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Preparing the Battle Space for Post Election Strife and Chaos
« on: October 30, 2024, 09:37:56 AM »
With our esteemed Global Moderator's permission I'm beginning this thread meant to examine the chaos and discord some seem to be preparing for, sowing, and otherwise underwriting should Trump indeed win the presidency.

Sunday evening IIRC, for instance, I chanced upon a local newscast showing military helicopters practicing landing on the National Mall should doing so be needed during some sort of unspecified post election civil distrubance. The Democratic Party's flying monkeys ANTIFA, though kept quiet once 2022 midterm polling demonstrated their mostly peaceful arsons, willingness to assault those thought to be political opponents, vandalism, etc. was negatively impacting 2022 electoral prospects, are said to be waiting in the wings to unleash national chaos in blue cities should Trump win, and generally fill the shock troop vacuum left when the KKK and Democrats parted ways.

Meanwhile, as shown below, Obama admin Deep State movers and shakers have met to discuss how best to resist--violently--the claimed threat of a "fascist" Trump, with the hyperbole embraced when comparing his Madison Square Garden rally earlier this week to a Nazi gathering at a previous version of the venue a part of that groundwork, with violent civil division seen as a feature rather than something to be avoided.

The US as currently construed, after all, is evil, doubly so should Trump win.

As such, this is the thread's inaugural, so to speak, piece:

Is the Left Preparing for War If Trump Wins?

By Lee Smith

October 28, 2024

Editor's Note
The destructive Left is a revolutionary movement, which means that its final goal is to establish a new regime and a new way of life in our nation. Before it can do that, however, it must destroy the existing regime and the existing way of life, and it must attain the power necessary for both ends. Once it has gained that power, a revolutionary movement is ill-disposed to give it up without a fight.

Lee Smith explains the coordinated push by left-wing media and political operatives to cast Donald Trump as an aspiring dictator not as an effort to sway the election, but as a plot to prevent the transfer of power in the event of a Trump victory. Most troubling of all, Smith suggests, the Democrats’ wargaming of post-election scenarios seems to indicate an expectation — maybe even a hope — that the anti-Trump sentiment they have stoked will explode into widespread political violence, and that a cold civil war could turn hot overnight.

The propaganda campaign labeling Donald Trump as an aspiring dictator determined to use the military and national security apparatus against his political opponents is designed not to affect the upcoming election but rather to shape the post-election environment. It is the central piece of a narrative that, by characterizing Trump as a tyrant (indeed likening him to Hitler), establishes the conditions for violence — not just another attempt on Trump’s life, but political violence on a massive scale intended to destabilize the country.

As I write in my forthcoming book Disappearing the President, Democratic Party research and media reports show that many senior party officials and operatives are preparing for the possibility of a Trump victory. Accordingly, planning is focused on undermining the incoming president with enough violence to rock his administration. Prominent post-election scenarios forecast such widespread rioting that the newly elected president would be compelled to invoke the Insurrection Act. With some senior military officials refusing to follow Trump’s orders, according to the scenarios, the U.S. Armed Forces would split, leaving America on the edge of the abyss.

By vilifying Trump as a despotic madman who must be stopped before he can commence his reign of terror, the regime’s propaganda apparatus not only slanders Trump but also pre-emptively threatens the reputation, as well as the livelihood and perhaps the liberty, of current military personnel. The point is to push the military against Trump: When the time comes to act, will you stand for democracy or side with a tyrant who sees the military only as an instrument to advance his personal interests?

For instance, last week the Atlantic’s editor-in-chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, quoted former Trump administration officials claiming that the Republican candidate is contemptuous of America’s armed forces and, according to Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, wishes he could command the same respect that Hitler commanded from his general officers.

This is not the first time that Trump has been compared to Hitler or that Kelly, a retired Marine general, turned on his former commander-in-chief. Kelly was the key source for a story published before the 2020 election, also in the Atlantic and also by Jeffrey Goldberg, that alleged Trump had called American WWII soldiers buried in French cemeteries “suckers and losers.”

The veracity of Kelly’s latest revelation that Trump admires Hitler must of course be judged against the fact that he waited five years to disclose it, even if it is unlikely to have much effect on the current election cycle. The military, and veterans of the Global War on Terror in particular, overwhelmingly support the candidate opposed to waging endless and strategically pointless foreign wars. Moreover, Trump has weathered far more damaging fabrications — like the false allegations that he had been compromised by Russian intelligence — that only galvanized support for him.

