Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 453745 times)


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WSJ: Sweden
« Reply #750 on: February 26, 2017, 01:25:59 PM »
For some reason the search command "Sweden" is not pulling up any posts, so just to make sure I post/repost? this:

y Jimmie Åkesson and
Mattias Karlsson
Feb. 22, 2017 6:43 p.m. ET

When President Trump last week raised Sweden’s problematic experience with open-door immigration, skeptics were quick to dismiss his claims. Two days later an immigrant suburb of Stockholm was racked by another riot. No one was seriously injured, though the crowd burned cars and hurled stones at police officers.

Mr. Trump did not exaggerate Sweden’s current problems. If anything, he understated them. Sweden took in about 275,000 asylum-seekers from 2014-16—more per capita than any other European country. Eighty percent of those who came in 2015 lacked passports and identification, but a majority come from Muslim nations. Islam has become Sweden’s second-largest religion. In Malmö, our third-largest city, Mohamed is the most common name for baby boys.

The effects are palpable, starting with national security. An estimated 300 Swedish citizens with immigrant backgrounds have traveled to the Middle East to fight for Islamic State. Many are now returning to Sweden and are being welcomed back with open arms by our socialist government. In December 2010 we had our first suicide attack on Swedish soil, when an Islamic terrorist tried to blow up hundreds of civilians in central Stockholm while they were shopping for Christmas presents. Thankfully the bomber killed only himself.

Riots and social unrest have become a part of everyday life. Police officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel are regularly attacked. Serious riots in 2013, involving many suburbs with large immigrant populations, lasted for almost a week. Gang violence is booming. Despite very strict firearm laws, gun violence is five times as common in Sweden, in total, as in the capital cities of our three Nordic neighbors combined.

Anti-Semitism has risen. Jews in Malmö are threatened, harassed and assaulted in the streets. Many have left the city, becoming internal refugees in their country of birth.

The number of sex crimes nearly doubled from 2014-15, according to surveys by the Swedish government body for crime statistics. One-third of Swedish women report that they no longer feel secure in their own neighborhoods, and 12% say they don’t feel safe going out alone after dark. A 1996 report from the same government body found that immigrant men were far likelier to commit rape than Swedish men. Last year our party asked the minister of justice to conduct a new report on crime and immigration, and he replied: “In light of previous studies, I do not see that a further report on recorded crime and individuals’ origins would add knowledge with the potential to improve the Swedish society.”

Our nation’s culture hasn’t been spared either. Artists accused of insulting Islam live under death threats. Dance performances and art exhibitions have been called off for fear of angering Islamists. Schools have prohibited the singing of traditional Christian hymns because they don’t want to “insult” non-Christian immigrants. Yet reports made with hidden cameras by journalists from Swedish public media show mosques teaching fundamentalist interpretations of Islam.

Sweden’s government now spends an incredible amount of money caring for newly arrived immigrants each year. The unemployment rate among immigrants is five times as high as that of native Swedes. Among some groups, such as Somalis, in places like Malmö unemployment reaches 80%.

Our party, the Sweden Democrats, wants to put the security and welfare of Swedish citizens first. We are surging in the opinion polls and seem to have a good chance of becoming the country’s largest party during the elections next year. We will not rest until we have made Sweden safe again.

For the sake of the American people, with whom we share so many strong historical and cultural ties, we can only hope that the leaders in Washington won’t make the same mistakes that our socialist and liberal politicians did.

Mr. Åkesson is party chairman of the Sweden Democrats. Mr. Karlsson is the party’s group leader in Parliament.


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Sweden: 2014
« Reply #751 on: February 26, 2017, 01:32:08 PM »
Second post

How to fight academic bigotry

For decades, the American Studies Association labored in well-deserved obscurity. No longer. It has now made a name for itself by voting to boycott Israeli universities, accusing them of denying academic and human rights to Palestinians.

, , ,

Five years ago in Sweden, Israel’s Davis Cup team had to play its matches in an empty tennis stadium because the authorities could not guarantee the Israelis’ safety from the mob. The most brazen display of rising anti-Semitism today is the spread of the “quenelle,” a reverse Nazi salute, popularized by the openly anti-Semitic French entertainer, Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala


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Re: Sweden: 2014
« Reply #753 on: February 27, 2017, 07:41:37 PM »
Five years ago in Sweden, Israel’s Davis Cup team had to play its matches in an empty tennis stadium because the authorities could not guarantee the Israelis’ safety from the mob. The most brazen display of rising anti-Semitism today is the spread of the “quenelle,” a reverse Nazi salute, popularized by the openly anti-Semitic French entertainer, Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala

Documented on these pages:
Re: Islam in Europe - Davis Cup without Spectators
« Reply #268 on: February 24, 2009, 02:45:06 PM »
I had the opportunity to see a Davis Cup semifinal years ago featuring USA v. Sweden in Minneapolis.  There were no riots in the streets or car burnings.  This story in Malmo is amazing, they are host to Israel v. Sweden and the show just won't go on.  I would be very interested in hearing from people who have witnessed the unrest in places like France and Sweden.
 Anyone for tennis in Malmo?
February 24, 2009

The AP reports that spectators will be barred from the Sweden-Israel Davis Cup match next month in Malmo. There appears to be a vague concern about controlling Swedish youth in Malmo:

    The Davis Cup matches between Sweden and Israel will be played without spectators in Malmo next month. Attempts to move the venue to Stockholm fell through.

    Officials have cited security concerns for the World Group series, which will be played March 6-8. Several anti-Israeli demonstrations have been planned in Malmo.

    Stockholm had offered to host the matches, saying it was better prepared to guarantee security arrangements. But that possibility ended when Stockholm officials said they couldn't get organized in time for Sunday's arrival of the Israeli team.

What's the problem in Malmo? Interested readers are left to fill in the blanks for themselves.   (It's a Muslim immigrant controlled city.)

