Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 567809 times)


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1850 on: September 08, 2021, 04:00:04 PM »
We badly want this to be true, so let us read with care and look for additional sources.

It blatantly happened right in front of us. There is zero doubt.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1851 on: September 08, 2021, 04:06:19 PM »
We badly want this to be true, so let us read with care and look for additional sources.

It blatantly happened right in front of us. There is zero doubt.

Remember this?


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1855 on: September 10, 2021, 10:08:51 AM »
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems.  Come to me with solutions.
We all know the solution.

Boycott elections forever because of what happened in 2020, arm and retreat to safe areas?

I think we have more agreement on the problems than we do on the solutions.


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1856 on: September 10, 2021, 10:52:01 AM »
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems.  Come to me with solutions.
We all know the solution.

Boycott elections forever because of what happened in 2020, arm and retreat to safe areas?

I think we have more agreement on the problems than we do on the solutions.

Safety in numbers. Learn from history. We are the Neo-Kulaks. The left has plans for us. Best be ready to avoid those plans.


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1857 on: September 10, 2021, 11:07:28 AM »
My old boss used to say, don't come to me with problems.  Come to me with solutions.
We all know the solution.

Boycott elections forever because of what happened in 2020, arm and retreat to safe areas?

I think we have more agreement on the problems than we do on the solutions.

Safety in numbers. Learn from history. We are the Neo-Kulaks. The left has plans for us. Best be ready to avoid those plans.


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1858 on: September 10, 2021, 12:24:19 PM »
That said, IMHO, the current election and the 2022 and 2024 elections matter.  Also constitutionality matters. 

Biden and Congress don't have jurisdiction over state legislatures in elections, nor do liberal cities.  Democrats control the state legislatures in only 18 out of 50 states including none of the key (alleged) cheating states.  How is election integrity not repairable with enough will, and why don't we ALWAYS have a clear majority in the Senate?  Maybe Hershel Walker and a few others can run with that ball.  (Elections matter.)

I get it that Supreme Court justices are often constitutionally conservative in name or origin only but we won the right to pick 6 of 9 by winning elections.

If we could win some (more) elections, maybe we could re-draw some lines before the inevitable(?) split up.  Minnesota is a red state outside the Twin Cities.  Illinois is a red state outside the Chicago metro.  California is a red state away from the coast.  Colorado is a red state outside the front range, etc.  Splitting the country by county doesn't fix it either.  I live in a county larger than 8 states in population and economy.  I own a prime piece; why do  I have to retreat and regroup?  What about families divided? 

Our main problem (IMHO) isn't that Leftist extremists are extremely Left.  Our problem is failure to govern when we do win elections, and failure to persuade our own friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, etc. that Leftist extremism is bad.


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1859 on: September 10, 2021, 12:31:15 PM »
You don't vote your way out of vote fraud. The coup was done with the support of many republicans. The DC Uniparty will stack the deck, always.

That said, IMHO, the current election and the 2022 and 2024 elections matter.  Also constitutionality matters. 

Biden and Congress don't have jurisdiction over state legislatures in elections, nor do liberal cities.  Democrats control the state legislatures in only 18 out of 50 states including none of the key (alleged) cheating states.  How is election integrity not repairable with enough will, and why don't we ALWAYS have a clear majority in the Senate?  Maybe Hershel Walker and a few others can run with that ball.  (Elections matter.)

I get it that Supreme Court justices are often constitutionally conservative in name or origin only but we won the right to pick 6 of 9 by winning elections.

If we could win some (more) elections, maybe we could re-draw some lines before the inevitable(?) split up.  Minnesota is a red state outside the Twin Cities.  Illinois is a red state outside the Chicago metro.  California is a red state away from the coast.  Colorado is a red state outside the front range, etc.  Splitting the country by county doesn't fix it either.  I live in a county larger than 8 states in population and economy.  I own a prime piece; why do  I have to retreat and regroup?  What about families divided? 

Our main problem (IMHO) isn't that Leftist extremists are extremely Left.  Our problem is failure to govern when we do win elections, and failure to persuade our own friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, etc. that Leftist extremism is bad.


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1860 on: September 10, 2021, 12:49:48 PM »
Right.  Running honest elections requires more than merely showing up to vote, as does holding elected officials accountable.


