Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues  (Read 1078064 times)


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues, Wash Post fact check Russian Uranium deal
« Reply #1800 on: October 26, 2016, 07:50:20 AM »

The questioned whether Trump had proof that the Secretary of State had any involvement with a highest level, national security decision that was made by her department.  I would hope she did.  Good grief.

This has become a common theme to anything Hillary has had something (or should have had), to do with.

It is a legal defense. Plain and simple.

It is much easier to defend incompetence than mens rea, which is needed in almost any crime. They make her seem stupid and incompetent on purpose. She is anything but.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1801 on: October 26, 2016, 08:12:48 AM »
"It is much easier to defend incompetence than mens rea, which is needed in almost any crime"

This morning guest LEFT commentator, Eugene Robinson from  the wash compost  was blaming *Cheryl Mills* for the emails that prove Obama knew (of course he didn't notice the lack of "" another lawyer trick) before he was on TV saying he only learned of it from the news like you and me ( :roll: :x).   The people around Hildabeast did not "serve her well".  Thus deflecting the responsibility from "her" to her "aides".

And of course he ignores any notion that Obama lied or was obviously covered up the whole thing

Not surprising though from  Eugene who wears race colored glasses all day long and about everything he sees.


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Mark Levin reading my posts
« Reply #1802 on: October 28, 2016, 08:15:53 AM »

In May I posted this:

"As for Megyn she has turned me off a while ago with her Turmp like narcissism.  In that regard they are exactly alike. ......."  "She is no longer a newscaster and is now of a self promoting celebrity.  She will try to get into movies probably now at least on the side. "

The must have blond hair dye in the elevators at Fox just down the hall from the shop that sizes the blue the pink the green the red miniskirts (the Ailes effect)

Mark on the Megyn Kelly - Newt ambush where again she tried to make herself the story:


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1803 on: October 28, 2016, 09:58:55 AM »
"It is much easier to defend incompetence than mens rea, which is needed in almost any crime"

This morning guest LEFT commentator, Eugene Robinson from  the wash compost  was blaming *Cheryl Mills* for the emails that prove Obama knew (of course he didn't notice the lack of "" another lawyer trick) before he was on TV saying he only learned of it from the news like you and me ( :roll: :x).   The people around Hildabeast did not "serve her well".  Thus deflecting the responsibility from "her" to her "aides".

And of course he ignores any notion that Obama lied or was obviously covered up the whole thing

Not surprising though from  Eugene who wears race colored glasses all day long and about everything he sees.

They better be defending it. The penalties for treason are stiff. If I was them, I would be acting like I had an IQ of 60.


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I must admit this is rather funny
« Reply #1804 on: October 28, 2016, 02:32:09 PM »


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Wikileaks shows us the presstitutes
« Reply #1805 on: October 30, 2016, 03:59:25 PM »

Bigdog unavailable for comment on the professional journalists, with credentials!


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Re: Wikileaks shows us the presstitutes
« Reply #1806 on: October 30, 2016, 10:29:23 PM »

Bigdog unavailable for comment on the professional journalists, with credentials!

The fact that they don't even attempt to hide it anymore, is disgusting. My wife is a journalist and television reporter as well, and the subject of impartiality presents itself to her, and she has to maintain it.

The journalists back home don't even try.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1807 on: October 31, 2016, 08:50:52 AM »
"Bigdog unavailable for comment on the professional journalists, with credentials!"
Possible taunting violation here.  I have known Bigdog to update his view in the face of new information.  Let's be nice and get him back.  )

Were any of these pretend journalists fired, suspended or shamed or are we now to the point where being thought of as in bed with the campaign is worn as a badge of honor?

Is there one person on that leftist list that the other side, Trump or a Republican, would also believe they could plant a story or narrative?

91% of mainstream stories on Trump are negative.
Given the view of the general electorate, that proportion should be no worse that 70%. 

Do they ever go beyond the shiny object lead story and pick an issue like Obamacare failing, ISIS strategy failing, China policy failing, economic policy failing?  Do they on their own cover the fact we have the highest corporate business tax rates in the world and one candidate wants to raise them further, kill off businesess and jobs, and one candidate wants to fix that?  Or run a story that in a time of black lives matter awareness the abortion issue is killing black babies at 5 times the rate white babies,, one candidate wants that to continue that, no problem, and the other's policies would curb it, sent back to the states.  Is it partisan to report on life and death stories or real consequences of policies based on facts that no one else is talking about?

