Author Topic: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris  (Read 52994 times)


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Megyn Kelly calls out Kamala Harris' border record
« Reply #550 on: October 10, 2024, 07:39:55 AM »
« Last Edit: October 10, 2024, 07:45:30 AM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris, $2 Trillion Deficit is one of her accomplishments
« Reply #551 on: October 10, 2024, 08:16:31 PM »
Interest costs more than doubled under their watch. 

The federal budget deficit nearly doubled - from Trump pre-pandemic levels.
(paywall blocked)


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Kamala, A teleprompter at a "townhall"??
« Reply #552 on: October 10, 2024, 10:31:04 PM »

What better description of puppet is there than having someone else write your words for you. It's not a speech. It's supposed to be a townhall, a place where the public can come and get to know your, um, scriptwriters better.

Manufactured. Inauthentic.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2024, 10:34:42 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #553 on: October 11, 2024, 06:58:50 AM »
Good God , , , and nary a peep elsewhere!


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Cheneys for Harris
« Reply #554 on: October 13, 2024, 12:54:25 PM »
Dick Cheney had a 13% approval rate when he left office.

(Maybe lower for Liz in Wyoming...)

Think how few Republicans and independents that is.

Yet Kamala team brags of his support.

Does that support go both ways; does she support ANYTHING he (or she) stood for?


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Birds of a Feather …
« Reply #555 on: October 13, 2024, 02:02:14 PM »
… abuse the help together:

Abuse in the Office, Love in the Home?

John F. Di Leo BY JOHN F. DI LEO   October 13, 2024  in Opinion  Reading Time: 6 mins read

Why do we fall in love?

Or to put it another way – How do we choose our partners?

With candidates for public office, the spouse rarely factors into our consideration as voters. It’s the congressman or senator who’ll be casting votes in the House or Senate, not the candidate’s wife or husband.

So, with most political campaigns, the spouse is a sort of bonus character in the game. Some speak on their spouse’s behalf at local civic meetings, some don’t. For generations, the likable suburban housewife humanized her serious business-focused husband, for example, providing family photos that make the candidate more electable, but there was rarely any analysis beyond that point.

The Presidency is different.

The First Lady – or in the case of a female candidate, the First Husband – is important, usually not on most policy matters (though past First Ladies have often focused on a single major issue such as literacy promotion or drug avoidance), but on the general demeanor of the White House.

As voters and constituents, we pay attention to the courtship stories of our presidents. We know that the Reagans met while they were actors in Hollywood; the Clintons met when they were political activists at Yale Law School. George W. Bush credits Laura for helping him to sober up; Barack Obama’s pastor famously set him up with Michelle so he could pose as straight.

So, it is fair to explore the relationship between Kamala Harris and her husband, lawyer Doug Emhoff.

When they married, both were 50-year-old lawyers – Emhoff an entertainment lawyer in the private sector, Harris the Attorney General of the state of California.

Emhoff was divorced, and the circumstances of his divorce were first revealed when the Daily Mail (UK) broke the story this summer that he had been carrying on an affair with the couple’s children’s nanny (who was also their schoolteacher) and got her pregnant. The couple divorced, but he did not marry the young lady.

Harris, by contrast, at 50, had never been married, though she was in a well known long-term affair with Willie Brown, the most powerful politician in the state, when she was about 30, and Brown was thirty years her senior. She had no publicized relationships in the intervening 20 years.

Why did she pick Doug Emhoff to marry, at age 50? He must have been quite a catch, if the only other guy she saw fit to date was one who could appoint her to high-paying statewide commissions with a car allowance and an expense account.

It’s tempting to think it might be a marriage of convenience – she’s the state attorney general and he runs a law firm. In high powered legal circles, such a match might be helpful to each other’s careers – at least, a lifetime of watching legal dramas on television would present that scenario.

But at 50, her career already established, having won both countywide and now statewide office, her political career didn’t need such a marriage. When she was 30, sure. But not at 50, her reelection certain as the incumbent in a pure-blue state.

It’s reasonable to assume that they really do get along; they really do compliment each other as a couple.

And recently broken news stories tell us exactly what they have in common.

