Author Topic: Biden Transition and Administration  (Read 46611 times)


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #150 on: April 29, 2021, 07:18:55 AM »
State of the Union, or whatever they call what happened last night, I could not watch and haven't found anyone who did atch without getting paid to do so.  I clicked on the video this morning, watched the people come in, noticed that Democrats look better muzzled with masks than they do in full view, Bernie, Maxine and so on.  Recognized VP by her ample back side as she went to the podium.  Bad optics there for courting the centrist voter, seated behind the furthest Left governing President ever were two far Left California extremists, Nancy Pelosi and Commie Harris.  Waiting for the Pres to come in, I saw the video was going to be more than 2 hours and opted out.

I think it was Chris Christie who said, the content was that of 15 year old who suddenly had a credit card and the delivery was that of an old man who should know better.

I will post Tim Scott's great  rebuttal elsewhere (and here):


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #151 on: April 29, 2021, 08:44:20 AM »
I could only stomach small bits at a time
nothing much else on to watch

I think I might have gone to the john to at least do something constructive and worthwhile

one part I saw he must have repeated the word jobs literally over  30 times

trying to reel in the blue collar people which he also mentioned exactly that
  think he also gave nod to unions of course - something like more unions jobs

minimum wage hike to $15 dollars

the usual big democrat spending programs

"free community college"

something like 18 days of personal leave from work

"free daycare"

expand Medicare

he talked tough about China  - completely stolen from Trump
  he spoke about bringing jobs back to America.
 also completely stolen from Trump

just like slimy Clinton used to do
  suddenly adopt popular vote getting Republican proposals while taking all the credit

zero credit given to Trump of course

mentioned we will get out of Afghanistan (also stolen from Trump )
  and then spoke of ongoing jihadi terror but OF COURSE then had to explain who White Supremacy at home is the most dangerous terror problem we face

of course had to mention Saint Floyd legislation

 all the while Harris and Pelosi jumping up like Siamese twins joined at their fat waist
  and you could see those squinty Harris eyes ( reflecting the shit eating grin and her cackle drowned out by Democrat clapping)

of course the usual adoration from the forever crew on CNN
  Sans Jones
   and hefty Gloria burger

and at one point the lovely Dana Bash who stated that Tim Scott lied
   voting is NOT easier in Georgia - it is harder  blah blah blah
I guess minorities are not adept enough to get a photo ID
weird how they insult their intelligence
   as well as ours


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Biden speech: The sky is yellow and the sun is blue
« Reply #152 on: April 29, 2021, 09:50:47 AM »
A liberal take on the speech:

They more than lost me with:    UNIVERSAL PRE-SCHOOL

If that doesn't scare you...  The most Left of the Left, the biggest contributor to Democrats in the country, the Teachers Unions, they already control the kids K-12 plus all public and almost every private college, they already stole a generation from us, now they want your kids and grand kids right out of the womb, even if born alive.


Pres. Biden continued, we need more tax and spend to compete globally.  What?!  I did not watch, Was that with a straight face?  $6 trillion in new debt, beyond the now ordinary $1 trillion a year, this will help us balance the budget in the long run.  It will WHAT??!!

No one under $400,000 will see their taxes raised.  That's a neat trick, defying all the science that says the weight of the corporate tax increase, the gas and utilities tax increase and the capital gains increases fall heaviest on exactly these people.

Democrats viewing reportedly called the speech "inspirational".  Inspire you to do what?  Quit your job and live off the freebies?

The vaccines are a Biden accomplishment and the border crisis is Trump's fault.   Maybe if you are on an LSD flashback.
"The sky was yellow and the sun was blue."  - Grateful Dead 1974  [at 3:40]
 "xxx vaccinations since inauguration day."  Ummm, inauguration day was a non-event in the vaccination business.  Who doesn't know that?  Like they said with the Clintons, "No one Left to Lie to".   On the second point, maybe Biden should have appointed Trump to manage the border crisis for him instead of Commie.  Didn't he say he would put a Republican in the administration?  Then it would all be Trump's fault - unless the administration didn't follow his recommendations - like build a wall and turn them away if they come!

