Author Topic: Homeland Security, Border, sabotage of energy, transportation, environment  (Read 1062410 times)


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Re: Syrians with Greek passports stopped in Honduras
« Reply #1600 on: November 18, 2015, 03:36:03 PM »

Took a wrong turn at Alburquerque?

So, passed up the sweet, sweet free sh*t in europe to struggle towards the US? I wonder why.


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ISIS an Engineered "False Flag" Threat?
« Reply #1601 on: November 19, 2015, 05:07:25 AM »
I'm not necessarily endorsing this theory.  Brandon Smith obviously considers it to be fact, not speculation - but I tend to think there are some rather large holes in his argument.  Nevertheless, I'm interested in the opinion of the folks here on the forum about this.  It's a rather long piece, with some good suggestions for self-protection, but my primary interest is in his thesis that ISIS has been created by globalists to provide an opportunity for imposing martial law:

ISIS Is Being Aimed At The West By Globalists - Here’s What We Can Do About It

Wednesday, 18 November 2015    Brandon Smith

Over the past year and a half, I have been writing on the engineered nature of ISIS, delving deeply into its history and its backing by Western intelligence agencies in articles such as “Is Martial Law Justified If ISIS Attacks?” as well as “What Will You Do When Tyranny And Terrorism Work Hand In Hand?” and “The Time Is Ripe For A False Flag Attack On American Soil.”

Specifically, I compared the ISIS phenomenon to another establishment-backed terrorist program that began at the onset of the Cold War in Europe and was publicly exposed in the 1990s. That program was called Operation Gladio.

Gladio involved the manipulation of existing extremist groups as well as the complete fabrication of terrorist cells within Europe claiming to be “left-wing.” The reality was that these terrorist cells were made up of intelligence agency operatives (including CIA operatives) acting as handlers often for duped scapegoats and patsies. These proxy terrorists initiated decades of attacks in Europe, which focused on shootings and bombings in public areas with full media saturation. Gladio-influenced cells, such as Action Directe, carried out at least 50 different violent attacks in France in the 1970s and 1980s, along with groups like Red Army Faction, Black September and the PLFP.

Governments across Europe began using the attacks as a rallying cry for a centralized one-European nation; that cry culminated in the formation of the EU.

Operation Gladio began in France in 1947, when French Interior Minister Edouard Depreux revealed the existence of a secret stay-behind army codenamed “Plan Bleu.”

In France in 1948, the Western Union Clandestine Committee (WUCC) was created to coordinate secret unorthodox warfare. After the creation of NATO a year later, the WUCC was integrated into the military alliance under the name Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC).

The former director of the French intelligence service DGSE, Adm. Pierre Lacoste, said in a 1992 interview with The Nation, that France’s “secret army” was involved in terrorist activities against Charles de Gaulle, whom the CIA wanted to assassinate.

De Gaulle was apparently not entirely innocent in the Gladio affair, either. De Gaulle was very familiar with a secret organization called Service d’ Action Civique. It ended up being exposed as a training ground for Gladio Agents under Jaques Foccart, a government “adviser” who would go on to mastermind multiple military coups in Africa. Whether de Gaulle was fully aware of this problem is not known. It was discovered, though, that SAC had infiltrated communist student groups in the late 1960s through the 1970s and attempted to provoke violent actions.

De Gaulle was eventually driven out of office after the 1969 failure of the Referendum of Regionalisation. He was replaced by Georges Pompidou, who (what a surprise) was an avid promoter of European unification (centralization). Pompidou founded the French arm of the Pan-European Union Movement. And immediately after he took de Gaulle’s position, he helped initiate the European Communities Summit, which led directly to the formation of the European Union structure.

Gladio was not fully exposed to the wider public until 1990 when Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti came forward to the senate with detailed information.  After the information hit the mainstream, the European Parliament was forced to write a resolution against any future false flag projects.  Clearly, they have since ignored these promises.

For more information on Gladio, I highly recommend the intensively researched book “NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe” by Daniele Ganser, as well as the 1992 BBC documentary “Operation Gladio.”

As I have stated time and time again, government engineered crisis is designed to do one thing: drive the fearful public toward more centralization and less freedom. Although Operation Gladio was later exposed, it was too late; Gladio (along with other clandestine economic measures) had achieved the goal of a malleable citizenry desperate for more centralized governance; a social attitude which led to a transnational union in Europe with a single currency mechanism.

What does this have to do with ISIS? In order to defeat an enemy, you have to know where he comes from, what his motivations are, and who pulls his strings if he has any.  As I predicted in the pieces linked at the beginning of this article, ISIS has now been exposed as being supported if not entirely funded and managed by Western covert intelligence through documents obtained from the Department of Defense by Judicial Watch, making ISIS very similar to Gladio in its origins and tactics.

This DoD paper should not have been at all surprising to most of us in the liberty movement. The West had been shifting militants from Libya into Syria just before protests suddenly erupted into all-out war. Instructors from the U.K. and France, under U.S. advisement, had been training militants in Jordan specifically for the purpose of invading and disrupting Syria and overthrowing president Bashar Assad. This training continued well after it became clear that the same militants had formed under the banner of ISIS.

Establishment elites have openly applauded the radicalization of insurgents in Syria. The Council on Foreign Relations argued that the inclusion of what they called “extremist al-Qaida elements” in the Syrian insurgency “improved the moral” of the movement, stating that the “Free Syrian Army needs al-Qaida now.” The CFR acknowledges that the goal of al-Qaida operatives in Syria is not necessarily to overthrow Assad, but to establish an Islamic state. Despite this, the CFR continued to support the same strategy of militant training to overthrow Assad.

The facts are this:

- ISIS was created by covert intelligence and continues to be trained and supplied by Western governments.

- The tactics ISIS uses, including monstrous acts of genocide, were clearly taught to them by covert intelligence interests (look into the School of the Americas for similar programs), considering ISIS insurgents continue to receive aid from Western intelligence despite their behavior.

- Western governments are well aware that ISIS agents have been inserted into refugee camps and are being imported into Europe and the U.S.

- ISIS smugglers have openly admitted to this infiltration plan, yet the U.S. and EU governments continued the immigration surge.

- Lower echelon ISIS fighters that have actually been captured and interviewed apparently have wide-ranging views on Islam and are not the staunchly unified theocratic zealots the Western public has been led to believe. This is a considerable departure from groups like al-Qaida (also Western funded and trained), which required complete theological conformity.

In truth, the only unifying drive of many captured ISIS fighters has been a concerted hatred of the West and the U.S. in particular due to our government’s complete destabilization of the Middle East. Meaning, the establishment (globalists) brought chaos to the Middle East, then conjured the rise of ISIS out of that despair, then used ISIS to recruit young men with a hatred for the West, and has now led those fighters right to our doorstep.

The escalation of force in Syria by both Russia and the West is likely now useless, as thousands of ISIS insurgents have been removed from the combat zone and transported exactly where they prefer to be — right next door to us. But defeating ISIS has never been the goal.

One must conclude given these facts that the plan by the establishment to force public acceptance of Syrian mass immigration was a Trojan horse strategy to plant ISIS extremists within deadly proximity to western civilians. But why?

Again, this is yet another Gladio-style program designed to strike terror in the hearts of the public and condition them into accepting even greater centralization and less freedom. A European superstate with common border security and a single government authority will certainly be on the table soon. Not to mention, martial law is essentially in place in France today and will be expanded to other EU members as the attacks continue. As with Gladio, Europeans should expect many more events like the Paris attacks in the months to come.

The U.S. is set to receive over 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next couple months. Unlike in Europe, where numerous activist groups have been able to partially track numbers and types of people within refugee groups, Americans have little access to information surrounding Syrian immigration to the U.S. I suspect that, as in Europe, the claims that the refugees are only “single mothers, children and religious minorities” is mostly false, and many of them are actually single military-age males.