In a series of articles published by the UK Daily Mail, Doug Emhoff has been revealed as a tyrannical boss at his law firm. Former partners and employees have happily spilled the news to Daily Mail correspondents about what it was like working for Emhoff in California.

According to these stories, deep in this modern, liberal enclave of southern California, office life with Emhoff was a throwback to the days of Billy Wilder’s classic film “The Apartment” or of the hit TV series “Mad Men.” Emhoff would hire people based on their looks, harass employees at will, blow up at staffers and female partners in meetings, and famously “put associates in their place.”

To hear the Daily Mail tell it, working for Doug Emhoff is a rung on one’s career ladder that only a masochist could love.

Add to this the quiet revelations over the years of how Kamala Harris treats her employees, and we get a better picture of their relationship.

Kamala Harris hasn’t been in Washington all that long – just six years – but in that time she’s built up an unusual statistic: she has the worst staff retention record in Washington. Only about 10% of her staffers stayed with her more than a year or two, both when she was a US Senator and since being installed in the vice-presidency. As of this summer, 91.5% of the staffers she started with in the executive branch have quit or been fired.

It’s more difficult to get reasons out of political appointees, because in Washington, staffers are often wedded to their party, so they won’t slam even an embarrassing officeholder in public, to protect the party’s reputation.

But when you read these articles – and especially when you read between the lines in them – you get a clear picture of a bully (multiple former staffers use the term, not just one) who has no interest in preparing for work by reading briefing books or source materials, but demands that every interview, every case, every task goes perfectly or it will be some staffer’s head on the plate.

She berates employees for failing to do what she wanted, without giving clear instructions. She throws people under the bus when talking to the press, saying that the staffers responsible for this or that issue had failed to keep her apprised of it. She always finds someone else to blame for her own failures. And since all she does is fail, that’s a lot to put on her staff.

One would be tempted to wonder if these are just incompetent employees, and she’s bad at hiring. That’s no sin; even the best people sometimes choose the wrong people when setting up a new office from scratch.

But as former staffer Gil Duran told NPR this summer, she built an experienced staff, full of Democrats who had worked for bigger and better operations, who wanted to be part of this “first female person of color” operation. And virtually all of them ended up regretting their decision to join her train wreck of an office, as demonstrated by their astounding exit rate.

So there we have it. We know what it is that brought Doug Emhoff and Kamala Harris together.

It wasn’t the sweetness of youth’s first love, or the mutual respect of two entrepreneurs, two political activists, two schoolteachers – active in their church or garden club, or chamber of commerce or industry group, as so many other political couples have been built from, over the years.

What we now know Emhoff and Harris to have in common is much darker than that. It’s a management style, a fondness for tyrannizing an office, for abusing the individual and deflecting blame. It’s the love of finding a scapegoat and feeling joy in demeaning someone else, especially someone in an inferior position.

Many of us have had the misfortune to work for, or near, such a boss at some point in our careers. Remember the abusive boss, the blame-deflector, the manager who steals your good ideas without giving credit or blames you for messes they caused? Remember the tyrant who drives off customers and colleagues alike because nobody can stand working for or with them?

Hopefully, if you’ve had such a boss yourself, you’ve escaped before too much time passed, as 91.5% of Harris’ staffers have.

President Trump has a record as a demanding boss too; but his record is one of clear instructions, and the cabinet members he fires are those who undermined administration goals. He didn’t fire good employees because of his own failures. And Mr. Trump is never too lazy to read a briefing book.

Kamala Harris, by contrast, appoints people brighter than she is, then drives them off by abuse. And as the Daily Mail reveals, her husband has the same proclivities.

It’s a love story, of a sort.

But it’s not one we need in the White House.


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Re: Birds of a Feather … Harris, Emhoff
« Reply #556 on: October 13, 2024, 02:46:11 PM »
She didn't do a background check before she let him in.  Same with our border.


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Kamala Harris, plagiarism scandal?
« Reply #557 on: October 14, 2024, 12:20:47 PM »


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« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 12:53:34 PM by ccp »


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Bill Clinton, Yes Kamala's policies responsible for murder of Lake Riley
« Reply #560 on: October 14, 2024, 03:18:48 PM »
“You got a case in Georgia not too long ago, the young woman who had been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened,” Bill Clinton said.

