Author Topic: RFK Jr.  (Read 13403 times)


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2024, 05:31:52 PM »
A wife, 4 children, and a book full of cheating. Binders of women, and not Romney style.  Why is this not the least bit surprising.  Why do people like that even want to go into public life - even though his life is already public.

Democrats are about to go ruthless on one of their own.

Maybe little bobby will retaliate by bringing back Tara Reade stories and more where that came from.

Maybe Trump is the cleanest one running.

I wanted to add to the RFKjr saga, the man won't be welcome on NBC because of his election denying past.

Unless of course they have two standards for good and bad election denying.


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2024, 10:07:16 AM »
Have not watched this, but the title tease is tempting:


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2024, 05:54:24 AM »


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2024, 06:19:35 AM »

  - Further reports indicate the worm eating his brain died of starvation.


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The Ledger the MSM Won’t Find
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2024, 05:54:09 PM »
A good point:

RFK Jr. used to keep track of his affairs in a ledger. He cheated on his wife so often that by his own admission, just driving home without stopping to cheat on her was a great success. His wife was so troubled that she ended up killing herself.

You will never hear the MSM or politicians question his decency. They might call him a conspiracy theorist but they don’t bring up his personal life. Just like they don’t call out Biden for his lies, including the ridiculous fable of how he met Jill.

Trump’s entire life has been investigated and it’s actually shocking at how little wrong they have found. Imagine what would be found if RFK Jr. or Biden or any other politician was investigated in the same way that Trump has been the past eight years.


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2024, 04:11:35 PM »


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2024, 04:22:49 PM »
In June of 2023 I posted this on this thread:

"Having laid out that conundrum, Yahoo’s scribe provides a rundown of Bobby’s craziest ideas:

"Kennedy was among the most popular proponents of the debunked theory that vaccines cause autism, which helped fuel the rise to the modern anti-vaccine movement. He was also identified by researchers as one of the “disinformation dozen” a small group of people responsible for spreading the majority of false claims about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

MARC:  Look at how we have changed our thinking on this one!

Beyond vaccines, Kennedy has claimed that 5G networking technology will be used to “control our behavior,” blamed the U.S. and Ukraine for provoking Russia’s invasion,

MARC:  Concur.

accused George W. Bush of stealing the 2004 presidential election, called for p[eople who deny climate change to be jailed, suggested antidepressants may be causing school shootings,

MARC:  A question worth askng. 

and strongly insinuated that both his father and uncle were murdered by U.S. intelligence agencies."

MARC:  I gather that Tucker thinks the CIA was behind JFK's kill.


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RFK Jr. endorses Trump!
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2024, 01:15:37 PM »

I think this would help.
Can anyone imagine what the other clansmembers are thinking of their relative right now?!  8-)


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RFK Jr. drops out and endorses Trump
« Reply #60 on: August 23, 2024, 04:55:21 PM »

Listening to him right now at Trump rally in AZ.   STRONG response from the crowd.

Bobby begins at 1:02:00

Have not watched it yet but I am told it is brutal.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2024, 05:02:57 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: RFK Jr. drops out and endorses Trump
« Reply #61 on: August 24, 2024, 05:56:29 AM »

Listening to him right now at Trump rally in AZ.   STRONG response from the crowd.

Bobby begins at 1:02:00

Have not watched it yet but I am told it is brutal.

Wow, this is big.

The peace through strength and prosperity people merge with environmental movement.  Who could have seen that coming?  Wait, we've been calling for that for years.

Maybe the soccer Moms will want to get plastic out of their kids' foods instead of just watch Democrats give our money to each other for no purpose.

The news steps on the convention that had no message.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 06:08:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #62 on: August 24, 2024, 06:49:21 AM »
"peace through strength and prosperity people merge with environmental movement.  Who could have seen that coming?  Wait, we've been calling for that for years."



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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #63 on: August 24, 2024, 07:26:21 AM »
listened to the full 50 minutes.
very articulate unlike the inarticulate Harris
states and explains the DNC media corruption as well as anyone.
Discusses the suppression of free speech by the government and Biden/Harris administration quite well.