Instead, because of the above, we get these planted story, planted wordings, repeat chamber montages where 2 or 3 dozen outlets and analysts are saying the exact same thing as if it's true and it's their own original thought.  It's worse than real Soviet Pravda where they only had one outlet.

Remember 'gravitas', what Bush lacked and had to acquire:

Trump's rigged talk is dangerous, media montage:

Trump has a narrow path to victory, the planted media narrative one day,
Narrow path, narrow path, Trump has a narrow path, narrow path, narrow path... ... ...

Dozens of outlets, same biased BS.  Now we know exactly how it gets started and spreads.  ABC heard it from Podesta, not from CBS, CNN, Washington Post, etc. nor did they come up with it on their own.

It used to be called PLAGIARISM when you put something out there as your own without giving credit to the source.  Do they still teach THAT in journalism school or do they openly teach, advance the narrative, ends justify means?


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Martha Raddatz' employer
« Reply #1811 on: November 09, 2016, 08:31:36 PM »

ABC News staged crime-scene shot, photograph shows
by Dylan Byers   @CNNMoney November 4, 2016: 3:07 PM ET
abc news
ABC News correspondent Linsey Davis stood in a field in Woodruff, South Carolina, and relayed the gruesome details of how a 30-year-old woman had been held captive in a storage container allegedly by a registered sex offender.

Behind her, yellow police tape with the words "SHERIFF'S LINE DO NOT CROSS" flapped in the wind, indicating the scene of the crime.

In fact, the police tape was tied to ABC News' own equipment just off-camera, a photograph obtained by CNNMoney shows. Sources with knowledge of the matter say the tape was placed there by ABC News for the purpose of its inclusion in the live shot.

The photograph, sent by an anonymous source, shows the tape running no more than 30 feet and tied to camera stands at both sides. In Davis' segment, which was broadcast on ABC's "Good Morning America," it is impossible to tell where the tape ends.

"This action is completely unacceptable and fails to meet the standards of ABC News," Julie Townsend, the vice president of communications at ABC News, told CNNMoney. "As soon as it was brought to our attention, we decided to take the producer out of the field, and we're investigating further."

This is not the first time ABC News has doctored a shot.

In April, ABC News producer David Fazekas created a fake reservation list for a segment about a restaurant in upstate New York that was thought to be among the most exclusive in the world.

Fazekas later told The New Yorker that the chef "wouldn't let us see his actual list, so I wrote it myself—like a reenactment in a documentary."

"There are services on the Internet that generate fake names," Fazekas said.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1812 on: November 09, 2016, 09:30:49 PM »
A couple of election points:

1.  The media gave Trump 90% of the coverage in a 17-way race in the primaries.  Through wikilwaks we find out they were colluding with Hillary to get her the weakest opponent. Then in the general election the coverage switched to 90℅ negative on Trump including a 10 year old tape and 20 year old allegations all timed for October..  How did that work out?

2.  Fact Checkers, WashPost ran a Pinocchio summary at the end rating Trump worse than Clinton.  Reading through it I found that Trump was making valid points and the fact checker was just nitpicking his wording and with Hillary they completely ignored her most outrageous lies.  N
I'm not surprised, just making a note of it. 

3.  NY Times did a major editorial endorsing his opponent when Rubio was running about even.  He won by 8 points.

They get judged and paid on their clicks so I am mostly not putting links anymore in referrals to bad reporting and meaningless commentary.

The media is so biased yet people are sometimes seeing through that.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 04:55:57 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1813 on: November 10, 2016, 07:37:59 AM »
"The media is so biased yet people are sometimes seeing through that."

It is reasonable to conclude that without talk radio, and to MUCH less degree Fox, and the internet with Drudge etc Hillary would now be President.

Most of us would have been kept in the dark by the main stream media about most of Clinton's scandals .   

We would not have known that many of us feel the same way and if one was to believe the MSM that every one thinks like libs.


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Pravda on the Hudson befuddled
« Reply #1814 on: November 11, 2016, 01:07:40 PM »
To our readers,

When the biggest political story of the year reached a dramatic and unexpected climax late Tuesday night, our newsroom turned on a dime and did what it has done for nearly two years — cover the 2016 election with agility and creativity.

