Fire Hydrant of Freedom
Politics, Religion, Science, Culture and Humanities => Politics & Religion => Topic started by: ccp on May 26, 2016, 05:33:27 PM
Let me know if the new subject fits:
The biggest racial lie
Far from still racist, America is the world’s most inclusive nation
By David Horowitz - - Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Let's begin with two statements on race — one that is offensive and false, the other self-evidently true. Taken together, they illuminate the toxic state of the national dialogue on race.
The false statement is that America is a racist country or, in its unhinged version: America is a "white supremacist" nation. This accusation is one that so-called progressives regularly make against a country that outlaws racial discrimination, has twice elected a black president, two black secretaries of state, three black national security advisers and two successive black attorneys general along with thousands of black elected officials, mayors, police chiefs and congressmen. In addition, blacks play dominant roles in shaping America's popular and sports cultures, and thus in shaping the outlooks and expectations of American youth.
The claim that America is a white supremacist nation is not only deranged and racist against whites, but is an act of hostility toward blacks, who enjoy opportunities and rights as Americans that are greater than those of any other country under the sun, including every African nation and Caribbean country governed by blacks for hundreds and even thousands of years.
The self-evidently true statement about race in America is that America is not a racist country but, in fact, the most tolerant and inclusive nation embracing large ethnic minorities on earth. Yet this true statement cannot be uttered in public without inviting charges of "racism" against the speaker. Consequently, all public figures and most people generally, clear their throats before speaking about race by genuflecting to the claim that racism against blacks is still a prevalent and systemic problem even though there is no credible evidence to sustain either claim.
By contrast, the offensively false statement that America is a racist nation, is one that our current (black) president has endorsed. According to President Obama, "racism is still part of our DNA that's passed on." Variations of the claim are ubiquitous among self-styled liberals, progressives, so-called civil rights leaders and campus protesters. The title of a recent book by a black university professor summarizes this politically correct slander: "Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul." The core claim of the Black Lives Matter movement — which is the chief activist force in advancing this claim, and is "strongly supported" by 46 percent of Democrats, according to a recent Wall Street Journal poll — is that America is a white supremacist nation, whose law enforcement agencies regularly gun down innocent blacks.
Contrary to Mr. Obama's malicious assertion about his own country, the DNA of America — unique among the nations of the world — is not racism but the exact the opposite. In its very beginnings, America dedicated itself to the proposition that all men are created equal and were endowed by their Creator with the right to be free. Over the next two generations, America made good on that proposition, though this achievement is regularly slighted by "progressives" because it didn't take place overnight.
The historically accurate view of what happened is this: Black Africans were enslaved by other black Africans and sold at slave markets to Western slavers. America inherited this slave system from the British Empire, and once it was independent, ended the slave trade and almost all slavery in the Northern states within 20 years of its birth. America then risked its survival as a nation and sacrificed 350,000 mostly white Union lives, to end slavery in the South as well. In other words, as far as blacks are concerned, America's true legacy is not slavery, but freedom. As noted, American blacks today have more freedom, rights and privileges than blacks in any black nation in the world.
These are important facts that have been obscured in our politically correct university culture and throughout the K-12 systems whose teachers are trained in university schools of education. Our literary culture is itself infected with a crude anti-white racism that beggars belief. The National Book Award this year was given to a poisonous racial tract called "Between the World and Me," written by Ta-Nehisi Coates in the form of a letter to his son. In the book, Mr. Coates explains to his son that cops who murder innocent black teens "are merely men enforcing the whims of our country, correctly interpreting its heritage and legacy." In an all-too-typical "history" lesson, Mr. Coates informs his son: "We did not choose our fences. They were imposed on us by Virginia planters obsessed with enslaving as many Americans as possible."
In fact, Virginia planters did not enslave blacks originally and could not buy more black slaves once America ended the slave trade in 1807. Mr. Coates singles out Virginia planters because some of America's most prominent Founders, in particular the author of the Declaration of Independence, were Virginians and owned slaves. But Mr. Coates and every other black in America and throughout the Western Hemisphere is free because of Virginia planters like Thomas Jefferson. We need to begin our racial discussions with these facts, and treat the claim that America is a "white supremacist" nation, for what it is: anti-American and anti-white racism.
• David Horowitz is the author of the newly published "Progressive Racism" (Encounter Books, 2016).
Two good posts, but I'm not seeing that we need a new thread. We have the Fascism thread and we have the Race thread on the SCH forum. Please post them there.
I've changed my mind and have reopened this thread:
as a way of helping them cope.
I agree the punishment doled out did not adequately fit the crime but this is just such politically correct ridiculousness:
Alcohol and rape culture on campus
I did quick goole search and BLM trying to figure out exactly what they want the rest of America to do. Should I pay more taxes for reparations? Should I go out every day and in public apologize for myself as being white and for slavery and segregation?
Should I stamp "white privileged bastard male" male on my forehead? Should I volunteer to be rounded up and sent to a work camp in the middle of Alaska's North Slope? Should I put a real yellow star back on my shirt? ( Don't tell my they don't hate Jews)
Looking at their website a lot of their is a bunch of horse shit. You know leftist dogma about general love and peace and make no apologizes. Also is stuff about homosexuality and feminism (what does this have to do with racism against blacks? Basically it is a radical Left organization probably getting money from the likes of Soros and LBTG and feminist groups:
- Also is stuff about homosexuality and feminism (what does this have to do with racism against blacks? Basically it is a radical Left organization probably getting money from the likes of Soros and LBTG and feminist groups:
Yes. I wondered how this overlaps with Occupy Wall Street and all the rest. First, we are on a fight and second, it doesn't really matter what we call the fight.
A friend of a friend was at the protest in St. Paul, a white, liberal, urban, middle aged, professional, NPR donating female, wanting to do good and do right. Friendly police enabled the protesters to block traffic on Summit Avenue in front of the Governor's Mansion. They were protesting our Governor who incidentally agrees with them. Meanwhile, the protest turns violent on the freeway with hate crime terrorists attacking the police and injuring 21 of them. Strange bedfellows, we have gays and Jews siding with the Sharia Law people and we have NPR classical music donors siding with the rock and bomb throwing, police sniper crowd.
Here is some advice to the peaceful social justice warriors who want to distance themselves from over-the-top violence: Stop inciting them with your acceptance of a false narrative of police and racial facts and distance yourself from the hatred part of the hate crime, not just the violence.
- Also is stuff about homosexuality and feminism (what does this have to do with racism against blacks? Basically it is a radical Left organization probably getting money from the likes of Soros and LBTG and feminist groups:
Yes. I wondered how this overlaps with Occupy Wall Street and all the rest. First, we are on a fight and second, it doesn't really matter what we call the fight.
A friend of a friend was at the protest in St. Paul, a white, liberal, urban, middle aged, professional, NPR donating female, wanting to do good and do right. Friendly police enabled the protesters to block traffic on Summit Avenue in front of the Governor's Mansion. They were protesting our Governor who incidentally agrees with them. Meanwhile, the protest turns violent on the freeway with hate crime terrorists attacking the police and injuring 21 of them. Strange bedfellows, we have gays and Jews siding with the Sharia Law people and we have NPR classical music donors siding with the rock and bomb throwing, police sniper crowd.
Here is some advice to the peaceful social justice warriors who want to distance themselves from over-the-top violence: Stop inciting them with your acceptance of a false narrative of police and racial facts and distance yourself from the hatred part of the hate crime, not just the violence.
We wonder how people stood by and watched Germany turn into the nazi state and didn't flee the impending doom. We are watching that now.
This photo being compared to this?
The Left is so full of shit.
A few months old but this is what I find:!
If someone with the where with all could investigate where their money comes from and maybe even more importantly, where it goes, I suspect this group could be de- legitimized.
Does anyone think there is not skimming going on?
I am not a fan of this. Anything can be called free speech at this point. The NFL is an entertainment business not a political platform. I don't see what Constitutional Right these people have to insult most of the business's customers.
Anything can be called free speech at this point.
Oh, you're dead wrong about that. Ask any social justice warrior, anything that hurts their feelings is "hate speech."
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Speaking of which , , ,
Speaking of which , , ,
Oh man.... howling with laughter.
Boycott divest and by doing so sanctions of the NFL is my prescription. Your employees insult us then why should I spend one cent watching your product:
NFL doesn't care if many of us are insulted. Obviously it is concluded people will shell out their money anyway. Sad as far as I am concerned. I certainly do not want to see a sporting event and having someone shove their political views in front of me but my taking offense is not important.
Life in the Fully Politicized Society (rerun)
Posted by David Foster on September 20th, 2016 (All posts by David Foster)
(The politicization of American society has increased markedly since I wrote this post in May of 2014. Sports, for example, is now politicized–see what happens when a culture loses its last neutral ground?–along with everything from shopping to education. The sway of ‘progressive’ orthodoxy continues to extend its sway over all aspect of American life.)
Many will remember Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech, in which she said:
Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zones. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed….You have to stay at the seat at the table of democracy with a man like Barack Obama not just on Tuesday but in a year from now, in four years from now, in eight years from now, you will have to be engaged.
Victor Davis Hanson notes that she also said:
We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.
…which is, of course, entirely consistent with the assertion made by Barack Obama himself, shortly before his first inauguration: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
It should be clear by now that all aspects of American life and society are rapidly becoming politicized. Obama has greatly accelerated this movement, but he didn’t initiate it. The “progressive” political movement, which now controls the Democratic Party, has for a long time been driving the politicization of anything and everything. The assertion “the personal is political” originated in the late 1960s…and, if the personal is political, then everything is political.
Some people, of course, like the politicization of everything–for some individuals, indeed, their lives would be meaningless without it. In his important memoir of growing up in Germany between the wars, Sebastian Haffnernoted divergent reactions from people when the political and economic situation stabilized (temporarily, as we now know) during the Stresemann chancellorship:
The last ten years were forgotten like a bad dream. The Day of Judgment was remote again, and there was no demand for saviors or revolutionaries…There was an ample measure of freedom, peace, and order, everywhere the most well-meaning liberal-mindedness, good wages, good food and a little political boredom. everyone was cordially invited to concentrate on their personal lives, to arrange their affairs according to their own taste and to find their own paths to happiness.
But this return to private life was not to everyone’s taste:
A generation of young Germans had become accustomed to having the entire content of their lives delivered gratis, so to speak, by the public sphere, all the raw material for their deeper emotions…Now that these deliveries suddently ceased, people were left helpless, impoverished, robbed, and disappointed. They had never learned how to live from within themselves, how to make an ordinary private life great, beautiful and worth while, how to enjoy it and make it interesting. So they regarded the end of political tension and the return of private liberty not as a gift, but as a deprivation. They were bored, their minds strayed to silly thoughts, and they began to sulk.
To be precise (the occasion demands precision, because in my opinion it provides the key to the contemporary period of history): it was not the entire generation of young Germans. Not every single individual reacted in this fashion. There were some who learned during this period, belatedly and a little clumsily, as it were, how to live. they began to enjoy their own lives, weaned themselves from the cheap intoxication of the sports of war and revolution, and started to develop their own personalities. It was at this time that, invisibly and unnoticed, the Germans divided into those who later became Nazis and those who would remain non-Nazis.
I’m afraid we have quite a few people in America today who like having “the entire content of their lives delivered gratis, so to speak, by the public sphere, all the raw material for their deeper emotions.” But for most people, especially for creative and emotionally-healthy people, the politicization of everything leads to a dreary and airless existence.
In her novel We the Living, based partly on her personal experiences in the early Soviet Union (which is probably why it is, IMO, the best of her books from a literary standpoint), Ayn Rand paints a vivid picture of what day-to-day life in the politicized society is like. Her heroine, Kira Argounova, is a strong anti-Communist, but absent other options has found a job (which she got through intervention of a Communist friend) in something called “The House of the Peasant,” which is dedicated to “a closer understanding between workers and peasants,” under the slogan “The Clamping of CIty and Village,” celebrated with posters bearing slogans like “Comrades, strengthen the Clamping!”
Kira’s boss at the House of the Peasant is an older woman “thin, gray-haired, military and in strict sympathy with the Soviet Government; her chief aim in life was to give constant evidence of how strict that sympathy was, even though she had graduated from a women’s college…” But the boss lives in fear of “a tall girl with a long nose and a leather jacket, who was a Party member and could make Comrade Bitiuk shudder at her slightest whim, and knew it…” All the office staff members also live in fear of the Wall Newspaper, which carries criticisms of individual workers both for their personal behavior as well as their work performance:
Comrade Nadia Chernova is wearing silk stockings. Time to be reminded that such flaunting of luxury is un-proletarian, Comrade Chernova…Comrade E Ovsov indulges in too much talk when asked about business. This leads to a waste of valuable time…We hear that Comrade Kira Argounova is lacking in social spirit. The time is past, Comrade Argounova, for arrogant bourgeois attitudes.
After reading this last, Kira “stood very still and heard her heart beating. No one dared to ignore the mighty pointing finger of the Wall Newspaper…No one could save those branded as “anti-social element,” not even (Kira’s Communist friend) Andrei Taganov…At her desk, she watched the others in the room, wondering who had reported her to the Wall Newspaper…”
All workers in the office are expected to be member of the Marxist Club (ie, to be “engaged,” as Michelle Obama would put it), which meets after hours and for attendance at which the workers are not paid. The club met twice a week: one member read a thesis he had prepared and the others discussed it. When it is Kira’s turn, she reads her thesis on “Marxism and Leninism,” which she has copied, barely changing the words, from the “ABC of Communism,” a book whose study is compulsory in every school in the country.
She knew that all her listeners had read it, that they had also read her thesis, time and time again, in every editorial of every newspaper for the last six years. They sat around her, hunched, legs stretched out limply, shivering in their overcoats. They knew she was there for the same reason they were. The girl in the leather jacket presided, yawning once in a while.
After mandatory discussion (“Kira knew that she had to argue and defend her thesis; she knew that the consumptive young man had to argue to show his activity; she knew that he was no more interested in the discussion than she was, that his blue eyelids were weary with sleeplessness, that he clasped his thin hands nervously, not daring to glance at his wristwatch…”), the meeting finally comes to a close. “We shall thank Comrade Argounova for her valuable work,” said the chairman. “Our next meeting will be devoted to a thesis by Comrade Leskov on ‘Marxism and Collectivism.’”
If this sort of thing sounds like a lot of fun to you, then you should be applauding the increased politicization of America. Of course, to a certain type of person–the type represented above by the girl in the leather jacket–such a society is something to look forward to.
The endpoint of such a society can be found in the words of the Nazi judge Roland Freisler, who, in sentencing Christoph Probst to death, sneered at his defense: “He is a “nonpolitical man” — hence no man at all!”…the implication being that manhood and humanity are only to be found via participation in (approved) political activity. This is the ultimate development of the “the personal is political” line.
The politicization of American life has originated very largely in the universities–indeed, what has happened in these institutions has been a leading indicator for what is happening in the larger society. For just one of thousands of examples, see this post about the indoctrination conducted by the University of Delaware as part of its “Residence Life” program. See also the notes of one of UD’s designated indoctrinators about his or her interview with a young woman who was showing more independence and spirit than is apparently desired by that institution. The degree of bureaucratic intrusiveness in this conversation could have come right out the the “House of the Peasant” in the above-referenced novel.
I’ve been reading David Mamet’s book about the film industry, Bambi vs. Godzilla. He mentions his 1992 play Oleanna, which he describes as “a rather straightforward classical tragedy” which “drove people berserk.” The play involved a girl who made an accusation of rape against a male professor, said accusation being either questionable or outright false.
The play’s first audience a group of undergraduates from Brown. They came to a dress rehearsal. The play ended and I asked the folks what they thought. “Don’t you think it’s politically questionable,” said one, “to have the girl make a false accusation of rape?”
(I guess it was even more politically questionable for Shakespeare to have Lady Macbeth plotting murder.) Mamet describes his own reaction to the reaction of the Brown students:
I, in my ignorance, was stunned. I didn’t realize that it was my job to be politically acceptable. I’d always thought society employed me to be dramatic; further, I wondered what force had so perverted the young that they would think that increasing the political enfranchisement of a group rendered a member of that group incapable of error–in effect, rendered her other than huan.
For if the subject of art is not our maculate, fragile, and often pathetic humanity, what is the point of the exercise?
But, of course, in the fully politicized society the role of art is the same as the role of science or education or car-building or grocery-shopping….to promote the interests of the dominant or ascendant power structure.
Note that the incident David Mamet describes happened way back in 1992. We are now in our second or third generation of university administrators and professors who have grown up in a highly politicized climate and take it as the normal way for human beings to live. It was inevitable that this toxic orientation would seep out into the larger society and increasingly dominate it, and now it has.
9/20/16: see also the bitter wastes of politicized America and my ‘theme’ post with multiple links on the nature of politicized societies.
Why wait? We should be doing it now. If the NFL will not put a stop to this then why support an organization that allows its employees to insult most customers?
would you go into a McDonalds if somewhat there did something in your face that would offend you?:
Notice how the professional ball club immediately distances this player's right to exercise his "free speech" off the field because they are worried this might insult some fans. Yet it is no problem for the football guy to insult other fans while on the field:
Notice how the professional ball club immediately distances this player's right to exercise his "free speech" off the field because they are worried this might insult some fans. Yet it is no problem for the football guy to insult other fans while on the field:
There is a video of an old, White, homeless person, minding his own business, standing by a trash can, where he is brutally kicked over by young, Black man, while the young man's friends laugh hysterically. It was pointed out that is happened in England and not in the States (which seems true since there are double-decker buses seen in the background and the trash can is marked "Litter."
One of the things I admire most about the Jewish community, is their practice of supporting their own businesses, which is wise on several levels; chief amongst those, is that they don't give their money away to support people who don't support their ideals.
I refuse to give one cent to something that won't support the values I believe in, even less, when their values are applied unevenly, just to have that money turned around and used against my values in a political manner. I'll pass.
I wouldn't support the first portion of what I've written here, happening to anyone, of any color, done by any color, and when someone supports people like this, this is what they're supporting. People need to spend their money wisely, even if it's allowing others to generate revenue from television ads due to a wide audience. Let them foot that party themselves.
I had "Inside NFL Football this Week" (something like that) as a weekly recorded program, but have deleted it. I'm bummed but there it is.
Jonah Goldberg has a GREAT clip defining SJ on the Prager University FB page.
As someone that's been shot at protecting a national flag, I don't have the words to describe how this makes me feel. I can only imagine what those that have defended Ole Glory feel. Sad day.
I read Soros piece and I don't get it. He frets about a coming crises - yet - he is doing everything he can to make it happen. He pours gasoline on the fire ! How the hell are his activities helping?
I read Soros piece and I don't get it. He frets about a coming crises - yet - he is doing everything he can to make it happen. He pours gasoline on the fire ! How the hell are his activities helping?
Soros would benefit heavily from a global government. A fractured US would make it easier to defeat, taking away arms from Americans.
There are only really three nations in the world preventing that from happening.
Russia and China are both two powerful militarily speaking, but China and Russia could be coerced with trade.
The United States OTOH has an armed pòpulace, many of whom, do not like global government at all. They are the ones that would have to be fractured from within, in order to realize a world government.
CCP: I should have mentioned the article is from 2012 and from Russian pravda organ "RT".
Well did Soros say this in 2012?
Please do!
In fact, they should run him against Trump in 2020!
As best as I can tell this will serve to further isolate the Dem party.
Wow. Look at all these buses carting around the professional anarchy people probably from one city to the next.
The drivers probably all have Amer EX cards to Soros:
Of the media ignores this and pretends these are the regular "folks" like you and me.
still the race hustler:
“It would be a monumental moral mistake to pursue the indictment of Hillary Clinton,”
as though if she is pardoned he will this shut the hell up for five minutes with his demands.
gotta love this one:
"Students "are growing up in an America that is in an identity crisis," Jackson said. "These demonstrations are born out of fear. Fear that the Klan will ride again. Fear that violence (against minorities) is coming back."
Does he have any idea that Obama is giving away HIS country to the world?
This ain't about race.
Strange that as horribly racist as America is, the left is forced to fake hate crimes to prove it.
Unvetted, but worth looking at.
So basically a child wears a hot with President's name and speaks up for his country - he gets thrown out of school for few days.
more than just a business for this guy
I'm sorry I took down police violence videos and hurt BLM feelings, says the new biggest SJW Zuckerberg who would love nothing more then a works without borders , one government for him to deal with all influenced by his web site and ultimately him as the world's president:
CBC congressman is suing to keep the picture of the demeaning painting of police hanging in the Capital building.
Meanwhile children are dying in the streets by the thousands but this fool thinks he is making some sort of point here:
Quote from W's daughter :
"Bush told Richards during their lunch interview, “It’s crazy and sad to think that health care is a polarizing issue.” She went on to say that the young people in her organization are able to “work on social change” at “Planned Parenthood and other exceptional organizations.”
Golly I never thought of that. I simply cannot imagine that something that cost 3.35 trillion in the US in 2016 could be subject to any dispute:
**************GWB Daughter Barbara Bush to Keynote Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
by DR. SUSAN BERRY25 Feb 2017963
Former President George W. Bush’s daughter, Barbara Pierce Bush, will deliver the keynote address at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in North Texas.
Bush, the CEO and co-founder of Global Health Corps (GHC), is headlining Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas’s 2017 Fort Worth luncheon, reports the Texas Tribune:
“We believe that every person has the right to live a healthy, dignified life,” GHC says in its mission statement. “We also believe that everyone has a role to play in advancing social justice through the health equity movement.”
Bush, 34, joined with her twin sister, Jenna Bush Hager, and others to found GHC in 2009. The organization says its main concern is that “access to healthcare that exists today between the world’s rich and the world’s poor is unjust and unsustainable.”
Speaker sponsors for the fundraiser for the abortion chain’s Greater Texas affiliate will pay $20,000, while Platinum and Gold Sponsors will pay $10,000 and $5,000, respectively.
As Breitbart News reported in June of 2016, the New York Times interviewed Bush and Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, as they lunched at the Gotham Bar and Grill.
“Can I say how impressive Barbara is?” Richards complimented Bush. “It’s one thing to work at a 100-year-old organization like Planned Parenthood, trying to shift the boat into the 21st century. But it’s another to say: ‘I see a problem, and I’m going to start an organization to fix it.’”
Bush explained her motivation to form her organization.
“Since I was born, in 1981, we’ve had the drugs to save the millions of kids around the world who die every year,” she said. “Yet the number of deaths hasn’t dropped at all. We have the tools to keep people healthy, but the systems are broken.”
Richards commiserated with her: “It’s the same in reproductive health. We have the technology. But it’s not enough unless there’s public policy that supports getting women access to care.”
Richards is the daughter of the late Gov. Ann Richards (D) of Texas, who eventually lost to Bush’s father, Republican President George W. Bush, when he ran for governor of Texas in 1994.
One of the main connections Richards and Bush have is Hillary Clinton.
Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry endorsed Clinton in her bid for the White House in 2016. Clinton said unborn babies have no constitutional rights and that, if elected president, she would work to have the Hyde Amendment repealed so that taxpayer funds could be used for abortions – an outcome that would have been an obvious boost for the abortion business.
GHC provides opportunities for young people to “work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity” and offers paid fellowships for them with various “placement” organizations, among them Planned Parenthood Global. Additionally, GHC has provided “placements” at the Clinton Development Initiative, the Clinton Health Access Initiative, and the Clinton Health Matters Initiative – all of which are part of the Clinton Foundation.
Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich details the vast amounts of money that have flowed to both Bill and Hillary Clinton through their foundation from corporations and nations seeking favorable treatment from them.
In August of 2013, Bush said she hoped Clinton would run for president because she is “unbelievably accomplished.”
Bush told Richards during their lunch interview, “It’s crazy and sad to think that health care is a polarizing issue.” She went on to say that the young people in her organization are able to “work on social change” at “Planned Parenthood and other exceptional organizations.”*******
Health Care a much better thread for that-- $10K per head?!? DAMN!!!
Please post it in Health Care.
Marxism: the Bug Wearing an Edgar Suit
by Dystopic | Mar 10, 2017 | Culture War, SJWs, Socialism | 44 comments
In the movie Men In Black, there’s a scene where an abusive farmer gets killed by the villain, some kind of giant alien cockroach. The alien then possesses his body and walks around in comic fashion, like some kind of rotting zombie. The farmer’s wife exclaims “like an Edgar suit.”
This is pretty much what Worldcon looks like, these days.
Social Justice Marxists operate in the same manner. They take over institutions, groups, corporations, movements, whatever… and kill them. They then wear the skin of the destroyed, rotting institution like an Edgar suit, ambling around in comic fashion, expecting to be treated as if they were still the institution itself.
Only unlike the movie, there are a great many of these alien bugs on Earth. They are legion. And the thing is, most rightists suspect this is true, because the Edgar suit doesn’t act like Edgar. He acts like an alien cockroach. But they nonetheless give the benefit of the doubt, because they aren’t sure.
It is in that space of uncertainty that Marxism is permitted to spread, and infest every sizable organization. Once infected, forget bringing the organization back to life. It’s a rotting husk. It’s dead. You aren’t going to take it back, and even supposing you did, it’d still be a rotting sack of skin.
I think this is the greatest weakness of the political right. We permit Marxism to spread because we are not confident in our assessment that the people in question are Marxists. Most of them deny it, of course.
I remember when one leftist kept posting about how the border wall was racist, and how illegal immigrants ought to be able to come over, and how stopping them was bad. When I asked him why he was for open borders he denied it. Yet, his chosen policy would result in a de facto open border! Was he really that delusional… or was he a Marxist trying to say “I’m not a Marxist”?
One of the ways to tell if it’s really Edgar, or just an Edgar suit, is to prod the person with absolutes. Marxists are absolutists. A case in point. Another individual explained to me that healthcare ought to be a human right. Every human should have it upon need. I pointed out the usual inefficiencies of government bureaucracy, the long waiting lists, the poor quality of VA care, and the general lack of innovation and creativity in government-run healthcare.
The thing is, the guy agreed with me on many of those things. But he countered with “but if you don’t make it a right, somebody might not get the care they need, and I just can’t support that.” It doesn’t matter if the care would be better for 99.9% of everyone else. If one single person went without needed care, he would judge it a failure.
You see this kind of argument from Marxists all the time. You could destroy entire countries with mass immigration, but if one refugee child suffered, then too bad, too sad. You must do it. Get used to British citizens speaking Arabic, you racist.
It’s the same kind of argument you hear from gun control advocates.”If it saves the life of just one child,” they will say, “it will all be worth it.” Or, “even one shooting is too many.” Marxist absolutism, again. Somebody is wearing an Edgar suit.
MADD is a great case in point. Originally founded to combat drunk driving, an honorable pursuit, the founder wound up leaving a few years later, because the organization had become a group of tyrannical neo-prohibitionists, not merely a group concerned with reducing drunk driving offenses. Soon it was receiving government money, advocating for Traffic Safety Funds (more government cash), and arguing for everything from a rash of checkpoints, to mandatory interlock devices on all automobiles — not just those owned by those convicted of alcohol-related offenses.
MADD is an Edgar suit. Scratch the surface, and you’ll find a bunch of Marxists.
The thing is, if Marxists were open about their Marxism, that is to say if the giant alien cockroach were seen as a giant alien cockroach, every normie on the planet would be trying to squash it. It you saw the bodies of the Stalin regime, the starvation of Mao’s regime, the killings of Pol Pot… you would want to stamp this thing out with every fiber of your being.
Charming fellow, right?
But when attacked, when someone starts to suspect an organization is full of Marxists, they retreat into the Edgar suit. Hi. I’m Edgar. Nice to meet you. And my goal is just to try and help reduce drunk driving deaths!
Do you know why Marxists like absolutism so much? Why even a 99.9% success rate is not good enough for them? Because it gives them an excuse to continue to exist. No human society will ever reach 100% of anything. There will always be people who are poor, people who don’t get the care they need, people who die senselessly, idiots who get drunk and wreck someone’s life. Always.
Reducing the incidence of those things is a good and noble pursuit. But they can never be stopped completely. By saying that nothing is good enough unless it has a 100% success rate, the Marxist is giving himself power for life, and his organization power forever. Because so long as one person slips through the cracks, he can say “my work is not done yet.”
But the single-minded focus of Marxists on power politics is a good tell. Absolutism can tell you if someone is a Marxist, but so can an over-reliance on the language of political power. Normal people might talk politics for a while, even rant about it as I do here, but there are also times when they just don’t care about politics at all.
Marxists want to bring politics into everything. Are you eating a plate of Chinese takeout? Cultural Appropriation. Do you drive a nice car? Privilege! Do you like your hair a certain way? Racism! Everything must involve politics with them. They cannot stop thinking about their obsession for even the briefest of moments. At some point, a normie is likely to talk about his dog, or his kid, or how much he likes beer, or something totally unrelated to politics. The Marxist, on the other hand, will find a way to steer that back.
Another Edgar Suit tell is an obsession with personal bias. Like the 100% success rate demands, the Marxist demands absolute objectivity on the part of others (while displaying none himself). Unless you can demonstrate proof of moral perfection and a completely unbiased, objective viewpoint, you can be dismissed because you’re biased. The data underlying it is irrelevant, because the collector is biased. For instance, if you said that black people in the United States committed a greater per capita share of violent crimes than white people, that is a true statement. The Marxist would say that you are biased against black people, thus your conclusion (whatever it may be) can be dismissed on that basis. Forget the facts.
The same standard, of course, is never applied to them. But again, it makes an impossible demand so that a permanent political bludgeon is created, which they can beat you over the head with constantly.
There are probably many more such tells (if you’ve got one, drop it in the comments), but those are the ones I’ve seen most frequently, and most obviously. And it’s very important to identify which groups and institutions are SJW-converged, which ones are Edgar suits filled with Marxist cockroaches, and which ones are not. Rightists have permitted bad actors to continue to be treated like good actors merely because they skinned an organization of good actors alive, and wore them like a suit. It’s both stupid, and disservice to the memory of those who created the original, non-converged organization.
Not sure I understand the explanation for the observations he notes but a discussion of US corporate liberal mindedness. I think he is saying the corporate leaders simply like to control the rest of us and seem to think what is best for them and their view of the world makes it ok to subject us to submit to their financial, celebrity, media and political power:
Next it will be mirrors:
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Next it will be mirrors:
Weight is like gender. If you identify as a slender person, of course you are one.
- :evil:
I submit Royal jerks is best:
I nominate Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for the title of "royal" jerks
I submit Royal jerks is best:
I nominate Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar for the title of "royal" jerks
Yes, those two are as close as we will find to genderless.
My alma mater will get no discretionary money from me, just the 250/qtr I already gave them and a billion a year in taxes. No more.
The public university was not good enough for these elites. Klobuchar went to Yale, Franken went to Harvard. Neither wanted to study social justice with common folk.
I remember giving to his anti-KKK campaign, but stopped when I saw what he was , , ,
Jonathan Haidt on the Cultural Roots of Campus Rage
An unorthodox professor explains the ‘new religion’ that drives the intolerance and violence at places like Middlebury and Berkeley.
Opinion Journal Video: Associate Book Review Editor Bari Weiss on her interview with New York University psychologist Jonathan Hait. Photo: Ken Fallin
By Bari Weiss
Updated March 31, 2017 7:27 p.m. ET
New York
When a mob at Vermont’s Middlebury College shut down a speech by social scientist Charles Murray a few weeks ago, most of us saw it as another instance of campus illiberalism. Jonathan Haidt saw something more—a ritual carried out by adherents of what he calls a “new religion,” an auto-da-fé against a heretic for a violation of orthodoxy.
“The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,” Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. “But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.”
These believers are transforming the campus from a citadel of intellectual freedom into a holy space—where white privilege has replaced original sin, the transgressions of class and race and gender are confessed not to priests but to “the community,” victim groups are worshiped like gods, and the sinned-against are supplicated with “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings.”
The fundamentalists may be few, Mr. Haidt says, but they are “very intimidating” since they wield the threat of public shame. On some campuses, “they’ve been given the heckler’s veto, and are often granted it by an administration who won’t stand up to them either.”
All this has become something of a preoccupation for the 53-year-old Mr. Haidt. A longtime liberal—he ran a gun-control group as an undergraduate at Yale—he admits he “had never encountered conservative ideas” until his mid-40s. The research into moral psychology that became his 2012 book, “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion,” exposed him to other ways of seeing the world; he now calls himself a centrist.
Paul Gigot says there is a clear disconnect between Wisconsin and New York City.
In 2015 he founded Heterodox Academy, which describes itself as “a politically diverse group of social scientists, natural scientists, humanists, and other scholars” concerned about “the loss or lack of ‘viewpoint diversity’ ” on campuses. As Mr. Haidt puts it to me: “When a system loses all its diversity, weird things begin to happen.”
Having studied religions across cultures and classes, Mr. Haidt says it is entirely natural for humans to create “quasireligious” experiences out of seemingly secular activities. Take sports. We wear particular colors, gather as a tribe, and cheer for our team. Even atheists sometimes pray for the Steelers to beat the Patriots.
It’s all “fun and generally harmless,” maybe even healthy, Mr. Haidt says, until it tips into violence—as in British soccer hooliganism. “What we’re beginning to see now at Berkeley and at Middlebury hints that this [campus] religion has the potential to turn violent,” Mr. Haidt says. “The attack on the professor at Middlebury really frightened people,” he adds, referring to political scientist Allison Stanger, who wound up in a neck brace after protesters assaulted her as she left the venue.
The Berkeley episode Mr. Haidt mentions illustrates the Orwellian aspect of campus orthodoxy. A scheduled February appearance by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos prompted masked agitators to throw Molotov cocktails, smash windows, hurl rocks at police, and ultimately cause $100,000 worth of damage. The student newspaper ran an op-ed justifying the rioting under the headline “Violence helped ensure safety of students.” Read that twice.
Mr. Haidt can explain. Students like the op-ed author “are armed with a set of concepts and words that do not mean what you think they mean,” he says. “People older than 30 think that ‘violence’ generally involves some sort of physical threat or harm. But as students are using the word today, ‘violence’ is words that have a negative effect on members of the sacred victim groups. And so even silence can be violence.” It follows that if offensive speech is “violence,” then actual violence can be a form of self-defense.
Down the hall from Mr. Haidt’s office, I noticed a poster advertising a “bias response hotline” students can call “to report an experience of bias, discrimination or harassment.” I joke that NYU seems to have its own version of the morality police in Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. “It’s like East Germany,” Mr. Haidt replies—with students, at least some of them, playing the part of the Stasi.
How did we get here, and what can be done? On the first question, Mr. Haidt points to a braided set of causes. There’s the rise in political polarization, which is related to the relatively recent “political purification of the universities.” While the academy has leaned left since at least the 1920s, Mr. Haidt says “it was always just a lean.” Beginning in the early 1990s, as the professors of the Greatest Generation retired, it became a full-on tilt.
“Now there are no more conservative voices on the faculty or administration,” he says, exaggerating only a little. Heterodox Academy cites research showing that the ratio of left to right professors in 1995 was 2 to 1. Now it is 5 to 1.
The left, meanwhile, has undergone an ideological transformation. A generation ago, social justice was understood as equality of treatment and opportunity: “If gay people don’t have to right to marry and you organize a protest to apply pressure to get them that right, that’s justice,” Mr. Haidt says. “If black people are getting discriminated against in hiring and you fight that, that’s justice.”
Today justice means equal outcomes. “There are two ideas now in the academic left that weren’t there 10 years ago,” he says. “One is that everyone is racist because of unconscious bias, and the other is that everything is racist because of systemic racism.” That makes justice impossible to achieve: “When you cross that line into insisting if there’s not equal outcomes then some people and some institutions and some systems are racist, sexist, then you’re setting yourself up for eternal conflict and injustice.”
Perhaps most troubling, Mr. Haidt cites the new protectiveness in child-rearing over the past few decades. Historically, American children were left to their own devices and had to learn to deal with bullies. Today’s parents, out of compassion, handle it for them. “By the time students get to college they have much, much less experience with unpleasant social encounters, or even being insulted, excluded or marginalized,” Mr. Haidt says. “They expect there will be some adult, some authority, to rectify things.”
Combine that with the universities’ shift to a “customer is always right” mind-set. Add in social media. Suddenly it’s “very, very easy to bring mobs together,” Mr. Haidt says, and make “people very afraid to stand out or stand up for what they think is right.” Students and professors know, he adds, that “if you step out of line at all, you will be called a racist, sexist or homophobe. In fact it’s gotten so bad out there that there’s a new term—‘ophobophobia,’ which is the fear of being called x-ophobic.”
That fear runs deep—including in Mr. Haidt. When I ask him about how political homogeneity on campus informs the understanding of so-called rape culture, he clams up: “I can’t talk about that.” The topic of sexual assault—along with Islam—is too sensitive.
It’s a painfully ironic answer from a man dedicating his career to free thought and speech. But choosing his battles doesn’t mean Mr. Haidt is unwilling to fight. And he’s finding allies across the political spectrum.
Heterodox Academy’s membership has grown to some 600, up about 100 since the beginning of March. “In the wake of the Middlebury protests and violence, we’re seeing a lot of liberal-left professors standing up against illiberal-left professors and students,” Mr. Haidt says. Less than a fifth of the organization’s members identify as “right/conservative”; most are centrists, liberals or progressives.
Balancing those numbers by giving academic jobs and tenure to outspoken libertarians and conservatives seems like the most effective way to change the campus culture, if only by signaling to self-censoring students that dissent is acceptable. But for now Heterodox Academy is taking a more modest approach, focusing on three initiatives.
The first is its college guide: a ranking by viewpoint diversity of America’s top 150 campuses. The goal is to create market pressure and put administrators on notice. The University of Chicago currently ranks No. 1—rising seniors, take note.
The second is a “fearless speech index,” a web-based questionnaire that allows students and professors to express how comfortable they feel speaking out on sensitive subjects. Right now, Mr. Haidt says, there are a tremendous number of anecdotes but no real data; the index aims to remedy that.
The third is the “viewpoint diversity experience,” a six-step online lesson in the virtue and practice of open-minded engagement with opposing ideas.
Heterodox Academy is not the only sliver of light. Following the Middlebury incident, the unlikely duo of Democratic Socialist Cornel West and conservative Robert P. George published a statement denouncing “campus illiberalism” and calling for “truth seeking, democracy and freedom of thought and expression.” More than 2,500 scholars and other intellectuals have signed it. At Northwestern the student government became the first in the country to pass a resolution calling for academic freedom and viewpoint diversity.
“What I think is happening,” Mr. Haidt says, is that “as the visible absurdity on campus mounts and mounts, and as public opinion turns more strongly against universities—and especially as the line of violence is crossed—we are having more and more people standing up saying, ‘Enough is enough. I’m opposed to this.’ ” Let’s hope.
If you’re not a student or professor, why should you care about snowflakes in their igloos? Because, Mr. Haidt argues, what happens on campus affects the “health of our nation.” Ideological and political homogeneity endangers the quality of social-science research, which informs public policy. “Understanding the impacts of immigration, understanding the causes of poverty—these are all absolutely vital,” he says. “If there’s an atmosphere of intimidation around politicized issues, it clearly influences the research.”
Today’s college students also are tomorrow’s leaders—and employees. Companies are already encountering problems with recent graduates unprepared for the challenges of the workplace. “Work requires a certain amount of toughness,” Mr. Haidt says. “Colleges that prepare students to expect a frictionless environment where there are bureaucratic procedures and adult authorities to rectify conflict are very poorly prepared for the workplace. So we can expect a lot more litigation in the coming few years.”
If you lean left—even if you adhere to the campus orthodoxy, or to certain elements of it—you might consider how the failure to respect pluralism puts your own convictions at risk of a backlash. “People are sick and tired of being called racist for innocent things they’ve said or done,” Mr. Haidt observes. “The response to being called a racist unfairly is never to say, ‘Gee, what did I do that led to me being called this? I should be more careful.’ The response is almost always, ‘[Expletive] you!’ ”
He offers this real-world example: “I think that the ‘deplorables’ comment could well have changed the course of human history.”
Ms. Weiss is an associate book review editor at the Journal.
I dunno. I must be the only one who while sympathetic to this guy who was picked randomly to leave the plane after paying and boarding also wonders why he refuses to cooperate with airport security.
I have been bumped on flights before and while furious I didn't refuse to cooperate.
now the SJW turning this into police brutality and asian lives matter. And this guy who was using his medical license to sell drugs then becomes a professional poker player is now in the hospital for a few days ?
The group's leader, Nathan Damigo, who was convicted in 2007 for pointing a gun at and and robbing a Muslim cab driver he believed to be Iraqi, made his presence known on Saturday. He was caught on video sucker punching a small, female-presenting anti-fascist protester in the face.
Why discriminate? We all know gender is just a construct, right? Perhaps the puncher was also female-presenting at that moment.
The left being upset at the lack of civility is like a guy who murders his parents and then asks for the court's mercy because he was an orphan.
A story that went by recently was quite big here in MN. Happens to be the college my daughter attended. John Hinderaker also has a daughter attending there so Powerline blog has had good coverage of this, as well as in local news.
St Olaf college is a small, four year, expensive, Lutheran based school with high academics, world famous choir, good tennis team and a lot of blonde girls. They "value diversity" and pay big money to get minorities to attend. It is somewhat of a conservative place for a college these days, dry campus for example, though the students went for Hillary 90-10.
This is a happy place with not a hint of a racial problem and then along comes this story that a student of color found a good riddance, n-word note on her windshield, and then they shut the campus down, blocking where students eat, canceling classes, making demands, forcing the administration to study solutions etc.
But the note was a hoax, fake news, didn't happen; the student wrote her own note.
So what happens next? They are thankful these (false) issues were brought to light and will continue to study and address them even though the incident was false.
‘Student coup’ at St. Olaf College: Students block buildings, classes shut down over racial unrest
6340 1072 Share281 62
Racial unrest has wracked St. Olaf College, a small campus in rural Minnesota, with students essentially taking over the campus with aggressive protests that forced administrators to cancel classes on Monday so demonstrators could air their grievances in a day-long sit in.
The sit-in followed unrest on Saturday during which angry students blocked entrances to campus buildings and demanded redress for a string of alleged racial incidents on campus.
Anyone familiar with the college should have been able to see from the start this was a calculated, SJW hoax. If someone had a hatred toward this student, it would not have been for her skin color. Real victims of real problems should be upset with fake victims of fake causes, hurting not helping them.
A story that went by recently was quite big here in MN. Happens to be the college my daughter attended. John Hinderaker also has a daughter attending there so Powerline blog has had good coverage of this, as well as in local news.
St Olaf college is a small, four year, expensive, Lutheran based school with high academics, world famous choir, good tennis team and a lot of blonde girls. They "value diversity" and pay big money to get minorities to attend. It is somewhat of a conservative place for a college these days, dry campus for example, though the students went for Hillary 90-10.
This is a happy place with not a hint of a racial problem and then along comes this story that a student of color found a good riddance, n-word note on her windshield, and then they shut the campus down, blocking where students eat, canceling classes, making demands, forcing the administration to study solutions etc.
But the note was a hoax, fake news, didn't happen; the student wrote her own note.
So what happens next? They are thankful these (false) issues were brought to light and will continue to study and address them even though the incident was false.
‘Student coup’ at St. Olaf College: Students block buildings, classes shut down over racial unrest
6340 1072 Share281 62
Racial unrest has wracked St. Olaf College, a small campus in rural Minnesota, with students essentially taking over the campus with aggressive protests that forced administrators to cancel classes on Monday so demonstrators could air their grievances in a day-long sit in.
The sit-in followed unrest on Saturday during which angry students blocked entrances to campus buildings and demanded redress for a string of alleged racial incidents on campus.
Anyone familiar with the college should have been able to see from the start this was a calculated, SJW hoax. If someone had a hatred toward this student, it would not have been for her skin color. Real victims of real problems should be upset with fake victims of fake causes, hurting not helping them.
SJWs always lie. Fake but true is their mantra.
Not getting the reference to Limp Bizquit , , ,
Not getting the reference to Limp Bizquit , , ,
Did it all for the nookie? Perhaps he is suggesting Weinstein's motivations are of a carnal nature?
Everyone should game this stupidity to the fullest. A utterly average male can set records in women's sports. There is no reason biological males shouldn't own every sports scholarship available now.
Officer Yanez acquitted. Juror said prosecution didn't prove it's case. 1000 to 2000 on freeway. Crowd diminishing down to those who want arrest or confrontation. Details (riots?) to follow. Peaceful so far. Law enforcement being patient.
Signs say, 'no justice, no peace', fuck the police', 'hands up, don't shoot.
These protests already cost St Paul taxpayers over $1 million - before tonight.
"we’re still waiting for a march against honor killings, child marriages, polygamy, sex slavery or female genital mutilation."
Three female Democrat Senators with nothing to say about it, instead they march against our system of presuming a person innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt as determined by a jury.
Dykes - no Jewish flag allowed
It cannot get any crazier:
You will be made to conform.
I'm not as sensitive as others to the victimhood of women in technical fields since my mother was an aerospace/aeronautical engineer and my daughter a math major earning more in her first year than most men in our family ever made.
By taking on the Google dissident, The Economist draws more attention and validity to his claims IMHO:
By re-printing this graph and attempting to refute his inferences, they re-publicize the merits:
The side that chooses to categorize individuals by the group they belong to, as if that is their defining quality, brings with that the statistical differences measured in those groups. If a population has a different mean and similar standard deviation, and if that measure and difference is meaningful, then the differences in numbers of people is far more extreme at the edges of the distribution.
A better idea than diversity obsession in race would be for us to become as nearly a color blind society as possible, and in gender hiring and promoting, how about trying to be gender blind and merit based?
I'm not as sensitive as others to the victimhood of women in technical fields since my mother was an aerospace/aeronautical engineer and my daughter a math major earning more in her first year than most men in our family ever made.
By taking on the Google dissident, The Economist draws more attention and validity to his claims IMHO:
By re-printing this graph and attempting to refute his inferences, they re-publicize the merits:
The side that chooses to categorize individuals by the group they belong to, as if that is their defining quality, brings with that the statistical differences measured in those groups. If a population has a different mean and similar standard deviation, and if that measure and difference is meaningful, then the differences in numbers of people is far more extreme at the edges of the distribution.
A better idea than diversity obsession in race would be for us to become as nearly a color blind society as possible, and in gender hiring and promoting, how about trying to be gender blind and merit based?
Because the left isn't interested in merit, only power.
In a first in history :
OK here is one Jew that will speak out:
I am Jewish and I have no problem with Trump's responses.
As for the "neo nazis" they have always been with us. They are a small group.
Now if they start going out and shooting Jews etc..... THAT would be different story
In a first in history :
OK here is one Jew that will speak out:
I am Jewish and I have no problem with Trump's responses.
As for the "neo nazis" they have always been with us. They are a small group.
Now if they start going out and shooting Jews etc..... THAT would be different story
Obama had direct associations with vicious anti-semites.
“Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck or in eight years when he’s out of office. They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is. I said that from the beginning. He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”
How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.
David Marcus By David Marcus
MAY 23, 2016
I opened Twitter recently and saw 20+ notifications. Most of the time that means the new generation of white nationalist Twitter trolls are filling my feed with racist and anti-Semitic cartoons. It was the trolls, but this was different. They were celebrating my use of the word “anti-white” in a tweet. They saw it as a victory that a “mainstream conservative” was using this term that for so long has been their calling card.
They had a point. Until recently I would have been unlikely to use the term. Not because I didn’t believe some people harbored animosity towards whites, but because that was a fringe attitude removed from power, which represented little real threat. That is no longer the case. Progressive rhetoric on race has turned an ugly corner and the existence of “anti-white” attitudes can no longer be ignored.
In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications:
The White Guy Problem
White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on It
I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop Doing
What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a few individuals is senseless.
Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and immoral than any other people. Loosely backed up by historical inequities and disparities in mass shootings, this position has begun to take a serious foothold.
Don’t Ask White People to Be More Tribal
Strikingly, this shift in rhetoric undermines what was once the core of anti-racist efforts. Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race. This is a classic theme in critical race theory, that people of color carry a burden of representation that white people do not. But foisting the baggage of representation onto white people doesn’t solve that problem. It makes it worse.
Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race.
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.
A big part of the reason white Americans have been willing to go along with policies that are prejudicial on their face, such as affirmative action, is that they do not view themselves as a tribe. Given the inequality of resources favoring whites in our society, it is a good thing that white people view themselves as the ones without an accent. Should that change, white privilege (whatever one views that to be) will not be eviscerated—it will be entrenched.
The Tipping Point of Whiteness
All of this comes at a time when the last immigrants from the great wave of white immigration from 1850-1920 have died off. In the past, most whites identified with their European ethnicity: Irish, Italian, German, etc. As white people gravitate away from such identities, many see themselves as a neutral, “non racial” population. The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as “white,” but it is far preferable to the alternative: an American white population that views itself as a special-interest group.
The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as ‘white,’ but it is far preferable to the alternative.
The recurring, tired refrain that we should have a white history month if there is a black history month, or white student unions on campuses, is unintentionally being given new life by the Left. Celebrations or organizations of whiteness do not exist because we don’t need them. White people do not face the same kinds of systemic discrimination that people of color do. But progressives are doing a very good job of convincing white people that they do.
When parents of Virginia high school students complained about a white privilege video being shown to their kids, they rightfully noted that their kids were being singled out based on their race. The video featured a foot race in which people of color were burdened by impediments while the white people ran free. It was absolutely fair for them to interpret this as a message to their kids saying, “Your accomplishments are easier and less valuable than those of your peers of color.”
Many parents object to this method of teaching about race relations. While some white people, especially those in the academy and the arts, find the acceptance of privilege and its associated guilt liberating, many do not. Privilege theory is also not being offered as one of many ways to confront and consider racism; it is being offered as the central way. This was brilliantly explored in 2010 by the Midwestern Critical Whiteness Collective’s (MCWC’s) article in Harvard Education Review, “McIntosh as Synecdoche: How Teacher Education Focus on White Privilege Undermines Anti Racism.”
Privilege Theory Is the Wrong Track
The McIntosh in question is Peggy McIntosh, whose 1988 essay “Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack” formed the foundation of privilege theory. The essay is mostly a list of ways in which white people receive better treatment in society. The MCWC describes McIntosh’s theory as a synecdoche because it has come to define the totality of education’s anti-racism efforts. It is meant to be the magic pill that clarifies things and sets us on the right course once consumed.
Many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education.
They found that many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education. One case study involved an education student named John, from a small, non-diverse town. In his final essay for the class John explained his reaction to McIntosh: “I got the feeling from it that it was more about trying to make white males feel guilty for things they most likely had no control over. Being a white male I got a little worked up about the whole list since I don’t feel like I have anything to apologize for.”
John rolled his eyes at privilege theory. However, his teacher reported that other ways of exploring racism and multiculturalism such as films on race relations and historical texts broadened John’s empathy towards non-white people. John was able to reject confession while still becoming a better anti-racist educator. This made John’s teacher wonder whether confessional white privilege is the universally beneficial educational tool it is made out to be. The collective found that it is not.
In its blunt conclusion, the collective writes: “McIntosh’s conception of white privilege has been at the center of anti-racist thought and action in teacher education. We argue, however, that McIntosh’s ideas simplify white racial identity in dangerous ways. We also demonstrate that white privilege pedagogy demands confession, but that confession is a dead end. Finally, we propose that white supremacy needs to replace white privilege as the central concern of our anti-racist efforts.”
Abetting White Supremacy
When privilege theory took root in the 1990s, society roundly condemned the outward expression of racist attitudes. This is why the focus shifted to the ways in which white people were racist without even knowing it. Importantly, all white people were guilty of this form of racism. The act of confessing privilege became the means through which white people discovered this hidden racism.
The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
But, as the past year has shown us, good old-fashioned white supremacy was not gone; it was simply driven underground. Not only was white supremacy still extant, it was going more or less unaddressed. The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
One can teach against white supremacy by encouraging students to treat everyone as equal, or at least as individuals not defined in important ways by their race. Privilege theory does not allow for this approach. It demands that differences be front and center and that we always consider a person’s race in considering him. This focus on “valuing differences” over “the colorblind model” unlocked the door to the white supremacist revival that today’s anti-white rhetoric has kicked open.
White Grievance On the Rise
It surprises many people that an increasing number of white Americans over the past decade believe whites face more discrimination than blacks. Obviously this feeling is inconsistent with economic data. Many have argued that a white fear of losing the dominant economic place in society is behind this belief. But what if the discrimination that white people are feeling and expressing is not primarily economic in nature?
He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way.
This brings us back to John. What got him “worked up” about privilege theory was not that he’d have to compete for jobs with minorities. He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way. Moreover, many resent the pedagogical transformations that their history and culture are undergoing. White historical figures once held in too high esteem have swung the other way into utter disrepute. Also, the histories of no other peoples are being held to these lofty standards.
Mohandas Gandhi’s racism, the Black Panthers’ vicious murders, and Santa Anna’s barbarism are understood within the context of their positive contributions. Increasingly, white Americans perceive that Columbus, Jefferson, Jackson, and many other core white historical figures are consistently brought down a peg in order to decentralize whiteness in history. This assault on their history has a deeper impact than many on the Left are aware of, or willing to admit.
Rise of the White Race Baiters
The combination of the confessional and universal aspects of white privilege and the reconstruction of white history has opened the door for white racial grievance-mongers. From 2014 to 2015, the number of active Klu Klux Klan chapters in the United States grew from 72 to 190, a massive increase for a group so closely associated with hatred. Along with these organized efforts, social media has given a dangerous new platform to white supremacists.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers, specifically on college campuses. Conservative media seize upon disputes over the cultural appropriation of taco night or banning hoopskirts as evidence that minority racial grievance has gotten unhinged.
In emerging white nationalist journals such as Radix, this constant drumbeat of attack against white insensitivity is viewed gravely. What results is a belief among a growing number of whites in the concepts of “white genocide” and “racial realism.”
Both “white genocide” and “racial realism” harken back to the worst elements of American racial history. The former reacts in horror to the races mixing sexually for fear of resulting offspring being impure. The latter pretends to take a cold, scientific look at demography to prove the superiority of the white race. Ideas of this ilk, until recently thought to be confined to a fringe dustbin, have taken on new life in our hyper-racialized society.
Young white men, reacting to social and educational constructs that paint them as the embodiment of historical evil, are fertile ground for white supremacists. They are very aware of the dichotomy between non-white culture, which must be valued at all times (even in the midst of terror attacks), and white culture, which must be criticized and devalued. They don’t like it.
Same Tactics, Different Sides
The result of these societal double standards is for many a desire to lash out against it. For every white college student who dutifully accepts his privilege, many more resent the idea and wish to fight it. The sharpest arrow in their quiver is to be offensive.
In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
This desire to be offensive has given rise to the “alt right.” Supporters of this loosely assembled white nationalist movement understand a playful aspect to its use of slurs. But just as the Left shifted from using anti-white rhetoric as an ironic device to an actual indictment of white culture, so has the alt right come to believe much of its troubling rhetoric.
Do the alt right Twitter trolls really want Jews turned into lampshades, or believe blacks are apes? Many of their supporters say no, that such rhetoric is simply meant to shock the system. They feel oppressed by political correctness and they challenge it, in over-the-top, offensive ways.
If this seems familiar, it should. It is exactly the same approach taken by social justice warriors and purveyors of anti-white rhetoric. The shocking “White Men Are Bad” hot takes serve the same purpose. They are also meant to shock the system. Just as the alt right is willing to denigrate minorities to make plain what they view as racist speech codes, the Left is willing to denigrate straight, white men to make plain what they view as widespread systemic racism.
For both groups the central theme is identity. That theme quickly calcifies into attitudes too brittle to hold up serious discourse. In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
Let’s Find Another Way Forward
W.E.B. Du Bois was born just three years after the end of slavery, but was bullish on the prospects of equality, he writes in “The Souls of Black Folks.”
Work, culture, liberty,—all these we need, not singly but together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic…
Modern progressives don’t talk about the “greater ideals of the American Republic.” Rather, those ideals have become suspect, empty words used to justify slavery and genocide. But for Du Bois, who was closer to slavery than any of us will ever be, this was not the case. The facile notion that some inherent evil of whiteness must be expunged is anathema to his entire vision of equality and reconciliation.
Put simply, our anti-racism efforts must be refocused away from guilt and confession and towards equality and eradicating irrational judgments based on race. Some on the Left will object, saying that racism is so systemic in society it must be purged before anyone can pretend to treat of others without taking race into account. Some on the Right will object, saying that everything from IQ tests to crime statistics prove something meaningful about the capabilities of individuals based on their race.
Both of these perspectives must be rejected. In their place, we must return to the goal of treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their race.
David Marcus is a senior contributor to the Federalist and the Artistic Director of Blue Box World, a Brooklyn based theater project. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.
How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea.
David Marcus By David Marcus
MAY 23, 2016
I opened Twitter recently and saw 20+ notifications. Most of the time that means the new generation of white nationalist Twitter trolls are filling my feed with racist and anti-Semitic cartoons. It was the trolls, but this was different. They were celebrating my use of the word “anti-white” in a tweet. They saw it as a victory that a “mainstream conservative” was using this term that for so long has been their calling card.
They had a point. Until recently I would have been unlikely to use the term. Not because I didn’t believe some people harbored animosity towards whites, but because that was a fringe attitude removed from power, which represented little real threat. That is no longer the case. Progressive rhetoric on race has turned an ugly corner and the existence of “anti-white” attitudes can no longer be ignored.
In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in well-read publications:
The White Guy Problem
White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on It
I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop Doing
What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a few individuals is senseless.
Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and immoral than any other people. Loosely backed up by historical inequities and disparities in mass shootings, this position has begun to take a serious foothold.
Don’t Ask White People to Be More Tribal
Strikingly, this shift in rhetoric undermines what was once the core of anti-racist efforts. Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race. This is a classic theme in critical race theory, that people of color carry a burden of representation that white people do not. But foisting the baggage of representation onto white people doesn’t solve that problem. It makes it worse.
Treating people equally has given way to making all of us ambassadors for our race.
White people are being asked—or pushed—to take stock of their whiteness and identify with it more. This is a remarkably bad idea. The last thing our society needs is for white people to feel more tribal. The result of this tribalism will not be a catharsis of white identity, improving equality for non-whites. It will be resentment towards being the only tribe not given the special treatment bestowed by victimhood.
A big part of the reason white Americans have been willing to go along with policies that are prejudicial on their face, such as affirmative action, is that they do not view themselves as a tribe. Given the inequality of resources favoring whites in our society, it is a good thing that white people view themselves as the ones without an accent. Should that change, white privilege (whatever one views that to be) will not be eviscerated—it will be entrenched.
The Tipping Point of Whiteness
All of this comes at a time when the last immigrants from the great wave of white immigration from 1850-1920 have died off. In the past, most whites identified with their European ethnicity: Irish, Italian, German, etc. As white people gravitate away from such identities, many see themselves as a neutral, “non racial” population. The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as “white,” but it is far preferable to the alternative: an American white population that views itself as a special-interest group.
The Left criticizes this refusal to see themselves as ‘white,’ but it is far preferable to the alternative.
The recurring, tired refrain that we should have a white history month if there is a black history month, or white student unions on campuses, is unintentionally being given new life by the Left. Celebrations or organizations of whiteness do not exist because we don’t need them. White people do not face the same kinds of systemic discrimination that people of color do. But progressives are doing a very good job of convincing white people that they do.
When parents of Virginia high school students complained about a white privilege video being shown to their kids, they rightfully noted that their kids were being singled out based on their race. The video featured a foot race in which people of color were burdened by impediments while the white people ran free. It was absolutely fair for them to interpret this as a message to their kids saying, “Your accomplishments are easier and less valuable than those of your peers of color.”
Many parents object to this method of teaching about race relations. While some white people, especially those in the academy and the arts, find the acceptance of privilege and its associated guilt liberating, many do not. Privilege theory is also not being offered as one of many ways to confront and consider racism; it is being offered as the central way. This was brilliantly explored in 2010 by the Midwestern Critical Whiteness Collective’s (MCWC’s) article in Harvard Education Review, “McIntosh as Synecdoche: How Teacher Education Focus on White Privilege Undermines Anti Racism.”
Privilege Theory Is the Wrong Track
The McIntosh in question is Peggy McIntosh, whose 1988 essay “Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack” formed the foundation of privilege theory. The essay is mostly a list of ways in which white people receive better treatment in society. The MCWC describes McIntosh’s theory as a synecdoche because it has come to define the totality of education’s anti-racism efforts. It is meant to be the magic pill that clarifies things and sets us on the right course once consumed.
Many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education.
They found that many disadvantaged white students reject the notion of their grand privileges and resented the key confessional component of white privilege education. One case study involved an education student named John, from a small, non-diverse town. In his final essay for the class John explained his reaction to McIntosh: “I got the feeling from it that it was more about trying to make white males feel guilty for things they most likely had no control over. Being a white male I got a little worked up about the whole list since I don’t feel like I have anything to apologize for.”
