Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6) and the Second American Civil War  (Read 263023 times)


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Distributed Capacity
« Reply #1300 on: November 07, 2021, 04:45:00 PM »
Some of the passages here go over a line we do not advocate on this page.  I post it nonetheless because it puts in relief a fundamental analytical variable:



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Re: Distributed Capacity
« Reply #1301 on: November 07, 2021, 07:43:16 PM »
The IRA, who only had somewhere between 150 to 500 trigger pullers (although many more in support roles) in a island area roughly the size of Connecticut, fought the Brits to a stalemate. The IRA has never disarmed.

American law enforcement is not structured to fight a domestic insurgency.

Some of the passages here go over a line we do not advocate on this page.  I post it nonetheless because it puts in relief a fundamental analytical variable:



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Re: Ray "Teflon" Epps
« Reply #1302 on: November 07, 2021, 07:54:33 PM »

Long and detailed article.

So he was.

Deep State Andy doesn't like these cases being brought up.

Not sure of your point here.  What does this have to do with AMcC's analysis of the errors in TC's analysis?

1/6 was a a deep state operation.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1304 on: November 11, 2021, 03:39:33 AM »
Jan. 6th detainees must receive due process

Why are some still in jail 10 months after the fact?

By Robert L. Livingston

There can be no doubt that the January 6th demonstration on the east side of the US Capitol got out of hand, no matter how well-intentioned the vast majority of participants may have been. I’ll leave it to witnesses, investigators and historians to determine exactly what prompted participants to push their way into the Capitol, resulting in events that have been excessively hashed out in the media. The actions of many of the troublemakers were indeed threatening and might justify the word “riot,” but to repeatedly call the events an “insurrection” is a less than credible stretch. The sole victim intentionally killed that day was Ashley Babbitt, a US veteran whose misfortune was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A Capitol Hill policeman shot her, the only person alleged to have discharged a firearm in the vicinity of the Capitol.

Clearly, the Capitol was inadequately defended by the civilian leadership and uniformed law enforcement. But once the tragic events had occurred, it was not surprising that many arrests were made. To this day, almost 700 people have been arrested and charged, the vast majority of whom have been released and had their cases disposed of in varying ways.

But in his television show this past Monday, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson highlighted a trip by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to the Washington, DC prison where she spoke with some January 6th detainees who, to this day, 10 months after the fact, are still in jail.

Why? As a former US Congressman and criminal prosecutor with three separate agencies, I am hardly one to sympathize with those who deliberately break the law. But I was proud to have carried out my prosecutorial duties in the name of justice and fair treatment for those who found themselves under legal scrutiny. I took seriously the rights bestowed on all citizens by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, including the rights of a defendant to be told of the charges against them (Article V); the right to avoid excessive bail (Article VIII); the right to a speedy trial with the assistance of Counsel (Article VI); and the right not to be deprived of liberty in unreasonable conditions without due process of law (Article V).

I wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6th. I don’t know and have never met Ms. Greene or any of the people still held in the DC prison. I know nothing of the individual cases or the evidence against any of them. I am simply a citizen who has watched events unfold these past 10 months. I observed a fence erected around the Capitol, removed after six months, and then put back up for the July 4th festivities. I’ve seen the House of Representatives appoint an Investigation Committee accepting some but not all Members proposed by Minority Leadership. None of this is of immediate concern to me. But I am concerned, nay, I’m shocked by the ongoing stories of prospective defendants who have been arrested and deprived of their livelihoods; confined in solitary confinement with little or no reasonable access to the outside world, their families or adequate legal counsel; and denied formal charges levied against them without bail and in contravention to their right to a speedy trial. This past summer, I spoke with an employee at the federally appointed Public Defender’s Office who told me that they were not even representing any of these folks. Where is the ACLU? Where are the “civil rights” defenders who should be screaming from the rooftops about this flagrant denial of due process? We made exceptions for due process at Guantanamo for terrorists who took up arms against us in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this is America! Most of these people are at worst guilty of trespass or destruction of government property. But for crying out loud, charge them, arraign them, and bring them to trial with counsel of their choice. Stop simply confining them without respect for their rights as American citizens. Otherwise, they are no better off than if they were victims of a “star chamber” process that Kafka (“The Trial”) and Koestler (“Darkness at Noon”) warned us about. This atrocity must stop, and it must stop soon.

