Author Topic: Wife Pete Buttigieg  (Read 22620 times)


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Wife Pete Buttigieg
« on: April 08, 2019, 09:43:29 AM »

major lib "more clever than Obama" in pretending he is more in the middle

Don't think he's hasn't got the rich gay donors including those in  the MS/entertainment mediums opening up their wallets and willingness to create the "BUZZ" about him.

like they do in the entertainment industry when coming out with new movie or record
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 11:02:22 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 09:45:25 AM »
mistake this was supposed to go under 2020
but was posting same time as Dough and inadvertently started new thread


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2019, 11:05:13 AM »
He seems to be becoming a factor, let's have this thread for background on him.


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Re: buttigieg, pack the Court?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2019, 07:38:58 AM »
Open to the idea of packing the Courts:
Anti-constitutional IMHO.

How come the smartest guy in the room is a socialist?  He is all for single payer health care.  Supports Green New Deal.  Supports subsidies on solar panels, Paris Climate Accords.  Vehemently opposes sending American troops to the southern border.  Supports gender reassignment surgery for transgender people in prison.  [Who pays for that?!]

Agrees with Trump on NAFTA, Afghanistan.  Opposes troop withdrawal from Syria.

South Bend under Buttigieg had the second best economic growth in a two town metropolitan area.

Mayor Pete’s Surge Only Goes So Far
Highly mentioned, highly publicized, but his poll move only goes so far., 2-4% of Democrats.

People support the private right of gays to pursue happiness and the public right of gay marriage, but do they really want the gay relationship with kisses, embraces, love story, family photos etc. on the most public stage?
We will see.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2019, 08:43:31 AM »
Credit Mayor Pete's backgorund for his Rhodes Scholarship and service in the military.  With greater media attention on him, I am starting to think he is two grains of sand smarter than AOC (Boston University Economics graduate) and less honest than Trump.

Pete and his husband are looking at having a baby - soon - right as he bursts on the scene as the most talked about challenger for President. 

For one thing, wouldn't it be better to have some of these life experiences before becoming leader of the free world.  He might go from smart to wise.  That presumably was why they put the age 35 minimum on the President which has not been adjusted for longer life expectancy and the delayed marriage and family ages that we see today.

The jump from America accepting of gayness keeps leaping to something more, now the idea that other parent combinations are the same to a child as having a mother and a father.  In the event of divorce and remarriage a kid can have four fathers; we need to be accepting.  Having a mother and a father is some back to the fifties idea from a highly discriminative time.  I'm glad he is putting his life out there now instead of after his election as he did withholding his gay identity from the South Bend voters during his first election as mayor.

I wonder how gay conception will occur, which one of them will carry the unborn, and whether they will consider late term abortion for convenience reasons in support of their far Left, white elitist base.  Maybe they will adopt a baby of color for political gain or maybe they will use some new technology for  getting both their genes into the young one.  Which parent will breast feed?  Who serves as President during maternity(?) leave?  Which parent will stay home or do they truly believe government can best handle the cradle to career upbringing that the Left so supports.  If they are trying to help a child, troubled teenagers without parents have the difficult time finding good homes.  I doubt that what they mean by 'we want to have a baby'.  Procreation is one area where some very backwards people still see gay marriage as different than so-called traditional marriage.

On policy matters, Mayor Pete backs up his openness to court packing comment by noting that Republicans recently changed the number of Justices on the Court down to 8 and then back up to 9. That would pass true fact checking where? 

Taken literally, the Court switches to 8 Justices every time there is a vacancy so that was nothing new.  Blaming Republicans alone for that vacancy crosses a line of honesty.  That process began with a Democrat President choosing a nominee without the 'advice and consent of the Senate'.  Blaming Republicans as he did is not just divisive, it's dishonest.

There isn't some form of AOC Leftism that is smarter.  Buttigieg uses his smarts and smooth delivery to not talk about issues but he is roughly one day into a two year process.  The Left will want to see his stands on issues, so will the center and so will the right.  When he does come out with specifics, we will find there isn't some smart version of late term abortion, a borderless country, socialized healthcare or stomping out capitalism. Rhodes Scholar smarts does not change the math of free college, it isn't free.  Being smart doesn't reverse the economics that penalizing wealth counter-intuitively hurts the working poor.

If he becomes Bernie, we might as well have Bernie.  If he uses his smarts to stake out more centrist positions that reject the agenda of far Left, where is his path to the nomination?

The history of America chooses the exact opposite for its next President is a two term phenomenon.  Maybe Democrats are just trying to figure out who they should run in 2024, after Trump.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 08:55:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2019, 09:56:10 AM »
"Pete and his husband"

This would seem to imply that he is the catcher , , ,


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Guardian rips buttigieg from the Left
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2019, 07:52:38 AM »
"Pete and his husband"

This would seem to imply that he is the catcher , , ,

If we are mainstreaming all this and they want their personal life to be public, is it now fair to ask these questions?
The Left doesn't trust him either:
Quotes from the Guardian:
Buttigieg is "flavor of the month",

"Why should anybody actually trust him to be on their side?"

"for all the buzz, an important question still hangs over Buttigieg: what, exactly does he stand for?  Himself, mostly. The New York Times says Buttigieg puts “storytelling first, policy details later”. Media coverage of Buttigieg dwells on what his favorite socks are or his dogs’ personalities. Pete is all about Pete: Buttigieg is frequently evasive about his actual substantive agenda, preferring rhetoric about “freedom”, “democracy” and “security”. His campaign’s branding and graphic design have been hailed as “radical”. As for his actual policies … he’s working on them."

"his signature policies were technocratic improvements like improving sewer technology"

"Has he spent a lifetime sticking up for working people? No, he worked at McKinsey before he entered politics. Has he taken courageous moral stands? No: while Gary, Indiana, declared itself a sanctuary city in response to Donald Trump’s immigration policies, Buttigieg’s city of South Bend did not."

"After Israel massacred Palestinian protesters, Buttigieg appeared to pin the blame on Palestinians."  - OMG, a Democrat siding with Israel? 

"He has called for “democratic capitalism”, the same phrase used by Bill Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council in the 80s as a euphemism for corporate-friendly neoliberalism. When his words aren’t vacuous, they’re troubling."  (to the Left)

"He’s a classic “empty suit”, a package without contents. He stands for nothing except his own advancement. Let’s hope his time as the Democratic “flavor of the month” is rapidly coming to an end."
If the opinion writer above is really just trying to promote a different candidate by tearing down Pete, that means the gloves are off.  Get the popcorn. 
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 08:53:42 AM by DougMacG »


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Buttigieg's South Bend
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2019, 09:13:54 AM »
"It’s not good for South Bend, and it wouldn’t be good for the country."
(South Bend was home to auto maker Studebaker.)
("The Studebaker family is big, and I don’t speak for all of it.")
Let a Studebaker Tell You What’s Wrong With the Mayor of South Bend
by Benjamin Studebaker
My name is Benjamin Studebaker, and I grew up in Indiana. I am not happy with the way the press is covering Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Let me tell you why.