The purpose of the Hitler narrative is not to alter the electoral preferences of left-wing media audiences already solidly in the anti-Trump column, but rather to justify taking extreme measures against the Republican candidate and the America First movement and ensure that the bulk of the military sides with the anti-Trump plot. Thus, it is best understood in the context of recent accounts promising, or urging, violence after the November vote.

For example, last week the New York Times published a long interview with a scholar of fascism who declared that Trump is a fascist. The paper of record followed up with another long article by two Harvard professors calling for mass mobilization in the event of a Trump victory. The proposal suggests that private industry join civil society organizations to ostracize Trump and his supporters and engage in large public protests to provoke a crisis. Kamala Harris herself, commenting on Kelly’s allegations in the Atlantic story, claimed that her opponent “is a fascist” during a CNN town hall.

These stories are only the latest in an ongoing series of media reports warning of a Trump dictatorship. Beltway insider Robert Kagan was out of the gate early, writing even before Trump wrapped up the nomination that, without mounting resistance against the Republican candidate, America is “a few short steps, and a matter of months, away from the possibility of dictatorship.” A January story from NBC claimed that Trump was exploring ways to use the military to assassinate political rivals.

The propaganda meant to establish a predicate to employ violence to stop Trump has been reinforced at the highest levels of the Democratic Party.   

When Joe Biden was asked by a reporter if he was confident that there would be a peaceful transfer of power after the 2024 election, he answered, “If Trump wins, no I’m not confident at all.” Then, seemingly correcting himself, the president said, “I mean if Trump loses, I’m not confident at all. He means what he says, we don’t take him seriously. He means it, all the stuff about,

‘If we lose there will be a bloodbath.’”

Biden was referring to a comment Trump made in March about Chinese efforts to build auto manufacturing plants in Mexico. The export of those cars to America, Trump said, would result in a “bloodbath” for the U.S. auto industry. Naturally, the Biden campaign used the figure of speech to accuse Trump of inciting “political violence.”

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) advertised a more specific scenario leading to violence when he promised that Congress will remove Trump by invoking Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which prohibits anyone “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from holding federal office. “It’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified,” Raskin has said. “And then we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions.”

But the most significant post-election scenarios were drafted by Rosa Brooks, a former Obama Pentagon official whose 2020 wargaming with the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) has been credited by the left-wing press for its “accuracy.”

Ahead of the last election, Brooks and TIP, according to the Guardian, “imagined the then far-fetched idea that Trump might refuse to concede defeat, and, by claiming widespread fraud in mail-in ballots, unleash dark forces culminating in violence. Every implausible detail of the simulations came to pass in the lead-up to the U.S. Capitol attack on 6 January 2021.”

That’s a fanciful way of obscuring the truth. TIP anticipated that Trump would contest the results because party operatives knew beforehand that election irregularities resulting from new voting procedures, like mass mail-in voting, designed to facilitate fraud would be glaringly obvious. Thus, because of Brooks’s past performance and her central role in a network comprising the media and current and former defense officials, her work is widely acknowledged as the Left’s roadmap for post-election contingency planning.

For the 2024 election, Brooks teamed up with journalist Barton Gellman to run a series of wargames in May and June under the auspices of the Democracy Futures Project (DFP), part of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University.

As with the 2020 wargames, the two opposing teams were staffed by former government officials from the Republican as well as the Democrat establishment. The results were announced with a mid-summer media rollout to ready other officials and operatives for likely post-election operations. Four articles were published the same day, July 30 — in the New Republic; the Guardian; the Washington Post, which ran a piece by Gellman; and Brooks herself writing for the Bulwark — showing that Brooks and Gellman’s scenarios, at least those disclosed, assume a Trump victory. The play then is to block.

Disruption, destabilization, and violence are legitimized by a narrative driven by self-congratulatory mirror-imaging and projection in which the so-called defenders of democracy face down an authoritarian Trump.

Brooks and her cohort ignore the evidence of Biden and Harris’s abuse of power and assert that it is Trump who will who use the federal government against his opponents. It is Trump’s CIA and DOJ, according to the wargamers, that will cashier national security officials for “raising concerns about the politicization of intelligence and the pressure to launch ideologically motivated investigations.” It is Trump who will use the IRS to go after nonprofits. It is at Trump’s behest that journalists will be targeted and Democrat-aligned media outlets investigated as the FCC revokes broadcast licenses. And, writes Brooks, the Trump administration will force out top military officials on account of their “objecting to Trump’s cozy relationship with Russia.”