John rolled his eyes at privilege theory. However, his teacher reported that other ways of exploring racism and multiculturalism such as films on race relations and historical texts broadened John’s empathy towards non-white people. John was able to reject confession while still becoming a better anti-racist educator. This made John’s teacher wonder whether confessional white privilege is the universally beneficial educational tool it is made out to be. The collective found that it is not.
In its blunt conclusion, the collective writes: “McIntosh’s conception of white privilege has been at the center of anti-racist thought and action in teacher education. We argue, however, that McIntosh’s ideas simplify white racial identity in dangerous ways. We also demonstrate that white privilege pedagogy demands confession, but that confession is a dead end. Finally, we propose that white supremacy needs to replace white privilege as the central concern of our anti-racist efforts.”
Abetting White Supremacy
When privilege theory took root in the 1990s, society roundly condemned the outward expression of racist attitudes. This is why the focus shifted to the ways in which white people were racist without even knowing it. Importantly, all white people were guilty of this form of racism. The act of confessing privilege became the means through which white people discovered this hidden racism.
The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
But, as the past year has shown us, good old-fashioned white supremacy was not gone; it was simply driven underground. Not only was white supremacy still extant, it was going more or less unaddressed. The shift to the privilege model had an unintended consequence that is abetting white supremacy.
One can teach against white supremacy by encouraging students to treat everyone as equal, or at least as individuals not defined in important ways by their race. Privilege theory does not allow for this approach. It demands that differences be front and center and that we always consider a person’s race in considering him. This focus on “valuing differences” over “the colorblind model” unlocked the door to the white supremacist revival that today’s anti-white rhetoric has kicked open.
White Grievance On the Rise
It surprises many people that an increasing number of white Americans over the past decade believe whites face more discrimination than blacks. Obviously this feeling is inconsistent with economic data. Many have argued that a white fear of losing the dominant economic place in society is behind this belief. But what if the discrimination that white people are feeling and expressing is not primarily economic in nature?
He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way.
This brings us back to John. What got him “worked up” about privilege theory was not that he’d have to compete for jobs with minorities. He was upset at having to confess guilt for events he had no control over. Many whites feel this way. Moreover, many resent the pedagogical transformations that their history and culture are undergoing. White historical figures once held in too high esteem have swung the other way into utter disrepute. Also, the histories of no other peoples are being held to these lofty standards.
Mohandas Gandhi’s racism, the Black Panthers’ vicious murders, and Santa Anna’s barbarism are understood within the context of their positive contributions. Increasingly, white Americans perceive that Columbus, Jefferson, Jackson, and many other core white historical figures are consistently brought down a peg in order to decentralize whiteness in history. This assault on their history has a deeper impact than many on the Left are aware of, or willing to admit.
Rise of the White Race Baiters
The combination of the confessional and universal aspects of white privilege and the reconstruction of white history has opened the door for white racial grievance-mongers. From 2014 to 2015, the number of active Klu Klux Klan chapters in the United States grew from 72 to 190, a massive increase for a group so closely associated with hatred. Along with these organized efforts, social media has given a dangerous new platform to white supremacists.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers.
One of the key components to the success of this racism is the almost-daily parade of silly micro-aggressions and triggers, specifically on college campuses. Conservative media seize upon disputes over the cultural appropriation of taco night or banning hoopskirts as evidence that minority racial grievance has gotten unhinged.
In emerging white nationalist journals such as Radix, this constant drumbeat of attack against white insensitivity is viewed gravely. What results is a belief among a growing number of whites in the concepts of “white genocide” and “racial realism.”
Both “white genocide” and “racial realism” harken back to the worst elements of American racial history. The former reacts in horror to the races mixing sexually for fear of resulting offspring being impure. The latter pretends to take a cold, scientific look at demography to prove the superiority of the white race. Ideas of this ilk, until recently thought to be confined to a fringe dustbin, have taken on new life in our hyper-racialized society.
Young white men, reacting to social and educational constructs that paint them as the embodiment of historical evil, are fertile ground for white supremacists. They are very aware of the dichotomy between non-white culture, which must be valued at all times (even in the midst of terror attacks), and white culture, which must be criticized and devalued. They don’t like it.
Same Tactics, Different Sides
The result of these societal double standards is for many a desire to lash out against it. For every white college student who dutifully accepts his privilege, many more resent the idea and wish to fight it. The sharpest arrow in their quiver is to be offensive.
In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
This desire to be offensive has given rise to the “alt right.” Supporters of this loosely assembled white nationalist movement understand a playful aspect to its use of slurs. But just as the Left shifted from using anti-white rhetoric as an ironic device to an actual indictment of white culture, so has the alt right come to believe much of its troubling rhetoric.
Do the alt right Twitter trolls really want Jews turned into lampshades, or believe blacks are apes? Many of their supporters say no, that such rhetoric is simply meant to shock the system. They feel oppressed by political correctness and they challenge it, in over-the-top, offensive ways.
If this seems familiar, it should. It is exactly the same approach taken by social justice warriors and purveyors of anti-white rhetoric. The shocking “White Men Are Bad” hot takes serve the same purpose. They are also meant to shock the system. Just as the alt right is willing to denigrate minorities to make plain what they view as racist speech codes, the Left is willing to denigrate straight, white men to make plain what they view as widespread systemic racism.
For both groups the central theme is identity. That theme quickly calcifies into attitudes too brittle to hold up serious discourse. In reducing all phenomena to a question of race, both the alt right and the progressive left ensure the dominance of racial resentment as the lynchpin of our society.
Let’s Find Another Way Forward
W.E.B. Du Bois was born just three years after the end of slavery, but was bullish on the prospects of equality, he writes in “The Souls of Black Folks.”
Work, culture, liberty,—all these we need, not singly but together, not successively but together, each growing and aiding each, and all striving toward that vaster ideal that swims before the Negro people, the ideal of human brotherhood, gained through the unifying ideal of Race; the ideal of fostering and developing the traits and talents of the Negro, not in opposition to or contempt for other races, but rather in large conformity to the greater ideals of the American Republic…
Modern progressives don’t talk about the “greater ideals of the American Republic.” Rather, those ideals have become suspect, empty words used to justify slavery and genocide. But for Du Bois, who was closer to slavery than any of us will ever be, this was not the case. The facile notion that some inherent evil of whiteness must be expunged is anathema to his entire vision of equality and reconciliation.
Put simply, our anti-racism efforts must be refocused away from guilt and confession and towards equality and eradicating irrational judgments based on race. Some on the Left will object, saying that racism is so systemic in society it must be purged before anyone can pretend to treat of others without taking race into account. Some on the Right will object, saying that everything from IQ tests to crime statistics prove something meaningful about the capabilities of individuals based on their race.
Both of these perspectives must be rejected. In their place, we must return to the goal of treating people as individuals, not as representatives of their race.
David Marcus is a senior contributor to the Federalist and the Artistic Director of Blue Box World, a Brooklyn based theater project. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.
Last week Michael Savage was having fun coming with ideas to change names in New York that could be offensive to anyone at all. Thanks to DeBlasio commission yet another study to look at offensive names statues (like Christopher Columbus circle)
One caller who phoned in suggested:
1 ) that we must certainly get rid of the name "Manhattan" so as not to offend the gender warriors
2 ) and he also pointed out that New York has the letter Y which cannotes the male chromosome so that must be deleted so not to offend the sex gender warriors
I certainly agree with this since I am self righteous and concerned for equality and I am GOOD person who is caring considerate and thoughtful . Just a good mench !!!! :wink: :roll:
OMG :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last week Michael Savage was having fun coming with ideas to change names in New York that could be offensive to anyone at all. Thanks to DeBlasio commission yet another study to look at offensive names statues (like Christopher Columbus circle)...
New York Is Named After A Horrendous Slave Trader
New York, both the city and the state, is named after the house of York and particularly for James Stuart, then Duke of York, one of the most successful slavers in colonial American history.
And the left continues it's long march towards ruining lives and mainstreaming mental illness.
And the left continues it's long march towards ruining lives and mainstreaming mental illness.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy - Topic Overview
Topic Overview
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What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse.
Note: Since most cases of MSBP are between a caregiver (usually a mother) and a child, the rest of this topic will describe that relationship. But it is important to remember that MSBP can involve any vulnerable person who has a caregiver.
The caregiver with MSBP may:
Lie about the child's symptoms.
Change test results to make a child appear to be ill.
Physically harm the child to produce symptoms.
Victims are most often small children. They may get painful medical tests they don't need. They may even become seriously ill or injured or may die because of the actions of the caregiver.
Children who are victims of MSBP can have lifelong physical and emotional problems and may have Munchausen syndrome as adults. This is a disorder in which a person causes or falsely reports his or her own symptoms.
What causes Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Doctors aren't sure what causes it, but it may be linked to problems during the abuser's childhood. Abusers often feel like their life is out of control. They often have poor self-esteem and can't deal with stress or anxiety.
The attention that caregivers get from having a sick child may encourage their behavior. Caregivers may get attention not only from doctors and nurses but also from others in their community. For example, neighbors may try to help the family in many ways-such as by doing chores, bringing meals, or giving money.
" At the same school, Rocklin Academy, parents also complained after a teacher read a book about transgenderism to students without notifying them "
A lot of teachers pushing their own agendas
I bet some of them are gay themselves
I would say the *best* teacher I ever had was gay. I remember lots of things he taught us (6th grade). I wanted to contact him to say thanks some years back but read he was murdered.
That said he never did *this* stuff.
I don't recall teachers even talking about the birds and the bees. That was for parents.
Munchausen by proxy could explain some but probably not most of this stuff.
Now we have gay parents . I think some may push this transgender stuff.
Inside the Madness at Evergreen State
The school denies it is a racially hostile work environment, but internal emails belie that assertion.
Student protesters at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., May 24.
Student protesters at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., May 24. Photo: Lisa Pemberton/The Olympian via Associated Press
By Jillian Kay Melchior
Sept. 21, 2017 6:59 p.m. ET
Biology professor Bret Weinstein has settled his lawsuit against Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash. Mr. Weinstein became a pariah last spring when he criticized an officially sanctioned “Day of Absence” during which white people were asked to stay away from campus. He and his wife, anthropology professor Heather Heying, alleged that Evergreen “has permitted, cultivated, and perpetuated a racially hostile and retaliatory work environment.” They claimed administrators failed to protect them from “repeated provocative and corrosive verbal and written hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence.”
Last week the university announced it would pay $500,000 to settle the couple’s complaint. Evergreen said in a statement that the college “strongly rejects” the lawsuit’s allegations, denies the Day of Absence was discriminatory, and asserts: “The college took reasonable and appropriate steps to engage with protesters, de-escalate conflict, and keep the campus safe.”
A different story emerges from hundreds of pages of Evergreen correspondence, which I obtained through Washington state’s Public Records Act. The emails show that some students and faculty were quick to levy accusations of racism with neither evidence nor consideration of the reputational harm they could cause. The emails also reveal Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Heying were not the only ones concerned about a hostile and dangerous campus.
Consider a February exchange, in which Mr. Weinstein—a progressive who is skeptical of identity politics—faulted what he called Evergreen administrators’ “reckless, top-down reorganization around new structures and principles.”
Within minutes, a student named Mike Penhallegon fired back an email denouncing Mr. Weinstein and his “racist colleagues.”
Another student, Steve Coffman, responded by asking for proof of racism within the science faculty. Mr. Coffman cited Christopher Hitchens’s variation of Occam’s razor: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
Jacqueline McClenny, an office assistant for the First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services—a campus office that helped organize the Day of Absence—observed that because Hitchens’s razor is an “Englishman’s popularization of a Latin proverb,” it “would seem to itself be the product of at least two traditionally hierarchical, imperialist societies with an interest in disposing of inconvenient questions.”
Media professor Naima Lowe urged one of Mr. Weinstein’s defenders to read about how calls for civility are “often used to silence and/or dismiss concerns about racism.” She also said that the “white people making changes in their white supremacist attitudes and behaviors” were those “who do not immediately balk and become defensive,” instead acknowledging that “white supremacy is literally ingrained in everything.” In other words, merely defending oneself against the accusation of “white supremacy” is evidence of guilt.
The implications of such a mind-set became clear later last spring, when hundreds of students protested Mr. Weinstein’s opposition to the Day of Absence. To them, the existence of dissent was sufficient to prove the college condoned racism. Mr. Weinstein was not their only target.
After a mob occupied the library, the college’s facilities engineer, Richard Davis, wrote in an email that he believed “the students are testing how much lawlessness will be tolerated,” and “they have not found a boundary yet.” He described how two students stalked him and screamed at him, adding that he was disturbed by the lack of police. “Many of us are stating that as long as the students are not violent, their behavior is acceptable,” Mr. Davis continued. “Apparently, violence in this context is bloodshed.” (Mr. Davis retired in June.)
The protests were “loud and at times intimidating,” wrote John Hurley, Evergreen’s vice president for finance and administration. “Unfortunately some members of our community were stopped as they tried to leave campus and that was scary and others felt barricaded in their office.”
Nancy Koppelman, an American studies and humanities professor, described being “followed by white students who yelled and cursed at me, accused me of not caring about black and brown bodies, and claimed that if I did care I would follow their orders.” Ms. Koppelman, who is 5-foot-1, said the students towered over her, and “the only thing they would accept was my obedience.” She reported that the encounter so unnerved her that she was left physically shaking.
Ms. Koppelman wrote that she was worried about “features of the current protest strategy that violate the social contract, and possibly the law.” Tolerating such tactics, she argued, “may create a working environment which is too hostile for some of us to continue our employment at the college.” Her email concluded: “I have not decided whether or how to share these thoughts more widely. If I do, I will very likely be tagged as ‘a racist’ by some of my colleagues and the students they teach.”
As for Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Heying, there’s no doubt the environment at Evergreen was too hostile for them to continue their employment. The college declared in its statement: “They have agreed to resign from their faculty positions at Evergreen, effective today.”
Ms. Melchior is an editorial page writer at the Journal.
Then there is this, if you have a son...
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Glenn Reynolds: A war on college men
Glenn Harlan Reynolds Published 10:28 a.m. ET Sept. 14, 2015 | Updated 1:36 p.m. ET Sept. 14, 2015
Jared Polis’ idea to deprive college men of due process highlights toxic campus culture of discrimination against men.
Is Congress waging a war on college men? It’s starting to look like it.
Last week, Rep. Jared Polis, a Colorado Democrat, suggested that even innocent students should be booted from campus if they were accused of sexual assault. According to Polis: "If there are 10 people who have been accused, and under a reasonable likelihood standard maybe one or two did it, it seems better to get rid of all 10 people."
So one of the longstanding traditions of American law — that it is better to let 10 guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent — has now been turned on its head. Under the Polis standard, it’s basically the other way around.
According to Polis, it’s not such a big deal: "We’re not talking depriving them of life and liberty, we’re talking about their transfer to another university, for crying out loud," Polis said, laughing off the idea that his suggestion would violate due process rights. He is not alone in taking the due process rights of the accused lightly, a widely-backed Democratic senate bill is just more circumspect.
But it’s no laughing matter. A student with expulsion for sexual assault on his record will have great difficulty gaining admission to another college, with life-altering consequences. (If you don’t believe that, then you don’t think that college matters much, which is something I doubt higher education boosters want to maintain.) And even if he succeeds, the expulsion will affect his chances for employment for the rest of his life, too.
As UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh notes, Polis’s approach suggests that he doesn’t think the rights of the accused are very important at all: “Now I should say that there are certain positions where indeed a whiff of suspicion might be enough to get someone removed. I just hadn’t thought that being a college student would or should be one of them.”
Plus, as Volokh also notes, Polis’s approach punishes the innocent without doing much about the guilty: “And that’s especially so when the policy is defended on the grounds that the students will just go to another university. The innocent expelled students would have their education badly disrupted and delayed. But the guilty students would ... just be at another university, where they’ll be able to attack their classmates (just a different set of classmates).”
The main result of adopting Polis’s approach would be to create — since we all know this policy is aimed at male students, and almost exclusively enforced against them by a university “diversity” bureaucracy in which men are wildly underrepresented — a hostile educational environment for male students. As the Pope Center for Higher Education, which conducted a study of gender representation among “gender equity enforcers,” found, “Considering that the overwhelming preponderance of sexual harassment allegations are directed by women at men, the disproportion of women to men in the positions charged with interpreting and enforcing the sexual harassment rules is a legitimate concern. Are male students who are accused of sexual harassment likely to receive fair-minded treatment in these offices?”
If even a false accusation of sexual assault is grounds for expulsion, the result is to burden student sex lives with fear. That’s doubly so when the enforcers are so heavily non-male. Men who fear that they may be so targeted — and remember, you don’t even have to have dated a woman to be falsely accused — cannot possibly enjoy college in a normal fashion.
The funny thing is that the law under which all of this is transpiring, the federal Title IX antidiscrimination law, is supposed to prevent the creation of just such a hostile educational environment based on sex. ("No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.") Yet — seemingly with all calculation — Jared Polis and his congressional colleagues seem eager to do just that.
If any other minority were being treated this way — and, on college campuses, men are very much a minority these days — we would not hesitate to call that treatment discrimination, and to assume that it was rooted in prejudice and bigotry. So why has the war on college men gotten a pass?
Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, is the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, and a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.
Something for SJW to read:
What a sad irony that the war on cops and the pretend movement that black lives matter results in fewer cops protecting people where they need protection the most. The violent crime rate ticks up and women and blacks are hurt most. Social justice, good grief.
As people swarm the parks to purge anything with ties to slavery,
do they ever stop to wonder what we are doing now that will be considered repulsive and a crime against humanity someday by a more enlightened people. What about abortion? We sanction abortion around the world. Trumpet it as a civil right. How is that going? In the US we abort black unborns at 5 times the rate of whites. In China they have aborted 34 MILLION girls than boys.
How is that for social justice? Show me one so-called SJW up in arms about that.
What a sad irony that the war on cops and the pretend movement that black lives matter results in fewer cops protecting people where they need protection the most. The violent crime rate ticks up and women and blacks are hurt most. Social justice, good grief.
As people swarm the parks to purge anything with ties to slavery,
do they ever stop to wonder what we are doing now that will be considered repulsive and a crime against humanity someday by a more enlightened people. What about abortion? We sanction abortion around the world. Trumpet it as a civil right. How is that going? In the US we abort black unborns at 5 times the rate of whites. In China they have aborted 34 MILLION girls than boys.
How is that for social justice? Show me one so-called SJW up in arms about that.
Abortion is the only holy sacrament of the left.
Abortion is the only holy sacrament of the left.
The Left versus science. The close we look at the science, the more we discover that what abortion is killing a) alive, has a heartbeat, can feel pain, b) is human with no doubt, and c) has its own DNA separate and distinct from the mother and father. And SJWs couldn't give a rat's ass. It's a holy sacrament, as you say. I can't imagine history will judge these heartless thugs kindly.
They won't protect girls. They won't protect blacks. What happens when science tells parents the sexual orientation of the unborn life and they kill on that basis. Who takes to the streets then?
Abortion is the only holy sacrament of the left.
The Left versus science. The close we look at the science, the more we discover that what abortion is killing a) alive, has a heartbeat, can feel pain, b) is human with no doubt, and c) has its own DNA separate and distinct from the mother and father. And SJWs couldn't give a rat's ass. It's a holy sacrament, as you say. I can't imagine history will judge these heartless thugs kindly.
They won't protect girls. They won't protect blacks. What happens when science tells parents the sexual orientation of the unborn life and they kill on that basis. Who takes to the streets then?
Oh then it will matter! To some on the left. Remember, the left has a caste system. Some animals are more equal than others. So-called "homophobia" is an intolerable thought crime, and the power of the state must be used to enforce your duty to bake a cake, unless you are muslim.
with some good points on taxpayer subsidies to the National Felon League:
In today's America, everyone will be racist/white supremacist for at least 15 minutes.
Hard to believe but any effort short of their best effort can throw a game. Just one more thing taking down a game that used to bring us all together.
Too bad that the NFL and all professional sports are such such whores with their stadium subsidies or someone could argue a point about a private business having a right to run it as they reasonably see fit.
One thing our children and grandchildren will never hear, "Please rise for the singing of our national anthem."
Someone please show me a picture of a soldier taking a knee for a fallen soldier - DURING THE PLAYING OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM prior to the current controversy.
This fiasco started with Kaepernick alleging the nation oppresses black people. The timing and context had to do with the false accusations in Ferguson.(?) This quarterback's oppression consists of his African American birth father leaving him before his birth. How many times should we apologize for that before he respects his country again? He received free college and a $126 million contract from this oppressive country. How much sweeter would that have been if he was a white - and under-performed after a great rookie half season?
I say
Give the guy a break
This macho herculean athlete already was a spokesperson for Danon yogurt (who pulled its endorsement). Is not that humiliating enough?
Feminazis gone wild
VP Pence walk out was a "stunt"
cost tax payers
Aren't players kneeling during the anthem *stunts*?
What would a rational person call that?
of course she was polite and agreeable and she has not idea other then because she is black as to why she was for no reason singled out to be asked to leave an airplane.
i believe her story.
Being "touched from behind" and told a "dirty joke" by a likely cognitively impaired 89 yo is certainly worth a multi million assault claim and world class front page headlines for an actress who no one has heard of:
Great words from this great woman:
"What comforts me is that I too can use my power, which isn’t so different from a President really,” she added. “I can enact positive change. I can actually help people. I can be a symbol of my democracy. I can refuse to call him President, and call out other abuses of power when I see them. I can vote for a President, in part, by the nature of his or her character, knowing that his or her political decisions must necessarily stem from that character.”
Just recently I was at a wedding in this very same Christ Church in Alexandria
many Presidents went there from Washington to Roosevelt to Carter to Reagan to Bush.
There was a small wooden plaque to GW on one side of the front of the Church and one for Robert E Lee on other side.
There was talk amongst us about the expectations the SJW would make f stinking stink about the REL plaque but no one expected anything to be done with GW's so this came as surprise:
word is a lot of the people were angry about this.
Didn't help the reception was at the Army Navy country club and there were conservative politicos there:
Steven Segal next to go down?
we have read stories about him for years:
What I don't get is guys like this, I would think, would have no problem attracting many ladies. Good looking successful , great athlete, rich, famous.
Why do they need to abuse women?
Crafty, did you ever meet him in your martial arts endeavors?
I read he is the real deal with his martial arts talents .
I met him quite briefly at services for Brandon Lee in Beverly Hills.
Several of my buddies at the Inosanto Academy have done fight scenes with him, as did John Machado. All agree, as does pretty much everyone in Hollywood, particularly the stuntman community, that he is an asshole, particularly to stuntmen.
There is a thread dedicated to mostly snarky commentary about him on the Martial Arts forum here.
I heard this story once about Sean Connery who did this during an interview (so it was claimed ):
Let's use this thread for the "the apparently neverending saga of men behaving crudely" (from the Congress thread)
Chrissakes-- hot news flash!
We are told that women can be combat infantry soldiers, Navy SEAls, etc etc but fall in the toilet when the seat is left up are traumatized for decades by crude passes.
We are also told that unlike other human beings, women don't lie, exaggerate, or misremember.
The mass societal cowardice on display speaks volumes.
Prediction: Some powerful players are at work here preparing to go after President Trump, particularly should the Dems take the House.
From the Congressional thread, no one cares about women as victims more than Al Franken (according to the left). he would never objectify them, grope, set up an unwanted kiss, shove his tongue into her mouth, get pushed back and reprimanded. Or is that exactly what happened.
Where is our groping thread?
It's funny if the nation's unfunnyist Senator does it?
I was posting this exactly as Rush L opened his show with it just now.
Apology not good enough!
An accomplished broadcaster:
She was there to entertain the troops, not a happily married, raunchy comedian.
Pence does not look so stupid now for never being alone with a woman other than his wife.
All of these stories remind me of the Salem witch trials. Mass social hysteria. Who will be the progressive's Cotton Mather?
Did anyone else have to look up this term "manspreading"
Go to wikipedia and there one can find "she bagging"
What kind of garbage is this?
Why can't it be what it is :
a person selfishly hogging two seats?
What the heck does "man" or "she " got to do with it?
Is this also taught at college?
Duh, I wonder there this is ultimately leading to !
" What the heck does "man" or "she " got to do with it?"
Men don't want to crunch their penis and testicles by putting their legs together or crossing their legs the way women do when they don't want men seeing their underwear covered vaginas , , , :lol: :lol: :lol:
As is Rush , I am done with football. never cared for college ball but now pro ball is out of my life:
As is Rush , I am done with football. never cared for college ball but now pro ball is out of my life:
Sure, you wait until the Giants are 2-10 and the Vikings are 10-2 with a home game in the Super Bowl to quit watching. )
My understanding is that the Vikings all stand for the national anthem, America's Team!
Vikings are 12-2??!!! :-o
What did Fran Tarkenton come out of retirement? The guy whose best record I think with NYG was something like 7 and 7 and then trades to Minnesota and proceeds to takes them to the super bowl. :cry:
I probably WILL watch the super bowl.
.........................As long as they all stand
I presume Gloria Allred will be there.
Megyn Smelly having a show on this too . She needs to schmooze the LEFT back into paying attention to her show and the LEFT MSM to show off the highlights day and night.
Next will be endless calls for the Repub Congress to do something riding into the next election and then liberal donor madness racking in the bucks for their candidates to get the DEmocrat Houses to impeach. Then after he is impeached we go into '20 with the DemoCommunist Party riding this theme - among others.
I wish I could just turn off the news..........
A call from a Harvard liberal who was one of the main architects of Obama care for all physicians to be SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS AND AND GLOBAL WARMING ADVOCATES AND FOR OPENING THE DOORS FOR MASS IMMIGRATION :
He makes a few good points early on then goes into the climate change , "mass incarceraton", BLM stuff and immigration and calls on all doctors to their "calling" to be fucking SJW>
Just another God Darm liberal..........
I remember going to the Gilder tech conference in Memphis ~ 1999 and seeing all the absolutely knock out women hanging around the tech CEOs
With their oodles of cash I am not sure some might feel the need to harass or molest etc...
Lost a lot of money with Schmidt in one of the Golder stocks (novellus or something like it)
then he went on to Google and the rest is histor (of course I did not invest in Google because I would have made much more money back in spades)
Frankly Schmidt who is in bed with the DEms is NOT my favorite character pock marks and all.
I am sure he will be plenty active behind the scenes .
has ever been hit on in her life and knows how to handle it?
Judge: "all of the sister survivor warriors — the whole army of you — I’ve heard your words,” Ingham County Circuit Judge Rosemarie Aquilina said after a woman spoke in her Michigan courtroom."
The guy got essentially life in prison sounds like deserved but "sister survivor warriors" ? phrase is a bit much
that's right Kareem - we need a huge marble statue of Black Panther on the Mall in DC! :roll:
that's right Kareem - we need a huge marble statue of Black Panther on the Mall in DC! :roll:
It’s a comic book movie. Fantasy is the only place you’ll find an African country that isn’t a 3rd world shithole.
Personally, I nominate Shaft for a statue on the mall. At lease he was funky.
Fcuk these morons. This is what insanity looks like.
This certainly is deserving of having your entire college tuition paid for or maybe a new house
CNN will invite on their show
Starbucks should also donate another couple hundred grand to some Latino business fund in this victims honor
no doubt.
I just thought of a great scam . Conspire with an employee who makes some supposed racial gesture or offense then split the proceeds between the employee and the victim who is damaged for life .
Starbucks was stupid to pay out .
Isn't it something how hard they all tried to find one tea party person misbehaving in order to discredit the entire movement but when this kind of disgrace is more common than not with the Left no one gives a rat's ass.
Maybe this is why he went crazy overboard with the recent suck up to BLM;
he has got to have a clean slate with the Dems to run for Prez
China is no prob. :roll:
Well if true time for the "silent majority " to speak up.
It would be a very WISE business move.
I bet ratings would go up .
I might even watch a few more games then just the Super Bowl. (what else am I going to that Sunday? Go to a Chinese restaurant.)
he must be smarter then Trump thought:
no PR image remaking here......... :wink:
I am waiting for courses on the sociology and pathology of liberal academic professors.
perhaps psychology classes makes more sense.
I knew the LEFt would do this. Excuse her abuse and twist it around to Weinstein that because he did it to her she was traumatized to do it to someone else.
Of course.
Got to get her off the hook and turn it back on the white male.
more psychobabble...............from leftists
Here's my take:
Lucky him to get a stellar piece of ass like that at 17!
Scum ball him to turn on her for the money!
"Lucky him to get a stellar piece of ass like that at 17!"
For his part in the matter - agreed!
Also see:
Also see:
Besides that the radical left is again wrong on an issue, isn't it odd that this is even an issue. One of the pillars of the sex change craze is free healthcare. Next is how can a child legally consent when they are beneath the age of consent? They can't. Last would be the issue of having laws against helping someone destroy their own body or life such as assisted suicide. Should
a doctor lose his, her or other pronoun license for helping someone take his, her, other penis off? What about female gender mutilation? Should a civilized society allow this? Again, the infant or child is beneath the age of consent. Get rid of the concept of age of consent at the same time that the same people want to require Health Care on their parents policy up to the age of 26? Cognitive dissonance of the left is a well recognized phenomenon on the Forum.
Can't make this up.
The LEFT want integration so that when everyone is integrated they can segregate them again :?
“MeToo!” usage
When someone asks, “Who wants cake and ice cream?” and someone else had already answered “Me!” first.
- paraphrasing ammo girl on Powerline
***A Professor at the University of North Carolina Asheville was arrested on Sunday and charged with a misdemeanor for stealing conservative political signs.
Dr. Amanda Wray, an associate professor who holds a Ph.D., turned herself into the local police on Sunday morning after she and another unidentified woman were allegedly spotted stealing conservative political signs, according to WLOS-TV.
The signs, which belong to the local Political Action Committee (PAC) Angry Buncombe Taxpayers, have been defaced throughout the county by unknown vandals.***
read the 4th and 5th reviews down below :
The me-too movement I think comes out of a liberal logic string (oxymoron alert) that I call, 'and another thing'. It goes something like this. They make a first point in argument that is either false or not fully demonstrated and then move on to a second, third, fourth point of varying validity as if that makes the first point true. It's not another thing if you haven't yet backed up your first point.
In the case of "me too", the point is that the first accuser is telling the truth because the second and third say "me too", but the second and the third have no knowledge of the validity of the first accuser. In fact, the current victim might not be a victim at all have the me-too people reported in real time.
In conservative logic, the victim reports the crime in a timely manner and law enforcement investigates leading to perhaps a prosecution, a trial and a punishment. Reasons why include that the perp deserves due process and a consequence and the reoccurrence of the crime becomes far less likely.
Reporting a crime like rape is hard, really hard for many reasons. Not reporting a crime like rape is hard too but it leads to the near certainty that there will be second, third and fourth victims, now known as me too.
The goal might be to bring down bad men, for some it is to bring down good men. To me the goal is to stop rape. If you want to stop rape, report the crime in a manner that Joe Friday used to describe, "just the facts ma'am".
When societies go insane...
asked to leave a yogurt store after sitting in corner for 30 minutes on phone without ordering anything in a store that was robbed and had IDUs in the restroom
This folks is a national incident worthy of ruining the owner's business:
Munchausen by proxy: What you need to know
By SABINA REBIS Jan 5, 2018, 11:18 AM ET
PHOTO: Gypsy Blanchard is pictured with her mother Dee Dee Blanchard in this undated photo. Courtesy Marsha Smith
WATCHMurdered mom says daughter suffered from illnesses and needed wheelchair, feeding tube
The much-publicized case of Gypsy Blanchard may be the first introduction many people have to the concept of Munchausen by proxy. It’s a fascinating syndrome – and one that comes attached with its fair share of myths and misconceptions. Blanchard is serving 10 years in prison for her role in the stabbing death of her mother, who forced her to use a wheelchair she didn't need and subjected her to unnecessary treatments for years. Some professionals have speculated that Blanchard’s mother Dee Dee Blanchard may have had Munchausen by proxy.
How a young wheelchair-bound woman treated for several illnesses ended up in prison for her mother's murder
Below are answers to some of the more common questions about this phenomenon.
What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
Munchausen by proxy is a form of mental illness that falls under the umbrella of what are known as factitious disorders, a group of mental disturbances that includes patients intentionally who act physically or mentally ill to seek attention and empathy without obvious benefits, like financial gain.
As its name suggests, however, in Munchausen by proxy the symptoms of a disease are fabricated by someone close to the patient – most commonly a parent – leading to unnecessary and often painful intervention and treatment. Interestingly, 30 to 70 percent of those who falsify illness in children also falsify illness in themselves.
The term "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" was first coined in 1977 by an English pediatrician, Roy Meadow. "Munchausen by proxy" derives from Munchausen syndrome -- in which the medical fabrication is self-directed -- and is named after a German cavalry officer known for exaggeration. The most common scenario of Munchausen by proxy involves a parent, who causes symptoms in the child and repeatedly takes the child to medical professionals with the goal of having procedures performed on their child.
How does someone get this disorder? How common is this?
Many perpetrators show features of borderline personality disorder and often have histories of difficult childhood relationships with their parents, or even their own history of abuse and neglect.
Munchausen by proxy is incredibly rare – so rare, in fact, that reliable numbers on its incidence in the U.S. are difficult to come by. Research in other countries, such as Australia and the U.K., suggests that only a tiny percentage of children diagnosed with serious illness are cases of Munchausen by proxy.
What are the features of this disease?
A child of a parent suffering with the disorder may have a long history of unexplained illness. These parents are typically very willing to have their children experience the discomfort and risk associated with medical procedures, including surgery, and are familiar with the supposed illness and procedures associated with it. Although these parents may demonstrate a wide base of knowledge about medical conditions, they are also simultaneously vague about the details of their children’s illnesses.
These parents may be prone to exaggeration, or lying about other aspects of their lives, and may even get hostile or antagonistic if challenged.
Is there a cure?
Unfortunately, those with this disorder are nearly always resistant to treatment. Psychiatrists may first try to establish what is known as a “contract conference” in which the therapist will encourage these parents to better learn to express themselves and their pain – ultimately with the goal being that they do not channel these negative emotions in a way that leads to harm to their children. Once the parent is able to do this, it opens the door for the psychiatrist to help these individuals work through their issues.
Medications have not proven helpful in treatment, although they may be prescribed for symptoms of anxiety or depression if the individual also meets criteria for an anxiety or mood disorder. Some literature has reported a response to antipsychotic medications (such as pimozide).
What is the prognosis?
Unfortunately, it is often difficult to find out what happens to these patients, as they are often difficult to track over time. Of cases found in literature the course of the mental illness is usually chronic.
Because it is considered a form of abuse by the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, suspicions of Munchausen by proxy should be investigated to secure the safety of a child.
Exhibit A:
Over a dress or hair code at school
Must stand up to the outrageous suppression! :wink:
Mother Forcing Transgenderism on 6-Year-Old Son May Suffer From a Mental Disorder, Pediatrician Says
In a particularly tragic divorce proceeding, a mother who forces a transgender identity on her 6-year-old son James is accusing the boy's father of child abuse because he refers to the boy as male. The father responded by offering James a choice of boy's clothes and girl's clothes, and the boy constantly chooses the male options while away from his mother.
Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director at the American College of Pediatricians, told PJ Media that the mother may be suffering from a mental disorder. "This case is consistent with a diagnosis of Munchausen by proxy," she said.
"This is a disorder in which an adult feigns either physical or psychological condition in a child for their own subconscious reasons," the pediatrician explained. "Most often the perpetrator is the biological mother and she often has a background in health or medicine."
"In the case of imposing gender dysphoria on a son, there are cases in the scientific literature of severe maternal depression triggered in a mother longing for a daughter," Cretella added. "The mother's depression lifts when the boy dresses and acts as a girl. This has been termed 'gender mourning.'"
The pediatrician admitted, "I obviously cannot diagnose anyone based on newspaper reports." She further insisted "this may not be malicious on the mother's part. She may sincerely believe she is doing right by James."
WebMD confirms Cretella's description of the mental disorder "Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP)." MSP "affects a primary caretaker, often the mother," and a "person with MSP gains attention by seeking medical help for exaggerated or made-up symptoms of a child in his or her care." As medical professionals tend to the child or proxy, "the deliberate actions of the mother or caretaker can often make the symptoms worse."
Walt Heyer, a speaker and author who once identified as transgender and now runs, drew attention to James' case last week in a Federalist article. As Heyer noted, a medical diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" involves a "persistent, consistent, and insistent" identification with the gender opposite one's birth sex. But James's identity is inconsistent.
"Meanwhile, Dad isn’t seeing signs of gender dysphoria. In the father’s home, James appears to be a normal boy and doesn’t identify as a girl. He has a choice of boy’s or girl’s clothes there, and he chooses to dress as a boy," Heyer reported. "The fact that James changes gender identity depending on which parent is present makes the diagnosis of gender dysphoria both dubious and harmful."
Real-Life Victims of the Transgender 'Cult'
In fact, Cretella told PJ Media that not only is James "happy behaving like a stereotypical boy," but "one time he actually cut up the girl clothing" his father provided.
"Whenever he's with his mother, his mother addresses him by the name Luna and only permits him to dress in girl clothing," Cretella added. The mother chose a therapist who specializes in gender transition, and the therapist seems unwilling to acknowledge James's masculine identity.
"The fact that the therapist ignores the obvious amounts to child abuse," the pediatrician told PJ Media. "This therapist and the mother are conditioning James to identify as transgender and to begin the road of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. This will destroy his life."
These medical "treatments" for gender dysphoria have irreversible effects, and many who "transition" eventually reject their transgender identities.
Indeed, Heyer himself had a similar story to James's. "I lived through a similar scenario when I was his age. I was cross-dressed for two-and-a-half years by my grandmother, who made a purple chiffon dress for me. Somewhat like James, my cross-dressing occurred under one adult’s care, but away from grandma’s I was all boy with my mom and dad. Also, just like James, I found my way into the office of a gender therapist, who quickly started me toward transition," Heyer wrote.
"What this mom is doing to James looks very much like what my grandmother did to me by affirming me in the purple dress. My grandmother didn’t intend to harm me, but her actions destroyed my childhood and my family and consumed nearly 50 years of my life," he confided.
In James's case, Cretella said, "It is possible that the court and therapist may be facilitating a disorder in the mother that will be devastating to James's physical and mental health."
Sara Scott, a family friend who runs the website, explained that "in Texas the mother has complete rights to psychiatric/psychological care and does not need the father's consent. The therapist specializes in aiding transition. Jeff [the father] has not been allowed to get a second opinion."
Scott also told PJ Media that "the custody evaluator has been made aware of James's preferences at home," but still favors the mother in the proceedings. As of now, "Jeff has the standard shared custody agreement ... which is two hours every Thursday evening and every first third and fifth weekend of the month."
The campaign has raised more than $22,000 of its $75,000 goal on the crowdfunding site GoGetFunding. According to the site, Jeff has spent roughly $250,000 in legal fees and is still fighting for more custody of his two sons.
Woman Who Thought She Was a Man on Transgender Treatment: 'It's Not a Cure at All'
While many assume opponents of transgender identity are bigoted, thousands of former transgender people have de-transitioned. Many have spoken out, condemning hormones and surgery as "not a cure at all," and lamenting life-long scars.
Unlike these people, who were "persistent, consistent, and insistent" about their transgender identity before their de-transition, James vacillates between two identities. Forcing him to side with his mother and to embrace a female gender identity will have disastrous long-term effects.
It is truly heartbreaking to see a family split apart, but even worse to see a mother and father at odds over whether their son is a boy or a girl. The mother may also suffer from a mental disorder, which a therapist and a court seem willing to indulge. What has America come to?
"College Students on Justice Thomas"
just proves how much social media and obvious academia
can easily shape views even on topics the students have no clue on .
academics -> "Justice Thomas is bad" = therefore - > HE IS.
"College Students on Justice Thomas"
just proves how much social media and obvious academia
can easily shape views even on topics the students have no clue on .
academics -> "Justice Thomas is bad" = therefore - > HE IS.
Indoctrination, not education.
"Indoctrination, not education."
True and it explains almost all that is systemically wrong in this country.
The Jihad Against ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’
Contemporary feminists aren’t the first to find the 1940s fugue an occasion for moral outrage.
By Michael B. Mukasey
Dec. 17, 2018 6:49 p.m. ET
The #MeToo movement has caught up with “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” The 1940s fugue between a woman, who has dropped by a man’s home but says she wants to leave, and the man, who persuades her to stay, has become a Christmas-season staple. But “to some modern ears, the lyrics sound like a prelude to date rape,” as one recent news story puts it. Some radio stations have yielded to the demand that they banish it from the airwaves.
That demand rings a bell. In the 1940s, an Egyptian writer and Education Ministry employee harshly criticized the government under King Farouk as insufficiently Islamic. That writer, Sayyid Qutb, was rewarded with a traveling fellowship, apparently to get him out of the country.
Qutb arrived at Colorado State College of Education in Greeley in 1948. He didn’t much like it. “I stayed there six months and never did I see a person or a family actually enjoying themselves,” he wrote. Even gardening drew his contempt: “There is nothing behind this activity in the way of beauty or artistic taste. It is the machinery of organization and arrangement, devoid of spirituality and aesthetic enjoyment.”
But contempt curdled into revulsion when Qutb dropped in on a church dance that followed a service—a shocking juxtaposition in itself: “The dance hall convulsed to the tunes on the gramophone and was full of bounding feet and seductive legs. . . . Arms circled waists, lips met lips, chests met chests, and the atmosphere was full of passion.”
The song that was playing: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” For Qutb, it epitomized the West’s moral degradation. He condemned the “animal-like mixing of the sexes,” concluded that Americans were “numb to faith in art, faith in religion, and faith in spiritual values altogether,” and determined that Islam would have to be perpetually at war with such a society.
He went back to Egypt, quit the civil service, joined the Muslim Brotherhood, and eventually became the organization’s spiritual leader.
Qutb and the Brotherhood continued to agitate for a return to fundamentalist Islam. They welcomed Gamal Abdel Nasser’s 1952 coup against the corpulent and corrupt Farouk, but became disillusioned when Nasser failed to institute Shariah or even ban alcohol. Qutb was arrested and tortured for opposing Nasser, but he continued to inveigh against Western civilization. He was eventually convicted for conspiracy against Nasser’s government and hanged in 1966. Qutb’s brother fled to Saudi Arabia, along with other Brotherhood members, and eventually became tutor to a young Osama bin Laden.
Fast forward to today, when our exquisitely sensitive thought leaders are cracking down on “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” Somewhere perhaps Sayyid Qutb is smiling as those who would make rules for the Western culture he so hated channel his moral sensibility.
Mr. Mukasey served as U.S. attorney general (2007-09) and a U.S. district judge (1988-2006).
"Sasha and Malia aren’t going to be sitting in a class next to an illegal with drug resistant TB. So it’s not a problem."
This G M comment makes a good takeoff point to post this Amherst classroom video. Sasha and Malia enjoy white privilege? Certainly American privilege, elite privilege. Will any of our young idealists give up what they have and move to the TB infested areas to make room for one person not of similar privilege? Probably not. They can do more good they argue if they hang onto their privilege.
Dinesh D'Souza answers the young liberals of privilege. A very almost smart student looks like he regrets asking his question here:
Take 14 minutes and learn one angle of response to the SJW arguments.
The annual list price to attend Amherst College for 2017/2018 is $71,300 (x 4) for all students regardless of their residency.
"Gender pronouns in California"
Why not just ban race too?
Of course then we could not then differentiate priveliged white men
from the oppressed I guess.
Oh well, whatever definition that suites the Left 's political agenda..........
Japan court upholds 'sterilisation' rule for gender change
Japan's supreme court has upheld a law that effectively requires transgender people to be sterilised before their gender can be changed on official documents.
The court acknowledged "doubts" were emerging over whether the rule reflects changing social values, but said the law was constitutional.
Yes two guys with MAGA hats were standing in minus zero weather waiting to call this guy racist and gay names and just happened to have a rope to rap around his neck.
The whole think is just another Durham like hoax it appears.
More likely he got into a fight with his boyfriend and he thought why not blame Trump for it.
OTOH, I am not totally writing it off as a false story but all is just too convenient.
Yes two guys with MAGA hats were standing in minus zero weather waiting to call this guy racist and gay names and just happened to have a rope to rap around his neck.
The whole think is just another Durham like hoax it appears.
More likely he got into a fight with his boyfriend and he thought why not blame Trump for it.
OTOH, I am not totally writing it off as a false story but all is just too convenient.
I am. It's the usual staged "hate crime".
Yes two guys with MAGA hats were standing in minus zero weather waiting to call this guy racist and gay names and just happened to have a rope to rap around his neck.
The whole think is just another Durham like hoax it appears.
More likely he got into a fight with his boyfriend and he thought why not blame Trump for it.
OTOH, I am not totally writing it off as a false story but all is just too convenient.
I am. It's the usual staged "hate crime".
well now I am totally writing the story off too :-)
even cnn was talking about it today . :-o
lets see what don lemon has to say - probably nothing.
well now I am totally writing the story off too :-)
even cnn was talking about it today . :-o
lets see what don lemon has to say - probably nothing.
Professional journalists will memory hole this as quickly as possible.
"lets see what don lemon has to say - probably nothing."
most likely you are right again.
If lemon does speak about (this for a few minutes ) I would wager a big sum he will spin this -> The reason so many perceptive geniuses like him believed this story is precisely because of the hatred Trump has spawned. If only it were bama still pres or clinetin
somehow it will still be Trump's fault and somehow the lemon was right in the larger context of things.
No Corry these are lynchings:
Martina Navratilova: 'Insane' to Make Women Compete Against Transgenders 'Who Biologically Are Still Men'
Gay Martina Navratilova is right about transexuals in girls and women's sports.
Just wait until the ERA is in effect and the equal prize money for women in the US (tennis) Open $27 million/yr is open to men. Women's sports as we know it is done.
No.1 Serena Williams could not win a game off of any top-1000 man in the world.
Talk to God if you want to eliminate gender differences.
Could trans be banned for cheating for having too much male steroid in their systems.
although they it is more than just hormones
I remember, in the 60s I think, some 'women' being banned from the Olympics for genetic disorders that made it unclear what sex they are.
Are we going to see trans in the Olympics?
Or just in the politically adorable (correct) United States
Hey, it's clear that men make the best women. I hope all the feminists enjoy the mess they created.
Third post
Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet. (image by @therealaliwentworth ). (ADDED: I want to apologize to my trans sisters. This photo was supposed to be light, & sassy. The first thing I thought when I saw this photo was “wow how wonderful. Each one is unique in color and shape and size. The porn industry has perpetuated this myth of what a “beautiful” vagina looks like and as a result there are women who feel shame or insecure about the shape of the vulva. I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina. And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong.
A post shared by Debra Messing (@therealdebramessing) on Mar 8, 2019 at 11:
Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet. (image by @therealaliwentworth ). (ADDED: I want to apologize to my trans sisters. This photo was supposed to be light, & sassy. The first thing I thought when I saw this photo was “wow how wonderful. Each one is unique in color and shape and size. The porn industry has perpetuated this myth of what a “beautiful” vagina looks like and as a result there are women who feel shame or insecure about the shape of the vulva. I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina. And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong.
A post shared by Debra Messing (@therealdebramessing) on Mar 8, 2019 at 11:
We really live in the crazy years.
I forget where, but the other day I ran across a wonderful piece of trollery: the "B" of LGBTQ assumes only two genders, and this is an insult to the other 54 genders.
I forget where, but the other day I ran across a wonderful piece of trollery: the "B" of LGBTQ assumes only two genders, and this is an insult to the other 54 genders.
That's a very good point!
I am sorry I forgot international women's day. I was going to go to a strip club to celebrate it.
Ok lets debate :
should US (me ) pay reparations for slavery:
Short answer :
I ain't paying one cent. I already pay a large portion of my income in tribute to the Dem party !
Debate over. Happy now.
Ok lets debate :
should US (me ) pay reparations for slavery:
So many factors screw up the reparations idea. If we were talking about actual slaves receiving compensation from actual slave owners, all now dead, it would be an interesting idea. In short, this is too long ago.
75% of southerners and almost 100% of northerners didn't own slaves. A lot of caucasian fought to free slaves. A lot of American blacks today and other minorities are not descendants of American slaves. Blacks in Africa that could have come here were complicit in selling other blacks into slavery. In short, you could never identify the right people.
Some slaves were treated badly, some horribly, some inhumanely, how would you measure the damages?
It is of course an absurd argument that we divide Americans today into who their ancestors were and figure out by order of law who pays, who doesn't pay, who receives, who doesn't receive and how much for each. That won't be litigated... If you are assessed and don't pay or can't pay, then what? Imprison more people against their will? Deny them public services, healthcare?
What we should do is declare victory on slavery. Something as wrong as slavery that was widespread as recently as a century and a half ago was successfully abolished, we kept the country together and all black citizens now have equal rights.
If you want to find out what is really hurting the black neighborhood and black families if those really exist after all the integration and intermarriage, take a look at our welfare system.
How about reparations for abortion that hits the black unborn at five times the rate as whites. Who are you going to pay the money to, the surviving 'mother'? Then who would pay, the mother who ordered the abortion? Done. They should pay themselves for the damage done to their own family, with a major assist from the white Left.
All good points Doug. Dinesh DSouza also has the arguments that should (but of course won't ) end any "debate" if anyone wants to call it that.
I call it race baiting :
It's just another phase in the endless shakedown.
to get obvious law breakers off:
Being a personal friend of the Obamas may have something to do with it , , ,
" .Being a personal friend of the Obamas may have something to do with it , , "
I heard something about "former first lady" too either being involved or questioned
Funny how this comes day after Mueller report.
If I have it right it was her former Chief of Staff , , ,
to get obvious law breakers off:
Why would his community service be a factor in dropping charges and why would he forfeit his $10,000 bail bond if it turned out that after further investigation he was the victim and not the perpetrator of this crime. Where are the arrests of the thugs he didn't hire to rough him up.
Well, like OJ, at least he is free now to go looking for the real culprits , , ,
we shall overcome
from SJ stooge Hogg:
we shall overcome
from SJ stooge Hogg:
That is strange. Sounds like he is arranging his own fatal Jussie hoax with maga hats and evil guns. More likely, like AOC, he has to keep sounding outrageous to keep his 15 minutes of fame alive.
He comes from the life sucks generation where occasional slow wifi could end up being the killer stresser. They were taught that abortion is morally equal to birth, the oxygen you breathe is taken from someone less fortunate and the world is going to end any day anyway because of a tenth of a degree of warming we are all causing. What is to live for?
A very good article on the facts we already know.
"In the real world, it must have taken some effort by the street-wise detectives who took Smollett’s original statement to keep a straight face. How is it, they surely wondered, that two racist, homophobic Trump supporters happened to be wandering around a toney Chicago neighborhood at 2 a.m. -- in zero-degree weather -- rope and Clorox at the ready, waiting in ambush for a B-list actor from a black soap opera? "
"Why did Smollett wait 40 minutes to call it in? How did he manage to hold onto – and keep intact -- the sub sandwich he was carrying with him? And what’s with the “This is MAGA country!” battle cry – in Hillary Clinton’s hometown, a city she carried overwhelmingly in 2016 against Donald Trump?"
“You will die, black fag.” [Doug: That's what Dems think 63 million Trump voters talk like.] The letter also included a stick figure hanging from a tree and a white powdery substance. As its author knew, ever since the 2001 deadly anthrax letter attacks, sending such powder through the mail to a famous and politically active person would result in first-responders in hazmat suits, which is what happened.
"It turned out that those asking why a rich, successful guy with the world at his fingertips would stoop this low were asking the wrong question. After the criminal charges were suddenly dropped against him, without explanation, it seems that a better, and more disturbing, question to ask is this: What did he have to lose? Did their 1987 fake rape and kidnap hoax hurt Tawana Brawley or Al Sharpton? Did Fox even formally fire Smollett from “Empire”?"
"These facts were unearthed only because the Chicago Police Department diligently investigated Smollett’s claims, which is more than can be said for much of the media and a host of elected Democrats – including several running for president – who accepted Smollett’s absurd story at face value.
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker called it “a modern-day lynching” and used the story to drum up support for a federal anti-lynching bill he was sponsoring. An hour-and-a-half later, California Sen. Kamala Harris repeated the “modern day lynching” line while describing Smollett as “one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know.” She added: “We must confront this hate.”
Confronting hate, at least in the minds of a third Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, entailed more than extolling Jussie Smollett. It also meant firing a warning shot across the bow of anyone tempted to treat his account with the skepticism it deserved. “We are all responsible,” Gillibrand tweeted, “for condemning this behavior and every person who enables or normalizes it.” "
[Doug: Guilty before evidence, but fits the narrative. Is that the intelligence level we want in our next President? Any one of these police officers is more qualified to be President than them.]
Without hoaxes we wouldn't be the racist country the Left so desperately desires.
I would like to see someone with the martial arts skills of CD or his tribe walk down a street in DC with a Maga hat then get harrassed and respond by kicking some dumb asses ass:
we need a pack in Togo ....... :wink:
I confess to having had such a fantasy, but then logic intervenes. I do not have the money for the possible legal bills, and I do not have the time to serve.
Yes. Not worth the stress it might give to you or your family.
But it is fun to think about.
Like the many martial arts movies where the expert gets picked on and harrassed to the point no one could blame him for fighting back with some real justified force.
How about . Movie
Chuck Norris and CD with a cameo of a Charles Bronson look alike who from a group of MAGA vigilantes who end each beat down with viral photos of the Antifa having MAGA hats placed on their unconscious heads!
Could be a block bluster! I will reserve my tickets in advance
I confess to having had such a fantasy, but then logic intervenes. I do not have the money for the possible legal bills, and I do not have the time to serve.
:-D I suppose it will look a little too pre-planned if you crowd source the legal bills in advance.
I propose we get rid of indigenous indian day and change it to *Syphilis Day* since Columbus' men transmitted syphilis , a "New World" disease, to Europe where it quickly spread to the "Old World" of Europe and Asia.
Gender Identity Law Declares War on Women, Forces Trans Men to be Accepted as Female
House Democrats have reintroduced a bill that would make “gender identity” a protected class under federal civil rights law and force men who identify as women to be treated and accepted as female. If the measure, known as the Equality Act, becomes law, it would drastically impact numerous sectors.
Hospitals and insurance companies will have to provide costly sex-reassignment therapies, employers and workers who don’t conform to new sexual norms will lose their businesses and jobs and women would lose female-only facilities and sports. The only requirement for protection under the bill is a self-declared “gender identity.”
In a statement celebrating the Equality Act’s reintroduction last month, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this: “To dismantle the discrimination undermining our democracy, we must ensure that all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated equally under the law — not just in the workplace, but in education, housing, credit, jury service and public accommodations as well.”
The veteran California congresswoman claims the measure has strong bipartisan support even though two Republicans that supported it when it was first introduced in the last Congress are no longer in office. Florida’s Ileana Ros-Lehtinen retired and Virginia’s Scott Tayler failed to win reelection. Fortunately, the bill is likely to encounter serious resistance in the Republican-majority Senate as well as the White House.
Nevertheless, the transgender movement has become a dangerous war on women and girls and the law floating around in Congress will be detrimental to both. The Equality Act would be a setback to women’s rights in several areas.
American women would be stripped of single-sex accommodations in public multi-stall bathrooms, domestic violence or rape crisis shelters, drug rehabilitation centers, jails, juvenile detention facilities, homeless shelters, locker rooms or group showers. Judicial Watch recently wrote about a separate law that aims to defund women’s shelters that don’t allow transgender men who self-identify as women.
The Equality Act goes further by also stripping a woman’s right to have a person of the same sex conduct security searches on their body, supervise drug tests, handle intimate medical care and supervise children on overnight trips. This is because the language in the proposed law replaces sex with gender identity, open to the claimant’s interpretation, as a protected category.
This would be especially harmful to females in areas such as competitive sports. A decades-old federal measure known as Title IX prohibits discrimination in all federally funded education programs, including sports.
It ensures that boys and girls in elementary through high school and men and women in college have athletic opportunities. If the Equality Act passes males will have the right to compete against females, an atrocity that even the most liberal women and feminists reject.
Among them is tennis legend Martina Navratilova, an 18-time Grand Slam champion who encountered lots of discrimination for coming out as gay during the peak of her professional tennis career in the 1980s. “You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women,” Navratilova said. “It’s insane and it’s cheating. I am happy to address a transgender woman in whatever form she prefers, but I would not be happy to compete against her. It would not be fair.”
A recent public high school case in Georgia supports the tennis great’s assessment. At a track competition, a transgender athlete easily beat all the females. The mother of one of the demoralized athletes reached out to several women’s rights groups for help but her concerns fell on deaf ears. A conservative public policy women’s organization in Washington D.C. helped the mother express her concerns to Congress.
In a letter to the House Judiciary Committee the mother writes this: “To say that my daughter, as well as the other female athletes, were humiliated and had a sense of defeatism is an understatement. In the words of my daughter, ‘What’s the point Mom, we can’t win.’ Hearing this broke my heart, for my daughter and for all the female athletes, who train so hard, but no matter how hard they work and train they will never be able to beat a biological male. … What are we doing to our girls by forcing them to race biological males?”
Concerned Women for America, the group that assisted the Georgia mother, has conducted extensive research on the Equality Act and recently published a document outlining the measure’s dangerous consequences for women and girls.
Shea Garrison, the organization’s vice president of international affairs, says the bill wrongfully “redefines civil rights law” and “elevates the interests of one group over another.” An esteemed academic, Garrison’s work and research focuses on women’s economic and social empowerment, religious freedom and human rights.
lets see the LEFT BS their way out of this :roll: :wink:
maybe aide t JJ or AS or MW will go to archives and stuff things down their pants legs.
Isnt't the truth important CNN?
Very interesting, but so far this is all rumor. Let's wait for something solid to be put on the table for fair analysis.
well don 't be sure that if it exists it will not disappear or be hidden in Archives .
I don't know at NA (which is part of LOC ) . but I know at Copyright (also part of LOC), at least as of several yrs ago, the "system was broken "
word was there was going to be increase in security at CR though again I don't know at NA if they were having the same problems with items being switched or disappearing .
with regards to King
we heard rumors about womanizing/ prostitutes for decades so not entirely new.
I would like to hear the Left's response to it just the same after they trash anyone they can on the Right.
most likely we will get silence and indignation .
already off Drudge
no surprise
one can only imagine the back lash
and the outrage
I will be shocked if we ever see the proof.
I am not anxious to impune an icon but in lieu of the the lib impunning my heros all day long I don't care.
already off Drudge
no surprise
one can only imagine the back lash
and the outrage
I will be shocked if we ever see the proof.
I am not anxious to impune an icon but in lieu of the the lib impunning my heros all day long I don't care.
On Sunday, the London Times published an explosive story about records of FBI surveillance of Martin Luther King, Jr., that have hitherto been kept secret. They were discovered by David Garrow, a socialist historian whose biography of King titled Bearing the Cross won a Pulitzer prize in 1987. So far, the London Times story has not been picked up by many American news outlets. The New York Times, for example, doesn’t seem to have covered it, nor, as far as I can see, has the Associated Press.
The facts, as related by Garrow, are brutal:
A huge archive of documents recently released from Federal Bureau of Investigation files exposes in detail King’s extramarital sexual activities with dozens of women as he travelled the country campaigning against racial inequality.
To some extent, this is not a surprise. I heard about King’s sexual escapades–group sex and the like–decades ago. But it gets worse.
In another incident said to have been recorded by FBI agents, King is alleged to have “looked on, laughed and offered advice” while a friend who was also a Baptist minister raped a woman described as one of his “parishioners”.
Details of the assault are believed to have been captured on tapes that are currently being held in a vault under court seal at the US National Archives.
I assume the tapes are under court seal because they are raw FBI investigation data, not because of any political desire to protect King.
In an article to be published in the June edition of Standpoint, a British monthly magazine, Garrow writes that the FBI planted miniature transmitters in each of two lamps in rooms booked by King in January 1964 at the Willard hotel, close to the White House in Washington. Eavesdropping agents with “radio receivers and tape recorders” were installed in nearby rooms.
The FBI has long been criticized for its surveillance of King, but it is interesting that the Bureau never used the explosive incidents that allegedly were captured on tape to undermine him. In general, the U.S. government preferred, appropriately, to build up King at the expense of more radical black leaders like Malcolm X.
King was accompanied by a friend, Logan Kearse, the pastor of Baltimore’s Cornerstone Baptist church, who had arrived in Washington with what an FBI summary describes as “several women ‘parishioners’ of his church”. Kearse invited King to meet the women in his room, where they “discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts”.
The FBI document adds: “When one of the women protested that she did not approve, the Baptist minister immediately and forcibly raped her” as King watched. At the same hotel the following evening, King and a dozen other individuals “participated in a sex orgy” including what one FBI official described as “acts of degeneracy and depravity . . . When one of the women shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and several of the men discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in this respect. King told her that to perform such an act would ‘help your soul’.”
