Author Topic: VP Candidate MN Gov.Tampon Tim Walz "Walzer Mitty"  (Read 11324 times)


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Re: WSJ: Walz brings racial marxism to kindergarten
« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2024, 03:35:39 PM »
Good find. FYI, author Katherine Kersten is a local, conservative hero thanklessly  researching, writing, exposing all that is wrong in education here. She occasionally gets published in the local star and sickle as a counterpoint opinion.  The schools and curriculum is all run by Leftists at the teachers union, Education Minnesota, and Governor Tim Walz and the Dem ruling Trifecta are their current puppets. That is the number one source of political money in the state, maybe in all states.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 03:39:30 PM by DougMacG »


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MN Gov. Tim Walz, VP strategy in reverse
« Reply #54 on: September 03, 2024, 09:25:49 AM »
In the polls skewed Democrat, Kamala shrunk her lead in MN by half by picking MN Gov Tim Walz as her running mate.

Wouldn't that be funny if they lose what was a safe state before they picked Tim Walz. Even Walter Mondale one Minnesota while losing the other 49.


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Re: Tim Walz "Walzer Mitty"-- vets on stolen valor
« Reply #56 on: September 04, 2024, 07:32:12 AM »

He's not winning over veterans with his stolen valor issues.  His false answer says he would never denigrate another veterans service.  Excuse me, that wasn't the accusation.

What I don't get about dishonesty is how does it help make a point?  Does it really raise you up even if you get away with it?

We keep getting people elevated to the highest levels with personality and character defects.

There must be some good ones somewhere...


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« Last Edit: September 04, 2024, 10:17:52 AM by DougMacG »


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Tiananmen Tim
« Reply #59 on: September 05, 2024, 04:54:57 AM »
Speaking of Chinese penetration of America...

My question, if this nickname is so unfair, when and where did Walz speak up and protest the regime for the Tiananmen massacre?

If so, I missed it.

What I saw was, they gave him so many gifts he couldn't carry them all back.  His words.

Doesn't sound like a critical of the regime.

What say he about the more recent Hong Kong crackdown?

Cat got your tongue, Tim?


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Minnesota former Senate Majority Leader Speaks Out Against Tim Walz
« Reply #61 on: September 25, 2024, 05:27:10 AM »
Walz is a far Left, dishonest backstabber, will say and do anything to get what he wants.  To hear what happened in historic times first hand is really something.

Once he got emergency powers, he wouldn't take input from the other side.  His own party eventually took his emergency powers away.

He FROZE during the George Floyd riots, allowed the cities to be burned down. Showed NO leadership.  Brought in the National Guard - after the fact!  Five days too late.

A mob toppled Christopher Columbus statue AT THE CAPITOL.  Walz knew in advance.  Did nothing.  It could have been done by legislative action, if that is what we wanted.  But no...

Gazelka has saved all the text strings with the Governor of time working with him.  He wrote a book about it that is turning out to be timely.

Not one police group endorsed Walz for reelection.

On each piece of far Left agenda legislation, he didn't think through the consequences.
20 minute video.

Folks, this is a future POTUS if we don't start winning elections.

Walz is so convinced Trump is the incumbent, caused the inflation, started the wars, that he proclaimed aloud, "We Can't Afford Four More Years of This!"  Bleeping moron.
7 second video
« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 06:49:08 AM by DougMacG »


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Industrial Scale Violence under Tim Walz watch, "Mostly Peaceful Protests"
« Reply #62 on: September 27, 2024, 03:09:30 AM »

Sorry to bring this up again but you better watch this video.  Rome burned while Walz fiddled.

This is not analogous to J6 where the Capital still stands and proceedings were wrongfully delayed by a few hours. This isn't just third world stuff. This wasn't limited to one city and should have been left to the mayor or police chief. This wasn't a protest that got out of control. This was a war, and they won.

Walz didn't sit on his thumbs for hours. This went on for days while he took no action.

This all happened during Tim Walz Emergency Powers Lockdown. We were ordered to stay home.  Eviction courts were closed because people needed to stay in their homes.

Our next Commander in Chief (after Kamala) if people don't wake up.

Walz is who she picked.  Who picked her??  Think of the illigitimacy of that.  We trust people who win the primaries to win the nomination to make their best pick for who should secede them if anything happens. But she never won any primaries.  Never won a delegate, but decides who is VP if Democrats prevail.

Meanwhile Kamala went on national media and said, "The protests will go on - and they should go on."

Someone show Kamala the photos and see if she's still cackling.

If Walz didn't have the resources he should have called the White House to bring in federal troops when the first windows was broken. Instead he summoned NO resources - for days.

