Author Topic: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children  (Read 92411 times)


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When Your Putatively Allies are a Threat to Children
« Reply #650 on: October 20, 2024, 11:28:54 AM »
As I’ve noted elsewhere, way back in the day I volunteered at a telephone hotline, an experience that informs many of my views to this day, with one primary takeaway being people that have wallowed in their dysfunction for so long that it is woven into their self-image and identity tend to embrace that dysfunction rather than address it as addressing it requires change at a root level few are able to endure, with the take away on my end being that all the hours spent on the phone confronting dysfunction in all its many forms was basically wasted, with that revelation forming the basis for the curmudgeon I’ve blossomed into.

I note this as one of the phenomenas we confronted regularly at the ol’ hotline was self-destructive behaviors manifesting themselves as some sort of contagion, with young women forming the usual population wherein these behaviors manifested, with suicide and self-mutilation being the primary behaviors, though there were others.

All of the above amounts to a long way of saying that mutilation on the altar of transgenderism has a familiar feel, one that medical professionals should certainly be able to pick up on more aptly than the teenage do-gooder I was back in the day. Unless, alas, political and financial considerations are baked into any empirical examinations of the available data and expediency rears its head.

It’s worth noting the author is gay and generally an advocate for gay causes unless, as he states below connoting a slasher movie trope, the threat comes from inside the house. The fact that he is unambivalently speaking to the horrors embraced the trans-for-kids crowd to the point he is contemplating voting for Trump speaks volumes:

Rachel Levine Must Resign

A case study in politics and ideology overruling science. With children as victims.

OCT 18, 2024

Rachel Levine speaks on stage during the "Tackling the Youth Mental-Health Crisis" panel for The Atlantic Festival 2024 on September 19. (Jemal Countess/Getty Images for The Atlantic)
“Knowing that there is little/no evidence about [the sex reassignment of] children/adolescents is helpful,” - a Biden administration HHS official.

I have to say that the news this week has made me reconsider voting for Kamala Harris.

What news? I’ve no doubt many of you will roll your eyes, think I’m off on another tangent, obsessed with something trivial — or, in Harris’ formulation, a “remote” issue. But the discovery from a lawsuit against the State of Alabama over its ban on the medical sex reassignment of children has left me reeling. It shows a staggering level of bad faith from the transqueer lobby, and, also, from Rachel Levine — the Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS. Read the amicus brief here. Everything in this piece is based on it.

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The broad contours laid out in the brief were already known. But, with discovery, the specific details of private, internal emails make this medical scandal even more vivid. We knew that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) commissioned its own version of the Cass Review by asking a team at Johns Hopkins to conduct a systematic review of the evidence for “gender medicine” for children. But we now find the conclusion. An internal email from the Hopkins team concluded that there was “little to no evidence about children and adolescents.” Many WPATH members, we discover, also knew the studies would “reveal little or no evidence and put us in an untenable position in terms of affecting policy or winning lawsuits.”

In other words, WPATH knows full well that their transing of children has little to no medical evidence behind it. So when Johns Hopkins presented the review, WPATH instantly buried it, suppressing publication of all the studies but two. Other contributors drew on their experiences as expert witnesses to suggest removing “language such as ‘insufficient evidence,’ ‘limited data,’ etc.” that could ‘empower’ groups ‘trying to claim that gender-affirming interventions are experimental.’” SOC-8 — the latest Standards of Care from WPATH — was therefore knowingly based on concealing the truth, and written for lawsuits, not patients. Not medicine. Ideology.

And all along, this allegedly professional group, WPATH, conferred with Levine at HHS. They gave her an early embargoed version of SOC-8, with lower age limits for some treatments, and her office responded, horrified. They feared that the listing of “specific minimum ages for treatment … under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care”:

Levine “was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to healthcare for trans youth ... and she and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse.”

So they removed the age limits! For these procedures, among others: removal of both ovaries; double mastectomy; turning a girl’s clitoris into a micro-penis; surgically removing a boy’s penis; surgical and chemical castration of boys; and permanent removal of the capacity for orgasm for both boys and girls. I repeat: permanent removal of the capacity for orgasm for both boys and girls.

But this never happens, we were told! Another lie. We now discover, from insurance claims, that at least 14,000 minors have been transed either chemically or surgically in the last five years. At a minimum.