The video I posted of the riots in Malmo on March 8, 2009 is now blocked.  Eurasia vs. oceania?

Try these:
What immigrant crime wave in Sweden?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #754 on: February 27, 2017, 09:40:53 PM »
Outstanding work Doug.  Thank you!


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #755 on: February 27, 2017, 09:42:43 PM »
Outstanding work Doug.  Thank you!

Funny, I was told this was a myth from right wing h8ors!!!!!!111!!!!!!!


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« Reply #757 on: March 02, 2017, 01:48:31 PM »
Thanks for the nice words.

"Funny, I was told this (Sweden dangerous) was a myth from right wing h8ors!!!!!!"

Now this, probably just internet hoax:
German Government Issues Travel Warning for Sweden Because of Terrorism Risk
By Joe Simonson | 2:16 pm, March 1, 2017
It looks like Germany doesn’t believe refugee violence is merely a right-wing talking point: That government on Wednesday released a statement warning its citizens about travel to Sweden due to the “increased threat levels of terrorism.”
More links, more stories, more riots.  Nothing to see, really.
Police in Rinkeby shot to hit
published February 20, 2017 at 21:50
During the night's violent riots in Rinkeby threw several masked stones at police.
The police felt then so constricted that they fired shots that were not intended to warn.
- You fired a shot that is designated as for effect, said police spokesperson Lars Bystrom.
A photographer at the Daily News was in connection with the riots beaten and had to spend the night at the hospital, he says to DN.
Now increase police staffing in Rinkeby.
The alarm came to the police at 20:18 on Monday evening. A police patrol should then have been in the area for disposing of a wanted person.
In connection with this began several people at the subway throwing stones at police.
Police patrol on the site must have felt so constricted that they were forced to fire shots before being pulled back from the site of the wanted person.

Initially it was said that it was warning shots, but in the morning, police announced that they fired for effect.
Unlike the warning shot for effect means that the police service weapon fires to hit the target.
- Our staff was attacked by a number of people, some of them were masked and threw stones. It felt so constricted that it fired a shot that is designated as for effect, said police spokesperson Lars Bystrom.

During the night, the police had a large number of patrols in place in Rinkeby, something they will continue on Tuesday.
- We are increasing our staffing and will remain as long as necessary to provide security and order, says Ulf Johansson, regional police chief on the police website.

A witness at the site reports that the police retreated to a gas station in connection with the stone-throwing began. Up to 30 young people have participated, and according to the witness, they have blocked the road to the fire department would not be able to get through.
Classified as rioting
Several police officers had stones thrown at them. A police got a stone on his arm, but it is unclear how seriously injured he was.
Police headlining the event as assaulting a police officer and rioting. No person should even have been arrested in connection with the stoning.
- A person who was in the square were beaten, and one person who was on his way home was beaten and robbed, says Sylvia Oldin.

One of those assaulted was a photographer on the DN.
- I've met a lot of punches and kicks on both the body and the head. I have spent the night in the hospital, he told the newspaper.
A witness at the site reports that the police retreated to a gas station in connection with the stone-throwing began. Up to 30 young people have participated, and according to the witness, they have blocked the road to the fire department would not be able to get through.
SL, following a decision by the police shortly before 22 o'clock, set the bus services in the area. Among other stops bus 179 and bus 514 is not at five stops, including Rinkeby center.

In the morning, the police announced that it is about a dozen cars have been burned.
A second attack
Photos of the site, one can see how many cars are on fire, and emergency services are on site to extinguish them.
- Seven or eight cars burned in the area. We move back and forth, it never stands still at such incidents but we have good resources in place, says Lars Bystrom.

