Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 567755 times)


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NC NPV bill
« Reply #2451 on: March 11, 2023, 07:01:46 PM »
Fourth post

A National Popular Vote bill (HB-191) was filed yesterday in NC. If you live in NC please contact your State Representatives and urge your Representatives to deny the National Popular Vote scheme in your state!


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« Last Edit: March 23, 2023, 06:35:09 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2457 on: March 28, 2023, 01:48:13 PM »
 *An RMG poll conducted over the weekend found that 75 percent of Americans oppose allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections.*

but 25 % do not oppose it

what the hell is this

the 25 are mostly  non citizens and hard core demorats

how stupid is this  :x


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signature verification
« Reply #2460 on: April 02, 2023, 01:12:16 PM »
*** They did the same thing in Nevada ***

OH, BUT WE HAVE E VERIFY!!!!  does shout the election FRAUD deniers .

[ :wink: ]

The Dem fraud brigades continue to shyster the rigging process now that anyone and everyone can get a mail in ballot simply by lowering the "e verify" bar to levels it is not really effective .

let's see if I sign my name Y instead of X would that pass?
3/4 of an X is a Y.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2023, 01:14:16 PM by ccp »


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Re: signature verification
« Reply #2461 on: April 02, 2023, 01:17:32 PM »
*** They did the same thing in Nevada ***

OH, BUT WE HAVE E VERIFY!!!!  does shout the election FRAUD deniers .

[ :wink: ]

The Dem fraud brigades continue to shyster the rigging process now that anyone and everyone can get a mail in ballot simply by lowering the "e verify" bar to levels it is not really effective .

let's see if I sign my name Y instead of X would that pass?
3/4 of an X is a Y.

Don't worry, we will just vote harder next time!


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Most popular president in American history!
« Reply #2463 on: April 05, 2023, 07:20:45 AM »
Emerald Robinson ✝️

Another thing that Democrats have unintentionally confirmed by indicting President Trump on bogus charges is that Biden did not really win the 2020 election.

Why rig the legal system in 2023 against a guy that you can easily beat with your 81 million voters in 2024?


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« Reply #2468 on: April 11, 2023, 06:42:10 AM »
Have not had a chance to watch these yet.  It appears that O'Keefe has a new operation?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2472 on: April 25, 2023, 03:24:48 PM »
"The 222 names in Maricopa County are of people who self-reported as noncitizens. Mr. Adams said immigrants seeking citizenship often come forward and acknowledge that they are on the rolls because one of the questions on the naturalization form is whether they ever were illegally registered. Lying on that form can quickly earn deportation."

so these are the ones who came forward and admitted it.
how many more are there

how do they get on the rolls in the first place, fake  IDs?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2473 on: April 25, 2023, 04:45:27 PM »
"The 222 names in Maricopa County are of people who self-reported as noncitizens. Mr. Adams said immigrants seeking citizenship often come forward and acknowledge that they are on the rolls because one of the questions on the naturalization form is whether they ever were illegally registered. Lying on that form can quickly earn deportation."

so these are the ones who came forward and admitted it.
how many more are there

how do they get on the rolls in the first place, fake  IDs?

Accidentally! Whoopsie!

Totally inadvertently!


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Good news for FL
« Reply #2475 on: May 02, 2023, 05:23:38 AM »
Appeals Court Upholds Election Integrity Law in Florida
A ballot drop box at the Orange County Registrar of Voters in Santa Ana, Calif., on March 5, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)
A ballot drop box at the Orange County Registrar of Voters in Santa Ana, Calif., on March 5, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)
Gary Bai
By Gary Bai
April 30, 2023Updated: May 1, 2023
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A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld a law that, among other modifications of election rules, added security measures on the use of drop boxes and put restrictions on voting by mail in the Sunshine State.

On Thursday, the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit reversed a lower court’s ruling that struck down a law passed by Florida’s Republican-majority legislature in 2021, siding mostly with Florida’s GOP lawmakers in a legal battle that lasted for two years.

That law (pdf) amended Florida’s election administration rules when it added identification requirements for voting by mail (including name, address, and date of birth); added monitoring requirements for drop boxes by election administrators; limited the locations on the use of ballot drop boxes; added identification requirements for voter registration updates; added requirements for third-party voter registration organizations; prohibited use of private funds for election-related expenses.

It also made it illegal for anyone to “solicit any elector in an effort to provide assistance to vote” within 150 feet of the polling place, drop box location, or early voting site.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law on May 6, 2021, touting it as an action that would “increase transparency and strengthen the security” of Florida’s elections. League of Woman Voters of Florida, a political advocacy organization, sued Florida state officials on the same day, seeking a court injunction on the law’s enforcement.