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1861 on: September 10, 2021, 12:58:47 PM »
Right.  Running honest elections requires more than merely showing up to vote, as does holding elected officials accountable.

How are you going to hold Keith "Jihad" Ellison accountable?


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Re: You aren't voting your way out of this
« Reply #1862 on: September 10, 2021, 02:47:35 PM »
Right.  Running honest elections requires more than merely showing up to vote, as does holding elected officials accountable.

How are you going to hold Keith "Jihad" Ellison accountable?

He didn't get in by election fraud.  He got in by voter stupidity.  Same with MN Sec State Steve 'George Soros' Simon.  Anyway, I meant holding Republican elected officials accountable.  I expect the worst from their side.

Al Franken got in by cheating a few hundred votes in the recount, but MN in not one of the 31 states Republicans should be able to control.  No one honest infiltrated the Minneapolis vote count or recall operation.

In their overreach, Democrats lost out-state Minnesota and Republicans took control of the State Senate in the formerly most liberal state in the union, right under their noses.

Part of the solution, I believe, is James O'Keefe style infiltration of the cheating areas - in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix. 

Pass the needed laws.  Capture the evidence as it happens, and prosecute.  Statistical anomalies are not evidence.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1863 on: September 10, 2021, 06:21:16 PM »
"Pass the needed laws.  Capture the evidence as it happens, and prosecute."

Plenty of laws on the books regarding vote fraud.

Who is investigating and prosecuting them?

Same people that investigated and prosecuted those that burned your city down?


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« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 05:46:31 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Electoral process, vote fraud, Calif recall
« Reply #1867 on: September 16, 2021, 09:16:40 AM »
[They cheat} "Because they can. No consequences."

   - Yes.  On what scale, with what level of organizatin, no one seems to know.
"Plenty of laws on the books regarding vote fraud.
Who is investigating and prosecuting them?
Same people that investigated and prosecuted those that burned [Mpls] down."

The recall vote (so far):  5.9 million 'No' to 3.33 million 'yes'.  Pretty dumb of them to not know they already had this.  Biden would not come if he didn't know they had this.  Oddly, the 8 point margin poll was way wrong in the opposite direction from usual.

Dem party-run, deep state law enforcement is never going to investigate Leftist fraud.  I think the only solution to organized vote fraud, besides winning state legislatures, is infiltration.

Nearly all 'constitutional conservative' voters will not get involved beyond voting.  We need people to infiltrate behind enemy lines, find wrongdoing and capture real evidence. 

California has the greatest income inequality, the most homeless, the most in poverty, perhaps the most corruption in government, not because of topography but because of public policies, yet we are losing the battle of ideas there by millions of votes without the cheating.  300 ballots stuffed here or there is not the central problem in this case.  Still there needs to be prosecution for every provable case of election tampering.

To Larry Elder's credit, he is soliciting and accumulating evidence of irregularities.  Other states can use that information to tighten the laws and enforcement, even if California won't.  To knowingly screw up one vote should be a felony and 300 should be 300 counts.  Two people or more involved should warrant an organized crime charge on top of that. 

There should be zero tolerance for election interference.

Every illegal who voted (illegally) should be denied citizenship and all government benefits forever, for one thing.

It doesn't take that many prosecutions to get the bulk of it stopped.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 10:57:16 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1868 on: September 16, 2021, 12:05:52 PM »
"We need people to infiltrate behind enemy lines, find wrongdoing and capture real evidence."

That's been done. And it meant nothing.


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Improve Election Integrity, Heritage
« Reply #1869 on: September 16, 2021, 12:51:20 PM »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1870 on: September 16, 2021, 02:41:47 PM »


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Re: Improve Election Integrity, Heritage
« Reply #1871 on: September 16, 2021, 05:02:09 PM »

Why not fight to improve things everywhere we can.



Notice all the remaining red states being flooded with Californians, illegals and Hajis?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1874 on: September 17, 2021, 06:40:25 PM »
"We need people to infiltrate behind enemy lines, find wrongdoing and capture real evidence."

That's been done. And it meant nothing.

Did anyone get arrested for this, Doug? Prosecuted?

Well, at Ilhan Omar lost her citizenship and was removed from office for immigration fraud, right?