A distinguished former Republican Member of Congress from Louisiana, Robert L. Livingston is a Founding Partner of The Livingston Group.


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Rebellion or Insurrection
« Reply #1305 on: November 11, 2021, 06:20:14 AM »

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection
U.S. Code

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Not one 1/6 defendant has been charged with Insurrection. Not one.

Jan. 6th detainees must receive due process

Why are some still in jail 10 months after the fact?

By Robert L. Livingston

There can be no doubt that the January 6th demonstration on the east side of the US Capitol got out of hand, no matter how well-intentioned the vast majority of participants may have been. I’ll leave it to witnesses, investigators and historians to determine exactly what prompted participants to push their way into the Capitol, resulting in events that have been excessively hashed out in the media. The actions of many of the troublemakers were indeed threatening and might justify the word “riot,” but to repeatedly call the events an “insurrection” is a less than credible stretch. The sole victim intentionally killed that day was Ashley Babbitt, a US veteran whose misfortune was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A Capitol Hill policeman shot her, the only person alleged to have discharged a firearm in the vicinity of the Capitol.

Clearly, the Capitol was inadequately defended by the civilian leadership and uniformed law enforcement. But once the tragic events had occurred, it was not surprising that many arrests were made. To this day, almost 700 people have been arrested and charged, the vast majority of whom have been released and had their cases disposed of in varying ways.

But in his television show this past Monday, Fox News’s Tucker Carlson highlighted a trip by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene to the Washington, DC prison where she spoke with some January 6th detainees who, to this day, 10 months after the fact, are still in jail.

Why? As a former US Congressman and criminal prosecutor with three separate agencies, I am hardly one to sympathize with those who deliberately break the law. But I was proud to have carried out my prosecutorial duties in the name of justice and fair treatment for those who found themselves under legal scrutiny. I took seriously the rights bestowed on all citizens by our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, including the rights of a defendant to be told of the charges against them (Article V); the right to avoid excessive bail (Article VIII); the right to a speedy trial with the assistance of Counsel (Article VI); and the right not to be deprived of liberty in unreasonable conditions without due process of law (Article V).

I wasn’t at the Capitol on January 6th. I don’t know and have never met Ms. Greene or any of the people still held in the DC prison. I know nothing of the individual cases or the evidence against any of them. I am simply a citizen who has watched events unfold these past 10 months. I observed a fence erected around the Capitol, removed after six months, and then put back up for the July 4th festivities. I’ve seen the House of Representatives appoint an Investigation Committee accepting some but not all Members proposed by Minority Leadership. None of this is of immediate concern to me. But I am concerned, nay, I’m shocked by the ongoing stories of prospective defendants who have been arrested and deprived of their livelihoods; confined in solitary confinement with little or no reasonable access to the outside world, their families or adequate legal counsel; and denied formal charges levied against them without bail and in contravention to their right to a speedy trial. This past summer, I spoke with an employee at the federally appointed Public Defender’s Office who told me that they were not even representing any of these folks. Where is the ACLU? Where are the “civil rights” defenders who should be screaming from the rooftops about this flagrant denial of due process? We made exceptions for due process at Guantanamo for terrorists who took up arms against us in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this is America! Most of these people are at worst guilty of trespass or destruction of government property. But for crying out loud, charge them, arraign them, and bring them to trial with counsel of their choice. Stop simply confining them without respect for their rights as American citizens. Otherwise, they are no better off than if they were victims of a “star chamber” process that Kafka (“The Trial”) and Koestler (“Darkness at Noon”) warned us about. This atrocity must stop, and it must stop soon.

A distinguished former Republican Member of Congress from Louisiana, Robert L. Livingston is a Founding Partner of The Livingston Group.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2021, 04:16:55 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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BurnLootMurder threatens NYC
« Reply #1306 on: November 11, 2021, 09:00:29 AM »

I’m sure the DOJ/FBI will be all over this, as soon as they stop kneeling…


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1307 on: November 11, 2021, 04:17:54 PM »
Hard to indirect for insurrection when the accusation is that they were following the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.


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Waukesha parade kill is part of the Left's civil war
« Reply #1311 on: November 23, 2021, 09:32:01 AM »

Why are these criminals being released only to do more harm to more people?

What is the Left's answer to an SUV doing equal or more harm than a mass shooting?  SUV control?  Unfortunately, yes.