Discussed the corruption behind the Ukraine - Russian war.  Is it true Zelensky had already signed a treaty over the Donbass prior to the war and then UK Boris at US request got him to tear it up?

His putting the obesity and all that comes with it front and center.
We have successfully reduced by huge numbers cigarette smoking but now face a complete obesity epidemic.

Agree with some but not all his conclusions about its' cause or the solutions but definitely he makes good points.

while PBS broadcast this speech on its station I doubt we will hear from them any positive reviews on it from them later.

CNN Abby Phillips already bashing him last night along with some other dudes.


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Kennedy family : truth be damned and party first
« Reply #64 on: August 24, 2024, 08:57:52 AM »

Was it RFK Jr. or someone else who said the Catholic Democrats are like the Jewish Democrats (maybe it was Mark Levin)

Party is first, and above and beyond anything else (except their own enrichment).  Damn the religion , the USA, any opposition etc.   Just Democrat party no matter what .

Actually, I believed JFK Jr. that the values of Trump align more closely with JFK then the present Kennedy Schlosberg, Shriver (KSS) clan.


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RFK Jr.: Trump can make America healthy again
« Reply #66 on: September 05, 2024, 02:18:18 PM »

Trump Can Make America Healthy Again
Chronic diseases have reached crisis proportions, and Kamala Harris seems uninterested in the issue.
By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Sept. 5, 2024 1:45 pm ET

In my speech endorsing Donald Trump, I said we need to love our kids more than we hate each other. That means coming together to address common problems, and few are more urgent than the chronic-disease crisis. Americans are becoming sicker, beset by illnesses that our medical system isn’t addressing effectively. These trends harm us, our economy and our global standing.

Among American teens, close to 30% are prediabetic. More than 18% of young adults have nonalchoholic fatty liver disease. More than 40% of adults 22 to 44 are obese, according to a 2023 study. In 2020, 77% of young adults didn’t qualify for the military based on their health scores, forcing the military to lower its standards.

Six out of 10 adults in America are living with a chronic illness. Seventy-four percent of American adults are overweight or obese. Rates of kidney disease and autoimmune conditions are going up. Cancer rates among young people are rising. This is despite Americans spending more and more to treat many of these conditions. U.S. life expectancy is markedly lower than in every other developed country, with wide disparities between income classes.

This crisis is the product of broken incentives. There is nothing more profitable for much of the healthcare system than a sick child. Americans with chronic conditions are often put on medications or treatments for the rest of their lives. Nearly 30% of teens have reportedly used prescription drugs in the past 30 days, according to data from the prescription discount service SingleCare.

Mr. Trump has made reforming broken institutions a cornerstone of his political life. He has become the voice of countless Americans who have been let down by our elites. He could unite the country by making it his priority to make America healthy again. Here are some specific policy ideas:

• Reform the Prescription Drug User Fee Act. Pharmaceutical companies pay a fee every time they apply for a new drug approval, and this money makes up about 75% of the budget of the Food and Drug Administration’s drug division. That creates a barrier to entry to smaller firms and puts bureaucrats’ purse strings in the hands of the pharmaceutical industry.

• Prohibit members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee from making money from food or drug companies. Ninety-five percent of the members of a USDA panel charged with most recently updating nutrition guidelines had conflicts of interest. This is from the same government that brought you a National Institutes of Health research finding that Lucky Charms are healthier than ground beef.

• Review direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical ad guidelines. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to the public. News channels are filled with drug commercials, and reasonable viewers may question whether their dependence on these ads influences their coverage of health issues.

• Change federal regulation so that NIH funds can’t go to researchers with conflicts of interest. A 2019 ProPublica analysis of disclosures going back to 2012 found that over 8,000 federally funded health researchers reported significant financial conflicts of interest.

• Level the playing field for Americans internationally on drug costs. Today in Germany, Ozempic costs less than a tenth of what it does in the U.S. because while Berlin negotiates prices on behalf of all Germans, Washington can’t do the same. Legislators should cap drug prices so that companies can’t charge Americans substantially more than Europeans pay.

• Stop allowing beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to use their food stamps to buy soda or processed foods. Nine percent of all SNAP funding goes to sweetened drinks, according to 2011 data. It’s nonsensical for U.S. taxpayers to spend tens of billions of dollars subsidizing junk that harms the health of low-income Americans.