The forecasts read like paranoid fantasy, but they’re carefully scripted inversions of reality meant to to rewrite history and obscure the crimes of the Left that have shaken the pillars of the republic.

The most alarming scenario involves political and military officials “resisting efforts to federalize their national guard units and send them to quell anti-Trump protests in major U.S. cities.” That is, the post-election playbook calls for (or takes for granted) widespread violence so intense that the president invokes the Insurrection Act. The forecast posits a split in the senior ranks of the U.S. military after Trump replaces the chiefs of staff with officers who comply with his order and deploy forces to put down the riots.

This is where the political violence cultivated by the destructive Left is leading: blood-soaked streets and a divided military. The purpose of the Hitler narrative is to force members of the military to turn against Trump. After all, loyalty to the constitution means fighting Hitler, not obeying his orders.

With the two recent attempts on Trump’s life, we’ve seen how the regime’s narratives simultaneously create the conditions for violence and explain it away. When Trump was shot at a rally in Butler, PA, Democratic Party officials and the media not only denied any connection between the shooting and their inflammatory rhetoric but even blamed Trump himself. After all, he and his aspiring assassin were cut from the same cloth: “The gunman and Trump, at their opposite ends of a bullet’s trajectory, are nonetheless joined together as common enemies of law and democracy,” wrote David Frum in, of all places, the Atlantic.

On this view, Trump has polarized the country so profoundly that he is ultimately responsible for the attempt on his own life. But that is another inversion of reality, tailored to suit the bloodlust of a dark regime. It is the logic of terror: It is only the violence of our victims that drove us to slaughter them.

This self-serving logic not only gets the Left off the hook for past depredations; it serves as the pretext for future violence against Trump, his aides, and his supporters. After November 5, this weaponized narrative could be expanded to justify violence on a mass scale designed to break the republic.

Lee Smith is a bestselling author whose newest book, Disappearing the President: Trump, Truth Social, and the Fight for the Republic, was published on October 22.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2024, 10:47:02 AM by Body-by-Guinness »


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Ten Million in Spending & All I Got was this Lousy Excuse to Behave Badly
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2024, 01:07:20 PM »
So ... $10 million in spending on "Trump is a fascist" messaging that failed to sway anyone. Either Kamala's team has a tin ear for marketing or the message is meant to justify something else down the line:


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“Progressive” Orgs Filing for Numerous Protest Permits w/ the NPS
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2024, 03:54:37 PM »
The National Park Service is fielding what sounds like dozens of “protest” permits in DC, with most of ‘em sounding like they are “Progressive” orgs, some of which are coyly hinting violence will be part of the planned festivities.

Trump has already broken with tradition by setting up a privately funded transition team rather than working with and through the GAO. Hopefully he’s also doing some thinking, should he win, about what the law enforcement effort should look like it large scale violence does breakout. I’d counsel that he follow the Jan. 6 precedent, albeit prosecuting actual crimes, rather than jailing people for walking through a door held open by Capitol Police:

Anti-Trump Protests Are Being Readied in the Nation's Capital
National Park Service Records Disclose Protest Plans

OCT 31, 2024
Donald Trump’s opponents appear to be planning potentially violent demonstrations that could rock the nation’s capital if the former President should win the 2024 election.

This dark prospect emerges from current requests for demonstration permit I obtained from the National Park Service (NPS), the federal agency which regulates legal demonstrations in Washington, D.C.

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NPS permit records show that nearly all the post-election and Inaugural Day permits have been filed by leftwing anti-Trump groups, including pro-Palestinian and “defend democracy” groups.

The applicants claim about 15,000 protesters could descend on Washington, D.C. on election night and up to 200,000 anti-Trump protests could arrive leading up to and including Inauguration Day, when the next President is sworn in.

On election night a group that calls itself “Defend Democracy Election Night Watch Party” states in its permit application that the event is an “election night watch event for advocates of democracy.” They report: “We’ll watch the election results live as they come in and speakers will talk about the importance of ensuring that every vote counts.”  They will gather at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. a common place for demonstrations.

About another 10,000 people are expected to descend on Washington four days after the election for an event titled, “Rally to Defend Democracy.”

It’s also revealing that some anti-Trump activists already are planning some form of “resistance” on election night – a possible code word for violence.

Lacy MacAuley, a DC activist is quoted as coyly telling the Washington Post that her planned demonstration on election night could result in “feisty resistance.”

