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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #2000 on: October 25, 2018, 01:47:13 PM »
I'm guessing its the Russians


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #2001 on: October 25, 2018, 02:01:08 PM »
I'm guessing its the Russians

Of course!


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Vetting missed this guy
« Reply #2002 on: October 25, 2018, 04:28:44 PM »

Ohio Man Allegedly Wanted ISIS Training, Hoped to Trigger U.S. Conflict
by Abha Shankar  •  Oct 25, 2018 at 5:21 pm

An Ohio man was charged Wednesday with attempting to provide material support to the ISIS Wilayat Khorasan, the Islamic State's branch in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Naser Almadaoji, a 19-year-old naturalized U.S. citizen from Iraq, was arrested at John Glenn International Airport in Columbus, Ohio. He planned to travel to Astana, Kazakhstan, hoping then to be smuggled into Afghanistan to be trained by the ISIS affiliate.

Almadaoji was questioned by Customs and Border Protection agents last February after a trip to Egypt and Jordan, an FBI affidavit attached to his criminal complaint said. He said he wanted to join the Peshmergan military in northern Iraq "to stop ISIS" and criticized the terrorist group for killing Muslims. But he also said American airstrikes had killed Muslims and the U.S. forces needed to leave the Middle East.

It isn't clear what triggered it, but the FBI had a confidential source posing as an ISIS supporter contact Almadaoji in August via a messaging app. Almadaoji later told the informant he wanted to trigger a civil conflict between the U.S. government and anti-government militias: "...I imagined a scenario of the collapse of the US as a nation.... They have alot [sic] of weak spots 2 really weak spots that would ignite the deadliest civil war on earth if the right spots are poked."

To trigger this conflict, he imagined planting child pornography on militia leaders' computers, then tipping off the FBI to their presence. He also spoke of assassinating militia leaders.

Federal buildings were "more sensitive for the militias to hit than police stations and military bases," he said. "With a coordinated attack such as car bombings parked next to fed buildings with all the previous build we talked about.... And there you have the US on its knees."

Almadaoji, who allegedly pledged bayat, or allegiance, to ISIS, put together "a list of do's and don'ts" for prospective ISIS recruits based on his travel experience to Egypt and Jordan. It included suggestions to "dress like a western guy," buy a roundtrip ticket to avoid suspicion by authorities, "delete anything suspicious in your phone" and if asked "who financed the trip, tell them you did."

"Don't freak out," he wrote. "Remember Allah, put your trust in Him Subhanahu wa Ta'ala stick to your cover. Be nice to the officer questioning you, have a smile, keep direct eye contact, and of course be cooperative."

Almadaoji translated ISIS propaganda into a digital file that he titled, "In The Name of Allah.docx." He also said he was a follower of now-deceased al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who has been responsible for the online radicalization of thousands of youth.

While he talked about domestic attacks, Almadaoji never stopped planning to travel abroad for ISIS training. He said he wanted to be trained in weapons, kidnapping, hit and run attacks and more. The affidavit makes it sound like most of September and October were spent arranging financing for the trip.

He was arrested at an airport ticket counter after he received his boarding pass. He faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

Related Topics: Prosecutions  |  Abha Shankar, ISIS, Naser Almadaoji, ISIS Wilayat Khorasan, informants, terror plots, Anwar al-Awlaki, bayat


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Stratfor on the psuedo bombs
« Reply #2003 on: October 25, 2018, 05:08:45 PM »
second post

A series of crudely-made improvised explosive devices have been delivered to prominent political, business and entertainment figures in the United States, from Oct. 22 onward. The letter bomb packages are likely assembled and distributed by the same — as yet unknown — individual or group. To date, none of the timer-initiated pipe bomb-type devices has successfully detonated.
Who Was Targeted?

    A pipe bomb, probably hand-delivered, was removed from the mailbox of investor George Soros' home in Bedford, New York, on the afternoon of Oct. 22.
    A device addressed to the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, New York, was intercepted at a mail-screening facility late on Oct. 23.
    A device intended for the Washington, D.C., residence of former U.S. President Barack Obama was intercepted before it could be delivered early on Oct. 24.
    Later that day, a package containing a pipe bomb and suspicious white powder was discovered in the mailroom of CNN's New York offices, addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan.