Long ago, our family made wagons. When folks wanted those wagons horseless, we started putting engines in them. We built these horseless wagons at a factory in South Bend, Indiana. We shipped them out on rail lines, both east and west. We started up in 1852, and operations wound down at the South Bend plant in 1963. At one point, we employed more than 45,000 people. In the Studebaker century, South Bend became a city:

We were first by far with a post-war car. We were the big new choice in the low-price field.  We were different by design. We made beautiful things:

Most importantly, we offered the best wages and pensions in the industry, with nary a strike at the South Bend plant until we were on our last legs in 1962. United Auto Workers came to us first, and used the favourable terms they’d get from Studebaker to negotiate better deals for workers at GM, Ford, and Chrysler plants, too. But we never had their size or production capacity, and as the Big 3 used their market share to push prices down to a level too low for us to manage. We were pushed out of the low-price field, and then we were pushed out of the sports car market, too. In the decades following the collapse of Studebaker, South Bend lost 30,000 residents:

The press acts as if Pete Buttigieg has done something to revive this city, but as you can see the population remains largely unchanged from when he took office in 2012. An immense amount of poverty and misery continues to grip the city, in comparison to its county, to its state, and to the country:

Even those above the poverty threshold earn poorly in comparison with everywhere else:

In his book, Buttigieg derides the “moribund Studebaker corridor”, promising to make South Bend into a “Silicon Prairie” with “data centers and start-ups”. But despite seven years in power, there are relatively few such jobs in the city. Only 1.5% of South Bend’s jobs are in the computer and mathematical sector, and the occupation is listed as one of South Bend’s “least specialized”, meaning that it has dramatically fewer workers in this sector than most places in America.

Instead, the city has increasingly become an appendage of Notre Dame, a wealthy Catholic private university. The people who once upon a time might have worked good union jobs at Studebaker now work increasingly in the “food and serving” sector, whipping up fancy coffees and craft booze for the rich kids. It’s not only one of the city’s five biggest sectors, unlike “computer and mathematical”, “food and serving” is a South Bend speciality. The median person employed in this sector is paid $13,400 per year. Another heavy hitter is the large and specialized “healthcare and social assistance” industry, which pays a marginally better $25,612.

Poverty and low incomes push residents into crime. A resident of South Bend is more than three times more likely to be murdered than the average American, twice as likely to be raped, and three times more likely to be robbed or assaulted. In the years Buttigieg has been in power, the public schools have continued to lag behind Indiana averages in reading and science, pushing a whole new generation of residents into poverty, low wage employment, and criminality:

The educational gaps are heavily racialized–75% of white students are proficient in reading compared to 46% of black students, while 71% of white students are proficient in science compared to just 29% of their black counterparts. All races, however, put up inferior numbers in both subjects in comparison with your average Hoosier kid. The local newspaper, the South Bend Tribune, reports the schools get “F” ratings by Indiana’s standards. And as we all know, Indiana’s public schools aren’t anything to run home about. The state spends less per pupil than all of its neighbors–including Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and even Kentucky.

Studebaker created jobs for ordinary people. What has Pete Buttigieg done for the poor and working people of South Bend? The numbers suggest he hasn’t done anything. What he has done is threaten low income homeowners with financial penalties if they don’t make their homes prettier in a bid to push up land values and gentrify the city. If they couldn’t pay, Buttigieg seized their homes and ripped them down. But don’t take my word for it–here’s how the Indianapolis Star describes it:

"By leveling fees and fines, the city leaned on homeowners to make repairs or have their houses demolished. In many cases, Buttigieg said, the homeowners proved impossible to find amid a string of active and inactive investment companies. In other cases, he said, they were unwilling or unable to make repairs."

Studebaker gave South Bend’s workers jobs. Buttigieg took their homes. Studebaker hired South Bend’s workers to make cars for ordinary Americans. Buttigieg wants to hire them to make lattes for rich kids. The Americans who need a big new choice in the low-price field won’t find a friend in Buttigieg. He’s not different by design. He’s just another Ivy League McKinsey consultant looking to find ways to make the world a little bit better for rich folks and a little bit worse for everyone else.

But the coastie press doesn’t talk to the people who lost their homes because Buttigieg doesn’t think they’re pretty enough. Instead, it just keeps reporting on how “smart” he is and how many languages he speaks. Buttigieg doesn’t give a damn about people, and neither do they. The Studebaker family is big, and I don’t speak for all of it. But in my view, he’s not curing South Bend of its sickness–he embodies the rot. Notre Dame gets bigger, and the ordinary people who built the city are forgotten. It’s not good for South Bend, and it wouldn’t be good for the country.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2019, 09:16:55 AM »
But Doug ,

he is gay.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2019, 09:21:02 AM »
But Doug ,

he is gay.

Oh, that's right.  And he won't let us forget it.

If a Leftie attacks him on substance, is that homophobia?

If he polls better with gay men than with gay women, does that mean gays are sexist?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 09:30:29 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2019, 09:54:05 AM »
Well, if he is a catcher, what if he finds Putin manly?


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bama ambassadors support the mayor
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2019, 07:54:18 AM »
he appears to be lining himself up as the guy who will be obama II

using brocks phrases ":audacity" "hope" etc
and apparently for some good at sounding sophisticated and thoughtful and pretending to be for everyone when indeed, like Brock he is just another run of the mill socialist .

I could even see never trumpers who care more about style then policy eventually going with him rather then more trump

but we have a long way to go...........


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Re: bama ambassadors support the mayor
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2019, 12:20:09 PM »
he appears to be lining himself up as the guy who will be obama II

using brocks phrases ":audacity" "hope" etc
and apparently for some good at sounding sophisticated and thoughtful and pretending to be for everyone when indeed, like Brock he is just another run of the mill socialist .

I could even see never trumpers who care more about style then policy eventually going with him rather then more trump

but we have a long way to go...........

The audacity of dropping the soap.


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Re: Buttigieg's Tobacco Road
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2019, 05:32:51 PM »
Can't say I oppose what Buttigieg did here

Please expand on your thinking.  My first thought is that while private citizen Trump was building, Mayor Pete Buttigieg was tearing down.  That contrast won't be lost on Pete's general election opponent.

They tore down two thirds of the 1000 homes when people thought they would tear down 85%.  "By the standards Buttigieg set, the plan was a success." 

Some people got 50k free money (grants) to fix up their home.  Others got nothing.  Most on the mayor's list got their home torn down by the city.

How does an inspection department do a final inspect on one thousand houses on the same day.  How do they demolish 667 houses at once?  And celebrate with a ribbon cutting?  Reminds me of cash for clunkers, if it's such a great program, why let it expire?

"outside investors accounted for most of the demolished houses".

Like Venezuela, who needs "outside investors"?  Government knows better than markets.

The 'smart' planning and demolitions also sound like Kelo v. New London to me.  Maybe they can get big pharma professionals (or big higher ed professionals) to live where the less desirables lived.  Buttigieg's parents were both Notre Dame professors.  They didn't live like these folks:
Photo of a targeted house.  Why does this house need tearing down or need 50k of other taxpayers' money?  More important:  Who should make that decision?