Now increases police bemanninge in Rinkeby. Photo: FREDRIK SANDBERG / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
In the morning, the police announced that it is about a dozen cars have been burned. Vandalism is otherwise at a couple of storefronts in Rinkeby center that has been crushed.
According to information are about the emergency services have requested reinforcements from Sollentuna and Brännkyrka.
At 22:20 the police attacked a second time by the youth gang. It was about a planned, concerted attack where the young people rushed towards the police and threw stones.
 Police tackled to the ground during emergency
"Have helmets and protective equipment"
Expressen's reporter on the scene, Kim Malmgren says Monday evening that the atmosphere in the city center, where a hundred people are located, has been quite calm and not particularly excited.
- There is still burning in two cars. The rescue has gone into the center to start putting out the fires. Even the police are there with helmets and protective gear. Altogether, I have seen 4-5 police buses in the area, he says.
At 23:30 o'clock they had positioned themselves at the underground station in Rinkeby. According to Lars Bystrom have gone in with more resources in the area.
Burnt out cars in Rinkeby. Photo: FREDRIK SANDBERG / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
- We go in for it to be peace and quiet in there. Unfortunately, we have received reports that several stores have been looted in the area. Once in place, we will certainly control the people and in the best case we can resort to anyone concerned.
"Very serious"
- Of course it is very serious that the police officers are attacked when it does its job. What we see may be a result of our increased pressure on criminals in the area. But I can assure that we are resilient and will not leave, rather intensify our work, says Ulf Johansson, the regional police chief on the police website.
A large number of reports have been prepared including: Three violent rioting, assaulting a police officer, two cases of assault, criminal damage and aggravated thefts.
For the second night in a row Rinkeby shaken by violent riots. 50s youths threw stones at police and attacked the fire department. At least eleven fires started, most serious of which led to Rinkeby Academy burned.
Already on Tuesday evening, police had indications that something was going on in Rinkeby in western Stockholm. Young people had broken up paving stones laid in heaps. It all looked to be a repeat of the riots last night.
- They did everything to get our attention, says the county officer in charge of police officer Mats Brännlund in Stockholm.
- I would be able to understand the violence against the police, but why do they threaten and attack the emergency services I do not understand at all.
Despite the police escort could not rescue work close enough to extinguish the large fire in Rinkeby School annex, where Rinkeby Academy is housed. The group of young people gathered was deemed too threatening and police officers were met by stone-throwing.
A witness who wishes to remain anonymous tells the newspaper Metro that the area resembled a war zone.
- It rained down stones.
Swedes answer call for Somali jihad.
An al-Qaida-linked group is busy recruiting anti-government fighters among Somali youths living in the Stockholm suburb Rinkeby, according to a recent AP report.
The problems Sweden faces integrating large numbers of Muslim immigrants is a subject on which Nordstjernan columnist Ulf Nilson has written many times. His warnings of increasing radicalization among Sweden’s Muslims – warnings he started to broadcast a decade ago – now seem eerily prophetic in light of an Associated Press investigation that found Stockholm to be a breeding ground for jihadists among Swedish Somalis.
According to the AP report, which first ran Jan. 24, an al-Qaida-linked group is busy recruiting anti-government fighters among Somali youths living in Rinkeby. A suburb of Stockholm, Rinkeby has earned the nickname of “Little Mogadishu” because of the number of Somalis living there. Rinkeby is also the center of the recruiting efforts of al-Shabab, a group with ties to al-Qaida.
The most disquieting aspect of this effort is who al-Shabab is targeting – second-generation Somali immigrants. According to AP, about 20 Rinkeby residents have joined a bloody insurgency against Somalia's government. According to SÄPO, the Swedish state security police, five of them have been killed and 10 are still at large in Somalia.
The issue has gained notice at a time of worsening fears of Islamic radicalism in the Scandinavian countries, home to more than 40,000 Somalis who have fled their war-ravaged homeland. These fears sharpened with the Jan. 1 attack by a Somali immigrant in Denmark on a cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad.
Sweden: Riots erupt in Stockholm neighborhood
Lauren Said-Moorhouse
By Ivan Watson and Lauren Said-Moorhouse, CNN
Updated 10:59 AM ET, Wed February 22, 2017
sweden stockholm riots immigration watson pkg_00014506
 Riots spark immigration debate in Sweden 03:26
Trouble flared in Stockholm's Rinkeby neighborhood as police arrested a suspect
Calm was restored to the area by midnight, Swedish authorities say
US President Donald Trump earlier suggested immigrants in Sweden were to blame for an increase in crime
Stockholm, Sweden (CNN)Riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood of Stockholm Monday night, as residents clashed with police officers and set vehicles on fire, Swedish police say.

Officers were forced to call in reinforcements when a crowd began to gather in the suburb of Rinkeby during the arrest of a suspect, according to a statement from Stockholm police.
Stockholm regional police chief Ulf Johansson said the clashes may have been a result of their "increased pressure on criminals in the area."
Swedish capital hit by fifth night of riots
By Per Nyberg and Bryony Jones, CNN
Updated 12:29 PM ET, Fri May 24, 2013
Police in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, have called in reinforcements after the city's suburbs were hit by a fifth night of riots.
Gangs set fire to two schools and a police station in the city on Thursday, police spokesman Kjell Lindgren told CNN.
About 30 cars were also torched, with the blaze from one vehicle spreading to a nearby shop.
"Police and firemen were also attacked again with rocks overnight, but no one was severely hurt," Lindgren said. "The level of violence has decreased," he added, "but the problem remains."
Extra police have been called in to help officers deal with the riots and a number of other events, including football matches, planned to take place in the city over the weekend.
Third night of riots hits Sweden

Third night of riots hits Sweden 01:31
Read more: Swedish suburbs shaken by violence
"Our resources are very stretched, so we need additional officers to make sure we cope with all the events and this violence," Lindgren said.
The riots broke out after days of rising tensions following the death of a 69-year-old man who was shot by police earlier this month while wielding a machete in the Stockholm suburb of Husby.
However, police say they are not sure what sparked the outbreak of violence.
The area is blighted by high unemployment and crime levels.
A total of 29 people have so far been arrested in connection with the riots, Stockholm Police said in a statement on their website.
The city's police chief pledged that more culprits would likely be arrested in the coming days.
"Initially we encountered a lot of violence, so our priority was to ensure the safety of the firemen," Mats Lofving said in a statement. "Now we are gearing up our ambition to start arresting more people.
"We have a lot of filmed material that we will be studying closely. We hope to arrest more of those who may think that they have gotten away with it because the worst is over."
Earlier this week, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt vowed to take a stand against the rioters.
"We have to show that we won't allow a group of young men who believe in the use of violence to run society," Reinfeldt said.
Rinkeby, June 2010
The police told [Sweden’s largest daily newspaper] that hundreds of youths caused problems and vandalism throughout Monday night.
“As soon as the police showed themselves, stones were thrown at them,” said Thomas Persson, spokesman of the Stockholm police, to
Masked men attack 60 Minutes crew in Sweden
MARCH 1, 2016 6:46PM

60 Minutes reporter Liz Hayes and her film crew were attacked by a group of masked men in Sweden.
News Corp Australia Network
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TWO 60 Minutes production crew were assaulted in Stockholm, Sweden, this week reporting on the refugee crisis effecting Europe.
Veteran reporter Liz Hayes and a small Australian crew were travelling through the Rinkeby district of Västerort, Stockholm, one of the poorer neighbourhoods in which 89.1 per cent are first or second generation migrants, when a group of unnamed assailants turned on the television crew.
Channel Nine last night confirmed early reports out of Stockholm that the group was confronted by a group of locals, some reportedly masked, who had objections to 60 Minutes filming in the region.
“Liz Hayes and a 60 Minutes crew are currently on assignment in Europe where they are reporting a story about the migrant crisis,” a Nine spokesman said.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 09:12:12 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #758 on: March 02, 2017, 07:57:42 PM »
Strange, the countries where muslims come from are such nice places, I wonder what happens to them in europe.


