Author Topic: Elon Musk  (Read 24715 times)


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The Apostate
« Reply #100 on: February 07, 2025, 12:15:33 PM »
And the rocks “Progressives” cast:

The Real Reason Dems Despise Musk
Muslims aren't the only ones who hate apostates
FEB 07, 2025

Democrats have plenty of reasons to hate Elon Musk. His DOGE operation is making them look like crooks straight out of Boss Tweed-land with government waste, much of it to pay off friends and political allies, in the stratosphere. And he’s only getting started.

Already uncovered are at least a half-trillion in government waste regarding COVID-19. Giant sums of money were frittered away studying things like transgenderism in animals with absolutely no knowledge by taxpayers.

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No one knows the extent of it, at least not yet.

Meanwhile, numerous ad hominem from the quondam left are appearing on X and the networks aimed at Musk’s youthful tech-savvy team, accusing them of being, essentially, too wet behind the ears to be doing this. Maybe it’s true of some of them, but worth noting is Founding Father James Monroe was 18 on July 4, 1776, Alexander Hamilton 21 and the great theorist of the Constitution James Madison 25.

Look for more of these smears going forward, but the deep down reason they most abhor Mr. Musk is that he is an apostate. He used to be on their side. He was their genius. What happened? (Maybe just the simple application of facts.)

The dislike of apostates is not just restricted to Muslims who have an unpleasant tradition of, shall we say, taking it to the mattress. Apostasy can be a monumental threat to all sorts of core beliefs (liberalism? progressivism?), especially when they are old and unexamined. Systems unravel.

The results can be catastrophic. The apostate must be stopped. When he is a well known one with justifiable respect, this is all the more urgent.

Such is the case of Elon Musk who has become the Democrats target number one, sometimes surpassing Donald Trump, and yet the man is arguably the Benjamin Franklin or even Leonardo DaVinci of our time. He has contributed more to humanity than the whole current US Congress combined—a low bar but still…

Musk, not the government, is the one tasked with bringing back our long-delayed astronauts from the space station. He is the first to show that rocket boosters can be recycled, catching them out of the air, saving huge amounts of money. He has connected the entire world to the internet via the satellites of his company Starlink that enabled hurricane-destroyed North Carolinians to communicate when the Biden administration did next to nothing.. His Tesla automobile is now within inches of being the first truly self-driving car. (I can attest to that since I own one.) His company Neurolink may be the most amazing of all as it draws close to being able to implant chips in the brain that would enable the blind to see. Oh, and he opened up Twitter, now X, that had previously been basically a government-run propaganda subsidiary banning information about everything from COVID to Hunter’s laptop.

And yes there’s more but that’s enough to understand why he is a target to the extent he is ludicrously accused, of all things, of being a Nazi for raising his arm in salute. I could say that is an example of projection, but in reality it's just stupid and out of control hatred and envy.

Making this more extreme is that Elon Musk is obviously a man of ideas with a remarkably fecund mind. The Democrat Party, as presently constituted, is out of ideas, new ones anyway. I can’t think of one from the recent presidential campaign other than the preservation of that hoariest of concepts, woke, that the public had long rejected.

Democrats should debate Musk all they want, but tell us where he is factually wrong. We’re waiting.


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Elon Musk a.k.a. Hairy Bolz
« Reply #101 on: February 11, 2025, 04:40:46 PM »


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Elon Musk on Rogan
« Reply #104 on: February 28, 2025, 06:34:38 PM »


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Re: Elon Musk on Rogan
« Reply #105 on: March 01, 2025, 06:42:38 AM »


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Re: Elon Musk
« Reply #107 on: March 02, 2025, 04:26:28 PM »
I click on it and get there, but there is nothing to click to get the 12 excerpts.


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Re: Elon Musk
« Reply #108 on: March 03, 2025, 06:00:20 AM »
I click on it and get there, but there is nothing to click to get the 12 excerpts.

I'm not exactly sure how it works but I think if your watch the first video it continues to the next or scroll down while watching.