Author Topic: Michael Yon  (Read 55708 times)


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Michael Yon- Dr. Pete Chambers in Ohio
« Reply #301 on: February 19, 2023, 10:41:16 AM »

"Doc Pete" is an epic American hero. His bio skims over the things her has done. You should:

1. Subscribe to Michael Yon's account to fund his work

2. Pay close attention to what Dr. Chambers is telling you and plan accordingly.


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« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 01:08:20 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #310 on: May 27, 2023, 07:44:07 AM »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #313 on: June 03, 2023, 03:53:30 PM »


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Precursors to genocide
« Reply #324 on: October 29, 2023, 04:25:22 PM »



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You are at War.
OCT 29

Paradigms — if your working paradigm — your holistic view — of a situation is accurate, you should never be surprised and your working paradigm should be far more predictive than flipping a coin. Your predictive abilities should be far ahead of those of “expert analysts,” including most career intelligence and military people. If you are surprised by something, your paradigm must be tweaked or even discarded. If your paradigm is not predictive, it’s useless. Your paradigm must deliver mostly accurate results and be far ahead of most experts.

In my current working paradigm — proving very predictive — the US government is a mostly captured evil-circus. USG has been rebooted to commit demicide, among other things.

Take the death jabs as example. Death jabs clearly were a weapon.

CENTCOM Commander visits camps of displaced people in Syria ...

USA and most of the world is under severe attack by, in part, employment of industrial-scale information war designed to cause mass casualties and to create conditions to seize total control of the remnant. If my working paradigm is accurate, the US government will put the US military in such harm’s way that our military and civilians will suffer massive casualties.

The Beasts in charge may go straight to nukes. If not nukes, war will create cause for military draft. Millions of Americans will just say NO to draft. When Americans oppose draft, USG will have created excuse to draft massive numbers of illegal aliens. Americans will at first be happy to see Haitians and others carrying M-16s to “earn their citizenship defending America”. Until those aliens become death squads going door-to-door.

A war can create the casus belli needed to slaughter Iranians and others, and the draft to replace our military with uneducated people who never used a flush toilet and who will shoot Americans wholesale.

If my working paradigm is accurate, some version of this is likely.

You Are at War.

Panama is being Destabilized
China may soon own it.
OCT 29
Panama is being Destabilized — how many times have I published or said during interviews this was coming? Hundreds?

“COORDINATOR OF LAND CARGO TRANSPORTATION OF PANAMA NOTICE — The cargo transport groups of Panama, aware of the crisis situation in which this sector is immersed, announce to the national government and the entire logistics and supply chain, importers and exporters, that due to personal security conditions and the intermittent roadblocks and closures that prevent the movement of our collaborators and the merchandise, as well as the damages and vandalism suffered by the vehicles; we find it necessary to COMPLETELY HALT all the land cargo transportation services of the country until the safety of all the country's citizens is guaranteed.

It is necessary for the President of the Republic of Panama, given the situation in the country, to listen to the cry of the population and seek all mechanisms and consensus to URGENTLY address and solve the precarious situation of the country. President Cortizo, as Panamanians, we believe that due to this mining contract dispute, the ENTIRE COUNTRY is paying a very high price, so much so that with a concession to A SINGLE COMPANY, through a contract harmful and detrimental to the nation, the WHOLE COUNTRY is spiraling; and as President and leader, he must choose for the good of his people and bring peace to the citizens of this country.

It is IMPORTANT to make it known that if this conflict is not resolved within 2 days, the country will suffer the onslaughts of total shortage and despair of its citizens due to the difficulty of finding food, medicines, medical supplies, gas, fuels, and more. Finally, we want to appeal to the wisdom of the national government and REMIND it of the fundamental role that the land cargo transport sector plays, as it is the vehicle through which the country's trade moves.”


« Last Edit: October 29, 2023, 04:36:15 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #328 on: January 11, 2024, 12:49:47 PM »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #330 on: April 16, 2024, 08:18:40 PM »
This part caught my attention:

"  Orthodox Judaism is opposed to Zionism as not only does it contribute to anti-Semitism, but destroys Orthodox Jewish culture "

So I read up on it a bit:

With regards to Theodor Herzl it is important to get up to speed for me:

Theodor Herzl[a] (2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904)[3] was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, lawyer, writer, playwright and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism.

