Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW and DEI warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes  (Read 254004 times)


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BLM anti Israel
« Reply #702 on: May 19, 2021, 05:20:14 AM »
all I need to know:

However, they have no problem taking Jewish money from the Soros's of the world
  and there are Jews foolish enough to provide it to them.


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lego goes WOKE
« Reply #704 on: May 20, 2021, 02:49:19 PM »
back in the early mid 60s I used to build houses
or aircraft carriers or battleships

with legos
or use the blocks as soldiers

now they can be used to represent race gender homosexuality and the rest?

For God sakes !   they are toys not political indoctrination tools


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Pogrom in NYC
« Reply #707 on: May 21, 2021, 04:52:37 AM »

we don't hear about Arab "hate"


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".American Jews need to keep voting for and funding this!"

leftist Jews converted to the DNC long ago

they think their proclamations  of self righteousness is going to spare them

I don't agree

my many posts on the subject already explain why

Soros et al think they can buy friends
  may work for a while.............

« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 03:31:51 PM by ccp »


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Re: BLMer killed Ashli Babbitt
« Reply #712 on: May 21, 2021, 08:31:47 PM »


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WSJ: Shrier: Men in Women's Prisons
« Reply #716 on: May 31, 2021, 04:41:31 PM »
Male Inmates in Women’s Prisons
If Congress passes the Equality Act, California’s dangerous policy would go nationwide.
By Abigail Shrier
May 31, 2021 11:16 am ET
Torrance, Calif.

Crazy California laws occasionally go national. Take SB 132, which took effect in January. It allows transgender-identified male state prison inmates to transfer into women’s prisons based on “individual preference”—no hormones, surgery or time spent living as the opposite sex required. Spokeswoman Terry Thornton of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation says 264 male prisoners have declared a nonmale identity and formally requested transfer to women’s facilities.

If Congress passes the Equality Act—the House already has—incarcerated biological men who identify as female would be entitled to transfer into women’s federal prisons and possibly also state prisons nationwide. How’s that working in California?

Not well, according to Amie Ichikawa, who was released in 2013 from the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla, where she served five years for assault and kidnapping. Ms. Ichikawa is now forming a nonprofit to help currently incarcerated women. I visited her home in Torrance, and she put me in touch with four other current and former inmates. She contacted me after I appeared at a March Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to testify against the Equality Act. I told the lawmakers that although the vast majority of transgender Americans are peaceful, decent and law-abiding, the overbroad bill would be subject to abuse by opportunistic male felons.

None of the currently and formerly incarcerated women I spoke to expressed any animus toward transgender people. All acknowledged that some biological men who are transgender have been subject to abuse in men’s prisons. Several of the women made a point of saying they’d have no problem sharing a cell with natal males who have undergone sex-reassignment surgery.

But according to Tyrina Griffin —who served 20 years at Chowchilla for second-degree murder and whose wife, Rachelle Johnson, is currently serving a life sentence there—many of the men who are transferring there aren’t even on hormonal medication. “They’re getting a full erection,” she said. “So you’re locked in this room, 24/7, with a man and there’s nothing you can do about it. If you tell the police you don’t want to live with a man, or you’re afraid or whatever, you’ll get a disciplinary infraction. So you’re basically punished for being scared.”

Because female inmates are typically far less violent than male ones, women’s prisons like Chowchilla don’t separate inmates based on the severity of their crimes. “We’re all mixed together,” Ms. Ichikawa said. “The people who’ve murdered their children are in the same room as the people who’ve stolen boxers from Walmart. ”

Also unlike men’s prison, inmates at Chowchilla are housed eight to a room, with a sink and toilet inside the cell and only a cowboy door for modesty. The California law specifically states that no inmate may be denied a housing request for “any discriminatory reason,” including “genitalia” or “sexual orientation.” According to some surveys, a majority of biological men who identify as trans women are sexually attracted to women. “How are you going to prevent these people from having sex?” Ms. Ichikawa said. “And how do you then decipher what’s sex and what’s rape?” The women told me—and studies confirm—that the vast majority of incarcerated women are sexual-assault survivors.

