Author Topic: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children  (Read 103062 times)


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Tucker has been clearly articulating that puberty blocking is chemical castration and surgeries removing breasts and penises of minors are , , , well child abuse seems too minor a term.

So, I am giving all this its own thread.

Kicking it off with a doctor who does these things getting into the aftermath of "a top end job".

« Last Edit: September 20, 2022, 01:53:47 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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NRO: CA's law wars on parents and children
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2022, 04:24:12 AM »
September 7, 2022 6:30 AM

A new state law makes California a haven for dangerous, irreversible sterilizing surgeries and treatments for minors, threatening parents’ rights elsewhere.

The California legislature just passed S.B. 107, a dangerous bill that undermines the fundamental right of every parent in every state to direct the upbringing of their children. It allows California courts to strip custody from parents — even parents who don’t live in California — who have legitimate concerns about a young child undergoing irreversible medical procedures to appear as a different gender.

California wants to become a “sanctuary state” to which minor children from around the country can flee (or even be taken by someone else) to obtain on-demand puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries to remove healthy body parts . . . without the knowledge or consent of their parents.

Assuming Governor Gavin Newsom signs S.B. 107 into law, California courts will have “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over any child in, and any person who may bring the child to, California for the purpose of obtaining harmful interventions on children’s minds and bodies. Ignoring the growing body of medical evidence demonstrating the damage caused by those medical and surgical interventions on children, California wants to reach into homes across state lines and offer such interventions to all children in America even if — perhaps especially if — their parents object.

In reality, California offers no “sanctuary” to American children. No, like the Pied Piper, California under S.B. 107 would entice children nationwide to leave their families and run away into the arms of California bureaucrats who believe that harmful drugs and sterilizing surgeries should be freely available to anyone who asks regardless of age, mental health, or legal capacity. And those courageous parents who oppose the coercive corruption of their child’s mind and body will be met with the full force of the courts, police, and child-protective services.

The bill instructs California courts to disregard parents’ fundamental right to make health-care decisions for their minor child and also denies parents access to their child’s medical information. But the radical nature of this legislation does not end there.

S.B. 107 will create chaos in family courts throughout the country as children are illicitly transported to California for the purpose of “gender transition” services. Noncustodial parents who want to impose these gender-related services on a child can abscond to California with the minor, snatching custody from the lawful custodial parent who opposes such treatment — even if taking the child out of state violates that state’s lawful-custody order and even if taking the child is without the knowledge or consent of the custodial parent.

This is an unprecedented attempt by one state to control the children in America’s 49 other states. It is an unprecedented assault on parental rights.

Such overreach conflicts with federal law governing jurisdiction over custody matters and disregards the laws and jurisdictions of the 49 other states to which deference is due under the “full faith and credit” clause of the U.S. Constitution. California considers these completely irrelevant if they stand in the way of the government’s giving children unfettered access to dangerous, experimental procedures that can cause irreversible damage and lifelong harm.

Four states have passed, and 15 others are considering, legislation to protect minor children and their families from the harms wrought by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and life-altering surgeries used in an effort to medically transition a child.

And Florida (through its Department of Health) has taken the lead in protecting children with guidelines stating that the standard of care for adolescents with gender dysphoria should not include puberty blockers, hormone therapy, surgery designed to try to change a child’s biological sex, or the controversial psychotherapeutic intervention that its advocates dub “social transition.”

But not California. Despite the research and the American College of Pediatricians’ conclusion that 80 to 95 percent of children who experience gender confusion will ultimately embrace their biological sex, California is pushing children of all ages to rush down a pathway of psychosocial and medical procedures that lead to a lifetime of medicalization and sterilization. And it is willing to trample over caring parents acting in their child’s best interest to do so.

Consider that, in California, one must be 21 to purchase tobacco products, 16 to obtain a driver’s license, and 21 to legally drink, and that it’s a crime to tattoo (or even offer to tattoo) anyone under age 18. Children cannot legally drive, smoke, drink, or get a tattoo before those ages, but twelve-year-olds can take toxic drugs to artificially suppress puberty and alter hormones, and even mutilate themselves by having healthy breasts or genitalia removed. And their parents would have no knowledge, no say, and no recourse.

This is nothing short of an all-out war on the rights of all parents nationwide. Parents have the right — and the responsibility — to make health-care decisions involving their children, and they have the right to protect their children from irreparable harm. Children belong to their parents and not to the state. And they certainly don’t belong to the state of California.


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Another story of regret
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2022, 08:02:17 AM »


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Re: Transgender Issues
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2022, 08:44:12 PM »
what does it tell us that drag queens even want to "entertain" small children or ever older children?

why would that be something they want to do?

if alive perhaps Michael Jackson could tell us


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Re: Transgender Issues
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2022, 08:59:20 PM »
what does it tell us that drag queens even want to "entertain" small children or ever older children?

why would that be something they want to do?

if alive perhaps Michael Jackson could tell us,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/115/199/916/original/0d6d05fe8a1f82db.png


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Re: Transgender Issues
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2022, 09:39:41 AM »
I note that the birth certificate in question in the Montana case says "Gender".  What if it were to say "Sex"?


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Middle schoolers fight back against pedo teacher
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2022, 01:53:09 AM »
Tucker let rip on this pervert last night.  In doing so he got to the essence with a pithy summary of what is really going on here-- using the children as part of his pedophilia fantasies.  The Drag Queen shows for children are very much a part of this dynamic.

With this in mind, I have expanded the title of this thread beyond Transgender. 

Here we have a fine example of students fighting back.


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NRO: Trans attack 74 year old gay man
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2022, 02:46:09 PM »
Elderly Gay Activist Assaulted by Trans Protesters at Vermont Pride Parade

Fred Sargeant knocked to the ground while protesting at the Pride parade in Burlington, Vt.September 18, 2022. (Courtesy of Fred Sargeant)

September 20, 2022 1:01 PM

A prominent gay rights leader who helped organize New York City’s first gay pride march in 1970 claims he was attacked by radical transgender activists over the weekend while he protested their movement during a gay pride parade in Vermont.

Fred Sargeant, 74, an early advocate for gay rights in the U.S. who participated in the 1969 Stonewall riots, said trans activists at Sunday’s parade in Burlington grabbed his signs, shoved him, poured coffee on his head, smacked him, knocked him to the ground, and stole his property because he held a sign and handed out pamphlets critical of the trans movement.

Sargeant told National Review that after the attack he was briefly sent to the hospital, where he underwent a CT scan, but is now home in central Vermont and “on the mend.”

