Author Topic: Immigration issues  (Read 642434 times)


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5 to 3 decision
« Reply #1352 on: March 06, 2018, 03:30:55 PM »
Gee I wonder who the 3 dissenters were.

no politics there.   Just them reading a different interpretation of the Constitution - of course    :roll:


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Re: 5 to 3 decision
« Reply #1353 on: March 07, 2018, 05:54:37 AM »
Gee I wonder who the 3 dissenters were.

no politics there.   Just them reading a different interpretation of the Constitution - of course    :roll:

Breyer. Ginsburg, Sotomayor in dissent, all politics, Kagan sat this one out.  Thank God for the other five when they actually read and follow the constitution.
Reuters: "Supreme Court curbs rights of immigrants awaiting deportation"
curbs rights??  What rights?  Immigrants??  We don't deport immigrants.
Kagan recuses from immigrant-detention case, November 10th, 2017
 Kagan had learned only today that “while serving as Solicitor General, she authorized the filing of a pleading in an earlier phase” of the case.

Kagan is not at all consistent in recusing herself from cases, IMHO.  Must have read the writing on the wall early that this one was not winnable for the non-constitutional side.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1354 on: March 07, 2018, 06:17:10 AM »
"  Breyer. Ginsburg, Sotomayor in dissent, all politics, Kagan sat this one out"

Thanks for clarification Doug.

woops , I stepped on a dog bm .

I thought it was G S and K  (no not Glaxo Smith Kline)

Now that I recall Breyer has been way left on immigration and if I am not mistaken , illegal immigration as well.

waiting for new slots on the SCOTUS to open.
humanely from retirement and not death .


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1355 on: March 07, 2018, 07:39:14 AM »
"waiting for new slots on the SCOTUS to open.
humanely from retirement and not death ."

Yes.  Unlike the poisoning of Scalia...


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Re: Immigration issues, States' rights? US sues Calif.
« Reply #1356 on: March 07, 2018, 08:23:19 AM »
Session DOJ sues California - finally!
When a liberal hears a conservative exert 'states' rights' in the modern era they think of slavery and allege racism.  The Left mostly wants no states' rights because liberal federal judges and Justices can supercede in everything from feeding your own cows, killing your young, to gay marriage.

Now enter federal immigration law and sanctuary cities and states and the roles flip, except that conservatives are still the racists.

States' rights vs federal powers vs individual rights in constitutional law depend on what the constitution says on that matter.

Do individuals hold all the rights in national security?  No.  Do states have all the power in defining immigration and citizenship?  No, not unless a major precedent is struck down.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1876 that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility.  The case was most recently cited in Arizona v. US, 2012.

Funny that the issue then was California objecting to Chinese inflow.


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Re: 86% of TB cases are "immigrants" [illegals]
« Reply #1363 on: March 28, 2018, 07:15:07 AM »
G M:  "Gee, that's strange. Legal immigrants have to be screened for TB. I wonder how these immigrants didn't get screened."

Also strage how false terms become mainstreamed.  In law, I believe these people are called illegal aliens.  In logic or observation they are trespassers, whether you arrest them or send them home.

When the American 'hikers' were captured on the border of Iran and held in isolation 18 months without contact, did the mullahs call them "immigrants," or is that just the American (Left) usage of the term?

I wonder if tuberculosis makes health care costs go up?  Are illegals all screened for their ACA conforming prepaid health plans before they enter, does anybody know?


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1364 on: March 29, 2018, 06:06:41 AM »

And it would b certain many of the 22 % who are in the minority are likely people born outside of Europe

I am sure it is similar here with the majority for the minority here who are for open borders being born outside the US.

