Author Topic: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, Durham, Mar a Lago, Spermy Daniels etc  (Read 252438 times)


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #950 on: March 06, 2019, 03:31:45 PM »
What a mess.  Nobody recaps it like VDH but it is still too convoluted to be repeated or understood.  I took the time to learn all the players and events of Whitewater and gained nothing from it.  People confuse impeachment with removal.  Impeach is a word; remove from office is an act but still only makes the VP of the same party President.  The crooks came out ahead politically in Clinton's time when the other side was painted as over-reaching.  A rapist convinced the opinion polls that the special counsel was obsessed with sex.  Reminds me of a joke...

Now we have sinister and partisan 'intelligence' figures, guilty, discredited, fired, that nobody can keep track of, facing no consequence.  Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Stzruk, Lisa Page, Brennan, Clapper and so on.  Two have wives that were involved.  Two were sleeping with each other.  At least one admitted they had a plan to stop Trump, not joking.  Mueller is supposed to be the good guy but built his team with filth.  Rosenstein wrote the memo to fire Comey then was aghast to learn Comey was fired.  Comey, Yates, McCabe and Rosenstein all knowingly signed misleading FISA applications, a HUGE abuse of power.  A host of Obama officials were in this up to their necks, Samantha Power for example and whoever was pulling her marionette strings.  The Washington Post, NY Times, CNN and the bit players of media were involved.  Trump asked the Russians publicly to release the emails if they have them.  People who don't recognize an obvious joke are considered on the spectrum; I guess that includes all of deep state Washington.  Trump has his own bit players with their own misdeeds, Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Carter Page, Stone.  HRC was involved.  McCain played the role of stooge.  Does somebody want to tie this all together in a campaign bumper sticker?

Mueller will report no collusion we think.  The House will investigate Trump's financial dealings.  On Face the Nation, Adam Schiff said "Trump Tower Moscow" at least four times, a "deal" where no money changed hands, which means he has nothing more, yet.  They want to get Trump's family, especially the son in law.  Great idea, target the Jew, for what, right while they rebuke anti-semitism.  Trump says he will cooperate with congressional investigations which means he will not.  Precedent comes from Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Obama and Hillary trickling out the most innocent of her emails.  They either gave zero cooperation to committees or lied, and faced no consequence either way.  Don't forget about two sets of rules.  The courts will get involved.  Hopefully the Senate committees and DOJ will look at how this farce got started and what went wrong. 

While they compete to expose the other side, somebody will be eventually seen as over-reaching.  "What about the business of the people?"  The President has the advantage there; he will hopefully be focused on advancing his agenda while the House is blocking it even if his motive is to distract them.  Meanwhile the campaign and the candidates with their own scandals, eating salad with a comb, and the time limits of Congress.  Hard to do endless investigations and Hollywood fundraisers at the same time.

Each voter will see this all only from the side they started on.

For the hundredth time in a row this election will be 'the biggest one of our lifetime'.  Either party could win all three "branches" or more likely we end up with some other combination of divided government.

Meanwhile the issues, the deficit.  Wait, LOOK!  There's a shiny object, over there --->
« Last Edit: March 07, 2019, 04:52:50 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #951 on: March 06, 2019, 05:05:31 PM »
Good analysis Doug.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #952 on: March 06, 2019, 05:10:15 PM »
"In their arrogance, they assumed that their noble professions of higher loyalties and duties gave them exemption to do what they deemed necessary and patriotic. "

Not sure but this seems to me could apply to James Baker who has been immersed in the swamp for decades.
He is likely friends with all the deep state guys.


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JW gets judicial order against recalcitrant FBI
« Reply #955 on: March 16, 2019, 12:56:16 PM »


Judicial Watch's Weekly Update: Court Victory Against Deep State FBI


Judge Declares FBI’s Search for Peter Strzok Records Inadequate
A petulant child or employee will perform a task halfway and wait to see if he can get away with it. Such seems to be the strategy of the entire Deep State bureaucracy.
The FBI is particularly good at this, and we are particularly good at calling them on it. Luckily for the American people we have judges who respect the Freedom of Information Act.
A case in point: U.S. District Court Judge Christopher R. Cooper for the District of Columbia has agreed with that the FBI did not adequately search for records related to the removal and reassignment of Peter Strzok from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team. He was a former deputy to the assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI.
In granting our request, Judge Cooper ordered the FBI to further search their records.  (The original, deficient search had only returned 14 pages.)

The order comes in the December 2017 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit we filed after the DOJ failed to respond to and August 17, 2017, request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Federal Bureau of Investigation (No. 1:17-cv-02682)). Judicial Watch seeks:
•   All records regarding the assignment of FBI Supervisor Peter Strzok to the special counsel’s investigation led by former Director Robert Mueller.
•   All records related to the reassignment of FBI Supervisor Peter Strzok from the special counsel’s investigation to another position within the FBI.
•   All SF-50 and/or SF-52 employment forms, as well as all related records of communication between any official, employee, or representative of the FBI and any other individual or entity.
On July 31, 2018, we released the first 14 pages of FBI documents produced in this FOIA lawsuit, showing that Strzok insisted on retaining his FBI security clearance before moving to the Mueller team and confirmed that Strzok played a pivotal role in the flawed Hillary Clinton email investigation.
In his decision, Judge Cooper called the FBI’s search “overly cramped:”
Notwithstanding that Judicial Watch’s request referred to Mueller by name … the Bureau searched only for the term “special counsel.” But surely one would expect that Agent Strzok and other FBI personnel might use the Special Counsel’s name — “Mueller” — rather than his title when discussing Strzok’s assignment to the Russia investigation, especially in informal emails. Another logical variation on “special counsel” is its commonly used acronym “SCO,” which appears to be used within the Special Counsel’s Office itself, as reflected by documents that the FBI uncovered and produced to Judicial Watch.
The ruling also stated that the FBI did not adequately respond to our FOIA lawsuit because it limited its search to only Strzok’s email account.

Judge Cooper ordered that the FBI must conduct a new search that includes “the email accounts of any of Agent Strzok’s superiors or other Bureau officials who were involved in the decision to assign him to the Special Counsel’s Office or the decision to reassign him to the FBI’s Human Resources Division after his removal from the Mueller investigation.”