The problems he inherited are obviously not Mayor Pete's fault, but they did have half a century before him to replace the business loss of Studebaker in 1963.  Funny that stagnation perfectly overlaps the 'war on poverty' which replaced working people working and fathers supporting families.  Now that Pete is running for president, what is his bigger picture vision, replace life of Julia with neighborhoods of Julia?  High speed trains will buzz through replacing cars and wisk people off to pleasant factories made up of public private partnerships...

Gentrification:  Instead of raising up the earned income of poorer people, often black or  of 'color' and , 'non-college whites', force them out with strict inspection laws and rigid deadlines punishable by losing your home and attract in some richer people, mostly better educated whites to take their place.  Then without a care of where the poor people took their lousy problems, declare success for the neighborhood.  That is how cities like Mpls solve problems.  That strategy doesn't work at the national level.  The poor people may leave a neighborhood but aren't leaving the country.

Gentrification of neighborhoods is also called displacement.
Good for the City, not for the displaced.

Mike Pence, also from Indiana, says: "We want to make poor people richer; they want to make rich people poorer."  Nothing in the program made the poor richer.  And who did they take from to grant 50k per house free money to selected homeowners?


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2019, 05:54:58 PM »
I confess to only a very superficial look at it, but as was the case in Detroit, when there are a lot of blighted buildings attracting a lot of nefarious activities what are neighboring home owners to do?

Sometimes like the Tobacco Road song, the solution might be to "tear it down and start all over again". 

Roughly, I'm thinking "broken windows" theory.


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South Bend Mayor response to Trump - very deep
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2019, 05:38:30 AM »
*******Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) heckled President Donald Trump on Thursday with a Chinese proverb about walls a day after Trump mocked him at a campaign rally.
“I was thinking of a Chinese proverb that goes ‘When the wind changes, some people build walls, some people build windmills,'” Buttigieg said in response to Trump’s remarks about him. “You got to recognize we need something completely different than what we have in this White House.”

During a Wednesday evening Florida rally, Trump name-checked “Boot-edge-edge” and mocked the South Bend, Indiana, mayor, sarcastically saying that Buttigieg would be “great” representing America against the Chinese in trade negotiations.

“He’s got a great chance, doesn’t he? He’ll be great,” Trump said at the rally. “He’ll be great representing us against President Xi of China. That’ll be great. I want to be in that room, I wanna watch that one.”

In an interview with Today co-host Craig Melvin this week, Buttigieg vowed not to play Trump’s game if he wins the nomination, conceding that nobody is better at in-your-face politics than the president.

“I have a very different energy than this president. There’s going to be a temptation to try to play his game,” Buttigieg said, adding that he would not care if Trump called him a “low-energy” candidate.  “If you’re playing his game, you’re losing.”******



That's it. Pick a claimed old Chinese proverb to compare those who build walls to those who build windmills
    sooo deep
from the country that built the only wall that is the only man made structure so large it can be seen from space!

My response :  yes some people fart some belch so what's your point.
I am sure in ancient China some people did build the wall and a much fewer built windmills!

yea I get it, some people build walls and some work with nature and go with the wind . - so what is your point - open borders and let a billion people walk in ?

« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 06:14:05 AM by ccp »


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2019, 09:53:57 AM »
I went to Thomas Jefferson High School.
it is now a middle school (I think)

perhaps it should be renamed Sally Heming middle school

or better yet . Al Sharpton middle school Academy the latter add on to make it worthy of such a great man.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2019, 06:02:57 PM »
I'm halfway through Buttigieg's town hall on FOX with Chris Wallace.  Very smooth, very polished, very articulate-- makes even radical positions sound reasonable.  This guy looks  to be a major player.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2019, 07:52:00 PM »
I'm halfway through Buttigieg's town hall on FOX with Chris Wallace.  Very smooth, very polished, very articulate-- makes even radical positions sound reasonable.  This guy looks  to be a major player.

I guess we pull for slow Joe.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2019, 05:28:41 AM »
" very smooth, very polished, very articulate-"

well no doubt THAT would be welcomed from me.  Too bad he is not a Republican . 

I am 100 % tired of Trump's personal flaws of narcissism, bullying , foolish name calling and tweeting .
That said I am also 100% sure I would vote for DJT again but I wish he would shut up with the circus speak and talk serious

He was talking on Fox last night and I had to just turn it off.
Waited till great one was on at 10 pm EST for something of substance.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2019, 07:14:55 AM »
" very smooth, very polished, very articulate-"

well no doubt THAT would be welcomed from me.  Too bad he is not a Republican . 

He served his country in the military, went to elite schools, speaks well, etc. but if he is so smart, WHY is he a Democrat today?  JFK wouldn't be a Democrat today.  If he is so smart, why doesn't he get economics and bring that wisdom over to their side?

Presumably he is smart on defense matters because he served in the reserves while serving as mayor, so why does he favor going back to the JCPA Iran deal?  It was right to send them a planeload of cash?  It is right to pave their way to the nuclear bomb in 5 years?  Al those concessions we made and they still kill Americans, lead the world in state sponsored terrorism.  THAT is a good deal?  That is a success and he opposes the dismantling of it and putting the squeeze on the dangerous regime?  He is 37 years old and wants to live the rest of his life seeing the ayatollahs of Iran threaten western interests with nuclear weapons?  He is pro-Israel and pro-nuclear Iran?  How do you reconcile that?  Book smarts is limited to the wisdom of your (Harvard) teachers, like Feuxcahontas, Laurence Tribe, (or Jonathon Gruber).

I don't get that he is so smart but cannot set himself apart from a field of clones on policy.  Months into this, how is he different than Biden or the failures of Obama or the agenda of Kamala, Amy or Inslee?  He doesn't get peace through strength.  He doesn't get prosperity through growth.  He doesn't have a plan to balance the budget or pay off the debt to free his generation.  He brings nothing new on health care or immigration, the challenges of our day.  What of relevance demonstrates that he is smarter than the rest of the pack, taking municipal utility payments electronic?

Our elite schools teach promising young people how to all think alike and how to speak well about failed and failing ideas.  He learned these lessons well.

The identity side is where he is different.  But how many people are really clamoring for a white man of Harvard and privilege, no different on policy from the rest and no real advantage on experience, to become President because he is gay before we have a woman, a Hispanic or a person who rose up from the inner city poverty win the highest post in the land?


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2019, 07:27:45 AM »
" .I don't get that he is so smart but cannot set himself apart from a field of clones on policy.  Months into this, how is he different than Biden or the failures of Obama or the agenda of Kamala, Amy or Inslee?"

good question . 

I didn't see the "townhall" on Fox
wonder if the audience was stacked with crats who were coached to cheer and clap so hard and fast one wonders if they got a dollar for each clap from DNC.

perhaps he is better at BS than the rest
I don't know but maybe his style if a bit refreshing after 2 yrs of tweets.................
though I nearly always agree with the overall message of the tweeter and little if anything crats have to say .

Donald is really wearing me out -not his policies though.


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2019, 11:10:24 AM »
"Donald is really wearing me out -not his policies though"

This is a key point I think-- and this is where Buttg shines.  He is smooth and non-abrasive.

For example, as part of a response to a question about his gayness, (paraphrasing here) he spoke of "Some of the older generation just need time to get comfortable with this and I think they will.  This was my experience in South Bend, my vote % with older voters went up for my re-election."