In recent years, Sargeant has become an outspoken critic of the gender identity movement that he believes has taken over the gay rights movement. On Sunday, he said, he attended the Burlington  Pride parade to protest what he believes has become “an exclusionary parade and a venue for groups dedicated to discrimination within the same-sex community.”

“The concern I have is that the movement that I knew, the gay liberation movement, has metamorphosized into a gender identity movement that is quite misogynistic, homophobic – values that I can’t share,” he told National Review. “I don’t recognize it any longer.”

Fred Sargeant (pictured in a white shirt, left) as an organizer at NYC’s first gay pride parade. (Courtesy of Fred Sargeant)
Sargeant, who is now affiliated with the LGB Alliance – a gay rights group critical of transgender and queer ideology – said he was at the parade holding a sign that compared people presenting as the opposite gender to people in black face. “For some reason in society today, while no one would dare go in black face and expect to be taken seriously in the future, drag is celebrated, and I think that’s wrong,” Sargeant said. “I think it’s disrespectful for women.”

Sargeant said he positioned himself facing the oncoming parade, and stood silently with his sign, which read “Gay, Not Queer” on the reverse side. A trans woman in the parade, peeled off, approached him, and took his sign, he said.

“As best I could on a cane, but with a little adrenaline going, I kind of hobbled after him down the street, got my sign back,” Sargeant said.

But when Sargeant returned to his position on the parade route, he said, he was surrounded by more angry trans activists who confronted him. Video posted to Sargeant’s Facebook page shows a woman fighting with him, trying to take his sign. “Somebody dumped coffee on my head. A number of people were smacking me on the back of the head,” said Sargeant, who has been kicked off Twitter for allegedly misgendering trans people. “Eventually, toward the end of the march they knocked me to the ground.”

Sargeant said he had about $600 worth of items – including a folding chair, an umbrella, a box of leaflets, and a new L.L. Bean shirt – stolen from the side of the road. “They put two and two together and took some trophies,” Sargeant said of the activists he believes took his property.

In an email to National Review, Burlington police said they were first contacted about the incident by a parade attendee who reported a man who was “allegedly carrying an offensive sign and was upsetting people in the parade.” The caller said someone poured coffee on the man, presumably Sargeant, who had “elbowed her friend.”

More than two hours after the parade ended, Burlington police received another call from an emergency room nurse who reported that a patient had been assaulted at the parade. By the time an officer followed up nearly three hours later, Sargeant was no longer at the hospital, according to the police department.

Sargeant said he called again to report the alleged assault on Monday, but hasn’t heard back from an investigator. Sargeant denies that the activists who tussled with him are victims. “When they’re claiming they’re the victim of an elderly man, you know that they’re a bankrupt group,” he said.


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Tucker on Transgender on FOX Nation
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2022, 02:20:04 PM »
This may not be visible here-- posting it if only to remind myself to come back to it later.


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PP: The Trouble with Vanderbilt
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2022, 07:48:56 PM »

The Trouble With Vanderbilt's Pediatric Gender Clinic
Matt Walsh exposed it for exploiting and abusing kids, and now VUMC is in cleanup mode.

Emmy Griffin

The whole shtick of gender-affirming care is one big exploitation scheme by healthcare providers. This has never been more obvious than now. Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh is an activist who exposes this grift, and he has done it again. After his groundbreaking documentary "What Is a Woman?" he and his team conducted a sting operation on Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), which has a pediatric "transgender" clinic. It's as bad as it sounds.

In a social media thread, Walsh systematically exposed the origins of this clinic. In 2018, VUMC decided to start the clinic because it could "make a lot of money." According to one doctor caught on video, bottom surgeries for women and girls kept a similar clinic financially flush with cash. In yet another video, a doctor made threats against other doctors who had moral or religious problems with the clinic. Most insidious of all, VUMC "trans buddies" are in the rooms making sure that doctors are only providing gender-affirming care to potential patients.

When this was exposed and people went to look into it for themselves, the Vanderbilt clinic's webpage suddenly returned a 404 error code. The page could not be found. For its part, Vanderbilt issued a statement refuting the bullying of doctors into compliance and justifying the "trans buddies" program and surgeries on minors because they obtained parental approval. The biggest red flag to anyone with half a brain is that if those videos and posts were in line with what Vanderbilt is now claiming in its statement, why take down the concurrent pages on its website? Answer: The videos speak for themselves, and they are undeniable as well as unjustifiable.

Vanderbilt is located in Nashville, and Tennessee is a very red state. When government officials found out what was going on, there was a conservative outcry. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee said: "The 'pediatric transgender clinic' at Vanderbilt University Medical Center raises serious moral, ethical and legal concerns. We should not allow permanent, life-altering decisions that hurt children or policies that suppress religious liberties, all for the purpose of financial gain. We have to protect Tennessee children, and this warrants a thorough investigation." This sentiment was echoed by U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn and Tennessee House Majority Leader William Lamberth. Walsh has met with State Senator Jack Johnson and Representative Lamberth to begin crafting a bill "to shut down Vanderbilt's child gender transition program and ban the practice in the state."

The radical leftists are up in arms. Many of them reported Walsh's social media thread and told Twitter and the FBI that it could lead to harm against VUMC.

Gender ideology is preying on our society. It preys on those with gender dysphoria and exploits them for money. It preys on our children who are impressionable by confusing them and turning them against their own bodies, their own self-interests, and their own families. Radical woke leftism encourages this divorce from reality. Radical leftism promotes hate as well as other predations that further marginalize the most vulnerable in society such as preborn babies, illegal aliens, women, the religious, and racial minorities. These radicals are backed by a president whose dangerous rhetoric got a teenaged boy mowed down by one of the radical's acolytes.

It's not the conservatives who are fomenting hate. That becomes more clear with each passing day.


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Matt Walsh on Vanderbilt
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2022, 07:50:25 PM »

Check out Matt Walsh's sting on a transgender clinic that unveiled all sorts of disgusting stuff

Joel Abbott
Sep 20, 2022 ·
This is really gross but important stuff people.

Keep Watching

Here's the thread:

The only way to understand how deep the rot goes is to expose it and face it.

Thank God for men like Matt Walsh who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves and get to work.