The FBI must also expand its search to other forms of communication in addition to email. Given Strzok’s well-known use of text messaging, “it strikes the Court as reasonably likely that he discussed his assignment to the Special Counsel’s Office in text messages—which again is the standard for assessing an agency’s selection of search locations.”

Strzok was reportedly removed from the Mueller investigative team in August 2017 and reassigned to a human resources position after it was discovered that he and then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page exchanged text messages during the Clinton investigation and 2016 election season that raised serious questions about his anti-Trump/pro-Clinton bias. They were also engaged in an extramarital affair. Strzok infamously texted “there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.”

Strzok reportedly oversaw the FBI’s interviews of former National Security Adviser, General Michael Flynn; changed former FBI Director James Comey’s language about Hillary Clinton’s actions regarding her illicit email server from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless;” played a lead role in the FBI’s interview of Clinton and is suspected of being responsible for using the unverified dossier to obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on President Trump’s campaign.

The Court rightly slammed the FBI for its gamesmanship in searching for records about one of the most notorious FBI agents of all time – Peter Strzok. The FBI leadership is in cover-up mode on its abuses targeting President Trump, and we’re pleased a federal court pushed back on this stonewall.
Judicial Watch Sues for Key Anti-Trump Coup Doc
Perhaps you remember the 1964 film “Seven Days in May,” in which a Deep State cabal plotted a takeover of the government. Burt Lancaster starred, and Rod Serling, appropriately, wrote script.
Now we’re living through a real life “Eight Days in May” featuring Rod Rosenstein, the disgraced former FBI official Andrew McCabe and a slew of characters conniving to bring down a real life President.
In the latest scene we are suing the Department of Justice for the communications of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein between May 8 and May 17, 2017.
We filed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit after the DOJ failed to respond to a September 21, 2018, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00481)). We are seeking:
Any and all e-mails, text messages, or other records of communication addressed to or received by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein between May 8, 2017, and May 22, 2017.
This time period is critical. On May 8, 2017, Rosenstein wrote a memo to President Trump recommending that FBI Director James Comey be fired. The next day, President Trump fired Comey. On May 17 Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
Between May 8 and May 17, Rosenstein met with then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and other senior Justice Department FBI officials and discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump and whether Rosenstein and others should wear a wire to secretly record conversations with the President.
We previously filed a FOIA lawsuit seeking the communications of former FBI Deputy Director McCabe, the Office of the Attorney General Jeff Sessions, or the Office of Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein discussing the 25th Amendment or presidential fitness. Additionally, that lawsuit seeks all recordings made by any official in the Office of the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General of meetings in the Executive Office of the President or Vice President.
These critical days in May, a scant three months into President Trump’s term, included extraordinary targeting of President Trump by Rod Rosenstein and other Deep State officials at the DOJ and FBI. Our focused FOIA lawsuit aims to uncover exactly what Mr. Rosenstein’s role was in any discussions to overthrow President Trump.
I don’t have much use for Hollywood, but sometimes it ominously foreshadows reality.
Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Congressman Adam Schiff
The plot deep within the Justice Department to bring down President Trump is but one of three legs: The DOJ/FBI maneuver has been given covering fire all along by the media, and it has been buttressed by members of the Congress, whose unhinged behavior has seriously eroded that institution’s credibility.
No one has been more eager to get in front of the cameras and spout knowingly false conspiratorcy theories than Adam Schiff, the California Democrat who is, remarkably, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
We have now filed an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics about Rep. Schiff’s controversial communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses: Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer.
We are asking that Rep. Schiff be investigated in connection with recent revelations that he met with Simpson in Aspen, Colorado, in July 2018 and that he and his staff coordinated with Michael Cohen on Cohen’s recent testimony to congressional committees. Cohen’s testimony is alleged to be false in several important respects.
You will recall that we filed an ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules but the Committee has yet to take any public action on the complaint.
Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations. It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.
In our complaint we elaborate on our concerns:
Dear Chairman Skaggs,
Judicial Watch is a non-profit, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government and fidelity to the rule of law. We regularly monitor congressional ethics issues as part of our anti-corruption mission.
This letter serves as our official complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) concerning the activities of Rep. Adam Schiff. Rep. Schiff appears to have violated House Code of Official Conduct, Rule 23, clauses 1 and 2, by inappropriately communicating with witnesses. Clauses 1 and 2 provide:
1. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.
2. A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall adhere to the spirit and the letter of the Rules of the House and to the rules of duly constituted committees thereof.
Rep. Adam Schiff attended the Aspen Security Forum conference in July 2018, which was also attended by Glenn Simpson, the founder of the firm Fusion GPS. Press reports have detailed evidence of a meeting and discussion between Rep. Schiff and Glenn Simpson at the July 2018 Aspen Security Forum. As noted in The Hill newspaper:
At the time of the encounter, Simpson was an important witness in the House Intelligence Committee probe who had given sworn testimony about alleged, but still unproven, collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Fusion GPS is the political opposition research firm involved in procuring “unverified” information claiming the Trump presidential campaign had “colluded” with Russia, among other things. That Fusion GPS-supplied information was the basis upon which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) obtained Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) surveillance warrants against Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page.
Mr. Simpson’s leadership of Fusion GPS and his centrality to events resulted in his having to testify before congressional committees or their staffs. Specifically, Mr. Simpson testified before the House Intelligence Committee, of which Rep. Schiff was the ranking Democratic member, on October 16, 2018 – approximately three (3) months after the Aspen Security Forum.
We note that following revelations in 2017 that Rep. Devin Nunes had informed President Trump that U.S. intelligence agencies had been engaging in “incidental collection” of his campaign’s communications, Rep. Schiff demanded that Rep. Nunes, then Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, recuse himself from any investigations involving alleged Trump collusion with Russia. Indeed, Rep. Schiff wrote the following on twitter:
This is not a recommendation I make lightly … But in much the same way that the attorney general [Jeff Sessions] was forced to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after failing to inform the Senate of his meetings with Russian officials, I believe the public cannot have the necessary confidence that matters involving the president’s campaign or transition team can be objectively investigated or overseen by the chairman.
Then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi concurred with Rep. Schiff’s call for Mr. Nunes to recuse himself.
