Author Topic: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children  (Read 69119 times)


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Gay mayor in MO says enough on kiddie drag shows
« Reply #100 on: December 22, 2022, 06:48:54 AM »

Mayor bans children from ‘Drag Queen Christmas’

Cancellation comes amid growing backlash


A concert venue in the Missouri suburbs of St. Louis has barred children from attending an allages Christmas drag show, as states have moved to restrict cross-dressing public displays.

The Factory in Chesterfield announced hours before “A Drag Queen Christmas” that no ticket holders under 18 would be allowed to attend. The production is touring 18 states with performers from the reality television show “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

“We specifically in the city of Chesterfield have ordinances. Protecting minors and not allow[ing] minors to be exposed to certain types of entertainment of a sexual orientation, etc.,” Chesterfield Mayor Bob Nation told news outlet KMOV on Wednesday.

The cancellation comes amid a growing backlash against the production and other “family friendly” drag shows, which critics argue sexualize young children.

Drag events advertising themselves as “family friendly” have sparked 141 protests in 47 states this year, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against

Defamation (GLAAD) reported Friday.

In the St. Louis suburb, the mayor dispatched city police to control protesters and said the production would refund the money of children who had bought tickets.

PROMO, a Missouri-based LGBTQ advocacy group, expressed dissatisfaction with his decision.

Protests against “A Drag Queen Christmas” have swept the nation this week in response to viral social media videos of the production’s recent Austin, Texas, performance.

Independent conservative journalist Tayler Hansen recorded the performance, which features nude prosthetic body parts and simulated sex acts. One of the characters is named “Screwdolph the Red Nippled Reindeer.”

The presence of children at the Austin performance underscores the reason for the protests, said Gregory T. Angelo, president of the conservative New Tolerance Campaign.

“As a gay man myself, I remain flummoxed that LGBT advocates seem fixated on this idea of drag shows for kids,” said Mr. Angelo, a former head of the Log Cabin Republicans LGBTQ group. “It would not be the end of the world or of the LGBT rights movement if folks hit pause and focused on issues of real consequence.”

According to GLAAD, at least 20 of this year’s protests against family drag events have occurred in Texas, where the backlash against “A Drag Queen Christmas” started.

Other disruptions in Texas included “significant threats” from neo-Nazi protesters at a drag brunch in Pflugerville, armed Proud Boys disrupting a drag bingo in Katy and protesters shouting “pedophiles” at events in Arlington.

Lawmakers in Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, Tennessee and Texas have filed or discussed legislation to ban drag shows for children in response to the protests.

Several Texas state legislators have proposed a “drag tax” that would reclassify any establishment hosting the performances as a “sexually oriented business.”

That classification, which levies a tax on every customer that enters an establishment, currently applies only to adult entertainment venues.

Comparing drag show venues with strip clubs suits Jonathan Covey, director of policy for Texas Values, an Austinbased Christian advocacy group.

“Desensitizing kids to overt depictions of adult sexuality isn’t just inappropriate, it’s plainly dangerous territory that borders on the criminal,” Mr. Covey said in an email. “State legislators have a duty to protect vulnerable children from this politically disguised evil.”

In Tennessee, lawmakers filed a similar bill the day after the midterm elections. It would define drag as an “adult cabaret performance” and classify drag queens with topless dancers.

State lawmakers likely will file several more bills of this kind through early February, said Chris Sanders, executive director of the Tennessee Equality Project, which opposes the legislation.

“Costumes, dancing and lip-synching are not inherently sexual,” Mr. Sanders said in an email. “Some other element would need to be present in a performance to make it adult-only.”

Anti-drag legislation is growing in popularity as “an element of the radical right’s culture warfare,” said Bob Witeck, president of the LGBTQ marketing firm Witeck Communications.

“It is indisputable that children are many times more likely to be sexually assaulted by a member of the clergy or a family member than be sexualized at a drag performance or book reading in a public setting that is intended to be ageappropriate,” Mr. Witeck said in an email.

Some parental rights groups disagree with that narrative, however.