On a more positive note, the Democrats are moving forward with a sense of desperation that indicates they believe they have about a year left to enact their agenda before losing power.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 10:19:24 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration, Ron Klain
« Reply #154 on: May 03, 2021, 09:14:06 AM »
We keep referring to whoever is pulling the strings or running the show for Joe.  Even if it is a typical administration and Joe is in charge, who are his key influencers?  This article singles out Ron Klain, 59, twitter handle @WHCOS  (White House Chief of Staff).


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Biden Administration, Trouble ahead, Trouble behind, Michael Barone
« Reply #155 on: May 10, 2021, 09:06:16 AM »
The approval / disapproval of the Biden Presidency will determine the next turn in the future of our once great country.  Michael Barone looks behind the mainstream polling numbers numbers telling us he is doing fine and suggests maybe he is not.

In politics it seems like no one ever changes their mind - and then you see a 16% move like what just happened in a district in England over the weekend.

Biden voters include people who didn't like Trump and saw Biden as a symbol of what Democrats used to be, centrist and in support of middle class working people and American values.  It is not 54% of the country, the alleged Biden approval, who support the radical woke, ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater agenda. 

Doubling murder rates, critical race theory, the celebration of birthing person's day, burn the cities down, disband the police, destroy the Senate and the constitution, see filthy and dangerous homeless camps where public parks used to be, these are not the goals of the center left, and the woke crowd has no power without their support.
Michael Barone
« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 09:26:40 AM by DougMacG »


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Biden Administration, the Ransomware Presidency
« Reply #156 on: May 14, 2021, 07:08:20 AM »
We need better labeling and messaging, always.

"The Ransomware President". (Hat tip Marc Levin.)

That a pipeline and our energy supply (or water supply) can be shutdown with ransomware is scary.  But shutting down pipelines and blocking our energy supply to get us to use less is the policy of the Biden administration, his first act in office.

Presidential approval poll question, do you approve of the policies of the ransomware Presidency? 54% yes?  I doubt it.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #157 on: May 14, 2021, 07:35:03 AM »
"Presidential approval poll question, do you approve of the policies of the ransomware Presidency? 54% yes?  I doubt it."



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Shutting down pipelines IS terrorism.
« Reply #158 on: May 16, 2021, 07:12:31 AM »
Shutting down pipelines IS terrorism.

Yes, ransom was paid to terrorists.  Threatening to shut an economy down is terrorism.  But calling it what it is makes Biden  one.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Biden Administration, Pipelines
« Reply #159 on: May 20, 2021, 08:43:15 AM »
Russian pipelines yes.  American pipelines no.

Infrastructure for everything else, yes.  Pipelines here, no.

Little known fact here, MSP airport (Minneapolis St.  Paul) has a pipeline connecting the nearest refinery with jet fuel.  We don't have fuel trucks in traffic all over the freeways near the airport, or trains blocking traffic (other than the LRT boondoggle).  Google search of tanker spill near MSP airport takes me directly to other spills near other airports.  There is nothing there. 

Deniers of science - on every topic.  There is no question that pipelines have the best safety and environmental record over all other alternatives:
But who gives a rat's ass about safety and environmental record when you have a nation to destroy?

The Biden administration as the face of the Left today reminds me of this song:
If Everyone was listening.
Who'll be the last clown, to bring the house down?


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Is it loyalty to China or derangement toward Trump?  Maybe it doesn't matter.  Either way, it's bad governance.  How do you learn from mistakes and catastrophes if you refuse to find out what happened?

Deniers of science stuck to the outdoor food market story a year after we all knew it doesn't spread outdoors.


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Biden Administration, Optimism down 20 points since May
« Reply #161 on: July 27, 2021, 08:05:36 AM »
Optimism down 20 points since May, 26 points with Independents!

My reaction, slow learners, but better than total and permanent denial.