The July 2018 contacts between Rep. Schiff and Mr. Simpson create, at a minimum, the appearance of impropriety. As a result of Rep. Schiff’s previously undisclosed, private discussions with Mr. Simpson, the public’s confidence in Mr. Schiff’s ability to objectively and impartially carry out his duties as Committee Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has been gravely damaged.
Further, Rep. Schiff’s contacts with Mr. Michael Cohen should also be scrutinized in the same light as the Simpson contacts. Journalists have reported:
President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen told House investigators this week that staff for Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., traveled to New York at least four times to meet with him for over 10 hours immediately before last month’s high-profile public testimony, according to two sources familiar with the matter – as Republicans question whether the meetings amounted to coaching a witness.
The sources said the sessions covered a slew of topics addressed during the public hearing before the oversight committee – including the National Enquirer ‘s “Catch and Kill” policy, American Media CEO David Pecker and the alleged undervaluing of President Trump’s assets.
Again, Rep. Schiff’ s conduct creates the appearance of unethical collusion and synchronization of efforts that calls into question whether Cohen’s testimony was a legitimate congressional hearing or well-rehearsed political theatre.
During Mr. Cohen’s congressional testimony, he was questioned by Rep. Mike Turner concerning the number, nature and subject of his [Cohen’s] contacts with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Rep Jim Jordan pressed Cohen on the subject in subsequent questioning. Cohen hesitantly acknowledged that he had spoken with Schiff “about topics that were going to be raised at the upcoming hearing.”
A pattern of conduct on the part of Rep. Schiff in these matters would exponentially increase the gravity of the prejudice and harm to the public’s confidence in the institution of the House of Representatives.
Rep. Schiff’s conduct and contacts with witnesses must be treated with the same gravity that Reps. Schiff and Pelosi accorded Rep. Nunes’s actions. Rep. Nunes recused himself for a time from certain oversight responsibilities with respect to the Russia-Trump investigations.
In the least, Rep. Schiff and his staff communications with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen, undermine the “credibility of the House” and its committee proceedings, especially given Mr. Cohen’s subsequent alleged false testimony.
We call upon the OCE to investigate Rep. Schiff and his previously undisclosed, inappropriate contact with key witnesses in congressional investigation over which that Member holds significant sway.
Thank you for your attention.
The ethics process in the House is a mess so I don’t expect something quickly to happen, but it is important that we put the House on official notice so no politician there has an excuse to let Adam Schiff 'suntoward behavior slide.
Clinton Email Scandal Witness Testimony Begins
In January U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered senior Obama Administration officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap – to respond under oath to our questions regarding Benghazi and the Clinton email scandal.
We now have a schedule for the depositions.
This court-ordered discovery comes in our July 2014 FOIA lawsuit filed after the U.S. Department of State failed to respond to a May 13, 2014 FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)). Judicial Watch seeks:
Copies of any updates and/or talking points given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency concerning, regarding, or related to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Any and all records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency.
Remember that this lawsuit led directly to the disclosure of the Clinton email system in 2015.
Our discovery will seek answers to: 
•   Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;
•   whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and
•   whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.
The confirmed discovery schedule now includes:
March 12: State Department’s responses to interrogatories and document requests were due.
March 14: Deposition of Justin Cooper, a former aide to Bill Clinton who reportedly had no security clearance and is believed to have played a key role in setting up Hillary Clinton’s non-government email system.
April 5: Deposition of John Hackett, a State Department records official “immediately responsible for responding to requests for records under the Freedom of Information Act.”
April 16: Deposition of Jacob “Jake” Sullivan, Hillary Clinton’s former senior advisor and deputy chief of staff.
April 23: Deposition of Sheryl Walter, former State Department Director of the Office of Information Programs and Services/Global Information Services.
April 26: Deposition of Gene Smilansky, a State Department lawyer.
April 30. Deposition of Monica Tillery, a State Department official.
May 7: Deposition of Jonathon Wasser, who was a management analyst on the Executive Secretariat staff. Wasser worked for Deputy Director Clarence Finney and was the State Department employee who actually conducted the searches for records in response to FOIA requests to the Office of the Secretary.
May 14: Deposition of Clarence Finney, the deputy director of the Executive Secretariat staff who was the principal advisor and records management expert in the Office of the Secretary responsible for control of all correspondence and records for Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials.
June 11: 30(b)(6) Deposition, which will be designated by the State Department.
June 13: Deposition of Heather Samuelson, the former State Department senior advisor who helped facilitate the State Department’s receipt and release of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
As yet to be determined is the deposition date for Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Eric Boswell, who wrote a March 2, 2009, internal memorandum titled “Use of Blackberries on Mahogany Row,” in which he strongly advised that the devices not be allowed.
Written questions under oath are to be answered by:
Monica Hanley, Hillary Clinton’s former confidential assistant at the State Department.
Lauren Jiloty, Clinton’s former special assistant.
E.W. Priestap, is serving as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and helped oversee both the Clinton email and the 2016 presidential campaign investigations. Priestap testified in a separate lawsuit that Clinton was the subject of a grand jury investigation related to her BlackBerry email accounts.
Susan Rice, President Obama’s former UN ambassador who appeared on Sunday television news shows following the Benghazi attacks, blaming a “hateful video.” Rice was also Obama’s national security advisor involved in the “unmasking” the identities of senior Trump officials caught up in the surveillance of foreign targets.
Ben Rhodes, an Obama-era White House deputy strategic communications adviser who attempted to orchestrate a campaign to “reinforce” Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy.”
We’re doing the heavy lifting in the Clinton email scandal, even as Congress dropped the ball and DOJ and State continued to obstruct our quest for the truth. The Court in our case wants real answers on the Clinton email scandal, which is why our request for basic discovery was granted.
Judicial Watch is #1 on FOIA!
Since 2001 we have led all nonprofit organizations in filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, according to figures released late last year by The FOIA Project of Syracuse University.
We are announcing this in honor of “Sunshine Week,” March 10-16, which is an “annual nationwide celebration of access to public information.”
According to the’s most recent study, we were again No. 1 on the top ten list of most frequent Nonprofit/Advocacy Groups (Jan 21, 2001-July 2018) challenging federal government withholding in court and for the Bush, Obama and Trump administrations.
Overall Top 10 FOIA Filers (Jan 21, 2001 – July 2018)
Rank         Plaintiff in FOIA Suit   Number Filed
1.           Judicial Watch   391
2.           American Civil Liberties Union   130
3.           Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility   94
4.           Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington     88
5.           Electronic Privacy Information Center   74
6.           Natural Resources Defense Council   59
7.           Center for Biological Diversity   47
8.           Cause of Action Institute   44
9.           American Oversight   43
10.           Electronic Frontier Foundation   43