    Again on Oct. 24, a bomb squad was called to the Florida offices of Democratic U.S. House Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz after a suspicious package arrived. (The package was originally intended for Eric Holder Jr., Obama's first attorney general, but had Wasserman Schultz's office listed as a return address.)
    On Oct. 25, another suspicious package was delivered to actor Robert De Niro at his film and television production company in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City.
    Two further packages were intercepted, addressed to former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. One was found at a mail facility in New Castle, Delaware, the other was reportedly found in Wilmington, Delaware.
    The FBI confirmed that two additional packages had been sent to California state representative Maxine Waters, one of which was discovered at a mail facility in Los Angeles.

What We Know About the Packages So Far

The packages share many common characteristics. Publicly released images show tape-sealed manila envelopes with at least six first-class postage stamps emblazoned with the flag of the United States. Address labels are computer printed and taped to the front of the package. Errors in some of the addresses led to certain packages being returned to the attached "sender" address, in most cases Wasserman Schultz's Florida office.

Contained within the discovered packages were rudimentary pipe bombs. The casing type used was reportedly 1 inch by 6 inch (2.53 centimeter by 15.24 centimeter) PVC pipe, wrapped in black tape. The explosive type has been reported as pyrotechnic powder — the first recovered device was apparently packed with black powder. Reports indicate that a relatively small amount of explosive was contained within each device. Broken glass was reportedly used to fill out the packages as the shrapnel component. In terms of initiation, at least one of the recovered devices employed a timer powered by a small button battery, similar to the kind used in digital clocks. The timer was connected to a hot bridgewire initiator. The gauge of the wire used in the device was fairly heavy and it is unclear whether such a small battery would have enough power to overcome the resistance of the wires and produce enough heat in the bridgewire to detonate the device. Authorities have reported that the envelope mailed to CNN contained white powder of an undetermined nature.

What Next?

Unless the culprit is found, it is likely that the pattern of incidents will continue to evolve. Because some devices were sent through the mail, similar devices could be theoretically dispatched to any location and may not be uncovered immediately. As seen in the Austin bombings in early 2018 and a number of anarchist letter bombings, these individual incidents tend to be part of larger campaigns. Though all individuals targeted have been criticized by U.S. President Donald Trump, authorities have not released information about the motivations — political or otherwise — of the sender. The interception of the devices by the Secret Service once again demonstrates the value of the mail-screening process.

The use of a digital clock timer is odd for an explosive device sent by mail. Previous lethal parcel bombs have used a trigger set to detonate when the package is opened, calling into question the intended lethality of the current devices. NBC reported that the device sent to the CNN offices in New York had an image on it parodying the flag of the Prophet Mohammed (commonly employed by the Islamic State and al Qaeda) with the phrase "Get 'Er Done," a motif created for a right-wing parody news site in 2014, which has been frequently shared in right-wing forums. There is also a photo of an unidentified person next to this sticker.

More packages are likely to show up because these incidents typically come in waves, though the timing could be staggered as the bomber attempts to elude authorities. Devices mailed to individuals who do not have the protection of organizations like the U.S. Secret Service or Capitol Police are far more likely to reach their target — or at least their home or office — as demonstrated by the devices delivered to George Soros, John Brennan and Robert De Niro.

Since the parcels used so far have received so much attention and now are highly recognizable, the bomber may change up the packaging and delivery methods to avoid detection. The intense scrutiny may also lead to a higher likelihood that other devices will be ensured to detonate. The bomber could also begin sending parcels to random targets to shift the target set in an attempt to throw off authorities and to get through to less secure targets. Using basic mail-screening practices, individuals can recognize potentially threatening packages that are unexpected, misshapen or rigid, contain typos, have too much postage or are excessively taped. Parcel bombs can come in many shapes and sizes, and stopping them means knowing what to look for.

Attaching white powder and an image which evokes those associated with jihadist groups most likely means that the author of the attack didn't intend for the devices to detonate, so the additional material could be found intact and spread fear. None of the devices has detonated, and the explosive material actually contained within the devices appears limited. Furthermore, the use of a timer as a detonator does not make much tactical sense in an operation intended to kill. The devices were all mailed to high-profile individuals, meaning that most of the packages were intercepted in mail-screening facilities and the threat contained.