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2022, 10:42:39 AM »
Bill O Reilly
on broadcast last night

was saying it appears the most of the BLM is going to trans groups

he speculates it is because of the gays in BLM

Ovitz was right when over 20 yrs ago he claimed there is a "gay mafia"

All this gender stuff is due to their mafia like political clout


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ET: Texas dad fears custody to mom will mean chem castration for 10 yr old son
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2022, 02:15:09 PM »
Texas Father Fears Custody Ruling Could Mean Chemical Castration for 10-Year-Old Son
Jeff Younger wants to block any attempt to move his son to California
By Darlene McCormick Sanchez September 24, 2022

A Texas father embroiled in a high-profile custody battle fears a court ruling this week could allow his ex-wife to move to California and medically transition his 10-year-old son to a girl.

Jeff Younger, who lives in the Dallas area, told The Epoch Times on Sept. 23 that he will fight the Sept. 21 ruling by Dallas District Judge Mary Brown, and vows he’ll continue to fight for his son, James.

The parents have been engaged in a custody battle over James for most of his life. The mother, Anne Georgulas, started questioning James’s gender when he was a toddler. She argues that from a young age James chose to identify as a female, wanted to wear dresses, and eventually wanted to be known as Luna.

She eventually socially transitioned the boy, and presented him at school as a girl. The school supported that after the couple separated.

Younger accused his ex-spouse of leading their young child to socially transition before he could understand the concept or its implications. He said James rejected being female and did not wear dresses when visiting his home after the parents separated in 2015.

“I had a dress at my house, but he threw it in the trash can in the middle of the night when he thought I wasn’t looking,” Younger said.

Younger is concerned that his ex-wife now will transition James medically. He says documents he obtained during court proceedings show she took James to a therapist who recommended the family “explore” gender transitioning at the Dallas-based Genecis medical clinic.

Younger intends to file an emergency stay in response to the Sept. 21 court order. He’ll ask that a previous jury verdict, allowing 50-50 custody and no child support, be reaffirmed.

Brown, a liberal Democrat sitting on the bench for Texas 301st District Court, ruled that Younger’s ex-wife could move James and his twin brother, Jude, anywhere in the continental United States. The judge said her ruling was for the “safety and welfare” of the twins.

The order also said Younger would have to schedule supervised parental visits in the county and state where the children reside.

In her ruling, the judge “ordered” the mother not to reveal their future whereabouts to the boys’ father. And the judge allowed her to apply for new passports.

Georgulas, a Dallas-area pediatrician, indicated earlier this month that she intends to move to California, Younger said.

The move is consequential because lawmakers there have passed a bill that, according to a California Senate Rules Committee explanation, would enact “various safeguards against the enforcement of other states’ laws” that would “penalize individuals from obtaining gender-affirming care that is legal in California.” The bill was delivered to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 9 and, if not vetoed, will become law.

The legislation would prohibit medical providers from releasing information in response to lawsuits originating in other states that oppose “gender-affirming” care for children.  It also would bar California state and local police from arresting or extraditing someone for violating other states’ laws regarding treatment.

“As soon as she’s there for a year, my sons will become citizens of California,” Younger said. “And then it becomes legal for them to castrate James. So they’ll chemically castrate him.”

In 2021, Brown stripped Younger of most parental rights, giving full custody in a temporary order to Georgulas, after Younger was late making child support payments, medical support, and interest, as ordered. Then, he only paid his past-due support after the motion for enforcement was filed, according to the judge’s ruling.

Younger believes the new California law will allow his ex-wife to get around a previous Texas court order preventing either parent from treating the child with hormonal suppression therapy, puberty blockers, or transgender reassignment surgery without both parents’ consent or a court order.

In the Sept. 21 ruling, Brown said Younger ignored her instructions to attend therapy sessions. and failed to see his children in the past 13 months.

Younger said that he was not allowed to see his children individually, and had to see them together. The judge ordered him to pay hundreds of dollars for each supervised visit. The judge also ordered him not to change James out of a dress when he visited, which Younger refused to do.

“I’ve told the judge I’ll just go to jail over that,” Younger said. “I’m not harming my son.”

The court also issued a gag order against Younger, forbidding him to talk to the media. He defied it.

Younger believes the supervised visits ordered by the judge were “a setup,” so the observer could make adverse reports about his refusal to call the boy Luna.

“We have reached a point of absolute despotism in the Texas courts,” said Younger, who in the spring ran unsuccessfully for the office of state representative on the issue of making gender transition illegal for minors.

“This is directly the fault of the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature,” he said, noting that attempts to pass such legislation in 2021 failed.

When reached by The Epoch Times, Georgulas declined to comment on the ruling or her plans to movea


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The father’s duty is clear.

Texas Father Fears Custody Ruling Could Mean Chemical Castration for 10-Year-Old Son
Jeff Younger wants to block any attempt to move his son to California
By Darlene McCormick Sanchez September 24, 2022

A Texas father embroiled in a high-profile custody battle fears a court ruling this week could allow his ex-wife to move to California and medically transition his 10-year-old son to a girl.

Jeff Younger, who lives in the Dallas area, told The Epoch Times on Sept. 23 that he will fight the Sept. 21 ruling by Dallas District Judge Mary Brown, and vows he’ll continue to fight for his son, James.

The parents have been engaged in a custody battle over James for most of his life. The mother, Anne Georgulas, started questioning James’s gender when he was a toddler. She argues that from a young age James chose to identify as a female, wanted to wear dresses, and eventually wanted to be known as Luna.

She eventually socially transitioned the boy, and presented him at school as a girl. The school supported that after the couple separated.

Younger accused his ex-spouse of leading their young child to socially transition before he could understand the concept or its implications. He said James rejected being female and did not wear dresses when visiting his home after the parents separated in 2015.

“I had a dress at my house, but he threw it in the trash can in the middle of the night when he thought I wasn’t looking,” Younger said.

Younger is concerned that his ex-wife now will transition James medically. He says documents he obtained during court proceedings show she took James to a therapist who recommended the family “explore” gender transitioning at the Dallas-based Genecis medical clinic.

Younger intends to file an emergency stay in response to the Sept. 21 court order. He’ll ask that a previous jury verdict, allowing 50-50 custody and no child support, be reaffirmed.

Brown, a liberal Democrat sitting on the bench for Texas 301st District Court, ruled that Younger’s ex-wife could move James and his twin brother, Jude, anywhere in the continental United States. The judge said her ruling was for the “safety and welfare” of the twins.

The order also said Younger would have to schedule supervised parental visits in the county and state where the children reside.

In her ruling, the judge “ordered” the mother not to reveal their future whereabouts to the boys’ father. And the judge allowed her to apply for new passports.

Georgulas, a Dallas-area pediatrician, indicated earlier this month that she intends to move to California, Younger said.