Every policy of this Administration is designed to bring down this country.  If that is an exaggeration, tell me one policy of theirs that is not.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #162 on: July 27, 2021, 10:08:28 AM »
Please post on the Epidemic thread as well!


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Biden Administration, Pipelines or no pipelines? Nord stream 2
« Reply #163 on: July 29, 2021, 01:46:19 PM »
Biden to waive sanctions on company in charge of Nord Stream 2

This is from May but is still relevant as the US gas prices approach double of pre-election levels.  Pipeline and burning of fossil fuels is no threat to the environment when 'green' Germany and Russia do it.

VDH and others asked, what would Trump's policy be if he was a paid stooge of Putin and all his actual policies were exactly the opposite.  A big part of it was American fracking that nearly put Russia out of business.  Now Biden does exactly what they want, down to approving pipelines he stopped here, and no one screams: traitor.


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« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 06:10:30 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Biden administration accomplishments in 7 charts, Look!
« Reply #165 on: August 17, 2021, 09:38:56 AM »
From issues and insights:

Inflation up from 1% to 5% per year:

"Misery Index" up every month:

Stress index up:

Pessimism up 20 points in 2 months:

Real wages, Down every month under Biden:  [That's what inflation does!]

Murders up!

Border crisis out of control:

Covid cases up:

Everything is worse and everyone knows it.  Thank you President Biden and his Marxist handlers.

Consumer sentiment lowest since (2011) the Obama Biden administration:

Lower than Covid Lockdown 1.  I don't think Covid is driving this.


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Biden and his Administration are shameless
« Reply #166 on: August 18, 2021, 03:28:08 PM »


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Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden's top 10 blunders
« Reply #167 on: August 29, 2021, 05:49:02 AM »

Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden's top 10 blunders
Many of President Biden's mistakes could have lasting, unforeseeable consequences
Newt Gingrich  By Newt Gingrich | Fox News

1. Bipartisan Baloney

As I write in my upcoming book, "Beyond Biden", which will be released on Nov. 2, the first major mistake Biden made was immediately failing to live up to the pledges he made in his inaugural address. In his inaugural address, Biden said: "Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation."

Had Biden actually led from the center as a bipartisan president, he would have quickly formed a strong coalition in Washington and built a strong majority. But, he didn’t.

On day one in office, Biden signed 17 executive orders, most of which were highly partisan, with nine being direct reversals of popular, effective policies set by the previous administration. Biden’s day-one action message to a deeply divided America was that talk of bipartisanship was pure baloney.

2. Destroying Our Energy Independence

Biden’s second big mistake was his aggressive effort to cripple America’s energy independence. In his early days of office, he recommitted America to the Paris Climate Accords, which restricts America while giving high-polluting countries such as China a pass.

He canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which cost Americans roughly 30,000 jobs and contributed to rising oil and gas prices. He also canceled oil and gas exploration in the arctic. Because of these destructive actions, Biden later had to crawl back to OPEC nations and grovel for them to increase production to lower prices.

3. Giving in to Iran

Desperate to salvage one of his former boss’s few achievements, Biden immediately sought to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, which will not stop Iran from eventually developing nuclear weapons.

It also freed up billions of dollars which Iran can now use in its continued effort to fund terrorism around the globe. This sent a clear message of weakness to our allies in the Middle East and will only benefit Iran – the world’s premier funder of terrorism.

4. Kowtowing to China

President Biden has consistently failed to stand up to China, which is our single biggest competitor. We know that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally withheld information about the spread of the COVID-19 virus as early as December of 2019.

We know it lied to the world about the existence and origins of the virus – and used the World Health Organization to spread its propaganda.

Biden has done nothing to hold the Chinese Communist Party to account – and has unconditionally recommitted American tax dollars to the WHO.

Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping has no reason to believe the American government will be a serious competitor as long as Biden and the Democratic Party is running the country.

