging two seats?

What the heck does "man" or "she " got to do with it?

Is this also taught at college?


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #146 on: November 27, 2017, 06:15:30 PM »
"  What the heck does "man" or "she " got to do with it?"

Men don't want to crunch their penis and testicles by putting their legs together or crossing their legs the way women do when they don't want men seeing their underwear covered vaginas , , ,  :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I can do just fine without football
« Reply #147 on: November 29, 2017, 04:40:28 PM »
As is Rush , I am done with football.  never cared for college ball but now pro ball is out of my life:


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Re: I can do just fine without football
« Reply #148 on: December 04, 2017, 06:44:19 AM »
As is Rush , I am done with football.  never cared for college ball but now pro ball is out of my life:

Sure, you wait until the Giants are 2-10 and the Vikings are 10-2 with a home game in the Super Bowl to quit watching.  )

My understanding is that the Vikings all stand for the national anthem, America's Team!


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Re: social justice wars , SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood
« Reply #149 on: December 04, 2017, 08:13:15 AM »
Vikings are 12-2??!!!   :-o

What did Fran Tarkenton come out of retirement?  The guy whose best record I think with NYG was something like 7 and 7 and then trades  to Minnesota and proceeds to takes them to the super bowl.   :cry:

I probably WILL watch the super bowl.

.........................As long as they all stand