After such an erratic and unpredictable election there are inevitable questions: Did Donald Trump’s sheer unconventionality lead us and other news outlets to underestimate his support among American voters? What forces and strains in America drove this divisive election and outcome? Most important, how will a president who remains a largely enigmatic figure actually govern when he takes office?

As we reflect on this week’s momentous result, and the months of reporting and polling that preceded it, we aim to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you. It is also to hold power to account, impartially and unflinchingly. We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign. You can rely on The New York Times to bring the same fairness, the same level of scrutiny, the same independence to our coverage of the new president and his team.

We cannot deliver the independent, original journalism for which we are known without the loyalty of our subscribers. We want to take this opportunity, on behalf of all Times journalists, to thank you for that loyalty.


Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr.


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Huffington Post Announces possible Bolton pick, "Extreme Militant"
« Reply #1815 on: November 15, 2016, 02:52:41 PM »
Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State

a)  Wouldn't it be our enemies that are the "extreme militants"?  And if so, wouldn't you want a pretty serious Secretary of State to organize against them?

b)  Didn't Hillary Clinton vote for all the same wars Ambassador Bolton supported?  Plus one additional in Libya that never was brought to Congress.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1816 on: November 15, 2016, 03:27:15 PM »
I would much rather see him over then Rudy who of course i like but I don't see a mayor as best choice for foreign relations.

  "Wouldn't it be our enemies that are the "extreme militants"?  And if so, wouldn't you want a pretty serious Secretary of State to organize against them?"

LIbs hate "America".   They are for one global world and of course who do you think they feel should run it. 

Soros and crew want to make us all subservient to him and the rest of his crew Brussels.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1817 on: November 15, 2016, 09:04:44 PM »
Wrong thread.  This belongs in Trump Administration.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues, Major Newspaper Endorsements 57-2
« Reply #1818 on: November 16, 2016, 07:56:36 AM »

Can anyone guess which side that favored?

How much more help did she need?  Amazing that he overcame this kind of bias - or does anyone believe the bias was limited to the editorial page?

Note: previous post deleted out.


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Megyn Kelly
« Reply #1819 on: November 16, 2016, 06:04:40 PM »
Does anyone understand why we are seeing Megyn Kelly plastered everywhere?

When the journalist is the news item there is a problem.

I don't recall ever hearing of someone hawking a book about themselves who calls them self a journalist.

Just saw this on Breitbart

is it just me or is there something very wrong with this woman constantly playing the female victim cared for her own self aggrandizement.  For someone who is so victimized she is certainly doing pretty well.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 09:47:32 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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VDH in Newsweek
« Reply #1820 on: November 18, 2016, 06:32:58 PM »
I didn't know they would print a piece from probably my favorite opinion writer.  This IS refreshing:



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Media, Ministry of Truth Issues, Face the Nation, no questions on affiliations
« Reply #1822 on: November 20, 2016, 08:15:47 AM »
Just after I posted the Keith Ellison, Caroline Click piece published last week, John Dickerson questioned him on Face the Nation and not a single question about his past or present affiliations was asked.  Just given a platform to continue the campaign against Donald Trump.

I'm not surprised, just making note of it.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1823 on: November 20, 2016, 08:57:12 AM »
"not a single question about his past or present affiliations was asked"

Another example of why I have come to conclude Steve Bannon is needed.   I don't always agree with Breitbart's articles but we need more warriors in the media who will stand up for our side and push back.

We have to call the MSM when ever and where ever we can and should. 


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1824 on: November 20, 2016, 03:51:10 PM »
I saw the interview and commented the very same thing to my wife.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1825 on: November 21, 2016, 06:01:14 PM »
Rush is probably right.  The MSM will run for comments from Obama on most everything Trump does.  We will see if Obama obliges them:



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Summary of malicious media manipulations
« Reply #1826 on: November 21, 2016, 06:59:33 PM »
Of course he will!

Separately here is an excellent summary of malicious media manipulations:


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Liberal Puerto Rican prof defends Trump on charges about Mexican rapists
« Reply #1827 on: November 24, 2016, 09:57:32 AM »
 The media needs to stop telling this lie about Donald Trump. I’m a Sanders supporter — and value honesty
Trump's words on Mexicans have been misconstrued by all sides. This liberal, Puerto Rican professor says enough
Alberto A. Martinez

The media needs to stop telling this lie about Donald Trump. I'm a Sanders supporter -- and value honesty

It’s time to start cleaning up the mess of misinterpretations about Donald Trump.

