Author Topic: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)  (Read 83647 times)


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second post today - other disorders that can produce parkinson's symptoms
« Reply #450 on: July 06, 2024, 12:04:29 PM »

he clearly has stiffness
bradykinesia or moves very slowly
mask like facies
and progressive dementia
almost certainly he wears diapers or absorbent pads

never saw a tremor
not sure his gait as stooped a steppage like as typical Parkinsons.

some sort of neurodegenerative disease with dementia is obvious
I cannot figure out which one on what we have been allowed to see.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2024, 12:07:53 PM by ccp »


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A Press Perspective on Biden’s Decline
« Reply #451 on: July 06, 2024, 04:27:35 PM »
Interestingly, this reporter thought Biden’s debate performance was better than she expected it to be:

The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.

By Olivia Nuzzi, New York’s Washington correspondent

President Joe Biden walked before a row of flags and took his place at a lectern stamped with the presidential seal. A few feet in front of him, thin panes of teleprompter glass, programmed with prewritten remarks, were positioned to meet his stare as he spoke into a microphone that would carry his voice through a soundsystem. His White House press secretary looked on. So did several senior White House officials. Anxiety clung to the humid summer air. What the president was about to say might determine the future of his presidency and perhaps the Republic itself.

Yet this was not to be some grand pronouncement about war or peace or a shift in domestic policy. He was not delivering an official address or even a rally speech. He was not onstage in a stadium or auditorium or perched on a platform in a gilded government or hotel ballroom. He was not speaking to a crowd of thousands or even hundreds. There would be no video of his statement carried live to the world. There would be no photos. And there would be no published audio.

In a tent on the backyard patio of a private home in suburban New Jersey, the president was eye to eye with a small group of powerful Democrats and rich campaign donors, trying to reassure them that he was not about to drop dead or drop out of the presidential race.

The content of his speech would matter less than his perceived capacity to speak coherently at all, though much of what he would say would not be entirely decipherable. His words as always had a habit of sliding into a rhetorical pileup, an affliction that had worsened in the four years since he began running for president for the third time in 2020. He might begin a sentence loud and clear and then, midway through, sound as if he was trying to recite two or three lines all at once, his individual words and syllables dissolving into an incoherent gurgle.

Still, he was fine, he told the donors. Old, sure. But fine. He was here, wasn’t he? Things were actually going well by the numbers. The polls looked good. The money looked good. They were looking right at him. He looked pretty good for 81, no? Really, folks! And what choice did they have? As he liked to say, “As my father liked to say: Joey, don’t compare me to the almighty; compare me to the alternative.” In total, his remarks would last for exactly ten minutes — long enough to inspire confidence in his abilities, advisers hoped, but not so long that he was at increased risk of calling those abilities further into question.

As always with this president, the production surrounding any public appearance — even if it was semi-private — came down to timing and control. He could not spend too much time out in the wild, and the circumstances in which he could exist in such an environment with so many wobbly variables would need to be managed aggressively. According to rules set by the White House, the traveling protective pool — the rotating group of reporters, run by the White House Correspondents’ Association, that trails a sitting president to provide constant coverage of his movements for the press corps — would be permitted limited access to observe his remarks before being whisked away from the reception, or “wrangled,” in communications parlance, and held elsewhere on the property (in a guest house, where somebody tuned an old television set to Real Time With Bill Maher).

Obsessive efforts to control Biden were not a new phenomenon. But whereas in the last campaign, the incredible stagecraft surrounding even the smallest Biden event — speaking to a few people at a union hall in rural Iowa, say, or in a barn in New Hampshire — seemed to be about avoiding the so-called gaffes that had become for him inevitable, the stagecraft of the 2024 campaign seems now to be about something else. The worry is not that Biden will say something overly candid, or say something he didn’t mean to say, but that he will communicate through his appearance that he is not really there.

The display early Saturday evening was the last of seven campaign events held across four states in the 48 hours that followed the first presidential debate. The events were designed to serve as both proof of life for concerned wealthy patrons of the Biden reelection effort and proof of the wisdom of their choices: Other concerned wealthy people were still buying. They didn’t need to panic.

The sprawling Red Bank estate on a hill overlooking the Navesink River belonged to Goldman Sachs executive turned governor Phil Murphy. The local press had reported that hundreds were expected to attend the event. Though the $10 million property could have easily accommodated such a crowd, it was more like 50. Fewer if you subtract official staff or members of the Biden family, including the First Lady and several grandchildren. But big money comes in small packs, and Tammy Murphy, the governor’s wife, began her remarks with an unusual announcement: The couple had raised $3.7 million with their fundraiser, a number that had exceeded their goal. “This is personal for us,” the governor said. “We’re all with you 1,000 percent.” He called Biden “America’s comeback kid.” The callback to Bill Clinton articulated the nervous, defensive energy that animated the evening. But Biden had not face planted in a pit of bad press because of a mistake in his personal life. His problems would be much trickier to solve. A sex scandal might help him right now, in fact.

The president had approached the lectern with his stiff gait, which his official medical report, written by Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who has led his care since he was vice-president, attributes to a foot injury and an arthritic spine.

“I’d like to make three quick points,” Biden said. “Today we announced, since the debate, which wasn’t my best debate ever, as Barack points out, we raised $27 million.” It has long been a feature of Biden speeches to refer to the former president in this familiar way. “Barack and me” is a frequent refrain, a reminder of his service to the nation’s first Black president and a promise, too, of a return to normalcy after the aberrant rise of Donald Trump.

Although large speakers lined the patio, and although Governor and Mrs. Murphy were perfectly audible in their remarks, understanding Biden’s speech required intense focus. “POTUS was difficult to hear at times,” Tyler Pager of the Washington Post, assigned to circulate his statements in real time as the print pooler, wrote. “So please check the transcript.” The pool reporters often struggle with the challenge of how hard it is to hear or make sense of the president. Radio reporters do not always obtain usable audio of his remarks. Print reporters squint and strain and crane their necks, trying to find the best position by which their ears may absorb the vibration of his voice in the air. Reporters scrutinize their audio recordings and read quotes to one another after the fact. Is that what he said? You heard it? In that order? You sure?

Biden continued on: “Secondly, I understand the concern after the debate. I get it. We didn’t have a great night, but we’re working hard and we’re going to be working to get it done … Since the debate, the polls show a little movement and have me up a couple points.”

The donors broke into thunderous applause when the president said this about the polls. But what he said was false. Early public surveys immediately following the debate indicated that Biden was down overall a point or two, and surveys that asked respondents to rate the debate itself had him losing by mid–double digits. As a means of damage control, the campaign leaked some of its own internal polling — which had been until recently regarded as a state secret — to argue that the debate had not moved the needle: The president was losing by a slim margin before Thursday night, and he was still losing by that slim margin after Thursday night. In the days that followed, the polls would only grow grimmer.

“In fact,” Biden went on, “the big takeaway are Trump’s lies … The point is, I didn’t have a great night and neither did he.”

He returned to the central message of his campaign: “The fact is that Donald Trump is a genuine threat to democracy, and that’s not hyperbole. He’s a genuine threat. He’s a threat to our freedom, he’s a threat to our democracy, he’s literally a threat to America and what we stand for … Ask yourself the question: If not for America, who would lead the world?”

The question was posed as a reminder of the stakes of the November election. During his term in office, Trump had sought to retreat from America’s global commitments, abiding by a madman semi-isolationist theory of foreign policy that in Biden’s view and the view of many Establishment actors across the ideological divide had caused damage to the country’s reputation that will take a generation of stable leadership to undo.

Yet Biden’s comment also served as an unintentional reminder of the concerns about his own leadership. Just the day before, the Wall Street Journal had published a report that described how the president’s “frail” appearance and inconsistent “focus and performance” presented challenges on the world stage. At the G7 summit in Italy in June, Biden had the distinction of being the only world leader who did not attend a private dinner party where candid diplomatic talks would happen off-camera. At a European Union summit in Washington in October, Biden “struggled to follow the discussions” and “stumbled over his talking points” to such a degree that he required the intervention of Secretary of State Antony Blinken. (The White House denied the Journal’s reporting.)

Under vines of white moonflowers on the governor’s patio, I watched as the president neared the end of his ten-minute speech. If a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth, he was still making them. The truth he told now was this: “I’ve got a helluva lot of plans for the next four years — God willing, as my father used to say.”