That is the point. Illegals are unvetted.

Play the tapes with President Clinton and President Obama telling the nation that flows of illegal immigrantion much less than we have today are a major threat to our nation.

President Bill Clinton :

Barack Obama :
Barack Obama said, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

And now it's extreme to hold this view?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 03:30:40 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #561 on: October 14, 2024, 06:35:10 PM »

Jesse Waters was playing some seriously deranged Woken Dead bull excrement from her in 2021 tonight.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #562 on: October 14, 2024, 07:45:15 PM »
Well Indians got images on many coins  1 and 5 cents , 1 and 3 dollar golds are images of liberty but wearing Indian type head dress .   2,5 and  10 dollar gold pieces  .   Some commemorative halves Arkansas Oregon and those recent small Indian lady dollars .  Goodness, Columbus only got 1892 and 3 commemorative halves.    We could have sitting bull day.  Or crazy horse weekend . :-P


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WSJ: Kommiela's Rural Broadband Flop
« Reply #563 on: October 15, 2024, 08:13:37 AM »

Kamala Harris’s Rural Broadband Flop
Her high-speed internet program is stuck in the slow lane.
By Brendan Carr
Oct. 14, 2024 5:07 pm ET

Kamala Harris lamented recently that “in America, it takes too long and it costs too much to build.” She’s right. But she failed to mention that those costly delays are a feature, not a bug, of her progressive policies.

Consider Ms. Harris’s record. In 2021 she agreed to lead the administration’s $42 billion plan for expanding high-speed internet to millions of Americans. That year, she tweeted that “we can bring broadband to rural America today.” Today, nearly three years after Congress passed the infrastructure bill that created the program, not one home or business has been connected through it. The Biden-Harris administration recently confirmed that construction projects won’t begin until next year at the earliest, and in many cases not until 2026.

Instead of focusing on delivering broadband to unserved areas, the administration has used the program to advance a wish list of political goals. It has adopted regulations that include diversity, equity and inclusion requirements, climate-change rules, price controls, preferences for union labor, and schemes that favor government-run networks. The administration has been handing out wins to favored political groups rather than delivering results.

Other factors have kept Ms. Harris’s high-speed program in the slow lane. Testifying before a congressional oversight committee, one state government official described “a chaotic implementation environment” marked by “dysfunction” and “delays.” The administration, she said, “has provided either no guidance, guidance given too late, or guidance changing midstream.” Associations representing broadband builders in states across the U.S. are sounding the alarm, warning that the “program will fail” absent a course correction.

If only we could be unburdened by what has been. In 2020 Elon Musk’s satellite service, Starlink, won an $885 million award from the Federal Communications Commission to offer high-speed internet to more than 640,000 rural homes and businesses. By a 2023 vote along party lines, the FCC revoked the award. As I noted in my dissent at the time, the FCC’s revocation couldn’t be explained by any objective application of the facts, the law or sound policy. In my view, it amounted to nothing more than regulatory lawfare against one of the left’s top targets: Mr. Musk. Rural communities stuck on the wrong side of the digital divide are paying the price.

There is time to change course. It isn’t too late to get rid of the program’s DEI requirements, price controls, technology biases and preferences for government-run networks. Stripping away those regulations would unleash private-sector innovation and save taxpayer dollars. The status quo is unacceptable. Under Biden-Harris policies, it takes too long and it costs too much to build broadband in America.

Mr. Carr is a Republican FCC commissioner.


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Re: Kamala Harris, plagiarism scandal?
« Reply #564 on: October 15, 2024, 10:43:48 AM »
Here's a question for her, plagiarism?

I meant to add, Christopher Rufo has 100% credibility.  Notice that 24 hours into it no one is denying the story.  "No Comment" from the Harris campaign.

All she can really say is that she didn't write ANY of the book that launched her career into statewide office in California.


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Kamala Harris, programs for votes, Black entrepreneurs, 3 weeks before election
« Reply #565 on: October 15, 2024, 10:46:00 AM »
Black voters these days are the first to notice when politicians are pandering...


