Wow, some serious dots connected here:
THE BIG THAW ☙ Thursday, February 6, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
How USAID and the rest of the Deep State machine ruined the Millennium; the stratospheric stakes for all humanity; and what we must do
NOW to fight back.
FEB 06, 2025
Good morning, C&C, it’s Thursday! What a week. There is a container-load of news to cover, but there’s an emerging story that has been pushing on my heart for weeks. Before we can continue with the regular news, I must first tell you about the real stakes that the USAID scandal has unmasked. Let’s weave some long-baffling conspiracy threads together into a new tapestry of clarity. What emerges shines the noonday sun on a historic tale of intrigue and corruption that has plagued the entire Earth for a quarter century.
Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a remarkable story headlined, “DOGE broadens sweep of federal agencies, gains access to health payment systems.” In other words, after exposing the Deep State’s regime-change operation, DOGE is sprinting into the Swampy engine room: the CDC and Medicare / Medicaid Services, the domestic versions of USAID, how the Blob effectuates its aims here at home.
It’s impossible to overestimate the revolutionary significance of the abolition of USAID and its poisonous children. Emerging from the fog of bureaucratic and political war, we see dimly the rough outlines of the Golden Era that Candidate Trump promised, a sketch of a promise connecting waste, fraud, and abuse to a terminally ill global culture, or at least a stagnant culture arrested in time, a culture frozen in amber, a culture that has bafflingly and terrifyingly been wasting away for decades.
But at long last, our amber prison is cracking.
The more we learn, the clearer it becomes: the scandalous, quasi-governmental USAID agency might be the most audacious and destructive fraud in human history. That is not hyperbole. It is fully justified, even at this point.
Setting aside that we’ve only glimpsed the windswept tip of the rotten iceberg—and ignoring the shrieking outrage from legions of panicked leftists suggesting the scheme’s vast scale—we’ve learned a singular fact making USAID’s scandal uniquely monstrous and historic: the scope of its seditious harm is provably worldwide.
Never before has a single entity —a chimeric entity known by many names: the Swamp, the MIC, the Blob, the Deep State— managed to harm the entire world for decades, its barbed tentacles poisonously caressing every man, woman, and child on the planet.
Let me show you something interesting.
🔥 In October, 2023, the New York Times quietly ran a lone story about one of the most perplexing truths of post-millennial human existence. It bore the simple but misleading headline, “Why Culture Has Come to a Standstill.” Misleading, because of course the article never actually explained why. But never mind that.
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The Times’ ponderous article spent about six pages warming up to its theme. But, “We are now,” the Times finally explained, “almost a quarter of the way through what looks likely to go down in history as the least innovative, least transformative, least pioneering century for culture since the invention of the printing press.”
Least, least, least. Since the printing press.
But why? What, or who, is holding the culture back? Global culture has indeed been stalled, a sociological failure, winning only at participation. You might now begin the whataboutism. What about X? What about Venmo? What about AI? What about Elon’s rocket ships? Stand by. Those gadgets are either part of the problem or exceptions proving the point.
Our modern world is populated by high revision numbers, stratospheric sequel counts, and recycled, geriatric celebrities. We check our iPhone Sixteen —now with three cameras— to find out when Need for Speed Ten starts, and then buy tickets online for an octogenarian Rolling Stones concert. In 2022, the hit Netflix show Stranger Things — a futuristic sci-fi series set back in the 1980’s — and in its season four — featured Kate Bush’s 1985 single Running Up That Hill. The 40-year-old song hit the top 10 in 34 countries.
It’s endless recycling. And it’s not normal.
🔥 There are many examples, but perhaps the most obvious symptom of cultural freeze is stalled fashion. The handful of writers calling out stuck culture focus on how distinct was each decade leading up to the Millennium, right before the Patriot Act passed in 2001. Tracing backwards, the cultural evolution trend holds. But from the 90’s forward, zip. Zero. Nada.