The move is consequential because lawmakers there have passed a bill that, according to a California Senate Rules Committee explanation, would enact “various safeguards against the enforcement of other states’ laws” that would “penalize individuals from obtaining gender-affirming care that is legal in California.” The bill was delivered to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 9 and, if not vetoed, will become law.

The legislation would prohibit medical providers from releasing information in response to lawsuits originating in other states that oppose “gender-affirming” care for children.  It also would bar California state and local police from arresting or extraditing someone for violating other states’ laws regarding treatment.

“As soon as she’s there for a year, my sons will become citizens of California,” Younger said. “And then it becomes legal for them to castrate James. So they’ll chemically castrate him.”

In 2021, Brown stripped Younger of most parental rights, giving full custody in a temporary order to Georgulas, after Younger was late making child support payments, medical support, and interest, as ordered. Then, he only paid his past-due support after the motion for enforcement was filed, according to the judge’s ruling.

Younger believes the new California law will allow his ex-wife to get around a previous Texas court order preventing either parent from treating the child with hormonal suppression therapy, puberty blockers, or transgender reassignment surgery without both parents’ consent or a court order.

In the Sept. 21 ruling, Brown said Younger ignored her instructions to attend therapy sessions. and failed to see his children in the past 13 months.

Younger said that he was not allowed to see his children individually, and had to see them together. The judge ordered him to pay hundreds of dollars for each supervised visit. The judge also ordered him not to change James out of a dress when he visited, which Younger refused to do.

“I’ve told the judge I’ll just go to jail over that,” Younger said. “I’m not harming my son.”

The court also issued a gag order against Younger, forbidding him to talk to the media. He defied it.

Younger believes the supervised visits ordered by the judge were “a setup,” so the observer could make adverse reports about his refusal to call the boy Luna.

“We have reached a point of absolute despotism in the Texas courts,” said Younger, who in the spring ran unsuccessfully for the office of state representative on the issue of making gender transition illegal for minors.

“This is directly the fault of the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature,” he said, noting that attempts to pass such legislation in 2021 failed.

When reached by The Epoch Times, Georgulas declined to comment on the ruling or her plans to movea


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Opposing Transgenderism for children is good politics
« Reply #35 on: October 02, 2022, 02:28:02 PM »
In the Midterms’ Culture War over Transgenderism, Republicans Have the Upper Hand

October 2, 2022 6:30 AM

Resisting gender ideology is the right thing to do, but it also happens to be a winning issue.

When Mehmet Oz seemed sympathetic to the idea of “transgender children” during a 2010 episode of his show, Dr. Oz, few would have guessed that, over a decade later — in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania — this would be used as a line of attack against him. Oz has responded to such criticism by publicly stating his opposition to medicalized child transition and allowing males into females’ sports. What else could he do? The transgender question is no longer a fringe issue but a measure of electability.

Look at the Senate race in Georgia for another example of how the issue is playing a major role in midterm campaigns. Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock is only slightly ahead of his Republican opponent, Herschel Walker, and among swing voters, culture-war issues may yet prove decisive. Both candidates are black men who identify as Christians. Warnock is progressive whereas Walker has positioned himself against wokeness, accusing ideologues of “poisoning our kids’ minds” by “going into schools and telling little white kids they’re oppressors and little black kids they’re victims.” Walker has also taken aim at Warnock’s views on transgenderism.

At a rally in Canton, Ga., on Tuesday, Walker hosted Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swimmer who was forced to compete against University of Pennsylvania’s male swimmer, Lia (formerly Will) Thomas. “Not only were we being forced to compete against men and change in a locker room with men, but we were also being sidelined to men,” Gaines told the crowd. “That’s why I’m thrilled to stand alongside Herschel Walker.” Walker, a former football star, said: “We don’t have to put up with this and the way we change it is by November — you got to vote and tell ten of your friends they have to vote and vote for Herschel Walker.” Meanwhile, Warnock is a co-sponsor of the so-called Equality Act, a federal bill that, among other evils, would eradicate women-only sports and spaces.

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Republican lawmakers have been recast as aggressors in the culture war. But conservative bills that defend female sports and protect minors from medicalized gender experimentation are easier to sell as defensive measures. Regarding abortion, the prevailing political wisdom is that Republicans should make incremental changes and not get too far ahead of public opinion. But on transgenderism — which concerns preserving the status quo rather than changing it — a more uncompromising approach is called for and, indeed, supported by the American public.

For evidence that the wedge issue has potential, look no further than the latest data from the Pew Research Center. First, sports: Roughly six-in-ten (58 percent) adults favor requiring athletes to compete on teams that match their biological sex, while only 17 percent oppose this idea. Second, on medicalized gender transition for minors: 46 percent favor outlawing the practice compared to 31 percent who oppose doing so. Third, on keeping gender-identity ideology out of elementary schools: 41 percent are in favor, while 38 percent are opposed.

Clearly, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has taken the public temperature. He signed a bill protecting women’s sports. He removed his state attorney from office for vowing not to enforce the state’s ban on medicalized gender transition for minors. He also signed the Parental Rights in Education bill into law — legislation that prevents gender ideology from being taught to children in kindergarten through third grade, and prohibits schools from socially transitioning kids behind their parents’ backs. All this was attacked by Democratic politicians and the liberal media, who applied the misnomer “Don’t Say Gay” to the bill. Inconveniently for them, however, the legislation enjoyed the support of over 60 percent of U.S. voters.

The Real Gender Experiment

Similarly, in purple Virginia, Governor Glenn Youngkin rescinded his Democratic predecessor’s transgender school policy. And in Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp signed the Protect Students First Act which set in motion the Georgia High School Association’s rule that athletes who compete against each other must be of the same biological sex.

Unfortunately, some Republicans have taken a different approach. In 2021, Republican governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, vetoed the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which protects minors from medicalized gender transition. (The Arkansas General Assembly Overrode his veto.) Writing in the Washington Post, Hutchinson described the law preventing children from being subjected to experimental, irreversible, and ideologically motivated drugs and surgeries as “vast government overreach” and a “product of the cultural war in America.” Perhaps that will suffice for readers of the Post. But other audiences, such as that of Tucker Carlson Tonight, to whom Hutchinson gave a flustered defense, may take a different view.

Underestimating the significance of transgender politics can be a costly mistake: a lesson Kristi Noem, the Republican governor of South Dakota, learned the hard way. Noem saw her hard-earned reputation as a GOP rising star crash into that of a conservative sell-out after she issued a style-and-form veto to a bill banning males from females’ sports. In an attempt at damage control, she introduced legislation protecting women’s sports and has emphasized her commitment to the issue in campaign advertisements.

