Author Topic: Western Civilization  (Read 46796 times)


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #151 on: May 03, 2023, 08:32:00 AM »
Right now, we have a thread dedicated to the study of this brutal attack on the DBMA Assn.  Posting that article there to help add background context.

In a similar vein, here is this:

« Last Edit: May 03, 2023, 11:06:33 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Quite the diverse turnout for the NYC Gathering of the Pack!
« Reply #152 on: May 04, 2023, 05:39:37 PM »

Probably not friends at the end of the day...


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #153 on: May 05, 2023, 12:07:38 AM »
Nor at the beginning of the day either from the looks of it haha.

"Life is tough.  It is tougher when you are stupid."


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #155 on: May 05, 2023, 03:38:17 PM »
what is your opinion about the choke hold for several minutes

assuming he was trained in ? rear naked chokes he would know he could kill someone

did he have to hold so tight for so long?

I am not expert in choke holds
so something is amiss here


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #156 on: May 05, 2023, 03:44:36 PM »
Obviously if one holds the choke on for too long it can kill.

Question presented:  Was it the choke that killed him?


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Vascular Neck Restraints
« Reply #157 on: May 05, 2023, 03:50:31 PM »
Obviously if one holds the choke on for too long it can kill.

Question presented:  Was it the choke that killed him?

Well, we could wait to have an complete investigation and autopsy, but hey BLACK PRIVILEGE is invoked, so let's just unleash BurnLootMurder!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2023, 04:16:06 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Vascular Neck Restraints
« Reply #158 on: May 05, 2023, 05:10:48 PM »
Obviously if one holds the choke on for too long it can kill.

Question presented:  Was it the choke that killed him?

Well, we could wait to have an complete investigation and autopsy, but hey BLACK PRIVILEGE is invoked, so let's just unleash BurnLootMurder!

An actual intelligent discussion of the topic.


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #159 on: May 05, 2023, 05:24:39 PM »
Umm , , , quite interesting (and I have posted it on the DBMA Assn forum) but if we [pursue it further let's do it on the Law Enforcement thread.


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new law school grads at CUNY
« Reply #166 on: May 12, 2023, 02:03:51 PM »

the new protectors of the rule of law

now all woke activists soldiers

lawyers  now COMRADS !

how dumb are they

I am no fan of Mayor Adams but this is really sad rude and disgusting
who are these no it all chumps ?


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Claremont: Remembering the Answers
« Reply #173 on: May 29, 2023, 02:08:09 PM »

Remembering the Answers
Lamenting the death of the West.

by Michael Knowles
books reviewed
Conservatives love little more than to lament the death of the West. Each year brings new books on the subject, almost all soon forgotten. A handful endure: Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West (1923) comes to mind, as does Jacques Barzun’s From Dawn To Decadence (2000), and now, I’d wager, Spencer Klavan’s How To Save The West. The associate editor of this journal, as well as the features editor for The American Mind and host of the Young Heretics podcast, Klavan might well outperform those two predecessors in educating and edifying the public. Unlike the sometimes inscrutable Spengler, Klavan writes in clear and eloquent prose, and unlike the venerable Barzun, he confines his vision of civilizational collapse to just a couple hundred pages. Best of all for an anxious modern audience, the author illuminates a path forward in our rapidly darkening times.

Klavan identifies five key modern crises: of reality, body, meaning, religion, and regime. As technological wizards such as Mark Zuckerberg threaten to wrest us from the real world and thrust our minds into a “metaverse” of their own imaginations, we begin to wonder whether objective reality—“truth independent of authority, including the authority of ‘experts’ and of majority opinion”—even exists.

The virtual realities in which we now spend so much of our time exacerbate a long-festering sense of duality between our bodies and souls. Schizophrenic cultural elites compound the confusion with a pop ontology vacillating between materialism and gnosticism. They dispel our faith, hope, love, dreams, and moral intuitions with the scientific assurance that we are nothing more than atoms. Yet at the same time they belittle our bodies as relics of an ignorant age and urge us to transcend the physical world through fads such as transgenderism. If our bodies do not matter, then what do our perceptions mean? If only our bodies matter, how can anything mean anything at all?

This crisis of meaning leads us to question the very basics of human motivation: why do we think what we think, love what we love, and do what we do? Happily, on this problem, ancients and moderns seem to have reached the same conclusion: imitation. Thinkers as distinct as Plato, René Girard, and Richard Dawkins “agree that replication—the endless copying and reproduction of things—is a fundamental mechanism of the universe that governs everything from cells to empathy to human culture.” But what, if anything, governs that process of replication? What, if anything, are we ultimately replicating?