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Kamala Harris, more flip flop flip, Oil production in US
« Reply #566 on: October 16, 2024, 07:00:21 AM »

"Kamala Harris pledged to prosecute oil companies over emissions. Now, she’s praising their record US production"

Who canceled the pipeline?  Why?  Does anyone believe she will be pro-oil production after being elected?

What gets me is that all my liberal friends travel more often and much further than I do.  These aren't battery powered jumbo jets but even if they were, the grid is powered by mostly fossil fuels.

The only way demand for energy goes down is in a crashing economy.  Environmental activist organizations have known that for years, always opposing prosperity.

What do Tim Walz' farmers use for energy?

And who is more Left than top of the ticket Kamala?


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Kamala Harris, Reparations
« Reply #567 on: October 16, 2024, 07:37:46 AM »
Harris Says She’s Open to Reparations: ‘It Has to Be Studied, There’s No Question’

Hey Kamala, It HAS been studied.  Race-based discrimination is unconstitutional.


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Kamala Harris Wants the World's Highest Death Tax
« Reply #568 on: October 16, 2024, 07:45:39 AM »

I wish someone would explain economics to her.

Even the most leftward, pro-government taxpayers send in no more money to the US Treasury than they have to.

It isn't that we care about dead people and it's too late to dodge the tax at death.  And most of them don't vote, so it's an easy group to beat up on.  Most of the heirs are probably undeserving as well.

But that's not the point.  If you don't believe you can pass your wealth on, you won't create it, save it, earn it.

Take a look at the countries that don't pass wealth on:

Why do we aspire to be like them.


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Kamala Harris on how to appeal to Black men, free money and weed
« Reply #569 on: October 16, 2024, 07:53:22 AM »
Kamala Harris’ Solution to Black Men’s Problems is Free Money and Weed

3 weeks before and election, no pandering here...

Her record indicates she prosecuted THOUSANDS for marijuana violations.

How many of those were the Black men she suddenly cares so much about?

And what is a "forgivable loan"?

Meanwhile, Trump raised the real wages of Black families more than any recent President.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 08:14:42 AM by DougMacG »


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Kamala Harris: 87 Days without a Press Conference
« Reply #570 on: October 16, 2024, 08:17:20 AM »


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Child Trafficking EXPLODED under Biden Harris
« Reply #571 on: October 16, 2024, 08:29:44 AM »
"Inside America’s Fastest-Growing Criminal Enterprise: Sex Trafficking
Biden’s border policies have led to an explosion in the forced prostitution of migrants in the U.S."

Isn't sex against their will rape, not just prostitution?

I can't get my liberal friends to explain to me why this is okay.

Or are they Human Trafficking Deniers?


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #572 on: October 16, 2024, 08:36:23 AM »
Hi Doug et al.

I was thinking of the alleged quote from Saul Alinsky:

"Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt."

But I questioned if he really did say that or it actually came from somewhere else, so I did a quick search and I can't verify this source's research, yet it sounds likely to be a sound look into where this quote came from.  It was not found in Marx's, Alinsky's writings but closer to Nazi Germany and later the Soviets:
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 08:38:02 AM by ccp »


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Kamala Harris, accuse your enemy, adversary of what you are doing
« Reply #573 on: October 16, 2024, 09:36:55 AM »
Very interesting.  It's a despicable tactic.  Not surprising it has origins in dark times.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #574 on: October 16, 2024, 11:50:01 AM »
I can just imagine some leftist (Columbia?) University history professor advising the campaign on how to do this.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #575 on: October 16, 2024, 06:17:30 PM »
"I was thinking of the alleged quote from Saul Alinsky:

""Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt.""

That is where I thought it came from.


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Harris promises to Black men
« Reply #576 on: October 16, 2024, 08:01:24 PM »
Black men  (Harris => did I say that?   :-o)

Woops, I meant for all Americans:


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An "F" Effort from the "A" Team
« Reply #580 on: Today at 01:45:30 PM »
Amusing disection of the imploding Kamala campaign effort that compares the sunny post-convention predictions and promise to the wheels falling of cart performance of the candidate:

Whatever Happened to Kamala's A-Team?
It's hard to think of a Presidential campaign being managed worse than this.