5. COVID-19 Confusion

Let’s be clear: The historically rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines is all thanks to President Donald Trump. Biden had nothing to do with empowering our private pharmaceutical sector to create the vaccines – or streamlining the regulatory structure so they could quickly get to Americans who needed them.

Biden is responsible for setting incredibly low goals for vaccine distribution, leading a completely confused vaccine messaging campaign at the federal level, and further polarizing the country over vaccines by consistently demonizing Republican governors who didn’t toe federal lines – even when Republican states were experiencing fewer COVID-19 deaths than states with Democratic governors with extreme restrictions and higher infection rates.

6. Surrender at the Southern Border

President Biden has overseen the most porous, permissive, and lawless U.S.-Mexico border in generations. In July, illegal crossings at the southern border hit a 21-year high. This is remarkable, as border crossings typically drop off in the summer, because the desert heat becomes so dangerous. At the same time, deportations of illegal immigrants are at a record low.

Biden has essentially surrendered the southern border to whoever wants to come in – including drug dealers, human traffickers, potential terrorists, and other violent criminals.

The U.S. Border Patrol is deeply demoralized, and Americans are less safe. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court is beginning to roll-back some of Biden’s disastrous decisions and forcing it to re-implement measures that work – such as President Trump’s remain in Mexico policy.

7. Betrayal at the Border

I mention this as a separate failure because it is so dramatic and dismissive of Americans’ safety.

Southwest border sees 419% spike in illegal border crossings from July 2020-July 2021Video
Biden has allowed record numbers of people to illegally cross the border and stay in America during a global pandemic without any requirement that they be tested for COVID-19 or quarantined before going wherever they want.

President Biden and Democrats impose strong restrictions on Americans in the name of defeating the virus, but they impose nothing on the people who are illegally entering the country. This is one of the clearest examples of the contempt this administration and national Democrats have for the American people.

It is a complete betrayal.

8. Bankrupting America

Just when American jobs were beginning to be revived following the global pandemic, Biden has reinstituted regulations which make it harder to hire people and suggested an $8 trillion spending plan – including $1 trillion in non-infrastructure infrastructure projects and another $3.5 trillion in liberal pipedreams.

Laid-off Keystone worker: 'Something totally wrong with this admin'Video
It is as if he is intentionally reliving the disastrous Jimmy Carter presidency. Biden’s rabid spending will not create jobs. It will continue to hike inflation, weaken the U.S. dollar, weaken Americans’ retirement accounts, and lead the Democrats to instinctively try to raise taxes. He is doing everything he possibly can to hamstring the economy and keep us in the pandemic depression.   

9. Surrendering in Afghanistan

Of course, the most recent and glaring example of Biden’s failure is his disastrous surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan. His decision to pull all our military forces out and surrender our most effective evacuation facility (Bagram Airfield) before safely evacuating American civilians and civil servants is a quintessential example of how and why he is incapable of leading America.

It forced Biden to then recommit twice as many American soldiers to the evacuation effort as were there before we left (and created a much more dangerous environment).

12 service members confirmed killed in Kabul terror attackVideo
On Thursday, we learned that suicide bombers killed more than 60 people, including 12 U.S. service members, and injured many more at the airport in Kabul. These are the first America service members to be killed by enemies in Afghanistan in the last 18 months.

Biden’s failure in Afghanistan is now unfortunately deeply real to at least 12 more American families. He should be ashamed of himself.

10. Failing to Surrender His Ego

The last and greatest of Biden’s failures is his inability to acknowledge his own incompetence.

Throughout this process, I have been unable to find a single positive thing Biden has done for Americans. He continues to implement and impose his failures on our nation.

It is costing Americans their jobs, their peace of mind, and now their lives.

Again, I wonder: How much more of this can we take?

« Last Edit: August 29, 2021, 06:08:54 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #168 on: August 29, 2021, 01:13:00 PM »
"Again, I wonder: How much more of this can we take?"

we have a huge free shit crowd who are not going to change their minds

indeed they keep demanding more.........