One white prostitute told the FBI she had been drawn into a threesome with King and a black woman. Visiting Las Vegas in April 1964, King allegedly took the two women to his room at the Sands hotel, then phoned one of his associates and told him to “get your damned ass down here because I have a beautiful white broad here”. The trio had sex before the friend showed up and took his turn while King “watched the action from a close-by position”, according to the FBI account. Then the prostitute said she was “getting scared as they were pretty drunk and using filthy language”. She told an FBI interviewer it was “the worst orgy I’ve ever gone through”.
King reportedly had an illegitimate daughter:
Another FBI summary identifies a long-term Los Angeles-based girlfriend of King who was said to have given birth to a baby girl. “The child resembles King to a great degree and King contributes to the support of this child,” the summary says. Both mother and child are still alive but declined to speak to Garrow.
None of this is particularly surprising in view of what already was known, but King obviously could not survive a “me too” retrospective. On the whole, this is probably for the best. Leftists are determined to show that all of our other heroes had feet of clay, so King–the closest person we have to a secular saint–may as well join them. For what it is worth, however, I think that American heroes like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant and Ronald Reagan were of far higher moral character than King.
It is worth noting that King’s sexual offenses were not his only major character flaw. He plagiarized his Ph D dissertation, as was officially acknowledged in 1991. How many people know that “Dr.” King obtained his Ph D by copying the work of another Boston University graduate student, more or less word for word, as a comparison I saw years ago showed? Very few, I suspect. King’s plagiarism must have been obvious to the professors who oversaw his work and granted his Ph D. I assume they said nothing because King had a famous and influential father.
Are we now going to rename all of the streets, elementary schools and so on that are named after Martin Luther King, Jr.? Of course not. But let’s not rename the ones that are named for George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee, etc., either.
History records the deeds of many great men and women. None of them was perfect; all had faults. Most had grievous faults, and all were creatures of their times. The stupidest thing we can do is to use contemporary assumptions and attitudes to relentlessly trash the past–while, of course, remaining oblivious to our own generation’s deficiencies, which will be so obvious to those who follow us.
I would draw a more universal lesson from these revelations about King: no one should idealize someone whom he or she does not know. It doesn’t matter whether it is Gandhi–one of history’s most overrated men, in my opinion, largely responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands at a minimum–or Karl Marx, a deeply disgusting human being apart from having been wrong about everything, who contributed to 100 million deaths, or–at an infinitely more benign level–Tiger Woods or Mickey Mantle. We all have faults, and larger-than-life personalities tend to have larger-than-life faults.
If you are going to revere anyone, let it be someone you know: the father who gets up and trudges off to work every day, the mother who cares for you when you are sick, the boss who gave you an opportunity when others weren’t willing to take a chance on you.
Meanwhile, we have to name streets and elementary schools after someone, and we will continue to erect statues and monuments. That doesn’t mean we need to be oblivious to the fact that all men and women who do great deeds are flawed, and many, like Martin Luther King, Jr., fall far below average in important respects.
Great coverage of this in that Powerline article. I have long called MLK Day Philanderer Day to the dismay of liberal friends who did not know that.
phi·lan·der·er - a man who readily or frequently enters into casual sexual relationships with women
Also there is the oddity of letting all the black children out of school to the streets to honor a man who advanced himself through education and eloquence not learned on the streets.
Hinderaker at Powerline also points out that MLK plagiarized his PhD thesis. At a minimum, could we drop the Dr. from Rev. "Dr."? Boston University, alma mater of AOC, likely knew that but did nothing about it because of his famous father? What??!
Gang bang and witness and laugh at rape. By the rules of the Left, the seriousness of the charge justifies investigation without limit.
But there are problems with this:
1. The Crafty rule, we don't go back further than some time limit akin to the criminal statute of limitations for digging up dirt. How can the man defend himself? Maybe the man was just mentoring his 40 girlfriends. Also the man is dead.
2. The alleged "evidence" unseen and unheard by almost anyone was the illegal work of a runaway FBI headed by pervert J. Edgar Hoover. If they should not have gathered the evidence based on privacy, lack of probable cause, lack of search warrants, should we be insisting on unlocking it and making it all public?
So where do we go from here? My temptation is to ignore the wisdom and morality in these rules and call for digging out the evidence to besmirch this man. Simultaneously I know it is wrong to do that and also wrong to hold this man up on a pedestal for anything beyond his actual accomplishments.
Compromise: Cancel the damn holiday in exchange for leaving the wrongfully obtained evidence buried.
Let's see which woke women's rights candidate for President is first to call for cancellation of the holiday. Who wants the women's vote and who wants the black vote? Choose one. Or do women not really care?
" . Cancel the damn holiday in exchange for leaving the wrongfully obtained evidence buried. "
I am in favor of this.
Make it Frederick Douglas day or just some broader memoriam to the ordeals that Black suffered at the hands of slavery , J. Crow and prejudice.
We won't hear any more about this just the same as we don't hear a peep from the Left about JFK having young girls brought to the White House while he was Prez and NY Senator prior.
At least a few of them were spies - one from China in the late 50 and another an East German for Gods sake.
Yet we NEVER hear anyone suggesting we pulls his name from the 50 ,000 places it sits.
The ugly truth is better than the prettiest of lies.
and with the "gay mafia" making death threats......
his response is honest and does not make excuses :
the ones we have deal with this :
the libs using the First Amendment to defend against college supported slander:
commit crimes then yell and scream the race card......
Many are getting fed up with this.
"“I’m from the hood, I’ve seen warrants executed 100 times, I don’t remember people getting shot and killed for resisting. He was a boy, not even 25, if you can’t handle a boy without killing him, you’re not properly trained,” she said."
Notice the problem is NOT being exposed to "100 warrants" and this adult rams a police car and steps out of the vehicle armed it is the police are protecting the public and when threatened using deadly force.
This lady thinks they could have used aikido to disarm this guy like the movies and send him to a scared straight course.
Anything less is in line with keeping the "black man down" theme.
It is you the LEFT:
"berlin recently announced the appointment of a new "Multicultural Resource Center" director focused on nominating future speakers for the college's segregated Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latinx, and LGBTQ+ students graduation ceremonies and advancing the "advocacy, equity, and belonging for marginalized students."
to the kids whom Deblasio handed 33 million
even boomer refused to give them a dime:
another side :
Mentally ill people such as this should not be around children.
" . . "
John Gacy worked as a children's clown.
Fighting for the freedom of all peoples . I guess they don't know this is a free country. :roll:
I would say they did too much LSD in 1974 but none of them were likely even born:
best part is we hear someone yell at her to "get a job"
So she did - congresswoman.
for speaking truth :
the entertainment industry controlled by left wingers who for decades whined about the terrible "Mccarthy era"
are now far worse .
I'm so old, I remember when it "we just want to be free to live our lives", not "Bake me a cake and wax my nuts at government gunpoint"!
I've noticed young patients now describing their boy and girlfriends (even the opposite sex) as "partners".
Another example how the LBGDKEUHT RTKED crowd has forced us to accept change in our language.
just curious , why was he trying to run away?
shooting unjustified - seems that way
but there is always another side of story
just curious , why was he trying to run away?
shooting unjustified - seems that way
but there is always another side of story
Very interesting and perhaps relevant, but what about the criteria for police use of deadly force?
Very interesting and perhaps relevant, but what about the criteria for police use of deadly force?
Springs PD already put the officers back to work. They obviously are of the opinion it was a lawful shoot and in compliance with policy.
It’s part of the mainstreaming of pedos. Not accidental.
500 $ per month will lead to demand for 750 , then 1000 then more
this will never end:
were done.
500 $ per month will lead to demand for 750 , then 1000 then more
this will never end:
were done.
UBI (free money) already failed in Finland. Might as well try in Calif.
Now that no one cares about the deficit, there is no limit to what we can print and give away.
I oppose this and you are right, make it a low amount and then it will go up and up and up.
Well boxing is dying as a spectator sport
So it makes perfect sense ( :wink:) to reach out to women who might want to become men to revive the sport .
Maybe they are trying to steal the trans away from UFC and moi thai:
Why do we HAVE to keep hearing about gender sex orientation this and that. This group that group....
why cannot be what we can do for all Americans
BTW, the police could probably ID the Antifa operatives involved. Let's see if they do.
I'm sure he will face justice in the system. :roll:
guide who to vote for President @ universities:
So? Just have a board member self-identify as a woman.
" "
You mean the same school that covers for Brock? Funny how almost no one remembers the Obmasiah.
No accident that we had Obamunism from a graduate of a communist University.
Can anyone imagine if Trump had graduated from there?
Every single piece of his time there would be given to the jornolisters at the NYTs.
This is exactly why I don't pay attention to football anymore
I watched maybe 10 minutes of the game at most
If the NFL can't stop these self important celebrities from insulting me than I can tune out .
Anyone in the medical field that participates in the Mengele-esque child mutilation needs to lose their license and face criminal charges.
I don't know about other states
but the Dem Party , Dem lawyers and the school unions control the politics ,
It is VERY hard to beat them .
Chris Christy did it, but he is on the scrap heap now.
Assuming President Trump is re-elected we may see him in the second term , , ,
If the left wants vigilante justice, this is how they will get it.
Crafty: "I remember Congressman Ed Koch visiting in our home in 1968 to meet with a Dem committee headed by future Congresswoman Bella Abzug and my mother. I was 16 at the time and he struck me as rather wimpy and deferential to Bella-- who was a force of nature."
- Bella was a force of nature. In overlapping worlds, my mom was working with their hated opposition, Phyllis Schlafly, the thorn in the side of the 'feminist movement'. Mom was a community organizer who loaded up station wagons of conservative women to protest the ERA with Schlafly in the state capitols and in Washington. In 1981, they went to Washington to picket President Reagan's appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor's to the Supreme Court - for being too liberal. When both mom and Phyllis were 88, I took mom to see Schlafly give a presentation ripping the evils of 'Common Core', not that long before CC advocate Jeb Bush's ill-fated run.
New movie on ERA?
Good story!
they are for justice
Everyone agrees from what we saw, what this cop did was wrong and led directly to this death. Assuming other facts back up what we think we saw, he will be charged with murder and convicted.
There could be more to the story. We don't even know cause of death yet or what resistance he put up, but we know what we saw.
A 2016 law requires other officers to intercede when they see excessive force used. Those officers have been fired. One or more may be charged as accessory to the murder.
The point of these "protests", riots, "social justice" war, is to NOT WAIT for the American justice systems to provide due process and run its course. These people were already mad, already incited before this happened. Among those not waiting are the Mayor and Minneapolis Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
Keith Ellison made his start backing a cop killer and threatening society with "no justice, no peace, now as state Attorney General pleads for a stop to the violence. Good luck with that. The crime will end when police re-take control. If it's like Baltimore, that could be never.
The rationale for the anger is that this is part of a pattern, a trend. A pattern of WHAT? No random protester could name the last time this happened in Minneapolis. This is a trend of one incident.
What about race?! The officer is white. The deceased man is black. That settles it; it's race. In the last excessive force charge in Minneapolis, the races were reversed. The race card shows a pattern of one.
The cop and the deceased worked security at the same events at the same club at the same time not long ago. They may or may not have known each other, had history with each other. There may be distrust that is not race. Nothing other than the fact of their race indicates race had something to do with this. The presumption itself that this is about race is racist.
The officer had more than a few excessive force complaints in his 19 years on the force. The County Attorney who first failed to prosecute those was none other than VP shortlister until now, MN US Senator Amy Klobuchar.
So who are they protesting? They're all in the same governing party. What are they protesting? They wrote the laws. They hired the cops, trained the cops. What do they gain from this? They are robbing and burning at night the same grocery and auto parts they need open in the morning. The stench of the smoke of the burn goes through their own houses. The politicians they want to hold accountable are their own.
Counterproductively from their viewpoint, the SJW riots turn the country more conservative. 100% chance Trump will carry Minnesota this year. First time in 48 years. No one else will admit that until Wed morning November 4.
Nice people. They just want fairness.
Maybe we need background checks for hammer purchases.
Target is a (liberal) worldwide company headquartered in Downtown Minneapolis. Employs close to a half million people. My uncle ran the parent company, was named Businessweek exec of the decade. They sell diapers and groceries, hammers and clothes. What the hell did they have to do with one cop (wrongfully) putting a knee on one perp, killing him? Target just closed 24 stores in the Twin Cities. Nice going SJWs and the party and politicians who support them. Good luck going without diapers and groceries and hammers and kids' bikes and clothes.
Racial healing is set back 20 years by this photo. Mommy, why is the store closed?
surprised these guys not practicing social distancing
no wearing masks
especially while looting !
can Target sue the city
for not enforcing the law?
I assume some of these people will be arrested
wonder how many are gangs from other towns coming in to pillage
I bet Guliani would not have tolerated this shit. BTW , speaking of RUDI his radio show on late afternoon is really good !
I think on 77 am.
he is talented host - really !
as usual the left wing media tries to twist what Trump (or any Republican says) to fit their left wing agenda
I immediately knew EXACTLY what Trump meant from what he said.
Nothing racial
quite straightforward.
besides why are criminals burning down blocks of buildings and looting being ignored ?
NO excuse for this.
They charged the officer. The others are still under review. Curfew is on for the weekend.
ccp: "wonder how many are gangs from other towns coming in to pillage"
Yes. The gangs from the other cities are already here. Very likely the guy in the photo posted has Illinois plates [thugs from Chicago].
I wonder if parts of this were pre-planned, just waiting for a triggering incident. I doubt if this will be the main incident this summer. This feels like a ticking time bomb ready to go off much worse on the next incident - in a city not so tame.
The official announcements of the state officials this am were laughable if not tragic. The Governor said this has been developing for 400 years - a shout out to the bunk NYT 1619 project'. The Commissioner of Public Safety spoke of their "success" and "accomplishments" securing areas - morning after surrendering police headquarters to thugs and lost to fire. Yes, "success" after 170 buildings burn, a man shot and worl headlines of the mayhem. And the Attorney General spoke, Louis Farrakan's Keith Ellison, the one who promised this two decades ago, "we don't get no justice, you don't get no peace". A dream come true for him, except now he IS the strong arm of the law, responsible for taming it.
They were rescued by the County Attorney who decided enough is enough when the violent protests reached his home, and charged one officer.
So now we have curfew, loss of liberties, martial law basically. That is how LE matches to power of the mob.
What went wrong here is not racism. This was still a pattern of one incident and we have no information on what was going on in the head of the officer who held the deceased down with a knee on his neck. People are burning building and breaking stuff because they want to burn buildings and break stuff. [Like COV-19], this was a practice run. More is coming soon to a theater [maybe] near you.
They charged the officer. The others are still under review. Curfew is on for the weekend.
ccp: "wonder how many are gangs from other towns coming in to pillage"
Yes. The gangs from the other cities are already here. Very likely the guy in the photo posted has Illinois plates [thugs from Chicago].
I wonder if parts of this were pre-planned, just waiting for a triggering incident. I doubt if this will be the main incident this summer. This feels like a ticking time bomb ready to go off much worse on the next incident - in a city not so tame.
I would plan on it. This is CW2.
The official announcements of the state officials this am were laughable if not tragic. The Governor said this has been developing for 400 years - a shout out to the bunk NYT 1619 project'. The Commissioner of Public Safety spoke of their "success" and "accomplishments" securing areas - morning after surrendering police headquarters to thugs and lost to fire. Yes, "success" after 170 buildings burn, a man shot and worl headlines of the mayhem. And the Attorney General spoke, Louis Farrakan's Keith Ellison, the one who promised this two decades ago, "we don't get no justice, you don't get no peace". A dream come true for him, except now he IS the strong arm of the law, responsible for taming it.
This is the Justice system the left has in mind. Plan on it.
They were rescued by the County Attorney who decided enough is enough when the violent protests reached his home, and charged one officer.
So now we have curfew, loss of liberties, martial law basically. That is how LE matches to power of the mob.
What went wrong here is not racism. This was still a pattern of one incident and we have no information on what was going on in the head of the officer who held the deceased down with a knee on his neck. People are burning building and breaking stuff because they want to burn buildings and break stuff. [Like COV-19], this was a practice run. More is coming soon to a theater [maybe] near you.
This is the 2020 dem GOTV operation, in progress.
I mean , they do keep excusing it.
makes me think of 'Gangs of New York '
and how the Union soldiers put down the riots near end of movie.
The movie of course was fictional .................
I'll see if my photo this a.m. will post. Fire behind and adjacent to one of my N. Mpls properties.
When they say burnt to the ground, it means gone. There is no fire department coming to put out the fire. This is a 3rd world country, at least after dark.
If this is white on black crime, why do boarded up buildings on West Broadway have signs that say, "Black owned", meaning 'spare us'.
Thug is too strong a word? What is the word for halfway between normal and genocidal maniac?
They shut down all the grocery stores, liquor stores, pharmacies, auto parts stores in the predominately black neighborhoods and the whole bus system. What is the matter with these morons? That honors whom, George Floyd?? That wins the sympathies of whom? The people who can't buy groceries, fix their car or ride a bus?
Going out on a freeway bridge, on foot, in a protest, after curfew, against the law, is designed to do what? Endanger themselves to draw attention. Dare motorists to hit them, and curtail someone else's freedom of movement on public infrastructure they bought and paid for. Then we find out they were in danger and we are shocked. I had to drive across the metro at the start of the freeway closings last night. Some ramps were open and some were closed. Some vehicles were already traveling on the freeway pavement that was closed to me. Where did this truck come from? Did he go through a barrier to get where he was? We don't know yet? At least we didn't know last night. I'm guessing that video made national news. He drove an oil tanker into a pinned crowd of 10,000 and injured and killed no one. Was he trying to hurt or kill people? We don't know but if he was, he was unbelievably incompetent at it. Maybe he feared for his life when he realized he was a lone motorist facing a mob. If he stops he might be killed. If he doesn't, he faces carnage of others and serious charges.
This situation is set up by the fact that the City allows the law breaking, from their own new curfew laws and travel restrictions to the burning down of the public and privately owned buildings in the City.
Are Biden and other DNC ers there bailing every one out?
Or for that matter anyone even arrested?
Now the Bet guy want s 14 trillion doled out for reparations
Ahem, sorry , but no.
What every single taxpayer simply said, you know what , I ain't paying this or any more taxes since I have had my income confiscated for things I have nothing to do with .
:cry: :cry: :cry: :x :x :x :x :x :x
"for that matter anyone even arrested?"
For what? The situation calls for tearing down everything everyone else built. Fully justified, we are told. We were warned. How do people visualize the no peace part of 'no justice, no peace'?
Hey all you well intended, do-gooding little liberal Leftists out there not condoning the violent acts of the other 'protesters' you share the streets with but enjoying the attention they bring, where are the videos that lead to the arrests of the arsonists burning down the city. Is your phone battery too low to help? Not enough data left on your cell plan to turn in the perps? The Sargent Schultz defense, "I see NOTHING?" If you are there and not part of the solution, then you are what?
:cry: :cry: :cry: :x :x :x :x :x :x
The bad news is, like the pandemic, this wasn't the big one. This is a mere sample of the couped-up anger that hasn't fully begun to explode. The problems here [before the destruction] were nothing in the big scheme of things. A cop mis-used a trained procedure and a perp died not of blocked breathing, The arson is in the nighttime and people say please and thank you in the daytime. It's weird. Wait until something really big happens in a way more explosive area. Or wait for this crowd to find out 4 cops are acquitted.
One strange demand granted to the protesters, that the state AG must prosecute, meaning Keith Ellison, instead of the County of Hennepin which is bigger than 8 states and just won a similar murder verdict on a cop - without the race narrative. What if this wasn't about race, isn't he still guilty (or innocent) of the same crime. Do they really want a different standard, a different jurisdiction, for handling black and white cops, black and white victims?
Could somebody tell me, which water fountain do I use in the new set of racial rules?
The plan is you and yours are in a reeducation camp and/or mass grave. Plan accordingly.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :x :x :x :x :x :x
The bad news is, like the pandemic, this wasn't the big one. This is a mere sample of the couped-up anger that hasn't fully begun to explode. The problems here [before the destruction] were nothing in the big scheme of things. A cop mis-used a trained procedure and a perp died not of blocked breathing, The arson is in the nighttime and people say please and thank you in the daytime. It's weird. Wait until something really big happens in a way more explosive area. Or wait for this crowd to find out 4 cops are acquitted.
One strange demand granted to the protesters, that the state AG must prosecute, meaning Keith Ellison, instead of the County of Hennepin which is bigger than 8 states and just won a similar murder verdict on a cop - without the race narrative. What if this wasn't about race, isn't he still guilty (or innocent) of the same crime. Do they really want a different standard, a different jurisdiction, for handling black and white cops, black and white victims?
Could somebody tell me, which water fountain do I use in the new set of racial rules?
If the (Minneapolis) terrorists are white supremacists, why are left wing activists like Colin Kaepernick and Biden staffers paying their bail?
My North Mpls Councilman, Jerimiah Ellison, son of former north Mpls state representative Keith Ellison:
THIS is the authority they are protesting??
ccp: One point Tucker makes - what exactly do these mobs want ?
- They just to draw attention to just how bad it is. How awful it is that Ilhan Omar, a black Muslim who marries her brother and cheats on both husbands, was taken from her civil war torn Somalia, see 'Blackhawk Down', and brought to this God-awful place, one of the cleanest, safest and richest cities in the world where blacks, Muslims and women have full rights, gets elected to Congress and is treated so unfairly. How dare us! I think someone (Trump) mentioned maybe she should go back, but that too was racist. In her culture, under her policies, she gets the death without trial, but at least they have swift justice, and she get pulled over there for driving while black.
Again, "what exactly do these mobs want?" Characteristic of liberal lunacy, everything they want makes things worse. Less policing in black neighborhoods means more poverty, worse property rights, more crime, more murders, more victims.
If you judge by their actions, they want grocery stores closed, no dollar stores, no gas stations, no restaurants, cellphone stores all closed, no roads open, no bus service, just the right to go out and say how awful everything is AND MAKE US LISTEN TO THEM.
They want an armload of things free at the cost of not being able to go in and buy the same stuff at a reasonable price anytime they want.
They want to be able to repeat things that never happen and make us agree that they did, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot!"
When do I get to close the town, close the freeways, assemble the cameras and shout out MY viewpoint? Never, obviously. We can't even espouse a conservative viewpoint on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google or on a college campus.
I'm surprised they haven't tried to shut the forum down - yet.
"I'm surprised they haven't tried to shut the forum down - yet."
It's a big internet, they will get to us in time.
House Majority Leader said immigrant truck driver delivering oil to black owned business was white supremacist with confederate flag (kind of rare in MN), all made up. Turns out he didn't target the crowd. But they targeted him. Not one of the illegal protesters who assaulted him was investigated much less arrested.
The truck and the protesters were all on the closed freeway due to incompetent government. Investigate THAT.
".pallets of bricks are getting delivered to protest sites in multiple cities"
GM posted this last week I think on another thread
in one location
now it is all over ?
on cable last night they were blaming Soros
blaming the Jew? anti semitic?
Or is the Jew really to blame ?
If the latter then no wonder we are so hated.
Pallet of bricks costing thousands of dollars shipped to multiple cities. I don't know the answer but raises big questions, who paid for that, who arranged it, who did they get to distribute it into the store fronts?
Does RICO racketeering if crime across state lines apply?
Let's shut down these networks before they kill us.
You want to kneel during anthem fine
I 'll not watch Football which I don't do much anyway except for super bowl
this does not make me racist
You want to kneel during anthem fine
I 'll not watch Football which I don't do much anyway except for super bowl
this does not make me racist
People are repulsed (if not scared shitless) by the violence in the protests, no matter what the msm say.
replace with the virtuous news anchors toys
of course they already have :
Just by existing, you are racist. The left has a plan for that.
You want to kneel during anthem fine
I 'll not watch Football which I don't do much anyway except for super bowl
this does not make me racist
speaking the truth doesn't matter
he will be labeled Uncle Tom
of course the shining example of his success means nothing
he has achieved more than 99.99% of Americans whatever our race etc.
Try becoming a neuorsurgeon to the pip squeaks who belittle him.
Just by existing, you are racist. The left has a plan for that.
You want to kneel during anthem fine
I 'll not watch Football which I don't do much anyway except for super bowl
this does not make me racist
then I think we may be able to go after Soros for aiding and abetting terrorists.
this one , maybe not antifa but still a palestinian terrorist , who worked for O and funded by Soros clan:
Funerals, weddings and church services are illegal in Minnesota, unless your name is George Floyd with services on the new George Floyd Avenue and the speakers' titles are all SJW, or Governor.
George Floyd, George Floyd, George Floyd. Black Lives Matter?? Ask your favorite local SJW to name one of the black cops killed in the line of duty this year.
The science is settled!
Funerals, weddings and church services are illegal in Minnesota, unless your name is George Floyd with services on the new George Floyd Avenue and the speakers' titles are all SJW, or Governor.
George Floyd, George Floyd, George Floyd. Black Lives Matter?? Ask your favorite local SJW to name one of the black cops killed in the line of duty this year.
can a cockroach get corona ?
referring to pic in above two posts.
never to miss an opportunity to race bait,eh : "rev" al?:
he can see the wall of blue coming his way trying to clear a crowd
so what does he do ? walk up to advancing officers to do what ?
was he reliving the 60?
he should have put flowers in his hair:
he can see the wall of blue coming his way trying to clear a crowd
so what does he do ? walk up to advancing officers to do what ?
was he reliving the 60?
He should have put flowers in his hair:
Looked like the basketball play where you set your feet in front of the moving player to draw the charging foul. He didn't think about hitting the back of the head on the concrete behind when he designing the play. These people were warned three times to back up one block.
he still thinks he could win another nomination.
what say you B and M Obama ?
Good thing they (healthcare workers) did that. I don't want to see disband healthcare next.
BTW: 82% of Covid deaths (in MN) are in long term care facilities. Who brought the death virus in?
George Floyd's "family" requested UN to request this :
we now see the full story
not the cherry picked story
the guy was interfering with police
I could swear I have seen this guy at another video of a protest way back
my opinion - the 2 police officers should be cleared of any wrongdoing.
Lisa Bender, President of the Minneapolis City Council, (the City Council has far more power than the mayor):
CAMEROTA: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?"
BENDER: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege."
- The right, the ability to call the police on a break-in is a privilege??!! Or to call the fire department? Or to call an ambulance? To have a snowplow clear your street for safe travel? It's not a privilege; it's a contract, a broken contract, paid for on one side and not delivered on the other. I thought these public goods were the entire justification for government, some things better done collectively than individually, like national defense, police and fire. If what we call government is now just the power to take, transfer and redistribute, kleptocracy without consent, the whole justification is gone. I will be happy to make private associations for all basic protections and end all taxation if that is what the Left demands. But if I have an armed intruder in my home and I paid for police protection, don't send me a social worker.
Dr. Birx Says George Floyd Protests Have Resulted in the Destruction of 70 Covid-19 Testing Sites
Antifa, BLM, SJW, DNC and unfortunately the 'saviors' who join them, these are anti-American terror groups. What does it take to recognize that?
what kind of shit is this?
no one today was even alive back then or if anyone still is they would not remember this .
or his own stupidity
and looking for a confrontation:
the ambulance chasing brain injury field has exponentially grown since football concussion arena
almost anything can be called a brain injury and reason to sue
not that Gugino does have brain injury but just that this is right up the alley of the injury craze.
I don't see why walking right into the face of an officer who is part of a group of officers OBVIOUSLY trying to move a crowd
and refusing to move right in front of him and holding out one's cell phone to him and second officer next to him
is considered police brutality when he gets pushed back
and the dumb ass falls and cracks his head
I know he was just a peace loving righteous better than thou saint
probably has nothing better to do with his retirement time then mingle with the youngsters reminiscing about the 60s
and many are falling in line.
is able to pull punch push the police and take the taser then starts to run and police give chase he clearly in video turns around and points taser at one officer so in self defense the officer(s) shot him dead
so now he is a hero and one policeman loses his job and and justice is twisted on its head:
BTW , I cannot find a reason as to why the white female gay police chief resigned - it is just reported she did .
A bad shoot in my opinion. A drunk running away with a non-lethal force tool/quasi-weapon does not justify lethal force, especially here when they knew who he was and had his car. He could easily have been arrested the next day.
Fg awesome!
not likely to get back on CNN
Brianna looking at her iphone
waiting on how to respond it seems
just got politically correct message from our company CEO this am
we are all now BLM social justice warriors now
and as a "white male" need to "reflect" on racial injustice as he did /does.
from now on any date needs to be searched to be sure it is not some sort of anniversary of something that could upset someone.
well maybe if our CEO has his way
he will start donating some of *our* salaries to BLM
(not his own of course)
What is most concerning is the release of personally identified information (PII) of law enforcement officers in several posts. The data includes personal and work email, addresses, and phone numbers of individual law enforcement officers.
The release of this data has serious law enforcement safety concerns, and threats online are already beginning to be made against individual officers identified. Other threats are levied against private citizens found in the database. The tweet calls for violence against those named in the post. Others responded vowing to take action.
This site is unknown. We should have some sort of confirmation before passing this along:
depicts Roosevelt as hunter with Indian and Black guides
recall he was an hunting buff who hunter out west , in Africa and , in South America:
The designer James Earle Fraser also designed the Indian head nickel:
For each person who was a slave and not a slave owner, those responsible for your captivity should pay your economic damages, the difference between the wealth you would have now if you had stayed in your native land and the wealth you have now here in the US.
Compensatory damages: Descendants from Angola for example should be paid their share of the 0.0% of the world wealth they would have likely accumulated had they stayed there for all those generations. For Senegal and Cameroon, that number is a little lower.
Punitive damages: I would go triple that amount, but must be paid by the person who committed the egregious act. Otherwise you would be further assessing punishment to people just for being born.
of course
if a bunch of lawyers called you and said they will seek billions for you for free
what are you going to say
all of the BLM is about this. what a racket . it is like a gold rush - a damn of prospector stepping all over themselves to get to the Klondike
instead of guns they yell and screem "racism" to anyone who gets in their way.
and the DNC needing massive black turn out finds it all soooooo convenient and cozy
to avoid having to answer for decades of failed policies
" If you're white, you're racist"
"Whiteness Studies teaches"
"You can try to mitigate your evilness, but you can’t eradicate it. The to entrench permanent race consciousness in everyone – eternal victimhood for non-whites, eternal guilt for whites.”
If you believe this, or just say this, you are a racist, by definition.
Hard to believe the federal government (any government) subsidizes this divisive bullshit. Why don't they subsidize the propagation of my views?
Teach "content of your character, not the color of your skin", or repeal Martin Luther King Day and divide the nation into groups.
If I get to choose my group, I would like to identify with black conservatives. Who pays to spread their views?
somehow is turned into some major headline "racial" dispute with white girl yells at black guy
and is all over internet.
like Ben Carson says, he was raised when there was "real racism".
the whole premise of this hit piece on whites is that colored people do not go to National Parks - due to some white supremacy cause - then posts a National Park census report that 23% are minorities :
here is a premise that is just as stupid as the one of the ABC news article:
solution build a few soccer fields and basketball courts at the parks to fix the situation ...........
So, out leftist betters think that minorities can't appreciate the Grand Canyon unless they have some basketball courts?
the whole premise of this hit piece on whites is that colored people do not go to National Parks - due to some white supremacy cause - then posts a National Park census report that 23% are minorities :
here is a premise that is just as stupid as the one of the ABC news article:
solution build a few soccer fields and basketball courts at the parks to fix the situation ...........
"So, out leftist betters think that minorities can't appreciate the Grand Canyon unless they have some basketball courts?"
I wonder that and was just throwing that out there as a ridiculous solution to get more minorities to the Nat Parks
which is just as absurd saying the parks are mostly white people because whites keep them out or they are not allowed in. etc.
due to racism.
as though there are armed guards at the gates saying "no colored"
By the way I would not walk around Spanish or Black Harlem during the day or at night - I would not feel safe . So what is up with that?
Does that make all Black people racist?
PS he is a GWB appointee
Did we even have to ask?
What is wrong with these people they can't stand up to this stuff?
"It’s almost like someone thinks there’s a benefit to keeping people divided."
lots of money and power to be had.
this is harassment
freedom of speech does not mean anywhere anytime
how about disturbing the peace
how about trespassing
no law no order - and the MSM and democrat prosecutors all yawn
These attorneys were not bothering anyone.
They have rights to property and safety and to be free of harassment
Thank a teacher!
""". """"
Nalah McWhorter is much more righteous and a much better human being than Abraham Lincoln. :roll:
I can't even think of the color black without now free associating it to race
Like if I want a black toaster - the next immediate thought is race.
black black black black black black
till I am black and blue
tired of this in NJ
if a mob walks on your lawn and screams leftist political stuff it is free speech protected
by 1st amendment
if you disagree you lose your job and must submit to the mob :
where is the outrage?
where is the defiling of his statue , his "boulevard" street signs being bent
a giant ME TOO painted on streets with his name.
should we DNA test all the descendants of the women he had affairs with ?
several tweets down:
still waiting for GM to take on Noam
weren't we doing that several yrs ago here?
Didn't I fight with someone over Noam years ago? Anyway, IowaHawk perfectly captures it:
Noam Chomsky was a Cambodian Genocide denier who defended Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, and today I learned cancel culture has gotten too wacky even for him
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 7, 2020
several tweets down:
still waiting for GM to take on Noam
weren't we doing that several yrs ago here?
BLM means more to those not black than just , yes , we don't want racism and 10 or 20 unarmed blacks per yr to be shot by police .
It means reparations , special not equal treatment, vilify police and others they don' agree with (BLM activitst)
it means promote political agendas , democrat party agenda, socialism, wealth transfer.
WLM means reach for equal justice under the law , no confiscation to transfer wealth, no Democrat party agenda, and the recognition that today racism is very minimal, and for minorities to take responsibility for themselves not ask everyone 99 % of whom have nothing to do with their problems to pay up and take a knee.
We don't want Don Lemons to claim this is apples and oranges. It is all part of the same thing.
in a league that is racist
sorry dude you won't get on Don the Lemon's show anytime soon and if you did you be told you are comparing apples to oranges
no we don't need a "conversation " about this. but of course it will be shoved down our throats along with the rest.
Sowell on Levin:
I guess it will be on tonight's show.
He looks great for 90; thank God he is still around as a voice of real reason:
next time I go to store it will be the Shoprite I would sometimes stop in on way home from one of the hospitals I used to go to
with predominant Latin community.
curious what I would see on the shelves.
**Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.
The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.**
**A new survey has found that Native Americans are more likely to be proud than offended by the name of the Washington Redskins.
The survey, as reported by the Washington Post, asked 500 people who identify as Native American to pick from a list of words which one best described their feelings about the Redskins name. The word most picked was “proud.”*
It's not being removed because it offends Native Americans, it's being removed because it offends white leftists.
**Nine in 10 Native Americans say they are not offended by the Washington Redskins name, according to a new Washington Post poll that shows how few ordinary Indians have been persuaded by a national movement to change the football team’s moniker.
The survey of 504 people across every state and the District reveals that the minds of Native Americans have remained unchanged since a 2004 poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found the same result. Responses to The Post’s questions about the issue were broadly consistent regardless of age, income, education, political party or proximity to reservations.**
**A new survey has found that Native Americans are more likely to be proud than offended by the name of the Washington Redskins.
The survey, as reported by the Washington Post, asked 500 people who identify as Native American to pick from a list of words which one best described their feelings about the Redskins name. The word most picked was “proud.”*
Home of the Redskins
Red Mesa High School is a public high school serving Navajo students in ninth through twelfth grades. Our campus is located on the Navajo reservation, and if you know just where to look, you will find us tucked away in a very remote area of northeastern Arizona, about 25 miles southwest of the Four Corners.
At RMHS, we are proud of our ancestry; we are proud of who we are, and we are proud to be the home of the Redskins.
6 out of 7 protesters in Minneapolis were white. Interestingly, the current unrest is not divided along racial lines.
This whole thing, bigger than the virus, is a (manufactured) political issue.
When Leftists fully expose themselves, the center leans away in reaction. Case in point, Wellstone memorial. I've had more than a couple centrist friends bring up to me that they don't like Trump but... ... followed by something meaning they are not going to vote Democat with all the insanity going on in the city.
I heard Ilhan Omar interviewed on the radio today, making revolution sound normal and everyone else a bigot. She has a primary coming up and Democrats need to decide if this is their voice.
Still finding bodies in the wreckage of the "mostly peaceful protests".
Still finding bodies in the wreckage of the "mostly peaceful protests".
Well, eternal peace counts, right?
This is a short clip, I dont know the context around what initiated the conflict but one of the lines shouted by a supposed BLM supporter is alarming to say the least. I just dont know how else to describe it.
Short summary
There is an altercation. Guy in blue gets chased, knocked down/out, kicked in the head and "BLM" supporters are shouting things and among one of the phrases heard was "Black Lives Matter F*ggot" (
Well, I'm more angry about the kick to the head of a downed man than I am of the name calling.
Well, I'm more angry about the kick to the head of a downed man than I am of the name calling.
True, I didnt mean to place importance of the name calling over the head kick and I guess I shouldnt be suprised at either action but it still does for some reason.
Well, I'm more angry about the kick to the head of a downed man than I am of the name calling.
True, I didnt mean to place importance of the name calling over the head kick and I guess I shouldnt be suprised at either action but it still does for some reason.
"My take is that museum staff who want a museum system “founded on an anti-racist, abolitionist, and decolonial ethics of care” don’t really want to work in the art world. They want to protest. They want museums to become advocacy groups for big social issues, but that’s not what an art museum does. These staff belong in community organizing or special-interest lobbying.
What I’m saying is that they need to be canned.
Museums have a specific mission: the care of art and its interpretation and the edification of the public. The people sending out these letters don’t care about art, exhibitions, scholarship, or the public. They don’t care that most people come for contemplation, refreshment, civic pride, arts education, or the love of beauty. They see the museum as a platform for pontification."
Exactly ; keep your political views private and just do your darn job.
Democrat Party all in on it.
A memorial on June 19 at the tree where Robert Fuller hanged himself nine days earlier, Palmdale, Calif.
Palmdale, Calif.
Friends and family of 24-year-old Robert Fuller gathered near City Hall here on a recent Saturday to clear away posters, fliers and candles left around the park tree where he hanged himself on June 10. When they were done, there were no more handbills declaring his death a hate crime by “the local KKK.”
A few days earlier, Fuller’s relatives had publicly accepted police findings that he committed suicide—but only after four weeks of frenzied speculation by activists, celebrities and social media users about a lynching and cover-up. Actress Viola Davis said Fuller was “murdered.” Reality star Kim Kardashian-West promoted a petition alleging “a clear case of intimidation by White Supremacists.” The public donated $237,012 to a GoFundMe to benefit Fuller’s sister. International media flocked to the park to speak with protesters.
The May 25 police killing of George Floyd primed the public to believe stories of racist violence. Another death of a black man by hanging—Malcolm Harsch, 38, on May 31 in Victorville, 50 miles from here—created the appearance of a pattern. After Harsch’s family reviewed a security video that confirmed the suicide finding, they accepted it. But public criticism and speculation continued as to Fuller’s death. On June 19, the Sheriff’s Department found itself trying to quell social media rumors that the Ku Klux Klan planned a rally in nearby Lancaster for Juneteenth, which commemorates slavery’s end.
Not only was there no rally, but the KKK has never been active in the Antelope Valley, the high-desert area of northern Los Angeles Country. There are skinhead gangs, says Joanna Mendelson, associate director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. They are known to commit hate crimes, “but lynching, in the traditional definition of the word, is not one of them,” Ms. Mendelson says.
It is, however, a powerful historical memory. “It’s very difficult to accept the fact that a black man hung himself,” Juan Blanco, a former local NAACP president, tells me in the park July 18 while the family holds its private prayer service. He and his wife, Atherine, who is on the local sheriff’s advisory committee, attended the rallies to support further investigation. They’re satisfied with the final report. Officials had obtained records of Fuller having hallucinations and suicidal thoughts and attempting to set himself on fire. His debit-card records showed that, a couple weeks before his death, he bought the rope with which he hanged himself.
Further fueling skepticism about the official finding was the myth that black people don’t kill themselves. This has some basis in fact: In 2017, black males committed suicide at an age-adjusted rate of 11.4 per 100,000 population, compared with 28.2 for white males, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. But a lower rate isn’t the same as zero. “I’ve talked with African-American high-school principals who say, ‘My school is 99% black, so we don’t have to worry about suicide prevention,’ ” says Jonathan Singer, president of the American Association of Suicidology.
“Suffocation,” which includes hanging, is the second most common suicide method for black men, accounting for 667 black male deaths in 2017, at least 69 of them in public places. (The most common method is firearms.) Around the date Fuller died, two other black men hanged themselves in public. One used a tree June 9 in a New York City park, and one was found June 17 in a school parking lot near Houston. Neither of the men’s families challenged the suicide findings.
Mr. Singer’s association has published an “African American Suicide Fact Sheet” noting that risk factors include homelessness, family dysfunction, psychological distress and previous suicide attempts. Robert Fuller was homeless, had tried to kill himself before, and had aged out of the foster-care system.
Malcolm Harsch was also homeless. He died at the encampment where he shared a tent with his girlfriend.
Ms. Fountain is an attorney at Charlton Weeks LLP.
so Crump gets involved
his legal logic: treat him like a criminal - he will become a criminal.
ok , I get it. :roll:
so Crump gets involved
his legal logic: treat him like a criminal - he will become a criminal.
ok , I get it. :roll:
It wasn't "Florida Police" per Huff Post/Yahoo, meaning red state, it was local police. As usual, it happens to be a Democrat-run town, Key West, the only Democrat Key.
The kid was special needs. Everyone handled it badly. Doesn't mean he should be allowed to hit his teacher.
A better thread would have been Citizen-Police interactions
Did you just assume my gender???
the " c word"
your right but I never heard a women being lambasted for being a "prick" either.
were somehow given 'essential worker ' status
though they are not
the only other group that refused to do their jobs
were the teacher unions (not the teachers ) to some extant
what is essential to watching athletic giants run up and down a wooden floor throwing a ball through a thin hoop of metal?
if only I had the ability to do that for millions of dollars.
should I refuse to go to work if Biden wins the election ?
Awww! The pampered, and otherwise unemployable princelings of the NBA can't play their widdle game because they haz the sadz!
Keep damaging that brand!
were somehow given 'essential worker ' status
though they are not
the only other group that refused to do their jobs
were the teacher unions (not the teachers ) to some extant
what is essential to watching athletic giants run up and down a wooden floor throwing a ball through a thin hoop of metal?
if only I had the ability to do that for millions of dollars.
should I refuse to go to work if Biden wins the election ?
Rosenberg wrote an autobiography in 2011 titled An American Radical: Political Prisoner in My Own Country, in which she talked about her radical escapades, and since her release has served as the communications director for the American Jewish World Service and had a stint at John Jay School of Criminal Justice. She also joined Thousand Currents.
a prisoner in her own country
OBVIOUSLY , this kook is not free. :roll:
another self righteous
with the narcissistic need to let all know about her suffering at the hands of the "system".
to go to someone's home and put together a prefabbed guillotine on his driveway?
domestic terrorism?
I bet they didn't even get a trespassing ticket.
Bezos , like the rest of the limo libs
state how they are FOR BLM and spend money for that and 2 billion for the environment, but they are wrong if they think it will save him (them)
love the cool nose ring - :wink: :roll:
When do the Karl Marx statutes go down?
He was a racist and anti-semite:
and Saint RBG dared to criticize Saint Colin
but how about doing with their out of pocket money
not ours; let me ask - are these self serving rich people suggesting we should use tax payer money to invest in this? or Federal backed loans?
did not we do this once ? was was 2008 all about ?
I am not sure what is stopping the minorities
many immigrants are doing just fine..........
Nigerians are doing well - must be racism
Asians are doing well - must be racism
Indians are doing well - must be racism
:-o :-o :-o :-D
For decades the Anti Semitic Blacks have taken sides with the Palestinians against Israel
is this the connection in strategy?
suddenly she is so qualified
when not long ago even Democrats wrote her off
now the jerk off academics , "experts" twist everything around in their distorted man hating minds
that she is some sort of victim
Sometimes I think would it not be nice to be off the grid and just leave this insanity.
Read for comprehension:
"Smoked him right in the face using a perfect grip and a red dot on his pistol for being slapped while trying to grab his OC. That right there was a execution and had nothing to do with "stopping the threat during reasonable fear of death or grave bodily arm.
Antifa boy is going down hard on that one. Patriot boy was the walking example of the three stupid rule......and now he's dead."
Roger Philips, noted gun instructor
From the zerohedge link:
"The shooter, Matt Doloff, was a big time Occupy Wall Street/Occupy Denver activist back in the day. They’re all BLM/Antifa now."
One and the same in terms of people. They've just grown in the boldness of their violence with support from the Biden Harris led Democrat Party and the cover from the liberal "peaceful" protesters.
BLM = Black Lives Matter? Bullsh*t. That's not what this is about.
Here's every Antifa goon arrested in Portland last night during their BLM anti-police protest. Notice anything they all have in common?
White, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white.
did sign say no tennis shoes?
Get woke, go broke.
But if ratings are down because the league is disrespecting the anthem and advancing radical aims of BLM, aren't advertisers racist for wanting refunds?
But if ratings are down because the league is disrespecting the anthem and advancing radical aims of BLM, aren't advertisers racist for wanting refunds?
Anything that resists the left's agenda is automatically racist, so yes.
Our team has made it particularly easy to not watch.
Brock Hussain Obama ?
Joe Biden ?
schiff and the overweight one from NY?
how aboutChris Cuomo - he is in his own mind one of the all time greats
why not Sharpton ?
An even sicker one lets it work with children.
"“Here are these people, booking for one night. Cheat me into it and now are trying to tell me that I’m doing something. I’m not against nobody but somebody needs to be paying for it,” Randhawa explained. He said local police refuse to help remove the people under trespassing laws."
, , ,
"Randhawa told the KOMO it is only a matter of days before he will have to shut down his property and lay off his staff of ten employees. He said the occupiers have driven away most of his paying customers by the protests in the parking lot."
An Antifa group in Seattle explains how they are helping a local motel owner by not paying rent. The group is occupying 15 of the Travelodge’s rooms after checking in and paying only the first night’s rent.
A spokesperson for a Seattle-area Antifa group known as Tacoma Housing Now said they are trying to help the owner of a Fife, Washington, Travelodge by occupying rooms that could otherwise be booked to someone else, according to a video tweeted by KING5 reporter Sebastian Robertson.
“We paid for the first night and now we’re demanding that the city and county pay for the other nights we’ve been here,” spokesperson Rebecca Parson told the reporter.
Journalist Andy Ngo tied the actions to an Antifa extremist group known as “It’s Going Down.” The group claims to be “veterans” of the Antifa street battles in Olympia, Washington.
Robertson said the group checked in on Christmas Eve and paid one night’s rent for 16 rooms. They have occupied 15 rooms since that time without payment.
The group says they will not pay for the rooms going forward. Instead they want the government to pay.
“Like most or all hotel owners he’s struggling right now because of the pandemic. In fact, we are bringing business to the hotel. We paid for the first night. And we’re demanding that the city and county pay for the other nights that we’ve been here,” Parson told King5 News.
Travelodge franchise owner Shawn Randhawa told the local NBC affiliate he was surprised by the group’s occupation. He said he is not allowing the staff to clean the rooms as they remain occupied without paying rent.
“Here are these people, booking for one night. Cheat me into it and now are trying to tell me that I’m doing something. I’m not against nobody but somebody needs to be paying for it,” Randhawa explained. He said local police refuse to help remove the people under trespassing laws.
Parson told the reporter their goal is not to deprive the owner of revenue, but rather to “stay as long as possible and to get the owner of the hotel paid.”
Q13 Fox reporter John Hopperstad tweeted that more than 40 homeless people are staying in the 15 rooms. He says the group wants Pierce County to pay for the housing.
Fife City Manager Hyun Kim told KOMO News, “We have meetings in the coming days to discuss what can we do to get these folks that are staying here that have come off the streets the help they need.”
Pierce County Council Member Pam Roach told King5 News she wants the squatters to leave.
“This is an occupation by the homeless of an establishment to raise money,” Roach told the reporter. “They came in here fraudulently. They are stealing from the man on a daily basis.”
Randhawa told the KOMO it is only a matter of days before he will have to shut down his property and lay off his staff of ten employees. He said the occupiers have driven away most of his paying customers by the protests in the parking lot.
we have 25 trill in debt
we have at war with China
and this is the stuff we are having shoved down our throats?
There is no where to run
collapse of Western culture accelerating
Totally normal and healthy!
You gotta love what the left has done to western civilization.
CA moves to change insurance language on double mastectomies for gender dysphoric females from "cosmetic" to "reconstructive" to ensure no age limit for the procedure. Normal breasts are reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects."
CD titles post "Exploding numbers of girls seeking sex change."
But wait . If gender words are universally banned we cannot call them girls
we cannot call them females
we cannot say they are trying to be boys ("tomboys" - out)
so what do we call what they are and what they presume to be
humans with ovaries who want to be humans with testicles ?
I don't get it.
And neither does Pelosi and the rest of the kooks
these words exist for a reason
erase the words and erase the truth
how did homosexuals get called gay anyway?
we have to take medical courses now in some states about LBGT and we are taught (kind of obvious) that depression and anxiety run at higher rates compared to non same sex preference people
Get them to go to a Trump rally.
Funny how that works.
".ACLU Wants to Erase Male, Female Sexes from ID Documents, Add ‘X’"
yet we still need to have women equal to men no matter what
and to hire women
If everyone is X and everything is the same for everyone we don't have male female words etc
then why do. we have to be forced to meet gender quotas?
and why does it thus matter
Does this mean Kommiela is no longer the first woman VP?
Almost looking forward for sharia law to fully take over the UK at this point.
my usual sarcasm
"some of the limits that exist in this country when it comes to who is allowed to belong. "
What?? Before openly gay there was a day when people kept private lives private. I thought gays were an important part of our society for thousands of years. How do we know Federico Peña wasn't gay. What about Elizabeth Dole?
The implication is that even though he is gay and the top expert on transportation in this country, he overcame all that and got this promotion he so justly deserves. He invented magnetic levitation transport, right? No. In fact, he knows no more about transportation than any other mayor of a declining, crime ridden small city. He got this job because of his gayness, and as payoff for ending his failed Presidential bid in a timely manner for Biden. Excuse me if I'm not impressed.
Searching Transportation Secretaries who went on to become President ... reminds me of looking for 'French military victories'.
To address the racial inequality gap:
I am not sure what definition of need is
I suppose white babies are excluded
but if 4 million babies born in US per yr (let alone illegals) that comes to 1.9 trillion over 18 yrs - but 1.9 trill per yr for each 4 mill babies born,women%20have%20over%20their%20lifetime.
So say we do that - say 2 million qualify. that is 1 trillion per yr for 18 yrs = 18 trill
great idea
Economic ignorance.
Mark Knoffler, Dire Straits:
"That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free"
Oops, the cute 18yo chicks don't need your money anymore with this plan.
Playing the gee-tar on the MTV WAS providing real value. This doesn't. Who knew?
This proposal doesn't deserve rebuttal. [but here goes]
1. Most lottery winners are broke and completely screwed up. Does ANYBODY know why?
2. It isn't about getting money. It's about learning how to provide value to your fellow citizens. Money which represents that value and then flows as deserved and needed. 'How the World Works.'
3. Get everyone providing value and the whole economy prospers.
4. Give it for free and nothing gets produced except dependency and everyone suffers.
5. The only way you give 48k to everyone is to make 48k worthless. This is inherent in the plan and already in progress.
5. If this is good, stop doing the opposite. Each 18 year old today that intends to be in the producing half of income earners inherits a quarter to a half million dollars - in DEBT - under the current system and this proposal aims to grow that exponentially'.
Good God, how dumb are we?
"Each 18 year old today that intends to be in the producing half of income earners inherits a quarter to a half million dollars - in DEBT - under the current system and this proposal aims to grow that exponentially'."
we should be working to lower costs
of college and academia
NOT increasing paying them endless tax payer money
so they can rob the rest of us
seems logical
but logic does not stop the power hungry Dems
I am going to have to find a way NOT to pay reparations
I will not let this get shoved up my derierre.
They are a quasi-official paramilitary.
has anyone been arrested yet
if so, and was "white supremacist" we would have heard it 24/7 by now
we don't know who are doing this or motive
could be antifa pissed off asians are kicking all our asses qualifying for the ivy league spots
I admire them .
though recently had one young asian girl as patient who was very stresses out by the pressure her mother was putting on her
she moved out to live with friend and all she could so was smile she was so relieved
has anyone been arrested yet
if so, and was "white supremacist" we would have heard it 24/7 by now
we don't know who are doing this or motive
could be antifa pissed off asians are kicking all our asses qualifying for the ivy league spots
I admire them .
though recently had one young asian girl as patient who was very stresses out by the pressure her mother was putting on her
she moved out to live with friend and all she could so was smile she was so relieved
has anyone been arrested yet
if so, and was "white supremacist" we would have heard it 24/7 by now
we don't know who are doing this or motive
could be antifa pissed off asians are kicking all our asses qualifying for the ivy league spots
I admire them .
though recently had one young asian girl as patient who was very stresses out by the pressure her mother was putting on her
she moved out to live with friend and all she could so was smile she was so relieved
it is never enough
No, more like fools .
these are heroes:
Rand Paul questions "Dr." "Rachel" Levine on unapproved gender change hormones and blockers ON MINORS WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT. No response.
hundreds rally in my home town of Elizabeth NJ recently ; "am I going to be the next George Floyd?"
because of allegations of police brutality :
then link to this , murders in Elizabeth NJ images:
funny how Left ALWAYS seem to find some girls who come out with accusations just in time
to divert attention away from their people :
way too soon to hold my breath
True. These days, "Buffalo Bill" would have to be an avenging hero, striking back at "Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists".
Stunning and brave!
VDH puts what we all see to words. He writes with great insight, detail and accuracy.
What he may miss is that if the Leftist drivel works on most of the people, most of the time, that may be good enough.
Good to see it answered.
as soon as I see "fact check"
I know it is BS leftist propaganda:'
claim AOC net worth close to 1 million
fact check she either owes ~ 10 K or net worth ~ 10 k
but the truth is you need to check her family net worth and her boyfriends
this is where they hide the money
as soon as I see "fact check"
I know it is BS leftist propaganda:'
claim AOC net worth close to 1 million
fact check she either owes ~ 10 K or net worth ~ 10 k
but the truth is you need to check her family net worth and her boyfriends
this is where they hide the money
Right, I was thinking of Omar steering the campaign money to her 4th(?) husband, but AOC has a similar arrangement with her boyfriend. (I had a link and it disappeared.)
has anyone been arrested yet
if so, and was "white supremacist" we would have heard it 24/7 by now
we don't know who are doing this or motive
could be antifa pissed off asians are kicking all our asses qualifying for the ivy league spots
I admire them .
though recently had one young asian girl as patient who was very stresses out by the pressure her mother was putting on her
she moved out to live with friend and all she could so was smile she was so relieved
has anyone been arrested yet
if so, and was "white supremacist" we would have heard it 24/7 by now
we don't know who are doing this or motive
could be antifa pissed off asians are kicking all our asses qualifying for the ivy league spots
I admire them .
though recently had one young asian girl as patient who was very stresses out by the pressure her mother was putting on her
she moved out to live with friend and all she could so was smile she was so relieved
True genius.
even at work at my San Fransisco company I have to get emails about the tragedy in Atlanta and "hate"
notice we don't hear anything when we see screen shots of blacks shoving Asians to the pavement
only when white
I am sick of this crap
"race" "hate" "race" "hate" "race" "hate"
go ahead keep dividing us
from the. phony self righteous left
while they monopolize all power of government tech corporate media etc
and exterminate conservatism ..... :x
even at work at my San Fransisco company I have to get emails about the tragedy in Atlanta and "hate"
notice we don't hear anything when we see screen shots of blacks shoving Asians to the pavement
only when white
I am sick of this crap
"race" "hate" "race" "hate" "race" "hate"
go ahead keep dividing us
from the. phony self righteous left
while they monopolize all power of government tech corporate media etc
and exterminate conservatism ..... :x
has anyone been arrested yet
if so, and was "white supremacist" we would have heard it 24/7 by now
we don't know who are doing this or motive
could be antifa pissed off asians are kicking all our asses qualifying for the ivy league spots
I admire them .
though recently had one young asian girl as patient who was very stresses out by the pressure her mother was putting on her
she moved out to live with friend and all she could so was smile she was so relieved
I have no idea what the truth is in her story. She's not fully believable but something happened. The personnel records are locked up at the University of Delaware, crazy to not order them opened and clear Biden of this charge - if that's what they do.
For greater credibility, she should stick with the 1993 photos.
"She's not fully believable but something happened."
That is how I would place my bet.
"The personnel records are locked up at the University of Delaware, crazy to not order them opened and clear Biden of this charge - if that's what they do."
For those who play inside baseball, this is a good point to make.
"For greater credibility, she should stick with the 1993 photos."
Heh heh.
second post
any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?
and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?
i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.
perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P
And as far as anti asian
don't tell me it is not a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides
how can anyone know who is who though?
This ain't Trumps fault
any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?
and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?
i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.
perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P
And as far as anti asian
don't tell me it is not a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides
how can anyone know who is who though?
This ain't Trumps fault
"Asian Americans protested Wednesday night outside a concert in Maryland, criticizing California rap artist YG for a song whose lyrics talk about burglarizing homes in Chinese neighborhoods."
Funny how I never heard about *this* hate.
ignored by MSM since hater is black; the self righteous self described warriors against "hate" and "racial injustice".
reminds me of story
I was in corner store picking up some food while staying overnight during a medical conference (in Baltimore)
While walking through the aisles could here a large black man yelling at the Middle Eastern man working the cash register.
He was calling him names and "go back to your country" , etc.
I was thinking, so why don't you open up your own store?"
It ain't because of racism - that is for sure.
though we are led to believe it is.
I actually felt bad for the clerk (maybe he was the owner - don't know)
Promises of reparations and the self interest machine that makes tons of money calling everything white supremacy and racism I guess keeps the Blacks mostly voting for the "plantation party" - Democrats
I'm pretty sure this rapper met with Obama, but it may have been scrubbed from the net...
"Asian Americans protested Wednesday night outside a concert in Maryland, criticizing California rap artist YG for a song whose lyrics talk about burglarizing homes in Chinese neighborhoods."
Funny how I never heard about *this* hate.
ignored by MSM since hater is black; the self righteous self described warriors against "hate" and "racial injustice".
But I’m Alright
Warning: Extremely Distressing, and Honest, Content
Yesterday was a weird day. I’m preparing to go back to New York but my partner Samantha will be staying in Miami. For her protection, I decided to order a mace gun. It had to be a gun with a handle and a trigger because I know if it were just a vial it’d take her 10 minutes to rummage through her pocketbook to find it. She wasn’t comfortable with it, but I convinced her it was a good idea. I carry a small aluminum bat in my backpack whenever I go out in the city. It’s a sin to have to live like that. But we must.
I then wanted to write a blog on the war on white people. Yes, it’s a real thing. But I thought that was too controversial, even for me. And the funny thing is, we had dinner plans at night -- with a black couple!
But there’s no doubt of what’s going on in the country right now. And it isn’t about being anti black. It’s about a faction of the low life black population that have become embittered and emboldened. It’s inflamed by the rhetoric of the left that we hear every day. All whites are racist. The system is inherently racist. All blacks are held down by institutionalized racism. All white people have privilege. Over and over, and over day after day.
And who listens? I’ll tell you doesn’t. People like the couple we were out with last night.
That’s because they’re successful.
Anti white rhetoric is clearly designed for guilt ridden bourgeois white liberals so they can feel “woke.” But it has a trickle down effect -- to angry black men who want a scapegoat. They don’t want to believe their failure is due to being lazy or uneducated. It’s whitey. He’s the problem. Everyone says so. And they get angrier and angrier and feel it’s more and more justified , and the politicians love it because it feeds into their narrative. BLM says it wants to tear down the country and the white imbecile who lives in a gated community cheers. Because he doesn't live with the consequences. Not yet at least.
In the last three months there have been 4 incidents of white people being pushed onto train tracks in the NY subway. It’s a trend. Even in the most conservative papers you won’t hear a mention of the race, but in the pictures, the assailant was black. Every time. (Of course, if it were the other way around you know the headline would mention the races).
At a friend's company, he has been told directly that he can not hire any more white people.
On the streets with outdoor dining, people are constantly harassed. Guess by whom?
Last week, two black teenagers beat up and robbed a handicapped white man and then in a staggering exhibit of deranged evil they doused him with gasoline and set him on fire. It hardly got a mention in the news. Imagine if two white kids did that to a black person?