Back in June, I first saw Mr. Trump announcing his candidacy for president. What he said about unauthorized immigrants seemed ridiculous so I laughed. I showed the video to friends, and I laughed again. His words were poorly chosen.

But something worse happened. People interpreted Trump’s words in the most awful and offensive ways.

In one of my courses, at the University of Texas at Austin, I asked my students: “What has Donald Trump said that you found most offensive?” One student raised her hand high: “He said that all Mexicans are rapists.” I asked a coworker the same question. He replied: “He said that all Mexican immigrants are rapists.”

I explained that Trump said no such thing. This is what Trump said:

    “When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. […] When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting.”

You might well dislike Trump’s words. I did. But let’s not make it worse. He did not say that all Mexicans are rapists. Yet that’s what many commentators did. For example, Politico misquoted Trump by omitting his phrase about “good people.” They said he was “demonizing Mexicans as rapists.” They argued that Mexicans do not really commit more rapes in the U.S. than whites. But that’s not what Trump claimed.

Similarly, other news sources misrepresented his words in offensive ways:

    The New York Times: “Trump’s claim that illegal Mexican immigrants are ‘rapists.”

    Time Magazine: “Trump’s comment that Mexican immigrants are ‘rapists.’”

    Associated Press: “Trump called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals”

    CBS News: “Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants ‘rapists.’”

    L.A. Times: “describing Mexican immigrants as ‘rapists.’”

    Fortune: “in a speech branding Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists.”

    Hollywood Reporter: “he referred to Mexican immigrants as ‘rapists.’”

    Huffington Post: “He called Latino immigrants ‘criminals’ and ‘rapists.’”

    The Washington Post: “He referred to Mexicans as “rapists.”

Compare such words with Trump’s words. Which is worse? Writers excerpted the phrase: “they’re rapists,” as if it were about all Mexican unauthorized immigrants, or worse, about all Mexican immigrants, or even worst, about all Mexicans. But that’s not what he said. That’s not what he meant. It was just a remark about some of the criminals crossing the border.

The trick for misrepresenting Trump’s words can be used against anyone.

For example, on October 7, at a Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton answered the question: “Which enemy are you most proud of?” She replied: “In addition to the NRA, um, the health insurance companies, the drug companies, um, the Iranians.”

If you do to her what the media did to Trump, then you should believe that Hillary Clinton is proud to be the enemy of 77 million citizens of Iran, plus millions more living outside Iran, including mothers, children, and disabled people. But that’s not what she meant.

On November 6, at the MSNBC Democratic Candidates Forum, Bernie Sanders said: “we have to pass a constitutional amendment that everyone in America who is 18 years old or older is registered to vote.” He said everyone. Someone might then write: “He proposed that everyone who is in the U.S. should vote, everyone who is 18, even illegal immigrants, tourists, and terrorists.” But that’s not what he meant.

It is no wonder that many people think the media is grossly dishonest. No wonder Mr. Trump’s critiques of the media make his followers cheer.

Trump was discussing crimes committed by unauthorized immigrants. Is it true that some people who illegally cross the border from Mexico are good? Yes. Is it true that some others commit crimes? Yes. Is that a problem? People disagree. Some conjecture that unauthorized immigrants don’t commit more crimes than U.S. citizens. But crimes by unauthorized immigrants, even murders, would not have happened if those individuals had not entered the U.S.

Time for a disclosure. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. Spanish is my first language. I voted for Obama. I live in liberal Austin, Texas, where I work as a tenured professor of history. I’ve never voted for a Republican. My preferred candidate for U.S. president would be Elizabeth Warren. Since she is not running, my preferred candidate is Bernie Sanders.

Anyhow, discussions about illegal immigration are ruined by lack of data. I asked my friends, university faculty: “How many people do you think are deported per year in the U.S.?”

There are two kinds of deportations: some are caught near the border and “returned,” others are “removed” by a court order. Consider the border patrol agents, personnel, the bureaucracy, the lawyers, the resources needed to find people and deport them. How many were deported in 2014?

One of my friends guessed 3,000. Another guessed 10,000. Another guessed 50,000—which would really be a lot of people, imagine.

Actually, in fiscal year 2014, the U.S. deported a total of 893,238 foreigners! That’s a huge number. It includes 577,295 deported by the Department of Homeland Security, plus 315,943 deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Among the latter, 2,802 were classified as suspected or confirmed gang members.