In January, I began hearing similar stories from Democratic officials, activists, and donors. All people who supported the president and were working to help reelect him to a second term in office. Following encounters with the president, they had arrived at the same concern: Could he really do this for another four years? Could he even make it to Election Day?

Uniformly, these people were of a similar social strata. They lived and socialized in Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. They did not wish to come forward with their stories. They did not want to blow a whistle. They wished that they could whistle past what they knew and emerge in November victorious and relieved, having helped avoid another four years of Trump. What would happen after that? They couldn’t think that far ahead. Their worries were more immediate.

When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they literally whispered. They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened. They needed to talk about it (though not on the record). They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy. Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that. Their disclosures often followed innocent questions: Have you seen the president lately? How does he seem? Often, they would answer with only silence, their eyes widening cartoonishly, their heads shaking back and forth. Or with disapproving sounds. “Phhhhwwwaahhh.” “Uggghhhhhhhhh.” “Bbbwwhhheeuuw.” Or with a simple, “Not good! Not good!” Or with an accusatory question of their own: “Have you seen him?!”

Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception. The guest wasn’t sure they could vote for Biden, since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all.

Others told me the president was becoming increasingly hard to get ahold of, even as it related to official government business, the type of things any U.S. president would communicate about on a regular basis with high-level officials across the world. Biden instead was cocooned within mounting layers of bureaucracy, spoken for more than he was speaking or spoken to.

Saying hello to one Democratic megadonor and family friend at the White House recently, the president stared blankly and nodded his head. The First Lady intervened to whisper in her husband’s ear, telling him to say “hello” to the donor by name and to thank them for their recent generosity. The president repeated the words his wife had fed him. “It hasn’t been good for a long time but it’s gotten so, so much worse,” a witness to the exchange told me. “So much worse!”

Who was actually in charge? Nobody knew. But surely someone was in charge? And surely there must be a plan, since surely this situation could not endure? I heard these questions posed at cocktail parties on the coasts but also at MAGA rallies in Middle America. There emerged a comical overlap between the beliefs of the nation’s most elite liberal Biden supporters and the beliefs of the most rabid and conspiratorial supporters of former President Trump. Resistance or QAnon, they shared a grand theory of America in 2024: There has to be a secret group of high-level government leaders who control Biden and who will soon set into motion their plan to replace Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee. Nothing else made sense. They were in full agreement.

What I saw for myself confirmed something was amiss. I spent much of the spring, summer, and fall of 2020 on the primary campaign trail with Biden. In the period before he was granted Secret Service protection, his events, which were usually of modest size, were more freewheeling affairs, and reporters inched up to the candidate as he interacted with voters at the rope line. He rarely took questions. A teetotaler, he was not the kind of candidate who hung out at the hotel bar after the campaigning day was through (on occasion, Jill Biden would enjoy a glass of Pinot Noir in a Marriott lobby with her aides), but he was visible and closely observable.

A campaign trail is a grueling exercise for anybody of any age, from the youngest network embeds to the oldest would-be presidents, and back then, there were days when Biden appeared sharper than on others. I knew it was a good day when he saw me and winked. On such occasions, he joked and prayed and cried with voters. He stayed to take a photo with every supporter. He might even entertain a question or two from the press. He had color in his face. There was no question he was alive and present. On bad days, which were unpredictable but reliably occurred during a challenging news cycle, he was less animated. He stared off. He did not make eye contact. He would trip over his words, even if they were programmed in a teleprompter. On such occasions, he was hurried out of the venue quickly and ushered into a waiting SUV.

This April, at a reception before the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, I joined a sea of people waiting for a photo with the president and First Lady in the basement of the Washington Hilton. A photo line is a trauma. The main attraction must stand there, reduced to a human prop, with person after person, group after group, nodding and saying “hello” and flashing the same smile a zillion times so that guests leave the event with their little token commemorating their split second in proximity to history. People of all ages suffer in a photo line. It is tiring and unnatural, an icky transaction that requires robotic discipline on the part of its star and reveals primal horrors on the part of its participants. In Washington, even the most allegedly serious people can behave like pushy fangirls. So I grade photo-line behavior and performance on a curve. Who can be their best selves wedged into such a nightmarish dynamic? And in the basement of a Hilton, no less.

The first person I saw upon entering the subterranean space was the First Lady. I maintain personal fondness for Dr. Biden, whose controversial preferred honorific I am using out of respect. The day that my mother died, I happened to be traveling with her in Virginia, and when she learned about it, she was incredibly decent. She called to talk with me about grief, and she sent me a lovely note. The Bidens are famous for their willingness and ability to mourn with others, so I was not surprised exactly, but I was impressed, since among White House officials, members of the Biden family, and supporters of the president, I had always been treated with suspicion or outright contempt after my critical coverage of him during the 2020 campaign. I had written that there were “[c]oncerns, implicit or explicit, about his ability to stay agile and alive for the next four years,” and that “[f]or political reporters, marveling every day at just how well this isn’t going, watching Biden can feel like being at the rodeo. You’re there because on some level you know you might see someone get killed.” Biden-world insiders did not appreciate that very much, and they never forgot or fully forgave it. I was particularly touched then by the First Lady’s kindness, and I always think of that when I see her.

In the basement, I smiled and said hello. She looked back at me with a confused, panicked expression. It was as if she had just received horrible news and was about to run out of the room and into some kind of a family emergency. “Uh, hi,” she said. Then she glanced over to her right. Oh …

I had not seen the president up close in some time. I had skipped this season’s holiday parties, and, preoccupied with covering Trump’s legal and political dramas, I hadn’t been showing up at his White House. Unlike Trump, he wasn’t very accessible to the press, anyway. Why bother? Biden had done few interviews. He wasn’t prone to interrupting his schedule with a surprise media circus in the Oval Office. He kept a tight circle of the same close advisers who had been advising him for more than 30 years, so unlike with his predecessor, you didn’t need to hang around in West Wing hallways to figure out who was speaking to him. It was all pretty locked down and predictable in terms of the reality you could access as a member of the press with a White House hard pass.

I followed the First Lady’s gaze and found the president. Now I understood her panicked expression.

Up close, the president does not look quite plausible. It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like. Bernie Sanders is old. Mitch McConnell is old. Most of the ruling class is old. The president was something stranger, something not of this earth.

This was true even in 2020. His face had then an uncanny valley quality that injectable aficionados call “low trust” — if only by millimeters, his cosmetically altered proportions knocked his overall facial harmony into the realm of the improbable. His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. He looked, well, inflated. His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals. The White House often did not engage when questioned about the president’s stare, which sometimes raised alarm on social media when documented in official videos produced by the White House. The administration was above conspiratorial chitchat that entertained seriously scenarios in which the president was suffering from a shocking decline most Americans were not seeing. If the president was being portrayed that way, it was by his political enemies on the right, who promoted through what the press office termed “cheap fakes” a caricature of an addled creature unfit to serve. They would not dignify those people, or people doing the bidding of those people, with a response.

For many inclined to support the president, this was good enough. They did not need to monitor the president’s public appearances, because under his leadership the country had returned to the kind of normal state in which members of a First World democratic society had the privilege to forget about the president for hours or days or even weeks at a time. Trump required constant observation. What did he just do? What would he do next? Oh God, what was he doing right at that moment? Biden could be trusted to perform the duties of his office out of sight. Many people were content to look away.

My heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. I tried to make eye contact, but it was like his eyes, though open, were not on. His face had a waxy quality. He smiled. It was a sweet smile. It made me sad in a way I can’t fully convey. I always thought — and I wrote — that he was a decent man. If ambition was his only sin, and it seemed to be, he had committed no sin at all by the standards of most politicians I had covered. He took my hand in his, and I was startled by how it felt. Not cold but cool. The basement was so warm that people were sweating and complaining that they were sweating. This was a silly black-tie affair. I said “hello.” His sweet smile stayed frozen. He spoke very slowly and in a very soft voice. “And what’s your name?” he asked.

Exiting the room after the photo, the group of reporters — not instigated by me, I should note — made guesses about how dead he appeared to be, percentage wise. “Forty percent?” one of them asked.

“It was a bad night.” That’s the spin from the White House and its allies about Thursday’s debate. But when I watched the president amble stiffly across the stage, my first thought was: He doesn’t look so bad. For months, everything I had heard, plus some of what I had seen, led me to brace for something much more dire.


