Author Topic: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris  (Read 33342 times)


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If the Victors Write the History, Does that Mean the Losers Can Unwrite It?
« Reply #300 on: July 24, 2024, 04:40:15 PM »
Various websites scrubbing off message stories about Kamala doing things that aren’t good for the Narrative. Real time Soviet memory holes popping up all over the place:


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #301 on: July 25, 2024, 05:37:13 AM »
"Memory Holing" is real and insidious.

All of us here have been noting it.

Indeed one of the missions of this forum is to combat it, hence our proclivity to paste entire articles instead of just the link, especially one the subject matter is one likely to be deleted down the road.

What else can we do?


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #302 on: July 25, 2024, 06:00:57 AM »
"Memory Holing" is real and insidious.

All of us here have been noting it.

Indeed one of the missions of this forum is to combat it, hence our proclivity to paste entire articles instead of just the link, especially one the subject matter is one likely to be deleted down the road.

What else can we do?

Point out to “Progressives” the rank hypocrisy of it all?”

And then be ignored.

Other than that, win elections….


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #303 on: July 25, 2024, 06:26:04 AM »
Just think if we did not have Fox, talk radio, podcasts, Newsmax, websites on our side.

The libs could almost do whatever they wanted.

Just like the Soviets.

They could even jail dissenters.    Who would know?


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Innumeracy In Action
« Reply #304 on: July 25, 2024, 01:05:52 PM »


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Our Intrepid VP (then Sen) Compares ICE to the KKK
« Reply #305 on: July 25, 2024, 02:59:16 PM »


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Memory Hole Fail
« Reply #306 on: July 25, 2024, 07:49:12 PM »
Groups carrying water for Kamal—I’m looking at you CBS—state didn’t solicit funds for MN rioters and hence say Trump’s claims to the contrary are false. Alas, Harris left said donation page up:


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“The Border is Secure”
« Reply #307 on: Today at 12:31:32 AM »


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« Last Edit: Today at 09:26:34 AM by ccp »


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Dems control almost all levers of power
« Reply #310 on: Today at 10:34:01 AM »
Saw that too.

As we all know and has been described

We are NOT running against buffoon Kamala

We are running against the giant meg DNC machine which includes most of Federal government, agencies, academia, media, rich megadonors, DEI infrastructure

so just calling her mega woke will simply be denied reflected back covered up and diverted to racism anti women anti democracy and the rest

meantime we still have never trumpers rinos who seem not to get it.

we would have won even with Trump's negatives easily if not for illegal immigration the past 30 yrs. let alone longer.


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About those Debates:
« Reply #311 on: Today at 11:13:29 AM »
Former President Trump is of course under on obligation to continue his agreement on debates that he had with Biden after Kamala’s coup. The
 has not done a serious interview in years. She’s an off-the-shelf, left-wing ideologue and standard issue “San Francisco Democrat,” and Trump (1) should delay any debate until after Harris sits for a minimum of 3 serious interviews by serious journalists (not from the left or former Democratic operatives) and (2) a schedule of three debates is agreed to including journalists from across the spectrum as Harris has never, ever sat for an interview with anyone from the center-right much less a conservative journalist.
 can negotiate a series of debates but legacy media’s attempt to roll Trump into ambushes should be rebuffed. The whole country knows Harris has limited experience and abilities, that she failed in the only job Biden gave her, and that she’s way out of the American political mainstream. Team Trump is under zero obligation to assist in her makeover or to ignore the cover-up by her and legacy media of Biden’s infirmity.


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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #313 on: Today at 01:16:03 PM »
"Trump (1) should delay any debate until after Harris sits for a minimum of 3 serious interviews by serious journalists (not from the left or former Democratic operatives) "

I take the gist here being to force her to define her positions before going into the debate(s).  A crafty thought.

"and (2) a schedule of three debates is agreed to including journalists from across the spectrum as Harris has never, ever sat for an interview with anyone from the center-right much less a conservative journalist."



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Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Reply #314 on: Today at 01:36:35 PM »
"Trump (1) should delay any debate until after Harris sits for a minimum of 3 serious interviews by serious journalists (not from the left or former Democratic operatives) "

I take the gist here being to force her to define her positions before going into the debate(s).  A crafty thought.

"and (2) a schedule of three debates is agreed to including journalists from across the spectrum as Harris has never, ever sat for an interview with anyone from the center-right much less a conservative journalist."


Agree.  Hugh Hewitt was on vacation when all this happened.   Good to see him com back with fresh ideas. (He also would likely be one of the conservative media debate moderators.)

The old debate apparatus was broken and now it's gone so why not demand that it is rebuilt right.

Trump has some leverage here, why not use it.