In 2022, District Judge Mark Walker, an Obama appointee, ruled in favor of the League of Women Voters. In his ruling (pdf), Walker wrote that the lawmakers showed “intent to discriminate against Black voters” and struck down most of the provisions in the law. Walker is also presiding over the Disney v. DeSantis lawsuit.

In his ruling, Walker said that “Florida has a history of maintaining its voter rolls in a discriminatory manner” and that the law is evidently “the stark results of a political system that, for well over a century, has overrepresented White Floridians and underrepresented Black” residents.”

Walker then ordered that Florida officials, in a ten-year period upon his ruling, must seek court approval for enacting any laws regarding ballot drop boxes, voter solicitation at the polls, and regulation of third-party voter registration organizations.

The appeals court disagreed.

“We hold that the findings of intentional racial discrimination rest on both legal errors and clearly erroneous findings of fact,” reads the appeal court’s 2-1 ruling (pdf) filed on Thursday.

The appeals court reasoned that Walker made a mistake in reasoning that “a racist past is evidence of current intent” and that past case precedents do not provide “an unlimited look-back to past discrimination.”

“Under our precedent, this history cannot support a finding of discriminatory intent in this case. Florida’s more recent history does not support a finding of discriminatory intent,” wrote Pryor.

Chief Judge William Pryor, a Bush appointee, voted in favor and delivered the majority opinion. Judge Britt Grant, a Trump appointee, voted in favor. Judge Jill Pryor, an Obama appointee, dissented.

The appeals court reversed the lower court’s judgment that provisions of the bill regarding drop-box, solicitation, and registration-delivery provisions are unconstitutional. It also reversed the lower court’s ruling that required the state to seek preclearance for amending election laws. The court affirmed, in part, the lower court’s ruling that the solicitation requirement imposed by the law is “unconstitutionally vague.” It then returned the case to the lower court “for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”

In a Thursday statement posted on Twitter, the League of Women Voters of Florida wrote that it is “disappointed” by the appeal court’s ruling.

Jeffrey Clark, former acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division under the Trump administration, hailed the appeal court’s ruling as a “big victory … for election integrity in Florida” in a Thursday statement published on Twitter.


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ET: SCOTUS inches closer to major redistricting decision
« Reply #2480 on: May 07, 2023, 09:49:07 AM »
Supreme Court Inches Closer to Decision in Major Redistricting Case
The Supreme Court held a special sitting on Sept. 30, 2022, for the formal investiture ceremony of Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. (Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States/Getty Images)
Matthew Vadum
By Matthew Vadum
May 5, 2023Updated: May 5, 2023
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The U.S. Supreme Court is moving closer to deciding if it will issue an opinion in a high-profile case in which Republicans want the court to recognize state legislatures’ power to regulate federal elections without interference from state courts, which they say the U.S. Constitution requires.

Many legal observers had speculated that the case was dead after a state supreme court overturned the ruling being appealed, but late in the day on May 4, the U.S. Supreme Court indicated it wanted to hear from the opposing litigants and from U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, the Biden’s administration top lawyer at the Supreme Court.

At issue is the once-obscure independent state legislature doctrine, under which Republicans argue that the Constitution has always directly authorized state legislatures alone to make rules for the conduct of federal elections in their respective states.

The case, Moore v. Harper, is currently being deliberated by the justices after a marathon oral argument session on Dec. 7, 2022, which The Epoch Times reported on at the time.

Republican Tim Moore, speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, is asking the nation’s highest court to recognize that state legislatures have preeminent authority under the Constitution to make the rules for presidential and congressional elections without state courts getting involved in the process.

The Elections Clause in Article I of the U.S. Constitution states in part: “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof[.]”

Specifically, Moore is appealing an order by the then-Democratic-dominated Supreme Court of North Carolina redrawing the state’s electoral map against the wishes of the state’s Republican-majority legislature. The state court had found the legislature-approved map unlawfully disfavored Democratic Party voters.

Republicans now represent seven of the state’s U.S. House districts; Democrats represent the other seven districts. Some political analysts said the legislature’s map would allow Republicans to increase their standing in the state’s congressional delegation.

But while the justices in Washington were deliberating the case, on Feb. 3, the Supreme Court of North Carolina, which now has a Republican majority, decided to rehear the underlying case, known in that forum as Harper v. Hall. At that time, the U.S. Supreme Court also asked lawyers for the parties to file supplemental briefs on how to proceed.

The state supreme court reheard Harper v. Hall and then overruled itself on April 28, finding 5-2 that the General Assembly—not judges—have sole authority over the redistricting process. The majority opinion states that there is “no judicially manageable standard by which to adjudicate partisan gerrymandering claims” and that courts “are not intended to meddle in policy matters.”

“This case is not about partisan politics but rather about realigning the proper roles of the judicial and legislative branches. Today we begin to correct course, returning the judiciary to its designated lane,” North Carolina Chief Justice Paul Newby, a Republican, wrote for the court.