In Washington state, which has a similar law, one male inmate who transferred into the women’s prison was a serial killer of women. “They might as well go ahead and start dropping the women off at San Quentin or Pelican Bay or one of the hard-core men’s prisons,” Ms. Griffin said. She added that women inside the prison are looking for ways to arm themselves. “They made it into a more of a war zone, to me, because I know women who are like, ‘I refuse to live with a man, and if I have to make me a prison knife to defend myself, then I’m going to do that.’ . . . I mean, you know how strong men are. Imagine one woman trying to defend herself against this big ol’ man, and the men coming in, they are like 6-foot-5, 6-foot-6, 300 pounds. These men look like Hercules compared to these little women. Can you fault the woman for actually trying to defend herself?”

According to the women I spoke to, the female guards at Chowchilla are as upset as the inmates by the law, recognizing that men are far more violent. The Corrections Department confirmed that unlike some men’s prisons, Chowchilla—California’s highest-security women’s prison—doesn’t have “gun coverage,” meaning officers overseeing the general population are armed only with batons and pepper spray. “They could get a gun, but they would have to go all the way to the front,” Ms. Johnson said. “That would really be extremely too late if something was to really happen.”

The California law also directs cavity searches to be conducted “based on the individual’s search preference”—meaning if a biological male who identifies as transgender would prefer to be cavity-searched by a female officer, he is entitled to it. It’s just “another opportunity to violate women, every woman in the facility,” Ms. Ichikawa said. “I don’t know why it was written so callously. I feel like there’s so much hate for women,” she said.

Ms. Thornton, the Corrections Department spokeswoman, stressed that the department evaluates transfer applications on a case-by-case basis. It has approved 26 of them. “We haven’t denied any requests so far,” she said.

She also confirmed that although there are many female prisoners in California’s women’s prisons who identify as men, only seven have requested transfer to the men’s prison. Why so few? I asked Ms. Ichikawa, who answered: “They would get killed.”

Ms. Shrier is author of “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.”


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Ban on transgender athletes in girls’ sports is now Florida Law
« Reply #718 on: June 01, 2021, 08:43:30 AM »

Ban on transgender athletes in girls’ and women’s scholastic sports is now Florida’s law
This is also a defining issue between future Presidential candidates Desantis and Kristi Noem.  It took guts to sign this.


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michigan critical race theory training forced on all doctors now
« Reply #719 on: June 01, 2021, 04:19:57 PM »

Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs <>

Tue, Jun 1 at 4:21 PM


Dear Licensee –

The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) would like to inform you that the Public Health Code – General Rules have been revised which will require implicit bias training for your profession, effective June 1, 2022.

The new training requirements are the product of numerous workgroup meetings over the past year and represent feedback from 86 organizations including our health professional boards, insurance providers, health systems, health care associations, legislators, state agencies, higher education, and community and advocacy groups. The requirements apply to both new applicants as well as those renewing their existing licenses or registrations.

Below are the changes in the rules that pertain to the new training requirements:

The term “implicit bias” is defined as:
(A)n attitude or internalized stereotype that affects an individual’s perception, action, or decision making in an unconscious manner and often contributes to unequal treatment of people based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, age, disability, or other characteristic. (R 338.7001 (c) )

Specifically, the new rule (R 338.7004) requires the following:
Rule 4. (1) Beginning 1 year after promulgation of this rule, an applicant for licensure or registration under article 15 of the code, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, except those seeking to be licensed under part 188 of the code, MCL 333.18801 to 333.18838, shall have completed a minimum of 2 hours of implicit bias training within the 5 years immediately preceding issuance of the license or registration.