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In 2020, writer Paul Skallas observed, “If you time travel back to 2007 wearing what you are now, people wouldn't know you're from the future.” They might notice your phone had more cameras clunkily stuck on the back than their phones did. That’s about it.
🔥 What about music? Did you know that the market for new music market is shrinking? All the growth in the music market comes from old songs. Today’s list of the most downloaded tracks on iTunes is packed with band names from the previous millennium. So-called “catalog music” —songs older than 18 months— is now over 70% of music streamed in the U.S.
Walk into any restaurant, grocery store, or mall, and you’ll hear background tunes from the 70’s and 80’s. Old music dominates the U.S. market. We aren’t getting anywhere. Until the eighties, DJs called a 20-year-old song a “Golden Oldy.”
But the old music is so ubiquitous now they quietly retired the label “oldy.”
Paul Skallas explained it like this:
If you are under the age of 30 you may think things are normal. But to someone who has lived 3 decades or more you may notice something odd: we haven’t had a shift like we did in the past. Culture is frozen. Throughout the 20th century we had changes almost every decade. Changes in fashion, in music, in aesthetics, hairstyles, style of comedy, television shows and movies. If I show you a photo or play you a song from the 20th century, you’d probably be able to guess the decade. It was that clean of a break.
But I haven’t felt that change since the mid 2000s.
It’s almost like someone is controlling the art, music, and fashion industry, keeping it right where it is, thank you. No changes allowed. Or put another way, nothing is allowed that isn’t carefully controlled.
USAID didn’t just export regime change. It exported cultural control, a worldwide bureaucratic freeze that ensured only “approved” ideas, artists, and innovations could break through. We weren’t just ruled; we were programmed.
🔥 Another excellent and obvious example is the corporate news. By now, everyone has seen this mockingbird media clip, which made the rounds last year:
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CLIP: Media running the same word-for-word ‘misinformation’ story (1:21).
According to the Columbia Journalism Review, USAID supported 6,200 journalists, 707 news outlets and 279 media sector civil society organizations in 30 different countries. According to the British Broadcasting Company itself, USAID was one of its ‘top 10 donors:”
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Britain is, allegedly, a first world country. Why is our “humanitarian agency” funding the British?
It’s not just USAID, although USAID is the currently most visible symptom of the infection. Here is actress Claire Danes, dishing to Stephen Colbert about how the intelligence community “allied itself” with journalists and movie producers, right before Colbert realizes he’s on thin ice and abruptly changes the subject:
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CLIP: Claire Danes dishes the deep state dirt to Colbert, who panics (1:16).
According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and research by scholars like David L. Robb (Operation Hollywood) and Tom Secker & Matthew Alford (National Security Cinema), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has influenced at least eight hundred major films and over 1,000 TV shows, providing military resources (like aircraft, personnel, and bases) in exchange for script approval.
It’s been five years now. Where are all the movies set during the pandemic? Romance in a Time of Covid, A Kiss and a Mask, Two Jabs for Sister Suzie, and so forth? Where are they?
Astonishingly, intelligence agencies like the CIA and FBI openly host Hollywood liaison offices, influencing scripts and productions to shape public perception. A 2022 documentary, Theaters of War, claimed more than 2,500 films and TV shows have been directly supervised by the DoD and our intelligence agencies.
Think about that. Twenty-five hundred shows and films. But just how many are there? Is that all of them?
In his 2022 LA Times op-ed, documentarian Roger Stahl explained how the military-intelligence state keeps Hollywood offices and steers pop culture:
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Take two minutes to look at this tragically under-watched trailer for Theaters of War:
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YouTube: Theaters of War (2022): Official Trailer (1:51).
🔥 The freeze of Deep State control extends even deeper than pop culture, news, all media, art, and fashion. Two weeks ago, the New York Times ran a cataclysmic piece by investigative journalist Charles Piller, headlined “The Devastating Legacy of Lies in Alzheimer’s Science.” Sadly, you will believe this unbelievable story, a sordid tale of grubby scientific grift, élite fraud, and real world harm to regular folks — a scheme that was 100% fueled by government diktat courtesy of billions of dollars of completely wasted NIH “grants.”