• Revisit pesticide and other chemical-use standards. As of 2019, the U.S. allowed 72 pesticides that the European Union bans. We also allow chemicals in food and skin care that the bloc doesn’t. Some of these chemicals are quite common to our daily lives. Though glyphosate isn’t currently banned EU-wide due to disagreement between member states, it’s approved for use only through the end of 2033, when the issue will be revisited. Meanwhile in the U.S. the University of California, San Francisco, in 2015 found the chemical in 93% of the urine samples it studied.

• Require nutrition classes and functional medicine in federally funded medical schools. Today, 7 out of 10 of the leading killers of Americans are chronic diseases that are preventable, sometimes through improved eating habits. Yet about 80% of medical schools don’t require a course in nutrition.

• Reform crop subsidies. They make corn, soybeans and wheat artificially cheap, so those crops end up in many processed forms. Soybean oil in the 1990s became a major source of American calories, and high-fructose corn syrup is everywhere. Our subsidy program is so backward that less than 2% of farm subsidies go to fruits and vegetables.

• Issue new presidential fitness standards. My uncle John F. Kennedy was right in 1960 when he wrote, “The physical vigor of our citizens is one of America’s most precious resources.” The Presidential Fitness Test that President Obama ditched should be reinstated.

• Devote half of research budgets from the NIH toward preventive, alternative and holistic approaches to health. In the current system, researchers don’t have enough incentive to study generic drugs and root-cause therapies that look at things like diet.

• Increase patient choice by giving every American a health savings account. HSAs are a bipartisan healthcare policy that saves Americans money and gives them financial support in healthcare outside insurance. In many cases, food and exercise interventions are clinically the best medicine. With an HSA, a pre-diabetic can choose with his doctor whether to devote medical dollars to a drug like metformin or a root-cause intervention like a gym membership.

Mr. Trump has told me he wants to make ending this chronic-disease calamity a key part of his legacy, while Kamala Harris has expressed no interest in this issue. His political courage and moral clarity about the danger of our compromised institutions give us the best opportunity in our lifetimes to revive America’s health.

Mr. Kennedy is an environmental lawyer and public health advocate.


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Pentagon Directive 5240.1
« Reply #68 on: October 24, 2024, 09:15:01 AM »
I believe RFK is referring to section 3.3c:

one interpretation here about this:

obviously not likely a coincidence this is put forth just before the election.


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Not that I agree, but FWIW
« Reply #69 on: December 17, 2024, 08:48:02 AM »

The Great RFK Jr. Charade
Why won’t the Senate take an opportunity to save Trump from a bad political deal?
Kimberley A. Strassel
Dec. 12, 2024 4:43 pm ET

The Republican Senate mantra these days is that a president is entitled to cabinet members he trusts to carry out his agenda. Does the same apply to a pick the president-elect has acknowledged is both unqualified and hostile to the most basic Republican ideals?

Welcome to the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. nomination, one of the more counterproductive Washington charades in recent history. Donald Trump has, in payback for late-stage election support, nominated a man for the vital cabinet position (health and human services) whom he once labeled a “Democrat Plant” and a bigger threat to the country than Joe Biden. Now meet the Republican senators, activists and influencers who are so clueless—and so blindly eager to salute the leader—that they can’t see the opportunity to save Mr. Trump from a deal he would never have made in other circumstances.

Mr. Trump was unvarnished (and accurate) in his judgment of Mr. Kennedy—until the third-party candidate suspended his presidential run in August. In a four-minute video in May and in other social-media posts, Mr. Trump laid out in-depth the Kennedy positions and history that deserved to make him a nonstarter with Republican and conservative voters and elected officials.

He’s a “Radical Left Liberal” who is “totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet,” Mr. Trump said. He added that he’d even “take Biden over Junior” because under Mr. Kennedy the country “would collapse immediately.” “He’s not a Republican, so don’t think you’re going to vote for him and feel good. He’s a radical left Democrat. Let the Democrats have RFK Jr. They deserve him.”

Only, apparently, it’s now Republicans who do.