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two partisan Democrats judges strike down voter ID law inNC
« Reply #1875 on: September 18, 2021, 12:53:09 PM »
". Defendants, including North Carolina House Speaker Timothy Moore, failed to show that racial discrimination was not a substantial or motivating factor behind enactment of the law, Superior Court Judges Michael O’Foghludha and Vince Rozier Jr., both Democrats, wrote in a 102-page ruling permanently blocking the measure."

Why do defendants have to "prove" this was not racially motived?
Can plaintiffs prove it was ?
Again black people are not able to get voter IDs because they cannot get off their asses and get one?  Is that what the theses is here?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1876 on: September 18, 2021, 04:14:29 PM »


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I do not get voter registrations etc
« Reply #1877 on: September 19, 2021, 11:07:07 AM »

Non citizens can get SSN #s:

Can they also get voter cards?

The law is confusing enough
The end runs around the law appear to make this even more of a quagmire

I wonder how many Haitians are Republican .
I doubt more then a VER/Y few immigrants from the Caribbean are Republicans
except some Miami Cubans.  The NT Cubans are Democrats


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1881 on: September 22, 2021, 07:20:46 AM »
he Enormity of Manchin’s Skinny H.R.1
If you trim a bad voting bill, you end up with . . . a bad voting bill.
By The Editorial Board
Sept. 21, 2021 6:49 pm ET

Democrats negotiating with Sen. Joe Manchin have drawn up a compromise voting bill. Their initial proposal, H.R.1, aimed to federalize U.S. elections, and parts of it looked unconstitutional. That bill didn’t win Mr. Manchin’s support, so Democrats have written what they call the Freedom to Vote Act, which they’re selling as a petite H.R.1.

Calling this bill slimmed down, though, is like touting your healthy choices after you order a Diet Coke with four Big Macs. The revised text is 592 pages, and it wraps up many of the same ideas that made H.R.1 a nonstarter. The Freedom to Vote Act would create a federal right to a mail ballot, no excuse needed, overruling laws in 16 states. Worse, every state would be required to count late-arriving mail votes. Assuming timely postmarks, ballots would be valid if they showed up a week after Election Day.

For tight races, this likely means no more decisive results on election night, with no victory parties and no concession speeches. As mail votes trickled in, the numbers would move day by day, hour by hour. This is a recipe for mistrust, lawsuits and cries of fraud, however spurious. See also: Trump, Donald.

What about late ballots that lack postmarks? Apologies to the U.S. Postal Service that we keep bringing this up, but Pennsylvania officials received 10,097 late mail ballots last year, and 6.6% lacked legible postmarks. Tardy ballots also would be valid, the bill says, if they were “signed by the voter on or before the date of the election,” as if nobody has ever gotten in trouble for backdating. A state Senate election near Pittsburgh last year turned on some 300 absentee ballots that voters forgot to date.

The constitutional objections to the new bill are the same as for H.R.1. The bill’s mandates ostensibly apply to all federal elections, but federal races only. First problem: The Constitution vests state lawmakers, not Congress, with authority over the “Manner” of choosing presidential electors. Second problem: The voting mandates are so detailed that they would be hard to untangle from state and local races, which are none of Congress’s business.

The Freedom to Vote Act says felons would regain the franchise in federal races automatically upon leaving prison. But 27 states have constitutions or laws that require felons to at least finish parole or probation before voting. The merits of this policy aside, election officials would be caught between two standards.

In theory they could try to respect both: If a mail ballot from a parolee arrived a week after Election Day, maybe the federal votes could be counted while throwing out the local selections. More likely would be a lawsuit over Congress’s encroachment, which could unsettle voting rules in time for the 2022 midterms. That’s the last thing the nation needs after 2020’s plague-year election.

What about voter ID? Mr. Manchin’s memo floating a compromise this summer featured this suggestion: “Require voter ID with allowable alternatives (utility bill, etc.).” Surprise, surprise, the Freedom to Vote Act takes only half that proposal. There isn’t a national voter-ID requirement, but the bill would neuter state laws by forcing every jurisdiction to accept “a bank card,” “a utility bill,” and “any other document containing the individual’s name” that is issued by any government body.