MacAuley is a dedicated political organizer and once was part of a group called Disrupt J20 that attempted to interrupt the 2017 Trump Inauguration.

Her group’s aims at the time were described in an interview with Legba Carrefour, a DisruptJ20 organizer.

She told the website called “Interviews for Resistance” that her group was “an umbrella coalition of groups with a core of local organizers who have a lot of activist experience. Washington, D.C. organizers ... most of whom are anarchists. ... The idea ... is we want to undermine Trump's presidency from the get-go. There has been a lot of talk of peaceful transition of power as being a core element in a democracy and we want to reject that entirely and really undermine the peaceful transition,” she said in a website titled “Interviews for Resistance.”

MacAuley is quoted by the Post as candidly saying about the 2024 election night: “That kind of feisty resistance, I believe, is what we are going to see again if Donald Trump wins the election.”  She said her demonstration would represent “anger or fear over another Trump presidency.”

This kind of rhetoric has largely been buried by legacy media outlets. Instead, they have widely predicted election-related violence engineered by angry Trump supporters.

However, the only genuine political violence so far has been two assassination attempts on the former President.

And the only election-related violence to date was when election ballot boxes were destroyed with incendiary devices in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington.  And the assailants wrote “Free Gaza” and “Free Palestine” on the boxes. Not exactly a MAGA expression.

ABC News reported that the violence was being committed by an experienced metalworker who may be planning more attacks: “The man suspected of setting fires in ballot drop boxes in Oregon and Washington state is an experienced metalworker and may be planning additional attacks, authorities said Wednesday.”

Another dire warning of potential election violence comes from Hatem Abudayyeh, the national chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network which organized demonstrations at the Republican and Democratic Conventions.

He issued a chilling warning in an interview with the Post, predicting pro-Palestinian activists would negatively respond to a Trump Presidency on election day.  “The whole world will be watching on that day, and we’re not going to allow them only to watch a celebration,” he warned. “We want to force them to be watching the mass movement.”

While some election night protests will occur in D.C., it appears anti-Trump Inauguration Day activities currently may be the major focal point for protesters.

The NPS documents suggest the city will be flooded with more than 200,000 anti-Trump protesters leading up to and including Inauguration Day, set for January 20.

On October 16, four days before the Inauguration, about 100,000 protesters are predicted to descend on Washington four days before the actual Inauguration.  This demonstration is titled “Shadow Inaugural of Donald Trump.”

Rev. Mark Thompson is requesting the NPS permit. There is a website for a Rev. Mark Thompson that describes him as an MSNBC commentator for 12 years who “has spent most of his life in public ministry as a political, civil rights & human rights activist and organizer.”  I have reached out the pastor, but I have not heard from him as of this posting.

On October 18, another 50,000 are planning to attend a protest titled, ”Mobilization to protect the Climate and Our Democracy,” according to NPS documents. That same day, another 10,000 people are expected to attend a demonstration “in support of Progressive Issues,” according to the Park Service.

On October 19, the leftwing, anti-American group called the ANSWER Coalition, which has sponsored numerous pro-Palestinian rallies, is planning their rally.

ANSWER was the prime sponsor of a pro-Palestinian rally last July when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was speaking before a Joint Session of Congress. That rally descended into violence, including attacks on police officers, the burning of American flags and the desecration of monuments, including one with a graffiti message on a monument warning, “Hamas Is Coming.”

Ryan Mauro, an extremism expert with the Capital Research Center told me the ANSWER Coalition “means at least 279 groups are a part of this protest and over 70% of them are pro-terrorism and/or Marxist or anarchist in ideology, as I concluded in my study of the network.”

On Inauguration Day itself a group called  the “January 20 Coalition” plans to send 5,000 protesters to the Inaugural. According to their own filing with the NPS, the coalition states it was the group behind a violent pro-Palestinian demonstration at Democratic National Committee headquarters in November 2023.

At the time, six DC police officers were sent to the hospital with injuries, according to local news reports.  The Capitol Police said that the protesters, which numbered at 300 according to its organizers, were “illegally and violently protesting” outside the Democratic Party’s headquarters.

The only potentially pro-Trump demonstration is scheduled for January 19.  That’s the date for the annual “March for Life” demonstration that marks the date of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion.  As in previous years, this anti-abortion rally  is expected to attract 150,000 people.

Interestingly, the number of angry and potentially violent anti-Trump events that are currently planned does contrast with the many warnings we’ve received from the mainstream press that violence certainly will occur if Trump should prevail next week.