And the majority of Minnesota voters, US voters are fine with that?

It's not like your mainstream news is going to bring it up ever again.

Maybe JD Vance will.  October 1 debate.

Walz response to all criticism, better than the alternative (Trump).

No it isn't.

More coming:
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 06:07:53 AM by DougMacG »


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FO: Walz-China
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2024, 09:13:38 AM »

(1) HOUSE SUBPOENAS DHS FOR WALZ-CHINA CONNECTION: In a letter to Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, House Oversight Chair James Comer (R-KY) said a whistleblower came forward to the House Oversight Committee alleging serious concern among Department of Homeland Security (DHS) personnel about long standing connections between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

According to the letter, whistleblowers told the House Oversight Committee that DHS has unclassified and classified information relevant to the committee’s investigation of CCP influence operations and Walz.

Why It Matters: The CCP has used an elite capture strategy to grow influence in both foreign governments and industry. The relationship between the CCP and Walz that allegedly exists in these DHS unclassified and classified documents does not mean that Walz is acting as a witting influence or access agent for the CCP. Rather, this is likely part of a public diplomacy strategy used by governments to appeal to foreign public opinion in a way that supports CCP geostrategic goals, by building relationships and support that can be leveraged for favorable conditions in diplomacy and political warfare. – R.C.

As described here, this is less dramatic than as portrayed elsewhere.


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"I was being a knucklehead"
« Reply #65 on: October 02, 2024, 06:28:23 AM »
We might want to get self described knucklehead into the title here.

Begs the follow up questions,
Were you being a knucklehead when you let your state burn for 5 days?
When you embellished your military record?
When you required female hygiene products in the boys' bathrooms?
When you sain Chamber of Commerce gave you an award?

How often does this happen to you and when can we expect to see it next if God forbid you become President.

Save this thread. If Trump wins, Walz is on his way to becoming a near future trivia question.


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Re: VP Candidate MN Gov.Tampon Tim Walz "Walzer Mitty"
« Reply #66 on: October 02, 2024, 06:51:19 AM »
Was his claim Minnesota is 3rd in education
and greatest place to raise children true or was that from a NYT poll of Democrats?

He also said Minnesota has 20 % of the world's fresh water.

Clearly, he meant the Great Lakes not in Minnesota.


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Walz, Debate
« Reply #67 on: October 02, 2024, 08:31:29 AM »
Was his claim Minnesota is 3rd in education
and greatest place to raise children true or was that from a NYT poll of Democrats?

He also said Minnesota has 20 % of the world's fresh water.

Clearly, he meant the Great Lakes not in Minnesota.

MN is usually 1st or second (with Iowa) in Education, measured by test scores. Trend line is down.

No doubt someone has recently ranked MN third best to raise children.

Lake Superior, shared by 3 states and  2 countries, has 10% of the world's freshwater. Relevant like Tina Fey saying she can see Russia from her living room.

With all his MN stuff Walz was playing defense, trying to say he's not just Governor of some hick state in flyover country (meaning he is?) As a two term Governor (and natural born citizen), he is qualified. The question is, do we want him, or her.

Vance kept his focus on the top of the ticket every time, pinning her as the incumbent. He easily could have attacked (and destroyed) Walz but didn't. It would have hurt his own likeability, favorability ratings.  Instead, now even Democrats and media (redundancy alert) think he's a nice guy, very sharp, very ready.

Walz accomplished one thing, made sure all Trump haters know Harris Walz is the place for them.

I think they already knew that.

Fact check the "born alive" bill Walz signed, right in this thread. Liberal Minneapolis StarTribune explains it.  Vance had it exactly right and was ready to debate it when Walz punted. rather than further expose his 'knucklehead' extremism. Walz could have blamed his lockstep Left Dem legislature. Similar to what we'll get if we elect the Dem trifecta nationwide.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2024, 10:14:39 AM by DougMacG »


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The Knew the Plan in 2022
« Reply #68 on: October 02, 2024, 12:33:06 PM »
A smoking gun from 2022 tacitly outlining plans to alter the electoral complexion of towns by importing immigrants:


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Walz: Asleep at the Accountability Switch
« Reply #69 on: October 08, 2024, 04:21:45 PM »


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Re: Walz: Asleep at the Accountability Switch
« Reply #70 on: October 08, 2024, 07:47:14 PM »
From CNN, no less:

If this happened under a Republican, careers would roll.

Nowhere in the local stories, it seems, does it say where the chain of accountability leads.  It's federal money, but run by the (woke) MN Dept. of Education, yes, same one Walz just bragged about on the national stage, a department within his executive branch of state government. He takes credit for good results trending downward, dodges responsibility for the massive scandal.