The Freedom to Vote Act also still includes the Honest Ads Act, which would require internet platforms to disclose anyone who spent $500 a year on ads “relating to any political matter of national importance.” It includes the Disclose Act as well, with rules for businesses and nonprofits if they “promote” or “attack” candidates. The message to conservatives is to think twice before speaking up about politics.

The new bill doesn’t totally mirror H.R.1. One dropped idea, and good riddance, would have switched the Federal Election Commission to an odd number of seats, guaranteeing an imbalance. Yet the Freedom to Vote Act is better than H.R.1 only in the sense that it’s better to get two anvils dropped on your noggin than four anvils followed by a Steinway piano.

Democrats started with a bad voting bill that was gigantic, and they’ve whittled it into a bad voting bill that’s merely enormous. It still deserves to die.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1882 on: September 23, 2021, 06:25:34 AM »
From Calif Larry Elder thread, putting this here.

Doug: "I alone cannot [stop vote fraud].  100 million people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud."

G M: "100 million ARMED people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud."

Doug:  How?

G M:The left doesn't respect the rule of law. They will learn to respect the rule of .308/556.

I will be for a few days.  My question remains, seriously, how?  My state is a shall issue state.  I can carry and know people who do.  But if I pull out my hypothetical weapon while they are lying, cheating and stealing, and/or use it to stop vote fraud we can't even find, I will be arrested and disarmed. If 100 million did that to 'win' the election, we become them and my views wouldn't prevail in the new order anyway. 

All I'm saying is, it's not an either-or.  We have to fight way better in the battle of ideas, compete more effectively in elections and use those victories to work toward real elections, AND we have to prepare for the worst because the downward spiral you describe is happening in front of eyes.

Your right to own and carry, and to seek out a red county in a red state where you might keep that right, comes from a war and a constitution, but also from elections people pulled together and won for us. 

At present, opposition run the country at the Executive and Legislative federal level, all within reach of winning back, and we have been winning state legislatures and have some pretty good Justices on the Supreme Court, which if both performed well I think could bring the election process back much closer to fair and based on rule of law.

Yes we must "voat harder" - AND not tolerate breaks in the rule of law.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1883 on: September 23, 2021, 09:18:15 AM »
From Calif Larry Elder thread, putting this here.

Doug: "I alone cannot [stop vote fraud].  100 million people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud."

G M: "100 million ARMED people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud."

Doug:  How?

G M:The left doesn't respect the rule of law. They will learn to respect the rule of .308/556.

I will be for a few days.  My question remains, seriously, how?  My state is a shall issue state.  I can carry and know people who do.  But if I pull out my hypothetical weapon while they are lying, cheating and stealing, and/or use it to stop vote fraud we can't even find, I will be arrested and disarmed. If 100 million did that to 'win' the election, we become them and my views wouldn't prevail in the new order anyway. 

All I'm saying is, it's not an either-or.  We have to fight way better in the battle of ideas, compete more effectively in elections and use those victories to work toward real elections, AND we have to prepare for the worst because the downward spiral you describe is happening in front of eyes.

Your right to own and carry, and to seek out a red county in a red state where you might keep that right, comes from a war and a constitution, but also from elections people pulled together and won for us. 

At present, opposition run the country at the Executive and Legislative federal level, all within reach of winning back, and we have been winning state legislatures and have some pretty good Justices on the Supreme Court, which if both performed well I think could bring the election process back much closer to fair and based on rule of law.

Yes we must "voat harder" - AND not tolerate breaks in the rule of law.

We are tolerating the breaks of the rule of law daily. At the federal level and the blue zoos, like Minneapolis.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1884 on: September 23, 2021, 10:23:31 AM »
Yes, letting them win let's them control the process. Stop them everywhere you can.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1885 on: September 23, 2021, 10:49:21 AM »
Yes, letting them win let's them control the process. Stop them everywhere you can.

You can stop them at local levels in red states.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1887 on: September 24, 2021, 06:33:50 AM »
well as for me

that settles it in Arizona

the DNC just out hustled us
with changes in voting rules and their Lebron Opray George DNC paid army of "volunteers"
who went out and got many thousands of signatures one way or the other
and just as many as they needed.

Kraken cracks up.

Waiting to see about other audits.