The FOIA Project “aims to: (1) create a shaming mechanism by which agencies and officials who ignore the law are held accountable, and (2) arm the public with the full record of FOIA efforts that have and haven’t worked, so anyone can more effectively surmount frequently used roadblocks to public access.”
We use the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to uncover misconduct by government officials and hold to account those who engage in corrupt activities. When agencies balk at releasing information that is of value to the public, we sue.
The Freedom of Information Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1966 to improve public access to government records. The FOIA Project says there is wide agreement that the FOIA’s administrative process has many flaws, with federal agencies frequently resisting its mandates by either refusing to provide properly requested records or ignoring the requirements that the documents be made available within specified time periods.
The most-sued agency is the Department of Justice, which has been the defendant in 2,312 FOIA suits since 2001. Within the DOJ, the FBI has been the most sued division with 712 suits. We frequently clash with the DOJ and FBI in court, often in cases involving IRS malfeasance, the Clinton email scandal, and the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation. Judicial Watch currently is pursuing 40 lawsuits against the DOJ.
We are the most important transparency watchdog organization in the country. For 25 years, we’ve led the way in holding the government to account as both the media and Congress have gone AWOL. Most of what we know about government corruption – from Clinton emails to Deep State abuses – are as a result of our historic FOIA lawsuits.
We couldn’t have done this without the loyalty of our many supporters. Thank you.
Until next week,


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #956 on: March 23, 2019, 07:28:01 AM »
Now that Mueller has ended his work and filed no more indictments, it is clear that the investigation was primarily an attempt to cover up and divert attention from the massive abuses of federal espionage powers for political purposes by many high-up officials in the Obama administration.  They took the Steele dossier and transformed it from political opposition research into a classic disinformation campaign.  This has/had all the hallmarks of being run by intelligence operatives in the various agencies that conduct those kinds of things.

The Mueller investigation and Russia collusion hoax was also a classic Chicago-style political power game.  Instead of using a ward boss or a city government department head to cut off a political opponent's electricity or water, the operatives abused the national intelligence powers to do the same thing to their political opponents.  Always remember that Obama himself, although claiming to be a community organizer, was really just another Chicago machine politician.  Never forget that Michelle Obama is the daughter of a city water department employee who was also a Chicago democrat machine precinct captain.

Finally, this investigation was the last best hope for those people who fancy themselves as clear-headed thinkers to rationalize their purely emotional response to Trump as a person and the fact that he won the Republican nomination and won the 2016 election. 


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Rick , let me pick you brain
« Reply #957 on: March 23, 2019, 09:43:54 AM »
"Now that Mueller has ended his work and filed no more indictments, it is clear that the investigation was primarily an attempt to cover up and divert attention from the massive abuses of federal espionage powers for political purposes by many high-up officials in the Obama administration.  They took the Steele dossier and transformed it from political opposition research into a classic disinformation campaign.  This has/had all the hallmarks of being run by intelligence operatives in the various agencies that conduct those kinds of things."

So Rick , do you think that now the Mueller is FINALLY finished his end (though we have endless politically driven investigations form Congress and may somewhat more justified criminal investigations fro SDNY) DO YOU THINK BARR WILL START INVESTIGATING THE DEEP STATE?

ND DO YOU THINK TRUMP WOULD HAVE IT?  as i posted in another thread we keep seeing how the beloved Jared and Ivanka are using personal , not government communication devices or modes to conduct government business. 
So now trying to go after DEEP STATERS and up to Clinton and Obama might just be finding just as many worms as finding treasure.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #958 on: March 23, 2019, 10:34:13 AM »
Glad to see that your busy life gives you a moment to be with us once again Rick.  You are always quite welcome here.

At the moment things are looking good for our the President, but I am going to hold off celebrating until AG Barr comes out with his summary.

IF IF IF the absence of indictments means what we hope/think it means, then it would appear the political-legal foundation for a serious investigation with an eye to prosecution is in place.

We shall see.  My read of AG Barr is that he is a very serious lawyer but very much of Bush Patrician Brahmin temperament , , ,

Here is Pravda on the Hudson's take on him:
« Last Edit: March 23, 2019, 10:37:21 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #959 on: March 24, 2019, 06:50:50 AM »
"...I am going to hold off celebrating until AG Barr comes out with his summary."

Likewise.  Russian collusion looks dead but none of us would want our worst enemies to have full subpoena power to investigate us for years.  It seems that Trump has been trying to warn us of something coming, a development if not a bombshell.  He points to the economy and his accomplishments as reasons to not impeach.  But those are not reasons to not impeach.  The Barr summary will include some (new?) negative information on the President that supporters and detractors will have to deal with.

On the other side of it, how does he not report on the FBI, DOJ, HRC and Obama administration side of the scandal?  We will see.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #961 on: March 24, 2019, 04:08:53 PM »
Barr's summary states two important things about Mueller.

1.  Mueller found no evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with any Russian attempts to destabilize the 2016 election.

2.  Mueller punted his discretion to Barr on the obstruction of justice issue by laying out the facts and arguments in favor and against an obstruction charge in an objective manner without expressing an opinion on the ultimate issue.

Barr's summary states one important thing about the obstruction issue.

1.  Barr found that the Mueller report identified "no act" committed by Trump that constituted "obstructive conduct."

So Mueller completely exonerated Trump's campaign on the Russian collusion hoax.  And Barr completely exonerated Trump on the obstruction of justice argument.