I must say I was not aware of any of this.   :-o

that said I am a zionist . 

Can one be an anti zionist and not anti semitic ?

In my view and in view of the thousands of years of historical perspective I conclude no, not really.

MY says :

"Saying Judaism and Zionism are the same is like saying Christianity and the Socialist party are the same.

Zionism is not a political and economic system.

It is merely the concept that Jews should live on a stretch of Earth from which they can form a political and an economic system of their choosing.  Unlike, in the past living like nomads in every other country to which they must conform. And after hundreds of years being outcasts, persecuted and disliked.

This is my superficial cursory understanding of it all.


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Michael Yon on the invasion of America
« Reply #331 on: April 19, 2024, 09:44:43 AM »

Haven't watched this yet.

Seems to be clear of his anti-semitism:


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Michael Yon: You will see , , ,
« Reply #334 on: May 09, 2024, 02:46:26 PM »

Europe, “Israel,” Food, Panama, Jabs, More
You Will See


Taipei, Taiwan — area of coming war

Mind-dump, Sans Edit

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Incredible…out of ALL the companies in the world to visit, Masako Ganaha and I travelled to BASF in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Twice we travelled to BASF before Nordstream attack. We asked during our second trip what happens to BASF if Nordstream flow stops. And then BOOM…Nordstream. That was literally like Predicting 9/11 before the attack. Precision prediction far in advance. We knew BASF was on the menu. Likewise with Groningen Gas field in Netherlands. I was there at Groningen before it was shut down warning it would be shut.

I warned about the tuberculosis and screwworms and numerous other key items far in advance. And that Darien Gap would become major invasion route. Darien is now wide open. Nicaragua is also growing as invasion hub. These are accurate, intercontinental sniper shot on a moving target from a moving platform.

“Israel” will be lucky to survive. You will see.

Texas will be lucky to survive. You will see.

Many of these plays are amazingly obvious far in advance. You just have to study and travel to key places with key players seven days per week for years on end.

And there are little things…such as spotting the road being built through Darien Gap. Now it’s big news. I found the new bridge by following new mud tracks at end of PanAm highway in Darien. When I saw the tracks, I followed…and found the new bridge being secretly built. And now everyone knows. You cannot learn these things by reading other people’s reports who are reading other people’s reports. We will go into massive famines. Long flash to bang. They are coming.

The manufactured famines will create massive HOP — Human Osmotic Pressure — pushing hundreds of millions of people into Europe, America, Japan, Australia, and more. Many invaders will use the new road I discovered on a trip alone into Darien. The road is being built through Darien Gap.

@annvandersteel and @ganaha_masako and I took reporters down there from @EpochTimes and also @BretWeinstein and @chrismartenson and @LauraLoomer and @realmuckraker and @rangerholton and @Oscarelblue and more.

And now millions of people realize the bridge is being built and Darien will become massive invasion route to USA — even as Gaza is emptied. Which we predicted immediately after the obvious Gleiwitz attack on 07 October in “Israel.” A person has to be a serious vaxx-denier not to see the 07 October attack was coordinated using Hamas terrorists as useful idiots. Israeli forces and intelligence — allegedly the “best in the world” — did not seriously counterattack for about 8 hours despite startup time for a Blackhawk helicopter is only about 4 minutes. Cold bird to wheels up should be no more than 6 minutes even for a slow crew. They fly about 180 miles per hour. Israel is small. The should have been slinging bullets and smashing Hamas within 20-25 mins. Max. People with significant special operations experience see through this bullshit. Ask a Green Beret or Delta Force operator, or someone who flies special operations birds. They know. They will not bullshit you.

Ann; .Vandersteel and I were literally talking about this in the jungle in Darien Gap on about 08 October. That Gaza would be cleared out and come to the West.

Masako Ganaha saw it clearly. The path through Darien Gap, and other routes, are being fortified and built-up.

Genocides unfold.

And the remainder are barcoded, fungible, monkey-man-slaves for globalists.

Millions of Americans still believe in a “Tooth Fairy”. “If we can just get Tooth Fairy back into office, Tooth Fairy will fix everything!”