In the U.S., the federal government has been legally positioning for martial law for years, from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and its indefinite-detention-without-trial provisions that apply to citizens, to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and mass surveillance measures without warrant, to resource confiscation provisions through executive order that apply during any event the White House labels an “emergency,” to elitist insiders like Wesley Clark planting the concept on national television of World War II-style internment camps for citizens deemed hostile to the status quo.

I would also point out that the U.S., and the global economy in general, is currently witnessing a massive slowdown rivaling the credit collapse of 2008. Widespread terrorist attacks are a perfect rationalization for a complete lockdown of Western peoples, as well as a perfect distraction from the banker-generated economic implosion that is progressing in exponentially harsher stages as we head into 2016.

Another major advantage to consider to the Paris attacks is that now, with a Syrian passport being conveniently found on one of the terrorists (possibly fake), the war in Syria is given greater rationale while the immigration plan continues unabated. NATO countries are gearing up for a large-scale assault in the region, while Russia is already entrenched. Imagine the potential for an “accidental” trigger event between the East and West as Russian troops and planes come within spitting distance of NATO troops and planes.

Americans should see a Paris-level attack as inevitable in the near term. They should expect similar events in unusual areas of the country, including more suburban and rural areas to ensure that no one feels safe anywhere. They should expect that said attacks will be high frequency and that they will occur in a coordinated manner. This is how Gladio operated, and this is undoubtedly how ISIS will operate.

The question is: What can be done about it?

We must first recognize that ISIS is only a surface problem; the deeper problem is corrupt governments across the globe creating dangerous terrorist groups out of thin air.  That said, ISIS is still a threat, and must be dealt with along with globalists.

If the government insists upon financing and training dangerous militant groups and directly immigrating them along with Syrian refugees without any vetting whatsoever, if they insist on wide open borders, then there is not much we can do to prevent ISIS from slipping into the U.S. We also cannot go the fascist route and round up every Muslim in the name of security as some neocons are suggesting; this is exactly what the elites want, public support for liberty destroying measures against one group that can then be applied to ALL groups.

We can, though, take some measures that we should have been instituting all along.

Higher pressure on prime immigration centers: Legal immigration should not be an issue normally, but it has been made an issue due to deliberately lax security measures by the federal government. If the government is not going to take action, then the American people must. There are a limited number of these relocation centers in the U.S.; and activist pressure could be applied, along with pressure on local and state officials. Michigan, Texas  and Alabama among other states have publicly announced that they will not be taking any more refugees until the government revises its vetting standards. That is a perfectly rational approach. Although I suspect the hour may be too late to disrupt the flow of ISIS sleeper cells into our country, we should do what we can to end the current insane immigration policies.

Locally managed border security: The federal border patrol simply is not getting the job done right now. And the great threat is that once an attack does occur within the U.S., the federal government will suggest a militarization of the border (or the entire nation) rather than taking simple measures they should have taken long ago. You see, the goal of false-flag terror is to motivate the public to demand more government power. This is why followers of the neoconservative mindset are idiotic. The establishment CREATED the problem of ISIS and potential ISIS immigration. And when it all goes sour, neocons cry out that the same government needs expanded militarized authority to do its job. I say, “No more.”

Border security should be handled at the local level rather than the federal level, meaning the people of the vulnerable states should be organizing their own security measure, patrols, alarms, response teams, etc. I am so tired of hearing that we should “let the professionals do the job.” Frankly, there are no “professionals” in the area of border security seeing as we now have wide-open borders. The locals have every right to secure their own states and will probably do a better job that the federal government ever has.

Your tactical response kit: Build an active-shooter kit for your vehicle and ALWAYS carry a sidearm, either open carry or concealed if you have a CCW. I open carry at all times as a matter of principle and have never been asked to leave an establishment as a result. But if you are worried about confrontation with people or businesses, then simply carry concealed. Open-carry citizens could dissuade attackers from striking a particular place altogether through blatant show of force, while CCW holders are less visible. There are advantages to both.

An active-shooter kit would require a lightweight folding-stock rifle or a short-barrel AR-style pistol with an arm brace, a lightweight tactical vest with mags and ammo, ballistic plates, smoke, a rifle light (for dark indoor spaces in particular; night vision with limited depth perception is far less effective than a simple light), a trauma kit with pressure bandages, celox gauze, tourniquets, chest seals, decompression needles, etc., as well as a radio communications kit.  All gear should be tailored to the individual's expertise and needs.  This kit should be placed in a nondescript backpack or carrying case for easy transport. Obviously, train with all of your gear extensively before using it in the field.

Personal and team training for active shooters: The only way Americans can guarantee any measure of safety from a Paris-style attack is for as many citizens as possible to be armed and trained. This means mentally training to go TOWARD the sound of the shooting, rather than to run away from it, as well as tactical methods to marginalize a shooter’s ability to move and project violence. Team training is a must, and you should already be working within a group to learn how to function in combat without danger of friendly fire or misdirected fire that might put innocent bystanders at risk.

The common argument against citizens defending themselves is that they are untrained and are “likely to do more harm than good.” This is nonsense. One armed person in Paris could have made all the difference, as this man armed with a .38 revolver did when his church in South Africa came under attack by terrorists. Another argument is that when armed citizens respond aggressively to an attack, they risk being mistaken as terrorists by authorities. I have to point out that the authorities rarely arrive in time to accomplish anything, let alone mistake you on the scene as a terrorist while defending yourself.

Military-grade training far superior to the training mandated by law enforcement is widely available to U.S. citizens. It is time to accept that this is the world we live in now. Are you going to put blind faith in a corrupt government system that has deliberately put you in harm’s way, or are you going to take proactive measures to protect yourself and those around you? Make no mistake; your safety is in your hands whether you like it or not.

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: ISIS an Engineered "False Flag" Threat?
« Reply #1602 on: November 19, 2015, 08:20:34 AM »
Objectivist,  I agree with you; there are large holes in this theory.  Still it is good to question what we see, what we think of it and how we react.

Our operatives need to be infiltrating organizations like this; I hope they are.  And if they are, it is so secret that we the public perhaps can never know the details.  When partial details become public, things are easily misinterpreted.  We also don't know about attacks thwarted.

Seems to me that it keeps coming back to the fact that they don't mind dying and even killing themselves.  Bin Laden was a coward in sending others but had to give up power, go into hiding, live in isolation and finally get killed.  The successful premise of the cold war was mutually assured destruction.  Evil rulers of the Soviet empire and also PRC were willing to kill in the hundreds of millions but not willing to die or lose power.

They are smart enough to know what our reaction to bombings will be, and they don't seem to mind, and yes, we really are dumb enough to keep letting them in here, and to let them re-establish their own power bases.

Attacks on our homeland are unacceptable.  Same for the homeland of friends and allies, Madrid, London, Paris and so on.  Also unacceptable is ISIS holding territory anywhere, conducting training camps anywhere.  The sex slave situation, the forced raising of another generation of terrorists is happening under our watch and must be stopped.  Urgently!  That this is happening within territory we already gave 3000 lives and a billion dollars to secure and gave up freely - is mind boggling.

While we debate and plot a they are increasing their power and increasing their reach.

The tragedy of the moment is that we have 14 more months of nothing right happening before a new American President can start to establish new respect and new leadership.  In the meantime, France and Putin lead and the US is the JV.

« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 08:25:54 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1603 on: November 19, 2015, 09:40:13 AM »
While John Kerry struggles to explain what "legitimizes" terror attacks, we can look back to Holocaust story of blaming the Jews and the bicyclists:

The Hannah Arendt Center describes a mordant joke “told during the Holocaust, especially amongst Jews in concentration camps”:

“The Jews caused the Great War,” an anti-Semite tells his friend.

“Yes, the Jews and the bicyclists,” says the friend.

“Why the bicyclists?” asks the anti-Semite.

To which the friend replies: “Why the Jews?”