Since 1990, the average is 1.2 million deportations per year. The highest in U.S. history was 1.86 million foreigners deported in the year 2000. That’s astonishing.

How many were criminals?

We don’t know because most criminals are not caught. Plus, many who are accused are not convicted because of a lack of evidence. Still, in 2014, the U.S. deported 177,960 convicted criminals. Surprisingly, 91,037 were already convicted criminals before they even entered the U.S.

At the University of Texas at Austin, the football stadium can seat 100,119 people. I have seen it full. I’ve see more than 100,000 people at once—it’s an incredible sight. It’s a staggering swarm of people. I have seen them yelling all at once.

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It is utterly astonishing to me that this stadium would fail to seat all the convicted criminals deported in a single year.

Back to Mr. Trump. Did he unfairly single out Mexicans when complaining about crimes by unauthorized immigrants?

By far, most Mexicans are good people. However, since Mexico shares a large frontier with the U.S., and many Mexicans face economic hardships, most of the reported illegal immigration into the U.S. is from Mexico. Accordingly, in recent years roughly 76% of criminal unauthorized immigrants are from Mexico.

What kinds of crime? It is strangely difficult to find national statistics on homicides, sexual assaults, and thefts, by unauthorized immigrants. But there is relevant data for some states.

The Texas Department of Public Safety identified 207,076 foreign aliens who were booked into Texas county jails from October 2008 through August 1, 2014. Their term “foreign aliens” includes both foreigners who are in Texas legally and foreigners who entered illegally. They were accused of 357,884 crimes in those 70 months, including these charges: 4,413 terroristic threats, 60,973 robberies and larcenies, 6,636 vehicle thefts, 78,682 assaults, 12,869 sexual assaults and offenses, 1,113 kidnapping, and 3,089 homicides.

That includes, an average of 1,383 charges of sexual assaults per year, in Texas alone. The real number of rapes and sexual assaults is larger since many victims do not report these crimes. According to the National Crime and Victimization Survey, 2008-2012, approximately 68% of sexual assault crimes are not reported. So I estimate that foreigners commit roughly 4,000 sexual assaults in Texas each year.

In Texas, roughly 529 foreigners per year were accused of committing murder. Plus, the FBI reports that 36% of homicides nationwide remain unsolved.

These crime rates are staggering and offensive. None of the women and men who were killed in by unauthorized immigrants in Texas would have died if the murderers had not entered the U.S. illegally.

These are not just words. Pause for a moment to think about a Texas woman whose husband was murdered one night. Think about parents who never saw their son again because he was murdered. Think of the thousands of families standing at the cemeteries.

I’ve only summarized murders and sexual assaults. Consider drugs and drug violence. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, most illegal drugs come from Mexico, including most cocaine and heroine. Most methamphetamines also are smuggled from Mexico. The 2015 National Drug Threat Survey finds that methamphetamines are the drugs that most contribute to property crimes and violent crimes. You get the point. There are tremendous problems of drugs, murders, and rapes caused at the porous border.

Without knowing the data, it was easy to be offended by Mr. Trump’s crude words when he announced his candidacy. However, seeing the data above, I understand his concerns.

Here’s what Trump said right after his words quoted above:

    “And it only makes common sense, it only makes common sense: they’re sending us not the right people, and it’s coming from more than Mexico, it’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably, probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know because we have no protection, and we have no competence. We don’t know what’s happening. And it’s gotta stop. And it’s gotta stop fast.”


We can disagree about some points. Is the Mexican government really sending criminals to the U.S.? On July 5, Trump said: “The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.” This claim might be false if Mexico does not intentionally send criminals to the US. At its best, this statement seems plausible if Trump meant that conditions generated in Mexico by its government lead some criminals to the U.S.

In any case, Trump proposes to secure the southern border by implementing various security measures. His most recurring proposal is to build a wall, along areas of the border lacking natural barriers.

His proposal has been widely criticized. Some people construed it as a sign of racism, xenophobia, etc. However, I can understand why many of Trump’s followers actually cheer: “Build the Wall! Build the Wall!”

First, there are the worries about murders, drugs, crimes, and terrorism. Presently, countless many unauthorized immigrants walk into the country, unchecked. In fiscal year 2014, the Border Patrol made 468,407 apprehensions along the southwest border. By comparison, the Border Patrol only made 18,244 apprehensions in all other regions.