Look at the facts.  It's completely obscene that much money can change hands, pretend to serve that many meals to hundreds of times more children than live there, and nobody batted an eye - for so long. 

Forget about oversight, if you assumed this program was a success, hundreds of millions of dollars feeding the hungry children, wouldn't you at least go there for a Photo-op. meet and greet the people?

If a business was serving tens of millions of meals, somebody would go there and take a look.  There would be food vendor receipts, labor issues, health department regulations to enforce.  But no...  Nothing was happening except disbursements of large sums to fake organizations run by Somali Americans. 

For some reason, no, it was hands off.  It would be racist to check on the money?

A deplorable lack of curiosity.

A scandal of epic proportions.  Think how many real hungry children could have been fed with that money.  Like the taxpayers' children that it was taken from.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2024, 05:19:31 AM by DougMacG »


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More knucklehead Walz insanity
« Reply #71 on: October 09, 2024, 03:28:51 PM »
Correction to this post, see reply #73.

If I read this right. If Trump wins MN and Kamala wins the national popular vote, Kamala's electors win the state and could decide the electoral college.

Minnesotans votes don't matter.

This is anti-constitutionally and would go straight to the courts.

These people hate democracy, trying to remove opponents from ballots, and they hate the constraints of a constitutional republic.

We shouldn't have to count on the Courts, but failing that it ends with their other AI don't want to say aloud, ends with 'surrection.

I think he just a puppet clown who signs the bills written by the far Left, passed by the trifecta, and signed by the puppet.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2024, 08:43:06 PM by DougMacG »


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Tampon Tim: Electoral College needs to go
« Reply #72 on: October 09, 2024, 03:50:40 PM »

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said “the Electoral College needs to go” during a fundraiser yesterday in Sacramento, CA.


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Tim Walz: The Electoral College needs to go
« Reply #73 on: October 09, 2024, 08:05:40 PM »

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said “the Electoral College needs to go” during a fundraiser yesterday in Sacramento, CA.

Correction to my previous post, I think he signed a letter of intent with the other anti-constitutional Governors rather than sign a bill into law - at this point.

When you hear, "do away with the electoral college," think 'do away with the constitution'.

The Electoral College balances the equality of the states with equality of the people, as does the House and Senate.

EVERY clause of the Constitution is a protection against majority rule.

Besides that the Electoral College is a good idea, it is a CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT, that requires quires a constitutional amendment, consent of 3/4ths of the states to change or abandon it.

Ending the EC through c'l amendment requires more than half of the smaller states to cede power to the larger ones, in other words, when pigs fly, when hell freezes over.

It's like a clown show only far more dangerous. They talk big amongst themselves, here and there, but no one told Walz to STFU in the month before a highly contested election where they suddenly need the vote of more than just the far Left.

So out comes the back track.  Add it to the flip flop list.

Ban fracking, don't ban fracking.

End Private health insurance, don't end Private health insurance.

Taxpayer paid gender change operations, no taxpayer paid gender change operations.

Wide open border, not so wide open border.

F. Israel, Israel has a right to defend itself.

Build nuclear power plants, don't build nuclear power plants, build nuclear power plants.

Abandon the Electoral college, keep the Electoral college.

I missed a few, but imagine you had to keep all of that straight, and you're no brighter than Kamala Harris or Tim Walz.

Do words and statements and policies have any meaning with these people?

Even your strongest supporters don't believe you. They know it's wink, wink, and the policy will be right back where it started once elected.

Abraham Lincoln famously asked Frederick Douglass, "if you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?"  Four, of course. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.

Kamala Harris had to work hard to stake out positions and votes in the US Senate to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. There isn't much room there.  Now she says she's a centrist. Does saying she's a centrist make her a centrist?  No. It makes her a liar - on a series of crucial questions., how will you govern.

People have a right to know, especially since sh walked into this without winning one primary State nor one primary vote. And walls even more so. He was chosen by someone who won not one primary State and not one primary vote. There is no there, not even feigned legitimacy.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2024, 07:06:41 AM by DougMacG »


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Cato Ranks Tim Walz Fiscal Record Dad Last
« Reply #74 on: October 16, 2024, 08:11:25 AM »
He brags of all the good things about Minnesota, like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise.

But all the trend lines on his watch are downward.