One example:

Communist revolution, or whatever you want to call this, thrives on chaos.  The answer to the government screwing up is - always - more powerful government, fewer individual rights, until there are none.
"...yet another instance of the criminal justice system become so overwhelmed and dysfunctional that it was not able to protect Americans from a bad actor repeating his crimes while out on bond. But all of the facts are not yet in on that particular matter."  [Paywall blocked, don't click.]

Who could imagine that someone who drove over someone would drive over someone?
It's racist to hold criminals in prison?  We go from white on white crime racist to black on white crime not.  My neck doesn't turn that fast anymore.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 09:42:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Documentary trailer
« Reply #1312 on: December 05, 2021, 01:43:50 PM »


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« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 06:54:16 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Greene on DC jailed Jan 6 people
« Reply #1318 on: December 16, 2021, 02:55:52 PM »
this is obviously a political vendetta

especially by the Dem and never Trump Republicans (think Cheney)
who for once had their own asses on the line

they have no prob with the gangs shooting themselves all over the DC streets!

But try finding a Republican in DC who take over the prison

the only Republicans ones I know are Green Scott Graham Cotton Jordan and those who are in the Senate or Congress

the ones on the SCOTUS are probably too busy  :-P

no surprise from a town that re elected corrupt drug using Marion Barry as a " f u" to conservatives  and whites.


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D1: The Paperwork Coup
« Reply #1319 on: December 17, 2021, 05:03:08 AM »
An interesting read on more than one level:


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1320 on: December 17, 2021, 05:32:57 AM »
Boogaloo Boi Sentenced for Illegally Possessing a Firearm

Cameron Emerson Casey Rankin, a self-proclaimed member of the Boogaloo Bois and resident of Karnes City, Texas was sentenced to 24 months in prison for illegally possessing a firearm.

Rankin pled guilty to one count of possession of a firearm by one who has been judicially committed to a mental institution.

Rankin posted photos to his Facebook account of himself and others carrying firearms at a protest in May 2020, as well as comments about his disdain for police, including, “…hope they burn the precinct down” and “I’m BOOGALOO we hate police.” 

Proud Boy Sentenced to 10 Years for Violence Against Protestors

Texas resident Alan Swinney, 51, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for shooting a man in the eye with a paintball gun, spraying people in the face with bear mace and aiming a loaded handgun at a crowd.

Swinney is a self-professed member of the Proud Boys, who traveled from Texas to Oregon to confront protesters in 2020.

A jury found Swinney guilty of 11 criminal charges, including second-degree assault, fourth-degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon with a firearm.

San Diego Brings First Conspiracy Charges Against Antifa

San Diego prosecutors charged a group of individuals this week with conspiracy to commit the crime of riot.
At least 11 defendants each face an array of their own separate charges as well as the shared conspiracy charge. Alleged crimes include assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm, assault likely to produce great bodily injury, animal cruelty, vandalism and the use of tear gas not for self-defense.

Experts believe the group in San Diego is the first time nationwide that a conspiracy charge has been used specifically to prosecute alleged anti-fascists, or “antifa supporters.”

The charges stemmed from a Jan. 9 “Patriot March” in Pacific Beach, Calif. Cuney has previous convictions for unlawful gun trafficking and gun possession.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1322 on: December 19, 2021, 08:45:16 AM »
I suspect this is the real reason for a Wokening in the military........


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One view on how we will win
« Reply #1326 on: January 03, 2022, 03:16:31 PM »


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from the self described "liberal hack"
« Reply #1330 on: January 04, 2022, 10:28:57 AM »
Canadian punk twists it all around  - it is
the Right that is threat - and the Left is slow to respond
and changing the Court the filibuster and making DC a state with the middle finger to naysayers etc are all necessary.

can read more about this guy here :


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Insurrection Jan 6 2020? I don't think so
« Reply #1331 on: January 04, 2022, 02:48:06 PM »
I estimate that 40% of 74 million Trump voters own guns.  It's 32% or more for the nation and Trump voters are a little more rural and male. That's 30 million people could have potentially come armed to the capital Jan 6 without having to buy or borrow a gun.

To my understanding, none of the Jan 6 frolickers came armed.  That's a strange way to try to overthrow a government.

Now imagine they did all show up armed, demanding a different outcome.  Imagine the insurrection shoot out.  Wait, must figure in that 40-80% of the Police force switches to the Trump side.  Now imagine what happens and who wins.  Maybe no one wins.

Point is, what happened that day isn't what would have happened, if what the lying liars are saying were true. 