OCT 16, 2024

When we talk about the inadequacies of a political party, a party nomination campaign or a Presidential campaign we often focus exclusively on the leader. Those who hate Trump talk exclusively (and obsessively) about Trump. But those who hated Biden and hate Kamala will to some extent do the same.

This is understandable. The candidate IS the campaign, to a great extent, and ultimately it is the nation’s judgement of the leader (excluding the intervention of fraud) which carries the day.

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One of the curious features of modern times is that even where people have realized that the leader is usually a puppet controlled by a whole host of vested interests (from billionaire donors to whole sectors of corruption like Big Pharma, the military-industrial complex or even to interfering transnational bodies like the WEF and the UN) we still tend to focus on the candidate.

That’s strange, in a way. After all, if the candidate is a puppet, shouldn’t we trace the strings and see who is actually in charge?

But its an understandable error. Even the most cynical of us want to still act as if the Big Seat matters and there is only one hand picking up the Red Telephone or one voice supplying the nuclear launch codes. There’s a certain reassurance, perversely, in the idea that only one person can Really Fuck Things Up.

If that’s true, the disasters and errors all go away just by picking the Right Person to occupy that chair.

And the difference between Trump’s first term and Biden’s term certainly seems to support that One Man Makes the Difference narrative. There is SOME truth in it. But its not the full truth.

The full truth is that not only are huge networks of corruption entangling the entire ‘democratic’ process, not only are there people the future President must bow to both before he wins in order to get into office and after he wins in order to repay the money and power they deployed to get him (or her) there, but there is also the associated matter of an entire backroom ruling class that must be nurtured, flattered and rewarded too.

There’s the campaign staff, for instance, and the policy advisors, and the people who worked on your campaign waiting for some plum administrative role when the spoils of victory are divided. All these people have big salaries and their own sense of destiny and importance. All of them come from the same ruling class.

We may never hear most of their names, but they know each other. And they make very sure that the candidates know who they are too.

I want to talk about those people a little, as a class. I’m going to say a few things that might already be very obvious to you, but hopefully put them together in a way that is a bit novel. Let’s go back to August 2nd 2024.

Biden’s personal decision (hahahaha) to step down as the Democrat candidate had been publicly aired on July 22nd, following his disastrous debate performance on the 27th June and horrific private polling figures that persuaded senior Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama that he had to go. Initial rumblings about an upcoming Convention seeing some sort of fresh choice being presented to party members swiftly evaporated, together with even the slightest pretext that the people constantly talking about threats to Democracy even know what it is.

By August 2nd, Kamala Harris was the new, uncontested, sole Democrat Party Presidential candidate, having never acquired a single solitary vote from anyone, never faced any public contest with anyone for the role, and never been challenged as to why she was any better a pick than her ousted and immediately eulogized boss. The Convention at the end of the month would be the Harris Joy Convention. Already, on the 2nd August, she (or the people controlling her) were re-assembling her campaign staff.

On the 2nd August we find a now somewhat hilarious article from NBC News announcing the crack team of expert election winners who would be steering the Harris campaign from that point on (‘This is the A-team’: Harris campaign brings on new hires as it sprints to Election Day’). The tone is one of breathless excitement, giddy confidence and (of course) near religious zeal:

“Quickly flush with cash, flooded with volunteers and greeted by jubilant crowds, Vice President Kamala Harris’ newly minted campaign has now made a major move to help manage it all, bringing on some of the biggest names in Democratic politics.

A flurry of high-profile hires announced Friday — including David Plouffe, who managed President Barack Obama’s first White House run, and veteran Democratic operatives Stephanie Cutter and Jennifer Palmieri — comes as the Harris campaign rushes to transform away from Joe Biden’s operation and make a mad dash to November.

“This is, let’s take Trump down once and for all," said a person with close knowledge of the process around Harris. This person, like others in this story, requested anonymity to speak candidly.

With fewer than 100 days to the election, Harris aides must tackle a series of consequential moments and decisions that would typically be stretched across months. That level of intensity in a short period of time necessitated a crew of hardened professionals, several sources with knowledge of Harris' strategy said.