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About that Biden Being a Black Woman Statement
« Reply #452 on: July 06, 2024, 04:48:57 PM »
2nd post. Biden is flubbing questions provided in advance to the (radio) interviewers by White House staff, and then outing the process to other journalists:


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Biden' media evasion
« Reply #453 on: July 07, 2024, 06:13:59 AM »

I don't recall his last WH press conference
Now all we hear and see is KJP which of course a complete waste of time.


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The Goodest Sim-Ant-Yaks Evah!
« Reply #454 on: July 08, 2024, 02:13:17 PM »
Those generally a wholly owned subsidiary of Team Biden continue to measure the error of their ways:


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Comer Subpoenas Biden Aides Said to be Running His Presidency
« Reply #456 on: July 10, 2024, 04:57:23 PM »
This will bear watching:

Comer Subpoenas White House Aides Running Interference for President Biden Amid Cognitive Decline

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today issued subpoenas to three key White House staff who are reportedly running interference for President Biden and doing the President’s job for him amid his declining cognitive state. According to one former Biden aide, these three employees – Annie Tomasini, Anthony Bernal, and Ashley Williams – have created “a protective bubble around” President Biden and he is “staffed so closely that he’s lost all independence.” Chairman Comer previously sought testimony from these White House aides as part of the Committee’s investigation of President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, but the White House has refused to make them available.

“The White House has shielded three key aides from testifying about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and now we’ve learned through reporting these same aides are also seeking to cover up President Biden’s declining cognitive state inside the White House. President Biden is clearly unfit for office, yet his staff are trying to hide the truth from the American people. Key White House staff must come before our committee so we can provide the transparency and accountability that Americans deserve,” said Chairman Comer.

The subpoena cover letters can be found here:

Ashley Williams, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Oval Office Operations (deposition on July 23, 2024)
Anthony Bernal, Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the First Lady (deposition on July 24, 2024)
Annie Tomasini, Deputy Chief of Staff (deposition on July 25, 2024)

Additional Background: The Oversight Committee’s investigation of Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents has exposed the White House’s and Biden’s personal attorney’s unraveling narrative of events. Information obtained through multiple transcribed interviews conducted by the Oversight Committee contradicted the White House’s and President Biden’s personal attorney’s narrative about the discovery of classified documents at the Penn Biden Center, including the location and security of classified documents. The Oversight Committee also learned that five White House employees – including Annie Tomasini, Anthony Bernal, and Ashley Williams – and a Department of Defense employee were involved in the early stages of coordinating the organizing, moving, and removing of boxes that were later found to contain classified materials.


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Biden’s Use of the Leonid Brezhnev Playbook
« Reply #457 on: July 11, 2024, 11:35:40 AM »
VDH on the parallels between the late stage USSR and Biden’s current presidential straights:

Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union. . .

Like the late-stage Leonid Brezhnev, Biden is now a president in name only. What is next for our increasingly Soviet state?

By Victor Davis Hanson

July 11, 2024

Leonid Brezhnev led the former Soviet Union as General Secretary of the Communist Party until 1982. But like most Russian apparatchiks who excessively smoked, drank, and gained weight, he aged prematurely. Also like them, his disabilities never led to his abdication.

By Brezhnev’s late sixties and early seventies, he was too ill to travel abroad or make public appearances. Indeed, his debility left the Soviet Union without a real leader for the final six or seven years of his tenure.

Brezhnev got away with it because the Soviet state-controlled media doctored photos and videos to attest to his supposedly vigorous health and constant hands-on involvement.

“Journalists” sent out false communiques. They spun narratives that Brezhnev was robust, hale, and working long hours on behalf of the Russian people. Any dissenting journalists who sought to report the true, sad state of affairs were in danger of losing their jobs, freedom—or even their lives.

Instead, the “reporters” of Pravda (“Truth”), the official print megaphone of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, wrote lies about Brezhnev’s busy workdays. Pravda’s handlers spun fables about the respect (and fear) the rest of the world held for such a dynamic leader—even as Brezhnev became an ill virtual recluse.

The cynical Russian people shrugged because they had long been accustomed to their lying media and the falsehoods they peddled. And besides, Brezhnev was a doctrinaire Stalinist communist. So his job was not to rock the boat or upset the Russian communist hierarchy.

Instead, he reigned over the penultimate Soviet “era of stagnation,” while an ossified communism increasingly destroyed all incentives and hope, leaving the Russian people poor, cynical, and helpless.

Something similar has happened to a calcified America under President Joe Biden. Like the late-stage Leonid Brezhnev, Biden is now a president in name only. He has outsourced his administration to a vestigial hard-left apparat from the Obama years.

Now, Biden can no longer even perform his assigned ceremonial tasks of putting a moderate veneer on radical, nihilist agendas that are stagnating the country.

Yet our Pravda journalists have sworn to the American people that, in private, the reclusive, three-day-a-week Biden outpaces the energy and drive of those half his age. Obsequious staffers plant stories in the Soviet-like ears of reporters about Biden’s singular dynamism.

Any dissenters are publicly demonized as peddlers of “cheap fakes.”

When Biden’s reclusiveness prompts too much gossip that he is near senile, he is wheeled out for a staged interview that must be edited before release. Or he answers questions secretly shown to him in advance.

On sporadic occasions where the state media and the Biden nomenklatura cannot control events—such as rare presidential debates or international summits—our Pravda media go into overdrive to convince the public that what they see and hear is not real.

In the end, Brezhnev could not even hobble to the May Day dais to celebrate communism’s national holiday.

He soon reached the point that his debilities were so manifest that even his hirelings and the media could not hide them. He then vanished from public view, leaving the Russian people with no idea as to who was running their communist nation.

Then one day, Soviet propagandists announced suddenly but matter-of-factly that the dynamic Brezhnev had died and that his successor, Yuri Andropov, was now brilliantly running the Soviet Union.

Biden, too, is at that point of stasis. He cannot do press conferences, town halls, debates, or real interviews. To do so would confirm to the public the truth: that Biden is too cognitively challenged to continue his presidency.

And yet the cloistered Biden can no longer hide during a campaign season with his accustomed three-day workweek.

The media has done its best to continue its Orwellian ruse. They claim that Trump interrupted Biden (he did not) in the recent debate and that he lied (if so, not as much as did Biden). Sometimes, the press corps just blurts out that an inert, left-wing Biden is still preferable to a dynamic, conservative Trump.

What is next for our increasingly Soviet state?

We will continue to be lectured on the vigor of Biden—until one day we aren’t, when Biden either steps down—or worse.

Then, our Pravda will likely present the new official narrative. They will convince us that his successor, Vice President Kamala Harris, is an underappreciated genius whose past portfolios led to solving the border crisis and renewing American dominance in space.

One day, the same reporters who swore Biden was a virtual Socrates behind closed doors and then suddenly just confessed he was not when their lies were no longer operative will sing the praises of our new comrade leader—the brilliant, accomplished, eloquent, and articulate Kamala Harris.


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Biden Admin They Made Edits to Pre-Recorded Radio Interviews
« Reply #458 on: July 11, 2024, 03:44:41 PM »
It’s a bad sign when you have to demand the ability to edit an interview on a non-visual medium:

🚨 #BREAKING: Milkwaukee Radio Network Civic Media has just ADMITTED the Biden campaign made them make MULTIPLE EDITS to Biden’s radio interview before it aired

This is absurd, and Trump would NEVER get away with that.

The edits went as far as “removing entire segments” and making cuts, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

This comes just days after a Philly radio host admitted she had been given questions by the Biden regime in advance. She was later fired.

Apparently Biden can’t even handle PRE-RECORDED interviews anymore.


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Sounding Defensive Sounds Defensive
« Reply #459 on: July 13, 2024, 05:22:33 PM »
Dear me:

During @JoeBiden’s call with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the president said his staff passed him a note to “stay positive you are sounding defensive.” Biden read the note aloud to participants on the call.


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Joe’s IQ
« Reply #460 on: July 13, 2024, 08:55:20 PM »
Biden has been at it for quite some time:


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Biden Fundraising: Financial Fraud?
« Reply #461 on: July 17, 2024, 12:01:09 PM »
Given all the stories now coming out about how Biden’s cognitive decline was known prior to his poor debate performance can the associated fundraising be construed as fraud?

Was Covering Up Biden’s Condition a Quarter Billion Dollar Fraud?

The Biden campaign might be the single greatest act of financial fraud in history.

July 17, 2024 by Daniel Greenfield 20 Comments

[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]

“Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election,” former ER actor George Clooney revealed in a New York Times op-ed calling for him to drop out. “It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe ‘big F-ing deal’ Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.”