No shots fired, except a guard assassinating an unarmed lady.

Isn't it kind of obvious this was nothing worse than when students stormed the Wisconsin capital for example in 2011, which offended not one liberal or Leftist in the country or media.

BTW, a state capital is NOT a less important seat of government.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 03:46:24 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Insurrection Jan 6 2020? I don't think so
« Reply #1332 on: January 04, 2022, 04:20:50 PM »
40% is really low. I would guess 40% own less than 10 guns. In my world, if you know how many guns you own, you don’t have enough guns.

It is safe to say that the vast majority of firearms in the US are owned by those somewhere on the right side of the political spectrum. I mean right as in correct as well as the usual use of the political definition.

I estimate that 40% of 74 million Trump voters own guns.  It's 32% or more for the nation and Trump voters are a little more rural and male. That's 30 million people could have potentially come armed to the capital Jan 6 without having to buy or borrow a gun.

To my understanding, none of the Jan 6 frolickers came armed.  That's a strange way to try to overthrow a government.

Now imagine they did all show up armed, demanding a different outcome.  Imagine the insurrection shoot out.  Wait, must figure in that 40-80% of the Police force switches to the Trump side.  Now imagine what happens and who wins.  Maybe no one wins.

Point is, what happened that day isn't what would have happened, if what the lying liars are saying were true. 

No shots fired, except a guard assassinating an unarmed lady.

Isn't it kind of obvious this was nothing worse than when students stormed the Wisconsin capital for example in 2011, which offended not one liberal or Leftist in the country or media.

BTW, a state capital is NOT a less important seat of government.


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Re: A left of center view of a second American Civil War
« Reply #1334 on: January 05, 2022, 07:46:05 AM »

There is some good information in the article, but lots of important details are left out that make the left’s loss and eradication inevitable.

Meanwhile, the left continues to work to get the hot war started.


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Re: A left of center view of a second American Civil War
« Reply #1335 on: January 05, 2022, 08:58:01 AM »

Aside from everything he gets wrong, there is a lot of wisdom in there.

I'm amazed the left thinks neo Nazi is on the right, liberty, conservative, limited government side of things.  What is Nazi if not all powerful government?

And mis-named Antifa(scist) who stormed, terrorized and literally occupied territory in major US cities, they are not the threat?

What is it "Oath Keepers" are demanding?  Keep the promises of our constitution?  Is that so hard?  Is it so unexpected or unjustified that if our government grows beyond its agreed limits, stomping all over the constitution, even if it all happens gradually like the frog in heated water, that people would eventually fight back?

But his main point is quite valid:
"... the U.S. military has been defined by its ineffectiveness against insurgencies in foreign countries. Why would it do any better at home?"

If we couldn't use nuclear weapons to win wars in Vietnam or Afghanistan, how will anything from spaceforce to a full fleet of nuclear submarines help keep Kansas in line?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 09:17:23 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: A left of center view of a second American Civil War
« Reply #1336 on: January 05, 2022, 09:57:43 AM »
“He who understands himself and his enemy need not fear the outcome of a thousand battles”. -
Sun Tzu

We know the left. We are not allowed to escape their grasp of every type of media and control of every institution. As Doug pointed out, they know nothing about us. Most of the left knows nothing about violence, but they seem intent on provoking it.

Aside from everything he gets wrong, there is a lot of wisdom in there.

I'm amazed the left thinks neo Nazi is on the right, liberty, conservative, limited government side of things.  What is Nazi if not all powerful government?

And mis-named Antifa(scist) who stormed, terrorized and literally occupied territory in major US cities, they are not the threat?

What is it "Oath Keepers" are demanding?  Keep the promises of our constitution?  Is that so hard?  Is it so unexpected or unjustified that if our government grows beyond its agreed limits, stomping all over the constitution, even if it all happens gradually like the frog in heated water, that people would eventually fight back?

But his main point is quite valid:
"... the U.S. military has been defined by its ineffectiveness against insurgencies in foreign countries. Why would it do any better at home?"

If we couldn't use nuclear weapons to win wars in Vietnam or Afghanistan, how will anything from spaceforce to a full fleet of nuclear submarines help keep Kansas in line?


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Hannity's role
« Reply #1337 on: January 05, 2022, 03:44:50 PM »

Left of Center: 

Inter alia, an interesting question raised about whether Hannity's participation voids executive privilege.  I have no opinion on the matter.