Right across the street from me in Manhattan, BLM protesters smashed a window of a bar causing injury to one of the customers. When the ambulance arrived, the protestors blocked them from helping the man. And yet, people proudly display their BLM buttons and shirts.
Crime in New York is out of control and if you're white you're most at risk.
Deblasio, ended stop and frisk -- because it’s racist. He ended bail -- because it’s racist. He defunded police because they’re racist, and he painted a big BLM sign on 5th avenue with around the clock police protection -- because disagreeing with that would be racist. Meanwhile, street crime has quadrupled. And 53% is committed by black men -- who make up 8% of the population. That is WILDLY disproportionate. But no one dares mention it.
And in Florida, where I’m staying, there’s Ocean Drive, which is called “The American Riviera” and it’s currently overrun by loud aggressive partiers. Dozens have been arrested -- some for minor violations like twerking on top of police cars, others for fights, others for mugging and just two days ago a shooting. And two deaths. Right down my block.
But last night we were in a quiet part of town at a beautiful restaurant with our friends. Great people. We had a wonderful time. And then after we said good night , Sam and I were waiting for an UBER when this 6’2’ 220 pound 30 year old black guy bumps into her. Okay, just a rude drunk idiot. Whatever. But about a minute later he turns around and walks up to me. And I thought, we go.
And he said: “What’s your problem motherfucker? You don’t think a black man is entitled to walk on the street?”
I stood in front of Samantha and assessed the situation. He was holding a beer bottle by the neck.
Man, I wished I had that mace gun. And that bat.
But I was defenseless.
I tried to calm him down. Not act afraid, but not be confrontational. I said ”No problem bro. We good. “
He said; “You think you own me you fag white piece of shit. I’ll fuck you up.”
I ignored him and looked straight ahead, but had to keep my eye on him. He persisted. Acting more hostile. I just shrugged like it was nothing. But there’s no reasoning with a savage. It’s like a rabid dog -- you just have to try and keep your distance, without running and remain as blase’ as possible.
Then, he was ready to jump. I saw it in his body language. He stepped toward me and just then, the UBER pulled up and we got in the car.
I must have a really good Guardian Angel.
I’ll be perfectly honest. If I were forced to use the mace and it stopped him, I’m not so sure I would have just run away. If I had that bat I think I might have taken it out and finished the job. God help me.
It’s one thing to hear about Joe Biden electing Kristen Clarke as Attorney General -- a woman who publicly stated that she believes blacks are superior to all other races. It’s one thing for The NY TIMES to print the 1698 project which a completely fictionalized telling of white dominance and present it as journalism. . It’s one thing when white people are prohibited from a college ceremony because the black students demand it. It’s another thing to be confronted with it and fear for your life.
It’s also one thing when newscasters suggest that if you have a different point of view you’re a racist. No...wait...that’s not good enough anymore. You’re a white supremsacist. You’re essentially a member of the clan unless you agree with Don Lemon. If the criminal is black it’s because he’s been oppressed and if the victim is white they deserve what they get. Because they’re a racist.
It’s enough to make the most liberal person a bigot.
This is no longer about political opinion. It’s no longer philosophy or a different point of view. It’s a cancerous ideology that is destroying the country and forcing people to either run and hide or fight back. It is indeed, war. And it’s been started all for the purpose of the Democrats obtaining power. This is DeBlasio’s utopia. This is Kamala Harris’s ideal. This is the Squads paradise. They’ve won.
Last night took something out of me. And it put something in. More bitterness. Not towards black people. But for the thug scum who have taken over the streets. And for the political machine that created the atmosphere which allowed it to happen.
And most sadly, it makes me loathe the people who supported it.
The country you grew up in doesn't exist anymore. We are already at war.
Plan accordingly.
But I’m Alright
Warning: Extremely Distressing, and Honest, Content
Yesterday was a weird day. I’m preparing to go back to New York but my partner Samantha will be staying in Miami. For her protection, I decided to order a mace gun. It had to be a gun with a handle and a trigger because I know if it were just a vial it’d take her 10 minutes to rummage through her pocketbook to find it. She wasn’t comfortable with it, but I convinced her it was a good idea. I carry a small aluminum bat in my backpack whenever I go out in the city. It’s a sin to have to live like that. But we must.
I then wanted to write a blog on the war on white people. Yes, it’s a real thing. But I thought that was too controversial, even for me. And the funny thing is, we had dinner plans at night -- with a black couple!
But there’s no doubt of what’s going on in the country right now. And it isn’t about being anti black. It’s about a faction of the low life black population that have become embittered and emboldened. It’s inflamed by the rhetoric of the left that we hear every day. All whites are racist. The system is inherently racist. All blacks are held down by institutionalized racism. All white people have privilege. Over and over, and over day after day.
And who listens? I’ll tell you doesn’t. People like the couple we were out with last night.
That’s because they’re successful.
Anti white rhetoric is clearly designed for guilt ridden bourgeois white liberals so they can feel “woke.” But it has a trickle down effect -- to angry black men who want a scapegoat. They don’t want to believe their failure is due to being lazy or uneducated. It’s whitey. He’s the problem. Everyone says so. And they get angrier and angrier and feel it’s more and more justified , and the politicians love it because it feeds into their narrative. BLM says it wants to tear down the country and the white imbecile who lives in a gated community cheers. Because he doesn't live with the consequences. Not yet at least.
In the last three months there have been 4 incidents of white people being pushed onto train tracks in the NY subway. It’s a trend. Even in the most conservative papers you won’t hear a mention of the race, but in the pictures, the assailant was black. Every time. (Of course, if it were the other way around you know the headline would mention the races).
At a friend's company, he has been told directly that he can not hire any more white people.
On the streets with outdoor dining, people are constantly harassed. Guess by whom?
Last week, two black teenagers beat up and robbed a handicapped white man and then in a staggering exhibit of deranged evil they doused him with gasoline and set him on fire. It hardly got a mention in the news. Imagine if two white kids did that to a black person?
Right across the street from me in Manhattan, BLM protesters smashed a window of a bar causing injury to one of the customers. When the ambulance arrived, the protestors blocked them from helping the man. And yet, people proudly display their BLM buttons and shirts.
Crime in New York is out of control and if you're white you're most at risk.
Deblasio, ended stop and frisk -- because it’s racist. He ended bail -- because it’s racist. He defunded police because they’re racist, and he painted a big BLM sign on 5th avenue with around the clock police protection -- because disagreeing with that would be racist. Meanwhile, street crime has quadrupled. And 53% is committed by black men -- who make up 8% of the population. That is WILDLY disproportionate. But no one dares mention it.
And in Florida, where I’m staying, there’s Ocean Drive, which is called “The American Riviera” and it’s currently overrun by loud aggressive partiers. Dozens have been arrested -- some for minor violations like twerking on top of police cars, others for fights, others for mugging and just two days ago a shooting. And two deaths. Right down my block.
But last night we were in a quiet part of town at a beautiful restaurant with our friends. Great people. We had a wonderful time. And then after we said good night , Sam and I were waiting for an UBER when this 6’2’ 220 pound 30 year old black guy bumps into her. Okay, just a rude drunk idiot. Whatever. But about a minute later he turns around and walks up to me. And I thought, we go.
And he said: “What’s your problem motherfucker? You don’t think a black man is entitled to walk on the street?”
I stood in front of Samantha and assessed the situation. He was holding a beer bottle by the neck.
Man, I wished I had that mace gun. And that bat.
But I was defenseless.
I tried to calm him down. Not act afraid, but not be confrontational. I said ”No problem bro. We good. “
He said; “You think you own me you fag white piece of shit. I’ll fuck you up.”
I ignored him and looked straight ahead, but had to keep my eye on him. He persisted. Acting more hostile. I just shrugged like it was nothing. But there’s no reasoning with a savage. It’s like a rabid dog -- you just have to try and keep your distance, without running and remain as blase’ as possible.
Then, he was ready to jump. I saw it in his body language. He stepped toward me and just then, the UBER pulled up and we got in the car.
I must have a really good Guardian Angel.
I’ll be perfectly honest. If I were forced to use the mace and it stopped him, I’m not so sure I would have just run away. If I had that bat I think I might have taken it out and finished the job. God help me.
It’s one thing to hear about Joe Biden electing Kristen Clarke as Attorney General -- a woman who publicly stated that she believes blacks are superior to all other races. It’s one thing for The NY TIMES to print the 1698 project which a completely fictionalized telling of white dominance and present it as journalism. . It’s one thing when white people are prohibited from a college ceremony because the black students demand it. It’s another thing to be confronted with it and fear for your life.
It’s also one thing when newscasters suggest that if you have a different point of view you’re a racist. No...wait...that’s not good enough anymore. You’re a white supremsacist. You’re essentially a member of the clan unless you agree with Don Lemon. If the criminal is black it’s because he’s been oppressed and if the victim is white they deserve what they get. Because they’re a racist.
It’s enough to make the most liberal person a bigot.
This is no longer about political opinion. It’s no longer philosophy or a different point of view. It’s a cancerous ideology that is destroying the country and forcing people to either run and hide or fight back. It is indeed, war. And it’s been started all for the purpose of the Democrats obtaining power. This is DeBlasio’s utopia. This is Kamala Harris’s ideal. This is the Squads paradise. They’ve won.
Last night took something out of me. And it put something in. More bitterness. Not towards black people. But for the thug scum who have taken over the streets. And for the political machine that created the atmosphere which allowed it to happen.
And most sadly, it makes me loathe the people who supported it.
And all the while Chinese Communists laugh
And all the while Chinese Communists laugh
Yes they do.
crazy ?
legalize pot
tax it of course
then send checks to the Blacks in town .
The LEFT --->
1) had mental illness. due the stress wrought by the oranged haired and "islamophobia"
2) and of course topic will now focus on the need to disarm law abiding citizens
i will be able to read all the liberal doctor articles about gun violence yada yada
Just checked 5 media sites
and NOT ONE even mentions the shooter was immigrant from Syria
headlines are all about gun control
including the real President's (Obama) opinion (who gives a shit we all know what he thinks)
about gun control
dead silence on shooter because he is not a Trump voter.
The LEFT --->
1) had mental illness. due the stress wrought by the oranged haired and "islamophobia"
2) and of course topic will now focus on the need to disarm law abiding citizens
i will be able to read all the liberal doctor articles about gun violence yada yada
Was he radicalized by the leftist media?
The LEFT --->
1) had mental illness. due the stress wrought by the oranged haired and "islamophobia"
2) and of course topic will now focus on the need to disarm law abiding citizens
i will be able to read all the liberal doctor articles about gun violence yada yada
"Was he radicalized by the leftist media?"
nothing to see in that folks
and judge reversed legislation on assault refiles blares the huff post headlines
as though he would have with great smile turned his in day before and none of this would have happened
what is different from what this man did other then kill American 10 whites
then a Jihadi:
only difference I see is he didn't scream allahu akbar
maybe he saw a pretty boy floyd movie and was simply robbing the store
while shooting the place up
Or this is an FBI COINTELPRO op.
"Tear up Texas Boulder"
"Was he radicalized by the leftist media?"
nothing to see in that folks
and judge reversed legislation on assault refiles blares the huff post headlines
as though he would have with great smile turned his in day before and none of this would have happened
what is different from what this man did other then kill American 10 whites
then a Jihadi:
only difference I see is he didn't scream allahu akbar
maybe he saw a pretty boy floyd movie and was simply robbing the store
while shooting the place up
thanks to our first (half ) black president and his crowd
racism is as bad as it gets since the 60's
of course he gets no "credit" for fueling racism
that goes only to Republicans who have been innocent bystanders in all this
and he sits their in his DC house pulling all the strings
Biden says obama says fillibuster is outdated
as though anyone could give one shit what he says or thinks
as though his opinion means anything
but would it matter to the courts?
any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?
and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?
i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.
perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P
And as far as anti asian
don't tell me it is not a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides
how can anyone know who is who though?
This ain't Trumps fault
Had patient call in from Atlanta.
He said "everyone knows" that district of several Asian spas is a red light district that fronts for prostitution
So odd indeed not MSM people deem that news worthy
only that shooter is white - and turn it into a racist hate gun theme.
the fact that Asians probably run those spas taking advantage of Asian women is not appropriate news when every thing has be be filterd through and screened by Democrat party guidelines.
I thought it would be common knowledge that that is what those spas usually provide.
Had patient call in from Atlanta.
He said "everyone knows" that district of several Asian spas is a red light district that fronts for prostitution
So odd indeed not MSM people deem that news worthy
only that shooter is white - and turn it into a racist hate gun theme.
the fact that Asians probably run those spas taking advantage of Asian women is not appropriate news when every thing has be be filterd through and screened by Democrat party guidelines.
My son liked this series.
My son liked this series.
My son liked this series.
Liberty Hangout
Liberty Hangout
Our video asking beachgoers about voter rights is age restricted on YouTube, but Lil Nas X's music video performing sexual acts on Satan isn't. Big Tech thinks it's more dangerous to expose children to conservative opinions than a nearly nude man sodomizing Satan.
Look at page 9. We are in the overt phase.
any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?
and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?
i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.
perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P
And as far as anti asian
don't tell me it is not a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides
how can anyone know who is who though?
This ain't Trumps fault
BS :x
of all the jobs to do he picks this one.
yeah right
I mean MLB
they are all a bunch of overpaid steroid
heads anyway
the game is dead to me
absurdity of cancel culture:
Left's knee jerk power response --- >. RACIST !
time to fight back and not cave to the nonsensical intimidation
game .
Communist elites always live in luxury.
Nothing new here.
"Communist elites always live in luxury."
Yes, and so do the race hustlers.
Ben Crump on the phone
the rest of the media mob already blaring the headlines
next up will be Biden coming out and shaming America
and using all the buzz words
white supremacy
yada yada
and while the same communities of people who run around in gangs shooting each other
use this as an excuse to rob and burn stores
oh vey
"Some looting was reported Monday, including a Dollar Tree near the police headquarters. Other businesses in Minneapolis were also broken into and looted Monday night."
- Oh good grief. What is is that you want to take from Dollar Tree that you cannot take out free anyway with the $2000 free money the federal government just gave you? Now that you break out the windows, your neighbors can't just go out and buy $1 bleach and $1 detergent to kill their viruses and stay safe. Who do you think you are helping?
Anyone seen Chris Hemsworth lately?
don't worry Fay Wray said it is just an idea:
(white kid holding the banner behind the speaker - crack me up)
I quit my job - talk about it - I got fired - talk about it- I quit my job - talk about it
What kind of stupid crap is this?
The guy can't even hold a job so next step - revolution ?
Can anyone come up with a song about called the race hustle
An equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property, but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. Historically, the accusation of “anti-Americanism” has been overused. But in this case, it’s not a matter of interpretation—critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution.
any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?
and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?
i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.
perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P
And as far as anti asian
don't tell me it is not a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides
how can anyone know who is who though?
This ain't Trumps fault
"District Attorney Chesa Boudin said he dropped the charges in favor of having Grayson go through a city justice program."
"city justice program"
? counseling sessions with a social worker
? counseling sessions with someone with a degree in racism , critical race theory, or how to find a job
? maybe a city job with full benefits
? maybe job offers from BLM etc.
? job at CNN
just another critical race hustler
if you ask me
just another hustler
My suggestion:
anyone who earns a living move from NY
anyone from NJ or CT stop going there to spend money
and we will let them have NY -
a NY with no tax revenues
only outlays
let me get this straight
is not the guy on blowhorn white?
we already had assault and battery laws
and Federal hate crime add ons just to pile on till the person is burned in hell
for "hate"
I wonder if there will be any disparities in how this law is applied...
we already had assault and battery laws
and Federal hate crime add ons just to pile on till the person is burned in hell
for "hate"
I am sure Shaka would have figured out calculus and gravity acceleration force
motion etc. if
Newton didn't just go to school and was taught physics
And why should African Americans get land in LA
should it not go to the Indians
or maybe even the dinosaurs who were there before any of us
lets start looking into whether/ which African American ancestors bought and sold slaves as many did
or fought each other like Tustsis and Hutus
any one wonder how many of the people are tools of the CCP?
and if the young man arrested for the shootings claims he has sex addiction , then why are we not talking about Asians spas being used as fronts for prostitution?
i would think if there was a white supremacy tie to the shooter we would have heard about it by now.
perhaps he has a ancestor that professor Gates could find owned. slave 200 yrs ago ..... :-P
And as far as anti asian
don't tell me it is not a real problem that China has decided to become our mortal enemy
and there are millions of Chinese in our county
many who are pro America and democracy and free markets but many who play both sides
how can anyone know who is who though?
This ain't Trumps fault
has anyone actually seen the Andrew Brown body cam video?
rather then taking the word of Crump and team who travel around the country to be front men/women for the these very rare episodes?
It's a racket.
Jane Fonda :roll:
Police have not released the Andrew Brown footage yet.
Is there a good reason for this?
".Incredibly however, Schlanger went on to apologize to Philippe: “I wanted to say to you that I’m so sorry that your experience of the world made you feel that way, and made you feel compelled to write that,” she said."
ahh so virtuous so above the fray
has to be a Jewish Democrat
That's his name ?!:
* Dylan Shakespeare*
oh how perfect a romanticized name for this virtuous communist revolutionary !
doubt his parents are conservative Republicans.
well now he can write an progressive version of 1619 project ( the lefts Mein Kampf - just substitute whites for Jews) while in jail
I am sure Soros will hire the attorneys to get him out
For the first time she is actually being honest and stating the obvious:
no wonder he was protected by Feds and MSmedia.
On the other hand he save Republican lives at the softball game
and was a hero fro taking on the shooter :
Ummm , , , initial impression is to not trust that site, e.g.
" the same man who let US Rep. Steve Scalise get shot nearly to death in 2017."
Is that what the second URL says?
I heard AMA represents 15% of doctors. I'll bet most people think it represents all doctors.
Woke took over the Oscars, Nobel, Pulitzer, AARP, Scientific American, Harvard, Nike, Coca Cola, K-12, FAFSA ...
Why wouldn't it take over medicine.
Who represents us?
"I heard AMA represents 15% of doctors. I'll bet most people think it represents all doctors."
I don't know.
I don't know who they represent anymore
I don't understand why there is such a rush for this religion
which seems to be spreading like Islam did in 600's.
If one does not subscribe to woke , you won't have your head cut off
but move aside or otherwise you will lose your job , your image portrayed in a negative light will go viral
and you will be cancelled.
doing a search this is not on any of the Left wing networks
or 9-% + of media
probably one will report it for few seconds
so they can claim it was reported
doing a search this is not on any of the Left wing networks
or 9-% + of media
probably one will report it for few seconds
so they can claim it was reported
"It appears the suspects in this vandalism were targeting Mr. Brodd for his testimony,”
- More broadly, they were targeting the message for everyone else who might testify and the jury.
"."It appears the suspects in this vandalism were targeting Mr. Brodd for his testimony,”
- More broadly, they were targeting the message for everyone else who might testify and the jury.
Good point
this was more than simply vandalism
this was witness tampering
doubt they will get more and verbal admonishment , maybe few hrs of community service (whatever the hell that means) and a wink and nod
and the whole matter be lost in the wind
all I need to know:
However, they have no problem taking Jewish money from the Soros's of the world
and there are Jews foolish enough to provide it to them.
Mrs. Steve Jobs :
back in the early mid 60s I used to build houses
or aircraft carriers or battleships
with legos
or use the blocks as soldiers
now they can be used to represent race gender homosexuality and the rest?
For God sakes ! they are toys not political indoctrination tools
we don't hear about Arab "hate"
thanks :-(
American Jews need to keep voting for and funding this!
".American Jews need to keep voting for and funding this!"
leftist Jews converted to the DNC long ago
they think their proclamations of self righteousness is going to spare them
I don't agree
my many posts on the subject already explain why
Soros et al think they can buy friends
may work for a while.............
A source of unproven reliability
A source of unproven reliability
I have seen two different names come up. Can anyone show me another OIS incident handled like this? (Aside from the feds)
American Jews need to keep voting for and funding this!
race hustling :
Male Inmates in Women’s Prisons
If Congress passes the Equality Act, California’s dangerous policy would go nationwide.
By Abigail Shrier
May 31, 2021 11:16 am ET
Torrance, Calif.
Crazy California laws occasionally go national. Take SB 132, which took effect in January. It allows transgender-identified male state prison inmates to transfer into women’s prisons based on “individual preference”—no hormones, surgery or time spent living as the opposite sex required. Spokeswoman Terry Thornton of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation says 264 male prisoners have declared a nonmale identity and formally requested transfer to women’s facilities.
If Congress passes the Equality Act—the House already has—incarcerated biological men who identify as female would be entitled to transfer into women’s federal prisons and possibly also state prisons nationwide. How’s that working in California?
Not well, according to Amie Ichikawa, who was released in 2013 from the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla, where she served five years for assault and kidnapping. Ms. Ichikawa is now forming a nonprofit to help currently incarcerated women. I visited her home in Torrance, and she put me in touch with four other current and former inmates. She contacted me after I appeared at a March Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to testify against the Equality Act. I told the lawmakers that although the vast majority of transgender Americans are peaceful, decent and law-abiding, the overbroad bill would be subject to abuse by opportunistic male felons.
None of the currently and formerly incarcerated women I spoke to expressed any animus toward transgender people. All acknowledged that some biological men who are transgender have been subject to abuse in men’s prisons. Several of the women made a point of saying they’d have no problem sharing a cell with natal males who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery.
But according to Tyrina Griffin —who served 20 years at Chowchilla for second-degree murder and whose wife, Rachelle Johnson, is currently serving a life sentence there—many of the men who are transferring there aren’t even on hormonal medication. “They’re getting a full erection,” she said. “So you’re locked in this room, 24/7, with a man and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you tell the police you don’t want to live with a man, or you’re afraid or whatever, you’ll get a disciplinary infraction. So you’re basically punished for being scared.”
Because female inmates are typically far less violent than male ones, women’s prisons like Chowchilla don’t separate inmates based on the severity of their crimes. “We’re all mixed together,” Ms. Ichikawa said. “The people who’ve murdered their children are in the same room as the people who’ve stolen boxers from Walmart. ”
Also unlike men’s prison, inmates at Chowchilla are housed eight to a room, with a sink and toilet inside the cell and only a cowboy door for modesty. The California law specifically states that no inmate may be denied a housing request for “any discriminatory reason,” including “genitalia” or “sexual orientation.” According to some surveys, a majority of biological men who identify as trans women are sexually attracted to women. “How are you going to prevent these people from having sex?” Ms. Ichikawa said. “And how do you then decipher what’s sex and what’s rape?” The women told me—and studies confirm—that the vast majority of incarcerated women are sexual-assault survivors.
In Washington state, which has a similar law, one male inmate who transferred into the women’s prison was a serial killer of women. “They might as well go ahead and start dropping the women off at San Quentin or Pelican Bay or one of the hard-core men’s prisons,” Ms. Griffin said. She added that women inside the prison are looking for ways to arm themselves. “They made it into a more of a war zone, to me, because I know women who are like, ‘I refuse to live with a man, and if I have to make me a prison knife to defend myself, then I’m going to do that.’ . . . I mean, you know how strong men are. Imagine one woman trying to defend herself against this big ol’ man, and the men coming in, they are like 6-foot-5, 6-foot-6, 300 pounds. These men look like Hercules compared to these little women. Can you fault the woman for actually trying to defend herself?”
According to the women I spoke to, the female guards at Chowchilla are as upset as the inmates by the law, recognizing that men are far more violent. The Corrections Department confirmed that unlike some men’s prisons, Chowchilla—California’s highest-security women’s prison—doesn’t have “gun coverage,” meaning officers overseeing the general population are armed only with batons and pepper spray. “They could get a gun, but they would have to go all the way to the front,” Ms. Johnson said. “That would really be extremely too late if something was to really happen.”
The California law also directs cavity searches to be conducted “based on the individual’s search preference”—meaning if a biological male who identifies as transgender would prefer to be cavity-searched by a female officer, he is entitled to it. It’s just “another opportunity to violate women, every woman in the facility,” Ms. Ichikawa said. “I don’t know why it was written so callously. I feel like there’s so much hate for women,” she said.
Ms. Thornton, the Corrections Department spokeswoman, stressed that the department evaluates transfer applications on a case-by-case basis. It has approved 26 of them. “We haven’t denied any requests so far,” she said.
She also confirmed that although there are many female prisoners in California’s women’s prisons who identify as men, only seven have requested transfer to the men’s prison. Why so few? I asked Ms. Ichikawa, who answered: “They would get killed.”
Ms. Shrier is author of “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.”
Ban on transgender athletes in girls’ and women’s scholastic sports is now Florida’s law
This is also a defining issue between future Presidential candidates Desantis and Kristi Noem. It took guts to sign this.
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs <>
Tue, Jun 1 at 4:21 PM
Dear Licensee –
The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) would like to inform you that the Public Health Code – General Rules have been revised which will require implicit bias training for your profession, effective June 1, 2022.
The new training requirements are the product of numerous workgroup meetings over the past year and represent feedback from 86 organizations including our health professional boards, insurance providers, health systems, health care associations, legislators, state agencies, higher education, and community and advocacy groups. The requirements apply to both new applicants as well as those renewing their existing licenses or registrations.
Below are the changes in the rules that pertain to the new training requirements:
The term “implicit bias” is defined as:
(A)n attitude or internalized stereotype that affects an individual’s perception, action, or decision making in an unconscious manner and often contributes to unequal treatment of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age, disability, or other characteristic. (R 338.7001 (c) )
Specifically, the new rule (R 338.7004) requires the following:
Rule 4. (1) Beginning 1 year after promulgation of this rule, an applicant for licensure or registration under article 15 of the code, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, except those seeking to be licensed under part 188 of the code, MCL 333.18801 to 333.18838, shall have completed a minimum of 2 hours of implicit bias training within the 5 years immediately preceding issuance of the license or registration.
(2) Beginning 1 year after promulgation of this rule and for every renewal cycle thereafter, in addition to completing any continuing education required for renewal, an applicant for license or registration renewal under article 15 of the code, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, except those licensed under part 188 of the code, MCL 333.18801 to 333.18838, shall have completed a minimum of 1 hour of implicit bias training for each year of the applicant’s license or registration cycle.
(3) The implicit bias training must be related to reducing barriers and disparities in access to and delivery of health care services and meet all of the following requirements:
(a) Training content must include, but is not limited to, 1 or more of the following topics:
(i) Information on implicit bias, equitable access to health care, serving a diverse population, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and cultural sensitivity.
(ii) Strategies to remedy the negative impact of implicit bias by recognizing and understanding how it impacts perception, judgment, and actions that may result in inequitable decision making, failure to effectively communicate, and result in barriers and disparities in the access to and delivery of health care services.
(iii) The historical basis and present consequences of implicit biases based on an individual’s characteristics.
(iv) Discussion of current research on implicit bias in the access to and delivery of health care services.
(b) Training must include strategies to reduce disparities in access to and delivery of health care services and the administration of pre- and post-test implicit bias assessments.
(c) Acceptable sponsors of this training include any of the following:
(i) Training offered by a nationally-recognized or state-recognized health-related organization.
(ii) Training offered by, or in conjunction with, a state or federal agency.
(iii) Training obtained in an educational program that has been approved by any board created under article 15 of the code, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, except under part 188 of the code, MCL 333.18801 to 333.18838, for initial licensure or registration or for the accumulation of continuing education credits.
(iv) Training offered by an accredited college or university.
(v) An organization specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.
(d) Acceptable modalities of training include any of the following:
(i) A teleconference or webinar that permits live synchronous interaction.
(ii) A live presentation.
(iii) Interactive online instruction.
(4) Submission of an application for licensure, registration, or renewal constitutes an applicant’s certificate of compliance with the requirements of this rule. A licensee or registrant shall retain documentation of meeting the requirements of this rule for a period of 6 years from the date of applying for licensure, registration, or renewal. The department may select and audit a sample of a licensees or registrants and request documentation of proof of compliance with this rule. If audited by the department, a licensee or registrant shall provide the proof of completion of training, including either of the following:
(a) A completion certificate issued by the training program that includes the date of the training, the program sponsor’s name, the title of the program, and licensee’s or registrant’s name.
(b) A self-attestation by the licensee or registrant that includes the date of the training, the program sponsor’s name, the title of the program, and licensee’s or registrant’s name.
Please send any questions you may have about these revised rules to .
Thank you,
Debra Gagliardi, Director.
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
She is an attorney
Do attorneys do this ?
they can't get lawyers or accountants
that only white privileged can get:
so do we force lawyers and accountants to take cultural sensitivity classes to maintain license or CPA
and force them to have more minorities on their client lists?
we could set up a whole division of Federal government to monitor this .
just think of the jobs it would create ! :wink: (sarcasm)
what is this shit now!
Southern Poverty Law Center Busted Sending Millions Offshore (
Revealed: Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center (
I don't have a citation handy, but pretty sure George Soros funds them too.
Embarrassment about SPLC should be shared by others (II) -Philanthropy Daily
Southern Poverty Law Center Busted Sending Millions Offshore (
Revealed: Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center (
I don't have a citation handy, but pretty sure George Soros funds them too.
Embarrassment about SPLC should be shared by others (II) -Philanthropy Daily
The SPLC has expanded its influence by partnering with tech giants Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and PayPal to identify "hate groups." It is also part of a massive, unverified "hate crime" database that was initially bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros's Open Society Foundations and is used by more than 100 media partners, including Google News Lab, the New York Times opinion page, and ABC News.
The only good thing is this:
"Biden went further yesterday, appointing his border czar Kamala Harris as his voting czar. "
with her total incompetence we can be sure no bills will get past the Senate
as for Tulsa I heard about this more times than i have taken pisses over the past week. enough already I get it
find people who are descendants of those involved and rob them and turn it over to the descendants of the Black victims
leave the rest of us alone
The only good thing is this:
"Biden went further yesterday, appointing his border czar Kamala Harris as his voting czar. "
with her total incompetence we can be sure no bills will get past the Senate
as for Tulsa I heard about this more times than i have taken pisses over the past week. enough already I get it
find people who are descendants of those involved and rob them and turn it over to the descendants of the Black victims
leave the rest of us alone
Yeah, that will fix it!
".Yeah, that will fix it!"
well it is all about the money
I sure don't want to pay for something that happened to people I never knew or by people I never knew
long before I was born and probably 2000 miles from my ancestors
they can't succeed after a hundred yrs
thats odd
immigrants came here and in less than a generation their children make more than Americans
at lease for Asians
no one handed over anything to them
but people here cannot get to a DMV and get a picture ID........
what does that tell us?
I dunno
I just don't feel any outrage
maybe next time he will not attempt to steal
which gives me more outrage
I say this is wrong and not based on science fairness
but and claims of equal protection
is legalistic warping of the truth :
I say this is wrong and not based on science fairness
but and claims of equal protection
is legalistic warping of the truth :
It's wrong. It's the end of women's sports as we knew them. End gender distinctions and men win most athletic contests. How is that empowering to women?
Does anyone remember Bobby Riggs?
Mother's Day 1973. Bobby Riggs was 55, 20 years retired from the sport, born in 1918, had not won a major since the 1940s. Margaret Court at the time was 89-3 in women's professional tennis including a winning record over Billie Jean King. Riggs won 6-2, 6-1. [Later he bet against himself and lost to King.]
if you are lesbian and like to lick twat
or you are male homosexual and like to you know what
we (Democrats) celebrate you!
how nuts is this?
It doesn't even make sense .
I can't believe most Americans or peoples of the world agree with total nonsense.
Video at the link.
Above the law.
I guess these fools would rather be hunters and gatherers and living in Igloos
right now
for if was not for the Industrial Revolution started in Europe
and maybe the US NE
that is what they would be doing right now
what statue are they going to erect instead
queen justin trudeau
or some obscure Indian who no one ever heard of
or did anything other than kill a bear or something
I'm waiting for the next SJW cancel target, Minnesota "Vikings". Weren't the Vikings conquests synonymous with rape and pillage? Are Minnesotans proud of their alleged Scandinavian heritage or is it cause for shame?
News flash, they didn't pick the name Vikings to compete with Lions and Tigers and Bears because they were considered feminists, progressives and multi-culturists.
The fight is coming and you know which side will win.
Any thoughts CD?
also not sure if right thread
Let's take it to today's entry here:
This is how civilizations die.
This is how civilizations die.
From GM post above :
"In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader [Kim Jong-un] was starving," she said. "He's the fattest guy—how can anyone believe that? And then somebody showed me a photo and said 'Look at him, he's the fattest guy. Other people are all thin.' And I was like, 'Oh my God, why did I not notice that he was fat?' Because I never learned how to think critically. That is what is happening in America. People see things but they've just completely lost the ability to think critically."
Universities :
Blacks are oppressed - students are told
so despite the truth people believe......
Police are gunning down innocent blacks all over the US
so despite the fact they are gunning themselves down
people believe.......
and countless other examples ......
One of the country's top child adolescent psychiatrists friend of mine told me the evidence does not support this and even one of the original mavens of this thought has since backed off citing many many examples of regret.
I like his last line in the piece:
"Wokeness is many things. But increasingly it seems a cover for careerism, profiteering and utter incompetence. "
(Even if he did not answer my email . Is he not aware of me? I have a virtual following of at least 5 and I am one of the greatest thinkers in my household! :-P)
I noticed a lot of mixed doubles
tennis, badminton,
ping pong etc
what happens if one man teams up with a boy to girl partner?
I suppose that is mixed gender ?
Suppose some man decides he wants to call himself a girl . Does that qualify
Notice how it's only male to female trannies dominating females sports. Why aren't female to male trannies setting records in men's sports? It almost suggests there is some sort of innate biological difference.
I noticed a lot of mixed doubles
tennis, badminton,
ping pong etc
what happens if one man teams up with a boy to girl partner?
I suppose that is mixed gender ?
Suppose some man decides he wants to call himself a girl . Does that qualify
"AMA goes Woken Dead"
I had not seen this.
All I can say is I am 100% sure the great majority of members would agree with this.
The younger types are more brainwashed with this religion I sense.
(I am not or have ever been a member though for 30 yrs belonged to the American College of Physicians even gaining fellowship status till their leftist politics disgusted me enough to not renew ~ 5 yrs ago)
Some how the Woke have seemed to gain power in all positions of leadership
Corporations, Olympics, and everywhere else
It is like 7 th Islam - they just don't chop your head off instead it is
convert or we fire your ass, we slander you, bully you , go after your family with shame and generally ruin your life till you repent and convert to "WOKism"
"All I can say is I am 100% sure the great majority of members would agree with this."
I meant would NOT agree with this (wokeness)
Someone is getting paid some how to push this
Soros donating to AMA ?
No one ever thought doctors are above liking money :-P
is one cannot predict what the future holds for us.
I could not, even if i tried, imagine this growing up :
One side is a "right-wing group". How come they don't call antifa a left-wing group?
One side wants to gather and listen to speakers, constitutionally protected activities. The other side wants to attack them, terrorist activities. The two sides are treated equally. In the news story. The problem is, why can't we all just be left-wing?
Exactly so.
Xi Putin have to hysterically laughing at this.
Should we have thread that is titled:
it seems we can thank the some of the loon self serving homosexuals for this nonsense.......
Obviously it's because of structural racism.
and your life is ruined forever:
why can't he simply grovel?
get on his knees beg for forgiveness
say he is going for gay love treatments
work for free at a homeless shelter for a few hrs on a few weekends
and make a donation for rainbow flag makers .
who decides when that is ok
versus you lose your job and you get cancelled for good?
why is this such a huge social crime?
we let killers out of jail now
but offend someone with the wrong name and that is worse.
I don't know what the emails said (see update), but sounds like they were over the top for a public figure. If not, then this is all wrong.
I wish they would hold Dem politicians to that standard. "They're gonna put y'all back in chains." "If you can't see that, you ain't black.". Disgusting. Shameful. So they nominate and elect him President.
Update, here is some of what he wrote:
called Joe Biden a “nervous clueless p*ssy.”
referred to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell as a “f*gg*t” and “clueless anti football p*ssy.”
I don't want to wade into it, but there was a day not that long ago when “f*gg*t” was a slur (also) used by a gay person putting down another gay person in disapproval or banter, in not the same way but not that different from a black person calling a black person the n-word.
In the 'quote' above, was he putting down women by calling Joe Biden a p*ssy? I would point out that the chants, f*** Joe Biden are not a put-down of healthy intercourse. The meaning is more like hate you Joe Biden, or get off our backs, not a reference to a sex act.
In these two cases, it looks to me like his choice of targets was his crime that cannot be groveled away, not his ill-chosen profanity. Explain them away and more keep appearing.
No mention that these were no doubt intended to remain private and someone violated that.
I wonder if Patton or Churchill ever swore or used slurs that might look bad in their day and worse in 2021.
but they are heroes
no mental illness here folks.... :roll:
he had a $ 100 mill contract
I assume multiyear
maybe someone wanted out so they used the small print clause
buried on page 276 that gives them the right to fire him
just wondering
who knows really
but strange
Remember when it was "We just want to be able to live our lives", then "we just want to get married".Then it was "bake a cake or else".
Now it's "We are going to teach your boys to suck dick and let your daughters get raped by men in dresses, any complaints and we sick the FBI on you".
This has got to stop
we need to get power back and cancel any Federal funding to schools that push this stuff.
Yes. No one is obligated to participate in someone's delusional genital cosplay.
This has got to stop
we need to get power back and cancel any Federal funding to schools that push this stuff.
October 26, 2020 ·
1. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6. The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
33% of the population is black, and 40% of the City Council belongs to the Black Caucus.
Their pay is $122,304 annually PLUS $122,000/YR. each in expenses. Total $240,000 a year. NOT BAD for a racist country!
Pension for life is 80% of highest pay attained during tenure or at least $100,000 a year… for life.
Republican head count in the City Council is zero.
William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931.
For 89 years the Democrats have in control of Chicago. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000. Looks like now it is close to billion!
Hmmm, maybe I don’t understand Systemic racism and how Trump and the Republican Party is to blame for Chicago’s problems. Of course, everything is Trump’s fault, and overall republicans are guilty of everything, but … not in Chicago.
From January thru July 2020 in Chicago were 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides. Almost every shooter was BLACK. 33% of the population gave Chicago 97.7% shootings and murders. And 67% of the population (whites, Latino, Asians, native Americans) gave Chicago 2.3% of shootings and murders. You have a 100 times higher chance to be shot on the streets of Chicago by black then by any other race or demographic group.
However BLM, Kamala Harris, Mayor of Chicago, and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police brutality and systemic racism” for the predicament they brought to the city.
You realize that pointing this out is deeply, deeply racist, right?
October 26, 2020 ·
1. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6. The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
33% of the population is black, and 40% of the City Council belongs to the Black Caucus.
Their pay is $122,304 annually PLUS $122,000/YR. each in expenses. Total $240,000 a year. NOT BAD for a racist country!
Pension for life is 80% of highest pay attained during tenure or at least $100,000 a year… for life.
Republican head count in the City Council is zero.
William Hale Thompson was the last Republican Mayor of Chicago in 1931.
For 89 years the Democrats have in control of Chicago. At the end of fiscal 2019 the Chicago deficit was $838,200,000. Looks like now it is close to billion!
Hmmm, maybe I don’t understand Systemic racism and how Trump and the Republican Party is to blame for Chicago’s problems. Of course, everything is Trump’s fault, and overall republicans are guilty of everything, but … not in Chicago.
From January thru July 2020 in Chicago were 2,240 Shootings, 440 Homicides. Almost every shooter was BLACK. 33% of the population gave Chicago 97.7% shootings and murders. And 67% of the population (whites, Latino, Asians, native Americans) gave Chicago 2.3% of shootings and murders. You have a 100 times higher chance to be shot on the streets of Chicago by black then by any other race or demographic group.
However BLM, Kamala Harris, Mayor of Chicago, and Chicago‘s Democratic Politicians blame “police brutality and systemic racism” for the predicament they brought to the city.
there is zero medical reason for this
if they are high risk it is due to socioeconomic reasons
NOT medical; and those reasons can be applied to everyone regardless of race etc.
That is quite a list. Add one, the most recent President of the Uited States from Chicago was ... black.
Who is holding you down? I am holding you back? Bullsh*t. Bad governance is the fault of the voters, largely black in that area, super majority Democrat. Bad individual choices are the responsibility and fault of the individual. Plenty of people walk away from crime and poverty every day.
Black people were leaving poverty at a faster rate before the 'war on poverty' than after. Black families were more intact, key determinant of poverty, before the 'war on poverty' than after. Why is that all meaningless to the Dem voter?
Prior post (CD):
October 26, 2020 ·
1. The Chicago mayor is black.
3. The Superintendent of Police is black.
4. The Cook County States’ Attorney is black
5. The Chief Judge of Cook County Circuit Courts is black.
6. The Illinois Attorney General is black.
7. The Chicago Fire Department Commissioner is black.
8. The Cook County Board President is black.
9. The State Senate Majority Leader is black.
10. The Illinois Lieutenant Governor is black.
11. The Illinois Secretary of State is black.
12. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County is black.
13. The Cook County Clerk is black.
14. The Chicago Treasurer is black.
15. The Chicago Police Board President is black.
16. The Chicago Transit Authority President is black.
17. The CEO of Chicago Public Schools is black.
18. The Commissioner of the Department of Water Management is black.
33% of the population is black.
Maybe the current President could be impeached for getting it wrong, since there is no right answer - other than two.
"At least three" and he couldn't name them.
the Washington Post!:
maybe trying to clean up their act after looking at polls
is my only interpretation of this
I guess having two hosts who are homosexual is no longer a plus and one is black (because they are MEN!)
it must be someone with a vagina either real one or one that is surgically made.
I also guess Erin Burnett does not count. (technically not prime time since it is an hour too early)
And all the day time babes on CNN don't count because it ain't 8 to 10 PM.... :roll:
I feel it is time we see more gay/trans Inuit women ....
yada yada yada
The "nuts have it "
pun intended
Hispanics’ message to liberals: Don’t call us Latinx
Rights group bans woke term from official communications
Woke speech codes suffered a major setback when some Hispanic lawmakers and the country’s oldest Hispanic rights group put the kibosh on the use of the transgender-friendly term “Latinx.”
The rejection of the Latinx label even extended to prominent Democratic lawmakers.
“I’m Latina, you know. Latinx — that’s, bull----,” said Rep. Nydia M. Velazquez, a New York Democrat and the first Puerto Rican woman elected to the House.
The League of United Latin American Citizens, the oldest Hispanic civil rights group in the U.S., also kicked Latinx to the curb.
Domingo Garcia, the group’s president, told its communications team and board of directors last week to stop using the term in official communications. Mr. Garcia later described his ban as a death knell for Latinx.
“We probably put a stake in the heart of that Latinx movement. I think we’re killing it,” he told The Washington Times. “I don’t have anything against people who want to use it and want to define themselves by it. LULAC just decided that we need to move on with terms that are more inclusive and more in use by everyday Joses and Marias.”
He said the term is “very unliked” by most Hispanics.
A Bendixen & Amandi International poll of 800 Hispanic voters last month found that only 2% acknowledged the word and 40% were offended by it.
What’s more, 30% said they would be less likely to support a politician or organization that uses the term Latinx.
Latinx was created as an Englishlanguage gender-neutral and LGBTQinclusive term to refer to Hispanics. The revolt against the term underscores how the far left is driving Hispanics from the Democratic Party to the Republican
Democrats have counted on their domination of the Hispanic vote, but a Wall Street Journal poll released last week showed Hispanics split at 37% for Democrats and 37% for Republicans, with 22% undecided, in a generic congressional vote. Hispanic leaders and media overwhelmingly cheered the LULAC ban of the term, said Mr. Garcia, estimating that the feedback was 99% positive.
“Everybody says it’s about time. Why are people trying to define us when we already defined ourselves? It’s been like a groundswell of support,” he said. “Probably 95% of Latinos have never heard of the term. They don’t use the term, and it’s sort of an Ivy League, Eastern media concoction. That’s primarily where it’s used.”
The Hispanic pushback against Latinx shocked the political left, which considers it part of liberal culture.
Actor Vico Ortiz, who is Hispanic and nonbinary, defended Latinx during a recent interview on NBC’s “Today.” He called the Spanish language “incredibly binary.”
“The language is very male-centered, and anything else is treated as an other. I use neutral pronouns to include and honor everyone and call attention to how this gendered language has done everything it can to erase people,” Ortiz said.
Rep. Adriano Espaillat, New York Democrat, said he and his children use Latinx often.
“This is a modern term. In the future, It’s going to be a common word. I use it all the time. My children use it,” he said. “In terms of gender, Latinx is neutral.”
Mr. Espaillat said he uses all masculine forms of the Spanish word “man” and feminine forms of the Spanish word “woman.”
However, several members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus told The Times that they take issue with Latinx.
Rep. Ruben Gallego, Arizona Democrat, went on a Twitter rant last week about Latinx: “When Latino politicos use the term, it is largely to appease White rich progressives who think that is the term we use. … It is a vicious circle of confirmation bias.”
Mr. Gallego instructed his staff to stop using the term in official communications.
For some Spanish speakers, Latinx is an affront to their language. Latinx does not translate into Spanish.
Like other Romance languages, Spanish divides most endings of nouns into masculine o’s or feminine a’s. It defaults to the masculine ending when referencing a noun related to males and females in one group.
While several Hispanic leaders stepped up to defy the Latinx trend, others see it as inevitable that the woke culture will prevail.
Rep. Grace Napolitano, California Democrat, said she does not use the word but times have changed.
“I am Latina Mexican. When times change, words or meanings change. Each generation has their own way of saying things,” she said. “I personally don’t use the term Latinx. Once upon a time, the old terms were used, but when it is over, new words are used.”
what a God Damn scam
I am sick of it.
pt getting history major
told him I love history
and asked what his thesis is.
Nazi German propaganda he reports
then the zinger ->
"and how it relates to gender"
what the F ? :x
this should be a felony
sounds akin to pedophilia and it sounds like that IS what this is
the alphabet community can keep their preferences to themselves
so crazy
second post
to crook who burglarizing her cars :
we'll see how "bad " it is
but even a wrong wink will be touted as harassment
though at this time it is MSFT doing the CYA self investigation
Minnesota Vikings
well they did "steal" Fran Tarkenton from the NY Giants in '72
The Giants had zero offensive line
I think that is where Fran honed his scrambling skills - it was a matter of life or deat
I still recall seeing run from one sideline to other while being chased
usually eluding the sack but more often forced to throw the ball to the sidelines
Minnesota Vikings
well they did "steal" Fran Tarkenton from the NY Giants in '72
The Giants had zero offensive line
I think that is where Fran honed his scrambling skills - it was a matter of life or deat
I still recall seeing run from one sideline to other while being chased
usually eluding the sack but more often forced to throw the ball to the sidelines
Tarkenton was great. More sideways yards than anyone ever. Kept one defense on the field and the other one rested. They won one playoff game 3-0 and the defense all but kicked the field goal.
Yes I've been predicting the end of the Vikings name and people roll their eyes. Also, the 'Purple People Eaters' has obvious ties to cannibalism even though NFL's first Defensive MVP Alan Page was on the MN Supreme Court for 22 years. You can't call Mpls' biggest lake Calhoun anymore, VP Calhoun had ties to slavery, not MN which was the first state to send troops to end slavery. Now it's Bde Maka Ska and the Minneapolis Lakers play out of LA where no one can name a single lake for which they were named. Mary Tyler Moore threw her handbag in the air downtown (Mpls) and then films the rest of the shows in Hollywood.
My brush with Vikings fame was to play tennis with Ahmad Rashad at his house (Bud Grant always called him Ahkmad) coming into his last season as a player and Chuck Foreman stopped by and had a (Sunday morning) beer with us.
Minnesota Vikings
well they did "steal" Fran Tarkenton from the NY Giants in '72
The Giants had zero offensive line
I think that is where Fran honed his scrambling skills - it was a matter of life or deat
I still recall seeing run from one sideline to other while being chased
usually eluding the sack but more often forced to throw the ball to the sidelines
Tarkenton was great. More sideways yards than anyone ever. Kept one defense on the field and the other one rested. They won one playoff game 3-0 and the defense all but kicked the field goal.
Yes I've been predicting the end of the Vikings name and people roll their eyes. Also, the 'Purple People Eaters' has obvious ties to cannibalism even though NFL's first Defensive MVP Alan Page was on the MN Supreme Court for 22 years. You can't call Mpls' biggest lake Calhoun anymore, VP Calhoun had ties to slavery, not MN which was the first state to send troops to end slavery. Now it's Bde Maka Ska and the Minneapolis Lakers play out of LA where no one can name a single lake for which they were named. Mary Tyler Moore threw her handbag in the air downtown (Mpls) and then films the rest of the shows in Hollywood.
My brush with Vikings fame was to play tennis with Ahmad Rashad at his house (Bud Grant always called him Ahkmad) coming into his last season as a player and Chuck Foreman stopped by and had a (Sunday morning) beer with us.
Vikings were known for looting and burning, so I’m not sure what the problem is.
Vikings were known for looting and burning, so I’m not sure what the problem is.
not permissible for white Europeans
"Vikings were known for looting and burning, so I’m not sure what the problem is."
Award winning humor. )) I may get some mileage out of that one.
"not permissible for white Europeans" - unless done in support of non-white, non-Europeans.
OTOH, I think the rape side of 'rape and pillage' has gone out of favor. The latest from the AG: carjacking ok, rape not.
And some scholars (deniers) say the Vikings never got here anyway:
"Vikings were known for looting and burning, so I’m not sure what the problem is."
Award winning humor. )) I may get some mileage out of that one.
"not permissible for white Europeans" - unless done in support of non-white, non-Europeans.
OTOH, I think the rape side of 'rape and pillage' has gone out of favor. The latest from the AG: carjacking ok, rape not.
And some scholars (deniers) say the Vikings never got here anyway:
I’m sure the MSM is all over this, right?
what a shock :roll:
just another woke scam
If America had been conquered by a foreign power that wished the demoralize the population and destroy it's ideals and archetypal images, statutes of heroes and so on, what would be different than the America we live in now?
If America had been conquered by a foreign power that wished the demoralize the population and destroy it's ideals and archetypal images, statutes of heroes and so on, what would be different than the America we live in now?
do adults read comic books?
since mostly for kids we need homosexual comic books for kids?
I remember reading Archie comic books age ~ 12 since I had the hots for Veronica
did [NOT] read any others..........
what a shock :roll:
just another woke scam
Black lives don't matter to them.
It's true so let's make that charge stick.
confucius say :
= BS
circa 450BC
he was ahead of his time
so he said one thing out of context
and therefore he should be fired these future upholders of the law protest.....
if only they spent as much time thinking how to combat DC corruption
instead of how to profit from it......
DC "commanders"
sounds fitting for DC government ......
what a totally crappy stupid name
sounds communist like to me....
(instead of steak)
and this is what happens:
but enough legal basis for criminal case
GW president decides not to investigate anti-China posters
Dissident artist takes aim at human rights abuses
George Washington University reversed course on investigating the origin of Olympic-themed posters on campus criticizing China, throwing its support behind the artwork after the president initially said he found them “offensive.”
GWU President Mark S. Wrighton issued a statement Monday saying that he responded “hastily” to complaints about the posters by the Australia-based Chinese dissident artist Badiucao aimed at Beijing’s human-rights abuses.
“I have since learned from our university’s scholars that the posters were designed by a Chinese- Australian artist, Badiucao, and they are a critique of China’s policies,” Mr. Wrighton said.
“Upon full understanding, I do not view these posters as racist; they are political statements. There is no university investigation underway, and the university will not take any action against the students who displayed the posters,” he said.
Badiucao posted Sunday an email identified as being from Mr. Wrighton in which he said he was “personally offended” by the posters and said he would order them removed, as well as “undertake an effort to determine who is responsible.”
The email prompted an outcry from critics of the communist regime, including Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican.
In his Monday response, Mr. Wrighton said the posters “alarmed some members of our community, and we began to receive a number of concerns through official university reporting channels that cited bias and racism against the Chinese community.”
He said he also received an email from a student who “expressed concerns.” “At that time, and without more context on the origin or intent of the posters, I responded hastily to the student, writing that I, too, was concerned,” Mr. Wrighton said.
“University staff also responded to ensure the posters were removed. These responses were mistakes. Every member of the GW community should feel welcome and supported, but I should have taken more time to understand the entire situation before commenting,” he said.
The university received complaints about the posters from the GWU Chinese Students and Scholars Association and the Chinese Cultural Association, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which praised Mr. Wrighton’s about-face.
“This is the correct outcome, and FIRE is pleased to see Wrighton reach it,” the group said in a statement. “However, it remains troubling that his first instinct was to censor the posters — which Wrighton admits have already been taken down by university staff — rather than abide by his university’s free speech commitments.”
The five pieces in Badiucao’s “Beijing 2022 Collection” makes anti-China statements using depictions of Olympic athletes, such as a biathlete pointing her rifle at a kneeling, blindfolded captive.
The artwork represents “the Chinese government’s oppression of the Tibetan people, the Uyghur genocide, the dismantling of democracy in Hong Kong, the regime’s omnipresent surveillance systems, and lack of transparency surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic,” said the Beijing2022. art website.
Badiucao said on his Twitter account the artwork has been displayed at protests and other events in Miami, the Czech Republic and Italy.
Mr. Wrighton added that “I want to be very clear: I support freedom of speech — even when it offends people — and creative art is a valued way to communicate on important societal issues.”
The Beijing Winter Olympics launched Friday in the face of a U.S. diplomatic boycott and protests against the Chinese Communist Party. The games end Feb. 20.
perhaps he is just caving to the MOB
Wakanda still unbuilt.
she just got a tenured professorship at a Diversity University (of NC)
after working for the US Pravda propaganda corp (NYT)
I wonder how "let's get softer on crime" (and get more of it) will sell to the voters.
We do not see events that led up to this which certainly did not arise in a vacuum
what I do see is how
students learn how to exaggerate
resist the police officer then scream bloody murder when the officer uses physical force
I presume there is posted in student hall a phone # to
to get beeline call to Benjamin Crump's office:
Federal Judge James Ho Surprises Georgetown Law with Speech Defending Ilya Shapiro
February 15, 2022 12:39 PM
Left: Ilya Shapiro speaks about constitutional law in 2014. Right: James C. Ho testifies during his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on November 15, 2017. (The Federalist Society/via YouTube, Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images)
Guest speaker scraps original remarks in favor of unequivocal statement on freedom of speech and declares, ‘I stand with Ilya.’
Federal judge James C. Ho delivered a robust defense of Ilya Shapiro on Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown Law, which recently suspended the respected legal scholar over a poorly worded tweet.
“I stand with Ilya,” Ho declared.
The subject of his address was a surprise to the audience. The judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had been slated to give a lecture titled “Fair Weather Originalism: Judges, Umpires, and the Fear of Being Booed,” in an event organized by the law school’s chapter of the Federalist Society. At the outset, according to prepared remarks exclusively obtained by National Review, Ho said he “was scheduled to talk” about originalism, “but I hope you won’t mind that I’ve decided to address a different topic today instead.”
Ho continued, “I’m going to spend my time today talking about Ilya Shapiro.”
Shapiro, a libertarian-conservative legal scholar who was set to take over as the new executive director and senior lecturer for Georgetown Law’s Center for the Constitution on February 1, has been the subject of a highly publicized controversy surrounding tweets criticizing President Biden’s use of racial preferences in the Supreme Court nomination process. Shapiro had responded to Biden’s pledge to nominate a black woman for the open seat by touting an Obama-appointed judge and lamenting that Biden’s pledge would force him instead to choose a “lesser black woman.” He deleted the tweet and apologized, but that didn’t calm the storm.
Shapiro’s case quickly became a flash point in the ongoing national debates over cancel culture and free speech. When the law school’s dean caved to activist demands by placing Shapiro on administrative leave, condemning his remarks as “antithetical to the work that we do here every day to build inclusion, belonging, and respect for diversity,” it sparked a bitter backlash from conservatives and academic-freedom advocates. Late last week, the school was embroiled in another controversy surrounding a professor who appeared to refer to a student as “Mr. China man” after forgetting his name.
These controversies were the backdrop for Ho’s remarks. While it wasn’t clear whether Ho was familiar with the second incident — his speech was entirely dedicated to the discussion of Shapiro’s case — the judge’s broader defense of academic freedom came with the weight of his personal biography: Ho, a Taiwanese American who immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was young, became the first person of Asian descent to sit on the Fifth Circuit when he was appointed to the position by then-president Donald Trump in 2017. He is also a co-chair of the Judiciary Committee of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, a member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and a former attorney in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.
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Ho’s background as a non-white immigrant, and his history in combating racial discrimination, featured prominently in his defense of Shapiro. “I confronted racial discrimination as a student, as a member of the legal profession, and as an Asian American during the Covid-19 pandemic,” the judge told attendees, according to the prepared remarks. But “cancel culture is not just antithetical to our constitutional culture and our American culture,” he said. It’s “completely antithetical to the very legal system that each of you seeks to join.”
The first half of the speech defended Shapiro’s right to make controversial comments on the grounds that the freedom of speech is “the foundation of our entire adversarial system of justice,” in Ho’s description. “You must understand your opponent’s views in order to fully understand, and thus powerfully defend, your own views,” he said.
That sentiment echoes many of the civil-libertarian defenses of Shapiro. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), for example — a leading advocate of value-neutral academic freedom — wrote a letter to the dean maintaining that “freedom of expression protects both Shapiro’s tweets and the criticism that followed.” FIRE did not defend the content of the words that had sparked the controversy: “Beyond noting their protected nature, FIRE takes no position on the merits of Shapiro’s tweets or on those of his detractors, and trusts that his remarks, as well as the response they engendered will—as they have been—be dissected, interrogated, and challenged.” This was a defense of Shapiro’s freedom rather than a defense of Shapiro himself.
But the second half of Ho’s speech went a step further. Ho defended the substance of Shapiro’s tweets, maintaining that equality of opportunity — which he described as “fundamental to who we are, and to who we aspire to be, as a nation” — was the principle that Shapiro was originally defending. “Ilya has said that he should have chosen different words. That ought to be enough,” Ho said. “I have no doubt — zero doubt — that Ilya did not intend anywhere near the worst interpretation that has been applied to his remarks.”
Ho went on to say that equal opportunity “define why America truly is the greatest nation on earth,” and that America’s founding principles “are the principles that brought my own family to these shores, and that I have held all my life,” even in the face of racial discrimination. Those principles, he continued, “are worth defending — no matter how loud the booing from the crowd.” While “racism is a scourge that America has not yet fully extinguished,” he acknowledged, “the first step in fighting racial discrimination is to stop practicing it.” (As others have also pointed out, Shapiro’s tweets were criticizing an actual instance of racial discrimination — i.e., the White House’s use of racial preferences in Supreme Court nominations.) “Make no mistake: If there is any racial discrimination in statements like these, it’s not coming from the speaker — it’s coming from the policy that the speaker is criticizing,” Ho said.
While Ho’s firm defense of Shapiro carried a not-so-implicit institutional criticism of Georgetown Law, it was met with relief by at least some students in the audience.
“I think everyone came expecting Judge Ho to give a standard talk on judicial philosophies and constitutional interpretation,” Rachel Wolff, a representative for the Georgetown Law Federalist Society, told National Review, adding she was glad he chose to “highlight Georgetown’s unfair treatment of Ilya Shapiro.” Luke Bunting, the co-president of the law school’s Conservative and Libertarian Student Association (CALSA), concurred: “His speech laid out exactly why free speech is important, and why the school’s handling of this situation has been so catastrophic for open discourse at Georgetown Law.”
Ho finished by tying his own views to Shapiro’s tweets. “Let me be clear: I stand with Ilya on the paramount importance of color-blindness. And that same principle should apply whether we’re talking about getting into college, getting your first job, or receiving an appointment to the highest court in the land.” As evidence, he cited testimony that he had given at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on “The Importance of a Diverse Federal Judiciary” where he had echoed Shapiro’s criticism of race-based judicial appointments, calling it “un-American” to restrict a judgeship to members of only one race.
“That’s all Ilya is trying to say. That’s all he has ever tried to say,” Ho said at Georgetown Law, according to the remarks.
“If Ilya Shapiro is deserving of cancellation,” he concluded, “then you should go ahead and cancel me too.”