[Hat tip James Taranto, WSJ]


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Re: Syrians caught at Texas border
« Reply #1607 on: November 19, 2015, 06:36:05 PM »


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Larry Correra on Paris
« Reply #1610 on: November 19, 2015, 08:33:18 PM »

Thoughts on Paris

    November 16, 2015   correia45   331

I’ve not blogged much since getting back from tour. I’m still playing catch up. There has been a ton of things to comment on, so in brief:

Paris. Coming soon to a location near you. Mumbai, Beslan, and a thousand others, we’ve seen this before, and we’ll see it again.

On the personal, local level, this is another example of why you should carry a gun. No, we don’t expect every permit holder to be a Navy SEAL, just a speed bump. The best way to stop a mass shooter is an immediate violent response. At best, you drop them before they can hurt too many people. At worst, congratulations you were a distraction, but even distractions can save lives or derail plans.

Running is great. I’ll never fault somebody who chooses to run or hide when bad things happen. Every one of us has a different level of training, knowledge, and commitment, and what is the right answer for you, isn’t the right answer for your grandma. If you are the kind of person to get involved, you need to have a clue. However, since the only constant of gunfights is that they suck for somebody, you can do everything right and still die. On the bright side you at least bought everybody else some time.

For the pacifistic anti-gun dumb asses on the internet who always crop up in the aftermath of any violent event, bitching about imaginary crossfires, or how fighting back would just make things worse. Just shut up already. You’re children, with a child’s grasp of the subject. When people are being mass butchered, barring tossing hand grenades at the bad guy, it is pretty damned hard to make it worse.

Then I see the idiots claiming that they’re only worried about the quality of the regular people with guns… Liars. But okay, thought experiment time. Say there was a proposed law for a federal “super permit”, where if a regular person could pass a rigorous background check and, oh say, the same firearms qualification as an FBI agent, that individual would then be allowed to carry a gun anywhere in the fifty states a federal agent could, and ignore things like idiotic gun free zones, or could carry a gun in states where concealed carry is banned.

This doesn’t replace state laws. Heck, make the federal super permit really hard to get. Have it require a really high level of proficiency, a big knowledge of use of force laws, and one hell of a tough qualification. Make the applicant foot the bill for everything. And you know what? I bet you within a week we could still provide a million of my people as defense in depth, worst case scenario interrupters, spread all over America, for when bad things happen.

Would these people so worried about our level of training be in favor of this? Of course they wouldn’t. They’d find some other reason to bleat. And murderous assholes will continue to target disarmed populations.  Besides, this is just wishful thinking, because any federal program which would empower the general populace would be designed to suck and fail from the get go. Ask any pilot who went through the armed pilot training post 9-11 how easy the feds made that simple,obvious, no brainer program.

Other than learning to shoot, learn first aid. The main things to remember about gunshot wounds is direct pressure. For most of them there’s not much else you can do. Learn how to apply a tourniquet.

That’s all personal stuff that could actually help. You want to argue about putting a French flag over your profile pic, I don’t care if you do or not. Whatever makes you feel better. I’ve seen some people saying that if you want to actually make a difference you need to join the military. That’s great, but missing the point. We don’t have a lack of warriors problem, we have a lack of leadership problem.

Now, big picture. Militant Islamist Wahhibi douchebags want to kill you. Period. Don’t make excuses for them. Don’t try to explain them away. They literally want you to submit or die. This isn’t rocket science. Just ask them. They’ll tell you.

In our current stupid society, you can’t talk about this topic without being accused of racism. That’s just idiotic, since a religious philosophy isn’t a race. But these same idiots like to bitch about Christians being awful and look under every rock for an imagined slight to rail against. Only Christians aren’t blowing people up. But libs love to throw out the racism card to automatically shut down all dissent, because most cons are nice people, who don’t like being accused of being vile, repugnant things. So they shut up.

Like if you say, hey, maybe taking in tens of thousands of completely unvetted refugees from a war torn third world nation that is a hotbed of the philosophy that wants to saw our heads off is a bad idea… They scream racist.

For the people saying the refugees are vetted… How? The Syrian Bureau of Criminal Identification?  I’ve seen some people quoting the plaque from the Statue of Liberty. Really? Did you miss the point of what Ellis Island was for?

Do I feel bad for the actual refugees? Yep. The decent people are running from the same scumbags we’re worried about. However, that doesn’t mean the western world has to commit suicide in order to save everybody. It sucks. There’s evil in the world. Not having it on your doorstep makes it easier to treat it elsewhere. When you’ve got a disease you quarantine it. You don’t purposefully spread it everywhere. We’re in the position to help other countries only because ours isn’t currently on fire.

Some of you are under the mistaken impression that there is a good answer.

Another thing that I keep seeing are two opposing, equally idiotic schools of thought. The immediate knee jerk reaction of liberals flipping out about potential retaliatory hate crimes that almost never happen, but will eventually. Because push someone far enough, and they will inevitably lose their shit. Europeans are good at that.

And the other is the they’re all guilty, kill 1/6th of the world’s population, let God sort them out rage posters. Not getting into morality at all, that’s dumb just from a logistical and target selection stand point. That’s just good business. You’ve got a particular problem, focus on that specific rather than the overwhelming whole. Of course we aren’t fighting all Muslims. If we were fighting a billion people, you would know it. However, we are fighting millions. This isn’t some tiny, violent splinter group. This is a fairly wide spread, violent, jihadist, idealized imaginary history, philosophical movement, and they are motivated and think they can win.

The problem is that this murderous faction has taken over large swaths of everything, all over the world, and it has been going on for a long time. I’m not talking physically taking over either, but they’re in the mosques, in the leadership, and in the money. Yes, there are plenty of moderate Muslims who fight these people. That’s why the nut jobs spend most of their energy blowing up people who are supposedly of the same religion. There are bombings and shootings daily across the third world that barely make a blip in our media because they’re business as usual.

For the vast majority of the moderates however, what do we expect them to do? You can ally with the west, where you can fight against the death cultists, but the minute a progressive gets elected, you are going to get sold out and left to die. So why ally with us? Because the death cultists aren’t going anywhere. Those fuckers are committed.

Look at what happened to Iraq and Afghanistan. Why would any leader side with us now? America will come in, kick ass with the greatest fighting force ever… Oh, wait. MSNBC is upset. Buh bye. We’re out. Everybody who helped us get massacred. A year later, if they’re lucky they might get a hashtag on twitter, because that’s how America shows it cares.

Boko Haram, ISIS, and Hamas are all different groups, but they all share that idealistic, death cult, militant, asshole philosophy.

Barack Obama has two signature achievements. No seriously, check google. That’s all they can come up with.  Two. Obamacare and pulling out of Iraq. Obamacare is an expensive train wreck, that didn’t solve the problems it was supposed to, which raised everybody else’s costs, and now for the handful of the population it did help, all of the exchanges are imploding like everybody who can do math said they would. Brilliant. But back to Muslim extremists, we pulled out of Iraq, and Daesh rolled right in. Yay.

Meanwhile, the rest of the middle east fell apart. Hillary Clinton and John Kerry showed us the brilliance we’ve come to expect from democrat presidential candidates and did… shit. I can’t tell. Our administration totally sucked it up to the point that the western world was literally cheering Putin getting involved. How badly do you have to fuck up that your allies are happy the Russians moved in instead?

Mostly it looks like our State Department yelled at the one little country in the region who isn’t trying to blow us up, for being too mean to the philosophical allies of the people trying to blow us up, or for trying to stop the biggest country that wants to blow them up from getting a nuke, even though they get the population adjusted equivalent of a Paris attack all the freaking time.

Liberalism is a suicidal political philosophy that focuses on non-problems and ignores real problems. We’ve got an actual death cult massacring people? Well, we’d better crack down on regular Americans civil liberties. Hey, there’s a conservative organization in rural Nebraska that has absolutely nothing to do with militant Islam, better tap their phones and sick the IRS on them. We do security theater at the airports, while having a foreign policy that makes zero sense and no border. Bad guys are massacring people with machine guns they smuggled into a country with incredibly strict gun control? Well, we’d better double down on gun free zones to minimize the number of people who could effectively fight back. DHS leadership is issuing warnings about American veterans, while the actual guys fighting terrorists are stymied with rules that make absolutely no sense.