But one point sticks in my mind. Namely this: there already exist a long series of fences and walls between Mexico and the U.S. These fences and walls span parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. As of early 2012, the Department of Homeland Security had completed 652 miles of fences and walls. Trump did not build all that. It was mandated by Congress. Walls are common along many countries’ borders, such as Spain, China, France, Greece, Pakistan, Israel, etc. The border between the U.S. and Mexico spans roughly 1,950 miles. Trump wants a wall that will be 1,000 miles long, including areas already covered.

I’m not trying to convince you about a wall. My point is just that it’s neither impossible nor ridiculous. A main reason why many border areas have fences instead of walls is just that walls are more expensive.

Trump says that everyone who didn’t enter the U.S. legally should return to their countries. “They have to go.” We might well disagree. But his view is closer to Immigration law. If you prefer amnesty then lawmakers have to create a law to that effect. Trump insists: “I want people to come in, but they have to come in legally.”

Regardless, countless many people think that Trump is racist against Mexicans. I suggest that anyone who thinks that should count how many times Trump has praised Mexicans.


Most unauthorized immigrants are good people. But still, the media wrongly blamed Mr. Trump for their own misrepresentations.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1828 on: November 30, 2016, 06:24:41 PM »
Wrong thread.

This belongs Legal Issues, Homeland Security and Freedom, Intel, Legal Issues, or the Sovereignty thread.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1829 on: November 30, 2016, 07:46:09 PM »
Wrong thread.

This belongs Legal Issues, Homeland Security and Freedom, Intel, Legal Issues, or the Sovereignty thread.

My bad... I searched them both and since they both came up here, that's where I put it. I'll delete it.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1830 on: December 01, 2016, 11:26:01 AM »
No worries, just being my usual Thread Nazi self  :lol:  Take it as a compliment.  It means I want the post to be findable down the road.


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hot gas now sparta report?
« Reply #1831 on: December 04, 2016, 07:31:23 PM »
This site as was hotgas seems rather cumbersome to mover around:


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Media, Ministry of Truth - MSM major newspaper endorsements 57 Hillary-2 Trump
« Reply #1832 on: December 05, 2016, 08:29:54 PM »
G M: "No one cares what they [MSM] have to say. If Trump were to walk on water, the MSM would scream "Trump aquaphobic!"


Among those  getting it wrong this past election, the major newspaper endorsements were 57-2 Hillary over Trump.

Still, the continuous drivel takes a toll.  It is possible to overcome them when they are dead wrong but their echo chamber and wide reach will eat up a Republican or conservative when he or she screws up.

Besides almost every network and newspaper, also caught in the left bias are Google and Facebook.
And the people went a different way.
Final newspaper endorsement count: Clinton 57, Trump 2

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has received fewer endorsements from the editorial boards of the nation's largest newspapers than any major-party presidential candidate in history.  Among the top 100 largest newspapers in America, just two — the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville — endorsed Trump. The Review-Journal is owned by Sheldon Adelson.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 08:43:01 PM by DougMacG »


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Van Jones
« Reply #1833 on: December 07, 2016, 09:45:48 AM »
This could go under SJW threat but this guy moonlights as  journolister since that is only way he can pay his bills:
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 09:51:02 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1834 on: December 08, 2016, 05:10:28 AM »
Huffington post the LEFTS copy of Drudge
and now this to copy Breitbart.
The big difference , the "elephant in the room", is that the LEFT already has the MSM.
We don't:

What a business this huckster has turned his self promoting BS into.  Of course the crook that he is blames "fake news " for the witch's loss.

People are crazy to give this crook money in my view not because he is LEFt but because it is all a scam.


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FOX and Megyn dish from Pamela Geller
« Reply #1835 on: December 08, 2016, 11:08:17 PM »
Pamela Geller: Megyn Kelly Says ‘No Question’ That I’m a ‘Hateful Person’
Breitbart News, December 8, 2016:
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 In hitting President-elect Trump and supposedly defending the freedom of speech, Megyn Kelly on NPR Wednesday night referred to “Pam [sic] Geller, who there’s no question is a hateful person, who held this Draw Muhammad contest down in Texas.”

Kelly said this in the context of defending the freedom of speech: “Now she’s a provocateur and she’s not a fan of anyone who’s Muslim from the sound of what she says, but this is America and she has the right to say those things. And she has the right to have a contest like that.” But in smearing me as “hateful,” she demonstrates that she doesn’t really know what was at stake when Islamic jihadis attacked our free speech event in Garland.