At the fundraiser, George Clooney called Biden a star instead of telling the truth about him.

Did the movie star reveal his misgivings to any of those who contributed $30 million at the fundraiser? Or to those in his circle of acquaintances who would go on to attend other $2,500 a plate fundraisers for Biden in the Los Angeles area? Or did he keep quiet until now?

According to Clooney, who also got Obama to sign off on his attack, “this isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.”

That’s not just an indictment of Biden, but of Clooney, Obama and every Dem legislator who kept on raising millions for the presidential campaign of a candidate they knew was unfit.

The Clooney fundraiser outraised the previous $26 million fundraiser by Stephen Colbert, whose presence on CBS’ fading late night show is an undisclosed contribution by Paramount to the Democrats. Colbert has now also suggested that Biden might want to step down.

The two fundraisers were part of a much larger haul during which Biden raised $127 million last month with nearly a quarter of a billion dollars being held by his committees. 

Those fundraisers were based on what Democrats, including some of those involved in the fundraisers, have now admitted was a lie: that Biden was a viable presidential candidate.

If even the partial haul of $264 million were treated as a fraud, it would be massive in scope.

After Biden’s debate disaster, one Democrat insider after another has come forward to reveal that they knew about his state. Some of those covering up the fraud benefited materially from the Biden campaign while others used their connection to it to obtain status and influence.

Certainly that would potentially apply to Joe Biden, to close Biden family members, allies and staffers as well as to a much larger circle of political operatives, consultants and donors who concealed the truth about his condition while encouraging donations to his political campaign. 

The question “what did the president know and when did he know it” may be only so applicable to Joe Biden whom Special Counsel Robert Hur deemed likely to get off in any criminal case on account of presenting himself as an elderly man with a poor memory, but those around him have no such defense. And those who are now coming forward to denounce Biden are also in some cases potentially exposing themselves to criminal liability for their role in the cover-up.

If they had been selling a car, a house or pushing stock in a company that they knew was being fundamentally misrepresented as fit for its intended purpose, there would be a risk of liability.

Viewed as a fraudulent enterprise, the Biden campaign, its associated committees, PACs and the larger Democrat Party is staggering in scope. It might even be the single greatest fraud in American history in which a tremendous number of people were also aware of the fraud.

Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau, who co-founded Fenway Strategies and served on the board of Let America Vote, claimed that, “It was not surprising to any of us who were at the fundraiser. I was there. Clooney was exactly right, and every single person I talked to at the fundraiser thought the same thing.” And Favreau made the decision to keep quiet about it.

“I remember my wife, Emily, turned to me after the fundraiser and said, ‘What are we going to do?’ And I said, ‘Well, there is a debate in a week. Either he’ll do well in the debate, and we’ll think he was just tired because he flew all the way back from Europe, and that’ll be that, or he’ll be like this at the debate and then the whole country will be talking about it. So, here we are.”

The decision by Democrats was to keep covering it up until it couldn’t be covered up anymore.

Some Dems had invested heavily in Biden already and were treating it as a pyramid scheme that they had to try and keep going at all costs. If we believe the Democrat operatives, media figures and other insiders who keep regaling us with how they knew about Biden’s condition, then much of the party continued to raise money even while hiding information that would have dissuaded donors from continuing to contribute to the Biden presidential campaign.

Since the debate, media reports describe donors refusing to donate or to take calls.   

“Disastrous.” NBC News quoted a source in the Biden campaign, reporting that “the money has absolutely shut off.” Sources claimed that donations from large donors were “down by possibly half” or even according to one “much more.”

This establishes that donors would not have handed out the tens of millions that they did over the previous weeks, not to mention the much larger sums taken in during previous months, if they had been made aware of Biden’s true state. Democrat insiders knew of that. It is difficult then to see how hiding that information from donors while asking them to donate wasn’t fraud.

There’s potential civil liability for recruiters, much as there can be in a pyramid scheme in which the recruiters are aware that the larger campaign is fraudulent, but there may also be criminal liability as well should state or federal authorities choose to pursue this question.

Democrats are coming forward to accuse the Biden family of one of the largest frauds in history. But many, if not most of them, were aware of the fraud and chose to keep quiet for political, personal or financial reasons. Complicity in the quarter billion dollar fraud may be widespread.

The question is whether state and federal authorities will impose consequences on those who fundraised, who benefited and who kept on lying as long as the millions kept rolling in.


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4 p.m. Fever
« Reply #462 on: July 17, 2024, 09:27:38 PM »
Biden allegedly can't give his speech in Nevada because he "tested positive for COVID."
He was greeting restaurant patrons just an hour ago.
____Covid or Butleritis


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Joe Won’t Go
« Reply #463 on: July 19, 2024, 09:27:14 AM »
As the piece points out, the same folks that were calling you a liar three weeks ago are now saying Joe must go for those same reasons:

Joe Won't Go
All he needs is "No"


JUL 19, 2024

A lot of Democrats are underestimating what a stubborn, selfish asshole Joe Biden is. Which you’d think they’d know, having handed him all this power in the first place.

Right now, pretty much every Democrat who called you a fascist liar three weeks ago — yes, a mere three weeks — is saying the same thing you’ve been saying for four years.

He’s too old. He can barely finish a sentence. At times, he thinks Trump is his vice president. He’s exhausted. He clearly can’t do the job.

You wouldn’t hire him to greet people at Costco, let alone serve as the leader of the free world.

Now they think trying to reason with him will do it. If they just point out the obvious to him, he’ll say, “Well gosh, I guess you’re right. How could I have been so foolish? Thanks, everybody!”

Does that really sound like Joe Biden?

Did the Dems actually convince themselves of the “kindly grandpa” B.S. they’ve been pushing for four years? Did they forget what they put in their own Kool-Aid?

If Biden gave a damn about anybody but himself, he wouldn’t have run at such an advanced age in the first place.1 They dragged him across the finish line in 2020. Now they think he’ll just give it all up because they’re crying?

Trying to wish him away isn’t working. Leaking and planting stories about him wavering isn’t working. This isn’t his first transparently obvious media campaign.

Why would he listen to the people who’ve been propping him up for four years? In his addled mind, they owe him.

What, he’s gonna step down because Obama wants it? They thought the “bromance” crap was real?

Obama picked Biden as his insurance policy in 2008 — “Okay, you racists, if anything happens to me, you’re stuck with this clown” — and Biden knows it. He knows Barry thinks he’s a screwup, and now he’s the one holding all the cards. Obama can pull all the strings he wants behind the scenes, but the Clooney Gambit didn’t work and neither will any of this.

Don’t take it from me, take it from Bidenworld:

“In 2015, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer pushed Biden aside in favor of Hillary;  they were wrong then and they are wrong now.”


“Can we all just remember for a minute that these same people who are trying to push Joe Biden out are the same people who literally gave us all Donald Trump?”

Biden thinks he knows better than any of them. After all, he’s the president and they’re not, right?

If they want him out, they’ll need to impeach him and invoke the 25th Amendment. Then they’ll be stuck with Cackles McKneepads.

And Kamala will need to explain why she pretended Joe was in tip-top shape for four years, and then stabbed him in the back the minute it stopped working. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she’s not exactly quick on her feet.

The Dems and their pundits and “journalists” can plead with Biden all they want, but all he needs is one word in rebuttal:


He can still pronounce that one.

Biden is a bitter, resentful old man who can’t be forced to do anything he doesn’t want to do, because he’s finally sitting on the throne he’s craved his whole life. If they want him out, it’s gonna take more than a few “BREAKING” chyrons on cable news.

“But he can’t possibly win reelection!” Yeah, I know that. You know that. He won’t allow himself to know that. If he admits he can’t win in November, then he has no argument for staying in power at all.

He’s been in Washington since before Twitter. Before CNN. Hell, before Watergate! He was lying to reporters when Obama was still popping his zits in Honolulu.

The old man is a damn barnacle. They’re gonna have to scrape him off, and it might just put a hole in the hull.

Joe Biden doesn’t know much anymore, but he still knows how power works. My money’s on the old bastard giving everybody two middle fingers till they close the casket.

Me? I choose to remember the happier times:

Now watch him drop out 10 minutes after I post this. It would serve me right for acting like I know what I’m talking about!

What a week, huh?