I’ve got a ton of fans who are feds. Oh, the horror stories I hear from these guys. So many plots have been foiled, so many bad guys have been caught, and the stuff they are worried that is coming next is frankly terrifying… I mean, we’ve not seen anything yet. There are some nightmare scenarios out there that I won’t talk about on the internet. But don’t worry, our administration’s greatest concern is climate change. They’re all over that.

Seriously, this bunch of fuck ups will go down in history as the most clueless administration we’ve had. ISIS is the JV team! They’re contained. We spent like half a billion dollars on a training program that produced, what? A squad? But even if we’d turned out an actual Syrian fighting force, because of stupid campaign promises to Code Pink, heaven forbid we let our SF guys do their freaking job, and actual lead or help, because that would be “boots on the ground”, and that is so much worse than having hundreds of thousands of refugees overwhelming the western world a year later.

The other day on book tour I was stuck in an airport watching CNN. I swear airports are the only place that play CNN anymore (and before anybody bitches at me about bias, I’m not a FOX news guy either. I cancelled cable years ago). I caught Obama’s speech about the Keystone Pipeline, and it was just asinine. The whole thing was bullshit. He talked about the lowered energy costs, as if that was his doing, and not because of North Dakota, and Saudi Arabia going all bargain basement to try and stop them. Hang on… Isn’t this the same administration that is always bitching about the evils of fracking. Yeah, heaven forbid we be energy independent. Because if you think things suck now, just wait until the house of Saud collapses, and the same militant asshole extremist JV team that we’ve contained so well rolls in there. But don’t worry, before that we’ve got a nuclear deal with Iran that will surely result in Peace in Our Time.

But that’s us. Europe has been following the liberal, progressive, pseudo-socialist path a lot longer than we have. Instead of doing little things that make sense all along, they’ll let the problem get really big and stupid, and then it is guillotines, gulags, and cattle cars. There’s a lot of really pissed off Europeans right now, and over the centuries we’ve got plenty of examples of what masses of pissed off Europeans do when pushed.

The death cultists are totally cool with that, because they truly believe they’re going to win the apocalypse. The only long term problems liberals can fixate on are imaginary ones that allow them to make the government more intrusive for regular law abiding citizens. So I expect everything to get far stupider from here on out.

For the super isolationist types of the Perhaps if We’re Nice They’ll Go Away school of foreign diplomacy, too late now. We’re dealing with a group of people who literally think they’re helping bring about the apocalypse, and that’s a good thing. Our leadership is made up of petulant children more worried about poop swastikas that may or may not have existed, than actual killers who believe in real oppression.

Solution? Beats the hell out of me. It certainly isn’t whatever it is we’ve been doing. The ball is now in Europe’s court. America’s bipolar leadership has abdicated responsibility. Europe can either decide it is in it to win it, and fight like their survival is at stake, or keep doing their thing. The extremists are happy to die, and they consider everybody on their side expendable.

My guess? Retaliation. Our warriors will do what they’re awesome at, and kill a whole bunch of assholes. Depending on how hard and fast we, or in this case the French, do it, that will stop a whole bunch of other attacks. However, innocent people will die as has happened in every war in human history, which will cause liberals to flip out, which will cause the west to go all half-hearted and stupidly forward. So nothing will get fixed. The west will go back to the next imaginary issue that allows liberals to be control freaks. The security apparatus will then go back to being an ever tightening ratchet against the wrong people. We’ll repeat this cycle until the west collapses, or one particular brand of religious philosophy is utterly annihilated forever.


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Jihadi tradecraft
« Reply #1614 on: November 21, 2015, 07:44:03 AM »


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Terrorist nation OTMs have crossed border. Some have been caught 2.0
« Reply #1615 on: November 25, 2015, 10:18:05 AM »


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Ellifritz Muses about "Counterinsurgency"
« Reply #1618 on: November 26, 2015, 08:39:02 AM »
I've trained with Greg 4 or 5 times now and find him to be one of the best at presenting and integrating a good, basic skill set, including ground, knife, in close gunfighting, first aid, survival skills, et al. He is also quite well read and does an outstanding job of condensing his understanding for the lay reader, as witnessed in this piece here:

His Active Response Training site is well worth bookmarking.


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Re: FBI tracking 48 ISIS suspects 24/7
« Reply #1620 on: November 29, 2015, 06:03:07 AM »


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Re: Homeland Security and American Freedom, NSA, FISA, Metadata
« Reply #1621 on: December 01, 2015, 10:50:09 AM »
Sen Tom Cotton strongly defended the value of the NSA metadata program that is ending.  I am trying to get a transcript of his remarks yesterday.

From his website:

Patriot Act, FISA keep us safe. Congress must act now to reauthorize vital counterterrorism tools
By: Senator Tom Cotton and Congressman Mike Pompeo
“The system was blinking red ? it could not get any worse.” That’s how then-CIA Director George Tenet described the threats against the United States during the summer of 2001. But it did get worse: Al Qaeda struck on 9/11, killing almost 3,000 Americans. Today, the terrorist threats are more dangerous than ever, as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper recently testified to Congress.
Across Africa and the Middle East, Al Qaeda affiliates have metastasized following America’s retreat.  Iran continues its unrelenting support for terrorism.  And of course there’s the Islamic State.  Far from “the JV team” as President Obama called them, the Islamic State is rampaging across Iraq and Syria, while inspiring attacks and plots in the U.S. and Western Europe.
These groups are now larger and more sophisticated?for example, developing new non-metallic bombs to evade detection, recruiting westerners to conduct homegrown attacks, and attracting adherents through social media.  Just last week, the Islamic State inspired the attack in Garland, Texas, and our military bases had to go on heightened alert.
After 9/11, America finally went on offense against terrorists, and not just with our military.  Congress acted to close the intelligence gaps that had allowed Al Qaeda to strike us.  With large bipartisan majorities, the Congress provided the executive branch and the judiciary with critical new tools to keep America safe, while also protecting civil liberties.
Unless Congress acts this month, three of these critical tools will expire, reopening pre-9/11 intelligence gaps.
First, the “lone wolf” provision helps officials find and stop homegrown attackers who may not be directly linked yet to an overseas terrorist group.
Second, the roving-wiretap provision allows for warrants against a targeted person, not just a specific device.  Law-enforcement officials have had this power in criminal cases for decades, and it makes no sense to deprive them of it in national-security cases.
Finally, section 215 of the Patriot Act authorizes the collection of business records needed to thwart terrorist attacks.  While this section is used most often by the FBI in investigations of specific threats, it’s more widely known after Edward Snowden’s treasonous disclosures as the authority for the NSA’s telephone metadata program.
As members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, we have carefully studied this program and are convinced that it’s an integral tool in our fight against terrorism.  Congress should  
Contrary to irresponsible rumors, the program is lawful, carefully monitored, and protects personal privacy.  The program does not conduct mass surveillance of American citizens?or any surveillance at all.  
The NSA isn’t “listening to your calls” and it’s not even getting personally identifiable information.  Rather, it simply collects metadata: the time and duration of a call and the phone numbers involved.  
The Supreme Court has long held there’s no a reasonable expectation of privacy in this information; after all, the phone company already has it.  Further, 15 federal judges have approved the program on 40 different occasions.  And the program was known or knowable to every member of Congress in 2011 when section 215 was last reauthorized.
Also, the NSA follows rigorous procedures to query the data.  The agency must go through a 6-step process that includes multiple layers of review from attorneys and independent federal judges. Even then, only a couple dozen people can access the data.
We have personally met these upstanding men and women?many from a military background?and can attest their professionalism.  Plus,  they all undergo regular background checks, drug tests, and polygraphs.
Moreover, all queries of the data are automatically recorded and regularly audited by the Inspector General, Department of Justice, and congressional Intelligence Committees.  These extensive safeguards are why the program has a sterling record with no verified incidents of intentional abuse?not a single one.
Given its limited scope and these safeguards, this program poses a much lower risk to personal privacy than does, say, a typical grocery-store rewards program.  But you don’t have to take our word for it.  President Obama’s own actions demonstrate the need for this program. He could’ve easily ended the program after Snowden’s sensational disclosures?but he didn’t and hasn’t, because he knows it protects Americans.
One example is the 2009 case of Najibullah Zazi?a Colorado-based Al Qaeda operative plotting to bomb the New York subway system.  This program allowed the NSA to identify a previously unknown phone number for a co-conspirator.  The plot so advanced that they had already procured the bomb-making materials needed to carry out the attack at the time of their arrest.
Similarly, many intelligence experts have testified that, had this program existed in 2001, it may have prevented the 9/11 attacks.  One of the hijackers, Khalid al Mihdhar, made seven calls to an Al Qaeda safe house in Yemen before the attack.  Though the NSA intercepted these calls using other overseas methods, they believed al-Mihdhar wasn’t in the U.S. because they couldn’t obtain the phone number from which he called. We know now that al Mihdhar was in San Diego, preparing for the attacks.
These examples?and others we can’t share?demonstrate that this program is a national security imperative, as are the lone wolf and roving-wiretap authorities.  Congress must act to reauthorize all three provisions.  The alternative is too dangerous.
Tom Cotton represents Arkansas in the U.S. Senate. Mike Pompeo represents Kansas's 4th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives.