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piece of Biden's right ear is missing
« Reply #169 on: August 30, 2021, 05:32:34 AM »

He must have had a skin cancer removed
usually squamous cell carcinoma
or basal cell carcinoma

The from mostly curable the latter nearly always so...


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Record 331 Million Americans Have Not Been Abandoned In Afghanistan
« Reply #170 on: September 02, 2021, 01:08:46 PM »
Only the newspaper of record Babylon Bee gets the Biden perspective right.

Some of those left behind were Republican anyway.


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Re: Blame Pentagon planner Colin Kahl
« Reply #174 on: September 04, 2021, 03:46:08 AM »
The blame falls on Biden and everyone who works for him, those that voted for him and the fraud that got him into office.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #175 on: September 04, 2021, 06:18:21 AM »
Overheard "It is interesting that Biden has distributed more assault weapons than anyone else in American history, without a background check".


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #176 on: September 04, 2021, 06:48:11 AM »
Overheard "It is interesting that Biden has distributed more assault weapons than anyone else in American history, without a background check".

If the nation and media hadn't ignored Fast and Furious, maybe this wouldn't have happened.


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30% say Biden's America is on the right track: RCP
« Reply #177 on: September 04, 2021, 03:07:35 PM »
And I don't believe them.


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Re: Biden Administration
« Reply #178 on: September 10, 2021, 08:34:22 AM »

Analysis: Biden’s war on virus becomes war on unvaccinated

Hard to believe the AP gets it.

One might remember less than a year ago, the anti-vax crowd was mainly on the left.  cf. RFK jr.

Now the Left is betting it's power on Big Pharma, Pfizer and a project spearheaded by Donald rump and Covid Czar Mike Pence.  Strange bedfellows.  I found the anti constitutional aspects more disturbing than the meandering science.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #179 on: September 10, 2021, 08:45:11 AM »
cannot see article on that link
wants me to "register"

so they can sell me emails


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re. Biden Administration, War on the Unvaccinated
« Reply #180 on: September 10, 2021, 09:47:21 AM »
cannot see article on that link
wants me to "register"

so they can sell me emails

Nothing at any of those is worth registering for.  Just pointing out the Left knows and admits this is a civil war too.  Kind of harsh words, war on the unvaccinated, no matter on which side you fall.

Text of the Leftist AP article [with comment]:

WASHINGTON (AP) — They’re a source of frustration. A risk to their fellow citizens. A threat to the nation’s economic recovery.

President Joe Biden is trying to concentrate the anger of the nation’s inoculated majority against the stubborn 25% of eligible Americans who remain unvaccinated against COVID-19.

[Doug: The President is trying to divert attention from his Afghan failure back to his 'terrorists' at home.]

Nearly 8 months after declaring “war” on the coronavirus as he took office, Biden announced far-reaching new federal requirements Thursday that could force millions to get shots. In doing so, he embraced those who haven’t rolled up their sleeves as a new foe amid a devastating surge in cases that is straining the nation’s health system and constricting its economy.

“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” Biden said from the State Dining Room. “And your refusal has cost all of us.”

[Doug:  Less than a year ago YOU Joe Biden expressed distrust of the SAME vaccine.  Nothing has changed since then except the party in power.]

The unvaccinated minority, he added, “can cause a lot of damage, and they are.”

[Doug:  Misinformation and banned information causes a lot of damage too.]

The speech marked the starkest public airing of Biden’s own frustrations over the direction of the COVID-19 pandemic and a striking departure from his familiar talk of national healing. In essence, he scolded a minority of the country for holding back the majority. And he had especially harsh words for public officials who have stoked or exploited vaccine fears for political gain.

[Doug:  Scolded?  He's trying to ban them from our society.]

“A distinct minority of Americans, supported by a distinct minority of elected officials, are keeping us from turning the corner,” Biden said. “These pandemic politics are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die.”

[Doug:  YOU Joe Biden are one of those sowing the distrust, unless we are not to look at your words and believe them.]