(2) Beginning 1 year after promulgation of this rule and for every renewal cycle thereafter, in addition to completing any continuing education required for renewal, an applicant for license or registration renewal under article 15 of the code, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, except those licensed under part 188 of the code, MCL 333.18801 to 333.18838, shall have completed a minimum of 1 hour of implicit bias training for each year of the applicant’s license or registration cycle.

(3) The implicit bias training must be related to reducing barriers and disparities in access to and delivery of health care services and meet all of the following requirements:

(a) Training content must include, but is not limited to, 1 or more of the following topics:

(i) Information on implicit bias, equitable access to health care, serving a diverse population, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and cultural sensitivity.
(ii) Strategies to remedy the negative impact of implicit bias by recognizing and understanding how it impacts perception, judgment, and actions that may result in inequitable decision making, failure to effectively communicate, and result in barriers and disparities in the access to and delivery of health care services.
(iii) The historical basis and present consequences of implicit biases based on an individual’s characteristics.
(iv) Discussion of current research on implicit bias in the access to and delivery of health care services.

(b) Training must include strategies to reduce disparities in access to and delivery of health care services and the administration of pre- and post-test implicit bias assessments.

(c) Acceptable sponsors of this training include any of the following:

(i) Training offered by a nationally-recognized or state-recognized health-related organization.
(ii) Training offered by, or in conjunction with, a state or federal agency.
(iii) Training obtained in an educational program that has been approved by any board created under article 15 of the code, MCL 333.16101 to 333.18838, except under part 188 of the code, MCL 333.18801 to 333.18838, for initial licensure or registration or for the accumulation of continuing education credits.
(iv) Training offered by an accredited college or university.
(v) An organization specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.

(d) Acceptable modalities of training include any of the following:

(i) A teleconference or webinar that permits live synchronous interaction.
(ii) A live presentation.
(iii) Interactive online instruction.

(4) Submission of an application for licensure, registration, or renewal constitutes an applicant’s certificate of compliance with the requirements of this rule. A licensee or registrant shall retain documentation of meeting the requirements of this rule for a period of 6 years from the date of applying for licensure, registration, or renewal. The department may select and audit a sample of a licensees or registrants and request documentation of proof of compliance with this rule. If audited by the department, a licensee or registrant shall provide the proof of completion of training, including either of the following:

(a) A completion certificate issued by the training program that includes the date of the training, the program sponsor’s name, the title of the program, and licensee’s or registrant’s name.

(b) A self-attestation by the licensee or registrant that includes the date of the training, the program sponsor’s name, the title of the program, and licensee’s or registrant’s name.

Please send any questions you may have about these revised rules to .

Thank you,

Debra Gagliardi, Director.
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs


She is an attorney
Do attorneys do this ?


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Not only are Blacks incapable of getting voter IDs
« Reply #720 on: June 02, 2021, 06:21:16 AM »
they can't get lawyers or accountants

that only white privileged can get:

so do we force lawyers and accountants to take cultural sensitivity classes to maintain license  or CPA

and force them to have more minorities on their client lists?

we could set up a whole division of Federal government to monitor this .

just think of the jobs it would create !   :wink:  (sarcasm)

what is this shit now!


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« Reply #721 on: June 02, 2021, 12:22:07 PM »
Southern Poverty Law Center Busted Sending Millions Offshore (

Revealed: Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center (

I don't have a citation handy, but pretty sure George Soros funds them too.

Embarrassment about SPLC should be shared by others (II) -Philanthropy Daily


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« Reply #722 on: June 02, 2021, 12:40:34 PM »
Southern Poverty Law Center Busted Sending Millions Offshore (

Revealed: Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center (

I don't have a citation handy, but pretty sure George Soros funds them too.

Embarrassment about SPLC should be shared by others (II) -Philanthropy Daily

The SPLC has expanded its influence by partnering with tech giants Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and PayPal to identify "hate groups." It is also part of a massive, unverified "hate crime" database that was initially bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros's Open Society Foundations and is used by more than 100 media partners, including Google News Lab, the New York Times opinion page, and ABC News.