Here are a few things that have happened within the last seven days:

Donald Trump was nearly assassinated, and a Pennsylvania firefighter was murdered in the attempt
The head of the Secret Service was exposed as a complete incompetent
The shooter apparently had no discernible motive
After a series of disastrous media appearances, Joe Biden “got COVID-19” and his party finally turned on him with knives drawn, including Morning Joe
Dr. Ruth died
Richard Simmons died
Bob Newhart died
Lou Dobbs died
Microsoft laid off their whole DEI team
Bob Mendendez finally got nailed for the corruption we’ve all known about for decades
Max Boot’s wife (and occasional co-author) was indicted as an unregistered agent of the South Korean government
Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock appeared at the Republican National Convention, and any living Republican president or vice president did not
Matt Gaetz debuted his new face
Trump made a triumphant appearance at the RNC but then talked for like two freaking hours2
There’s probably a bunch of other stuff I’ve forgotten.

Are you as tired as I am? Say what you want about Trump, but at least he never sleeps!

Who the Heck Is Jim Treacher is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

And yes, Trump fans, that goes for him too. As we all learned this week, he is all too mortal.

An assassination attempt earns you a lot of political capital, but it’s probably best not to spend it all in one night.


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Biden’s Exit Creates Conundrum for Dems
« Reply #464 on: July 21, 2024, 03:08:43 PM »
Did he jump ship due to poor polling, which disregards the will of primary voters, or is it due to his clear decline, which make suggests the 25th amendment should be invoked:

Succession by defenestration: How Biden’s withdrawal could trigger a 25th Amendment fight
The Hill News / by Jonathan Turley / Jul 21, 2024 at 4:32 PM

President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw as the Democratic Party’s nominee solved an immediate problem for his party. Biden has plummeted in the polls as the vast majority of voters concluded that he is too diminished by age to serve another term. Yet, it has now created several new problems, including the obvious problem of a president who is viewed as incapable of running for an office that he continues to hold.

The Democratic Party essentially created its own political version of the 25th Amendment in forcing Biden off the ticket. This decision was about as voluntary as leaving a building by way of a window on the 46th floor. That is particularly the case when you are thrown out of the window by your closest friends.

The unseemly image of succession by defenestration will soon be whitewashed by a media that will praise Biden after weeks of declaring him incompetent and enfeebled.

That, however, leaves the lingering question after the fall. How can Biden remain in office when he is incapable of running for the office?

Biden is notably vague about the reason for his withdrawal after maintaining for days that he will be the party’s nominee. He simply says that it is in the best interests of the country.

The Democratic establishment has two equally unappealing options.

First, it could argue that Biden was withdrawing out of recognition that he is no longer politically viable. But that makes a mockery out of the democratic process. Millions of people went through the primary elections to select him as their nominee. Now he would be set aside and replaced by a vote of the party establishment like a shift in the Russian politburo.

Second, it could admit that Biden was, as stated for weeks in the media and by figures like Special Counsel Robert Hur, greatly diminished both mentally and physically. However, that makes this withdrawal an admission that could trigger a fight under the 25th Amendment.

The development could create a new constitutional controversy. The 25th Amendment was written with largely physical disabilities in mind. If a president is comatose, the incapacity is obvious and Section 4 allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to sign a declaration to Congress that a president is incapable of holding office.

However, Harris is eager to avoid the image of Brutus in the dispatching of the president. To support such a declaration would risk Biden proclaiming “Et tu, Kamala?” to the nation. The key to succession by defenestration is not to be seen as the hand that pushes the president out the window. Politics follows the same rules as the mafia for capo di tutti i capi: Kill a don, never be a don. While sometimes honored in the breach in the mob, it is hardly an auspicious path for a politician.

There is, however, another intriguing possibility.

Section 4 provides that when the “Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or such other body as Congress may by law provide.”

Previously Democrats have cited that language to suggest that they could create their own body to force former President Donald Trump out of office. Indeed, Rep. Jaime Raskin (D-Md.) sponsored legislation called the Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity Act to create a commission empowered to examine a president to Congress on the president’s capacity. It would circumvent the necessity of getting Harris to be the hand that dispatched a president.

The question is whether Congress will now make this decision to warrant an investigation or even a Raskin-like bill.

This is different than President Lyndon Johnson's decision on March 31, 1968, that "I shall not seek, and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president."

That was before any primaries. In this case, Biden won a primary in which the Democratic Party obstructed anyone who would challenge him and barred any debate.

Millions voted for him, and tens of millions of dollars were contributed to his campaign. He is now withdrawing weeks before accepting the nomination. That unprecedented decision alone would warrant a House investigation into Biden's continuing capacity to serve in an office that he no longer believes he can run to occupy after January 2025.

Before this decision, a special counsel cited President Biden's diminished faculties as a reason not to indict him for unlawfully retaining and handling classified material. Now, the president is effectively saying that, in addition to being allegedly too diminished to be prosecuted, he is too diminished to run for the office that he currently holds.

The question is whether Biden has ended the fight to retain his nomination only to trigger a fight to retain his office.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. He is the author of “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage” (Simon & Schuster).


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Medical Emergency in Vegas?
« Reply #465 on: July 23, 2024, 09:57:55 AM »
Report claims Biden bad a medical emergency in Vegas. The source piece contains some embedded tweets that didn't transfer over:

Exclusive: President Biden suffered an undisclosed medical emergency during his time in Las Vegas, police sources say
Air Force One “flew so fast the plane shook" on its way back to the east coast.

JUL 23, 2024
When President Joe Biden began his campaign trip in Las Vegas last week, everything seemed to be running as smoothly as it could for an 81-year-old president in physical and cognitive decline.

The day before he abruptly left town, Biden delivered the keynote address in front of a packed crowd of almost five thousand people at the NAACP National Convention at the Mandalay Bay hotel.

On Wednesday, Biden was scheduled to deliver the keynote at the UnidosUS annual convention at the MGM Grand, with thousands in attendance anticipating his arrival. With the venue located right off the Las Vegas Strip, the president’s security detail and motorcade required massive outside support from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

President Biden did not appear at the convention, or any of his scheduled events later that afternoon. Instead, he left town, departing Las Vegas on Air Force One for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he remains today.

Since that trip to Las Vegas, President Biden has announced over social media that he would not seek a second term as president, while throwing his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination. President Biden has not been seen in photos or on video since he touched down in Delaware Wednesday night, though he did participate in a phone call with Kamala Harris earlier this evening.

The president’s communications staff and doctor said that the president had tested positive for Covid-19, declaring that it was the reason for the cancellation of his schedule and his change of plans in Las Vegas.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s White House physician (and a family business partner), said Biden “presented this afternoon with upper respiratory symptoms, to include rhinorrhea (runny nose) and non-productive cough, with general malaise,” signaling that the president had nothing more than cold-like symptoms.

We are told a very different story. We have verified that several of the core elements in Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk’s viral X post from Monday are indeed true, according to law enforcement sources.

The Dossier obtained independent testimony from over half a dozen law enforcement officers who participated in the president’s security detail, and others who spoke from firsthand knowledge of the incident that unfolded that day.

For this story, we worked with Turning Point Action to secure the testimony of several sources and vet their legitimacy.

Officers working the president’s detail describe that Wednesday as chaotic from the very start. President Biden was already way behind schedule before the incident. Several sources said things really went haywire after he had been present at a famed local Mexican restaurant called Lindo Michoacan, where he was doing the rounds shaking hands and greeting donors.

Then suddenly, when he was supposed to be scheduled to deliver the UnidosUS speech, all hell broke loose.

Several law enforcement officers on duty that day were informed over the radio that the president was dealing with an unspecified medical emergency. Far from a case of the sniffles, this was sent out on encrypted police airwaves as if something akin to a five-alarm fire had broken out.

Our sources estimate that it was “easily” hundreds of Las Vegas Metropolitan officers and employees who heard the broadcasts live, so a curious media shouldn’t have a problem reporting any follow-ups to this story. The dispatches made clear that this was much more than a mere change of plans, because it set into motion so much of their on-duty emergency response apparatus.

Radio dispatchers responsible for coordinating with the president’s detail requested an immediate “surge” of law enforcement resources into the area, both to secure the vicinity and to expedite the president’s movement.

According to these law enforcement sources, the president’s motorcade was initially planning on heading to University Medical Center (UMC), which was located about two miles up the road from the president’s position. Police answered the call, rapidly deploying their “in the box” emergency squads to faciltate the reroute to the hospital.

While researching for this story, we found that the local NBC affiliate KSNV confirmed last week, without much publicity, that UMC “was on standby after being alerted about a possible medical issue with President Joe Biden Wednesday afternoon while he was visiting Southern Nevada.”