Biden’s forceful posture reflected a calculus that far more Americans will support his action than will be drawn to the visceral anger that some on the right directed at his announcement — evidenced, in his view, by the fact that a supermajority of the country has already been vaccinated.

It was also driven by self-interest, as Biden tries to defend his own job performance on the issue most important to voters.

[Doug:  Where is the new vaccine for the new virus?  WHere is ANY reliable information"]

The resurgence of the virus has sent his poll numbers to the lowest point yet of his presidency. An AP-NORC poll conducted in August found that 54% of Americans approved of Biden’s stewardship of the pandemic, down from 66% the month before, driven by a drop in support among Republicans and political independents.

[Doug:  His poll numbers were sent down by his own job performance at home and abroad.  He is losing DEMOCRAT support.]

The drop in approval has coincided with a summer backslide in the fight against the virus. Biden blamed the spiking cases for August’s slower-than-expected job growth and warned the nation could continue to face economic penalty if it doesn’t get the virus under control.

[Doug: Government programs are to blame for the nation's slow job growth and every economist knows it.]

It was just two months ago that Biden prematurely declared the nation’s “independence” from the pandemic.

[Doug:  They used to mock Presidents for false mission accomplished declarations - in time of war.]

Now, despite more than 75% of Americans having at least one dose of vaccine, the U.S. is seeing about 300% more new COVID-19 infections a day, about two-and-a-half times more hospitalizations, and nearly twice the number of deaths compared to the same time last year.

[Doug:  Death rate worse than Trump BEFORE the vaccine.  Something wrong with this picture?]

“We’re in the tough stretch, and it could last for a while,” Biden warned.

[Doug:  If only 25% are unvaccinated and they're all getting covid, won't the survivors of that have 13 times better immunity than the people taking your advice?]

Still, he predicted, with most Americans vaccinated, the human toll won’t exceed last winter’s carnage.

[Doug:  He just surpassed last year's summer carnage - after declaring mission accomplished.]

Speaking directly to the fears of Americans who have received a dose, Biden said, “For the vast majority of you who’ve gotten vaccinated, I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated. I understand the anxiety about getting a breakthrough case.” He pledged that his administration was moving forward swiftly to secure booster doses of the mRNA vaccines as soon as this month to provide more durable protection against the more transmissible delta variant.

[Doug:  It doesn't work as promised so let's do more of it.]

In announcing that the Transportation Security Administration will double fines on travelers who refuse to wear masks on planes, Biden was unforgiving, “If you break the rules, be prepared to pay.”

White House officials maintain Biden isn’t trying to stoke anger in a vacuum but said he hopes that reflecting the irritation of the nation’s majority — combined with new vaccine requirements — will serve as a productive step toward putting the virus back in check. Defeating the virus, they argue, now requires defeating the reluctance of the 80 million people who have yet to get a shot.

[Doug:  Defeating the virus requires defeating the people who believed his previous advice to not trust a Trump vaccine.]

It’s a head-spinning change in tone from a White House that spent much of the year steadfastly avoiding any appearance of criticism of those who were waiting to be vaccinated.

[Doug: "A head spinning change"?  Didn't we used to call that flip flopping?]

Federal, state and local governments invested billions on education, advertising and outreach about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. They gave away cash, cars, tuition, sports tickets and beer. Even as some Republicans criticized Biden’s handling of the vaccination rollout, the White House for months held its tongue.

But as more Americans rolled up their sleeves, officials said, Biden grew more comfortable first taking on those his administration blames for spreading misinformation about the shots and now imposing the vaccination requirements his administration had previously avoided.

[Doug:  Those who spread mis-information, like Fauci?]

Even as his posture has stiffened, Biden has thus far held off on even more coercive requirements, such as requiring shots for domestic air travel.

[Doug:  A moderate totalitarian?]

Still, the reaction from Biden’s opponents was swift.

Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves tweeted: “The vaccine itself is life-saving, but this unconstitutional move is terrifying. This is still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants.”

Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, called it an “unconstitutional, un-American federal decree.” South Carolina Republican Gov. Henry McMaster responded without nuance: “Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.”