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #759 on: March 03, 2017, 06:44:44 AM »
Strange, the countries where muslims come from are such nice places, I wonder what happens to them in europe.

We call them 'Muslims', but Swedish media calls them "immigrants and recent immigrants". 

Funny that that trained professionals need more words to be less precise in their description.


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Re: Islam in Europe, 'The Truth About Sweden'
« Reply #760 on: March 03, 2017, 09:10:39 AM »
Failure to assimilate. 
"Sweden has accepted more refugees per capita in recent years than any other country in Europe." 
"Crime in these areas is not just new in scope, but also in kind."
A ticking time bomb - in addition to the explosion of hand grenades.
Most of these facts cited are contained in a previous post.
The Truth About Sweden
"I often use Sweden as a deterring example.”

The words are not those of Donald Trump, but Anders Fogh Rasmussen. In an interview with Swedish public television in January, the former NATO secretary general and Danish prime minister described Sweden's immigration policy as a failure and a warning to other countries. But it was President Trump's unclear and slightly confused reference to Sweden during his February 18 rally in Florida that has turned attention to the Scandinavian country of 10 million and the details of its migrant experience. Sweden has accepted more refugees per capita in recent years than any other country in Europe. "Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible," Trump said. Since then, Swedes have seen facts about their country, and many exaggerations and misconceptions, used as arguments in an American domestic debate.

But there are, in fact, good reasons for Americans to care about Sweden's problems. First, because Sweden's failure to integrate its immigrants, in line with Rasmussen's observation, carries lessons for other countries; second, because Swedish news reporting and public discourse on immigration and integration are restricted by taboos. Swedish journalists and public figures who have been outspoken about the problems—and transgressed what the Swedes call the "opinion corridor"—have risked being labeled xenophobes or racists.

This peculiarity of Swedish public discourse has often allowed politicians and public authorities to deny the problems caused by the country's migration and integration policies, without being seriously challenged. The Swedish foreign ministry, for instance, launched a PR campaign in response to the debate following Donald Trump's remarks about the country. It tweeted last week, as part of the campaign:
"Does Sweden actually have 'No-Go Zones'? No, we don't.
You think that Swedish police have lost control? The 'no-go zones' are in fact 'go-go zones'. #FactCheck

But no-go zones cannot simply be dismissed as a myth. Gordon Grattidge, chairman of a Swedish ambulance trade union, explained to me that no-go zones are a reality for paramedics in Sweden. There are areas where first responders can't enter without police escort. Grattidge's assessment is that ambulances are forced to retreat from such areas on a weekly basis.

Yet the government's use of taxpayer money to deny the existence of no-go zones has not been met with protests from Swedish journalists.

How, then, should we understand the connection between crime and immigration in Sweden? Former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt had the facts right when he tweeted in response to Trump: "Last year there were app 50% more murders only in Orlando/Orange in Florida, where Trump spoke the other day, than in all of Sweden. Bad." That comparison, while correct, misses the point. Of course Sweden has not turned into Orlando or, for that matter, Chicago. But in a short time—maybe as short as two decades—Sweden has gone from a nation rightly considered a model of social cohesion, equality, low crime, and political stability to a society with growing enclaves of social unrest.

In 1990, Sweden had three so-called "areas of social exclusion," characterized by socioeconomic problems—and high numbers of immigrants. According to Swedish economist Tino Sanandaji, the number of such areas had risen to 186 by 2012. Swedish police authorities have identified 53 with persistently high crime rates. Here, police officers risk assaults, while ambulance drivers and firefighters often have to wait for police escort before answering calls from people in distress. It's no surprise they're often described as no-go zones.

Crime in these areas is not just new in scope, but also in kind. Systematic attacks on paramedics and firefighters were an unknown phenomenon in Sweden only a generation ago. The same goes for extensive use of guns and hand grenades in a country where most homicides historically followed from stabbings, blunt force trauma, and unarmed violence. Today, Sweden is extreme with respect to violence from guns and explosives, compared with the country's Scandinavian neighbors: In Stockholm, the capital, 189 victims suffered gunshot injuries during the period 2010-2015. During the same period in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, only 30 people fell victim to such crimes.

Most hand grenades in Sweden come from the former Yugoslavia, where one can buy them for one or two euros or get them free when buying other weapons. They're easy to smuggle, since they're small and difficult to detect. In Sweden, they're plentiful and cheap—available for less than $150 in Malmö, according to the newspaper Sydsvenska Dagbladet. In the first six months of 2015 alone, 30 explosions took place in Malmö, Sweden's third-largest city. More bombings and explosions have been reported in the city than in any other in Scandinavia. Malmö links Sweden to the rest of Europe: It lies in southern Sweden, a short train or car ride across the bridge to Copenhagen. It has a high proportion of immigrants—in 2015, 43 percent of Malmö's population consisted of first- or second-generation immigrants, compared with 22 percent in Sweden overall.

An additional change in the Swedish crime landscape is the fact that gang shootings and explosions increasingly take place during the daylight, in public, as well as in residential areas. Here is a recent example: On February 27, a Malmö resident suffered injuries in the leg after a hand grenade detonated outside a house in a residential area. Earlier on the same day, a sharp hand grenade was found outside a police station in the Stockholm suburb Kista. Police investigated a connection between the grenade and the riots in neighboring Rinkeby the week before. Violence was sparked there when police arrested a 17-year-old criminal on the run from a juvenile home. Police were eventually forced to shoot and spent three hours retreating from the area after losing control over the situation. Rioters looted, torched cars, and threw rocks; a newspaper photographer was beaten by at least 15 men.

In a report to the government last week, the Swedish Police Authority stated that the use of hand grenades in Sweden is without parallel in the world among countries not at war. In 2015, the police handled 45 cases involving hand grenades. In 2016, the number grew to 52. Hand grenades, according to the report, are used in attacks against business facilities and homes "without regard for whether there are people there or not."