The Left would have us think when listening to the MSM the opposite.


sad part the Republican wimps have been absolute zeroes on immigration with no plans to do anything about it .  Trump let them sucker him.  Ryan should resign or be tossed out.  McConnell too.  His wife is already rich in questionable ways.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 06:14:39 AM by ccp »


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Like it , but
« Reply #1366 on: April 01, 2018, 10:36:19 AM »
Craft D posts:


Sounds good coming from Trump but  will  the legislative branches act on this?   No indication so far.  They ALWAYS have an excuse not to act on immigration unless it is mea culpa  ("like gang of 8 proposal")

Every day that goes by the Crats swell their ranks with future voters ..................


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« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 08:00:56 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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no surprise
« Reply #1368 on: April 09, 2018, 09:46:38 AM »
The images of long lines of people walking north to the US were a problem.
So what happens ?  They get put on air conditioned buses and are get driven  to the border for waiting ACLU lawyers and DNC staffers.

We need to stop *every single one of them* and send a message - you must get in line like everyone else - legally otherwise you will never get in the US.

CNN -  as always plays the emotion card:  "oh it is not about illegal activity it is families fleeing poverty and corruption."  Yada yada


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« Last Edit: April 17, 2018, 10:07:44 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Gorsuch votes with libs to keep illegal alien burglar?!?
« Reply #1370 on: April 17, 2018, 09:58:28 AM »

I knew we were celebrating the Gorsuch pick too early.  We were bound to be disappointed on some decisions no matter who was the pick. 

Does 1st degree burglary mean armed?  Threat of force?  I don't think so.
Was this burglary armed or posing a threat of force in the crime?  I don't know.  If so, did they need a second charge of committing a felony with use of a firearm?

If I am reading this right, it is about an "immigrant",  not an illegal.  Unfortunately , maybe a criminal immigrant's rightful place is in our prison.  A mistake was made to make him legal?  Maybe our deport focus needs to be on illegals.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1371 on: April 17, 2018, 10:08:21 AM »
My bad, you are correct-- I have corrected my subject line accordingly


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WSJ on Gorsuch concurring opinion on Burglar Immigrant
« Reply #1372 on: April 17, 2018, 04:42:07 PM »

By The Editorial Board
April 17, 2018 7:08 p.m. ET

President Trump said he wanted Supreme Court Justices in the mold of Antonin Scalia, and on Tuesday he got his wish. Though Justice Neil Gorsuch joined the four liberals on an immigration case, his logic would have made the late Justice proud.

In Sessions v. Dimaya, the government sought to deport a legal resident twice convicted of first-degree burglary. The Immigration and Nationality Act lets the government deport any immigrant convicted of a “crime of violence.” The question is whether first-degree burglary is a violent crime.

Section 16b of the criminal code includes a residual clause that defines a violent crime as “any other offense that is a felony and that, by its nature, involves a substantial risk that physical force against the person or property of another may be used in the course of committing the offense.”

Writing for the majority, Justice Elena Kagan invoked the Court’s Johnson precedent and held that the residual clause was void for vagueness. In Johnson (2015), Justice Scalia’s majority opinion rejected a similar residual clause in the Armed Career Criminal Act and ruled that its vague language produced “more unpredictability and arbitrariness” than the Constitution allows.

Chief Justice John Roberts’s minority opinion tries to distinguish the residual clauses in the two cases to save Section 16b, which he notes “is incorporated into many procedural and substantive provisions of criminal law.” But he appears as concerned with the policy results of the Court’s decision as the legal merits.

The big news is Justice Gorsuch’s elegant concurring opinion that joins the majority result but for different reasons. “Vague laws invite arbitrary power,” he writes, “leaving the people in the dark about what the law demands and allowing prosecutors and courts to make it up.” (See Comey, James nearby.)

Justice Gorsuch writes that Congress is free to define 16b with more specific crimes. But until it does the vague statute violates the due process right of individuals by giving license to police and prosecutors to interpret laws as they wish. This defense of individuals against arbitrary state power was a Scalia staple. Justice Gorsuch adds that vague laws also threaten the Constitution’s ordered liberty because they “risk allowing judges to assume legislative power.”