Contrast that with angry progressive "Evil homophobes!" rhetoric.

As they usually do, the Reps missed a chance to get ahead of the curve when President Trump called on the Reps in Congress to finally come up with a health care solution to run on.

The response?

Sheer political cowardice.

With the ongoing collapse of Obamacare, lots of real Americans are genuinely scared for real for real reasons.  The Reps have allowed themselves to be painted with hardassness on pre-existing conditions.  The Reps have flapped their gums for the last 8-10 years on this and have NOTHING to show for it. 

The Denny family depends on my wife's insurance through work, yet it looks like her company is circling the drain.  If she loses her job we will be looking at , , , $1500? a month-- and no idea of how to solve it.  Our insurance through her has paid for my hip replacement, my triple hernia, and a major medicinal treatment that would have been way out of reach but for the insurance.

If I am Joe Citizen facing such a situation and I hear "Medicare for all!  Paid for by taxing Amazon et al!" it is very easy for me to think "Well, we've had Medicare for decades.  Let's just expand it to cover me for without it my family and  I are on the precipice of going down the tubes in a life changing way."


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2019, 05:56:56 PM »
"Donald is really wearing me out -not his policies though"

This is a key point I think-- and this is where Buttg shines.  He is smooth and non-abrasive.

For example, as part of a response to a question about his gayness, (paraphrasing here) he spoke of "Some of the older generation just need time to get comfortable with this and I think they will.  This was my experience in South Bend, my vote % with older voters went up for my re-election."

Contrast that with angry progressive "Evil homophobes!" rhetoric.

As they usually do, the Reps missed a chance to get ahead of the curve when President Trump called on the Reps in Congress to finally come up with a health care solution to run on.

The response?

Sheer political cowardice.

With the ongoing collapse of Obamacare, lots of real Americans are genuinely scared for real for real reasons.  The Reps have allowed themselves to be painted with hardassness on pre-existing conditions.  The Reps have flapped their gums for the last 8-10 years on this and have NOTHING to show for it. 

The Denny family depends on my wife's insurance through work, yet it looks like her company is circling the drain.  If she loses her job we will be looking at , , , $1500? a month-- and no idea of how to solve it.  Our insurance through her has paid for my hip replacement, my triple hernia, and a major medicinal treatment that would have been way out of reach but for the insurance.

If I am Joe Citizen facing such a situation and I hear "Medicare for all!  Paid for by taxing Amazon et al!" it is very easy for me to think "Well, we've had Medicare for decades.  Let's just expand it to cover me for without it my family and  I are on the precipice of going down the tubes in a life changing way."

If I understand it correctly:  We already have Medicare For All.  The plan is simple, you pay in all your working life in exchange for health coverage when you are 65 plus and not working. 

They say Medicare for all but they mean Medicaid for all.  Medicaid is the free health care for low income people paid for by someone else, aka welfare.

We can have welfare for all.  We can have food stamps for all.  Free housing.  Free health care.  We can require no one to work.  We just can't pay for it all.

Buttigieg is as honest as Jonathon Gruber, MIT professor, keep your healthcare, rely on the American people being stupid etc.

We could call it VA for all but even VA coverage was contractually earned in the workplace, not a welfare entitlement.

I guess we can safely say there are no deficit hawks in this batch of Dems running.

Yes, Republicans should have solved this but ran into a couple of roadblocks.  What they call Republican "control" of the Senate included the likes of McCain, Flake, Corker, Collins and Murkowski, all of whose votes were needed.  Also, a conservative, constitutional or libertarian solution, getting the federal government out of our healthcare, wasn't going to happen politically.

House Republicans had a fair plan that allowed for pre-existing conditions but charged a small premium for it.  They were roasted by the Dems for it and left out in the cold by their colleagues in the Senate.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 07:18:28 PM by DougMacG »


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Buttigieg - False and slanderous on Pence
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2019, 04:53:01 AM »
Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg reaffirmed his criticism of Vice President Mike Pence on Friday, saying that the former Indiana governor “advances homophobic policies.”

Sec. State Mike Pompeo:  What Buttigieg says about VP Mike Pence is "false and slanderous".

Buttigig is a divider.  He builds himself up by tearing other people down.  How is that smooth and non-abrasive?  How is that better than Trump?  He is talking about people who defend religious liberty in the workplace. 

It's the Trump-Pence administration and the Republicans who are challenging the most egregious treatment of gays around the world in place like Iran and Democrat appeasers like him who appease those regimes.  Hypocrite.

Maybe he should address his own murder epidemic in South Bend before taking his policies national, attacking religious freedom and slandering other people's motives.

South Bend has the worst crime and worst economy of any city in his home county.  The murder rate and rape rate in South Bend are both twice the national average.

Throw stones Mayor Pete but watch out for your glass house. 

The South Bend murders under his watch that Mayor Pete ignores are disproportionately black and his rallies are all white.  Does that make Buttigieg RACIST?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 05:33:23 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2019, 06:29:05 AM »
yes he is a divider

implying the Fox audience will come around to his agenda
   such as make Thomas Jefferson's name vanish from everywhere . - I suppose we should resculpt Mt Rushmore into pewee herman's face
or maybe Obama's

I was personally offended when he goes on Fox and then insults the network to their face and audience .  If that is not a middle finger to 1/2 the country I don't know what is.

The problem is style means a lot .

And Trumps style , if getting me down ,  an avid supporter, one can only imagine what it is doing to the voters who count - those who decide every election - the ones who will vote Republican or Democrat depending on the candidate.

Personally I think Trump is in trouble. 
His inability to expand the "base" . may well mean he loses n '20.

I read that healthcare was the problem that caused the large Republican losses in '18 . Why would that change for '20?

and now with the abortion thing, etc.  with the states. I doubt most voters are going to like the extreme nature of it.

I am not against tariffs (I assume I will pay more ) or going up against Iran etc , but I am not sure about the middle voters......

« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 07:14:11 AM by ccp »


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saw his fox news campaign commercial - townhall my ass
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2019, 10:24:59 AM »
Just listened to his "townhall " with Wallace.

What a great campaign gift Fox gave him
and adoring crowd of if not totally almost totally Democrats (how do I know- when he mentioned how trump not only has to lose but lose badly ) from what I could see EVERYONE was clapping enthusiastically

Wallace through him softballs the entire time including the little clip about "who he is "
the questions I would be shocked if he did not know ahead of time.

He is one of the most LEFTIST DEM candidates or at least as left as any of them.

Thinks the left has to change their wording or expressions when speaking to the right and middle (not a single policy needs to be changed) from radical agenda.

So on substance he is terrible.

On style he IMHO kicks Trumps' ass up and down the road.

I really find it hard to believe that Trump up against him and simply calling him names, belittling him,
diminishing him ,  will not win a single middle of the roader over.  Oh yeah the Base will cheer and scream and laugh , or look the other way , like me ,  but that is only 40% of voters  .   

If Trump had some of Buttigiegs  qualities he would be at 60% approval right now. 

That said it is a long way to go he Buttigieg may not bring down any of those in his own party ....