Protesters are simply reacting to a “left-wing agenda” that increasingly advertises drag performances to children, said Sheri Few, president and founder of United States Parents Involved in Education.

“States with political will and common moral decency should take appropriate legal steps to stop children from exposure to drag queen shows,” Ms. Few said in a statement. “It is appalling that drag queen show organizers and others driving this agenda believe exposure to vulgar sexual conduct is acceptable for children.”

Part of the problem is the lack of a commonly accepted definition of “family friendly” entertainment, said Mr. Angelo, the New Tolerance Campaign president.

That makes it easier to understand the protests against “A Drag Queen Christmas” while rejecting any use of violence at them, he said.

“To the extent that legislators are able to define ‘family-friendly,’ that might be a good thing,” Mr. Angelo said. “We have a history of government intervention in the United States when children are at risk. To the extent we’ve seen drag shows that by any measure are not appropriate for children, it doesn’t surprise me that legislators would step in.”


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pedophiles and deviant sexual behavior ; plain. and simple
« Reply #101 on: December 22, 2022, 07:18:06 AM »
finally an arrest - yes  :-D

I was just thinking past few days
and asking myself

why would grown men want to dress up as women and dance provocatively in a public setting and in front of children

I cannot come up with any other reason

then they are exhibitionists or pedophiles who get some sort of sexual titillation or gratification
from it.

There is simply no other explanation for this

To think so many are supporting their perversions
being thrust ( no pun intended ) in front of us every day
just boggles the mind.


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Re: pedophiles and deviant sexual behavior ; plain. and simple
« Reply #102 on: December 22, 2022, 07:37:06 AM »
It's an excellent point ccp.  These people who want to sexualize our children earlier and earlier and in every subject should be called pedophiles and it turns out that's what they are.  Not just the cross dressers at the shows, but the teachers and administrators who think it's a good idea to take children there or bring sexualization to the classroom.  The people who insert sex and gender issues into K-6 math problems should be labeled pedophiles, offered treatment, and kept away from children.

Meanwhile our kids keep getting worse at math, science, reading and writing.


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Judge in above case is an obama appointee recommended
« Reply #104 on: December 25, 2022, 06:51:16 AM »
probably by

(think) Massachusetts (Native American) Liz Warren  :roll:


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WSJ: MI teachers keep gender studies secret
« Reply #106 on: December 26, 2022, 09:48:52 AM »
Michigan’s Gender Studies Secret
A court says public-school teachers are exempt from FOIA.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 23, 2022 6:04 pm ET

The Freedom of Information Act is a popular tool for taxpayers and journalists to hold government to account. But what if the FOIA law doesn’t apply to documents or communications among many government employees?

That’s the theory endorsed by Michigan state Judge Jacob James Cunningham, who ruled on Dec. 15 that the state’s Freedom of Information Act doesn’t apply to public-school teachers.

Carol Beth Litkouhi asked the Rochester community school district to give her more information about a school’s course on the History of Ethnic and Gender Studies. The school slowrolled her request, providing minimal information. With the help of the Mackinac Center, she submitted a FOIA request to see what students were learning in a class that her child might later decide to take.

The Mackinac Center’s interest is in transparency that “affords parents the opportunity to understand what their children are learning, and to fully engage with local government officials about these lessons.” The FOIA sought access to student assignments and reading for the class as well as lesson plans and other materials prepared by the teacher.

That sounds like a simple request, but the school district argued that teachers don’t count as public employees because they’re members of the teachers union, the Michigan Education Association, and thus don’t count as members of a “public body” under FOIA. Huh?

Judge Cunningham bought that argument, and he writes that the Michigan Freedom of Information Act is meant to apply only to public employees who work in the executive branch of state government, and thus teachers and their work product are exempt.

“Even assuming, arguendo, that public school teachers are ‘public bodies’ for the purpose of FOIA requests,” the judge writes, “a review of the court file, pleadings, briefs and evidence offered show RCSD has not prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained the documents requested” (bold in original). How is it possible, let alone logical, for a school district not to prepare, own or use documents that form part of its curriculum?