“Today, accept a nomination. This weekend, pick a vice president. Next week, a major campaign swing, then the convention and then it’s the debate,” one person with knowledge of Harris’ strategy said.   

Some of the high-profile staffing additions are meant to focus on messaging, polling and paid media, which had been helmed by longtime Biden operatives Mike Donilon and Steve Ricchetti.

Obama had recommended to Harris that she bring on Plouffe, according to one of the sources, who will act as a senior adviser on strategy. Cutter will be a senior adviser on message and strategy. Mitch Stewart will act as a senior adviser on battleground states, and Palmieri will serve as senior adviser to the second gentleman.

The core of the operations around states’ work, communications and the advance team will mostly remain the same, while Harris’ communications personnel — like senior adviser Brian Fallon — will be elevated, and there will be extra help across the board. That extra assistance will include advance staff, given that the campaign is having far more robust events in larger venues and is hosting many more of them. Harris has also brought on a new speechwriter, overseeing message consistency.

“This is the A-team,” longtime Democratic strategist Pete Giangreco said. “It means the vice president is in it to win it. It speaks well of the kind of president she would be. She’s surrounding herself with top-level campaign talent … These are people who are winners and have played at the very highest levels of politics and government.” 

I’ve quoted a large chunk of it because it all speaks to the early Harris Anointment confidence, the palpable relief with which these people ditched the Living Corpse of Joe Biden. But it also speaks to the nature of their perhaps central and defining delusion.

The delusion that they are the experts.

These are the biggest names. They are top-level campaign talent. They are people who are winners. They are people who have played at the very highest levels. They are the A-Team. They are a crew of hardened professionals.

Blimey. This wasn’t just any old campaign team. These people were going to storm the election the way the SAS stormed the Iranian embassy in 1980. I pity the fool who would stand in their way, as Mr T might have said at his most eloquent.

Isn’t it extraordinarily childish? This type of reportage, this type of achingly fantastical, non-critical judgement of their own type…because that’s the real truth behind this political and media class as a whole, this entire shoddy and laughable ruling elite so invested in their own importance and self-perceived brilliance.

These are children masquerading as adults. Fanatical, zealous, hypocritical, dangerous, hate-filled, spoilt, emotional…children.

The people who always describe themselves as the adults in the room are the people who are always perpetual adolescents, the people who have never had to mature into fully formed individuals via an adult reckoning with adult problems.

Will any of those hardened professionals have a background like that of any ordinary person? Will they really have ever had to worry about whether mum and dad are employed or can put food on the table? How many of them have ever been from a background that isn’t comfortable and rather more than merely comfortable?

I’m not even talking about coming from an Appalachian underclass or a JD Vance level background. You don’t need a broken and a dysfunctional background to become an adult. It’s not that the only good administrators, executives, campaign managers and political operatives had a Mummy who was a crack whore and a Daddy who was a fist swinging drunk.

Its more that all the really bad administrators, executives, campaign managers and political operatives, the dumbest class of the most useless people, have ALWAYS had things given to them by a rich Daddy and a rich Mummy and a rich, spoilt, affluent background of easy contacts, easy money, easy opportunity and easy achievement.

It’s that the present ruling class in most cases didn’t build a thing or achieve a thing on their own at any point in their lives. Any more than they ever had to actually worry about a mortgage payment. These are the people, almost every time, who have played at the highest levels without ever having first to prove that they can play at all.

I read the other day about an obese goalkeeper for an obscure football club. This guy is massively overweight and terrible at his job. He can’t play. He is physically unable to play at even a semi-professional level. Since he was first put in the team, they have dropped two divisions. But his parents own the club and keep playing him because he wants to play at the highest level.

I identify as a professional footballer. Ignore my weight.

Yes, honey, you are. Oh look, we lost another game.

It’s not just the money. It’s not just the nepotism and the overly supportive network of friends and family propelling these people from one ‘individual’ but unearned triumph or post to the next.

Its the ideology too. Unite that real social and financial advantage to a bullshit ideology that deflects the idea of advantage onto other shoulders (like claiming its a race thing rather than a class thing) and you have what we have.

A ruling class that can’t tie their own goddamn shoelaces but who think that they are the people best quipped to save the entire planet from some other bullshit they also believe in.