Mr. Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is sending a useful message that Congress should write clearer laws that aren’t subject to arbitrary interpretation. Congress can rewrite immigration law, and the President should be pleased with his nominee for doing what he promised.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1373 on: April 23, 2018, 08:52:07 AM »
How about a State Department travel warning to Americans to stay out of Mexico due to narco terrorism
which is now being seen at travel resorts

as one way to get Mexico to do more to stop them and every one else who walks through their country an the way to the US to illegally enter .


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Free Kindle book (4/23-4/24)
« Reply #1374 on: April 23, 2018, 09:57:51 AM »


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Soros funded group launches App to help illegals avoid Feds
« Reply #1376 on: May 02, 2018, 09:10:39 AM »
Soros-Funded Group Launches App to Help Illegal Aliens Avoid Feds

An open borders group that has benefitted from U.S. taxpayer dollars and is funded by leftwing billionaire George Soros launched a smartphone application to help illegal immigrants avoid federal authorities.

The app, Notifica (Notify), is described in a Laredo, Texas news article as a tool to protect immigrants living in the U.S. illegally by utilizing high tech and online social communications. With the click of a button, illegal aliens can alert family, friends and attorneys of encounters with federal authorities. “Immigration agents knocking at the door?” the news story asks. “Now, there’s an app for that, too.”

The group behind the app is called United We Dream, which describes itself as the country’s largest immigrant youth-led community. The nonprofit has more than 400,000 members nationwide and claims to “embrace the common struggle of all people of color and stand up against racism, colonialism, colorism, and xenophobia.” Among its key projects is winning protections and rights for illegal immigrants, defending against deportation, obtaining education for illegal immigrants and acquiring “justice and liberation” for undocumented LGBT “immigrants and allies.”

Illegal aliens encounter lots of discrimination, which creates a lot of fear, according to United We Dream. “We empower people to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop our own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people,” United We Dream states on its website, adding that this is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal level.

United We Dream started as a project of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. Between 2008 and 2010, NILC received $206,453 in U.S. government grants, the records show. The project funded was for “immigration-related employment discrimination public education.” Headquartered in Los Angeles, NILC was established in 1979 and is dedicated to “defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income.”

The organization, which also has offices in Washington D.C. and Berkeley, California claims to have played a leadership role in spearheading Barack Obama’s amnesty program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which has shielded hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from deportation. “Ultimately, NILC’s goals are centered on promoting the full integration of all immigrants into U.S. society,” according to its website.

Both the NILC and its offshoot, United We Dream, get big bucks from Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF). In fact, both nonprofits list OSF as a key financial backer. In the United States Soros groups have pushed a radical agenda that includes promoting an open border with Mexico and fighting immigration enforcement efforts, fomenting racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist black separationist organizations, financing the Black Lives Matter movement and other groups involved in the Ferguson Missouri riots, weakening the integrity of the nation’s electoral systems, opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts and eroding 2nd Amendment protections.

OSF has also funded a liberal think-tank headed by former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the scandal-ridden activist group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), so corrupt that Congress banned it from receiving federal funding.

Incredibly, the U.S. government uses taxpayer dollars to support Soros’ radical globalist agenda abroad. As part of an ongoing investigation, Judicial Watch has exposed several collaborative efforts between Uncle Sam and Soros in other countries.

Just last week Judicial Watch published a special investigative report that exposes in detail the connection between U.S.-funded entities and Soros’ OSF to further the Hungarian philanthropist’s efforts in Guatemala. The goal is to advance a radical globalist agenda through “lawfare” and political subversion, the report shows.

Much like in the United States, OSF programs in Guatemala include funding liberal media outlets, supporting global politicians, advocating for open borders, fomenting public discord and influencing academic institutions.

Last year Judicial Watch exposed a joint effort between the U.S. government and Soros to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia. Records obtained by Judicial Watch in that investigation show that the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia worked behind the scenes with OSF to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

The cash—about $5 million—flowed through the State Department and USAID.


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Re: Soros funded group launches App to help illegals avoid Feds
« Reply #1377 on: May 02, 2018, 09:23:37 AM »
Not hard to download it and feed bad info into it on a regular basis.