"they are hired"
but "they" is not what it has meant since the English language derived
No I am not celebrating this.
conspiracy theorist Kaepernick:
- police are out to get black people
I love this one :
"Overabundance of liquor stores in communities of color."
is an example of a microAGGRESSION!
the humiliation and degradation
and outright racism, and life long emotional scarring
this woman suffered
deserves some serious financial compensation
don't we think?
derangement syndrome
comes back to bite:
Atlanta hate-hoaxers convicted: Three Black Lives Matter and antifa thugs were convicted on federal charges of attempting to frame the Proud Boys for acts of vandalism and arson committed against Atlanta police vehicles and United States Postal Service property. The crimes were committed in October 2020 in the lead-up to the election. The trio left notes at the scenes of their crimes such as "stand by," which was a reference to Donald Trump's statements during his debate with Joe Biden when he was asked to disavow the Proud Boys. One note attached to a brick thrown into a police vehicle window cited several Bible verses and stated, "STOP the FAITHLESS ELECTOR vote in the WHITE HOUSE." All three individuals have also been indicted by the Fulton County district attorney for their involvement in setting fire to the Wendy's restaurant where Rayshard Brooks was killed by police.
my guess:
community service and pay back 130K
I would be shocked if any jail time at all
pleasantly shocked ! I guessed wrong:
he got some time
(too little for me )
I was right about the fine restitution :
I am surprised as well.
pleasantly shocked ! I guessed wrong:
he got some time
(too little for me )
I was right about the fine restitution :
never thought of it this way
Jesse Smollet goes to jail for beating up Jesse Smollet !
liars for hire
claiming he will victim of hate crime in jail now
quote author=ccp
liars for hire
claiming he will victim of hate crime in jail now ...
He had to pay good money for that on the outside.
Maybe cheapening real violent crime wasn't funny.
Jussie Smollett Free ... For Now
The hate-crime hoaxer is claiming double jeopardy, and he may have a case.
Thomas Gallatin
Following an emergency appeal to an Illinois state appellate court, actor and convicted hate-hoaxer Jussie Smollett has been freed from jail while the court weighs his claim that he was unconstitutionally charged twice for the same crime. Last December, Smollett was tried and found guilty on five counts of felony disorderly conduct for his role in concocting an alleged hate crime in Chicago in 2019. Last week, Smollett was sentenced to serve 150 days in jail and 30 months of felony probation, as well as ordered to pay restitution and a fine totaling $155,000.
Evidently, that relatively light sentence — considering the lie he perpetrated upon the American public — was still too much for the narcissistic, victim-identifying Smollett, who was escorted out of the court dramatically declaring that he would not kill himself. His family and lawyer quickly asserted that Smollett would not be safe in jail, claiming that he had received threats of physical harm. However, one can be forgiven for not believing Smollett's tale, as the man has repeatedly proven himself to be a liar, even maintaining despite all the evidence to the contrary that he is innocent of his hate-crime hoax.
So, is Smollett's release a case of a leftist court seeking to avoid implementation of the law because Smollett checks the right victimology boxes as both a racial minority and a homosexual? While it's certainly tempting to believe that to be the case, the court's decision is not necessarily a miscarriage of justice.
Smollett has been released after posting a bond of $150,000, which he will recoup if he submits to the court. Furthermore, the question the court is dealing with is not a question of Smollett's guilt but rather whether his trial is an instance of double jeopardy.
"Three years ago," Smollett's legal team contends, "Jussie and the State of Illinois reached a deferred prosecution agreement in which he paid a $10,000 fine and performed community service. As a result, the case was dismissed. To be recharged and prosecuted for the exact same thing, a second time, is not just morally wrong, but certainly double jeopardy and thus unconstitutional — especially as it concerns an innocent man."
Smollett's legal team may have a point, which is likely why the court had him released from jail until it decides the issue. Much of this present situation lies at the feet of Chicago's top prosecutor, Kim Foxx, who agreed to the aforementioned strange deal but never officially entered a plea.
now it is hermaphrodites:
or if you prefer :
from trilobites to hermaphrodites
but alas , we are still waiting for first ship to be named after a first black female (KB is next)
or first trans
or first homosexual
or first black president - that would have to be an aircraft carrier - the USS Baraq
due to white supremacy and racism:
or male toxicity :
or gender discrimination:
Weird how whites only have this power over blacks. How do Asians resist our magical powers?
due to white supremacy and racism:
or male toxicity :
or gender discrimination:
Upcoming Trainings
April 5 - Cultural Competence: LGBTQ and Conflicting Religious Values - A “CE You! Plus” Afternoon Webinar! Multiple issues may arise when traditional religious values and LGBTQ+ clients intersect. This is true for clients as well as clinicians. This Brand New class will explore this complex dynamic, informing a culturally competent approach and moving to a synthesis of these seemingly conflicting ideas. Earn 3 CE Credits on a Sunday afternoon! (Live Webinar)
I have a Vermont license , among others
Upcoming Trainings
April 5 - Cultural Competence: LGBTQ and Conflicting Religious Values - A “CE You! Plus” Afternoon Webinar! Multiple issues may arise when traditional religious values and LGBTQ+ clients intersect. This is true for clients as well as clinicians. This Brand New class will explore this complex dynamic, informing a culturally competent approach and moving to a synthesis of these seemingly conflicting ideas. Earn 3 CE Credits on a Sunday afternoon! (Live Webinar)
I have a Vermont license , among others
Otherwise known as the “Psych/HIV/prolapsed rectum/FrankenVag class”.
Otherwise known as the “Psych/HIV/prolapsed rectum/FrankenVag class”.
that really is about what it is
pre exposure HIV drugs
post exposure HIV drugs
STDs (now called STIs)
depression anxiety etc
otherwise guess what?
they are the same as the rest of us
colds coughs viral infections
asthma etc
so why do I need extra courses ?
Otherwise known as the “Psych/HIV/prolapsed rectum/FrankenVag class”.
that really is about what it is
pre exposure HIV drugs
post exposure HIV drugs
STDs (now called STIs)
depression anxiety etc
otherwise guess what?
they are the same as the rest of us
colds coughs viral infections
asthma etc
so why do I need extra courses ?
You must kneel and show your deference.
When governments side with anti-Semites, bigots flourish
New York State's attorney general is backing CAIR's efforts to silence a group that monitors Islamic extremism. Labeling a watchdog as a hate group threatens all who oppose Jew-hatred.
by Jonathan S. Tobin
Jewish News Syndicate (JNS)
April 6, 2022
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why is it always seem to be effeminate guys pushing this stuff?
at least the voice is.
With "groomed", most would think of groomed for success, not groomed for earlier and earlier sex especially of the kind even they call queer.
I think the 'groomed' term might be for getting a smart kid on a path to get into MIT or Caltech, Stanford or Med school, not Kindergardners learning condoms, oral anal, penal-vaginal sex, any sex or sex change or sex preference, for a first grader.
What is wrong with these people? I have to believe this is a losing issue for the 'woke', to .
I also think that a new generation, as they grow up should resent finding out they are groomed, manipulated, had friends screwed up by this and so on.
Whatever happened to 'question authority'? Young people think the world is going to end because school authorities falsely tell them that. Turns out that (and sex changes) could be bad for their mental health.
Anyone remember the BLM Christmas massacre?
Same racist hatred that motivates Obama and CRT.
Anyone remember the BLM Christmas massacre?
Childhood Transgender Treatments Create ‘Life-Long’ Patients: Alabama Doctor
By Matt McGregor April 13, 2022 Updated: April 13, 2022biggersmaller Print
Amid a groundswell of debate over the rationality of minors receiving medical treatment to change their genders, one Alabama physician is speaking about the long-term effects of pharmaceutical and surgical alterations and how they can make a child “a life-long patient.”
Patrick Lappert, a plastic surgeon with Lappert Skin Care in Alabama, spoke in favor of state Senate Bill 184 in Senate and House committees. The bill makes it a felony for doctors to treat minors—defined in Alabama state law as any person under the age of 19—with pharmaceutical and surgical transgender procedures, and carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
Gov. Kay Ivey signed the bill into law on April 8, stating that children should be protected from “radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries when they are at such a vulnerable stage in life.”
The legislation was criticized by President Joe Biden’s administration, which declared its support for children having access to these treatments to prevent them, according to the administration, from committing suicide.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that lawmakers “who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that health care professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and federal law.”
Lappert told The Epoch Times that proponents of gender transitioning will say that it’s wrong to not treat children with gender-affirming therapy because not treating them leads to suicide.
However, those proponents, Lappert said, are ignoring the fact that historically successful treatment of children experiencing gender dysphoria—the feeling that one’s own gender identity is not what was assigned at birth—has a 92 percent success rate if the child is followed into young adulthood.
‘The Booming Business of Gender Clinics’
It used to be that only 0.02 percent of all children had cross-sex self-identification, Lappert said, and of those few children, over 80 percent were boys.
In the past seven years, there has been a 5,000 percent increase in the diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and now, over 60 percent of new diagnoses are adolescent or young adult females, he said.
“It’s presenting at an older age and primarily involving girls, so that’s the first thing to understand about it,” he said. “Another thing to understand about it is the method of treatment that begins with social transitioning.”
Previously, treatment involved family and individual cognitive therapy, he said, which resulted in a 92 percent success rate.
This is the success rate against which the new affirmation model should be judged, he said.
But currently, there is only one method of treatment allowed, Lappert said. It’s called affirmation care, and it’s provided through what Lappert described as “the booming business of gender clinics.”
“That’s another important point to make here,” he said. “Just 10 years ago, there were only five gender clinics in the whole United States. Now, it’s somewhere on the high side of 57.”
Affirmation care itself begins with social affirmation, which Lappert said seems to calm the anxieties of the child because it affirms that the child has correctly identified their gender.
That affirmation grooms the child for later therapeutic interventions, Lappert said.
Prepubescent children are offered hope that their anxiety will go away with the gender-affirming messages that involve changing their names, pronouns, and clothing.
“It appears to have solved the problem because the child feels better, but they also prepare the child to anticipate that when puberty comes, they’re going to be put on puberty blockers,” he said. “So when the child first starts manifesting signs of puberty, it’s going to provoke renewed anxiety.”
At that point, the child—and the parents—have been groomed to seek out puberty blockers, he said.
“That’s another important point to make here,” he said. “The parents are as much victims of this idea of this as the child is. The parents are victimized by this idea that there is only one course of treatment and it’s got to be affirmation.”
Puberty-blocking drugs were intended to treat precocious puberty, which is a condition of abnormally high hormonal secretions. That’s not the case in children identifying as transgender, who exhibit normal hormonal secretions.
“What you’re doing is blocking normal hormonal signaling that manages virtually every developmental process in the growing child,” he said.
This includes skeletal growth and density, muscle mass, neuromuscular coordination, higher executive mental functioning such as psychological and emotional development, and sexual maturation, he said.
“All of these things are arrested, and the providers of the medication insist that the point of puberty blockade is to hit the pause button, giving the child time to develop emotionally so that they can participate in decision making,” he said. “That’s a self-evident lie because now you’ve blocked psychological development with the drug.”
From there, he said, nearly 100 percent of children who are prescribed puberty blockers then proceed to take cross-sex hormones at gender clinics, which Lappert said is because at that point the children are smaller, with immature mental development, contributing to a feeling of separation from their peers.
“So they’ll come to believe that they really are different, and they’ll demand cross-sex hormones because they want to mature, and this comes with its own consequences,” he said.
Lappert said it’s common to see problems with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight gain from the high dose of estrogen, aggressive rage disorders, and elevated risks of thrombotic events such as blood clots in the body that can dislodge and cause a thrombotic heart attack or stroke.
“To add to that, there are long-term risks to the young adult because you are essentially chemically castrating the child and making them a lifelong dependent on these high doses of hormones,” Lappert said.
This lifetime of high doses of hormones can lead to elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels, obesity, and malignancy, he said.
Can This Be Reversed?
The likelihood that the effects of short-term puberty blockers are reversible depends on how short the term is, Lappert said.
“We don’t really know because this is a public experiment,” he said. “Nobody knows the long-term effects of puberty blockade on healthy children. We know the long-term effects of puberty blockade on children with precocious puberty, and they’re not negligible, but it’s an acceptable risk because there can be significant medical consequences for not blocking puberty in a precocious pubertal child.”
The Self-Diagnosis of a Child
There is also the issue of the source of the diagnosis, he said, which is the child.
Because children don’t have high executive functioning, they aren’t allowed to do things like vote and buy alcohol, he said, yet they’re permitted in this case to be their own diagnostician in medical treatment that he said is irreversible.
“And by the way, it should be emphasized that neither the pediatrician, nor the pediatric endocrinologist, nor the plastic surgeon does anything to confirm or refute a diagnosis that was made by a child,” he said.
It’s the child’s word, he said, that drives the interventions.
“So, you have a child in the gender clinic from age 5, now 18, presented to a plastic surgeon to get her mastectomy done, a child who’s been on puberty blockers for two years, cross-sex hormones for four years, all based on the diagnosis of a child,” he said.
The diagnosis is not just based on the words of a child, but a child who is reportedly suffering from anxiety and suicidality, he said.
“As a plastic surgeon, I wouldn’t give a consent form to anyone who told me they were suicidal,” he said. “Why? Because, by definition, they are incompetent to give consent.”
Meanwhile, the parents are giving consent under duress because they’re being told the only course of treatment is to transition their children, he said, or there’s a 41 percent chance they’ll kill themselves.
“That’s not free will,” he said. “That’s not a valid consent process. I don’t care who you are. And yet, they’ll accept the diagnosis of a child confirmed by a social worker who is driving irreversible hormonal manipulation and surgery. Tell me that’s not malpractice.”
Pull Advertising
This is all driven, he said, by a propaganda campaign driven by politically active organizations pouring money and literature into schools through what he called “pull advertising,” which he said is similar to how pharmaceutical companies run commercials on television that market toward the patient, but not the doctor.
The patient sees the commercial, then asks his or her doctor about the medication.
“Well, basically the literature being given to schoolteachers, nurses, and social workers amounts to ideologically driven pull advertising,” he said. “Gender literature is essentially pull advertising for this industry, and there is a tremendous amount of funding from the pharmaceutical industry that goes down through universities.”
Legal Action
Two physicians from the Children’s Hospital of Alabama at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) are suing Gov. Ivey, arguing (pdf) that SB 184 violates “constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process, impermissibly intruding into a parents’ fundamental right to obtain safe, effective, and medically necessary care for their children.”
Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, one of the plaintiffs, was quoted in a press release issued by the LGBT-advocate organization, the Human Rights Campaign.
“By signing SB 184, Governor Ivey has told kind, loving, and loyal Alabama families that they cannot stay here without denying their children the basic medical care they need,” Ladinisky said. “She has undermined the health and well-being of Alabama children and put doctors like me in the horrifying position of choosing between ignoring the medical needs of our patients or risking being sent to prison.”
‘Common Sense’
Eric Johnston, an attorney with the Southeast Law Institute who helped write one of the versions of the bill, told The Epoch Times that UAB admitted in testimony to state committees that they were prescribing the pharmaceutical transgender treatments, but not the surgical procedures, and had not Ivey signed the bill, the surgery would have been the next step as it “became more acceptable.”
On Ivey’s signing of the bill, Johnston called it “common sense.”
“You just don’t operate on children to change their sex because they think they have this idea that they were born in the wrong body,” Johnston said. “They can make that decision when they are an adult.”
In response to accusations that the bill is discriminatory and hateful, Johnston said, “It’s not about hate.”
“It’s about love and compassion for small children,” he said.
Investors aim to drive leftists out of business
Wokeness battles go to boardrooms
Conservative investors are becoming shareholder activists to battle what they call the “woke” gender and race policies of America’s corporate boardrooms.
The American Legislative Exchange Council, a network of conservative private investors and state legislators, recently introduced model legislation that would stop state pension fund managers from introducing “woke criteria” into the investment selection process.
The National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative tank in Washington, is telling moderate and conservative investors how to use shareholder proxies to challenge liberal policies in corporate board elections.
The center’s Free Enterprise Project has purchased shares in corporations such as the Walt Disney Co., which it says has allowed conservative proxies to introduce proposals against “woke” ideology at more than 100 shareholder meetings over the past four years.
“Conservative activism is finally beginning to counterbalance progressive activism on issues like identity politics and climate change goals,” said Richard Morrison, a senior fellow at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Last week, the Free Enterprise Project published a guide — “Balancing the Boardroom: How Conservatives Can Combat Corporate Wokeness” — for investors who want to push back on the
liberal policies of companies such as Walmart and Disney.
“For decades, the left was synonymous with counterculture. Today, it is the culture,” the guide states.
“So if we are to learn anything from leftists, to their credit it’s that counterculture done right can be an effective strategy,” it adds.
The guide urges conservative shareholders to “vote against every board member” of Nike, Amazon, Disney, Twitter, Apple, Walmart, Microsoft and several other companies.
It also asks conservatives to vote against 12 specific board members, including former Vice President Al Gore at Apple.
“Vote against these directors, and then join us in constantly reminding these companies that we sensible people of the center-right will not rest until their companies have returned to making products … and otherwise staying well away from political and social discord,” Scott Shepard, an author of the guide, said in a statement.
Diversity, equity and inclusion training programs at Walmart and Disney have taught their employees that White people are inherently racist, the guide says.
Such anti-racism training often asks employees to rank themselves on a “privilege totem pole,” which the guide said divides employees by race by consistently placing White employees at the top.
Walt Disney and Walmart did not respond to requests for comment.
Walmart has stated in diversity and inclusion reports that the retail giant has used the Racial Equity Institute’s anti-racism curriculum for training sessions with corporate officers and salaried managers since 2018.
“While the company does not agree with all of the views that were presented, we have found these sessions to be thought-provoking and constructive,” a Walmart spokesperson told The Times in October.
Disney successfully urged shareholders last month to vote against the National Center for Public Policy Research’s proposed audit of its anti-racism training for employees because it “mischaracterizes the company’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.”
“Our training program is a critical piece of achieving these goals, including the company’s work to assure an environment that is free of discrimination and inclusive of all,” Disney said in its 2022 proxy statement.
Large corporations also have begun to take public stances on hot-button political issues.
The Free Enterprise Project report noted that Disney CEO Bob Chapek has publicly battled Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, over the state’s new law that forbids K-3 teachers from giving lessons on sexuality.
It pointed out a spike in corporate intrusions into state-level political debates over election integrity laws, climate change science and COVID-19 vaccine policies.
Mr. Morrison, the libertarian analyst, said companies such as Disney “correctly see these topics as trendy and high-profile, and they fear that if they don’t join the bandwagon their company will be singled out as irresponsible or insensitive.”
“Many corporate leaders seem to assume that once their company is seen as doing above the minimum amount of virtue signaling, advocates of woke policy will move on to the next target,” he said. “But appeasement of anti-corporate activists has always itself been a risky move.”
Meanwhile, conservatives show no sign of giving up their push to remake America’s boardrooms.
“So many of these CEOs are trapped in a bubble, surrounded by people who have bought into woke corporate culture,” said Ilan Srulovicz, CEO of Egard Watch Co. in Florida.
“They’re forgetting that more than three-quarters of the public is not on board and doesn’t want to be preached to,” the small-business owner added.
Pedo-Disney is evil and must be destroyed.
Study: Suicide, risky behaviors more likely in transgender kids
Transgender and genderquestioning teenagers are more likely than their peers to engage in risky sexual behavior, commit suicide and be the victims of bullying, according to new medical research. The study by Vanderbilt University researchers Gilbert Gonzales and Cameron Deal found that transgender and questioning teenagers reported experiencing bullying, sexual and dating violence, mental health problems, suicidal tendencies, risky sexual behaviors, and drug and alcohol abuse at higher levels than that of their peers. And more transgender students reported these health disparities than their genderquestioning peers.
“Transgender adolescents reported differences from cisgender adolescents on most measures in all 5 domains and from genderquestioning adolescents on most measures in all domains except sexual risk behaviors,” the researchers wrote in the study.
Their research, which was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, surveyed high school students in 15 states.
While only 18% of the students who identified with their biological sex reported being bullied at school, 41% of transgender students and 37% of gender-questioning students said it had happened to them.
Only 6.9% of high school teenagers who identified with their birth gender reported making a suicide attempt, compared to 30% of transgender and 27.9% of questioning peers.
Transgender teens also reported being more sexually active than their peers, with more of them having unprotected sex and sex with four or more partners. More transgender teens than others said they used addictive substances before sex as well. Transgender and questioning high school students were also at least 10% more likely than their peers to smoke cigarettes, vape, drink alcohol, binge drink, smoke marijuana and use cocaine.
The study analyzed data sets from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, which 48 U.S. states conduct on an average of every two years. The national health survey focuses on high school students in grades 9 to 12.
Of the 197,149 teenagers surveyed, 96.6% said they identified with the gender of their biological sex. Only 1.8% of high school students described themselves as transgender and 1.6% as gender questioning.
There were 4,092 transgender respondents, 3,661 gender-questioning respondents, 189,396 cisgender participants and 3,942 who said they did not know what the question was asking.
Another 6,131 students were excluded from the final results because they skipped the gender identity question.
This just in, mentally ill teens mentally ill!
Study: Suicide, risky behaviors more likely in transgender kids
Transgender and genderquestioning teenagers are more likely than their peers to engage in risky sexual behavior, commit suicide and be the victims of bullying, according to new medical research. The study by Vanderbilt University researchers Gilbert Gonzales and Cameron Deal found that transgender and questioning teenagers reported experiencing bullying, sexual and dating violence, mental health problems, suicidal tendencies, risky sexual behaviors, and drug and alcohol abuse at higher levels than that of their peers. And more transgender students reported these health disparities than their genderquestioning peers.
“Transgender adolescents reported differences from cisgender adolescents on most measures in all 5 domains and from genderquestioning adolescents on most measures in all domains except sexual risk behaviors,” the researchers wrote in the study.
Their research, which was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, surveyed high school students in 15 states.
While only 18% of the students who identified with their biological sex reported being bullied at school, 41% of transgender students and 37% of gender-questioning students said it had happened to them.
Only 6.9% of high school teenagers who identified with their birth gender reported making a suicide attempt, compared to 30% of transgender and 27.9% of questioning peers.
Transgender teens also reported being more sexually active than their peers, with more of them having unprotected sex and sex with four or more partners. More transgender teens than others said they used addictive substances before sex as well. Transgender and questioning high school students were also at least 10% more likely than their peers to smoke cigarettes, vape, drink alcohol, binge drink, smoke marijuana and use cocaine.
The study analyzed data sets from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, which 48 U.S. states conduct on an average of every two years. The national health survey focuses on high school students in grades 9 to 12.
Of the 197,149 teenagers surveyed, 96.6% said they identified with the gender of their biological sex. Only 1.8% of high school students described themselves as transgender and 1.6% as gender questioning.
There were 4,092 transgender respondents, 3,661 gender-questioning respondents, 189,396 cisgender participants and 3,942 who said they did not know what the question was asking.
Another 6,131 students were excluded from the final results because they skipped the gender identity question.
she doesn't even say if she gave the guy her #
presumably not.
She looks very nutritious , , ,
Teachers told to hide gender issues from parents
Florida has recently banned sex education before fourth grade, but Maryland is a different world: For years, the state school system has directed teachers not to inform parents about gender-transitioning students.
Since 2015, Maryland State Department of Education guidelines have said public schools have no legal obligation to disclose a transgender or gender nonconforming student’s sexuality to parents. Those students have the right “to decide when, with whom, and how much private information” to share about changes in their gender identities.
In Montgomery County, parents are awaiting a federal ruling on their 2020 lawsuit to overturn a school district policy that requires teachers to hide how gender-transitioning students identify at school by reverting to “birth” names and pronouns with “unsupportive” caregivers.
“Based on remarkably little information, the schools are willing to hide from parents that their children are making life-altering decisions, cutting those children off from the care and counsel of those who know them best,” said lawyer Rick Claybrook, who is representing the parents. “This violates not just common sense, but the federal and state constitutions, federal and state laws and regulations, and medical standards of care for transgender minors.”
Across the country, parents have increasingly challenged the sexual content of materials and
Conspire with students on names, pronouns
policies in schools, prompting changes in government as well as education in red states. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, last month signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, which critics have denounced as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.
In the deep-blue state of Maryland, state officials in June updated the Comprehensive Health Education framework, which prescribes responses for an escalating series of gender identity questions from preschoolers to high schoolers.
Using a Maryland Public Information Act request, Fox 45 News in Baltimore first reported this month that an LGBTQ presentation advises Harford County teachers how to respond when students say “they are currently transitioning” and their parents do not know.
“You may be unsure if [the parents] are supportive of this transition or not,” one of the presenters says. “What you could say is, ‘Thank you for letting me know. Is there anything that I can do to support you?’” The presenter adds: “And just like the question regarding the roster, or the ‘what would you do scenario’ — same exact question — you can say back, ‘When I communicate with your parent or guardian, what name and pronouns would you like me to use?’” In a subsection on “gender identity and expression,” Standard 1c of the health framework says preschoolers need to learn only to “recognize and respect that people express themselves in many different ways.”
At the kindergarten level, the standard says students must “recognize a range of ways people identify and express their gender.” By the time children reach seventh grade, the standard tells teachers to have them “compare sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ.”
The high school standard instructs health teachers: “Examine the impact of gender expression and gender identity on members of marginalized communities and analyze the intersectionality of race, culture, and gender for members of those communities.”
A spokesperson for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican who is term-limited, said the health education framework was “developed independently” and did not include the governor’s name.
“Curriculum decisions are made by local school systems, and the governor strongly believes that parents should have a say in those decisions. In addition, school systems are required to provide students with the ability to opt out of the curriculum,” communications director Michael Ricci said in an email.
State education officials did not respond to a request for comment.
Conservatives say collaboration in such matters should start with school systems referring gender identity questions to parents. The conservative Heritage Foundation think tank said in a March 2021 report that the Constitution and federal law “do not grant public school districts the authority to circumvent parental consent or notification” about changes in a student’s gender identity.
Julie Giordano, a mother and an 11thgrade English teacher at James M. Bennett High School in Salisbury has accused school officials of evading parental scrutiny and ignoring parental rights in these matters.
“When you’re telling teachers they don’t have to keep parents in the loop, it very much goes against educational transparency,” said Ms. Giordano, who is running as a Republican for Wicomico County executive
software update
and it will be even worse
gay marriage might be reversed
women's right vote might be next
blacks back in chains may be next
etc etc
sounds like some little scandinavian girl
I guess killing little female fetuses is not an issue
playing the gender card
the only thing harris can do
play gender or race cards
Let us get married.
Bake our cake.
Use our pronouns.
Allow minors in drag to dance for us.
Let teachers choose your child's gender.
got email from state of Florida pointing this out
and posted at my work
that primary care doctors may not be fully qualified to be treating this.
While we are never forced to treat anything we do not feel "comfortable" with
we are getting messages to consider......
I was thanked for my opinion
but probably not spoken of highly behind the scenes :wink:
so far I am still employed :-D
If a parent wants you to mutilate their child, it used to be seen as child abuse.
got email from state of Florida pointing this out
and posted at my work
that primary care doctors may not be fully qualified to be treating this.
While we are never forced to treat anything we do not feel "comfortable" with
we are getting messages to consider......
I was thanked for my opinion
but probably not spoken of highly behind the scenes :wink:
so far I am still employed :-D
The left always eats it's self.
they do not mention this professor of English and gender studies is not an attorney
she is on to scream "misogyny"!
turned into national
racial hate crime:
I assume we will have 1 billion signatures by end of month
with head of a mop turned upside down
police did not enter school because kids were "brown"
How it started:
How it's going:
Nigerians doing well in America:,had%20been%20born%20in%20Nigeria.
how could this be?
how many are privileged whites?
There is nothing the left can't ruin.
notice name of school
June 2, 2022
Noro-Like Illness Outbreak at Me Too Preschool in Burrillville
On June 2, 2022, the Rhode Island Department of Health’s (RIDOH) Center for Acute Infectious Disease Epidemiology (CAIDE) identified a Noro-like illness outbreak at Me Too Preschool in Burrillville.
Today a letter is being sent to parents to notify them of the outbreak, and parents are being advised to keep children home if they are ill. The letter to parents also includes tips to prevent further spread of the illness, including proper hand hygiene. The school has also been advised to use appropriate products when conducting the extensive cleaning of the school.
CAIDE advises healthcare providers to have a high index of diagnostic suspicion in anyone from Me Too Preschool in Burrillville with severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
In addition, healthcare providers are urged to remind patients and household members:
Stay home while ill.
If you are a food handler, healthcare worker, or child care worker and you are ill, stay home from work until vomiting and diarrhea have stopped for at least 48 hours.
Wash hands with soap and warm water, especially after using the bathroom or changing a diaper and before eating, preparing, or handling food.
Immediately clean and disinfect any surface that may be contaminated with vomit or feces. Use a cleaning solution of 5-25 tablespoons of bleach to one gallon of water or an EPA-registered disinfectant that is effective against norovirus.
Wash clothes, sheets, and towels that may be contaminated in the longest washing machine cycle available, and machine dry. Be sure to wash your hands after handling contaminated laundry.
Proper hand hygiene continues to be important even after patients return to school or work.
Additional Information:
Any questions can be directed to RIDOH at 401-222-2577.
The following letter was sent to parents:
Dear Parent or Guardian,
This week, there has been an increase in the number of students at Me Too Preschool who are ill with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Our administration has been working closely with the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) to prevent more illnesses. The symptoms our students are having are common with stomach viruses, such as norovirus, which typically cause illness for one to two days and then pass.
Most stomach viruses can be passed through contact with an ill person or touching surfaces or objects that have been contaminated and then touching your mouth or food. Although these types of viruses are contagious, they are also preventable. Here are some steps that parents, students, and day care staff can take to prevent this virus from spreading:
If your child has nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, keep your child home from school, social events, and extracurricular activities until the symptoms have passed.
Let the day care staff know immediately if your child has these symptoms.
Always use soap and warm water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after going to the bathroom, changing a diaper, or cleaning up after an ill child. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand gel.
Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces with a bleach and water solution or an EPA-registered disinfectant [] that is effective against norovirus. Laundry and bedding soiled by vomit and diarrhea should be washed and dried at the hottest possible settings allowed for those fabrics.
Any household member with similar symptoms who works at a restaurant, child care center, or healthcare facility must stay home from work until at least two days after vomiting and diarrhea have stopped.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our daycare at (401) 567-5227.
:-o :-o :-o :x :x :x
typical woke
up is down
black is white
fat is beautiful
skinny is fat shaming
what you know is true is wrong
the sun is cold
homeless is cool
living in a car makes one a hero
Why wasn't Greenpeace there to shove her back into the water?
typical woke
up is down
black is white
fat is beautiful
skinny is fat shaming
what you know is true is wrong
the sun is cold
homeless is cool
living in a car makes one a hero
"Why wasn't Greenpeace there to shove her back into the water?"
good question
one can imagine the "carbon foot print " she has.... with all her farts and all
The author should define "woman".
look at the image
notice anything
"heil " homo?
one could only imagine the faux outrage if this came from the Right
Examples need to be made.
Punishments need to draw clear lines.
Examples need to be made.
Punishments need to draw clear lines.
the "alphabet mafia"
fails miserably :
taking logo from the Marines I guess
the few the proud. :roll:
took my dog into the vet today and there were rainbow papers taped to front desk
not sure what dogs and cats have to do with homosexuality............
black man flees from the police instead of complying then he fires shot at them from car
winds up dead for resisting arrest and shooting at them
then by end of day we see protests etc and
Crump's name all over the story (soon if not already):
Around 80 degrees at night in Akron right now. Obviously why he was wearing the ski mask.
black man flees from the police instead of complying then he fires shot at them from car
winds up dead for resisting arrest and shooting at them
then by end of day we see protests etc and
Crump's name all over the story (soon if not already):
Around 80 degrees at night in Akron right now. Obviously why he was wearing the ski mask
In anticipation of Crump
he was wearing a mask because Fauci told him to...........
corporations have turned this in this into $$$$$$
Mengele-esque medical "ethics". Every "medical professional" that does this to mentally ill adults should lose their licenses to practice, at the minimum.
Anyone who does this, or advocates this for children needs prison
Or something more rapid and permanent.
I think Joe mentioned this when giving Megan Rapinoe the Medal of Freedom today
I was guessing the I stood for illegal immigrant
but am wrong......
+ means Pedo.
I think Joe mentioned this when giving Megan Rapinoe the Medal of Freedom today
I was guessing the I stood for illegal immigrant
but am wrong......
Pedos have feelings too. Can't we give them the respect they deserve. But throw in the bestialialists and we've crossed the line of not normal and accepted?
Maybe the BTQQIP2SAA is to make the LG more mainstream.
At what point did they not know the expanding nomenclature wasn't helping. They are still excluding everyone else... like heteros.
+ means Pedo.
I think Joe mentioned this when giving Megan Rapinoe the Medal of Freedom today
I was guessing the I stood for illegal immigrant
but am wrong......
I once heard an interview with a member of a group called "The Animal Lover's League". Sounds like the Humane Society, right?
Oh no it's not...
Pedos have feelings too. Can't we give them the respect they deserve. But throw in the bestialialists and we've crossed the line of not normal and accepted?
Maybe the BTQQIP2SAA is to make the LG more mainstream.
At what point did they not know the expanding nomenclature wasn't helping. They are still excluding everyone else... like heteros.
+ means Pedo.
I think Joe mentioned this when giving Megan Rapinoe the Medal of Freedom today
I was guessing the I stood for illegal immigrant
but am wrong......
Third post
The left and their deep state enablers aren't going to like it when the right plays by these rules.
Third post
I once heard an interview with a member of a group called "The Animal Lover's League". Sounds like the Humane Society, right?
Oh no it's not...
Pedos have feelings too. Can't we give them the respect they deserve. But throw in the bestialialists and we've crossed the line of not normal and accepted?
Maybe the BTQQIP2SAA is to make the LG more mainstream.
At what point did they not know the expanding nomenclature wasn't helping. They are still excluding everyone else... like heteros.
+ means Pedo.
I think Joe mentioned this when giving Megan Rapinoe the Medal of Freedom today
I was guessing the I stood for illegal immigrant
but am wrong......
The left: Sick AND evil.
The left: Sick AND evil.
this stuff is all recruitment drives
Where is Obama? Sharpton?
Well, the headline said "Black LEADERS" , , ,
for people like this?
what pronoun do we use ?
any ideas ?
I am speechless.....
My comment:
well what do you expect when you wear a tight fitting body suit with "TAX THE RICH" all over the ass to a some engagement where the press will send this viral around the world
you dumb shit.
She was cheering on the harassment of SCOTUS justices not long ago.
My comment:
well what do you expect when you wear a tight fitting body suit with "TAX THE RICH" all over the ass to a some engagement where the press will send this viral around the world
you dumb shit.
now says it was ok for Jim Thorpe to break the 1912 Olympic rules
(I mean he was a native American and rules set up by white men)
This is the way.
look at the image
notice anything
"heil " homo?
one could only imagine the faux outrage if this came from the Right,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/110/147/243/original/76486092ca5535f1.jpg
what is that image supposed to be?
what is that image supposed to be?
A more accurate version of the "Heil Homo" flag.
"A more accurate version of the "Heil Homo" flag."
GM :
I am still not clear
is this a parody ?
or is this really being represented as some LBGTQRSVTXYZ symbol?
"A more accurate version of the "Heil Homo" flag."
GM :
I am still not clear
is this a parody ?
or is this really being represented as some LBGTQRSVTXYZ symbol?
It's a parody, for now.
Kavanaugh assassin transgender:
A fact not in all the media reports.
Infowar is 24/7.
The correct term is Shim.
Good thing that can't happen here, right?
look at the image
notice anything
"heil " homo?
one could only imagine the faux outrage if this came from the Right,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/110/147/243/original/76486092ca5535f1.jpg
I've seen the preacher in this clip before.
As incorrect as it gets!!!
I've seen the preacher in this clip before.
As incorrect as it gets!!!
If I told you this was going to be happening now back just 10 years ago, you'd say my tinfoil hat was on too tight.
Yet here we are.
Tucker has me fired up on this issue and I am shifting to a more candid expression of my POV.
maybe she got rich from selling those steamy sexy hot romance novels
I am sure they are best sellers
some rich NY or California shyster brought a 100,000 copies probably
me -> [ to all DEPLORABLE white men/women; Dems need not do ]
Continuing Education to meet the Vermont Board of Medical Practice requirements for Physicians (See accreditation information below)
See Full Schedule - CME Page
Upcoming Trainings
September 11 - Devoted Or Dangerous? Ideological Violence Risk In Emerging Adulthood A “CE You! Plus” Morning Webinar! Emerging adults’ developmental openness to new ideas, as well as their motivation for connection and belonging, can transform into an all-encompassing worldview that impacts cognition, emotion, and behavior. Explore the psychological trajectory from ideological passion to extremist thinking and violent ideation. This training will review risk and protective factors in personality, behavior, and environment. Participants will learn to develop strategies to effectively, ethically, and empathically promote client well-being and safety. Earn 2 CE/CME Credits. (Live Webinar)
September 22 - Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way Join Dr. Michell A. Greenidge as we explore the features and corresponding behaviors associated with Implicit Bias. In this eye-opening discussion, participants will identify the social and systemic ramifications of Implicit Bias, study the historical and biological context and origin of biases and their impact on daily personal and professional interactions, as well as gain tools to help bring implicit biases into conscious awareness. Earn 3 CME Credits! (Live Webinar)
November 7 - Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way Join Dr. Michell A. Greenidge as we explore the features and corresponding behaviors associated with Implicit Bias. In this eye-opening discussion, participants will identify the social and systemic ramifications of Implicit Bias, study the historical and biological context and origin of biases and their impact on daily personal and professional interactions, as well as gain tools to help bring implicit biases into conscious awareness. This class can also fulfills the NEW Implicit Bias requirement for MICHIGAN licensees. Earn 3 CME Credits! (Live Webinar)
December 4 - *Sunday* Understanding Chronic Pain: The Mind-Body Connection A “CE You! Plus” Sunday Afternoon Pain Management Webinar! Over time, our understanding of pain has become more comprehensive. This workshop will provide an understanding of pain as a mind-body phenomenon intricately linked to the psyche. Dr. Robin Cohen, PhD, PsyD, will demonstrate ways of evaluating and treating pain using our knowledge of psychology, psychotherapy and neuroscience. Earn 3 CE/CME Credits on a Sunday afternoon! (Live Webinar)
On Demand Previously Recorded -
Understanding Chronic Pain: The Mind-Body Connection A “CE You! Plus” Previously Recorded Pain Management Webinar! Over time, our understanding of pain has become more comprehensive. This workshop will provide an understanding of pain as a mind-body phenomenon intricately linked to the psyche. Dr. Robin Cohen, PhD, PsyD, will demonstrate ways of evaluating and treating pain using our knowledge of psychology, psychotherapy and neuroscience. Earn 3 CME Credits any time of day!
Opioid Addiction, Chronic Pain and Mindfulness Seminar! A “CE You! Plus” Previously Recorded Webinar! Gain an understanding of addictive disorders, with a focus on the specifics of opioid addiction. This webinar will discuss the neurological and psychological components of dependency disorders and the neurochemistry of opioids. We will also address the persistent driver of opioid use and dependence: chronic pain and a practical understanding of techniques for clinical practice of mindfulness. Class 2 is a pain management training. Includes two classes. Take one class or both. Get up to 6 CME Credits!
Cultural Competence: LGBTQ and Conflicting Religious Values - A “CE You! Plus” Previously Recorded Webinar! Multiple issues may arise when traditional religious values and LGBTQ+ clients intersect. This is true for clients as well as clinicians. This course will explore this complex dynamic, informing a culturally competent approach and moving to a synthesis of these seemingly conflicting ideas. Earn 3 CME Credits anytime of the day. (Previously Recorded) Click Here to View Details
On Demand Previously Recorded - Vax Up or Mask Up! Understanding Covid-19 Vaccine Safety and Protective Efficacy - Questions about the vaccine? This new interactive training with vaccine development specialist Dr. Robert Edelman, MD, will answer many of your questions. This two hour pre-recorded webinar provides 2 CME Credits. (Previously Recorded On Demand)
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In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and CE You! Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Physicians (ACCME) - Credit Designation
Amedco LLC designates this live activity/enduring material for a maximum of 3AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
CE You! is a Maryland based Continuing Education Institution. We have been providing quality continuing education to mental health professional since 2010. We have recently teamed up with Amedco LLC to provide CME to physicians in Vermont and nationwide. We hope to grow our offerings to physicians in the coming months.
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I look forward to seeing you at our trainings.
Jeffrey Davidson, Director
The good news is they will struggle to find the electricity to use for electroshock torture in Socialist Amerika.
me -> [ to all DEPLORABLE white men/women; Dems need not do ]
Continuing Education to meet the Vermont Board of Medical Practice requirements for Physicians (See accreditation information below)
See Full Schedule - CME Page
Upcoming Trainings
September 11 - Devoted Or Dangerous? Ideological Violence Risk In Emerging Adulthood A “CE You! Plus” Morning Webinar! Emerging adults’ developmental openness to new ideas, as well as their motivation for connection and belonging, can transform into an all-encompassing worldview that impacts cognition, emotion, and behavior. Explore the psychological trajectory from ideological passion to extremist thinking and violent ideation. This training will review risk and protective factors in personality, behavior, and environment. Participants will learn to develop strategies to effectively, ethically, and empathically promote client well-being and safety. Earn 2 CE/CME Credits. (Live Webinar)
September 22 - Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way Join Dr. Michell A. Greenidge as we explore the features and corresponding behaviors associated with Implicit Bias. In this eye-opening discussion, participants will identify the social and systemic ramifications of Implicit Bias, study the historical and biological context and origin of biases and their impact on daily personal and professional interactions, as well as gain tools to help bring implicit biases into conscious awareness. Earn 3 CME Credits! (Live Webinar)
November 7 - Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way Join Dr. Michell A. Greenidge as we explore the features and corresponding behaviors associated with Implicit Bias. In this eye-opening discussion, participants will identify the social and systemic ramifications of Implicit Bias, study the historical and biological context and origin of biases and their impact on daily personal and professional interactions, as well as gain tools to help bring implicit biases into conscious awareness. This class can also fulfills the NEW Implicit Bias requirement for MICHIGAN licensees. Earn 3 CME Credits! (Live Webinar)
December 4 - *Sunday* Understanding Chronic Pain: The Mind-Body Connection A “CE You! Plus” Sunday Afternoon Pain Management Webinar! Over time, our understanding of pain has become more comprehensive. This workshop will provide an understanding of pain as a mind-body phenomenon intricately linked to the psyche. Dr. Robin Cohen, PhD, PsyD, will demonstrate ways of evaluating and treating pain using our knowledge of psychology, psychotherapy and neuroscience. Earn 3 CE/CME Credits on a Sunday afternoon! (Live Webinar)
On Demand Previously Recorded -
Understanding Chronic Pain: The Mind-Body Connection A “CE You! Plus” Previously Recorded Pain Management Webinar! Over time, our understanding of pain has become more comprehensive. This workshop will provide an understanding of pain as a mind-body phenomenon intricately linked to the psyche. Dr. Robin Cohen, PhD, PsyD, will demonstrate ways of evaluating and treating pain using our knowledge of psychology, psychotherapy and neuroscience. Earn 3 CME Credits any time of day!
Opioid Addiction, Chronic Pain and Mindfulness Seminar! A “CE You! Plus” Previously Recorded Webinar! Gain an understanding of addictive disorders, with a focus on the specifics of opioid addiction. This webinar will discuss the neurological and psychological components of dependency disorders and the neurochemistry of opioids. We will also address the persistent driver of opioid use and dependence: chronic pain and a practical understanding of techniques for clinical practice of mindfulness. Class 2 is a pain management training. Includes two classes. Take one class or both. Get up to 6 CME Credits!
Cultural Competence: LGBTQ and Conflicting Religious Values - A “CE You! Plus” Previously Recorded Webinar! Multiple issues may arise when traditional religious values and LGBTQ+ clients intersect. This is true for clients as well as clinicians. This course will explore this complex dynamic, informing a culturally competent approach and moving to a synthesis of these seemingly conflicting ideas. Earn 3 CME Credits anytime of the day. (Previously Recorded) Click Here to View Details
On Demand Previously Recorded - Vax Up or Mask Up! Understanding Covid-19 Vaccine Safety and Protective Efficacy - Questions about the vaccine? This new interactive training with vaccine development specialist Dr. Robert Edelman, MD, will answer many of your questions. This two hour pre-recorded webinar provides 2 CME Credits. (Previously Recorded On Demand)
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In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and CE You! Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Physicians (ACCME) - Credit Designation
Amedco LLC designates this live activity/enduring material for a maximum of 3AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
CE You! is a Maryland based Continuing Education Institution. We have been providing quality continuing education to mental health professional since 2010. We have recently teamed up with Amedco LLC to provide CME to physicians in Vermont and nationwide. We hope to grow our offerings to physicians in the coming months.
For training details go to
I look forward to seeing you at our trainings.
Jeffrey Davidson, Director
clearly Unconstitutional :
Where is ACLU or SPLC ?
I might also add to my post
funny how woke and DNC the CEO of pfizer has become
while promoting their corona vaccines over and over again
is this a form of lobbying to the Dem Controlled government ?
the LEFTISTs surrounding Biden including historians such as Meacham (who clearly is influencing Biden by telling the dupe he will go down in history as a transformational consequential prez , more then even Obama if he shoves the Leftist agenda down our throats - and biden sees himself on mt rushmore for this)
are not good because they ain't black.
just never ends
since MLK is no longer "in" I wonder whose name will go on the blvd
"From the article:
"The plan is for 60 or so Proud Boys at the 10 January event in Manhattan to be corralled into seven “tactical teams” of five to eight men each (they are all men, as one of the overriding values of the group is misogyny). Members are told to bring protective gear, including “knife/stab protection, helmets, gloves, boots etc” and to make use of radio channels, walkie-talkies or Telegram to communicate with each other.
"They are to stick together in groups and under no circumstances allow “Normies” – ordinary Trump supporters who are not Proud Boys – or “Females” into their ranks.
"Obviously, they forgot to include things like knives, Molotov cocktails, umbrellas, and cans of food. The proud boys must be incompetent. Mostly peaceful left-wing protesters would’ve never forgotten those things."
Elderly Gay Activist Assaulted by Trans Protesters at Vermont Pride Parade
Fred Sargeant knocked to the ground while protesting at the Pride parade in Burlington, Vt.September 18, 2022. (Courtesy of Fred Sargeant)
September 20, 2022 1:01 PM
A prominent gay rights leader who helped organize New York City’s first gay pride march in 1970 claims he was attacked by radical transgender activists over the weekend while he protested their movement during a gay pride parade in Vermont.
Fred Sargeant, 74, an early advocate for gay rights in the U.S. who participated in the 1969 Stonewall riots, said trans activists at Sunday’s parade in Burlington grabbed his signs, shoved him, poured coffee on his head, smacked him, knocked him to the ground, and stole his property because he held a sign and handed out pamphlets critical of the trans movement.
Sargeant told National Review that after the attack he was briefly sent to the hospital, where he underwent a CT scan, but is now home in central Vermont and “on the mend.”
In recent years, Sargeant has become an outspoken critic of the gender identity movement that he believes has taken over the gay rights movement. On Sunday, he said, he attended the Burlington Pride parade to protest what he believes has become “an exclusionary parade and a venue for groups dedicated to discrimination within the same-sex community.”
“The concern I have is that the movement that I knew, the gay liberation movement, has metamorphosized into a gender identity movement that is quite misogynistic, homophobic – values that I can’t share,” he told National Review. “I don’t recognize it any longer.”
Fred Sargeant (pictured in a white shirt, left) as an organizer at NYC’s first gay pride parade. (Courtesy of Fred Sargeant)
Sargeant, who is now affiliated with the LGB Alliance – a gay rights group critical of transgender and queer ideology – said he was at the parade holding a sign that compared people presenting as the opposite gender to people in black face. “For some reason in society today, while no one would dare go in black face and expect to be taken seriously in the future, drag is celebrated, and I think that’s wrong,” Sargeant said. “I think it’s disrespectful for women.”
Sargeant said he positioned himself facing the oncoming parade, and stood silently with his sign, which read “Gay, Not Queer” on the reverse side. A trans woman in the parade, peeled off, approached him, and took his sign, he said.
“As best I could on a cane, but with a little adrenaline going, I kind of hobbled after him down the street, got my sign back,” Sargeant said.
But when Sargeant returned to his position on the parade route, he said, he was surrounded by more angry trans activists who confronted him. Video posted to Sargeant’s Facebook page shows a woman fighting with him, trying to take his sign. “Somebody dumped coffee on my head. A number of people were smacking me on the back of the head,” said Sargeant, who has been kicked off Twitter for allegedly misgendering trans people. “Eventually, toward the end of the march they knocked me to the ground.”
More on
TikTok Bans Catholic Nonprofit after Videos Flagged for ‘Hateful Behavior’
If the Dems Win It All
The Money behind the Transgender Movement
Sargeant said he had about $600 worth of items – including a folding chair, an umbrella, a box of leaflets, and a new L.L. Bean shirt – stolen from the side of the road. “They put two and two together and took some trophies,” Sargeant said of the activists he believes took his property.
In an email to National Review, Burlington police said they were first contacted about the incident by a parade attendee who reported a man who was “allegedly carrying an offensive sign and was upsetting people in the parade.” The caller said someone poured coffee on the man, presumably Sargeant, who had “elbowed her friend.”
More than two hours after the parade ended, Burlington police received another call from an emergency room nurse who reported that a patient had been assaulted at the parade. By the time an officer followed up nearly three hours later, Sargeant was no longer at the hospital, according to the police department.
Sargeant said he called again to report the alleged assault on Monday, but hasn’t heard back from an investigator. Sargeant denies that the activists who tussled with him are victims. “When they’re claiming they’re the victim of an elderly man, you know that they’re a bankrupt group,” he said.
"“The concern I have is that the movement that I knew, the gay liberation movement, has metamorphosized into a gender identity movement that is quite misogynistic, homophobic – values that I can’t share,” he told National Review. “I don’t recognize it any longer.”
this is what Andrew Sullivan was saying on Bill Maher last time he was on
he said "we won" [gays]
and he thought the LBGTQ etc thing in nuts as is the whole gender thing
and he did not like this being shoved down our throats
he was rational reasonable
gay in woke out more or less
one version was racist - 130 + yrs ago!
just a bunch of no it alls who like to point how smart they are by bringing up something long gone and making a stink out of it now.
and the tie in to image of Pat Sajak and MTG
to use this as some sort of right wing hate racist white supremacy dog whistle
I am firmly against sexual harassment but notice for some it sure does pay to be
be harassed:
for some harassment turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to them
like winning lotto.....
look at the Fox girls ......
Judge Throws Out Lawsuit by Stacey Abrams’s PAC Over 2018 Georgia Governor’s Election
By Caden Pearson October 1, 2022 Updated: October 1, 2022biggersmaller Print
A federal judge on Friday threw out a lawsuit filed by Stacey Abrams challenging Georgia’s election system after she lost the 2018 gubernatorial race to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.
The lawsuit, which sought to change how the state administers elections, was filed around four years ago by Fair Fight Georgia, a political action committee established by Abrams after her election defeat. Earlier this year, the judge pared down the lawsuit by dismissing many of its original complaints.
Abrams alleged “misconduct, fraud or irregularities” in the voting process. She took legal action to stop counties from throwing out some rejected provisional and absentee ballots when updated vote totals affirmed Kemp was the likely winner.
When she eventually conceded on Nov. 16, 2018, Abrams vowed to take legal action to continue fighting the outcome.
“Although Georgia’s election system is not perfect, the challenged practices violate neither the constitution nor the [Voting Rights Amendment],” U.S. District Judge Steven Jones said in his ruling.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who was the lead defendant in the case, hailed the ruling.
“This ruling allows local officials to focus on the task at hand this year—running a safe, secure, and accessible election,” he said on Twitter. “Stolen election and voter suppression claims by Stacey Abrams were nothing but poll-tested rhetoric not supported by facts and evidence.”
In a statement on Friday, Abrams said despite the loss, the case “had measurable results,” including “the reinstatement of over 22,000 ballots, substantive changes to voting laws, and a platform for voters of color to demand greater equity in our state.”
“During this suit, more than 3,000 voters shared their stories, creating an unprecedented and lasting record of voter testimony, which highlighted the suppressive effects of the Secretary of State’s actions on vulnerable voters,” she said on Twitter.
Abrams vowed to “expand the right to vote” for minorities if she wins the gubernatorial election.
After losing in 2018, lawyers for Abrams’s campaign and the Democrat Party of Georgia asked the court to order that provisional ballots that were rejected due to missing or incorrect information be restored. Her lawsuit also demanded that counties that had already certified vote returns correct their totals and re-certify the results.
The complaint specifically demanded to restore the votes of 1,095 Gwinnett County voters whose absentee ballots were rejected.
Abrams’s campaign contacted voters in Georgia asking if they experienced issues casting a vote.
Kemp’s campaign accused Abrams of trying to steal the election by filing legal challenges and “desperately trying to create more votes for Stacey Abrams.”
I thought questioning elections was the greatest evil.
It must be somehow different when dems do it.
Judge Throws Out Lawsuit by Stacey Abrams’s PAC Over 2018 Georgia Governor’s Election
By Caden Pearson October 1, 2022 Updated: October 1, 2022biggersmaller Print
A federal judge on Friday threw out a lawsuit filed by Stacey Abrams challenging Georgia’s election system after she lost the 2018 gubernatorial race to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp.
The lawsuit, which sought to change how the state administers elections, was filed around four years ago by Fair Fight Georgia, a political action committee established by Abrams after her election defeat. Earlier this year, the judge pared down the lawsuit by dismissing many of its original complaints.
Abrams alleged “misconduct, fraud or irregularities” in the voting process. She took legal action to stop counties from throwing out some rejected provisional and absentee ballots when updated vote totals affirmed Kemp was the likely winner.
When she eventually conceded on Nov. 16, 2018, Abrams vowed to take legal action to continue fighting the outcome.
“Although Georgia’s election system is not perfect, the challenged practices violate neither the constitution nor the [Voting Rights Amendment],” U.S. District Judge Steven Jones said in his ruling.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who was the lead defendant in the case, hailed the ruling.
“This ruling allows local officials to focus on the task at hand this year—running a safe, secure, and accessible election,” he said on Twitter. “Stolen election and voter suppression claims by Stacey Abrams were nothing but poll-tested rhetoric not supported by facts and evidence.”
In a statement on Friday, Abrams said despite the loss, the case “had measurable results,” including “the reinstatement of over 22,000 ballots, substantive changes to voting laws, and a platform for voters of color to demand greater equity in our state.”
“During this suit, more than 3,000 voters shared their stories, creating an unprecedented and lasting record of voter testimony, which highlighted the suppressive effects of the Secretary of State’s actions on vulnerable voters,” she said on Twitter.
Abrams vowed to “expand the right to vote” for minorities if she wins the gubernatorial election.
After losing in 2018, lawyers for Abrams’s campaign and the Democrat Party of Georgia asked the court to order that provisional ballots that were rejected due to missing or incorrect information be restored. Her lawsuit also demanded that counties that had already certified vote returns correct their totals and re-certify the results.
The complaint specifically demanded to restore the votes of 1,095 Gwinnett County voters whose absentee ballots were rejected.
Abrams’s campaign contacted voters in Georgia asking if they experienced issues casting a vote.
Kemp’s campaign accused Abrams of trying to steal the election by filing legal challenges and “desperately trying to create more votes for Stacey Abrams.”
even worse Abrams is likely the main person behind the ballot harvesting in Ga.
and maybe coordinates in other locations
I don't know why we cannot follow her and reveal what she is really doing behind scenes
we know MSM will never do it.
does he have qualifications for future SCOTUS
if we lose Thomas?
This is the most stupid discussion:
oh and by the way
I had many unsolicited offers to buy my house in past few years....
And guess what ?
I am white as are nearly all my neighbors
This is the most stupid discussion:
oh and by the way
I had many unsolicited offers to buy my house in past few years....
And guess what ?
I am white as are nearly all my neighbors
Federal Judge Declares Mandated Workplace Pronouns, Unisex Bathrooms Unlawful
By Juliette Fairley October 8, 2022
A federal judge in Texas has issued a ruling that prevents federal mandates from imposing pronouns and unisex bathrooms on employers.
In State of Texas v Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Matthew Kacsmaryk, U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Texas in Amarillo, declared the March 2, 2021 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights Guidance and June 15, 2021 EEOC guidance unlawful. However, the court stopped short of granting the state’s request for injunctive relief.
“Title VII as interpreted in Bostock does not require such accommodations,” wrote Judge Kacsmaryk in his Oct. 1 decision. “The same is true of the March 2nd guidance. It exceeds Section 1557’s requirement and is not justified by Bostock and contrary to Defendant’s claims, the guidance binds agency staff failing to genuinely leave the agencies and their decision makers free to exercise discretion.”
Bostock v Clayton County is a 2020 Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling that protects gay or transgender employees from workplace discrimination under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which was initially enacted to end racial discrimination and segregation against blacks in public accommodations, public education, and federally assisted programs.
‘Most Employers Don’t Want It’
“Kacsmaryk’s ruling stops the EEOC from imposing pronouns and forced acceptance of co-gender bathrooms on all employers that don’t want it, and the fact is most employers don’t want it,” said Jeff Younger whose 10-year-old son has been at the center of legal proceedings that allow his ex-wife to socialize him as a girl.
“The opinion allows employers to provide these accommodations if they want to, but the government can’t impose it.”
Judge Kacsmaryk, who was nominated to the federal bench by former U.S. President Donald Trump, further notes in his opinion that HHS guidance discusses federal civil rights protections that apply to gender-affirming care.
“It was issued in direct response to a Texas gubernatorial order directing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate incidents of sex change procedures performed on minors,” Kacsmaryk stated.
As a result, Younger plans to use the opinion to defend his efforts to socialize his son as a boy.
“It’s going to be very difficult for courts now to claim that bringing up my biological boy as a son and teaching him his duties and rightful place as a man is outside the provision of normal parental rights,” Younger told The Epoch Times.
“I can no longer be prohibited from doing that because Kacsmaryk’s decision says protections for identifying as gay or transgender don’t extend to conduct. A man can identify as a woman and still pee in a urinal.”
America's greatest hero!
[Gorge Floyd] A very sad chapter in American history.
I noticed they convicted someone of burning 3 buildings in Mpls St. Paul during the riots. Makes me wonder how they're doing investigating the other 1597.
Question the narrative and pay the price.
of course
every one is a victim...
I suggest a couple trill would be good idea
don't you?
no biggee
a "billion" dollars is not even lunch money to these politicians
no mention of hate when it is those who clearly are racist against white or men
only unidirectional
we are clearly toppling from with in......
as such
for those who have been ignorant of such matters such as myself
This might be /vERY EDUCATIONAL :
perhaps I could get a doctorate by writing my thesis on how to respect a person who thinks he she they are a building
get a cushy academic job with full benefits and charge a $1,000 hr for personal consults and lectures
they learned well from the precedent set by holocaust survivors who sued over Nazi thefts...........
eventually we will lose on this too
total cost in California is 569 bill in California alone .....
but even then, will we be assured that is it the end of this , or
will they keep screaming, stamping their feet, protesting
forever even after this ?
from Harvard graduate and poet :
NBA changes name of MVP award from Russian Jewish immigrant (Maurice Podoloff) who helped establish what is now known as NBA
to Michael Jordon MVP award:
should we rename the Pulitzer prize and Nobel prize as well?
Bring Gender Back to the House
The new majority can undo the Democrats’ linguistic vandalism.
By Eileen J. O’Connor
Dec. 14, 2022 1:42 pm ET
Culture influences language. And language influences culture. Inattention to this reciprocal relationship damages both.
The new Republican House majority can begin its session by striking a blow for good language. At the opening of every Congress, the House adopts the rules by which it will operate during that session. On Jan. 4, 2021, under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it adopted H.Res. 8, which mandates what it calls “gender inclusive language.”
The resolution is shot through with reality-denying and grammatically incorrect word choices: “Strike ‘father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, husband, wife, father-in-law, or mother-in-law’ and insert ‘parent, child, sibling, spouse, or parent-in-law.’ . . . Strike ‘himself or herself’ and insert ‘themself.’ ”
Elsewhere, the people’s elected representatives are cast as pieces of furniture: “Strike ‘Chairman’ and insert ‘Chair.’ ” This isn’t a new phenomenon, but it’s no less obnoxious for having been in use for a while. It would have been so easy to explain—as my mother, who learned English as a foreign language, did to me—that a policeman, fireman or mailman needn’t be a man, merely a human being. Instead, as in “1984,” the entire English language is being scrubbed. The 2021 House rules established a new position, Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds. That’s right, “man” had to be expunged from “ombudsman.”
The 117th Congress didn’t adopt “gender inclusive” language. It adopted genderless, neutered language. Humanity consists of girls and boys and men and women. We have words that describe their relationships to each other. The linguistic ground that has, through inattention or cowardice, been surrendered to radicals must be retaken.
When adopting the rules for the 118th Congress next month, House Republicans must restore language acknowledging the existence of males and females. Genderless language isn’t “inclusive”; it’s dehumanizing. And it corrodes our culture.