The school district’s goal here is to prevent parents from questioning what is taught. But public schools should be held to the same transparency standards as other public employees. Their work is funded by taxpayers and they are accountable to taxpayers and parents. Teachers’ salaries are publicly available, so why would their work product be different? The Mackinac Center is appealing the ruling.

Transparency from public officials is a core principle of democratic self-government. Educators know that schools thrive in communities where parents care about education and volunteer their time to help schools. The Rochester obstruction is an insult to the parents and taxpayers who pay their salaries


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« Reply #109 on: December 27, 2022, 02:58:18 PM »


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WSJ: Military Woke Training
« Reply #111 on: January 02, 2023, 07:01:31 AM »
The U.S. Government’s Woke Training
Read instructions from the Army, NASA, the VA, and more, obtained via open-records law.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 30, 2022 6:41 pm ET

The Department of Veterans Affairs has a gender gingerbread person. NASA says beware of micro-inequities. And if U.S. Army servicewomen express “discomfort showering with a female who has male genitalia,” what’s the brass’s reply? Talk to your commanding officer, but toughen up.

These are details from hundreds of pages of diversity and inclusion training materials used by the federal government in 2021 and obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Everyone in corporate life knows such training, lampooned in the second episode of the TV show “The Office.” Yet taxpayers might be curious how their money is being spent to instruct the federal workforce these days.
Documents obtained via FOIA often lack context, so it’s hard to know the audience for any specific training and whether participation was voluntary or not-so-politely encouraged. With those caveats, press ahead.
Asked for its diversity training, the U.S. Army offered three modules on transgender policy, one for “Commanders at all levels,” another for “Special Staff,” and a third for “Units and Soldiers.” Notable is a series of vignettes that cover pronoun usage, urinalysis observation, and a serviceman who wants “to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.” With respect to showers, schedules can be adjusted or curtains installed. But a soldier’s gender in the Army’s system governs which facilities are used. Accommodating only a transgender soldier is prohibited.
Also, stiff upper lip: “Anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex.” Transgender soldiers aren’t “required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.”

The VA’s “Managing Gender Diversity” training has sections on pronouns and embracing “gender-expansiveness.” One slide lists terms, including “gender fluid” and “pansexual,” while instructing: “List your personal ‘biases’ in the BIAS box.” A game of “PRIVILEGE BINGO” includes such items as “NO CRIMINAL RECORD,” “MILITARY EXPERIENCE,” and “MARRIED.”

A NASA training on “Allyship for Executives” says that the term “African American” is “utilized heavily in white spaces,” and it “can make Black people feel excluded as the term tends to ‘other.’” Another NASA slide series explains that inclusive leaders “are willing to be ‘uncomfortable’” in exploring “race, gender, sexual orientation” and so forth. “We have been taught to act as if we are colorblind and gender-neutral,” it adds, but “these efforts actually limit us.”

A NASA tip sheet on microaggressions gives examples that include, “Asking an Asian person to help with a Math or Science problem,” as well as saying, “America is a melting pot.” A slide deck on inclusive language suggests nixing “the poor” and substituting “people dealing with economic hardship.” A talk to a NASA center by Janice Underwood, then the state of Virginia’s chief diversity officer, urges: “Walk toward the discomfort—when patterns of white supremacy are named or questioned, predictable defensive responses will emerge.” Ms. Underwood now leads the diversity bureau at the federal Office of Personnel Management.

A Department of Homeland Security presentation on “Inclusive Diversity” says that micro-inequities can be fought by micro-affirmations. “Social and Physical Pain Produce Similar Brain Responses,” it argues, using a cartoon rendition of two brain scans.

A National Science Foundation seminar presents data about the race and gender of the NSF’s workforce, before sending participants to breakout rooms to discuss. A National Endowment for the Arts program offers definitions for terms such as “White Fragility,” “Heterosexism,” and “Misogynoir.”

Some government bodies refused to release training materials created by outside vendors, citing a FOIA exemption for “confidential” commercial information. But contracts and lists of courses can shed a little light.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided training orders of about $313,000 for a slew of courses, such as “8 Tactics for Courageous Workplace Conversations About Race,” “Let’s Talk About Systemic Racism, Unconscious Bias and Privilege,” and “Silence is a Statement: Understanding Race in the Workplace.”