Even Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner, running for Republican governor in California, recognizes that there ought to be no compromises when it comes to disallowing males in females’ sports.

And even Democrats in need of swing voters have found themselves implicated in the culture war over transgenderism. The Republican Governors Association aired an ad featuring Riley Gaines, the NCAA swimmer who appeared alongside Herschel in Georgia, saying that “If Laura Kelly can’t protect women, she shouldn’t be governor of Kansas.” The incumbent governor responded in an ad of her own, saying: “Of course men should not play girls’ sports. OK, we all agree there.” Perhaps she hopes that none of those swing voters will notice that she has twice vetoed bills protecting women’s sports, or that her campaign website has a petition decrying such bills as “hateful” and “discriminatory.”

Of course, even if transgenderism weren’t a winning issue, resisting it would still be the right thing to do. Given that it is one, however, Republicans are smart to emphasize their commitment to sex-based policies ahead of the midterms.


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ET: Defund hospitals that perform trans on minors
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2022, 04:13:59 AM »
Boomer appeasement

Conservatives should be defunding hospitals that perform gender-affirming surgery on minors

By Everett Piper

In September 1938, Neville Chamberlain returned from the Munich Conference, declaring “Peace for our time.” Appeasement was the official name given to the British prime minister’s response to German aggression.

Chamberlain was widely touted for his efforts as a strategic genius who had stemmed the tide of der Führer’s expansionist aims. His political checkmate of Hitler was greeted with jubilation by most of the British Parliament and the media intelligentsia.

Winston Churchill stood nearly alone in opposition. In his now famous speech from the House of Commons, he declared Mr. Chamberlain’s leadership to be naive at best and a diplomatic disaster in the extreme. “I will, therefore, begin,” he bellowed, “by saying the most unpopular and most unwelcome thing; [Something] everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat.”

In less than a year, the Nazis invaded Poland, World War II began, and Chamberlain went down in history more as a fool than a statesman worthy of respect.

This past Thursday, the Oklahoma House of Representatives and the Oklahoma Senate did their absolute best to ignore these lessons of history. It’s as if our GOP leaders have never heard of Churchill’s wisdom or Chamberlain’s mistakes. Despite having a Republican supermajority in both chambers of legislative government, our elected brain trust in the “reddest of red states” just voted to appease rather than stop the cultural Übermensch and their march to groom and butcher Oklahoma’s children.

When confronted with the fact that the University of Oklahoma Children’s Hospital explicitly says on its website that it promotes “gender-affirming treatment that can include pausing puberty; managing gender-affirming hormone therapy; helping find surgeons who perform gender-affirming surgeries, and assisting with legal name or gender marker changes,” Oklahoma’s lawmakers decided that the best thing to do was to give an additional $39.4 million to the hospital in question.

How did our Sooner State’s “public servants” justify this? Well,

they scolded the University of Oklahoma’s Hospital Authority, gave them a “timeout,” and told them they were very, very bad. They then demanded that the hospital never ever do these terrible things again. The administration and doctors of OU’s Reichstag hung their heads in shame, promised to behave, and then accepted their “punishment” of adding nearly $40 million to their war chest.

At this point in the story, you might rightly ask: Now that they are $40 million to the good, what is to stop the Children’s Hospital from continuing their child abuse by simply referring their victims to other clinics and hospitals across the state? The answer is, nothing. In other words, they can and will continue to aid and abet every nefarious service they mention on their website and enjoy an additional $40 million for doing so.

And what makes this façade all the more galling is that this all took place while Oklahoma’s Senate president pro tem, Greg Treat, and speaker of the House, Charles McCall, refused to hear two bills (House Bill 3240 and Senate Bill 676) that would have solved all this nonsense and sleight of hand. Both of these bills would have made it “unlawful in the State of Oklahoma for any health care professional to intentionally perform gender reassignment medical treatment on a person under the age of twenty-one,” and both of these bills were quashed by Treat and McCall, respectively. All debate was declared verboten.

A Churchillian conservative would demand the passage of these laws as a predicate to any further funding of the hospitals defying the ideals these Republican leaders purportedly hold. Anything short of such legislation is little more than naive (or disingenuous) appeasement. It does nothing but guarantee a future attack and begs for death by a thousand cuts.

Until it is illegal in Oklahoma to perform any gender-altering therapy or surgery on minors, no money should be given to these schools and hospitals. The “most unpopular and most unwelcome thing; [Something] everybody would like to ignore” is this: Until such a law exists, all funds allocated are little more than political appeasement that will lead to “total and unmitigated defeat.”

Or, as one of my Facebook friends says, “This is a snow job to give them cover when they get home. This was poison money. And our Republican leaders knowingly drank it. Conservatives should be defunding the mutilation of body, mind, and soul that they are foisting on our kids. The reddest state in the union - my arse.”


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AMA goes Woke Fascist
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2022, 11:11:44 AM »


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Puberty Blockers
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2022, 06:20:35 PM »


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DC: Phila gender clinic hosts training to evade parental rights
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2022, 08:12:28 AM »

Philadelphia Gender Clinic Hosts Trainings In Pennsylvania Schools
Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 2.36.51 PM

October 04, 2022
3:52 PM ET

A Philadelphia gender clinic is hosting training seminars in at least 15 schools across Pennsylvania and appears to tell educators to hide a student’s gender identity from their parents, according to the clinic’s website and YouTube channel.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) hosted training programs for teachers and administrators in Pennsylvania school districts with the help of its Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic, according to CHOP’s website. The hospital system boasted completing “33 trainings in 15 schools; reaching more than 1,500 educators” beginning in 2017, per the hospital’s website.

Training sessions reportedly established “trans-inclusive policies” and “accountability plans that will reward students and teachers who put a stop to harassment.”

CHOP conducted training at Bucks County School District in 2021, according to emails obtained by the concerned parent group “Parents Defending Education.” CHOP’s Family Support and Education Specialist said she was “begging Bucks County SD’s to host trainings” and was finally successful in her attempts.

In the same email thread, a Bucks County public school employee and a CHOP employee verified that the training was too sensitive to be recorded.

A training video posted to CHOP’s YouTube page in 2020 informs educators that they must keep gender identity secret from parents. Educators are told that when they learn about someone’s gender identity they “have to keep that private.”