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Todd reads forum
« Reply #2004 on: October 25, 2018, 05:22:34 PM »
ok so Chuck Todd reads the forum!

(how do  we know it was not Wasserman Schultz afterall?

she has motive knock off every one else then she has clear field to run for '20.


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Bummer, "one of ours"
« Reply #2005 on: October 26, 2018, 12:33:11 PM »


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #2006 on: October 26, 2018, 03:08:29 PM »
One annoying thing about this is CNn will not take one iota of introspection for their insulting half the country every single minute of every single day
and will of course blame Trump.

I admit the guy could not have chosen a better cast of Dem party hacks though....

It is a whos who of the most obnoxious ones .


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Re: Bummer, "one of ours"
« Reply #2007 on: October 26, 2018, 06:33:21 PM »

Any relation to the Sayocs of Sayoc Kali?

I smell a deep state Patsy here. Think a propaganda operation is what we are looking at.


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Re: Bummer, "one of ours"
« Reply #2008 on: October 26, 2018, 06:46:33 PM »
Any relation to the Sayocs of Sayoc Kali?

My quick reading of the accused, he doesn't vote with us.  If he votes at all it is because Democrats keep trying to give voting rights back to convicted felons.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #2009 on: October 26, 2018, 06:47:43 PM »
For the record Sayoc Kali has said he is not one of theirs and they strongly condemn his action.


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Judicial Watch with some interesting details on the Caravan
« Reply #2010 on: October 26, 2018, 10:02:53 PM »

C:\Users\Marc Denny\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\PVIXRQXE\email (003).mht


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Re: Judicial Watch with some interesting details on the Caravan
« Reply #2011 on: October 27, 2018, 01:17:19 AM »

C:\Users\Marc Denny\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\PVIXRQXE\email (003).mht

Yeah, you might want to delete that and try again.


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« Reply #2012 on: October 27, 2018, 09:41:28 AM »
Migrants seeking asylum must accept it nearest country/where first offered


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Re: Bummer, "one of ours"
« Reply #2013 on: October 27, 2018, 02:21:03 PM »

Any relation to the Sayocs of Sayoc Kali?

I smell a deep state Patsy here. Think a propaganda operation is what we are looking at.

Saturday, October 27, 2018
Inspector Columbo: "Just a couple of more questions..."

And getting back to Lunabomber for one last minute this morning...

Comments here and elsewhere have riffed on the old Freudian "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" line.

I.E., this @$$clown could just be that stupid, and is exactly what the MSM is portraying: A rabid right-wing bomb-mailing wannabe murderer, like all the Deplorables are.

I could see one or two things lining up.

But this is the crime scene in Jack Reacher:

Guy leaves one latent print.

They walk right up to his homeless guy molester van in a metropolis of several million people, and arrest him the next day, like he had a fucking address that said “Trump MAGA sticker-covered van, third row, fourth palm tree from the middle, at 3765 W 207th St” on his vehicle registration, and was wearing a GPS ankle bracelet.

Makes the bombs look cartoonish, yet impossible to detonate, ensuring the FBI has fucktons of surviving evidence.

Does everything but write “Please Open: Bomb Inside” on envelopes.

They get to 12 locations without ever being mailed, but he’s supposed to have sent them via courier. With postage. Like you do.

None of them go to people who open their own mail.

None of them go off, nor could go off.

The media gets invited in by way of getting a couple of their own examples.

Supposedly Republican, waits until we’re liable to have a red wave, then sends devices two weeks before elections, because reasons.

Lights every light on the “not a Republican” list:
living in his van

Lives in such Republican hotbed states as NY, NJ, MN.

Looks like the exact mouth-breathing goober DiFi and Pelosi would hire for the role.

The press conference and talking points are ready to be rolled out in 0.2 seconds after the first one is found.

Brennan calls “GOP”, gets his own bomb the next day.

Soros-spawn gets NYTimes knee-jerk editorial while the final bombs are still en route.
Now come on, anybody could get one or two, but eleventy-nineteen and counting, and this is looking like powerball odds of him being the Democrat Wet Dream Fantasy Football Republican Whacktard Pick Of The Year.