Of course, by punting the decision on obstruction to Barr, Mueller avoids the political heat from a complete exoneration.  And he gives the deep state Democrats and their allies an argument that Barr's decision on obstruction is tainted by his political appointment by Trump to the AG position.  Barr deflected that argument a little by writing in the summary that both he and Rosenstein concluded that the Mueller report identified no act that would constitute obstructive conduct.


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Re: Dershowitz on Tucker Carlson: Where's the crime?
« Reply #962 on: March 24, 2019, 07:04:23 PM »
How come it's OK for Obama to fire Flynn for not being loyal to Obama's policies; but it is not OK for Trump to fire Comey for refusing to say that he will be loyal to Trump's policies?

The FBI works for the President.  It is not an autonomous directorate.  Or do some want another Hooveristic bureau if it acts that way to further their political goals?


There is a different standard between Obama presidential powers and Trump's presidential powers because "Orange Man BAD"!

The FBI today has gone beyond the worst abuses under J. Edgar. At this point, it needs to be dissolved.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #963 on: March 24, 2019, 07:19:38 PM »
That was very helpful Rick, thank you!


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #964 on: March 25, 2019, 05:57:47 AM »
Strange that this investigation went on for two years, almost three with the part before Mueller, for nothing.

Besides prosecution of certain investigators and false FISA applications, unmasking etc., the taxpayers deserve a refund for the cost of it.

We deserve the House back too.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #966 on: March 25, 2019, 08:51:13 AM »
There certainly is more to do

***Especially*** since the LEFT has near  85 investigation of Trump et.,  most  just getting started for God Sakes!

DOJ needs to look into this
as well as Clintons and Podesta and Craig Comey , McCabe, Lynn Rice and the rest of them.


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« Reply #967 on: March 25, 2019, 10:24:41 AM »

Really like this LG 2.0 !


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Trump Russia Collusion Treason Was All Just Another Elite Lie
« Reply #968 on: March 25, 2019, 10:48:23 AM »

Trump Russia Collusion Treason Was All Just Another Elite Lie

Kurt Schlichter |Posted: Mar 25, 2019 12:01 AM

The Mueller report dropped and the liberal elite experienced the kind of intense, agonizing disappointment usually reserved for a Fredocon’s bride on her wedding night.

It’s important to remember exactly what nonsense the elite liars were trying to stuff down our throats, because in the aftermath of their humiliation they are busy trying to hide it via their goalpost-shifting three card monte act. Behold their original assertion:

Donald Trump was a willing agent of Vladimir Putin actively acting in concert with Russia to betray the United States and steal the election!

Wow. Those of us who are neither shameless liars nor blithering idiots – or, such as my congressjerk Ted Lieu, both – never bought into this transparently ridiculous notion. But the Democrats, their slobbering media suck-ups, and their conservagimp submissives did, or at least pretended to. Why? Because the dumpster fire ruling class they represent was outraged that we, the People, rejected its divine right to govern us when we chose a brash, pugnacious outsider over their designated monarch to-be, Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit.

This sham investigation was not anything like the administration of justice. It was part of, as people say but we’ve stopped being shocked when we hear it, a soft coup. It was a deliberate attempt by the powerful to use the levers of government to eliminate a threat to the ruling class’s hold on political power by manufacturing a false narrative with the active assistance of those in government and media whose whole job is to prevent these sorts of fascist shenanigans.

The damage to our country is hard to calculate right now. It will take a while to fully appreciate how this betrayal by our alleged betters has undermined the foundations of our Republic. But the signs are ominous. Normal people, those of us who build, feed, fuel and defend this country, have been awakened to the utterly incompetent and thoroughly venal nature of what Instapundit Glenn Reynolds correctly identifies as the U.S. franchise of a useless trans-national elite that prioritizes its own power and perks over the welfare of those is purportedly serves.

We’re woke now. We see that the people we’ve been electing – the people they allow us to elect – are really all the same. Only the labels are different, but the objective – their own money and influence – is identical. Except for Trump, who neither respects the elite nor plays by its shabby rules. And that’s why they threw away any pretens of honesty, integrity or respect for the rule of law to drive him out of the Oval Office they covet.

Let’s briefly touch on all the lives ruined on the way to this flaccid finale, especially the people swopped up in the search for a crime, any crime, in the neighborhood of the Bad Orange Man. How many people naïvely thought, “Gee, I’ll go serve in government for a while” and found themselves saddled with six figures in legal bills and their reputations ruined by the media’s breathless lies?

And what collusion crimes did Mueller uncover? None. This was such nonsense that his pack of Democrats couldn’t even manage to frame anyone near Trump for Russia stuff. But they had their man so they found some crimes, or what are more or less crimes, among his associates. Manafort was dirty long before Trump morphed from punchline to president, but does anyone imagine he would have been jammed up if had not dared cavort with the unapproved POTUS? In fact, the feds had looked at Manafort before all this and given him a pass. Yet now he’s doing hard time while his Democrat partners are uncharged and free as birds, enjoying their plunder. Is that justice?

General Mike Flynn got arm-twisted into pleading to lying even though the FBI agents who talked to him said he wasn’t lying while the Three Stooges Brennan, Clapper and Comey lied their lizard hearts out to Congress and … nothing. What about Felonia? Everyone knows that anyone of us doing a tenth of what that Looming Doofus Comey said she did right before he gave her a pass would still be making large rocks into small ones. Oh, and now Americans can rest easy knowing that our government is ready to face the menace of a PJ-clad Roger Stone with its SWAT teams.

Congrats. This whole fiasco has convinced Americans that there are two sets of rules in America, one for the elite and one for us, and that the justice system is just a scam designed to help the elite hold onto power by punishing those who would challenge its rule. That’s poison to a free country, which is probably okay with our scuzzy elite since it does not actually want a free country. It wants a happy-face dictatorship, and it wants to do the dictating.

So, what next? What do we do?

Mr. President, pardon the people who are collateral damage to this witch hunt. Pardon General Flynn and Roger Stone and George Papaplatypus. Manafort? Communte his sentence to one consistent with the sentences given others of the elite guilty of similar crimes – which effectively means commute his sentence to nothing. There cannot be two sets of rules. They must apply equally to everyone or no one.