Soros-Funded Group Launches App to Help Illegal Aliens Avoid Feds

An open borders group that has benefitted from U.S. taxpayer dollars and is funded by leftwing billionaire George Soros launched a smartphone application to help illegal immigrants avoid federal authorities.

The app, Notifica (Notify), is described in a Laredo, Texas news article as a tool to protect immigrants living in the U.S. illegally by utilizing high tech and online social communications. With the click of a button, illegal aliens can alert family, friends and attorneys of encounters with federal authorities. “Immigration agents knocking at the door?” the news story asks. “Now, there’s an app for that, too.”

The group behind the app is called United We Dream, which describes itself as the country’s largest immigrant youth-led community. The nonprofit has more than 400,000 members nationwide and claims to “embrace the common struggle of all people of color and stand up against racism, colonialism, colorism, and xenophobia.” Among its key projects is winning protections and rights for illegal immigrants, defending against deportation, obtaining education for illegal immigrants and acquiring “justice and liberation” for undocumented LGBT “immigrants and allies.”

Illegal aliens encounter lots of discrimination, which creates a lot of fear, according to United We Dream. “We empower people to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop our own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people,” United We Dream states on its website, adding that this is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal level.

United We Dream started as a project of the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. Between 2008 and 2010, NILC received $206,453 in U.S. government grants, the records show. The project funded was for “immigration-related employment discrimination public education.” Headquartered in Los Angeles, NILC was established in 1979 and is dedicated to “defending and advancing the rights of immigrants with low income.”

The organization, which also has offices in Washington D.C. and Berkeley, California claims to have played a leadership role in spearheading Barack Obama’s amnesty program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which has shielded hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from deportation. “Ultimately, NILC’s goals are centered on promoting the full integration of all immigrants into U.S. society,” according to its website.

Both the NILC and its offshoot, United We Dream, get big bucks from Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF). In fact, both nonprofits list OSF as a key financial backer. In the United States Soros groups have pushed a radical agenda that includes promoting an open border with Mexico and fighting immigration enforcement efforts, fomenting racial disharmony by funding anti-capitalist black separationist organizations, financing the Black Lives Matter movement and other groups involved in the Ferguson Missouri riots, weakening the integrity of the nation’s electoral systems, opposing U.S. counterterrorism efforts and eroding 2nd Amendment protections.

OSF has also funded a liberal think-tank headed by former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the scandal-ridden activist group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), so corrupt that Congress banned it from receiving federal funding.

Incredibly, the U.S. government uses taxpayer dollars to support Soros’ radical globalist agenda abroad. As part of an ongoing investigation, Judicial Watch has exposed several collaborative efforts between Uncle Sam and Soros in other countries.

Just last week Judicial Watch published a special investigative report that exposes in detail the connection between U.S.-funded entities and Soros’ OSF to further the Hungarian philanthropist’s efforts in Guatemala. The goal is to advance a radical globalist agenda through “lawfare” and political subversion, the report shows.

Much like in the United States, OSF programs in Guatemala include funding liberal media outlets, supporting global politicians, advocating for open borders, fomenting public discord and influencing academic institutions.

Last year Judicial Watch exposed a joint effort between the U.S. government and Soros to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia. Records obtained by Judicial Watch in that investigation show that the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia worked behind the scenes with OSF to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

The cash—about $5 million—flowed through the State Department and USAID.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1381 on: May 10, 2018, 09:39:34 AM »
In St. Paul, MN, in the liberal elite, college town neighborhoods, [Walter Mondale and Kofi Annan went to Macalester] I see the sign, "All Welcome Here" in front of a nicely kept house, here and there.  I imagine you find the same thing in Cambridge Mass, Palo Alto, CA and similar liberal, well to do neighborhoods.  The sign is a subtle and positive rebuke of the other side's effort to get control of the border.