Heather Cox Richardson
Jan 5   

Late this afternoon, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol asked Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity voluntarily to answer questions about his communications with former president Donald Trump and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the days around the January 6 insurrection.

In their letter requesting the conversation, committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and vice chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) revealed evidence that Hannity was deeply involved with White House matters, acting not as a member of the press but as an advisor. In fairness, by his own account Hannity has always been a political operative. In August 2016, he told Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times, “I’m not hiding the fact that I want Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.” After all, he said, “I never claimed to be a journalist.”

Treading carefully to reassure Americans that the members of the committee are not interested in undermining the independence of the press, the January 6th committee asked Hannity to comment on “a specific and narrow range of factual questions.” The committee made it clear that “our goal is not to seek information regarding any of your broadcasts, or your political views or commentary.” They reiterated their desire only to understand the facts at issue, and they appealed to Hannity’s love of country and respect for our Constitution to ask him to “step forward and serve the interests of your country.”

The committee’s letter specified that they had seen a number of Hannity’s texts, all of which were eye-popping and which revealed that Hannity was acting as an inside member of Trump’s team. On December 31, 2020, he texted Meadows: “We can’t lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. [sic] He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl[orida] and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”

On January 5, the night before the insurrection, Hannity “sent and received a stream of texts,” including the message: “Im very worried about the next 48 hours.” The committee noted that the counting of the certified ballots was scheduled for 1:00 on January 6, so why was Hannity worried about the next 48 hours?

Hannity appears to have talked with Trump on January 10 and was concerned with what he heard. He texted Meadows and Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), saying, “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

The texts reveal that Hannity saw his role not as a news reader, but rather as a member of the White House team, protecting the president, and Hannity’s participation in the conversations means that none of them can be considered privileged.

Hannity is apparently being represented in this matter by Jay Sekulow, a lawyer on Trump’s legal team, rather than lawyers from the Fox News Channel. While Sekulow has indicated he will object to the committee’s invitation on First Amendment grounds, the fact that the Fox News Channel seems to be standing back suggests that the corporation does not see the committee’s invitation as a First Amendment case involving freedom of the press and in fact might well be concerned that one of its lead personalities is connected to an event that should have been reported to the FBI.

Blaming the “total bias and dishonesty” of the select committee, Trump today canceled his press conference planned for January 6.


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Re: Hannity's role
« Reply #1338 on: January 05, 2022, 04:29:18 PM »
Trump colluded with the Russians Sean Hannity!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Left of Center: 

Inter alia, an interesting question raised about whether Hannity's participation voids executive privilege.  I have no opinion on the matter.


Heather Cox Richardson
Jan 5   

Late this afternoon, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol asked Fox News Channel personality Sean Hannity voluntarily to answer questions about his communications with former president Donald Trump and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in the days around the January 6 insurrection.

In their letter requesting the conversation, committee chair Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and vice chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) revealed evidence that Hannity was deeply involved with White House matters, acting not as a member of the press but as an advisor. In fairness, by his own account Hannity has always been a political operative. In August 2016, he told Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times, “I’m not hiding the fact that I want Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.” After all, he said, “I never claimed to be a journalist.”

Treading carefully to reassure Americans that the members of the committee are not interested in undermining the independence of the press, the January 6th committee asked Hannity to comment on “a specific and narrow range of factual questions.” The committee made it clear that “our goal is not to seek information regarding any of your broadcasts, or your political views or commentary.” They reiterated their desire only to understand the facts at issue, and they appealed to Hannity’s love of country and respect for our Constitution to ask him to “step forward and serve the interests of your country.”

The committee’s letter specified that they had seen a number of Hannity’s texts, all of which were eye-popping and which revealed that Hannity was acting as an inside member of Trump’s team. On December 31, 2020, he texted Meadows: “We can’t lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told. After the 6 th. [sic] He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl[orida] and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen.”

On January 5, the night before the insurrection, Hannity “sent and received a stream of texts,” including the message: “Im very worried about the next 48 hours.” The committee noted that the counting of the certified ballots was scheduled for 1:00 on January 6, so why was Hannity worried about the next 48 hours?

Hannity appears to have talked with Trump on January 10 and was concerned with what he heard. He texted Meadows and Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), saying, “Guys, we have a clear path to land the plane in 9 days. He can’t mention the election again. Ever. I did not have a good call with him today. And worse, I’m not sure what is left to do or say, and I don’t like not knowing if it’s truly understood. Ideas?”