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re. Buttigieg: saw his fox news campaign commercial - townhall my ass
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2019, 04:37:42 AM »
Yes, they allow them to bring in their own crowd so in a way they are still in their partisan bubble, no different than a Trump rally except for the questioners.   I'm interested in picking apart his policy positions after he develops them.  His policy positions might be more original if he wasn't running for nomination of the usual Dem primary voters.  We know where the Dem primary voters stand.

He should have come out as a gay Republican if he really was bold with original thinking.

Point made by Hugh Hewitt on Butti:  25% care that he is a gay married man.  Half of those are on the left and would have voted for him anyway if he is the nominee and half of those are on the right and would have voted against him anyway if he is the nominee.  In other words, it won't matter a lick.

At this point I see him as the VP pick - if a woman becomes the nominee - which is at this point unlikely.  That would new and exciting - like the success of the historic Geraldine Ferraro ticket (that lost 49 states including her home state of NY).  Buttigieg will not win Indiana as a Presidential or VP pick so he really is of no electoral use.

His comments on Mike Pence are not just slanderous but hate speech.  He is not what anyone would call a new Democrat.

Meanwhile the trouble goes on in South Bend and he has no original thought on the underlying causes.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 04:53:34 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: buttigieg, Flavor of the month, yuck
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2019, 08:42:35 AM »
I finally watched the entire townhall and stand by what I wrote after just hearing clips.

Yes he's smooth.  To quote him back, "I don't care".  He has no differentiation from the policy position requirements of the hard Left. 

He smoothly took the 3rd trimester abortion question to how hard that is "for the families" and interjects "morals and ethics", and then sides with the most extreme position possible, no restrictions whatsoever on killing the fetus and no rights whatsoever for the father or anyone else.  Only the mother who isn't a mother.  What the hell did he mean by 'hard for families' if only the mother has a say?   The late term fetus is viable outside the womb. No mention.  No acknowledgement there is a life involved with heart beat, feels pain and has separate DNA from the mother.  Total leftist capitulation with no sign of Rhodes scholar deep thinking or effort to reach across the aisle and compromise.  Legal execution in all circumstances.  Brilliant.

Same for economics.  No sign of any intelligence beyond Obama wanting to raise rates 'on the rich' (capital gains) even if it brings in no new revenue and kills economic growth, out of "fairness".  No acknowledgement whatsoever of the previous story, that manufacturing jobs growth rate went up 10-fold since Obama with his policies, or that lack of growth hurts the middle class, the poor, the unemployed and minorities most.  The already rich already have their wealth, by definition, and are fine in a zero growth, stagnant economy.

Same for military use of force.  He served in the reserves and served one tour in Afghanistan.  (He also counts that time as also serving as mayor.)  I respect his service and it gives him one perspective of value.  It gives him the experience that 3 million people have from serving since 9/11 and puts him ahead of all his competitors on that one point.  But it is not military leadership experience.  It doesn't compare with Gen. Eisenhower,  Colin Powell or Dick Cheney with experience commanding successful missions or running the DOD, or even Trump as Commander in Chief.  If Petreous were running, would Butti support him because of military experience?  Of course not.  Buttigieg's philosophy on when to deploy military force was adequate, showed no unique wisdom from his service or high grades.  He would be a learn-as-you-go Commander in Chief, like everyone else new to the job.

He gives lip service to the deficit and lip service to "single payer" healthcare.  Neat trick but which is it?  Not a lick smarter than sleep-her-way-up Kamala or bottom-of-the-class Slow Joe.

Mayor Pete supports abolishing the electoral college without so much as a word of what purpose the EC serves and how hard the close elections would be to recount and settle.  No mention that it is anti-constitutional to take this issue on an end run around the amendment process as liberals are now doing.  He is just checking the Leftist checklist on every current issue, again without adding an original thought.

He supports a "reasonable" wealth tax.  Reasonable?  How about constitutional?

He offers no reason why he is more qualified than any other small town mayor, really touts no accomplishments even there.  I am unimpressed.  He is being looked at because the others aren't impressive either and don't have a hook.  Buttigieg doesn't have a hook.  He didn't fix South Bend, which is not one of the 300 largest cities in America.  He doesn't have a plan for America.  He isn't an economic or military genius.  He didn't bring jobs back- anywhere; Trump did that.  Being gay doesn't bring him one vote or help him govern.  All Dems are 100% LGBTQRSTUV friendly and Trump is the first pro-gay-marriage President.  He doesn't have any unique appeal to women, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, working class whites or Muslims.  He has never won a divided state-wide election and can't carry Indiana.  Remove the gay and the elite school background and he is a 37 year white male parroting hope, change and audacity.  After his big moment in the sun, Biden, slurring his words, has 6 times the support, Commie Bernie has double and Warren and Harris, doing nothing, lead him still.

When I think of Rhodes Scholar President I think of Slick WIllie telling us "it depends on what the meaning of is is".  Speaking or writing eight languages is something.  It tells people he's not like us.  Watch Obama, Hillary, even Pawlenty, with the advice of the best political advisers, drop their g's when talkin' to the workin' people.  Butti:  I've walked in your shoes, if they were Ralph Lauren, while I was speaking Norwegian intermixed with Maltese, Dari and a hint of French. 

This man will not be the nominee or the next President.   - Doug, May 2019
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 09:00:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: buttigieg
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2019, 09:03:19 AM »
"When I think of Rhodes Scholar President I think of Slick WIllie telling us "it depends on what the meaning of is is". "

The more I reflect back the more I see Gieg as a version of slick Willie

avoided straight answers when convenient, attacked the questioner also when convenient ( "this kind of question is geared to trip me up" or something like that) .   and by his own admission believes that changing the wording used in the messages will win over the middle voters and maybe even be gracious to the right voters while at the same time shoving down our throats the liberalist agenda one could dream of.

another slick willie -  and worse another Obama talked like a compromiser includer etc but rammed his leftist globalist stuff up our asses the best he could.

recent poll - gallup I think - while polls are not worth a lot - FWIW - showed his approval went down.

At first glance his well spoken style seemed to be attractive against Trumps style but maybe I was too quick with that conclusion.  Not sure yet.

Only thing is Geig is not fooling me, Doug, CD, or GM.


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Buttigieg wrote about Bernie Sanders in 2000
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2019, 11:57:56 AM »
Admiring socialists since high school, here is Little Peter winning the national Profiles in Courage essay contest and receiving his award from Caroline Kennedy.

What says courageous like being stupid in public on economics?

Bernie Sanders
By Peter Buttigieg
St. Joseph’s High School
South Bend, Indiana

In this new century, there are a daunting number of important issues which are to be confronted if we are to progress as a nation. Each must be addressed thoroughly and energetically. But in order to accomplish the collective goals of our society, we must first address how we deal with issues. We must re-examine the psychological and political climate of American politics. As it stands, our future is at risk due to a troubling tendency towards cynicism among voters and elected officials. The successful resolution of every issue before us depends on the fundamental question of public integrity.