It would be fun to organize a large number of groups of well behaved conservatives to ring their bell and test their policy.  The first few people might arrive empty handed, asking if they might come in and talk about some issues over a cup of tea, and then more come with sleeping bags, answering the door for yet more with beers, tune boxes, suitcases, moving vans, furniture, start moving their stuff around to make room, and see how far it goes until they call the police.  Then point to the 'all welcome here' sign with the police while have more and more keep arriving with the police there and see how it goes.  Set up tents in the yard if asked to leave the house, and at some point offer them one of our signs that says, 'Posted, Private Property, No Trespassing'.   )


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Dems in panic
« Reply #1383 on: May 23, 2018, 05:23:07 AM »
endless immigration is good for us; the mantra we have heard for decades.  despite common sense we are told it has no effect on wages.  these are jobs that no American would do yadda yadda yadda.  who would have guessed.  But this is not just for low wage jobs - immigration is hard on Americans across all levels:

God darn it!  Close the border!!!!


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Re: Dems in panic
« Reply #1384 on: May 23, 2018, 02:54:26 PM »
endless immigration is good for us; the mantra we have heard for decades.  despite common sense we are told it has no effect on wages.  these are jobs that no American would do yadda yadda yadda.  who would have guessed.  But this is not just for low wage jobs - immigration is hard on Americans across all levels:
God darn it!  Close the border!!!!

Republican policies give dishwashers a 30% raise.  Who knew!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 03:08:50 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1385 on: May 23, 2018, 04:48:58 PM »
" Republican policies give dishwashers a 30% raise.  Who knew!"

I don't know but we got to make sure every dishwasher and other legal American resident knows!


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1386 on: May 23, 2018, 10:03:54 PM »
Well the 5,000 people on my FB page now know , , ,


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another bleeding heart yahoo headline from the LEFT
« Reply #1387 on: June 07, 2018, 06:57:35 AM »
 "This is unhuman," Chica said during a phone interview. "He was not committing any crime. He is a father who is working for his daughters. Every day our daughters ask me why their dad is not coming home."

Ahhh, but alas he IS committing a CRIME. He was told to depart but he is still in the US  ILLEGALLY:

this whole attitude that it is ok to come and stay here illegally has got to be fought tooth and nail


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Re: another bleeding heart -Immigration
« Reply #1388 on: June 07, 2018, 08:16:07 AM »
They sure know how to confuse and project who is breaking up families in the illegal immigration debate.


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JW: Public Middle School Terrorized by MS-13
« Reply #1389 on: June 13, 2018, 11:43:08 AM »
Public Middle School Terrorized by MS-13
is a “Ticking Time Bomb”
A violent street gang energized by the steady flow of illegal immigrant minors is terrorizing a public middle school less than 10 miles from the nation’s capital while administrators cover up the problem and the feds ignore the crisis.

Teachers are afraid, drugs are sold, gang graffiti litters the area surrounding the campus and gang-related fights are a daily occurrence, according to a lengthy mainstream newspaper report published this week. Most of the dozens of teachers, parents and students interviewed for the story refused to be identified for fear of losing their jobs or being targeted by the gangbangers that have taken over at William Wirt Middle School in Riverdale, Maryland.

Wirt is part of the Prince George’s County Public School system, which has more than 130,000 students. “The school is a ticking time bomb,” according to one educator quoted in the article.

The culprits belong to the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a feared street gang of mostly Central American illegal immigrants that has spread throughout the U.S. and is renowned for drug distribution, murder, rape, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings, vandalism and other violent crimes.

The Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) says criminal street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs. Judicial Watch has reported extensively on how Barack Obama’s open border policies helped criminal enterprises like the MS-13.

When the barrage of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) began four years ago, Homeland Security sources told Judicial Watch that the nation’s most violent street gangs—including MS-13 and the 18th Street gang—were actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing the minors.

A year later the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that the MS-13 is a top tier gang thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that crossed into the state under Obama’s disastrous program, which saw over 60,000 illegal immigrants—many with criminal histories—storm into the U.S. in a matter of months.