This is like someone panhandling and asking for a sandwich when you’re hungry, and instantly an entire 11-course Thanksgiving Dinner is catered to you on the spot, in 5 seconds, including whipped cream on the pumpkin pie, a personal waiter pouring champagne, and a guy playing violin music while bikini-clad models hand feed you peeled grapes as the appetizer.
While carrying the rifle that’s a ballistic match to the JFK bullets on his shoulder, and holding a postcard of himself on the Grassy Knoll in 1963, holding a rifle.

So yeah, FTR, this could have “just happened”.
And been wrapped up and solved faster than cases on TV on CSI.
Exactly two weeks before the election.



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Staged crime
« Reply #2014 on: October 28, 2018, 02:40:31 AM »

Saturday, October 27, 2018
Life Imitates Art

So now that the thumbprint on James Barr's quarter allowed the FBI to track down serial hoax-bomber Cesar Sayoc in time for the credits on CSI:Miami, let's note a couple more details.

1) Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort
     Cesar Sayoc = accessory

2) Guy identifies online with two opposing political parties.
Only is a Republican now, when he's mailing bombs.

3) Trump meme stickers are unfaded in FL sunlight. After 10 months.
Conspicuous Trump-van isn't torched, despite being in (D)-majority county.

4) Guy lives in a van, because he can't afford an apartment.
But he's got the money to make 10 faux prop-bombs.
And pay for courier delivery.
Then blows more money on unnecessary postage.
Like you do when you're so poor you're living in your van in a parking lot.
And has internet access and a cellphone.
Like you do when you're so poor you're living in a van in a parking lot.

5) But can find obscure non-published addresses for his targets.
5a) Which are recockulously stupid choices.
5b) Who never open their own mail, since ever.

6) Guy can't spell Florida - where he lives - right on the return address label.

7) Is Filipino, but "identifies" as Seminole.

Pop quiz: One of these things is not like the other. Spot the outlier:

Elizabeth Warren (D) - MA identifies as Cherokee
Rachel Dolezal (D) - WA identifies as black
Bob O'Rourke (D) - TX identifies as Hispanic
Cesar Sayoc ("R?") - FL identifies as Seminole

Which one doesn't fit the profile?

Sudoku Bonus: Solve the puzzle above, and make it fit.

Elizabeth Warren (D) - MA white, identifies as Cherokee
Rachel Dolezal (D) - WA white, identifies as black
Bob O'Rourke (D) - TX white, identifies as hispanic
Cesar Sayoc (D) - FL Asian, identifies as Seminole

8) Sending out bombs that you know won't explode, ever, does what, and for which party, two weeks before election day?

Rich old Arab sheik is dying, calls his two princely heirs to his bedside, and tells them, "You must race each other around the boundaries of my lands. The one whose horse crosses the finish line last shall inherit my lands and fortune."
They stand there, immobile.

The sheik's wise old advisor whispers two words to them, and suddenly they both jump on their horses, and tear like hell across the desert.

What were the two words whispered?

"Trade horses."

9) Left wing bomb throwers include, literally, everyone. Sacco & Vanzetti, the L.A. Times bombers, the IRA, the PLO, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the SDS, and on and on.
Name five right wing bombers, since ever.

10) I'm still waiting.

11) Why go batshit nuts now? Not two years ago, not a year ago, not even last month amidst the Kavanaugh Kaos. But right now, two weeks ahead of elections.
Cui bono?

12) How long after this narrative of "Batcrap crazy right-wing Trump Supporter mailing bombs to Democrats" went right into the shitter, because no one was buying it, before we suddenly had the obligatory pre-election mass shooting, of a Dem interest group, in a gun-free zone?

"Don't mind us burning codebooks in the Japanese embassy on Sunday morning, President Roosevelt. We're doing it on a Sunday morning so we don't bother the staff on a work day."
 So yeah, looking at all that, it's perfectly logical to assume that all this just happened.
Because Patsy Sayoc is a clueless misguided moron. Which explains everything.
Who totally coincidentally decided to pull a massive PR stunt hoax-bomb campaign, right after the serial failures of the Mueller investigation, Kavanaugh sliming, the collapse of the Blue Wave myth, the exposure and backfiring of the Democratic Mob Rule tactics, and the meltdown of the criminal/terrorist caravan from Shitholia, and feeds the narrative that Republicans are the real terrorists, right before the elections.

Like we always pull when three formerly Democrat slam-dunk senatorial campaigns are now either dead heats, or favor the Republican, in a massive shift in the last two weeks.