On several occasions, foreign journalists reporting from Swedish areas of social exclusion have been driven out by violent youths. When the Norwegian public TV network NRK tried to report from a housing project area in Stockholm, its team was forced to leave the neighborhood under duress. Australian 60 Minutes visited Rinkeby in March this year, only to have its camera crew attacked by rock throwers. "We've all been assaulted and insulted," the reporter declared on air.

Journalists have also documented how religious minorities are being persecuted in immigrant neighborhoods. When Swedish public television accompanied a Somali woman who has converted to Christianity to Rinkeby—the scene of last month's riots—she was immediately threatened because of her conversion and forced to run. A similar case occurred in Malmö, when a TV reporter entered the area of Rosengård wearing a yarmulke. Text messages circulated among residents that a Jew had entered the neighborhood, and he was forced out of Rosengård in a collective effort. Residents threw eggs at him from windows.

Social unrest has brought threats and violence close to previously peaceful public community institutions such as libraries and swim centers. A survey I conducted myself revealed that several public libraries in Sweden have had to close down temporarily, change their opening hours, engage security guards, or equip their staff with personal assault alarms, as a consequence of harassment by groups of youths.

In December, I visited two libraries in the town of Västerås. Both had been forced to change their opening hours. One librarian told me that gangs of young criminals had taken over her library, and that she was always tense and often frightened at work. The staff were equipped with assault alarms.

Many hospitals and emergency rooms have new security routines: At Sahlgrenska hospital in Gothenburg, security was tightened after gunshots were fired close to the emergency room entrance in 2012. In an interview with a manager at Sahlgrenska in 2015, I was told: "Security has been increased, both because of threats and violence against the staff, and because of the increasing amount of shootings in recent years."

Similarly, a spokesperson for the ER in Malmö explained: "Since 2013, it's mandatory for all staff at the ER to carry personal assault alarms. That year there was unrest here in town with shootings, and we had problems with large groups of relatives who caused unrest at the ER." At one time a mob of some hundred people tried to break into the ER following a shooting—a dramatically new phenomenon in Sweden.

As far as sex crime, it is obviously preposterous to call Sweden a "rape capital." Yet evidence suggests that immigration has had an impact on sexual violence in Sweden.

The latest report on crime among immigrants from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ) was published in 2005. The report, which covers the years 1997-2001, shows that immigrants from the Middle East and Africa were heavily overrepresented among suspects of violent crime, particularly for sexual offenses. Another study of gang rapes in Sweden in the 1990s indicated that a majority of group rapes in Sweden were committed by first- and second-generation immigrants.

There are, unfortunately, no more recent studies. Data are still being collected but are not compiled and made publicly available. The Swedish justice minister, Morgan Johansson, explained in an interview recently that there is no need to publish any new reports, because the facts are well-known from earlier studies.

But if the overrepresentation has not changed since the 2005 survey, the influx of the overrepresented demographic could offer an explanation for the recent rise in the proportion of women who report that they have been victims of sex crimes: Between 2012 and 2015, self-reported sex crimes doubled from 1.4 to 3 percent of the female population—an "alarming" increase, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. Whether this is caused by increased immigration from the Middle East and Africa we don't know, since the government refuses to release the data.

At the same time, Sweden has experienced a new phenomenon with group abuse of women and children in public swimming pools and at music festivals. Police noted in a report last spring:

The suspects of crimes carried out by a large group of offenders, in public, were mostly people with foreign citizenship. Regarding crimes reported in public swimming pools, the alleged perpetrators were mainly asylum seeking boys. .  .  . In 80 percent of the complaints from swimming pools alleged perpetrators were of claimed or established foreign origin. Most of them did not have a Swedish social security number, and reports indicated that they belonged to groups of asylum seeking boys.

Finally, another radically new phenomenon in modern Swedish history is oppression of women in the general public sphere with reference to religion or "honor." As far back as 2010, a local newspaper reported that women were not visible on the main square in Rinkeby. Authorities tried to solve the problem by placing three pink benches on the square, designated for women. The benches were eventually removed, since they, too, were taken over by men. Female writers for the local newspaper tried to sit down and have coffee at a Rinkeby coffeehouse, but were verbally abused by male patrons.

The situation has not improved since then. Nalin Pekgul, a Social Democratic Swedish-Kurdish former MP and well-known feminist, explained in an interview February 27: "Everyone must understand that it is not acceptable that men and women do not sit together in cafés in 2017." She went on: "For women in Sweden to win their freedom it is crucial what politicians say and do, and what journalists cast light on. The debate must continue."

She is right. It is also the reason why international media should continue to report—and uncover the facts—from Sweden.

Paulina Neuding is a columnist with the Swedish center-right daily Svenska Dagbladet.


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Re: Islam in Europe, Sweden, Germany
« Reply #761 on: March 03, 2017, 03:31:25 PM »
"immigrants are flowing to Sweden, in part, because the government benefits they receive there are all-encompassing — including housing, food, and education. In interviews, the immigrants say that in large part because of these benefits “life is good” for them in Sweden."

"Sweden doesn’t allow refugees to seek work until they know the language"

Questions have arisen about why officials had not made those documents public, and police officials in Germany and elsewhere in Europe have been accused of trying to cover up crimes committed by refugees (authorities have denied the allegations). Criticism has also targeted media outlets, which are not allowed to specify the nationalities of criminals under Germany's press regulations.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 03:45:46 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Islam in Europe, London terrorist identified
« Reply #770 on: March 23, 2017, 12:03:31 PM »
London terrorist identified.  His name is Lars and he is believed to be a Lutheran extremist.

Correction, his name is Khalid and he is believed to be an Islamic extremist.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 07:38:54 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Islam in Europe, London terrorist identified
« Reply #771 on: March 23, 2017, 06:54:44 PM »
London terrorist identified.  His name is Lars and he believed to be a Lutheran extremist.