The Environmental Protection Agency’s course lists feature “Everyday Anti-Racism” and “Psychological Safety: Building a Culture of Inclusion and Innovation.” The Food and Drug Administration’s menu offers a two-hour seminar, “Checking Your Blindspot: Ways to Find and Fix Unconscious Bias.”

These examples are, well, non-inclusive. Many of the materials are dull recitations of anti-retaliation policies or polite reminders, for example, not to pet somebody’s service dog. But one lesson is that there is now a conveyor belt from academia to the diversity-industrial complex. The portmanteau “misogynoir” was coined in 2010 on a blog called Crunk Feminist Collective. Eleven years later it’s in a training for government workers.

This type of re-education was accelerated by President Biden’s 2021 executive order directing agencies to “increase the availability and use of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training.” It’s a form of political indoctrination intended to impose woke values on the vast federal bureaucracy and U.S. military.

You’d think the agencies would be proud to post all of these materials online, where it doesn’t require a long wait and a records request to read them. But since they don’t, we thought readers might like to see their taxpayer dollars and government values at work.


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CA pro-trans law
« Reply #112 on: January 02, 2023, 07:31:11 AM »
NEW YEAR, NEW CRAZY LAWS IN CALIFORNIA… BREITBART: California’s Crazy New Year: Five Radical Laws Go into Effect (One on Hold)

1. SB 107: ‘Sanctuary State’ for ‘Transgender Kids’ – This law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in September, protects the use of drugs or surgery to provide so-called “gender-affirming care” to children from other states where the use of such treatments is restricted or criminalized. It prohibits doctors from releasing information to other states, and prohibits California courts interfering in child custody over such treatments.

TEXAS COURT DOOMS INNOCENT BOY’S FUTURE… DAVID STROM: Texas Supreme Court condemns boy to trans treatment in California

Earlier this year Texas declared the medical transition of children through hormones or surgery to be a form of child abuse. In response, Jeff’s wife sought to move to California and did so earlier this year, with the permission of a liberal judge. Younger’s rights to be informed of his son’s medical treatment were also terminated. The judge also hit him with a gag order, forbidding him to discuss the case–a ruling he has obviously failed to follow because it violates his rights.

Younger did retain the right to consent or not to medical transitioning, ensuring that if his son remained in any state other than California he could prevent the medical castration of his son. But beginning January 1, California will ignore any court orders from other states in such matters. […]

California will no longer enforce any court decisions from other states, including custody decisions. That is when California Senate Bill 107, a so-called transgender sanctuary law goes into effect, which would mean the end of protection for James under Texas law. The Texas Supreme Court decision thus essentially terminated all his parental rights, despite technically retaining them.


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #113 on: January 02, 2023, 07:47:03 AM »
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

give me
your trans, your illegals, and your tax dollars


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Re: CDC pressures teachers to groom
« Reply #117 on: January 04, 2023, 08:11:40 AM »

Why are they always two steps ahead of us in game theory? My reaction to this story is defund the CDC.  Then they can say conservatives don't care about public health.


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Gov Noem lacks balls in dealing with the Tranz
« Reply #120 on: January 09, 2023, 09:11:21 AM »
Noem's Troubling Transgender Record
A "follow the money" dive reveals the governor's shaky record on the "transgender" agenda.

Thomas Gallatin

In 2020, Republican South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem rose to prominence among conservatives thanks to her admirable handling of the COVID pandemic. Her stalwart leadership made South Dakota one of the few states that never shut down; it remained open despite an avalanche of criticism leveled against her from Democrats and much of the mainstream media (but we repeat ourselves). This leadership won her accolades from conservatives, who praised her commitment to upholding and protecting her constituents' constitutional rights and freedoms. Noem was a rising star within Republican circles with rumors of a possible presidential run in her future.

But excitement among conservatives over Noem took a significant hit when, in the spring of 2021, she vetoed legislation that banned biological males from competing in girls sports. In deep-red South Dakota, signing a bill into law that protected female sports in grades K-12 and college should have been a no-brainer, but Noem suddenly decided to veto legislation that she had previously supported.