Next, order Attorney General Barr to clean house at the DoJ. Fire anyone associated with any of these antics. Then direct an investigation of the investigations – another special prosecutor, this one not bestest buddies with the guys he’s investigating. If we want the rule of law, we need to enforce the law and do it without the elite shoving manifest conflicts of interest in our faces.

Next, order Barr to sue the state of New York to enjoin the threats by its ridiculous AG of bogus investigations not based on actual crimes but on purely vindictive politics. We cannot have a system where an out-of-control leftist prosecutor in some moral backwater like New York City can prevent the elected POTUS from doing his job by tying him down with endless, aimless fishing expedtions without any probable cause of a crime.

Do not cooperate with the House’s promised Russiagate re-do. No more patty cake with these creeps. The proper response to Mueller 2: Electric Boogaloo is “No” – as in no documents, no cooperation, no nothing. And if someone gets called to testify, repeat after me: “This proceeding is a sham and a kangaroo court and I refuse to be part of it. I assert my right under the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution to remain silent, and you can all go to hell.”

And as for the rest of us, we need to embrace two other amendments. We need to exercise our First Amendment rights to speak out and organize to prevent these aspiring fascists from returning to power unopposed. We need to be militant and loud in defense of our liberty. 2020 is coming; start now if you like being free.

And if this attempted coup, with our elite running roughshod over the rule of law and using the force of the government to oppress political opponents, has taught us anything, it is the wisdom of the Founders in enshrining the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights. It is absolutely essential that we, the American citizenry, remain armed and ready to protect ourselves, our families, our communities and our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Our elite has demonstrated beyond any doubt that it is morally unworthy of retaining a monopoly on armed force within our society. Do you have any doubt about what these people would do if we foolishly allowed ourselves to be disarmed? Just look at Britain, where the people bought into the lie that being civilized means being defenseless. They now get arrested for mean tweets and their masters are poised to ignore the people’s vote on the Brexit referendum. Buy guns and ammunition and train with them. Be a citizen, not a subject.

The Mueller report marks the proverbial end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end, of this grave crisis. It’s a crisis where our Republic is in danger of becoming something very different, and something very much less free. Eliminating the Electoral College, letting in millions of illegal aliens, packing SCOTUS, banning guns – these are all leftist policies designed with one singular purpose, to dispossess you of the power to participate in your own governance and to ensure that we can never again elect someone like Trump who might challenge the elite’s stranglehold on control. We won this battle, but there is a long campaign ahead. Get ready, because if we let up then we will lose our liberty forever.

The Trump Russia Treason!!! lie reinforces the essential message of my novels People’s Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire, about an America split apart into red and blue nations and at each other’s throats. Recently hailed by formerly-prominent cruise-shilling Conservative, Inc. grifters as “appalling,” these action-packed and hilarious tomes must be onto something because all the liberal collaborators and pudgy conservaquislings you despise are demanding that you not be allowed to read them. So check ‘em out!


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Shifty Schiff the Pencil Necked shafted by prank call
« Reply #970 on: March 28, 2019, 03:05:14 PM »


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Re: Rush: FBI tried planting Russia linked informant
« Reply #974 on: April 01, 2019, 06:59:11 AM »

Strange times that we live in when a radio commentator with no security clearance gives us more accurate information than the msm NYT Washington Post CNN etc.

Similar story of how this started: FBI agent told Papadopolous the Russians had incriminating information about Hillary Clinton, including emails.  Papadopoulos then mentioned to an Australian diplomat who reports back and the FBI began to take a look - at their own planted information.

When you get to court with all the information, they call it entrapment, but this President was on political trial, in the press.  The FBI plants stories, plants evidence, plants sources, the media reports, the FBI uses the media reports as a second source to get more warrants, the media reports on the investigation on the information the investigators planted, the media polls on how many believe collusion occurred and how many think he should be impeached.

Now they are busted and we will see where this investigation leads.  In the case of the Obama administration, did the fish stink from the head?  If not Obama, this plan was hatched by whoever really ran that administration.  Who ordered the 200 unmasks requested by UN ambassador Susan Rice?  Susan Rice was the brain trust?  I don't think so, but she should do jail time whether she gives up the names or not.  How much more vulnerable will we be to real terrorists now that our intelligence agencies cannot be trusted to follow the rules on bulk data?


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #975 on: April 01, 2019, 11:15:38 AM »
I suspect the counter argument will be that there was good reason to suspect Trump and given the potential risks to our country of having a compromised president, certain measures were necessary blah blah.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #976 on: April 01, 2019, 02:44:18 PM »
I suspect the counter argument will be that there was good reason to suspect Trump and given the potential risks to our country of having a compromised president, certain measures were necessary blah blah.

The same people who were totally cool with Obama's connections to various nefarious characters and pallets of cash to the biggest terror nation on the planet.


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Russian hoax, Comey FBI Probe, Washington Times, Where's John Huber
« Reply #977 on: April 02, 2019, 06:44:24 PM »
John Huber leaves Congress in dark on FBI probe: 'It's like Where's Waldo?'

By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Monday, April 1, 2019
Attorney General Jeff Sessions thought he had already answered calls for a special counsel to look into the FBI’s handling of sensitive political investigations when he named a Utah prosecutor to conduct an inquiry and report back.

Nearly 18 months later, there has been nary a public peep from U.S. Attorney John Huber, the man Mr. Sessions assigned to get to the bottom of things.

Likely witnesses say Mr. Huber has never contacted them, and members of Congress say they are still in the dark despite regular pleas to see progress.

“It concerns me that we haven’t heard a darn thing,” Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, told The Washington Times last week. “It’s like ‘Where’s Waldo?’ ‘Where’s Huber?’”

Mr. Huber’s assignment is coming under scrutiny as top Republicans, including President Trump, demand a Justice Department investigation into the way the FBI and Justice Department targeted Mr. Trump’s campaign and his associates in 2016 while looking to give Hillary Clinton a pass on criminal wrongdoing, as Republican lawmakers allege.

When it was revealed last year that the FBI used questionable information to obtain a wiretap of a former Trump campaign adviser, Mr. Sessions faced calls for a special counsel. He rejected those calls, saying he already had asked Mr. Huber to investigate and, with the power to call a grand jury, Mr. Huber was supposed to be every bit as adept as a special counsel.