But the president’s team decided not to bring him to the hospital. The plans changed in rapid succession once more. It was then relayed over to on duty officers on the president’s detail that they would need to clear an express route to Harry Reid International Airport. The police assigned to the president’s detail and the emergency “in the box” squads then redeployed their resources to getting the president out of town as fast and as safe as humanly possible.

Emily Goodin, the senior white house correspondent for The Daily Mail, reported that on the journey back east, Air Force One “flew so fast the plane shook,” arriving in Dover in just 3 hours and 48 minutes.

Several of the officers we spoke to said this was indeed being reported and acted upon as a full-blown medical emergency, insisting that a simple positive Covid-19 test would not have warranted such a drastic, massive response.

Only President Biden and his inner circle seem to know the truth about what exactly happened last week in Las Vegas. Hopefully, the public will be made aware of the events that necessitated his emergency departure from Sin City.

Thanks again to the fantastic team at Turning Point Action for securing some of the sourcing for this story.


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #466 on: July 25, 2024, 06:36:10 AM »
He got into the 2020 race to save Democracy

Did Drudge now list he is stepping down to save Democracy?

what a joke.

But now I admit passing the torch to a younger generation is not a bad theme now that Trump is the old one.


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #468 on: July 29, 2024, 06:07:26 PM »
What do they mean, Kamala helped cover up Joe's decline?  Why is that past tense?  She's still covering it up.  He's still President.  She's not exercising her responsibilities as Vice President.  He's insane and all of them are still trying to cover it up.  He was promised he could finish out his term, even in his condition, as part of a behind the scenes transfer of power deal.

News: The President just threatened the Speaker of the House with his life - less than two weeks after his executive branch failed to stop the assassination of his opponent.

Stranger than the worst fiction.

Biden asked on the tarmac about Speaker Johnson calling his Supreme Court reform “dead on arrival.” “That’s what he is,” Biden said. Asked for clarification, a reporter shouted, “That he is?” Biden responded: “He is. Dead on arrival.”
« Last Edit: July 29, 2024, 06:23:19 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #469 on: July 30, 2024, 05:29:44 AM »
I'm not seeing that as a threat on his life.


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #470 on: July 30, 2024, 08:09:01 AM »
I'm not seeing that as a threat on his life.

It would be seen as just that ... had a Republican mouthed it....


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Asleep at the Switch, or Lights On but Nobody Home?
« Reply #471 on: August 05, 2024, 08:51:09 AM »
Donald J. Trump


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Now the dig at Trump from the mummy
« Reply #472 on: September 02, 2024, 09:59:11 AM »
funny how Joe Imhotep is quoted by the media mob only to bash political opponents and true to the mummy's long history he spares no opportunity to give the LEFT the correct soundbites:

What other questions are prepared for him to accommodate with the expected answer?


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Does anyone know who is President right now?
« Reply #473 on: September 26, 2024, 05:46:23 AM »
Does anyone know who is President right now?

Joe Biden told the UN audience (in NYC) this week, "welcome to Washington.

Jill Biden took over a cabinet meeting.

Joe said he turned over domestic and foreign policy to Kamala.

Kamala said the border crisis is Trump's fault; he calls the shots on legislation.

Tim Walz said we can't afford 4 more years of this, meaning Trump rule.

25th amendment Section 4 puts responsibility on the VP to step forward with a majority of the cabinet if the President is unable or unfit to serve.

I'm sure the watchdog media will be all over this in their next hard hitting interview with her.

By election day, I expect a poll to show less than 50% know who is President right now.

Meanwhile candidate Trump is in appeals court addressing a $500 million civil charge he raped a woman under dress rack in a department store - without knowing what year it happened in.

Strange times we live in.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 06:16:41 AM by DougMacG »


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Cognitive failure, Joe Biden
« Reply #474 on: October 04, 2024, 01:30:28 PM »
19 second video
"I'm wondering what storm you're talkin' about."
"They getting everything they need.
And they're very happy"

Who is President??
« Last Edit: October 04, 2024, 01:33:30 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #475 on: October 04, 2024, 05:35:09 PM »


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Trash Jits
« Reply #476 on: October 30, 2024, 12:18:08 PM »
Check out some of the memes arising after Biden's "Trump supporters are garbage" remark. Some serious jits occurring:


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Bidden nibbles baby at White House Hallo-Read
« Reply #477 on: October 31, 2024, 07:55:48 AM »

My nephew and his two young children were there on the South lawn of the White House.

We have pictures and one shows them walking up to Biden with their trick or treat bags.

I asked what they got - candy and books.

Cool, even if it is Biden.   8-)


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden) Get who?
« Reply #478 on: December 08, 2024, 11:44:16 PM »
At the end of President Biden's statement on the fall of the Assad government in Syria on Sunday, RCP reporter Phil Wegmann asked if the U.S. plans to do anything to rescue Austin Tice, a Marine Corps veteran and journalist who has allegedly been held by the Syrian government for more than 12 years.

Read more via Voice Of America: After Assad’s fall, cautious optimism for jailed journalist Austin Tice in Syria

REPORTER: What does the U.S. know about where Austin Tice might be and if he's safe?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We believe he's alive, we think we can get him back, but we have no direct evidence of that yet, and Assad should be held accountable.

PHIL WEGMANN, REALCLEARPOLITICS: Have you directed an operation to go get him, Mr. President?


PHIL WEGMANN: Austin Tice.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: We will want to get him out, but we have to identify where he is.


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Shooting in Wisconsin
« Reply #479 on: December 16, 2024, 02:56:35 PM »

President Biden issues statement on Abundant Life shooting: 'We need Congress to act. Now.'
The White House released the following statement from President Biden in response to the shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Wisconsin today:

Today, families in Madison, Wisconsin, are grieving the loss of those who were killed and wounded at Abundant Life Christian School. It’s shocking and unconscionable.

We need Congress to act. Now.

From Newtown to Uvalde, Parkland to Madison, to so many other shootings that don’t receive attention - it is unacceptable that we are unable to protect our children from this scourge of gun violence. We cannot continue to accept it as normal. Every child deserves to feel safe in their class room. Students across our country should be learning how to read and write – not having to learn how to duck and cover.

Jill and I are praying for all the victims today, including the teacher and teenage student who were killed and those who sustained injuries. We are grateful for the first responders who quickly arrived on the scene, and the FBI is supporting local law enforcement efforts. At my direction, my team has reached out to local officials to offer further support as needed.

My administration has taken aggressive action to combat the gun violence epidemic. We passed the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years, I have taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any other President in history, and I created the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. But more is needed. Congress must pass commonsense gun safety laws: Universal background checks. A national red flag law. A ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

We can never accept senseless violence that traumatizes children, their families, and tears entire communities apart.

Then watch:

Then imagine someone banging his glabella and he spits out this statement you read above.
Same idiotic reflex statement canned and ready to go out into the MSM catacombs.


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President Eggplant
« Reply #481 on: December 19, 2024, 09:59:21 PM »
Various links riffing off a WSJ piece (also linked) documenting Biden’s lack of mental acuity throughout his time in office:


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Wash Examiner, The Biden Presidency (we're still in it)
« Reply #482 on: December 22, 2024, 06:08:28 AM »
(Doug) He was at least partially incapacitated the entire 4 years. They tried and failed to cover it up. They are still under a constitutional responsibility to remove him and refuse based on some secret agreement they made an infirmed man last summer. 'If you drop out of the race we won't remove you from office', best interests of the nation be damned.

The Biden cover-up is fast unraveling
Washington Examiner
December 22, 2024 12:00 am
President Joe Biden’s catch-and-release policies for illegal immigration that caused a historic invasion of the United States was the first scandal of his presidency, but it was his catastrophic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan that destroyed his public standing and pushed him permanently into disapproval.

These pages noted at the time that Biden’s mental capacity was slipping and that his diminished ability to remember key facts may have cost the lives of many Afghan civilians and 13 American service members.

At a White House press conference days before those 13 soldiers were killed, Biden falsely claimed that al-Qaida had been driven out of Afghanistan entirely, and the White House was forced to retract this nonsense just hours later. Biden also falsely claimed that there was “no indication” that Americans stuck in Kabul “haven’t been able to get” to the airport, a vacuous statement rebutted by news outlets within minutes. The president was clearly losing his grip on reality.