Even WPATH (which considers eunuchs a gender identity requiring castration) balked at Levine’s intervention at first. One SOC-8 author wrote: “I don’t know how I feel about allowing US politics to dictate international professional clinical guidelines.” Another wrote: “I think it’s safe to say that we all agree and feel frustrated (at minimum) that these political issues are even a thing and are impacting our own discussions and strategies.” But they did it anyway. Marci Bowers, WPATH’s president at the time, privately confessed to putting ideology before science: “it is a balancing act between what I feel to be true and what we need to say.” Read that one more time. It really amounts to: “We need to lie to keep this transing industry going.” So they continued to deceive distressed parents and children.

Systematic reviews of medical practices abide by a simple rule: to limit conflicts of interest between the reviewers and the practices. That’s why the Brits asked Hillary Cass to review the evidence: she was a renowned pediatrician but had personally never practiced transing kids. But WPATH actually excluded almost anyone without a conflict of interest! One doctor admitted at his deposition that “most participants in the SOC-8 process had financial and/or nonfinancial conflicts of interest.” Bowers even believed it was “important for someone to be an advocate for [transitioning] treatments before the guidelines were created.” So it was rigged from the start.

The Johns Hopkins team also sent its data to the Biden administration. HHS, where Levine holds court, responded: “Knowing that there is little/no evidence about children and adolescents is helpful.” So the Biden-Harris people were told there was no evidence for it as well! And they then doubled down on “gender-affirming care.”

Bowers — who famously performed multiple surgeries on Jazz Jennings — publicly insists that “gender affirming care” for children is settled science and the only opponents are bigots. But in a private email to other WPATH members, we find she knows only too well the human cost of her abuse of children. Discovery in a lawsuit is a powerful thing.

I’m still absorbing the contents of this email from Bowers:

Like my [female genital mutilation] patients who had never experienced orgasm, the puberty blockaded kids did not know what orgasm might feel like and most experienced sensation to their genitalia no differently than if it had been a finger or a portion of their thigh....

My concern culminated during a pre-surgical evaluation on a young trans girl from a highly educated family whose daughter responded when I asked about orgasm, “what is that?” The parents countered with, “oh honey, didn’t they teach you that in school?” I felt that our informed consent process might not be enough.... It occurred to me that how could anyone truly know how important sexual function was to a relationship, to happiness?

It isn’t an easy question to answer.

It is, in fact, very easy to answer. Bowers did so herself:

Every single child who was — er, adolescent — who is truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 [aged 9-11] has never experienced orgasm. … It’s important in relationships. And I know that from my work with female genital mutilation survivors, that the lack of being able to be intimate with a partner is very important. And so this is what really raised the red flag for me.

Let me offer my answer to the question Bowers raised. It is despicable to take a child who has never gone through puberty and remove from them any possibility of orgasm for life — before they can possibly know what an orgasm feels like. Evil. Bowers admits it’s no different than FGM in its effect. With FGM, much of the pressure to mutilate a child comes from the parents’ religion. The difference between Iran — where they trans young gays and lesbians en masse — and America, is that in one, the parents’ religion is fundamentalist Islam, and in America, it’s wokeness.

And that wokeness overwhelmingly targets gay kids. In Britain they became the vast majority of the children sent for sex reassignment, before it was banned outside a clinical trial. And we know that these “doctors” have no way of objectively knowing whether a child is actually trans or gay or depressed or autistic — and yet they also oppose any broad mental health assessment of a child, if that child has simply declared himself or herself the opposite sex.

This is not forgivable. It demands accountability. These “doctors” know full well that their experiments have no basis in science, that thousands of gay detransitioners have had their lives and bodies destroyed, and yet continue to experiment on children, without knowing if they are actually trans, of if they are gay, or bi, or autistic, or in a social contagion. Worse, every allegedly gay group — GLAAD, HRC, Trevor Project, Lambda Legal, ACLU, et al. — supports this as an ideological transqueer “necessity” and will allow no debate and no dissent. Most gays have no idea what’s actually going on — by design. The reason GLAAD tries to intimidate reporters on this subject is because they know that the truth would devastate their arguments. They can count on the gay press to be silent. But the MSM rattles them.