Correction, his name is Khalid and he is believed to be an Islamic extremist.

Wait, I have been told Islam is a religion of peace, are you sure there is no Lutheran connection?


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #774 on: March 26, 2017, 05:34:02 PM »
Is that fair GM?  Are they not doing what we here have asked of them?


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #775 on: March 26, 2017, 05:57:53 PM »
Is that fair GM?  Are they not doing what we here have asked of them?

Did we ask them to do some PR damage control for the religion of peace? I don't recall asking for that.


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Google this...
« Reply #777 on: April 03, 2017, 09:00:16 AM »


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Another radicalized truck?
« Reply #778 on: April 07, 2017, 08:30:37 AM »

Let's not indulge in truck-a-phobia. The vast majority of trucks are peace loving and only celebrate this in private.


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Behold the beauty of Sweden's diversity!
« Reply #779 on: April 08, 2017, 12:18:00 PM »

A suspected terrorist targeted young children as he drove a hijacked lorry into a crowded shopping street in Stockholm, witnesses claimed last night.

Infants’ buggies were sent “flying through the air”, one Swedish broadcaster reported, as the vehicle zigzagged along the pedestrianised Queen Street shopping district and embedded itself in the window of a department store.

“It swerved from side to side. It didn’t look out of control, it was trying to hit people,” a second witness, Glen Foran, an Australian tourist, told Reuters. “It hit people, it was terrible. It hit a pram with a kid in it, demolished it.”


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Re: Behold the beauty of Sweden's diversity!
« Reply #780 on: April 08, 2017, 03:31:06 PM »

A suspected terrorist targeted young children as he drove a hijacked lorry into a crowded shopping street in Stockholm, witnesses claimed last night.

Infants’ buggies were sent “flying through the air”, one Swedish broadcaster reported, as the vehicle zigzagged along the pedestrianised Queen Street shopping district and embedded itself in the window of a department store.

“It swerved from side to side. It didn’t look out of control, it was trying to hit people,” a second witness, Glen Foran, an Australian tourist, told Reuters. “It hit people, it was terrible. It hit a pram with a kid in it, demolished it.”
Any chance the latest UK or Sweden attack was committed by a Lutheran extremist named Lars?


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Re: Behold the beauty of Sweden's diversity!
« Reply #781 on: April 08, 2017, 03:53:48 PM »

A suspected terrorist targeted young children as he drove a hijacked lorry into a crowded shopping street in Stockholm, witnesses claimed last night.

Infants’ buggies were sent “flying through the air”, one Swedish broadcaster reported, as the vehicle zigzagged along the pedestrianised Queen Street shopping district and embedded itself in the window of a department store.

“It swerved from side to side. It didn’t look out of control, it was trying to hit people,” a second witness, Glen Foran, an Australian tourist, told Reuters. “It hit people, it was terrible. It hit a pram with a kid in it, demolished it.”
Any chance the latest UK or Sweden attack was committed by a Lutheran extremist named Lars?

No profiling! It might have been Sven, or Thor or Fritjof just as easily!

« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 03:58:37 PM by G M »


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Re: Islam in Europe, Swedish opposition to immigration grows
« Reply #782 on: April 27, 2017, 02:09:24 PM »
Report: More Swedes want to receive fewer refugees
The more negative attitude towards refugees is one of the major changes in the survey, made during the past autumn and winter. 52 percent supported the proposal to accept fewer refugees, while 24 percent were opposed. When questioned in 2015 "won" refugee opponents barely 40-37.


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Alexander Van Der Bellen suggested all women must one day wear headscarves
« Reply #783 on: April 28, 2017, 09:18:41 AM »

Austrian president says that all women will one day have to wear headscarves to fight 'rampant Islamophobia'
Alexander Van Der Bellen suggested all women must one day wear headscarves
Comments come after Austria government banned full-face veil in January
By Thomas Burrows for MailOnline
PUBLISHED: 13:06 EDT, 27 April 2017 | UPDATED: 13:34 EDT, 27 April 2017
'Besides that, not only Muslim women. Every woman can wear a headscarf. And if it goes on - and I am already on the next question - with actual rampant Islamophobia, the day will come that we must ask all women to wear a headscarf.

'All out of solidarity with those who have to on religious grounds.'

Mr Van der Bellen suggested all women should wear a headscarf in solidarity with Muslims   +1
Mr Van der Bellen suggested all women should wear a headscarf in solidarity with Muslims

Austria banned the burqa, niqab and other face-covering veils earlier this year.

The measure was introduced by the ruling Social Democratic party (SPÖ) and the centre-right Austrian People’s party (ÖVP) to prevent the collapse of their coalition government.

By doing so, they followed in the footsteps of France, which became the first European country to ban the full-face veil officially in 2010.

Bans are also in place in Belgium and some parts of Switzerland.   

Mr Van der Bellen had outlined a vision markedly different from that offered during campaigning by his right-wing rival Mr Hofer, who he defeated in December.

Hofer had campaigned on a law-and-order platform in line with his Freedom Party's opposition to Muslim immigration, its focus on Austrians first and its depiction of the European Union as an out-of-touch institutio.

In contrast, the left-leaning Van der Bellen rejected nationalism in favour of a 'common Europe as a project of peace.'

He urged equal treatment for all Austrians, whether 'their families live here for generations or not...whether they love men or women, and whether they are men or women.'

The presidency is a largely symbolic post.

But Van der Bellen's victory was welcomed by established European political parties fearful of another populist victory after Donald Trump's shock presidential win in the US.

Read more:


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"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Another misunderstander of the religion of peace
« Reply #785 on: May 22, 2017, 05:32:41 PM »


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #786 on: May 23, 2017, 06:44:36 AM »

The bomber has been identified as Salman Ramadan Abedi.

Authorities unsure if his motivations for the attack will ever be known.

