Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6) and the Second American Civil War  (Read 263055 times)


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voting as hard as I can!
« Reply #1500 on: May 20, 2022, 08:21:33 AM »
I admit I am not optimistic

about being able to beat back the globalist communist tide


but it is not fait accompli

so yes, I will vote as much as I can

(GM, thank you for repeatedly reminding me!   :-D)

we are winning hearts and minds in at least some areas

now the youngins can live the failures of socialistic policies
they (and we ) will have to suffer more before they learn they are wrong

the elites of course do not give a hoot
until they have their homes and businesses looted

and maybe they get strung up on lamp posts
as George Soros once told an Russian Oligarch*



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another thought
« Reply #1501 on: May 20, 2022, 08:29:22 AM »
stringing elites up by lamp posts.....

ironically the threat to the elites comes from the LEFT not RIGHT

and they seem to know this by bribing voters
politicians. media etc

we may or may not be able to vote our way out of this

and elites better hope we do
or all their buying power will not save them from the LEFT


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impeach Biden
« Reply #1502 on: May 22, 2022, 10:13:30 AM »

he is refusing to enforce immigration law on the books

violates Constitution

cut and dry


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Re: impeach Biden
« Reply #1503 on: May 22, 2022, 10:46:01 AM »

he is refusing to enforce immigration law on the books

violates Constitution

cut and dry

If course, the RINOs won’t dare.

Assuming the Dems don’t end up holding congress through mail in voting.



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The line in the sand
« Reply #1507 on: June 03, 2022, 07:27:27 AM »


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Trump "scheme"
« Reply #1509 on: June 07, 2022, 08:06:01 AM »
media doing their part in the propaganda

with large headlines :  "BOMBSHELL"

me:   triple yawn


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Abortionists plan to block SCOTUS entrances
« Reply #1512 on: June 08, 2022, 10:11:20 AM »
EXCLUSIVE: Activists Plan to Block Entrances and ‘Shut Down’ Supreme Court to Prevent Expected Roe v. Wade Ruling

'We may talk about some action ideas that stretch the bounds of constitutionally protected speech'
By Jackson Elliott June 6, 2022 Updated: June 7, 2022biggersmaller Print

Protest organizing group Shut Down D.C. plans to block access to the Supreme Court in Washington on June 13.

In online meeting footage obtained by The Epoch Times, the group announced that it planned to seal off all three vehicle entrances to the court so justices wouldn’t be able to get in and announce a decision that might overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Goal is to create a decision dilemma, presenting the court, Congress, and law enforcement (and the political leaders that oversee them) with three unacceptable (to them) options,” a video slide made by the activists reads.

The group’s presentation says it would either stop Supreme Court justices from entering the court, “continue to escalate the crisis in democracy” by making police remove the demonstrators by force, or make the government implement its demands.

The protests are in response to a leaked Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson draft opinion that suggests the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. This new opinion could allow states to make their own laws on abortion.

The leaked opinion sparked the ire of many. For weeks, protesters have demonstrated outside the Supreme Court.

Activist group Ruth Sent Us published the home addresses of the Supreme Court justices and asked people to protest there. Many walked by the homes of the six conservative justices, yelling obscenities at them and their families.

Protesters in the Shut Down D.C. meeting also suggested that their actions might not be constitutionally protected.

“We may talk about some action ideas that stretch the bounds of constitutionally protected speech,” one activist said on the video call.

Another activist advised protesters to be careful in what they said.

“There can be people on any big call who might not have great intentions, so if there is something that you might not want seen on Fox News or any of the conservative news channels, you might not want to say it on this call,” she said.

The planned protest next week will continue the escalation by opponents to a change in Roe v. Wade.

If the online planning meeting’s attendance was any indication, at least 60 people will take part in the court blockade.

Activists at the online meeting suggested ways to block the court’s three entrances. These included mass sit-ins, “big art,” a “lock down,” a dance party, a “people’s assembly” in the street, and a rally.

Votes in the group suggested that most preferred conducting a sit-in.

On May 31, Shut Down DC confirmed that it planned to “blockade the streets around the Supreme Court to rise up for the transformative change that our communities need.”


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1513 on: June 08, 2022, 10:29:00 AM »
sounds like sedition to me.......