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CLIP: Robert Kennedy, Jr. talks about the New York Times exposé at his confirmation hearing (0:36).
But don’t worry, they were billions of dollars in grants to the right scientists. There nothing to show for it all now, of course, but what difference does that make?
“Despite decades of research,” Piller wrote, “no treatment has been created that arrests Alzheimer’s cognitive deterioration, let alone reverses it.” He assembled a team of independent experts who reviewed 25 years of Alzheimer’s research. In other words, the same frozen post-Millennial period we’ve been talking about. “The dismal lack of progress is partly because of the infinite complexity of the human brain,” he noted, “but there’s another, sinister, factor at play.”
What sinister factor?
Piller’s team of experts identified nearly 600 dubious papers that he said have distorted the field — papers that have themselves been cited some 80,000 times more in the scientific literature. More to the point, all other Alzheimer’s theories were frozen out, pinning a single, wrong hypothesis in place and freezing all progress toward a cure. For 25 years.
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The world desperately needs a cure for this devastating disease, which makes the scientific misconduct all the more insidious and indefensible. So, Pillar asked, Why would a scientist do it? There’s a very simple answer, and it is that the NIH picked a winner. The government’s premier health agency called the game, naming the amyloid hypothesis the winner. It then defended that wrong decision against all comers and, despite growing evidence to the contrary, steamrolled that theory while viciously canceling any rare honest scientists who asked questions.
Yes, but why? It will not surprise you that the last 25 years’ worth of NIH-sponsored, FDA-approved Alzheimer’s drugs generously profited big pharma while producing no quantifiable benefits for patients except drastically increasing their risks of death and making their Alzheimer’s worse:
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This shocking scandal, all but lost in the tsunami of Trump 2.0 news, is painfully unforgivable. If this is the science, why should anyone follow it anywhere? The current road of science leads to death, serious brain injury, and shrunken grey matter.
Zero progress in Alzheimer’s. Understanding what has held up any progress in Alzheimer’s, maybe you can understand why there’s also been no meaningful progress in other major health problems for the last quarter century. If anything, we’re going backwards rather than forwards, defying the normal trajectory of the last 2,000 years of scientific revolution.
🔥 I could go on, and on, and on. But I’ll conclude with a personal observation. During the early pandemic, my office was swamped with “hospital kidnapping” cases where desperate families called us because their loved one went into the hospital for an unrelated condition, like a broken ankle, then failed a mandatory covid test, and before anyone knew what was happening, they were in a coma, on the ventilator.
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The reason the desperate families called lawyers was because the hospitals refused to discharge the patients so that the families could arrange alternative care. In cases we were forced to litigate, hospitals spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on defensive tall-building lawyers opposing our efforts to sue the hospitals to release those patients.
The individual stories are so hair-raising I hesitate to dive into the morbid details.
But I spent hundreds of hours investigating what was going on. Had the healers turned evil? Was the federally funded covid relief money so tantalizing that doctors and nurses and hospital managers cared nothing for their patients? Why did every single covid patient receive the exact same treatement protocol despite every case being different because individuals are different? Why did doctors refuse to try anything but the cookie-cutter treatment protocol even though covid was a “novel” disease?
It turns out the root cause of this tragic medical homogeneity wasn’t the doctors. What I found was much worse. I found the withered hand of government, right where Milton Friedman said it would be whenever you find a distorted market.
Here’s the problem: Most hospitals’ total income is almost entirely sourced from Medicare/Medicaid—the same agencies DOGE has been quietly auditing for the past week. In most cases, any hospital’s government funding exceeds 70% of total revenue. Hospitals basically have one customer, and it isn’t the patient.
Worse, Medicare/Medicaid establishes the “approved” treatment protocols for nearly every disease and condition, dictating what it will pay for, and what it refuses to pay for. Hospitals’ financial existence depends on compliance, and they had no choice but to obey. And on the flip side of the Judas coin, obeying was very lucrative.