Mr. Trump wasn’t alone. Prior to Mr. Kennedy’s endorsement, the GOP universe was clear-eyed about the radical environmentalist who spent decades on a mission to destroy the Trump base. An online search finds pages of stories of Mr. Kennedy’s efforts to cripple farmers, ranchers, loggers and oil workers. Others outline his disdain for markets, core freedoms and limited government.

In 2023—well before Mr. Trump won the nomination—the Republican National Committee put out an RFK fact sheet listing dozens of offensive positions. His belief that the National Rifle Association is a “terror group”; his support of affirmative action to stop “self perpetuating” “racist policies”; his opposition to fracking and the Keystone Pipeline and his view that oil companies and “climate deniers” should be jailed or given “the death penalty”; his Hillary Clinton endorsements. Mr. Kennedy in 2016 explained that the real difference between Mr. Trump and Hitler was that Hitler had “a plan,” whereas Mr. Trump was “non compos mentis.” (Mr. Kennedy has since apologized for those remarks.)

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Some justifiers will point out that Mr. Trump routinely lambasts Republicans and later makes nice. (Nothing new here!) Others will say his Kennedy criticism was driven entirely by electoral politics. (He didn’t really mean it!) But this is different. Mr. Trump’s barbs against fellow Republicans stem from his perceptions of wavering loyalty, which explain his later reconciliations. His criticism of progressive Democrats like Nancy Pelosi or Bernie Sanders (or RFK Jr.) by contrast tend to be consistent—because they are rooted in what Mr. Trump correctly understands to be enormous worldview differences.

Until now—which ought to be a hint. It seems not to have occurred to Senate Republicans—who ought to have learned a little bit about Mr. Trump by now—that he needs a rescue here. No insider believes this is a heartfelt pick. Even political naïfs understand what happened: This agreement was entirely transactional. Mr. Trump saw an opportunity to gain RFK’s endorsement. The price was a promise of a big post. The president-elect is holding true to that deal as a businessman, so he won’t dare whisper misgivings for fear of leaks.

Instead Senate Republicans are playing monkey-see-monkey-do to an extent that even Mr. Trump must be exasperated. Nearly every GOP senator looks at Mr. Kennedy with wincing concern—knowing the havoc the anticapitalist big-government regulator can and will wreak on a Trump agenda. Yet no one steps up to save the president. If Joe Biden chose Hulk Hogan to be Treasury secretary, does anyone think Democrats would have let him step into that trap? But so desperate right now are Republicans to nod along that they are abdicating the real job of advice and consent—and protection.

Presidents do deserve the honor of naming their picks. But in today’s insane world of more than 1,000 Senate-confirmable positions even the most capable president will pick a lemon, a charlatan or, in this case, a person who had them over the barrel. The need for confirmation by a Senate majority exists in part to help the president, and to spare him—and the country—the future headache. The Senate ought to try it.


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #70 on: December 17, 2024, 10:00:12 AM »
Frankly ,  I hope the Senate votes down RFK

I am for the concept of looking how the FDA functions or other health care agencies and maybe a revamp being needed, but
I just don't like some of his ideas, or trust him

after all he is a DEM.


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #71 on: December 17, 2024, 03:34:51 PM »
From the Strassel article:

"His belief that the National Rifle Association is a “terror group”; his support of affirmative action to stop “self perpetuating” “racist policies”; his opposition to fracking and the Keystone Pipeline and his view that oil companies and “climate deniers” should be jailed or given “the death penalty”; his Hillary Clinton endorsements. Mr. Kennedy in 2016 explained that the real difference between Mr. Trump and Hitler was that Hitler had “a plan,” whereas Mr. Trump was “non compos mentis.” (Mr. Kennedy has since apologized for those remarks.)

Yes.  He is a Democrat, a liberal Democrat, with over the top past statements, perhaps reformed, somewhat.

Yes he is high risk, could turn on Trump.

That said, there was an understanding with some voters that RFKjr would play some role in the new administration. He will not run EPA, ATF or energy policy. The limits of the Dept of HHS are largely set by the budget. His task, the way I see it, is to do the most possible with the money available. To me, that is nonpartisan. I may stand corrected over time.

Like Kash Patel, he has had his run-ins with the Department he will run.