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1515 on: June 08, 2022, 03:17:44 PM »
just glanced at left wing sites

and not a peep about this

the libs have to be thinking that killing K would be great and Biden could nominate another woke libs
for sure would love this

sad for us


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A "Mini revolution"?
« Reply #1517 on: June 09, 2022, 09:27:35 AM »

Is that like an insurrection?


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Civil War turning violent
« Reply #1518 on: June 09, 2022, 10:31:10 AM »
"Biden has still not said a word about the assassination attempt.

And the media is following his lead, and refusing to discuss it.

Weird how a "gun violence" story isn't worth discussing all of a sudden!"


someday some will debate when the first shot was fired

but one could argue this almost shot would have been the first..........


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show at 8PM
« Reply #1520 on: June 09, 2022, 01:14:52 PM »
are you kidding me

the "hearing " is set for 8 PM?

if one had to choose between Tucker and cnn-dnc  and  msdnc which station would one watch:


at 9 PM Gomer Pyle comes on


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MI GOP Gov candidate arrested for J6
« Reply #1521 on: June 09, 2022, 04:32:29 PM »
June 9, 2022 12:15 PM
Ryan Kelley, a candidate in Michigan’s Republican gubernatorial primary, has been arrested by the FBI for his role in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

FBI spokeswoman Mara Schneider told the Associated Press that Kelley was arrested at his home in Allendale Township in Western Michigan at 9:30 AM local time by agents from the Grand Rapids Field Office and was awaiting hearing before the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. Kelley currently serves as the Planning Commissioner of the township. The FBI also executed a search of his home at the time of the arrest.

According to a criminal complaint filed by the FBI, Kelley was accused of “disruptive conduct, injuring public property, and entering restrictive space without permission,” and has been charged with a misdemeanor for entering the grounds of the Capitol. The complaint was signed by Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

A man who appears to be Kelley appears in photographs and videos used by the Department of Justice in its prosecution of other defendants. In the photographs, he is allegedly seen wearing a black sunglasses, a black jacket, and backward-worn baseball cap.

The complaint, obtained by Fox News, states that Kelley used his phone to film the mob assaulting and pushing through police officers on their way up to scaffolding that surrounded the Northwest entrance of the Capitol. A man who is believed to be Kelley can be seen in photos standing atop the scaffolding summoning the crowd to surge toward the building. It’s unclear whether Kelley actually entered the Capitol Building. A video shared by the Michigan Democratic Party shows Kelley allegedly ascending the steps of the Capitol saying “This is war, baby.”

Kelley’s arrest comes on the day that the House of Representative’s Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on the Capitol will hold a primetime hearing to lay out its findings after an 18-month investigation. The committee has been widely criticized by Republicans for being partisan in nature, especially after a list of suggested Republican members, including Congressman Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), drawn up by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) was rejected by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). Two House Republicans – Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Liz Cheney (Wyo.) – presently serve on the committee, which is expected to blame former President Donald Trump in some capacity for the attack.

Kelley’s participation in the event and support for Trump was a plank of his candidacy. However, in an interview in May, Kelley denied that he entered the Capitol building or violated any law. “I never had the intention to and did not go inside, nor did I have an altercation with police officers,” he said.

Kelley has previously been involved in several controversial protest events, including in 2020 against Covid-19 pandemic measures and Black Lives Matter riots. On April 30, 2020, he organized a rally at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing to protest against lockdowns, which was attended by armed protesters who later entered the building and shouted at lawmakers from the galleries of the state House of Representatives’ chamber.

He also organized a multi-state “Nationwide Freedom March” against Covid restrictions on October 24 of that year. On his campaign website, Kelley claims that in 2020 he stood guard near a Civil War statute with a firearm to prevent “BLM and Antifa” protesters from taking it down.

Republicans were quick to question whether the FBI’s arrest of Kelley was politically motivated, including Kelley’s rivals in the gubernatorial primary. Businessman Kevin Rinke, also running for the GOP nomination, tweeted that he “hoped the FBI is acting appropriately, because the timing here raises serious questions.”

Kelley’s arrest comes after five other candidates in the primary were disqualified, including former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, for submitting thousands of false signatures on nomination papers. The winner of the primary on August 2 will face off against Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the presumptive Democratic nominee.


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« Reply #1522 on: June 09, 2022, 04:51:15 PM »
June 9, 2022 6:30 AM

Desperate to avert a midterm disaster, Democrats have decided to play their Trump card. It won’t work.