Examples of the shrill, pre-election warnings about Trump abound.

Just two examples.

On MSNBC Joe Scarborough exclaimed that Trump will trigger a civil war:  “This is an increasingly desperate person, an increasingly desperate family, who’s preparing for civil war. They just are,” he warned his viewers.

And recently, Politico raised the ante further with an article titled, “'The Very Real Scenario Where Trump Loses and Takes Power Anyway.”

Stay tuned…


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Re: Preparing the Battle Space for Post Election Strife and Chaos
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2024, 07:02:19 AM »
"Washington Gov. Jay Inslee announced Friday he had activated the Washington National Guard to assist local law enforcement and the Washington State Patrol"

Wait, if Trump did this the LEFT would be screaming on every outlet - see I told you he would use the military against American citizens!

And the Nat Guard could shoot to kill Americans.

What if Trump wins and the riots are LEFTISTS?


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The Swamp Begins to Embed Like a Tick
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2024, 12:11:03 AM »
The permanent bureaucracy, i.e. The Deep State, starts to burrow in, make itself difficult to find and fire. IMO they need to be ripped out by their roots and success measured by how little doing so negatively impacts the country:

The Democratic Party’s Stay Behind Program

NOV 07, 2024
A “stay behind” program is something intelligence agencies and special operations forces prepare in advance of an enemy invasion. During the Cold War, we set up programs like this in Europe for activation in the event the Soviets invaded and overran the territory of NATO allies. We recruited assets. We buried caches of weapons and munitions. We prepared to resist.

The federal bureaucracy is doing the same thing in advance of Trump’s inauguration.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is changing the civil service rules to make it harder for the incoming Trump administration to dismiss federal employees and put in place its own people.

During the first Trump administration, President Trump issued an executive order creating something called Schedule F. Put simply it reclassified many senior positions in the federal government as “at will” positions. What this meant in practice was that the President could remove these individuals readily and put in place his own people.

Ultimately, Schedule F never took effect, because the rule was implemented at the very end of Trump’s term, and Biden abandoned it immediately on taking office. Trump has made clear, though, that he intends to reinstate Schedule F on Day One of his new administration.

“Here’s my plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all, and corruption it is,” Trump said last year. “First, I will immediately re-issue my 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively. Second, we will clean out all the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them.”

In terms of getting down to the hard work of regaining control of the Swamp and curtailing the extra-constitutional power of permanent Washington, there are few more critical issues. The bureaucracy has become so large and so powerful, that it operates largely outside the control of America’s elected representatives. The President has to have the ability to put in place his people, not just at the Cabinet level but throughout the vast reaches of the federal government.

The men and women who inhabit the Swamp at its senior levels understand that. They have no intention of allowing a man elected by a bunch of average Americans from the provinces to actually gain control over the government. They are superior and born to rule after all.

So, OPM is locking in new rules designed to prevent Trump from putting his own people in place. Under Trump’s Schedule F certain positions “of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character” were designated as being exempt from civil service protections. This meant Trump could choose who filled those positions.

OPM just issued a new rule designed to dramatically narrow the definition of “policy-related” jobs to noncareer political appointments only. This means a very large number of positions would be designated as outside the scope of Schedule F.  Many, many bureaucrats who otherwise might be fired will now be protected.

The new rule also puts in place a whole series of other limitations on moving people from a protected civil service status to one that would allow the President to remove them. Of course, the OPM rule also includes an appeal process so that every single individual removed by the President can now protest and demand additional layers of bureaucratic scrutiny.

Trump’s return to Washington is a critical first step in regaining control over the vast federal bureaucracy. This 4th branch of government, which appears nowhere in the Constitution, now operates largely beyond the control of any of the President and Congress. Both the Heritage Foundation and America First Policy Institute have endorsed reviving Schedule F, going so far as to create lists of some 50,000 current career civil servants whose positions need to be reclassified to allow the President to remove them at will. There have been, in fact, even broader proposals such as converting the entire federal workforce into at-will employees and outlawing collective bargaining at federal agencies.

A great many people talk about draining the Swamp and regaining control over the federal government. Very few of them stop to consider what is really going to be involved. When you throw in contractors over ten million people work for the federal government. Many of these people spend their entire lives working in or around Washington, DC in massive institutions that only in the broadest sense consider themselves accountable to the American people. Overwhelmingly the men and women who run this vast enterprise despise both Donald Trump and his supporters.

