Author Topic: Simplicius  (Read 3748 times)


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« on: November 09, 2024, 07:57:00 AM »
I am giving him his own thread precisely because he challenges the assumptions, both spoken and unspoken, of so much of what we are told and/or what we assume.

As I have stated previously, I have subscribed to him for a while now, and caution that he is to be read with care-- Let the Reader Beware!

I believe it likely that he is directly or indirectly on the Russian payroll, and he regularly weaves Russian talking points into his analyses-- sometimes obviously, sometimes sneakily, and sometimes dishonestly.  When Israel comes up, he can be flagrantly anti-semitic.

And yet , , ,  His military reports on Ukraine contain considerable depth, and not infrequently prove considerably more accurate than the propaganda out of Washington. 

Anway, decide for yourself:
« Last Edit: November 09, 2024, 07:59:46 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: VERY SERIOUS READ, 'sleepwalking rudderlessly into nuclear war'
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2024, 01:19:15 PM »

"Perhaps the most shocking revelation from this entire incident is just how rudderlessly the United States is sleepwalking into potential nuclear war"

  - Good Post.  You spoiled my day.

At the top of the subject I see you warned of this source having Russian talking points, but in this case the Russian talking points come straight from Putin.  Where are the American talking points in this development?

"Given that the weapon cannot be intercepted by any system, and that it reaches its targets within minutes, all European assets are now officially put on notice."

  - Seems to me that if US military sites were struck later today, we were put on notice.

Early in this fighting I noted how one-sided this war was. We were (merely) helping defend Ukraine, in Ukraine.  None of the attacks against Russian forces were in Russia.  Our support was purely defensive.  Not true now.

The slippery slope people were telling us how quickly this could escalate.

But in our country, only Congress can declare war, and Congress didn't.  Article I, Section 8, Clause 11, "Congress has the sole authority to declare war".  Separation of powers.

Back to the first point, sleepwalking into this. I feel strange posing questions to our administration; they have no answers. 

Was there a strategic purpose to firing long range missiles (a short range distance) into Russia?  To win the war, or to force them into negotiations?  But we are not fighting to win the war and no negotiations are offered. 

Are we showing off superior weapons systems, but if Russia shot them down, that was dumber than dumb.  If the threat is that we will do more, isn't that moot with no declaration of war, and backwards?  Isn't it  Russia who can do more?

The bombs dropped on Japan came with a message.  Surrender. There is no message with this. 

Why would Biden do this?  Of course Biden isn't making these decisions. Who is?  And why are they escalating as they're leaving?  To sabotage our side?  To what end? They put the whole West, the whole world at risk for no discernable reason.

Through all this do we remember China is our main adversary?  And Iran.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2024, 01:25:06 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Simplicius
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2024, 02:22:34 PM »
I am cynical that DJT is going to end this in "a day"   :wink:

pure fantasy

I think VDH had thoughts on this but I can't find right now. I do recall he said 1 to 1.5 million are dead from this war. 

Putin is certainly no longer going to settle for Donbass and some surrounding areas now.


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Re: Simplicius
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2024, 02:32:21 PM »
Trump can fairly point out that whomever is controlling Magoo made a material change in circumstances-- which perhaps was precisely Magoo's intention. (Witness the timing and tenor and effects thereof of his comments during Kommiela's campaign.)


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