Klavan does not shrink, as do so many muddle-headed modern gurus, from the essential question: “All the good and noble things we want to fight for,” he explains, “can’t exist unless God does.” Modern materialists have attempted to avoid the logical necessity of God’s existence by concocting scientific theories based on pure imagination. The “multiverse,” a popular theory that posits multiple or infinite worlds, seems to fill the gap left by presuming God away. But there is nothing new under the sun in our singular cosmos, as Klavan reminds his readers by quoting Saint Thomas Aquinas, who considered and refuted the notion of the multiverse in the Summa Theologiae more than four centuries before modern scientists flattered themselves into thinking that they had stumbled onto a novel idea.

Within the universe, we live in a particular place. The West, contrary to modern platitudes, is not just an idea; it is also a political community. The first four crises through which Klavan guides us culminate in a crisis of regime, though we cannot seem to agree on the cause. “Either our democracy is threatened by right-wing extremists who must be prosecuted—if not persecuted—with the full powers of the federal government,” he observes, “or our society is melting down under the corrosive assaults of neo-Marxism, Critical Race Theory, and gender extremism.” Neither can we agree about how to solve the problem: “Perhaps the solution is secession or localism, or perhaps it requires a massive extension of federal power, and more governors ruling by emergency decree as they did during the COVID crisis.”


Klavan views the crisis of regime through the lens of various political philosophers including Plato, Polybius, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Rudi Dutschke, and Patrick Deneen. But he doesn’t abandon his reader to dry intellectual history. He recognizes that regimes survive on more than mere ideas. “In the end,” he concludes, “it is philia—friendship, or love—that binds political communities together.” We find this ancient wisdom in the writing of Aristotle but also closer to home in the public addresses of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. The West is no mere abstraction, and neither will be its salvation. We are real people living in a real world, the author reminds us, and we can choose to live as if the truths and triumphs of our once-great civilization are real, too.

Klavan distinguishes himself not only by his wealth of knowledge and wisdom but also by his lack of pomp and pedantry. He quotes everyone from Herodotus to Kendrick Lamar, translating the texts himself—except in the case of Lamar, whom he regrettably leaves in the original—and yet this superb scholarly display might well pass unnoticed because he never shows off. Every line propels this beautiful, urgent book toward its purpose. The civilization is in crisis, people need answers, and How to Save the West provides them.

Michael Knowles is host of The Michael Knowles Show and the author, most recently, of Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds (Regnery Publishing).


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This is because of slavery and LBJ!
« Reply #175 on: May 30, 2023, 08:53:20 AM »


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US vs. Poland
« Reply #177 on: June 01, 2023, 06:23:13 AM »


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Your blue zoos only sort of function while the system still works.


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #181 on: June 11, 2023, 07:50:16 PM »
"The end of competence means collapse for complex systems"

"However diversity itself is defined, most policy on the matter is based on a simple premise: since all groups are identical in talent, any unbiased process must produce the same group proportions as the general population, and therefore, processes that produce disproportionate outcomes must be biased."

This is the essence.


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Re: Happy Juneteenth!
« Reply #184 on: June 19, 2023, 08:45:22 PM »
June teenth?  Was that the day Republicans freed the slaves?


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Re: Happy Juneteenth!
« Reply #185 on: June 19, 2023, 10:39:32 PM »
June teenth?  Was that the day Republicans freed the slaves?

From the democrats, the only thing that made them madder was Trump getting elected.


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #188 on: June 26, 2023, 09:04:12 AM »
Win-Win vs. Zero Sum.


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Ben Shapiro: Paganism is the New Religion
« Reply #191 on: June 30, 2023, 06:35:03 AM »

One of the common features of religious practice these days is that religion has been hollowed out in many ways by paganism. Pagan value systems have crept into our churches, into our synagogues, into mosques.

The religious institutions wear the institution’s mask while promulgating values opposed to the institution.

Nowhere is this truer than the Democratic Party Catholics who proclaim they are pro-abortion.

Joe Biden has been doing this for years. I do not understand how this is acceptable in any way, shape, or form under Catholic doctrine. Catholicism is extraordinarily pro-life, from the papacy to the laity.