The New York Times could not have been more unseemly in its table-setting piece about the January 6 committee’s extravaganza scheduled to begin tonight: The Gray Lady has her pom-poms out because the Democrat-dominated panel is producing a prime-time television special that will masquerade as a bipartisan congressional hearing.

The hearings could better be understood as a 90-minute political ad, slickly produced by a former top ABC executive. Their objective is unabashedly partisan: Break the spell of soaring prices and woke-progressive failure that has Democrats careening into a midterm rout that would cost them control of Congress by refocusing voters on Donald Trump and the Capitol riot.

Good luck with that. Trump derangement still seizes the media–Democrat complex and some Republican pockets, but the vast majority of Americans have moved on from Trump and the events of January 6. That includes Republicans who approved of much of what Trump did — those many of us who appreciate that the Trump administration was far better for the country than the train wreck that is the Biden administration, but who have no use for Trump the man and no interest in a reprise of Trump the president.

No one approves of rioting — not the five-hour riot by Trump fanatics at the seat of our government, but also not the months of lethal rioting, looting, and arson perpetrated by the radical Left after George Floyd’s death in police custody. The problem for Biden and the Democrats is that no one is fooled by their claptrap about how the Insurrection™ was different because it was an attack on democracy itself. Not when they are no longer content just to avert their eyes from the jack-booted neo-Marxists on their own side, but now go the extra mile to coddle violent radical lawyers who firebomb police cars.

Down here on Earth, where all political violence is to be condemned regardless of what “ism” ignites it, we’re not very interested in further hysteria about the Capitol riot. Not from people who go out of their way not to notice that our streets have been torched. Not when our cities are engulfed by crime because those people won’t enforce the laws against anyone other than Trump and his myrmidons.

I really have no time for lectures about how Trump poses an unprecedented threat to American democracy. That wasn’t Trump plotting to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh yesterday. Trump is out of office. He has no ability to influence events. Populist Republican opportunists? Sure, he can influence them, because they’re hoping to inherit — or at least to not be eaten by — his supporters. But he can’t influence events: not inflation, gas prices, food prices, interest rates, Putin, Xi, crime, gun laws, deficits, Ukraine, the Taliban, the Iran deal 2.0, Covid variants, Monkeypox — none of it.

Nor are Americans even panting in anticipation of what Trump might say about events. Trump would be irrelevant if it weren’t for the people helping Democrats in their desperation to keep him relevant.

Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign was shameful, but it was also utterly incompetent. I covered it here closely, day after day, for two months. The reason the media have so confidently, bracingly reported that the president of the United States was peddling lies is that his own attorney general said so publicly. The lack of substance to his claims of election fraud was manifest because, as I repeatedly pointed out, every time a court gave his lawyers the chance to prove those claims, they folded like a cheap suitcase. It was a con job: Trump & Co. knew they couldn’t prove in court what they were saying on television.

In the abstract, the specter of a president’s using the awesome powers of his office to remain in power despite losing an election is horrifying. But the reality is that Trump’s bumbling effort to do so was a clown show. It had no chance of success.

The January 6 committee apparently intends to do a big song-and-dance about Trump’s attempt to use the Justice Department to coerce state officials, such as those who ran Georgia’s GOP-controlled government, into reversing Biden’s victory in their popular elections. But even the committee’s portrayal of it as an attempt is extravagant. It never had a prayer of working. After Attorney General Barr, just before leaving his post, made the obvious explicit by declaring the lack of material election fraud, his successors in DOJ leadership told Trump to pound sand. And Trump fecklessly retreated.

Moreover, as DOJ’s leaders well knew, had they idiotically done anything other than tell the president to take a hike, state Republicans would still have rebuffed his efforts. Put aside that Democrats, whether in Washington or in the states, were not going to roll over and let Trump steal the election. No Republican-controlled legislature would have dared do it, either.

There is also a reason the January 6 committee will be training its sights on faux electors — those goofy cabals of Trump supporters that the former president and his minions gulled into pretending that they were slates empowered to cast their states’ electoral votes for him. It’s got to be faux electors because there weren’t any real electors. No one outside of Trump’s inner circle of “Green Bay sweep” delusionists paid any attention to this stunt. None of these slates was certified by its state. There was no chance Congress was ever going to recognize one, because federal law forbade it. You’d find more convincing “electors” at a politics nerd’s Halloween party.