How will Orange hair spin this ............. :roll:

The only Kraken now is the LEFT cracking up
Oh will CNN have fun with this.

We are getting wiped out by immigration.  Of course those people will vote for those who pay them off with out tax dollars.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1893 on: September 25, 2021, 08:58:51 AM »
"NYC wants to give vote to legal non-citizens"

The next discriminated group that the Dems will yell and scream about are *non* citizens

they will be fighting for their rights!

at this point may as well get rid of the whole concept of citizenship

I am not sure what benefits citizens have over non citizens anymore


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1894 on: September 25, 2021, 09:05:22 AM »
Citizens are treated worse.

"NYC wants to give vote to legal non-citizens"

The next discriminated group that the Dems will yell and scream about are *non* citizens

they will be fighting for their rights!

at this point may as well get rid of the whole concept of citizenship

I am not sure what benefits citizens have over non citizens anymore


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Washington Times: AZ and more: Epoch Times
« Reply #1896 on: September 27, 2021, 03:41:46 AM »
Election audits become Republican rallying cry

After Arizona, candidates champion integrity


Republican candidates across the nation are taking up the banner of election audits as a way to connect with primary voters next year in the wake of Arizona’s long-awaited review of the 2020 presidential election.

Candidates are eager to claim the mantle of election integrity and earn the support of former President Donald Trump.

Josh Mandel, a Republican running for a Senate seat in Ohio, is making sure voters know he wants Arizona to “decertify” its 2020 election results, which showed Joseph R. Biden winning the state.

“On Election Day the Arizona officials falsely claimed that Trump lost by 10,457 votes,” Mr. Mandel tweeted. He said the audit of Maricopa County’s results showed “44,000 possibly illegal ballots cast.”

One of Mr. Mandel’s Republican rivals for the Senate seat in Ohio, Jane Timken, also weighed in about the results of the election 10 months ago in Arizona, a state two time zones away. She said Arizona’s “discrepancies are deeply troubling as to

the integrity of our elections and demand action. It is vital that only election results based on legal votes are certified.”

It’s a message that the Republican base is ready to hear. According to a September CNN poll, 78% of Republicans said Mr. Biden did not win and 54% said there is evidence to back up their belief.

A Yahoo News/YouGov poll in early August found that 66% of Republicans believe “the election was rigged and stolen from Trump.” Just 18% said they think “Joe Biden won fair and square.”

The audit of the presidential election results in Maricopa County, Arizona, showed Friday that Mr. Biden defeated Mr. Trump by slightly more votes than were certified in last year’s official count. Republican leaders, however, said the review raises significant concerns about voter fraud and election security.

The audit, conducted by Cyber Ninjas, showed that Mr. BIden won the county by 45,469 votes, 360 more than the 45,109-vote margin initially certified. State Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, said the review revealed that election laws were broken. She referred the report to state Attorney General Mark Brnovich for possible action.

“We had a number of issues, which is why people question the ballots in the election,” Ms. Fann said. “What this is all about is making sure your vote counts.”

Mr. Brnovich said he will “take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority.”

Mr. Trump told enthusiastic supporters at a rally in Perry, Georgia, on Saturday night that the audit verified his claims that he won in Arizona. He pointed to findings of more than 20,000 ballots that appeared to be cast by people no longer living in the state.

“You have more than 10,000 votes that I ‘lost’ by,” Mr. Trump said. He also cited the audit’s findings of inconsistencies related to mail-in balloting and potential duplicate ballots.

The former president made clear that he and his supporters will keep pressing for audits of the 2020 election results in other states as part of the Republican campaign for 2022.

“I bring voter fraud to the forefront to save our nation from corrupt elections and to make sure this never, ever happens again,” Mr. Trump said.

One of the states he is targeting is Georgia, which Mr. Biden also won narrowly.

Mr. Trump attacked Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan and Gov. Brian Kemp, all Republicans who dismissed Mr. Trump’s unproven claims.

“They ignored monumental evidence of rampant fraud,” Mr. Trump said, claiming scores of duplicate and missing ballots in Georgia. He was the first Republican presidential candidate to lose the state in three decades.

The candidates Mr. Trump promoted included U.S. Rep. Jody Hice, who is running for secretary of state in Georgia, and state Sen. Burt Jones, who is vying for lieutenant governor. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker, Mr. Hice and Mr. Jones have echoed Mr. Trump’s claims of voter fraud.