Ms. O’Connor is a Washington lawyer. She headed the U.S. Justice Department’s tax division, 2001-07.
despite average NFL player making well in excess of 2 mill:
Right. It's just like slavery, round the clock, unpaid, non-consensual work, except they make $2 million a year, work an hour a week part of the year, and it's consensual.
The argument asserted is readily refuted.
The people from the Estados Unidos de Mexico (United States of Mexico) are Mexicans, and their country is generally referred to as Mexico.
Bill to make changing genders simpler legally ignites protests
BY JILL LAWLESS ASSOCIATED PRESS LONDON | A plan by Scotland’s government to make it easier for people to change gender for legal purposes has sparked acrimonious debate, with lawmakers arguing inside the Edinburgh parliament and rival groups of protesters demonstrating outside.
A bill introduced by the Scottish National Party-led government would allow people to transition by self-declaration, removing the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The government says it a simple step that will improve the lives of transgender people by allowing them to get official documents that correspond with their gender identity.
But opponents, including “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling, claim the simplified procedure risks allowing predatory men to gain access to spaces intended for women, such as shelters for domestic abuse survivors.
The Scottish parliament was set to resume debating the bill Wednesday after a session the previous day lasted until midnight. A final vote is scheduled, though multiple amendments mean it may be delayed.
Tuesday’s debate descended into acrimony, with spectators shouting “Shame on you” after lawmakers defeated an amendment that aimed to prevent convicted sex offenders from obtaining a gender recognition certificate.
Legislators also defeated an amendment that would have set the minimum age for gender transition at 18 rather than 16.
Supporters of transgender rights demonstrated outside the parliament building in Edinburgh to urge lawmakers to support the bill. One of them, Beth Douglas, said the bill under debate would allow people to have birth certifi cates — and eventually their death certificates — that match their gender identity.
“There will be a day for everyone when we are issued a death certificate,” said Ms. Douglas, who runs an LGBTQ+ group. “When that happens for me, I want that death certificate to be in the right gender. I would like to rest in peace and die in dignity.”
At a separate demonstration by opponents, Ms. Rowling’s husband read out a message from the author, in which she branded the bill “the single biggest rollback of women’s rights in our lifetimes.”
The bill is likely to pass, though it is opposed by the opposition Conservatives and by some in the governing SNP.
Joanna Cherry, an SNP lawmaker in the U.K. Parliament, said the law “gives any man the right to self-identify as a woman after three months of living as a woman … with minimal safeguards.”
The law will set Scotland apart from the rest of the United Kingdom, where a gender dysphoria diagnosis is needed before individuals can have the gender designation on their identity documents changed.
Under the Scottish legislation, transgender people would be allowed to have the markers revised if they have spent three months living with a different expressed gender, six months for people ages 16 and 17. The current period is two years. Opponents say the legal change could endanger women and girls, who currently are guaranteed access to single- sex spaces such as changing rooms and shelters.
Reem Alsalem, the United Nations’ special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, has said the changes could allow men to take advantage of loopholes “to get into women’s spaces and have access to women.”
The Scottish government says trans people can still be excluded from single-sex spaces under existing legislation.
“Trans rights are not in competition with women’s rights,” said Social Justice Secretary Shona Robinson.
Spain’s parliament on Wednesday held another debate on a similar bill that has sparked a fierce debate inside the ruling left-wing coalition, where many feminists are against self-determination. If passed into law, people as young as 16 could change their gender freely and those as young as 12 could do so with a judge’s authorization
Karine Jean-Pierre, failing upward
White House spokeswoman is proof of ‘Peter Principle’ incompetence
By Peter Parisi
One of the bestselling books of the 1970s was “The Peter Principle,” a business management book by Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull.
The book’s premise, in a nutshell, was that people get promotions based on their performance in their previous jobs until they are ultimately elevated to a position in which they’re incompetent since skills and success in one position don’t necessarily ensure success in the next. “In a hierarchy,” Peter said, “every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
Put another way, as the disclaimers say in investment brokers’ ads: “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.”
Both Peter and Hull are long since deceased. Still, if publisher William Morrow & Co. were to commission someone to update a new edition of the book, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could be cited as Exhibit C of the “Peter Principle” at the highest levels of government. (President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris would be Exhibits A and B, but that’s another story for another day.)
Coincidentally, “Pierre” is French for “Peter.” Today, the “Peter Principle” phenomenon is called “failing upward.” In Ms. Jean-Pierre’s case, that’s reflected in her work for the short-lived Democratic presidential campaigns of John Edwards in 2004 and Martin O’Malley in 2016.
The most glaring evidence that Ms. Jean-Pierre, 48, has been promoted to her level of incompetence as White House press secretary is her near-total dependence on a binder full of administration talking points, which she often reads from directly at her daily news briefings for the White House press corps.
It’s one thing for a press secretary to have notes for reference. It’s quite another to stare down at them and read those notes all but verbatim. Whatever else you could say about Ms. Jean-Pierre’s predecessor, Jen Psaki, she had the Biden administration’s rote talking points down cold and didn’t depend on extensive notes as a crutch.
Just as an aside, recall how 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was ridiculed mercilessly by the talking heads in the liberal media for saying during the second presidential debate that he had “binders full of women.” That was his awkward way of referring to files of résumés of women he would consider for staffing his administration were he to win the election.
Many of their “binder” jokes snarkily suggested that the squeaky-clean Mr. Romney was engaged in some form of BDSM with those women.
By contrast, as far as we know, none of those same talking heads have ridiculed Ms. Jean-Pierre’s dependence on her press briefing binders.
Nor have the liberal media (or the late-night TV comics) noted, much less ridiculed, how on four separate occasions in recent months, Ms. Jean-Pierre has mispronounced or mangled words and phrases in the course of her press briefings.
On Dec. 13, Ms. Jean-Pierre touted “bicarmel” support in Congress for the so-called Respect for Marriage Act. “Bicarmel, bipartisan support was had for this piece of legislation,” she said.
But this was no one-off slip of the tongue: She used the term “bicarmel” three times to describe it in the course of the half-hour press briefing. It should have been “bicameral,” of course, meaning support in both chambers of Congress.
The official White House transcript of the briefing was dishonestly corrected in all three instances to “bicameral” with no indication that it was not an accurate reflection of what was actually said.
On Nov. 28, in congratulating three Americans who had won Nobel Prizes in chemistry, physics and economics, she mispronounced “Nobel” five times in 40 seconds as “noble.”
Two months to the day earlier, on Sept. 28, Ms. Jean-Pierre said that as part of Ms. Harris’ thenpending trip to South Korea, the veep would visit the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas. Ms. Jean-Pierre helpfully noted that it had been “nearly 70 years since the Korean ‘armtis.’” — presumably not to be confused with the Korean armistice.
Three weeks before that, on Sept. 6, Ms. Jean-Pierre conflated a Russian natural gas pipeline with an upscale American department store chain. She accused Russia of causing an energy crisis in Europe by shutting down its Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which she referred to as the “Nordstrom 1” pipeline.
One can only imagine how former President Donald Trump’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany would have been pilloried by the White House press corps had she made those sorts of repeated verbal gaffes.
One could surmise that the reason Ms. Jean-Pierre still has the high-visibility press secretary’s job, to which she was elevated May 13, despite all of the gaffes, is because Mr. Biden is legendary for his own innumerable gaffes. He couldn’t very well hold her to a higher standard.
But the real reason Ms. Jean-Pierre remains in the post today is because of the identity politics to which the Biden administration and the Democratic Party have sworn undying allegiance. She is immune from criticism — and from reassignment to a less high-profile post —only because she checks all of the boxes of “intersectionality” as a woman and as the first Black and first LGBTQ White House press secretary.
In the Biden administration, Ms. Jean-Pierre demonstrates daily that meritocracy is an afterthought — if it’s thought of at all
I can hardly wait to see the names they choose to replace
these names with
No. But the felon of note who held a woman at gunpoint during an armed robbery and resisted arrest in his hour of infamy did die with four times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, and covid.
Yes, let's see who they choose. Up here, it's George Floyd Square. I'm not sure if they use the word hero or not.
the last time a player collapsed on field was in 1971
player was white
Hamlin is one of the richest "slaves in history "
***According to the NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, Hamlin's four-year, $3.64 million rookie contract allows the Bills to pay him at a lower rate should he be placed on injured reserve, though the team reached an agreement with the league and the NFL Player's Association to pay Hamlin his regular amount for Week 18***
NO! I am not paying reparations .
"I have heard, but don’t know how to verify easily, that there hasn’t been a white starting cornerback in the NFL for nearly 30 years"
looks more like a close up shot of a ground and pound UFC fight then
an embrace to me
agree with PJ media
how no one then a few elites ever have say in the choice of these things:
I got it
move every one "eligible"
(whoever that might be )
into the top 2 % of the socioeconomic category immediately
makes perfect sense. :roll:
have the "rich" pay for this too I suppose; not every tax payer
the "rich who are paying for the illegals. :roll:
nothing self serving here folks:,policies%20have%20harmed%20Black%20lives.
notice NO diversity on the panel
There have been some witty comments about it looking like the hands are grabbing a big black dick.
I wonder if he called police instead of hosing her down with water
if the police would have done anything
did he have any options here
suddenly Left wing media
belittle the crossdresser
while celebrating exhibitionist pedophiles everywhere else:
And, just like that , , , :-D :-D :-D
From a post on a forum which I frequent:
"These goons have been terrorizing the contractors working on the training center, showing up at their churches, vandalizing the contractors offices (Brassfield and Gorrie). They set fires for the fire department to respond to and then vandalized their fire trucks. They dug trenches and set spikes in them to injure the firefighters. When the fire department refused to respond anymore they took over the fire station. The local .gov won’t stand up to them so Gov Kemp called in the state police."
it is not the teaching of Black history it is the obvious left wing political activism the he finds breaks Florida law.
of course the Left yell Desantis is racist , anti - Black , etc
like he is anti- gay and homophobic ........
Bold to take this on.
Another case where the counterattack writes itself way too easily.
Are people ready to take on woke?
From the article:
" We proudly require the teaching of African American history. We do not accept woke indoctrination masquerading as education."
- We won't see the first part of that in the attack ads.
RACIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
squad goes nuts over a House committee thing
I guarantee their endless arguments are erased by this simple fact
if Omar was a strong Conservative who loved America she would be welcomed by the GOP
the MSM refuses to stop screaming racism as cause when in fact that has nothing to do with it ; it is her political philosophy
that is the reason Omar gets thrown off committee
where is SPCP?
rev al? he gonna give eulogy broadcast all over the left wing newcasts
ben crump ? he gonna race over to the family in warp speed to pick up the case
vp harris? is she going to cackle about this
where are all the feminists?
I did not watch
but the music must have been terrible
this is what they do when the music stinks
they try to make it up with optics
and shock value
remember when music used to stand on its own
and we did not need this nonsense
amazing how radical gays took over the music and much of the rest of the entire entertainment industry
I "do not have access to media.gab".
That would fit in the Media Matters thread as well.
Glad to see CBS getting put on its heels.
Woke means twist everything around to opposite of reality
and force us to play the game:
Good news! Let's keep an eye on this to see if it passes.
They deserve what they have brought upon themselves.
Self-expression under attack
I’ll keep spreading conservative message
By Kyle Rittenhouse
The American story is one of radical expression in the face of abject tyranny. Our founders believed that fundamental to the existence of a free and prosperous society is the right to express yourself the way that you see fit. Both the far left and the conservative movement are endowed by the Constitution with this right of self-expression. In practice, however, left-wing radicals are free to practice the right of expression, while sensible, freedom-loving Americans attempting to practice these same liberties are met with hostility, censorship and cancellation.
What does it say about American society that one far-left political movement is allowed and enabled to trample the political expression of the opposition?
This is what I’m asking myself after being stripped of my right of expression at establishments in Texas and Las Vegas.
Early last month, the Southern Star Brewery in Conroe, Texas, canceled a rally designed to shine a light on left-wing censorship of conservative voices. Unfortunately, in doing so, this business engaged in the very type of behavior I had hoped to speak out against.
For the last several decades, thought leaders in the conservative movement have been attacked and denied access to the same venues and locales readily available to far-left political agitators, race-baiters and drag show “entertainers.”
American society has truly crumbled to ashes when those seeking to groom and seduce the next generation are enabled and applauded while efforts to defend our First and Second amendments are derided and denied.
Following this censorship in Texas, I planned to fly to Las Vegas to speak at a private reception on the topic of gun rights in America. Sadly, the venue we had chosen, the Venetian Hotel, folded like a house of cards when far-left trolls on social media voiced their discontent. Over two centuries ago, our Founding Fathers risked their lives and careers to win sacred freedoms for all Americans. Today, American business leaders refuse to risk being criticized on Twitter in exchange for those same freedoms.
The radical recapturing of our liberties can occur only when American businesses refuse to bend the knee to left-wing totalitarianism. We must support those businesses that risk their “social credit score” to stand for principles of freedom and open expression. I, for one, have started using PublicSq — a directory of conservative businesses — in order to support people who share my values.
A “parallel economy” is necessary to fight the left-wing control of the public square. While freedom of expression is being stripped away, we still have freedom of choice. It’s insane for conservatives to continue patronizing companies that hate our values. This doesn’t mean retreating and giving up the fight against left-wing institutions. Rest assured, I will never stop fighting or speaking out in defense of our principles.
The First Amendment is especially important to me as millions of Americans supported me when I was wrongfully prosecuted. Yes, the left-wing media pushed lie after lie about me, but I was heartened when I heard prominent conservatives stand by me and proclaim my innocence.
I’ll continue to travel the country and spread the conservative message. I’m sure left-wingers will continue to try to pressure venues to cancel my events. I’m not deterred. I’m used to firing back
race , race , race , race , race , race , to infinity
all day night every channel post article
history show
media outlet
gov. bureaucracy
off the top of my head
I am not allowed to get thru 24 hrs without having this in my face
so tiring
Well,he sure showed us!
still not clear
what "queer" means to queers.
noah - freelance writer, has to have something to write about .
So may as well be the woke fad
and of course this goes viral I suppose.
"Well,he sure showed us!"
yes I too am enlightened :wink:
real problem is it is racial :
I'm not persuaded by the attempt to justify this violence.
Black humor can be both wickedly funny and intensely personal.
my point
was how someone makes the event into a racial thing
when I don't think it was
it was one man insulting through crude humor another man's wife
but somehow it was twisted into a racial thing concerning black women
which I would find not a good valid description
I am neither defending Rock's tasteless joke
or Smith's response
just this interpretation
real problem is it is racial :
“words—especially ones that make Black women the punchline—should have consequences.”
Ah, so is this a defense of Emmit Till’s killers? Pretty spicy.
So, question presented:
You are a parent with a child on this soccer team and out comes the flag and your child, who is there to be part of this team, is expected to march with this flag.
What do you do?
So, question presented:
You are a parent with a child on this soccer team and out comes the flag and your child, who is there to be part of this team, is expected to march with this flag.
What do you do?
At the very minimum, take your child and leave. What would you do if it was a swastika flag ?
OK, and how is your child, who has just been separated from his friends/teammates by you, to sort this out?
What do you say when he/she comes home and says "My teachers, my friends/classmates/teammates say you are a homophobe/transphobe etc."
OK, and how is your child, who has just been separated from his friends/teammates by you, to sort this out?
What do you say when he/she comes home and says "My teachers, my friends/classmates/teammates say you are a homophobe/transphobe etc."
"But all my friends are getting their breast amputated!"
C'mon. That is a witticsm worthy of the internet, but not effective in explaining to a child who has yet to hear about "top end jobs" and is only hearing about being tolerant to LGBTQs etc.
Sidebar: Can someone give me a quick definition of "queer"?
C'mon. That is a witticsm worthy of the internet, but not effective in explaining to a child who has yet to hear about "top end jobs" and is only hearing about being tolerant to LGBTQs etc.
Sidebar: Can someone give me a quick definition of "queer"?
We don't tolerate evil or mental illness. Sane people and sane societies reject such things. When human societies go insane, the sane must stand up to the insanity and protect the innocent.
Morality must be your north star.
get like minded parents together and complain to the school board
is the only thing I can think of - I am not a parent
but I could see the difficult conundrum of the situation with peer pressure and woke- nuts -grooming teachers etc. would have on the children in school
homophobe transphobe would be used as a weapon against them.
How many children can really "stand up" to that even with parental support.
Maybe if every or most parents together stand up supporting the child would not be alone at school
this is so frustrating
what in God's name has men screwing men or lesbianism and the rest have anything to do with children simply wanting to have fun playing soccer?
The swastika flag is meaningful but thinking it through Swastikas ("hate") are out and woke flags ("love all) are in.
if these children were forced to fly a swastika flag there would be hell raised, but
the opposite if try for the "pride". (boy I hate this name so stupid ) flag.
21.5 K + to 300 :
in DC they only got 18K each
heck if I had known this I would have went there for couple hours and yelled some
not enough blacks at Trumps inauguration
and no one really there
my response:
Blacks are welcome to join the Republican party any time!
come on over for us if you wish to have a stronger country
opportunity for all
and rather then go broke , woke
and an international joke
Steve Deace
“We will label you a racist. We will cancel you. We will prevent you from a living if you refuse an experimental poison. We will poison you. We will censor you. We will pedo-groom your children. We will mutilate your children. We will open your borders. And we will incite and frame you.”
The Democrat Party is a demonic construct.
trans included ! :wink:
Jamie Raskin :
"America’s families are paying an outrageous ‘women’s tax’ of tens of thousands of dollars a year due to pervasive wage discrimination across the country,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin,"
#1. I though taxes are good
#2 suddenly supposed lower. wages due to sex - is labelled a "tax"
more phony word speak
These two are quite shameless.
I thought these guys are Nigerian
they speak better English then .....
I think they are a riot!
Just not the kind of 'riot' we are used to seeing from wokesters .
I think they should be on Bill Maher
better then some of the other clowns they get
BTW have not seen Smollett making any kind of comeback
I never knew who he was prior to the fraud and I don't ever see him back anywhere
now ; not that I am paying attention
Doug “Sloppy 222 seconds” Emoff.
I've noticed a huge uptick
in MSM promotion of Ka[h]ma[h]la[h] lately
Doug E too.
Guess the Dems cannot think of way of ridding themselves of the incompetent boob
for reasons that are obvious.
remember when they did this with Hill:
The Tyranny of the DEI Bureaucracy
Diversity, equity and inclusion offices become weapons to intimidate and limit speech
By The Editorial BoardFollow
March 17, 2023 6:38 pm ET
Critical race theory is becoming institutionalized across American universities, and a major reason is the educational bureaucracy. Most universities now have offices for diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, that exercise a broad writ on campus and act as speech police within the university.
That power was on ugly display last week at Stanford Law School, where a mob of law students shouted down Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Kyle Duncan in a spectacle unfit for any institution of higher learning. (Judge Duncan relates his experience nearby.)
Heckling unpopular speakers is common on campus, but what makes this episode stand out is the role played by administrators. As the room grew unruly, Judge Duncan asked that a college official step in. The law school’s associate dean for DEI, Tirien Steinbach, took the podium. “Me and many people in this Administration do absolutely believe in free speech,” the dean said, but then went on to ask if “the juice is worth the squeeze”—that is, whether tolerating free speech is worth the pain it causes.
Ms. Steinbach characterized the judge’s speech as something “that feels abhorrent, that feels harmful, that literally denies the humanity of people.” And she lectured Judge Duncan: “Do you have something so incredible and important to say about Twitter, Guns and Covid that it is worth the division of these people?”
Her remarks were not off-the-cuff. Ms. Steinbach had riled up protesters before the event with an email alerting them that “Numerous senators, advocacy groups, think tanks, and judicial accountability groups” opposed Judge Duncan’s nomination because of his legal advocacy “regarding marriage equality and transgender, voting, reproductive, and immigrants’ rights.”
The federal judge has caused “upset and outrage,” she continued, and has “repeatedly and proudly threatened healthcare and basic rights for marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ people . . . prisoners, Black voters, and women.”
Stanford’s president, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, and Stanford Law Dean Jenny Martinez later apologized to the judge. But on Monday students lined the halls to protest Mr. Martinez for apologizing. No one expects Ms. Steinbach will face discipline for her role in the fiasco, and the school is still offering her further involvement to help with university healing.
The dean of students emailed the Federalist Society students who had invited Judge Duncan to offer support and counseling—including from Dean Steinbach. The email also encouraged them to “consider pausing their student organization social media accounts until this news cycle winds down” and “try your best not to engage on Twitter.” In other words, respond to an attempt to stifle your speech by stifling your speech.
The Stanford blowup shows how the culture of DEI, and especially its accumulation of power in the bureaucracy, has become a threat to free speech. Students who gather to jeer disfavored speakers and intimidate and harass fellow students use the authority of DEI offices to sanction their behavior. Rather than promoting diversity, DEI officers enforce ideological conformity.
Jay Greene of the Heritage Foundation reports that the average major university now has 45 DEI personnel. The University of Michigan has 163 DEI officers. Ohio State and the University of Virginia each have 94. Georgia Tech has 41 DEI personnel but only 13 history professors.
All of this has understandably produced a political backlash. Texas lawmakers this month introduced a bill to eliminate DEI offices on public university campuses, except those working solely to ensure compliance with state and federal anti-discrimination law.
The bill also seeks to remove the ideological loyalty oaths that many schools now demand of faculty. A similar policy recently passed at the University of North Carolina. The Texas bill says universities should also incorporate into their bylaws the University of Chicago’s principles on freedom of expression.
We can hope this helps in Texas, but the tyranny of DEI has spread across far too many American institutions. The DEI movement may have started with good intentions, but across government, education and American business its functionaries have too often become ideological enforcers.
"The DEI movement may have started with good intentions,"
This is appeasement. DEI is racial marxism. It is BAD intentions.
insulted gypsies:
does anyone know any gypsies that even noticed, thought twice about it , or cared
I want the foods crackers renamed to something else ;
calling a cracker is so insulting to me.
did poll that shows what it was designed to do:
I don't buy it . the poll is rigged .
PSB-NPR are arms for the Democrats 100% of the time.
You expect me to believe having grown man transvestites shaking their pelvises in front of children is acceptable to most people ?
If grown men want to dress up in front of children or pulbic places then dress as clowns and do magic tricks !
so what do we call them ?
I'm lost ....... :roll:
so what do we call them ?
I'm lost ....... :roll:
No more Bud products for me.
certainly I am no Lemon fan but this is truly ridiculous petty stuff:
big deal :roll:
the *word* police ...... judge and jury are speaking now.
waiting for Kid Rock to lines up a few Nike shoe boxes
and fire away .....
shhhhhh! don't mention this.
is making sure he is protected -->
"mark a lamb's blood above their doors in order that the Angel of Death will pass over them"
I guess he thinks it is ok for child mutilation , grown men dressing as crossdressing clowns and twerking in front of children
and trans displacing women in sports
and making them have to use the same restrooms whether they like it or not for a small minority :
stern got rich being a smut mouth
but when the LEFT loses his usefulness he will not be safe even
with all his money.
"Some of the world’s largest firms, including BlackRock, Vanguard, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase and State Street, are involved. That means bills to blacklist practitioners leave limited options for states to invest pensions or other government funds."
progressive takeover of corporations is overwhelming
we would need more action at Federal level.
"Some of the world’s largest firms, including BlackRock, Vanguard, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase and State Street, are involved. That means bills to blacklist practitioners leave limited options for states to invest pensions or other government funds."
progressive takeover of corporations is overwhelming
we would need more action at Federal level.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/131/573/375/original/298e8bd40fec446f.png
if the bank was conservative they would not have gotten bail out
'woke' is cool with the regime
while another trillion added to debt (see drudge today )
Albert Mohler:
This is Thinking in Public, a program dedicated to intelligent conversation about front line theological and cultural issues with the people who are shaping them. I'm Albert Mohler, your host, and president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
Albert Mohler:
Paul Kengor is a professor of political science, and he's also Senior Director of the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. He earned his master's degree from the American University, his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. He's a renowned scholar of the Cold War and Communism and the American Presidency. His book God and Ronald Reagan was a New York Times bestseller. He's written many other books, and we've had a previous conversation for Thinking in Public.
Albert Mohler:
His most recent book is The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism's Long March of Death, Deception and Infiltration, which is the topic of our conversation today. Professor Paul Kengor, welcome to Thinking in Public.
Paul Kengor:
Dr. Mohler, it's great to be with you. I think we did an interview a few years ago about my books, and I'm a big fan. I love your show and always enjoy these conversations. Thank you.
Albert Mohler:
Well, thank you. Paul, I've really been looking forward to this conversation. I have to tell you that when I saw the title of your latest book, The Devil and Karl Marx, I was of course doubly interested. And looking at your book, I was actually amazed by how considerable in size it is, and dense with material, because even as someone who's studied Marx as a part of a larger study of the intellectual landscape for four decades or more, frankly, I was surprised how much material there is just dealing directly with Karl Marx and the Devil.
Albert Mohler:
Now, at this point in your research and academic work, did this come as something of a surprise to you?
Paul Kengor:
I'd say a little bit. I knew a pretty good deal about it already, and I had been thinking for years about writing a book on this. And I'm sure that you, Al, you probably are familiar with Reverend Richard Wurmbrand, the founder of Voice of the Martyrs. He did the book Tortured for Christ in the 1970s. He also did a book called Marx & Satan, and that was I think mid-80s. And I have that, I have it marked up. Also, I read Paul Johnson's Intellectuals, which had a chapter on Karl Marx.
Paul Kengor:
And the one book that I wasn't really familiar with, I had seen it referenced by Johnson, but it was the first time I had dug into it, was Robert Payne, who was a biographer of Marx. Just a really impressive British intellectual, kind of a thoughtful man of the arts, of letters, a theater critic, drama, English. Very learned individual. In no way any kind of ideologue. And he did a number of biographies of Marx. He did one in 1968 that was published by Simon & Schuster. He did another that was published by New York University Press. And he's really the guy who found a lot of this.
Paul Kengor:
Marx's writings about the Devil were first discovered by his original biographer, a guy named Franz Mehring, and I know you probably want to get to this, so I might be talking a little bit out of order, but when Franz Mehring discovered these writings, he told Marx's daughter. He said, "You should not let this stuff see the light of day. This is bad. This is really quite frightening stuff." So I knew about those things, but once I started digging into a bunch of Marx biographies with a specific intent.
Paul Kengor:
You know how this goes, doing research on something like this, where you really start mining and looking for the material. I did a book, God and Ronald Reagan back in 2004. I think I had read every biography of Reagan, and so I knew some of the religious stuff, but not until I went back to Edmund Morris's Dutch, until I went to Lou Cannon's biographies and looked for every religious reference. Went back and read all the letters, went to the Reagan Library. Then you line it all up and you've got this giant puzzle thrown out on the floor, and you start lining up the puzzles and you say, "Wow, there's a lot here."
Albert Mohler:
Paul Kengor:
There's really a lot here. So yeah, that's-
Albert Mohler:
One question-
Paul Kengor:
Go ahead.
Albert Mohler:
... that as an historian and historical theologian I try to employ is asking whether a question is anachronistic and out of its time. And so there's a sense in which we might say that the question of something like an obsession of the Devil on the part of Karl Marx, that if that's all of a sudden discovered now and considered troubling now by Professor Paul Kengor at Grove City College, well, that's not that significant an issue.
Albert Mohler:
But if it turned out to have been significant to people at the time, that adds historical cogency and importance, and that's one of the reasons why I appreciate you mentioning Mehring, because he very clearly identified the problem dealing with the primary source material, and as you say, was so alarmed by it he did everything he could to prevent the publication.
Paul Kengor:
Well, and kudos to a Marxist scholar at the Marx-Engels Institute named David Riazanov who discovered this material and preserved it, made sure that it was known. And non-kudos here to all the recent Marx biographers, hagiographers, who, Dr. Mohler, they ignore all of this stuff. They ignore all of it. All of it. And they certainly ignore the poetry, and if they do come across certain things that I included in the book, to be fair, some of these things are reported by Marx biographers, Francis Wheen and a few others, but they'll downplay it. And they'll almost give it a kind of wink, wink. They'll think it's playful or endearing. They use words like that. Or cute. It's strange.
Paul Kengor:
It's, "Oh, here he is, and his friend describes him as, 'Eyes like a wet goblin.' Look at this nice little horseplay between Marx and this individual." Horseplay? Look at it. The guy is describing Marx as if he's possessed here.
Albert Mohler:
So let's talk about that.
Paul Kengor:
Albert Mohler:
Let's actually bring our audience in on the core issue. And that is that your argument is that Karl Marx had an obsession with Satan, and clearly, even as he sought in every way possible to kill off God, and even organized religion, he had enormous sympathy for the Devil, and clearly, in some sense, believed in the Devil. Now, we're going to talk about what that may have meant, but he clearly believed in the personification of evil.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. And some of those poems, for example. And I will say this, it's often hard to know if what he's writing about, like any writer or any poet, he's internalizing, he's projecting. It's what he believes, it's what a character believes. But when you see the whole composite, this isn't like Edgar Allen Poe writing a scary story. You can see in Marx case it's very reflective of what he believes. And I open the book with a couple stanzas from a couple different poems, and the one from The Player, Marx says, "Thus Heaven I forfeited. I know it full well. My soul once true to God, is chosen for Hell."
Paul Kengor:
And I think that one, Al, is pretty autobiographical. Because his soul was once true to God, and Heaven he did forfeit. Now, I don't know if it was chosen for Hell, I think he made the choice that he made, he made the choice to reject God.
Paul Kengor:
And then there was a second one that I open up with, and he talks about it, he says, "See this sword, this blood-dark sword, which stabs unerringly within my soul? Where did I get this sword? The Prince of Darkness. The Prince of Darkness sold it to me. The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain until my heart goes mad, until I go utterly insane." So really, some chilling poetry.
Paul Kengor:
And also too, these poems and his plays, they're filled with destruction, death, suicide pacts, and of all things, you're a historian. Can you name for me any individual that you could think of in all of history who had two daughters who killed themselves in suicide pacts with their husbands, of all things? And Marx writes about fair maidens, pale maidens, suicide pacts. Marx had two daughters who killed themselves in suicide pacts with their husbands, one of which Marx was quite cruel to, Paul Lafargue, because he was partly Cuban, and Marx was an out and out vile racist, and he referred to Paul as, "The gorilla," and there are letters between him and Engels going back and forth.
Albert Mohler:
And you're using that term in the context of their own writings?
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. These guys were atheistic materialists, Darwinian evolutionists. And here, we get back to another one of these sort of skeletons in the progressive closet, along with eugenics and so forth. And when they forsake God, Darwin ... in fact, I quote in the book Trotsky, who said, "Darwin did away with all of my ideological prejudices. He opened the universe to me." And it was at Marx's funeral where Engels gave the eulogy, and he quoted Darwin, and he said, "Marx is doing for Darwinians and social sciences what Darwin did for the physical sciences," and he also, Engels at the funeral of Marx's wife, quoted Darwin as well. So they were proud Darwinian evolutionists.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. And they were absolute materialists, that's the point, isn't it?
Paul Kengor:
Albert Mohler:
Richard Dawkins says that Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. Materialism really only becomes possible if you have a cosmology that affirms materialism, and until you had ... we'll use Darwin here not just for Darwin and his own writings, but for Darwin as an intellectual movement, materialism now has a metaphysic ontology, and you really have to have Darwin before you can have Marx in this sense.
Paul Kengor:
That's right. And Marx, in his famous Opiate of the Masses essay, and I've heard people say from time, including a number of Christians, "Oh, that's really not that bad what Marx is saying. I understand what he's saying here. He's speaking of the Opiate of the Masses like a drug, and let's be honest, for Christians, and this is okay, religion's kind of a crutch. We Christians think it's a real crutch, something that we can lean on, but it's kind of a crutch. So Marx isn't that far off here."
Paul Kengor:
No, no, no. If you actually read the Opiate of the Masses essay, he refers to religion as the sigh of the oppressed creature. The heart of the heartless. The soul of soulless conditions. As this grunt of despair. As religion is the Opiate of the Masses.
Albert Mohler:
Well, he saw it as a fatal delusion. Not as an anecdotally diversionary false belief, he saw it as a fatal delusion. The fact that humanity can never be humanity so long as it included an affirmation of deity. And of course, the problem is every time we talk about Marx, we really have to talk about Marx and somebody. Marx and Engels or Marx and Lenin, and by the time you get to Marxism and Leninism, you've got Lenin saying that all worship and divinity is a necrophilia. It's a worship of a dead thing, of a dead God. But all of that's implicit and explicit in Marx himself.
Paul Kengor:
That's right. Yeah, Lenin said there's nothing more abominable than religion. Yeah, that any worship of divinity is a necrophilia. Yeah, and that's very much an extension of Marx. And also too, you mentioned earlier the fascination with the Devil. I quote at length Mikhail Bakunin, who was a friend of Marx until eventually he and Marx couldn't stand one another, which was true for Marx and pretty much everybody. Everybody at some point, Marx slung so much vitriol at everybody that nobody could get along with. But Mikhail Bakunin refers to Satan as this glorious rebel, so in a way, while they're rejecting God, they commend Satan. They hail Satan.
Paul Kengor:
And Bakunin does this in a way that Saul Alinsky does as well. Saul Alinsky dedicates Rules to Radicals to "That first rebel who rebelled against God and won for himself his own kingdom, Lucifer," as he refers to him. So they like Satan as this rebellious character who shakes his fist at God, and that's what Marx did too. You see this in Marx's plays, in his poems. Marx wanted to burn down the house. Marx and his characters in the end of these plays, they are standing there in the pit of these embers, flames all around them.
Paul Kengor:
Marx had a favorite line all of his biographers said from Goethe's Faust, the Mephistopheles character, the Devil character, the demon character. "Everything that exists deserves to perish." Imagine that. If they asked you or I, "Do you have a favorite line?" We'd give a scripture verse, I might say something like, "Be not afraid," something like that. Marx said, "Oh yeah, Goethe, Faust, Mephistopheles, 'Everything that exists deserves to perish.'" That was Marx's favorite.
Albert Mohler:
There's a sense in which looking at intellectual history, how you can trace a Bakunin easier than a Marx on this. There is a strain in Russian thought, Russian mythological thought, a fascination with demons and the Devil. This even shows up in a great work by Dostoyevsky. The Russian anarchists certainly included kind of a demonology in their thought. But Marx was German living in London. Where does this come from for Marx? I thought of this reading your book, it's just hard for me to come up with an English pedigree for this thought.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. Or for that matter, German. He's born May 5th, 1818 in the city of Trier in Germany. Trier is T-R-I-E-R. Extremely religious. One of the most Roman Catholic cities in all of Germany.
Albert Mohler:
And beautiful.
Paul Kengor:
And at that time, very devout. Probably at least 90% of the people in the town were practicing Roman Catholics. The great cathedral at Trier is a magnificent work, it goes back to the 300s. Of all things, it was built, financed by Helena, Saint Helena, Mother of Augusta, of all things. And she had made the famous pilgrimage to the Holy Land where she brought back what she believed were certain relics, the crown of thorns, which is believed to be in Notre Dame, and also she brought back the Holy Robe, what she believed was the Holy Coat, the robe that Jesus wore on the way to the crucifixion that at the foot of the cross, the Roman soldiers cast lots for. That's actually there.
Paul Kengor:
By the way, the Devil character in one of Marx's plays, Marx actually drew out the wardrobe for his characters as well in one of these plays, and while he's sawing on his violin and summoning up the powers of darkness, he's wearing the Holy Robe of Christ, of all things. So Marx grows up literally in the shadow of the Cathedral of Trier. His father, like many Jews in the city, converted to Christianity. The father became Lutheran, which was kind of an odd ... I mean, it's not an odd choice because if you wouldn't pick Catholicism, you would probably pick Lutheranism, but Marx had uncles who converted who chose Catholicism. So most people that converted chose Catholicism.
Paul Kengor:
And probably, as the Marx biographer said, probably did this at least in part under social pressures the Jews were facing in those days, but the father told the son, he said, "Karl, religion's good. It's good to believe in something other than yourself. It's good to believe in a deity." I quote at length this ominous letter, March 2nd, 1837, from his father, and he asked, "That heart of yours son, what's troubling it? Is it governed by a demon? Is it governed by a spirit? And is that spirit heavenly or is it Faustian?"
Albert Mohler:
As we think about this, Paul Johnson, who you mentioned, gives attention to Marx in more than one of his works. One of the things he points out is that the Marxists offer a sanitized Marx in which they basically don't confront head-on his misanthropy. His deep, deep, deep hatred for virtually all humanity. He's calling for humanity to unite in this Communist movement, but he hates humanity, and it began with his own family. He hated his own family. And it's a loathing that's almost impossible to describe. But you do describe it in this book.
Paul Kengor:
He was a very angry man, yeah. Yeah, very angry. All the people around him couldn't stand him. And Engels was one of the only people that was really able to hang in there with him at all. In fact, the only reason that Marx was able to do what he did was because of the inheritance that Engels had inherited from Engels's own wealthy, capitalistic, Christian, conservative father. Which is ironic too, because in the 10-point plan in the Communist Manifesto, point three calls for abolition of all right of inheritance.
Albert Mohler:
Except mine.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. Yeah, right, exactly. Except mine. Yeah, what complete hypocrites they were. Marx is just a miser after mooching as much money as he could from his mother and father. They finally cut him off, and then it was left to Engels to subsidize him, and Engels was offended at how Marx did this, but Engels did so really to help out Marx because of Marx's wife, Marx's family. Engels felt bad for Marx's family. Marx refused to get a job. He refused to work. Marx's poor long-suffering wife, Jenny, his mother, they both expressed the wish that Karl would start earning some capital rather than just writing about capital. Children in the Marx household died, arguably, from malnutrition, exposure to the elements, it's horrible what happened.
Paul Kengor:
But yeah, misanthrope. He did, he hated people, people disliked him. Very, very difficult to get along with. Not a nice, pleasant individual.
Albert Mohler:
Yep. I've been to the Reading Room where he worked, and you could just imagine this smelly guy was how he was referred to, this misanthrope writing this work that would literally change the course of world history and in horrible ways, but no one wanted to be around him half the time.
Albert Mohler:
I want to track another argument with you. I am a theologian, so I would make the argument that in many, many cases, if not most of this kind of horrifying idea, coming from a Western source, Western civilization, it's a second generation fulfillment of an earlier generation's theological problem. So in the case of so many, you can trace either a form of Protestant liberalism, enlightenment theology, or Catholic modernism or something similar to that. And so, in Karl Marx's sense, his grandfather was a rabbi, but his father was a convert not just to Protestantism as a cultural reality, but to liberal Protestantism.
Albert Mohler:
He basically bought into the entire Kantian system. He did not think of Christianity as a body of truth, he thought of Christianity as a culture with which he would identify. The God of whom he speaks is a God who is basically an ethical principle and moral principle, and it's just, I think, very, very troubling to me when you consider the course of theological history that you have these liberal fathers who give birth to demonic children.
Paul Kengor:
You're right on. You're absolutely spot on. That's an excellent description of where the father was coming from. And the father would read to him Rousseau, and the French writer, who Marx could recite off the top of his head. Why can't I think of who this is? Voltaire. They could recite Voltaire. Yeah, it's very much liberalism. Liberal Protestantism. At the very least, very unorthodox. This was true of Joseph Stalin as well. Stalin, when he went off to seminary, went to this very liberal Russian orthodox seminary heavily imbibed in evolution. So yeah. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right.
Albert Mohler:
It's a frightening pattern, and it's just all the more frightening when you consider how many Protestants and Catholics flirt with liberal theology as if it's an intellectual option.
Paul Kengor:
Well, and let me add to this too, that a very major influence on Marx. So when Marx goes off to college, and at that point he still believed in God, and one of the most toxic pernicious influences on him was a mentor and professor named Dr. Bruno Bauer, who was a professor of theology, probably some form of systematic theology, and he was an atheist. So you could see how things never change. I've had parents at my church come up to me and say, "Oh, it's okay. I know that Junior, he's gone to this very liberal university, but he's taking a course on theology for a semester. He'll be okay."
Paul Kengor:
And then I ask around Thanksgiving, "Hey, how's he doing?" "Oh, not too good." "How's the theology course?" "Oh, the theology course. It's taught by an atheist." It's like, "Well, of course it is. What, did you think it was going to be taught by CS Lewis?" But this guy, his name was Bruno Bauer, he was an atheist, and he was also very anti-Semitic, and he and his favorite student, Marx, they end up founding or starting watching a journal called the Archives of Atheism. And the two of them, and here's one of these things that I found in one of the Marx biographers, a very good one, a very good honest biographer, in one instance, he and Bruno Bauer ride into the local village on Palm Sunday on donkeys, mocking Christ's entrance into Jerusalem.
Paul Kengor:
And there's actually two biographers that describe this. The other one who does describes it as, "How fun this is. And here they were, rollicking along, and making noises in church. How endearing. How fun. What a card Karl was."
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. By the time you get to the early decades of the 20th century, it's already clear that for many, German Protestantism has become largely culture Protestantism. And it's just how cultural Protestantism, and much of Catholicism have become a cultural Catholicism, there's no binding theology. And so, by the time you get to the late 19th century and the debacles of the 20th century, much of what's referred to as theology isn't actually theology in any legitimate sense at all.
Paul Kengor:
Well, and how much of this ... I don't want to pick on Germany, I guess, too much, but look at how much came out of Germany in this time. I mean, wow. So Marx and Engels, and then you go in the 10s and the 20s and the Frankfurt School, the Marxists who focused on culture. Cultural Marxism, these guys were Freudian Marxists, of all things. Herbert Marcuse, Wilhelm Reich, who wrote The Sexual Revolution, who tried to create this fusion between Freudianism and Marxism. So yes, so many of these ideas crawled out of Germany at that time.
Paul Kengor:
And you want to talk about liberal Catholicism, look at the bishops in Germany right now. And one of them, by the way, I'm not making this up, his name is Cardinal Marx, and he's the worst. He's the most liberal, heterodox ... he's even giving Pope Francis fits, of all things.
Albert Mohler:
From the left, yeah.
Paul Kengor:
Right, right. And Pope Francis is like, "Whoa, pull it back here. I didn't expect this, of all things." So yeah, kind of this liberal theological strand in Germany, 1800s on, this has been a very destructive influence.
Albert Mohler:
Well, this is where the biblical criticism was born, this is where Schleiermacher, the father of liberal theology as a movement, reducing the essence of Christianity to experience and feeling and utter subjectivity. This is the ultimate victory of Kant in his distinction between the phenomenal and the noumenal, rendering Christianity nothing more than a spirituality and a culture.
Albert Mohler:
And it did affect both Protestants and Roman Catholics to the extent that by the time you get to Marx, as you pointed out, he had a professor who was an atheist. And furthermore, just to be clear, it would be one thing if those ideas stayed in Germany, but by the time you get to the late 19th century, they're already thoroughly ensconced in the most prestigious American institutions and churches.
Paul Kengor:
Right. Right. Yeah, I quote right upfront early on in the book, it's Earl Browder, who was one of the original chairmans of Communist Party USA, right after William Z. Foster ... By the way, the interview between Congressman Hamilton Fish and William Z. Foster in the book is amazing. People read that, they'll be floored. But Earl Browder is speaking at Union Theological Seminary, and it's 1935, and he says to them, he said, "You might be surprised to know that we have preachers, preachers who are active in the Communist Party, who are actually members of the Communist Party." And that's striking, Dr. Mohler. You'd think, "Yeah, well I know there were preachers who were American Communists called suckers. Who were dupes. Who were misled." But for Browder to stand up there and say, "We've got preachers who were actual party members-
Albert Mohler:
But we can draw a line there, because if indeed you buy the logic of Walter Rauschenbusch and the social gospel, which transformed American Protestantism in a liberal direction, especially in the North in the beginning. And especially in a place like Union Theological Seminary. Then if you buy into a social gospel, then Marx appears to be, and indeed, this is what the Latin American liberation theologians claimed, Marx just shows up as the praxis to be applied to your liberal theology and abandonment of biblical Christianity.
Paul Kengor:
Well, that's exactly right. And liberation theology, this would spring up in the 60s and 70s, and a lot of the Jesuits in the 70s and 1980s. Yeah, and it's interesting, the one German theologian who kind of goes to the left and then saw how bad this got in the time of Vatican II was Joseph Ratzinger. Cardinal Ratzinger. And then later on, he ends up becoming conservative and orthodox when he headed up the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under John Paul II, who, of all things, goes to Nicaragua and other places in Central America and slaps down liberal cardinals and bishops who are flirting with liberation theology. So of all things, it takes a German theologian there, Cardinal Ratzinger to become Pope Benedict XVI, to try to bring back orthodoxy. And now, of all things, here you are with a Jesuit pope who, for the record, rejects liberation theology, but you can see it's still influenced by that whole milieu, very much so.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. And I would say that formally, he rejects it. Structurally and substantially, he does not. And of course, you are Roman Catholic, I'm president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, very much a Protestant, but we share many common concerns along these lines. And it gets to the point now, and by the way, I'm probably the only Baptist seminary president you're ever going to meet who spent time during my doctoral work in a Roman Catholic institution studying Cardinal Ratzinger, amongst others.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. His writings are brilliant, yeah. They're really outstanding, and I've listened to some of your podcasts, watched some of your podcasts on Pope Francis, so we could go into quite a tangent on that. But yeah, it is very much a product of that whole Latin American left. Central Asian.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. And the fact is, when I'm talking with you, I want to chase so many points, but you mentioned Union Theological Seminary, and that is just the fountainhead of Protestant liberalism in the United States, but it's also physically located in Morningside Heights, very close to Columbia University. And in two of your previous books, you have pointed to a phenomenon that has caught my attention long ago, and that is that for some reason, Columbia University turned out to be the nexus for so many of the most toxic ideas in American culture, and in particular, the open advocacy of Marxism.
Paul Kengor:
Yes. So many different individuals who went hard left, some of the most famous Communists that we know of in America in the 20th century, and who became anti-Communist, some of them from a theological point of view, Whittaker Chambers. Whittaker Chambers goes into Columbia University as this Taft Republican, and ends up, by the time that he's done at the end of the decade, he's an editor for New Masses, of all things. Ends up spying for the Soviets, of all things. Thomas Merton. He became a Communist at Columbia, and then later leaves that, becomes a monk. Bella Dodd, who I talk about in the book, all it took was she and her friend, Ruthie Goldstein, to take a summer class at Columbia University after she was in Hunter College, and sweet little Maria Isabella Asunta, this Picerno, this nice little Italian girl from New York, ends up becoming a Marxist who claims, or reportedly claimed that she helped place 1,000 Communist men in seminaries, Catholic seminaries in the 30s. And so, what happened at Columbia is really extraordinary. And I think part of that too is, and I quote in the book and I've quote in previous books, the FBI was able to document this, literally half of the Communist Party members in the United States in the 1950s lived in New York. They lived in New York. They had New York City zip codes, and it was quite literally 50%, so it was a hotbed.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. Columbia, oddly enough, was started, of course, as an Anglican college for boys and young men, King's College, because it was quite literally the king's possession. And then it became, of course later, you have the whole social justice movement, and cultural Marxism, which yes, is a term I use without apology, because it is a thing. And Columbia becomes so centered in that. And I'm not implying that Barack Obama was a Communist, let's be clear about that, but it's not accidental that Barack Obama transfers from Occidental College to Columbia University, to the very place where that is so much a part of the ethos. And I want to be clear, it's not just Communism, but it is basically the idea of a very liberal social organizing praxis that is very much a part of the ethos and culture of Columbia University.
Paul Kengor:
Well, and he wrote in Dreams from My Father about going to Columbia and attending socialist conferences, and hanging out with socialist professors. So yeah, yeah. No, he admits that. Another character here that's popped into my mind a couple of times as you said this, and also as you mentioned social justice, probably the most damaging theologian of the day was the Reverend Harry Ward, who was Methodist. And he headed the group Methodist Federation for Social Action, it was called. Today, they probably call it the Methodist Federation for Social Justice.He and Roger Baldwin were the two founders of the ACLU, and also too, one of the original founding board members of the ACLU, you can't make this up, was William Z. Foster, the first head of the Communist Party USA, of all things. But Harry Ward, who was known as ... Manning Johnson called him the Red Dean of Clergy in the United States. He's somebody who Manning Johnson and others said was actually a party member. So that's somebody, he's quite a case. He very well may have been faking his Christianity all the while in order to do what he did. And he ended up creating some enormously influential front groups.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. I'm not even sure he had to fake it. Because by then, liberal Protestantism was so devoid of theology and any kind of significant truth claim or moral claim that you didn't have to fake being a liberal Protestant, because it didn't require anything. And we just forget how dominant that establishment was in creating the American elite. Virtually-
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. William Z. Foster though said under oath to Congress, he told Hamilton Fish, Hamilton Fish said, "Could you be a religious believer and be a party member?" And Foster said, "Well, that'd be pretty odd. I guess you could, theoretically, but you would need be in the process of liquidating those religious superstitions." So you wonder how somebody like Harry Ward really could even be a Communist, because really, like Marx said, Communism begins where atheism begins. You really cannot be a Christian.
Albert Mohler:
No, and that helps bring us back to kind of the first question, and even the title of your book, and the purpose of writing your most recent book, The Devil and Karl Marx. So people today, especially young people, attracted, we are told, and I actually believe this, to Socialism in unprecedented numbers. Americans who seem to have forgotten the entire 20th century, and you look at this and you recognize that atheism was not a factor in a Marxist thought. Atheism is the apriori because if there is any ontological God, then you cannot have the world view of Marxism.
Albert Mohler:
And I think that's what so many Americans, young and old, frankly, just don't recognize. The way I would put it as a theologian is that the atheism is apriori to Marxism.
Paul Kengor:
It is, yeah. And apriori, so again, Marxist Communism begins where atheism begins. And you need to be an atheist first in order to be a Communist, and they believe that. I quote Nikolai Bukharin, the founding editor of Pravda, and he said, "Religion and Communism, Christianity and Communism are incompatible. Christianity and religion must be fought at the tip of the spear. At the tip of the bayonet."
Paul Kengor:
And again, like Lenin said, "All worship of the divinity is a necrophilia." Speaking again of the Jesuits, there was a horrific piece July 2019 in America Magazine, which is the flagship publication of the Jesuits, called, "The Catholic Case for Communism." Now, that quite literally could've gotten them probably excommunicated in 1949 under Pius XII's papal decree on Communism. And not only would the church have said in those days, "Wait a second, Catholic case for Communism? You can't be a Catholic and a Communist." In fact, Pope Pius XI, the Quadragesimo Anno said, "One cannot be at the same time a socialist and a Christian. The two are incompatible." So not only would the church have said that, the Communists would have said that. The Communists would have walked into the offices of America Magazine and said, "What are you guys talking about? The Catholic case for Communism? The Christian case for Communism? These are incompatible. Are you out of your minds? What are you reading? What are you smoking?"
Albert Mohler:
Yep. No, you're exactly right, except we have to add to that that one of the axioms of applying Marxism was that one could misrepresent Marxism in so far as it would advance the Marxist political aims. And so, I've seen that in my own lifetime, where people who actually will advocate for a genuine Marxism, they mispresent and misrepresent Marxism, especially to religious people, because as you used the word dupes, it's a horrifyingly condescending word, but it's often true. They would find fellow travelers amongst religious people.
Paul Kengor:
Now, this is crucial. Yeah. So I think it's part three of the book, and I go through Earl Browder's outstretched hand effort in the 1930s. So yeah, the Communist Party did a major about-face, where they realized that attacking Christianity, declaring a war on religion was absolutely and utterly counterproductive. And if they were going to make any inroads at all, especially in the United States, which was such a religious country, they looked at the mainline denominations, they looked at 18 million Catholics, Al. In New York City, between 110th and 59th Street ... Or not 18 million, that was nationally.
Paul Kengor:
But hundreds of thousands, and they said to themselves, "If we could sucker," ... Bella Dodd called them suckerless, "If we could get even 1% of these people, we'll explode our membership. We're struggling to get 50 thousand Communist Party USA members." So they started singing a different tune. This was the whole united front effort, which was led by JB Matthews. By the way, JB Matthews, I think he was another Union Theological Seminary product. And so, they led that effort in the 1930s, so that began indeed an effort to lie. To conceal. To deceive.
Paul Kengor:
As Manning Johnson said, "The Devil doth quote scripture." That led to a long process of misleading, and they had enormous success, especially when they sought to create front groups, like the American League Against War and Fascism, to which Fulton Sheen said, "I have an idea. If you change your name to the American League Against Communism and Fascism, then we'll join your group." But that's not what it is.
Paul Kengor:
So they would create these names. What's in a name? A lot. Look at the name today, like Black Lives Matter. The name is brilliant. Who could possibly oppose that? Who would say, "Black lives don't matter"? Nobody. So I'm not comparing it to the American League Against War and Fascism, but the point is that they realized the importance of proper names, sloganeering, and these Communists in the 30s were outstanding at deception and disinformation and manipulation.
Albert Mohler:
Well, they treated it as an art form with everything as a means to the end. And the end justifies the means. And so, that's one of the first things I was taught about Communism as a young boy in the public schools in the 1960s. At least they taught us what to listen for. I had a Marxist teacher at one point, and he could never have, I think, been clear in his Marxism publicly, but nonetheless, was. And frankly, caused me to think a lot. And in college, a professor who said to me basically, "We don't have to destroy religion, religion's destroying itself." And by the way, again, as a conservative, I have to say there's a lot of evidence for him to have confidence. But he said, "The thing is," he said, "Marx took religion too seriously." And I thought, "Well, that's interesting," and especially relevant to our conversation today. What he meant was that they didn't have to destroy the church to bring about a Communist revolution, all they had to do was force the church into acquiescence.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. Or confusion. Yeah, that’s right. Although what Marx said, Marx, in a letter to Arnold Ruge, called for, "The ruthless criticism of everything that exists." The ruthless criticism of everything that exists. On pages 383 to 384 of this book, I reiterated a bunch of those different quote throughout the book. I thought it was really important to wrap them up in the conclusion, and they're in bullets, and one of them is that Communism represents the most radical rupture in traditional relations. Yeah, page 383 to 384.
Paul Kengor:
And this is in the concluding lines of The Communist Manifesto. Everybody thinks of, "Workers of the world unite," "We have nothing to lose but our chains," all those different lines, but there's a line in the end there where Marx and Engels write that, "Communism calls for the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions." The forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. So they realized that you had to take out God. You had to take down God. You had to remove God. Once you raise that foundation, once you destroy, the words in the manifesto, "All morality, all religion, then you can stand there like Marx did in the embers of that burnt down house with your fist in the air, 'Everything that exists deserves to perish.' And now we can begin our world anew.” So they knew that you had to abolish not just property, not just capital, not just the family, you needed to abolish religion as well.
Albert Mohler:
So Paul, when you're looking at Marx, you're looking at this absolute commitment to the most ruthless, rigorous criticism. Now, draw the line there, and by the way, let me just pause it right upfront, that meant eventually the abolishment of God, the abolition of the family, the abolition of all organized religion, and as you say, all current social conditions completely obliterated. So explicitly, marriage, the family, God. Draw a line between that and critical theory as it exists right now as very much an intellectual force.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. In fact, Marx in the Opiate of the Masses essay said that, "The criticism of religion is the beginning of all criticism." In a way, it's pretty profound. The criticism of religion is the beginning of all criticism. And critical theory, which is probably the fancier, more academic term for cultural Marxism. I prefer the term critical theory because I think critical theory nails it. When you really look at a lot of these Marxists, especially the neo-Marxists, the modern-day Marxists, you find out that they, like Karl Marx, are all about criticizing.
Paul Kengor:
Again, what Marx said in an 1843 letter to Arnold Ruge, "The ruthless criticism of everything that exists." People think about that. People say all the time that, "Oh, the problem with Communism is it doesn't understand markets." No, Communism is a philosophical system. The ruthless criticism of everything that exists? Yeah.
Albert Mohler:
Well, be clear. Be clear. Here's the problem. I know what you mean by that, I know what Marx means by that, I know what the critical theorists mean by that, but an awful lot of people hearing us talk won't understand that what is meant by criticism here is intellectual destruction and subversion. It's not criticism that X or Y could be improved, it's that Western civilization is nothing more than a titanic project of human oppression.
Paul Kengor:
Yes. Yeah, and the only word that Marx uses as much as, if not more than criticism, is abolition. So criticism goes with abolition. So the criticism, the ruthless criticism of all that exists in his case means abolition as well. And some Marxist scholars have translated abolition as you transcend, you go beyond. But as you see in Marx and as you see in the followers, no, no, no. These guys mean abolition. They mean take down. And the word abolition is used throughout the manifesto.
Paul Kengor:
You mentioned the family. They actually used the phrase, Marx and Engels, this is a verbatim quote, "Abolition of the family!" Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of Communists. So they can already, in 1848, refer to abolition of the family as an infamous proposal of the Communists. And also, they write in the manifesto, "The entire Communist theory may be summed up in this single sentence: Abolition of private property."
Paul Kengor:
And so, right then and there people who say, "Oh, the Communist Manifesto is a pretty good book if you just read it. It talks about sharing and love and taking care of your fellow man." And as one Marx biographer, Francis Wheen says, "To blame the Gulags on Marx and Engels and the Communist Manifesto is absurd." No it's not. You want to abolish private property? You're going to have a war on your hands. Like Marx said, forcible overthrow. And like he says in the 10-point plan, of course to effect this, despotic inroads will be necessary. Of course you're going to need force and violence and guns to abolish private property. You think people are going to give that up? That's a sacred right. It's a natural right. It's natural law. It's biblical. The cave, the courthouse, Judeo-Christianity. Thou shall not steal implies that people have the right to property. You're going to have a war on your hands if you try to abolish private property.
Paul Kengor:
Which is why, Dr. Mohler, Ronald Reagan said, "A Communist is somebody who reads Marx, an anti-Communist is someone who understands Marx." And again, I hear young people say, "Communism's a pretty good idea if you just read it." They haven't read it. They haven't read it because if they did, they'd reject it.
Albert Mohler:
And they certainly haven't read the history of its attempted application. Because Marxism has worked precisely nowhere any time.
Paul Kengor:
Nowhere. Even if they had one case that they could point to. One. Really, they ought to have 10, but there's not even one. It's just absolute destruction wherever it goes, and I think that it's because it's diabolical, frankly.
Albert Mohler:
Right. Well, and it's skeletons everywhere you look.
Paul Kengor:
That's right.
Albert Mohler:
Given that, let's talk about this kind of leftward infatuation with Marx. Or with Marxist, Che Guevara. They've got the Che t-shirts, wore it all over college campuses. Or take the fact that the Democratic Party still, still in 2020, has never really come to terms with Cuba. Or Venezuela, for that matter. You just look at this and it just defies imagination that we have to be talking about this now.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. Yeah, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is now doing an annual survey that comes out every October on American views towards Socialism and Communism. And it just gets worse and worse, and it's really quite shocking. And for the record, for people who don't understand the difference, according to the Marxist-Leninist theory, society, the world, history would go through these dialectical stages, this series of processes, stages, from feudalism and slavery to capitalism to Socialism to Communism. So Socialism would be the final transitionary step to Communism.
Paul Kengor:
The USSR was United Soviet Socialist, right? Socialist Republic. So yeah, Socialism was his final step. Marion Smith, who runs Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, I really like his formulation, he says that when he is asked to define the difference between Socialism and Communism, he says, "Well, as for the Christian, the Christian aspires to Heaven, the Socialist aspires to Communism." And that's a good description, because as Pope Benedict XVI said, "For the Communists, Communism is like the new Jerusalem. It's the earthly utopia. It's the secular utopia. It's the world that they ascend to, that they try to go to." Which is so ironic, because again, it's supposed to be this atheistic philosophy. Ronald Reagan said, "Communism, that religion of theirs." And they indeed treat it like a religion.
Albert Mohler:
One of the amazing things to me is, by the way, on these lines, that there's just a lack of intellectual honestly amongst people who need to be grown-ups. For instance, you hear people talking about Democratic Socialism, which is an oxymoron in the truest sense, and always has been. So then they say, "But look at Europe." Okay, look at Europe. Socialism, by any adequate, honest definition means state ownership and control of the means of production. That is not Sweden. That is not Norway.
Paul Kengor:
No. They confuse their terms. A lot of what they're talking about in Europe, which are really social democracies, which is very different from Democratic Socialism. In fact, the organization that's carrying the flag for that in the United States is the DSA, the Democratic Socialists of America. And if you go to their website, it says right at the first page of the website, they refer to themselves as the largest Socialist organization in the United States. So they use the term Socialist. And that is the organization AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, so they have about 50 thousand members, they have chapters on 200 to 300 college campuses. That's where the action is. Communist Party USA really claims only about 5,000 members, so that's not much. But yeah, it's the Democratic Socialists of America, that's it. That's where it's happening.
Albert Mohler:
What does it tell you that in the year 2020, an idea and ideology as horrific as Marxism is, if anything, at least in American and European intellectual circles, ascendent?