Levine should resign. She intervened in a medical process for entirely political reasons, putting children at risk, destroying all safeguards for them. So should the heads of every so-called gay group that have pushed and lied about “gender-affirming care.” WPATH’s former president, Marci Bowers (she was replaced on October 1) is another matter. It seems to me that a doctor who privately doubts if her child patients can give meaningful consent and operates on them anyway is not a doctor, but a sociopath. She has violated the Hippocratic oath and admitted practicing the equivalent of FGM on children. FGM is illegal in federal law and in 41 states if the girl is under 18. “Gender-affirming” FGM, thanks to Rachel Levine, is fully legal without any lower age limits.

I remember very well how all my gender insecurities as a gay kid vanished after puberty. So I urge any gay man or lesbian who, as a child or teen, was barred from this basic human right to be brave and start the lawsuits. It’s the only way. No gay men or lesbians will come to your aid. Kamala Harris and the gay groups sure won’t. “LGBTQIA+” billionaires will sacrifice any number of gay kids if it means not being called “transphobic” at a dinner party.

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I look around what was once my community and see such incredible cowardice and indoctrination that it makes me despair at what we have become. A movement that began as a crusade for sexual liberation is now sterilizing gay and trans children and removing their capacity for orgasm forever. A movement that began with defending gay men and lesbians is now sacrificing a generation of gay kids at the behest of trans extremists and critical gender theory.

Forgive me for the passion. But this amicus brief set my head and heart aflame. What has happened — what is still happening — is the worst attack on gay kids since Anita Bryant.

But this time, the danger is coming from inside the house.


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The Issue of Our Times
« Reply #653 on: October 26, 2024, 05:32:29 AM »
Megan Kelly drops truth bombs, and the lib audience actually applauds:


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CO Dems Block Child Purchase/Rape Legislation?
« Reply #654 on: October 26, 2024, 05:51:48 PM »
Tell me this isn’t true. I don’t want it to be so:


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Re: CO Dems Block Child Purchase/Rape Legislation?
« Reply #656 on: October 26, 2024, 07:46:27 PM »
Tell me this isn’t true. I don’t want it to be so:

It certainly looks to be true but I can't find mention of it at other sites:

I got into the X/Twitter game late, mostly ‘cause so many people gushed over what appeared to me to be a glorified haiku site. Once purchased by Musk and with the Twitter Files released showing full well the Biden admin pressured Twitter to censor Americans, as well as Musk’s concurrent commitment to free speech, I find myself there several times a week. I note quite a few items of interest, and the occasional gem, but also encounter my share of tweets that appear to be seeking too plant ear bugs by intentionally packaging falsehoods in a manner that will hopefully get picked up and shared by many virally.

Currently this piece doesn’t have “additional context” attachments and such, and the speaker seemed to intimate this was something that happened at the committee level, but I’d feel far better about the piece if it had some sort of supporting info.


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Megyn Kelly on the Gender Mutilation of Childten
« Reply #657 on: October 27, 2024, 03:56:06 AM »


Shouldn't an MD lose his her license? What happened to do no harm?!

Good for Megyn Kelly for speaking up and speaking out! Shouldn't we all be shouting, "Stop this!'

Good grief Kamala, it's not a "medically necessary treatment".  Not for adults.  Not for migrants.  Not for taxpayers.  And certainly not for children!  Even if you thought it was, not without parental consent!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2024, 07:13:09 AM by DougMacG »


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Transgender surgery harm hidden by the practitioners
« Reply #658 on: October 27, 2024, 07:10:29 AM »
Pro-Trans Doctors Hide Results Of Taxpayer-Funded Study Because It Shows ‘Transitioning’ Kids Is Harmful

U.S. Study on Puberty Blockers Goes Unpublished Because of Politics, Doctor Says

NYT story is paywall blocked but headline makes clear the allegation and the federalist story tells more details.  This should be investigated and consequences for it need to be severe.  Careers ended, if true.  Our so-called scientists and doctors are withholding truth?  Yes, we already knew that but it needs to be stopped!


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Megan Kelly
« Reply #659 on: October 27, 2024, 07:26:43 AM »
Duplicating this in case there are efforts to delete the prior link. 

Clear statements such as this are deeply needed.