Mr. Hice, a four-term House Republican, accused Mr. Raffensperger of diminishing confidence in the state’s elections.

“It is my deep conviction that Brad Raffensperger has massively compromised the right of the people at the ballot box,” Mr. Hice said. “He has opened wide the door for all sorts of irregularities and fraud to march into our election system, and it is time that we take charge of this.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who also appeared at the rally, called for her state to conduct its own audit of the 2020 election.

“Trump won Georgia, and that’s why I’m calling for an audit in Georgia. It’s time to do it. No more excuses,” Mrs. Greene said.

Republican Vernon Jones, who is running for governor in Georgia, said the state should follow Arizona’s lead.

“After reviewing the newly released Maricopa County audit, there is no reason why the same audit should not happen in Georgia,” Mr. Jones said. “Gov. Kemp, no more stonewalling. Do the right thing and call for a 159-county independent forensic audit. The voters of Georgia deserve a free, fair and transparent election. Let’s get on with the audit so the truth can prevail.”

Other swing states that Mr. Trump lost are conducting election reviews.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, sued last week to block a subpoena to state election officials in what Republicans called a “forensic investigation” of the presidential election. Mr. Shapiro called the Republican-backed audit “a sham” and said he will do “everything within our power to protect Pennsylvanians’ personal [voter] data.”

State Sen. Cris Dush, a Republican, said the information is necessary to investigate claims that voters were registered as living in a condemned building. Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman, a Republican, said the attorney general “wants to stop us from performing our constitutional duty of providing oversight of the executive branch.”

Mr. Biden defeated Mr. Trump in Pennsylvania by more than 80,000 votes.

In Wisconsin, where Mr. Biden won by more than 20,000 votes, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, a Republican, has authorized lawyer Michael Gableman to review the election results. He wants Mr. Gableman to conclude his work by the end of October so lawmakers can consider any legislation this year.

Rohn Bishop, the chairman of the Republican Party in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, said he hopes the results from the Arizona audit will persuade the state Republican Party to stop focusing on the “nonsense” of the 2020 election and instead work on 2022.

“Right now GOP effort is hacking off Republican Clerks, and alienating soft GOP voters who think we’re nuts and wasting their tax dollars,” Mr. Bishop tweeted.

Perhaps the most surprising election audit to spring up was in Texas, where Mr. Trump won comfortably. Texas offi cials announced an audit last week of four counties after Mr. Trump pressed Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, for the action.

Mr. Abbott is facing a primary challenge next year from Don Huffines, who has the endorsement of Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.

Calling on Mr. Abbott last week to conduct an audit of the Texas election, Mr. Trump said, “Your citizens don’t trust the election system.”

The audited counties will include Democratic strongholds around Houston and Dallas, as well as Tarrant County, a traditionally Republican-led county that went for Mr. Biden.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the county’s top elected Democratic official, criticized the move.

“Donald Trump ordered Gov. Abbott to audit the 2020 Texas election and, like clockwork, TX just initiated an audit of Harris County voters. Democracy isn’t a game,” Judge Hidalgo tweeted. “These fake audits are an affront to all voters, & pure pandering to the kinds of extremists that stormed our Capitol.”

Former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, a Democrat who served as secretary of housing and urban development in the Obama administration, called the Texas audit “a gross abuse of power.”

“Trump demands an audit and Abbott’s appointee immediately announces a bogus one — with no evidence of fraud,” Mr. Castro tweeted. “Abbott is so afraid of losing his primary that he’s governing our state based on the whims and lies of Donald Trump.”

The Arizona audit also has exposed rifts in the state Republican Party. Maricopa County Republicans are calling on Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward to resign after the results of the election audit were released.

County Supervisor Clint Hickman urged Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, and other top state officials to call on Mrs. Ward to leave her position.

“She has caused a fracture in our party. She has operated outside of it for the purpose of helping herself,” Mr. Hickman said Friday in an interview with KTAR News.

A NEW DIRECTION: The audit of presidential election results in Maricopa County, Arizona, showed a defeat for Donald Trump, but Republicans found significant concerns about voter fraud

« Last Edit: September 27, 2021, 03:55:02 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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