Why am I hateful for standing for the First Amendment? Is she copying the tactics of Islamic propagandists, smearing as “hateful” those of us who refuse to submit to the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the earth?

And I’m a “provocateur”? Why? The Garland attack was part of a longstanding jihad war against the freedom of speech. Those who say I provoked the jihadis don’t remember, or care to remember, that as jihadis were killing the Muhammad cartoonists in Paris, their accomplice was murdering Jews in a nearby kosher supermarket. Were the Jews “hateful”? Did they “provoke” the jihadis?

I held the event in the same venue where Muslim leaders held a conference in support of the sharia, in support of the ideology behind the Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre. Was that provocative? Should we submit to the devout Muslims who use violence to impose the speech laws under the sharia?
Drawing Muhammad offends Islamic jihadists? So does being Jewish, as many anti-Semitic attacks have proven. How much accommodation of any kind should we give to murderous savagery? To kowtow to violent intimidation will only encourage more of it.

 Megyn Kelly should know that.

What does Megyn Kelly know about my work as a whole? What did she do to help Rifqa Bary, the Ohio teenager who was threatened with death by her father for converting from Islam to Christianity? What has Megyn Kelly done for the other Muslim girls who wanted to live a free life, and whom I helped to safety?

Megyn Kelly has never had me on her show. She covered the jihad attack against our free speech event in Texas for over a week but did not have me on. How does she know what I think, or why I did what I did? She made her “stand” for free speech regarding the Garland jihad attack while excoriating me. The thing about Kelly is that she assumed my mantle and championed my work while attacking and smearing me; that is the hallmark of a true second-hander.

Meanwhile, the scallywags, scoundrels, and misanthropes to whom she gives a platform on her show are reprehensible. Kelly has oppressors and terror-tied operatives on her show, including representatives of the Hamas-tied Council on American (CAIR). The lovefest between Megyn Kelly and Michael Moore pulled the curtain back on the RINO news network. It was jarring.

Ever since Megyn Kelly got her mancut haircut (emulating iconic female TV personality Diane Sawyer), she has seemingly been on a mission to move to the alphabets (ABC, NBC, CBS).

Sadly, Rupert Murdoch’s left-wing sons, Tweedledee and Tweedledum (who took over after Roger Ailes was stupidly forced out) have made complete asses of themselves furiously trying to keep her. They have offered her over 20 million dollars a year. Why? She has alienated the Fox News audience by attacking Trump and shamelessly trying to curry favor with left-wing news executives at the big three.

The auction for her services never materialized, and Kelly has kicked it up several notches, making her show unwatchable. The good news? Hannity has skyrocketed, pulling even with her in the ratings and at times surpassing her.

I hope her ego gets the better of her and she goes. She will go down with that ship. We saw what happened when FOX gave her a special on the FOX Network. She bombed.

Drop Kelly and replace her with Tomi Lahren. Two birds, one stone. We the people get our kind of gal, and the Murdoch idiots get a millennial icon.
Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.


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Challenging Breitbart's legitimacy
« Reply #1836 on: December 09, 2016, 06:38:01 AM »
Following up on this from the Glibness thread:

"Obama Urges Soldiers to Question Trump’s Authority, ‘Criticize Our President, , ,In his final address to America’s armed forces, President Barack Obama reminded troops that once Donald J. Trump becomes president, soldiers have a duty to question his authority and criticize him.’"

Reading the actual speech shows the Breitbart headline to be spectacularly untrue.  My error in taking Breitbart seriously.

Let's discuss.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 08:24:08 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1837 on: December 09, 2016, 09:01:54 AM »
I don't have the time to sift through all the particulars. 
Yes, when quotes are taken out of context the meaning can be totally the opposite of what was intended.

I don't agree with some of Obama's strategy and he certainly puts it all in a way that seems to argue he is right about everything.  No surprise there.  So his speech is certainly not without bias.

That said,  one definitely has to read Breitbart with a grain of salt as well.  A lot of what they post is the same as Huffington compost just from the right not left in the sense it is out of context, distorted, exaggerated, and occasionally not true at all.

For my part I read both sides to some extent and try to find the truth that way. 
Sadly I sometimes conclude there is no way to know the truth or simply there is no truth.  It all comes down to opinion , wishes, desires, beliefs  and the rest.
More so lately I keep concluding to myself that there are no answers or good answers period.