In other words, the reason every COVID patient got the same useless, devastating Remdesivir/ventilator/opioid treatment is because partisan government bureaucrats dictated it and froze it into place. That’s it. And the same thing is true for nearly every other disease you can think of.
🔥 The whole rotten mess is a giant virtue-signaling fig leaf. USAID hides its graft and regime-change operations behind its unassailable humanitarian high-ground—it fights HIV in Africa! The NIH conceals its political patronage behind its philanthropic purposes—it engineers viruses to stop pandemics! It funds Alzheimer’s research! Similarly, USAID and the CIA hide their destabilizing dirty tricks behind every conceivable type of virtue-signaling — they protect national security by editing scripts! And so on.
A lot of people are doing well in terms of money and power by playing the game. They can’t afford for anything to change. Hence everything must freeze.
From their point of view, you and I were too stupid to get on board the gravy train. That’s why they are the affluent, sophisticated élite, and we are the gun-toting, Bible-clasping deplorables. It’s not their fault that we aren’t smart enough to learn how to form 501c’s and invent international NGO’s and get rich too.
By moving quickly, DOGE got a terrific head start. But the forces of darkness are getting their sneakers on, and now we are entering the “protests” phase, so be prepared. Yesterday, the AP ran a story headlined, “Protesters in cities across the US rally against Trump's policies, Project 2025 and Elon Musk.”
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It’s anybody’s guess how they expect anyone to believe that, in the middle of the work week, Americans instantly rallied to support an agency that nobody even heard of a week ago. To understand what you’re seeing, remember that one of USAID’s main dirty tricks is rapidly organizing astroturfed protests. Consider this headline from Caliber magazine, published yesterday, about protest-torn Georgia:
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Don’t be surprised that the agency defends itself with its favorite protest weapon. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
This time, you and I are the nail.
But by deploying armies of paid protestors, our adversaries may be falling into a different trap. The protests highlight the issue. People not already engaged will be asking, “what are they protesting about? What’s this USAID everyone is so excited about?” The answers may surprise them.
🔥 So the good news is that the Swamp is playing catch-up. And, the last week of dreadful exposure has deeply injured the Deep State. To make the point, consider this sharp clip from a gentleman who, thanks to the USAID disclosures, is fed up (adult language):
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CLIP: “You decided you’re gonna die on the hill of USAID? To prevent a government audit? We see the game now” (3:14) (adult language).
The passionate gentleman explained, “I’m disgusted beyond words. The way you used black people as f— mules to sow division! Y’all been out here telling us the game was rigged against certain people, well now we found out who the people who were rigging the game were. Well congratulations! Y’all are never gonna win another political race ever again, not if I can help it.”
🔥 USAID is not the only problem, but it is a critical part of the problem. But more importantly, USAID is also the emblem of the problem. Morally worse, USAID is also the part that we inflicted on the rest of the world, a bureaucratic neurotoxin that has paralyzed global culture and science for a quarter century now, a poison that killed, maimed, and destroyed — all in the name of virtue-signaling humanitarianism.
As Ronald Reagan eloquently warned, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
Stop. Helping. Before you greedy, bureaucratic parasites destroy everything good left in the world.
Sunlight, as Supreme Court Justice Brandeis once wrote, is the best disinfectant. Can USAID, the CIA, the NIH, and the others survive the harsh light of day? That is exactly what we are about to find out. Something new is finally happening in the culture, and I’m glad to be here with you to find out who wins. We are witnesses to the living history of a titanic struggle, a real battle to rescue the planet, a clash of heroes more epic than a hundred Marvel movies.
If we win, everything —science, culture, creativity, humanness— becomes unstuck, unfrozen, finally freed from the Swamp’s suffocating amber prison. Imagine the pent-up creative energy that kind of freedom might release, And that unleashed energy, my friends, will fuel the promised Golden Era. With effort, blessings, and a little luck, that could become our potential future. It’s worth fighting for.