After the President has held yuuuuuuuuuuge rallies, promising unbelievable turnout of a fed-up conservative electorate, and kicking the imaginary Blue Wave right in the crotch.

Pull the other leg; it's got bells on it.


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167 million for 8 miles of wall?
« Reply #2020 on: November 15, 2018, 05:45:44 PM »
20 million dollars per mile ?

This seems crazy:

The new line for illegals - many are "LGBT " and are fleeing persecution at home........ :roll:


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Anyone seeing this on the MSM?
« Reply #2021 on: November 16, 2018, 09:20:58 PM »

Just a hardworking guy seeking a better life!

So I wonder what Mexican law enforcement and/or military unit trained him...


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« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 07:31:42 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Some clips of today's events
« Reply #2028 on: November 26, 2018, 07:00:20 AM »


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Re: Some clips of today's events
« Reply #2029 on: November 26, 2018, 07:08:09 AM »

Thank you for posting this.

Liberal Media:  Stop calling it an invasion.

Answer:  Have you seen the video?  It's an invasion unless we stop it.

For the left, it's an affirmation to them that there shouldn't be a border at all.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #2030 on: November 26, 2018, 07:34:49 AM »
It would be an invasion if they and the legions of family members the bring in were future Republicans
To the crats this is not an invasion but future Democrat party recruitment drives .


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Re: Some clips of today's events
« Reply #2031 on: November 26, 2018, 07:59:17 AM »
"For the left, it's an affirmation to them that there shouldn't be a border at all."

That was an amazing moment in the 2016 debate.  Trump accused Hillary of supporting open borders; it was in her emails released by Wikileaks.  Chris Wallace asked her about it and she went on for 90 seconds about energy and Russia never denying it.

"A Republic, if you can keep it."

It's definitional.  How do you have a republic without borders.
ccp, Yes, imagine the dynamics if the intruders were Republican and wanted amnesty and voting rights.


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Re: 2013 pepper spray to defend the border
« Reply #2034 on: November 27, 2018, 10:27:23 AM »
"That was different because shut up."

Right except it's worse than that. In Orwell's 1984 and the Left's 2018, the past never happened shut up.


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Turkey's wall - what wall?
« Reply #2041 on: December 25, 2018, 04:50:20 AM »
***The EU-funded wall that nobody wants to talk about***


before the libs remove this from the internet.   

must be to prevent deer from harming themselves in a war zone
or to keep the Turkish frog safe.


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Some other walls
« Reply #2047 on: January 05, 2019, 11:43:02 AM »

 Started and built with the support of President Obama:


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared support for the barrier, adding: "It is the Egyptians’ sovereign right in their own country. Legitimate supplies should be brought through the legal crossings."[6] The United States announced its support for the barrier saying it would help to prevent weapons smuggling.[7] Cairo's main Al-Azhar University officially backed the government's decision saying that it was the "state's right to build along its walls facilities and obstacles that will enhance its security."[8]

Militant Islamist group Hamas, the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, opposes the barrier and has called it a "wall of death".[8]

Hassan Nasrallah, chief of Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, called on Egypt to halt construction.[9]

The Islamic Action Front, a Jordanian Islamist group, criticized Egypt for the barrier and accused it of "collaborating" with Israel and the United States. "The Egyptian authorities are ...increasing the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza by building the steel wall and closing the border crossings with Gaza," said Hamzah Mansour, a member of the Shura Council of the Islamic Action Front.[10]

From the Israeli perspective, the Israel–Gaza Strip barrier is a security barrier intended by Israel to control the movement of people between the Gaza Strip and Israel, to stop the entry of arms into the territory. It has significantly improved security in Israel.[citation needed]

The Israel-Gaza Strip barrier has met with opposition and protests from some Palestinians.[5]

The barrier was largely torn down by Palestinians at the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in September 2000, followed by many terror attacks.[6] The barrier was rebuilt between December 2000 and June 2001. A one-kilometer buffer zone was added, in addition to new high technology observation posts. Soldiers were also given new rules of engagement,[6] which, according to Ha'aretz, allow soldiers to fire at anyone seen crawling there at night illegally into Israeli territory.[7] Palestinians attempting to cross the barrier into Israel by stealth have been shot and killed.[8]