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MD Known as “Dr. Frankenstein” Speaks About “Transitions”
« Reply #660 on: November 08, 2024, 12:02:06 AM »
This piece that FB is banning about an MD speaking frankly about surgical “transitions” contains some disturbing and surprising elements:


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #661 on: November 08, 2024, 10:24:02 AM »
 :cry: :x :cry: :x :cry: :x :x :x :x


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The Left Begins to Acknowledge the Obivous
« Reply #662 on: November 12, 2024, 05:36:34 PM »
WSJ on Dems that dare to say insane things like biological males shouldn’t be allowed to flatten biological females on the athletics field among other crumbling woke orthodoxies:


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All that DC Pizzagate Crap is a Bunch of … Oh Wait
« Reply #664 on: November 19, 2024, 05:08:19 PM »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #666 on: November 21, 2024, 06:26:41 AM »
right.  does anyone think her district is consumed with worry over this ?



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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #667 on: November 21, 2024, 06:35:51 AM »
Replace the old fashioned skirt symbol versus pants on the door to a symbol for penis and penis with red circle and red diagonal line through it?

Remember, they asked Joe Biden how many genders there were and I think he said at least three. I'm so old I remember when there were only two.

What is the cost to add another commercial public bathroom for every gender the identify on every floor of every public building?

And we wonder why productivity, the key to real wage growth, goes down under democrats.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2024, 06:38:41 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #668 on: November 21, 2024, 07:21:13 AM »

Return to using the word SEX instead of GENDER!


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #669 on: November 21, 2024, 10:54:08 AM »

Return to using the word SEX instead of GENDER!

My go to is to return to that high school philosophy class standard: “define your term.” Once they are done circumlocuting I ask what word can be used to describe a person with an XY chromosome who is a female by their recent definition (or vice versa)? They generally get mad as the absurdity of their position reveals itself … in their own words.


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #670 on: November 21, 2024, 01:23:23 PM »
I like that!  And will be using it!


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #671 on: November 21, 2024, 02:24:35 PM »

Yes, the stealing of the words, phrases, language. They have gender affirming and denial backwards, just like they screw up the words of everything they can. Affordable housing, for example.


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LPGA issues gender rules
« Reply #675 on: December 05, 2024, 07:14:39 AM »

If we now have way more than 2 genders (per the current President), can't each grouping start their own golf leagues (and swimming and volleyball etc), like ladies LPGA did.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 07:17:12 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #677 on: December 12, 2024, 05:53:18 AM »
Good analysis.


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WT: Fast tracked
« Reply #678 on: December 18, 2024, 05:34:47 AM »

Ex-patient claims negligence in ‘fast-tracked’ gender transition

Doctor withholds psychological study results

By Valerie Richardson THE WASHINGTON TIMES

The doctor who has refused to release the results of a federally funded study on “gender-affirming care” is being sued by a former patient, a young woman who says she was “fast-tracked” into a gender transition that culminated in having her breasts removed at age 14.

Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, oversaw the treatment of Kaya Clementine Breen. Doctors diagnosed gender dysphoria at age 12 during her first appointment in December 2016.

Ms. Breen’s medical negligence complaint says Dr. Olson-Kennedy “affirmed” the girl’s transgender identity within minutes of meeting her, put her on puberty blockers at age 12 and testosterone at age 13, and then referred her for a double mastectomy.

“She represented that if Clementine got a double mastectomy at an early age, the healing process would be easier, and that if she waited any longer, it would be impossible to do it right,” reads the lawsuit, filed Dec. 5 in California Superior Court in Los Angeles.

When Clementine’s parents objected, Dr. Olson-Kennedy asked “if they would rather have a living son or a dead daughter,” even though the girl had not experienced or expressed suicidal thoughts, the complaint says.

Now 20, Ms. Breen has concluded she was never transgender. She stopped

Clementine Breen, 20, is grappling with the physical and mental fallout from hormone treatments and her double mastectomy at age 14.


taking testosterone early this year after seeing a therapist who treated her for unresolved trauma from a childhood sexual assault that left her uncomfortable with her body.

“It wasn’t until earlier this year, when I actually started doing research about my own doctor and the things that she said, like, that you can just get breast implants later, or that comorbidities with mental health don’t cause gender dysphoria,” Ms. Breen said in a video called “Clementine’s Story,” produced by the Center for American Liberty.