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. I think that is a sign of ... Actually, let me put it in three words. Education, education, education. I think it's a product of our universities, and you and I watched this. We saw the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and you and I talking about, I think the book Dupes 10 years ago, we kept saying, "If young people don't start learning the horrors of Communism and what's bad with this system, and to the contrary, if they continue to learn strictly positives about Communism, we're going to be in deep trouble. We're eventually going to pay for this. People aren't going to know the difference."
Paul Kengor:
And one of the surveys by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation that I'll never forget, it was one-third of millennials, and it was I think 28% or 30% of all Americans generally ... Okay, brace yourselves, folks, believed that George W. Bush was responsible for more deaths than Joseph Stalin. That is absolutely astounding. Alexander Yakovlev, in his Yale University Press book, A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, he was given the task for Gorbachev in the 1990s of counting the skulls. He said Stalin alone annihilated 60 to 70 million people, and you think George W. Bush killed more people than Joseph Stalin? Where are you? How can that happen? Well, if you're in a university in America in the 2000s, and the only things you hear of the past four years are, "Bush bad, Bush bad, Bush bad," and the only thing you learned about the Cold War is that it was about some bad guy named Joe Stalin ... or, I mean Joe McCarthy, Joe McCarthy, who harassed these wonderful progressives called the Hollywood 10. You're not going to know any of these facts. So here we are, we're now reaping what we've sown.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. It just amazes me too, the hagiography of the left. And Hollywood and all the rest. So you mentioned Joseph McCarthy, it turned out that of course, he was a complete alcoholic, again, misanthropic, misrepresenting, hatemonger. Okay, give him that. But he also turned out to have been far more right than wrong, as verified by the Verona papers. Once the KGB archives were opened, it's clear that he was ... I mean, he was wrong in making accusations about numbers, but it turns out when he talked about the State Department, there were a lot of Communist agents in it because the Communists were paying them and keeping their records.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah. The most remarkable book on McCarthy is Blacklisted by History by my late good friend Stan Evans, M. Stanton Evans, and yeah, anyone listening right now who doesn't like what you and I just said about McCarthy, you need to read Stan's book. You need to. If you don't, you're not being intellectually honest. You need to go through it.
Albert Mohler:
I'm not trying to revive McCarthy, I'm just simply saying that the left is dishonest about him. They also never point to the fact that Jack Kennedy, as a United States senator, never took a public stand against McCarthy when he was running for office because he needed the votes of Irish Catholics in Boston who loved Joe McCarthy, and Joe McCarthy was in the wedding of Robert Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy wept at his death.
Paul Kengor:
Yeah, they were close. They were tight. Bobby Kennedy worked for Joe McCarthy. In fact, Robert Kennedy's oldest daughter, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, her godfather was Joe McCarthy. And Joe McCarthy used to hang out at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port. He actually dated one of the Kennedy daughters. And yeah, they were very close. They were all solid anti-Communist Irish Catholics. Yeah. So that's something too that the left doesn't like to talk about.
Albert Mohler:
That doesn't make it into the docudramas.
Paul Kengor:
No. No, it doesn't. No. No, they were tight. They were tight.
Albert Mohler:
Professor Paul Kengor, it's always exhilarating to talk with you. This has been a fun conversation about a very depressing topic, because we care about ideas
Paul Kengor:
Yeah, very depressing. But always good to talk to you.
Albert Mohler:
Yeah. We care about ideas, and we agree with the late Richard Weaver that ideas have consequences, and it's our task intellectually not just to point to the consequences, but to work from the consequences back to the ideas. And you have, in a body of work, done that, and for that, we're in your debt.
Paul Kengor:
Well, we're in your debt. Thank you for all that you do. You're truly doing the Lord's work, and I'll continue to tune in.
Albert Mohler:
Thank you.
Paul Kengor:
Thank you for all you do, and God bless you.
Albert Mohler:
Many thanks to my guest, Professor Paul Kengor, for thinking with me today. If you enjoyed today's episode of Thinking in Public, you'll find more than 100 of these conversations at under the tab Thinking in Public.
Albert Mohler:
For more information on the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, go to For information on Boyce College, go to Thank you for joining me for Thinking in Public, and until next time, keep thinking. I'm Albert Mohler.
and now accuses boss for sexual harassment (says her barrister)
what a scam .....
maybe ok
but sounds like some virtue signaling to me
I don't like their ice cream
prefer Bask N Robbins
and as far as I am concerned BnR has best chocolate chip ...
maybe ok
but sounds like some virtue signaling to me
I don't like their ice cream
prefer Bask N Robbins
and as far as I am concerned BnR has best chocolate chip ...
Deeper and darker.
can I assume the two on the right , if they open there mouth one would see a barbell through their tongues?
I am not sure why people do this unless they are trying to show off they are good at oral sex. :wink:
That is deeply unsettling , , ,
reverend Al:
does anyone believe this:
he is hiding it somehow - maybe thru the NAN
this seems closer to the truth but I don't even believe this:
the girl is tough - does not back down!
she should have grabbed the larger "girls" balls that would have ended it:
I would love to train her-- what spirit!
DEI Brings Kafka to My Law School
Ohio Northern University is trying to banish me for lack of ‘collegiality’ but won’t say what I’ve done.
By Scott Gerber
May 9, 2023 12:34 pm ET
Franz Kafka’s “The Trial” tells the story of Josef K., a man arrested, prosecuted and killed by an inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor to the reader. I’m Josef K.
Around 1 p.m. on Friday, April 14, Ohio Northern University campus security officers entered my classroom with my students present and escorted me to the dean’s office. Armed town police followed me down the hall. My students appeared shocked and frightened. I know I was. I was immediately barred from teaching, banished from campus, and told that if I didn’t sign a separation agreement and release of claims by April 21, ONU would commence dismissal proceedings against me. The grounds: “Collegiality.” The specifics: None.
Josef K. never learns what he’s alleged to have done wrong. The offenses I’ve allegedly committed haven’t been revealed to me, either. But I have an educated guess.
Like many universities, ONU is aggressively pursuing “diversity, equity and inclusion” initiatives. I have objected publicly as vice chairman of the University Council, an elected faculty governance body, and in newspaper op-eds and on television, to DEI efforts that don’t include viewpoint diversity and would lead to illegal discrimination in employment and admissions.
The same week I was led out of my classroom by police and campus security, I published an op-ed defending Justice Clarence Thomas’s right to have friends—even rich ones. The week before that, I gave a TV interview in which I criticized DEI programs that discriminate against white men in the name of “racial and social justice” and for being indifferent to the type of diversity higher education should value most: viewpoint diversity. The week prior, I published op-eds in a national newspaper and an Ohio one making the same points.
I requested during a University Council meeting earlier this semester that ONU’s DEI program address viewpoint diversity. The administration responded, brusquely, that viewpoint diversity is “not part of our diversity, belonging and inclusion plan.”
While my opinions obviously ruffled some feathers on campus, I wasn’t a pariah. My teaching evaluations are excellent, and my fall 2023 courses filled to capacity on the first day of registration this spring.
But this semester, for no apparent reason, ONU launched an “investigation” into me, without saying what it was about. My lawyers and I asked for specifics multiple times. ONU refused to provide them. Now, rather than level with me, ONU is demanding that I gamble the remainder of my career at a table where the administration holds all the cards. With my sudden free time, I rack my brain to think of rules I might have broken.
Perhaps decency is a sacrifice ONU is willing to make to grease the wheels of the DEI agenda. It looks like the law is, too. As my Academic Freedom Alliance-provided lawyer informed ONU, the attempt on April 14 to intimidate me into signing the release of claims with only a week’s notice is an unambiguous violation of federal age-discrimination law, which requires that workers over 40 be given a minimum of 21 days to consider such offers. I’m 62.
Moreover, insufficient “collegiality” isn’t listed as adequate cause in ONU’s faculty handbook for dismissing a tenured faculty member. The American Association of University Professors notified ONU in an April 19 letter, and again on May 2, that “an absence of collegiality ought never, by itself, constitute a basis for nonreappointment, denial of tenure, or dismissal for cause.” The university president informed AAUP that “ONU will not be providing a response.”
All of this is happening during the most successful year of my professional life. In addition to my teaching, which students appear to love—and, more than anything else, I love teaching—one of the world’s most prestigious university presses is publishing my 10th book this summer, and I was reappointed to the Ohio Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. But as I learned as I was marched out of my classroom by men in uniform, dissenting from DEI can turn anyone into Josef K.
with facial image of DeSantis
Notice the image of the author of article in upper left......
make your own conclusions
actually the terms trans*phobic* , Islamo*phobic*, etc.
are not even accurate :
"A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Phobias are more pronounced than fears. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object."
My daughter, who works at Starbucks, is tall (5'11") and lean and has aggressively short hair. Occasionally she gets mistaken for a man. No uproar from her, just a smile, and a "I get that sometimes" with a gentle statement that she is a woman.
Agree 100% on the misuse of "phobia".
one of my two gay relatives - a nephew used to work at Starbucks for many yrs
actually the terms trans*phobic* , Islamo*phobic*, etc.
are not even accurate :
"A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Phobias are more pronounced than fears. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object."
they shove their agenda in our faces all day and night
groom children
and but those who are sick of hearing about it and would like them to keep their business
to themselves are of course the evil doers.
now what? we are going to have the libs pushing for Federal legislation that every single public place or business MUST have single bathrooms
like disabilities act - which sorry NOT everyone thinks is so great like we are told
hot for 74! and rich too !
I just noticed the suit is not real - it looks phony
perhaps she is not so hot. :-o
Can Ben Crump be sued ?:
will we ever here his apologize for rushing to wrong conclusions with an sue happy attorney should have more care about
Embrace the diversity!
on MSNBC changed his story
issue with Neely was racial
it was the "system failed him"
so now cockroach Al is fighting the system for those with mental illness
who have been arrested over and over again
it is the fault of faulty system that can be blamed now
nonetheless rev AL (as Rush used to say with a whisper) had new target to blame other then who the blame should be placed onto.
I wondered where this guys family was . Do they not bear some responsibility?
of course they are all loving and sad now that Crump convinced big bucks could shaken down here .
Blaming the system is just another scam - the ex marine is not rich - but the city of NYC has bucks to pay
here is the uncle of Neely , who was so sad concerned and heartbroken for the cameras
after being prepped by the shakedown thugs :
A true race baiting scum bag for decades now , , , and a tax cheat, good buddy of Obama, and no one gives a flying fornication that he (and Slick Willie) shared a stage with flagrant demagogue and notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.
of my post above
I wrote :
"issue with Neely was racial
it was the "system failed him"
I meant that the initial knee jerk Sharpton/Crump extortion racket reaction was it is "racial".
when they both realized that was phony story was horse feces and the fact they would get more money blaming the system they shifted blame to the "system"
Wherever the money is...
of my post above
I wrote :
"issue with Neely was racial
it was the "system failed him"
I meant that the initial knee jerk Sharpton/Crump extortion racket reaction was it is "racial".
when they both realized that was phony story was horse feces and the fact they would get more money blaming the system they shifted blame to the "system"
and thus:
surprised not Crump :
This firm is representing the Neely "estate"
Start at 17:43
this hits home with me
I have recently been asked to update my profile with preferred pronouns
was thinking , that if required , I would respect others pronouns wishes ( hey , I don't want to be fired)
but I don't believe it in and respectfully refuse to get into [silly nonsensical and stupid] game for myself
this article is timely for me :
so he just signed a law that already includes 72% of Americans !
how dumb
***It's estimated that a little over 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight. Overall, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity. Adults between ages of 40 and 59 are more likely to have obesity.***
what about those who are no overweight ? are they the victims of this DEI?
this is unbelievable:
me =>. NOOOOOO!!!!!!
at least he is honest about it
as more gen z get groomed it will only get better for business :x
dumbart posts above
what they don't tell you Anheuser-Busch owns 50 % of Modelo:
so if people are buying Modelo in protest - they are making mistake
What brand then do we suggest?
well I just drank a Coors lite at an old hotdog stand from an original home turf of mine yesterday
it was good
so how about miller coors ?
though I guess I have to look up if they give money to gay month or have. a DEI officer
What brand then do we suggest?
Not available in my AO typically, so I stick to microbrews and Val-U-rite Vodka!
First 48 seconds is all you need.
Good News: The Disney Death Spiral
Woke kids movies are hitting the disgraced film company hard in the pocketbook.
Emmy Griffin
The last few movies that Disney has released have lost the company close to a billion dollars. With the new Indiana Jones movie coming out on Friday, it is anticipated the deficit will only rise.
According to World of Reel: "A well-known Box office analyst has estimated that the Walt Disney Co. has lost over $890 million on their last eight studio releases. The films contributing to the losses include 'Lightyear,' 'Thor: Love and Thunder,' 'Strange World,' 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,' 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania,' 'The Little Mermaid,' and 'Elemental.' The eight films cost roughly $2.75 billion to produce but only brought in $1.86 billion. Okay, but what about marketing costs? You have to take that into account as well — it must be way more than $890 million in losses."
The nuanced view (i.e., the view that wants to gloss over the bigger truth) of this fall from grace points to the fact that Disney made a tactical financial error by releasing its films post-theater only to Disney+. If the company had chosen, like Universal has, to use a split-pay method so that other streaming platforms like Amazon Prime or Netflix had to pay to use some of Disney's content, that might have helped stymie the financial bleeding. It's an interesting theory, but not enough to quite explain the audience's rejection of films from a once-beloved company. These losses are specifically about big box-office films flopping.
Another thought — complaint, really — is that Disney is in a creative rut. It is recycling old nostalgic films like "The Lion King" and "The Little Mermaid" and turning them into live-action features. Apparently, "Moana" and "Bambi" are in for the same treatment. The Disney team has absolutely sucked the life out of the Marvel Comic Universe and Star Wars Universe in terms of side storylines. Yet it continues to put these franchises through the revamp machine in the hope of making more money out of old material.
What is actually the issue, however, is that Disney decided to use its position of trust as a beloved film company primarily targeting children to push an ideological agenda that is anti-family. Parents simply aren't going to pay for trashy indoctrination.
Let's start with "Lightyear," "Strange World," and "Elemental." These stories were used to push the LGBTQ+ agenda. "Lightyear" featured a same-sex kiss, "Strange World" had a whole gay romance side plot, and "Elemental" featured a nonbinary character. It's not just these films, though. Disney has a plethora of pride films that it has categorized and ready for viewing on its streaming platform. These films are marketed for kids, and frankly the majority of parents have a problem with that. Disney has also advertised that it has hired a gender-confused man to play a major character in a new Star Wars series, "The Acolyte." So, yeah, this company is all in with the gender ideology indoctrination of children.
Then there are films that cater to the racism narrative: "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever," "The Little Mermaid," and again "Elemental." Granted, "Elemental" is the only one wherein the storyline was explicitly about xenophobia. However, Disney was more than willing to stir up racial grievance talking points for "The Little Mermaid." It cast live-action Ariel as black, which was made into a huge deal. Moreover, the outright anti-white rhetoric surrounding the opening weekend of "Wakanda Forever" was off-putting, to say the least. Other Disney franchises are guilty of stirring up racial division to sell their product, with "Obi-Wan Kenobe" being a prime example. Ultimately, the message is that of racial Marxism, which is deeply rooted in anti-family sentiments.
As was mentioned earlier, Disney has been heavily relying on its animated-to-live-action remakes. Part of the reason for the audience's rejection of these films — aside from being shot-for-shot almost the same movies as the old — is that Disney has tried to "update" the films to suit 2020 cultural norms. For example, lyrics to the beloved songs in "The Little Mermaid" were changed to fit modern notions of morality, and "Kiss the Girl" was rewritten so that consent was front and center. As another example, Disney took the whole redemptive (Christian) moral center out of its "Pinocchio" 2022 remake.
Disney has been losing money steadily since March 2022, which happened to be when former Disney CEO Bob Chapek dragged the company to a woke crusade against Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis's Parental Rights in Education legislation, an anti-grooming bill deceitfully dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill by left-wing activists. It is an interesting coincidence to note. For perspective, Disney+ launched in November 2019, so the incorporation of that streaming platform into the mix is probably not the main cause of the crash and burn of Disney's stock and other revenue.
Disney seems to be in a death spiral, and it's hard to see how the company's doubling down on woke leftist maxims is going to turn that financial bleeding around. In case Disney executives weren't already aware, Americans are fatigued by the Left's moral relativism. They prefer truth, goodness, and beauty — things that Disney is no longer producing
".Michigan residents could be charged with a felony, face up to five years in prison and get a $10,000 fine for using the wrong pronouns "
can it get any more outrageous then this?
alphabet mafia
keep shoving their dooty down our throats:
Me :
shut up and leave the rest of us alone
and stay away from children.
This is insanity. Another great article by Robert Spencer. This whole LGBQWTF activist movement is completely out-of-control. I never thought I’d live to see some of these things our government is pushing now growing up as a gay man in college. I am completely opposed to this bullsh*t. That’s why I joined “Gays Against Groomers.” (Check out their web site.)
I would have guessed green color trumps rainbow colors
"CLIMATE" trumps "LBGTQ etc "
new grade school curriculum :
IN :
+ Pansexual
+ Agender
+ Gender Queer
+ Bigender
+ Gender Variant
+ Pangender
first this person cannot hold a note
or sing
second - I ain't paying reparations
so sing trash all you want.
but blacks calling each other the N word is perfectly fine
wonder if the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People are going to speak out about this
Yes. Make sure I have this right, they say "people of color" but no one can say 'colored people'. Unless you are NAACP.
On a dime we turned from negro to black to Black must be capitalized. But don't look up dictionary definition of negro (black). Say it 'wrong' and you are "racist". (
Ignore race and you are racist.
"People of color" is okay because it is language of the Left using race for political gain. Acceptable by definition. And by color, they mean not white.
Colored people is a phrase from a different time when people, mostly Democrats grouped people by race for their own gain or advantage . Same as the Left does today looking out for people of color!
It's conservatives (like Martin Luther King and us) who prefer to see people as individuals with many individual qualities, not labeled and grouped as members of a race.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.". -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Not by the Left.
Exactly !
but instead of making all the accurate points you make above
Eli Crane wimps out:
this all to try to tarnish Republicans - if Biden had said this it would be ignored by the race hustlers......
When is the NAACP going to change their moniker
to NAAPoC ?
what a farce - it will be 50 yrs from now and the NAACP will still be hustling faux reasons for their existence.
That is depressing. Racial Marxism is bringing us down.
"One section on the immigrant experience says U.S. foreign policy “contributed to the violence and corruption driving people to migrate.” It lists U.S. backing of Cuba’s Fulgencio Batista and the Dominican Republic’s Rafael Trujillo, and it describes the Hispanic experience in the U.S. as persistent oppression.
“We can’t deny the fact that many that came before us suffered historic injustice here in America. That happened. That’s part of our history. But that’s not the centerpiece of our story. That’s not why so many of us came here,” he said.
Mr. Garcia said the exhibits blame the U.S. for the atrocities of Latin American dictators. He said the displays show it was American intervention that sent people fleeing their homes and rushing north rather than the prosperity and opportunity that the U.S. offered."
I don't know about Batista - too long ago
but are the libs saying Cubans are doing great under the Castros?
How many are fleeing Florida to go to Cuba?
US is to blame for the dictators of South of the border ?
oh come on .........
Like everyone who migrates legally or legally here are saints and we are all devils.
I suppose we are to blame for the plight of Haitians too - who were the first to be freed in the Caribbean .....
close to 200 yrs later.....
My region of specialization for my International Relations degree from U. of PA was Latin America.
Granted US meddling in LA had consequences, but the larger and deeper explanation goes to the Spanish mercantilist/conquistador approach to the colonial period combined with geographical realities (e.g. Mexico has no navigable rivers, geographic induced fragmentation etc) and the role of the Catholic Church.
"My region of specialization for my International Relations degree from U. of PA was Latin America."
I didn't remember you had a degree in this . Wow . Was this after Georgetown Law?
Do you speak Spanish?
I read once it was also because people in Latin became more like sharecroppers and not land *owners*
Although I don't know if that is true or how important it was .
BA at U. of PA '77
Columbia Law '81,
Yes I speak Spanish. Indeed because I graduated 12/77 I had an open semester before beginning at Columbia so I spent a semester at a Mexican law school (one half load) for rich kids to improve my Spanish.
The summer after my first year at Columbia I spent in the foreign investment department of the largest law firm in Mexico City.
My Spanish was a key variable in scoring a job at an international law firm in Georgetown coming out of law school.
This reminds me of a time in Constitutional Law class with my prof Ruth Bader Ginsburg when the Equal Rights Amendment came up and a frontally disagreed with her on it.
Among the reasons I gave a lesser one was the bathroom issue.
"Ah yes, the potty problem" she sneered, "I think traditional notions of privacy can take care of that."
I think we can all agree that this prediction turned out to be less than prescient.
"Among the reasons I gave a lesser one was the bathroom issue."
"Ah yes, the potty problem"...
Another ERA issue was drafting women into combat. We didn't ratify the ERA and we don't draft now anyway, but we do send more women into harm's way and have lots of gender issues, including bad behavior of men around women.
Were we a better society when we protected women with preferential treatment, or are women better off with gender distinctions banned?
The thought of the feminists at the time was that requiring drafting women would end war and military spending, etc. Let the Brezhnevs, Putins, and Hitler's of the world have what they want. If we would live in peace, they would live in peace.
"Imagine all the people ... living life in peace..."
There was also the very real risk of activist judges inserting comparable worth doctrine into the reading of the Amendment.
suddenly it is horrendous to go after "Woke"
though most Americans know it has gone way too far
Ron is taking not only the Left complex , but the Wall Streeters
I agree the line about how slaves might have benefitted sounds bad out of context
but some did learn trades that they may have been able to use for pay though at lower rates than whites
that IS the history
but the way it was worded was poor choice in this day of even saying one wrong word can be seen as offensive
I saw an extended interview of the historian who wrote the material in question (he is black BTW) and thought him very sound and reasoned.
Some Republicans (e.g. Tim Scott, who should know better) have cheap shotted Ron on this.
No apologies due IMHO.
It is a point I think Thomas Sowell has made but I don't see a context for an R candidate for President in 2023-24 to make it.
A better message is JFK, rising tide lifts all boats, inflation hits the poor the hardest, secure the border, secure the elections, peace through strength, limited government IS the law of the land, unelected officials work for us, not the other way around, etc. He probably says all the right things all day long and that's not what gets reported.
DeSantis stands up against CRT in the schools. GOOD FOR HIM!
DeSantis stands up for parental rights vs. the Teachers Union. GOOD FOR HIM!
Hmm, are some dawning lightbulbs beginning to shine? If so there may be some common ground to be found in this moment of tragedy:
"there may be some common ground to be found"
I'm sensing this too, but suspect the emotional discomfort caused thereby will somehow make quite a bit of it temporary.
" I'm sensing this too, but suspect the emotional discomfort caused thereby will somehow make quite a bit of it temporary."
yes even with this we see Dems continue to be partisan.
most Jewish Dems come together in support of Israel.
But also staying together like rats swimming in crazy glue in fighting Republicans
example - none will support Scalise and stop the "chaos in the House diatribe"
Mark Levin said for first time, finally , the first religion of Democrat Jews is *Democrat party*
2 nights ago.
It appears school districts with dedicated DEI staff end up doing a poorer job of educating the underprivileged:
Post that here too please:
Here about the journalist killed in his Philly apartment after mocking those pointing out Philly’s crime rate? Turns out there is more to the story:
Including this tweet:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
but :
I would love to hear their reply to this.
Why Are Feminists Silent About Hamas Raping Israeli Women?
Let's take Ilhan Omar for example. Minority woman representing the most Democrat of Democrat districts. Where is the outrage?
Turns out it wasn't all about the Benjamins. It is about unthinkable evil.
Somewhere along the way they lost their monopoly on empathy.
I’ve got it on my watchlist and will pick it up when there’s a used one or the price goes down some:
More on the book and methodology here:
Diversity is how they decide to define it:
For “Progressives” the collapse is the cure, while a cure that doesn’t end in collapse isn’t a cure.
Perhaps Al Sharpton should rename the birds
For God's sake
the complete stupidity
1 million to Armenia
1/2 million to Serbia
why do I get the sense they are laughing at us in Serbia and Armenia.
We need to be sure they are not using money to buy dacas rather then truvada. :roll:
but up or steady with other generations.
still ~ 60 to 70 % .
Gen Z coming down to other generational stats.
from one black man to another - you ain't black enough!
race, race, race, race, race, race till infinity.............
[that is all they have to run on other then abortion climate change and the rich need to pay more !]
yes it is "Vivake like cake" - I hear Vivek say this in an O'Reilly interview when Bill had the gumption to ask how he pronounces it.
Compare to this from LEFTIST propaganda site:
[psst: blacks can't be racist because they don't hold the power]
[psst: democrats cannot be racist]
what do you think Adam
Dems don't need another white (Jewish) guy:
If you REALLY cared about diversity you WOULD "step aside" :wink:
She can be a real twat sometimes, but when AC is on, she in ON!
was reading a thread yesterday about Chauvin - Floyd
one woman was arguing with multiple men claiming it was manslaughter and the men all ganged up on her calling her names (slut moron etc) and telling her that Chauvin followed excepted procedure and knee was on his back (or shoulder) not his neck.
I kind of sounded like the male posters were all a bunch of police officers going after a dissenter.
I dunno
but I reviewed the video this am and it is totally clear Chauvin's knee is squarely across Floyd's neck.
Amazing to me how people can shyster the clear cut video in a way that somehow expunges Chauvin of responsibility.
dear Gav:
this is what Ron is trying to protect children from OK?:
must have been a short blade
or else I don't know how someone being stabbed this many times is still alive.
I am not clear why this is so different then George Santos lies.
after accepting trans contestants
includes 7 inch "rainbow " is obvious shape of a penis:
or this one:
candles with "smells like you are gay" [whatever that means]
it is one thing if privately a group of minorities organized a party and invited her and she goes versus
she organizes it (I assume with city budget money) herself and excludes one race.
that seems violation of civil rights but I am no attorney .
Just thought I would share today's email I received from Michigan department of Health.
I would think everyone here would also want to take this training session to be more culturally well rounded and to become a more sensitive less hateful human being:
LARA Mandated Implicit Bias Training for Healthcare Physicians
Implicit Bias Training with a Difference - Act Now and Save 20%
Dear Licensee,
At the Cultural Intelligence Center, a Michigan-based company, we offer Implicit Bias training for those that need 1-, 2- or 3-hours’ worth of training. Our training options fulfill the State of Michigan LARA mandated Implicit Bias in Healthcare training requirements. Your license is set to expire this year, why not take this opportunity to get ahead at a fraction of the price?
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Choose the LARA compliant training option below that is best for you:
Self-Paced Implicit Bias in Healthcare e-Learning (1 Hr): A 1-hour virtual program, which can be completed as your schedule allows.
Self-Paced Implicit Bias in Healthcare Pre-Recorded Webinar (1 Hr): A Pre-recorded webinar discussion on bias issues in the healthcare setting which can be completed as your schedule allows.
Self-Paced Implicit Bias in Healthcare Masterclass (2 Hrs): A one hour self-paced e-Learning and a one hour pre-recorded webinar discussion. The Masterclass can be completed as your schedule allows.
Facilitator-Led Implicit Bias in Healthcare Training (1 Hr) - Our Implicit Bias in Healthcare Training is a one-hour, facilitator-led online discussion on bias issues in the healthcare setting. It includes a short 5-minute survey and a certificate of completion. We offer multiple session dates and times for your convenience.
Implicit Bias in Healthcare Masterclass (2 Hrs) - The Implicit Bias in Healthcare Masterclass is a 2-hour blended learning option. It includes a one-hour live, facilitator-led online discussion on implicit bias in health care, as well as a one-hour Implicit Bias e-learning focused on health care situations, which can be completed as your schedule allows.
In addition to our most popular training solutions, we offer three-hour live Facilitator-Led training sessions and ACCME (1 and 2 hour) accredited training options.
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Why our training? 94% of our training participants reported that they were better able to recognize and deal with bias in themselves and their colleagues.
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The Cultural Intelligence Center
A Michigan-based Company
View the LARA training requirements here.
About the Cultural Intelligence Center, a Michigan-based Company
The Cultural Intelligence Center is an innovative, research-based training and consulting firm that draws upon empirical findings to help organizations and individuals assess and improve cultural intelligence (CQ)-the ability to work effectively with people from different nationalities, ethnicities, age groups, and more. We create programs, workshops, certifications, and multiple-languages assessments that are industry-specific and tailored to help people acquire CQ capabilities and harness their transformative powers in every aspect of their lives. Headquartered in the United States, our globally diverse team of experts and trainers serves clients all over the world to help everyone, everywhere unlock the power of CQ. More information about the Cultural Intelligence Center can be found on our website at
Cultural Intelligence Center, LLC | 2840 College Road, Holt, MI 48842 | | | +1 616.855.1737
Reason You Are Receiving this Email - The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) would like to remind you that the Michigan Public Health Code – General Rules were revised last year and now require implicit bias training for your profession. The requirements apply to both new applicants as well as those renewing their existing licenses or registrations starting on June 1, 2022. LARA has made available a list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the new training requirements.
This advertisement was sent by the Cultural Intelligence Center, a Michigan-based company.
well the heck do we need a law for this:
endless lawyerism just endless
leave us the heck alone!
Blocking the Road Is Civil Terrorism
Like terrorists, disruptive protests prey on law-abiding citizens to achieve their political goals.
By Tal Fortgang
Jan. 10, 2024 3:14 pm ET
Anti-Israel demonstrators blocking the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, Jan. 8. PHOTO: GINA M RANDAZZO/ZUMA PRESS
The anti-Israel demonstrators who have blocked traffic in major cities across the country know that their victims are decent people. There is little risk that the drivers who can’t get to their jobs, families and other obligations will run them over because those drivers are careful to avoid harming others and breaking the law—even as they face down people who flagrantly do both.
It is no coincidence that only one side in the clash between Israel’s friends and foes in the West behaves this way. Those who reacted to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack by doubling down on calls for Israel’s elimination emulate Hamas by inflicting suffering on innocent people to achieve their political ends, albeit at a much smaller scale. Seeing their own cause as absolutely righteous, they are blind to the cruelty of their own actions and prey upon those too decent to respond with deterrent force. They think they are engaging in civil disobedience, the tactic that exposed the injustice of racial segregation. But they aren’t trying to draw attention to the wrongness of the laws they are breaking; they are trying to draw attention to an unrelated political issue. These demonstrators would more accurately be called civil terrorists.
Why would anti-Israel activists think infuriating thousands of their fellow citizens with useless stunts will win allies for the cause? That question is based on the incorrect assumption that these activists are trying to persuade or win sympathy from those on the fence. Rather, the demonstrators, like Hamas and other “decolonization” groups, are trying to make civilian life miserable, while forcing people to draw a mental connection between that misery and some political status quo.
If the costs of continuing to support Israel are too high, they figure, Americans will start lobbying their elected officials to capitulate to terrorists at home and abroad. Just as Americans put their cars in park rather than plow ahead, the radicals bet that peaceful Americans will try to end these disruptions through politics instead of a crackdown on petty street crime.
Law-abiding Americans can signal that such an outcome is impossible by raising the cost of future demonstrations by enforcing the law. When localities plagued by civil terrorism do so, they send the message that they won’t let bad actors take advantage of good citizens. These crimes don’t warrant deadly force, but decent people count on law enforcement to restore order.
So far, the demonstrators’ cynical faith in the kindness of Americans has proved correct. Though police have recently begun arresting demonstrators blocking major roads, there is little reason to believe that those arrested will face consequences significant enough to deter this trend. Since blocking traffic is at most a misdemeanor in most states, district attorneys likely see little use in dedicating resources to prosecute these acts of domestic terror.
Until there are significant consequences, in the form of prison time and fines, the trend of blocking interstates, bridges and airports isn’t likely to abate.
Mr. Fortgang is an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute
I think we need to arm the Lubovitches and send them in their to take on the pro Palestinians.
Did you see that crew in NYC in the NY Post :-D
No doubt pointing out woke folk are often slow learners is yet another sign of privilege:
comment from American Spectator on this:
"What could be more absurd than preaching END RACISM to a stadium of 70,000 white people paying $500 tickets to cheer fanatically for multi-million-dollar black athletes? Whilst wearing the jerseys of those athletes?"
having just taken , again , a mandatory implicit bias training course to get a state med license
I can say that is automatically assumed all white people are biased consciously or unconsciously.
We are knowingly or not all white supremacists with priveledge
Don't agree ----- > you are wrong and in denial !
I guess they are applying for Pete Butti’s FAA. They will be hired with no more need for interviews.
Lets see:
34 trillion debt +14 trillion extortion fee = 48 trillion total leads to economic collapse.
Happy now?
I know hundreds of millions of white people who would love to make yearly income simply to sit on TV for what an hour ? whatever 5 days per week and spew out nonsense.
and again and again to infinity......
Rose colored glasses :
Race colored glasses
"Race Colored Glasses"
Good one! Stealing!
A long, well sourced, and damning piece focused on the impacts of cancel culture:
I basically like him but his virtue signaling truly gives me indigestion:
I liked him on Shark Tank, but its spotlight has gone to his head.
Even handed examination of DEI, cancel culture, Harvard’s former President Gay, free inquiry, and so on. I confess this piece modified my thinking some as, for instance, I feel less strongly that Palestinian protests embracing unabashed anti-Semitic elements should be sanctioned, albeit so long as the same standards are applied to all political speech:
The Future of Academic Freedom
As the Israel-Hamas war provokes claims about unacceptable speech, the ability to debate difficult subjects is in renewed peril.
By Jeannie Suk Gersen
January 27, 2024
On January 2nd, after months of turmoil around Harvard’s response to Hamas’s attack on Israel, and weeks of turmoil around accusations of plagiarism, Claudine Gay resigned as the university’s president. Any hope that this might relieve the outsized attention on Harvard proved to be illusory. The week after Gay stepped down, two congressional committees demanded documents and explanations from Harvard, on topics ranging from antisemitism, free speech, discrimination, and discipline, to admissions, donations, budgets, and legal settlements. Some at Harvard might say this is a crisis sparked by external forces: the government, donors, and the public. But it developed long before Gay became president and won’t end with her fall. Over time, Harvard, like many other universities, has allowed the core academic mission of research, intellectual inquiry, and teaching to be subordinated to other values that, though important, should never have been allowed to work against it.
Sometime in the twenty-tens, it became common for students to speak of feeling unsafe when they heard things that offended them. I’ve been a law professor at Harvard since 2006. The first piece I wrote for The New Yorker, in 2014, was about students’ suggestions (then shocking to me) that rape law should not be taught in the criminal-law course, because debates involving arguments for defendants, in addition to the prosecution, caused distress. At the very least, some students said, nobody should be asked in class to argue a side with which they disagree. Since then, students have asked me to excuse them from discussing or being examined on guns, gang violence, domestic violence, the death penalty, L.G.B.T.Q. issues, police brutality, kidnapping, suicide, and abortion. I have declined, because I believe the most important skill I teach is the ability to have rigorous exchanges on difficult topics, but professors across the country have agreed to similar requests.
Over the years, I learned that students had repeatedly attempted to file complaints about my classes, saying that my requiring students to articulate, or to hear classmates make, arguments they might abhor—for example, Justice Antonin Scalia saying there is no constitutional right to same-sex intimacy—was unacceptable. The administration at my law school would not allow such complaints to move forward to investigations because of its firm view that academic freedom protects reasonable pedagogical choices. But colleagues at other schools within Harvard and elsewhere feared that their administrators were using concepts of discrimination or harassment to cover classroom discussions that make someone uncomfortable. These colleagues become more and more unwilling to facilitate conversations on controversial topics, believing that university administrators might not distinguish between challenging discussions and discrimination or harassment. Even an investigation that ended with no finding of wrongdoing could eat up a year of one’s professional life and cost thousands of dollars in legal bills. (A spokesperson for Harvard University declined to comment for this story.)
The seeping of D.E.I. programs into many aspects of university life in the past decade would seem a ready-made explanation for how we got to such a point. Danielle Allen, a political philosopher and my Harvard colleague, co-chaired the university’s Presidential Task Force on Inclusion and Belonging, which produced a report, in 2018, that aimed to counter the idea that principles of D.E.I. and of academic freedom are in opposition, and put forward a vision in which both are “necessary to the pursuit of truth.” Like Allen, I consider the diversity of thought that derives from the inclusion of people of different experiences, backgrounds, and identities to be vital to an intellectual community and to democracy. But, as she observed last month in the Washington Post, “across the country, DEI bureaucracies have been responsible for numerous assaults on common sense.” Allen continued, “Somehow the racial reckoning of 2020 lost sight of that core goal of a culture of mutual respect with human dignity at the center. A shaming culture was embraced instead.”
Last year, students at Harvard’s public-health school discovered that Tyler VanderWeele, an epidemiology professor and a Catholic, had signed on to an amicus brief in the Supreme Court in 2015, arguing that the Constitution does not contain a federal right to same-sex marriage and that the issue should be decided by the states—a view similar to that of President Barack Obama until 2012. After some students called for VanderWeele’s firing or removal from teaching a required course, administrative leaders at the school e-mailed parts of the community explaining that it seeks “to nurture a culture of inclusion, equity, and belonging,” that everyone has a right to express their views, even though free expression “can cause deep hurt, undermine the culture of belonging, and make other members of the community feel less free and less safe.” In light of the harm and betrayal students reported because of VanderWeele’s views, the school hosted more than a dozen restorative “circle dialogue” sessions, “for people to process, share, and collectively move forward from the current place of pain.” (A spokesperson for the School of Public Health pointed out that students exercised free-speech rights when they demanded VanderWeele’s firing and said that the administration never considered disciplinary action against him.)
In 2021, Carole Hooven, a longtime Harvard lecturer on human evolutionary biology who wrote a well-reviewed book about testosterone, stated in a Fox News interview, “The facts are that there are in fact two sexes . . . male and female, and those sexes are designated by the kind of gametes we produce.” She added that “understanding the facts about biology doesn’t prevent us from treating people with respect,” and that we can “respect their gender identities and use their preferred pronouns.” The director of her department’s Diversity and Inclusion task force, a graduate student, denounced Hooven’s remarks, in a tweet, as “transphobic and harmful.” A cascade of shunning and condemnation ensued, including a petition, authored by graduate students, which implied that Hooven was a threat to student safety. Graduate students also refused to serve as teaching assistants for her previously popular course on hormones, making it difficult for her to keep teaching it. Hooven found it untenable to remain in her job, and she retired from the department.
Students across the political spectrum, but largely liberals, have told me that they felt it would be foolish to volunteer their opinions in class discussions, or even that they routinely lied about their views when asked. These self-censorious habits became even more conscious with the rise of the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, such that a large range of political remarks—questioning abortion rights, calling a fetus an “unborn child,” doubting the fairness of affirmative action, praising “color-blindness,” or asking who should compete in women’s sports—could be perceived as being on a continuum of bigotry. In this climate, it became increasingly difficult to elicit robust discussions because students were so scared of one another.
In 2021, feeling that the environment for open inquiry was dire, I helped form the Academic Freedom Alliance, a national organization that supports faculty who are threatened with penalties for their exercise of academic freedom. It defends the freedom of thought and expression in research, writing, teaching, and “extramural speech,” and provides funds for the legal defense of faculty who face official reprisals. The people whose rights we’ve defended have usually expressed views that I happen to find objectionable and even offensive. For example, the University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote that “the United States is better off with fewer Asians” and, on a podcast, suggested that “the spirit of liberty” may not “beat in their breast.” I wished she hadn’t said that, but I held my nose and defended her right not to be fired or otherwise punished, which many at Penn demanded.
A year ago, I became a co-president of a new group, the Council on Academic Freedom, founded to promote “free inquiry, intellectual diversity, and civil discourse” at Harvard. That summer, Gay took office as Harvard’s president, and the group’s leaders soon met with her to press the case that academic freedom desperately needed her attention. In her inaugural speech, in September, Gay acknowledged Harvard’s “long history of exclusion” and “the weight and honor of being a ‘first,’ ” as its first Black president. I was very relieved when she also pointedly said that the goal of intellectual inquiry is knowledge, “not comfort.” She stated, “We serve that purpose best when we commit to open inquiry and freedom of expression as foundational values of our academic community. Our individual and collective capacity for discovery depends on our willingness to debate ideas; to expose and reconsider assumptions; to marshal facts and evidence; to talk and to listen with care and humility, and with the goal of deeper understanding and as seekers of truth.” At that time, Gay’s emphasis on free speech was at odds with the prevailing tone on campus, but she was known as a supporter of D.E.I., which dampened the risk of her words being seen as reactionary or insensitive.
The events of October 7th—and an open letterissued that day with signatures from more than thirty Harvard student groups, holding “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence”—changed the terms of the academic-freedom debate. In a state of horror that fell over many people following October 7th, I was among thousands who signed a Harvard Hillel letter “unequivocally” standing “behind Israel and the Jewish people.” It called on the student groups to retract the “completely wrong and deeply offensive” letter, and on Harvard’s administration to condemn Hamas’s terror attacks, saying that the “failure to denounce these atrocities unequivocally is a moral stain on the university and its leadership.” In the following weeks, hundreds of students marched through the campus chanting slogans such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and some protests disrupted classes and events. Students affiliated with Harvard Jews for Palestine occupied University Hall, which houses administrative offices, and which Vietnam War protesters also occupied in 1969. (The Crimson reported that multiple students were facing discipline for disruptions and the building occupation.) As members of the Harvard academic-freedom council feverishly shared their thoughts on our Listserv, I saw a number of faculty—who’d signed up for an organization devoted to the idea that speech that some considered offensive should be protected—endorse the view that the anti-Israel expression we were seeing was antisemitic, and should be treated not as free speech but as harassment, threats, or incitements to violence and declared beyond the pale.
The two sides had effectively flipped: activist students, whose politics overlapped with principles of D.E.I., were engaged in speech that some faculty members, who were supportive of academic freedom, now wanted the university to treat as harmful. As large video screens on a truck in Harvard Square, sent by the right-wing media company Accuracy in Media, displayed names and faces of students and labelled them “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites,” some in my faculty academic-freedom council did not want its début to be speaking on those students’ behalf. Perhaps faculty members reasoned that the exposure was a form of harsh criticism that might be expected as a consequence of provocative speech. I was increasingly concerned about the students’ safety and about my own responsibility to stand up for their academic freedom. By then, it had dawned on me that my signature on a letter calling on the university to condemn the attack in Israel, in a moment when students were being criticized for political speech against Israel, was implicitly—or not so implicitly—urging the university to denounce its own students.
In response to calls to punish the students, Gay said, “Our University embraces a commitment to free expression. That commitment extends even to views that many of us find objectionable, even outrageous. We do not punish or sanction people for expressing such views.” This is what a university president should say. But, to many who believed that Gay would have condemned speech that offended Black or transgender people, the invocation of free speech was an outrageous permission to offend Jews, exceptionally, at Harvard. (She later did condemn the phrase “from the river to the sea.”) A lawsuit filed earlier this month, claiming that Harvard “has become a bastion of rampant anti-Jewish hatred and harassment,” accuses the university of deliberate indifference to antisemitism, in violation of Title VI, which prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating “on the ground of race, color, or national origin.” The plaintiffs, a group of Jewish students, want a court to force Harvard to, among other things, suspend or expel students and fire employees for engaging in “antisemitic discrimination and abuse.” Resting on the assertion that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism,” the complaint describes a series of events that allegedly demonstrate that Harvard is hostile to Jews, mostly because it tolerates anti-Zionist speech.
The lawsuit claims, among other things, that Harvard should enforce its own harassment-and-bullying policies to discipline people. Understandably, many people believe that broad definitions of harassment and bullying prevail at Harvard. Yet most of the lawsuit’s descriptions of student protests, even the disruptive ones, do not appear to satisfy Harvard’s current definitions of discriminatory harassment or bullying, especially because the policies are supposed to be interpreted in light of the university’s commitment to academic freedom. The lawsuit describes a Jewish Israeli student being physically surrounded by protesters; the incident was captured in a viral video and is being investigated by law enforcement as a crime. That aside, the lawsuit appears less likely to succeed under federal anti-discrimination law, which makes it exceedingly difficult to prove an institution’s intentional discrimination, than to help move the Overton window on what can acceptably be said at a university about Israel and Palestine. (A pressure campaign against Derek Penslar, a highly respected professor of Jewish history, appears to have a similar goal. Penslar was recently appointed as co-chair of a new Harvard task force on antisemitism. Prominent critics objected, such as the former Harvard president Larry Summers, who called on Penslar to resign from the role, because of his past comments, which include the use of the word “apartheid” to describe Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.)
One reason that the disciplinary policies are drawn narrowly is so they won’t curtail the exchange of ideas on controversial matters. When Gay was asked by the congresswoman Elise Stefanik at a hearing in December whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” violates Harvard’s policies on harassment and bullying, Gay answered that it can, “depending on the context.” That outraged many people, because there should be no context in which a call for genocide is allowed. Gay could, indeed, have said that calls for genocide are unacceptable. And, as Harvard’s leader, Gay could also have educated Congress and the public about why a university that is devoted to open inquiry must have disciplinary policies that rarely treat offensive slogans or viewpoints as tantamount to actual “calls for genocide,” and even be wary of punishing “hate speech,” which in the U.S. is also constitutionally protected. Imagine if a university had a code of conduct under which expression of the viewpoint “the State of Israel should not exist,” or “Israel’s killing of Palestinians in Gaza is justified,” or, for that matter, “George Floyd’s death had nothing to do with race,” was punishable, rather than merely subject to sharp criticism by those who disagree or feel offended. The treatment of such controversial viewpoints as discrimination, harassment, or bullying would make any semblance of open inquiry on those topics impossible.
In response to congressional demands that Gay be fired following her testimony, I was one of more than seven hundred faculty who signed a letter to the Harvard Corporation, the university’s governing body, urging it to “resist political pressures that are at odds with Harvard’s commitment to academic freedom” and not fire her. The Corporation did, at first, back Gay. What her embattled leadership couldn’t survive in the end was the drip-drip of plagiarism accusations, which allowed the public to question whether academic standards were relaxed for Gay in her rise to the presidency. Having taken office just as Harvard was defeated in the Supreme Court case that eliminated race-based affirmative action in university admissions, she became the university’s first Black president at a moment of predictably gleeful bashing of diversity. And, as the first, she was inevitably going to be associated with affirmative action, as if her presidency were a holdover of a system that was now legally discredited. Gay was the perfect avatar for universities’ alleged abandonment of excellence and meritocracy in favor of efforts to promote diversity in élite institutions. Add to this brew the accusations of antisemitism and plagiarism, and her resignation seemed overdetermined. I don’t doubt that, as she wrote in the Times, her “inbox has been flooded with invective, including death threats,” and that she “has been called the N-word more times than I care to count.”
In her resignation letter, Gay wrote that, going forward, she hoped that the university “can navigate this moment of extraordinary challenge with a focus on the institution rather than any individual.” Congress’s continuing scrutiny of Harvard will surely bring proposals for institutional change. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce is investigating Harvard’s “response to antisemitism and its failure to protect Jewish students.” The House Committee on Ways and Means wrote to the current presidents of Harvard, M.I.T., the University of Pennsylvania, and Cornell that, “given the disappointing and lackluster responses by your respective universities to Hamas’ attacks and your subsequent failure to adequately protect Jewish students from discrimination and harassment,” the schools’ nonprofit, tax-exempt status may be at risk—which puts at stake billions of dollars. The committee, dominated by Republicans, juxtaposed the alleged inaction regarding antisemitism with Harvard’s alleged warning to students in a Title IX training that failing to use classmates’ preferred pronouns could constitute harassment, disinvitation of a feminist philosopher for comments on transgender issues, choice not to renew the contract of an instructor who had invited Charles Murray to speak in class, and request that students remove from their dormitory window an American flag printed with an image of a saluting, bikini-clad Nicki Minaj. The point was that Harvard has no credibility in invoking free speech because it has stifled other speech it considers discriminatory.
To demonstrate that it is against antisemitism, Harvard may face pressure to expand its definitions of discrimination, harassment, and bullying, so as to stifle more speech that is deemed offensive. In order to resist such pressures, the university needs to acknowledge that it has allowed a culture of censoriousness to develop, recommit itself to academic freedom and free speech, and rethink D.E.I. in a way that prizes the diversity of viewpoints. Though some argue that D.E.I. has enabled a surge in antisemitism, it is the pervasive influence of D.E.I. sensibilities that makes plausible the claim that universities should always treat anti-Zionist speech as antisemitism, much in the way that some have claimed that criticizing aspects of the Black Lives Matter movement—or even D.E.I. itself—is always discrimination. The post-Gay crisis has created a crossroads, where universities will be tempted to discipline objectionable speech in order to demonstrate that they are dedicated to rooting out antisemitism and Islamophobia, too. Unless we conscientiously and mindfully pull away from that path, academic freedom—which is essential to fulfilling a university’s purpose—will meet its destruction.
Question: The First Amendment applies to the Government. Does it apply to private institutions such as Harvard? Could Harvard not kick out a KKKer for running around calling black students "niggers"?
Question: The First Amendment applies to the Government. Does it apply to private institutions such as Harvard? Could Harvard not kick out a KKKer for running around calling black students "niggers"?
Harvard can call a person with a set of X/Y chromosomes a woman, and likely has done just that. What it can’t do is embrace the precepts of free inquiry when speech it favors is in play, abandon the same when speech it seeks to suppress instead emerges and then pretend free inquiry is indeed a heartfelt value, or apply civility standards to one side of an argument and then fail to when the other side of the argument displays analogous behavior and then feign surprise when donors, politicians, students, faculty, staff, or the general public calls them on aforesaid rank hypocrisy.
The intended purpose of my question is inqire whether Harvard is legally compelled to apply First Amendment standards or is it free to pick and choose.
The intended purpose of my question is enqire whether Harvard is legally compelled to apply First Amendment standards or is it free to pick and choose.
Uhm, as a private institution (albeit one that receives a shit ton of federal and other governmental funds and hence is bound by a metric ton of associated rules & regs, some of which I wrestle with as part of my day job) we both know the answer to that question, hence my joining regarding the larger issues.
You are right-- we both know the answer to that, but I would suggest any discussion of the issue include a discussion thereof.
You are right-- we both know the answer to that, but I would suggest any discussion of the issue include a discussion thereof.
Okay. I confess I find the Socratic method irksome, particularly when it appears the goal is to, ah, inspire me to stake out specific ground I then presume I’ll be forced to defend, particularly when the issue has more than two poles, while the question seems designed to force me to embrace one of two.
But hey, feel free to state your position, whereupon I can perform an informed juice v. squeeze evaluation, one including the other balls I have in the air, like the 20,000 word complaint I just dashed off that will likely involve me in some whistleblower drama.
So noted :-)
As a student , I never really liked the Socratic method of teaching
I did not find it made me think more or help me learn anything
but maybe it was just me.....
distracted by girls thoughts......
If one disrupts a house party do they really think they would ever be invited again?
common sense
not anti Hijab :wink:
funny how the term "Christianityphobia" is never spoken.
funny how the term "Christianityphobia" is never spoken.
No it isn't ever spoken. We would need a super-agency to investigate and prosecute the FBI for their flagrant Christianityphobia:
Conservatives, pro-life Christians, and even school parents have become targets of the FBI.
Good for MSG
probably not long ago such a RACISM charge would result in the victim cowering and apologizing, hire and DEI person, and immediately look for a minority to fill a board spot.
today the tide is turning.
This could go in a legal thread, but given the asshattery in question I'll drop it here:
UCLA prof suspended after refusing lenient grading for black students demands $19 million-plus in damages
A professor who sued UCLA after he was suspended in the wake of the George Floyd-Black Lives Matter riots after refusing a request to grade black students leniently will soon get his day in court.
UCLA accounting lecturer Gordon Klein is demanding well over $19 million in damages in a lawsuit scheduled to go to trial March 4 in a Santa Monica courthouse.
The two sides have engaged in legal wrangling since September 2021, when Klein first filed suit — including a failed attempt by UCLA’s lawyers to get the case tossed by summary judgment.
The causes of action to be hashed out next month are breach of contract, retaliation, false light, and negligent interference with prospective earnings.
Klein’s attorney, Steve Goldberg, told The College Fix in a telephone interview this week the lion’s share of damages are based on the estimated loss of Klein’s expert witness practice income.
“That practice went to ashes right after he was suspended,” said Goldberg with the law firm
Markun, Zusman & Compton.
UCLA’s media relations division did not provide a comment on the lawsuit despite repeated requests this week.
Klein, who joined the UCLA Anderson School of Management in 1981, continues to teach as a full-time lecturer there. But his lawsuit alleges he made most of his money as a litigation expert.
He has testified, for example, in several high-profile court cases, including Michael Jackson’s wrongful death, Apple’s acquisition of Dr. Dre’s Beats headphones, and the valuation of General Motors’ assets in bankruptcy.
“He was one of the top damages experts in the country who was historically bringing in well over $1 million dollars a year and trending upwards when it happened,” Goldberg said.
Klein’s lawsuit alleges the controversy and bad press that surrounded him in June 2020 made him untouchable as a litigation expert.
The crux of the controversy took place following Floyd’s death, when Klein received a request asking that he provide academic leniency for his black students enduring emotional duress.
It was a relatively common request at the time among college students at several universities as the nation was gripped with racial tension and rioting.
Klein responded June 2, 2020, by asking how he was supposed to identify black students in the online class; whether he should also go easy on white students from Minneapolis; how much leeway to show half-black students; and how the student feels about Martin Luther King Jr.’s admonition to not evaluate people based on “the color of their skin.”
A screenshot of Klein’s response was distributed widely and decried by students in messages and on social media.
In response, Anderson School Dean Antonio Bernardo wrote in a June 4, 2020, memo to the campus community that Klein was suspended and an investigation was underway.
While not naming Klein specifically, Bernardo’s memo referred to the high-profile incident as “troubling conduct by one of our lecturers.”
“Conduct that demonstrates a disregard for our core principles, including an abuse of
power, is not acceptable,” he added. “…I deeply regret the increased pain and anger that our community has experienced at this very difficult time. We must and will hold each other to higher standards.”
Klein was reinstated less than a month later, but his lawsuit alleges the damage was already done. A petition calling for Klein to be fired garnered more than 21,000 signatures, stating: “We ask for your support in having Professor Klein’s professorship terminated for his extremely insensitive, dismissive, and woefully racist response to his students’ request for empathy and compassion during a time of civil unrest.”
A petition in support of Klein launched a week later drew nearly 77,000 signatures.
Klein’s lawsuit also alleges emotional distress, as he received death threats by phone and email, including antisemitic tropes. Under the causes of action, Dean Bernardo may be held personally liable for punitive damages.
UCLA, in court documents, has argued Bernardo’s memo did not take issue with Klein’s decision not to leniently grade black students — but rather his tone in response to the request.
However Klein’s attorneys argue that what UCLA did was basically punish the educator for following state and federal law that forbids discrimination on the basis of race.
“It’s a big case, not only because of the effect on Gordon Klein … but it obviously has important implications for academic freedom at the university level, which is a big hot topic around the country,” Goldberg told The Fix.
These guys are dead on correct. I want to get the links (again?) for what they describe-- I now have a guy who snatches such things for me and saves them so the Controligarchy cannot memory hole them from me/us.
Medical schools focusing on DEI indoctrination rather than education critical to patient outcomes and health. What could possibly go wrong?
Did not appear to be purposeful.
I can't think of a bigger scandal :wink:
I guess we don't do asterix's anymore like we did for Roger Maris
If we did it would be noted Maravich's record was over only *3* yrs while Clark took 4 yrs to break it.
Can anyone imagine the female back lash at pointing that out?
I guess we don't do asterix's anymore like we did for Roger Maris
If we did it would be noted Maravich's record was over only *3* yrs while Clark took 4 yrs to break it.
Can anyone imagine the female back lash at pointing that out?
She is (obviously) a great shooter, but I don't know why they compare the two. It's a different event One holds the men's record. One holds the women's record.
It was hard for me to judge her. The youtube I watched was edited so that every shot she made went in. You could do that with any great, high scoring player.
Frontlines (Early Warning)
(4) ANARCHISTS CUT POWER TO BUTCHER SHOP, BURN MACHINERY: Anonymous anarchists over the weekend claimed to have cut the power to a Portland, Oregon-based butcher shop in order to make the meat “unsellable.”
The anarchists claim to have also shut off the power to two additional retail stores “because it was fun.”
The missive encourages other anarchists to “think outside the box” because “you can do things other then [sic] smash windows.”
In a separate post, other Portland-based anarchists claim to have burned three pieces of machinery belonging to the Oregon Department of Transportation in opposition to a plan to widen a highway.
Why It Matters: “Be Gay, Do Crime” has been a popular meme among Far Left groups to encourage criminal mischief against the state. – M.S.
Look at left side.
"Diversity and Inclusion"
click on that and see this:
"Diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is a cornerstone to the SEC's three-part mission."
Why can't minorities study and take and pass exams like everyone else ?
Dumb and dumber , , ,
Want to be anxious and depressed! Finnish study suggests you go "woke" as it's a sure route to antidepressant land:
submit or pay!
… who was then subjected to university discipline for these unsubstantiated claims made two years after the fact can sue plaintiff and college. This strikes me as an important case in that it may subject colleges to penalties for jumping uncritically upon #MeToo bandwagons:
[Eugene Volokh] #TheyLied Libel Lawsuit Over Ex-Student's Allegations of Rape Can Go Forward,
The Volokh Conspiracy / by Eugene Volokh / Mar 21, 2024 at 10:36 AM
[and so can the professor's Title VII and Title IX discrimination claims against the university.]
From Erikson v. Xavier Univ., decided Monday by Judge Matthew McFarland (S.D. Ohio):
Erikson was a tenured Associate Professor of Art for Defendant Xavier University for nearly a decade until his termination in October 2022. This case primarily revolves around the events leading up to Plaintiff's termination; a former student's [Witt's] allegation that Plaintiff had raped her and the investigative and administrative actions that Xavier took in response to her formal complaint.
Plaintiff began speaking with … Witt[] during the latter half of 2019. Although Witt had graduated from Xavier in 2013, she was not a Xavier employee and had no other relationship with Xavier. After communicating over several months and meeting on multiple social occasions, Witt suggested that she spend the night at Plaintiff's house on December 31, 2019. That night, Witt visited Plaintiff at his house and the two had sex. Plaintiff alleges that the sex was consensual.
A little over two years later, on February 5, 2022, Witt contacted Defendant Kelly Phelps—a professor at Xavier who chaired the Department of Art from 2012 through 2019. Witt told Phelps that she believed Plaintiff had raped her. Phelps "urged Witt to report the allegation but warned her that [Plaintiff] is 'white, and male, [and] got privilege on his side."
On February 24, 2022, Plaintiff was notified that Witt had filed a formal complaint with Xavier alleging that Plaintiff had violated Xavier's policy by raping her on December 31, 2019. Plaintiff "vehemently denied" the accusation. Additionally, Plaintiff informed Xavier that any investigation into Witt's formal complaint would breach the terms of Xavier's Harassment Code and Accountability Procedures ("HCAP") for several reasons: "(1) at the time of the incident, Witt was not a student or an employee, nor did she have any other relationship with Xavier; (2) the alleged incident did not occur on Xavier property or during an event associated with the University; (3) Witt was not a 'visitor' to Xavier at the time of the alleged incident; and (4) in any event, the alleged incident occurred outside the HCAP's two-year statute of limitations for filing complaints."
Xavier held an HCAP hearing regarding the rape allegations on July 22, 2022 and July 25, 2022. During the hearing, "the panel embarked on a moral tirade against [Plaintiff] for, as a male, having sexual intercourse without using a condom." The panel allowed witnesses to make vague references to allegations of Plaintiff's conduct beyond the scope of Witt's complaint and permitted hearsay testimony by witnesses without personal knowledge. Moreover, the panel ignored testimony that Witt had consented to the sexual activity. The panel ultimately found Plaintiff responsible for raping Witt and recommended terminating him from Xavier. The panel attributed the rape to an "imbalance of power" between Plaintiff and Witt, which stemmed from the fact that Plaintiff is a male whose position in life and at the University seemingly granted him status and power. This power allowed Plaintiff to overwhelm Witt's ability to resist his actions. Xavier terminated Plaintiff in October 2022.
Plaintiff sued Witt for defamation and Xavier for sex discrimination under Title VII and Title IX, claiming that "Xavier's actions and/or omissions surrounding the investigation and hearing of Witt's false allegations of rape, including numerous procedural irregularities, were attributed to gender bias"; the court concluded that, if plaintiff's allegations were factually correct, they could indeed lead to legal liability for defendants. (As is usual with decisions on a motion to dismiss, the court did not decide whether the allegations were actually correct.) A few excerpts:
Plaintiff alleges that, during his hearing, the panel "embarked on a moral tirade against [Plaintiff] for, as a male, having sexual intercourse without using a condom." Xavier argues that this is insufficient to demonstrate gender bias because "[t]he failure to use a condom is not an inherently gender-based issue." But, Plaintiff has alleged that this "moral tirade" was made against him "as a male." This specific allegation, which must be accepted as true and construed in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, adds to the plausibility of Plaintiff's discrimination claim….