The barrier's effectiveness prompted a shift in the tactics of Palestinian militants who commenced firing Qassam rockets and mortars over the barrier.[6][9]

The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[10][11]



Update: Thanks to the comments of Jonathan Seidman below, I'm now aware of information about the Jordan Border Security Program. There seems to be US Army contracts to build a fence (it's not referred to as a "wall" in references) with surveillance towers and communications equipment along the border between Jordan and Syria. See Jordan Border Security:

On 02 April 2008 DRS Technologies, Inc. announced that it received an order from the U.S. Army's Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM), Fort Monmouth, N.J., for the initial phase of the Jordan Border Security Program. In conjunction with the U.S. Army, DRS will provide the Jordan Armed Forces with an end-to-end border security system for a section of Jordan's border. On September 9, 2008 the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Jordan of Increment 2 Requirements for Border Security Program as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $390 million.

The Government of Jordan requested a possible sale to extend the Jordan Border Security Program (JBSP) to cover Increment 2 requirements. The proposed sale will include exportable Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware and exportable U.S. military Command and Control application software and hardware, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical support, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $390 million.


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Re: Some other walls
« Reply #2048 on: January 05, 2019, 02:43:12 PM »

 Started and built with the support of President Obama:


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared support for the barrier, adding: "It is the Egyptians’ sovereign right in their own country. Legitimate supplies should be brought through the legal crossings."[6] The United States announced its support for the barrier saying it would help to prevent weapons smuggling.[7] Cairo's main Al-Azhar University officially backed the government's decision saying that it was the "state's right to build along its walls facilities and obstacles that will enhance its security."[8]

Militant Islamist group Hamas, the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, opposes the barrier and has called it a "wall of death".[8]

Hassan Nasrallah, chief of Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, called on Egypt to halt construction.[9]

The Islamic Action Front, a Jordanian Islamist group, criticized Egypt for the barrier and accused it of "collaborating" with Israel and the United States. "The Egyptian authorities are ...increasing the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza by building the steel wall and closing the border crossings with Gaza," said Hamzah Mansour, a member of the Shura Council of the Islamic Action Front.[10]

From the Israeli perspective, the Israel–Gaza Strip barrier is a security barrier intended by Israel to control the movement of people between the Gaza Strip and Israel, to stop the entry of arms into the territory. It has significantly improved security in Israel.[citation needed]

The Israel-Gaza Strip barrier has met with opposition and protests from some Palestinians.[5]

The barrier was largely torn down by Palestinians at the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in September 2000, followed by many terror attacks.[6] The barrier was rebuilt between December 2000 and June 2001. A one-kilometer buffer zone was added, in addition to new high technology observation posts. Soldiers were also given new rules of engagement,[6] which, according to Ha'aretz, allow soldiers to fire at anyone seen crawling there at night illegally into Israeli territory.[7] Palestinians attempting to cross the barrier into Israel by stealth have been shot and killed.[8]

The barrier's effectiveness prompted a shift in the tactics of Palestinian militants who commenced firing Qassam rockets and mortars over the barrier.[6][9]

The barrier has been effective in preventing terrorists and suicide bombers from entering Israel from Gaza. Since 1996, virtually all suicide bombers trying to leave Gaza have detonated their charges at the barrier's crossing points and were stopped while trying to cross the barrier elsewhere.[10][11]



Update: Thanks to the comments of Jonathan Seidman below, I'm now aware of information about the Jordan Border Security Program. There seems to be US Army contracts to build a fence (it's not referred to as a "wall" in references) with surveillance towers and communications equipment along the border between Jordan and Syria. See Jordan Border Security:

On 02 April 2008 DRS Technologies, Inc. announced that it received an order from the U.S. Army's Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM), Fort Monmouth, N.J., for the initial phase of the Jordan Border Security Program. In conjunction with the U.S. Army, DRS will provide the Jordan Armed Forces with an end-to-end border security system for a section of Jordan's border. On September 9, 2008 the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Jordan of Increment 2 Requirements for Border Security Program as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $390 million.

The Government of Jordan requested a possible sale to extend the Jordan Border Security Program (JBSP) to cover Increment 2 requirements. The proposed sale will include exportable Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware and exportable U.S. military Command and Control application software and hardware, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor technical support, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $390 million.