Trump is in short moving into hostile territory when he takes the oath of office in January. He will be surrounded by enemies. Those enemies are already preparing their resistance. The Democratic Party’s stay-behind program has already begun.


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Boy Was I Wrong
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2025, 08:46:30 AM »
So I started this thread as I fully expected a major “Progressives” spasm of strike and violence putatively meant to protest Trump, but actually designed to maintain the status quo.

Too bad for them, Trump didn’t just get inside their OODA loop, he lapped it so many times that they are—feebly—protesting his actions he put behind him a week ago. Not only that, but he’s totally cut their funding feet and other embedded support mechanisms utterly out from under them. It’s been a sight to behold, and one that has utterly destroyed the rabid left’s ability to mount an effective counter.

It’s early in the game, and there are no doubt Uniparty plots to JFK Trump, but at this stage I am astounded by Trump and all the game he brought in with him. The 2020 steal lit a fire that is consuming the “Progressives” left….


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Re: Preparing the Battle Space for Post Election Strife and Chaos
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2025, 11:02:57 AM »


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Re: Preparing the Battle Space for Post Election Strife and Chaos
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2025, 01:17:46 PM »
Right. I saw Trump 1.0 as a mere pause in the march to Leftism and collapse. This is something different.

Trump from the beginning has used Dem tactics to further Republican causes.  Nothing is more maddening to them. Now he's doing that on steroids.

The Gaza thing, not going to happen, but talk about living in their head rent-free... Their heads are exploding. Meanwhile, his nominees are getting confirmed, their corrupt practices are being exposed and defunded, and new reconciliation bills are being drafted.

Who else thought news would be boring after the election, one way or the other.?

Keep rolling. "We have a country to save."


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« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2025, 08:11:23 AM »
(1) TRUMP RESISTANCE TO COORDINATE LAWFARE EFFORTS: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Democrats have hired lawyers leaving the Department of Justice (DOJ), and brought back lawyers from the January 6 Committee to coordinate legal efforts nationwide opposing the Trump administration.

Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT) said House Judiciary Committee Democrats are preparing “shadow hearings,” and are meeting with Democratic legal experts including elections attorney Marc Elias.

Why It Matters: There are currently about 90 lawsuits filed against Trump’s executive actions, and so far most of the federal district courts have issued temporary restraining orders that the Trump administration has minimal avenues to appeal.

However, now at least two federal judges have issued injunctions, which can be appealed by the Trump administration including emergency appeals to the Supreme Court. The lawfare campaign against the Trump administration now appears to be moving more quickly toward a tipping point where Trump will have to decide to defy the courts, or comply and halt his own agenda. A more coordinated lawfare effort from the Trump Resistance could also accelerate the timeline for this tipping point, with the expectation that Trump will back down or cause a constitutional crisis by openly defying the courts. - R.C.


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FO: Anarchist Blog with Arson Tips for Teslas
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2025, 12:15:25 PM »
(7) ANARCHIST BLOG SHARES ARSON TIPS FOR TESLAS: A revolutionary anarchist blog posted a call to action and shared tips on how to conduct arson attacks against Tesla vehicles.

The post covered basic security tips like masking one’s identity for the vehicle’s security cameras and ensuring fingerprints and DNA aren’t left at the scene of the crime.

Why It Matters: Arson has become a routine tactic for the revolutionary left due to the ease of action and relatively low risk. Placing an incendiary device on a tire and lighting it gives time for the arsonist to make distance before the lit fire spreads to the tire, which virtually ensures the fire will engulf the vehicle. Absent fingerprints or DNA, the arsonist is unlikely to be identified and arrested. These are the kinds of “confidence building” attacks that historically lead to larger forms of direct action. Many urban and suburban areas are target-rich environments, and the attacks are recognizably linked to the Trump Resistance and anti-Musk movement. Expect sporadic arsons to continue. - M.S.

Edited to add:

(9) ANARCHISTS PLAN 15 MARCH “DAY AGAINST POLICE”: Anarchists based in the greater Seattle, Washington-area are planning an International Day Against Police on 15 March.

According to a blog post, the theme is “social defense and offense against police,” and features a fundraiser for prisoners, education, and de-arrest training.