Why? Noem's explanation about concerns over the bill's ability to withstand legal challenges was dubious for its vagueness. Further complicating matters was her about-face over the legislation after having met with state business leaders.

Likely due to the national political blowback for her appearing to have capitulated to the radical transgender lobby, Noem pushed for and eventually signed into law a nearly identical piece of legislation months later. However, questions as to why Noem, who had so staunchly stood up against the COVID radicals, seemingly so easily caved on the transgender issue invited deeper digging.

Thanks to National Review's Nate Hochman, that digging has been done, and what he has exposed should have conservatives second-guessing Noem. Like all good political investigators, Hochman started by following the money, and it turns out that despite South Dakota being a deep-red state, its number one employer is anything but conservative.

Sanford Medical is the Mount Rushmore State's leading employer and happens to be a company that is heavily invested in providing "gender affirming" medications such as puberty blockers. But Sanford not only provides medications, it also actively embraces the transgender agenda, as it is co-hosting the third annual Midwest Gender Identity Summit in Sioux Falls this month, along with a transgender activist organization called the Transformation Project. Why South Dakota? As The Washington Post observed three years ago: "Cherry-red South Dakota [is] the unlikely epicenter of a transgender uprising on the American Great Plains."

This "transgender uprising" is being fed by the likes of Sanford, which is also why, despite the fact that Republicans have long controlled both chambers of the state house and the governorship, lawmakers have repeatedly failed to pass legislation to counter the spread of this culturally destructive contagion. Legislation such as bans on minor transitioning treatments, or protections for a medical professional's right of conscience.

"Sanford influences public policy in ways most people can't imagine and that certainly don't align with the values of ordinary South Dakotans," says Republican state lawmaker Jon Hansen. "[Sanford] promotes, performs, and profits off of chemically castrating minor children — a practice that most South Dakotans find disgusting and contemptible — they need an army of lobbyists to 'persuade' legislators otherwise."

Sanford has this power to bend the legislature to its will thanks to a number of state lawmakers who are connected to the company. Several of these Sanford-connected individuals appear to have Noem's ear as well.

So, how bad is it? Well, Hochman reports: "In 2022, Noem herself backed primary challenges to a number of 'far-right members of the party' named on a hit list circulated by [Lee] Schoenbeck, [the president pro tempore of the state senate]. Noem even openly campaigned with a Schoenbeck- and SDAHO-backed primary challenger to Fred Deutsch, a conservative incumbent in the state house who had butted heads with the governor over her missteps on transgender issues."

Furthermore, Hochman noted that following his reporting on Noem's worrisome record and connections to individuals lobbying for Sanford, the governor's spokesman, Ian Fury, accused him of "carrying water" for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, while also deflecting with a ridiculous claim that DeSantis is weak on abortion.

Of course, all that response did was expose the fact that Noem does indeed have her eyes on a run for the White House.

While there may be much to admire in Noem, her apparent elevating of economic interests over that of the biggest socially destructive issue of our day is troubling. Can she be trusted to not only stand against the Rainbow Mafia but to take the fight to these culturally corrupting activists?


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Re: Gov Noem lacks balls in dealing with the Tranz
« Reply #121 on: January 09, 2023, 03:57:08 PM »
This confuses me.  I also was shocked by her veto.  I don't understand why she did that and I'm glad someone looked into it further, but seems to me they didn't look very hard.

Sanford Health, largest employer in S.D. is a 'non-profit'.  Yes they contribute to her, as do 'medical professionals':

T. Denny Sanford (with whom I've had positive dealings) is a moderate Republican, donor to John Thune, John McCain.  He is listed among the billionaires who gave to Trump 2020.

Yes it would take 'balls' to stand up to the medical lobby.  Wouldn't it take even more to stand up to the right wing of her own party if she wants to run for President?  Didn't it take 'balls' to stand up to the Covid mandates? 

She won reelection in her state in 2022 by 29 points and outspent her closest rival by six-fold.  Maybe they get addicted to the money, and she had plenty left over, but she also would have won reelection with no money.