Mr. Sessions was ousted last year. William P. Barr is now ensconced as head of the Justice Department, yet it’s unclear what that means for Mr. Huber and his secret work.

Legal analysts said he should have produced some evidence of progress after more than a year.

“There should be some proof of life,” said Andrew Leipold, a law professor at the University of Illinois who served as a consultant on special counsel Kenneth W. Starr’s Whitewater investigation.

“We should see people going in and out of his building, people interviewed leaking to the press, or a target calling a press conference,” he said. “The fact that none of that has happened is puzzling.”

Carter Page, the former Trump adviser who was a subject of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act snooping warrant, said he hasn’t heard from Mr. Huber.

He said he is not concerned, but others are frustrated.

Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department prosecutor and now a private lawyer, represents a whistleblower against the Clinton Foundation. The witness, Doug Campbell, is an FBI informant who says he has evidence that Mrs. Clinton helped a Russian company obtain U.S. uranium rights in exchange for large donations to the foundation, known as the Uranium One scandal.

Although the Uranium One allegations are within Mr. Huber’s purview, Ms. Toensing has heard nothing from him. She has not reached out to Mr. Huber but said he should have contacted her within the first two months of his investigation.

“It is head fake, a farce,” she said of the Huber investigation. “It was an attempt by Sessions to get Republicans off his back. I’m embarrassed for them because they fell for it, and I hope something happens now.”

There have been some tantalizing tidbits of operational data.

Appearing before Congress in November, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed that he had “several contacts” with Mr. Huber, but he refused to explain further.

“I think you need to talk to him about what scope and what he’s working on,” he told Mr. Jordan. “I wouldn’t begin to presume I know all of what he is necessarily working on.”

The Justice Department, Mr. Huber’s office and the inspector general declined to comment on the investigation or even confirm whether it is still open.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Sessions also declined to comment.

Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III said the lack of information could be a sign that the investigation is being handled properly.

“I can remember all kinds of investigations that went on in secret when I was attorney general, and properly so,” he said. “The less that is said about an ongoing probe, the better. It is absolutely proper to not speak about a probe until you have an outcome or no announcement at all if there is no indictment.”

Others aren’t convinced by such reasoning and say they want to see more activity.

“The Mueller probe is what a real investigation looks like,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “There were grand juries, indictments, subpoenas and fights in court. I don’t know why people are putting their hopes in a secret investigation.”

One possibility for the lack of information is that Mr. Huber doesn’t want to upstage the inspector general’s inquiry into some of the same matters.

Yet for some Republicans, only a new special counsel can get to the bottom of things.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is among those calling on Mr. Barr to name such a special counsel.

Mr. Graham told The Times that he has not received any updates from Mr. Huber but doesn’t intend to call him before the Senate. He said he would defer to Mr. Barr on how to handle that investigation.

“I want to give Barr a chance to set it up the way he wants to,” Mr. Graham said.

Mr. Meese disagreed. He said the Justice Department’s public integrity section or Mr. Horowitz should investigate the allegations.

“This should be handled by the regular personnel at the Justice Department who are dedicated to handling things like this,” he said. “There is no reason to have a special counsel as such because it only confuses things. You have to do things like set up new procedures and hire lawyers from the outside.”


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #979 on: April 03, 2019, 09:40:18 AM »

so what happens if everyone shows up for the show and everyone takes the 5th?
what the crats going to do?

I would love to see the red faces on the LEFT then. :evil:


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #980 on: April 04, 2019, 11:53:28 AM »
Moving CCP's post to here:

Mueller's dem lawyers colluding with the Dem lawmakers to get the word out.

one says to the other , PSSSSSST  the report is more damaging than Barr lets on ("between you and me of course")
and then within 5 minutes it is front page news in NY edition of Pravda:

Now shifty schiff and naughty nads will take this and go on all their propaganda platforms in the MSM
and send out the talking points to all the jurnolisters to do the same


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Russian conspiracy, Nunes criminal referral
« Reply #982 on: April 08, 2019, 09:44:48 AM »
I think this is BIG:

No names, but looks like all the big ones that lied to Congress, Comey?  Clapper?  Cohen?  And those who misled the FISA court, the FBI gang?

The big news will be whatever A.G. Barr decides to do with this referral.  Most likely nothing but who knows...


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #983 on: April 08, 2019, 09:46:17 AM »
"The big news will be whatever A.G. Barr decides to do with this referral.  Most likely nothing but who knows..."

I hope he is NOT another Jeff Sessions on this.............


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clinon/obama dem operative lawyer indicted
« Reply #986 on: April 11, 2019, 07:31:08 PM »
to my knowledge this is a first:

of course we will see if he has the connections to simply get off anyway


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #987 on: April 12, 2019, 01:46:58 PM »
Perhaps I am naive, but in a perfect world this could be the beginning of looking into things Ukrainian-- where a lot of Hillary dirt is to be found.


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Mueller Report
« Reply #991 on: April 18, 2019, 08:27:41 AM »

Maybe we can get Rick N to read it for us.  )


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #992 on: April 18, 2019, 10:08:01 AM »
yes Rick N's input always helpful and appreciated

but no matter the LEFT is already spinning every thing around

headlines like "The Trump campaign tried to get Hillary's emails"  - as though that is some sort of crime
and yet at the same time her campaign paying and English guy to make up dirt on Trump is ok.

like "Many contacts with Russians "  yet Hillary giving away uranium for gigantic bribes is not even mentioned

Like "Trump tried many times to obstruct "  yet the question is obstruct what - there is no treasonous behavior or working with hostile power to cheat in an election  to start with

The list will go on and now the LEFT has more BS to keep throwing out there day in and day out.

Trump has not had one minute of any peace his entire time in office and will not get an iota of any.
That by association extends to us on the Right.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #993 on: April 18, 2019, 01:07:31 PM »
It takes awhile to read and understand 400 pages.

As I posted earlier this year, Mueller punted and his report on obstruction is disingenuous because he declines to apply traditional prosecutorial judgment to the obstruction issue.