Why It Matters: Seattle and Portland remain hotbeds for revolutionary and violent anarchist activity, although overall activity is much lower than in 2016-2021. De-arrest training involves teaching militants how to break up police arrests by physically blocking and sometimes pulling detainees away from police custody. These types of training events occur in large cities like Seattle and New York, although I don’t recall having seen any de-arrest attempts this year. Still, the training will support direct action plans against federal, state, and in some cases local police involved in immigration enforcement. - M.S.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2025, 06:41:33 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Preparing the Battle Space for Post Election Strife and Chaos
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2025, 08:37:45 PM »
Thank you.   I posted that there because I forgot the name of this thread here  :-D


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Call to kill Elon
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2025, 06:58:02 PM »


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Re: Call to kill Elon
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2025, 05:51:01 AM »

Not just assassination, it's terror:  actions and messages designed to cause extreme fear in anyone either helping the duly elected president or trying to cut federal spending.

We used to just decide these issues with periodic elections. The new Democrat way is to rig and cheat in elections. Failing that, lawfare and inciting terror look to be Plan B.

Tampon Tim, no balls Walz, didn't know he owned a million shares of Tesla in our state pension fund when he ripped the stock while Tesla car dealerships were literally still smoldering from felony acts of terror they appear proud to incite.

"I was just joking." "You people are so literal, have no sense of humor." "I shouldn't have said that." - But if he was just joking, why shouldn't he have said that? Complete contradiction.

At the SOTU, elected Democrats proudly held up "musk steals" signs for the terrorists in the audience to see.

Strangely, Trump and Musk are the only Federal employees not taking a salary from the taxpayer. It was Democrats who  gave musk billions in EV credits before he turned Republican, (and a Republican president who ended the federal government EV mandate) . Musk did not steal that money from our future taxpayers, billions to billionaires. Democrats did.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2025, 06:16:17 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Preparing the Battle Space for Post Election Strife and Chaos
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2025, 12:46:01 PM »
I was once tasked with coordinating event planning for a visit by the Dali Lama, hosted by educators with a conflict analysis department. It was the most ego rich, discord filled, whizzing match filled event I ever had the displeasure of coordinating. In a similar vein, take a gander at all the strife embraced by the Institute for Peace:

An actual insurrection
Employees at the Institute of Peace went to war.
MAR 25, 2025

The Daily Caller reported that the Department of Justice may prosecute the mutineers at the U.S. Institute of Peace, foolishly founded by President Reagan. In 41 years, the institute has not stopped the Gulf War, the Afghanistan War, the Iraqi War and various combat deployments around the world.

Wikipedia describes the institute as a nonpartisan independent agency but “receiving funding only through a congressional appropriation to prevent outside influence.” Ah, the purity of government funding. I suppose Wikipedia could describe the Gestapo as a nonpartisan independent agency that was funded solely by the Reichstag to prevent outside influence.

The Institute of Peace has—or had—300 employees and cost taxpayers $55 million a year. That works out to $183,333.33 per employee. Compensation (wage and benefits) for federal employees average $143,643 a year, so basically this is—or was—a bureaucracy that existed only to employ its employees. Its mission was to promote peace.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono used that as an excuse to spend a week in bed. The Institute Ono Band should cut a record, All We Are Saying, Is Give Me A Job.

The agency is not useful and not independent. It is part of the executive branch. The president is chief of the executive branch. The Constitution says so. Trump is euthanizing it to save taxpayers $55 million a year. Instead of obeying his orders to disperse, employees at the Institute of Peace did not go away peacefully.

The New York Times called it the “Showdown at the Institute of Peace.” It took place on St. Patrick’s Day.

NYT said, “The dispute at the Institute of Peace began on a Friday, March 14, when Trent Morse, the deputy director of the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, fired all 10 voting members of the organization’s board—five Democrats and five Republicans—laying the ground work for a takeover. DOGE tried to enter the building twice that day, bringing what they called a formal resolution removing George Moose, the institute’s acting president, and installing Kenneth Jackson, a State Department employee, in his place.”

The story also said, “Over that weekend, Colin O’Brien, the institute’s head of security, posted No Trespassing signs on the building’s front entrance—an ominous precursor to the events that would soon unfold.”

On Monday, St, Patrick’s Day, “Mr. O’Brien arrived at the office early, followed by other top staff, including Mr. Moose, who had refused to accept his removal.”

They shut out the institute’s private security and contacted NYT to document the mutiny. The new crew appointed by Trump brought in staff from the private security firm, Inter-Con. I almost heard the Theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly as I read the report.

NYT reported, “The Inter-Con employees tried to use their institute badges to enter the building via tap access. The badges didn’t work. When the Inter-Con contract was suspended the night before, Mr. O’Brien said, institute staff had ended the private security workers’ badge access and collected all keys—except for one.