So, what is the official "I have the sads for the latest terror attack" meme for social media today?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 06:46:31 AM by G M »


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #787 on: May 23, 2017, 08:29:41 AM »

Even if they can never prove it, you and I know who was really behind the Manchester bomb attack.

Even if we can never find the link it is clear the Russians were colluding with the suicide bomber(s).


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #788 on: May 23, 2017, 08:46:58 AM »

Even if they can never prove it, you and I know who was really behind the Manchester bomb attack.

Even if we can never find the link it is clear the Russians were colluding with the suicide bomber(s).

The Russians and Fox News!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!


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Re: No need for them to worry
« Reply #790 on: May 23, 2017, 08:52:08 AM »


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #791 on: May 23, 2017, 08:53:56 AM »
Religion of peace.  It never turns out​ to be the Lutheran extremists anymore, does it?

"Known" wolf, as opposed to lone wolf.  Bad analogy. Wolves don't do this.

A tweet about the first identified victim:
"There was not one bad bone in her body she was a true ray of sunshine and loved everyone for who they were.”

I've never heard of the singer, took a look at a couple of her videos. One has a billion views on YouTube.  There is a young, cute, sexiness to the music.  Young male Muslims want young virgins and rape young women, but can't handle young cute sexiness.

When do we start calling islamist extremism a dangerous mental disorder instead of a religion.


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Re: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude
« Reply #792 on: May 23, 2017, 08:57:20 AM »
Religion of peace.  It never turns out​ to be the Lutheran extremists anymore, does it?

"Known" wolf, as opposed to lone wolf.  Bad analogy. Wolves don't do this.

A tweet about the first identified victim:
"There was not one bad bone in her body she was a true ray of sunshine and loved everyone for who they were.”

I've never heard of the singer, took a look at a couple of her videos. One has a billion views on YouTube.  There is a young, cute, sexiness to the music.  Young male Muslims want young virgins and rape young women, but can't handle young cute sexiness.

When do we start calling islamist extremism a dangerous mental disorder instead of a religion.

If we started facing the hard truth rather than the usual teddy bears and flowers and sad faces on social media, we might have to do something about it. Can't have that.


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Enabling Murder
« Reply #793 on: May 24, 2017, 06:48:55 AM »

Enabling Murder
Western politicians worry more about being called “Islamophobic” than they do about stopping jihadist slaughter.
Bruce Bawer
May 23, 2017 Public safetyPolitics and law

Damn these jihadist murderers of children. And damn the politicians who have, in many cases, helped make these murders possible but who are quick, this time and every time, to serve up empty declarations of “solidarity”even as the bodies of innocents are still being counted.
London mayor Sadiq Khan (who recently dismissed terrorist attacks as “part and parcel of living in a big city”): “London stands with Manchester.” Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer (who, in the wake of the Pulse nightclub massacre, proclaimed a CAIR-backed “Muslim Women’s Day”—you know, the kind of event that proclaims hijabs “empowering”): Orlando “stands in solidarity with the people of the UK.” L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti (who went berserk when Trump tried to impose that temporary travel ban from a half-dozen Muslim countries): “Los Angeles stands with the people of Manchester.”
Meaningless words, all of them. But Angela Merkel takes the cake: “People in the UK can rest assured that Germany stands shoulder to shoulder with them.” Well, isn’t that . . . reassuring. In what way do such words help anybody to “rest assured” of anything? In any case, how dare she? This, after all, is the woman who opened the floodgates—the woman who, out of some twisted sense of German historical guilt, put European children in danger by inviting into the continent masses of unvetted people from the very part of the world where this monstrous evil has its roots.
Then there was this from European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker: “Once again, terrorism has sought to instill fear where there should be joy, to sow division where young people and families should be coming together in celebration.” Beneath the innocuous-seeming surface of this statement is a slick rhetorical ruse: Juncker to the contrary, these savages aren’t out to “sow division”—they’re out to kill infidels. By introducing the concept of “division,” Juncker, like so many others, is implying that the important message here is: Hey, whatever you do, don’t let this little episode put any bad thoughts about Islam into your head!
Manchester City Council leader Sir Richard Leese also spoke of “fear” and “division”: “Manchester is a proud, strong city and we will not allow terrorists who seek to sow fear and division to achieve their aims.” Guess what, pal? They did achieve their aims: they killed 22 people, including children, and injured several dozen. Dead infidels: that’s their objective, period. (Or, as you would say, full stop.)
Naturally, Manchester’s mayor, Andy Burnham, put out a statement. Burnham, as it happens, is a radical socialist who has wrung his hands for years about Islamophobia and has fought tooth and nail against a nationwide “anti-extremism” program called Prevent on the grounds that it “singles out one community for different treatment.” After yesterday’s atrocity, Burnham said: “We are grieving today, but we are strong.”
Strong? No, Mr. Burnham, you are anything but strong. You are cowards, all of you. You are more scared of being called bigots than of the prospect of children under your official protection being slaughtered by jihadists.
Three-quarters of a century ago, Britain stood shoulder to shoulder in true solidarity while under violent assault by the diabolical ideology of Nazism. Today, its leaders speak of the same kind of solidarity—but it’s nothing but talk. In Rotherham, gangs of Muslim men sexually abused 1,400 girls—and police and other officials who knew about it did nothing for years lest they be accused of racism or Islamophobia. Almost certainly, similar mass-scale rapes are still occurring right now in other British cities, with similar silence and inaction on the part of pusillanimous authorities. Today, British leaders refuse to deport imams who preach murder but ban from their shores respected writers and knowledgeable critics of Islam who dare to take on those imams and their theology.
Strength? Don’t you dare speak of strength. You have the blood of innocent children on your hands.


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Re: Emergency plan in case of jihad
« Reply #795 on: May 24, 2017, 07:34:19 AM »
Drive them out.


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Re: Emergency plan in case of jihad
« Reply #796 on: May 24, 2017, 07:46:33 AM »
Drive them out.
What? And miss out on the vibrant multicultural society europe has crafted?