“And that’s when I started to realize that what happened to me wasn’t right and isn’t actually the standard, or shouldn’t be,” said Ms. Breen, a student at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which is also a defendant in the lawsuit, said the center “has provided high quality, age-appropriate, medically necessary care for youth and young adults and their families for more than 30 years.”

“Treatment is led by the experienced physicians who practice at CHLA and is patient- and family-centered, following guidelines from professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and Endocrine Society,” a hospital spokesperson told The Washington Times.

At least 17 “detransitioners” have sued their medical providers in the past two years over the drugs and surgeries they were prescribed and now regret.

What makes Ms. Breen’s situation striking is the young age at which she underwent so-called top surgery and the renowned doctor in charge of her care.

Dr. Olson-Kennedy is a nationally recognized expert on transgender and gender-nonconforming children. She operates the nation’s largest youth gender clinic and is a professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine.

She is under congressional scrutiny for withholding the final results of research on puberty blockers for transgender youths. Her research received $9.7 million from the National Institutes of Health.

A House subcommittee opened an investigation last month demanding that NIH turn over grant applications, progress reports and unpublished data about the study titled “Impact of Early Medical Treatment in Transgender Youth.”

Six Senate Republicans called on NIH to produce the study’s annual progress reports. In a Dec. 5 letter, they said “taxpayers have a right to know the outcomes of the research they fund.”

The concerns were spurred by an Oct. 23 report in which Dr. Olson-Kennedy said she fears the study’s conclusions will be “weaponized.” The research found that the 95 children ages 8-16 who were treated with puberty blockers for two years did not experience improved mental health.

“They’re in really good shape when they come in, and they’re in really good shape after two years,” she told The New York Times.

Her description appeared to clash with a 2020 baseline update that said about one-quarter of the children were depressed or suicidal before treatment began.

Rep. Lisa McClain, Michigan Republican and chair of the House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee on health care, said lawmakers are “alarmed that the project’s principal investigator, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, is withholding publication of the project’s research findings.”

“Dr. Olson-Kennedy’s apparent mischaracterization of the TYC study’s results and refusal to publish taxpayerfunded research because they contradict her pre-existing biases and could be cited by critics of ‘gender affirming’ medical interventions is an irrefutable example of politicization of scientific research to further an ideological agenda,” Ms. Mc-Clain said in the Nov. 4 letter.

The Washington Times has reached out to Dr. Olson-Kennedy for comment. She has not commented publicly on the criticism, but other researchers said study leaders are typically allowed to publish their findings at their discretion.

Jordan Campbell, whose Dallas law firm, Campbell Miller Payne, represents Ms. Breen, said she was one of the children who participated in the study. Ms. Breen’s California-based counsel is the LiMandri & Jonna firm.

The lawsuit says Dr. Olson-Kennedy depicted the treatment as reversible, but Ms. Breen, who went by “Finn” during her transgender years, is still grappling with the physical and mental fallout.

“Her voice has permanently deepened. Her female body did not develop, and she has a very masculine body structure,” the complaint states. “Her fertility is almost certainly destroyed from the combination of years on puberty blockers and testosterone. And even if she could conceive and deliver a child, she would not be able to breastfeed because her healthy breasts were removed when she was only 14.”

Despite the problems, Ms. Breen said she is happy to have left her transgender identity behind and has found “so much peace in being my true self.”

The Supreme Court is considering a challenge to Tennessee’s ban on medicalized gender treatment for minors. Twenty-four states prohibit gender transition drugs and surgeries, and another two forbid surgeries.

Ms. Breen warned against rushing to diagnose gender dysphoria in troubled children, who may lack the vocabulary to express what is bothering them.

“You actually do have to interrogate why children are thinking the way that they do, and you cannot take children at their word all the time,” Ms. Breen said. “Kids have crazy ideas about all sorts of things, and it’s not OK to just go along with things so you can swipe an insurance credit card.”


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Another Biden failure
« Reply #680 on: December 23, 2024, 02:59:43 AM »
Sudden spike in testicle injuries  - in women's sports.

No one can figure out what is causing it.

Also, Texas AG is suing NCAA over deceptive use of the term women's sports.


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Trans Insanity
« Reply #682 on: December 25, 2024, 07:11:21 AM »

A rapist with a penis isn't a 'woman'.  Not even in California.

What happened to 'words have meanings' ?