More recently:

Cotton Introduces Legislation to Postpone Impending Termination of Essential NSA Counterterrorism Program
November 17, 2015
Contact: Caroline Rabbitt (202) 224-2353

Washington, D.C.- Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) will today introduce the Liberty Through Strength Act, which would delay the USA FREEDOM Act's termination of the terrorist metadata collection program until the President can certify that the new NSA collection system is as effective as the current system.

"The terrorist attacks in Paris last week are a terrible reminder of the threats we face every day. And it made clear that the President's empty policy of tough talk and little action isn't working against ISIS. Regrettably, these policy follies also extend to the Intelligence Community, whose hands were tied by the passage of the USA FREEDOM ACT. This legislation, along with President Obama's unilateral actions to restrict the Intelligence Community's ability to track terrorist communications, takes us from a constitutional, legal, and proven NSA collection architecture to an untested, hypothetical one that will be less effective. And this transition will occur less than two weeks from today, at a time when our threat level is incredibly high.

"If we take anything from the Paris attacks, it should be that vigilance and safety go hand-in-hand. Now is not the time to sacrifice our national security for political talking points. We should allow the Intelligence Community to do their job and provide them with the tools they need to keep us safe. Passing the Liberty Through Strength Act will empower the NSA to uncover threats against the United States and our allies, help keep terrorists out of the United States, and track down those responsible in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks."

Background: In June, the Senate passed the USA FREEDOM ACT, which dramatically altered the NSA metadata collection system. The changes are effective December 1, 2015. The Liberty Through Strength Act would:

- Extend the transition timeline in the USA FREEDOM Act until after January 31, 2017, and upon certification from the President that the new architecture will have no operational impacts;

- Makes permanent the USA PATRIOT Act's "lone wolf" and roving wiretap provisions.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 10:52:56 AM by DougMacG »


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Stratfor: How to counter armed assaults
« Reply #1623 on: December 03, 2015, 03:59:08 AM »

By Scott Stewart

In the wake of the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris and the Nov. 20 attack against the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali, I have been fielding a lot of press queries about countering the armed assault tactics used in both attacks. Since there seems to be so much interest in the topic, it seemed worthwhile to discuss both government and personal responses to armed assaults in this week's Security Weekly.
A Long History

First, it is important to realize that armed assaults employing small arms and grenades have long been a staple of modern terrorism. Such assaults have been employed in many famous terrorist attacks conducted by a wide array of groups, such as the Black September operation against Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics; the December 1975 seizure of OPEC headquarters in Vienna, Austria, led by Carlos the Jackal; the December 1985 simultaneous attacks against the airports in Rome and Vienna by the Abu Nidal Organization; and even the December 2001 attack against the Indian parliament building in New Delhi led by Kashmiri militants.

In a particularly brutal assault, Chechen militants stormed a school in Beslan, North Ossetia, in September 2004, taking more than 1,000 hostages and booby-trapping the school with mines and improvised explosive devices. The attack, standoff and eventual storming of the school by Russian authorities after a three-day siege resulted in the deaths of more than 320 people, half of them children.

More recently, we saw armed assaults used in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks; the October 2014 attack against the Canadian National War Memorial and Parliament in Ottawa, Canada; the January 2015 Paris attacks against Charlie Hebdo and a kosher deli; and the July 2015 attack against an armed forces recruitment center and a Navy reserve center in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

In some instances, such as the December 1996 seizure of the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima, Peru, by the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, the objective of the armed assault is to take and intentionally hold hostages for a long period. In other instances, such as the May 1972 assault on Lod Airport by members of the Japanese Red Army, the armed assault is a suicide attack designed to kill as many victims as possible before the assailants themselves are killed or incapacitated.

Many recent jihadist attacks have been the latter, and as such they more closely resemble domestic active shooter situations than a barricade or traditional hostage situation. Because of this, they must be responded to differently.
Dealing With Armed Assaults

The long history of armed assaults in modern terrorism has compelled many countries to develop specialized and highly trained forces to combat heavily armed terrorists. For example, it was the failed rescue attempt of the Israeli athletes in Munich that motivated the German government to create the elite Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG 9), which would become one of the best counterterrorism forces in the world. The activities of the Provisional Irish Republican Army likewise helped shape the British Special Air Service into its role as an elite counterterrorism force. Beyond national-level assets, the threat of heavily armed criminals and terrorists has also contributed to the development and widespread adoption of highly trained police, SWAT and counterassault teams by many cities, states and other subnational governments across the globe.

In traditional barricade or hostage situations, the most common tactical response is for the first officers responding to the scene to establish a perimeter to contain the incident. They then wait for hostage negotiators and SWAT or other hostage rescue teams to arrive to handle the crisis. This response is effective for a prolonged hostage situation. However, in the second type of armed assault, it permits the attackers free rein to find and kill many more victims inside the established perimeter. Many times, the attackers are also suicidal and are not planning on surviving the incident.

In the United States, the April 1999 attack at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, was a watershed event that changed the way authorities responded to the second type of armed assault. In the aftermath of Columbine, officials learned that while the police established the perimeter and waited, the two attackers continued to kill students inside the school. Clearly while a shooter was actively killing people, the police could not just sit back and wait for specialty forces to respond to the scene. Moreover, since it often takes time for the specialized units to mobilize and respond, such a delay can prove deadly.

Consequently, so-called active shooter protocols, which called for first responding officers to quickly form a team and then engage and neutralize the shooter as quickly as possible to save lives, were developed and adopted. Active shooter protocols have required police officers to undergo additional training and many police departments are now issuing officers rifles or shotguns so that they do not have to face an active shooter situation with a firepower disadvantage.

Stratfor has long said that ordinary police on patrol are an often overlooked but critical facet of national counterterrorism defenses. While spotting unusual behavior and conducting traffic stops are important, nowhere is the role of regular police officers more important than in responding to active shooter situations. Not only are street cops the most likely force to make first contact with attackers, but in many cases they are also the primary force called upon to stop them.

Officers employing active shooter protocols stopped attackers in the Chattanooga shootings, and in the October 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting in Roseburg, Oregon. In the Ottawa attack as well as the May 2015 attack against a provocative event in Garland, Texas, security personnel protecting the facility stopped the assailants. The police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, also employed active shooter protocol in the Nov. 27 shooting incident at a Planned Parenthood office. While one police officer was killed and four others were wounded, their rapid response undoubtedly saved lives.