Just this week, Joe Biden, the Catholic president of the United States — who constantly brags about how Catholic he is then flies the Progress Pride flag from the center of the White House rotunda as various trans influencers show their breasts — said that abortion is pretty important, and while he is not big on abortion as a practicing Catholic, he says, Roe v. Wade got it right: “I’m a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion, but guess what? Roe versus Wade got it right.”

Biden then criticized states that have passed laws restricting access to abortion. Presumably, he’s in favor of abortion being available under all circumstances. He has been asked publicly in the recent past about what restrictions on abortions he thinks would be appropriate — and he refuses to say which restrictions would be appropriate.

The answer for Biden, of course, is none.

This is the same sort of answer given by the very, very Catholic Nancy Pelosi, who’s so Catholic that when she’s not promoting same-sex marriage, she’s promoting abortion on demand.

In the 1990’s there was a general perception that there was such a concept as neutrality in the public space. For most of American history, the Judeo-Christian value system was the value system that simply prevailed. It was in the water; it was in the air.

Then the Left said, “Wait, that’s a value system and it’s discrimination. If we even have that value system present in any way, shape, or form, we need a perfectly neutral space, absolutely anodyne."

But what they meant was not “need a neutral space.” What they meant was, a space cleansed of all Judeo-Christian tradition. And if you cleanse the space of Judeo-Christian tradition, what fills that space is paganism. Why? Because people have a need to worship. They have a need for a value system that’s going to fill that vacuum.

What fills that vacuum is the system of thought that was there before the Judeo-Christian value system. That system of thought believes what happens in the universe is absolutely inexplicable — that the world around us is a place of chaos.

That system of thought believes pure will and subjective intent matter more than anything else in life; all forms of morality, except ones that are “judgmental,” are just variations on the same theme.

This ultimately leads to an enormous amount of narcissism, a belief that the entire world must be bent only to your whim, that your self-interest is the key to everything sexual and moral when it comes to abortion.

The real question is why the value system that has been promulgated in the United States has been so successful. Why is it that people can proclaim from the White House that they are practicing Catholics while simultaneously endorsing viewpoints that not only run against Catholicism, but completely undermine the very basis of Catholic viewpoints on these issues?

That is what Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have done.

So paganism is the new religion.

What you have now are leftists pretending that, in the name of God, they have to abort their children.

When you drive past a church and you see a giant sign saying, “In this church, Black Lives Matter,” or, “In this church, same-sex marriage is reality,” you realize that the church is just a secular bastion with a pretend cross on top.

Why have all these religious institutions adopted the modernist viewpoint?

The answer is that when paganism showed up at the door, they realized that paganism is a durable viewpoint, and they hoped that by ingesting the paganism, they would somehow be able to convert it into holiness.

But the opposite has happened. As always, when you ingest sin, the sin does not make you more holy.

You have to ingest holiness to conquer sin.

All the denominations that are endorsing this pagan viewpoint do not take their actual religious practice seriously. But they invoke God when it comes to killing babies, which is a form of paganism; it’s a sacrifice to Moloch.


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Re: Ben Shapiro: Paganism is the New Religion
« Reply #192 on: June 30, 2023, 08:56:16 AM »

One of the common features of religious practice these days is that religion has been hollowed out in many ways by paganism. Pagan value systems have crept into our churches, into our synagogues, into mosques.

The religious institutions wear the institution’s mask while promulgating values opposed to the institution.

Nowhere is this truer than the Democratic Party Catholics who proclaim they are pro-abortion.

Joe Biden has been doing this for years. I do not understand how this is acceptable in any way, shape, or form under Catholic doctrine. Catholicism is extraordinarily pro-life, from the papacy to the laity.

Just this week, Joe Biden, the Catholic president of the United States — who constantly brags about how Catholic he is then flies the Progress Pride flag from the center of the White House rotunda as various trans influencers show their breasts — said that abortion is pretty important, and while he is not big on abortion as a practicing Catholic, he says, Roe v. Wade got it right: “I’m a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion, but guess what? Roe versus Wade got it right.”

Biden then criticized states that have passed laws restricting access to abortion. Presumably, he’s in favor of abortion being available under all circumstances. He has been asked publicly in the recent past about what restrictions on abortions he thinks would be appropriate — and he refuses to say which restrictions would be appropriate.

The answer for Biden, of course, is none.

This is the same sort of answer given by the very, very Catholic Nancy Pelosi, who’s so Catholic that when she’s not promoting same-sex marriage, she’s promoting abortion on demand.