In a short unsigned order (pdf) on May 4, the justices asked attorneys for Moore and North Carolina voters who favor allowing the judge-made state electoral map to remain in place “to file supplemental letter briefs addressing the following question: What is the effect on this Court’s jurisdiction of the April 28, 2023 order of the North Carolina Supreme Court?”

The briefs are due by 2 p.m. on May 11.

The U.S. Supreme Court could decide to dismiss Moore v. Harper as moot because the underlying controversy that gave rise to the appeal no longer exists.

The court could also move forward with issuing a formal opinion in the case if the justices believe the issues at hand are too important to ignore.


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Judicial Watch successes
« Reply #2481 on: May 13, 2023, 07:03:35 AM »
Here’s the latest in our many successes for cleaner elections.

Judicial Watch settled an important federal election integrity lawsuit against Pennsylvania and five of its counties.

Pennsylvania admitted in court filings that it removed 178,258 ineligible registrations thanks to Judicial Watch pressure. The new settlement specifically commits Pennsylvania and five of its counties to extensive public reporting of statistics regarding their ongoing voter roll clean-up efforts for the next five years, along with a payment to us of $15,000 for legal costs and fees.

In November 2021, we filed an amended complaint in our ongoing National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) lawsuit. The amended complaint sought to compel Pennsylvania and five of its counties (Luzerne County, Cumberland County, Washington County, Indiana County and Carbon County) to comply with their voter list-maintenance obligations under Section 8 of the NVRA (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, et al. (No. 1:20-cv-00708)).

In the settlement agreement, Pennsylvania agreed to publish the total number of registered and eligible voters (active and inactive) in the five counties by June 30 of each year on the Department of State’s website, for the next five years.
It also agreed to publish the total number of address confirmation notices sent to registered voters and the number returned as undeliverable or not responded to. It also will publish the total number of voters removed from the registration rolls on account of death, or for failing to respond to an address confirmation notice and failing to vote in the two most recent federal general elections.

We alleged a “multi-year failure” to take reasonable steps to maintain accurate voter registration lists as required by federal law. On April 22, 2021, we sent a notice-of-violation letter to the Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth setting forth a range of violations by the Commonwealth and 27 identified counties.

In September 2021, Pennsylvania informed the court:
Upon receiving the [April 22, 2021] letter, the Secretary [of the Commonwealth] immediately took action by investigating the issues raised and working with the identified 27 counties to remove outstanding inactive voters who had failed to return a confirmation notice and did not participate in the subsequent two consecutive federal elections. With the Secretary’s assistance, the counties removed every single inactive voter eligible for removal from the rolls. The total inactive voters removed was 178,258.

Separately, a 2020 letter from us to Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, led to the removal of 69,000 outdated registrations. According to a January 14, 2020, CBS news report, “This mountain of faulty registrations has now courted the attention of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.” David Voye, Elections Manager for the county told CBS, “I would concede that we are behind on culling our rolls,” and that this had “been put on the backburner.” Allegheny County later confirmed to us on January 31, 2020 that the removals had occurred.

Pennsylvania’s election rolls are cleaner – and will remain cleaner – thanks to us.  This federal lawsuit settlement is good news for voters in Pennsylvania who want to ensure that only eligible voters are on voter rolls. Our remarkable run of litigation successes resulted in well over 2 million ineligible registrations being removed from voter rolls across the nation in the last two years!

As you know, we are a national leader in voting integrity and voting rights. As part of its work, we assembled a team of highly experienced voting rights attorneys who stopped discriminatory elections in Hawaii, and cleaned up voter rolls in California, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, among other achievements.

In March 2023, Colorado agreed to settle our NVRA lawsuit alleging that Colorado failed to remove ineligible voters from its rolls. The settlement agreement requires Colorado to provide us with the most recent voter roll data for each Colorado county each year for six years.

In February 2023, Los Angeles County confirmed removal of 1,207,613 ineligible voters from its rolls since last year, under the terms of a settlement agreement in a federal lawsuit that Judicial Watch filed in 2017.

We settled a federal election integrity lawsuit against New York City after the city removed 441,083 ineligible names from the voter rolls and promised to take reasonable steps going forward to clean its voter registration lists.
Kentucky also removed hundreds of thousands of old registrations after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.

In February 2022, we settled a voter roll clean-up lawsuit against North Carolina and two of its counties after North Carolina removed over 430,000 inactive registrations from its voter rolls.

In March 2022, a Maryland court ruled in favor of our challenge to the Democratic state legislature’s “extreme” congressional gerrymander.

In May 2022, we sued Illinois on behalf of Congressman Mike Bost and two other registered Illinois voters to stop state election officials from extending Election Day for 14 days beyond the date established by federal law.