Plaintiff [also] alleges that the hearing panel attributed "the rape to an 'imbalance of power' between Witt and [Plaintiff] stemming from the fact that [Plaintiff] is a male whose position in life and at the University seemingly granted him status and power which allowed him to overwhelm Witt's ability to resist his actions." Xavier contends that such an imbalance of power is "not inherently gender-related" but was relevant to the panel's decision making. But, again, the Court must view this allegation in the light most favorable to Plaintiff. The Court accordingly finds that this specific allegation adds to the plausibility of Plaintiff's discrimination claim….
Plaintiff's allegations of clear procedural irregularities by Xavier further support a plausible inference of sex discrimination. Plaintiff alleges that Xavier's investigation breached the terms of the HCAP policy because "(1) at the time of the alleged incident, Witt was not a student or an employee, nor did she have any other relationship with Xavier; (2) the alleged incident did not occur on Xavier property or during an event associated with the University; (3) Witt was not a 'visitor' to Xavier at the time of the alleged incident; and (4) in any event, the alleged incident occurred outside the HCAP's two-year statute of limitation for filing complaints." Simply put, Plaintiff alleges that the investigation itself was outside the scope of HCAP and thus constituted a procedural irregularity….
The HCAP contains a two-year limitation for filing complaints but provides that "[t]he Affirmative Action Officer may grant a reasonable extension of any time period established in these guidelines, except where otherwise noted." The alleged rape occurred on December 31, 2019, and Plaintiff received notification of Witt's complaint on February 24, 2022. So, Xavier's extension beyond the statute of limitations was approximately two months. While the HCAP recognizes that complaints over the two-year mark may cause difficulty in investigating and adjudicating the claim, "reasonable extensions" are permitted under the procedures. This delay does not, by itself, constitute a clear procedural irregularity but remains relevant.
Turning to the HCAP's scope, the "HCAP applies when an employee … is accused of violating Xavier's harassment policies by a student, employee, contracted employee, or third party (i.e., visitor to campus)." Because the "visitor to campus" phrase is preceded by "i.e.," this suggests that the scope of third parties in this clause is limited to visitors to campus. See i.e., Merriam-Webster, (defining "i.e." as "that is"); cf. e.g., Merriam-Webster, (defining "e.g." as "for example"). Courts may look to a phrase following "i.e." as limiting the scope of the preceding term. Witt was not a current student or employee of Xavier, and the alleged rape did not occur on campus or at a university-sponsored event. The HCAP language accordingly supports Plaintiff's allegation—at least at this point of litigation—that the investigation into Witt's complaint was a clear procedural irregularity….
And, as to the defamation claim:
Truth is an absolute defense to defamation…. Witt argues that Plaintiff's defamation claim should be dismissed because Xavier's hearing panel found that Plaintiff was responsible for raping her. But, Witt does not cite any case law for the proposition that a university panel's finding is decisive in this context. Plaintiff alleges that he and Witt "engaged in consensual sex" and disputes Xavier's finding that he raped Witt. At this stage of the litigation, the Court must take the well-pleaded facts in Plaintiff's Complaint as true [and thus may not grant the motion to dismiss on the grounds that Witt's statements were true -EV]….
Witt next argues that Plaintiff's defamation claim should be dismissed because Witt's statements are covered by qualified privilege…. Qualified privilege applies when the publication is "fairly made by a person in the discharge of some public or private duty, whether legal or moral, or in the conduct of his own affairs, in matters where his interest is concerned." In order for a publication to enjoy such qualified privilege, five elements must be satisfied: (1) the statement was made in good faith, (2) there was an interest to be upheld, (3) the statement was limited in its scope to this purpose, (4) a proper occasion, and (5) publication made in a proper manner to proper parties only. A plaintiff seeking to overcome qualified privilege must set forth facts to plausibly support that the statement was made with actual malice[,] … defined as "acting with knowledge that the statements are false or acting with reckless disregard as to their truth or falsity." …
Witt stated that she believed Plaintiff had raped her, and Plaintiff denies this by alleging that they had engaged in consensual sex. Witt would have had direct personal knowledge regarding whether her statement was true or not. So, accepting the allegations in the Complaint as true, Plaintiff has sufficiently pled that Witt made the statement with actual malice. Therefore, the Court cannot dismiss Plaintiff's defamation claim against Witt.
Marc D. Mezibov and Susan Lawrence Butler (Mezibov Butler) represent plaintiff.
The post #TheyLied Libel Lawsuit Over Ex-Student's Allegations of Rape Can Go Forward, appeared first on
why in the world would we be flying alphabet mafia flags on government websites?
what does that have to do anything related to the purpose of embassies?
because they were required to take off their thinamjigs off for a mugshot.
for pain and suffering and of course legal costs
@jk_rowling, Twitter, X
You’ve asked me several questions on this thread and accused me of avoiding answering, so here goes.
I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes. It’s irrelevant whether or not her gametes have ever been fertilised, whether or not she’s carried a baby to term, irrelevant if she was born with a rare difference of sexual development that makes neither of the above possible, or if she’s aged beyond being able to produce viable eggs. She is a woman and just as much a woman as the others.
I don’t believe a woman is more or less of a woman for having sex with men, women, both or not wanting sex at all. I don’t think a woman is more or less of a woman for having a buzz cut and liking suits and ties, or wearing stilettos and mini dresses, for being black, white or brown, for being six feet tall or a little person, for being kind or cruel, angry or sad, loud or retiring. She isn't more of a woman for featuring in Playboy or being a surrendered wife, nor less of a woman for designing space rockets or taking up boxing. What makes her a woman is the fact of being born in a body that, assuming nothing has gone wrong in her physical development (which, as stated above, still doesn't stop her being a woman), is geared towards producing eggs as opposed to sperm, towards bearing as opposed to begetting children, and irrespective of whether she's done either of those things, or ever wants to.
Womanhood isn't a mystical state of being, nor is it measured by how well one apes sex stereotypes. We are not the creatures either porn or the Bible tell you we are. Femaleness is not, as trans woman Andrea Chu Long wrote, ‘an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes,’ nor are we God’s afterthought, sprung from Adam’s rib.
Women are provably subject to certain experiences because of our female bodies, including different forms of oppression, depending on the cultures in which we live. When trans activists say 'I thought you didn't want to be defined by your biology,' it’s a feeble and transparent attempt at linguistic sleight of hand. Women don't want to be limited, exploited, punished, or subject to other unjust treatment because of their biology, but our being female is indeed defined by our biology. It's one material fact about us, like having freckles or disliking beetroot, neither of which are representative of our entire beings, either. Women have billions of different personalities and life stories, which have nothing to do with our bodies, although we are likely to have had experiences men don't and can't, because we belong to our sex class.
Some people feel strongly that they should have been, or wish to be seen as, the sex class into which they weren't born. Gender dysphoria is a real and very painful condition and I feel nothing but sympathy for anyone who suffers from it. I want them to be free to dress and present themselves however they like and I want them to have exactly the same rights as every other citizen regarding housing, employment and personal safety. I do not, however, believe that surgeries and cross-sex hormones literally turn a person into the opposite sex, nor do I believe in the idea that each of us has a nebulous ‘gender identity’ that may or might not match our sexed bodies. I believe the ideology that preaches those tenets has caused, and continues to cause, very real harm to vulnerable people.
I am strongly against women's and girls' rights and protections being dismantled to accommodate trans-identified men, for the very simple reason that no study has ever demonstrated that trans-identified men don't have exactly the same pattern of criminality as other men, and because, however they identify, men retain their advantages of speed and strength. In other words, I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those men's desire for validation.
I sincerely hope that answers your questions. You may still disagree, but as I hope this shows, I’m more than happy to have this debate
92 minute podcast
on the West's self contempt and analysis of it.
with Benedict Beckeld author and his book about it:
Also with Phd Student from Stanford discussing campus anti-Semitism with focus on Gaza War.
good listen with many very interesting points.
The LEFT's long history of oikophobia ......
similar to climate change EVERYTHING is seen and interpreted through race or green colored glassed by the reparations crowd:
black quack black quack black quack black quack... to infinity
:roll: :roll: :roll:
You have got to be kidding:
White supremacy keeping blacks from playing baseball ??? what is this? other then absolute delusional.
race race race race race quack black quack black.....==>> infinity
sanctioned by the IOC
seems like all globalist orgs are woke
why do I not believe this for a single second
A fine dissection of what people and which orgs are pulling the strings in the current pro-Hamas bout of protest and associate asshattery, with that rouge’s gallery of course involved in previous BLM, defund the popo, Trump is a big meany, and similar well choreographed “Progressive” efforts:
how do we fight back at this Soros guy
Divest from all HIS interests.
he needs a financial colonoscope
and should be targeted by intelligence agencies or DOJ , if we win.
I don't think another student to my knowledge has been EXPELLED.
I read "suspend" or "probation".
(4) MAJOR BIDEN DONORS FUNDING PRO-PALESTINE ENCAMPMENTS: According to an investigative report by Politico, major Biden campaign donors George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr., and Nick and Susan Pritzker are seeding money to nonprofit foundations that are funding pro-Palestine campus protests.
Foundations connected to the Pritzkers, including the Tides Foundation, Solidaire, and the Libra Foundation, have given money to The Climate Justice Alliance, the Immigrant Defense Project, and pro-Palestine legal funds that have participated in pro-Palestine demonstrations.
Why It Matters: The Tides Foundation, which supported the pro-Palestine A15 protests, also supports the Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, two activist groups organizing the campus protests and recent demonstrations. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Pritzker Family Foundation have also given money that has been funneled to these pro-Palestine activists. This further illustrates the opaqueness of the nonprofit sector. Many of these funds have grants and subgrants through subordinate and connected organizations that funnel this money to radical political activists. Other issue groups connected through these networks have also participated in pro-Palestine demonstrations, including groups focused on climate change and immigration, showing how massive this nonprofit financing machine really is. While nonprofits like The People’s Forum are a vector for foreign influence, many of these groups are funded by domestic political megadonors. – R.C.
The ed biz has sold its soul buckets of dinar:
OpenTheBooks Substack
$10 Million To Harvard, Brown And Others Flowed From The “State Of Palestine”
Troubling grants and contracts classified in the federal database funded anti-Israel curriculums, professorships, and tuition.
MAY 08, 2024
In February 2020, Brown University, an Ivy League school with a tax advantaged $6.5 billion endowment, negotiated a $643,000 gift from a foundation located within the “State of Palestine” to create a new Palestinian professorship within its Center for Middle East Studies.
However, “Palestine,” as a nation, does not exist.
Neither the U.S. State Department nor the United Nations recognize Palestine as a country. The “State of Palestine” is a political fiction that provides cover for numerous terror organizations funded by Iran and others.
American universities taking six-figure foreign funding from an area of the world dominated by terrorists raises all kinds of questions.
For example, codified into the law of the Palestinian Authority (PA) is the gruesome practice of “pay for slay” – paying pensions to the families of dead terrorists who killed Jews. More than 10 percent of the PA’s budget pays these murder incentives / benefits.
At Brown, the foreign gift established, “…support for a Professorship in Palestinian Studies within Middle East Studies.” The “first chair of its kind dedicated to this field of study.” An anti-Israel professor named Beshara Doumani was tapped as the inaugural Mahmoud Darwish Professor of Palestinian Studies.
Soon after his appointment at Brown, Dr. Doumani was given permission also to simultaneously head Birzeit University in the West Bank for two years.
The Birzeit campus is a hotbed of radicalism. Members of the Hamas-affiliated “Islamic Bloc” have won most seats on its student council over the past two years.
Days after Hamas slaughtered and kidnapped hundreds of Israeli civilians, Birzeit University’s Union of Professors and Employees said:
“2023 will be recorded historically as the year that Palestinians stood boldly in the face of colonial fascism and screamed in defense of their homes, humanity, and lives.”
Brown is not the only top school getting funds from Palestinian organizations, or with ties to Birzeit. According to federal disclosures, Harvard University received $1.6 million from entities within the “State of Palestine.”
Harvard’s grants were not restricted – so federal records have no description of how funds were to be spent. Harvard, unhelpfully, refused to comment.
Harvard’s activities with Birzeit University are not related to the $1.6 million foreign gift, but they still raise questions about Birzeit's ideology impacting Harvard students.
One project, through Harvard’s famous François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, works with Birzeit University to use:
“a decolonial framework in program development, leadership, and engagement. This framework involves surfacing, examining, and working to dismantle power dynamics and structures that perpetuate inequities in knowledge production and dissemination between Global North and Global South institutions.”
A member of Palestine program’s leadership team provides a prime example of how anti-American and anti-Israel sentiment flourish under the umbrella of “decolonialism.”
Bram Wispelwey, the leader team member, teachers a course called, “The Settler Colonial Determinants of Health.”
It uses “case studies from the United States, South Africa, and Palestine/Israel...[to] elucidate universal and particular elements of settler colonial societies while drawing causal chains to their perpetual outcomes: poorer health for indigenous and other non-settler (“arrivant”) communities.”
Funds originating in the West Bank not only may be radicalizing American students but are also educating “Palestinians” with American university resources.
Some $7.3 million went to Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), located in the city of Indiana, Pennsylvania, as part of a restricted contract. Not only entities from the “State of Palestine” contributed $6.4 million, but something from a self-described area of the “Palestinian Territory, Occupied” sent $900,000.
Most of these contracts funded “payment of tuition and fees for students from Palestine. Funds are also utilized to pay for educational related expenses incurred by the university for these students through their enrollment in this program.”
IUP is connected directly with the West Bank and the Palestinian Authority through its business PhD and MBA programs, offered in association with the Arab American University, the first private university there.
A spokesperson said "IUP has received instructional agreement income for providing educational programs at various international locations, including one in Palestine, since 2014."
The American people are disturbed by the civil unrest playing out on the campuses universities nationwide. They know these major schools are underwritten by billions of dollars in federal grants, contracts, subsidized tuition, and practically non-existent taxes on massive endowments.
In fact, several of America’s most elite institutions are more federal contractor than educator. They receive more dollars from taxpayers for federal contracts and grants than they collect on undergraduate student tuition.
But as the “Palestinian” funding shows, foreign influences fund these universities as well. Our auditors found that since 1986, $44 billion in foreign contracts and grants were disclosed by colleges and universities under Section 117 of the Higher Education Reporting Act. That is more than one billion dollars per year.
Such funding raises alarms about foreign influence over American universities. During the Trump Administration, then-U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos forced disclosure of foreign gifts and grants.
Secretary Devos trained a white-hot spotlight on the Confucius Institutes, funded by Communist China, as alleged outposts for Chinese espionage.
Since 1986, China had given $2.8 billion to American colleges and universities. But shortly after being exposed, China retreated and closed up these “cultural learning and language” institutes.
Auditors at discovered that the gifts to U.S. higher education from four Middle East countries – Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Kuwait – dwarf the dollars that came from China.
In fact, a staggering $10.3 billion – or $1 of every $4 in foreign gifts and grants over the last 40 years – comes from these four: Qatar ($5.2 billion), Saudi Arabia ($3 billion), UAE ($1.3 billion) and Kuwait ($860 million).
Now we know that entities in non-existent areas such as the “State of Palestine” or “Palestinian territory, occupied” are also providing funds.
Has foreign funding of some of our nation’s most prestigious universities fueled civil unrest? That is an open question. But as graduations are cancelled, Jewish students are threatened, and campuses are trashed with “encampments” across the country, it is painfully clear that the American taxpayer is getting shortchanged.
(6) PORTLAND POLICE DESCRIBE COUNTER-FAR LEFT STRATEGY: During a press conference yesterday, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) Chief Bob Day said that violent activities associated with peaceful protests “will not be tolerated”.
Day added that Portland Police will step up efforts to combat criminal and militant activism and violence this year. Portland Police will be “more responsive, more engaged, [and] have a stronger police presence as we go forward” towards the election. The PPB is also reinstating Rapid Response Team training to decrease response times to violent mob actions.
Why It Matters: There are three important points here.
First, Chief Day expressed the difficulty in combating autonomous action, particularly when vandalism and violence are not associated with a specific group. Autonomous action is one of the core strengths of the militant Far Left. Any activist can post a call to action, most often via social media, and individuals and affinity groups both can act autonomously, without the direction or control of any central group. Activists are often encouraged to engage in a “diversity of tactics,” which is a way of saying that activists can engage in more peaceful or more violent actions without being policed by any Far Left movement. This lack of coordination and focus on individual action is the most challenging for law enforcement to combat because there are no lines of communication or command and control that can be disrupted.
Second, Day said that 27 out of the 31 militants who were arrested last week are being charged with crimes by the District Attorney’s office and that “those cases are moving forward.” This is a major break from the previous policy during 2020 and 2021, when the Portland justice system was a revolving door of militants being arrested and released quickly without bail. It’s another key indicator of what I mentioned earlier this month – namely that government officials, university administrators, and law enforcement leaders are not lining up behind these movements as we saw during the 2020 riots and unrest.
And third, Day noted that “bad actors” are again attempting to co-opt the messages of more peaceful protest groups and demonstrators. He called on those protest groups to work with the PPB to identify ways to prevent militant groups from piggybacking on otherwise peaceful protests. On that note, Day added that making arrests will strip “bad actors” of their anonymity and create “a way to leverage more information, [and] learn about other people.” Day mentioned several times that PPB has worked with national-level law enforcement organizations to identify best practices. This is clearly a best practice that is likely to be shared with law enforcement and governmental bodies across the country. It’s another reason why these campus occupations and direct action demonstrations associated with the Palestinian cause are unlikely to gain the traction that the Black Lives Matter movement did in 2020. – M.S.
The Columbia Protest Could Go to Court
The custodians mobbed at Hamilton Hall might get a union lawsuit.
By The Editorial Board
May 9, 2024 5:46 pm ET
Here’s another warning about the risks for colleges that indulge a campus protest mob: The union for about 725 staff at Columbia University now says it’s “exploring legal action” against the school for its failure to protect workers, “including two Custodians held against their will, when protesters stormed and occupied Hamilton Hall.”
TWU International President John Samuelsen is unsparing in a letter to Columbia President Minouche Shafik. “There is no doubt that the university was aware that outside agitators were operating on campus and posed an increased risk to university employees, yet the university continued to assign their work routines as if it was ‘business as usual,’” he writes. “Your negligence as an employer is largely responsible for the dangerous situation and debacle which unfolded.”
As protesters took over Hamilton Hall in the wee hours of April 30 and began setting up barricades, the two custodians cleaning the building asked to be let out. In Mr. Samuelsen’s telling, the workers were rebuffed by a “smarmy, sanctimonious, elitist” occupier who said that “there was no chance of leaving because ‘this moment is bigger than you.’” The custodians “had to courageously fight their way towards one of the exits.”
Mr. Samuelsen’s letter adds that a female security officer “remains shaken by her encounter with the occupying protesters (aka privileged kids) who verbally attacked her in a very aggressive and extremely offensive manner.”
The union wants a meeting with Ms. Shafik, as well as access to the security footage from Hamilton Hall and “the names of the occupiers arrested,” since it’s also weighing legal action against them.
College presidents don’t want to inflame the anti-Israel protesters, yet coddling agitators who break the rules carries its own perils. TWU might or might not have a legally meritorious lawsuit, but what if the scuffle in Hamilton Hall had ended with a custodian tumbling down a flight of stairs and cracking his head? Although the workers at Columbia weren’t seriously injured, it isn’t hard to imagine how someone could have been.
Perhaps there’s also some political danger here for Democrats and President Biden. TWU International has endorsed Mr. Biden, but Mr. Samuelsen’s members don’t have to follow his lead on Election Day.
Young voters and union workers are both longtime Democratic constituencies. But the more the left panders to mobs at Ivy League schools where tuition runs well into five figures, the more out of touch it looks to the working man.
Hamas handmaidens have taken to waking University of Michigan Regents and then noisily “protesting” (read intimidating):
:-o :-o :-o
I dunno where to post this as I can’t find a “women’s lib” thread. Suffice to say Dem’s attacking Alito for not controlling his wife’s flag waving habits is a wee bit ironic:
This thread will do fine, as would the "Cognitive Dissonance of the Left" thread :-D
organizing *high school*
students to walk out of class to "protest" Israel.
:x :-o
well hopefully at some point you will change your mind.
OTOH I don't feel like looking at June 19th as any kind of holiday either.
BTW, I don't understand what about slavery or Jim Crow etc we did not know.
Except that about Thomas Jefferson.
We knew who the Founding slave owners were etc
I notice there seems to always be at least one Hamashole with a megaphone bossing everyone around like the one who ordered pro Israelis to go across the street farther away from their location.
So corporations are starting to reverse course. Perhaps one of the major reasons to vote Biden out of office are his efforts to impose ESG/DIE goals and standards by executive fiat:
A Luxury Nobody Can Afford
Joan Sammon • 22 Jun, 2024 • 4 Min Read
Corporate America finally wises up to the scam.
From Boeing to Starbucks and BP to Budweiser, the landscape of Wall Street is increasingly strewn with failed executive boards that adopted ideological policies that have been bad for business. In recent years, C-Suites have been populated with executives who accepted being told what to think by activists and a few powerful asset managers, while forgetting how to think. Filled with acolytes from some of America’s most prestigious business schools, executive boards have been persuaded by promises of increased executive compensation -- lots more money -- to not question, not challenge and not fight the adoption of transient faddish standards into boardroom decisions, even in direct violation of their fiduciary obligations to shareholders.
Now, four years after the most socially charged period since the anti-war protests of the Vietnam era, shareholders are finally demanding that the ideologically strident environmental, social and governance nonsense known as "ESG," economic foolishness underpinned by narratives of "climate catastrophe" and the make-work, economically suicidal foolishness of "diversity equity and inclusion" (DEI), be scrapped. Here's the Wall Street Journal on the subject:
White-collar companies that once championed programs to recruit diverse employees are now tiptoeing away from them... Companies have made the changes quietly, often by playing down terminology such as “DEI” and opening up programs once reserved for diverse applicants to everyone. Many stopped referencing their DEI programs in annual reports altogether, The Wall Street Journal has reported. Minority students are concerned about what the cutback means for their future in an already tight job market.
All have won, and all must have prizes.
By the close of Starbuck’s annual shareholder meeting back in March this year, investors had voted on a slew of initiatives, including an executive pay packages that omitted diversity and sustainability goals from bonus considerations for top leadership at the company. Though non-binding, it sent a clear message to company leadership that shareholders separate their political ideology from their beverage-selling, and that they expect corporate executives to do the same. The initiative passed with a 90 percent approval. Shareholders made it clear that the days of focusing on the immutable traits of employees or the recyclability of the tables and chairs is simply not important to those who actually fund the company.
The idea of bonuses for promoting products is not new. For decades pharmaceutical companies have incentivized prescribing habits of physicians. Even as recently as 2021 pharmacies were paid to inject as many people as possible with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines for COVID-19, even in the face of limited efficacy data and, later, provable harm, so as to maximize their incomes via pay incentives. For at least five decades now, the corporate media has rewarded editors who aggressively hired and promoted "underrepresented" minorities and rabid ideologues in a business that once required speed, accuracy, and commitment to the First Amendment.
Corporate leaders are no different. In recent years they have become evangelizers for ideological policies masquerading as corporate initiatives. The idea of politicizing corporate America was first introduced by the malevolent activist organization, World Economic Forum (WEF) beginning in 2000. A proponent of a single global government, the WEF recognized that corporate leaders would do almost anything for the right price. They began methodically engaging executives of asset management firms to begin the process of reorienting the capital markets toward industries, technologies and companies in which they had personal financial interest and those that helped shape the New World Order they envisioned even if broader market acceptance was fleeting.
By 2020 non-profit organizations were part of the WEF program to integrate ideological initiatives into corporate decision making, even in defiance of the sole interest rule. Organizations like Human Rights Campaign and Black Lives Matter were shaking down large swaths of corporate America for billions in the wake of destructive protests. Starbucks was an early follower of these extortion efforts and introduced a company-wide program that same year.
By 2023, 7.5 percent of Starbucks' executive bonus variables were tied to "diversity," while another 7.5 percent was based on “sustainability” goals. But by March 2024, with emotion waning and shareholders irritated by activism, the proposed outline included 75 percent of executive bonus variables being tied to overall financial performance and 25 percent be based on individual performance. In addition, the company was to replace the word "representation” with “talent" in its performance-related restricted stock unit grant (PRSU). But needing shareholders to convince a board that the word “talent” should be reintegrated into company vernacular testifies to the fact that fads that are still influencing corporate executives in 2024.
Well, that didn't pan out.
The rolling back of these ESG and DEI policies are largely occurring as a result of threatened legal action. As recently as six months ago, six large U.S. corporations, including JPMorgan Chase, began rolling back their DEI and ESG policies not because corporate leadership had a change of heart but because of threatened lawsuits. According to reports, 25 large U.S. corporations have received letters since 2021. JPMorgan Chase changed modified programs that were exclusively open to Hispanic and black applicants, now to include all students, “regardless of background.” Even the most strident evangelizer of ESG and DEI programming, BlackRock, has rolled back a DEI program.
Common sense has made a return but never underestimate the power of government intervention to achieve social outcomes the markets and the law reject. The Biden administration, infamous for its use of regulatory edicts, seems poised to force ESG and DEI onto businesses through regulation. But with the Chevron Doctrine likely to be overturned soon by the Supreme Court in two pending decisions – Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce -- perhaps only then will reason return to corporate America and focus shift from ESG activism to boardroom merit once again.
Joan Sammon is the founder of a boutique oil and gas advisory firm that develops strategies for an array of business & market challenges. As an ESG expert she explains the threat of ESG to her corporate clients.
another letter salad
what is BOLO ?
Be On the LookOut.
Police lingo, as in "They put out a BOLO for a blue car with DC tags."
“be on the look out.”
BS McKinsey report showing diversity increase profits over 30% was bogus
Was this the reason corporations all jumped on board with the DEI thing overnight?
Or was it social pressure?
Or both?
Sorry I meant to post the MSN report of the WSJ McKinsey "study"
but not WSJ will not let me post.
This is the bottom line:
"Academics have tried to repeat McKinsey’s findings and failed, concluding that there is in fact no link between profitability and executive diversity. And the methodology of McKinsey’s early studies, which helped create the widespread belief that diversity is good for profits, is being questioned."
I very much hope the plaintiffs surmount here:
Judge Rejects Biden Admin Bid To Dismiss Lawsuit Over 'Illegal and Dangerous' $1.5 Billion Palestinian Payment Plan
L: UNRWA Building , R: Hamas militants (Getty Images)
Adam Kredo
July 1, 2024
A U.S. district court rejected the Biden administration’s bid to dismiss a landmark lawsuit alleging it engaged in an "illegal and dangerous $1.5 billion terrorism subsidy program for the Palestinians."
The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled on Friday that the lawsuit brought by victims of Palestinian terrorism can proceed, marking the second time the Biden administration’s motion to dismiss the case has been rejected. The court, in its latest decision, said there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—the leading aid organization in Gaza—even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas’s military infrastructure.
The lawsuit, originally filed in December 2022 by American victims of Palestinian terror attacks and Rep. Ronny Jackson (R., Texas), alleges the Biden administration violated federal law when it restarted aid to the Palestinians, including for programs in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. This money, they argue, subsidized terrorism and contributed to the Palestinian government’s "pay to slay" program, which provides imprisoned terrorists and their families with monthly stipends.
The latest decision paves the way for the case to "move forward, tearing away the veil from the Biden Administration’s illegal and dangerous $1.5 billion terrorism subsidy program for the Palestinians," America First Legal, a watchdog group handling the lawsuit on behalf of terror victims, said in a summary of the case provided to the Washington Free Beacon.
"This administration has been illegally funding terrorism by providing taxpayer dollars to Palestinian terrorists who want to bring harm to American and Israeli interests," said Rep. Jackson. "This critical decision will help to hold the Biden administration accountable and ensure that the national security of the United States and Israel is prioritized over the illegal funding of terrorism with American taxpayer dollars."
The court agreed that America First Legal provided sufficient evidence that the Biden administration’s financial support for UNRWA "is undiminished," even after Congress outlawed funding to the group following revelations its employees participated in Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel. UNRWA facilities have also been used as Hamas command centers, and weapons stockpiles have repeatedly been discovered in the agency’s buildings.
The Biden administration attempted to argue that the plaintiff’s use of "Trump policies" in its initial suit was "amorpheous [sic] or indeterminate," but the court also rejected this claim, saying the suit clearly demonstrates that aid to both the Palestinians and UNRWA was frozen during the previous administration and subsequently restarted when President Joe Biden took office.
The lawsuit "makes that distinction clear," the court determined, adding that the Biden administration’s "decision to resume those two sources of funding each constitute discrete and final agency actions."
Reed Rubinstein, America First Legal’s senior vice president, said the latest ruling indicates the Biden administration knew it was violating the law by sending aid to the Palestinians but moved forward with this policy anyway.
The evidence, obtained through internal State Department emails and records, indicates the administration also violated the Taylor Force Act, a 2018 law named after an American killed by Palestinain terrorists that barred American funds to the Palestinian government until it ceased payments to imprisoned terrorists, Rubinstein said.
"The Biden administration’s $1.5 billion in illegal payments to Gaza, the West Bank, and the UNRWA have led to mass death, destruction, and disaster," according to Rubinstein. "Biden officials knew that by unlawfully overturning the existing Trump administration’s ‘no funds’ policy and violating the Taylor Force Act, U.S. taxpayers would end up subsidizing Hamas’s tunnels and missiles and the corrupt Palestinian Authority’s obscene pay-to-slay bounty program. Now, accountability is on the horizon."
Stuart and Robbi Force, Taylor's parents, who are parties in the suit against Biden, said they were "very appreciative of Judge Kacsmaryck’s denial of the government’s motions to dismiss our complaint."
"For the defendants to violate the [Taylor Force Act] and resume sending taxpayer dollars to terrorist entities is personally heartbreaking to our family and Taylor’s many friends, and is an affront to the strong bipartisan support the Act received in Congress," they added.
In its initial filing, America First Legal provided the court with internal State Department emails, first reported by the Free Beacon, showing that U.S. officials raised concerns in 2021 that a resumption in funding to the Palestinians would embolden Hamas.
"We assess there is a high risk Hamas could potentially derive indirect, unintentional benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza. There is less but still some risk U.S. assistance would benefit other designated groups," the State Department assessed at the time.
Separate funding streams to UNRWA, the lawsuit alleges, also bolstered Hamas and enabled it to carry out the Oct. 7 attack.
UNRWA "facilities have served as terrorist command and control center, weapon storage depots, and rocket launching platforms," according to the lawsuit. "It uses international money to indoctrinate Palestinian children into antisemitic terrorist cadres."
… and worked the Biden admin for Gaza funds. But hey, all those tunnels didn’t dig themselves:
Gazan horribly tortured! Wait, what’s that you say? The perpetrators were Hamas Security members?
Nothing to see here, move along:
There are several UN threads, though none where this seems to fit. Strikes me we should have a place to catalog all the UN asshattery, sorta like the FBI Stasi-like schemes thread.
With that said, Israel releases the names of 108 UNWRA employees that moonlight for Hamas:
Let's continue using this thread-- the Hamasholes in the subject line should lead to posts about Hamas.
(5) ANTIFA BLOG DOXXES HERITAGE FOUNDATION OFFICERS: Earlier this month, a D.C.-area Antifa blog published personal information about a number of Heritage Foundation officials and authors of its Presidential Transition Project’s “Mandate for Leadership” document, also referred to as Project 2025.
The post provides alleged home or office addresses for a number of prominent conservatives like former Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, former DHS senior official Ken Cuccinelli, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, Deputy Assistant to President Trump Peter Navarro, and dozens of others.
Why It Matters: Publishing personal information, referred to as doxxing, or publishing documents on a person, is often a first step towards fomenting protests, intimidation, and in some cases, physical violence against a political target. While former President Donald Trump has publicly deflected links to Project 2025, his potential administration will almost certainly include prominent Heritage Foundation members and Project 2025 authors. – M.S.
It appears this gent is purchasing phone tracking geolocated metadata and associating it with its users. Interesting discrete doxxing ensues:
Hussain Abdul-Hussain
The U.S. once wanted him, and once classified Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorists. Now the U.S. is obsessed with de-escalation, and giving Islamist Iran what it wants.
Thank you Israel for exacting revenge on America’s enemies.
Nadav Pollak
Israel just took out Hezbollah number 2. Someone the U.S. wanted for a long time - look at this…
Hussain Abdul-Hussain
1- Killing Hamas or anything connected to it is fair game in response to Hamas Oct 7 massacre of 1200 Israelis.
2- A deal or a ceasefire with Hamas are neither the goal nor engraved in stone. If they can release hostages, fine. If they don’t happen, Hamas should still be decimated.
3- Fear of further war and destruction and crying victimhood is what Islamist Iran and its militias want the world to feel to stop a war that the Islamists started.
4- A bully like Islamist Iran can only be stopped when beaten. From incinerating Hodeida Port to killing Hezbollah mil chief to taking out Haniyyeh, Islamist Iran should understand that it is no match to Israel and the West. If it insists on trying, it’ll keep losing.
5- War or no war is never an end. It’s the tool toward peace and toward preventing more war. Islamist Iran uses war to scare Iranians and the world and to make more wars in the future. Israel uses war to undermine the warmongering Iran.
6- Islamist Iran should become a pariah, and all countries that host its militias too. Israel should be thanked for maintaining the World Order that America made and abandoned, or for saving what’s left of it.
File this under “those that can’t do teach,” perhaps?
Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh committed crimes against humanity. He was responsible for planning and instigating the mass murder of 1200 Israelis on October 7th, kidnapping 251 hostages, torture and rape.
Naturally, he used to be a teacher at UNRWA.
The best part is this blood thirsty animal, excuse me, I mean United Nations professor, was assassinated in Tehran!
Of course, Iran "vows" revenge"
:roll: :roll:
Biden admin has sent close to $1 billion to Hamas, is being sued for it, has sought to have that suit tossed and lost that effort twice, while congress has been silent on this issue. Hopefully dear Kamala will be grilled on this topic:
Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to One Billion Dollars in "Aid" to Hamas since the October 7 Massacre?
by Robert Williams
July 31, 2024 at 5:00 am
Truth Social Gettr
Since October 7.... the total of US taxpayer funds donated to Gaza as a reward since the massacre on October 7 to $896 million, or close to a billion dollars.
A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure," among other terror structures, the lawsuit stated.
The Biden administration has sought to have the case dismissed twice but failed. On June 28, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled that the lawsuit can proceed, and that there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to UNRWA even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas's military infrastructure.
In short, the Biden administration has donated less to Sudan and DRC Congo combined, where a total of nearly 50 million people face starvation, than to Gaza, where 2 million people face no such thing. What is going on? And where is Congress?
According to FBI director Christopher Wray, "the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate years ago." Iran, officially labeled the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism by the 2023 US annual Terrorism Report, calls the US "the Great Satan" and continues to vow "Death to America."
Blinken casually announced in a July 19 interview that Iran had reduced the time it would need to create sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon "to one to two weeks." He then went on to gaslight the audience by claiming that the Biden administration has been "maximizing pressure on Iran across the board."
Why is the Biden administration, under the pretense of "humanitarian aid," drowning these terrorist enemies of America in US taxpayer money? And what, if anything, is Congress going to do about it?
A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure." Pictured: Blinken meets with the Emir of Qatar, Hamas' state sponsor, in Lusail on October 13, 2023. (Photo by Jacquelyn Martin/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)
The US has donated close to a billion dollars of taxpayer money to Gaza, ruled by the officially designated terrorist group, Hamas, in the eight months following October 7, 2023. On that day, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Iranian proxies that invaded southern Israel, carrying out this act of war on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran. There, they brutally murdered 1,200 people, raped and mutilated women and children, burned children to death in front of their parents, and abducted more than 250 people into Gaza.
Also, starting on October 7, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad – in close cooperation with their allies in Iran's terrorist proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon – have launched more than 19,000 rockets, missiles and attack-drones at Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey.
And yet, since October 7 the Biden administration has rewarded Hamas with the gift of close to a billion dollars in US taxpayer money, disguised as "humanitarian aid", most of which clearly ends up in the hands of Hamas (here, here, here, here, here and here).
Since October 7, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) gave more than $674 million in "humanitarian aid" to Gaza. On July 11, USAID announced another $100 million for Gaza, making it a total of more than $774 million. In addition, since October, the Biden administration has given $122 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which effectively functions as a branch of Hamas in Gaza, bringing the total of US taxpayer funds donated to Gaza as a reward since the October 7 massacre on to $896 million, or close to a billion dollars.
The overlap between UNRWA and Hamas has been an open secret for the past decade, but became fully public only after October 7 with the findings that at least 12 UNRWA staff actively participated in the October 7 attack. Most recently, on July 4, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked UNRWA to terminate the employment of 100 terrorist operatives still working for the organization.
"In recent months Israel has discovered that hundreds of terrorists, members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have been employed by UNRWA in the Gaza Strip, some of them holding high-ranking positions in UNRWA or in Hamas," Ambassador Amir Weissbrod wrote in the letter to UNRWA.
A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure," among other terror structures, the lawsuit stated.
The Biden administration has sought to have the case dismissed twice but failed. On June 28, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled that the lawsuit can proceed, and that there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to UNRWA even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas's military infrastructure.
So, billions in US aid for the Gaza Strip, which is home to just two million people, most of whom actively support the terrorists running the territory and their Iranian handlers according to poll after poll. The Biden administration would have Americans believe it is all about humanitarian aid for people in extreme need.
The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (ICP), a UN-affiliated body, published two reports in June, concluding that there is no famine and that the supply of food to Gaza has, in fact, increased, not decreased, in recent months. The UN has also admitted that until now there have only been 32 deaths in Gaza from malnutrition, 28 of them among children under 5 years old.
The question nobody seems to ask is whether it is a reasonable policy to send billions in aid to a terrorist group supposedly for two million people who apparently do not receive it -- rather than to, for instance, according to the US World Food Program (US WFP), which works in cooperation with USAID, "nearly 350 million people around the world [who] are experiencing the most extreme forms of hunger right now. Of those, nearly 49 million people are on the brink of famine."
US WFP lists the ten countries suffering the most from hunger right now (updated on June 25), including Sudan (26 million people facing extreme hunger), the Democratic Republic of Congo (23.4 million facing extreme hunger), Yemen, (17 million), Syria (12.9 million), Afghanistan (12.4 million), and South Sudan (7.1 million people). Gaza is nowhere to be found on the list.
Sudan is the country in the world with the most people facing hunger and the situation is extreme, with people eating grass and peanut shells.
"At least 750,000 people are on the brink of starvation and death in Sudan, where a devastating civil war has left over half the country's 48 million people in a situation of chronic hunger," the New York Times reported last month. The famine has been deliberately induced by the warring sides, according to anonymous sources within the UN, and is therefore a war crime. By the UN's own admission, although Sudan is the country with the worst famine, it is also the most forgotten and ignored.
How much aid has the Biden administration, so concerned with humanitarian assistance and people in dire need, donated to Sudan in fiscal year 2024? About one third of the aid to Gaza, namely $280 million. Let that sink in: Gaza's Hamas terrorists, who shoot at their own people when they try to take some of the aid intended for them, received almost three times as much as Sudan in fiscal year 2024, even though Sudan, a country of 48 million, is in the midst of devastating famine.
How about DRC Congo, where 23.4 million people face starvation? The Biden administration, so concerned with humanitarian compassion for victims of famine and war, has donated around $424 million dollars from June 2023 to June 2024 to DRC Congo -- about half the amount that Gaza received.
In short, the Biden administration has donated less to Sudan and DRC Congo combined, where a total of nearly 50 million people face starvation, than to Gaza, where 2 million people face no such thing. What is going on? And where is Congress?
There is more: Hamas is an Iranian proxy: Iran orchestrated the October 7 attacks. Iran sends $100 million to Hamas, $700 million to Hezbollah, and tens of millions to Islamic Jihad every year. Biden has actively enabled those Iranian donations by propping up the Iranian Islamic regime's generous financing of its terrorist proxies, most recently in March by offering Iran sanctions waivers worth $10 billion.
It is evident that US foreign aid is not premised on humanitarianism and alleviating suffering, as the Biden administration would like to have us all think. Because if it were, its foreign aid would be channeled where people are actually starving to death -- not to Gaza and straight into the pockets of Hamas.
According to FBI director Christopher Wray, "the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate years ago." Iran, officially labeled the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism by the 2023 US annual Terrorism Report, calls the US "the Great Satan" and continues to vow "Death to America."
Blinken casually announced in a July 19 interview that Iran had reduced the time it would need to create sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon "to one to two weeks." He then went on to gaslight the audience by claiming that the Biden administration has been "maximizing pressure on Iran across the board."
Why is the Biden administration, under the pretense of "humanitarian aid," drowning these terrorist enemies of America in US taxpayer money? And what, if anything, is Congress going to do about it?
Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.
No worries as the Soros funded DAs will drop the charges as just occurred in DC.
So go online and try to damage the reputation of the restaurant.
[must be racism!]
if you don't cancel those who were smart enough to make reservations in advance.
is if concerning a black youth ====>>> RACIST !
this is so annoying and worse.
Gascon punished prosecutor for "misgendering" sex offender: A Los Angeles prosecutor has blown the whistle on George Soros-funded District Attorney George Gascon, alleging that he was directed by Gascon to hide evidence against a convicted sex offender who claimed to be "transgender" after his conviction in order to get sent to a women's prison. Last week, Deputy District Attorney Shea Sanna filed a lawsuit against Gascon, asserting the leftist DA retaliated against him in an effort to silence him. Sanna also says he was demoted, transferred, and suspended. Sanna was accused of "misgendering" the perpetrator and given a five-day suspension without pay. His attorney, Anthony Fusaro, claims, "When Mr. Sanna informed his supervisors and the public of Gascon's suppression efforts, Gascon responded with a relentless retaliation campaign against Mr. Sanna that persists to this day."
free speech
Hat tip CCP:
Another interesting exercise in cellphone geofenced data interpretation. Here DNC convention protestor are tracked from the streets of Chicago to their home roosts:
May I ask you to put that into the Surveillance thread as well?
I have no sense of knowledge of the facts here, but post this out of respect for the substantial serious work that O'Keefe has done:
For God's sake.
Can we be more careful in singling out just Latinos and Black illegals as the problem ......?
The Left will have great cause to admonish our side now.
God Darn it!!!! :x
Or, occasionally the DOJ roots out an acorn that fell atop of otherwise sacrosanct narratives:
‘This isn’t a joke’: $1,000,000 offer to hold Pride rally in Gaza or West Bank gets no takers
I can't imagine why:
Another source I've no experience with, but this has the ring of truth. If only intrepid journalists bothered to do their jobs:
There is a massive story for someone who has more resources than I have to investigate this further.
In 1977, the Department of Justice Civil Department required Congress to sign off on any settlement against the United States more than 100,000.00 dollars. But as society became more litigious, the cap was eventually removed. Then the DOJ civil department became one of the most powerful departments in the United States Government, basically, they could do whatever they want with Taxpayer money. The account became known as the Judgement Fund. The fund's operations have become secretive and often nefarious.
In 2009 a man named Tony West took over the Department of Justice civil litigation program. This program was in charge of settling lawsuits against the federal government. But this was an email that Tony West got upon being appointed to the job:
“can you explain to Tony the best way to allocate some money toward an organization of our choosing?”
That is how taxpayer money became the vehicle to start funding Left Wing associated organizations and give them the resources needed to start what has become the party of lunacy.
For example in 2010, the DOJ had all but won a case in Supreme Court after a decade long fight DOJ lawyers were on the verge of winning a case against discrimination claims by 91 Hispanic and female farmers.
Tony West personally intervened and the
DOJ agreed to a $1.33 billion settlement which included thousands of farmers who had never claimed bias, and of course ATTORNEY FEES in the millions. More importantly, the case lawyers vehemently was against the settlement noting they had obviously were going to win the case and not cost the taxpayers money at all. Law firms, some which did not even participate in the case were awarded an additional 133 million in attorney fees.
The projected settlement size ballooned to over $4.4 billion as additional plaintiffs were added, including Native American farmers.
One government expert was appalled: “‘If they had gone to trial, the government would have prevailed . . . It was just a joke. . . . I was so disgusted. It was simply buying the support of the Native Americans.’”
Sound Familiar? Kind of like forgiveness of student loans, promises of cash for down payment on houses.
This dirty deal also inflated the number of claimants, creating a $60 million windfall for the plaintiff’s lead lawyer, a member of the Obama/Biden transition team.
Tony West did not just shakedown taxpayers, he also went after any right-wing corporations.
In a series of bank settlements, West wrote in PROVISIONS TO THE SETTLEMENTS THAT
Donations were mandatory and be given to DEMOCRAT ACTIVIST SUPPORT GROUPS. (Perhaps those shills we see like Brooklyn Dad, JoJo From Jerz, you know, all the paid propagandists we see on Twitter)
What makes things worse, is his settlements specifically provided that right wing groups were not eligible for any of these payments. This was around the same time Obama was having the IRS target right wing not for profit groups also.
An internal email shows West deputies rewording a settlement’s donation provisions to ensure the bank could not select a “conservative” property rights organization as a recipient. In 2016, before Trump took office, a 2 billion Electric Car initiative was mandated although explicitly rejected by Congress.
An email circulated saying they ought to build a “statue” to West and “bow down to this statue each day after we receive our $200,000+.”
Who was signing off on all these corrupt settlements in California? California’s attorney general at the time, Kamala Harris, was an active participant, cosigning agreements for her state.
Then, Donald Trump was elected and immediately ended the Judgement Fund. In fact, his attorney general banned them altogether citing the misuse, allocation and dangers of such a fund.
But a funny thing happened, in 2020, the Biden/Harris administration reversed the ban and started the fund up all over again. Once again, left wing organizations are getting billions of dollars in settlements while conservative groups are ineligible. You remember FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page? This is the fund that paid them their multi million dollar settlement although they had no expectation of privacy by sending texts on government issued phones. Perhaps that Plan "B" that they talk about how they would stop Trump in those texts was the reason for such a payout.
But you may ask, who is Tony West? Well, He is Kamala Harris's Brother-in-Law and is expected to be named White House Counsel if she is elected.
This guy makes Hunter Biden look like Mother Theresa, as the New York Post aptly said; A new “Big Guy” is coming to town. Kamala, with the help of Tony West and his cronies, will show you how Honest Graft is really done.--Dishonestly
But where the story really is, all that money that was spent on dishonest settlements have been coming back to the Harris campaign in spades.
New York Post
New York Times
go to the 12:20 mark and listen:
she says they see everything through "rose colored glasses"
remember when I posted this (for some reason I cannot find my post)?
Those obsessed with racism see everything through ROSE colored glasses should be RACE colored glasses for them.
perhaps coincidence but perhaps not. She might not have said "race colored" glasses since she would get Left wing blowback. I have to wonder in my situation though.
Who is reading the forum?
Intriguing , , ,
just north of the state of a prominent FHF board member:
This piece lives halfway down the post/page, exploring the Trump's whipsawing of all things DEI related:
They’re literally ignoring the biggest story of the decade, if not of our lifetimes. While the top headlines obsessed over Elon’s limb placement, I had to travel all the way to the India Tribune to find the full story. It was headlined, “Trump signs executive order ending diversity discrimination in federal government, private sector.” You’d think it would have been bigger news.
The Tribune’s sub-headline added, “The order revokes previous diversity and inclusion policies, calling for a merit-based approach to opportunities and ensuring compliance with federal civil rights laws.” Even that was a pitiful understatement.
The truth is, Trump just nuked DEI. From orbit.
It was like The Apprentice met The Presidency. Yesterday, Trump signed his second consecutive DEI order, Tuesday’s even more detailed and specific than Monday’s, and his Office of Personnel Management issued a tart memorandum. It informed all federal agencies that, by no later than 5pm tonight, they must close DEI all offices, delete all DEI websites, cancel all scheduled DEI “training,” terminate all DEI contractors, place all DEI staff on paid leave, and then prepare for staff reductions by the end of business on the last day of this month, January 31st.
Boom! You’re fired. Axed, laid off, made redundant, severed, separated, and terminated with prejudice.
Trump’s team isn’t just messing around, either. It’s not just performative. They can try to re-name DEI into something else, to try burying it in the bureaucratic depths, but it won’t work this time. Trump’s team is already onto that little game:
They’ve also required every federal agency to list their DEI employees as of November 5, 2024 —election day— just in case they were smuggled into other jobs after Trump’s win in a cryptic effort to save them from getting fired and keep the resistance going.
Behold the example email attached to the OPM’s Memo, for sending to all federal employees, whose week is already off to a rocky start, what with having to come in to the office today:
Note that, according to this email, any employee who knows about efforts to disguise DEI using “coded or imprecise language” and who doesn’t report it can face “adverse consequences.”
In other words, just give us a reason. We dare you.
But there was so much more. Yesterday’s order also rescinded a long list of “opportunity” orders stretching back all the way to 1965 (the “Equal Employment Opportunity” order signed by President Johnson). It ordered all federal procurement agencies to stop requiring federal contractors to comply with “diversity” or “affirmative action” policies, but rather to encourage those contractors to “advance the policy of individual initiative, excellence, and hard work.”
Agencies must now prioritize speed, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in contracting, and discard any social goals. Imagine that.
The Department of Education was directed to send an anti-DEI memo to all educational institutions receiving federal subsidies.
President Trump also encouraged the private sector to follow the federal government’s lead and “end illegal D.E.I. discrimination and preferences and comply with all federal civil-rights laws.”
He also directed federal agencies to investigate corporations and foundations to ensure compliance with the law. Every agency was directed to single out nine potential lawsuits against major players—forming a vast compliance dragnet:
As a part of this plan, each agency shall identify up to nine potential civil compliance investigations of publicly traded corporations, large non-profit corporations or associations, foundations with assets of 500 million dollars or more, State and local bar and medical associations, and institutions of higher education with endowments over 1 billion dollars.
That single paragraph was a strategic masterstroke that will cause a mad scramble at the biggest and most influential institutions in the country to immediately revise their employment policies. It will immediately shut up and shut down all internal and external DEI messaging at these institutions, as they scramble to get out of the compliance crosshairs.
By decentralizing the huge job of identifying potential lawsuits down to the individual agencies, the Trump administration multiplied its enforcement powers. The order was literally an anti-DEI multiplier.
🔥 It seems so obvious now that we can see it. This kind of bold, fearless action was literally the only way to really root out the sunken tendrils of the racist DEI practices that had become irretrievably enmeshed into all our public and private institutions. Trump’s executive orders will trigger a kind of rapid immune response, the country’s projectile vomiting of long-standing, unfair, woke hiring practices.
What a time to be alive.
Trump’s orders weren’t gentle. They weren’t polite, compromising, or a mere shift in policy; they were a battering ram aimed directly at DEI’s institutional infrastructure. Trump isn’t doing the work—the system is being forced to purge itself, violently and suddenly, of deeply embedded practices that many people sadly concluded were untouchable.
The genius in Trump’s orders was in its bare-knuckled aggression. They didn’t nibble around the edges or cautiously test the waters; they are kicking down the DEI door and setting the woke house on fire. Institutions that leaned heavily on DEI to shield their mediocrity or dress up their faux ideological conformity are now scrambling to protect themselves, not out of principle, but out of sheer self-preservation.
The speed and scope of the reaction to the orders could achieve in mere months what it might have taken decades of lawsuits and debates to accomplish. The DEI regime is being forced to confront its own contradictions, and whether you view it as a restoration of fairness and merit, or as an overdue reckoning of justice, it’s undeniably bold.
While Trump just effortlessly unleashed a package of executive orders that were institutional dynamite and change everything, yesterday corporate media busied itself by refereeing Elon Musk’s alleged Nazi Wave Olympics.
DEI is so over. Put a fork in it; it’s done.
🔥 These DEI orders, memos, and draft emails weren’t created in the last two days during the Administration’s rush to move into DC offices. Trump’s Cabinet hasn’t even been approved yet. These swift management actions—like placing federal DEI staff immediately on leave and directing the agencies to promptly terminate diversity-related programs—demonstrate a meticulous, coordinated strategy that could not possibly have been formulated overnight.
In other words, they’ve been working on this for a long time. And somehow, they managed to keep it all under wraps. No leaks. Think about that.
Now compare what we’re seeing to Trump’s first term.
Actually, never mind Trump’s first term. This strategic master class is like nothing we have ever seen from a new presidential administration. Trump just invented a brand new benchmark, and has redefined what it means to hit the ground running. His political enemies are so far behind that they are vanishing from the rear-view mirror. It’s not just that Trump is already scoring touchdowns while the Democrats are still warming up; he’s landscaping the football field and installing more Trump-only touchdown zones.
He’s re-writing the rules in real time. Critics point to how easy executive orders are to undo, but they miss the point entirely. By outsourcing the work, Trump is reconfiguring society itself. And since it’s all based on the existing legal framework provided by the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and federal civil rights laws, it will be heinously difficult to oppose.
The speed —such as requiring things be done today— defeats lawfare. A lot of stuff will be moot long before it can get in front of a judge.
And remember, this is only one of Trump’s initiatives. The same strategic thinking is suffused throughout the rest of the many, many orders that are right now transforming the Executive Branch of the United States government.
But wait! There's more!
Not sure where to put this:
celebrated - I could swear she looks familiar
" Female Pilot Rebecca Lobach’s Entire Social Media Scrubbed before Army Released Her Name – So What Are They Hiding? "
right - she is a lesbian ; obviously covered up so media and military would not play into the Trump insinuations.
I recall seeing this about her in past somewhere even before the crash Somehow she looks familiar and I think she was posted about being lesbian
That said , not clear DEI had anything to do with crash or she was incompetent.
Not clear what the crash causes were.
I don't care if she was lesbian or not as long as she met all the requirements but who knows the facts. I sure don't .
I’m hearing from pilot buds the chopper was at the wrong altitude. Haven’t been able to confirm, but I’m hearing there is a chopper corridor along the Potomac that tops out @ 200 ft, though she was at 500. I’m gonna wait ‘til the NTSB says something authoritative, but suspect that will prove to be a component.
FYI, IIRC the general aviation flight ceiling in VA/MD/DC area is 500 ft, with one reason for the low ceiling is so a small aircraft can’t get to say 5000 ft (the ceiling beyond which O2 masks or pressurized cabins are needed) & then performing a kamikaze dive. A lot more potential energy in a craft diving from 5000 instead of 500, and A LOT of radars and rapid response aircraft ready to ruin a pilot’s day if they are at the wrong height or vector in that area.
I mention this as if she was at the conventional 500 ft rather than in the 200 ft Potomac corridor, that could explain things.
As for the scrub … utterly par for the course and something that signals to MSM to not poke their nose into her backstory, a point that ought to be hammered on not because I give a rat’s ass about her backstory (assuming it’s not an element of this collisions) but do think it’s yet another tell that the MSM reflexively drop their thumb on the full & accurate scale if these sorts of fixes are telegraphed. It would be fascinating—and telling—if someone could describe just how the scrub occurred. Unless the chopper pilot had a designee to handle, for instance, her FB page should she croak, someone w/ substantial access creds would have had to do the scrubbing, and any tech doing so would be sure to CYA with their reporting chain lest they be accused PID malfeasance.
My wife tells me she was on stage with Biden in his final days at the Medal of Freedom ceremony.
Here it is :
She credits her TikTok for her knowing this , , ,
more wacked out woke worries:
Perhaps it’s too early to connect these dots, but:
BREAKING: AXIOS reports that Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has issued a decree revoking the payment system to families of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prison or to families of Palestinian terrorists (AKA "Pay for Slay").
(Odd how this happens right after USAID funds drastically cut and Trump wants to clear out Gaza and the West Bank.)
"Hamasholes" in the subject line here is aimed at the folks here in America.
"Hamasholes" in the subject line here is aimed at the folks here in America.
Ah, okay. This is about Hamas no longer offering payments to people imprisoned after attacking and killing Israelis and others. Where should it go?
Israel thread.
VDH is on to something here: the goal of DEI was to increase the class size of those claiming they had systematically been denied access to equal opportunity. As the percentage of the black population is only 12%, the only way to lasso a majority was to increase the size of the group claiming some form of oppression. BHO did just that an voila, he created a political coalition capable of winning elections along the way and, once in power, that could institutionalize extra-constitutional means of retaining power:
Here’s Why Obama Created DEI
Victor Davis Hanson | February 11, 2025
Portrait of Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson, a senior contributor for The Daily Signal, is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and author of the book "The Second World Wars: How the First Global Conflict Was Fought and Won." You can reach him by emailing
Editor’s note: This is a lightly edited transcript of today’s video from Daily Signal Senior Contributor Victor Davis Hanson. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more of his videos.
Hello, this is Victor Davis Hanson for The Daily Signal. I want to talk today about the controversy over diversity, equity, and inclusion, but in a little different strain. I want to compare it with affirmative action.
Affirmative action was created during the civil rights era, 1964 and ’65, and then, now, it has been with us almost 60 years. But remember what it was originally designed for—to address the historic racism and oppression of black Americans through slavery and Jim Crow, de facto segregation in some of the Northern states, but de jure segregation in the South.
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And it said that because of that African Americans had not been given equality of opportunity. Statute never said anything about quotas or equality result. That’s something that came in later. But the point I’m making, affirmative action was envisioned for this historic minority that made about 12% of the population.
It was challenged in the courts for years. And it was often challenged by not just so-called whites but Asians as well because their SAT scores—to take the example of college admissions—or their GPAs were often 200 or 300 points, in the case of the SAT, and GPA, 4 versus 3.2, in the case of GPAs.
By that I mean, African Americans were being admitted with less impressive statistics than whites, but especially, Asians. And then something happened to this paradigm. When the Obama administration came in, they saw that that constituency was not big enough for the type of woke agenda that they were envisioning.
So they recreated it. They used a word, “diversity.” And diversity then would morph in, during the Obama years, to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” They added the “equity and inclusion” so you didn’t obsess on race, which was the obsession. But they didn’t want you to think about that. So then, all of a sudden, anybody was diverse on one qualification: They were not white.
That posed millions of problems because who is white in a multiracial society? Everybody has different heritages. Is it one-quarter, one-sixteenth? Should we use the one-drop rule of the old Confederacy? How do we stop fakers like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, etc.?
But all that aside, you can see what Barack Obama was trying to do. He was trying to say that the number of people who had been victimized was no longer 12%. It was 30%. And it was based on the idea of systemic racism. If you could not find overt racism in the 21st century, then you had to put adjectives in it. It was systemic. It was institutional. It was insidious. It was like air.
You can’t see air, but you know it’s there. So you had to have air detectors, like DEI detectors, and they would tell us you have to have trigger warnings or safe spaces or microaggressions. This was all an effort to build a victimized class. And what happened was, in the old days, there was an economic element to affirmative action.
It was clear that African Americans’ income was not comparable to non-African Americans. But under DEI, you could be an immigrant from the Punjab, you could come in from Argentina, you could come in from Taiwan, you could come in from almost any area and there were actually 16 different ethnic groups with higher incomes than whites.
So what happened? People began to say two things: “This person who we are hiring because we want to be diverse actually has more money than the people who are being excluded and has more opportunity,” No. 1. And No. 2, “They have no history of systemic exclusion.”
How does somebody who comes across the border from Oaxaca on the first day claim that he’s been a victim of insidious American racism? How does somebody who comes from Taiwan make the argument that he has been a victim of systemic racism in the here and now?
So, you had all of these immigrants coming in, and remember, DEI was, by intent, to coincide with a record number of immigrants—55 million, 16% of the population.
So what did we do? We created a new group and the result of it was—for a while, eight years—we got record numbers of Democrat voters among Asians, who had been traditionally conservative, under Hispanics, blacks, Native Americans. And then it blew up. And Donald Trump blew that up because he exposed the ridiculousness of it.
These people are trying to divide us into a Marxist binary between victimizers and victims. But the people in East Palestine were victims. The people in North Carolina were victims. And some of the victimizers are not white. And so, it’s so convoluted now. And it makes no sense in terms of economic advantage or historic racism or bias, or who is what.
Let’s just get rid of it and start to treat people as people and make identity politics incidental and not essential to who we are.
mother -> "inseminated"
father -> "parent"
husband/ wife - > *spouse* [ so what happens to "partner"?]
governor -> *FOOL*
Data Republican (small r) whose X posts I've shared here has been doxxed and so has self-identified as she hopes to control the narrative, with autism and being deaf a part of her identity and story.
And interview with her (through an interpreter):
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