Speaking of the right wing of her own party, Noem was a backer of Lauren Boebert, among others, not exactly of the moderate wing of the party.

While 'digging deeper', authors didn't seem to find any other issues where Noem parted with the conservative base.

Maybe money and personal connections were the reason, but seems she would personally benefit more on the other side of it. 

The other possible motive for not leading the effort to stop trans from competing in wrong gender sports was that the woke were actively working to boycott the lead states.  Perhaps Noem did not want to be out-front on that issue. 

She also claimed defects in the bill and immediately went to work with executive orders and pushing new legislation to address that with "strongest in the nation" new legislation:
A South Dakota legislative committee on Friday approved a bill championed by Noem that limits collegiate and K-12 participation to the sex identified on an athlete's birth certificate. If it passes the legislature, South Dakota will become the 10th state to ban transgender people from competing on teams that match their gender identity.  The bill makes good on a promise Noem delivered when she controversially vetoed a similar bill from the state legislature last year. After initially supporting House Bill 1217, Noem sent a style and form veto back to the legislature with a slew of requests, including removing a provision designed to protect collegiate sports. January 23, 2022

The deep dive hit piece (for some reason) seemed to leave that out, though it seems to refute their main point.

« Last Edit: January 09, 2023, 04:04:44 PM by DougMacG »


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man elected as head of women's group
« Reply #132 on: February 06, 2023, 02:59:50 PM »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #134 on: February 07, 2023, 04:28:39 PM »
"Medusa is on a mission to prove that you can be both successful and forge an unconventional path at the same time, and encouraged all people stuck in corporate careers to pursue their authentic truth."

needs lobotomy
but apparently too late

not clear
is he a lizard?


how sick


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« Reply #140 on: February 09, 2023, 05:07:46 PM »

All that led me to a job in 2018 as a case manager at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, which had been established a year earlier.

The center’s working assumption was that the earlier you treat kids with gender dysphoria, the more anguish you can prevent later on. This premise was shared by the center’s doctors and therapists. Given their expertise, I assumed that abundant evidence backed this consensus.

During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager—I was responsible for patient intake and oversight—around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors. The majority of them received hormone prescriptions that can have life-altering consequences—including sterility.

I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.

Read it all at



[…] I came across comments from Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender woman who is a high official at the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The article read: “Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health, said that clinics are proceeding carefully and that no American children are receiving drugs or hormones for gender dysphoria who shouldn’t.”

I felt stunned and sickened. It wasn’t true. And I know that from deep first-hand experience.

So I started writing down everything I could about my experience at the Transgender Center. Two weeks ago, I brought my concerns and documents to the attention of Missouri’s attorney general. He is a Republican. I am a progressive. But the safety of children should not be a matter for our culture wars.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 05:13:08 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Whistleblower
« Reply #141 on: February 10, 2023, 07:24:05 AM »
A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries.

Now we are one and we do that.

Anyone ever heard of the oath, do no harm?

Apparently does not apply to Leftist religious practices of kill and mutilate your young, abortion and gender 'fluidity'.

There ought to be a law...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 07:25:42 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Whistleblower
« Reply #142 on: February 10, 2023, 07:44:29 AM »
A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries.

Now we are one and we do that.

Anyone ever heard of the oath, do no harm?

Apparently does not apply to Leftist religious practices of kill and mutilate your young, abortion and gender 'fluidity'.

There ought to be a law...

At least we can trust the same people when it comes to the ClotShot!


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #143 on: February 10, 2023, 07:56:51 AM »
"A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries."

A very useful reminder-- ideal for debating with progs on social media.


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #145 on: February 11, 2023, 05:22:25 PM »
"A VERY short time ago we were aghast over genital mutilation of children in certain third world countries."

A very useful reminder-- ideal for debating with progs on social media.


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SD: Gov Noem sign anti-dismembering bill into law
« Reply #147 on: February 16, 2023, 03:06:43 PM »
IIRC she flinched on trans in women's sports.  Looks like she learned her lesson.