Robert Popper, a Judicial Watch senior attorney, leads our election law program. Popper was previously in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, where he managed voting rights investigations, litigations, consent decrees, and settlements in dozens of states.


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From my FB page
« Reply #2483 on: May 14, 2023, 07:59:57 AM »
Richard Pivarnik
Judicial Watch is doing an outstanding job in going after the number 1 problem in election integrity and security: dirty voter rolls.
Unfortunately, in 2020, many states, including the battleground states, only did their voter roll updates AFTER the election, by design, when the damage was already done.
New Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%
Basically, this is how the fraudulent election process works.
> Establish how many people need to be removed from the voter rolls. (Most states typically have several hundred thousand. Judicial Watch won a suit in NC where 430,000 inactive names were removed, and in CA earlier this year where a whopping 1.2 million names were removed).
> Create ballots with the inactive names for the candidate of your choice.
> Have operatives deliver those ballots to various drop boxes for $10 a ballot. Have them wear latex gloves so as not to leave fingerprints, and take pictures of the ballots as they are delivered for proof of delivery. Spread the ballots around to various drop boxes so not too many are in any one box.
> As the ballots are being counted, you can get a sense of how many you need to win and continue to deliver ballots until your candidate gets just enough to win but yet not so close that it forces a recount. If you have done any vote switching via Dominion, you will have to either backfill ballots to account for the extra votes, destroy ballots from the other candidate, or both.
> Congratulations! You just frauded an election and shredded the constitution, but your candidate wins. The judicial system does not want to get involved at all, but it helps if you have judges and Attorney General's in your pocket.
Note: Recounts typically will not discover this process as there is no consideration for the authenticity and legality of the ballot. A recount simply has you counting the same fraudulent ballots over and over.
For an excellent introduction to these processes, I recommend the following:
Exposing America's Ballot Trafficking Cartel - Part I
Exposing America's Ballot Trafficking Cartel - Part II
Hacking America's Computerized Voting System
Exposing America's Ballot Trafficking Cartel - Part IV
Exposing America's Ballot Trafficking Cartel - Part V
Widespread Election Fraud in Wisconsin - Part VI
Consideration: Though a recount will not discover these ballots, only a forensic audit will, but that is extremely time consuming and expensive, and highly unlikely to occur. An indicating factor to be considered is how many people within a voting precinct voted. As the number approaches 72%, the odds become greater for fraud. Once you exceed 80%, you are looking at fraud, above 90%, you are buried in fraud.
In Pima County, AZ in 2020, forty precincts have virtually impossible turnout rates of 97 percent or more.
Was Massive Vote Fraud Confirmed with a Fishtail?
Without question, the 2020 election was a fraud.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2484 on: May 14, 2023, 09:00:28 AM »
and the msm calls this an outrageous lie
a conspiracy
and you lose your job


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2486 on: May 15, 2023, 09:54:27 AM »
"You are not voting your way out of this"

and we are not fighting an insurgency out of this either


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2487 on: May 15, 2023, 10:04:04 AM »
"You are not voting your way out of this"

and we are not fighting an insurgency out of this either



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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2492 on: May 15, 2023, 02:23:30 PM »
GM, please stop being an asshole with posting "Vote Harder" every time the rest of us post something about trying to win an election.

You are on the edge of wrecking this forum.

Knock it the fuck off.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 02:27:00 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2493 on: May 15, 2023, 02:30:32 PM »
GM, please stop being an asshole with posting "Vote Harder" every time the rest of us post something about trying to win an election.

You are on the edge of wrecking this forum.

Knock it the fuck off.

The truth sucks. The American Republic is gone. It's an ugly reality. The Deep State is the one branch of government and you can't outvote their rigged elections.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2495 on: May 15, 2023, 03:09:50 PM »
"The truth sucks. The American Republic is gone. It's an ugly reality. The Deep State is the one branch of government and you can't outvote their rigged elections."

We are well aware of your thoughts on this.  They may well be correct.

That said, your continuous repetitions of this refrain have become a giant fart that is driving away some of your fellow comrades in arms here.  You need to allow those of us who have not given up this part of the fight to carry on without this flatulence.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2496 on: May 15, 2023, 03:13:55 PM »



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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2497 on: May 15, 2023, 03:45:45 PM »
PS:  You may have noticed that our Fourth Musketeer has not been with us for a while.  You are why.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2498 on: May 15, 2023, 04:02:21 PM »
PS:  You may have noticed that our Fourth Musketeer has not been with us for a while.  You are why.

Illusions and self-delusion are luxuries we cannot afford. Pretending that you can vote to fix an utterly corrupted federal system is more disconnected from reality than the Trans movement.

The Four Horsemen are about to ride through this land. Trying to cope with where we are by pretending that the feral government cares about our votes instead of focusing on tangible things to try to survive what is coming is wasting very precious and limited time.