At last count, more than 200,000 UACs have entered the U.S. through Mexico. The Texas Department of Public Safety disclosed in a report that the number of MS-13 members encountered by U.S. Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley sector increased each year, accelerating in 2014 and coinciding with increased illegal immigration from Central America during the same period.

When dozens of MS-13 members were indicted in Boston a few years ago for murder, conspiracy to commit murder, drug trafficking, firearm violations, federal racketeering and immigration offenses, federal prosecutors revealed that the gang actively recruited prospective members in high schools situated in communities with “significant immigrant populations from Central America.” The recruits are known as “paros” and they are typically 14 or 15 years old, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). During a tryout period, they must engage in violent criminal activity before becoming a full-fledged MS-13 member.

At the Maryland school a short drive from the White House MS-13 aggressively recruits students recently arrived from Central America, sources say in the news story. One eighth-grader said the gang “dominates the school.” Teachers are so scared they refuse to be alone with students and many said they repeatedly reported gang activity to administrators who simply ignored them.

“Teachers feel threatened but aren’t backed up,” an educator says in the news article. “Students feel threatened but aren’t protected.” Wirt’s principal declined reporters’ repeated requests for an interview, which is very revealing. The school’s resource officer, from the Prince George’s Police Department, declined to comment about gang activity on the campus.

Records obtained by the newspaper reveal that as of May 1, police were called to the school 74 times. One parent predicts that “there’s going to be a tragedy at that school.” A teacher said the administration’s attitude about gangs is “don’t ask, don’t talk about it.”

It’s important to note that Prince George’s County, where the Riverdale middle school is located, provides sanctuary for illegal immigrants and defies federal requests to hold illegal aliens arrested for state crimes until immigration agents pick them up.

Besides Prince George’s County, three other large Maryland jurisdictions shields illegal aliens from the feds and deportation—Montgomery and Baltimore counties as well as the city of Baltimore. Maryland’s Attorney General, the state’s chief law enforcement official, issued a legal memo last year defending the practice.

Complying with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers for criminal illegal aliens is voluntary, the Attorney General writes in the document, and state and local law enforcement officials are potentially exposed to liability if they hold someone beyond the release date determined by state law.


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Re: Immigration issues, "separating children from their parents'
« Reply #1391 on: June 18, 2018, 02:12:21 PM »
A letter from US Civil RIghts commissioner:

Dear Attorney General Sessions and Secretary Nielsen:

I write as one member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and not on behalf of the Commission as a whole. The majority of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has issued a statement condemning the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security for separating parents and children who cross the border illegally.1 The reason parents and children are separated is the law: When an adult illegal alien is prosecuted for unlawful entry, that person is taken into the custody of the U.S. Marshals and the children are taken into custody by HHS. Nonetheless, unless the adult applies for asylum, the unlawful entry is resolved relatively quickly and the separation is brief. But if the adult applies for asylum, the process–-and separation–is lengthier. That is because the 1997 Flores Consent Decree (and the Ninth Circuit’s interpretation thereof) stipulates that children may be held no more than twenty days. The asylum process is much longer.

If the U.S. were detaining the children with their parents, the Commission majority would surely issue a statement condemning the Departments for detaining children. Thus, the only way to avoid separating children from illegal alien parents that would be acceptable to the Commission majority would be to release both parents and children into the U.S., contrary to law. The bottom line is that the Commission majority is opposed to enforcing almost any immigration laws pertaining to illegal entry.

People who have potentially valid claims for asylum can present themselves at ports of entry and request asylum. They will be processed normally and will not be separated from their children because they are following the law.2

It is unwise to release detained individuals into the United States, because they are then very likely to abscond into the interior and fail to appear for their immigration hearing. “Over the past 20 years, 37 percent of all aliens free pending their trials – 918,098 out of 2,498,375 – never showed for court.”3 (Aliens who are detained are almost certain to appear at court, because they do not have the ability to abscond). And individuals who have claimed asylum also are likely to fail to appear for their court proceedings – “
  • n average, 46,000 people each year vanished from proceedings created specifically for those claiming persecution in the lands they called home.”4 This suggests that quite a few of these claims are weak, if not false, and that the individual’s goal was simply to make it into the United States and then disappear.