We are now learning that it was not just outside observers such as the Washington Examiner that were worried about Biden drifting off into la la land. The Wall Street Journal has revealed that as early as spring 2021, the start of his presidency, national security officials admitted to each other that Biden “has good days and bad days,” often causing key national security meetings to be canceled.

Biden notoriously ignored the advice of his generals on Afghanistan. Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), then the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, tried to get to Biden personally to get him to attend to reality but now says he was denied access to the president. He contrasted this with his access to former President Barack Obama, even when he was, himself, a much lower-ranking committee member. Similarly, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) of the House Intelligence Committee now discloses that while he engaged Obama personally many times on the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, “I really had no personal contact” with Biden.

Biden’s diminished mental capacity was clear not only to White House staff members and Democratic lawmakers. For example, he repeatedly confused former British Prime Minister Theresa May with the long-dead Margaret Thatcher; he said Democrats would “take back” the House of Representatives in 2022, when they already controlled it; he blanked on the most famous phrase in the Declaration of Independence and shouted mid-speech, “You know, you know — the thing!”; he mistakenly called Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin his secretary of state; and he invited a woman who had been dead for eight weeks to join him onstage at an event. Biden’s access to Air Force One had to be modified because he kept falling as he tried to climb on board. He also fell off his bike in front of reporters in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. He has wandered around lost onstage repeatedly after delivering speeches. The list of semi-geriatric goofs is endless.

They cannot be dismissed as minor flubs. Biden twice claimed that the U.S. would defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, which was a radical departure from actual policy, and White House staff had sheepishly to correct him.


All this time, elected Democratic Party officials, including Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), vigorously claimed Biden was just fine, and hacks in the news media endorsed their lies and lobbed accusations of bias at those who preferred to believe their lying eyes and ears. The Democratic Party’s media allies, particularly MSNBC and CNN, attacked the credibility of anyone who noted Biden’s mental freefall, saying they, we, were spreading “misinformation” and “cheap fakes.”

But Democrats surveying the landscape in the aftermath of defeat and just a few weeks before Biden shuffles off into belated retirement are now more willing to admit the truth. We expect we are just beginning to learn how bad Biden’s mental state was throughout his time in office and how far Democratic officials and their media allies went to cover it up. Our advice to them all is to come clean. But we won’t hold our breath waiting.


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Joe commutes 37 of 40 deat row inmates
« Reply #483 on: December 23, 2024, 06:36:11 AM »
or maybe others in his administration who simply had Mr Dementia  sign the paper.

Biden/Obama people  ---->   abortion good
                                           death penalty bad
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 06:38:41 AM by ccp »


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Who is Standing in for President Brain Bubbles?
« Reply #484 on: December 23, 2024, 10:35:17 PM »
Opinion piece contrasting a declining Biden holding on to power via proxies to George Washington's departure:

We Still Don’t Know Who Is Running Our Government
What would George Washington think of the self-serving Biden coterie?

James Freeman

The Biden family boards Marine One in New Castle, Delaware on Thursday.

It was 241 years ago today that Gen. George Washington gave America the greatest Christmas gift any nation has ever received—except of course for the gift of Christmas itself. A few months after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, in which Great Britain acknowledged America’s independence, Washington resigned his commission as commander in chief of the Continental Army. At a moment when much of the country would happily have allowed him to claim much greater authority, his deference to a controversial Congress kept the United States firmly on the course of representative government.

In contrast to Washington’s selfless refusal to seize power in 1783, today we observe in the White House a self-serving spectacle and we don’t even know who exactly is wielding the executive authority of the U.S. government. We know only that people who were never elected have spent years creating and enforcing a charade of Biden competence, and that the power vacuum in the Oval Office has created myriad opportunities for self-servers to exercise powers to which they are not entitled.

Last week the Journal’s Annie Linskey, Rebecca Ballhaus, Emily Glazer and Siobhan Hughes reported on the work of aides to President Joe Biden:

To adapt the White House around the needs of a diminished leader, they told visitors to keep meetings focused. Interactions with senior Democratic lawmakers and some cabinet members—including powerful secretaries such as Defense’s Lloyd Austin and Treasury’s Janet Yellen—were infrequent or grew less frequent. Some legislative leaders had a hard time getting the president’s ear at key moments, including ahead of the U.S.’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

Senior advisers were often put into roles that some administration officials and lawmakers thought Biden should occupy…
Mr. Biden’s diminished state is not new. Right after he dropped out of the presidential race last summer, Ms. Ballhaus, Ms. Hughes and Ms. Linskey reported along with Andrew Restuccia and Erich Schwartzel:

President Biden had just finished trying to persuade a group of congressional Democrats to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill when Nancy Pelosi, then the House speaker, took the microphone.

In 30 minutes of remarks on Capitol Hill, Biden had spoken disjointedly and failed to make a concrete ask of lawmakers, according to Democrats in the room. After he left, a visibly frustrated Pelosi told the group she would articulate what Biden had been trying to say, one lawmaker said.

“It was the first time I remember people pretty jarred by what they had seen,” recalled Rep. Dean Phillips (D., Minn.), who would go on to mount an unsuccessful primary challenge against the president.

That was October 2021. That month was the last time Biden met with the House Democratic caucus on the Hill regarding legislation.

Unfortunately for the world, instead of resigning the presidency Mr. Biden continued in office and even continued to attempt unscripted public communication. It’s tantalizing to imagine how the planet might have been a more peaceful place if Mr. Biden or whoever makes his decisions had done the right thing.

Three months after that last confused legislative meeting with the House Democratic caucus, with Vladimir Putin’s Russia threatening the invasion of Ukraine, Mr. Biden took questions from reporters. Here’s an excerpt from the White House transcript of the President’s Jan. 19, 2022, press conference in the East Room:

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you. Your top foreign policy advisors have warned that Russia is now ready to attack Ukraine. But there’s still little unity among European allies about what a package of sanctions against Moscow would look like. If the U.S. and NATO aren’t willing to put troops on the line to defend Ukraine and American allies can’t agree on a sanctions package, hasn’t the U.S. and the West lost nearly all of its leverage over Vladimir Putin?

And given how ineffective sanctions have been in deterring Putin in the past, why should the threat of new sanctions give him pause?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, because he’s never seen sanctions like the ones I promised will be imposed if he moves, number one.
Number two, we’re in a situation where Vladimir Putin is about to — we’ve had very frank discussions, Vladimir Putin and I. And the idea that NATO is not going to be united, I don’t buy. I’ve spoken to every major NATO leader. We’ve had the NATO-Russian summit. We’ve had other — the OSCE has met, et cetera.

And so, I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades. And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and then we end up having a fight about what to do and not do, et cetera.
But if they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further ingra- — invade Ukraine, and that our allies and partners are ready to impose severe costs and significant harm on Russia and the Russian economy.

And, you know, we’re going to fortify our NATO Allies, I told him, on the eastern flank — if, in fact, he does invade. We’re going to — I’ve already shipped over $600 million worth of sophisticated equipment, defensive equipment to the Ukrainians.
The cost of going into Ukraine, in terms of physical loss of life, for the Russians, they’ll — they’ll be able to prevail over time, but it’s going to be heavy, it’s going to be real, and it’s going to be consequential.

Babbling for just six short and sloppy paragraphs, Mr. Biden conceded that Putin might get away with a “minor incursion” as America’s NATO allies argued over how to respond, then he talked about sending $600 million of equipment to Ukraine as if that level of commitment would scare Putin. Then Mr. Biden predicted Russia would win a war with Ukraine. Didn’t any White House aides think to write, “DETERRENCE” on a note card?

Not surprisingly, Putin was undeterred and commenced the invasion a month later. Would the people of Ukraine have been spared the horror of the past three years if a competent U.S. president had offered a simple and credible warning?

Speaking of 2022, the other strange and significant Washington phenomenon that year was the partial official recognition of the massive inflationary blunders of the Biden era. But while Federal Reserve officials finally realized the damage they’d done and made a hard pivot toward tighter policy with a rapid series of interest-rate hikes, the White House made no such pivot. Mr. Biden or whoever writes his material has to this day continued to demand more of the profligate spending that fueled consumer backlash and destroyed his presidency. Would not a fully competent chief executive have acknowledged the obvious and charted a new course?

Let’s hope America can get through the next month without any more policy disasters.

Let’s also take inspiration from the leadership example that shone on this day in 1783. Thomas Fleming wrote in the Journal in 2007 about Washington’s appearance before the Congress, which was then meeting in Annapolis, Md.:

Washington… drew from his coat a parchment copy of his appointment as commander in chief. “Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theater of action and bidding farewell to this august body under whom I have long acted, I here offer my commission and take leave of all the employments of public life.”…
 This was—is—the most important moment in American history.