Active shooter protocols rapidly spread to other First World countries through training literature and conferences. However, as evidenced by the 2008 Mumbai attacks and the September 2013 attack against the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, in which security forces did not take active shooter counter actions and attackers were permitted to continue killing, it has taken a bit longer to get to security forces elsewhere. That said, the Malian and French special operations forces' actions during the Bamako attack and the Afghan government's response to several armed assaults in Kabul highlight that the concept is being spread to other governments through training programs such as the U.S. State Department's Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program and its Department of Defense equivalent, as well as through training provided by European and Australian forces.

In the United States, armed off-duty cops and civilians can also make a difference in countering armed assaults. In February 2007, for example, a heavily armed gunman who had killed five people in the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City, Utah, was confronted by an off-duty police officer, who cornered the shooter and kept him pinned down until other officers could arrive and kill the shooter. The off-duty officer's actions plainly saved many lives that evening.
Individual Responses

But it is not just the authorities that need to respond to armed assaults. Ordinary citizens also need to learn to quickly respond to danger. Properly responding to danger actually begins well before the first shot is fired when people adopt a mindset that recognizes the world is a dangerous place and that they are ultimately responsible for their own safety.

Once a person understands the possibility of being targeted and decides to adopt an appropriate level of situational awareness, he or she will be mentally prepared to quickly realize that an attack is happening, something security professionals refer to as attack recognition.

The earlier a person recognizes that an attack is developing, the better chance he has to avoid it. But even once the attack has begun, a person can still keep it from being a successful one by quickly recognizing what is happening and getting away from the attack site by running or hiding — or fighting back if they cannot run or hide.

However, once a person has recognized that an attack is taking place, a critical step must be taken before he can decide to run, hide or fight: He must determine where the gunfire or threat is coming from. Without doing so, the victim could run blindly from a position of relative safety into danger. I certainly encourage anyone under attack to leave the attack site and run away from the danger, but one must first ascertain if he is in the attack site before taking action. Many times, the source of the threat will be evident and will not take much time to locate. But sometimes, depending on the location — whether in a building or on the street — the sounds of gunfire can echo, and it may take a few seconds to determine the direction it is coming from. In such a scenario, it is prudent to quickly take cover until the direction of the threat can be located. In some instances, there may even be more than one gunman, which can complicate escape plans.

Fortunately, most active shooters are not well trained. They tend to be poor marksmen who lack experience with their weapons. During the July 2012 shooting in Aurora, Colorado, James Holmes managed to kill only 12 people — despite achieving almost total tactical surprise in a fully packed movie theater — because of a combination of poor marksmanship and his inability to clear a jam in his rifle.

This typical lack of marksmanship implies that most people killed in active shooter situations are shot at close range. Thus, it behooves potential victims to move quickly to put as much distance between themselves and the threat. Even the act of moving, especially if moving away at an angle, makes one a much harder target for a poorly trained marksman to hit.

It is also important to think about and distinguish between concealment and cover. Items that conceal, such as a bush, can hide you from the shooter's line of vision but will not protect you from bullets the way a substantial tree trunk will. Likewise, in an office setting, a typical drywall construction interior wall can provide concealment but not cover, meaning a shooter will still be able to fire through the walls and door. Still, if the shooter cannot see his or her target, they will be firing blindly rather than aiming their weapon, reducing the probability of hitting a target.

In any case, those hiding inside a room should attempt to find some sort of additional cover, such as a filing cabinet or heavy desk. It is always better to find cover than concealment, but even partial cover — something that will only deflect or fragment the projectiles — is preferable to no cover at all.

There are many examples from the recent Paris and Bamako armed assaults of people who ran away from the scene of the attacks and survived. In the Bamako attack there were also many people who barricaded themselves inside their hotel rooms and hid until the authorities could rescue them. The August 2015 incident aboard a Paris-bound train provided a good example of potential victims who were trapped aboard a train car and fought back to end an armed assault.

Some people have mocked the simplicity of run, hide, fight. But as these cases demonstrate, all three elements of this mantra can and do save lives.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1624 on: December 03, 2015, 06:43:11 AM »
Pictures of Farook and his Jihadi babe with background music of Bruce Springsteen singing "Born in the USA" (at least for Farook so far as we know) might be a apra pro (sp?) youtube video.

I am sure the liberal Springsteen would feint outrage.

Huff compost did not mention the words Muslim and on page two that it "might be terrorism".

I disagree.  Obviously if they were at a Christmas party then it must really have been work place violence.

Or how about "Musals who went Postal".

Not a peep so far from the Narcissist in chief except that we need more gun control.  Same for the other planning to be liar in chief - Hillary.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1625 on: December 03, 2015, 07:47:50 AM »
Over 35 yrs ago a member of the Secret Service told me that a well planned "professional" assassination attempt of the PTUS could succeed.   He gave me one example.  Put  dog in the WH grounds to set off cameras and distract while murderers would move elsewhere.  His opinion was that a government o even mafia wanted to get the Prez they could.   I am otherwise in no position to judge than or now.   He added the SS (sounds Nazi! :-o)
stops the "crazies" who announce their plans ahead of time or are so mickey mouse anyone could see it coming and stop it.   He told me about the SS agent whose rapid brilliant thinking prevented a complete loser like Squeaky From from shooting Ford.   When he saw the hand with the revolver extend out from the crowd just a few feet from Ford he immediately put the web between his thumb an index finger between the hammer and firing pin to prevent the gun from going off.   He was also able to grab the gun away from her:


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1626 on: December 03, 2015, 08:38:29 AM »
Obama said this morning that it might be work place violence in San Bernardino.



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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1627 on: December 03, 2015, 08:55:24 AM »
Obama said this morning that it might be work place violence in San Bernardino.

Of course. What else could it be?


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1628 on: December 03, 2015, 09:21:05 AM »
"Obama said this morning that it might be work place violence in San Bernardino."

Using Doug's once used perfect response to this:

Quoting the great Gomer Pyle:

"surprise, surprise, surprise".


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1629 on: December 03, 2015, 09:37:14 AM »
Muslims shooting up San Bernardino... 3 of them as a matter of fact - hard to blame work place violence with three shooters...

DDF's post was the first notice I found that they were Muslim.  Is the media afraid we will draw the wrong conclusion?  Or the right one??

Would they avoid leading us to the wrong conclusion if he considered himself a tea party member instead of a 'Sunni Muslim'?

Shooters also had an interest in planting bombs.  Would tighter gun control, disarming the victims, prevent that?

The President immediately says we need more gun control.  But there is no correlation between gun control laws and homicide rate:

These shooting investigations keep turning in one of two directions, shooters who are psychologically deranged and shooters that are inspired by Islam, (assuming those are separate categories).  Rather than disarm the victims, why don't we talk about how to disarm (or when justified, deport or institutionalize) the shooters, before they shoot.  If going after the real problem is not politically correct, we could just ignore this and hide the videos.  After all, 14 murdered (so far) is a typical autumn week in gun-controlled Chicago.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1630 on: December 03, 2015, 09:53:10 AM »
I blame the lax gun laws in California and France.


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Berdoo jihadis in contact with overseas jihadis
« Reply #1631 on: December 03, 2015, 10:16:20 AM »

Obviously, the confederate flag continues to kill.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1632 on: December 03, 2015, 10:33:38 AM »
Did everyone miss the video?

The shooter was upset having been discriminated against because he was Muslim.  They had no Ramadan celebration for him.  Even worse, he was "mocked" by the people he worked with inviting him to a Christmas Party. It was a direct insult to him and Islam.

Therefore, the shooter was mentally deranged into committing work place violence.................


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1633 on: December 03, 2015, 10:45:40 AM »
Did everyone miss the video?

The shooter was upset having been discriminated against because he was Muslim.  They had no Ramadan celebration for him.  Even worse, he was "mocked" by the people he worked with inviting him to a Christmas Party. It was a direct insult to him and Islam.

Therefore, the shooter was mentally deranged into committing work place violence.................