For example, many of the 10 obstruction instances involved the President's reaction to published media reports - not the investigation itself.  A prime example is the section on whether Trump told the White House counsel to get Mueller fired. 

Trump says he told the WH counsel to tell Rosenstein that Mueller was conflicted and should go.  The WH counsel told Mueller's team that Trump told him to go to Rosenstein and get Mueller fired.  Shortly afterwards, the NYT and WaPo publish articles claiming that the WH Counsel was threatening to resign because Trump told him to get Mueller fired. 

So, Trump calls in the lawyer and asks him to issue a statement saying that Trump never demand that Mueller be fired.  Trump said he wanted this lawyer to convey to Rosenstein his concern about Mueller's personal conflicts of interest, convey his opinion to Rosenstein, but let Rosenstein decide what to do with Mueller.  This was directed at Mueller - not at the existence of a special counsel.

The WH Counsel refused to issue such a clarification or place a note to that effect in his file.  Of course, the WH counsel never conveyed Trump's opinion to Rosenstein.  And Trump never fired the WH counsel.  And Trump never ordered the WH counsel to stop cooperating with the Mueller and his team.

Mueller's team argued that Trump's attempt to get the WH counsel to issue a public statement denying that Trump ever said "fire" could be obstruction.

Of course, it is isn't obstruction if Trump's recollection of the conversation is accurate and the WH Counsel's use of "fired" is inaccurate.

On June 9th meeting at Trump Tower between the Fusion GPS client's Russian lawyer and Trump, Jr., I'm still amazed that the original emails about a crown prosecutor in Russia having dirt on Hillary were true because there hasn't been a crown in Russia since 1917 when Nicholas II abdicated in response to the Bolshevik Revolution. 

Just some initial thoughts.


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #994 on: April 18, 2019, 02:50:46 PM »
The more I think about it, the more I have concluded that having the White House counsel convey concerns to Rosenstein about Mueller's alleged conflicts was the proper way to communicate those concerns because it avoids the appearance of direct communication between Rosenstein and the President. 


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« Reply #995 on: April 19, 2019, 05:28:43 AM »
That people in our intelligence arms of government are more concerned about their own status and power than us.
Clapper using the report to justify himself , continue to go after President he never liked ,  and make a nice payday from confused news network with Mario's entirely obnoxious little brat kid:

So what do you say Jim?  What would be the "righteous thing for the Congress to do here ? Well Chris , I think there is a clear road map for impeachment.

Later , check from Zucker Fucker for 100 grand in the mail to Big lying Jim.

These are the kind of people who run our intelligence ?

Brennen is worse.   :-(


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Dershowitz: Mueller using motive as premise
« Reply #997 on: April 20, 2019, 02:42:56 PM »
No doubt a stretch of a legal theory ,  not Constitutional,  probably encouraged by his Democratic biased lawyers who predominated his staff:


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Re: The Russian conspiracy, Comey, Mueller, and related matters
« Reply #998 on: April 20, 2019, 03:06:20 PM »
Most "experts" have glossed over the banalities on pages 11-12 of the Mueller Report about the August and October 2017 memos from Rosenstein that provided details to Mueller about his charging authority.

Rosenstein's August memo specifically named Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort and authorized Mueller to investigate and decide whether they had "committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election." 

By including Carter Page on this list, this means that Rosenstein was using the Steele Dossier as the predicate for the initial grant of authority for the special counsel.  Why?  Because the August 2, 2017 memo explained that the original May 17, 2017 appointment order had been word categorically (generally) "in order to permits its public release without confirming specific investigations involving specific individuals."  (Mueller Report, p.11)

Rosenstein's October 20, 2017 memo added Michael Cohen, Richard Gates, Roger Stone, and two other redacted (for personal privacy) names to the list of people that could be investigated.  In this memo, Cohen was added so that the Special Counsel could investigate "leads related to Cohen's establishment and use of Essential Consultants LLC to, inter alia, receive funds from Russian backed entities."  This is how Rosenstein bootstrapped the Stormy Daniels matter into the Special Prosecutor's investigation.  (Mueller Report, p.12)

Therefore, the Mueller investigation was based upon the phony Steele Dossier, George Papadopoulos' drunken bragging that the Russians had hacked Hillary's emails, and a desire to get Paul Manafort because he had once worked for a Russian-backed group in Ukraine.

The report goes on to state that the FBI had been investigating these issues for 10 months before the May 17th appointment of Mueller; i.e., July 2016.  Then, why was the FBI investigating Page?  Answer: the Steele dossier.  Why was the FBI investigating Papadopoulos?  Answer: bragging to an Aussie diplomat at a bar about the Russians hacking Hillary's emails.  Why was the FBI investigating Manafort?  Answer:  opposition research fed to the media by a pro-Ukraine faction member on the DNC.

How did Papadopoulos acquire his information about the Russians having hacked Hillary's emails?  Answer:  from Jospeh Mifsud and/or Stefan Halper, CIA assets who had spread that info to Papadopoulos at two meetings in Europe earlier in 2016.  Who ran the CIA in the summer of 2016?  John Brennan.  For whom did he work in the summer of 2016?  James Clapper. 


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CIA set up ?
« Reply #999 on: April 20, 2019, 03:43:16 PM »
From Rick N post above:

"How did Papadopoulos acquire his information about the Russians having hacked Hillary's emails?  Answer:  from Jospeh Mifsud and/or Stefan Halper, CIA assets who had spread that info to Papadopoulos at two meetings in Europe earlier in 2016.  Who ran the CIA in the summer of 2016?  John Brennan.  For whom did he work in the summer of 2016?  James Clapper. "

So it was they were 'CIA' assets not 'FBI' informants I had heard somewhere else.

Needless to say this is a classic CIA/spy type of setup.  Have the informant masquerade as one thing and plant information with the target (Papadopoulos in this case) and see where the target goes with it. 

Katherine and I have been set up many times with such con games.

Obvious to say this set up game was not done with any prominent Democrats in mind as targets.  (as far as I know) . (Feinstein's office, Clinton people etc).  Only with Republicans and Trump people.

Using the adjective "framed " to describe the whole affair and  how it relates to Trump is a valid description of the theory he was  set up by "deep state".
« Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 07:33:52 PM by ccp »