Separating children from their parents is regrettable. It is not, however, unique. American parents are separated from their children every day when they are arrested or incarcerated. According to HHS, during Fiscal Year 2016, 20,939 American children entered foster care because their parent is incarcerated.5 This is more than ten times the number of children who have been separated from their parents due to entering the United States illegally.6 People who cross the border illegally have committed a crime, and one of the consequences of being arrested and detained is, unfortunately, that their children cannot stay with them.

Among the principal reasons people immigrate to this country is the primacy we give to the rule of law and the benefits that flow therefrom. Despite what my colleagues seem to think, there is no super-statute that decrees that aliens must be treated better than Americans. If Congress decides to change the law, that is its prerogative. But until such time as Congress changes the law, the Department of Justice should continue enforcing existing law and prosecute every case of illegal entry.


Peter Kirsanow Commissioner

1) U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, “The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Issues Letter to the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Denouncing Separation of Immigrant Families,” June 15, 2018,
2) Tal Kopan, “New DHS policy could separate families caught crossing the border illegally,” CNN, May 7, 2018,
3) Mark Metcalf: “Courting Disaster: Absent attendance and absent enforcement in America’s immigration courts,” Center for Immigration Studies, March 19, 2017,
4) Id.
5) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The AFCARS Report, Oct. 20, 2017,
6) Colleen Long, “DHS reports about 2,000 minors separated from families,” Associated Press, June 15, 2018,


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1392 on: June 18, 2018, 02:43:32 PM »
"Department of Health and Human Services has been taking in about 250 children per day"

It sounds to me like these children are being used as human shields.

Wouldn't a wall solve this?

From the previous post, it is the parents choosing asylum that causes the extended separation.  It is the choice of illegal crossing that starts it.

Does anyone believe that putting these families up at the Ritz would make the problem go away?


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1393 on: June 18, 2018, 02:47:00 PM »
"  It sounds to me like these children are being used as human shields. "

no doubt American liberal citizens are orchestrating this..

I say so what
Send them back with their parents 100%
that will take care of the problem


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most of the kids sent here alone by parents
« Reply #1394 on: June 19, 2018, 04:19:04 AM »

What kind of parent does this?

Answer: those coached by foreign born immigration lawyers and leftist groups the encourage them to do this while the media is tipped off to go to the border and wait for their arrivals

If only most of these people were to become Republican voters this would end yesterday!

Of course the rhinos in legislative branches can't stand the heart tugging heat and cave.  As always.


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80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.
« Reply #1395 on: June 19, 2018, 05:03:56 AM »
"80% of women and girls from Central America who enter the U.S. illegally suffer rape."

The message coming back from the US southern border should be, if you get to the border (wall), you won't get in - illegally.  Therefore, don't come to the border.  Don't get raped.  Don't get separated from your children.  Band together with the good people in your country and fix your country.  If there aren't enough good people in your country to do that, then we really don't want unscreened people from there to come here.

Leftist strategy, if you make it to the border, you will be welcomed, housed, fed, given cash, income for life, free healthcare, and made a citizen so you can vote your own raises and bring the rest of your families.  What could possibly go wrong?

The irony of it all is that no one south of our border wants US advice or assistance to build there what we have or had here, safety, security, freedom, prosperity, etc.  It seems they are almost all on the do-the-opposite plan, and want to bring that with them here.


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Getting rid of the asylum loophole once and for all
« Reply #1396 on: June 19, 2018, 05:31:41 AM »
"The irony of it all is that no one south of our border wants US advice or assistance to build there what we have or had here, safety, security, freedom, prosperity, etc.  It seems they are almost all on the do-the-opposite plan, and want to bring that with them here."

yes. ANd i ask what is this "***asylum***" stuff anyway?

this was meant mostly for people fleeing communism I thought or political persecution.