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8 of top 10 riches people on Earth are crats
« Reply #76 on: October 23, 2024, 09:42:23 AM »
1. Elon Musk
2. Bernard Arnault
3. Jeff Bezos
4. Larry Ellison
5. Mark Zuckerberg
6. Bill Gates
7. Warren Buffett
8. Larry Page
9. Sergey Brin
10. Steve Ballmer

Musk of course and I think Ellison is Republican
All the rest are virtue signalers and inside the crat machine players over donations to R's


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Faux Expert Marksman Walz
« Reply #77 on: October 23, 2024, 11:17:28 PM »
Ol’ Timmy has sported expert marksman badges that aren’t supported by his military record. Chest candy a pol might want so he can claim firearm creds he can then fling around to suggest he’s an SME as he seeks to abrogate the second amendment that aren’t supported as you dig into his file. Unsurprising given his inability to manipulate a shotgun during his “hunting” photo op.


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Re: Walz's Fang Fang
« Reply #80 on: October 28, 2024, 03:37:30 PM »

Need more "there" there. As much as I'd like to hang a usually poorly sourced metaphorical burning tire regarding some sort of relationship misconduct as the Dems consistently do with Reps, at the end of the day this was a relationship that ended as many do, albeit with some political complications thrown in. Were this to be shown to have somehow subverted Walz--and my guess is the CCP has worked long and hard to do just that--this would have legs, but until then this doesn't have much that's damning to it other than perhaps showing he has a tin ear when it comes to cross cultural relationships.


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Re: VP Candidate MN Gov.Tampon Tim Walz "Walzer Mitty"
« Reply #81 on: October 29, 2024, 05:25:51 AM »
I was just having a good time, but your point is quite fair and I agree.


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Re: VP Candidate MN Gov Tim Walz, 'The Walz Wave'
« Reply #84 on: November 24, 2024, 02:50:34 PM »
I was going to come back to Walz to remind you he will soon be a trivia question for the ages.  Besides remembering who was what's her name's running mate, does anyone even know who is President right now.

Here's video to salute his exciting attempt at a national campaign. He made some remark about Elon prancing around on stage but does he think he's Mick Jagger?

Enjoy and say Goodbye to Tim::

PS, he's still my Governor and I don't think he thinks he's leaving the national stage.  You know what incredible demand Tim Kaine and John Edwards face...


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Re: VP Candidate MN Gov.Tampon Tim Walz "Walzer Mitty"
« Reply #86 on: January 30, 2025, 06:13:09 AM »
Mind boggling that they got the votes they did.


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MN Childcare Center Scndal; Zero Enrolled Kids, Millions Paid
« Reply #87 on: January 30, 2025, 06:57:35 AM »
Doug, is this one on the radar out your way? Sounds like NGO-level money laundering:

🚨 Another massive fraud scandal is unfolding under Gov. Tim Walz in Minnesota.
• 62 child care centers under investigation
• 56 cases of child endangerment
• Some centers had zero kids enrolled but still got millions
Officials flagged it two years ago, but Walz did nothing


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Re: MN Childcare Center Scndal; Zero Enrolled Kids, Millions Paid
« Reply #88 on: January 30, 2025, 07:51:52 AM »
Doug, is this one on the radar out your way? Sounds like NGO-level money laundering:

🚨 Another massive fraud scandal is unfolding under Gov. Tim Walz in Minnesota.
• 62 child care centers under investigation
• 56 cases of child endangerment
• Some centers had zero kids enrolled but still got millions
Officials flagged it two years ago, but Walz did nothing

Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I tune out many local issues in favor of the national and International stuff. We need a state trifecta to repeal four decades of rot and we are part way there. Somehow these scandals and bad governance doesn't seem to bother everyone.

This was formerly the most liberal Leftist state, but is shifting. It was the only state that never went for Reagan. The Northern Iron Range has shifted to Republican, but the core cities vote left and the suburbs vote just like they learned on their college campuses. The state House and state Senate are now essentially tied following the last election. Democrats just won a one seat advantage in the Senate, R's have a temporary one seat majority in the House. The power to stop everything new but repeal nothing.

This scandal is smaller than the last one but really an add-on to it. Huge amounts of money go out the door and no one cares to check on it.  Has COMPLICIT written all over it, especially when they come back in political donations.

Like Biden was, Walz is a puppet of the Big Democrat Left machine, not the rural, farm boy, independent centrist he purports to be. He does as a group behind the curtain says to do, is my estimation. probably broke or is covering the story you refer to. Also Scott Johnson at Powerlineblog follows the state issues and scandals. He broke the stories on Keith Ellison and on Walz that no one locally cared about. (He also took down Dan Rather in Rathergate.)

I have login codes to the Minneapolis red star and sickle, but only use them to see what the Left is saying.