The texts reveal that Hannity saw his role not as a news reader, but rather as a member of the White House team, protecting the president, and Hannity’s participation in the conversations means that none of them can be considered privileged.

Hannity is apparently being represented in this matter by Jay Sekulow, a lawyer on Trump’s legal team, rather than lawyers from the Fox News Channel. While Sekulow has indicated he will object to the committee’s invitation on First Amendment grounds, the fact that the Fox News Channel seems to be standing back suggests that the corporation does not see the committee’s invitation as a First Amendment case involving freedom of the press and in fact might well be concerned that one of its lead personalities is connected to an event that should have been reported to the FBI.

Blaming the “total bias and dishonesty” of the select committee, Trump today canceled his press conference planned for January 6.


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Re: Hannity's role
« Reply #1339 on: January 05, 2022, 05:05:37 PM »
"Blaming the “total bias and dishonesty” of the select committee, Trump today canceled his press conference planned for January 6."

  - A promising good sign of intelligence and strategery.  Stay quiet on their topics.  Will we see a more measured Trump in his second term?


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1340 on: January 06, 2022, 04:12:14 AM »
Additionally worth noting in the HCR post above is that Sean was not on board with where Trump was willing to go.  Hard to think of a more loyal and gung-ho supporter than Sean, , ,


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1341 on: January 06, 2022, 06:53:29 AM »
"Additionally worth noting in the HCR post above is that Sean was not on board with where Trump was willing to go."

I didn't think he was .
Early on after the election
at some point I remember him say the "train has already left the station "
when he had a guest on speaking about proving election fraud.

he seemed rather incredulous that anything could be done at that point.  the time to do it was prior to the election when Dems were around the country sending in their shock lawyer troops to change election rules while the Lebron, Oprah, Zuck paid troops were chasing around harvesting ballots .


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1343 on: January 06, 2022, 10:58:41 AM »
".If the January 6 Riots Are "Terrorism" Because They Used Violence to Force A Political Outcome, Why Aren't the Year of BLM/Antifa Riots Also Terrorism? "

One of my thoughts that went through my mind while reading the McCarthy piece:

don't you DCers sit there making your proclamations about 1/6 "insurrection etc"
while saying nothing about previous Antifa BLM and the racist riots !



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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1344 on: January 06, 2022, 01:10:59 PM »
Unspoken in the FauxSurrection scandal, most of the country doesn't have the confidence there is no fraud in a mail order election.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 01:22:20 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1345 on: January 06, 2022, 01:14:13 PM »
Unspoken in the FeuxSurrection scandal, most of the country doesn't have the confidence there is no fraud in a mail order election.

It’s strange how they won’t mail me a syringe of the ClotShot and the vax passport.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1346 on: January 06, 2022, 01:19:25 PM »
".If the January 6 Riots Are "Terrorism" Because They Used Violence to Force A Political Outcome, Why Aren't the Year of BLM/Antifa Riots Also Terrorism? "

One of my thoughts that went through my mind while reading the McCarthy piece:

don't you DCers sit there making your proclamations about 1/6 "insurrection etc"
while saying nothing about previous Antifa BLM and the racist riots !


You obviously hate democracy!


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Politico piece : what are we fighting about
« Reply #1347 on: January 06, 2022, 01:59:47 PM »
 :roll: :wink:

we are all just conned by Trump .....

hard to explain.......

things wer fine when Brock was Prez .....

no obvious and easily summarized root cause.

This is less an ideological conflict than a psychological one.

People are easily manipulated with appeals to prejudice and paranoia, never more so than when technology has led to massive growth in the industry of commercialized contempt. A country that can have a civil war with no one really knowing what the conflict is about is one in which the muscles of governance are pitifully atrophied.






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Re: Politico piece : what are we fighting about
« Reply #1348 on: January 06, 2022, 02:09:10 PM »
:roll: :wink:

we are all just conned by Trump .....

hard to explain.......

things wer fine when Brock was Prez .....

no obvious and easily summarized root cause.

This is less an ideological conflict than a psychological one.

People are easily manipulated with appeals to prejudice and paranoia, never more so than when technology has led to massive growth in the industry of commercialized contempt. A country that can have a civil war with no one really knowing what the conflict is about is one in which the muscles of governance are pitifully atrophied.





They live in a bubble.