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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1634 on: December 03, 2015, 10:53:31 AM »
The shooter was upset having been discriminated against because he was Muslim.  They had no Ramadan celebration for him.  Even worse, he was "mocked" by the people he worked with inviting him to a Christmas Party. It was a direct insult to him and Islam.

Right, but he also massively pre-planned it down to the choosing of his 'partner'.  Hard to believe the county government isn't Ramadan-friendly.  But Islam friendly to people like him means having no living, breathing infidels - anywhere.  

Now we have to stomp out Christian celebrations for public safety reasons.

Also we will need to find a radical Islam-friendly home for the placement of the infant.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1635 on: December 03, 2015, 10:59:35 AM »
The shooter was upset having been discriminated against because he was Muslim.  They had no Ramadan celebration for him.  Even worse, he was "mocked" by the people he worked with inviting him to a Christmas Party. It was a direct insult to him and Islam.

Also we will need to find a radical Islam-friendly home for the placement of the infant.

Syria has several available currently. It shouldn't be a problem. I'll even donate to the airfare.


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Then There's This.... Shooter's Weapons Illegal?
« Reply #1636 on: December 03, 2015, 11:22:28 AM »
San Bernardino Shooter May Have Acquired Guns Illegally

Nothing is more laughable than gun laws, even for felons.

There is no one that has the right to tell you to what degree you may defend yourself. That comes from one's creator.

Which... is what makes "gun laws" laughable to begin with.

Nature is not a nice place... not by humans, individuals nor governments...and there is always is someone that will want YOU to be disarmed...which is why everyone must be.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1637 on: December 03, 2015, 12:42:08 PM »
Gun control?  Better add pipe bomb control to that.

Maybe I am over-reacting, but what if we passed a law prohibiting all types of mass murder and eliminated the whole problem all at once!


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Nice work DHS , , , not
« Reply #1640 on: December 04, 2015, 06:34:19 AM »
Second post

San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Background Check
Heck of a job, Department of Homeland Security:

Federal investigators believe there is a “very serious” possibility that Tashfeen Malik, one of two shooters who murdered 14 people and wounded 21 others in San Bernardino, Calif. Wednesday, radicalized her husband and co-assailant, county restaurant inspector Syed Farook, Fox News has learned.
Investigators also believe that the couple had planned a second attack after the shooting at a social service center for the disabled when they were killed in a shootout with local authorities approximately two miles away.

Officials said Thursday that Malik underwent and passed a Department of Homeland Security counterterrorism screening as part of the process of getting the K-1 visa. The visa would have been effective for 90 days, after which Malik would have had to apply for green card status through the Department of Homeland Security as the wife of an American. It was not immediately clear whether she did so.

Hey, where else have we heard about the Department of Homeland Security counterterrorism screening lately? Oh, that’s right, when the White House was assuring us about how great DHS would be at weeding out any terrorists or criminals from the Syrian refugees:

U.S. security agencies screen the candidate, including:

-National Counterterrorism Center/Intelligence Community
-Department of Homeland Security
-State Department
The screening looks for indicators, like:
-Information that the individual is a security risk
-Connections to known bad actors
-Outstanding warrants/immigration or criminal violations
DHS conducts an enhanced review of Syrian cases, which may be referred to USCIS Fraud Detection and National Security Directorate for review. Research that is used by the interviewing officer informs lines of question related to the applicant’s eligibility and credibility.

Oh, and when the White House was assuring us about the visa-waiver program.

Every prospective VWP traveler undergoes counterterrorism screening and must receive approval through DHS’ Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). Through ESTA, DHS evaluates whether individuals are eligible to travel to the United States under the VWP before they are allowed to board a carrier bound for the United States.

The counterterrorism screening draws on information from U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. DHS uses this information to decide if the travel poses any law enforcement or security risks. Without DHS approval through ESTA, VWP travelers cannot travel to the United States and must appear in person for a visa interview before they can be authorized to travel to the United States.

If you’re wondering where they learned to make pipe bombs . . .

Law enforcement sources tell CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton the suspects’ explosive devices owned by California shooters Syed Rizwan, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, are nearly a carbon copy of bomb constructing instructions provided for in one of the very first issues of al Qaeda’s online magazine, INSPIRE, entitled “How To Build A Bomb In the Kitchen of Your Mom.”

At their home, they had 12 pipe bombs, tools for making more such explosives, and over 3,000 more rounds of ammunition, Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said.

The bombs in their various stages were made of the ingredients provided for in terrorists’ groups INSPIRE magazine, including Christmas tree lights to serve as a fuse, radio controlled toys to be used as a triggering mechanism and smokeless gun powder, according to the source.
They left no manifesto. The hard drive was gone from their computer. And their new cell phones were apparently smashed.
Go Figure, the Terrorists’ Guns Were Illegal

It was bound to happen; we would get hit by terrorists, and the leadership of the Democratic party would respond with a call for gun control. It’s as if George W. Bush responded to 9/11 with calls for box-cutter control.

My friend Liz Sheld points out:

While we hear more grandstanding about the need for more gun control, keep in mind all the current laws that were broken to execute this violent massacre:

-The shooters used weapons they did not purchase, sounds like a straw purchase or illegal transfer.
-The shooters modified guns to accept high capacity magazines.
-The shooter modified guns for automatic fire.

Can anyone think of a law we could put in place that these homicidal maniacs, or any criminal or homicidal maniac, would follow? I can’t.

And because the media is so stupid about guns, they don’t know that the firearm laws pertain not just to purchases but also to the way a gun is used. That is an inconvenient pill to swallow for the gun grabbers because if they consider the way firearms are used, the focus turns to the person using the gun and not the gun itself. Their propaganda is designed to demonize the gun, not to look at the people who are misusing firearms. They don’t want you to ask questions like “What’s going on in the inner cities of Chicago?”


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1642 on: December 04, 2015, 08:07:12 AM »
Yet 80% of Jews still bend over backwards to support the Jew hater.

The enemy once again is all Republicans.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1643 on: December 04, 2015, 08:30:15 AM »
Or is it forwards?   :x :x :x


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1644 on: December 04, 2015, 08:38:46 AM »
This group is 'Jewish Republicans' (a contradiction?), they are the 20%, not the 80.

A strong Republican candidate should be able to drive that up to maybe 21-22%...


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Caroline Glick: "America's Pathological Reality-Denial"
« Reply #1645 on: December 04, 2015, 03:17:24 PM »

In America of 2015, natural conclusions about the San Bernardino jihadists are considered irresponsible, at best.

December 4, 2015  Caroline Glick

Originally published by the Jerusalem Post.

How much lower will America sink before it regains its senses? Wednesday, two Muslims walked into a Christmas party at a community service center in San Bernardino, California where one worked. They were wearing body armor and video cameras and carrying automatic rifles, pipe bombs and pistols. They opened fire, killed 14, and wounded 17.

The murderers, Syed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik were killed by police.

Speaking to the Daily News, Farook’s father said his son, “was very religious. He would go to work, come back, go to pray, come back. He’s Muslim.”

Farook’s neighbor told the paper that over the past two years, Farook exchanged his Western dress for Islamic gowns and grew a beard.

These data points lead naturally to the conclusion that Farook and his wife were jihadists who killed in order to kill in the name of Islam.

But in America of December 2015, natural conclusions are considered irresponsible, at best.

In an interview with CNN following the shooting, US President Barack Obama said the massacre demonstrates that the US needs stricter gun laws. As for the motives of the shooters, Obama shrugged. “We don’t yet know the motives of the shooters,” he insisted.

In other words, while ignoring what in all likelihood drove Farooq and his wife to murder innocent people, Obama laid responsibility for the carnage at the feet of his political opponents who reject his demands for stricter limitations on gun ownership.

Here is the place to note that California has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the US.

According to the victims, Farook and his partners were able to reload their weapons and shoot without interruption for several minutes until the police arrived because there was no one to stop them.

Obama wasn’t alone in deflecting attention away from the likely motivations of the murderers.