In the 1990’s there was a general perception that there was such a concept as neutrality in the public space. For most of American history, the Judeo-Christian value system was the value system that simply prevailed. It was in the water; it was in the air.

Then the Left said, “Wait, that’s a value system and it’s discrimination. If we even have that value system present in any way, shape, or form, we need a perfectly neutral space, absolutely anodyne."

But what they meant was not “need a neutral space.” What they meant was, a space cleansed of all Judeo-Christian tradition. And if you cleanse the space of Judeo-Christian tradition, what fills that space is paganism. Why? Because people have a need to worship. They have a need for a value system that’s going to fill that vacuum.

What fills that vacuum is the system of thought that was there before the Judeo-Christian value system. That system of thought believes what happens in the universe is absolutely inexplicable — that the world around us is a place of chaos.

That system of thought believes pure will and subjective intent matter more than anything else in life; all forms of morality, except ones that are “judgmental,” are just variations on the same theme.

This ultimately leads to an enormous amount of narcissism, a belief that the entire world must be bent only to your whim, that your self-interest is the key to everything sexual and moral when it comes to abortion.

The real question is why the value system that has been promulgated in the United States has been so successful. Why is it that people can proclaim from the White House that they are practicing Catholics while simultaneously endorsing viewpoints that not only run against Catholicism, but completely undermine the very basis of Catholic viewpoints on these issues?

That is what Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have done.

So paganism is the new religion.

What you have now are leftists pretending that, in the name of God, they have to abort their children.

When you drive past a church and you see a giant sign saying, “In this church, Black Lives Matter,” or, “In this church, same-sex marriage is reality,” you realize that the church is just a secular bastion with a pretend cross on top.

Why have all these religious institutions adopted the modernist viewpoint?

The answer is that when paganism showed up at the door, they realized that paganism is a durable viewpoint, and they hoped that by ingesting the paganism, they would somehow be able to convert it into holiness.

But the opposite has happened. As always, when you ingest sin, the sin does not make you more holy.

You have to ingest holiness to conquer sin.

All the denominations that are endorsing this pagan viewpoint do not take their actual religious practice seriously. But they invoke God when it comes to killing babies, which is a form of paganism; it’s a sacrifice to Moloch.


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #193 on: June 30, 2023, 09:49:43 AM »
Thought you might like that one.

Forgive me the tease, but I can't resist:

Shapiro is one intelligent and thoughtful Jew.  :wink:


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #194 on: June 30, 2023, 10:07:47 AM »
Thought you might like that one.

Forgive me the tease, but I can't resist:

Shapiro is one intelligent and thoughtful Jew.  :wink:



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Baltimore and Wyoming
« Reply #195 on: July 02, 2023, 12:51:51 PM »


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #196 on: July 02, 2023, 04:23:02 PM »
OMG, ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture!

Who knew?


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #197 on: July 02, 2023, 05:14:26 PM »
OMG, ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture!

Who knew?

Well, initially I was going to use stats from Wakanda, but I can't find a good source.


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #198 on: July 03, 2023, 05:16:00 AM »
"ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture"

Root cause, welfare replaces the father in the home.  Without two parents, kids grow up directionless, especially boys, and crime fills the void.  Not a factor when life focuses around family, work ethic and being invested in property rights.

Shitty government schools. 

Also physics: Collisions increase with the square of density.  (Exponentially)

Then there is (lack of) motive. When everyone defends their property, there is no reason to break in or mess with them. Contrast that with the zero sum mentality being taught, where you only gain at someone else's loss.

Ghetto gangs take advantage of the fact we don't hold juveniles accountable.  You won't go to jail if you shoot the rival gang member, but his friends will shoot you back, and on it goes.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2023, 08:31:32 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Western Civilization
« Reply #199 on: July 03, 2023, 07:23:44 AM »
"ghetto culture is less healthy than WY culture"

Root cause, welfare replaced the role of the father in the home.  Without the father, kids grow up directionless, especially boys.  Not a factor when life focuses around family, work ethic and property rights.

Shitty government schools. 

Also physics: Collisions increase with the square of density.  (Exponentially)

Then there is (lack of) motive. When everyone defends their property, there is no reason to break in or mess with them. Contrast that with the zero some mentality where are you only gain something at someone else's loss.

Back to the ghetto, gangs take advantage of the fact we don't hold juveniles accountable.

The high population density must be why Tokyo has such a violent crime problem.