A new attitude has swept American politics. Candidates have discovered that is easier to be elected by not offending anyone rather than by impressing the voters. Politicians are rushing for the center, careful not to stick their necks out on issues. Most Democrats shy away from the word “liberal” like a horrid accusation. Republican presidential hopeful George W. Bush uses the centrist rhetoric of “compassionate conservatism” while Pat Buchanan, once considered a mainstream Republican, has been driven off the ideological edge of the G.O.P. Just as film producers shoot different endings and let test audiences select the most pleasing, some candidates run “test platforms” through sample groups to see which is most likely to win before they speak out on major issue. This disturbing trend reveals cynicism, a double-sided problem, which is perhaps, the greatest threat to the continued success of the American political system.

Cynical candidates have developed an ability to outgrow their convictions in order to win power. Cynical citizens have given up on the election process, going to the polls at one of the lowest rates in the democratic world. Such an atmosphere inevitably distances our society from its leadership and is thus a fundamental threat to the principles of democracy. It also calls into question what motivates a run for office – in many cases, apparently, only the desire to occupy it. Fortunately for the political process, there remain a number of committed individuals who are steadfast enough in their beliefs to run for office to benefit their fellow Americans. Such people are willing to eschew political and personal comfort and convenience because they believe they can make a difference. One outstanding and inspiring example of such integrity is the country’s only Independent Congressman, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders.

Sanders’ courage is evident in the first word he uses to describe himself: “Socialist”. In a country where Communism is still the dirtiest of ideological dirty words, in a climate where even liberalism is considered radical, and Socialism is immediately and perhaps willfully confused with Communism, a politician dares to call himself a socialist? He does indeed. Here is someone who has “looked into his own soul” and expressed an ideology, the endorsement of which, in today’s political atmosphere, is analogous to a self-inflicted gunshot wound.  Even though he has lived through a time in which an admitted socialist could not act in a film, let alone hold a Congressional seat, Sanders is not afraid to be candid about his political persuasion. 

After numerous political defeats in his traditionally Republican state, Sanders won the office of mayor of Burlington by ten votes. A successful and popular mayor, he went on to win Vermont’s one Congressional seat in 1990. Since then, he has taken many courageous and politically risky stands on issues facing the nation.  He has come under fire from various conservative religious groups because of his support for same-sex marriages.  His stance on gun control led to NRA-organized media campaigns against him. Sanders has also shown creativity in organizing drug-shopping trips to Canada for senior citizens to call attention to inflated drug prices in the United States.

While impressive, Sanders’ candor does not itself represent political courage. The nation is teeming with outspoken radicals in one form or another.  Most are sooner called crazy than courageous. It is the second half of Sanders’ political role that puts the first half into perspective: he is a powerful force for conciliation and bi-partisanship on Capitol Hill. In Profiles in Courage, John F. Kennedy wrote that “we should not be too hasty in condemning all compromise as bad morals. For politics and legislation are not matters for inflexible principles or unattainable ideals.” It may seem strange that someone so steadfast in his principles has a reputation as a peacemaker between divided forces in Washington, but this is what makes Sanders truly remarkable. He represents President Kennedy’s ideal of “compromises of issues, not of principles.”

Sanders has used his unique position as the lone Independent Congressman to help Democrats and Republicans force hearings on the internal structure of the International Monetary Fund, which he sees as excessively powerful and unaccountable. He also succeeded in quietly persuading reluctant Republicans and President Clinton to ban the import of products made by under-age workers. Sanders drew some criticism from the far left when he chose to grudgingly endorse President Clinton’s bids for election and re-election as President. Sanders explained that while he disagreed with many of Clinton’s centrist policies, he felt that he was the best option for America’s working class.

Sanders’ positions on many difficult issues are commendable, but his real impact has been as a reaction to the cynical climate which threatens the effectiveness of the democratic system. His energy, candor, conviction, and ability to bring people together stand against the current of opportunism, moral compromise, and partisanship which runs rampant on the American political scene. He and few others like him have the power to restore principle and leadership in Congress and to win back the faith of a voting public weary and wary of political opportunism. Above all, I commend Bernie Sanders for giving me an answer to those who say American young people see politics as a cesspool of corruption, beyond redemption. I have heard that no sensible young person today would want to give his or her life to public service. I can personally assure you this is untrue.

    - Peter Buttigieg, 2000


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psssst Butti is propagating Abe Lincoln was gay
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2019, 05:49:19 AM »

We would never know if the aid he stayed with a few times were carrying on or just two 19th century guys sharing the same one bed in the room

So Butti might not be the first
But I can assure you he will be the first to look like Pee wee Herman

God I hope not.
We had Clinton to suffer with for 8 yrs, then Obams , can you imagine having to look at this guy?


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Mayor Pete Buttigieg, more Arrogant than Obama
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2019, 08:03:13 AM »
This observation seems  right on the money to me.  Sorry to bring him up right as he's fading but  we want to keep the record in these threads.
Pete Buttigieg may well be the most arrogant candidate ever to run for a major party’s nomination in American History. Start with his record as South Bend, Indiana Mayor.

Buttigieg admits to being a failure at managing this small city’s police department. In Mayor Pete’s view the lessons learned from this big fiasco make him the best choice for Commander-In-Chief. What arrogance!

Silly me, back in the day when I interviewed candidates for promotions I would look for people who performed well at previous jobs. Instead I should have learned from the Buttigieg school of management that failure is often a better recommendation for promotion than success.

What nonsense! What arrogance!

Then there’s his sweeping proposal to change the very nature of our Republic. Abolish the Electoral College. Pack the Supreme Court. . .End the Senate filibuster.

No consideration is given to the vast unintended consequences that would occur. Hallowed traditions that have generally served our nation well like separation of powers, protection for minority opinion or the clear cut outcomes afforded by the Electoral College are all to be discarded because the failed Mayor of a small city says we’re a democracy not a republic.

To top off this Progressive dream list there’s his call for a National Service. Buttigieg would recruit recent high school and college students into joining a National Service Corp. For minimal pay and tuition forgiveness, 750,000 youngsters annually would perform civilian services that Mayor Pete thinks are valuable. Doubtlessly, climate hysteria, identity politics, and all other manner of political correctness would be part of the training menu.
Buttigieg purports to find a religious imperative in the $15 an hour minimum wage. Christians who don’t back increasing the minimum wage to that level are hypocrites, he contends.

By this ridiculous account of Christianity, why isn’t Buttigieg a hypocrite for not supporting a $20 an hour minimum wage? For the same reason that other Christians aren’t hypocrites for opposing $15 an hour. The Bible doesn’t address the minimum wage rate and there are public policy arguments against raising it.

Buttigieg’s latest religious rant is even more absurd and offensive. He purports to find support in scripture for killing babies up until just before they draw their first breath. Alexandra DeSanctis has the details.

Buttigieg’s abortion sophistry was too much for his evangelical brother-in-law, Pastor Ryan Glezman. He told the Washington Examiner:

I feel a sense of responsibility and stewardship of my faith to stand up and say something, to say, ‘No, that’s not true.’ God places a very high value on all human life. Everyone is created fearfully and wonderfully in the image of God with intrinsic value. That doesn’t start at the first breath, it starts when we enter our mother’s womb.


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Dan Mitchell: Buttigieg's Greek style fiscal policy
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2019, 06:52:05 AM »
Who does "free college" help?