Wednesday evening, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), held a press conference at the Islamic Center of Orange County. Farook’s brother in law, Farhan Khan was carted out before the cameras to tell the world that he for one had no idea why his brother in law opened fire.

Two other speakers at the event were Hussam Auyloush, CAIR’s regional executive director and Muzammil Siddiqi, the director of the Islamic Society of Orange County.

Auyloush insisted that he had no idea would could have possibly prompted Farook and his wife to murder those gathered at the center. Auyloush raised the prospect that they could have been mentally ill, or perhaps they just didn’t like the victims, or maybe they were garden-variety extremists.

For his part, Siddiqi insisted that Islam had nothing to do with the shooters’ decision to murder innocent people, (how he could be so certain, is unknown).

Siddiqi added that he hopes law enforcement bodies will conduct a full investigation into the “people and motives,” behind the attack.

To a degree, the very fact that Siddiqi had no compunction about stepping in front of the cameras just hours after the attack is proof that the US has lost its way.

If American elites were even semi-competent, Siddiqi would have faded into the shadows, never to emerge again 15 years ago.

Siddiqi is a known jihadist sympathizer. His close ties to jihadists have been a matter of public record since 2000.

In October 2000, Siddiqi spoke at an anti-Israel rally in Lafayette Park in Washington, DC. There he warned the American people that they must abandon their support for Israel lest “the wrath of God” be unleashed against them.

According to a profile of Siddiqi compiled by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, (IPT) in the late 1990s Siddiqi gave a speech extolling jihad and foreseeing Israel’s replacement with an Islamic state.

Among other things, Siddiqi said, “In order to gain the honor, jihad is the path, jihad is the way to receive the honor.”

Siddiqi converted Osama bin Laden’s senior aide, American jihadist Adam Gadahn. Gadahn converted to Islam at the Islamic Center of Orange County in 1995. According to a 2007 New Yorker profile, Siddiqi employed Gadahn at the Center in the years following his conversion. It was during this period that Gadahn was radicalized. He then went to Pakistan and joined al Qaida.

In 1992 Siddiqi hosted a blind sheikh named Omar Abdel Rahman at the Islamic Center. He stood beside Rahman and simultaneously translated his lecture about jihad to the audience of worshipers.

The next year, Rahman masterminded the first jihadist attack on the World Trade Center.

During the 1990s, Siddiqi served as the president of the Islamic Society of North America, a known Muslim Brotherhood front group. In 2007, ISNA was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holyland terror financing trial.

Despite all of his connections to jihadists, US authorities insist that Siddiqi is a legitimate voice. In 2007 Stephen Tidwell, then assistant director of the FBI division in Los Angeles upheld Siddiqi as a moderate.

Speaking to the IPT, Tidwell said, “We have a very strong relationship with Dr. Siddiqi.”

Hours before Obama responded to the San Bernadino massacre by lashing out at gun control opponents, Col. Steve Warren, spokesman for US Operation Inherent Resolve – the US campaign against Islamic State – rejected Russian claims that the Turkish government is collaborating with the terror state.

Warren praised the Turks as “great partners to us.”

“We flatly reject any notion that the Turks are somehow working with Islamic State. That is preposterous,” he insisted, adding, “Any thought” the Turkish government would deal or collaborate with Islamic State is “completely untrue.”

Unfortunately, a wealth of evidence indicates that it is Warren’s statement that is preposterous and completely untrue.

For nearly five years, it has been an open secret that Turkey serves as Islamic State’s logistical base. Almost all the foreigners traveling to Syria to join IS transit through Turkey.

For nearly two years, we have known that Turkey is Islamic State’s major arms supplier. And for six months we have known that they are their partners in oil exports.

In an article published this past summer in Middle East Quarterly, Burak Bekdil reported in January 2014, Turkish prosecutors acting independently from the government, dispatched forces to a border province with Syria to intercept a convoy of trucks laden with missiles, rockets and ammunition making its way to Syria. One of the truck drivers testified at the time that he and his colleagues had “carried similar loads several times before.”

The forces charged with seizing the cargo were shocked to discover the trucks were being escorted by Turkish intelligence officers.

According to Bekdil, “all hell broke loose,” after the prosecutors ordered the men arrested and the cargo seized.

The provincial governor swooped in and insisted that the convoy was traveling on direct orders from Turkish leader Recep Tayip Erdogan. Months later, the military took over the case. And today, the men who executed the arrests and cargo seizure are on trial for “international espionage.”

Bekdil reported that two months after the cargo was intercepted, a meeting took place between then foreign minister and current Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, his deputy, Feridun Sinirlioglu, the head of Turkish intelligence, Hakan Fidan and deputy chief of the Turkish general staff, Gen. Yasar Guler.

A recording of the meeting was leaked to social media. In the recording, Fidan is heard saying that “he had successfully sent two thousand trucks into Syria before.”

As to Islamic State oil sales to Turkey, this past May, US special forces executed their first known raid inside Syria. The commandos descended on the home of Islamic State’s financial chief Abu Sayyaf. US forces killed Sayyaf and seized his computers and hard drives.

Sayyaf directed Islamic State’s oil, gas and financial operations.

Last July the Guardian reported that the computer data revealed close, direct dealings between Turkish officials and Islamic State members. According to one senior Western official familiar with the contents of the documents, just from what had been uncovered in the initial study of the material, “the links [between Islamic State and the Turkish government] are already so clear that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara.”

Yet Wednesday, in the face of an overwhelming mountain of evidence, the Americans rejected out-of-hand Russians allegations that Turkey is the main consumer of oil exports from Islamic State.

This past July, two senior Defense Intelligence Agency analysts assigned to US Central Command submitted a formal complaint to the Defense Department’s inspector general. The two claimed that their intelligence reports on Islamic State were doctored and distorted as they made their way up the feeding chain to Obama. Fifty intelligence analysts have stated their agreement with the allegations in the complaint.

The doctored reports systematically rendered portraits of the US campaign against Islamic State as successful and Islamic State as a nearly spent force, along the lines of the narrative presented by Obama and his advisors. According to the analysts, the picture painted by the doctored reports bore little resemblance to their far more negative conclusions.

According to the Daily Beast’s report, intelligence analysts began complaining to their superiors about the distortion of their reports in October 2014. Some of those analysts were urged to retire early, and some did.

According to the publication, “one person who knows the contents of the written complaint… said it used the word ‘Stalinist’ to describe the tone set by officials overseeing CENTCOM analysis.”

Following the jihadist attacks on Paris on November 13, Obama maintained his insistence that climate change is a graver threat to US national security than terrorism. It could be that this prioritization of concerns is playing a role in the administration’s apparent determination not to seriously fight Islamic State.

In an interview with Charlie Rose last month, former CIA director Michael Morell explained that the administration decided not to bomb Islamic State’s oil infrastructure “because we didn’t want to do environmental damage.”

According to the Guardian, Islamic State makes between one to four million dollars per day from oil sales.

Perhaps the shooters in San Bernadino were just mad at their boss. Maybe Farooq suffered from clinical depression or ADD, or PTSD, or something.

And maybe Islamic State, with its new colony Sirte in “liberated” Libya, just 400 miles from Italy, is on the run. Maybe as well, Turkey is just a patsy and Russia is really Islamic State’s largest trading partner, or maybe Israel is, or Ireland.

But if facts are to be taken seriously, then the fact is that in December 2015, the US is acting with pathological devotion to ideological narratives that bear no relationship to reality.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Caroline Glick: "America's Pathological Reality-Denial"
« Reply #1646 on: December 04, 2015, 06:53:53 PM »
It hurts when she equates Obama and the msm with America.


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Born in Mexico, murdered as an American
« Reply #1649 on: December 05, 2015, 10:16:15 AM »
This was just on Mexican news this morning.

One of the victims was "friends" with the attacker. He was a native of Sonora.

The victim's wife was interviewed.

Ask her what she thinks about Islam now.

Here's a link with his name for those interested.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 10:42:16 AM by Crafty_Dog »