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #724 on: June 02, 2021, 01:21:21 PM »

The only good thing is this:
  "Biden went further yesterday, appointing his border czar Kamala Harris as his voting czar. "

with her total incompetence we can be sure no bills will get past the Senate

as for Tulsa I heard about this more times  than i have taken pisses over the past week. enough already I get it

find people who are descendants of those involved and rob them and turn it over to the descendants of the Black victims
leave the rest of us alone


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #725 on: June 02, 2021, 01:48:16 PM »

The only good thing is this:
  "Biden went further yesterday, appointing his border czar Kamala Harris as his voting czar. "

with her total incompetence we can be sure no bills will get past the Senate

as for Tulsa I heard about this more times  than i have taken pisses over the past week. enough already I get it

find people who are descendants of those involved and rob them and turn it over to the descendants of the Black victims
leave the rest of us alone

Yeah, that will fix it!


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #726 on: June 02, 2021, 02:27:50 PM »
".Yeah, that will fix it!"

well it is all about the money

I sure don't want to pay for something that happened to people I never knew or by people I never knew
   long before I was born and probably 2000 miles from my ancestors

   they can't succeed after a hundred yrs

thats odd

immigrants came here and in less than a generation their children make more than Americans

at lease for Asians

no one handed over anything to them

but people here cannot get to a DMV and get a picture ID........

what does that tell us?


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Minnetroit has more mostly peaceful looting and rioting
« Reply #727 on: June 04, 2021, 11:00:44 AM »


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internet "outrage"
« Reply #728 on: June 11, 2021, 10:01:54 AM »

I dunno
I just don't feel any outrage
maybe next time he will not attempt to steal
which gives me more outrage


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As a medical doctor
« Reply #733 on: June 21, 2021, 07:27:00 AM »
I say this is wrong and not based on science fairness
but and claims of equal protection
   is legalistic warping of the truth :


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Re: As a medical doctor
« Reply #734 on: June 21, 2021, 10:30:00 AM »
I say this is wrong and not based on science fairness
but and claims of equal protection
   is legalistic warping of the truth :

It's wrong.  It's the end of women's sports as we knew them.  End gender distinctions and men win most athletic contests.  How is that empowering to women?

Does anyone remember Bobby Riggs?
Mother's Day 1973.  Bobby Riggs was 55, 20 years retired from the sport, born in 1918, had not won a major since the 1940s.  Margaret Court at the time was 89-3 in women's professional tennis including a winning record over Billie Jean King.  Riggs won 6-2, 6-1.  [Later he bet against himself and lost to King.]


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So crazy
« Reply #738 on: June 24, 2021, 06:56:46 AM »

if you are lesbian and like to lick twat
or you are male homosexual and like to you know what

we (Democrats) celebrate you!

how nuts is this?

It doesn't even make sense .

I can't believe most Americans or peoples of the world agree with total nonsense.


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Victoria and Cook now targets
« Reply #743 on: July 02, 2021, 09:05:12 AM »
I guess these fools would rather be hunters and gatherers and living in Igloos

right now

for if was not for the Industrial Revolution started in Europe
and maybe the US NE
 that is what they would be doing right now

what statue are they going to erect instead
queen justin trudeau
or some obscure Indian who no one ever heard of
  or did anything  other than kill a bear or something


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Re: Victoria and Cook now targets
« Reply #744 on: July 02, 2021, 11:36:14 AM »
I'm waiting for the next SJW cancel target, Minnesota "Vikings".  Weren't the Vikings conquests synonymous with rape and pillage?  Are Minnesotans proud of their alleged Scandinavian heritage or is it cause for shame?

News flash, they didn't pick the name Vikings to compete with Lions and Tigers and Bears because they were considered feminists, progressives and multi-culturists.

The fight is coming and you know which side will win.


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