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Peggy Noonan
« Reply #315 on: Today at 02:41:33 PM »
thinks young voters will LUV harris  :roll:

sure they are naive and think the MSM fawning is for real substance I guess

I was not wrong about Peggy Noonan.  She is not that smart.


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Re: Peggy Noonan
« Reply #316 on: Today at 04:23:40 PM »
Newt also says beware of Kamala catching on. Don't underestimate her. Sorry I don't have a link.

A certain type of liberal young voter will like her.  I don't know what is to love, she's not very bright and we're not wrong about these word salads.  But she represents liberalism, the best path to beat trump, and she's female and sort of black. 

Exciting to have the first woman president but kind of dumb to have the wrong one break that ground.

I don't think these times call for a DEI pick.


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The Willie Brown Connection
« Reply #317 on: Today at 05:27:40 PM »
Kamala’s Willie Brown/San Fran skullduggery connections deserve a full airing:

The New York Times says it’s ‘sexist’ to question why Harris had an affair with a powerful political boss twice her age — but the facts they’re not telling you are damning.

Author Mark Hemingway

Kamala Harris hasn’t been the presumptive Democrat nominee for even a week, and already the press is desperately trying to insist perfectly valid criticisms of her are illegitimate. If you think the media were complicit in attempting and failing to hide Joe Biden’s senility, the attempt to retcon her political career into something that resembles respectable and competent is even more brazen.

“She was never the border czar.”

“She was never considered the most liberal senator.”

“She was never a DEI hire.”

“She doesn’t owe her political career to her powerful boyfriend.”

Oh, but she was, she was, she was, and she does.

The dishonesty surrounding all of these issues is worth highlighting, but let’s focus on that last point involving Harris’ relationship with California’s powerful political boss Wille Brown, for no other reason than The New York Times has provided a terrific example of how the lies are coming in hot.

The Times’ “On Politics” newsletter Wednesday — think of it as political talking points for affluent wine moms, a.k.a. the Democrats’ base — was dedicated to combatting “the sexist and racist rumors that have followed Harris for years” with “the facts behind several conspiracy theories and misleading claims about Harris that have spread widely in recent days.”

Nearly the whole thing is an orgiastic recitation of errant nonsense, starting with the fact that the Times is quoting disgraced “disinformation expert” Nina Jankowicz to make the case that Harris is the victim of a disproportionate amount of online attacks. (Harris’ competitor in the presidential race was shot in the head less than two weeks ago, and, unsurprisingly, there’s been a dearth of media handwringing about the rhetorical climate that may have enabled an actual assassination attempt. That’s because an honest discussion about hateful rhetoric would involve asking basic questions such as, “Why did The New York Times win a Pulitzer for stories based on the false premise that Donald Trump stole an election by treasonously colluding with Russia?”)

But I digress. Again, the real lowlight of the Times article is its discussion of Kamala Harris’ relationship with Willie Brown. One of my favorite things “fact checkers” do is introduce a proposition as false and then try to confirm that falsity by desperately spinning a bunch of inconvenient facts that confirm the proposition is actually true. The entire section on Harris and Willie Brown is a textbook example:

The sexist insinuations point in part to her brief relationship in the 1990s with Willie Brown, who was 60 and the speaker of the California Assembly when Harris was 29 and rising in the Bay Area legal scene. He appointed Harris to two well-paid state board positions and introduced her to his political connections.

When she was campaigning to be San Francisco’s district attorney in 2003, her opponents repeatedly commented on her link to Brown — references that she told The New York Times in 2019 were “frustrating” and “designed to degrade, frankly, the conversation about why we needed a new D.A.”

During the 2003 race, which she won, she told SF Weekly that there was nothing improper about benefiting from her ties to Brown, although she described the relationship as an “albatross hanging around my neck.” She said she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” to the board roles, adding that “whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work.”

She said that she had “no doubt that I am independent of him” and that “I do not owe him a thing.”

Just so we’re clear, The New York Times is confirming Harris did in fact have a relationship with Willie Brown, who was 31 years older (and, for what it’s worth, still married at the time). Harris herself admits her career benefited significantly from said relationship. Other Democrats shared the perception she did not earn her positions. And Harris, a lawyer who initially failed the bar exam, can only say that she “brought a level of life knowledge and common sense” rather than actual qualifications to the jobs Brown appointed her to. But it’s a sexist insinuation to insist these facts are rather unflattering to Kamala!

And this is just what The New York Times is admitting. In actuality, the details are far worse than the Times is letting on. Peter Schweizer, an investigative journalist who has worked with The New York Times in the past, details quite a bit on the corrupt nature of the Harris/Brown relationship in his book, Profiles in Corruption, which has been out for four and a half years. And the facts as he lays them out are damning.