Merry Christmas everybody.  ))
Hanukkah too!!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2024, 08:38:38 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #683 on: December 25, 2024, 05:10:54 PM »
 :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x


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So About Those Asian Rape Gangs….
« Reply #685 on: January 06, 2025, 09:27:17 PM »
X is making sure the cat is well clear of the bag these days in the UK where “Asian rape gangs” are concerned, with this op ed developing intelligently & crescendoing nicely. Watching the “Progressive,” corrupt, old guard contend as the dissonance they used to arrogantly embrace catches up with them—aren’t one’s feminist credentials shredded when countenancing the gang rapes, among other horrors, of pre-teen girls?—as their gaslights explode leaves me hoping that all but the truest believers might will start questioning all the “Progressive” diktats they’ve been force fed over the past couple decades.

Britain’s grooming gangs scandal is shattering the ultra-liberal world-view
In the information age, progressives can no longer spin false narratives – and their fear is palpable

Nick Timothy

06 January 2025 7:00am GMT

Every detail revealed so far about the child rape gangs is harrowing. The appalling acts of depravity against innocent minors. The violence threatened and meted out, including torture and murder, to cover-up the crimes. And the sheer scale of abuse conducted in towns and cities across the country.

We do not know all the facts – how many tens of thousands of lives were ruined, how many perpetrators escaped justice, who in the machinery of the state failed in their most elementary duties – but we know the fundamental truth. White working-class girls were systematically raped by gangs of mainly Asian, Muslim men. And the state – driven by its core ideologies of ultra-liberalism and multiculturalism – not only looked the other way. In some cases it was an active participant in the racially aggravated mass rape of children.
As Kemi Badenoch has said, this all merits a national public inquiry. Compared to any number of other scandals that have been investigated by such an inquiry – phone hacking, abuses of police power, civilian deaths in Iraq – the rape gangs are a massive social and state failure. Yes, abuse in specific places such as Rochdale and Rotherham were investigated, and yes, there was a national child abuse inquiry that reported in 2022. But the latter did not focus on the rape gangs, and the local reports could only go so far. We still do not know, for example, the truth about allegations of police collusion, social workers facilitating abuse, and senior councillors cutting deals outside the criminal justice system.

If the Government will not agree to hold such an inquiry – and that remains its position – there is still much more it could do. Nobody believes the rape gangs have vanished, and their despicable crimes continue today. As Blair Gibbs, a criminal justice expert, has suggested, the Home Secretary could establish a specialist national policing unit within the National Crime Agency, with co-located prosecutors and a 10-year mission to investigate, arrest and prosecute gang members. Something similar should be established to investigate the police officers, social workers, councillors and others suspected of facilitating these appalling crimes.

But would Labour do this? Jess Phillips, responsible in government for preventing violence against women and girls, was the minister who last week refused Oldham Council’s request for a government inquiry into rape gangs there. Phillips said it was up to the council to commission an inquiry, but this does not add up: quite obviously, councils accused of grave failures should not be left to investigate themselves.

The real motive for blocking the inquiry does not require much detective work. There are allegations about the conduct of senior Labour councillors in Oldham, and reports that information has been withheld from the Greater Manchester review into child abuse. Such behaviour is not limited to Oldham: in Telford, Shaun Davies, the former leader of the local council, fought to block an inquiry into rape gangs in his town. Today, he is the local Labour MP, sitting on the Home Affairs Select Committee, where he scrutinises the state response to crimes such as child sexual abuse.

But the motive goes deeper than political inconvenience. Phillips, who has talked about how she was harassed and bullied by Islamist campaigners during the election campaign, is a committed supporter of ideological multiculturalism, and she cannot deal with the dissonance between the world in which she believes and the world in which she lives. When Muslim vigilante gangs gathered in her constituency last summer and committed acts of violence, she explained away their behaviour. When, some years ago, migrants committed mass sex offences in Cologne, she compared their behaviour to Friday night heckling on Broad Street in Birmingham.