“If we disclose this information without someone’s involvement, without them giving us permission, we are setting them up for a negative, potentially harmful, unsafe experience,” the training video says. “So when we get this information we keep it private from other students, from other staff members and from parents.”

Erika Sanzi, the director of outreach for Parents Defending Education, told the Daily Caller that the alliance between schools and gender clinics poses a “massive conflict of interest.” (RELATED: University Of Virginia Youth Gender Clinic Offers Puberty Blockers, Chemical Castration, And Referrals For Minors To Undergo Breast Removal)

“The medical professionals dedicated to ‘gender affirming care’ at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have an incentive to push gender ideology in schools — it is a major red flag that they have been tasked to train teachers and even more disturbing that their training explicitly calls on school staff to withhold information from parents,” Sanzi said.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Bucks County School District did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.


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Back up for previously covered matter Harvard- trans babies in the womb
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2022, 10:50:31 AM »

Well, if they know they are trans, then they are human lives, yes?

Sorry for the formatting, just want this here for if/when it gets deleted:

EXCLUSIVE: Fury as Harvard children's hospital claims babies know in the WOMB if they're transgender
The hospital was caught in a scandal over the age for gender transition surgeries
Critics characterize this acceptance of gender ideology a 'social contagion'
The hospital denies that minors were allowed to undergo irreversible surgeries

PUBLISHED: 12:23 EDT, 7 October 2022 | UPDATED: 13:38 EDT, 7 October 2022


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A Harvard-affiliated children's hospital has sparked outrage after claiming some babies know they are transgender 'from the womb'.

In a now-deleted video, the Boston Children's Hospital suggested an even larger number of minors know 'as soon as they can talk'.

Critics told the claim was was not based on science and suggested  medics at the clinic are unwilling to question children who are often vulnerable.


The hospital, part of the Harvard University medical system, also faces claims it rushed under-18s into life-altering sex change surgery.

In the clip posted to the Boston hospital's official YouTube page in August, psychologist Dr Kerry McGregor explains the type of patients she sees.

She says: 'So most of the patients we have in the clinic actually know their gender, usually around the age of puberty.

'But a good portion of children do know as early as - seemingly - from the womb.

'And they will usually express their gender identity as very young children, some as soon as they can talk... kids know very, very early.'

It comes as several states begin to clamp down on puberty blockers being prescribed to children. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has previously likened it to 'child abuse'.

The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three usually up to the age of nine. New patients come to the clinic and meet with psychologists to discuss their issues with the sex they were born into
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The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three usually up to the age of nine. New patients come to the clinic and meet with psychologists to discuss their issues with the sex they were born into

This map shows the proportion of children aged between 13 and 17 years old that identified as transgender by state. The darker colors indicate a higher proportion of youngsters. In New York and New Mexico, it is as high as three per cent
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This map shows the proportion of children aged between 13 and 17 years old that identified as transgender by state. The darker colors indicate a higher proportion of youngsters. In New York and New Mexico, it is as high as three per cent


Fears over 'biggest medical cyber-attack in history': IT...

Now Oklahoma 'bans' puberty blockers for trans children:...

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Eating just one serving of salmon a WEEK in middle-age...
Dr Jay Richards, from the right-wing Heritage Foundation, told the 'The claim that children “know their gender identity … seemingly from the womb” is a claim with no basis in science or data.

'It’s simply a concept imposed on the actions of kids by gender ideologues.'

Dr Richards said it was another sign of a 'social contagion' that is increasingly creeping into medicine.

'I think even 25 years ago, this would have been unthinkable,' he told

The Boston clinic sees children as young as two and three. New patients are given counseling before exploring pharmaceutical options.

The clinic also offers that child 'space and support' to explore their gender.

Stella O'Malley, a psychotherapist who specializes in gender issues, told 'When distressed and vulnerable young people are offered an option to be somebody different, it's very, very alluring and gender ideology does offer that.'

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This map shows the proportion of the population identifying as transgender by state. Those with the darkest color have almost one per cent of their population in this category

Shown above are the states with a ban on puberty blockers (red), a partial ban (dark orange), a suspended ban due to legal proceedings (orange) and a ban on surgery only (yellow).
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Shown above are the states with a ban on puberty blockers (red), a partial ban (dark orange), a suspended ban due to legal proceedings (orange) and a ban on surgery only (yellow).

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The above map shows the population of transgender adults and children across America in 2020, according to the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles. Its estimate for children aged 13 to 17 has doubled since 2017. It shows the highest population is in southern states, followed by those along the east coast

How gender dysphoria rates among children have DOUBLED since 2017 - with 300,000 teens now identifying as trans
The number of children with gender dysphoria has exploded in recent years, giving rise to the use of powerful puberty-blocking drugs.

About 300,000 children aged between 13 and 17 (1.4 per cent) in the US identify as transgender, according to most recent estimates from 2020.

That is double the number estimated to be transgender in 2017 in a previous report by the same researchers, though they used different estimates.

Connecticut and New York saw the numbers of children identifying as transgender in their states nearly quadruple over the last three years alone. The population only fell in West Virginia, Tennessee and New Jersey.

Children aged 13 to 17 are over four times more likely to identify as transgender (1.4 per cent) than adults over 65 (0.3 per cent).

Some say the rise is born out of increased awareness of gender dysphoria — that is, emotional distress due to a disconnect between gender identity and biological sex — and a rise in acceptance in society.

However, many believe that the impressionable minds of children are easily swayed by ‘trends’ and ‘phases’ among peers and that children are not ready to make irreversible decisions about their gender.

While no official, national estimates exist, many more children receiving gender-affirming care at an increasingly younger age. Treatment often involves powerful and life-altering drugs that block puberty and the release of key developmental hormones.

So far, four states — Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, and Arizona — have brought in bans to restrict access to gender-affirming care including hormonal treatment and surgery. Oklahoma signaled its intent to follow suit Tuesday after threatening to cut a hospital's funding if it prescribes puberty blockers or hormone therapy.

'Based on a series of events that I think, mostly due to social contagion plus the kind of ideological commitment, many now consider these the proper standard of care for kids with gender dysphoria and Boston Children's Hospital is just one of the first ones to do it,' Dr Richards said.

He added: 'Some kids conform more or less closely to gender stereotypes.

'This tells us nothing about their 'gender identity,' a concept that no child has on his or her own, that no one had until recently, and that doesn’t even have a stable definition.'

Boston Children's Hospital is also embroiled in scandal over accusations that it permitted minors to to undergo irreversible gender transition surgery.