Brown, who was repeatedly investigated by the FBI for corruption, was far more involved in Harris’ career ascent than appointing her to two board positions. He was a kingmaker in California, and he was heavily involved in helping Harris get elected as San Francisco district attorney. Brown didn’t do this entirely out of the goodness of his heart. Harris was working for the previous district attorney, Terence Hallinan, and quit when she got passed over for the No. 2 position in the DA’s office.

Hallinan found himself as the subject of criticism from other city officials, but others suggested the controversy was manufactured. “This whole thing is about Kamala Harris,” a source close to Brown told the San Francisco Chronicle. “Cross one of Willie’s friends and there will be hell to pay.” Eventually, Harris ran for DA with Brown’s powerful backing — a former Brown aide managed her campaign, and Brown played a key role in her fundraising, which was incredibly successful. After starting the race polling a distant third, she won the election.

Once in office, Harris then dropped or pled out corruption charges against friends of Willie Brown that Hallinan had been pursuing. There were a number of Brown’s friends let off the hook, but most notably this included a sweetheart plea deal for a notorious city contractor caught defrauding the city by using inferior recycled concrete in sensitive projects such as parking garages and the Bay Bridge. This compromised the structural integrity of those projects and endangered lives. But Harris dropped all the fraud charges and accepted a guilty plea on a single count involving an environmental violation.

“Harris’ office had no explanation for why it dropped the concrete case,” reported the Chronicle. A better explanation is that the contractor in question was generous with campaign donations and had previously been popped for making an illegal $2,000 donation to, yup, Willie Brown.

Anyway, there’s a lot more alarming reporting in Schweizer’s book that’s worth revisiting, and it’s not a stretch to say Kamala Harris has engaged in outright corruption in her career. Suffice to say, when The New York Times takes Kamala Harris at her word that her relationship with Willie Brown was not “improper,” they’re erasing the functional difference between lying and profound ignorance. And when she’s credulously quoted saying, “I do not owe him a thing,” it’s journalistic malpractice to believe her.

To say that Kamala Harris had an affair with a man more than twice her age, leveraged his fundraising prowess and connections to launch her political career, and once in office did his corrupt bidding isn’t sexist. It’s well-grounded in fact.

But facts aren’t something The New York Times is much interested in. Kamala Harris’ late entry into the presidential race means they don’t have much time to use what’s left of their institutional clout to try to dishonestly sway a presidential race.

Mark Hemingway is the Book Editor at The Federalist, and was formerly a senior writer at The Weekly Standard. Follow him on Twitter at @heminator


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4th or something post. Hey, it worked for Joe:

Harris does not support fracking ban: Campaign official
The Hill News / by Rachel Frazin / Jul 26, 2024 at 6:26 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris will not seek to ban fracking if she’s elected president, an official with her campaign told The Hill on Friday.

Harris’s position not to support a ban on fracking differs from where she stood when she was running for president last cycle.

While she was one of several Democrats vying for the 2020 nomination, she told CNN, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

However, since that time, she joined the Biden campaign and administration, neither of which supports a ban on fracking

Since Harris became the party’s likely nominee after Biden dropped out of the race, Republicans, including former President Trump, have highlighted her 2019 stance.

“She wants no fracking,” Trump told supporters this week during a rally in Charlotte, N.C. “You’re going to be paying a lot of money. You’re going to be paying so much. You’re going to say ‘bring back Trump.’”

A spokesperson for Harris’s campaign pushed back, saying, “Trump's false claims about fracking bans are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class.”

“The Biden-Harris Administration passed the largest ever climate change legislation and under their leadership, America now has the highest ever domestic energy production,” the spokesperson said in an email. “This Administration created 300,000 energy jobs, while Trump lost nearly a million and his Project 2025 would undo the enormous progress we’ve made the past four years.”

Project 2025, a plan from the Heritage Foundation think tank, is not directly affiliated with the Trump campaign. Though portions of it are written by former Trump administration officials, Trump has sought to distance himself from it.

Fracking is a technique for extracting oil and gas that has been linked to water contamination and other pollution. Candidates’ positions on the issue may impact their standing in Pennsylvania, a key swing state that is also a major gas producer.


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Re: The Willie Brown Connection
« Reply #319 on: Today at 06:23:19 PM »
There's no reason to put a name on it. But there are names for it, prostitute, tramp, slut, homewrecker, whire.

What is sexist is to judge that worse than you would men. At least at some point in his life and in some circumstance, Trump had no morals in this area. Same exactly true for Harris. The difference is, that's what all these women hate about Trump. And then refuse to look at the double standard.

One thing that Trump was never accused of was sleeping with women for money, gifts, etc.