Candidates such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supposedly are competing for hard-left voters, while candidates such as Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg are going after moderate voters. But a review of Buttigieg’s fiscal policy suggests he may belong in the first category.

In the interview, I focused on Buttigieg’s plan to subsidize colleges. Hopefully, I got across my main point is that students won’t be helped.

Based on what’s happened with the “third-party payer” subsidies that already exist, colleges and universities will simply jack up tuition and fees to capture the value of any new handouts.

I’m not the only person to speculate that Buttigieg is simply a watered down version of Warren.

The Wall Street Journal opined today on Mayor Pete’s statist agenda.

Mr. Buttigieg has risen steadily in the Real Clear Politics polling average to a solid fourth place, with about 7% support. …on Friday he released what he called “An Economic Agenda for American Families.” For a candidate who wants to occupy the moderate lane, Mr. Buttigieg’s policy details veer notably left. …$700 billion—presumably over 10 years, but the plan doesn’t specifically say—for “universal, high-quality, and full-day early learning.” …$500 billion “to make college affordable.” That means free tuition at public universities… $430 billion for “affordable housing.” …$400 billion to top off the Earned Income Tax Credit… A $15 national minimum wage.

At the risk of understatement, that’s not a moderate platform.

This isn’t an economic agenda, and there isn’t a pro-growth item anywhere. It’s a social-welfare spending and union wish list. …Don’t forget the billions more he has allocated to green energy, as well as his $1.5 trillion health-care public option, “Medicare for All Who Want It.” So far Mayor Pete’s agenda totals $5.7 trillion… Mayor Pete’s policy wish list is shorter and cheaper than Elizabeth Warren’s, but it still includes gigantic tax increases to finance a huge expansion of the welfare and entitlement state. Call it Warren lite.

Methinks John Stossel needs to update this video. With $5.7 trillion of new outlays, Buttigieg is definitely trying to win the big-spender contest.

No wonder he’s now embracing class-warfare tax policy. One of his giant tax increases, which I should have mentioned in the interview, is a version of Elizabeth Warren’s “nutty idea” to force people to pay taxes on capital gains even if they haven’t sold assets and therefore don’t actually have capital gains!

And the Washington Post reports that he also wants to increase the capital gains tax rate, even though that will make America less competitive.

By the way, Buttigieg is also a hypocrite. He’s joined with other Democratic candidates in embracing a carbon tax on lower-income and middle-class voters, yet the Chicago Tribune reports that he zips around the country on private jets.

Pete Buttigieg has spent roughly $300,000 on private jet travel this year, more than any other Democrat running for the White House, according to an analysis of campaign finance data. …his reliance on charter flights contrasts sharply with his image as a Rust Belt mayor who embodies frugality and Midwestern modesty. …Buttigieg’s campaign says the distance between its South Bend headquarters and major airports sometimes makes private jet travel necessary. “We are careful with how we spend our money, and we fly commercial as often as possible,” Buttigieg spokesman Chris Meagher said Wednesday. “We only fly noncommercial when the schedule dictates.”

In other words, one set of rules for ordinary people, but exemptions for the political elite.

Though at least he hasn’t proposed to ban hamburgers. At least not yet.


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Re: Pete Buttplug's hollow military bragging
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2020, 08:31:31 AM »

I don't like criticizing his or almost anyone's military experience.  Trump's attack on McCain on that score was bad form.

On the first point which I think is how he got in, his background in analytics is as valuable in combat as a sharpshooter or pilot IMHO. 

The second point is fully valid and stands separate from his service.  Praising Kerry's false, anti-American testimony is disgraceful.  That he believes Kerry's testimony is revealing of a number of things.  He doesn't get outside the liberal bubble.  He doesn't read the sources that debunked that.  That explains his poorly thought out economic ideas as well.

Third point reveals something about Butti and his ambition.  He made up his own statistic about how many times he was outside the confines the presumed safe confines of his desk and monitor.   It means he mostly served in a protected area.  I'll grant him that he put himself in harms way to serve his country.  His motives of personal ambition in serving are an acceptable part of anyone's or everyone's military experience.

We are not getting a General Eisenhower, Colin Powell or Petreus in the Butti deal and that's okay.  He served and got to think about how to approach conflicts like Afghanistan.  We are mostly better off without having our country run by the upper echelons of military. 

More importantly, his foreign policy ideas don't show any more wisdom than his rivals Biden, Sanders, Warren etc.


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Pete Buttigieg - End Electoral College? HOW?
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2020, 07:13:18 AM »
I hear Mayor Pete is SO smart, but he wastes his time in debates and on national television on ending the electoral college.  I have problems with that:

1. It's a bad idea.  It's there for a reason.  You're not smarter than the Founders.  The US is not a state or a city and we don't want a leader who is not popular in multiple areas and regions.

2.  Recounts would go from crooked to impossible.

3.  It can't happen.  The states that would lose influence would have to consent.

4.  Since you know it can't happen, your insistence on repeatedly bringing it up has some kind of duplicity in it.  Red meat for the Trump derangement crowd, but if you admit you can't win through the electoral college, you are the wrong 'man' for the job.


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Re: Wife Pete Buttigieg
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2020, 08:09:51 AM »
Just read Doug's post of butti adoration of Bernie Sanders

butti knew he was gay in high school:

"He has come under fire from various conservative religious groups because of his support for same-sex marriages.  His stance on gun control led to NRA-organized media campaigns against him. Sanders has also shown creativity in organizing drug-shopping trips to Canada for senior citizens to call attention to inflated drug prices in the United States."

He has hated the right from the moment he knew he like boys

this part is beyond laughable:

"While impressive, Sanders’ candor does not itself represent political courage. The nation is teeming with outspoken radicals in one form or another.  Most are sooner called crazy than courageous. It is the second half of Sanders’ political role that puts the first half into perspective: he is a powerful force for conciliation and bi-partisanship on Capitol Hill"

to call Bernie bipartisan is a joke.  His liberty score i 23 %.  - the Independent label he calls himself if a farce .  Of course he is liberal and Democrat all the way.

This article by butti is instructive of how he thinks .  It IS rather obvious in his platform his speeches town halls etc
He is trying to play Obama - cool calm collected - use terms like bipartisan cooperation bring people together
 common ground - all the while shoving a radical agenda down all our throats.

A guy like this. who has spent his whole life planning to be Prez. will keep trying.  He will likely first get something - VP pick because he is gay,
secretary of something ,  and keep running for top job for longer than I am alive .


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Re: Wife Pete Buttigieg
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2020, 02:03:53 PM »
Buttplug's father is a communist academic (Redundant, I know).

Just read Doug's post of butti adoration of Bernie Sanders

butti knew he was gay in high school:

"He has come under fire from various conservative religious groups because of his support for same-sex marriages.  His stance on gun control led to NRA-organized media campaigns against him. Sanders has also shown creativity in organizing drug-shopping trips to Canada for senior citizens to call attention to inflated drug prices in the United States."