The man who could have dispersed this feckless Congress and obtained for himself and his soldiers rewards worthy of their courage was renouncing absolute power. By this visible, incontrovertible act, Washington did more to affirm America’s government of the people than a thousand declarations by legislatures and treatises by philosophers.

Thomas Jefferson, author of the greatest of these declarations, witnessed this drama as a delegate from Virginia. Intuitively, he understood its historic dimension. “The moderation… . of a single character,” he later wrote, “probably prevented this revolution from being closed, as most others have been, by a subversion of that liberty it was intended to establish.”

James Freeman is the co-author of “The Cost: Trump, China and American Revival” and also the co-author of “Borrowed Time: Two Centuries of Booms, Busts and Bailouts at Citi.”


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They Only Lie When Their Lips Move
« Reply #485 on: January 01, 2025, 02:33:52 PM »
A compendium of Usual Suspects assuring us President Turnip ain't one:


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Who actually signed the pardons?!?
« Reply #486 on: January 02, 2025, 09:24:25 AM »

Note the part about "No visitor logs"

"Where was Biden when the 1500 commutations and numerous pardons were "signed"? We know he didn't physically sign all of them himself so they were signed with the "auto-pen" (but where and when)?

"Did Biden actually see, read, touch, review, or otherwise have full knowledge of what was signed and who "used" that device to on his behalf and was that "signing" conducted in his presence? Are we to believe he had full knowledge and understanding of what he supposedly signed?

"Now, expand that questioning to include other important documents he supposedly signed: Were they signed while he was on one of his 575 days of vacation and, if so, how? In addition to this line of questioning, add this: Were these documents signed in his absence, or did he have the "auto-pen" and secretarial assistance with him or was some person or groups of persons allowed access to the "auto-pen" in his absence and permitted to run amok with it? Since he is obviously non-compos mentis, are the documents he signed valid?"


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The Video! Cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #487 on: January 05, 2025, 05:49:12 AM »


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Hillary gets award
« Reply #488 on: January 05, 2025, 12:23:29 PM »
 Like, the "award" giver I cannot think of one accomplishment Hillary ever achieved that helped out nation

Failed with health care
Failed with 2 presidential bids
Made a Senator by having rich powerful NY people hand her the seat
Made Sec of State with zero wins or accomplishments other then seeing the world with Chelsea on our dime
Was one of the most despised figures in American politics of the past 35 yrs

lied about Whitewater and obstructed justice
Lied about the email
obstructed justice in that investigation
led a Foundation that was obviously from day one a money laundering scam for her and her campaign and her mob to get rich.

yet the baffoon for a President awards her with a medal .


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Biden Lawrence O'Donnel interview yesterday
« Reply #489 on: January 17, 2025, 06:47:06 AM »

I have to admit there was a time in interview I actually for the first time felt sorry for the guy.


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Biden’s Bizarre Braggadocio
« Reply #490 on: January 17, 2025, 10:08:58 PM »
Back in my food biz days we had a saying we’d apply to poorly run restaurants: “the fish stinks from the head down,” which was an oblique way food service operational issues began with a bad boss, with his or her failures then filtering down through the operation. As best I can tell this applies to presidencies, too, with Biden and his cadre of mutants, meatheads, & misfits serving as a case in point. Indeed, the “Progressive” habit of declaring abject failures to be glorious accomplishments has to initiate somewhere & these days it ain’t difficult to ID the head and the stench of failure that then percolates downward and throughout all he putatively leads, to wit:

Biden's bizarro world of foreign policy 'achievements'

Victor Davis Hanson
By Victor Davis Hanson
Published Jan. 17, 2025
Biden's bizarro world of foreign policy 'achievements'
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Departing President Joe Biden offered a farewell brag this week to his State Department about how his tenure had improved America's stature abroad. In his now accustomed weird mix of whispering and fiery shouting, Biden apparently felt he had to lie or mislead about almost every one of his "achievements."

Yet to the extent that anything improved abroad on his watch — the weakening of Iran or the near destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah — it was due despite, not because of, Biden.

Biden, bowing to election year political pressure, did all he could to restrain and block Israeli retaliations to the October 7 massacres. Only after he was repeatedly proven wrong does he now shamelessly take credit for what Israel ironically achieved by ignoring his own threats directed at Israel.

Biden is correct only that Iran is "weaker than it's been in decades." But Tehran was aided, not hurt, by Biden's nonstop efforts to lift sanctions, to allow Iran to make billions in oil revenues, to pay the theocracy billions of dollars in hostage ransom, and to beg the mullahs to reenter the ill-starred Iran deal. Everything Biden did makes it much harder for Israel to survive.

So, Iran is now weakened only because Israel ignored Biden's nonstop ankle-biting and finger-shaking not to retaliate to Iranian aggression. Instead, the Netanyahu government systematically destroyed Iranian air defenses after killing most of Iran's foreign terrorist operatives.

Biden referenced the end of the Assad regime in Syria, but it imploded not due to any effort by Biden. It was overwhelmed instead only after the Israeli decimation of Hezbollah and humiliation of Iran — coupled with the election victory of Donald Trump — that encouraged Assad's enemies to attack a now isolated and weakened regime.

Biden is also taking credit for rumors that Hamas might release its hostages, who have been held in a subterranean labyrinth since October 7.

But why, with less than a week left in his tenure, did Biden believe Hamas might begin releasing the hostages when even his own Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has criticized the administration for spending 16 months pressuring Israel, which only emboldened Hamas's stonewalling?

Much more likely, the election of Trump and his threat to unleash terrible retribution on Hamas (and implicitly on Iran) had prompted the terrorists' tardy willingness to negotiate a release.

Of the horrific scramble from Afghanistan — the greatest humiliation of the U.S. military in a half-century that cost the lives of 13 Marines — Biden boasted: "(I am) the first president in decades who's not leaving a war in Afghanistan to his successor."

Think of his warped logic: Biden does not leave a war to his successor only because he fled in humiliation and lost it.

Biden also took credit for saving Ukraine from Russia. But he conveniently omitted why Russia invaded in the first place.

Had Biden not destroyed American deterrence by fleeing Kabul and leaving behind billions of dollars in abandoned U.S. military equipment, had he not claimed, prior to the Russian invasion, that his reaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin's likely aggression would hinge on whether it was "a minor incursion," then the Russians might never have invaded at all.

Putin grabbed Crimea and the Donbass in 2014 during the Obama-Biden administration. He later sought to swallow the entire country with an attack on Kiev in 2022 on Biden's watch.

However, Putin stayed within his borders only during one of the last four administrations — Trump's.

Biden crowed that he accomplished all these misadventures without the use of force — "We have not gone to war to make these things happen."

But Biden did more than any other recent president to weaken the U.S. military. Under his tenure, the Pentagon suffered a real reduction in its budget. And it never quite recovered from the Afghanistan debacle.

Annually, the military now comes up 40,000 recruits short due to Biden's draconian vaccination requirements, its new woke mandates, and its constant false accusations of "white rage" and "white privilege" in the ranks — libels that prompted a Pentagon internal investigation that found no such racism.

China was never more bellicose than during Biden's presidency. It serially threatened Taiwan, used cyber warfare to bully the U.S., brazenly expropriated U.S. military technology, and without worry sent a spy balloon to traverse the U.S. with impunity.

Biden's open border saw more than 10 million illegal entries, among them thousands of Chinese nationals. Meanwhile, Chinese investors were freed to systematically buy up thousands of acres of America's farmland adjacent to sensitive U.S. military bases and installations.

Add it all up, and Biden would have done better to have just kept quiet and departed his failed presidency in shame.


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Biden pardons Fauci, Milley and the Jan 6 hit squad
« Reply #491 on: January 20, 2025, 06:48:38 AM »

I still don't understand how a Pres can pardon someone who is not charged, tried, or convicted of anything at the time her pardons them.

Can we say he admits they committed crimes in this case?  Or why else is he pardoning them?

Can a state DA bring them up on State crimes?

« Last Edit: January 21, 2025, 06:37:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The cognitive failure of Zhou Bie-Den (pResident Biden)
« Reply #492 on: January 21, 2025, 06:39:27 AM »
Well worth noting is that Congress can question them under oath and now they cannot plead the 5th-- and if they lie, well then that is perjury.