In now-deleted guidance, the hospital had written that in order to be eligible for vaginoplasty, or the surgical construction of female reproductive genitalia on a boy the patient had to be 'between 17 and 35 years of age at the time of surgery.'

Hospital staff, meanwhile, have said that hasn't happened because no 17-year-old has met the required legal and other criteria.

The hospital has also come under fire for offering young adults hysterectomies and permitting people as young as 15 to under go 'top surgery', an operation that changes the look of a trans person's chest. 

Within about a week following public uproar in the realm of right-wing social media accounts, the hospital scrubbed that information from its page on gender affirming care, altering it to say, 'To qualify for gender affirmation at Boston Children's Hospital, you must be at least 18 years old for phalloplasty or metoidioplasty and for vaginoplasty.'

Boston Children's meanwhile, refuted the allegations as transphobic misinformation.

'Age 18 is used to reflect the standard age of majority for medical decision-making,' the hospital stated. 'Boston Children's does not — and will not — perform a hysterectomy as part of gender-affirming care on a patient under the age of 18.'

Dr Richards said that contagion had resulted in a historic rate of young people coming out as trans or non-binary, an umbrella term that people use to describe genders that don't fall into one of these two categories, male or female.

An expansive report from the UCLA Williams Institute, relying on government health surveys spanning from 2017 to 2020, estimated that 1.4 per cent of 13- to 17-year-olds and 1.3 per cent of 18- to 24-year-olds are now transgender, compared with about 0.5 per cent of all adults.

In the UK, meanwhile, referrals for girls to be treated for gender dysphoria, or the distress that arises from a perceived mismatch between the gender someone identifies with vs the gender they were born into, have shot up more than 4,000 per cent over the past decade.

The exponential growth in rates of young people coming out as nonbinary is not surprising to social scientists who have documented incidents of 'social contagion' in the past.

Dr O'Malley told 'It's very well known that there's a lot of social contagion, for example, with suicide and with eating disorders and self harm.'

'It's particularly common among adolescent girls because they have a tendency to co-ruminate together, to over identify with each other to kind of endlessly talk about their problems in a very sympathetic way to each other, but it can lead a kind of over- identification with each other's problems,' she added.

In the wake of scandals at Boston Children's, the hospital has been subject to a harassment campaign and have been inundated with bomb scares and threats.

Other children's hospitals where gender-affirming care is offered, such as the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, the Vanderbilt Medical Center's Clinic for Transgender Health, and Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago have been forced to severely curtail services or shift all appointments to telehealth platforms in response to the hostility.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2022, 11:13:03 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Back up for previously covered matter Harvard- trans babies in the womb
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2022, 10:54:49 AM »

Well, if they know they are trans, then they are human lives, yes?

Looking for intellectual consistency?

Good luck.


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Matt Walsh: This is how to do it!
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2022, 11:10:03 AM »

Which is why I/we must make the point!

« Last Edit: October 07, 2022, 11:51:27 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2022, 02:46:21 PM »
a BJ Clinton judge

and of course Harvard JD

you mean to tell me lawyers billed this inmate 2.5 million
to try this case

sounds like he had some well funded leftist lawyers already paid by deep pockets if you ask me.


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yes I see your point
but also the outbreak is rapidly declining as well

I did some searching to see when where and if CDC will bother to mention is nearly all predominantly a gay or bi infection

and this is the best I could find.  An obviously toned down (lest we offend anyone  :wink:)
quick one sentence mention of it:

***** While anyone can catch monkeypox if they have close contact with someone who has monkeypox, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, many of those affected in the current global outbreaks are gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men.****



I could pick up a medical journal and be shown articles that indirectly tell me I am racist
and I have no right to own a firearm , that I must call someone they/them or by any pronoun they feel like using on any particular day

and yet the gays are not to be offended by simply speaking the medical truth

Science , data , all important !!!!!

unless it offends the wokesters.

Is it not a scientific fact SUPPORTED BY DATA ( the new 10 commandments ) that men who have sex with men account for 98+ % of monkey pox
or those women (or possibly kids ) who have sex with same are accounting for the entire outbreak

Why cannot this NOT be said for Goodness sakes?


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Michigan Is Hiding A Children’s Constitutional Right To Genital Amputation In Its Abortion Amendment
OCTOBER 12, 2022
Prop 3 isn’t about codifying Roe. It’s about sacrificing the children of Michigan — both born and unborn.

In less than one month, if Proposal 3 passes, children will have a right under the Michigan constitution to walk into one of Planned Parenthood’s 12 so-called “gender affirming” facilities in the state and, without parental knowledge or consent, obtain puberty blockers. And with Planned Parenthood of Michigan promising “gender affirming” care “via telehealth in the coming months,” Michiganders’ kids won’t even need to leave their house to obtain these sterilizing drugs.

Passage of Prop 3 will also give boys a constitutional right to be castrated and girls the right under Michigan’s constitution to be sterilized by way of a hysterectomy or the removal of their ovaries — all without their parents’ consent.

Deceptive marketing by Planned Parenthood and far-left politicians, such as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, hides this reality from Michigan voters, leading Prop 3 to be uniformly referred to as “the abortion amendment” even though the expansive language of the proposed constitutional amendment reaches far beyond abortion. And on abortion alone, notwithstanding proponents’ claims that “passing this amendment simply restores the same protections that Michiganders had for five decades under Roe v. Wade,” Prop 3 goes far beyond the controlling Roe-Casey precedent: If passed, the constitutional amendment would create an extreme regime in Michigan of abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed or parental consent, and paid for by taxpayers.

The expansive and legalistically worded language of Prop 3, crafted by Planned Parenthood and left-wing backers, however, extends beyond abortion to create a constitutional right to several aspects of what transgender activists call “gender-affirming care,” despite it being neither affirming nor caring. And Prop 3 extends that right to all individuals, including children.

This is not merely a political point, and it is not a worst-case-scenario argument based on how some liberal activist judge or justice might interpret Prop 3. This reality flows from the plain language of Prop 3 and rests on general legal principles of constitutional construction.

It’s Right in the Text
Here is the pertinent language Prop 3 would etch into the Michigan constitution as Article 1, Section 28, with the key language underscored:

“(1) Every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care. An individual’s right to reproductive freedom shall not be denied, burdened, nor infringed upon unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means. …

(2) The state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.

* * *

(4) For the purposes of this section:

A state interest is “compelling” only if it is for the limited purpose of protecting the health of an individual seeking care, consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine, and does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.

* * *

(5) This section shall be self-executing….