The people who can’t repair a bridge or fill in a pothole and who are yet the same people who sneer at a man who delivers space rockets that reverse dock themselves using breakthrough technology to totally new landing frames.

These are our experts in everything.

Of course they are incompetent. They have never had any risk of any real setback. They have drifted through life with the Governor coming to dinner and the Senator finding them an internship and the Judge who is also Uncle Fester to their particular Addams Family finding them Not Guilty when their high school high spirits see them crash a car under the influence of drugs.

Rich people have been doing what Haitian drivers also do for a long time, and not just in fiction like the hit and run that takes place in The Great Gatsby. Remember good old Ted Kennedy? In both instances under a very old corruption (having money) or under a very new ideology (the sanctified blackness of a migrant) the cause of that two-tier reaction doesn’t matter. People who can get away with it will notice, and do it more.

Give them the keys of the car we all sit in (the nation) and of course these feckless spoilt retards who know nothing but see themselves as highly competent will drive it straight off a cliff.

As Fitzgerald also writes they’re not like you and me.

Money can indeed be a marker of great competence or great achievement. I’ll admit that Elon Musk is a technical genius, and that even someone as malign as Bill Gates probably is too, in certain limited ways. I’m not a Marxist hating on wealth and capitalism or even hating on the existence of an upper class. But wealth without competence, a post earned purely by privilege, a job given as a favor, a profession built on cant and corruption and a class that have lost all connection to the common man and all the shared ties of loyalty to the same place and principles…these are the conditions of collapse and the harbingers of self-destruction.

Especially when their failures are never punished and their crimes never accounted for.

Especially when they are allied with ideologies that teach them to care about pronouns but sneer at real competence when it rudely interrupts their playing at the highest levels.

What did the hardened professionals deliver for the anointed Kamala, anyway? Has it been a competent campaign? Of course not. It’s veered from one car crash to the next, even with the mainstream media setting out guys with flags to direct the traffic. Kamala, given the nomination in the same way one of these perpetually indulged kids is given the keys to a sports car on their birthday. is representative too of the Given Everything and Call It an Achievement modern elite.

If they manage to perform enough fraud she will be handed an election victory too.

But its true of ALL of them.

Think of just how many rich people are getting richer drawing a fat salary as supposed political experts. How many were drawing those salaries and offering that ‘expertise’ when Hillary lost in 2016? How many such ‘brilliant’ and ‘seasoned’ professionals have lined up to be wrong on every topic there is since 2016, drawing more money to be wrong yet again?

And these are the people who schooled Kamala and Walz on how to get through even a friendly interview without making fools of themselves? That schooling does not seem to have worked very well, as far as I can see. These are the people who picked the campaign strategies? The policies? Who must have said sure, great idea when Kamala said I know, food price controls like Stalin, that’s the winner! And then said, better ditch that one….

All these Media Strategy Coordinators. All these Campaign Managers. All these Assistant Directors of Holistic Interface Solutions. It’s almost as if its just wankers giving themselves meaningless titles, ism’t it?

Surely not.

Even if they somehow now drag the Kamala Carcass across the finish line better than they were dragging the Biden Corpse around, these aren’t mighty necromancers, seasoned Wonder Workers, and Super Competent A-Team campaigners. They are the Joke Professionals of the Clown World, the 35-55 year old’s stuck with the same little minds they had at 14 or 15.

A win won’t be by their brilliance, professionalism, insight or advice. It will be by fraud or assassination.

For god’s sake, they appear to have managed to pick a pedophile as a Vice Presidential candidate after already having delivered a pedophile as President. We might start to think they are ALL pedophiles….

Surely not.

The fact that there is a whole troupe of top-level campaign talent behind Kamala should be remembered. The fact that Democrats were saying in August that this is the best they have got should be remembered. Because it’s actually true in one sense.

This is the best they will offer us.

The best this whole class can do when they need to win.

I think we who detest and oppose them have argued for far too long over a binary choice of understanding between are they incompetent or are they malign.

Face facts. They are in one way as exceptional as they have always considered themselves to be. They aren’t just incompetent and they aren’t just malign.

They the very best there is, at both.