He has hated the right from the moment he knew he like boys

this part is beyond laughable:

"While impressive, Sanders’ candor does not itself represent political courage. The nation is teeming with outspoken radicals in one form or another.  Most are sooner called crazy than courageous. It is the second half of Sanders’ political role that puts the first half into perspective: he is a powerful force for conciliation and bi-partisanship on Capitol Hill"

to call Bernie bipartisan is a joke.  His liberty score i 23 %.  - the Independent label he calls himself if a farce .  Of course he is liberal and Democrat all the way.

This article by butti is instructive of how he thinks .  It IS rather obvious in his platform his speeches town halls etc
He is trying to play Obama - cool calm collected - use terms like bipartisan cooperation bring people together
 common ground - all the while shoving a radical agenda down all our throats.

A guy like this. who has spent his whole life planning to be Prez. will keep trying.  He will likely first get something - VP pick because he is gay,
secretary of something ,  and keep running for top job for longer than I am alive .


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Pete Buttigieg
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2020, 03:17:31 PM »
a. He was raised an academic Marxist.
b. Has not renounced that upon reaching his brief, post academia adulthood.
c. Like Obama, educated to the hilt, but has never read a book or heard a talk coming from the free market or supply side of economics.

He speaks umpteen languages and memorizes poetry, someone should ask him to quote Adam Smith, Hayek, Milton Friedman or Ibn Khaldun.

Ask him what the logic string of try the same thing and expect a different result is called.


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Re: Pete Buttigieg
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2020, 03:19:34 PM »
a. He was raised an academic Marxist.
b. Has not renounced that upon reaching his brief, post academia adulthood.
c. Like Obama, educated to the hilt, but has probably never read a book or heard a talk coming from the free market or supply side of economics.

He speaks umpteen languages and memorizes poetry, someone should ask him to quote Adam Smith, Hayek, Milton Friedman or Ibn Khaldun.

Ask him what the logic string of try the same thing and expect a different result is called.


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Re: Wife Pete Buttigieg
« Reply #47 on: February 10, 2020, 07:41:46 PM »

Buttplug's father is a communist academic (Redundant, I know).

Just read Doug's post of butti adoration of Bernie Sanders

butti knew he was gay in high school:

"He has come under fire from various conservative religious groups because of his support for same-sex marriages.  His stance on gun control led to NRA-organized media campaigns against him. Sanders has also shown creativity in organizing drug-shopping trips to Canada for senior citizens to call attention to inflated drug prices in the United States."

He has hated the right from the moment he knew he like boys

this part is beyond laughable:

"While impressive, Sanders’ candor does not itself represent political courage. The nation is teeming with outspoken radicals in one form or another.  Most are sooner called crazy than courageous. It is the second half of Sanders’ political role that puts the first half into perspective: he is a powerful force for conciliation and bi-partisanship on Capitol Hill"

to call Bernie bipartisan is a joke.  His liberty score i 23 %.  - the Independent label he calls himself if a farce .  Of course he is liberal and Democrat all the way.

This article by butti is instructive of how he thinks .  It IS rather obvious in his platform his speeches town halls etc
He is trying to play Obama - cool calm collected - use terms like bipartisan cooperation bring people together
 common ground - all the while shoving a radical agenda down all our throats.

A guy like this. who has spent his whole life planning to be Prez. will keep trying.  He will likely first get something - VP pick because he is gay,
secretary of something ,  and keep running for top job for longer than I am alive .


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WSJ: Butt and Capitalism
« Reply #48 on: February 12, 2020, 04:23:42 PM »
Pete Buttigieg and ‘Virtuous Capitalism’
South Bend is no model economy, but its former mayor once recognized the value of markets.

By James Freeman
Updated Feb. 12, 2020 2:32 pm ET

“Even as Pete Buttigieg savors a second-place finish just shy of a win in New Hampshire’s presidential primary, the road ahead looks much more challenging,” reports the Journal’s John McCormick. Voters may be wondering if the former mayor’s economic policy would be even more challenging for America than it’s been for South Bend, Indiana.

Rounding out the eight-year Buttigieg era of mediocrity, the South Bend area posted a higher unemployment rate in December than other Indiana locales including Elkhart, Evansville, Fort Wayne and Indianapolis.

Mr. Buttigieg’s presidential agenda could be even less conducive to job growth than the policies he pursued as mayor. After Vermont’s socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire Democratic primary on Tuesday night, Mr. Buttigieg said:

I admired Sen. Sanders when I was a high school student. I respect him greatly to this day, and I congratulate him on his strong showing tonight.

Twenty years ago, the young Peter Buttigieg won a prize for an essay lauding America’s most famous Marxist. Wrote Mr. Buttigieg:

Sanders’ courage is evident in the first word he uses to describe himself: “Socialist”. In a country where Communism is still the dirtiest of ideological dirty words, in a climate where even liberalism is considered radical, and Socialism is immediately and perhaps willfully confused with Communism, a politician dares to call himself a socialist? He does indeed.

Americans who treasure their lives and their liberty can only hope that communism will remain a dirty word. Freedom-loving voters have noticed that even as a relative moderate in the current Democratic field, Mr. Buttigieg is backing multi-trillion-dollar tax increases, the creation of a new government-run health plan, the end of the Electoral College and a restructuring of the Supreme Court among other “progressive” changes.

But perhaps he’s not willing to go full Bernie. Those hoping that Mr. Buttigieg no longer admires unapologetic declarations of socialism may be comforted by a 2005 piece he co-authored for the center-left Truman National Security Project. The future Mayor Buttigieg co-wrote a call for a regulated economy, not an open economy. But at least he acknowledged that some sort of market should exist:

We believe that a free and fair market is the best system for creating and distributing wealth—and that our economy functions best when its members create wealth virtuously and conscientiously. Profits and principles are not mutually exclusive. And prosperity does not require exploiting workers, deceiving the public, or eroding resources. The strongest economy is not the boom-and-bust cycle of chaotic, unfettered markets, but the steady growth of virtuous capitalism. True freedom to compete in a market system can only occur when the opportunities and resources to compete are preserved for all, and when the interests of consumers and employees are respected. In economic as in personal liberty, it is critical to apply “those wise constraints that make men free.”

Democrats understand that certain protections for workers, consumers, and shareholders are fundamental, not inimical, to the success of capitalism. The industrialist Henry Ford raised wages on the principle that his workers should be able to afford the product they build, and none other than Adam Smith acknowledged that the state had “the duty of protecting, as far as possible, every member of the society from the injustice or oppression of every other member of it” and of “erecting and maintaining certain public works and certain public institutions… because the profit could never repay the expense to any individual or small number of individuals, though it may frequently do much more than repay it to a great society.” Democrats understand that injustice will undermine growth, and think our society works best when opportunity can be actualized and resentment is dissolved in hope. Thus, we support discrete policies such as labor rights and workers’ protections out of our belief in the value of mutual responsibility to our fellow Americans.


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Re: Wife Pete Buttigieg - Platitude Generator
« Reply #49 on: February 13, 2020, 09:44:59 AM »
ccp: A student butti  (2020 Pres)
saw him speaking in suit and VERY Obamanesque

he surely is copying the "one".  another slickster - not fooling anyone but he knows the media will cover for him.

Now this:
Mayor Pete Platitude Generator
Click "Inspire" and Pete will generate random wisdom.