Prop 3 Applies to Men and Women AND Boys and Girls
By its express terms, Prop 3 applies to “every individual” and guarantees an “individual’s right.” The proposed constitutional amendment further provides that “the state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.”

As a matter of constitutional interpretation, then, the rights guaranteed by Prop 3 would be rights that both adults and children possess as “individuals,” and the rights apply equally to males and females.

This proposal represents a huge demarcation from controlling Michigan law, under which minors must have parental consent to obtain medical treatment or receive prescription medications, with the only current exception being the judicial bypass provisions governing minors seeking abortions. Specifically, Michigan law currently provides that to obtain an abortion, females under the age of 18 must have the written consent of one parent or legal guardian, but the law allows a girl to seek permission for an abortion from a judge, called a “judicial bypass.” A court must grant a judicial bypass if the judge finds either that “the minor is sufficiently mature and well-enough informed to make the decision regarding abortion independently of her parents or legal guardian,” or “the waiver would be in the best interests of the minor.”

In the context of abortion, Prop 3 guts Michigan’s requirements for either parental consent or a judicial bypass, first by declaring that the amendment applies to all “individuals” and second by expressly providing that “the state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right.” Treating females under 18 differently than those 18 or over is a textbook example of discrimination.

Section 4 of the amendment further cements the reality that minors must be treated equivalent to adults for purposes of the rights Prop 3 would establish. That section of the proposed amendment expressly limits the justifications allowed for regulating abortion or the other rights Prop 3 would inscribe in the constitution.

Under Section 4, the state may only regulate abortion and the other rights covered by the proposed constitutional amendment if it is necessary to “protect[] the health of an individual seeking care,” and “does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.”

The rights of parents do not matter; Mom and Dad have no rights. And even the health of the girl does not matter because, under the plain language of the amendment, the state’s interest cannot “infringe” on the “individual’s autonomous decision-making.”

This legal analysis flows straight from the plain language of Prop 3, but case law from other states where a state constitutional right to abortion exists confirms this analysis. For example, in Alaska and Florida, courts have declared parental consent and parental notification statutes unconstitutional. And courts in California, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have struck parental consent statutes.

Prop 3’s grant of such “autonomous decision-making” is not limited to abortion, however. Rather, the plain language of the proposed constitutional amendment provides that the right to “reproductive freedom,” “entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to … sterilization … or infertility care.”

Under Michigan law currently, minors cannot be chemically or surgically sterilized (or rendered infertile) without their parents’ consent, and even then most physicians would refuse to sterilize a minor — except in the case of transgender-identifying patients.

The modern medical community has embraced the transgender ideology that teaches that human beings can be born “in the wrong body,” and that the appropriate treatment for such individuals consists of making their bodies appear to conform to their “internal sense” of gender.

The first step in such wrongly named “gender-affirming” medical response consists of prescribing puberty blockers to children. Puberty blockers, at a minimum, render children temporarily infertile by preventing them from maturing sexually, and a longer-term use renders them sterile. The surgical procedures used under the guise of “gender confirmation” — castration, hysterectomy, and the removal of ovaries — likewise sterilize the patients.

In fact, it is this very destruction of children’s future fertility and the medical rendering of them sterile that has led to several states banning the use of puberty blockers and surgical “gender confirming” procedures on minors. For instance, in Iowa, the Legislature made these legislative findings to explain its proposed ban on puberty blockers and surgical procedures that sterilize children:

Puberty blockers prevent gonadal maturation and thus render children taking these drugs infertile. Introducing cross-sex hormones to children with immature gonads as a direct result of pubertal blockade is expected to cause irreversible sterility. Sterilization is also permanent for those who undergo surgery to remove reproductive organs[.] … For these reasons, the decision to pursue a course of hormonal and surgical interventions to address a discordance between an individual’s sex and sense of gender identity should not be presented to or determined for children who are incapable of comprehending the negative implications and life-course difficulties resulting from these interventions.

But in Michigan, if passed, Prop 3 guarantees children the right to “make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to … sterilization,” and without “discrimination,” giving boys and girls the right to obtain puberty blockers and surgical sterilization without parental notice or consent.

If passed, Section 4 of the proposed constitutional amendment will further guarantee that the Michigan Legislature cannot interfere in transgender minors’ decisions to obtain puberty blockers or surgical “gender reassignment” through castration, removal of ovaries, or a hysterectomy. That section, as excerpted above, provides that the state may only regulate such procedures for the limited purpose of “protecting the health of an individual seeking care, consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine,” and then, only so long as it “does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.”

But the “accepted clinical standards of practice” by the supposed “mainstream” medical organizations is, at a minimum, to provide puberty blockers to children, with a steady movement toward the cash cow that is surgical interventions for minors.

Planned Parenthood Targets Kids One Way or Another
Again, these conclusions flow directly from the plain language of the proposed constitutional amendment. But here the public would be wise to note two significant facts: Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan helped lead the ballot initiative to amend the Michigan constitution through the passage of Prop 3, deceptively described as the “Reproductive Freedom for All” amendment, and Planned Parenthood now represents “the second largest provider of ‘gender-affirming hormone therapy.’” In fact, less than two weeks ago, Planned Parenthood launched an ad marketing puberty blockers to minors.

What Planned Parenthood and its extremist political partners don’t want publicized, however, is that a “Yes” vote for Prop 3 will not merely make abortion-on-demand, for any reason, at any time, and without informed or parental consent the law of Michigan: It will guarantee that children have an unfettered “right” to “transition” by obtaining puberty blockers and surgical sterilization, parents be damned.

With less than one month to go before Michiganders cast their final ballots, little time remains to give proof to the left’s lie that Prop 3 is about codifying Roe. It is not. It is about sacrificing the children of the state — both born and unborn.

Margot Cleveland is The Federalist's senior legal correspondent. She is also a contributor to National Review Online, the Washington Examiner, Aleteia, and, and has been published in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Cleveland is a lawyer and a graduate of the Notre Dame Law School, where she earned the Hoynes Prize—the law school’s highest honor. She later served for nearly 25 years as a permanent law clerk for a federal appellate judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Cleveland is a former full-time university faculty member and now teaches as an adjunct from time to time. As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of a young son with cystic fibrosis, Cleveland frequently writes on cultural issues related to parenting and special-needs children. Cleveland is on Twitter at @ProfMJCleveland. The views expressed here are those of Cleveland in her private capacity.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2022, 07:04:31 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Tucker on Tranzing children
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2022, 07:02:53 AM »