We are witnessing not the strength of an arrogant state, but the weakness and fear of an ideological dynasty that sees its empire collapsing and lacks the power to stop it. Through its own actions the state has admitted it can only keep the peace in a divided society by enforcing the law selectively. The unanswerable facts on the ground – combined with the democratisation of news, comment and information-gathering made possible by social media – mean the days of secrecy, obfuscation and influence over conventional narratives are long gone.
And the fear is palpable. Just like when Sir David Amess was murdered by an Islamist, and politicians responded by debating online civility, the same kind of displacement activity is underway. Labour politicians have sought to turn the serious issue of child rape gangs into a row about Elon Musk’s criticism of Phillips on social media. Yet this tired old device no longer works. Ultra-liberals complain about “racist tropes” and “Islamophobia”, but they are not the gatekeepers to information they once were.

This does not mean the battle is over, of course. From universities to HR departments, the Civil Service to the courts, ultra-liberal ideology dominates. And the fear of those in positions of responsibility does not mean they will change their minds or relinquish power.

They will go on doubling down. As yet another continental study shows the net lifetime costs of non-Western migration, our government blocks publication of equivalent figures for immigrants in Britain. Ministers promise to go ahead with an official definition of “Islamophobia”, a policy demanded by Islamists determined to shut down scrutiny of their actions and protect Islam from criticism. The regulation of speech will continue, and the self-appointed guardians of truth at the BBC and elsewhere will go on distorting reality.

But it is undeniable that a deep change is under way in our politics and our society. Information can no longer be hoarded by elites. Reality can no longer be denied. And reality – economic, social, geopolitical reality – will soon bring the whole ultra-liberal edifice crashing to the ground.

We can smell the fear of the true believers. The task for those who want to replace them is to embrace this change, to lead and govern in a way that accepts this decentralisation of knowledge and control. What better way to begin than to provide total transparency about the rape gangs – and bring long-awaited justice for their victims?


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A different Weiner
« Reply #688 on: January 15, 2025, 01:18:55 PM »


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Re: Biden Title IX regs struck down
« Reply #690 on: January 15, 2025, 01:54:31 PM »

Great ruling, but such horrendous reporting.

"Donald Trump... made anti-transgender themes a centerpiece of his campaign."

   - Patently false. He wants to make tax rate cuts for transgender permanent. He wants to lower the inflation rate for transgender. He wants to stop anti-transgender criminals from coming across our southern border illegally.

Is he anti- red haired girls too, like my daughter just because he doesn't propose carving out special rights for them?


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #691 on: January 15, 2025, 02:09:23 PM »
Well, it is The Guardian , , ,


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Resources Scant for Child Abuse Investigations
« Reply #694 on: January 26, 2025, 05:54:27 PM »
Several months ago I served on a grand jury; second only to drug crimes brought to our attention were online predators. The cases made me angry, not only due to the few sparse details we were privy to, but also due to context: the officer trolling for online predators was one that wouldn’t win any foot races—which is likely why he drew this duty—while I’m willing to be any kid working for me in the various computer labs I used to manage was better versed in social media et al and hence could troll for child raping bastards better than this cop did. Moreover, as this piece points out, police agencies don’t have the resources to devote to a more comprehensive effort so the idiots get caught, while the more astute operate under the radar for years:


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Trans Cult Murder Spree?
« Reply #695 on: January 30, 2025, 08:12:13 PM »
My goodness, what a convoluted tale, one that certainly has the sorts of salacious details the MSM usually laps, at least until the story touches on LGBQTLMNOP topic areas the MSM treads lightly around:

It’s worth noting that the reporter, Andy Ngo, has a serious set of stones and is one of the few daring to directly address the trans element of the story, likely putting himself at risk along the way.


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #696 on: January 31, 2025, 04:26:40 AM »

"the reporter, Andy Ngo, has a serious set of stones"

YES!   Respect!


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One Helluva Rant
« Reply #697 on: January 31, 2025, 04:34:28 AM »


THE LGB are done being the host to these parasites. All the damage done to the so called, "LGBTQIA+" falls on the TQIA+. Had I known that fighting for marriage rights and being put in a patty wagon twice for protesting for said rights would lead here, I would have never done it.

Personally, as an old lesbian, I'd be quite happy to give up marriage rights if it means never having to encounter another perverted, fetishistic, heterosexual man in a frock claiming he's a lesbian! Predatory rapists the lot of them!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 05:09:24 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Transgender Issues; pedophilia, grooming, and the sexualization of children
« Reply #699 on: February 01, 2025, 04:14:26 AM »
' biologists are predicting a decline in male pregnancies due to political climate change.'