You are going to suffer losses, like the 11 year old girl above, but Diversity!

Besides, I have been told islam is a religion of peace. By people with Credentials. Who are we to question that?


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Tucker Carlson on the implications of the changing demographics in Europe
« Reply #797 on: May 24, 2017, 09:26:07 AM »
Posting this for the opening segment.  Simple.  Direct.  Powerful.


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Geert Wilders: Islam Is To Blame for Manchester
« Reply #798 on: May 25, 2017, 08:53:58 AM »

Posted on May 24, 2017 by Baron Bodissey
Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, sends the following essay on Monday night’s jihad terror attack in Manchester.

Aftermath of Manchester bombing -- Salman Ramadan Abedi
Islam Is To Blame for Manchester

by Geert Wilders

I am writing this article today just after we, members of the Dutch Parliament, in the presence of the British Ambassador, commemorated the Manchester victims with a short speech by our Prime Minister and one minute of silence.

Two months ago, we did the same for the victims in Stockholm. Last December, for those in Berlin. And, earlier, for those in Nice, Brussels, Paris, Copenhagen… The list becomes endless, while the number of Western ambassadors, who have not visited our Parliament for one of these sad occasions, becomes ever smaller.

And, every time, we hear the same hollow words of shock and grief and how incomprehensible it all is. But we never hear our Prime Minister, nor the leaders of other Western countries, tell us the truth: The cause of all this bloodshed, all this misery, all this pain and sorrow, is Islam.

Instead of the truth, we get crocodile tears. We have to listen to platitudes, we have politically correct hot air blown at us, again and again. But the truth remains that no bad tree bears good fruit.

Mujahid with a Koran and an RPGWhat we are witnessing is pure Islamic practice. It is the Koran with its admonishment to “cast terror in the heart of the non-Muslims” (Surah 8:12). It is the so-called prophet Muhammad, who boasted to his followers: “I have been made victorious through terror” (Bukhari, 4.52.220).

Islam is not a peace-loving religion, but an evil totalitarian ideology. It wants all non-Muslims to submit. It is totally incompatible with freedom and human decency. It preaches hatred, propagates violence and is barbaric and violent by nature.

And it also abuses our own freedoms and democratic liberties to subvert our democracy and rob us of these freedoms. It builds mosques and Islamic schools, often with Saudi money, where hatred against the West is preached. It abuses our legal system to harass its critics. It behaves like a fifth column in our midst. It is not global warming that is threatening the world; it is global Islam.

Attack after attack, innocent people are being killed. Everyone is a target. It is absolutely unacceptable that there are still political leaders and media ignoring the problem. They want the citizens to believe that Islam is a peace-loving religion and that there are only a few Islamic extremists who are ruining everything for everyone. But do not let yourselves be fooled.

Opinion polls show that no less than two-thirds of Muslims in the Netherlands find Islamic rules more important than our secular democratic laws. Research from the University of Amsterdam shows that as many as 11 percent of Dutch Muslims find it acceptable to use violence in the name of Islam. That is more than 100,000 Muslims in the Netherlands. Twice the number of soldiers in our Dutch army.

It is impossible for the ideology of Islam to assimilate in a free society. People can assimilate; an ideology cannot. We should not import it any longer to our society. Not because we hate the people, but because we have a problem with an ideology that is totally incompatible with freedom. Those who sow Islam must realize that they will harvest nothing but terrorism and the barbarism of Sharia law, with its oppression of women, Christians, Jews, apostates and Islam critics.

Last month, the Pew Forum revealed something truly shocking. The world is becoming ever more Islamic. Between today and 2060, the number of Muslims will grow by 70 percent. That is more than twice as fast as Christians, thrice as rapid as Hindus, and almost five times faster than Jews. By 2060, Islam will have almost as many adherents as Christianity. And soon after, it is bound to become the largest belief system on earth.

In many Western European countries, populations are growing only because of immigrants. And many of these are Islamic. Muhammad is already the most popular name among newborn boys in major cities in Britain, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and elsewhere. Islam uses all the tools it can lay its hands on. Guns and bombs, knives and cars and planes. But also demography and immigration.

Lampedusa: boatload of refugees #2
Last year, over 180,000 people crossed in shabby boats from Libya to Europe. And this is just the beginning. The United Nations expect the population of Africa to quadruple by the end of the century. From 1 billion today to 4 billion. One third of the Africans want to leave their own countries. Many of them are Islamic. And many want to move north. If Western Europe continues with its present open-door policies, the population of the European continent is in danger of being replaced and its nations colonized and Islamized. No longer European, but a province of Africa.

In order to save ourselves from atrocities such as the one just committed in Manchester, and to stop the process of population replacement in Europe, these are the three most important things we should do:

1.       Realize that Islam is the problem and start to de-Islamize our societies. No Islamic schools anymore, no hate preaching. We are facing an existential threat and should treat it as such.
2.       End all immigration from Islamic countries. Enough is enough! Those immigrants who are already in our nations are welcome to stay, but only if they fully adhere to our values, our constitution, our laws. If they commit crimes or start acting according to Sharia law, we should expel them at once. If necessary, radical Muslims must also be administratively detained.
3.       Get rid of political correctness. We should not let Islam abuse our freedoms and our constitutional rights just to abolish them. It is naïve and dangerous to grant rights to a totalitarian ideology which, if it gets its way, wants to rob us of our rights. We should realize that Islam has declared war on us, but that we will never allow it to win!
Islam hates and kills us. And nobody protects us. Our leaders betray us.

Let us start acting bravely, do our duty and de-Islamize our nations in order to protect us and remain a free people.

Geert Wilders MP is a member of the Dutch Parliament and the leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) in The Netherlands


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Anyone in a betting mood?
« Reply #799 on: May 25, 2017, 07:39:08 PM »