Tooth Fairy was not even strong enough to HOLD the ground he already was standing on. The price for stupidity and weakness is infinite. Bloodlines are being extinguished after entire families death-jabbed. You Are At War

H/t @HealthRanger



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Re: Michael Yon's anti-semitism
« Reply #336 on: May 19, 2024, 08:04:38 AM »

Thank you for calling that out.  Gaza isn't a genocide, unless he's talking about what Hamas is doing to its own people, and the Israeli operation in Gaza is not a land grab.

Was there some context to his comment I'm missing?  How do you make any comment on what's happening in Gaza without mentioning Oct 7?


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #337 on: May 19, 2024, 01:54:53 PM »
There have been whiffs of it previously, (that super hot blonde ex 60 Minutes reporter who was running with him a year or so ago) but some post 10/7 comments have left no doubt.

There has also been his association with , , , , wuzhizname, the one with the "Sandy Hook was a hoax" schtick , , ,


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #342 on: June 16, 2024, 06:33:50 AM »
he is taking the side of the Palestinians by saying we should not support Israel.

this is bad foreign policy
it is bad strategy
it could increase risk of nucs being used

and yes he has a vein filled with anti- semitism

yes Jews seem to have a lot of money for politics and influence but it certainly is necessary to support Israel for many other reasons.

here is his wikidedia page
I did not read the whole thing.

interesting how it says he grew up himself made home made bombs for a hobby and was picked on as a child etc.


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #343 on: June 16, 2024, 07:46:12 AM »
I did read the whole thing and given what a difficult subject he is to write about on the whole I thought the effort rather sincere, though not current with his recent turn to heavy anti-semitism (though it has been lurking for a while-- witness his support of Lara Logan's comments of certain odor- working from memory here)


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Coming soon!
« Reply #344 on: June 24, 2024, 04:33:08 PM »


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Yemeni Jewish history Wikipedia
« Reply #346 on: June 27, 2024, 07:04:24 AM »

goes back to over 100 BC.

they had thrived it appears in the early days pre Muslim but of course once the Mohammeds took over they were deprived.

It does point out that they were making their living in agriculture once in Israel where they moved for better conditions rather then live poor in Yemen under Muslim rule.

I don't like the term "colonialism" being used for Jewish resettlements in Israel.
I find that insulting. 

Does this guy MY ever post anything good about Jews or negative about Palestinians?
I don't follow him except here.

That said I am not adverse to this piece if it is true and sounds like it probably is.
What I am not clear is how many children were kidnapped.

History in all its' truths should be told.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 07:21:23 AM by ccp »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #347 on: June 27, 2024, 01:27:32 PM »
I could not stomach some of the , , , unhistorical libels at the beginning of the clip and so moved on. 


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Re: Michael Yon: Panama, Replicons
« Reply #349 on: July 01, 2024, 08:38:58 AM »

What do we do with Michael Yon now?

Whatever you think of the coronavirus vaccine effort, the original intent was to save the world, not poison the world.  Who said give it to 6 month olds?  I don't know but don't we know now that these injections should be given only to the vulnerable and only to people who choose it - after seeing all the best information available?

Applying Thomas Sowell quote today to covid vaccine:
“There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.”

The covid vaccine reduced the severity of covid infections for the vulnerable and saved lives.  How many, I don't know.  The vaccine I believe caused blood clots and other side effects and killed people.  How many, I don't know.  The whole thing exposed a misinformation, disinformation complex in our country.  Michael Yon in my opinion is putting gasoline on that fire, not adding any enlightenment.

Yon's first reason for dumping Trump, he's a Zionist, like Biden. 

I'm not Jewish but aren't I a Zionist?  I believe in Israel's right to exist.  Like Trump in that regard.  Like America.  So as I like to put it, it's not that I'm for 'canceling' Michael Yon.  He has canceled me.

What does this tell us about the rest of his reporting?  I'm sure lots of it is true and accurate but the credibility is gone.

He lost me when he declared Texas Gov Abbott the enemy regarding the border.  If you strongly support securing the border and Republicans who are trying to do that are your enemy, you've got a lot to learn about American politics.