Even the congressional Republicans who shamefully supported the initiative to delay the counting of certain states’ electoral votes on January 6 were unserious. To their discredit, several Republican senators, applauded by scores of Trump allies in the House, proposed a delay so the states could “audit” their election results. In their lawyerly press release, these senators were careful not to claim that there was actual evidence of material fraud, saying only that some voters were concerned that “the election was rigged” — which was natural, given that the president had just spent nearly two months telling them it was rigged. So the audit proposal was a cynical exercise: These Republicans knew it was inconceivable that their gambit would be taken seriously. They knew they weren’t close to having the votes. They were putting on a show for Trump supporters, and when the riot shockingly broke out, the show was shut down quicker than a Broadway bomb.

While it surely testified to Trump’s unfitness for office, “stop the steal” was not a coup; it was a futile tantrum. Yes, it was atrocious that many police were injured and the Capitol was temporarily shut down. The deaths of four of the fanatics Trump misled were tragic. But there was no chance Biden’s victory would not be acknowledged by Congress. If the military had intervened, it would have been to put down the riot — something that proved unnecessary since the law-enforcement authorities had substantially quelled the uprising by the time some National Guard forces finally arrived on the scene in the early evening. At no time did the commander-in-chief dare ask “his generals” to aid in his inane, inchoate plan; he knew that they’d have scorned him, and that a bipartisan congressional consensus, supported by Vice President Pence, would have expeditiously impeached and removed him.

That didn’t happen because there was no existential threat to our democracy. The riot, if we were to dignify it as a strategy rather than a petulant outburst, was ineffectual. It probably wouldn’t have happened, and would certainly have been rapidly contained, if the security forces had been adequate and competent. As it was, Congress was able to reconvene in the Capitol that very night and make Biden’s victory official. Democrats then went home for a week, rather than attending immediately to Trump’s impeachment, because everyone knew the Constitution had flexed its muscles and the republic was safe.

Today, Trump’s avid followers are crowing because his successor’s approval ratings have sunk slightly below Trump’s at a comparable time in their terms, 42.4 to 40.7 percent. They conveniently overlook, however, that when he left office, Trump’s approval stood at a miserable 34 percent. That is why the vengeance campaign he is contemplating for 2024 is the Democrats’ best chance of retaining the White House, and why they and their media allies are highlighting the Capitol riot, Trump’s indelible disgrace.

Most of the country, though, will flip over to Seinfeld reruns or watch a ballgame. They’ve already made up their minds about January 6 and Donald Trump. The Democrats’ problem isn’t the voters’ apathy, it is their own woke progressivism. It is that, in those few forays out of his basement, campaign-trail Joe Biden posed as a nineties-style moderate Democrat who would face down his party’s radicals, but President Biden’s administration does the radicals’ bidding. Prime-time melodrama can’t fix that.


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republicans forged signatures
« Reply #1523 on: June 09, 2022, 04:57:12 PM »
".Kelley’s arrest comes after five other candidates in the primary were disqualified, including former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, for submitting thousands of false signatures on nomination papers. "

sound really weird . you mean to tell me 3 Repub office seekers were forging signatures

is this a set up ?

by Dems

Of course the Kelly arrest is staged
the timing is a yr and half late and impeccably obvious to be announced the very same day
as the hearing

the FBI is clearly in on the timing


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1524 on: June 09, 2022, 05:23:59 PM »
Kabuki show trial!  :x :x :x


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1525 on: June 09, 2022, 05:36:53 PM »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1526 on: June 09, 2022, 08:16:37 PM »
Kabuki show trial!  :x :x :x


Babylon Bee:
Miley Cyrus to Perform Halftime Show at Jan.6 Committee Hearings

From Glenn Reynolds:

Remember Jan.6
 Gas was 2.19


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after she gets blown out of office in November
« Reply #1527 on: June 10, 2022, 05:51:36 AM »
Liz Cheney will
be offered a role or two in Hollywood:

Michael Steele still advertises himself as a Republican while he goes on MSDNC to -
bash republicans . He does not yet get this his "career " is over in the Republican Party

Once you go Dem do not come back ......