“Unable to enter through the front doors, the Inter-Con employees approached a side entrance. Mr. O’Brien said that Inter-Con’s Kevin Simpson, who managed the company’s contract with the institute, had held onto a master key, which he used to enter the building and bring the others with him.

“Mr. O’Brien and two lawyers for the institute ran downstairs to confront them. ‘We informed them that they are not authorized to be in the building,’ Mr. O’Brien said.”

O’Brien, who is suing the Trump administration, said, “DOGE threatened to cancel every federal contract Inter-Con held if they did not come to the USIP building and let Kenneth Jackson inside.”

Jackson is the new head of the institute. Why should he not be allowed in the institute’s building? Taxpayers have paid Inter-Con more than $2 billion over the years. Of course it had to let Jackson in. He’s the institution’s boss now. Inter-Con should have kicked the fired employees out.


NYT said, “The Inter-Con employees tried to use their institute badges to enter the building via tap access. The badges didn’t work. When the Inter-Con contract was suspended the night before, Mr. O’Brien said, institute staff had ended the private security workers’ badge access and collected all keys—except for one.

“Unable to enter through the front doors, the Inter-Con employees approached a side entrance. Mr. O’Brien said that Inter-Con’s Kevin Simpson, who managed the company’s contract with the institute, had held onto a master key, which he used to enter the building and bring the others with him.”

Congress and the courts established in 2021 that interfering with an official act is an insurrection. O’Brien and his band of mutineers (no other word describes them better) won’t face such charges but AG Pam Bondi is floating the balloon of prosecution, using the Daily Caller as its balloon pilot. The Daily Caller story cited an unnamed official.

The Daily Caller said, “The official, who requested anonymity, told the DCNF the DOJ is examining whether certain USIP actions—such as the removal and destruction of internal and external door locks—created illegal fire hazards. The official also flagged the widespread distribution of internal flyers instructing USIP staff not to cooperate with incoming Trump administration officials as potentially obstructive conduct. The DCNF was the first to report on USIP’s internal flyer campaign and destruction of door locks.”

The Institute of Peace began planning its battle a month before Trump decided to kill it.

The Daily Caller reported, “USIP leadership began preparing for a confrontation weeks before the executive order was issued. A Feb. 6 internal document exclusively obtained by the DCNF outlined plans to deny building access to outside officials and reasserted the institute’s discretion over security systems and facilities. Flyers with the names and photos of Department of Government Efficiency officials were posted throughout the building, instructing staff to report their presence and avoid conversation.”

Warriors at the Institute of Peace learned from the January 30 Battle of US AID in which employees at that bureaucracy acted like racketeers trying to prevent a raid by the feds.

The Jeff Bezos Post reported, “A career official tried to undo Trump’s purge at US AID. He was then purged, too.”

As well he should be.

Nicholas Gottlieb, the purged director of employee and labor relations at US AID, wrote, “DOGE instructed me to violate the due process of our employees by issuing immediate termination notices to a group of employees without due process. I was notified moments ago that I will be placed on administrative leave, effective immediately. It has been an honor working with you all.”

What due process? The president eliminated their agency as a waste and a detriment to Trump’s foreign policy. He put the agency under Secretary of State Marco Rubio. We elected him, not some person whose main accomplishment in life was passing a Civil Service test.

The strategy is to delay Trump as long as possible in an attempt to shorten his four-year reign by tying his time up in frivolous lawsuits that enable out-of-control judges to issue Red Queen orders of off with their department heads. One judge even tried to order government planes to turn around in midair.

These are district judges whose orders are based neither on the law nor the Constitution. In fact, the orders fly in the face of both the law and the Constitution.

Some are showing restraint. The Daily Caller noted, “While a federal judge declined to issue a restraining order halting the leadership transition Wednesday, she sharply criticized DOGE’s cooperation with law enforcement, despite the circumstances surrounding USIP’s refusal to comply.”

The arsonists attack Tesla wish to terrorize us. The administration has vowed to prosecute them as the terrorists they are. Tesla stock is up 61% in the last year as the terrorists fail to intimidate investors.

But the real damage to the nation is the refusal of federal employees to obey the Constitution which vests executive power in the president and not them. They are the election deniers.

Prosecute the mutineers and get the Supreme Court to require any restraining order on a president to be issued by the Supreme Court and not by power-mad, little Boasbergs. The peaceful transition of power once was a hallmark of our country. Thanks to Obama and Bidrn, it is a distant memory.


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