He has upside risk. He may turn out to be quite a reformer. We need reform, and maybe there will be breakthroughs on who knows what, FDA, bureaucracy, regulations, break the health cartels and getting poisons out of our food and water. And maybe Republicans will get credit.

Maybe we'll finally see the JFK files...

He seems to have backed off some of his past extreme statements. I heard him say that all his children were fully vaccinated growing up, referring to pre-covid issues.

We aren't going to ban gas cars or power plants (or guns) at this point. He comes into this job knowing that.

My intuition says give Trump his picks. He's not afraid to fire them and he's not afraid of the embarrassment of them turning on him. There will be less of that this time than there was in the first term.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2024, 03:50:46 PM by DougMacG »


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JFK grandson on JFK assasination file release
« Reply #73 on: January 29, 2025, 06:58:59 AM »

So lets see for God's sake

everyone is dead and he was a public figure
so why the concealment of the docs?

and will we know for sure the docs themselves not doctored?


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Confirm RFK Jr.
« Reply #74 on: January 30, 2025, 06:57:41 AM »
Stipulate he has said and done a lot of things I don't approve of.

On the other side, like Secretary of Defense State, FBI, IRS, and so on, we need a disrupter and he offers that potential. We need better health, better costs, better delivery, better bureaucracy (or none). We need new thinking, a voice, a leader.

Given his very late break with Leftism, we also need constraints that his solutions won't be just that. Kennedy understands DJT is the President and he is serving in that administration.

Trump won and deserves his picks (absent some big discovery in the advise, consent process).

RFKjr made a major impact and a major break with the Democrats and a major inflection point in a tumultuous campaign that broke Trump's way. He deserves a chance at whatever deal he struck or whatever impact he made with the new President.

The status quo sucks. The job isn't all powerful, it has plenty of constraints. One nice feature of Trump is he's not afraid to fire quickly if things go wrong.

We all want poisons out of our food and water.

Vote to confirm and give better health a chance.


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #75 on: January 30, 2025, 07:01:51 AM »


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PP making the case against RFK along with some great snark
« Reply #76 on: January 30, 2025, 09:08:23 AM »

Particularly catching my attention is where Bobby bobbed and weaved Forked Tongue's quite pertinent question about his personal gain from lawsuits against Big Pharma.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 09:10:02 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: PP making the case against RFK along with some great snark
« Reply #77 on: January 30, 2025, 09:41:14 AM »

Particularly catching my attention is where Bobby bobbed and weaved Forked Tongue's quite pertinent question about his personal gain from lawsuits against Big Pharma.

My snark back, kind of redundant to allege a lawyer in our system profited from his clients misfortune.

He profited from his name too and scored chicks with his name. But what will he do with our health care system, given the constraints of a Republican Congress and a Republican boss?

Who was the last HHS Secretary that reformed our health care system for the better? Can't think of one, but they all got confirmed, Republican and Democrat.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 09:46:24 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #78 on: January 30, 2025, 09:55:32 AM »
Meghan Kelly had good podcast recently discussing RFK as well.

She pointed out that the Dem Senators inquisitioning him during hearings also took fairly large amounts from "BIG PHARMA" 

including Elizabeth Warren.

Someone should ask Warren if she ever leaves her Senate grift gig will she promise never to work again!  Or at least for 5 yrs and never again try to exert influence in government since this is her schpiel now asking every Trump nominee the same question.

She is such a dirtball

How about all Senators and Fed government employees sign agreements not to work in any way with government as advisors as board members as contractors once they leave their posts?


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Re: RFK Jr.
« Reply #79 on: January 30, 2025, 05:20:11 PM »
To be clear, my approving comment about snark was about that of the Patriot Post piece I posted.

Certainly Forked Tongue's hypocrisy is as flagrant as it is to be expected of her.

That said, if I understand the point correctly, the Sec of HHS has no business of participating in profits from being private party to lawsuits against Big Pharma.


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Re: RFK Jr., anti science
« Reply #80 on: February 03, 2025, 09:12:55 AM »
Inspired by the memes of the week.

Left:  " Kennedy is too anti-science."

The Left also:  "Learn the 72 other genders."

Who put them in charge of science?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 01:27:00 PM by DougMacG »