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Media, Ministry of Truth, Russia hack the White House and no one reported on it
« Reply #1838 on: December 12, 2016, 08:31:31 AM »
John Hinderer, Powerline:

You probably don’t. We broke the story on Power Line in October 2014, writing about it here, here, here, here, here and here.

The White House’s computers were down for weeks because of the intrusion by a “foreign power,” which the administration finally identified as Russia. It wasn’t just the White House, either; it was the entire Executive Office of the President, which comprises a good chunk of the executive branch. Nor was that all: the State Department’s computer system was hacked, too.

While we pounded away at the story, the White House refused to respond to our inquiries. The Washington press corps, which must have known that the White House’s computers were out of action, maintained a discreet silence, declining to write about the Russian hack, even though many D.C. reporters no doubt followed the story on Power Line. Why the coy silence? Because it was October 2014, weeks before the midterm elections, and the story reflected poorly on the Obama administration, which didn’t even discover the intrusion itself. It turned out that American officials were alerted to the Russian hack of the White House and State Department by an unidentified ally (I’m guessing Israel).

Only when the election was safely over did news outlets like CNN report the story (“How the U.S. thinks Russians hacked the White House”). Throughout, the Obama administration minimized the story, claiming that no harm was done and only unclassified material was accessed–an excuse that, as CNN wrote post-election, “belies the seriousness of the intrusion.”

Now, the same news outlets that refused to cover the Russian government’s hacking into White House and State Department computers and email systems try to tell us that an intrusion into Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s and John Podesta’s email accounts by someone–allegedly the same Russian government–is a story of world-historical importance. What a load of bulls–t.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1839 on: December 12, 2016, 10:31:48 AM »
Very timely.  Thank you.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1840 on: December 15, 2016, 10:30:32 AM »
I don't see a comparable President elect who has had such negative press in all out blitz trying to bring him down at every turn they can:


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1841 on: December 15, 2016, 10:50:01 AM »
This ain't the way to rate news.  Have liberals at a jounalist school label news with I guess some sort or grade?

Why should we trust this obviously liberalDemocrat guy zuckerberg.  He has already , along with all the tech Gods chosen sides.  He is not neutral.  This is way too much power to this kid.

The only way I see it, is to have news feeds delivering information from multiple sources and political spectrums.  Readers will just have to sort it out.
We can't even trust our government.  Look at how Obama distorts the information always in his political favor.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 11:30:53 AM by ccp »


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Pravda on the Beach reporter cleared articles with CIA
« Reply #1844 on: December 17, 2016, 07:28:45 AM »

In fairness, there are things which SHOULD be run by an intel source before publishing.


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Professional journalists at CNN!
« Reply #1845 on: December 19, 2016, 07:48:48 AM »

DNC staffers wrote questions for CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer when he interviewed  Trump, new batch of 8,000 WikiLeaks emails reveals


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1846 on: December 19, 2016, 12:27:41 PM »
"DNC staffers wrote questions for CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer when he interviewed  Trump, new batch of 8,000 WikiLeaks emails reveals"

yesterday watching the poppy harlow continue harrassing every right sided guest to criticize Trump for not expressing outrage at Trump being the "only one" alive not to be mad about Russia influencing our elections all I could think of is every one of those guests should have shot back in her face the outrage anyone with  half a brain should have about Clinton getting questions pre debate from CNN people.  We can add the above to what right wing guest should responds the CNN obnoxious Trump smear campaign.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1847 on: December 19, 2016, 03:09:43 PM »
 :-o :-o :-o

I'm shocked, absolutely shocked!


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1848 on: December 19, 2016, 05:54:16 PM »
:-o :-o :-o

I'm shocked, absolutely shocked!

I could have sworn that we were told that these were professional journalists who shouldn't be questioned.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1849 on: December 19, 2016, 06:20:33 PM »
Yesterday was the Poppy harlow show and today the ERin Burnett who in CNN style had guests on while talking about the the gunning down of the Russian ambassador in Turkey.
Her whole focus was to get any and all guests to criticize Trump for tweeting that it was an Islamic terrorist.  Perhaps they are indignant he tweets , and thus goes around them so they are annoyed.

This is their post election MO.  Take anything that Trump does or says and have guests on the show and then GRILL them to say something disparaging about Trump - irregardless of the topic.

Right wing guests need to throw the hypocrisy  back in their faces.

Compromise.   What compromise?  There is none.