The White House is gearing up for legal challenges and believes that even if some of the mandates are tossed out, millions of Americans will get a shot because of the new requirements — saving lives and preventing the spread of the virus.

Biden has found unusual allies in the business community, which is eager for a return to normalcy after 18 months of pandemic disruption. They may not like Biden’s proposed tax increases, but they appear to have bought into his argument that the nation can ill afford to allow the unvaccinated to “undo” progress on strengthening the economy.

“Business Roundtable welcomes the Biden Administration’s continued vigilance in the fight against COVID,” said Joshua Bolten, the group’s president and CEO.

“We look forward to working with the administration to ensure any vaccine requirements are structured in a way that does not negatively impact the operations of manufacturers that have been leading through the pandemic to keep Americans safe,” said National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons.

Despite the vehement reaction of Biden’s opponents, the president can take comfort in certain data points.

An Axios/Ipsos poll conducted July 30-Aug, 2 found that 58% of Americans, including 79% of those who are vaccinated, said they blame the unvaccinated for rising COVID-19 cases and the spread of new variants in the U.S. The poll allowed multiple responses, but the share saying the unvaccinated were to blame was higher than those blaming other causes, including people from other countries traveling to the U.S. (32%) and Donald Trump (28%).

White House aides point to an even clearer metric — the more than 208 million Americans who have already gotten a shot.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 09:50:28 AM by DougMacG »


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Biden: "I wouldn’t demand [vaccines] be mandatory"
« Reply #181 on: September 11, 2021, 10:29:39 AM »

If this were a Republican, you would call him a ... L I A R.

What changed?  The virus?  No, it's more contagious and less deadly.  What changed is POWER.

He's not a President [in some constitutional role].  He's a totalitarian.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #183 on: October 15, 2021, 03:35:39 PM »
what kind of crap is this?

secretary of a major branch of the United States Federal Government
and he takes off for maternity (or is paternity ) leave ?




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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #184 on: October 15, 2021, 04:43:36 PM »
what kind of crap is this?

secretary of a major branch of the United States Federal Government
and he takes off for maternity (or is paternity ) leave ?



It’s taking a while to figure out how breastfeeding works.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #185 on: October 15, 2021, 07:02:25 PM »
First, have breasts.


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Dems always somehow find a job for their partisan comrades
« Reply #187 on: October 22, 2021, 11:56:56 PM »
never ceases to amaze me.
a dem does not get the job wanted

but somehow always simply shows up somewhere else

keeping them out of government is like wack a mole :


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Re: Dems always somehow find a job for their partisan comrades
« Reply #188 on: October 23, 2021, 12:01:04 AM »
It's a big club, and we ain't in it.

never ceases to amaze me.
a dem does not get the job wanted

but somehow always simply shows up somewhere else

keeping them out of government is like wack a mole :


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Jen Psaki rips Joe before she worked for Joe
« Reply #192 on: November 18, 2021, 08:21:07 AM »

There have been moments when those of us who have affection for the [then] Vice President have wondered
what on earth is happening now?

Hey Jen, How about now?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 08:23:11 AM by DougMacG »


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Tim Scott
« Reply #197 on: November 20, 2021, 07:08:56 AM »

From CD's post above

‘I Cannot Think of a Nominee More Poorly Suited Than You’



he presents facts, known public statements from this person lists them and makes it quite clear she is deceitful about her true intentions

not the stuff Trump does :

   like simply calling her names or grammar school insults such
     as you a "dog", or  your "husband is ugly" (not handsome like me ), or "you are a dumb ass"   or "you are a loser" , etc.


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Re: Omarova down in flames
« Reply #199 on: November 24, 2021, 07:12:40 PM »

"Saule Omarova is eminently qualified for this position,” the official said. “She has been treated unfairly since her nomination with unacceptable red-baiting from Republicans like it’s the McCarthy era.”"

She IS a communist. It's not a pejorative.  It's a self description.