So now anyone can walk to the border and state "I am in fear of my life" and provide what evidence for this and now automatically they can be released into the US?


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Re: Getting rid of the asylum loophole once and for all
« Reply #1397 on: June 19, 2018, 06:49:49 AM »
ANd i ask what is this "***asylum***" stuff anyway?

this was meant mostly for people fleeing communism I thought or political persecution.

So now anyone can walk to the border and state "I am in fear of my life" and provide what evidence for this and now automatically they can be released into the US?

Right.  "Asylum" has become the loophole.  Persecution is sometimes true.  There is real danger in these countries.  Yet we spend billions on international organizations and trillions on foreign policy / defense, and neither the people nor the governments want our help.  When the US tried to help stop communism and oppression in Central America, the Left here screamed bloody murder.  

We aren't the only country with this problem.  Save our country first and then help others.

If you are coming here for the right reasons, then you can sign a contract to not take welfare etc or commit crimes.  First generation immigrants maybe shouldn't vote, just so the left or right doesn't bring them here to vote.  For illegals who are legalized, maybe the first two generations shouldn't vote.  Legalized guests.  I play sports as a guest at some really nice, member owned clubs. That I go there often for decades does not buy me ownership or a say in anything, especially their guest policy.

Immigrants are great if they are legal, if we decide who comes based on merit, if they come in reasonable and controlled numbers from different places, if they contribute positively to our country when they come, if they respect our past, our culture, our institutions, and want to build our future in a way compatible with the way we want to, and if they assimilate.  E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one.

The issues on this board are interrelated.  If we had a flat tax, same for every dollar of every person's income and required a balanced budget, majorities would not vote for mass giveaways of manufactured money and people would not come here for to commit crimes and receive welfare.  Immigrants used to be the hardest workers and the biggest believers of the American Dream.  

CCP and Trump have convinced me, we need to build a wall and with that all the other enforcement necessary in this day and age, for visa overstays etc.  Then we need to pause, assimilate who we already have here, solve our inner city issues, take a deep breath, and then make a new immigration policy based on the needs of our country and take in the best people around the world who want to fill them.  We should not blindly take those who join a criminal invasion.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 06:53:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1398 on: June 19, 2018, 06:54:36 AM »
If you violate the law as an American citizen (Or at least there is probable cause to believe you have) you don't take your children with you to your jail cell. Every arrestee, every person sent to prison is separated from their family.

I guess it only matters when Obama isn't president.

Imagine if the left cared for Americans like they do criminal invaders.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1399 on: June 19, 2018, 09:06:17 AM »
If you violate the law as an American citizen (Or at least there is probable cause to believe you have) you don't take your children with you to your jail cell. Every arrestee, every person sent to prison is separated from their family.

I guess it only matters when Obama isn't president.

Imagine if the left cared for Americans like they do criminal invaders.

Right.  Also, if you go to war, your children are without at least one parent.  This is a media manufactured crisis.  It is the parents separating their families.  We didn't go into their countries and homes and capture them.  The law isn't new under Trump.  The Left is using its biggest weapons, the media and social media, to prevent him from enforcing existing laws.  They used the courts to stop him from breaking the sanctuary city hold.  It all is predicated on the idea that entering illegally is not really a crime.  But it is.

The Left projects.  Pelosi says Trump is using the children for political advantage.  What?  How could it be more obvious that the Left is using these children for political purposes. 

The cage picture was a kid at a protest.
[Michael Brown didn't have his hands up saying don't shoot in Ferguson either.  Oh well.]

US HHS is an agency largely built and staffed by Democrats.  Don't believe me?  Ask them.  Children housed there are not being owned and housed by Mexican, criminal border gangs, raped, abused and sold into sex trafficking and border crossing scams.

Funny that this 'scandal' broke simultaneously with the feared IG report exposing the phony Hillary investigation.