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closer look at poll from GMs post above
« Reply #1530 on: June 10, 2022, 08:45:33 AM »
click on image to enlarge

young Republican women more ok with assassination then young republican men  :-o

but not as much as Democrat young men

the numbers are probably higher
in reality

this is what they teach in our teaching facilities now
so no surprise

Thomas Alito Gorsuch also on hit list

Barrett Kavanaugh and Roberts doing their best to stay off the hit list


 intimidation works


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Blockbuster blockbuster read all about it
« Reply #1531 on: June 10, 2022, 10:12:25 AM »


we already knew this folks
we heard this from the start

this is not news
so what, we know Trump is a hot head who could have said this and was told he did a yr and half ago

that said watch 2000 Mules

anyone here ever watch?


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1537 on: June 12, 2022, 04:50:33 PM »

31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.

The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.

Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.

Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.

Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.

When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”

White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.

Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.

All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.

“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.

Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.

Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.

“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”

He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1538 on: June 12, 2022, 08:18:27 PM »


31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.

The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.

Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.

Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.

Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.

When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”

White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.

Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.

All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.

“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.

Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.

Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.

“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”

He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1539 on: June 12, 2022, 08:38:17 PM »


31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.

The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.

Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.

Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.

Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.

When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”

White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.

Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.

All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.

“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.

Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.

Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.

“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”

He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.


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« Reply #1543 on: June 14, 2022, 07:27:53 AM »


31 Patriot Front Members Arrested Near Idaho Pride Event
By Naveen Athrappully June 12, 2022 Updated: June 12, 2022biggersmaller Print
Authorities arrested 31 members of the alleged ethnonationalist group Patriot Front in Idaho near a pride event on June 11 based on suspicion that the group aimed to carry out riots.

The all-male group, wearing matching gear, was standing inside a truck when the Coeur d’Alene police stopped the vehicle and arrested them. In a video circulating on the internet, police can be seen lifting up the roller door of a U-Haul truck, revealing the men with their hands already raised in surrender. The individuals came to “riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference, according to The Associated Press.

Of the 31, only one was from Idaho. The rest came from Arkansas, Washington, South Dakota, Illinois, Virginia, Oregon, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, and Missouri.

Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the group, was among the arrested. The U-Haul truck was positioned close to the LGBTQ “Pride in the Park” event that was being held by the North Idaho Pride Alliance at the Coeur d’Alene City Park.

Inside the truck, police found shields, shin guards, a smoke grenade, and riot gear. The men were all wearing khaki pants with logos on their hats and arm patches identifying them as members of the group.

When asked by reporters at the scene how they knew to inspect the U-haul truck, White told them, “We have informants.”

White told AP that police came to know about the U-Haul truck after a tipster told them that “it looked like a little army was loading up into the vehicle” in the parking lot of a hotel.

Authorities also discovered paperwork among the group similar to military or police operations plans. Based on collected evidence and documents, authorities determined that the group planned to riot at the park and in multiple downtown areas.

All 31 members were charged with misdemeanor and conspiracy to riot. They underwent the booking process on Saturday and are scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. According to White, the members could face more charges once prosecutors review the evidence.

“In my opinion, I would gladly arrest 31 individuals who are coming to riot in our city for a misdemeanor rather than have them participate in some sort of seriously disruptive event, which is exactly what they were planning in the downtown area,” White said, according to The Spokesman-Review.

Authorities said they were aware of online threats leading up to the event during the weekend. As a result, the police department had stepped up its presence in the region.

Local motorcycle club Panhandle Patriots had also planned on holding protests at the event, with a video claiming that they intend to go “head to head with these people.” However, President Michael Birdsong insisted that the statement in the video was taken out of context, according to KHQ.

“We have zero problems against anybody who is gay, or whatever they choose to call themselves, whatever gender,” Birdsong said. “I mean, it’s not our lifestyle, but we are not people to judge.”

He emphasized that the protests were targeted against “grooming books” he said are “geared toward pedophilia,” likely referencing recent news of teachers across the country pushing books promoting transgenderism and related content to children in schools.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #1549 on: June 16, 2022, 08:28:30 AM »
Disagreeing with Eastman's legal theory, particular when surrounded by the legal fumes of Sidney Powell and Lynn Wood's grifting operations, does not make one a Deep State scumbag.

OTOH it will add to the political reality that Trump is damaged goods.